
Name of Reviewer ___________________________________________Name of Writer _____________________________________________Instructions: ? Read your peer’s essay and answer the complete the following sections thoroughly. (Write on a separate piece of paper if more space is needed.) Write complete sentences (to avoid one word answers) and explain all answers. Please use the prompt as a reference.Each writer should read and review two essaysEach essay should be reveiwed twice.When you are finished, turn in the reviews you completed. Then, give this review and the writer’s essay back to her/him.1. Decide whether the working draft addresses and fulfills all parts of the essay prompt. Be sure that two strengths and two challenges concerning Eng 475 are discussed. Are these strengths and struggles significant enough to affect one's grade? Also be sure the essay is in the first person point of view.2. Discuss the intro. Decide whether it has all the parts of an introductory paragraph. Also, discuss whether the intro gives the reader a clear overview of what will be examined in the essay. In the writer's essay, identify the intro to the specific topic, the thesis statement and the essay map. 3. Decide whether the thesis statement directly answers the prompt and clearly states what the essay is about. Determine if the thesis is too specific, too broad, or just right.4. Discuss whether the body paragraphs have all the necessary parts, including a topic sentence, a clear and thorough explanation of the topic sentence, a specific example, and an explanation of how each struggle will be improved upon, or how each strength will be maintained or improved in the future for Eng 1A. Be sure to identify each of these parts in the writer's essay.5. Determine whether each body paragraph focuses its discussion on one strength or challenge. If a body paragraph is not focused, identify which and explain how it is unfocused.6. Decide whether the topic sentences elaborate on the thesis statement and state what their body paragraphs are about. Also discuss whether each topic sentence also answers the prompt. In other words, decide whether each topic sentence is relevant to the assignment?7. Discuss the conclusion and whether it includes all the parts of a concluding paragraph. Be sure to identify the restated thesis, the restated topic sentences and the final words.8. Discuss whether the conclusion offers a clear review of the entire essay. Also decide whether the conclusion offers a sense of finality.9. Discuss organization and structure. Decide whether the body paragraphs follow the order established in the essay map. Identify the type of organization (e.g. least to greatest, least to most significant) and structure used (e.g. strength, weakness, strength, weakness or struggle 2x, strength 2x).10. Assess whether the writer has used MLA format. Make note of anything that is not MLA formatted.11. Consider the title and whether it is unique and reflects the narrative of the essay, or if it is too broad and generic (e.g. Self-Reflection, My Strengths and Struggles).12. Judge and rate the clarity of writing. Consider grammar, punctuation and spelling. Explain your rating.1234567891013. Note whether the working draft meets the minimum word requirement.14. Write any further notes or comments that will help the writer meet the assignment’s requirements. ................

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