CORDIS | European Commission

|MOBISERV – FP7 248434 | |

|An Integrated Intelligent Home Environment for the Provision of Health, Nutrition and Mobility Services to the | |

|Elderly | |

| | |

| | |

| |Final Deliverable | |

| |D7.2: First MOBISERV System Prototype |

| |[pic]Date of delivery: November 25th, 2011 |

| |Contributing Partners: ROBS |

| |Date: 25-Nov-2011 |Version: v1.0 |

Document Control

|Title: |D7.2: First MOBISERV System Prototype |

|Project: |MOBISERV (FP7 248434) |

|Nature: |Report |Dissemination Level: Public |


|Origin: |ROBS |

|Doc ID: |MOBISERV_Deliverable_7.2_v1.1.doc |

Amendment History

|Version |Date |Author |Description/Comments |

|v1.0 |2011-11-25 |ROBS |Issue 1 |

|v1.1 |2011-11-29 |ROBS |Update of setup procedures and HMI related information according to|

| | | |the current state of Mobiserv application (package version 281111) |

|v1.1.x |2011-12-16 |All |Update of functionalities description and review comments |

|v1.2 |2011-12-20 |ROBS |Final version |

Table of contents

Executive Summary 7

Glossary 8

1 Installation and startup 9

1.1 How to get the installation package 9

1.1.1 Download 9

1.1.2 Contents of the installation package 9

1.2 Requirements 10

1.2.1 Visual studio redistributable packages 10

1.2.2 Flash player setup 10

1.2.3 Skype setup 10

1.2.4 EasyPHP (WAMP package) 12

1.2.5 Sew Server 12

1.2.6 Viewer 12

1.2.7 Fonts 12

1.3 Application for primary users setup and configuration 13

1.3.1 Application setup 13

1.3.2 Application configuration 13

1.3.3 Connection to robotic platform 19

1.3.4 Mapping procedure 19

1.3.5 Nutrition Activity Detection 20

1.4 Run the application 21

1.4.1 Startup 21

1.4.2 Start the evaluations wizard 22

1.4.3 Start the settings manager 24

1.4.4 Start the datalogs manager 26

1.4.5 Run the application under simulation environment 28

1.4.6 Install and Run the Web Application (providing Remotely Accessible Services to Secondary Users) 29

2 Description of the Mobiserv User Interface 31

2.1 Introduction 31

2.2 Sew server interface 31

2.3 Primary user interface 32

2.3.1 GUI main components 32

2.3.2 Main menu 34

2.3.3 Talk to someone feature 34

2.3.4 Exercises management feature 36

2.3.5 Games feature 38

2.3.6 House control feature 39

2.3.7 Nutrition agenda feature 41

2.3.8 Do a self-check feature 42

2.3.9 Robot control feature 43

2.3.10 Guide feature 44

2.4 Secondary user interfaces 45

2.4.1 Evaluations wizard 45

2.4.2 Datalogs manager 47

2.4.3 Settings manager 48

2.4.4 Web Application (providing Remotely Accessible Services to Secondary Users) 50

2.5 Voice interactions 52

2.5.1 Basic dialogue 52

2.5.2 Nutrition reminder feature 53

2.5.3 Exercises feature 53

2.5.4 House control feature 53

2.5.5 Talk to someone feature 53

2.5.6 Games feature 53

2.5.7 Robot control feature 54

3 References 55

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Skype confirmations 11

Figure 2: Skype contacts 11

Figure 3: Guide feature screen 16

Figure 4 : Microphone setup 17

Figure 5: Speech recognition control panel 18

Figure 6: Application's main menu screen 21

Figure 7: Evaluations wizard 23

Figure 8: Settings manager 25

Figure 9: Datalogs manager 27

Figure 10: 3D simulation environment 29

Figure 11: Web Application providing Remotely Accessible Services to Secondary Users 30

Figure 12: Interactive bubbles examples 31

Figure 13: Interactive bubbles examples 32

Figure 14: Clock and weather forecast controls 32

Figure 15: Message tray 32

Figure 16 : Guide and help buttons 33

Figure 17: Sound volume controller 33

Figure 18: back to main menu button 33

Figure 19: Speech recognition controller 33

Figure 20: Main menu screen 34

Figure 21: Contact selection screen 35

Figure 22: In video call screen 35

Figure 23: Incoming call notification 36

Figure 24: Exercises/Activities selection screen 36

Figure 25: Exercises screen 37

Figure 26: Activities screen 37

Figure 27: Exercises reminder screen 38

Figure 28: Game selection screen 38

Figure 29: Game screen 39

Figure 30: House control menu screen 39

Figure 31: Front door notification 40

Figure 32: Front door screen 40

Figure 33: Nutrition reminder screen 41

Figure 34: Hydration reminder screen 41

Figure 35: Do a self-check wireframe 42

Figure 36: Robot control screen 43

Figure 37: Robot control screen (robot moving) 43

Figure 38: Guide screen 44

Figure 39: Evaluations wizard window 45

Figure 40: eating and drinking detection 46

Figure 41: Datalogs menu screen 47

Figure 42: Exercises and physiological logs screen 47

Figure 43: settings manager menu 48

Figure 44: System settings screen 48

Figure 45: Exercises feature settings screen 49

Figure 46: Adding exercises screens 49

Figure 47: Adding new meal (and viewing defined meals) screen 50

Figure 48: Adding new message (and viewing defined messages) screen 51

Figure 49: Updating older person's data screen 51

Figure 50: Updating caretaker's data 51

Executive Summary

This document, D7.2: First MOBISERV System Prototype, details the first integrated MOBISERV System and its functionalities.

For the setup of this system, the RobuBOX™ Kompaï application was used as a starting platform to be improved and modified in order to fulfil the project requirements, in terms of integration of different partners’ components and in terms of ergonomics and comfort. This system can be tuned and adapted to the older person's specified needs so to make the global MOBISERV application customised to him/her.

So, user studies with primary and secondary users have been conducted to identify both the design and content that will be most usable and acceptable. This resulted to a new specification of the Human-Machine Interface, including graphical and voice interfaces, using dedicated tools ([Balsamiq], etc.).

The global MOBISERV application, installed in the tablet-PC of the MOBISERV Physical Robotic Unit (see [D7.1]), interfaces with certain individual system components required to implement the five high-level functionalities that will be supported by the Fist MOBISERV System Prototype (these are F01, F02, F08, F11 and F14 as defined in [D3.1]).

In that way, the nutrition activity recognition algorithms (see [D4.2]) are integrated in the MOBISERV prototype for testing and performance evaluation. The MOBISERV system integrates also with the Wearable Health Supporting Unit (see [D5.3]), which monitors and encourages physical activity, and with the Smart Home Automation, to enable interaction with a mobile screen connected to the front door (as defined in [D6.1]).

The main final objective of this Deliverable is to develop the First MOBISERV System Prototype to be shared with partners for further evaluation. This document describes it.


|Term |Explanation |

|MOBISERV |An Integrated Intelligent Home Environment for the Provision of Health, Nutrition and Mobility Services to the |

| |Elderly. |

|MRDS™ |Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio: Environment   and  set of libraries for development. |

|OS |Operating System. |

|RobuBOX™ |Middleware developed by Robosoft to make easier the development of advanced robotics solutions. |

|PRU |Physical Robotic Unit which is an intelligent autonomous robot containing processing power, data storage |

| |capability, various sensors (including an adjustable camera), a machine learning/experience gathering/adaptation |

| |unit, a TFT touch screen of adjustable height and a speech synthesis and recognition interface. |

|SHACU |Smart Home Automation and Communication unit. Fixed computer to establish connectivity to home automation system |

| |and to internet end-points. SHACU can also host deployments to functionalities where PRU mobile nature is not |

| |suitable, for example computing power intensive functionalities. |

|WHSU |Wearable Health Status Monitoring Unit. Garment to place MOBISERV sensors and Data Logger. See [D5.1] |

Installation and startup

1 How to get the installation package

1 Download

The Mobiserv application installation package can be downloaded from the download section of the Kompaï robot’s help desk:

Download the file named:

Save and extract the archive on the machine that will host the application and its components.

2 Contents of the installation package

The installation package contains several sub-folders and executable files:

• doc folder contains all documentation files

• externals folder contains all extra installations and files needed for the application

• pure folder contains PURE[1] version with which the application is compatible

• simulation_package folder contains extra files needed to run the application under a simulation environment (3D apartment and simulated robot);

• Mobiserv_281111-Application.exe is the deployment package of the MOBISERV application for primary users;

• Mobiserv_281111-DatalogsManager.exe is the deployment package an application used to get data targeted to secondary users;

• Mobiserv_281111-SettingsManager.exe is the deployment package of the application used to configure the system, targeted to secondary (or even primary) users;

• Mobiserv_281111-EvaluationsWizard.exe is the deployment package of an application used to interact remotely with the first user application, targeted to secondary users.

Note: in this documentation paths to files and folder are relative to the root folder of this installation package.

2 Requirements

The MOBISERV applications "Application", "Datalogs Manager", "Settings Manager" and "Evaluations Wizard" should be installed on a Windows Vista/Seven machine and the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) was especially designed to run on the robot’s touch screen laptop, namely Dell XT2.

Here are some installations that are mandatory to run the Mobiserv application properly on any machine.

1 Visual studio redistributable packages

There are 3 specific redistributable packages to install.

The first one is located in folder ./externals/AUTH

• Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package_x86_8.0.50727.6195.exe

The two others are located in folder ./externals/ROBS

• Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package.exe

• Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.exe

2 Flash player setup

In order to play flash games within the application, Flash player 10 has to be installed on the machine. If it is not, use the provided installer located at:

./externals/ROBS/FlashPlayer 10 Active X.exe.

3 Skype setup

Skype 4.2 must be installed on the machine (most recent versions are not supported) and if it is not, use the provided installer located at:

./externals/ROBS/Skype 4.2 (Offline setup).exe.

The application will use the current Skype session to retrieve contacts and place calls.

In order to allow the application to start Skype automatically, check the box “Sign me in when Skype starts” in the welcome window prior to sign in. Note that in order to place classical phone calls, the Skype account must have Skype credits.

During a video call, the video displayed in the dedicated frame is directly grabbed from the Skype window. That is why if the video looks truncated or too small, try to resize Skype client while running to adjust the size of the video.

Warning: During the really first startup of the application, Skype will successively ask for two confirmations. Allow access for the first one, check the box and press Ok for the next one.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 1: Skype confirmations

Disable auto-update of Skype client

Because the application can only deal with version 4.2 of Skype, it is important to disable auto version updates.

• Go to: Tools > Options

• Select Advanced tab

• Uncheck both boxes : “Notifiy me” and “Automatically download and install it”

Definition of contacts

The application will retrieve and expose contacts from a precise contact category. This is how to create new category:

• Go to: Contacts > Contact Categories > Create New Category

• Define a category name (ex: "Mobiserv contacts"). The category will be used to expose specific contacts through the application.

• Add the contacts to the category

• Rename contacts with the name that will be displayed in GUI and used with voice commands


Figure 2: Skype contacts

4 EasyPHP (WAMP package)

In order to setup the database used by the applications but also the WebApplication providing remotely accessible services to secondary users, install Easy PHP with the provided installer located at:


EasyPHP is a WAMP package including the server-side scripting language PHP, the web server Apache, the SQL server MySQL, as well as development tools such as the database manager PhpMyAdmin, the debugger Xdebug and many others.

Read the documentation located into the same folder to learn how to configure Easy PHP (section 3. Setting up the database):


Note: this documentation refers to the mobiserv.sql file that is located in the same folder.

5 Sew Server

This server is in charge of the communication with the medical data logger. It will handle both USB and Bluetooth communication to the device.

• Copy ./externals/CSEM/mobiserv into C:/

• Make sure that you have the configuration config.xml file placed in C:/mobiserv/server

• All what you have to do at this moment is to edit this line with the appropriate address of the sew in the configuration file, e.g.

6 Viewer

The Viewer is the main part for the doctor or the technical manager. It makes this type of users to see the recorded sessions and the real time streamed signals of the patient. It makes also possible to do some measurement on the signals. To be able to use this software, one should use the resources contained in the folder ./externals/CSEM/viewer and refer to the document [D5.3] chapter 5.

7 Fonts

Specific fonts are used by the graphical user interface (GUI). These fonts are located in the folder ./externals/ROBS/Fonts.

Copy the content of this folder into C:\Windows\Fonts, so the fonts will be automatically installed.

3 Application for primary users setup and configuration

1 Application setup

In order to deploy the application for primary users, run the provided installer:


Create a new folder C:\MRDS2008R3 and extract all files into it.

Then, this folder should contain three subfolders:

• bin folder: contains binaries files

• store folder: contains configuration files

• launchers folder: contains .bat file used to start several applications

Copy some additional binaries to C:\MRDS2008R3\bin folder (replace files if needed):

• all files from ./externals/CSEM/mrds-bin

• all files and folders from ./externals/AUTH/mrds-bin

2 Application configuration

1 Configuration files

The application for primary users can be configured using several XML files which are stored in the same folder:


There are several configuration files for many features and HMI component. A configuration file contains several properties that can be changed. When the application is not running, edit and save a file in order to save configuration.

Here is the list of configuration files and their properties:

Interaction manager – InteractionManager.Config.xml

▪ UserName (string): name of the user that will be used by the application

Graphical interface – GUI.Config.xml

▪ LanguageFilePath (string): file that is used to define the texts of the GUI (see Configure GUI language section below).

▪ GuideFilePath (string): file that is used to define what will be able as user guide (see Configure Guide feature section below).

▪ ShowCursor (true or false): display the hand-shaped mouse cursor or not

▪ ShowOnTop (true or false): display the GUI over every other windows

▪ AccessConfiguration (true or false): display a button on main menu to reach setting page (console and close button)

Speech recognition – SpeechRecognition.Config.xml

▪ GrammarsFolder (string): path to the folder where grammars files are stored.

▪ GrammarsID (string): used to define which group of grammars will be loaded (see About speech recognition section below).

▪ RecognitionThreshold (double 0-1): if the speech recognition confidence percentage exceeds this threshold, then the vocal command will be considered.

▪ NoiseThreshold (double 0-1): if the speech recognition confidence percentage is below this threshold, then the command will be considered as noise pollution or ambient noise. If the confidence is between this value and the recognition threshold, then the robot will ask to repeat the command.

Text to speech – TextToSpeech.Config.xml

▪ Voice (string): name of the voice that will be used for speech synthesis.

▪ DictionaryFile (string): full path to the xml file where are stored all the sentences the robot can say (see About speech synthesis section below).

Warning: The name of the voice must match to the name that is specified in Windows control panel. Moreover, be sure that the language of the voice matches the language used in the dictionary file.

Weather forecast feature – WeatherForecast.Config.xml

▪ City (string): name of the city the weather forecast is provided for (written in english)

▪ TemperatureUnit: CELSIUS or FAHRENHEIT

▪ UpdatePeriod (integer): duration in minutes between each update of the weather forecast.

Videocall feature – Videocall.Config.xml

▪ ContactsCategory (string): name of the Skype contact category which contains the contacts the user will be able to call though the application.

▪ ContactsDataFile (string): path to the file where are stored data about contacts (see Configure contacts extra data section below).

Exercises manager feature – ExercisesScheduler.Config.xml

▪ DataFolder (string): folder where are stored data related to physiological data.

Home Control feature – HomeControl.Config.xml

▪ HomeControlHost (string): IP address (or DNS name) to make TCP connection to controller device.

▪ HomeControlPort (integer): Port number to make TCP connection to the controller device.

2 Configure connection to database

A XML file is used to store information concerning the connection parameters to the database; the database stores and organizes information about nutrition, hydration, exercises and physiological data settings and logs. By default, this file is:


Its properties are listed below:

▪ RemoteHost (string): Database server IP or Name

▪ UserName (string): the name of the database user

▪ Password (string): password

▪ DBNamme (string): the name of the database to connect with.

3 Configure contacts extra data

A XML file is used to store extra data related to Skype contacts (picture and phone number). The path to this file has to be specified in the video call feature configuration file. By default, this file is:


Each node of this XML file should contains a name property that refers to the Skype name, an img property which is the path to a picture and a phone property. See the default file to understand how to use it.

Note: there is no need to define extra data for all contacts that will be used with the application.

4 Configure GUI language

A XML file is used to define what is written within the GUI (titles, notifications, buttons…). The path to this file has to be specified in the GUI configuration file. By default, this file is:


The structure of this file must remain unchanged (nodes names) but it is easily possible to change the inner text of each node to apply changes to the GUI.

Note: in order to translate the whole GUI, copy the default English file, translate each inner text and refer to the new file in the GUI configuration file.

5 Configure guide feature

The guide feature consists in offering help to the user in form of videos depending of the feature he or she is currently using. Each video is defined by a topic.


Figure 3: Guide feature screen

A XML file is used to define what is proposed through the guide (related feature, topics and related videos). The path to this file has to be specified in the GUI configuration file. By default, this file is:


Each entry of this file corresponds to a single topic. Each topic is of a specific type depending on the feature it concerns (MENU, VIDEOCALL… see the complete list in the default file).


6 About speech synthesis


The voice used for speech synthesis can be chosen between every voice which is installed in the Tablet-PC. Depending of the default Windows language, some voices may not be installed, especially voices in a different language than English.

All the voices installed on the Tablet PC and ready to be used by the robot are listed in the Windows dedicated control panel located at:

Control Panel>Speech Recognition>Advanced speech options>Text to Speech

This panel allows setting the speed of diction for each voice.

Note: Setting a voice in the Windows configuration panel does not automatically set the voice the robot will use. Modify the TextToSpeech configuration file and especially the Voice property with the name of the voice to use by the robot.

Dictionary file

A speech dictionary file defines all the sentences the robot can say, that’s why it should come with each language used by voice synthesis.

It’s a simple XML file and this is how it works:

A SpeechItem unit corresponds to a precise circumstance. If several possibilities are specified between Text tags, the robot will say one of them randomly.

If the robot needs to say a sentence that includes a variable data (such as the name of a place or a date), the variable is designated by a specific word written in English and between parentheses. The word will be automatically replaced by the correct value before the sentence is said. To know which SpeechItem can contain this kind of sentence, refer to original dictionaries. Each sentence of the SpeechItem unit does not need to contain a variable data.

Note: In order to create a new file, just copy an existing file or refer to it and translate each sentence. Be careful not to change or translate the tags, ID names and words placed between parentheses.


The language used by the robot is both related to the speech synthesis voice and the sentences sent to the synthesizer.

First, be sure that the voice is in the correct language and that the dictionary file contains sentences written in the same language.

7 About speech recognition

Microphone setup

In order to get the best results from speech recognition, use the specific Superbeam stereo microphone placed on the robot.

The manufacturer of this specific microphone provides software called Audio Commander that allows configuring it. If this tool is not already installed on the TabletPC, it can be found and installed from the installation package:

./externals/ROBS/Andrea electronics USB microphone.exe

Here is how to setup the microphone with default configuration:


Figure 4 : Microphone setup

1. Start Audio Commander

2. In the recorder section, set the recording level to 85%

3. In the sub menu located on the right:

• enable noise cancellation

• enable acoustic echo cancelation

• enable light beam forming

• set amplification to 3dB

4. Record yourself to check how the robot is “listening”. Your voice should be clear and not too loud.


Only few languages are supported by the application because it is limited to available languages for speech recognition in Windows Seven. Available languages are listed in the Language section of this specific Windows panel:

ControlPanel>Speech Recognition>Advanced speech options>Speech Recognition


Figure 5: Speech recognition control panel

Select the language to use on this panel but be careful to define grammars that are compatible with this language. In each grammar file header the language is specified (ex: xml:lang=”Fr-fr” for French).

Warning: default grammars are in English, to use them be sure that English US is selected as default speech recognition language in Windows control panel.

Recognition profiles

In order to get the best speech recognition results, the user has to create his specific recognition profile using the Speech Recognition properties panel (see above):

1. Select the language you want to use for speech recognition

2. Click on “New...” button and follow the first steps of configuration

3. Once the profile is created, use the “Train profile...” button to begin the training.

The operation takes 5 to 7 minutes. In order to improve the training, this procedure should be done several times, speaking slowly and using the specific stereo microphone of the robot.


All the grammars used for speech recognition can be modified or expanded. Just keep the same names for outputs/parameters and respect the W3C specification[2].

3 Connection to robotic platform

If the application has to run on a Kompaï robot, another configuration file must be filled:


Open this file and change “Host” property with the main IP address of the robot. By default this address is but it could be something like 10.0.X.2.

4 Mapping procedure

In order to control the robot from the application, its environment (e.g. user's apartment) has to be mapped. The map will be used by the robot to localize itself, and the user will be able to ask the robot to go to some locations in its environment.

To learn how to map the environment, save and name certain locations on this map, and edit the map if needed, see the documentation located at:


Warning: a map must be defined in order to control the robot through the application; otherwise the respective menu button, dedicated to robot control, will be disabled.

5 Nutrition Activity Detection

The activity recognition method implemented in the Nutrition Activity Detection module involves Self Organizing Maps based posture prototypes identification, fuzzy activity representation and Neural Networks based activity classification. This method has been described in D4.1 (section 5.2).

This method is implemented in a dynamic link library, named NutritionActivityDetector.dll. The integration of another Nutrition Activity Detection method, such as the Activity Volumes based action recognition described in D4.2 (section 5.2), can be easily done by replacing the current version of NutritionActivityDetector.dll with another implementing the corresponding method. Parameters, which have been produced by training procedures, are stored in parameter files. These files are used by NutritionActivityDetector.dll in order to initialize the module and perform activity recognition. Parameters produced by future training procedures can be easily used by simply replacing the corresponding parameter files. Nutrition activity detection results are stored in xml files, which are saved in two folders, named DrinkingXML and EatingXML.

The functionality of retrieving nutrition activity detection results has been implemented in a dynamic link library, named decisionmakerdll.dll. This dll reads the xml files created by the NutritionActivityDetector module, post-processes the activity recognition results and responds to the user.

In order to use the Nutrition Activity Detection module, the two main dynamic link libraries should be placed in the C:\MRDS2008R3\bin\ directory:

• NutritionActivityDetector.dll

• decisionmakerdll.dll

The following parameter files should also be placed in the C:\MRDS2008R3\bin\ directory:

• singleViewActionRecognitionParams.par

• activityDetectionParams.txt

• activityRecognitionNN_parameters.txt

• activityRecognitionNN_parameters_NN.txt

• haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml

The following supporting files that are used by NutritionActivityDetector.dll module should also be placed in the C:\MRDS2008R3\bin\ directory:

• highgui110.dll

• libguide40.dll

• ml110.dll

• cv110.dll

• cvaux110.dll

• cxcore110.dll

Finally, two additional folders, named DrinkingXML and EatingXML, should be created in the same directory (C:\MRDS2008R3\bin\).

4 Run the application

1 Startup

Before starting the application for primary users, be sure that the Tablet PC is connected to the robot and that Easy PHP is started (in order to have access to the database).

Then, start the dedicated launcher:


A console will appear and Skype will start automatically, then the main menu of the graphical interface will show up.


Figure 6: Application's main menu screen

Note: if the application is started on a robot that doesn’t have a motorized Tablet PC support, then start the launcher StartMobiservApplication - NoTablet.bat instead.

2 Start the evaluations wizard

1 How to run it from a remote machine

The evaluation wizard can run on another machine than the one used to run the application (on the robot for instance).


In order to deploy the wizard application, run the provided installer on the machine that will host it:


Create a new folder C:\MRDS2008R3 and extract all files into it.

Then, this folder should contain three subfolders:

• bin folder: contains binaries files

• store folder: contains configuration files

• launchers folder: contains .bat file used to start several applications

Note: The installation folder can already exist if others applications (DatalogsManager or SettingsManager) are already installed. In this case, overwrite files when it is asked.


Both machines have to be on the same local network (so they can ping each-other): machine A (192.168.0.X) will run the application and machine B (192.168.0.Y) should run the wizard:

1. On machine B open this file with a text editor:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\store\applications\kompai\mobiserv\EvaluationsWizard.manifest.xml

2. Edit the file, replacing each “localhost” occurrence with the IP address of machine A on the local network and save the file

Ex: will turn to

3. Turn off firewalls on both machines.


After the application is correctly started on the robot (or any other machine), start the wizard using a launcher file:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\StartEvaluationsWizard.bat


Figure 7: Evaluations wizard

2 How to run it on the same machine as the application (on the robot)

It is also possible to run the application and the wizard on the same machine (on the robot for instance).

Run the provided installer on the machine that will host it:


Extract all files into C:/MRDS2008R3/ folder (overwrite files when it is asked).

When the application is setup, a launcher is automatically created in order to start the application, the evaluations wizard, the settings manager and the datalogs manager at the same time. That is why in order to start the evaluations wizard on the robot using this launcher, the settings and datalogs managers have to be installed too. Then start the launcher file:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\StartMobiservApplication - All.bat

Note: it is possible to create a launcher file that only starts the application and the wizard but it is not provided by default.

3 Start the settings manager

The settings manager allows doing real time remote configuration of the application and its different components.

1 How to run it from a remote machine

The settings manager can run on another machine than the one use to run the application (on the robot for instance).


In order to deploy the settings manager application, run the provided installer on the machine that will host it:


Create a new folder C:\MRDS2008R3 and extract all files into it.

Then, this folder should contain three subfolders:

• bin folder: contains binaries files

• store folder: contains configuration files

• launchers folder: contains .bat file used to start several applications

Note: The installation folder can already exist if others applications (Datalogs manager or Evaluations wizard) are already installed. In this case, overwrite files when it is asked.


Both machines have to be on the same local network (so they can ping each-other): machine A (192.168.0.X) will run the application and machine B (192.168.0.Y) should run the wizard:

1. On machine B open this file with a text editor:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\store\applications\kompai\mobiserv\SettingsManager.manifest.xml

2. Edit the file, replacing each “localhost” occurrence with the IP address of machine A on the local network and save the file

Ex: will turn to

3. Turn off firewalls on both machines


After the application is correctly started on the robot (or any other machine), start the settings manager using a launcher file:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\StartSettingsManager.bat


Figure 8: Settings manager

2 How to run it on the same machine as the application (on the robot)

It is also possible to run the application and the settings manager on the same machine (on the robot for instance).

Run the provided installer on the machine that will host it:


Extract all files into C:/MRDS2008R3/ folder (overwrite files when it is asked).

When the application is setup, a launcher is automatically created in order to start the application, the evaluations wizard, the settings manager and the datalogs manager at the same time. That is why in order to start the settings manager on the robot using this launcher, the evaluations wizard and datalogs managers have to be installed too. Then start the launcher file:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\StartMobiservApplication - All.bat

Note: it is possible to create a launcher file that only starts the application and the settings manager but it is not provided by default.

4 Start the datalogs manager

The datalogs manager allows displaying user status and data remotely.

1 How to run it from a remote machine

The datalogs manager can run on another machine than the one use to run the application (on the robot for instance).


In order to deploy the datalogs manager application, run the provided installer on the machine that will host it:


Create a new folder C:\MRDS2008R3 and extract all files into it.

Then, this folder should contain three subfolders:

• bin folder: contains binaries files

• store folder: contains configuration files

• launchers folder: contains .bat file used to start several applications

Note: The installation folder can already exist if others applications (Settings manager or Evaluations wizard) are already installed. In this case, overwrite files when it is asked.


Both machines have to be on the same local network (so they can ping each-other): machine A (192.168.0.X) will run the application and machine B (192.168.0.Y) should run the wizard:

1. On machine B open this file with a text editor:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\store\applications\kompai\mobiserv\DatalogsManager.manifest.xml

2. Edit the file, replacing each “localhost” occurrence with the IP address of machine A on the local network and save the file

Ex: will turn to

3. Turn off firewalls on both machines


After the application is correctly started on the robot (or any other machine), start the datalogs manager using a launcher file:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\StartDatalogsManager.bat


Figure 9: Datalogs manager

2 How to run it on the same machine as the application (on the robot)

It is also possible to run the application and the datalogs manager on the same machine (on the robot for instance).

Run the provided installer on the machine that will host it:


Extract all files into C:/MRDS2008R3/ folder (overwrite files when it is asked).

When the application is setup, a launcher is automatically created in order to start the application, the evaluations wizard, the settings manager and the datalogs manager at the same time. That is why in order to start the datalogs manager on the robot using this launcher, the evaluations wizard and settings managers have to be installed too. Then start the launcher file:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\StartMobiservApplication - All.bat

Note: it is possible to create a launcher file that only starts the application and the datalogs manager but it is not provided by default.

5 Run the application under simulation environment

It is possible to run the Mobiserv application on any machine (different from the Dell Tablet PC of the robot which it has been designed for). In this case the robot and its environment are simulated; the application remains exactly the same.

1 Installation

- Download Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R3[3]

- During MRDS installation, create a custom installation folder : C:/MRDS2008R3

- Install all required software as it is explained in chapter 1.2 Requirements

- Install the application (see 1.3 Application setup and configuration)

- Copy and paste (merge and overwrite all files) into the MRDS installation folder the three folders which are located in the installation package at:


Note: in order to run some specific robot control algorithms, the machine used to run the application must have at least a 1.4 GHz dual core processor.

2 Mapping procedure

The next step is to create the map of the 3D apartment that should be now installed in the machine. In order to do this, follow the documentation located at:


Use these specific launchers files when needed:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\Simulation - StartMapper.bat

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\Simulation - StartNavigation.bat

Note: to control the simulated robot in the 3D environment, use a classical joystick previously plugged and installed on the computer. In order to make the robot move, keep pressing the main button of the joystick (such as the trigger).

3 Start the application under simulated environment

To start the application, use this specific launcher:

C:\ MRDS2008R3\launchers\Simulation - StartMobiservApplication.bat

This launcher starts both the application and the 3D simulation (simulated robot and 3D apartment). At the beginning, the robot is always located like in the capture below (green circle in the small room):


Figure 10: 3D simulation environment

6 Install and Run the Web Application (providing Remotely Accessible Services to Secondary Users)

This Web Application enables secondary users, such as carers or relatives, to remotely (over the web):

• monitor and view selected data (Data Logs) collected on the primary user, which relate to Nutrition, Hydration and Exercises and Physiological;

• adjust, activate or deactivate parameters of the primary user interface, in particular the settings for Nutrition, Hydration and Exercises and Physiological.

1. Installation

The Web Application will be installed in the same machine where the MOBISERV application for primary users is running. It requires EasyPHP to be previously installed in this machine.

The source code of this application is located under the externals folder (contained in the, specifically under the sub-folder "MobiservWebInterface".

• Copy the folder "MobiservWebInterface" and paste it under the "WWW" folder (that is in the directory where EasyPHP is installed);

• Edit the "dbconnect.php" file. Open the file " dbconnect.php " that is located in the folder "WWW\ MobiservWebInterface". Edit the following parameters:

$host = '';

$user = '';

$db = '';

$password = '';

2. Run the Web application

To run the Web Application, you need to go to the URL , where “webapplication_url_here” is the address where the Web application has been installed.


Figure 11: Web Application providing Remotely Accessible Services to Secondary Users

Description of the Mobiserv User Interface

1 Introduction

This chapter describes in detail the different screens and sub-screens composing the user interface, graphical and vocal, of the MOBISERV system. This has been inspired by the [HMI] document.

Among others, this chapter explains how to use interfaces and how to navigate from one to another one.

The user interface is implemented on the Tablet Personal Computer (Tablet-PC) of the PRU. The Tablet-PC has a touch screen.

The messages communicated between the different MOBISERV components while they interact are not described here, these data being already detailed in previous documents [D6.1].

2 Sew server interface

The Sew server is in charge of the communication with the medical data logger device. It will handle both USB and Bluetooth communication to the device.

This server will establish the Bluetooth connection to the device once the robot application wants to get the energy expenditure acquired during the last 45 minutes. So the appropriate MRDS module will connect to the server which will handle a Bluetooth connection to the device and ask for the adequate data and then close the Bluetooth connection, and at the end the MRDS module will release its connection to the server.

From another side this server is in charge of handling the USB connection of the device to the robot when it is time to recharge it via the USB 5V, at this time, the server will make the connection to the device and download the recorded sessions, parse them and make the data files reachable for the MRDS application.

This server is working in silent mode, i.e. there is no GUI displayed during the running time of this server apart from the first notification telling that the server has been started.

To run this server click on MobiservDLServer.jar found in C:/mobiserv/server. The message below will be displayed.


Figure 12: Interactive bubbles examples

3 Primary user interface

1 GUI main components

1 Interactive bubble

The bubble located at the top of the screen can contain simple text messages but also notifications that need an answer (a protocol of priorities is defined between notifications and messages). In some case the message is also synthesized by voice.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 13: Interactive bubbles examples

2 Clock and weather forecast

On the top-right corner, current time and current weather are alternatively displayed (every 30 sec). The user can manually switch between clock and weather by touching these elements.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 14: Clock and weather forecast controls

3 Message tray

Located on the right side of the screen, this panel can contain multiple messages. These ones can be simple text messages or more complex (with buttons for instance). The panel switches periodically between messages; the user can do the same using browsing arrows.


Figure 15: Message tray

Note: In this version (281111), only one message is statically defined.

4 Guide and help buttons

Depending on the feature that is currently used and displayed, Guide button can be used to reach the Guide screen where different explanation videos are available to learn how to use the feature.


Figure 16 : Guide and help buttons

Note: In this version (281111), Help button stays always disabled. It will be used for safety purpose.

5 Sound volume controller

This control allows controlling the main sound volume of the system.


Figure 17: Sound volume controller

Note: In this version (281111), interact with this control has no effect.

6 Back to main menu button

Located on the top left corner, this button allows returning to the main menu page. When this action is not available, the button is replaced by the Mobiserv project’s logo.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 18: back to main menu button

Note: for instance, this button is disabled during a video call.

7 Speech recognition controller

In order to use speech recognition, the application has to be in listening mode. Switch between listening and non-listening mode by pressing the robot’s head close to the bubble, at top on the screen. Red ears mean that speech recognition (and, thus, listening) is off.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 19: Speech recognition controller

Note: speech recognition is automatically turned off and on respectively at the beginning and the end of speech synthesis.

2 Main menu

Design – Main menu screen

This main menu allows access to the six of the main functions. The buttons may be enabled/disabled depending on the availability of the functionality.


Figure 20: Main menu screen

Comments on this screen

• The text on the screen – “Kompaï, I want to...” and the labels under the icons have been inserted to act as prompts for voice commands (when the robot is close enough for the user to view these).

• Up and down arrows on the left side can be used to control the orientation of the touch screen (available on specific kind of PRU).

3 Talk to someone feature

Design – Contact selection screen

All contacts appear with their name and a picture if it is defined. There is three buttons on each contact; the primary user can use them to:

• Make a video call with the contact through Skype (if the contact is not connected then the button is disabled)

• Call the phone number which has been defined for this contact

• Call the mobile phone number which has been defined for this contact


Figure 21: Contact selection screen

Comments on this screen

• Communication is assumed to be via audio/video (Skype) or live phone land-line/mobile (paid service on Skype).

• The photos of the people in the contacts list can be set up from configuration.

Design – In video call screen


Figure 22: In video call screen

Comments on this screen

• User has the functionality to perform associated functions: hang up, mute or turn video on and off.

5 Design – Incoming call notification


Figure 23: Incoming call notification

Comments on this notification

• User has the functionality to perform associated functions – Answer or Reject the incoming call.

4 Exercises management feature

• The exercises or activities which can be selected by the user are chosen by the carer from a database of exercises and activities in the settings manager application.

• The information regarding each selected exercise or activity can be customised from the settings manager – this includes number of repetitions and type of accompanying instructions.

Design – Exercise/Activity selection screen

On this screen, the user can chose between exercises or activities that have been selected.


Figure 24: Exercises/Activities selection screen

Design – Exercises screen

The user can browse exercises that have been specifically selected for him/her.


Figure 25: Exercises screen

Design – Activities screen

The user can also browse activities that have been specifically selected for him/her.


Figure 26: Activities screen

Design – Exercises reminder screen

A secondary user can setup an exercise using the Settings manager application. A scheduled exercise definition is composed of:

• A title

• A picture

• A description

• A duration

• A week day and a time the exercise has to be done by the primary user

When it is time to do an exercise, a notification is displayed:


Figure 27: Exercises reminder screen

5 Games feature

Design – Game selection screen

Thank to this page, the primary user can select a game he/she wants to play.


Figure 28: Game selection screen

Design – Game screen

After a game is selected, the game automatically begins. The primary user can go back to games selection using the dedicated button.


Figure 29: Game screen

6 House control feature

Design – House control menu screen

This menu proposes to the primary user to control external devices of the Smart Home Infrastructure such as lights or window curtains.


Figure 30: House control menu screen

Design – Someone at front door notification

When someone is detected at the front door, a notification appears in the interactive bubble. The message is also synthesized by void and the primary user can chose between look through the camera located at the door, open the door or ignore the notification.


Figure 31: Front door notification

Design – Someone at front door screen

If the primary user decides to look through the camera located at the front door, then a new page is displayed. A frame is dedicated to host the video coming from the door.


Figure 32: Front door screen

7 Nutrition agenda feature

Design – Nutrition reminder screen

Depending on the nutrition agenda of the primary user which has been defined, some notifications could appear.


Figure 33: Nutrition reminder screen

Design – Hydration reminder screen


Figure 34: Hydration reminder screen

8 Do a self-check feature

Design – Do a self-check wireframe

This feature is not currently implemented. Here is a specification wireframe:


Figure 35: Do a self-check wireframe

Comments on the Do a self-Check screen

• In the View my physiological data option - including a guide of how to put on the smart garments to record/monitor the data (also incorporated in the guide menu)

• Show highly abstracted and meaningful overview of data from garments and/or smart bed sheets, with some feedback.

• Send a message to my doctor option enables the user to send a message to their doctor on the basis of some pre-defined questions regarding their health status.

9 Robot control feature

Design – Robot control screen

This page hosts the map, which has been created during the mapping procedure. In addition to issuing voice commands, the primary user can either click on a specific point of this map or select a saved location on the left-side list to ask the PRU to move.


Figure 36: Robot control screen

Design – Robot control screen (robot moving)

During each movement of the PRU, the page switch to a large stop button in order to facilitate emergency stops.


Figure 37: Robot control screen (robot moving)

10 Guide feature

Design – Guide screen

Depending on the feature he/she is currently using, the primary user can access this page where some questions he/she may wonder. The frame is dedicated to host the video that are related to each question.


Figure 38: Guide screen

4 Secondary user interfaces

Extra applications come with the first user application designed for the robot. These are the following: "Evaluations wizard", "Datalogs manager", "Settings manager" and "Web Application (providing Remotely Accessible Services to Secondary Users)". All the four applications can be started on a remote machine (on the same local network as the robot). The fourth one can be accessed though a remote machine, not necessarily in the same local network as the robot.

1 Evaluations wizard

The evaluations wizard, which can be used to remotely control the robot, simulate events and reminders, use speech synthesis, use nutrition activity detection and close the application on robot side.


Figure 39: Evaluations wizard window

Eating and drinking detection

This detection can be initiated either by the Interaction Manager (based on the nutrition agenda) or by the Evaluation wizard. At the moment, when the detection starts on the robot side, some additional windows are displayed on screen.


Figure 40: eating and drinking detection

The top left window previews the input video provided to eating and drinking activity detection algorithm along with the classification decision label (‘eat’, ‘dri’ or ‘apr’).

At bottom right, the extracted binary mask depicting with white color the considered as skin parts pixels and black otherwise, as well as the algorithm’s classification decision label can be seen. Trackbars shown at the top right window specify the thresholds used for each one of the HSV color space components. These thresholds are initialized at the beginning of the execution with generalized values based on previous training.

The minimum and maximum values of each HSV component (thresholds) can be adjusted either considering the skin-like pixels of the face contained in the bounding box identified using the OpenCV’s face detector, or using the trackbars considering specific illumination conditions and skin color variations. H component is assigned values from 0 to 360 degrees, S component from 0 to 100 and V component from 0 to 255. Details about the implemented modules for video analysis and recognition of eating and drinking can be found in D4.2: First Context-aware and Nutrition Support prototype.

3 Datalogs manager

1 Datalogs manager menu


Figure 41: Datalogs menu screen

At this time only Exercises and physiological logs are available.

2 Exercises and physiological logs screen

Especially during exercises and activities, the primary user wears a smart garment that captures medical data such as heart rates.

At this stage, the secondary user can ask for those kinds of data for the current day.


Figure 42: Exercises and physiological logs screen

4 Settings manager

This user menu enables advanced primary users and secondary users to adjust, activate or deactivate parameters of the primary user interface such as the number of functions displayed on the user menu, the colour of buttons, text and/or security related settings.

Apart from the adjustment of main system parameters outlined in section, each function of the system has its own settings tab. When a function is disabled from the system features tab, its respective settings tab is disabled / hidden as well.

1 Settings manager menu


Figure 43: settings manager menu

At this time only System settings and Exercises feature settings are available.

2 System settings screen



Figure 44: System settings screen

Note: in this version (281111) all the settings are disabled on this page.

Comments on this screen

• Main menu features’ (e.g. Nutrition, Self-Check) state (on/off)

• Main menu features’ (e.g. Nutrition, Self-Check) select icon

• Background features’ (e.g. Nutrition assistance) state (on/off)

• Security setting to allow e.g. remote access to settings and secondary users interface

• Sound/voice settings (Robot’s name, volume level, system voice type (male/female))

• Text and graphic appearance settings for the GUI (colours, size)

• Weather forecast settings (location, units, presentation)

• Speech recognition (voice training through the settings menu)

• User’s personal information (name, birthday, gender, height , weight)

• Save changes (including access to version history) or Cancel button

• Close application button

3 Exercises settings screen



Figure 45: Exercises feature settings screen

Comments on this screen

• This sub-menu allows the secondary user to select different types of exercises and activities, based on their expert knowledge of the ability and constraints of the user.

• It allows customisation of format of reminder and encouragement messages / pictures based on when a user prefers to do exercises and when not. Secondary users can upload pictures and messages that are displayed to the primary user during a reminder/encouragement message.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 46: Adding exercises screens

5 Web Application (providing Remotely Accessible Services to Secondary Users)

As said before this Web Application enables secondary users remotely to:

• monitor and view selected data Nutrition, Hydration and Exercises and Physiological Data logs;

• edit the setting for Nutrition, Hydration and Exercises and Physiological functions.

The following figure shows the screen through which the remote user (carer, family member, etc) enters information about the older person's nutrition schedule (adding new meal). Already defined meals are also presented there.


Figure 47: Adding new meal (and viewing defined meals) screen

The figure below shows the screen through which the remote user views, edits and adds information about the messages that will be presented to the primary user, to remind or encourage him/herself to eat.


Figure 48: Adding new message (and viewing defined messages) screen

There is also the possibility for the secondary user to update information about the primary user (first name, last name, age, etc) or even about himself/herself (e-mail, phone, etc).


Figure 49: Updating older person's data screen


Figure 50: Updating caretaker's data

5 Voice interactions

In this section are defined speech inputs (from user – speech recognition) and outputs (from robot – speech synthesis) phrases.

Note: see configuration chapter to learn how to enrich the robot vocabulary and the grammar files.

1 Basic dialogue

|User (input) |Robot (output) |

|Greetings |Response to greetings |

|Hi. |Hello (user name). |

|Hello Kompaï. |Hello (user name), how are you doing? |

| |Hello (user name), may I help you? |

|Call |Response to call |

|Kompaï. |Yes, how may I help you? |

|Robot? |Yes, what can I do for you? |

| |Yes, is there something I can do for you? |

|Thanks |Response to thanks |

|Thank you. |My pleasure. |

|Thanks. |You’re welcome. |

|Nice job. | |

| |Low recognition confidence |

| |Could you repeat that please? |

| |I am sorry but could you repeat what you said please? |

|Ask for time |Time |

|What time is it? |It is exactly (hour) hours and (minute) minutes. |

|Could you tell me what time is it? | |

|Ask for weather forecast |Weather forecast |

|How is the weather today? |Currently, it is (temperature) (unit) degrees; the sky is bright and sunny.|

|What is the weather like? |Sorry, the weather forecast is not currently available. |

|Ask for repetition | |

|Could you repeat that please? | |

|What did you say? | |

|Back to main menu screen | |

|Go back to main menu please. | |

|Show me the menu. | |

2 Nutrition reminder feature

|User (input) |Robot (output) |

| |Nutrition reminder |

| | |

3 Exercises feature

|User (input) |Robot (output) |

| |Exercise notification |

| |Here is an exercise or an activity you should do. |

4 House control feature

|User (input) |Robot (output) |

| |Front door notification |

| |There is a visitor at the door. |

| |There is someone at the front door for you. |

5 Talk to someone feature

|User (input) |Robot (output) |

|Display contact selection page |Contact selection page introduction |

|I want to talk to someone. |Who do you want to call? |

|I want to make a video call. | |

| |Incoming call notification |

| |There is an incoming call for you from (name). |

|Place call |Offline contact |

|I want to call Peter. |I am sorry but (name) is not currently connected to the video call service.|

|Could you call Peter please? | |

|I want to speak to Peter. | |

6 Games feature

|User (input) |Robot (output) |

|Display game selection page |Game selection page introduction |

|Show me the games please. |Choose a game and play. |

|I want to play a game. | |

7 Robot control feature

|User (input) |Robot (output) |

|Ask to go to a location |Confirm moving |

|Could you move to the kitchen please? |Should I really move to this specific location? |

|Move close to the window. |Should I really move to the (location)? |

|Confirm moving |Moving |

|Yes please. |Attention, I'm about to move. |

|Yes thank you. | |

|Yes that’s right. | |

|Abort moving |Stay |

|No thanks. |Ok, I will stay here. |

|Not now. | |

|Ask to turn | |

|Turn left. | |

|Turn right. | |

|Stop robot | |

|Stop. | |

|Stop now. | |

|Stop moving. | |

| |Cannot reach position |

| |I am sorry but I think I can't go to this position. |


[D2.3] Mobiserv, D2.3 MOBISERV Initial System Requirements

[D3.1] Technical Specifications, Test and Implementation Scenarios

[D5.1] CSEM, SMARTEX, Design of the multi-sensor embedded systems for vital signs monitoring, V1.0

[D4.2] First context-aware and nutrition support prototype

[D5.3] Multi-sensor system integrated into wearable fabrics

[D6.1] First Coordination and Communication system prototype

[D7.1] Mobiserv, D7.1 Robotic platform First Prototype

[HMI] HMI Specification v9.1



[1] PURE is the name of Robosoft’s low level control software embedded on Kompaï robots.

[2] W3C specification for grammar files :

[3] MRDS 2008 R3 can be found at


The information contained in this report is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by any members of the MOBISERV Consortium. The MOBISERV Consortium assumes no responsibility for the use or inability to use any software or algorithms, which might be described in this report. The information is provided without any warranty of any kind and the MOBISERV Consortium expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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