Statement of intent

North Tawton Partnership Foundation Stage Unit

(North Tawton Pre-School and North Tawton Community Primary School)

Inclusion policy

This policy has been adopted on behalf of North Tawton Partnership Foundation Stage Unit.

Full policies relating to North Tawton Community Primary School are available at

Statement of intent

All children are special and no two children manifest the same needs. We strive to provide equal opportunities and a welcome for all. Inclusion is meant in the widest sense, incorporating all children and young people as well as the rights of parents/carers, students and all staff. All children respective of additional educational needs and/or disability, mental health or medical need, race, culture, class, creed, sexual orientation, gender or social status have the right to express their needs and have them met. This includes those with English as an additional language and children in public care (children in care).


▪ All children have a right to expect to learn in a caring and considerate environment where the staff and the children are valued for their contribution to school life.

▪ The Partnership Foundation Stage Unit (PFSU) is committed to the early identification of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and to adopting clear and open procedures which are outlined in this policy.

▪ The PFSU is committed to working closely with parents/carers, who are fully involved in all decisions that affect their children’s education.

▪ To recognise the importance of parents/carers and families in the life of every child.

▪ To actively try to seek the views of children and families and value their contribution.

▪ To promote access for all children and their families to the same range of services, facilities and resources.

▪ To safeguard the welfare of every child (in conjunction with the PFSU safeguarding policy).

▪ To provide a range of stimulating, fun and creative activities which are developmentally appropriate and in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance.

▪ To increase awareness of additional needs and minority groups.

▪ To encourage both children and adults to have a positive self-image.

▪ To challenge unacceptable language, actions or beliefs, which may be prejudicial or exclusive to others.

▪ The PFSU will provide resources of the highest possible quality that support inclusive education for children with special educational needs.


▪ To meet the individual needs of all children in our setting.

▪ To ensure that Inclusion and Equal Opportunities are put into practice.

▪ To raise quality and standards.

▪ To recognise the rights of the child.

▪ To encourage parents/carers to use the provision

▪ To increase awareness.

The Special Educational Needs Coordinators (Senco) for the North Tawton Partnership Foundation Unit are:

North Tawton Pre-School – Mrs Sarah Dennis.

North Tawton Community Primary School – Miss Leanne Barraclough

The role of the SENCO is to:-

• Work with other staff to agree and implement the inclusion policy.

• Co-ordinate the Special Educational Needs provision within our setting.

• Offers support to parents/carers.

• Keeps appropriate records.

• Assists staff in making observations and assessments.

• Assists staff in planning for children with SEN.

• Contacts the Area SENCO at an early stage for informal advice and support.

We have regard of the SEN Revised Code of Practice and SEN and Disability Act to ensure that the PFSU provides a welcoming and inclusive learning opportunity for all children.

We have an admission policy, which makes our setting genuinely accessible to families and children from all sections of the local community.

We see parents and carers as partners with us in the early education of their children. Parents and carers are consulted at every level of intervention and have the right to be involved in discussions about their child .We encourage this partnership through consultation with parents informally on a daily basis as well as at Parents’ Evening. Additional consultation is made at either the parents or staff request at a mutually convenient time.

Our setting recognises the importance of early identification of additional educational needs with regard to the SEN Code of Practice. Our system of observation and record keeping, which operates in conjunction with parents, enables us to monitor children’s needs and progress on an individual basis. If it is felt that a child’s needs cannot be met through pre-school without additional support then advice will be sought to seek extended funding. The process will be ongoing and subject to a cycle of review involving consultation with parents/carers and children at all times. The pre-school work's closely with the full range of support services and external agencies to meet a child's specific need.

Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs Definition of SEN (from the SEN Code of Practise):-

A child has SEN if she/he has a learning difficulty that calls for special educational provision to be made for him/her.

A child has a learning difficulty if he/she:-

• Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.

• Has a disability that either prevents or hinders the child from making use of the facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in the PFSU.

A child must not be regarded as having learning difficulties solely because the language or form of language of the home is different from the language in which she/he will be taught.

Our setting recognises the importance of early identification of additional educational needs with regard to the SEN Code of Practice/ our system of observation and record keeping, which operates in conjunction with parents, enables us to monitor children’s needs and progress on an individual basis. It is felt that a child’s needs cannot be met through the PFSU without additional support then advice will be sought to seek extended funding. The process will be on-going and subject to a cycle of review involving consultation with parents/carers and children at all times. The PFSU works closely with the full range of support services and external agencies to meet a child’s specific needs.

Links with Support Services and other Agencies

To provide a fully inclusive and supportive environment there is a need when considering SEN to work closely with the full range of support services and external agencies. Agencies are called upon when support is required for a specific need. The PFSU also works closely with agencies when information is requested to support a child.

Agencies used to support the PFSU:

• Speech and Language Therapy

• Educational Psychologist

• Pre-School Advisory Teacher

• Nursery Plus

• Children’s Centre

• Early Years Consultant

• Educations Psychologist

• Health Visitor

• Portage

North Tawton Partnership Foundation Stage Unit offers equality of access of both the indoor and outdoor environment.

The PFSU provides a differentiated curriculum, relating learning targets, tasks, resources and learning support to individual children’s needs in order to maximise their achievement and progress. At North Tawton PFSU we feel it is essential that children with additional needs are taught in a fully inclusive classroom and their needs are met within the curriculum being planned. As well as a differentiated curriculum, children with SEN will have an Individual Education Program (IEP). There are a wide range of high quality resources that support individual needs, reflect cultural diversity, and give opportunities for the children to explore to the wider world around them.

We ensure staff in our setting support all children by offering training for continued development, by giving support from senior staff and outside agencies as necessary. Our staff are chosen to reflect our belief in equality of opportunity and we support any staff that has an individual specific need.

North Tawton PFSU ensures the effectiveness of our inclusive provision by collating information from a range of sources, evaluating and reviewing it annually.

We provide a complaints procedure.

We monitor and review our policy annually.

|This policy was adopted on (date) | |

|Signed on behalf of North Tawton Pre-School | |

|Role of signatory | |

|Signed on behalf of North Tawton Primary School | |

|Role of signatory | |

|Date of review | |


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