
Sunday School Lesson No. VI, October 9, 2011

Presented by Rev. Frank Davis, III, Pastor-Teacher

Lesson Text: Ecclesiastes 9:7-18

Required Reading: Ecclesiastes 9:1 – 10:20

Memory Text: Ecclesiastes 9:16, “Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.”

Reliable Resources: Precepts for Living by UMI; Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator; Libronix Electronic Library; Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible by Spiros Zodhiates; New Pilgrim Study Bible; Children’s Ministry Resource Bible by Child Evangelism Fellowship


As we continue studying the books of Wisdom, our attention is turned to the book of Ecclesiastes. Much is spoken concerning this book, but the following needs to be shared. From the New Pilgrim Study Bible we read: “There are certain expressions which give the key thoughts of the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon hunted unsuccessfully for heart satisfaction in ‘things under the sun’, but all was ‘vanity’ (worthlessness, nothingness).” The Children’s Ministry Resource Bible declares, “King Solomon had everything that anyone could ever desire – wisdom (1:16); pleasure (2:1); money (2:4-8); respect, power, and fame (2:9). But he learned that those things do not bring lasting satisfaction. Though Solomon had accomplished much, he had achieved no enduring sense of fulfillment from all his hard work (2:10, 11, 17-23). Instead he had learned that all of the things of this life are meaningless, confusing, and disappointing when they become ends in themselves. In chapters 3 – 12 the Preacher shares specific insights he gained during his search for meaning and offers some wise advice. After giving his findings, he asserts again in 12:8 that ‘all is vanity’.” With these thoughts, let us examine our lesson entitled “God’s Wisdom Gives Security and Superiority Over Human Efforts.”

Anticipated Power Points:

• Wisdom’s Security in Spite of Life’s Uncertainties. Ecclesiastes 9:7-12

• Wisdom’s Superiority in Spite of Society’s Ungratefulness. Ecclesiastes 9:13-18


“God’s Wisdom Gives Security and Superiority Over Human Efforts”

Solomon has declared that wisdom is security and is superior to human efforts. But what is this wisdom? According to Strong’s Dictionary wisdom means “an intelligent attitude toward the experiences of life. This includes matters of general interest, basic morality, prudence in secular affairs, skills in the arts, moral sensitivity, and spiritual experiences. Israel believed that there was a personal God who is holy and just. He expects us to live our lives according to His principles.” James 1:5 says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him .” Now let us examine:

I. Wisdom’s Security in Spite of Life’s Uncertainties. Ecclesiastes 9:7-12

Solomon declares that day to day living brings about many uncertainties only to end with death! “This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.” Ecclesiastes 9:3.

A. So enjoy your home life joyfully. vss. 7-9

B. So enjoy your “work time energetically”. (Maxwell) vss. 10-12

1. Solomon encourages his readers not to be lazy or slothful but diligent and filled with enthusiasm, to work with all their ability to accomplish what they are able to do! vs. 10.

2. Even hard, energetic work will not always pay off in this life with high dividends because all work is subject to life’s uncertainties under the sun! Remember, like fish, birds and other animals that are unexpectedly caught in traps, so is the possibility of misfortunes that can cut off the life and or abilities of great and talented individuals. vs. 12

II. Wisdom’s Superiority in Spite of Society’s Ungratefulness. Ecclesiastes 9:13-18

A. Superiority of wisdom illustrated. vss. 13-15a.

Solomon recalls seemingly an example or illustration of wisdom’s superiority over human efforts. Let’s note: A city was under siege by a superior military force. The enemy king had the city right where he wanted it to overtake it. But Solomon appears to say that there was a poor but wise man in that city who spoke without fanfare, but wisely, as to how the city could be saved. But…

B. Superiority of wisdom is ignored. vss. 15b-18

It now appears that because of the status and quiet nature of the poor wise man, his wisdom was ignored because of a loud mouthed, ignorant ruler who shouted his way to the top, causing the demise of the city. Now there are those who believed that the city averted the conquest and heeded the wisdom of the poor wise man, but when the siege was over and the city spared, the people all forgot the poor wise man and began to follow the folly of a loud mouthed fool! Either way you look at it, wisdom’s superiority is rejected by an ungrateful society.

Let me close this lesson with an evangelistic view of this illustration by Solomon in verses 13-18 from the New Pilgrim Study Bible: “Solomon pictures Christ who became poor for us (II Corinthians 8:9), and by His wisdom (the work of His death on the cross, I Cor. 1:18, 21-24) delivered (paid the price of redemption, Col. 1:20) the city (of mankind). But the world at large forgets and ignores what Christ has done for them (“yet no man remembered”). The great king of verse 14 refers to the devil, who comes against the city (of mankind), Jn. 10:10a to destroy it (that is, the souls of men).” Beware of the one sinner who destroys a multitude! Ecclesiastes 9:18 tells us, “Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.”


Beloved, let us never forget the conclusion to Solomon’s whole matter concerning God’s security and superiority of His wisdom: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13


Bibleway Missionary Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA & Little Bethel Baptist Church, Amite, LA

Mailing Address: Post Office Box 19768, New Orleans, LA 70179

Phone: (504) 486-7876 Email: bible32@


TV Broadcasts: WHNO TV 20, Sunday, 6:30 a.m. – Channel 14 (Hammond-Amite area), 6:30 a.m.

Radio Broadcasts: WLNO AM 1060, Saturday 8:30 a.m.; Sunday 5:30 a.m.

AM 1570 (Hammond-Amite area) Saturday 1:00 p.m.

LOOKING AHEAD: October 16, 2011 Ecclesiastes 11:9 – 12:7, 13


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