A Monthly Publication of the North Shore Corvette Club ...

A Monthly Publication of the North Shore Corvette Club

November 2019

Volume 39

Four of the attendees of Lake County Honor Flight #17. From left: Korea Veteran Peter Broessler, Guardians (and NSCC members)

Pam and Brett Bacci and Vietnam Veteran Carl Robertson.

The President's Message November 2019

Eric Kirchner

Much has happened the past several months. Where do I begin? Members Steve Rubin and Wilbur Buckle have both died. Please keep them and their families in your prayers. They will both be missed.

As you have no doubt heard by now, Libertyville Chevrolet has chosen to end its sponsorship of NSCC. I will not get into the details of why in this forum. However after a 25 year relationship with Libertyville, their participation and help to NSCC will be missed. Your board has appointed a committee to search for a new sponsor and or a location to hold our membership meetings. Blackdog speed shop, and Lake Forest Ferrari (owned by a NSCC founding member) are both good possibilities at this moment. Suggestions for a new sponsor are being entertained. Contact a board member,with your suggestion. The entire board is working to make this transition as painless, and speedy as possible. Please be patient with us.

November's membership meeting will be held at Blackdog. December's will be at Lake Forest Ferrari. Check the web page for details.

By the time you read this, the snow and cold of winter will have happened already. Mother Nature is not playing fair. Snow over Halloween, and now more snow and extreme cold in early November. She sure is taking time off of the driving season. I'm hoping this doesn't mean winter will be a log hard haul.

Even with the bad weather, there are several events in November. The membership meeting. Muscle car & Corvette show in Rosemont. Followed by dinner at Laredo's, and the Tribute at the rock on Thanksgiving. Again check the events section on our web page, for details.

Looking forward to seeing you at upcoming events.

Eric K 2


The new Birthday Game is in full swing at the monthly membership meetings.

A fun time! Come to the next membership meeting to hear all the details, especially if your birthday is in November!

Happy Birthday!


>> HIGH MILEAGE AWARD UPDATE ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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