Breaking News: Stock Market Update

Baird Market and Investment Strategy

Breaking News: Stock Market Update

August 15, 2019

Please refer to Appendix ? Important Disclosures.

On the Open

A late throwaway yesterday near the close opens the door for a short-term counter trend rally. The Value Line Geometric Index with a lower low yesterday following a lower high in July. This argues that more damage is occurring beneath the surface than seen by just looking at $SPX. Elevated TRIN readings suggest the market may have gotten short-term oversold. High-trend reading suggests selling has become exhausted very short term. As a result, we anticipate rally attempts, but without a 10:1 up volume day to offset downside momentum (two 10:1 down days this month) follow through likely limited. To grasp the longer-term implications, we are focused on the fundamentals for the stock market. Contrary from what the media and some analysts hold as truth, the fact is that stocks have been the worst performing asset class since January 2018. Other asset classes including bonds, T-bills, gold and real estate have produced positive gains over the past 18 months. This is likely due to the fact that stock valuations are historically at a point in time when corporate profit growth is declining. Fortunately, we see this changing later in the year as the market begins to look favorably on the economy as the record low interest rates make their presence felt. We are encouraged by the continued decline in mortgage rates that is boosting mortgage applications, which bodes well for the housing market outlook. The conventional rate dropped to 3.6% last week, the lowest it has been since November 2016. As a result, the MBA Refinance Index spiked last week, reaching its highest level since July 2016. This bodes well for consumer spending and the housing sector. Bottom Line: We have been anticipating that stocks would move into a consolidation or correction mode in the August through October time frame. We believe the underpinnings of the weakness the past 18-months is the fact that the stock market, which is a forward looking mechanism, looked past the booming earnings in 2018. Given that the market peaked in January 2018 for the average stock, we anticipate that the markets will soon begin to anticipate improving economic conditions perhaps as soon as November/December which we believe will offer the best opportunities. Bruce

Bruce Bittles Chief Investment Strategist bbittles@ 941-906-2830

Breaking News: Stock Market Update

Appendix ? Important Disclosures and Analyst Certification

Analyst Certification

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Breaking News: Stock Market Update

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