COCHE Retreat

Bible Study Ideas Group studiesDigging Deep in God’s Word () Study plan available for both men and womenFiner Ground ()The Christ-Centered HomeBible MarkingChain reference system conducted by Kathy Pollard on the Come Fill Your Cup website and in the Christian Women Magazine.I usually take a day to do the chain reference and then go back through each verse in the following days to study each verse in depth. I use Hebrew/Greek text to find the original meanings of words, read the context, and, occasionally, use Biblically sound commentaries to aid my study.Book StudiesChoose a specific book of the Bible.Read through it several times.Outline it.Highlight the Promises, Attributes of Godhead, Commands, Warnings, Attributes of Christian people, etc in different colors. (I use colored pencils so that if I mess up, it can easily be erased)Study the author, the one it’s written to, the city in which it takes place, etc.SOAP study: (S: Write Scripture, O: Make Observations of verse, A: What’s the application?, P: Pray and Practice) You can incorporate this with a book study, choose a passage or use one verse at a time.Character Studies: Choose a character, study their life, faults, times of repentance, hometown, references to them in other books of the Bible, compare what they did to your life, etc…Word Studies: When studying a passage/topic, you might come across a word that is repeated continuously throughout. Study that word. E-sword/Strong’s makes it so easy to look up the original word, where else it is used in the Bible, and the different/root meanings.Listen to sermons. With the aid of technology these days one can find sermons on various apps, websites, etc. Use them. Listen while you walk, wash dishes, clean the house, while driving, while cutting grass, etc. Make the best use of your time. Some of my favorite places to look are PTP365, YouTube (for certain preachers and church archives), Podcast App, GBN, WVBS, etc.Do topical studies. Choose a topic that you want to know more about and study all the passages in the Bible that pertain to this topic. Read sound doctrinal books on the subject. Read blogs/articles by faithful members of the church about the subject. (I always keep a pad of paper close when I am studying so that if I see a verse or topic I want to explore, instead of taking a “rabbit trail” at that precise moment, I can use this list to work through on another day of study. See below.)***Remember to PLAN your study time each day. One tip is to plan out your week. Sit down on Sunday evening and decide when and what you want to study each day. If you plan ahead, then you will not waste 10 minutes of your allotted time trying to decide what you need to be working on. I’m a planner and this is so helpful and I study deeper and my study time is more meaningful because I have a plan and a purpose. Study Aids AppsE-sword, Logos, Accordance: Bible study softwareConcordances, Dictionaries, Atlases, Word Studies, Commentaries, Cross References, etc.Strong’s ConcordanceBible Dictionary: Easton’s, etc.Blue Letter Bible: Greek/Hebrew LexiconNave’s Topical BibleApologetics PressiLuminate: Teen magazine GBNPodcast App: The Light NetworkCommentaries:Wayne Jackson’s NT Commentary Gospel Advocate NT CommentariesCoffman CommentariesActs Commentary by Wayne JacksonOnline Resources:Christian CourierPlain Simple FaithCome Fill Your CupColley HouseWVBSPTP365Other Books:Johnson’s NotesKnow Your Bible by Frank DunnThe Outline Bible by Tyndale***All the Men and Women of the Bible by Lockyer***Explore the Book by Sidlow Baxter***Deluxe Then and Now Bible MapsMounce Complete Expository Dictionary***Pre-Written Studies:Digging DeepCome Fill Your CupChristian Woman***Study books that are not written by members of the church and may contain errorMatt. 6:33Matt. 7:13-14Matt. 7:15Matt. 7:21Matt. 10:28Matt. 11:28Matt. 15:9Matt. 16:18Matt. 16:26Matt. 19:9Matt. 22:37Matt. 24:35Matt. 25:46Matt. 26:28Matt. 28:19-20Mark 9:1Mark 16:15-16Lk. 6:38Lk. 6:46Lk. 7:30Lk. 12:15Lk.24:27Jn. 1:1Jn. 3:16Jn. 4:24Jn. 5:28-29Jn. 6:28-29Jn. 8:32Jn. 10:27-29Jn. 12:42-43Jn. 12:48Jn. 13:35Jn. 14:15Jn. 17:17Jn. 17:20-21Acts 2:38Acts 2:41Acts 3:19Acts 17:30Acts 17:30Acts 20:7Acts 22:16Rom. 1:16Rom. 3:23Rom. 4:8Rom. 5:1Rom. 6:3-4Rom. 6:12Rom. 6:23Rom. 8:18Rom. 8:28Rom. 10: 1-3Rom. 10:10Rom. 10:17Rom. 12:1Rom. 12:21I Cor. 1:10I Cor. 1:18I Cor. 1:26I Cor. 9:27I Cor. 10:12I Cor. 15:19I Cor. 15:58II Cor. 5:7II Cor. 5:10II Cor. 5:17II Cor. 9:8Gal. 1:8Gal. 3:27Gal. 5:4Gal. 5:6Gal. 6:2Gal. 6:7Gal. 6:9Gal. 6:10Eph. 1:22-23Eph. 3:8-9Eph. 3:20Eph. 4:4-6Eph. 4:15Eph. 4:26Eph. 4:29Eph. 4:32Eph. 5:16Eph. 5:17Eph. 5:19Eph. 5:23Eph. 5:25Eph. 6:17Phil. 1:21Phil. 2:11Phil. 4:4Phil. 4:6-7Phil. 4:13Col. 1:13Col. 2:12Col. 2:14Col. 3:2Col. 3:16-17Col. 4:6I Thess. 5:21II Thess. 1:7-9II Thess. 3:6I Tim. 1:1:3I Tim. 2:5I Tim. 2:12I Tim. 6:7I Tim. 6:10II Tim. 2:15II Tim. 3:16-17II Tim. 4:1-4Titus 1:2Titus 1:16Titus 2:11-12Heb. 2:1Heb. 3:12Heb. 4:12Heb. 4:15-16Heb. 9:27-28Heb. 10:4Heb. 10:25Heb. 10:31Heb. 11:1Heb. 11:6Heb. 12:1-2Heb. 12:6Heb. 13:5James 1:5James 1:13-15James 1:17James 1:22James 1:27James 2:9James 2:10James 2:19James 2:24James 2:26James 3:8James 4:4James 4:17James 5:16I Pet. 1:22-23I Pet. 2:2I Pet. 2:11I Pet. 3:10I Pet. 3:12I Pet. 3:15I Pet. 3:21I Pet. 4:16I Pet. 5:7-8II Pet. 1:20-21II Pet. 2:20-22II Pet. 3:9-10I Jn. 1:1:7-8I Jn. 2:15-17I Jn. 3:4I Jn. 3:18I Jn. 4:1I Jn. 4:19-20I Jn. 5:3II Jn. 2II Jn. 9Rev. 22:14Duet. 29:29Ps. 37:31Ps. 37:25Ps. 46:1Ps. 119:105Ps. 119:11Ps. 122:1Ps. 133:1Pro. 3:5-6Pro. 13:24Pro. 14:12Pro. 14:34Pro. 15:1Pro. 16:18Pro. 20:1Pro. 22:1Pro. 22:6Pro. 27:1Pro. 28:9Ecc. 5:10Ecc. 7:20Ecc. 12:13Isa. 59:1-2Jer. 10:23Jn. 20: 30-31Eph. 6:1**Frank Chesser’s list of verses to memorize that include all the facets of evangelism.Bible Highlighting CodeYellow: One word studiesOrange: Direct CommandsRed: Warnings/ReproachAqua: Descriptions of any members of the Godhead/Descriptions of Heaven/Descriptions of the churchPink: Promises to us or Bible charactersGreen: True Riches/Things that God values in his disciplesPurple: Comfort or StrengthBrown: OT examplesPeach: Old man vs. New manGray: Other narrative (optional)S.O.A.P. StudyVerse:_______________________Scripture:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Observations:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Applications:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Prayer List:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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