UAL Awarding Body - Level 3 Creative Media


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|Candidate Name | |

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|Candidate Number | |

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|Pathway |FILM / TV – West Thames College |

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|Project Title | |

Your Statement of Intent (SOI) must provide an outline of your Final Major Project.

The SOI must be a minimum of 500 and must not exceed 750 words. Each section has a guide to best structure your statement in order to meet the grading criteria. You are reminded that the bibliography and timescale should be included in this and developed with great consideration and detail.

SOIs judged to be of insufficient or excessive length or those inappropriately structured will fail the criteria for an acceptable SOI and be returned. The SOI must be word processed.

My three S.M.A.R.T targets for my FMP ARE:

|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. (Tutor) | |

My Chosen FMP Pathway is: My Project Type Is:

(tick as appropriate) (tick as appropriate)

|Direction | |

|Specialism | |

|Scope | |

|Short Narrative Film | |

|Live Event | |

|TV Show | |

|Other (give info) | |

Where specialism B or C is chosen, has tutor permission been given?

|Tutor Name | |

|Section 1: Review Your Journey (Approx. 150 words) |

|Think about the journey you have gone through in this past year. What were the greatest milestones of your learning? How do you feel you have developed|

|as a filmmaker? What skills and qualities have you learnt and developed? What are your strongest skills in media and how do you know this? Was there a |

|specific project or turning point when you realised you enjoyed and excelled at a certain skill? Explain how your journey has ended up here, with this |

|idea, for this final major project. |

|This section is designed to see how well you can recognise your own skills, strengths and weaknesses, and to get you to reflect on how you are |

|different now from when you started. Discussing your journey is an important part of your FMP. |

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|Section 2: The Project (Approx. 200 words) |

|This is where you explain your FMP project idea and concept. Be specific about what you intend to communicate and what you hope to achieve by producing|

|this work. What is your idea? If it’s a narrative film, what will happen? If a documentary, tell us about the subjects and why you’re interested in it.|

|How will your work engage or affect your audience? What do you want to achieve by making this film? Describe the themes of your work – is it based on |

|fact or fiction? What is the title of your Project? What will you work towards producing? What will be your final outcome? |

|This section is the WHAT – don’t talk about equipment or HOW you will create it, that’s for the section below. |

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|Section 3: Methods (Approx. 150 words) |

|What equipment, software and skills will you use to make your project happen? Include aspects of studio practice, workshop procedures or the use of |

|particular equipment and software etc. Discuss why you will do things this way: if you will use a certain piece of equipment, for example a gimbal or a|

|3-point lighting kit, why is that the best piece of kit and what are you trying to achieve with it? Be critical about your equipment choices, recognise|

|the benefits and the drawbacks of each. |

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|Section 4: Evaluation (Approx. 150 words) |

|Evaluating your work is an important way to develop your skills so that you can improve in future projects. How will you critically review and analyse |

|your work and determine if it is successful? How will you know if it’s any good or if it achieves its purpose? If you’re going to ask people, how will |

|you do this? How do you propose to assess the success of your Final Major Project and what will be your methods of evaluation? |

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| |Session Activities - |Directed Self-Study / Personal Study Targets - |Resources - |

|Week |What will you do in your practical/timetabled lessons on a daily/weekly basis? |What will you do in ilearn sessions and during your own |What you will need to do what you have planned - |

| | |time? |including access to workshops |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | |INTERIM DEADLINE: Statement of Intent 2nd Draft Submitted. | |

|4 | |Interim Deadline: Pitch Day. | |

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|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |


|7 | |Interim Deadline: First Cut Screening | |

|8 | | | |

|9 | | | |

|10 | |Final Deadline | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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