IT 7140 - Mr. Davenport 12th Grade Street Law

Bradford Academy High School

1 Course Syllabus

Street Law 12th Grade

Instructor: Justin Davenport

Bradford Academy High School

Social Studies

24218 Garner Street

Southfield, MI 48034

Office Phone: 248 351 0000 ext. TBA

Office Fax: 248 688 2080

Email: Jdavenport@

Preferred method of communication: Phone: 248-351-0000

Date/Time: Monday-Friday/ 9:30-10:30 am

Course Description/ Approach

As the laws in this country become increasingly complex, people frequently ask, “what exactly is law?” This course addresses what it means to say- “it’s the law”. Understanding how each type of law is formed and applied will help define that statement. The law is divided into: Constitutional law, statutory law, case law, administrative law, international law and common law. This course is designed to educate the students in what is the law and how it affects our everyday lives. This course will examine laws, principals of law through research and inquiry based strategies. Students will read case law, supreme county cases and other documents throughout the course.


You will learn to

1. Describe the range of topics and trends that are covered in an introductory class

2. Define legal terms

3. Name, explain and relate various judicial decisions , surrounding events and their impact on society

4. Discuss current events and relate them to legal events in the United States

5. Identify and interpret data from case loads, legal briefings, mock trials and other provided resources



Pre-Course Requirements

You MUST successfully complete each of the following tasks, in the order presented, before beginning your coursework. If for any reason you are unable to complete these tasks, e-mail your instructor immediately.

1. Access the course web site at

2. Read the Announcement posted by the instructor.

3. Use the navigation bar to access the Course Syllabus.

4. Download the syllabus and read it in its entirety.

Course Work

Many assignments require that your work be submitted electronically. In most cases, that means sending it through Moodle or Discussion board.

|Task |Weight |

|Class Work |30% |

|Homework |15% |

|Participation |10% |

|Quiz/projects |20% |

|Test |25% |

Class Policies

All policies stated in the Student Handbook of Bradford Academy High School will be adhered to.

If you must miss a class due to illness or demands of family, please contact the instructor in advance if possible. If because of the nature of the emergency you cannot contact the instructor in advance, please contact him/her as soon as possible after class. It is your responsibility to make up any missed work.

It is assumed that a Bradford student will take on the roles of active independent learner and scholar.

Papers must be turned in on time and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Late assignments cannot receive a grade higher than 90%.

Papers must be the student’s own work. References to others’ work require citations in MLA/APA Style. Copying of other work, even with citation, is plagiarism and is not acceptable.

Notices will be posted on the Moodle site, via broadcast messaging, or emailed them to the class. Students are responsible for checking the Moodle announcements and email regularly.


|93-100 |A |

|90-92.99 |A- |

|87-89.99 |B+ |

|83-86.99 |B |

|80-82.99 |B- |

|77-79.99 |C+ |

|73- 76.99 |C |

|70-72.99 |C- |

|67-69.99 |D+ |

|63-66.00 |D |

|60-62.99 |D- |

|59.99≥ |F |

Course Outline

|Week |Topic |Chapter |HSCE |

|1 |Class Introduction/ Civics review |- |- |

|2 |Civics review part 2 | |1:1:2, 1:4:4 |

|3 |American legal system | |2:2:2, 1:1:2 |

| |review/foundations | | |

|4 |What is law | |1:2:2, 1:2:3 |

|5 |Law making | |1:1:2, 1:4:4 |

|6 |Advocacy | |1:1:2, 1:4:4 |

|7 |Settling disputes | |1:2:1, 1:3:1 |

|8 |The court system | |1:2:1, 1:3:1 |

|9 |The court system | |1:1:1, 1:2:1 |

|10 |Lawyers | |1:1:1, 1:2:1 |

|11 |Review for Midterm |- |- |

|12 |Midterm |- |- |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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