Testing and Individual Differences Quiz - PC\|MAC

Testing and Individual Differences Quiz—Form BAP PsychPick the BEST answer!!!!All of the following are known for their theories of intelligence except forThurstoneGuilfordSternbergGardnerJamesSpearman argued that intelligence could be boiled down to an ability known as:SIG AXAccording to Goleman, people with high EQs would be most likely tocomplete collegebe creative problem solvershave a lot of close friendspursue high paying occupationsfind jobs well suited to their individual strengthsSantos is 6 years old and according to Stanford-Binet, he has a mental age of 6. What number most closely represents his IQ?80100120125130Which of the following is NOT one of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences?experienitialmusicalinterpersonalspatiallinguisticAll of the following are aspects of Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence EXCEPT—Contextual or practicalanalytical or compenential intelligenceexperiential or creative intelligenceemotional intelligenceMrs. Campbell is careful to make sure that she fairly represents the whole six-week’s work on the comprehensive exam for her psychology class. If Mrs. Campbell achieves this goal, her test will havetest-retest reliabilityconstruct validitycontent validitysplit-half reliabilitycriterion validityAlthough her score on the intelligence test indicated that Mary was lacking the ability for great success in life, she graduated high school with a 4.0, did exceptional on her SAT, and graduated top of her class at Furman University. Based on this information, this intelligence test lacksreliabilitystandardizationconsistencyvaliditypractical worth9. Nadia takes the benchmark test to determine what she learned during the last 9 weeks in AP US History. This test is an example of a(n) ________ test.a. aptitudeb. classificationc. powerd. achievemente. functional10. Whether or not the test accurately measures the characteristic it was designed to measure isa. reliabilityb. validityc. conformityd. construct realitye. test-retest11. If Donna scores a 1000 on her SAT the first try and without any enrichment or remediation scores a 1350 the second try, we would say the SAT is NOT _____.a. validb. reliable c. biasedd. an achievement teste. an aptitude test12. According to Sternberg, our street smart ability or our common sense is best described as ___________.a. EQ b. fluid intelligence c. experiential intelligenced. contextual intelligencee. general intelligence13.The items actually selected for an intelligence test provide a(n) __________ definition of intelligence.a.functionalb.validc.reliabled.operational14. If Mary scores at the 16th %tile on the WISC. Which number most closely expresses her IQ?a. 85b. 100c. 115d. 130e. 14515. Who is most likely to have the same score on an intelligence test, even if they are reared apart?a. monozygotic twinsb. dizygotic twinsc. Siblingsd. parents and their childrene. cousins16. Which statement is most true of power tests?a. They consist of items of varying difficulty levelsb. They are given quicklyc. They are a pure measure of achievementd. They yield IQ scorese. They are not valid17. The Flynn Effect is the finding that a. intelligence seems to increase with every generation.b. TV has decreased intellectual performance.c. linguistic skills decline with age.d. the more times people take a test, the better they score.e. our generation will not surpass our parents’ because we are lazy18. Desmond believes that nature is far more important in shaping our intelligence than nurture. Desmond probably believes in the strong influence ofa. environmentb. learningc. reinforcementd. geneticse. culture19. Which of the following is an approach to measuring reliability?a.negative correlationb.double-blindc.contentd.test-reteste.criterion testing?20. A large number of people were asked to answer only the odd-numbered questions on a test. Later, they are asked to answer only the even-numbered questions. By comparing each person's two scores, a determination of the test's __________ reliability could be made.a.split-halfb.equivalent formc.test-retestd.alternative form?21. On a separate sheet of paper answer the following free response question—In your opinion, what makes a good school? Explain. Think about all the things we have discussed this week! For example, should school be designed for the best and brightest? Or should school focus on the average kid that makes up the largest part of the distribution? Should schools be designed to meet the needs of all students? Should students be allowed to have more freedom in the curriculum they choose or is it necessary to take all the fundamentals so your brain is exposed to everything—use it or lose it? How would a good school meet the needs of Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Hillary Clinton, and Martin Luther King, Jr.. What is the number one thing that CGHS could do to make this a better school? Explain. Your responses may be read by the administration, so please keep that in mind as you are writing your response. ................

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