Attempt to combine all Q& A documents into one main doc

Questions & Answers

What God Is Really Like – Misbeliefs About God

Updated 5/16/18


I considered myself blessed that my parents believed there was a Creator as oppose to somehow we evolved from nothing into who we are together. Since none of us were there in the beginning, it takes faith to believe in a Creator or that stuff just evolved somehow from nothing. After observing the birth of my children, it is easier for me to believe there was a Beginner. I am not sure what I would believe if I didn’t have my parents’ early influence. What I do know is that God desires an intimate relationship and will continue to pursue each one of us hoping we become open to the possibility of such a relationship.

Over the years I have been asking questions and writing down my answers that have helped me understand what God is really like. Growing up I was taught certain characteristics about God that I have come to believe are not true. What I was being taught about God did not make rational or relational sense. Also, I had a hard time explaining supposed characteristics of God to others. I share my thoughts in case there are others who struggle with certain images of God portrayed. God may not be your problem after all! What we understand about God’s nature, and thus His character, can greatly influence our relationship and intimacy with our Creator.

I have combined all the different Q & A type documents I have written the past twenty five years or so into this one document. There will be duplication in the articles below because I may incorporate past thoughts in a current article I am posting on my website at which is named: What God Is Really Like – Misbeliefs About God. Often, I write later about the same subject and try to discuss in a different way. The most current article, posted on my website, often will be toward the top of each section below. See a list of my Posts since 2008 at the end of this document.

Beginning November 9, 2015 after many years of incorporating my Posts into the below contents, I now simply add my Post at the bottom of this document beginning on page 288. I hope you will look there also as I would like to think that I am growing in my understanding of my God. My beliefs all these years have not changed drastically, but I would like to think as times passes I have additional clarity or insights. I hope you will read first What I Believe and Must Read articles beginning on page 9. I hope they will wet your appetite to continue to read as you consider your own beliefs about our Creator and whether they hinder you from feeling closer and more intimate with God. It is often my goal to keep Post to a page in length. Longer articles I have written on listed on page 8.

The truth is I only write about one main thing – what I understand God is really like. I write for myself as thinking about God by writing has provided great joy and personal comfort. I also write with hopes others may read and possibly benefit. Love is patient and kind. It turns out God is also. Love is not proud or self-seeking. It turns out God isn’t either. Many of us may need to unlearn the things we believe about God. Certain beliefs may keep us from having a more meaningful relationship with our Creator and enjoying life to the fullest. Think of God not as a reflection of your parents but the perfection of parents you always desired or wanted to be. This is God. We have insights into God’s character because we are made in His image. I don’t claim to have all the right insights on God but I pray my thoughts will allow the reader’s imagination to wonder as God reveals His true self to you. Personally, I experience God’s love as too good to be true, but it is!

Content Subjects Below

• What I Believe

• What God Is Really Like – Must Read Articles!

• What Really Matters

• God, Jesus, And The Cross

• God, Evil, and Suffering

• God, Hell, And Heaven

• God And Universalism

• God And Religious Extremists

• God, Sovereignty, Predestination, Control, and Freedom

• God, Church, Denominations and Other Christianity Problems

• What God Is Like As A Parent - God’s Unimaginable Love

• God’s Fear And Angry

• God And Self-Glory

• God Is Not A Mystery

• God, War, Innocent Killings, and Other Moral Dilemmas

• God And His Will/Guidance In Our Lives

• God And Females

• God And Prayer

• God And Forgiveness

• God’s Openness Versus Closeness - Open Versus Traditional Theology

• Jesus And The End Times

• Defending The Bible And Human Reasoning

• Defending Belief In God And Jesus

• God And Evangelism – Telling Others About God Jesus’ Way

• Relationships - Marriage, Parenting, Sex, and Encouragement

• Miscellaneous Theological And Personal Topics

• Jesus’ Sayings And Teachings


What I Believe 9

What God Is Really Like – Must Read Articles! 11

Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like?

What Did Jesus Really Come To Say And Do?

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

Hell Is A Myth!

Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?

Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?

Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?

Is The Bible A Blessing Or Curse?

How Do We Discuss God With Others According To Jesus?

Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?

Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?

Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Influence?

Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?

What Really Matters 32

What Is The Most Important Thing?

Does It Matter Christians Are Hypocrites?

How Does God Seek To Change The World?

Why Do Our Beliefs About God Matter?

How Can One Live More Purposefully?

Isn’t Our Worldview Important As To How We Live?

Don’t We All Believe In Some Absolutes?

God, Jesus, And The Cross 41

Did Jesus Die For His Beliefs Or Because of God’s Wrath?

Did Jesus Lay Down His Life To Appease God Or Convince Us?

Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?

Why Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?

Does A Legalistic View Of The Cross Undermine God’s Unconditional Love?

How Much Does God Really Love Us?

Is The Cross About God’s Anger Or Love?

God, Evil, and Suffering 50

*See brief book on website: God, Evil, and Suffering – Does God Really Care?

What Is A Brief Answer To Evil, Suffering And God’s Goodness?

Are There Rational Answers To Why God Allows So Much Suffering?

Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?

Can We Make Any Sense Out Of Suffering?

Why Didn’t God Create Heaven On Earth In The Beginning?

Did God Really Create Evil? - A Book Review

What Are Suggestions For Handling Pain And Suffering With God?

Does God Really Care?

Does Evil Originate From God?

Is God Unjust For Allowing Suffering?

Doesn’t Shit Just Happen In A Free World?

Doesn’t Job Give Some Answers To Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Us To Experience Pain?

Does God Cause, Allow, Or Interfere With Suffering?

Why Did Create Freedom and Continue to Allow Freedom?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Such Horrific Evil?

How Can We Explain God And Natural Evil?

What About Personal Tragedies and God?

Can Any Good Come From Suffering Or A Catastrophe?

Would We Be Better Off If There Were More Miracles?

How Can One’s View Of God’s Role In Suffering Prepare Them For A Crisis?

How Can Suffering Be To Our Benefit?

Does God Control The Day You Die?

Is Our Answer To Suffering Helping?

God, Hell, And Heaven 85

Questions One Might Ask About Heaven, Hell, And The Afterlife

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

Hell Is A Myth!

Are Only Christians Loved By God And Go To Heaven?

Does Our God Of Mercy Really Send To Hell Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?

How Do We Really Receive Eternal Life Or Immortality?

What Does The Bible Really Say About Heaven And Life After Death?

God And Universalism 96

[See longer article on website under God and Universalism tab]

Is God A Universalist And Save All Eventually?

Does The Bible Teach There May Be Post Mortem Decisions?

God And Religious Extremists 100

Does God Desire Obedience Like Terrorists Or Desire Friendship?

Does God Really Allow Freedom Of Beliefs Unlike Extremists?

Are God Actions In The Bible The Same As Jihadists Or Extreme Islamists?

Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?

God, Sovereignty, Predestination, Control and Freedom 107

Does God Control When We Die And Does It Matter?

Does It Matter How We Define God’s Sovereignty?

Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?

Isn’t Inherited Sin And Calvinism Utter Depravity?

Is There A Quota On God’s Grace Where God Elects Only Certain Ones For Salvation

God, Church, Denominations and Other Christianity Problems 113

Are We Better Off With Or Without Churches?

What is Church in The Bible And Why I Stopped Going?

Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Influence?

Isn’t Christianity Better Off Without Denominations?

What Christian Beliefs May Be Our Worst Enemy?

What God Is Like As A Parent - God’s Unimaginable Love 122

Why Is It Important To Know God Is An Unconditional Lover?

If God Truly Exist Why Does God Seem So Hidden?

Does God Think We Are All Wretched?

Should We Be In Awe Of God?

Is God Really Any Different Than Other gods With Child Sacrifice And Infidel Killings?

Don’t We Know What God Is Like Because Made In God’s Image?

Why Is Grace So Much Better Than The Law?

Does God Loves Us Unconditionally Or To The Degree We Obey?

Why Is It Critical To Know A Relationship with God Is About Trust Than Obedience?

God And His Unconditional Love – Do We Have To Earn God’s Love??

What Is A Relationship With God Really Like?

Must We Obey To Be Loved By God?

What Kind of Parent Is God Really?

God’s Fear And Angry 143

Does God’s Love Or Anger Really Change The World?

Does God Want Us To Love Or Fear God?

Relationships – Fear Or Love Based?

Fearing God Is For Babies And Evil Folks!

Does God Really Want Us to Fear Him?

Why Is God So Angry At Times In Scriptures?

God And Self-Glory 151

Is God Infatuated With Self-Glory?

Is God Demand For Glory Self-Centered?

God Is Not A Mystery? 154

What Are Unhelpful Excuses We Make For God?

Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?

Does It Matter If We Declare God a Mystery?

Does Job Teach God Is Incomprehensible?

Does The Bible Say God Is A Mystery?

Is God Understandable Or A Mystery?

Is God’s Will For Our Lives A Mystery?

Does Job Say God And Suffering Is Unexplainable?

Is God Rational Humanly Speaking?

God, War, Innocent Killings, and Other Moral Dilemmas 165

Did God Approve Of Genocide In The Old Testament?

Is God Immoral For Condoning Slavery In The Bible?

Does God Condone Horrible Actions Toward Our Enemies According To The Psalms?

Does God Believe In Freedom Of Belief Or Ethnic Cleansing?

Is God Immoral When Hardening Hearts?

Did God Approve of Child Sacrifice Like The Other gods With Abraham?

Is God Immoral Or Hypocritical In The Old Testament?

Why Were There Such Elaborate Sacrificial Rituals In The OT?

Is All Humankind Really Guilty For Adam’s Sin?

Does God Condone Or Love War?

Was God Immoral To Destroy Entire Cities Including Innocent Women And Children?

Why Did God Condone War and Killings of Women/Children in the Old Testament?

Did God Really Approve of Jephthah’s Sacrifice of His Daughter in Judges 11?

Does God Really Hate Esau But Love Jacob?

God And His Will/Guidance In Our Lives 184

Can We Know God’s Absolute Will or Plan For Our Life?

Does God Speak or Whisper to Us?

Can We Know God’s Will For Our Life?

God And Females 188

Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?

Are Husbands Called To Be Leaders Or Servants?

Does The Bible Really Teach Women Cannot Teach or Lead Over Men in Church?

Is God Really More Male Than Female?

Why Are Gender-Accurate Bible Translations Important?

Did God Esteem Boys Over Girls In The Old Testament?

God And Prayer 198

Can We Understand Prayer And Avoid Disappointments?

How Does Praying Or Talking To God Works For Mike?

How Can We Have A Better Prayer Life?

What Are Reasons for Prayer Frustration?

How Can Praying Really Work?

Why Should I Even Bother To Pray?

Will Our Prayers Get Answered If We Badger God Enough?

Does God Promise Whatsoever We Ask?

Does God Promise He Won't Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Does God Promise Health Or Richness?

How Does God Really Bless Us?

God And Forgiveness 212

Does God And Must We Always Forgive and Forget?

Is God Forgiveness Unconditional?

Does The Bible Really Command To Forgive Those Who Don’t Confess Their Sin?

Is There A Time To Not Forgive?

God’s Openness Versus Closeness - Open Versus Traditional Theology 218

Does The Bible Insist God Knows The Future?

Does It Really Matter If God Knows The Future?

Does Open Theology Belittle God And His Greatness?

Do Open Theists Fear Offending Others?

Do Prophecies About Pharaoh, Peter, and Judas Prove A Fixed Future?

Jesus And The End Times 226

Have The End-Times Already Happened According To The Bible?

Is Jesus Really Coming Again In The Rapture To Destroy The Earth?

Defending The Bible And Human Reasoning 231

Is The Bible A Blessing Or Curse?

Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?

When Are The Bible And Theology Dangerous?

Is The Bible As Credible As Other Literature Written Many Years Ago?

Why Is Context Important To Understand A Biblical Writer’s Meaning?

Defending Belief In God And Jesus 237

What Is The Big Deal About Easter?

Why Did Jesus Really Come In The Flesh?

Was Jesus For Real Or A Liar?

Did Jesus Really Resurrect From The Dead?

God And Evangelism – Telling Others About God Jesus’ Way 242

Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends?

How Do We Discuss God With Others According To Jesus?

Did Jesus And Should We Have An Agenda With People?

Should We Tell Other About God The Way Jesus Did?

What Really Is The Simple But Elegant Gospel?

How Do We Discuss God With Others?

Why Is Sharing God With Other So Hard?

Is A Relationship With God Really By Saying A Magic One-Time Prayer?

Relationships - Marriage, Parenting, Sex, and Encouragement 255

Is God A Killjoy Being So Uptight About Sex Unless Married?

Isn’t Parenting Pursuing Intimacy By Not Pissing Children Off?

What Does The Bible Say Encouragement Is?

Isn’t Encouragement Critical In Relationships?

Whose Convictions Do We Live By When Disagreeing?

Miscellaneous Theological And Personal Topics 262

Can God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit Be Different Persons And Deity?

Are All Vocations Important?

Why Must We Persevere in Our Faith?

Jesus’ Sayings And Teachings 266

What Did Jesus Really Come To Tell Us?

Did Jesus Really Threaten Others With Hell?

Did Jesus Teach Self-Abuse By Turning Other Check Or Loving Your Enemies?

Did Jesus Oppose Divorce?

List of Posts Since 2008 At My Website: 271

Articles Posted On Blog After 11/9/15 Recorded At Bottom Of This Document 274

Longer Articles Under Below Tabs On Blog At

Belief Reformation Tab

God’ Personality - Unconditional Lover Or Angry Egomaniac

God In The Beginning – What Really Happened In The Garden

God and Hell – God Is Not A Sadistic Torturer

God and Women – God Does Not Play Favorites

God, Evil, And Suffering –How God’s Goodness And Evil Coexist

God And The Cross – What The Real Story Is

God and Salvation – God Is Not A Bigot Or Partial

God And Prayer – Why Even Bother

God And Forgiveness- Must We Forgive The Unrepentant

God’s Will – God Is Not A Mystery

God, Jesus, And The Bible –Hocus Pocus Or Reality

God And The Last Days – The World Is Not Coming To An End

How Then Can We Live

Evil, Suffering, and God Tab

Suffering And The Goodness Of God – A Reasonable Explanation

Traditional Versus Rational Response: Suffering And God’s Goodness

God Isn’t A Mystery Tab

Why It Can Matter If We Declare God A Mystery

Why I Believe God Is Not A Mystery

Does Job Really Declare God And Suffering A Mystery?

Does God’s Sovereignty Require His Will Always Be Done?

What God Is Like As A Parent/Friend Tab

God And His Unconditional Love – Must We Obey To Earn His Love

Why It Matters What We Think God Is Really Like

What Are True Characteristics Of God’s Love? (Article Series)

Open Theology Tab

My Pilgrimage As A Theist As Of 2009

Why I Believe My Views Are Not Soft On God – Do Open Theists Fear Offending Others?

Why I Believe Openness Theology Does Not Belittle God But Conveys His Greatness

Why I Believe God Does Not Know The Future And Why It Matters

Does God Know The Future – Why I Believe In Open Versus Traditional Theism

Marriage And Parenting Articles

Self Help Articles on Depression and Marriage

Universalism tab

Is God A Universalist And Saves All Eventually?

What I Believe

Click On Post:  What I Wish Others Might Consider True About God

I am open to new insights but currently the below beliefs are what motivate me to write for others who may be struggling or seeking a relationship with their Creator. What you have heard may not be true! I hope the following will wet your appetite to read further what I have written as you consider your own beliefs that may be a stumbling block in your relationship with your Creator.

• Beliefs matters. What we think God is really like can either alienate us or draw us closer to our Creator. “Why, me!” can sometimes turn into "why God do you not love me.” We are made in God’s likeness so we are not totally clueless of what God is like. Our conscience informs us what a perfect, moral, loving, relational Creator would be like.

• The Bible is God’s inspired guidance. The Bible has an incredible unity despite containing writings over a thousand years by many different authors. I believe there are plausible explanations to moral concerns about God raised from reading the Bible. Questions about God must be solved on biblical and conscientious grounds since interpretations are fallible. Human reasoning is not the enemy. But, we worship a God and not a book.

• God is love. God’s love is the same as perfect, human, parenting love. God’s anger is simply tough love in hopes to deter people from evil that leads to destruction. God’s love and mercy is our necessary nourishment which can lead to life transformations.

• God is not an egomaniac. Loving parents seek the admiration and respect of their children so they might consider their guidance. We sometimes think of God’s demand for glory as if God created us to remind others how great God is or we can go to Hell. God wills for us what we deep down really want for ourselves.

• God changes hearts. Our job is to love people. Friends are not evangelistic projects. People feel manipulated rather than loved when spiritual folks have an agenda. People will let you know if they are interested in what inspires you.

• God is not a sadistic torturer if you don’t eventually believe in God. The Bible says nothing about our traditional understanding of the word Hell. Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell is no more a translation of the Greek word Gehenna (the name of a real valley near Jerusalem) in the New Testament than Atlanta is for Chicago.

• God doesn’t elect some to have eternal life while others can go to Hell! There is not a quota on God’s grace! Heaven may be more populated than many people imagined. God desires to have a relationship with all. Many may reject God for false reasons here on earth. They may be convinced once they meet God. When asked directly about how to have eternal life, Jesus only said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Obviously, no one stops being selfish after beginning to follow God. Jesus was simply giving one the hope of living forever when they look toward God and not their own ways.

• God did not initiate hierarchical relationships between the genders. God doesn’t favor men over women in leadership roles. Best friends, in marriage or other dyad relationships, don’t require a leader. Appointing men as authority over women can encourage dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part.  Submission is a way of life for all Christians. A system of mutual accountability and submitting to one another is an environment less conducive for domestic abuse and the other atrocities women face at the hands of men in our society.

• Freedom best explains the biggest challenge for the Christian faith – how evil, suffering, and God’s goodness can co-exist. Authenticity in relationships is impossible without freedom. God cannot control us if He loves us. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. Evil was not something created by God but originates from the human heart. The truth is not even an all-powerful God can create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will.

• Traditional, legal views of the Cross suggest God was more concerned with our guilt and His reputation than seeking credibility and influence for our own good. God was not like other gods who demanded human sacrifice for their own pleasure or because they were mad at sins. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to influence us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. God went to great means to convince us of God’s unimaginable love and that God’s ways are in our best interests if we listen to our hearts.

• Prayer is more about communicating for support than manipulating for gain. God knows our needs already and how to run a very complicated, free world. Prayer is less discouraging when we go from the mentality of “getting answers” to simply “finding intimacy.” Prayer is giving God permission in our lives to accomplish His will, as I am better off in the long-run God not answering most of my prayers. Prayer is more about being with than getting, so many may find themselves doing less praying and just talking.

• God is not as mysterious according to the Bible as some claim, thus not inviting investigation by those who seek God. Some may declare God is incomprehensible because they can’t explain how their theology could possibly be true about a loving God. God’s will for our lives is not some mystery. We know God’s moral will. God lifts us up when we stumble morally. We are free to dream and pursue the desires of our heart. We can choose the wisest path at the time based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations.

• Popular end-time views suggesting Jesus is coming to the earth again to destroy the world and set up His Kingdom cause the Bible and God-folks to lose credibility. Jesus did not misled when advising followers to be ready within their generation (i.e. Mt. 24:34). Jesus wasn’t speaking of a sky-opening, physical rapture, or Jesus wouldn’t have warned of the signs to not miss His coming (Mt. 24:3-4). Jesus’ coming was when the new covenant eventually replaced the necessary beginning covenant. Certain viewpoints cause passivity while we wait on God to “fix” things by coming again; instead, we must act for future generations.

• The presence of Denominations suggests followers do not believe the same thing or even get along. Jesus simply encouraged following Him. Paul warned against the harm of divisions among followers (I Cor. 1:12). Denominations refer to their Creed than the Bible for guidance which is divisive. It is best we seek more Who we follow than what we believe in. In the Bible “Church” was not a building or a place attended once a week. Jesus referred to His followers as being the Church.  Jesus did not specify where they must gather or what they must do. Each is free to find environments where they feel encouraged and inspired to love others as radically as Jesus did.

What God Is Really Like – A Preview Of Things To Come

Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like?

What Did Jesus Really Come To Say And Do?

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

Hell Is A Myth!

Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?

Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?

Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?

Is The Bible A Blessing Or Curse?

Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends?

Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?

Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?

Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Influence?

Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?

Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like?

Many sense there is a Being greater than them and is surely the best explanation of how the world came to be. It just takes too much faith for some to believe how children come into the world somehow evolved rather than was initiated into the grand event that it is. If we believe God is the reason for our existence we may be inclined to seek our Creator’s wisdom in how we should live life. If God can create surely God may have answers to why there is so much evil in the world and how I can best cope. Not all people when under duress call out to a supposed Higher Power but if you do, it may matter what you think God is really like.

I wonder sometimes if we would be better off without the Bible. Many may want to believe in a Creator but what others tell them the Bible says about our Creator is just too much to stomach. We all have a sense of what perfect parental love is, even if we did not always experience it. Similarly, our biblical interpretations and characterizations of God must be relational and rational to the human mind as we know what a loving God should be like.

It is said after death God tortures people forever for sins committed in a few short years here on earth. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. The Greek word Gehenna in the Bible is wrongly translated into the English word Hell. The traditional meaning and understanding of Hell doesn’t exist in the Bible. God is not a sexist. God never said women should submit to men in a way men shouldn’t submit to women. God understood the dangers of such a belief by warning that men would try to “rule over women” (Gen: 3:16). God is portrayed as an egomaniac that created us to remind all how great He is or we can go to Hell. God like human parents simply encourages respect because parents desire the very thing deep down we want for ourselves. God may be who you really think He is despite what you have heard the Bible supposedly says.

Some may feel almost wired to believe in a loving Creator greater than them. They see how messed up the world is but this doesn’t necessarily lead them to reject God. But certain explanations or lack of answers may prevent the relationship from being as intimate thus helpful as it could be. “Why is this happening to me or my loved one” can sometimes turn into “why God do you not love me.” How we understand God’s role in suffering can determine how we handle suffering and benefit from a relationship with God in our greatest time of need.

Some may know God is their heavenly Parent as much as they know who their earthly parents are. If certain ways about my earthy parents are counterintuitive, I am less inclined to want to get closer or follow their lead. Even if my parents were perfect it is still not always easy to follow their wisdom, but at least the relational barrier is removed. Certain beliefs about God may hinder us from feeling more intimate with our Creator. When we feel deeply connected to our heavenly or earthly parents, we are more empowered and inspired to please them because we know they always have our best interest in mind.

The advantage of having a Bible is that certain truths are not always intuitive. The Bible tells us that we are made in God’s image. Such an understanding reveals that how I know I should treat my child is how God thinks toward me. God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. What beliefs do you have of your Creator that may hinder you from feeling more deeply connected? It may help to explore whether such understandings are true. God may be the kind of Parent you had always dreamed of or knew in your heart was true despite all the chaos in the world.

What Did Jesus Really Come To Say And Do?

If you are seeking a relationship with your Creator for the first time or more of an intimate relationship, it may matter what you believe Jesus’ real motive was for coming to earth to live and die? When we feel a meaningful bond with our parents, fully understanding the depth of their love, we are more motivated to follow their guidance which often is in our best interest. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. God’s love is the same as perfect, human love. Knowing who God really is can be our necessary nourishment which can lead to life transformations and help facing the challenges of a not so friendly world.

Some may believe Jesus came to tell you to drop to your knees and say the sinner’s prayer or you can go straight to Hell. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time! Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. The traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Hell, a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. God’s love is center stage in the Bible. God’s angry in the Bible is simply another aspect of His love – tough love – in hopes to deter people from evil that leads to personal and worldly destruction.

Some may think Jesus died because God had to be appeased and His honor restored. Traditional, legal views of the Cross suggest God was more concerned with our guilt and His reputation than seeking credibility and influence for our own good. The Cross was not necessary as if God couldn’t love us until someone’s death accounted for our sins. God was not like other gods who demanded human sacrifice for their own pleasure or because they were mad at sins. God simply desires a contrite heart for only then is healing possible in relationships. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to convince us of God’s unimaginable love and ways which are truly what we desire deep down in our hearts. For those whose failures afflict their consciences, Jesus wants us to know we are forgiven and we can start each day anew with God

Believe it or not Jesus whole reason for coming was to simply encourage and inspire all to treat others like you want to be treated. Jesus came to let us know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down. Jesus said this was the most important commandment or the main thing (Mt. 24:37-38). When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. Jesus did not focus on Heaven, perfection, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus taught life forever can begin here on earth. Jesus came to earth to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good.

God wasn’t being egotistically when suggesting life in a nutshell is loving God and loving others. We may think of God’s demand for glory as if God created us to remind others how great God is or we can go to Hell. God only ask for respect because loving God is loving ourselves and others like we want to be loved. I asked for the same respect with my kids and I am not even perfect like God. God seeks respect because if all lived by the Ten Commandments and treated everyone like they want to be treated, the world would be so much better off. You weren’t created to worship God so shut up and give God the glory. God wanted to share His glory with others. Most parents have children to share life with.

Jesus confirmed with His words and actions what we know in our hearts. When we hurt someone confess our wrongdoing to them and make amends. Jesus also came to encourage radical things like love your enemies. Anyone can love those who love them. But, the world is only going to change for the better when we also love our enemies in hopes of turning them toward our empowering God. Jesus had to throw a few tables to convey to the religious hypocrites that true religion is self-sacrifice not self-service. The Pharisees and religious-types after them are more in love with their power than truly loving others. Jesus taught that being last is really being first. The Law can only condemn and reveal shortcoming; Jesus wants us to know matters of the heart – that adultery and lust are wrong – but that there is life after failures as God loves us despite our imperfections. Jesus came to change hearts.

Can we admit the human condition is we all are to some degree bent toward self-centeredness? Parents know a child must be steered toward the narrow gate of unselfishness and away from the wide gate of destruction for true freedom. Jesus sought to empower us by ensuring we don’t have to remain stuck in our guilt or hopelessness. God forgives, loves, and desires to encourage us in the daily challenge of being the kind of person we deep down desire to be. Jesus didn’t come to save us from Hell or even to preach about Heaven as a total focus on the future leads to unproductive, passive living on earth. Jesus came as a lover not a theologian. A relationship with God, rather than an emphasis on rules and obedience, is our necessary nourishment to conquer our battle against self-centeredness.

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

There is absolute hope we will be reunited with loved ones someday. The Bible doesn’t have a Book of Heaven like it does on Jobs so discern if my understandings are wrong compared to other biblical interpretations taught. I have written elsewhere if you want to review Bible passages to defend what I say. I am confident you will be with your loved ones unless they are evil to the core. Some may choose a second death than spending eternity with a loving Creator.

Hell is the greatest barrier to such hope, but we can say unequivocally that Hell as a place of eternal, sadistic torture does not exist. No human would think this up and neither does God according to the Bible. Anyway, it is relationally impossible that God would treat his enemies worse than us. Sheol, wrongly translated as Hell in the OT, was a place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Even Job, a righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape tremendous suffering (10:21-22). The best translation for Sheol is Sheol.

Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell in the NT, was a real valley in Jerusalem symbolizing a place of slaughter and judgment. Gehenna was the place of burned Israeli children sacrificed to false gods. Jesus used Gehenna to symbolize the horrors of adversaries of God who disposed of their enemies into the burning, worm-infested valley. Simply avoid a valley near Jerusalem close to death if concerned about going to Hell. The best translation for Gehenna is Gehenna.

Heaven is not eventually living on earth with God in blissness. God said He was never going to destroy the earth again like He did with the Flood. The NT spoke of the last days happening in the generation of their readers. The last days mentioned by Jesus were not the end of the world but the Old Covenant and temple system passing away. The New Covenant ushered all entering God’s presence immediately as Jesus overcame the grave for all by resurrecting.

Paul gives hope that our eventual citizenship after death here on earth will be in heaven where God will transforms our bodies (Philippians 3:20). Jesus promised Paradise to the thief on the Cross. But, the Bible doesn’t focus on the future but encouraging us to change in the present to make a better world. Jesus says the Kingdom of God was coming in His readers’ lifetime (Mt. 16:28). We can currently live more peaceful lives by considering heavenly than worldly wisdom. John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny.

Jesus might know a little about life after death. What the Hell did He really say? When asked directly how to have eternal life Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus didn’t advise one to get on their knees and offer a confessional prayer. Jesus was suggesting one can have the hope of immortality now by beginning to live by the golden rule. No one lives perfectly so Jesus was simply conveying that one begins to live forever when they consider God’s ways which are always in their best interests.

God created heaven on earth initially, but freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. Heaven then became our hope after we created Hell on earth. But, will all enter Heaven? Even saints on earth have regrets! Apparently, God’s justice will have an educative component and cleansing effect after our life here on earth for all. Some have never heard about God. Some had poor role models as parents so wanting nothing to do with a Heavenly Parent on Earth. God will invite all after death to join Him in a way we couldn’t. Who in their right mind will not accept such an invitation? I doubt any reading this or their loved ones. So be very hopeful. And consider that Heaven can start now despite the world we live in if we understand what God is really like.

Hell Is A Myth!

Is God a sadistic torturer who punishes people forever for sins committed in a few short years? HELL NO! Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Fire destroys but God would have to keep humans purposely alive to continue to torturer them. Most humans wouldn’t even persecute their enemies to this extent. Hell as unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Hell must be dispelled as a myth for God’s character is at stake.

The Hebrew word Sheol in the OT is often translated as “Hell.” Sheol was simply a region or place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Job desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (10:21-22). King David describes Sheol as a place of darkness for those long dead (Ps. 143:3). Sheol is never mentioned as a place of punishment. Recent translations simply translate Sheol as “Sheol.” God didn’t warn Adam and Eve about Hell as a consequence for rebellion. Noah failed to warn evildoers about Hell before their death by Flood. The popular understanding of Hell is not found in the OT.

Hades is another word translated as Hell. Hades was used in the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the OT, to represent the Hebrew word Sheol. Sheol in the OT never refers to a place where God is involved in torture where the dead go. Hades simply was a place where the dead go. Those who believe in the traditional idea of Hell never argue that Hades represent a fiery, afterlife punishment for those who didn’t believe. Many modern translations no longer translate Hades with the word Hell.

The NT is silent as well about Hell. The word Hell in the NT is translated from two Greek terms – Hades or Gehenna. Gehenna is used twelve times in the NT, eleven times by Jesus in the Gospels. Once we understand what Jesus says about Gehenna, we will understand what the Bible says about our popular notion of Hell. Gehenna is the name of a real, valley nearby Jerusalem that has a history. It was the local city garbage dump where fires were kept burning to dispose of the garbage and symbolized a place of slaughter and judgment. Gehenna was the place of burned Israeli children sacrificed to false gods (Jer. 7:30-31; 19:2-5). Josephus said this same valley was heaped with dead bodies of the Jews following the Roman siege of Jerusalem around 70 AD.

Jesus used Gehenna to symbolize the horrors of adversaries of God who disposed of their enemies into the burning, worm-infested valley. Jesus never used the world Hell. Hell is a substitution not a translation of the word Gehenna. The best translation of Gehenna in the NT is Gehenna not Hell. The Bible doesn’t teach God created Hell as a place to torture people forever. Paul wrote fourteen epistles and never mentions Hell. Scriptures only say after death that all are judged by our merciful God.

Why does all this matter? Most of us know in our heart Hell isn’t true or we would be crazy, sidewalk, evangelists shouting “you are going to burn in Hell.” Many hesitate to take about God for fear they may to explain Hell. Who the hell wants to explain or get to know a Creator who is a hellish, sadistic torturer who supposedly predestines some people to an afterlife of eternal conscious punishment? What kind of God thinks Hell scares people into true righteousness and an intimate relationship? Translators agree when to translate the Hebrew or Greek word into “Heaven.” There is no equivalent Hebrew or Greek word for our current concept of an eternal place of punishment translated as “Hell.” Imagine how it could change your perspective on God if you discovered there is no such place as our presently conceived afterlife concept of “Hell.”

Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?

Beliefs have consequences. To believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives creates an environment most conducive for domestic abuse and the other atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history. Since interpretations are fallible, we must error on the side less prone to abuse. Mutual submission is impossible for men to twist to justify their subtle or blatant mistreatment of women.

I will never tire trying to convince others that the Bible doesn’t teach men have any type of authority over women. One person wrote to the editor of a newspaper “…it’s been bothering me since 9/11. What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?” It just doesn't make logical sense why God would put a man in charge based on history, common sense, and human nature. Lack of mutual accountability is disastrous. The truth is to not teach complete equality is confusing to those seeking to know our God better. 

• Genesis, the first book in the Bible, is often used to suggest God ordained separate gender roles and as you might suspect the men aren’t women’s helpers. The English implication of the word “helper” translated from the Hebrew word ezer is nowhere to be found in the Bible (2:18). Ezer is used of God and implies or often is translated as “strength” (Deut. 33:29). R. David Freedom has argued convincingly that the best translation of Genesis 2:18 is “I will make [the women] a power [or a strength] corresponding to the man” (Walter Kaiser Jr., Tough Questions About God And His Actions In the Old Testament, p. 140). Genesis 3:16 describes what happens when sins enters relationship. Men will rule over women. God got that one right! God is describing problems not prescribing roles. If the context is suggesting God’s will, then farmers sin by trying to combat weeds (3:17-18).

• The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament is accused of being a woman hater or seriously misinformed of God’s view of women especially in his first letter to the Corinthians. Is Paul really duplicating synagogue ways and telling women in church to just shut up and sit there and be thankful you are even allowed to come to church? (14:34) Paul’s response suggests otherwise: “Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached” (14:36). Besides, Paul wouldn’t waste his time controlling a practice in the previous verses of how men and women should speak in an orderly fashion if it was forbidden to begin with (14:26-33)

Paul’s goal was to restrict unauthorized women who were deceived but not authorized to teach such as Priscilla (2 Tim 4:19). This surely is Paul’s meaning as the rest of his letter speaks of the equality of the sexes: husbands and wives share equal authority over their body (7:4); women are not condemned for prophesying which clearly involved speaking (11:5); again, women and men possess the same authority and in fact are interdependent (11:10-11). Yea, Adam was created first but then no more men were created without women. The bottom line is all human beings are better off being dependent on God using whatever spiritual gifts they may have. If Paul supposedly told women to hush, why didn’t he explain which spiritual gifts are gender specific (12:1-31)? It is way too risky to not give Paul the benefit of the doubt and not empower half the church in their giftedness.

• Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is often used to suggest wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives (5:22). The truth is that mutual submission is a way of life for all followers to imitate Jesus: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph. 5:21). In verse 22 in the original manuscripts, Paul literally says: “wives to your husbands as to the Lord.” The verb missing is supplied from verse 21 so the TNIV translates verse 22 “wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” If we defend wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands, then we must also say church members are in subordination or under the leadership of one another (v. 21).

Mutual submission in marriage is critical. Many men assume an impasse in a marriage cannot be solved through normal conflict resolutions means, especially when they think they are to provide leadership through decision-making just because they are male. One may argue that relationships must have a final decision maker. A President of a country has to govern through laws and make decisions such as whether to go to war against other countries.  There are more checks and balances when under authority of one’s government or church leadership. There are many creative alternatives in marriage such as the partner who has the most expertise with the matter at hand making the final decision. Personally, in thirty-three years of marriage all decisions have been solvable without insisting one be the final decision-maker. Women do not need male leadership in marriage; women need unselfish men who have the heart of a servant (5:28-29).

• Many women are denied the privilege to exercise their spiritual gifts in the church because of one main biblical passage (I Tim. 2:11-15), which is highly debated among scholars. Those who suggest this passage teaches women can’t teach men allow women to teach women and children as if they are less important than men! Women were never referred to as pastors in the Bible but then neither were men. There were plenty of men and women ministers/co-workers. 

A primary problem in Ephesus was false teaching in which untaught women may have been the target (I Tim. 1:3-20; 4:1-7; 6: 6-10, 20-21; 2 Tim 2:16-26; 3:5-13; 4:3-4). Philip Payne argues that “to teach or have authority” in verse 12 likely conveys a single idea such as “assuming authority to teach” and not two different actions (Man and Woman, One in Christ, p. 443). Paul had already prohibited men from teaching false doctrine (1:13, 20). Then, Paul teaches that a woman must not teach or have authentein over a man but Paul had in mind what the first woman did to the first man - prevailed upon Adam to go along with the false view of God’s word that she heard from the serpent. It is the repetition of the error of Eve that Paul disallowed, not a woman’s faithful exercise of her teaching and leadership gifts in the church body. While we are reminded that Eve was deceived, it was Mary that heard and brought the Christ into the world (2:15).

The gods of the nations in biblical times were described as either male or female. By contrast, the Jews did not speculate about the “masculinity” of God. There are language limitations when referring to God by gender. It can be difficult to refer to God without using either he or she, but God is never referred to as a “male” or “female” in the Bible. Personally, I prefer to think of my God as either my Creator or my loving, perfect, Heavenly Parent. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal, but God does not simply annihilate people because His desires are not followed. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that. We must not become corrupt and have physical or mental images of God “…whether formed like a man or a woman (Deut. 4:15-16). We cannot be sure what form God will be until we see Him in Heaven. I simply know that God, my Creator, they love me in unimaginable ways no one else can.

Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?

I am not suggesting Christians who preach “believe or go to hell” are the same as religious extremists who behead infidels. I do wish to defend comparisons between Islamic or other religious extremists and certain biblical interpretations that have been suggested. I am not defending Christianity so much, as Jesus never referred to His followers as such. I do wish to defend the Creator written about in the Bible who came in the flesh through Jesus.

The Creator of the universe is referred to as Allah or God. But, Mohammad in the Koran did not claim to be divine but the last of the prophets; Jesus in the Bible claimed to be God. The Bible seems more credible than fabricated, as the empty tomb can stand scrutiny as a historical fact beyond reasonable doubt. Besides, who writes that their leader resurrected when living eyewitnesses could argue to the contrary. Other faiths often rely on a future promise; Christianity relies on a promise that happened in the past. The God of the Bible, who claimed Jesus was His/Her Son, turns out to not have anything in common with religious extremists concerning freedom of beliefs, women’s rights, the killing of women and children, and human sacrifice.

Freedom Of Beliefs

Is God a sadistic torturer if you don’t eventually believe in Him/Her? HELL NO! Hell must be dispelled as a myth for the sake of those who seek to know the Creator. Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. The Greek word Gehenna in the New Testament wrongly translated as Hell was a proper noun and the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago. The Bible does not compare to the Koran: “Strike off the heads of the disbelievers"; and after making a "wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives" (Koran 47:4).

God was a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the very beginning. Otherwise, why would a God who is powerful enough to create not annihilate immediately those who choose evil and oppose God? We can believe the God of the Bible upon death will respect one’s choice to spend eternity with their Creator. God’s justice concerning our regrets here on earth may have an educative component and cleansing effect. I cannot imagine anyone would turn down God’s invitation but there are some very evil people who just may choose a second death than spending time in a paradise whether there is equality than dictatorship. Paradise certainly is not a lustful adventure for men only at the expense of women according to the Bible.

Jesus, when asked how to have eternal life, simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). God is not self-centered but a loving God empowering us to love others. Jesus was suggesting that the hope of life forever begins in the present when one looks toward God, whatever knowledge they may have, and strives toward unselfishness. Jesus wasn’t suggesting perfection as the Apostle Paul, once a murderer, was promised citizenship in Heaven upon death on earth (Philip. 3:20). Jesus’ only agenda was to convince people to listen to their heart.

Women’s Rights

Women are not to be under the authority of men in the God of the Bible eyes, which only encourages dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. The Apostle Paul advised husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that. One wrote: “What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?” God from the very beginning created women and men in His/Her image to be fruitful and rule together the earth that God had created (Gen. 1:28).

The Killing of Women And Children

The God of the Bible certainly never approved the rape and slavery of women and children. God preferred the Israelites live in peace with other nations. War was only a necessity in the eyes of God when evil prevailed. God sometimes advised the Israelites in wartimes to destroy the enemies’ land and those who inhabited it, including women and children. God never approved war simply because a nation believed in other gods as opposed to their Creator. But, in OT times men and women would appease the appetites of their supposed gods by sacrificing their children to their gods. Barbaric dictators and cultures exist and innocent lives are lost if the free do nothing. If a child next door is being sexual abused would you do nothing to stop this evil?

The Bible records that evil had become so rampant that God practically destroyed the entire human race, including innocent women and children, during Noah’s time. Evil may have progressed to the level of sacrificing children to supposed gods. God would not have rejected anybody from entering the Ark if they wanted anything to do with Noah’s God. But, who doesn’t understand why family members may not condemn the barbaric behaviors of their husbands and fathers. Corruption though can infiltrate a society so much that a fresh start may be the most merciful thing to do. There may be a better place after death more merciful than abandonment, starvation, or disease when the adult evildoers are expunged. The Flood was not doing evil that good may come; it is ridding of the cancer that can eventually destroy any good for future generations.

Human Sacrifice

The gods of the Old Testament would sometimes demand the sacrifice of children to be appeased. Jesus did not die to appease God’s anger and honor so He/She could love us. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to gain credibility and influence. God is not an animal-hating, blood-thirsty Creator. God went with the cultures of the times. God much preferred a “broken and contrite heart” (Ps. 51: 16-17) as opposed to human or animal sacrifice which cannot bring things back such as one’s childhood innocence robbed by an adult abuser. God went to great means to convince us of His/Her unimaginable love and that His/Her ways were truly in our best interests if we only listened to our hearts.

The Creator of the Bible respects forever one’s freedom to believe as they so choose. God is not bias toward men when it came to leadership or decision-making. All are created equally in His/Her image and encouraged to use the gifts they possess. God detests the evil actions of individuals imposed upon others and has approved of wars when necessary for the good of current and future generations. God has always loved us unconditionally and sought to prove that through the life of Jesus. Suffering is inevitable in a world where freedom is part of the creation, but God did not even spare His/Her Son. The God of the Bible and Parent of Jesus is radically different from any God or gods who have existed. God only seeks to inspire us to love one another as we wish to be loved. Is there a better world than that!

Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?

In the midst of suffering it may best to get through it than try to understand it. It may be helpful though to thing ahead how we envision coping with suffering. Many seek to reconcile a belief in God with the harsh realities of sufferings in life. Lack of answer can make tragic times worse. We may ask sometimes where is God or what is God doing. “Why is this happening to me or my loved one” can sometimes turn into “why God do you not love me.” How we define God’s role in suffering can determine how we handle suffering.

Why doesn’t God, if good and all powerful, eliminate evil? Richard Rice’s book Suffering and the Search for Meaning is a great read in ways we may try to make sense how the goodness of God and evil can co-exist. (I tend to use evil and suffering interchangeably as suffering is evil and evil is suffering.) The author wisely suggests that our view of suffering may not help someone else. Some answers may be better than others, but we should not attempt to convince one of our views at their expense. All need a personal theory that is comforting during suffering.

Richard Rice addresses the many different views of suffering. Some would say there isn’t a God so there is no need to reconcile God and suffering. Other views seem to be attempts to get God off the hook. Some suggests Satan is behind the suffering in the world but one may question why God gives Satan this much control. Some defend that God determined suffering was necessary for moral growth. Others would suggest God can do a lot but God cannot do all He wants by controlling the amount of the suffering in the world.

One main traditional view to protect a certain view of God’s power argues that nothing happens outside of God’s will. Some prefer to protect a view of God and His power by suggesting everything happens for a reason as designed by God. This implies God controls the amount of suffering in our life and has a predetermined plan for our suffering. This view though is too much for many to bear. Is God really responsible for the timing when a drunk driver kills another driver? Why doesn’t God at least control extreme evils where millions die to bring about a supposed good plan?

There is another view that has helped me and I anticipate helping me cope with possible extreme suffering in the future. If you have struggled with any of the above views, you may consider the below. It is what is commonly referred to as the freedom model, and I will suggest an open view of the future as it makes more sense to me when it comes to God’s creating freedom.

• Evil was not created by God but originates from the hearts of human beings. God had wished for us to freely choose to live with one another in harmony. God longs for what human parents desire – children who freely relate in love than out of fear. No amount of good resulting from suffering justifies the evil actions of others, but freedom was necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships. Not even God can force true love. Without freedom God could be accuse of not creating the “best” world. The only way for earthly or heavenly parents to ensure there is never any suffering is to not risk creating.

• God knows of all possibilities and is never caught off guard, but God did not know if we would choose evil. The future must be open if there is to be genuine freedom. This view of the future preserves the integrity of freedom. This gives more integrity to passages that advise God grieves with us. Some prefer to believe God doesn’t know an unknowable future because it empowers them to relate to such a God. It is easier for many to worship a God who doesn’t control everything as opposed to a God who accepts no resistance.

• God obviously allows suffering because a God powerful enough to create can destroy. God values freedom. God apparently also values forgiveness and the possibility of change rather than instant justice. Human parents nor God are sadistic because they don’t squash freedom to avoid suffering. We give our wayward children opportunities to change despite the harm caused to themselves or others. Also, suffering which is a possibility in a free world can change the hearts of others. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many who tolerated bigotry.

• God ultimate response to evil and suffering is the slow, necessary way of the incarnation. The Cross was not to satisfy some need in God at the expense of His Son but to satisfy a need in us at His expense. God sought to change our attitude about God, not God’s attitude toward us. God choose to experience undeserved suffering in hopes to persuade us to walk hand in hand with our Creator through any tragedy to bring good from what was intended for evil. God is not the cause but God can be the rescuer.

It is easier to explain moral evil than natural evil with this freedom model. We understand deserved suffering (i.e. consequences of bad actions), but we can ask why God doesn’t at least limit the scope of some undeserved sufferings. It is complicated. God would still be questioned unless God stopped all abuse not some abuse, all natural disasters not some natural disasters. We demand God take control but we seldom give God total control of our lives. We may not be able to explain why God chooses to intervene miraculously sometimes. I do know to intervene all the time is to make a mockery of freedom. God answering all my prayers is not in my best interests in the long-run.

We may wonder why God didn’t go ahead and create heaven on earth if one day there is no sin, but moral growth may be a necessary journey to eventually not choosing sin. Perhaps the only way to defeat evil in us, other than destruction, is for us to persevere and overcome evil. We cannot prove there are no good moral reasons for allowing freedom resulting in so much evil. Argue with God. Question God. Seek to understand God. I am convinced God will never abandon us as we seek to understand and depend on God. God works to somehow bring some good from suffering and provide hope that one day there will not be suffering.

Is The Bible A Blessing Or Curse?

Many may turn away from God because of what they understand or have heard the Bible teaches about their Creator. One has to wonder if we might be better off without the Bible after seeing all the troubles the Book has caused. I have studied the Bible for years so obviously I am going to defend we are better off with than without the Bible. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t think there are many rational arguments to suggest that we may be better off without this Book.

Some argue that having a Bible informs what God is truly like, thus inspiring higher moral standards. Many people have lived and died without knowing the Bible existed. They are not necessarily less moral than those who have a Bible and look to it for guidance. Many people who have no interest or relationship with God put to shame morally those claiming to be godly. Interpretations of the Bible are fallible. We are not totally clueless of what God is really like if we are made in God’s image. Most can agree on good from evil. We can have a relationship with our Creator and avoid problems of misrepresentations of God if we did not have the Bible.

It seems the Bible has led to more divisiveness than unity. We tend to worship a Book than who the Book is about. How else do you explain the thousands of denominations and the differences among those who claim to worship the same God? They establish their own Creeds to follow which just leads to divisiveness. The Apostle Paul warned against such divisions among followers: “I follow Paul; another, I follow Apollos; another, I follow Cephas; still another I follow Christ” (I Cor. 1:12). God folks refer to themselves as Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, etc. Their differences often center on understandings of the Bible for guidance. If we got rid of the Bible people might seek more Who we follow that what we believe.

A Book to focus on has led to more personal conflict than harmony. The Bible is often not discussed so we can consider one another’s opinion gracefully to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. We behave as if God is not capable of leading individuals. Interpretations are fallible but we claim our opinions are the truth. It is convicting to learn that theologians such as St. Augustine and Calvin didn’t oppose the execution of those who did not agree with their theology. The truth is in any discussion you could be right, I may be right, or we may both be wrong. Once a discussion turns into a debate or argument we have both lost. Knowing human nature we may be better off without a Book.

We all know what a loving God should be like. When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, shouldn’t we err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind? Because of a Book we end up with some interpretations that do more harm than good it seems. No one in their right might would think a loving God would condone sadistic torturing. Yet, it is suggested the Bible teaches when people die they either go to Heaven or a place where God purposely keeps people alive to continue to torture them for their rebellion. Most humans wouldn’t even do that with their worst enemies. One wonders if we are better off without the Bible to avoid interpretations that surely don’t reveal God’s true character.

I have discussed reasons having the Bible may be a curse, but I cannot imagine my life without a Bible to read and attempt to understand. I have suggested we know intuitively what a loving Creator would be like, but the Bible advises much that is not necessarily common sense. The Bible says we are made in the image of our Creator. I am not sure I would naturally think that, but such an understanding reveals how I think I should treat my child is how God thinks toward me. The Bible suggests it is better to forgive than always pursue exact justice. That is not something I would always think of naturally, even on a good day. The Bible reports Jesus was an actual historical person. We don’t question the reliability of Julius Caesar’s exploits in the Gallic Wars though the manuscript evidence and reliability is far less than the New Testament. Proof for OT literature is no less impressive.

Some explain many biblical passages, particularly in the Old Testament, are the writers recording their perceptions of God than revealing what God is really like. Some believe this makes for less angst as we don’t have to spend all our time trying to defend God and difficult passages that seemingly claim God to be less moral than humans. I suggest it makes the Bible harder to read. The phrase “Thus says the Lord” was used thousands of time by the prophets in the OT. How do we discern when God did and didn’t speak to a prophet? We must move past reading everything in the Bible literally as sometimes a writer is speaking metaphorically, but I am more inclined to think the Bible is innocent until no longer debated and proven guilty.

Most religions have a central Book to guide them. Having such Books allows us to compare different worldviews and discuss truths which lead to a life with less regrets. The Bible doesn’t guarantee kindness but it can inspire continual efforts toward perfection. I don’t know how to explain it but you can read the Bible over and over and come away with fresh insights. Reading the Bible allows conversations with God as you work through understandings. It can be very comforting to have a Friend by our side in good and tough times. I just wish though we all could be more gracious in our use of the Bible to lead to positive changes in our life.

Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends?

Spiritual folks often do more harm than good when telling others about God. Randal Rauser points out in his blog that according to one study, when people were the object of Christian witnessing 59% developed a more negative perception of Jesus and/or Christianity while only 19% developed a more positive perception. In other words witnessing is three times as likely to produce negative results (, Nov 2, 2015). Years ago I was the best at making friendships awkward. Unfortunately, I was misinformed.

Misinformation about Hell in the Bible is one of the main reasons for unnatural relationships or interactions. Some may mess up a friendship because they feel pressure to talk to people about God or they are going straight to Hell. Others may not talk to friends about God even if it comes up naturally because Hell as a place of eternal, sadistic torture is something not even a human would think up much less a loving God. It is said after death God tortures people forever for sins committed in a few short years here on earth. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Most Christians don’t really believe in Hell or shame on them for not offending everyone possible because they could die in a blink of an eye and burn to a crisp.

The traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, which you will burn in Hell after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Sheol, wrongly translated as Hell in the OT, was a place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Even Job, a righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape tremendous suffering. Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell in the NT, was a real valley in Jerusalem. Jesus used Gehenna to symbolize the horrors of adversaries of God who disposed of their enemies into the burning, worm-infested valley. Simply avoid a valley near Jerusalem close to death if concerned about going to Hell. The God I know though will invite all after death to join Him. I doubt any reading this or their loved ones will reject such an invitation.

Believe it or not Jesus whole reason for coming was to simply encourage and inspire all to treat others like you want to be treated. Jesus came to let us know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down. Jesus said this was the most important commandment or the main thing (Mt. 24:37-38). When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. Jesus did not focus on Heaven, perfection, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus taught life forever can begin here on earth. Jesus came to earth to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good.

Who doesn’t know the story of how Jesus responded to the religious elite who had caught a woman in adultery (Jn. 7:53-8:11). When Jesus rightly shamed the crowd by getting them to look in the mirror, they dropped their stones and left Jesus and the woman alone. Jesus didn’t lecture, pray with the woman, or tell her to go to church. Jesus simply said “Go now and leave your life of sin.” C’mon! Didn’t Jesus have a better evangelical spiel? It didn’t matter that Jesus may never see this woman again. Jesus had said all He needed to – God loves you and encourages you to do what you know is right in your heart for your own good and others. It is a slap in God’s “unconditional love” face to suggest Jesus’ agenda with people was anything other than loving people as they deep down desire to be loved. Jesus didn’t use Hell to threaten others into heaven because no such place existed. The thief on the cross just asked to be remembered. Jesus said “you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23).

What is our purpose in our relationships with others? It may be obvious for those not weighed down by misbeliefs about God. Who thinks when getting with friends they that should have hidden motives? Spiritual readers can relax because no one has to say the sinner’s prayer to get a free pass out of Hell. Love doesn’t have a hidden agenda. We get together with friends to enjoy one another’s company and love them how we wished to be loved. I love talking to others about my relationship with God as must as I do a good book, but only if natural and mutually desired. Jesus wanted all to know how much they are loved by their Creator. Mother Teresa said that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others.

Jesus did not come as a theologian but lover. If our beliefs are truly life changing than people will simply know by the way we love others. But, since I suck at loving others I often find it easier to write about beliefs that may hinder ones relationship with their Creator. God was always willing to live in peace, despite one’s beliefs, as long as they didn’t engage in such evils as child sacrificing, raping, killing, etc. Jesus did not attack people’s sexual preferences. Jesus attacked the real hypocrites – the religious. If you claim to be spiritual ask a friend where they see hypocrisy in your life. Years ago no one was asking me to pray in non-religious group settings. Now, people look to me as if I am expected to pray. Maybe they sense God and I hang together. Maybe they know I went to seminary a year and mistakenly think that qualifies me. But, my prayers are fun and open because God in my life is fun and open. I love having my conversations with God out loud. It is like asking me to play tennis. Anytime, anywhere! Knowing God can be life transforming and help to face challenges in a not so friendly world.

Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?

Declaring God a mystery can create relational distance between us and our Creator. God desires a close, understanding, friendship with each of us. When a friend declares “don’t even try to understand me” this creates instant barriers and implies you are stupid. To claim God is a mystery does not invite investigation by those who may be seeking God for the first time. We aren’t really doing God a favor by declaring God a mystery because we can’t explain our theology.

Our characterizations of God must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. God can’t be love yet torture forever those who don’t trust Him. Even humans may not torture their enemies to that extent. As it turns out Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell was an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. The Greek word Gehenna, translated as Hell, was a proper noun and the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

Why did God even bother to communicate to us through the Bible if we can’t possibly understand Him? The Bible doesn’t claim that God’s character or ways are a mystery and incomprehensible to the human mind. The Old Testament only declares our ways aren’t always as moral as God’s ways: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord…. so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Jesus didn’t speak in parables because God’s ways were mysterious. God’s direct message is only perplexing sometimes to one’s heart but not the mind.  Sometimes, parents can speak the truth to their children until blue in the face and be looked upon as creatures from outer space. There may be a better way to speak the truth than in a straightforward manner.

Some assume God’s will for our life is hidden since believing God is mysterious. God doesn’t predetermine our future actions. A loving parent doesn’t only approve of their child if they purse a certain type of career. God only directs us morally because God’s ways are always in our best interest. Otherwise, we are free to dream and pursue the desires of our heart. We can choose the wisest path at the time based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations. God’s will is accomplished by doing all the good we can, in all the places we can, to all the people we can, as long as we can. When we stumble morally, God lifts us up.

The ultimate mystery for many is how evil or suffering and God’s goodness can co-exist. The biblical writers’ silence on this matter may suggest such coexistence was self-explanatory.  Much of suffering - wars, crimes, and injustices – results from evil choices. Suffering is actualized when we abuse freedom to the detriment of ourselves and others. Authenticity, the highest good in relationships, is impossible without freedom. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. God interference may prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. God apparently values forgiveness over instant justice, hoping many will change of their own free will.


God surely came in the flesh so that we might better understand Him. Questions dismissed as unanswerable may be answerable. Some may argue it is defiant to think we have a right to question the Creator of the Universe, and we must simply trust God. I suspect God does not mind being questioned. It is reasonable to expect God’s ways to feel rational to the human emotions and make logical sense to the human mind, since we are made in His image. God’s ways surely are more comprehensible than incomprehensible. This viewpoint enables us to relate to our Creator more personally and to explain our God to others.

Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?

No single biblical passage indicates that we must interpret the Cross in legalistic terms as if God needed to be appeased or satisfied before He could fully love us. Does God really care more about His ego than desire to encourage us? Jesus exhorts us to take up the Cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). The Cross was an act of continual love rather than a one-time event.

I Timothy 2:6 says: “Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all people.” The ransom wasn’t to appease God. Some Christians hold to a legalistic view because they revere God so much, but we must not undetermined God’s unconditional love – this is the Good News! We must not make God less relational and understandable to those who don’t know God. God is more concerned with the one that don’t believe than those that already believe. God surely wanted us to know how much he loved us, not how mad He was at us. A legalistic view of the Cross suggests God was more concerned with our guilt and restoring His honor than desiring a personal relationship.

How can we truly appreciate God if we think of the Cross in terms of what Jesus did for God as opposed to what Jesus did for us? Jesus’ death being for God undermines Jesus’ pain and struggle for us. God is different than other gods. God didn’t require a sacrifice before He could love us. It is us who has to be convinced. Jesus’ death was a visible demonstration of love to convey how far God would go to have a relationship with us, not how far God would go to get sins paid for. We can be free despite our guilty feelings. We don’t have to run and hide like Adam and Eve.

Jesus desperately wanted to do whatever He could to identify with us. Jesus wanted us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. Jesus wanted to walk in our shoes to better understand how difficult it is to live selflessly in a world where one is free to love or hate others for their own gains. Jesus was willing to face undeserved suffering as we often do. Jesus wanted to identify with how hard it is to not fall into temptations present in a free world. Some may die for a good person. Jesus died for all regardless if they were evil or good. Jesus took no shortcuts to convince us of His unconditional love. That is crazy love!

Followers may object though that sacrifice is necessary so God can forgive us. God is not an animal-hating, blood-thirsty God. Some may object to innocent animal lives being sacrificed but then we must object to Jesus’ death as well. In Old Testament cultures animal sacrifices were used to convey there is a cost to selfishness, so God went with it. Sacrifice doesn’t bring back childhood innocence robbed by an adult abuser. Human or animal sacrifice was never necessary to ultimately please God. God much preferred a “broken and contrite heart” (Ps. 51: 16-17, i.e. Heb. 10:6). God didn’t have to protect His character for egotistical reasons.

God wasn’t so mad at sinners that God had to kill someone. God already knew sin had its own cost. God didn’t have to be appeased and His honor restored before God could love us. Jesus died to change our attitude toward God, not God’s attitude toward us. God was more concerned with the restoration of the relationship than the guilt of our sins. God wanted us to know He is always forgiving. God sought to prove to us His unimaginable love. God went to great means to gain moral authority and credibility to convince us His ways were truly in our best interests.

Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Influence?

Christianity may be its own worst enemy in having more of an impact in society. It certainly cannot be the fault of the messenger or the message. Jesus is the only religious leader who proclaimed He would rise from the grave. Historical evidence for an empty tomb and Jesus being seen are far more credible than conspiracy theories such as the body was stolen. Jesus main message was simply to love others as you wished to be loved. God the Creator, unlike other gods, did not demand power for the mere sake of being in power. God believed in choice and even identified with our suffering as a result of freedom by allowing His Son to suffer a horrible crucifixion.

Christianity’s lack of influence is partly because of a spiritually apathetic society. People are less receptive when you initiate spiritual discussions than when asking about other aspects of their life. Christians still though could have more of a positive influence if we loved others as radically as Jesus advised and lived out. Jesus encouraged all to simply love God and love others as we wished to be loved. God was not an egomaniac. Parents advise their children to honor them because they have their best interest in mind. By loving God I am certain I treat others better than I would without God’s help. But, I fail to show consistent love almost on a daily basis. I love my wife dearly, but my love toward her is hardly radical more often than I care to admit. We mustn’t give up because we fail but our influence is only as great as our love is toward others.

A second main reason Christians might have less influence is because of certain misbeliefs. Alan Wolfe in his book The Transformation of American Religion suggests that Christians have impacted their culture so little by not sharing their faith for fear of being unfriendly or not liked. Christians though may not share their faith because they struggle to explain certain irrational beliefs about God. One may share their faith more if they felt free to not sell fire insurance. What if followers discovered that Hell is a human invention and God is not a sadistic torturer, trying to scare people into submission and obedience? Our beliefs sometimes suggest God is a sadistic torturer, gender biased, and more of an angry, egomaniac than unconditional Lover. Biblical interpretations must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. We know intuitively how God loves others because we are made in His image. God doesn’t ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against His nature.

A third reason, besides of lack of radical love and misbeliefs, that followers of Jesus may have less of an influence is because of the presence of Denominations. The creation of Denominations may be one of the greatest enemies of Christian influence. Denominations did not exist in Jesus’ time. The New Testament speaks often of the harm of divisions. If two pastors in the same church contradicted one another, we would run. Well, outsiders see Christians all as one group, whether Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics, etc., etc., etc. Outsiders see the tremendous strife and disagreement and turn away. They have enough conflict in their own relationships.

We would be better off saying “we believe what the Bible teaches” than referring to some Denomination Creed, while recognizing our interpretations are fallible. The Bible is not a single text with a single author. The Bible was written in foreign languages thousands of years ago. Since Denominations are probably not going anywhere, those who call themselves Christians must learn to share and consider one another’s opinion gracefully. We must encourage others to work out their own convictions with as much consistency as possible, unless you don’t believe God can guide people. Imagine if our discussions about God were civil and lead to agreeing to disagree. Maybe then Christianity would have more of an impact in our culture.

Fourthly, Christians may be impacting their culture less because we have developed our own brand of telling others about God. We are reluctant to share because certain misbeliefs may cause hesitancy in sharing, and words out of the mouths of Christians often offend rather than attract others. Jesus’ approach to others was less religious and more practical. Jesus harshest warning was for the religious, such as the Pharisees, who distorted His message. They should have known better. The OT has it greatest warnings for those that were just plain evil such as sacrificing children to gods.

But, there are a lot of people in between the evildoers and the religious distorters. Jesus came alongside and simply loved and served. Followers may hesitate to share with others when they don’t feel they can do so naturally. Jesus did not demand praying some Christian prayer as if that determined one’s final destination after death. Jesus didn’t condemn the woman involved in adultery but encouraged change for her own good (John 8). Jesus simply encouraged others to follow Him. Jesus loved people unconditionally in hopes to attract them to His ways which brings true joy in the long run.

How can Christians have more of an influence? Most importantly, we can seek to love others as radically as Jesus did. Then, we can begin slaying the greatest enemies of true religion which is religion itself. Followers must let go of certain beliefs about God that aren’t plausible based on what a loving God should be like. Denominations are not going away unfortunately. At least let’s stop declaring our interpretations are infallible by the way we handle discussions. Finally, we need to get rid of evangelistic ways where the focus is on praying a prayer to avoid Hell. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor conquered your battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in your life? Simply love and serve others as Jesus did and when receptive invite others to understand how much God loves them. God simply desires a friendship for such intimacy leads to life transformations.

Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?

It is important to read our Bibles if we are fortunate to have a copy. The Apostle Paul says that Scriptures are the inspired words of God (2 Tim 3:16-17). Some of Scriptures are God’s actual words (i.e. Ten Commandments). The challenge though is that interpretations are fallible. The Bible is not a single text with a single author. The Bible was written in foreign languages thousands of years ago. We must listen to our hearts as well to understand God, as we are made in God’s image. Even human parents understand they cannot ask children in their image to believe in anything that violates their own sense of justice

Human reasoning is critical in understanding God. The first chapter of Romans says we all sense that a Being greater than ourselves exist, and we have an internal moral compass that allows most to agree on right from wrong. We must consider if a biblical teaching seems plausible based on what a loving God would be like. For example we must reject traditional explanations of Hell if there is a defensible exegetical alternative. Such sadistic punishment serves no purpose and humans don’t even keep their enemies alive so we can keep torturing them. We must listen to our hearts!

God cannot ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against His nature. God and human morality are one in the same. Humans have a concept of perfect love because we are made in our Creator’s image. God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God’s desire for us and what we desire deep down for ourselves are inseparable. We can already know the truth about the Heart of God before reading Scriptures. God surely is not a reflection of our parents but the perfection of parents we always desired or wanted to be.

Selective Election where God elected certain individuals for eternal life, thus foreordaining millions of humans to eternal damnation without any choice, can’t be biblical. God’s love cannot be contrary to human understandings of rational love. Earthly parents would be accused of immorality if they showed similar favoritism toward their children. There is not a quota on God’s grace. Selective election by God is indefensible exegetically and according to human reasoning. God cannot ask His children to be impartial (James 2:1) and yet God show favoritism.

Human reasoning is not the enemy! God created such reasoning. Questions about God are solved on biblical and rational grounds as interpretations are imperfect. When our interpretations give reasons for pause, we must reconsider. Bad theology has consequences. St. Augustine and Calvin with their beliefs about Election implied God’s grace has a quota and His love is conditional. Our theology must not make it difficult for people to turn to God by misrepresenting God’s character. Let each person come to their understanding of God if they are seeking. What good is Christian love if we can’t consider one another’s opinion gracefully, so to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. Imagine if our discussions about God were civil and lead to agreeing to disagree. Trust God to work in the heart of His individual children.

What Really Matters

What Is The Most Important Thing?

Does It Matter Christians Are Hypocrites?

How Does God Seek To Change The World?

Why Do Our Beliefs About God Matter?

How Can One Live More Purposefully?

Isn’t Our Worldview Important As To How We Live?

Don’t We All Believe In Some Absolutes?

What Is The Most Important Thing?

Most will care about the types of relationships than jobs we had at the end of our lives here on earth. Jesus’ basic message was to love God and love others as we wish to be loved (Luke 10:27). This does not make God an egomaniac. Loving parents seek the admiration and respect of their children so they might consider their guidance. God could have overpowered others to change the world; instead, God loved others culminating at the Cross. We will have the greatest impact and fewest regrets in life when we love others as radically as Jesus lived out.

Beliefs matters. I began studying the Bible and writing what I thought God was really like many years ago, as I had problems with the God I was taught about growing up. I want other to reconsider their views, if preventing them from representing and knowing God as I know God. But, Jesus did not come as a theologian. Jesus came to love others so they might consider His ways for their best interest.

I consider God to be the ideal Lover. God does not control but attempts to persuade. Forced love is neither authentic nor desirable. Understanding God’s unconditional love for us inspires acts of selfless love toward others. God seeks to influence us through a relationship for our own good, as any loving parent does with their own children. The fear of punishment can deter but doesn’t lead to life transformations. Gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor does not conquer battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in our lives. Intimacy with God inspires one to follow in the path of wisdom for one’s one good.

I am certain I treat others better than I would without God’s help. But, I fail to show consistent love almost on a daily basis. I love my wife dearly, but my love toward her is hardly as radical as I care to admit. We mustn’t give up but our influence is only as great as our love is toward others. Efforts vary but God’s unconditional love doesn’t. We can start off each day feeling accepted rather than rejected. Jesus encouraged others to just follow Him. Jesus knew their thirst would be satisfied if they did so.

We must not get discouraged because we fail to live up to our or God’s standards always but keep striving to make this world a better place. Some have opportunities to influence hundreds of people if they are the pastor or CEO of a large church or company. We simply need to use the gifts we have with the current opportunities available to make a difference. God changes the world one follower, one heart, and one action at a time. Live in the moment relationally expecting interruptions to help others:

• Encourage others as often as you can

• Support civility and defend the defenseless

• Donate to charities that make a difference

• Backup up your car from the crosswalk to allow walkers to cross

• Help an elderly person with their groceries

• Let the person behind you go first in a long line

• Hold the door always for others

• Let cars in front of you to curb road rage

• Write a letter to a veteran or someone that you are grateful to for their service

• Tip well if you can afford it or speak to one’s manager to tell them how great the service was

• Pick up trash wherever you are

• Give your parking space to someone else

• Check “yes” to become an organ donor

• Change the subject gently when gossiping begins

• Read to kids at school that need help with reading

Does It Matter Christians Are Hypocrites?

I am not fond of the label “Christians.” I am talking about us people who claim a relationship with our Creator is worth considering. We are of course hypocrites. What human being lives up to the standards they know in their heart are honorable? Paul Copan is right: “The truth of a position isn’t undermined just because a person acts hypocritically…if we reject a philosophy of life based on hypocritical adherents, we believe nothing” (When God Goes To Starbucks, 201). But, the truth is many folks who are interested in spiritual matters are often hindered by the actions of those who claim a relationship with God is beneficial.

Beliefs about God matter as they can either alienate us or draw us closer. “Why, me!” can sometimes turn into "why God do you not love me.” This is the reason that I mostly write about what I think God is really like. It is claimed Hell is a reality. Who cares to respect a sadistic God? Characterizations of God must make rational and moral sense. We are not totally clueless of what God is really like since made in God’s likeness. But, it is convenient for me to forget that my actions are far more important than what words I may write in defending God to others.

One of the main problems is not when spiritual folks sin. The problem is we don’t confess our wrongdoings, seek forgiveness, and make necessary amends. We judge others about their sexual preferences rather than spend time living up to our own standards. We may fight for the unborn because we feel the child feels pain, but we fail to act respectfully toward others who disagree. We are not a Christian nation. Jesus didn’t try to turn the Roman Empire into a Christian nation. Jesus came to show among other things that serving was more important than gaining power.

Jesus was successful in getting others to consider His ways because Jesus walked the talk. If our beliefs are truly life changing than people will simply know by the way we love others. But, sense I suck at loving others I often find it easier to write about beliefs that may hinder ones relationship with their Creator. Jesus did not come as a theologian but lover. How can we love people better so if interested, they can know how much their Creator loves them?

Love doesn’t have a hidden agenda. Some spiritual folks think their mission in relationships is to get one to say the sinner’s prayer to obtain a free pass out of hell. The sinner’s prayer or hell isn’t in the Bible. Jesus said the main thing was to treat others like you want to be treated. Personally, I think the best way to accomplish that mission is to get to know who God really is. Mother Teresa said that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others.

Besides focusing on the main thing, we might learn from how Jesus interacted with others. People who are not interested in God aren’t evil. Some non-spiritual minded folks put me to shame in how I treat others. God was always willing to live in peace, despite one’s beliefs, as long as they didn’t engage in such evils as child sacrificing, raping, killing, etc. Jesus did not attack people’s sexual preferences. Jesus attacked the real hypocrites – the religious. Religious folks are busy claiming they know truth and trying to impose that on others.

Jesus never shoved His ways down the throats of others. People have a way of letting you know if interested in what inspires you. Spiritual folks need to consider others’ opinions gracefully so one can work out their own convictions with as much consistency as possible. The truth is in any discussion you could be right, I may be right, or we may both be wrong. Once a discussion turns into a debate or argument we have both lost. If you claim to be spiritual ask a friend where they see hypocrisy in your life.

How Does God Seek To Change The World?

God desires to inspire one life and one heart at a time. Groups can pursue meaningful change but it takes inspired individuals to lead to change the world. God desires individuals who radically treat others as they want to be treated as Jesus lived out. In a complicated world this can be by pursing both mercy and justice in response to evil, which are different aspects of love. Loving parents seek the admiration and respect of their children so they want to follow in their footsteps to make this world a better place. Similarly, knowing and understanding God’s amazing love for us is what inspires acts of selfless love toward others.

Followers of Jesus often put the cart before the horse by insisting on obedience instead of pursuing an intimate relationship with one’s Creator. It is implied we better obey God or burn in hell forever. God has never sought to inspire out of fear but love. The Cross is not about God’s revenge and need for appeasement. Actually, the Cross is God’s attempt to convince us of His unimaginable love for us. God seeks a relationship for our own good. Jesus didn’t die to change God’s attitude toward us. God’s attitude never changes. To suggest God seeks to inspire out of fear than from love suggest humans understand love better than God.

Human parents don’t threaten their children with punishment for the purpose of gaining a friendship. We warn them of evil for their own good in hopes to steer them from destruction. Tough love is simply another side of genuine love. The fear of punishment is meant to deter but doesn’t lead to life transformations. Gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor does not conquer battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in our lives. Fear does not lead to intimacy in relationships which can inspire us to be the kind of person we truly want to be. We often are not invited to understand how much God loves us so a true friendship can develop.

God’s love, not His wrath, was center stage in Scriptures (I John 4:8). The fear of punishment doesn’t prevent one from finding ways to hide their actions. Obligatory obedience doesn’t lead to reflections how to better ourselves, only to reach certain “good” standards. Do we truly love our partner if we are successful 85% of the time? “There is no fear in love. But perfect loves drives out fear… (I John 4:18).” Does God not know what humans know that in perfect love, fear cannot exist?

We all are selfish to some degree but why doesn’t God interfere more with certain horrific evils? But, is one rape any less evil then the raping of women and children of an entire village? God would have to make a total mockery of freedom to control evil. Would you as a parent destroy your child, if they murdered, if you thought they could be redeemed? Would you destroy the murderer of your child if you knew in time they would genuinely repent of their evil and influence others for good? God always cares more about redeeming than destroying. God joined in undeserved suffering through His Son to identify with us and influence us. God surely created the very best world possible, with freedom in mind, to redeem as many of His children as possible.

Mother Teresa had an amazing capacity to love others. Mother Teresa claimed that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others. Understanding God’s radical love is the only way to change the world in the long-run one life at a time. Intimacy inspires one to follow in God’s path of wisdom which is always in our best interest. Efforts vary but God’s love doesn’t. We can start off each day feeling accepted. Jesus encouraged others to follow Him for He knew their thirst would be satisfied if they did so.

Why Do Our Beliefs About God Matter?

Most work out their faith through the lens of the opinions and viewpoints of others. This drives my passion to write about what I think God is really like. I sometimes worry that I may hide behind my desk to avoid serving others in tangible ways. But, I am convinced my conversing with God leads to being a better man, husband, and father. I truly believe our theology, which is basically our characterizations of God, can encourage or discourage others from seeking God. Our theology can make it difficult for ourselves and others we influence to turn to God.

Beliefs matter personally. Bad theology has consequences. Our beliefs about God can either alienate us or draw us closer to the great Comforter. “Why, me!” can sometimes turn into "why God do you not love me.” Our understandings of prayer impact our psyche with God. It matters if you believe prayer is more about communicating for support than manipulating for gain, thus trusting in God to run a very complicated world where freedom is allowed. What different beliefs would make a difference in your relationship with God?

Beliefs matter relationally. Our theology must not misrepresent God, thus making it difficult for people to turn to God. Seekers may not agree with many Christian beliefs for good reason. Some interpretations of God’s nature do not make rational, relational, or moral sense. I may offend many Christians by what I believe, but God surely delights more in one seeker who comes to truly know Him than the ninety-nine offended who already know Him (Luke 15:3-7). God forbid one seeker is driven to despair or unbelief because of disputable images of God. Would it matter in your conversations with others if you discovered the traditional understanding of Hell is not biblical and God is not a sadistic torturer?

We are in need of reformation of some of our beliefs about God. We must be open to the opinions of others. It matters what our motives are for believing as we do. The Pharisees seemed to believe as they did for self-serving reasons, rather than the simple desire to know their Creator better. Refusal to change your beliefs because of new knowledge cannot be a good thing. I hope any beliefs you have that are unnecessary stumbling blocks for you or others will be reconsidered. It is imperative that we understand that our interpretations are fallible. Few are able to discuss their views gracefully. Let’s trust God to work in the hearts of His individual children.

The Bible can be a doubled-edge sword. The Bible can be consulted as we seek wisdom for living. But, what good is the Bible if we can’t share and consider one another’s opinion fairly, so to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. Interpretations are imperfect. The Bible is not a single text with a single author. The Bible rarely addresses theological issues in a systematic way. It is convicting to learn that theologians such as St. Augustine and Calvin didn’t oppose the execution of those who did not agree with their theology. As it turns God’s grace does not have a quota.

When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, we must err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind. Our biblical interpretations must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. God is love. God’s wrath is simply another aspect of love for one’s good. We must “err” on the side of grace and mercy to avoid misleading anyone in what God is truly like. We must reject traditional explanations of Hell, which portray God as a sadistic torturer, if there is a defensible exegetical alternative. Such punishment serves no purpose and humans don’t even keep their enemies alive so we can keep burning them. Christians make a mess of their religion by some of their views or lack of open-mindedness.

Fear-based theology has not changed the church and perhaps has been a misguided attempt to control our behaviors in produce godliness. A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil. Those who deny their horrible evil acts should be warned. Jesus never threatened Hell to lead one to a relationship with God. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor conquered battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in your life? Fear does not lead to intimacy in relationships which can transform us more into the kind of person we truly want to be. We often are not invited to understand how much God loves us so a true friendship can develop.

Finally, I for some reason get agitated when God is said to be a mystery. How does that invite investigation by those who may be seeking God for the first time? The Bible does not declare God a total mystery. God is far more comprehensible than incomprehensible. God created us to know Him and be in a relationship with Him. Some may declare God is incomprehensible because they can’t explain how their theology could possibly be true about a loving God. Why evil exists and God does not constantly interfere may be more understandable than we think. I hope you will read further in my other writings to determine what you believe and whether it might lead to any necessary changes in your relationship with your Creator and how you discuss God with others.

How Can One Live More Purposefully?

We have goals in life we wish to accomplish, whether they are career or athletic aspirations. It would also be wise to plan for a calling we all face. Every single human being that has ever lived and will be born in the future will die. It is inevitable. Many will ask themselves some basic questions toward the end of their life, should they have the luxury of not dying suddenly without warning. What questions will you ask yourself? I reflect from time to time looking forward:

What have I done with my life?

Have I loved my family and others to the best of my ability?

Followers of Jesus often ask how they can be more like Jesus. Jesus was the Master at living purposely. Jesus knew how to be with people in the moment and make them feel special. He wasn’t always in a hurry. Jesus didn’t give people a canned evangelistic spiel even though He may never see them again. He just loved others as anyone would want to be loved. Jesus didn’t do this to manipulate or control others. It just was in his DNA to love others period.

It is true Jesus understood as an adult that He only had a few years to live and the plan God had for Him. One may think “if I knew I only had one day or one year to live, I could live in the moment too and do the things that mattered most.” I doubt though any of us would want to swap places with Jesus, knowing the gruesome death He was facing. Let’s just admit it takes a conscious effort to live with the end goal in mind.

We can strive more to “live in the moment relationally.” We can accomplish things without always looking through people. We must fight the urge to always bypass people on the way to our destination. In our technically advanced society it seems we always have meetings to attend, places we must be. We can be aware of when we don’t have a specific schedule. We can plan times where we aren’t always having to be somewhere at a certain time. Sometimes we may be better off without cars and having to walk to our destinations, passing people along the way. Unfortunately, our jobs often don’t depend on working with others in our neighborhoods and communities.

Living in the moment is easier said than done. No sooner after writing this will I walk right out the door past family member without blinking an eye. I will get in my car alone, park, and walk right pass people into my office. It takes some intentional reminding. Stop yourself looking through people to get to your destination. Remind yourself constantly to live in the moment.

We all want to make positive contributions, making the world a better place to live. We all want to influence others for good beyond our death. At the end of our lives we won’t be counting our toys. We will be wondering if we loved our family and others in ways we wanted to be loved.

Isn’t Our Worldview Important As To How We Live?

Our worldview informs decisions we make on a daily basis. It seems we must believe we either evolved out of nothing or we were created by Someone. The challenge, if you are convinced there is not an Intelligent Designer behind human existence, is no one can claim their absolutes over another person’s. It is each human to themselves when there are conflicts or disagreements between right and wrong. A consensus among many can determines the laws we should live by, but how do they know which laws to govern by. If you believe in a Creator, naturally one can look to the Creator for as to why we exist and how we should live.

The evolutionary view of man’s existence suggests we came into existence by chance for some unknown reason. Colson is surely right when he says: “Since the universe came about for unknown reasons and life evolved by chance, humanity must invent its own reasons for being and the ethics by which we will govern ourselves” (The Faith, 174). Some may argue we don’t have to live by absolutes, but no one can consistently abide by that even in their personal life. Parents constantly tell children what they must do, as do employers tell their employers which rules they must abide by. Can your neighbor beat you senseless and take your stuff? Can someone yell “fire” in a movie theatre to get a better seat? There must be absolutes we all live by or there would be chaos.

If you believe in a Creator, He has given us a Book guiding us as to what our purpose is and how we should live. Though the Bible was written over 1000 years and includes 66 different books and many different authors, it has an incredible unity as though orchestrated by a Higher Power. Scriptures state humans were created in God’s image to enjoy relationship with Him and one another. We enjoy a relationship with God by loving one another as we would want to be loved. If we do not believe in a Creator, do we want fallible humans making the rules? People tend to make rules in their best interest rather than the common good. The only One I know qualified to advise for what purpose we should live and how we ought to live is the selfless, infallible Creator of the Universe.

I suppose we could choose to live without any specific purpose in life. But don’t all of us at some time look back on our life and wonder if we have made a difference while living on this earth. Have we lived our life in vain? It matters whether you believe in life after death or not for it determines you priorities here on earth. Perhaps many do not think of this and live as they please, but I am convinced many will at some time do an internal inventory as we approach death. We will look back and perhaps have many or few regrets. If one has lived an informed life and accepted they were created by the Creator and live to the best of our ability according to His guidance, surely we will have the fewest regrets. Love God to the fullest and you will know how you should live.

Don’t We All Believe In Some Absolutes?

God sometimes gets a bad rap about rules in the Old Testament, but God's laws were purposeful and always for one's good. A child will say the same about an unselfish parent’s rules as they mature. We must be sensitive what we claim to be absolutes from God's perspective. Does the Bible really teach women cannot be pastors? Does the Bible really teach God tortures forever those who do not desire to live with Him forever after death? God forbid one seeker is driven to despair or unbelief because of disputable images of God. 

Our vocabulary suggests unbelief in absolutes is impossible. To use the word "tragedy" suggests there is some standard of good or bad. Parenting is impossible without believing some actions are right and other actions are wrong. Who wants to be around children that have no sense of morality? A family or society without shame is chaos.


It is an absolute that there is a Creator or there isn't a Creator, so Christians and Atheists stand together. Personally, I prefer whoever is making the absolutes have a complete understanding of how things are. The Judge must be PERFECT and not just stating an opinion.  

Lack of absolutes aren't much of an option logically or relationally. There is no basis for moral duty, no right for justice, my actions don't count, I don't count. Absolutes absolutely but whose?

God, Jesus, And The Cross

Did Jesus Die For His Beliefs Or Because of God’s Wrath?

Did Jesus Lay Down His Life To Appease God Or Convince Us?

Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?

Why Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?

Does A Legalistic View Of The Cross Undermine God’s Unconditional Love?

How Much Does God Really Love Us?

Is The Cross About God’s Anger Or Love?

Did Jesus Die For His Beliefs Or Because of God’s Wrath?

I have written on this subject matter ad nauseam, but Jesus’ death is one of the most talked about events in history though it happened two thousand years ago. It is so important how we talk about why Jesus chose to die on the Cross for relevancy and influential reasons. The traditional atonement theory that suggests Jesus died to appease God’s sense of justice just doesn’t make moral or relational sense for many. Legal atonement explanations cause eyes to glaze over and not allow people to make a personal connection. Suggesting Jesus died for God than for us undermines Jesus’ unimaginable love as evidenced by His tremendous sacrifice.

Theologian John Calvin articulates for many a legal interpretation of Jesus’ death: “as Scripture teaches, that he was estranged from God by sin, an heir of wrath, exposed to the curse of eternal death, excluded from all hope of salvation, a complete alien from the blessing of God… then Christ interposed, took the punishment upon himself and bore what by the just judgment of God was impending over sinners; with his own blood expiated the sins which rendered them hateful to God, by this expiation satisfied and duly propitiated God the Father, by this intercession appeased his anger, on this basis founded peace between God and men, and by this tie secured the Divine benevolence toward them (Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book II, Chapter 16, para.2). Did Jesus die mainly to serve God?

Soldiers die for one another because they believe that the fight for freedom is worth it. Jesus, the miracle worker, could have somehow avoided His crucifixion. Jesus could have simply denied being the Messiah to save His skin. God could have overrun the Roman kingdom with God’s kingdom, but God knows authentic relationships only happen if chosen freely. Jesus was willing to die for a message He felt lead to true freedom. Jesus hoped others would follow in His footsteps in relationships to avoid self-destruction and destruction of others. Parents who believe their guidance is vital “walk the talk” to best influence their children in the long-run. Jesus was willing to die for a cause to gain moral authority to influence lasting world change.

The traditional theory of Jesus’ death doesn’t make moral sense. It was the gods in past history who demanded some type of sacrifice to appease their own desires for power and control. God distanced themselves from the other gods. What does it say about God who requires the blood of the innocent! A loving God only requires confessions of wrongdoings for this is truly what leads to less destruction and healing in relationships.

The traditional theory of Jesus’ death doesn’t make legal sense. Death can never make matters totally right. Death doesn’t resurrect the murdered. Death doesn’t wipe out childhood memories caused by a parent’s abuse. My going to jail for a friend’s wrongdoing doesn’t somehow exonerate my friend. Guilt is not somehow removed by someone else’s confession of a sin they didn’t commit. Why would Jesus say: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” if God thought sacrifice than confession lead to healing? (Mt. 9:13)

The Creator referred to a relationship with those created as a parent with their children. A parent’s greatest desire is simply a change in heart when children disobey. God’s holiness doesn’t require more than what a godly parent would. What is holier than divine forgiveness when one is remorseful? If God cannot forgive except by requiring the blood of an innocent man, why could Jesus forgive sins before He died on the Cross? Why did Jesus say God’s forgives sin when we forgive others (Mt. 6:14)? Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son illustrates a loving father forgives when a child recognizes their wrongdoing (Lk. 15). Jesus died in hopes we would embrace His message to avoid self-destruction and destruction of others in the world we live in.

Did Jesus Lay Down His Life To Appease God Or Convince Us?

Many might not pursue a connection with God because of explanations as to why Jesus died on the Cross. Many who have grown up in a traditional church have sung songs referring to “washed in the blood of Jesus or saved through the blood of Jesus.” It has led to confusing legal rather than natural relational interpretations of the purpose of Jesus death. Mark doesn’t say the purpose of the ransom: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (10:45). Was Jesus really more concerned with God’s reputation and justice being served rather than seeking credibility and influence to serve us?

The best analogy I have read about why Jesus died on the Cross is a soldier often will lay down their life for the benefit of their fellow soldiers. Soldiers often show tremendous courage by putting themselves in harm’s way to protect those they care deeply about. Jesus accepted suffering and eventual death to inspire and influence us how self-centeredness destroys lives and the world we live in. Jesus’ simple message was to love God and love others as yourself (Mk. 12:28-34). God isn’t egotistical as loving God is to love ourselves and others like we want to be loved. Once we know who God truly is, such a friendship can empower one to shun evil and do good.

No single biblical passage requires that we interpret the Cross in standoffish legalistic terms as if God needed to be appeased or satisfied before fully loving us. Does God really care more about their ego than desire to encourage us? God was not so angry at sinners that God had to kill Jesus. God didn’t need to be appeased by human sacrifice like the other gods during those times. God only hoped for confession for accepting wrongdoings is the first step in healing all relationships. How can we truly appreciate God if we think of the Cross in terms of what Jesus did for God as opposed to what Jesus did for us? Jesus’ death being for God undermines Jesus’ pain and struggle for us.

Jesus was more concerned with the restoration of our relationship with God than the guilt of our sins. God didn’t have to have their honor restored before they could love us. God sought to prove to us their unimaginable love. God went to great means to gain moral authority and credibility to convince us God’s ways are truly in our best interests. Jesus wanted us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. Jesus faced undeserved suffering so to walk in our shoes to better understand how difficult it is to live selflessly in a world where one is free to love or hate others for their own gains. We can be forgiven and start each day anew with God. It is never too late with God to turn your life around as we see in the parable of the vineyard workers (Mt. 20).

Jesus didn’t come to save us from Hell after death. The Greek word Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell, referred to a valley near Jerusalem. If seeking to avoid God’s supposed torture chamber, don’t go near that valley! Blood analogies don’t truly convey what God sought to do for us through Jesus. Jesus sought to convince us God would go to any means to convince us of the deception of selfishness. Jesus sought to empower us to be comfortable with God despite our guilty feelings. Selfishness is always destructive and creates the need for forgiveness in relationships, but Jesus wanted us to know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down.

Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?

No single biblical passage indicates that we must interpret the Cross in legalistic terms as if God needed to be appeased or satisfied before He could fully love us. Does God really care more about His ego than desire to encourage us? Jesus exhorts us to take up the Cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). The Cross was an act of continual love rather than a one-time event.

I Timothy 2:6 says: “Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all people.” The ransom wasn’t to appease God. Some Christians hold to a legalistic view because they revere God so much, but we must not undetermined God’s unconditional love – this is the Good News! We must not make God less relational and understandable to those who don’t know God. God is more concerned with the one that don’t believe than those that already believe. God surely wanted us to know how much he loved us, not how mad He was at us. A legalistic view of the Cross suggests God was more concerned with our guilt and restoring His honor than desiring a personal relationship.

How can we truly appreciate God if we think of the Cross in terms of what Jesus did for God as opposed to what Jesus did for us? Jesus’ death being for God undermines Jesus’ pain and struggle for us. God is different than other gods. God didn’t require a sacrifice before He could love us. It is us who has to be convinced. Jesus’ death was a visible demonstration of love to convey how far God would go to have a relationship with us, not how far God would go to get sins paid for. We can be free despite our guilty feelings. We don’t have to run and hide like Adam and Eve.

Jesus desperately wanted to do whatever He could to identify with us. Jesus wanted us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. Jesus wanted to walk in our shoes to better understand how difficult it is to live selflessly in a world where one is free to love or hate others for their own gains. Jesus was willing to face undeserved suffering as we often do. Jesus wanted to identify with how hard it is to not fall into temptations present in a free world. Some may die for a good person. Jesus died for all regardless if they were evil or good. Jesus took no shortcuts to convince us of His unconditional love. That is crazy love!

Followers may object though that sacrifice is necessary so God can forgive us. God is not an animal-hating, blood-thirsty God. Some may object to innocent animal lives being sacrificed but then we must object to Jesus’ death as well. In Old Testament cultures animal sacrifices were used to convey there is a cost to selfishness, so God went with it. Sacrifice doesn’t bring back childhood innocence robbed by an adult abuser. Human or animal sacrifice was never necessary to ultimately please God. God much preferred a “broken and contrite heart” (Ps. 51: 16-17, i.e. Heb. 10:6). God didn’t have to protect His character for egotistical reasons.

God wasn’t so mad at sinners that God had to kill someone. God already knew sin had its own cost. God didn’t have to be appeased and His honor restored before God could love us. Jesus died to change our attitude toward God, not God’s attitude toward us. God was more concerned with the restoration of the relationship than the guilt of our sins. God wanted us to know He is always forgiving. God sought to prove to us His unimaginable love. God went to great means to gain moral authority and credibility to convince us His ways were truly in our best interests.

Why Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?

Traditional, legal views of the Cross suggest God was more concerned with our guilt than restoring a personal relationship. Actually, Jesus’ death was a visible demonstration of love to convey how far God would go to have a relationship with us, not how far God would go to get sins paid for. Jesus didn’t die just so a holy God could forgive our sins. God forgave before Jesus was born. Jesus forgave sins during His life, not after His death. God didn’t need to be appeased by human sacrifice as the other Old Testament gods. The Bible implies the Cross wasn’t to satisfy God at the expense of His Son but to satisfy a need in us at God’s expense. The Cross is about God’s love than God’s wrath.

Scriptures seem to convey the relationship view of the Cross. Jesus exhorts us to take up the Cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). The Cross isn’t a one-time event but an act of continual love to influence us to trust in God. I Timothy 2:6 says: “Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all people.” The passage doesn’t say the ransom was to appease God. The Cross empowers us to be free with God despite our guilty feelings. John 3:17 says: “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” We didn’t need further condemnation in God’s eyes or our own. We can imagine our Creator’s motives since we are made in God’s image. If someone wronged me and the only way I could satisfy my anger and forgive was to kill my child, what does not say about me as a parent?

The Cross does visibly demonstrate the destructiveness of sin and is never without a cost. The Cross empowers us to know we can have a relationship with our Creator. We don’t have to run and hide like Eve and Adam. God sought credibility to influence us for our own good. God wished to persuade us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps to trust in God than our own wisdom. God loves us more than we can ever imagine and hopes the Cross moves us to love others as God loves us. Rarely will anyone die for a good person, but Jesus died to convince every human being of God’s love and His ways.

Human or animal sacrifice was never necessary to ultimately please God: “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it…a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise” (Ps 51: 16-17, i.e. Heb 10:6). Sin offerings in the Old Testament were more for us than God to illustrate sin’s devastation. Our sin causes us and other tremendous pain, but sacrifice doesn’t bring back childhood innocence robbed by an adult abuser. There is nothing to cause the sin to not matter or have consequences. Sacrifice is simply a way to convey the tremendous cost of sin in our lives. God only desires repentance so there can be less destruction for the future.

God was forced to do something after we chose to rebel against Him and His ways by hating sometimes than always loving others. God cannot create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for genuine relationships and intimacy to exist. Suffering, deserved or undeserved, is only avoidable if God makes a total mockery out of freedom or didn’t create at all. Our demands for an all-powerful, invulnerable God comes at the expense of trusting God knows best how to run a universe and change as many lives as possible by one’s own volition.

Why did Jesus die on the Cross? God is always willing to walk in our shoes. God didn’t answer Jesus’ request either to intervene with His undeserved suffering. God desires to turn as many people from evil as possible while preserving freedom. Miracles turn heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. God took no shortcuts. God couldn’t just wave a wand over this messed up world for our sake or His own. Jesus suffering and death hopefully convinces us to follow His wisdom for our own good. Jesus had to die from God’s perspective to join us and convince us of God’s unconditional love.

In summary do we really think:

• God was so mad at sinners that God had to kill someone

• God needed to be appeased by human sacrifice like the other OT gods

• God needed Jesus to die to change His attitude toward us

• God was concerned with the guilt of our sins than the restoration of the relationship

• God had to be appeased and His honor restored before God could love us

• God couldn’t forgive us until God’s Son died

Doesn’t the Cross:

• Demonstrate to us the destructiveness of sin and forgiveness is never without a cost

• Convince us God would do anything to gain moral authority and credibility

• Prove to us God loves us more than we can ever imagine

• Enable us to know God sees us as Christ as our sins are nailed to the Cross

• Empower us to be comfortable with God despite our guilty feelings

• Persuade us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps to trust in God than our own wisdom

Does A Legalistic View of the Cross Undermine God’s Unconditional Love?

A legalistic view of the Cross suggests God was more concerned with our guilt and restoring His honor than desiring a personal relationship. Did God really need to be appeased by human sacrifice as the other Old Testament gods? The focus on blood being spilled for God’s sake is culturally and relationally irrelevant.

A legalistic view of the Cross undermines the beauty of God’s unconditional love. The Cross was not necessary as if God couldn’t love us until death accounted for our sins. Even human parents don’t stop loving their children because they sin. The Cross was meant to change our view of God, not God’s view of us. The Cross reconciles us to God, not God to us (2 Cor. 5:19). The Cross is about changing human attitudes and not God’s attitude. We must avoid any suggestion that the purpose of the Cross is so that God could better accept or love us.

No single biblical passage indicates that we must interpret the Cross in legalistic terms as if God needed to be appeased or satisfied before He could fully love us. I Tim 2:5-6 says: "For there is one God and one mediator between God and human beings, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself as a ransom for all people...” The passage does not explicitly say the ransom was just to appease God. The ransom can easily be understood as necessary much more for us. Jesus' death wasn’t legally necessary from God’s perspective. The Bible says God delights more in a broken and contrite heart than sacrifice (Ps 51:16-17).

Other passages can be interpreted to suggest Jesus died to influence and prove His love for us. Some will die for a good man. Who dies for good much less evil people? God desires to save us from ourselves and the path of destruction we are headed toward. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him” (Jn. 3:17). If the Cross is a one act of appeasement, why does Jesus exhort to take up the Cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23)? The Cross is not just something Jesus did to appease God. Christ, by following the path of the Cross to love and influence others toward God, is someone we can all follow in His footsteps.

Do we really think:

• God was so mad that He needed to be appeased by human sacrifice like the other OT gods

• God needed Jesus to die to change His attitude toward us

• God was more concerned with the guilt of our sins than the restoration of the relationship

• God had to be appeased and His honor restored before God could love us

• God couldn’t forgive us until God’s Son died

Is it more likely Jesus died to:

• Demonstrate to us the destructiveness of sin and forgiveness is never without a cost

• Convince us God would do anything to gain moral authority and credibility

• Prove to us God loves us more than we can ever imagine

• Enable us to know God sees us as Christ as our sins are nailed to the Cross

• Empower us to be comfortable with God despite our guilty feelings

• Persuade us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps to trust in God than our own wisdom

How Much Does God Really Love Us?

A legal view of the Cross suggests God was more concerned with our guilt than desiring a personal relationship. Did God really need to be appeased by human sacrifice as the other Old Testament gods? God only used sacrifice to visible demonstrate the destruction of sin, but God truly delighted much more in a broken and contrite heart for our own good (Psalm 51:16-17). Sacrifice was much more for us humans than God. I believe that the Bible teaches the Cross is much more about God’s love than wrath.

God sought credibility to influence us for our own good. God wished to persuade us to follow in Jesus’ footsteps than in our own steps of destruction. If God had any ulterior motive it was to prove to us that God loves us more than we can ever imagine which hopefully would move us to love others as God loves us. God could have forced us to obey but that doesn’t lead to satisfying relationships. Parents wish for their children to obey because of admiration and respect, not just because they have to.

I cannot prove as much from Scripture this next thought but it is certainly implied. Why did Jesus … not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness?” (Philippians 2:6-7). We can be trained in counseling and do our best to help those who have been abused. I think the truth though is one who has been abused themselves, and is able to recover, is better able to help others recover from such injustices. Who though seeks to be abused so they can more compassionately help the abused?

Jesus perhaps desperately wanted to do whatever He could to identify with us. Jesus wanted to do whatever it took to influence us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. Jesus wanted to walk in our shoes to better understand how difficult it is to live selflessly in a world where one is free to love or hate others for their own gains. God loved us so much that He will willing to face undeserved suffering, so He could know what that felt like. Jesus wanted to identify with how hard it is to not fall into temptations that are so every present in a free world.

How much does God really love us? Proof is always in the pudding. Few but some may die for a good person. Jesus died for all regardless if evil or good (Romans 5:6-8). Jesus took no shortcuts to identify with us to convince us of His unconditional love. That is crazy love!

Is The Cross About God’s Anger Or Love?

Traditional, legal views of the Cross suggest God is concerned more with our guilt than restoring a personal relationship. Is the Cross really about God’s wrath than God’s love? Did Jesus die for God’s sake or our sake? Do we really think God couldn’t forgive us until His Son died, but Jesus forgave others before His death? Traditional, legalistic, bloody views of the Cross don’t adequately convey God’s love reasons for the Cross.

It is difficult enough to get people to talk about spiritual matters. Believers just want others to know Life goes better with God. Sometimes, believers want to talk about spirituality because they have this paranoia that God is going to torture people in Hell. He isn’t but that is another story. If you are wicked, wicked, wicked and hate God with all your heart, you will get what is coming to you for the sake of your victims.

Isn’t one of the first things a believer feels obligated to do is help others pray sooner than later “Jesus, I accept you died for my sins [blood had to be spilled for God’s sake], and I ask for forgiveness.” God could have just verbally forgiven us, but maybe He thought something much more radical was necessary. There is a better way to convey God’s love to others so that they might understand and want to be in a relationship with Him.

Jesus encouraged people to go and sin no more for their sake and don’t forget about Him. Jesus never spoke about having to sooth God’s anger. Maybe the Cross doesn’t represent what we think. Children don’t ultimately benefit from parental love they fear; they benefit from understand how unconditionally loved they are. The Cross is really about:

• Proving how far God will go to have a relationship, not how far God will go to pay for sins

• Satisfying a need in us at God’s expense, not to satisfy some need in God at Jesus’ expense

• Liberating and persuading us to do right, not about judging as if death rids of consequences

• Demonstrating God love for us, not that God is so mad that He had to kill someone

• Changing our attitude about God, not changing God’s attitude about us

• Having a relationship with God, not about escaping Hell

• Conveying the destructiveness of sin, not that God can’t forgive us unless sacrifice happens

• Persuading us to trust in God’s ways, not in the folly of our own wisdom

God always has our best interests in mind and was willing to prove He loves us more than we can ever imagine. If someone wronged me and the only way I could satisfy my anger and forgive was to kill my child, what does that say about me as a parent? Jesus died not to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. The Cross was not about exacting punishment; it was about helping prevail over sin’s power in us. The Cross frees us to have a free conscience and know we can have a relationship with our Creator.

When we talk to people we don’t have to worry about them repenting on the spot, understanding the blood of Jesus, and how anger God is. Wicked people don’t want to discuss God. We simply need to know God loves us and wants to be a part of our lives. Believers want people to consider that God is bigger than them and able to provide answers if they are searching. God is like having a parent who truly loves you unconditional with no strings attached. Once you understand this, you will be inspired to follow God for your own good. God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired.

God, Evil, and Suffering

[See brief book on website: God, Evil, and Suffering – Does God Really Care?]

What Is A Brief Answer To Evil, Suffering And God’s Goodness?

Are There Rational Answers To Why God Allows So Much Suffering?

Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?

Can We Make Any Sense Out Of Suffering?

Why Didn’t God Create Heaven On Earth In The Beginning?

Did God Really Create Evil? - A Book Review

What Are Suggestions For Handling Pain And Suffering With God?

Does God Really Care?

Does Evil Originate From God?

Is God Unjust For Allowing Suffering?

Doesn’t Shit Just Happen In A Free World?

Doesn’t Job Give Some Answers To Suffering?

Why Does God Allow Us To Experience Pain?

Does God Cause, Allow, Or Interfere With Suffering?

Why Did Create Freedom and Continue to Allow Freedom?

Why Does God Allow Suffering ?

Why Does God Allow Such Horrific Evil?

How Can We Explain God And Natural Evil?

What About Personal Tragedies and God?

Can Any Good Come From Suffering Or A Catastrophe?

Would We Be Better Off If There Were More Miracles?

How Can One’s View Of God’s Role In Suffering Prepare Them For A Crisis?

How Can Suffering Be To Our Benefit?

Does God Control The Day You Die?

Is Our Answer To Suffering Helping?

What Is A Brief Answer To Evil, Suffering And God’s Goodness?

Why It Matters We Understand God’s Role In Suffering Bad theology or lack of answers can make tragic times worse. “Why, me!” can turn into "why God do you not love me.” Many may reject God because of their understanding of God’s role in suffering. Suffering is inevitable in our world and many seek answers. Our answers to suffering don’t have to make others angrier toward God. Suffering is inevitable in this fallen world. Let’s be prepared to answer how God loves us, so we are not alienated but drawn closer to the great Comforter.

God Is Not A Mystery We really can understand God when it comes to suffering. The Bible or the story of Job doesn’t declare God a mystery. Why would God bother to communicate with words, written down by chosen authors, if we can’t understand God? Jesus didn’t speak in parables because God’s ways were mysterious. Scriptural truths remain mysterious and hidden to those that choose not to see. Certain prophecies were a mystery only because details of fulfillment were not known fully until the events happened in New Testament times.

Job Does Not Say God Is Incomprehensible Or Unjust God and Job knew he was innocent. God simply rejected Job’s assumption that the wicked are judged or the righteous rewarded immediately. God doesn’t give Job a tongue lashing for trying to understand God. God answered Job when he reached out to God. Job was finally comforted as he realized despite his suffering God still was just and had not abandoned him. Job accepted God knew best how to run a free Universe.

God Does Not Create Evil The presence of evil in our world is obvious, but evil is not something created. Evil originates in the hearts of human beings. Evil is a corruption of a good thing – human life created by God. God knew the first step toward them may be a step away in disobedience, but God desired people who could freely relate to God in love than out of fear. Evil could have only been avoided if God had not created at all or at least not given humans the freedom to choose. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but was God’s risk in allowing freedom necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships?

God Did Not Know About Evil God did not preordain evil. It is untenable to think God willed evil. We do not protect God’s sovereignty by suggesting nothing happens outside the will of God. God not having foreknowledge of an unknown future gives more integrity to passages that speak of God grieving, relenting, giving another chance, etc. It is not heresy to ask if God knows the future if the future is open and unknowable. I do not think it matters if you believe God knows the future while somehow preserving the integrity of freedom. Some prefer to believe God doesn’t know the future because it empowers them to relate to such a God. Which viewpoint about God and the future draws you closer to God?

God’s Risk Creating Was Worth It God knew the risks of freedom for the possibility of intimacy as do human parents. Are we wrong to bring children into a world hoping they will want to reciprocate our love and knowing our children could suffer at the hands of others or cause suffering to others? One cannot be forced to freely believe. Our foreknowledge of such risks does not keep us from having birth. God is not going to let a few rotten apples spoil the relationships God has with millions and millions of people. Suffering could only have been avoided if God had not created at all or at least not given humans the freedom to choose. Few argue that freedom is not better than no freedom. Freedom is necessary for the highest good in relationships. To destroy freedom is to destroy free love. To destroy freedom is to destroy the good that results from free, moral decisions which are not possible without freedom.

God Does Not Cause All Suffering We don’t protect God’s sovereignty by suggesting nothing can happen outside the will of God. God did not foreordain evil ahead of time to accomplish His good purposes and declare His glory. This view is morally indefensible and must be rejected to protect the very character of God. Suffering results from either personal or natural evil. Misguided freedom does not create a fair world for humans or God. Freedom gone awry has cause progressive deterioration both of human nature and the physical world.  God can be accused of allowing suffering for nothing can happen beyond God’s control, but God is not responsible for suffering in the first place

God Does Allow Suffering God clearly values ongoing freedom because of all the suffering allowed in the world. Freedom, rather than control, is necessary for genuine relationships. Not even God can force true love. Authenticity, the highest good in relationships, is impossible without freedom. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. God’s interference may actually prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. Freedom allows human to develop qualities of moral character that cannot be created initially. Dependence on miracles or instant fixes doesn’t lead to moral progress. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but God will walk hand-in hand with us through any tragedy to bring good from it. I don’t know of any human parent who brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced.

God’s Ultimate Response To Suffering God’s ultimate response to evil and suffering is the slow, necessary way of the Incarnation. The Bible as a whole suggests the Cross was not to satisfy some need in God at the expense of Jesus but to satisfy a need in us at God’s expense. The Cross was to change our attitude about God, not God’s attitude toward us. When evil was chosen suffering, deserved or undeserved, became part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings.

Are There Rational Answers To Why God Allows So Much Suffering?

If in the midst of suffering it may best to get through it than try to understand it. It can be helpful though to think ahead how we envision coping with suffering. Many seek to reconcile a belief in God with the harsh realities of sufferings in life. Lack of answers can make tragic times worse. Asking the question “Why is this happening to me or my loved one” can sometimes turn into “why God do you not love me.” How we define God’s role in suffering can determine whether our Creator is a friend or enemy during troubles times. I am writing about this subject in this format, hoping to inspire you to read a more detailed explanation in my book here.

For the purpose of discussion I view suffering as either deserved or undeserved resulting from personal or physical evil. Certain answers or rationalizations in answering the biggest philosophical challenge for the Christian faith - how evil and God’s goodness can co-exist - are totally unsatisfactory in explaining how God really cares since there is so much suffering in the world. Rational and relational coherence is important when it relates to God’s character. God doesn’t say “I am God, you aren’t, so shut up!” God wants us to know them. Close relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we desire to be.

God is not a mystery - Why would God bother to communicate with words though the Bible if we can’t understand God? The story of Job doesn’t declare God a mystery. God simply rejected Job’s assumption that the wicked are judged or the righteous rewarded immediately. Job finally realized despite his suffering God still was just and had not abandoned him. Job accepted God knew best how to run a free universe. The OT does not suggest God’s ways are unexplainable or incomprehensible to the human mind. God’s ways are not always fully understood until the time of the event such as Jesus’ death and resurrection. Isaiah 55:9 does not say God’s ways are mysterious: “…so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” The context exhorts readers to forsake their wicked ways and thoughts and turn to God’s more moral ways and thoughts. For a biblical defense that God is not a mystery, please see here.

God is not the originator of evil - The presence of evil in our world is obvious, but evil is not something created. Evil originates in the hearts of human beings. Evil is a corruption of a good thing – human life created by God. God knew the first step toward them may be a step away in disobedience, but God desired people who could freely relate to God in love than out of fear. Evil could have only been avoided if God had not created humans or freedom. The view that God causes evil or suffering, rather than God uses evil or suffering to bring good, is morally and emotionally indefensible. God did not secretly will a rebellion against them so God could ride in on a white horse and save the world.

Freedom is important - Freedom, rather than control, is necessary for genuine relationships. Not even God can force true love. Authenticity, the highest good in relationships, is impossible without freedom. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. God’s interference may actually prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but God will walk hand-in hand with us through any tragedy to bring good from it. If one assumes we will one day in heaven be unable to sin, why didn’t God simply create us as unable to sin from the beginning? It is plausible that having such choices is a necessary journey so that one day in heaven we are able to choose to not sin. Our moral progress here on earth may make self-centeredness impossible or at least highly unlikely in heaven.

God’s risk was worth it - Only preconceived notions of the meaning of the non-biblical word sovereignty insist God’s knows the future rather than the future is open. God knows what they are going to do but not the choices we will freely make. God not having such foreknowledge gives more integrity to passages that speak of God grieving or giving another chance. God knew the risks of freedom for the possibility of intimacy as do human parents. Are we wrong to bring children into a world hoping they will want to reciprocate our love but knowing our children could cause suffering or suffer at the hands of others? God doesn’t let a few rotten apples spoil the relationships they have with billions of people. Suffering is avoidable only if God had not created or allowed freedom. Few argue that no freedom is better than freedom. Only terrorists think destroying free, moral decisions results in true love.

Drawing the line at degrees of evil is easier said than done – C.S. Lewis suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices - evils that come through bad choices make by cruel and lawless people - account for at least 80% of humankind suffering. If God stops the murdering of millions by an evil dictator, why doesn’t God prevent every murderer, every sexual abuser, and all natural disasters not some? God should kill adulterers in their tracks because adultery destroys lives. Where does God draw the line to not make a mockery of freedom? God preventing freedom may be contrary to their nature. Maybe the destruction of one rebellious child in God’s eyes is one too many. Human parents nor God are necessarily sadistic just because they don’t squash freedom to avoid suffering. I, unlike God, often try to spare my children of any suffering though their pain may evolve into help for them and others. God really can’t win. God caused the flood but evil just grew back. God authorized wars in the OT to combat evil but is called a moral monster. Until we make the assumption that God prevents as much evil as possible without violating freedom and greater good, we may never be satisfied with God.

Preventing suffering requires instant justice and causes more evil – I don’t mean to be flippant by suggesting evil is good because of the end results. God doesn’t cause evil to accomplish good; God is determined to bring good from the evil choices of others. Allowing suffering may be the only way to redeem the world, when sin entered the world, while preserving freedom. We cannot prove there are no good moral reasons for allowing freedom resulting in so much evil. If God stops the bullet, the murderer may never change from killing even more people. A child can never reconcile with their father if God stops the beatings. Only a father can restore the love all children desire from their parents. Paul perhaps saw suffering as joyous because in God’s eternal world no sufferings are in vain. Instant justice doesn’t allow God to save as many children as possible by changing of their own free will. God clearly values mercy and forgiveness over instant justice. God is only guilty of not destroying evildoers instantly before decisions are made. God tolerates evil that God could stop in hopes many will come back to God before self-destructing.

God does intervene - God is tireless in working through individual lives to change the world. Could Hitler have been stopped if a few good people had gotten involved in his life as a child or when plotting his evils early on? Perhaps the only way to defeat evil in us, other than destroying at the first hint, is for us to persevere and overcome evil. God doesn’t derive pleasure by seeing us in pain but I experience greater moral growth during suffering than prosperity. It is best most of my prayers not be answered. Being rich often only leads to wanting to be richer at the expense of others. Jesus’ miracles turn heads but Jesus’ suffering changed the hearts of billions of followers. Lavishing gifts on our children doesn’t necessarily convey how much we love them or that we have an authentic relationship. The truth is sufferings enable us to better help and influence others in a free world that our prosperous times don’t. Personal tragedies or undeserved insults can empower us to be more sensitive to others in similar situations. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. Suffering enables us to be of use to others in a world where suffering is inevitable.

Natural disasters are not easy to explain - Physical evils such as disasters of nature, diseases, or accidents cannot always be traced directly to a human’s freedom to inflict pain upon themselves or others. I lack scientific understandings to explain the cause of many natural tragedies. It does seem human accumulated mismanagement of the earth over thousands of years has brought destruction such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and earthquakes. Many diseases can be explained as not present in the beginning but have been brought on by human rebellion against God’s original design. Our freedom to oppose God led to all sorts of calamity including physical death, relationship problems, and environmental evils. I read that the earth is constructed of tectonic plates and when they collide, what is atop them can be destroyed.  The shifting of these plates underground is not related to the changing mood of God.  When tectonic plates under the earth collide, atop them may be a particularly densely populated, poorly constructed city in a country which has been poorly governed for centuries. Who made money out of greed in the construction of the city in the manner that it was, and why wasn’t a better warning system in place? It would seem rebellion against God set in motions the deterioration of physical nature as it did human nature.

God does have a solution – God has at least provided a hopeful ending to the mess we have created. God’s ultimate response to suffering caused by evil is the slow, necessary way of the Incarnation. The Bible as a whole suggests the Cross was not to satisfy some need in God at the expense of their Son but to satisfy a need in us at God’s expense. The Cross was to change our attitude about God, not God’s attitude toward us. When evil was chosen, suffering deserved or undeserved became part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings. The Cross declares God’s unimaginable love and desire to influence us for our own good. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. Our demands for an all-powerful, invulnerable God comes at the expense of trusting God know best how to run the universe and change as many lives as possible through their own volition.

Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?

In the midst of suffering it may best to get through it than try to understand it. It may be helpful though to thing ahead how we envision coping with suffering. Many seek to reconcile a belief in God with the harsh realities of sufferings in life. Lack of answer can make tragic times worse. We may ask sometimes where is God or what is God doing. “Why is this happening to me or my loved one” can sometimes turn into “why God do you not love me.” How we define God’s role in suffering can determine how we handle suffering.

Why doesn’t God, if good and all powerful, eliminate evil? Richard Rice’s book Suffering and the Search for Meaning is a great read in ways we may try to make sense how the goodness of God and evil can co-exist. (I tend to use evil and suffering interchangeably as suffering is evil and evil is suffering.) The author wisely suggests that our view of suffering may not help someone else. Some answers may be better than others, but we should not attempt to convince one of our views at their expense. All need a personal theory that is comforting during suffering.

Richard Rice addresses the many different views of suffering. Some would say there isn’t a God so there is no need to reconcile God and suffering. Other views seem to be attempts to get God off the hook. Some suggests Satan is behind the suffering in the world but one may question why God gives Satan this much control. Some defend that God determined suffering was necessary for moral growth. Others would suggest God can do a lot but God cannot do all He wants by controlling the amount of the suffering in the world.

One main traditional view to protect a certain view of God’s power argues that nothing happens outside of God’s will. Some prefer to protect a view of God and His power by suggesting everything happens for a reason as designed by God. This implies God controls the amount of suffering in our life and has a predetermined plan for our suffering. This view though is too much for many to bear. Is God really responsible for the timing when a drunk driver kills another driver? Why doesn’t God at least control extreme evils where millions die to bring about a supposed good plan?

There is another view that has helped me and I anticipate helping me cope with possible extreme suffering in the future. If you have struggled with any of the above views, you may consider the below. It is what is commonly referred to as the freedom model, and I will suggest an open view of the future as it makes more sense to me when it comes to God’s creating freedom.

• Evil was not created by God but originates from the hearts of human beings. God had wished for us to freely choose to live with one another in harmony. God longs for what human parents desire – children who freely relate in love than out of fear. No amount of good resulting from suffering justifies the evil actions of others, but freedom was necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships. Not even God can force true love. Without freedom God could be accuse of not creating the “best” world. The only way for earthly or heavenly parents to ensure there is never any suffering is to not risk creating.

• God knows of all possibilities and is never caught off guard, but God did not know if we would choose evil. The future must be open if there is to be genuine freedom. This view of the future preserves the integrity of freedom. This gives more integrity to passages that advise God grieves with us. Some prefer to believe God doesn’t know an unknowable future because it empowers them to relate to such a God. It is easier for many to worship a God who doesn’t control everything as opposed to a God who accepts no resistance.

• God obviously allows suffering because a God powerful enough to create can destroy. God values freedom. God apparently also values forgiveness and the possibility of change rather than instant justice. Human parents nor God are sadistic because they don’t squash freedom to avoid suffering. We give our wayward children opportunities to change despite the harm caused to themselves or others. Also, suffering which is a possibility in a free world can change the hearts of others. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many who tolerated bigotry.

• God ultimate response to evil and suffering is the slow, necessary way of the incarnation. The Cross was not to satisfy some need in God at the expense of His Son but to satisfy a need in us at His expense. God sought to change our attitude about God, not God’s attitude toward us. God choose to experience undeserved suffering in hopes to persuade us to walk hand in hand with our Creator through any tragedy to bring good from what was intended for evil. God is not the cause but God can be the rescuer.

It is easier to explain moral evil than natural evil with this freedom model. We understand deserved suffering (i.e. consequences of bad actions), but we can ask why God doesn’t at least limit the scope of some undeserved sufferings. It is complicated. God would still be questioned unless God stopped all abuse not some abuse, all natural disasters not some natural disasters. We demand God take control but we seldom give God total control of our lives. We may not be able to explain why God chooses to intervene miraculously sometimes. I do know to intervene all the time is to make a mockery of freedom. God answering all my prayers is not in my best interests in the long-run.

We may wonder why God didn’t go ahead and create heaven on earth if one day there is no sin, but moral growth may be a necessary journey to eventually not choosing sin. Perhaps the only way to defeat evil in us, other than destruction, is for us to persevere and overcome evil. We cannot prove there are no good moral reasons for allowing freedom resulting in so much evil. Argue with God. Question God. Seek to understand God. I am convinced God will never abandon us as we seek to understand and depend on God. God works to somehow bring some good from suffering and provide hope that one day there will not be suffering.

Can We Make Any Sense Out Of Suffering?

We understand deserved suffering. Drink and drive and you may end up in the hospital. Betraying others leads to lose of relationships. One may only stop drinking, drugging, or cheating after they hit bottom so suffering can be a good thing. Underserved suffering is more complicated. Some don’t need answers to “Why, God” as knowing God didn’t avoid suffering through Jesus is enough to trust God. I am hoping to be better prepared by understanding God’s role in suffering so to feel comfort than alienation from God.

We can attempt to understand suffering on a logical, intellectual level. Most find it easier to worship a God who doesn’t control everything as opposed to a God who accepts no resistance. The truth is not even an all-powerful God can create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for genuine relationships. Authentic relationships are only possible if freely chosen. Since a great deal of suffering results from immoral choices to inflict pain on others, God would have to make a total mockery out of freedom to stop undeserved suffering. We may never be totally satisfied until God stopped all of our suffering, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by others.

Freedom can explain major atrocities at the hands of ruthless dictators. Evil can begin with one person and others doing nothing in the beginning. I can understand, because of my own lack of courage, self-preservation by not challenging a ruthless dictator as they grow in power. Evil is evil though, regardless of the magnitude. One person murdered or abused is tragic. The numbers of children sexually abused outnumber the millions of lives lost at the hands of dictators. Natural atrocities such as tsunamis cannot be fully explained because of freedom, but human evil is often a factor. In Haiti when tectonic plates under the earth collided, atop them was a densely populated, poorly constructed city partly because of social injustices. Is God to blame for that?

Many believe God has the power to intervene. He is the Creator! We may possible begin to understand logically why God doesn’t intervene during wrongdoing according to God’s standards much less human standards. There would be no freedom to speak of. Are there though possibly humane and godly reasons for not intervening more? God could either not create at all or accept the risk involved in creating as do human parents, knowing their child may not return their love and do harm to others. God decided to value mercy and forgiveness more than instant justice despite the cost to God and others who face undeserved suffering. Most though give their own wayward children chances to change no matter the harmed caused to themselves or others.

Freedom is necessary relationally to obtain the highest good here on earth and beyond. Sufferings, though not hoped for, became a part of God’s story to lead as many as possible of their own volition to a future paradise intended from the beginning. Miracles may prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. Loving parents desire patience over instant justice to persuade their children to reciprocate their love for their good and others. Our suffering, a possibility when freedom is allowed, can serve others in similar situations. One abused is better able to help others heal from such injustices inevitable in a free world. Also, the truth is that suffering, more than prosperity, helps me become more aware of my character flaws. God didn’t avoid the potential consequences of freedom either. God sent Jesus to win over as many as possible to love others as they wish to be loved.

Why Didn’t God Create Heaven On Earth In The Beginning?

What one believes about God’s role in suffering can lead to feelings of God being distant or unsupportive. “Why, me!” can sometimes turn into "why God do you not love me.” One may question why God grants human beings the ability to choose evil in the first place, since much of suffering result from people making evil choices. If one assumes we will one day in heaven be unable to sin, why didn’t God simply create us as unable to sin from the beginning?

It is morally and biblically indefensible to suggest God created evil to accomplish good. A more rational explanation is that evil was not something created by God but originates from the human heart as the result of freedom given by our Creator in the beginning. It can be argued freedom is necessary for God cannot love us if He controls us. Authenticity in relationships is impossible without freedom. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world.

The necessity of freedom for genuine relationships can explain why God allowed freedom. It is plausible that having such choices is a necessary journey so that one day in heaven we are able to choose to not sin. Randal Rauser on his blog explains it this way: “there is inherent value in the acquisition of moral virtues. Think of the distinction between the mountain climber lowered onto the summit via a helicopter vs. the climber who gradually climbs up the slopes. There is intrinsic value in being the climber who fought to reach the top. And there is intrinsic value in acquiring the moral virtues of the image of God over-against having them infused from birth” ( - 8/7/15).

I would be inconsistent to not mention the possibility to sin in heaven to protect the integrity of free will. It is depressing to entertain this possibility, but I am not convinced the Bible promises there is not the possibility of selfishness in heaven. Personally, based on my record here on earth and often under ideal circumstances, I cannot imagine not making some selfish decisions in heaven. We can at least hope God’s presence will have a greater impact then earthly, human authority to dissuade such decisions. We thrive more under certain types of parental love and leadership because of their qualities such as integrity and understanding.

But, there is a plausible explanation of how there can be freedom in heaven without the possibility of sin. Our moral progress here on earth may make choices to the detriment of ourselves or others impossible or at least highly unlikely in heaven. I am growing in my successes and failures that I would not have otherwise without the freedom to make unselfish choices. It is hard for me to fathom that I can murder someone here on earth though I have the freedom to do so. The maturation process I go through here on earth may make the choice to murder impossible. Understanding why God allows freedom and thus suffering here on earth can help to not alienate us but draw us closer to our Creator here on earth in unbearable times.

Did God Really Create Evil? - A Book Review

I did a review on of John Noe’s book The Creation of Evil: Casting Light Into The Purposes of Evil. I don’t enjoy bashing books but I do have strong opinions on this subject and disagree with the book’s thesis that God somehow mysteriously is the creator of evil. However we solve the biggest philosophical challenge for the Christian faith - how evil and God’s goodness can co-exist – it seems to me it is morally and biblically indefensible to suggest God orchestrated evil to accomplish good. I have defended the freedom model which suggests God cannot truly love us if He controls us. Evil results from freedom which is necessary for authentic relationships.


John Noe’s books on Jesus’ coming and the end-times are eye-opening and even possibly life-changing. He ably defends Jesus has already come and thus did not misled when advising followers to be ready within their generation (i.e. Mt. 24:34). I respect John’s courage by offering his solutions about the biggest challenge for the Christian faith – how evil and God’s goodness can co-exist. But, I must agree to disagree with John as his solutions seem to create more problems than they solve. I hope in the following comments that I do not quote John out of context.

I believe to suggest God created evil is morally indefensible and unlikely from a biblical exegetical viewpoint. Since all interpretations are possibly fallible, I would suggest when two debatable interpretations can stand up to scrutiny that we must err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and comprehensible to the human mind. Humans are not totally clueless since we are made in our Creator’s image.

John Noe suggests the origin of evil rest with God and is in fact ordained by God (Chapter 3). John says: “… (God) created evil, at least in the form of a tree to start with (83)…Therefore, we must trust God in his sovereignty knew and knows that evil in this world really is ‘good’ and ‘very good’ (Gen. 1:12, 1:31)” [p. 124]. Such doublespeak plays havoc with the human language that God used to communicate to us. We don’t have to explain how God hates evil (Prov. 6:16-19) but then God hates something He is supposedly proud of and says is good (Gen. 1:31). The Bible advises to hate evil (Rm. 12:9), but must we hate God’s supposed good plan?

There are no exegetical reasons to think the very real tree of knowledge actually possesses evil. You can’t see, touch, feel, smell or hear evil. Murderous thoughts surely are evil, but we don’t say such a thought is a created thing. The story tells us where evil originates - within the thoughts of the human heart (Gen. 6:5-6). God doesn’t regret His supposed plan of Evil.

John suggests if we are serious about God’s sovereignty that we must accept: “Therefore, God Himself must be recognized as responsible for creating evil in the first place and thus foreordaining and enabling sin to occur. This was his original intent for us humans in the created world. And He implemented it and sustains it. How can anyone deny this, dare to challenge Him, question his sovereignty, criticize his ways, or be offended thereby?...God is primarily and ultimately responsible for evil, sin, and suffering in our world…”(p. 77, 117). To be fair John argues in others place God isn’t responsible for sin. John seeks to define evil and sin differently (p.109), but I believe most would say evil is sin and sin is evil.

Good luck trying to discuss God and evil with a skeptic with a comment such as above. No offense but God cares more about the one seeking than the ninety-nine who already believe in a Creator. We don’t suggest earthly parents can provoke their children but not be held responsible for their actions. Are the rules different for our Heavenly Parent?

Our understanding of God’s sovereignty as it relates to God’s will influences our biblical interpretations. The word sovereign did not originate with the biblical languages. “Sovereign” doesn’t even appear in the KJV translation. The NIV often replaces God with Sovereign and translate Lord God as Sovereign Lord. I disagree with theologians who wish to protect a definition of God's sovereignty or control that implies God foreordains or controls evil for some grand purpose. God can still be considered sovereign, even though He gives up control for the sake of freedom. God as sovereign does not require His will always be done, or we must say God wills sin.

I don’t believe that we are doing God a favor by declaring God is a mystery because we can’t explain our theology. To claim God is a mystery does not invite investigation by those who may be seeking God for the first time. John seems to go the “mystery” route when trying to explain how God could ordain evil and call it very good. John says: “But, there is no scriptural reason why God could not have created something that is incompatible with his own character and nature”… (This) doesn’t limit his (God’s) goodness or power, since He is separate from his creation” (p. 83, 117). Scriptures don’t claim that God’s ways are mysterious but only that God’s ways are higher (more moral) than human ways. God’s plan for His Son when sin came into the world will be somewhat of a mystery until after Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection. There are reasonable explanations how God’s goodness and evil can coexist.

John does not seem to go into detail of the freedom model. I would suggest the freedom model is still a better alternative though it certainly cannot explain completely for many the confounding confusion of natural evil (Chapter 5). John argues that God could have created Adam and Eve capable of not sinning (p.76). I would counter freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. The truth is not even an all-powerful God can create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for genuine relationships. Not even God can force true love.

Freedom is necessary for the highest good in relationships. Without freedom some could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. God’s interference may actually prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. Isn’t it much easier for the majority to worship a God who doesn’t control everything as opposed to a God who accepts no resistance?

What Are Suggestions For Handling Pain And Suffering With God?

Those who have suffered mightily are far more qualified to suggest a list of suffering guidelines. But, I will try for two main reasons. First, certain answers or rationalizations in answering if God really cares, despite allowing so much suffering, give wrong impressions of God. For some a rational explanation to the co-existent of evil, suffering, and God’s goodness may help. Secondly, I have long suspected for myself the best way to prepare for suffering, which is inevitable in the world we live in, is to understand God’s role in pain and suffering.

There are no exact step-by-step guidelines for handling suffering, only considerations in difficult times. Work out your own suffering plan which is what I am doing here. Then, help others how they want help, not how you want to help. Don’t act like Job’s friends. Some can trust God without questions, but God is willing to earn that trust if you have questions.

1. Certain sufferings are self-inflicted. Other sufferings are easily explainable as people abuse God-give freedom. Some suffering seems senseless. It may help to categorize our suffering and then attempt to understand God and His help available depending on the situation. If we tend to blame God we may consider why a loving Creator, who faced undeserved suffering Himself through His Son, would have anything but our best interest in mind.

2. It may help to have an explanation of why there is evil and suffering in the first place with a God who is in control. If you can understand the mind of God and His reasoning, you may better be able to accept your suffering and seek to bring good from the bad. The freedom model explains a great deal but one may ask what God didn’t create a heaven-like state in the first place if there is freedom and no sin in heaven.

3. Avoid being like Job’ friends and offering unsolicited or erroneous advice to those in the midst of suffering. Be present and help as requested. Do not dare suggest suffering is God punishing some hidden sin. Avoid Job’s assumption that God is unjust if good is not rewarded and bad punished immediately.

4. God can handle our angry. God did not condemn Job because he was open to answers from God rather than assuming he knew it all. Job’s friends are the ones that had to repent.

5. God isn’t necessarily mysterious or incomprehensible, or why did God bother to communicate about Himself through Scriptures. Sometimes, we may have to choose to simply trust God as we may not know why God allows our suffering to continue. We do know one reason is not because God doesn’t love us as evidenced by sending Jesus. What God does that?

6. Suffering can enable us to be more dependent on God. God doesn’t causes our suffering for this purpose but allowing suffering, inevitable in a free world, can enable us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers. I benefit much more from my prayers not being answered than being answered. Suffering brings to light our defects so to examine and overcome our weaknesses and gain wisdom about life in general. No pain no gain can be true both physically and emotionally. It is possible our joy will be greater in the long-run with suffering than without suffering?

7. Suffering enables us to be more sensitive and serve others in similar situations. Miracles turned heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. Martin Luther King suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. Suffering, inevitable in a free world, is necessary if you are going to be of much use to others. Jesus saved others by not saving Himself.

8. We can have hope depending on what you understand God promises of life after death.

Does God Really Care?

The ultimate question is why God doesn’t interfere more with our sufferings if He really cared. Suffering in our world is obvious. How can we possibly justify so much suffering in this world while still believing in the goodness of God? We need to understand our beliefs, since we already make assumptions about God’ role in suffering that help or hinder during difficult times.

Suffering can be viewed as a result of personal or natural evil. A great deal of suffering is either self-inflicted or inflicted upon us by others because of immoral choices. Abuse, addiction, and adultery are decisions that cause harm personally and relationally. Natural evil such as disasters of nature, diseases, or accidents that lead to so much suffering cannot always be traced to a human’s freedom to inflict pain upon themselves or others. Suffering is either deserved or undeserved. We all understand deserved suffering. What is God’s role in undeserved suffering resulting from personal or natural evil? What could possibly be God’s reasons for not intervening miraculously more than He does?

The Bible never says that since God is perfect and we aren’t perfect that all of suffering is deserved. God never says because of His righteousness and our unrighteousness that we just need to shut up and accept whatever suffering we get. Also, where in the Bible is it found that God has hand-picked all to suffer to give Him glory? Isn’t there a better way to get glory? God obviously doesn’t react to suffering, inevitable in a free world, in the same way that we human parents do, but God is not the originator of our suffering.

God cannot create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for genuine relationships and intimacy to exist. Let’s not lay at God’s feet the evil choices of others. Evil was only avoidable if God hadn’t created or not given humans freedom to choose. Evil is not something created but originates from the human heart and misguided desires (James 1:13-15). Human parents understand the risk of intimacy when they bring children into the world knowing they may not reciprocate their love. Isn’t it easier for the majority to worship a God who doesn’t control everything than a God of no resistance?

Freedom has caused a complicated world both for us and God, but we must ask why God doesn’t intervene more if we accept that God’s risk for genuine relationships was worth it. The truth is God would have to make a total mockery out of freedom. We may never be totally satisfied until God stopped all abuse not some abuse, all natural disasters not some natural disasters. God could annihilate people at the first sign of evil, but don’t we give our wayward children chances to change no matter the harmed caused to themselves or others? God obviously is extremely merciful and patient. God and I are very different. I try to spare my children of any suffering because I am unwilling to consider that pain may evolve into help for others.

What possible good can come from God not interfering with our undeserved suffering? God hurts as much as human parents when their children suffer. Heavenly or earthly parents aren’t sadistic just because they don’t squash freedom to avoid suffering. Suffering can enable us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers. I benefit more from my prayers not answered than being answered. Also, suffering enables us to influence others in ways our prosperous times don’t. Are we influenced more by how people handle miracles or trust God in difficult circumstances? If God stopped all suffering, whether from personal or natural evil, the world wouldn’t necessarily be better off. Miracles turn heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. God will work to bring good from what was intended for evil. Our demands for an all-powerful, invulnerable God comes at the expense of trusting God know best how to run the universe and change as many lives as possible through their own volition.

Does Evil Originate From God?

The presence of evil in our world is obvious. I have written elsewhere how we can possibly explain the coexistence of evil and God’s goodness, to make it less difficult to turn to God during difficult times. It has been suggested by others, according to their interpretations of certain biblical passages, that God is the originator of evil. I believe it is intuitive that evil is not something created but stems from misguided desires.

God created the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17). Some suggests since God is the only Creator that evil originated from God by creating the tree of knowledge. Trees don’t possess evil. You can’t see, touch, feel, smell or hear evil. The author of Genesis says evil originates with the thoughts of the human heart and this grieved God (Gen 6:5). If God actually preordained evil, then we are forced to believe God’s predetermined plans grieved Him. God simply was trying to protect the first couple by warning them of choices in a free world. Loving parent always seek to warn their loved ones of dangers ahead.

James 1:13-14 explains in detail the origins of evil: “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone, but each of you is tempted when you are dragged away by your own evil desire and enticed.” Genesis 1:31 declares: “God saw all that he made, and it was very good…” God could only say this if He did not create evil, since the Bible declares God hates evil. God is simply incapable of being the author or originator of evil because of His character.

Isaiah 45:7 is frequently used to suggest God created evil: “I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things” (KJV). The NKJV now uses the word “calamity” rather than evil. The TNIV uses the word “disaster.” The opposite of light is darkness, so the opposite of peace is not evil but calamity or disaster. Word meanings are often best determined by the context. This “evil” is God’s calamity in the form of discipline. God subdues nations (v.2) who are makers of idols (vs. 16, 20). Even God’s chosen people, Israel, often don’t acknowledge God (v. 5) and must be disciplined. Discipline though is unnecessary when nations aren’t immoral.

One reason for suggesting God is the originator of evil, contrary to an understanding of a good God, may be an assumption about God’s sovereignty. Many define God’s sovereignty by suggesting nothing can happen outside God’s will, not even temporarily, so God must have preordained evil in the beginning. The word sovereign did not originate with the biblical languages. “Sovereign” doesn’t even appear in the KJV translation. The NIV often replaces God with Sovereign and translates Lord God as Sovereign Lord. Scriptures do not define what sovereignty means. The truth is God’s will is not always accomplished. God doesn’t have to control to be sovereign. Would it be easier for us to worship a God who accepts no resistance?

It is not possible to explain God as the originator of evil biblically or rationally. If God created evil God willed evil. Do we really want to say every act of immorality is God’s will? This is clearly not the biblical case. God does not foreordain, order, or require evil to accomplish His will. I proudly stand accused of wanting to absolve God of any blame when it comes to evil and suffering. God is only guilty of not destroying evildoers instantly when decisions are made. The Flood proved by wiping out evil, it just grows back. Evil was only avoidable if God hadn’t created or not given humans freedom to choose.

Is God Unjust For Allowing Suffering?

Many suggest the moral of the story of Job is that God is a mystery and we cannot possibly understand God as mortal human beings. I am not convinced that is the lesson to learn from reading Job’s encounter with undeserved suffering. God rejected Job’s friends’ assumption that bad things don’t happen to good people. People don’t get cancer because of sin. Those who claim natural disasters strike because of national sin fail to explain innocent lives that are lost.

God also rejected Job’s assumption that the wicked must be judged or the righteous rewarded immediately: “…Why should I not be impatient…Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know him look in vain for such days” (21:4, 24:1)? Job understandably contemplated if God really cared by not intervening sooner in his suffering. God defended Himself: “Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself”(40:8)? God doesn’t react to suffering, inevitable in a free world, as we do. Job’s questioning helped him to appreciate more God’s love and knowledge in running a free world.

I must admit that not all of suffering is explainable according to the freedom model. Natural disasters cannot be easily explained though surely human accumulated mismanagement of the earth over thousands of years has contributed to destruction by earthquakes, floods, and droughts. Drunk drivers kill innocent people but what about when a parent backs out of a garage and kills their child? If humans cannot fully understand one another, perhaps we cannot totally understand God. There are times when we have to trust that God loves us deeply and is by our side. We do know that God has not avoided senseless or undeserved suffering through His Son.

The truth is much of suffering results from personal evil, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by other. Evil choices make by cruel and lawless people result in a great deal of suffering. God’s alternative to control all circumstances is to negate or manipulate freedom. Human parents who respect freedom are not cruel parents. The good that can result from evil never justifies the evil actions of others, but was God’s risk in allowing freedom necessary to obtain the greatest good in relationships? Freedom is necessary to change as many people as possible of their own volition rather than just annihilate them. Not even God can force people to be unselfish.

Destroying freedom is to destroy true love and the good that results from free, moral decisions. God certainly allows suffering because He is capable of interfering, but God is not the cause of all of suffering. Understanding why God allows sufferings and is not unjust for doing so may help us to not feel alienated from God and know we have a Friend in the midst of our suffering:

• Most understand deserved suffering. Cheat on your partner and expect all hell to break loss. Provoke your children to wrath unnecessarily and don’t expect them to visit when older.

• Undeserved sufferings are a reality in a free world. Depending on God in such times enables us to not fall in love with what the world offers. I become more aware of my character flaws during suffering than prosperity, thus I benefit more when my prayers are not answered.

• Personal tragedies or undeserved insults can empower us to be more sensitive and serve others in similar situations. Miracles turned heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. Suffering is necessary if you are going to be of much use to others.

• Suffering prepares us for disappointments which are inevitable in a free world. Leaning on God in times of suffering allows us to gain wisdom for living in the world we do.

Doesn’t Shit Just Happen In A Free World?

God-folks often say “everything happens for a reason” implying God controls everything down to the day we die. God gets a bad rap when we assume God controls everything. Is God really responsible for the timing when a drunk driver kills another driver? There is another view of God’s control or sovereignty. God, unlike humans, does not have to be controlling to be in control. Choose the view that creates less distance between you and your Creator. I cannot think of anything worse during difficult times than to feel abandoned by our Creator.

From the very beginning God gave us the freedom to love or hate Him and His ways. Since God created freedom God can be accused of allowing bad things to happen, just as parents can for birthing children into the world we live in, but God is neither the creator nor initiator of evil that results from the human heart (Gen. 6:5). God cannot win! Lack of freedom does not allow the higher good in relationships that results from free, moral decisions.

We can pray for God to intervene, but the truth is God doesn’t intervene miraculously most of the time to help us avoid suffering inevitable in a free world. Jesus’ miracles did not accomplish nearly what His suffering did. Suffering, caused by freedom, can lead to greater dependency on God and wisdom about life. Our joy may be greater in the long-run with suffering than without suffering since shit happens! Undeserved suffering also enables us to better serve others in similar situations.

If God doesn’t cause bad things to happen to us, logically God doesn’t always cause good things to happen to us. Did God really give us the parking space when others needed the space more? Did God give us the job when others praying for the same job needed the job more financially? To those who claim victory in the game, did God intend the losers to lose? We may innocently say “by the grace of God He spared their life.” What does this say to others about their loved one not spared on 9/11? Does God love less those not spared?

If we think God is the cause of all things and a controller, we may be tempted to sit back and wait for Him to act. We may be waiting on a sign from God. We may need to get off our knees and go help the person we are praying for. With decision-making God doesn’t demand only certain paths to follow as human parents may. We are free to use our gifts and decide where we think we can make the greatest contribution in our current circumstances. Many “Godly” paths can be chosen while still remaining entirely within God’s will. You can’t go wrong loving God.

I am not saying God is not active in our lives. God is impacting the world daily one changed life at a time. I am a better man for God being in my life than not. I dread to think how I would really treat others without God’s influence. God is always encouraging us to flee from sin and exhorting us to take a stand against evil. Why are we waiting on God? Hypocritically, we demand God stop evil but we do nothing ourselves to stop the evil of others. God can do a lot of good if we just follow and imitate His ways.

One might accept that my thoughts are at least more consistent with freedom and give God less of a bad reputation with others. How then does one live their life? Petition God for the miraculous, but don’t assume we know best how to run a free world. Use prayer as a form of communication than manipulation. It isn’t best God always answer my prayers. When something bad happens, you don’t have to blame God or wonder why He doesn’t love you. When something good happens, you may be internally grateful but not discouraging toward others by the words you use. Is a better saying for some “Shit happens and we may not know all the reasons to our satisfaction for why God allows evil to continue or be so random, but we know one reason is not because God doesn’t love us as evidenced by allowing Jesus to suffer as well in a free world.”

Doesn’t Job Give Some Answers To Suffering?

Job doesn’t teach that God can’t be understood, but God is misunderstood sometimes. Job didn’t sin by questioning God; it was Job’s friends who were required to atone for their sins (42:7). God did challenge Job’s assumptions. Eventually Job understands that God is just despite Job’s undeserved suffering. Our demand for an all-powerful, invulnerable God as opposed to a vulnerable God comes at the expense of freedom. There is no other path to true intimacy as not even God can force genuine love. God’s alternative was to not create or override freedom. Destroying freedom is to destroy the higher good that results from free, moral decisions.

God Does Not Cause All of Suffering

Job 2:10 hints of things to come in the story: “shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” This passage doesn’t declare God the cause of evil and sufferings that result though God allows trouble. God can’t create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for genuine relationships. Freedom causes a complicated world for us and God. All sufferings are not some cosmic play between God and Satan, but readers are privy that Satan was the cause of evil in Job’s situation. God allowing Satan to test Job severely does not make God responsible for Satan’s actions. The Bible nowhere says God originates or causes our suffering unless for clear discipline reasons. Evil originates out of the hearts of men and women. God also doesn’t cause natural disasters, diseases, or accidents that lead to so much suffering. It is a complicated world of God and us.

Suffering is Not Evidence of Sin

God rejected Job’s friends’ assumption that suffering is evidence of sin and God’s displeasure. Is cancer or lack of healing because of sin in one’s life? Please! Suffering doesn’t prove you have sinned or deserve to suffer. God in this story is very clear that Job “…is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil” (1:8). The suffering that Job experience is totally undeserved as is a great deal of suffering at the hands of evildoers. Bad things happen to good people in a broken world.

God Can Be Just And Caring Despite Suffering

God also rejected Job’s assumption that the wicked must be judged or the righteous rewarded immediately: “…Why should I not be impatient…Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know him look in vain for such days” (21:4, 24:1)? Job perhaps began to wonder if God was in control and cared by not intervening in his suffering sooner. God defended Himself to Job: “Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself” (40:8)? God’s justice doesn’t means the righteous never suffer here on earth or the unjust don’t seemingly prosper. God apparently doesn’t react to suffering, inevitable in a free world, as we humans do.

Job Recognized God Knows How To Best Run A Free World

Job says “my ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen you” (42:5). God did not say Job sinned by trying to understand God. Job just needed to hear from God and reminding that God was the Magnificent Creator of all (Chapters 39-41). Job perhaps began to realize that he was ultimately challenging God’s wisdom on how to run the universe. God may know a thing or two about running a world that has chosen to rebel again their Creator. Instant justice does not allow room for mercy.

Can Job’s Suffering Provide Insights For Our Sufferings?

God wants us to be comforted by Him in our sufferings by not making any false assumptions, and understand He suffers alongside of us. God wants us to understand our sufferings which are inevitable in a free world, though not caused by God, can serve a purpose in our life and the lives of others we influence. Are there rational reasons that God allows suffering and doesn’t intervene immediately?

• Most understand deserved suffering. Cheat on your partner and all hell can break loss. God never says all of suffering is deserved so shut-up! Job’s suffering was clearly not deserved. Suffering obviously is not always retribution or correction from God. God allows suffering but does not will suffering in the same way.

• Suffering enables us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers. We are more likely to look to God, who desires our everlasting happiness, during adversity than prosperity. I am better off when my prayers are not answered. Suffering brings to light our defects so to examine and overcome our weaknesses. No pain no gain is true both physically and emotionally. Profound trust in God during suffering can lead to wisdom about life in general.

• Our suffering can empower us to better serve others. Did Martin Luther King have to suffer to move the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry? Personal tragedies or undeserved insults can make us more sensitive to others in similar situations. Miracles turned heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. Suffering, inevitable in a free world, is necessary if you are going to be of much use to others.

• God could annihilate people at the first sign of evil, but don’t we give our wayward children chances to change no matter the harmed caused to themselves or others? God is merciful and patient in trying to change lives. Our demands for an all-powerful, invulnerable God comes at the expense of trusting God know best how to run the universe and change as many lives as possible through their own volition.

• Job gave up trying to control God, accepting God knew better how to run the universe. Satan had a point. True love in any relationship is determined when you suffer and yet still love. But Satan’s evil brought the exact opposite intended. Ultimately, we may not know all the reasons for why God allows evil to continue or be so random, as Job, but we know one reason is not because God doesn’t love us as evidenced by suffering Himself through Jesus.

Why Does God Allow Us To Experience Pain?

I may do everything in my power to spare my children of pain. They may not study enough and fail, but I prevent certain, appropriate consequences. I rather my children not suffer injustice at the hands of others though their experience may make them more sensitive to the injustices of others. I can’t tolerate the pain that I am in because they are in pain. Some parents refuse to let their children experience consequences from drug use or bullying others despite lack of remorse.

God apparently is not the same kind of parent that I am. God’s pain surely is greater than ours. He has more children. Only God know how good it really was in the beginning before pain entered the world. God could stop all pain. I suppose the pain involved when a child is wayward and allowing them to suffer consequences in hopes of seeing the need to change is more manageable. But, what about the pain involved when your child is treated unfairly. Jesus was crucified for telling the truth and God didn’t intervene.

God, like human parents, desires children who relate to Him in love than obey Him out of fear. Love without the freedom to hate is neither authentic nor desirable. God took the same risk we do when having children. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but was God’s risk in allowing freedom necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships? It is not heresy to suggest even God cannot create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be genuine free will. When evil was chosen suffering became a part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings.

The truth is suffering, whether deserved or undeserved, can enable us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers. I benefit more from my prayers not answered than being answered. Also, undeserved suffering enables us to relate to and help others in similar circumstances. Are we influenced more by how people handle miracles or trust God in difficult circumstances? Jesus’ miracles simply left people wanting more miracles and shortcuts to character-building. Jesus’ suffering changed billions of lives. Jesus' life and death was God’s attempt to preserve our freedom, oppose our rebellion, and persuade us to be unselfish lovers.

God challenged Job’s assumption that the wicked are judged or the righteous rewarded immediately: “…Why should I not be impatient…Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know him look in vain for such days” (21:4, 24:1)? God didn’t declare He is perfect and we aren’t perfect, so we always deserve suffering. Freedom makes for a complicated world. Perhaps God allowing suffering allows the most people to change for their own good without giving up on them. God is patient and merciful in hopes we will change.

I can’t always explain how any good comes from horrific evils by the hands of dictators. I do know God’s constant interference makes a mockery out of freedom. I can better comprehend God’s ways on smaller evils, but we would never be totally satisfied until all pain and suffering ceased. I will have to trust God regarding the bigger evils that overwhelm. I do know God is in a great deal of pain when He doesn’t interfere though He could. I do know God is always working to bring good from intended evil. I do know that sufferings, which are inevitable in a free world, change more lives than miracles.

Does God Cause, Allow, Or Interfere With Suffering?

Where there is evil there is suffering. The majority of suffering results from either personal or natural evil, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by others. This includes all the pain caused by abuse, adultery, addiction, gossip, selfishness, etc. Many accidents have a human element of negligence such as drunk driving or speeding. Natural evils such as floods or drought have a component of human mismanagement of the earth over thousands of years. Since suffering is inevitable, I suggest we determine ahead of time a satisfactory answer to God’s role in suffering. I believe some answers are more helpful than other as to why there is suffering in the world if God is in control. This is important because God desperately want to be our loving Caretaker in difficult times.

Some traditional theists state that God required evil from the very beginning of time to accomplish His good purposes and declare His glory. This is a shocking statement but perhaps made so to claim God is in control. There may be a fear that others may become discouraged or hopeless if taught things happen outside the will of God. It may be more comforting for some to believe God is controlling our personal suffering for His reasons. We do not protect the integrity or sovereignty of God by claiming that nothing happens outside the will of God. God being in control does not mean there are no disappointments or things that go contrary to God’s will. God does not have to control to be in control. Believing God is controlling one’s suffering can lead to focusing on “why or what is God punishing me for.” I believe tragedy is hard enough without wondering if God is out to get you or “God, do you really love me?”

The only suffering God causes is when He disciplines evil behavior to hopefully change one’s mind. Those times are clear in Scriptures. We should never presume to know when God is doing that today. God does not foreordain events such as the Holocaust or the sexual abuse of children. Do we really think God determines which women are raped or not, which children are sexually abused or not, which soldiers steps on an explosive device or not, or which people died from the fallen towers or not? If this traditional view of evil was true, skeptics could rightly ask why God could not accomplish His plan and show His goodness by not requiring evil. Evil is not some grand scheme by God! God doesn’t secretly will evil so good can be accomplished. He wishes His children choose good from the beginning. This traditional view of evil for the majority is morally and emotionally indefensible.

If we believe God created a free world, we must accept that God allowed for the possibility of suffering. God can be blamed for freedom but this does not make him responsible for personal evil. God is no more responsible for choices His children make than human parents are responsible for the decisions of their offspring. God’s risk for intimacy is no more insane than a parent who chooses to have a child born in an already corrupt world where freedoms exist. Wasn’t God’s risk in allowing freedom necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships? We all know love without true freedom is neither authentic nor desirable. With the opportunity of love must be the opportunity to hate. It is not heresy to suggest even God cannot create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be genuine free will. The only way God can totally stop suffering resulting from evil is to not create or constantly manipulate human decisions. God’s total or constant interference would make a mockery out of freedom. Where there is a free will apparently there will always be suffering

If God rid of everyone who has caused pain by an act of selfishness, which is God’s standard of evil, no one would be left. If God interfered much more than He does currently, we would surely only ask that He interfere all the time. Most of us don’t want any pain, not just a certain amount of pain. It is typically argued that we cannot understand suffering and a benevolent God. Why did the biblical writers not directly answer why there is suffering if God is in control? Perhaps the writers did answer the question of suffering by implying that in a free world suffering is inevitable and God would not abandon us.

How Does God Interfere

We may accept that God does not cause suffering and that God allows suffering by creating freedom, but we may still struggle with why God doesn’t interfere more with suffering. I believe some answers are more satisfactory than other answers. There are rational and relational answers as to why evil and suffering exists even though God is in control. There are answers to suffering that don’t imply God causes suffering or that God is pulling strings in heaven to teach us a lesson. Satisfactory answers can enable us to focus on God being with us in the midst of suffering rather than why God isn’t interfering. It is clear to most that God does not interfere with a great deal of suffering through miracles.

Jesus’ miracles only turned heads not hearts. The truth of the matter is sufferings, not pleasures, is what changes the most lives. We depend more on God in time in times of adversity than prosperity. God doesn’t ask for dependence for selfish reasons. Those who depend on God the most are less selfish. Can you imagine a world where all treated family and friends like they want to be treated? Jesus came as a suffering servant than ruling king for He understood that was best how to influence in the long run. God not interfering with suffering all the time may be necessary to change a person’s heart after sin entered the world. Suffering may be the only megaphone that can reach people about what really matters in life.

When evil was chosen suffering became part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings. It isn’t always wise to prevent our children from suffering consequences, whether self-inflicted or the result of a fallen world. Suffering enables us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers. We are more likely to look to God, who desires our everlasting happiness, during adversity than prosperity. God doesn’t interfere to allow suffering as a megaphone to distract us from our own selfishness. 

Did Martin Luther King have to suffer to move the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry? Jesus’ personal sufferings rather than His miracles changed more hearts. Personal tragedies or undeserved suffering can make us more sensitive to others. Undeserved insults can make us more sensitive to others in similar situations. Sufferings enable us to be trusted by others, because we have "walked in their shoes." God doesn’t interfere to allow suffering as a megaphone to enable us to better serve others. 

Should parents never have children because they may inflict suffering on others or could potentially suffer at the hands of others? God can be accused of not always intervening miraculously, but He does not provoke evil actions or pick and choose who may suffer more than others. God interferes by trying to change the souls and ways of people. God will hold our hand during difficult times and work to bring good from evil in us and for the world, if we desire and are able to receive His help. Our time here on earth cannot compare to our time in eternity after death. Justice delayed does not mean justice will not be served one day. God is the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. God intervenes in suffering but perhaps not in the way we think He should sometimes.

Why Did God Create Freedom and Continue to Allow Freedom?

How we answer “Why, God?” in times of distress is critical to our relationship with God. We must avoid any misconceptions or mistruths about God’s role in suffering resulting from evil. Evil is not some grand scheme by God. God is not responsible for choices His creations make any more than human parents are responsible for the decisions of their offspring. Our need for an all-powerful, invulnerable God often comes at the expense of freedom. Even God cannot create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be genuine free will. 

The overwhelming evidence is that God chose to be vulnerable, even putting Himself spread eagle on a Cross, to respect individual freedom. A genuine relationship is only possible if one is free to choose to return one’s love in return. As long as there is freedom, there must be the opportunity to love or hate. God is a respecter of freedom and does not manipulate or override such a choice. The biblical writers didn’t attempt to explain evil, because they understood God gave people the choice to live out their own selfish desires or the selfless desires of God.

God obviously does not intervene by preventing freedom. From God’s perspective three murders are not better than four murders, two women raped is not better than three women raped, and one child abused is not better than two children abused. If God rid of everyone who has caused pain by an act of selfishness, no one would be left. All evil is not the same, but if God was to stop evil before it happens and to be true to character, He would have to stop any wrongdoing. God’s total or constant interference would make a mockery out of freedom. Where there is a free will apparently there will always be evil.

God obviously does not intervene by destroying or annihilating people at the first sign of opposition or when there is continuous, severe rebellion. Future generations after Noah’s proved beginning anew does not destroy evil permanently. At the first sign of rebellion, are we going to destroy our children? Aren’t parents going to attempt to influence and win a child back without denying the freedom to choose? God tolerates evil, rather than instantly judges, in hopes of change and a relationship. Justice though is eventually served for victims. God is extremely patient, merciful, forgiving, and perseverant. God is always seeking to “break through” to human beings to restore what has been lost.

Once evil was chosen suffering become part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings. Parents, as God, are always attempting to persuade their children to reciprocate their love for their own benefit. If you love something you must set it free. If it comes back it is yours. If it doesn't, it was never yours in the first place. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but God’s risk in allowing freedom was necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships. Should parents never have children because they may inflict suffering on others or could potentially suffer at the hands of others?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

How we answer “why, God?” in times of distress can determine whether we push God away or accept God’s help during suffering. The simple answer as to why God allow suffering is because God created and continues to allow freedom. God is love and we all know true love is not controlling. Suffering results from either personal or natural evil, so I often use evil and suffering interchangeably. Where there is evil there is suffering. Christians must acknowledge that God created the potential for evil because He created humans with the freedom to love or hate, but evil stems from misguided desires. Not even God can create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be genuine free will.

C.S Lewis suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices - evils that come through bad choices make by cruel and lawless people - account for at least 80% of humankind suffering. Most of suffering is either self inflicted because of immoral choices made or inflicted upon us by others intentionally. I address elsewhere natural evil which does not seem to be caused by personal evil, such as earthquakes, birth abnormalities, surgical mistakes made by tired physicians, and other tragedies. The truth is that the majority of suffering results from evildoers inflicting pain on others directly or indirectly. God is no more responsible for evil choices than human parents for the decisions of their offspring.

God understood love without true freedom is neither authentic nor desirable. What parent wishes for children who obey out of fear than love? If you love something you must set it free. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours in the first place. God at least initially brought children into a perfect world where corruption and death did not exist. Parents bring children into an imperfect world, knowing they could commit evil or experience evil at the hands of others. The pleasures of parenthood far outweigh the risks involve. God’s risk is no more insane than a parent who chooses to have a child born in an already corrupt world where freedoms exist. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but God’s risk in allowing freedom was necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships.

God works continuously to bring some good out of what was intended for evil, but God never desires evil for a greater purpose. Most of us can understand that freedom results in suffering. We may need to understand more how God has chosen to respond to suffering as a result of freedom. Why doesn’t God intervene more to stop sufferings or at least certain horrific evils such as the holocaust? Humans may destroy at the first hint of evil, yet demand mercy for themselves and their loved ones. You can’t have it both ways. God does not impose His will on us. God does not destroy or annihilate people at the first sign of opposition or even before evil gets out of hand. God started over once with the Flood but evil just grew back. What is a God to do?

God does not have a different standard of evil than humans. What is sicker than torturing and killing millions of people simply because of their nationality or the family they were born into? What is more horrible than when an adult sexually abuses a young child for years, threatening them if they tell anyone of their dirty little secret? Suffering is suffering, regardless of the magnitude or how many humans are impacted. There would be no freedom if God interfered with evil according to His standards. Justice will be eventually served. God tolerates evil, rather than instantly judges, to change this chaotic world of their own free choice. God is extremely patient, merciful, forgiving, and perseverant. God’s ultimate response to evil is the slow, necessary way of the Incarnation. God proved He would do anything to oppose our rebellion while preserving our freedom. Jesus' life and death was an attempt to persuade us of our own volition.

It may not always be wise to prevent our children from suffering consequences, whether self-inflicted or the result of a fallen world. Adversity than prosperity best enables us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers.  It is not necessarily true that if God instantly stopped all suffering, whether from personal or natural evil, the world would be better off. I depend on God the most during uncertain time. Dependence than independence from God best makes us the kind of person we so badly desire to be. Suffering resulting from freedom can serve as a megaphone to distract us from our own selfishness. One can understand though how God’s intended acts of healings behind the scenes may not always be perceived as loving, thus it requires trust.

It may not always be wise to shield our children from undeserved suffering. Undeserved insults can make us more sensitive to others in similar situations. Sufferings enable us to be trusted by others, because we have "walked in their shoes." Jesus’ personal sufferings rather than His miracles changed more hearts. We can trust Jesus because He has faced and conquered all the adversities we face. Witnessing miracles in others’ lives has proven to not have a long-term impact. Did Martin Luther King have to suffer to move the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry? Undeserved suffering resulting from freedom can serve as a megaphone to empower us to serve others. Once evil was chosen allowing suffering perhaps became necessary so God could lead us to a paradise appropriate for free beings. Freedom is necessary to change the world by its own volition.

Why Does God Allow Such Horrific Evil?

Most will accept that evil is present because God gave the opportunity for all to either love or hate. Evil is present because there are evildoers. God created the potential for evil because He created humans with the freedom to love or hate, but evil stems from misguided desires. God is no more responsible for choices His creations make than human parents are responsible for the decisions of their offspring. Why doesn’t God at least intervene at times when evil gets out of control and impacts millions of lives? Most of us believe God is powerful enough to stop evil.

What is sicker than torturing and killing millions of people simply because of their nationality or the family they were born into? There have been many similar horrific evils such as the Holocaust throughout the centuries of humankind. But, one person killed or abused due to evil is tragic. What is more horrific than when an adult sexually abuses a young child for years, threatening them if they tell anyone of their dirty little secret? Evil is evil, regardless of the magnitude. The truth is because God or humans don’t measure evil in terms of how many humans are impacted, God would need to interfere constantly with human decisions to do evil than good. Most suffering is either self-inflicted or inflicted by others, whether it be in the life of one person or in the lives of millions of people.

Does God not care because He doesn’t constantly interfere with the natural order of things? No one argues lack of freedom is either authentic or desirable. Freedom cannot be preserved with God’s constant interference. Evil is not some grand scheme by God! God gave up control for the sake of freedom. Just because God doesn’t control everything doesn’t mean God loses control. God works to bring some good out of what was intended for evil through the actions of his followers, but this does not mean God orchestrates evil to accomplish this. Some may argue this gives no hope to the suffering if God doesn’t control everything. I believe it is very hopeful to know our God does not cause evil, that evil is never God’s will, and that God grieves in our suffering and promises life after death. God certainly didn’t avoid evil Himself through the death of His Son.  

The Flood proved wiping out evil and starting over doesn’t cause evil to go away. When there is freedom evil just grows back. Besides making a mockery of freedom, instant healings or sudden rescues don’t always make us the kind of people we want to become. God perhaps knew something about human nature that we do not accept. The slow, necessary way of God through the Incarnation may have been the best course of action to change us and the world in the long-run through our own volition. Jesus’ suffering, not His miracles, changed the world. Adversity than prosperity best enables us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers.  Dependence than independence from God best makes us the kind of person we so badly desire to be.

Just because God doesn’t stop evil doesn’t mean God isn’t involved and changing the world for the better. Never give up being used by God this make this a better world. Strive to allow suffering to enable you to become more like God by being totally unselfish. How many people stood by when Hitler was becoming the person he was? Could he have been stopped early on?  It may not seem we are making a difference but we never know the impact we may be having by being involved in the lives of others. If someone had befriended Hitler as a young boy and sought to have spiritual influence and he responded, could we have been saved from this evil Dictator?

How Can We Explain God And Natural Evil?

Personal evil rather than natural evil can be easier to explain and understood because of human freedom involved. C.S. Lewis has suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices – evils that come through bad choices make by cruel and lawless people – account for at least 80% of humankind suffering. Much of suffering is either self-inflicted or inflicted by others. But, how do we explain natural disasters that cannot be traced to a human's freedom to inflict evil upon others? I will write separately about personal tragedies that do not have a direct cause as well.


There was the Tsunami in 2004 that landed in India and killed hundreds of thousands of people. There was the 2010 earthquake in Haiti that killed over a hundred thousand people. Clearly in Old Testament times God sometimes caused natural disasters as a judgment against sin, beginning with the Universal Flood. (Genesis 7)  But, for one to claim that any disaster in our lifetime is God's divine punishment is an accusation against the Almighty that cannot be verified. It has been said Haiti in 2010 was being punished for certain pagan practices such as voodoo. If this is the case why has America not been destroyed for killing over 50 million babies through abortion even though the mother's life/health was not in danger? We can detect a beating heart around the 18th day in a mother's womb and know babies can react to stimuli, which would include pain well before many mothers abort their babies. If pagan practices caused specific catastrophes, none of us would be alive.  

I read that the earth is constructed of tectonic plates and when they collide, what is atop them can be destroyed.  Do we really want to claim the shifting of these plates underground is related to the changing mood of God?  These events directed by the forces of nature happen regardless of the moral actions of the people who are living in areas that are struck. I believe God intended for humans to have perfect bodies, perfect health, and freedom from natural disasters. One explanation for natural disasters is that rebellion against God set in motions the deterioration of physical nature as it did human nature. Genesis 2:5-6 hints of God's protection of the earth: "...God had not sent rain on the earth, and there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth, and watered the whole surface of the ground." When we rejected God's oversight, He permitted both human and physical nature to run its course. Freedom gone awry caused progressive deterioration of the physical world as it did human nature.


It has been said in Haiti that when tectonic plates under the earth collided, atop them was a particularly densely populated, poorly constructed city in a country which had been poorly governed for centuries. The suffering of the Haitians was further complicated by overcrowding and poor building practices. And we curse God for letting it happen. Who made money in the construction of the city in the manner that is was? Why couldn't there have been a better warning system in place? Was this money used for other greedy purposes? Was good housing not possible partly because of social injustices? In other situations instead of caring for the land, we exploit and destroy nature by pollution of air and water and other acts of destruction to the soil and vegetation. We must not underestimate progressive damage over the centuries. When humans rebelled, all hell broke loose, both environmentally and personally. 


Tragedy is tragedy, regardless of its magnitude. God would need to interfere with all natural disasters. If God could simply build anti-human elements into nature to protect the innocent from natural evil, He would have done the same for moral evil.  People often experience more than their share of evil. God may know something about human nature we do not accept. Jesus in Luke 13:1-5 suggests suffering is not caused by God or one's sins but suffering around us can give pause to reflect on the shortness of life and the importance of living purposefully. If God intervened with all natural disasters, would millions of people ever reevaluate their priorities in life? Miracles only turned heads but not hearts. The world and I am changed for the better during suffering than prosperity. Change sometimes is only possible when we don't interfere with the natural consequences of freedom gone awry. God can bring great good out of terrible tragedies if we don't allow a misunderstanding of God's role in the world to prevent that.

What About Personal Tragedies and God?

Personal tragedies are similar to natural disasters in that they usually cannot be traced to a human's freedom to inflict suffering on others. How we answer “Why, God?” in times of distress is critical to our relationship with God. A person may become paralyzed after riding a horse just because of the way they fell. One cannot always see a pothole in the road ahead that can be disastrous for a cyclist. Cancer obviously is not always contacted due to lifestyle choices. Children are born with physical deformities that cannot be traced directly to wrongful actions of parents.

Through history people commonly assumed disease and disorders were due to sin. Blaming suffering or pain on personal sin is misguided. The Old and New Testament refute this assumption. God said Job was righteous (Job 1:8). Friends of Job assumed he had sinned and needed to repent in order to avoid further punishment. Jesus opposed this same assumption in the story of the blind man when His audience appeared to be making similarly accusations as Job’s friends (John 9) We must have a clear understanding of God’s role in tragedies or we may be tempted to blame God rather than receive the comfort He can provide. Tragedy is hard enough without wondering if God is punishing us or "God, do you really love me?"


Many are comforted by believing that God is directing everything that happens, but many struggle with the thought that God is pulling strings in heaven as to what tragedy we may or may not experience? Do we really think God is picking and choosing which of us get cancer because of some grand purpose or scheme? Does God intervene when someone is falling from a horse to twist their body just right so the fall will not result in one being paralyzed? Did God really select which people would escape the 911 terrorist attacks? God forbid disputable understandings of God’s role in suffering drive people to unbelief or despair.


Many are more comforted knowing that God does not cause or plan all their sufferings, that God grieves as He did not created a world in the beginning without any suffering, that God will walk hand-in hand with us through any tragedy to bring good from it (though he does not orchestrate suffering to accomplish this), and that God promises an end to suffering as He has conquered death. What kind of God allows His Son to be crucified for accusations He was innocent of in hopes of persuading us to trust in God rather than our own destructive ways?


God cannot just manufacture events so suffering only impacts those who deserve it. Even God cannot create and guarantee life without violence and suffering and yet there be genuine free will. If God interferes with one tragedy we would accuse Him of injustice until He prevented every single tragedy. Asking God to control all our circumstances is to ask God to negate or manipulate freedom and usually to our benefit. Our world is not necessarily better off with fewer tragedies. When evil was chosen suffering became part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings

Suffering can serve as a megaphone to distract us from our selfishness. God allowing suffering may be the only way to love the greatest number of selfish people back to unselfishness while preserving freedom. Suffering, even it not self-inflicted, can enable us to not fall in love with what the world offers. Significant changes often only happen during adversity than prosperous times. Also, suffering can serve as a megaphone to enable us to better serve others. Jesus’ sufferings, not miracles, is what turned hearts rather than heads. Personal sufferings enable us to be trusted by others, because we have “walked in their shoes.” We can trust Jesus because He has faced and conquered all the adversities we face. God can, and does, bring good out of terrible tragedies if we don’t allow a misunderstanding of God’s role in this world to prevent that.

Can Any Good Come From Suffering Or A Catastrophe?

I don’t enjoy writing on this topic because I have suffered very little in my life. I lost my Dad but he had a full life. I have never lost a child to early death. I have never gone a single day without food. I have never been abused as a child or adult. One who has gone through premarital counseling is better prepared for marital challenges that come up from time to time. We all should prepare ourselves in case crises come our way; otherwise, our distress may bring out an unwelcome reaction. One’s perspective on suffering can make all the difference in the world.

What one believes about God and suffering determines whether they push God away or accept His help during the crisis. Who doesn’t think of God as being able to control all things, so why doesn’t He control our suffering? God did not create evil. Suffering results either from personal or natural evil. Suffering is inevitable in a free world. Tragedy is a product of freedom given by God, not something that God is always scheming to teach us a lesson. In the story of the falling tower Jesus laid to rest the age-old argument that suffering is always directly because of one's sin. (Lk 13:1-5) The truth is much of suffering is either self-inflicted or inflicted upon others by lawless and cruel people. C.S. Lewis has suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices - evils that come through bad choices make by cruel and lawless people - account for at least 80% of humankind suffering.

Christians should not be surprised at suffering. “In fact, everyone you wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Tim 3:12) The reason is many live for evil human desires and heap abuse on others. The biblical writers didn’t attempt to explain evil. They understood we live in a world with people intent to live out their own selfish desires and not the will of God. Suffering is inevitable in a free world. God may not be your problem in a crisis. God values freedom and by nature is forgiving and merciful to allow for change. God is always anxious to bring good from our suffering, as He did Jesus’ suffering. Not all suffering is the same, but freedom explains its presence and one reason God restrains Himself is His hope for change.

Miracles turn heads more than they do hearts. Humans have short attention spans. Jesus’ miracles attracted crowds but rarely encouraged long-term change. Jesus’ suffering is what changed the world and not His miracles. What’s a God to do? Besides making a farce out of freedom, it may not always be wise for God to intervene with human or physical nature. Might there be good reasons for God to restrain His mercy? What can be learned from a catastrophe from sufferers and bystanders?

The truth is that suffering may be the only megaphone that can reach people about what really matters in life. Sometimes, the only way to get people to notice the deeper things in life is through their own suffering. We learn nothing when God makes us rich; we just fall in love with being rich which obvious doesn’t buy happiness. It may take a funeral and observing the loved ones of the deceased, for others to see the hope that is within Christians. Our sufferings, as Christ’s were, may be the best opportunities to reach others about what really matters in life.

God does not cause all sufferings for some grand purpose, but it may be shortsighted to think it is always the wisest thing to interfere with suffering. The suffering of Jesus is what really changed the world for good. No amount of good forthcoming can justify any evil, but suffering can remind us of the brevity of life. Since suffering is inevitable in a free world, we can allow suffering to bring out the compassion in us toward others that should have been present all along. Sometimes we don’t become the people we ought to be until after a catastrophe. Messages of suffering are as much for the survivors as the afflicted should we choose to be receptive.

Would We Be Better Off If There Were More Miracles?

I don’t pretend to know when God intervenes miraculously. God has earned my trust when He does intervene, for I know He does so with the big picture in mind. In observing how much evil and suffering there is in the world, God doesn’t though seem to miraculously intervene often. We know God respects freedom, rather than manipulates or overrides freedom. Genuine relationships are only possible if one is free to love as well as hate. Other than out of respect for freedom, might God have a good reason to not always physically intervene?

We ask God to help us find a partner, to get us that job, to take away some illness. There is nothing wrong with these prayers, but let’s try to understand God’s perspective. God obviously made Himself vulnerable by choosing to respect individual freedom. What if two are praying for the same job? For those invested in stocks, do you find yourselves wishing God would just intervene to restore sanity? Since the market is determined by lots of individual actions, wouldn’t God have to override many freedoms? Besides, hasn’t Hollywood proven that money doesn’t buy happiness so would it be better if God just crash the market?

God not answering our prayers our way may change the world for the better while respecting the freedom to love or hate. Suffering entered the world when we rebelled against the Creator. God’s lack of interference may be in our best interest in the long run. Once a prayer is answered, we may go back to independency rather than a deeper dependency on God. The only times we may cry out to God are during times of suffering. When things are going well we ignore God, which leads to a self-centered lifestyle to the harm of others. The truth is I am better off God not answering most of my prayers. What’s a God to do?

Miracles were prevalent in Old Testament times. God showed Himself in mighty ways to the Israelites through the plagues, digesting the miracle of manna in their bellies while wandering in the wilderness, and crossing the Red Sea onto dry ground. God’s visibility and directness didn’t cause the Israelites to choose rightly. Would any nation be any different? Also, the supernatural peace God can give one during suffering may be the only way we can hope to positively influence others. It may take a funeral and observing the loved ones of the deceased, to see the hope that Christians have.

Jesus’ miracles attracted crowds but rarely encouraged long-term change. Humans have short attention spans. Constant miracles do not lead to changed lives. The truth of the matter is sufferings, not pleasures, is what changes the most lives. Jesus came as a suffering servant than ruling king for He understood that was best how to influence in the long run. Apparently, suffering may be necessary to change a person’s heart after sin entered the world. Suffering may be the only megaphone that can reach people about what really matters in life.

How Can One’s View Of God’s Role In Suffering Prepare Them For A Crisis?

Preparing ahead of time can be the best preparation for future challenges such as a career, marriage, or even a crisis. Most will experience a crisis at some point in life; all of us will face death some day. How does one prepare in the event they suffer the death of a child or hear they have life-threatening cancer? One’s faith obviously can play a fatal role during difficult times. Some can only hope one day they are united with their loved ones. Christians have the assurance they will join God in heaven and see their love ones, to become physically whole again or perhaps for the first time. Funerals don’t have to be utter hopelessness.

But, regardless of faith, what one believes about God’s role in suffering can determines whether they push God away or accept His help during the crisis. Who doesn’t think of God as being able to control all things, so why doesn’t He control our suffering? An Open view of God, as opposed to the more traditional view of God, can make suffering more understandable. An Open view is slow to suggest God has a role in tragedy. God did not create evil or suffering. Tragedy is a product of freedom given by God, not something that God is always scheming to teach us a lesson. God originally created a perfect world - human choices destroyed this perfection and continue to do so daily.

Evil was not created; evil stemmed from misguided desires. Evil and suffering must exist if one insists on freedom. Much of suffering is inflicted on others by evildoers, directly or indirectly, thus a by-product of freedom. C.S. Lewis suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices - evils that come about through bad choices made by cruel and lawless people - account for at least 80 percent of mankind's suffering. God is a tremendous respecter of freedom. Many things that happen are not God’s will but instead the will of people. It may bring comfort to think or believe God is always controlling as opposed to being in control, but such a theology is at too high a cost to God’s character. Do we want to suggest God foreordained the Holocaust or acts of sexual abuse? God cannot offer free choice and then compel one choice over another. Forced love is neither genuine nor most desirable. Not even God can force a human being to love Him.

Christians should not be surprised at suffering. “In fact, everyone you wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Tim 3:12) The reason is others live for evil human desires and heap abuse on others. Why evil and suffering happen if God is in control is not that mysterious. The biblical writers didn’t attempt to explain evil. They understood we live in a world with people intent to live out their own selfish desires and not the will of God. Suffering is inevitable in a free world. God may not be your problem in a crisis. God values freedom and by nature is forgiving and merciful to allow for change. God is always anxious to bring good from our suffering, as He did Jesus’ suffering. Frankly, if God destroyed us at the first sign of evil or disobedience according to His standards, none of us would be alive. Not all evil is the same, but freedom explains its presence and one reason God restrains Himself is His hope for change. Asking God to control all our circumstances is to ask God to negate or manipulate freedom.

Suffering as the result of the evil intentions of others may be easier to understand. But, all of suffering doesn’t always have a visible, direct evil cause. Where is God in these sufferings? The truth of the matter is that suffering may be the only megaphone that can reach people about what really matters in life. Miracles only turned heads but not hearts. God doesn’t cause suffering, but should He always interfere? Sometimes, the only way to get people to notice God and the deeper things in life is through their own suffering. We learn nothing when God makes us rich; we just fall in love with being rich which obvious doesn’t buy happiness. Often, our suffering in a way that surpasses all human understanding is the only way we can get others to see what an awesome God we have. It may take a funeral for others to see the hope that is within us. For those who already know God, suffering often builds even greater character and changes in us though I wish it weren’t so. Jesus came as a suffering servant not a ruling King. The suffering of Jesus is what really changed the world for good. Why, God? isn’t as complicated as we think if we understand God's perspective to change individuals and the world through their own volition. 

How Can Suffering Be To Our Benefit?

I thought of titling this Why I Believe Suffering Can Be To Others’ Benefit, so to not be totally hypocritical. Also, I find it difficult to write on this topic because I have suffered very little in my life. I lost my Dad but he had a full life. I have never lost a child to early death. I have never gone a single day without food. I have never been cold due to lack of clothing. I have never been abused as a child or adult. But, like anything in life, it is always best to be prepared for future possibilities. One who has gone through premarital counseling is better prepared for marital challenges that come up from time to time. Similarly, I think we all should prepare ourselves in case crises come our way; otherwise, our distress may bring out an unwelcome reaction. One’s perspective on suffering can make all the difference in the world.

Those who believe in God may ask themselves why so much suffering exists if God is in control. How we answer “why, God?” in times of distress can profoundly influence our relationship with our Creator. Why doesn’t God overwhelm all evil with His power? Why doesn’t God prevent world hunger or child abuse? The depth of our understanding and level of respect for God can have important implications, often determining whether we push God away or seek His help during a crisis. The simple answer as to why God does not prevent or stop suffering is because of freedom and because He restraints Himself.

God seems to have a different perspective on suffering inflicted on others by evildoers, directly or indirectly. God values freedom and by nature is forgiving and merciful to allow for change. Frankly, if God destroyed us at the first sign of evil or disobedience according to His standards, none of us would be alive. Not all evil is the same, but freedom and God’s restraint explains its presence. Even human parents don’t seek to destroy their children at the first sign of evil. We are going to think how we can influence and win them back without denying them the freedom of choice. This is the only way to genuine, long-lasting change, so we can experience true intimacy. God’s ultimate response to evil is the slow, necessary way of Incarnation. In an attempt to change the world and turn as many people as possible from evil of their own violition, God sacrificed His Son who serves as our moral example and offers us freedom from evil in our life after death.

The truth of the matter is that suffering, whether directly caused by evildoers or not, may be the only megaphone that can reach people about what really matters in life. Miracles only turned heads but not hearts. Sometimes, the only way to get people to notice God and the deeper things in life is through their own suffering. We learn nothing when God makes us rich; we just fall in love with being rich which obvious doesn’t buy happiness. Often, our suffering in a way that surpasses all human understanding is the only way we can get others to see what an awesome God we have. It may take a funeral and observing the loved ones of the deceased, for others to see the hope that is within Christians.

The truth of the matter is we become more like Christ in difficult times. Suffering often builds even greater character and changes in us, though I wish it didn’t take suffering to totally depend on God. Many long for miracles and signs of God’s presence. The Israelites give ample proof that signs may only addict us to signs, not to God. Instant healing doesn’t make us the kind of people we need to be. Maybe if we truly wanted to be like Christ, which is to be totally unselfish, we ought to pray for suffering! The more suffering I experience the more opportunities I may have to draw closer to God. Christians have a message that often others do not want to hear. Pray continually to be like Christ in all situations. Realize that others are most often influenced for the good in times of suffering. Our sufferings, as Christ’s were, may be the best opportunities to reach others with the hope that is within you. God may delay His response to suffering perhaps for His love for us. I am not saying that God causes all suffering for some grand purpose, but it may be shortsighted to think it is always the wisest thing to interfere with suffering. The suffering of Jesus is what really changed the world for good.

Does God Control The Day You Die?

Some may be comforted by the idea that God controls the day you are going to die to be with Him in heaven. Personally, I do not like the logical or relational baggage that goes with such a thought. You may want to reconsider certain beliefs if it is causing distance between you and God. God is not responsible for all the evil in the world that causes suffering and leads to premature deaths. Death was not God’s original intent but perhaps a Godsend, so we can be reunited with those who are murdered at the hands of others. Just because God does not control every event in our life does not mean God is not in control.

People say “God will take him or her on His timetable.” This implies God keeps some older folks alive longer for whatever reason. One may assume if they are in a great deal of pain, God is keeping them alive to discipline them or that God is not merciful. Families may begin to question God why their parent must suffer and someone’s relative dies without much pain or suffering. Many may be tempted to ask “why” rather than more helpful questions in times of suffering.

If you believe God controls the exact day one dies, this logically raises questions about when people die for reasons other than old age. Did God really appoint a person to be killed by a drunk driver on such and such day? For some that is just too much to bear. Now, don’t get me wrong. God knows a lot and is present everywhere. God knows a driver is drunk and is headed a certain way where someone is walking. He knows physics. He created it. Why doesn’t he stop it?

If God stopped all suffering to His preference as a loving Parent, then that would just make a mockery out of freedom. We would not be satisfied until God stopped all suffering. God is not a Parent who enjoys seeing His children suffer any more than we do as a parent. There are understandable reasons why God created freedom and why He allows consequences of such a decision to play out. The truth is if God answers all my prayers and I never suffer, I am not necessarily a better person for it. If I could interfere everyday my children experience any suffering, that isn’t necessarily the most loving thing to do.

There are answers to suffering that don’t imply God is controlling, or that God causes suffering, or that God is pulling strings in heaven to teach us a lesson. We can focus on God being with us in the midst of suffering rather than why God isn’t interfering.

Is Our Answer To Suffering Helping?

Can anyone really know if they are prepared for suffering until they meet it head on and see how they respond? I have suffered very little so I am not an authority on the subject, but I want to be prepared. Suffering is inevitable in this fallen world. Will my understanding of my Creator’s role in my suffering help or hinder me in difficult times?

My wife this past year did go through and heal from a bicycle accident. She will never be quite the same but it could have been worse. My beliefs about God and suffering helped me to not go certain places. I didn’t question God why He didn’t change her mind that morning to go for a bike ride. She debated whether to really go. A different decision was all it took to avoid an accident. Why didn’t God bring to my attention the brakes on the bike had been repaired to tight? Does God really sit in heaven yanking strings as to who does and doesn’t suffer? If God had prevented this accident, I would just ask Him to prevent all accidents. Our demands for God to manipulate a free world would never end.

Does our answer to suffering draw us closer to God or create distance? If you believe God controls all things, you may question why God doesn’t interfere more. If you believe God doesn’t control all things but is in control, than you may be better able to rely on the Creator during tough times and ask Him to empower you to bring something good out of a tragedy. Jesus asked God to intervene at the Cross, but God allowing Jesus to suffer and die changed billions of lives. Jesus’ miracles did not have a lasting impression. Miracles just cause us to be more dependent on difficult circumstances being made easier.

Much of suffering results from personal evil, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by others. C.S Lewis suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices - evils that come through bad choices make by cruel and lawless people - account for at least 80% of humankind suffering. God doesn’t interfere most of the time because that would just make a mockery out of freedom. Natural evil is much harder to explain than personal evil but surely human accumulated mismanagement of the earth over thousands of years has brought destruction such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and earthquakes.

God doesn’t cause suffering. Suffering results from either personal or natural evil. Where there is evil there is suffering. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but was God’s risk in allowing freedom necessary to obtain the highest good in relationships? Most agree forced love is neither authentic nor desirable. Asking God to control all our circumstances is to ask God to negate or manipulate freedom. When evil was chosen suffering became part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings. Jesus' life and death was an attempt to persuade us of our own volition.

I have thought if I just could convince skeptics that God is a respecter of freedom and not a control freak, this may open their eyes to the loving Creator we have. But, the answer to suffering may be more important to Christians. Isn’t it important we understand God’s role in suffering, so we can receive His comfort in these times? Tragedy is hard enough without wondering “why is God doing this to me” or “why doesn’t God care about me to intervene.”

Jesus’ miracles attracted crowds but rarely encouraged long-term change. Humans have short attention spans. Constant miracles do not lead to changed lives. Suffering can enable me to depend on God more, which leads to greater character change. I am better off God not answering most of my prayers. Difficulties can grow us. This doesn’t mean God causes or desires I suffer. God just doesn’t think it is always wise to interfere in a free world for our own good. Isn’t it true if God interfered miraculously a lot more than He does, we would want God to interfere always!

If God is always immediately rewarding us or alleviating suffering, wouldn’t we always do good to get good? This doesn’t change us really when no one is looking. Doing going for the right reasons leads to our becoming more the person we secretly desire to be. The truth is since God can stop all suffering, God ultimately allows all suffering. We don’t have to be masochists, but suffering may be necessary to change the world for the better.

Suffering can serve as a megaphone to distract us from our own selfishness. Suffering enables us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers. We are more likely to look to God, who desires our everlasting happiness, during adversity than prosperity. God allowing suffering can serve as a megaphone to enable us to better serve others. Did Martin Luther King have to suffer to move the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry? Personal tragedies or undeserved suffering can make us more sensitive to others. Undeserved insults can allow us to help others in similar situations.

God doesn’t secretly will evil so good can be accomplished. He rather people from the beginning look to His ways. Do we really think God determines which women are raped or get breast cancer, which children are sexually abused or contact a fatal disease, which soldiers steps on an explosive device, or which people died from the fallen towers? God can be accused of not always intervening miraculously, but He does not provoke evil actions or pick and choose who may suffer more than others. God interferes by trying to change the souls and ways of people. God will hold our hand during difficult times and work to bring good from evil in us and for the world, if we desire and are able to receive His help.

God, Hell, And Heaven

Questions One Might Ask About Heaven, Hell, And The Afterlife

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

Hell? NO!

Are Only Christians Loved By God And Go To Heaven?

Does Our God Of Mercy Really Send To Hell Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?

How Do We Really Receive Eternal Life Or Immortality?

What Does The Bible Really Say About Heaven And Life After Death?

Questions One Might Ask About Heaven, Hell, And The Afterlife

It is presumptuous to think I know what happens after death, but certain traditional understandings of God and what I suggest may determine the depth of our relationship with God or if we even desire such a relationship. My answers are purposefully brief as I hope if interested you will search for a Post title below using the search feature at my website:

What May Happen After We Die?

Why Atheists And Unspiritual Folks May Be In Heaven?

Is There Life After Death For All?

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

Hell? NO!

When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Changing directions, not perfection, was the message or heaven will be empty. Jesus didn’t talk so much about life after death; Jesus talked about how true living begins here on earth by understanding how much your Creator loves you. Such knowledge empowers one to shun evil and be the unselfish person we all desire to be deep down.

1. What does the Bible say about heaven? Enough biblical passages suggest all will face God one day for an accounting of their deeds – good and bad (Mt: 12:36, Rom. 14:10, 2 Cor. 5:10, Heb.9:27). We can look forward to our eventual citizenship in heaven (Philip. 3:20). The new heaven and earth spoken of in Revelation (21:1-4) is not speaking about a time in the future on earth but that the grave is no longer our destination just like Jesus.

2. Why doesn’t the Bible say more about heaven? A solely heavenly focus can lead to passive earthly living, similar to focusing on Jesus’ coming rather than making a difference in the world we live in currently. Jesus talked about how we now can be the person we desire to be.

3. Does anyone really go to Hell? The word Hell in the Bible is a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time!

4. Does the possibility of eternal decisions after death lead to less urgency to change on earth? We may want to tell an addict after the 10th relapse there is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. God’s continual encouragement and mercy, not fear, is our necessary nourishment for true changes of the heart. God wants peace for us to begin here on earth.

5. Do we get into heaven based on decisions and beliefs here on earth? Is a thief going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breathe? Some opinions about God are based on false representations here on earth. Some despise their Heavenly Parent because of their earthly parents. Some can’t stomach a God who supposedly burns people forever because of unbelief. God doesn’t determine one’s future destiny on choices they didn’t have on earth.

6. Why do beliefs on earth matter if they don’t determine our eventually destiny? Do you really think it doesn’t matter how you treat others here on earth if there isn’t a law against your actions? Jesus conveyed God’s unimaginable love to inspire us being even a better partner, parent, and friend. Some will admit faith in God turned them away from being totally evil.

7. Aren’t atheists and unspiritual folks just rebellious? Romans 1 doesn’t suggest all who don’t believe in God are suppressing what they know to be true; instead, some ignore God to justify wicked ways. Let’s not accuse those who believe as needing a crutch and those that don’t believe of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times.

8. Can atheists or unspiritual folks here on earth go to heaven? Why wouldn’t a God who gives millions of chances here on earth give one a second change when meeting their Creator after death if justice can be defended in such a scenario? Some biblical passages can be interpreted to suggest all enter heaven one day while some passages can be interpreted to the contrary.

9. Why do some pursue God on earth and some don’t? Do we really think we believe in God because we are more enlightened or moral? We are surely influenced by choices we have on earth. God created a free world for a reason, but all will eventually have a chance to know what God is really like to make decisions based on the truth.

10. What about different religions? A Muslim or Christian may or may not worship the same God but strive to love others how they wish to be loved. That is what Jesus said was the main thing (Mt. 24:37-38). Jesus wanted all to listen to their heart about what is right and wrong. Some Muslims believe in the virgin birth and some Christians don’t. Some Buddhists have more the heart of Jesus than those who call themselves Christians. The Israelites got it wrong thinking they were the only nation or religion under God. All religions have some truth and contradictions must be weighed.

11. What about those who have never heard of Jesus? Some believe Jesus came to tell you to drop to your knees and come to Jesus or you can go straight to Hell. More people than not born into the world have never heard the name of Jesus. Entrance into Heaven doesn’t depend on a decision one didn’t have an opportunity to make. Specific knowledge of Christ or saying the right words is suspect as being necessary. The same John that penned John 3:16 possibly wrote “whoever loves has been born of God and knows God” (I John 4:7).

12. How can there be justice for victims if all go to heaven? We may seek revenge or an eye or an eye, but a parent can’t return a childhood lost due to abusive behavior. God’s justice in the afterlife may have an educative component and cleansing. Confession is what leads to healing. Victims will be vindicated when the guilty face their sins. We like God may forgive our tormenters if they truly seek forgiveness and desire to make amends.

13. Can our suffering on earth ever be justified? Evil chosen leads to so much suffering, but there may be compassionate reasons why God doesn’t interfere. Forcing my rebellious son to do right presently may lead to further rebellion or staying away forever. Patience may allow time for moral development on earth, so he may freely choose to live with me forever in heaven. Loving parents allow freedom for the possibility of authentic relationships.

14. Will we have freedom in heaven and does it matter? God values freedom because freedom is necessary for authenticity, the highest good in relationships. Without freedom, thus the possibility of suffering, we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. Human or spiritual parent brings children into the world hoping their children freely reciprocate their love because controlling or destroying free, moral decisions doesn’t result in true love.

15. If there is freedom in heaven, is it plausible that there is no sin in heaven? God clearly values freedom here on earth so why wouldn’t God value freedom in the life to come. If freedom and determinism are compatible, a loving God would create a world in which all persons freely did good at all times. Our character developed here on earth limits our ability to sin here and in heaven. Eventually, you may not see any good reason for not doing good.

16. If there is freedom in heaven, what if there is sin in heaven? One may logically entertain the possibility of sin in heaven because of the presence of freedom. God’s presence surely will have a greater impact than earthly, human authority to dissuade selfishness. Certain qualities of parental love such as integrity and understanding bring out the best in us. Heaven will not have temptations such as poverty or negative peer influences because of God’s presence.

17. Can one choose to eventually not enter heaven since we have freedom? I am a hopeful Universalist. It seems no one in their right mind would deny living in heaven with a loving God. God will remove all components that led to irrational thinking. But, God clearly values freedom of choice. There may not be a time limit for one coming to their senses. We may be able to be happy not living with a loved one if we know that is truly what they wanted.

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

There is absolute hope we will be reunited with loved ones someday. The Bible doesn’t have a Book of Heaven like it does on Jobs so discern if my understandings are wrong compared to other biblical interpretations taught. I have written elsewhere if you want to review Bible passages to defend what I say. I am confident you will be with your loved ones unless they are evil to the core. Some may choose a second death than spending eternity with a loving Creator.

Hell is the greatest barrier to such hope, but we can say unequivocally that Hell as a place of eternal, sadistic torture does not exist. No human would think this up and neither does God according to the Bible. Anyway, it is relationally impossible that God would treat his enemies worse than us. Sheol, wrongly translated as Hell in the OT, was a place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Even Job, a righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape tremendous suffering (10:21-22). The best translation for Sheol is Sheol.

Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell in the NT, was a real valley in Jerusalem symbolizing a place of slaughter and judgment. Gehenna was the place of burned Israeli children sacrificed to false gods. Jesus used Gehenna to symbolize the horrors of adversaries of God who disposed of their enemies into the burning, worm-infested valley. Simply avoid a valley near Jerusalem close to death if concerned about going to Hell. The best translation for Gehenna is Gehenna.

Heaven is not eventually living on earth with God in blissness. God said He was never going to destroy the earth again like He did with the Flood. The NT spoke of the last days happening in the generation of their readers. The last days mentioned by Jesus were not the end of the world but the Old Covenant and temple system passing away. The New Covenant ushered all entering God’s presence immediately as Jesus overcame the grave for all by resurrecting.

Paul gives hope that our eventual citizenship after death here on earth will be in heaven where God will transforms our bodies (Philippians 3:20). Jesus promised Paradise to the thief on the Cross. But, the Bible doesn’t focus on the future but encouraging us to change in the present to make a better world. Jesus says the Kingdom of God was coming in His readers’ lifetime (Mt. 16:28). We can currently live more peaceful lives by considering heavenly than worldly wisdom. John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny.

Jesus might know a little about life after death. What the Hell did He really say? When asked directly how to have eternal life Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus didn’t advise one to get on their knees and offer a confessional prayer. Jesus was suggesting one can have the hope of immortality now by beginning to live by the golden rule. No one lives perfectly so Jesus was simply conveying that one begins to live forever when they consider God’s ways which are always in their best interests.

God created heaven on earth initially, but freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. Heaven then became our hope after we created Hell on earth. But, will all enter Heaven? Even saints on earth have regrets! Apparently, God’s justice will have an educative component and cleansing effect after our life here on earth for all. Some have never heard about God. Some had poor role models as parents so wanting nothing to do with a Heavenly Parent on Earth. God will invite all after death to join Him in a way we couldn’t. Who in their right mind will not accept such an invitation? I doubt any reading this or their loved ones. So be very hopeful. And consider that Heaven can start now despite the world we live in if we understand what God is really like.

Hell Is A Myth!

Is God a sadistic torturer who punishes people forever for sins committed in a few short years? HELL NO! Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Fire destroys but God would have to keep humans purposely alive to continue to torturer them. Most humans wouldn’t even persecute their enemies to this extent. Hell as unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Hell must be dispelled as a myth for God’s character is at stake.

The Hebrew word Sheol in the OT is often translated as “Hell.” Sheol was simply a region or place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Job desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (10:21-22). King David describes Sheol as a place of darkness for those long dead (Ps. 143:3). Sheol is never mentioned as a place of punishment. Recent translations simply translate Sheol as “Sheol.” God didn’t warn Adam and Eve about Hell as a consequence for rebellion. Noah failed to warn evildoers about Hell before their death by Flood. The popular understanding of Hell is not found in the OT.

Hades is another word translated as Hell. Hades was used in the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the OT, to represent the Hebrew word Sheol. Sheol in the OT never refers to a place where God is involved in torture where the dead go. Hades simply was a place where the dead go. Those who believe in the traditional idea of Hell never argue that Hades represent a fiery, afterlife punishment for those who didn’t believe. Many modern translations no longer translate Hades with the word Hell.

The NT is silent as well about Hell. The word Hell in the NT is translated from two Greek terms – Hades or Gehenna. Gehenna is used twelve times in the NT, eleven times by Jesus in the Gospels. Once we understand what Jesus says about Gehenna, we will understand what the Bible says about our popular notion of Hell. Gehenna is the name of a real, valley nearby Jerusalem that has a history. It was the local city garbage dump where fires were kept burning to dispose of the garbage and symbolized a place of slaughter and judgment. Gehenna was the place of burned Israeli children sacrificed to false gods (Jer. 7:30-31; 19:2-5). Josephus said this same valley was heaped with dead bodies of the Jews following the Roman siege of Jerusalem around 70 AD.

Jesus used Gehenna to symbolize the horrors of adversaries of God who disposed of their enemies into the burning, worm-infested valley. Jesus never used the world Hell. Hell is a substitution not a translation of the word Gehenna. The best translation of Gehenna in the NT is Gehenna not Hell. The Bible doesn’t teach God created Hell as a place to torture people forever. Paul wrote fourteen epistles and never mentions Hell. Scriptures only say after death that all are judged by our merciful God.

Why does all this matter? Most of us know in our heart Hell isn’t true or we would be crazy, sidewalk, evangelists shouting “you are going to burn in Hell.” Many hesitate to take about God for fear they may to explain Hell. Who the hell wants to explain or get to know a Creator who is a hellish, sadistic torturer who supposedly predestines some people to an afterlife of eternal conscious punishment? What kind of God thinks Hell scares people into true righteousness and an intimate relationship? Translators agree when to translate the Hebrew or Greek word into “Heaven.” There is no equivalent Hebrew or Greek word for our current concept of an eternal place of punishment translated as “Hell.” Imagine how it could change your perspective on God if you discovered there is no such place as our presently conceived afterlife concept of “Hell.”

Are Only Christians Loved By God And Go To Heaven?

Jesus said to the disciples, when present with them, that He was the only way to God (John 14:6). Some interpret this to suggest God only loves and accepts into Heaven those who know Jesus. Specific knowledge of Christ or saying the right words is suspect as being necessary. It may have been the same John who penned later: “whoever loves has been born of God and knows God” (I John 4:7). The Apostle Paul speaks out against those who suggest God shows favoritism as God “accepts those from every nation who…do what is right” (Acts 10:35). Paul was a murderer so obviously Paul is simply suggesting some are headed toward God while others away from God. Some continue to love evil; some love good.

When asked how to have eternal life Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus didn’t advise one get on their knees, say a certain prayer, confess their sins, and never sin again. Jesus implied that the hope of life forever begins in the present when one looks toward God, whatever knowledge they may have, and battle against unselfishness. Jesus’ only agenda was to convince people to listen to their heart so they could begin truly living.

Jesus didn’t reject millions of people who died without knowledge of Jesus or Scriptures to teach them about God. Some parents badly misrepresent Jesus, so will God only accept those who had more rational parents. Will the thief who was only sorry when hanging on a Cross with Jesus go to paradise while others, who lived conscientiously, be out of luck? God doesn’t just love those who have heard or speak God’s name. God’s love isn’t based on luck or hanging on a Cross.

There often is very little moral difference between those who say they are believers and those who aren’t overly God-focused. I will say that my spending time with God has helped me be a better husband, father, and friend. That was what Jesus was offering. I am not sure why some pursue God more passionately than others. Some may pursue God more when in a crisis because they don’t know where else to turn. If deep down you wish you had more of a connection with your Creator, certain beliefs about God may keep you from pursuing a deeper connection.

Some may rightly resist God because of certain characterizations of God they have heard other teach. Is God a sadistic torturer? HELL NO! Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, created over the centuries to scare people into obedience. Jesus’ focus was to simply let others know God loves us unconditionally and desires a relationship for the good of all. Loving parents always seek the admiration and respect of their children so they might consider their guidance.

There may be other beliefs that hold you back from pursing God more passionately. God doesn’t have any expectations before wanting a relationship with us. Unconditional lovers just don’t. God desperately desires to help us with struggles that exist in our world. Freedom has led to much suffering in this world but there was no other way for authentic relationships. Not even God can force true love. I am convinced God is always tugging on peoples’ hearts. Go with it and see where God takes you.

A Muslim or Christian may not think they worship the same God, but they strive to love others how they wish to be loved. God encourages all to listen to their heart about what is right and wrong for life here on earth. You didn’t even have to believe in Jesus full-hearted to be loved by God. The disciples weren’t convinced until Jesus came back from the dead. That might convince you as well. Some Christians don’t believe in the virgin birth. Some Muslims do. Some Buddhists have more the heart of Jesus than those who call themselves Christians. The Israelites got it wrong when claiming to be the only nation or religion under God.

All religions have some truth, though true contradictions among religious must be weighed. Jesus did claim to be the Son of God and Reconciler with God. Would Jesus have been more compassionate by denying He was the Son of God? Would God have been more open-minded by saying we could worship many Gods, if God knew such gods didn’t exist? Jesus claimed to be sinless. All leaders such as Gandhi, who admits having evil desires in his autobiography, do not make such a claim. Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Jesus’ miracles were against the laws of nature. There is sufficient, historical evidence that Jesus’ tomb was empty. No other religious leader claims to have resurrected.

There are a thousand ways to pursue what one knows is right in their heart. God surely accepts one according to the direction they are headed. We all have faith, believing either there is or isn’t a Creator. Since I am convinced there is a Creator, I believe we all already have a relationship with God. God loves everyone as parents love their children regardless of whether their child pays them attention or not. God’s only agenda is to convince all that God loves and desires a mutual relationship beginning here on earth for the pleasure of both.

Does Our God Of Mercy Really Send To Hell Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?

God is not going to send people to hell just because that have never heard Jesus’ name. More people than not that have been born into the world have never heard the name of Jesus. Scriptures does speak of all having an internal awareness of Someone bigger and better than ourselves. Why should we doubt that there will be tremendous grace and mercy even after death as God has shown us here on earth? Clark Pinnock in A Wideness in God’s Mercy, advises a megashift in theology to avoid causing further unbelief and despair. Traditional theology suggests a condemning judge than a loving and relational Creator of the Universe.

There is not a quota on God’s lover; there is wideness in God’s mercy implied throughout Scriptures. Universalism, which suggests God saves all people to have eternal existence with Him after death, is possible but God will not force anyone to be with Him forever. Jesus is the Savior of the world. God will accept those who have never heard of Jesus after He was born as He did those before Jesus was born. The saints of Hebrews 11, who were not Jews introduced to the Creator of the universe formally, were accepted based on their faith in what they knew.

People have always had a need to create gods even if they don’t know they actually exist. In crises we look to a Higher Power for help, even though we may not have believed in One before difficult times. Knowing Jesus, if you have such an opportunity, can more fully inform you of the wonderful ways of our Creator. There are those who have heard “of Christ” but in confusing terms. Earthly parents and religion often distort the true images of God. What kind of choice is that in a person’s life?

God is not opposed to all religions. Paul referred to the Greeks as God-fearing. (Acts 17) He did not downgrade their religion but more fully inform them of the Creator. Jesus hated the religiosity of the Pharisees. The Pharisees distorted and make religion self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. The Pharisees killed Jesus, not the Romans or the atheists. Religions can be either stepping-stones to the true God or paths to evil. Different religions can learn from one another. Some religions can teach Christians to be less materialistic. Christianity can more accurately teach the exact nature of God’s love. Christianity makes claims based on historical evidences that other religions do not that requires serious consideration.

The Bible suggests there will be post mortem decisions. (I Pe 3:19-20; 4:6) We simply do not know to what extent. Why should we doubt that there will be tremendous grace and mercy even after death as God has shown us here on earth? Some may accept God’s invitation to enter into a more intimate relationship with their Creator after death. Second changes do not encourage a wasted life or cause the gospel to lose its string. The Gospel was never meant to just save people from Hell but to inform people about the fullness of life here on earth. People are far better off with knowledge of Jesus than no knowledge. Christians can continue to share with others when interested the joy and hope they have because of their relationship. Only humans think there should not be second chances. God loves to give mercy to that one sheep lost, rather than be more concerned with the other ninety-nine sheep in the fold.

God is inclusive not exclusive. God wants all people to be saved and accept the truth. (I Tim 2:4) God wishes to have mercy on all. (Rm 11:32) One does not have to have a conscious knowledge of Jesus to benefit from what He has done for all nations. The truth is that it is hard sometimes to know by actions who has professed Jesus and who hasn’t. Often, Christians are just as worldly as non-Christians. God is the standard for justness and mercifulness. We can trust Him regarding those who enter the kingdom of heaven.

How Do We Really Receive Eternal Life Or Immortality?

When one looks in the Bible to learn how we get to heaven they may look for verses that talk about inheriting eternal life or being saved. Many readers heard growing up that one gets to heaven when they understand the wages of sins is death but the gift of God is eternal life (Rm. 6:23), and if you believe in God you will be saved (Rm. 10:9). Preachers often suggest a prayer for salvation: “Dear God, I am a sinner that deserves death. I confess my sins and believe Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins and accept Jesus into my heart.”

Many familiar with the Bible may be surprised to learn that when someone asked directly how to have eternal life Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus didn’t advise one to get on their knees, confess their sins, and never look back. Jesus was suggesting one can have the hope of immortality by beginning to live by the golden rule. No one stops being selfish after beginning to follow God. Jesus was simply conveying that one begins to live forever when they look toward God and not their own ways. Getting to heaven after death according to Jesus is much simpler than many may have thought.

One misconception of eternal life is that Scriptures mostly refers to our future after death. The Bible though speaks of eternal life in quantity of life as well as quality of life here on earth. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Paul shortly thereafter says sin put him to death but Paul remained alive (Rm. 7:11). Paul was suggesting sins lead to spiritual death but we can begin living eternally here on earth when one follows God’s way than their own selfish desires. The word heaven appears about 272 times in the NT. It is referred to over 80 times in Matthew in references to the “kingdom of heaven.” Jesus says the Kingdom of God is coming in His readers’ lifetime (Mt. 16: 28). Thus, we are now living in the kingdom of heaven and can now overcome the temptation of sin in our lives with God’s help.

John in his Gospel refers to the term “life” more than any other book in the NT. In John life and eternal life were practically interchangeable (i.e. 5:39 with 5:40, 6:53 with 6:54). One is described as either being spiritually dead or eternally alive. John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. John 3:36 is like many other Johannine passages that advises his readers who believe that eternal life begins immediately. One will pass through death to heaven, but one enters a new life now when they shun evil (3:20). We can begin to have abundant life now her on earth (Jn. 10:10).

Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus before preparing to enter Jerusalem and face death (Mt. 19:1-10) lets us know how Jesus encouraged one to be saved. Zacchaeus was a tax collector and had cheated many people out of their money. Zacchaeus had clearly reflected on his actions and told Jesus he intended to payback four times the amount he had stolen from others. Jesus responded to Zacchaeus: “Today salvation has come to this house….the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” There was no formal confession. Jesus didn’t tell Zacchaeus he must be baptized though believers were being baptized. Jesus simply praised Zacchaeus for seeing his need to begin a journey that Jesus wanted for everyone.

The Apostle Paul did give hope that our eventual citizenship after death here on earth will be in heaven where God will transforms our bodies (Philippians 3:20). But, Jesus emphasis was His desire for us to begin living with an eternal perspective while on earth. Salvation is not being saved from Hell or only about entering heaven sometime in the future after death. Salvation is healing, deliverance, or rescue on earth from the stranglehold of self-centeredness. We can begin living a life that will have less regrets when we pass from this earth. We no longer have to be bound but our desires for sin but look to God’s ways for true happiness. We can have the hope of inherit eternal life when we begin to get to know, follow, and trust in Jesus.

What Does The Bible Really Say About Heaven And Life After Death?

The Bible may not say as much about heaven as we think. This can be discouraging but most want to understand Scriptures correctly. The word Heaven, which appears hundreds of times in the Bible, refers to that which is above and the abode of God. Heaven cannot contain God obviously. It seems that Old Testament believers went into the grave to be resurrected at a later time into the presence of God. Job only hoped to die and go to a “place of darkness” (Sheol) to escape his suffering (Job 10:21-22). King David also describes Sheol as a place of darkness for those who are dead (Ps. 143:3). Enoch and Elijah, who did not suffer death, may have immediately entered God’s presence (Gen. 5:24; 2 Kings 2:11).

The New Testament suggests Jesus’ resurrection enabled a different destiny for all believers. The “last days” referred to in the NT are commonly thought to be in the future of us readers. But, the NT writers spoke of the last days happening in the generation of their readers. The last days were not the end of the world but the Old Covenant and temple system passing away. The New Covenant ushered in believers going straight to heaven as Jesus overcame the grave for all by resurrecting from His grave. The NT makes promises that the OT did not. Jesus was said to have destroyed death and brought in immorality (2 Tim 1:10). John says Jesus brought no more death (Jn. 8:51), and whoever believes in me will never die (11:25).

There are different views of when the events in I Thessalonians 4:13-18 were to take place, but this passage strongly suggest those who died before Jesus’ arrival did not have the same hope as those who died after Jesus’ arrival (see also I Cor. 15). Jesus’ resurrection proved that Jesus could and did overcome death not only for those who died before Him but also now for those who lived in His lifetime and are born in the future. God can and has conquered the grave as our final destiny. I believe this passage speaks of an event that has already taken place as most think believers today enter Heaven after death.

If we have the hope of heaven and eternal life now, what does Scriptures say about our new abode? The word heaven appears about 272 times in the NT. It is referred to over 80 times in Matthew in references to the “kingdom of heaven.” Jesus says the Kingdom of God is coming in His readers’ lifetime (Mt. 16: 28). Thus, we are presently living in the kingdom of heaven. The second most frequent time the word heaven appears in the NT, after Matthew, is about fifty times in the book of Revelation. It is commonly thought that the book of Revelation speaks of events far in the future but the writer speaks of events taking place soon (Rev 1:1; 22:6). Daniel was told to close up and seal his words as the fulfillment was in the future (Daniel 12:4, 9). John in Revelation was told to leave his book unsealed (Rev. 22:10), because his words were to be fulfilled soon.

The new heaven and earth spoken of in Revelation (21:1-2) is not speaking about a time in the future when God will destroy the earth and come down to reign. John was telling believers soon they can begin to experience Heaven on earth, because of the new spiritual reality coming: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away…I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down of heaven from God….”(Rev. 21:1-2). Revelation is not describing what Heaven away from earth is like. It is describing a fulfillment of Jesus’ words in the generation of his readers (Mt. 24:35). The old heaven and earth passing away is fulfillment of the Old Covenant and promise of the New Covenant. The grave no longer holds people after they die as it did before Jesus came. Revelation 21:4 that speaks of no more tears, death, crying, or pain is referring to the fact that the grave is no longer our destination but instead we enter God’s presence immediately after death.

The Bible also does not say much about Heaven by way of speaking of the destiny of those who don’t want to spend eternity with God. Does the Bible really portray God as a sadistic torturer? HELL, NO! The popular concept of hell, where God is involved in the endless torture of people, is nowhere in the Scriptures. Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. In some translations you will not even find the word Hell, or you will notice Bible translations vary greatly in terms of how often the word Hell is used. Hell was an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience.

The Hebrew word Sheol in the OT often translated as “Hell” was simply a region or place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. As mentioned Job desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (Job 10:21-22). The Greek word Gehenna in the New Testament translated as “Hell” was the name of a real, literal, valley nearby Jerusalem that had a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago. Scriptures only says after death that believers and unbelieves are judged by our merciful God

We can imagine though what Heaven may be like. Our imaginations may do greater justice to what Heaven will be like than descriptions of reality we have never experienced. The Apostle Paul does tells us that our eventual citizenship after death here on earth will be in heaven where we will have transformed bodies (Philippians 3:20-21). Heaven may be like the Garden of Eve before we rejected God’s oversight. There was no death or loss of loved ones. Streams came up from the earth and watered the ground (2:6), trees grew out of the ground that were beautiful and provided plenty of food (2: 9), humans and animals live among one another without fear (2:19), and then of course God created naked woman (2:25). If we accept God’s oversight we can hope for no personal evil as men will not take advantage or rule women (3:16), and no natural evil as the ground will not produce thorns or thistles (3:18).

The Bible does promise us eternal life. Most hope for something beyond life on this earth and a reunion with their loved ones. God seemed to want to encourage us to begin living with an eternal perspective while here on earth. John 3:36 is like many other Johannine passages which advises readers that eternal life can began immediately. One will pass through death eventually but one can enter a new life now when they shun evil which involves loving our neighbors as we wish to be loved (3:20). We can begin to have abundant life now her on earth (Jn. 10:10). Salvation is not being saved from Hell or only about entering Heaven sometime in the future after death. Salvation is healing, deliverance, or rescue on earth from the stranglehold of self-centeredness. We can begin living a life that will have less regrets when we pass from this earth. We no longer have to be bound but our desires for sin but look to God’s ways for true happiness.

God And Universalism

[See longer article on website under God and Universalism tab]

Is God A Universalist And Save All Eventually?

Does The Bible Teach There May Be Post Mortem Decisions?

Is God A Universalist And Save All Eventually?

Will God eventually save all people, either in this life or after death, to live in Heaven? Christians are encouraged to test beliefs according to Scripture to best represent God to others (I Thes 5:21). Our beliefs influence our feelings about God and what we tell others about God. If we believe God keeps some alive consciously to torture them in a lake of fire forever, we may misrepresent God or hesitate to talk about God. Suggesting that a loving God is a sadistic torturer may influence others to close their heart to God.

There are no final answers about Universalism as other doctrines; Jesus cared more about the heart than doctrine. Believers have the hope of eternal life, but Jesus focused on the benefits of a current relationship to handle earthly struggles than what happens to unbelievers after death. But, understanding what we think are biblical possibilities can influence our attitudes and what we share with others about God.

Why wouldn’t one want to believe God is a Universalist where all are saved from themselves, if freedom and justice can be defended in such a scenario? It would be just like God to show mercy and give all a second chance when meeting their Creator. The case and hope for Universalism biblically may be greater than supposed by evangelical believers. We must not be dogmatic regarding certain doctrines that can impact one’s openness to a relationship with their Creator.

Universalism is possible because the popular understanding of Hell, where unbelievers are keep alive by God to torture them in a lake of fire forever, is not found anywhere in the Bible. Scriptures doesn’t say specifically what happens to unbelievers after death other than being judged as are believers before entering Heaven. Hell appears to be an invention over the centuries to force people into submission. God doesn’t select or preordain some to eternal life and others to eternal damnation without a choice. We would accuse earthly parents of immorality if they showed similar favoritism toward their children. God doesn’t have a quota on His grace.

Universalism is possible without justice failing in the long-run for the sake of victims. God punishment has always been in hopes of redeeming the guilty. Judgment in the afterlife may have the same purpose. God’s justice may have an educative component and cleansing effect after our life here on earth. Victims will have their revenge one day, though our idea of revenge may not be the same as God’s. Why couldn’t God show mercy after death as God does here on earth time and time again? Might we forgive our tormenters if they truly sought forgiveness and desired to make amends? Believers and unbelievers may go through the same process of justice, some having more regrets than others.

The Bible does not rule out decisions being made after death regarding one’s eternal destination. John 5:25 says that the dead will hear the voice of God and those who hear will live. I Peter 3:18-20 speaks of Christ preaching to those in Noah’s day who were disobedient. Preaching is normally for the opportunity to respond. The possibility of eternal decisions after death doesn’t negate the blessings of changing here on earth. We may want to tell an addict after the 10th relapse then is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. Changes and forgiveness may be even possible after death. God knows best when enough chances have been given.

Knowing God might be a Universalist allows me to think about accountability and justice more on God’s terms. A loving God could allow a second death; a loving God could eventually save everyone if freedom will allow it. I am convinced God will be respectful of freedom after death as God is here on earth, but I still believe God’s mercy and grace is going to be much wider than some have ever imagined after death. Heaven may be more populated than many people imagined. I am a hopeful Universalist.

Personally, the possibility of God eventually saving all frees me to focus on Jesus’ main message of kingdom life here on earth and not the afterlife. Jesus hated the religious of His day dragging others down into the gutter of God’s conditional love. Jesus came to declare God’s unconditional love which is more likely to lead to changes desired. The more I know God loves me, the more I love God and act less selfish. I have a greater appreciation of what God is really like. If interested please see a more a more detailed discussion of this topic on my Blog under the Tab: What Kind of Parent Is God. Certain passages cannot be ignored: For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive” (I Cor 15:22).

Does The Bible Teach There May Be Post Mortem Decisions?

Several biblical passages imply decisions after death are made regarding one’s eternal destination.

Matt 12:39-40 - He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

• Jesus implies He will visit the dead when there, though no repentance is stated taking place

John 5:25-30 - Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned. By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

• The dead will hear the voice of God but it is not stated whether repentance will take place.

Romans 14:7-12 – For we do not live to ourselves alone and we do not die to ourselves alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat your brother or sister with contempt? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. It is written: As surely as I live, says the Lord, “every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God." So then, we will all give an account of ourselves to God.

• One can possible see that the unevangelized can make a decision at Judgment.”

Ephesians 4:8-10 - This is why it says: "When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people." (What does "he ascended" mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.)

• Were some dead in unbelief lead to heaven because they finally believed?

I Peter 3:18-20; 4:6 - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. In that state he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits— to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water…For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.

• It seems there is an opportunity to repent, that the Good News is preached in the last minute by Jesus in hopes people would respond

Some may argue the possibility of eternal decisions after death creates less urgency to change here on earth. We may want to tell an addict after the 100th relapse then is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. We mustn’t determine what the Bible says because of preconceived notions of what we think is necessary to produce obedience. This devalues the benefit here on earth to have a close relationship with God. There is wisdom in having fewer regrets upon meeting our Creator. We cannot be for sure that decisions and forgiveness are not possible after death, based on the above passages. One’s eternity may be ultimately determined at Judgment after death. Who better to determine one destination than our merciful, fair, perfect God?

God And Religious Extremists

Does God Desire Obedience Like Terrorists Or Desire Friendship?

Does God Really Allow Freedom Of Beliefs Unlike Extremists?

Are God’s Actions In The Bible Like Jihadists Or Extreme Islamists?

Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?

Does God Desire Obedience Like Terrorists Or Desire Friendship?

The God of the Bible surely is not like the God of terrorists who supposedly thinks that controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love. God pursued a friendship than demanding obedience in hopes of changing the world for good. The God of the Old Testament and God in the flesh in the New Testament encouraged loving others like you want to be loved. Jesus got His dander up the most with the religious elite, the Pharisees, because they portrayed God as demanding obedience rather than desiring a relationship. Jesus knew true religion is self-sacrificing rather than self-serving. No human or spiritual parent brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced.

The God of the Bible is clearly not like the god of the Jihadists or extreme Islamist believers. It turns out God does not have anything in common with religious extremists concerning freedom of beliefs, women’s rights, or the killing of women and children. God was a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the very beginning; otherwise, God who is powerful enough to create would annihilate immediately those who oppose God by choosing evil. God’s judgments and declarations of war against other nations were not because of a refusal to worship God, but because people were involved in despicable immoral acts such as child sacrifice. If such nations existed today where child sacrifices were a ritual, war may be the most humane action.

God doesn’t require obedience or God would not allow so much evil in the world. Unfortunately, God is portrayed more as a God of wrath than love in the Bible. God’s wrath or tough love was only to deter people from self-destruction. Fear-based theology is a misguided attempt to control our behaviors. God never thought fear led to life-changing transformations. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor conquered your battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins? Having an intimate friendship with God is what really transforms us into the kind of person we want to be.

A relationship with God, rather than an emphasis on rules and obedience, is our necessary nourishment to conquer our battle against self-centeredness. The fear of God doesn’t lead to changed hearts. When we feel a meaningful bond with our parents, we are more motivated to follow their guidance which often is in our best interest. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. God’s love is the same as perfect, human love. Jesus laid His life down so we might understand how much we are loved by our Creator. Understanding who God really is which leads to true intimacy, inspires us toward life transformations and helps face the challenges of an unfriendly world.

Human parents surely do not understand relationships better than our Creator. Parents know the fear of punishment is only meant to encourage their child to run from evil and is not what the relationship is based on. Parents understand a friendship gained over time will help children to know us and act on our guidance which should always be in their best interests. Our obedience has absolutely nothing to do with God’s love for us. It only effects how we feel about our relationship with God. God grieves selfish choices because of the pain it will cause His children.

It is important to understand the reason for the Cross. The gods of the Old Testament would sometimes demand the sacrifice of children to be appeased. Jesus did not die to appease God’s anger and honor so they could love us. God is not more offended by what sin does to God than what sin does to us. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to gain credibility and influence. God is not blood-thirsty Creator. God much preferred a “broken and contrite heart” (Ps. 51: 16-17). God went to great means to convince us of their unimaginable love and that their ways were truly in our best interests if we only listened to our hearts.

It is important to understand the traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, where you will burn forever after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Misinformed interpretations of the Bible are one of the main reasons for unhealthy interactions for some who believe in the God of the Bible. Obviously, killing innocent people is not the same as a fire and brimstone speech. As it turns out God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life after death.

God doesn’t worry about giving us a license to keep sinning. Sin has its own consequences. You can’t yell at your partner and expect to have any kind of relationship. God’s anger doesn’t bring about desired reconciliation. A priority on God’s unconditional love does not do away with holiness but makes it possible. There is no fear in the presence of true love. God did not create laws to build a relationship. The law simply helps protect the innocent, where there is lawlessness, and hopefully points us toward our need for a relationship with our Creator. The law can’t speak about matters of the heart and actions that lead to regrets eventually.

How do we combat terrorism and misguided ideology? Men who videotape beheadings are simply evil and sometimes the only way to combat such evil is to destroy it. But, what about women who leave their infants with family members and go out and kill innocent people? This may be an evil that we can fight against with more than just guns. We must confront and inform the law, even on our own family members, when we notice beliefs that can lead to blowing up innocent people. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus didn’t come to conquer the evil Roman Empire; Jesus sacrificed His own life to influence others. In the beginning we can try to convince extremists of their irrational beliefs. Those who believe in the Creator of the universe must be able to defend how their God believes in the freedom of beliefs. Fear-based ideology that attempts to control our behaviors to produce unselfishness is wrong. Any religion that is based on control than service is not truly religious.

Does God Really Allow Freedom Of Beliefs Unlike Extremists?

It is important to know what God is truly like if seeking to emulate. If we are made in God’s image, as the Bible advises, this strongly suggests that we can understand and have many of God’s characteristics. Like parent like child! Knowing what a loving earthly parent should be like reveals what a loving heavenly parent is like. Most deep down sense the importance of freedom of beliefs, and it turns out God has the same respect for freedom.

First, we must defend why God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life to come. Only in a free world can authentic relationships develop. True love cannot be forced. No human or spiritual parent brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced. The God of the Bible surely is not like the God of terrorists who supposedly thinks that controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love. God clearly doesn’t require obedience or God would not allow so much evil in the world.

One may suggest that God respects freedom here on earth, but eventually after death you will die for beliefs you had here on earth. It is important to understand the traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, where you will burn forever after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. As it turns out God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life after death.

Unfortunately, followers of God may not fully understand what God’s true character is regarding freedom. Charles Halton points out that Galileo was threatened with torture and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life because of his views how to interpret Scripture. Only hundreds of years later did the Catholic Church admit Galileo’s conviction was wrong (Genesis: History, Fiction, Or Neither? p.14). It is convicting to learn that theologians such as St. Augustine and Calvin didn’t oppose the execution of those who disagreed with their theology.

But all people regardless of religion should sense in their heart the importance of freedom of beliefs. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus didn’t come to destroy the evil Roman Empire; Jesus sacrificed His own life to influence others. All should understand that fear-based ideology is wrong. Any religion that is based on control than service is not truly religious. Parents know deep down it is wrong to show conditional love based on a child’s decision if not harming others. What partner shouldn’t know the stance “my way or the highway” is self-centered?

God pursued a friendship rather than demanding obedience in hopes of changing the world for good. Jesus didn’t come to overpower others though He could have. God is wrongly portrayed more as a God of wrath than love in the Bible. God’s wrath or tough love, like human parent love, is only to deter people involved in extreme immoral actions. Some evil can be fought against than with just guns. In the beginning during the radicalization process we can attempt discussions of beliefs. Those who believe in the Creator of the universe must be able to defend how their God believes in the freedom of beliefs and seek to emulate God’s ways for a better world.

Are God’s Actions In The Bible Like Jihadists Or Extreme Islamists?

It is understandable when reading the Bible, especially the Old Testament, that one may assume God advocates genocide or slavery or other horrible practices. God surely is not such a moral monster so some suggest the biblical writers recorded their own beliefs about God rather than God revealing to them what He was really like. Some believe this makes for less angst as we don’t have to defend God’s actions. But, I have written elsewhere that certain passages may be misunderstood and have plausible explanations proving God is not a moral monster.

God clearly is not like the god of the Jihadists. The God of the Bible turns out to not have anything in common with religious extremists concerning freedom of beliefs, women’s rights, or the killing of women and children. God was a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the very beginning. Otherwise, why would a God who is powerful enough to create not annihilate immediately those who choose evil and oppose God? God’s judgments and declarations of war against other nations were not because of a refusal to worship Him, but because people were involved in despicable immoral acts such as child sacrifice. If such nations existed today where child sacrifices were a ritual, war may be the most humane action.

God allows freedom of belief in this life and it is a fabrication that you will burn in Hell after death for such a choice. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Sheol and Gehenna, words translated into the word Hell in the Bible, are not a place of sadistic torturing after death for those who do not choose to worship God during their life on earth. The Bible doesn’t say exactly what happens to those who don’t follow God during their time on earth. The God I know though will invite all after death to join Him. I doubt any reading this or their loved ones will not accept such an invitation.

Women are not to be under the authority of men in the eyes of the God of the Bible. This only encourages dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal, but God does not simply annihilate people because His desires are not followed. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that.

I wrote here that God did not advocate genocide thought certain biblical passages at first reading seem to suggest this. God has always preferred to live in peace. But, corruption had thoroughly infiltrated the Canaan nation that a fresh start may have been more merciful. Was that true also in Noah’s times? ISIS has not existed long enough for an entire culture to buy into their despicable evil actions. God never approved war because a nation believed in other gods as opposed to their Creator. But, Israel like nations today must sometimes take the fight to extremists rather than wait for them to come to our land and blow up innocent people. ISIS doesn’t wage war against our armies who can defend themselves. In such a world thousands of years ago or today, innocent lives cannot always be spared. Israel’s God though can make good on His promise to provide a better place after death for the innocent than subjection to adult evildoers.

Differences between the Israelites’ God and the extremist Islamists’ God is obvious. God has been a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the beginning. God knows freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. God only desires to encourage people to listen to their heart. What is not debatable in the Bible is that God never advocates the torture or beheading of infidels. God never advocates that blasphemers be put to death. God never promises a lustful afterlife at the expense of women. You can blaspheme or not believe in God but how you treat others has consequences.

Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?

I am not suggesting Christians who preach “believe or go to hell” are the same as religious extremists who behead infidels. I do wish to defend comparisons between Islamic or other religious extremists and certain biblical interpretations that have been suggested. I am not defending Christianity so much, as Jesus never referred to His followers as such. I do wish to defend the Creator written about in the Bible who came in the flesh through Jesus.

The Creator of the universe is referred to as Allah or God. But, Mohammad in the Koran did not claim to be divine but the last of the prophets; Jesus in the Bible claimed to be God. The Bible seems more credible than fabricated, as the empty tomb can stand scrutiny as a historical fact beyond reasonable doubt. Besides, who writes that their leader resurrected when living eyewitnesses could argue to the contrary. Other faiths often rely on a future promise; Christianity relies on a promise that happened in the past. The God of the Bible, who claimed Jesus was His/Her Son, turns out to not have anything in common with religious extremists concerning freedom of beliefs, women’s rights, the killing of women and children, and human sacrifice.

Freedom Of Beliefs

Is God a sadistic torturer if you don’t eventually believe in Him/Her? HELL NO! Hell must be dispelled as a myth for the sake of those who seek to know the Creator. Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. The Greek word Gehenna in the New Testament wrongly translated as Hell was a proper noun and the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago. The Bible does not compare to the Koran: “Strike off the heads of the disbelievers"; and after making a "wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives" (Koran 47:4).

God was a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the very beginning. Otherwise, why would a God who is powerful enough to create not annihilate immediately those who choose evil and oppose God? We can believe the God of the Bible upon death will respect one’s choice to spend eternity with their Creator. God’s justice concerning our regrets here on earth may have an educative component and cleansing effect. I cannot imagine anyone would turn down God’s invitation but there are some very evil people who just may choose a second death than spending time in a paradise whether there is equality than dictatorship. Paradise certainly is not a lustful adventure for men only at the expense of women according to the Bible.

Jesus, when asked how to have eternal life, simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). God is not self-centered but a loving God empowering us to love others. Jesus was suggesting that the hope of life forever begins in the present when one looks toward God, whatever knowledge they may have, and strives toward unselfishness. Jesus wasn’t suggesting perfection as the Apostle Paul, once a murderer, was promised citizenship in Heaven upon death on earth (Philip. 3:20). Jesus’ only agenda was to convince people to listen to their heart.

Women’s Rights

Women are not to be under the authority of men in the God of the Bible eyes, which only encourages dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. The Apostle Paul advised husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that. One wrote: “What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?” God from the very beginning created women and men in His/Her image to be fruitful and rule together the earth that God had created (Gen. 1:28).

The Killing of Women And Children

The God of the Bible certainly never approved the rape and slavery of women and children. God preferred the Israelites live in peace with other nations. War was only a necessity in the eyes of God when evil prevailed. God sometimes advised the Israelites in wartimes to destroy the enemies’ land and those who inhabited it, including women and children. God never approved war simply because a nation believed in other gods as opposed to their Creator. But, in OT times men and women would appease the appetites of their supposed gods by sacrificing their children to their gods. Barbaric dictators and cultures exist and innocent lives are lost if the free do nothing. If a child next door is being sexual abused would you do nothing to stop this evil?

The Bible records that evil had become so rampant that God practically destroyed the entire human race, including innocent women and children, during Noah’s time. Evil may have progressed to the level of sacrificing children to supposed gods. God would not have rejected anybody from entering the Ark if they wanted anything to do with Noah’s God. But, who doesn’t understand why family members may not condemn the barbaric behaviors of their husbands and fathers. Corruption though can infiltrate a society so much that a fresh start may be the most merciful thing to do. There may be a better place after death more merciful than abandonment, starvation, or disease when the adult evildoers are expunged. The Flood was not doing evil that good may come; it is ridding of the cancer that can eventually destroy any good for future generations.

Human Sacrifice

The gods of the Old Testament would sometimes demand the sacrifice of children to be appeased. Jesus did not die to appease God’s anger and honor so He/She could love us. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to gain credibility and influence. God is not an animal-hating, blood-thirsty Creator. God went with the cultures of the times. God much preferred a “broken and contrite heart” (Ps. 51: 16-17) as opposed to human or animal sacrifice which cannot bring things back such as one’s childhood innocence robbed by an adult abuser. God went to great means to convince us of His/Her unimaginable love and that His/Her ways were truly in our best interests if we only listened to our hearts.

The Creator of the Bible respects forever one’s freedom to believe as they so choose. God is not bias toward men when it came to leadership or decision-making. All are created equally in His/Her image and encouraged to use the gifts they possess. God detests the evil actions of individuals imposed upon others and has approved of wars when necessary for the good of current and future generations. God has always loved us unconditionally and sought to prove that through the life of Jesus. Suffering is inevitable in a world where freedom is part of the creation, but God did not even spare His/Her Son. The God of the Bible and Parent of Jesus is radically different from any God or gods who have existed. God only seeks to inspire us to love one another as we wish to be loved. Is there a better world than that!

God, Sovereignty, Predestination, Control, and Freedom

Does God Control When We Die And Does It Matter?

Does It Matter How We Define God’s Sovereignty?

Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?

Isn’t Inherited Sin And Calvinism Utter Depravity?

Is There A Quota On God’s Grace Where God Elects Only Certain Ones For Salvation?

Does God Control When We Die And Does It Matter?

Let's be honest. Many, many prayers are not answered. Miracles rarely happen. How we think our Creator does or doesn’t control suffering in our life makes a difference in our relationship. Many will say after a crisis “God saved my life.” When terrorists struck the Twin Towers some said “by the grace of God I was saved” when able to escape from the burning towers. Some said that God kept them from going to work on that horrific day. I don’t wish to offend those who have said this. I just want to perhaps un-offend those considering a relationship with God.

When one says “God saved my life” or “by the grace of God....” the implication is God did not save others in similar circumstances. If God saved you from a deadly illness, God did not save others of the same illness. If God allowed you to miraculously recover from some form of cancer, God did not save others from the same kind of cancer. If God kept you from going to work that morning on 911, than God did not intervene with others who ended up dying. The implication is that God is partial and does not have grace for all.

Those who claim divine intervention are not wishing to offend others. They simply want God to be honored in their life or death. But, one’s words can imply that God saves because one is a better or more moral person than others that God did not spare. Of course the book of Job teaches that one’s suffering has nothing to do with one’s goodness. Most don’t claim that God would say about them as God did Job: “….there is no one on earth life him; he is blameless and upright” (1:8).

Recently, when a Doctor got sick in a foreign country and recovered from a deadly virus one religious leader said that many were praying that God would spare this young man. When many are praying in a similar situation for another person’s life did God intentionally not spare that life? Praying doesn’t earn me more of God’s affection; God already loves us unconditionally. The truth is God placed a higher priority on freedom than control. Praying is more about communicating for support whatever may happen than manipulating for gain. A Creator can surely give and take life but God, unlike humans, does not have to control to be in control.

Understanding God does not control when we die can help in a crisis. Drunk drivers end life and not God. We can understand God allows us to make peace and not war toward death at the end of our life. Death is inevitable. We are not playing God by being proactive by helping to control one’s quality of life or pain at the end. Some who say God is in control – through their attitudes and actions – are really letting modern medicine be in control. God has given us freedom to help our loved ones die as peacefully and as comfortably as possible.

Many people may turn away from God because of their genuine misunderstandings and disappointments regarding God and prayers. Many who don’t know our God may be offended by our words which may suggest to them God is whimsical. What can we say to be less offensive? We might say in times of appreciation to God: “I was grateful to know God was by my side in this tragedy that God did not desire. I was fortunate to recover but I knew I would be made whole someday regardless.” This may more accurately describe who God really is - God never wished suffering or death in the first place.

Does It Matter How We Define God’s Sovereignty?

A Christian’s assumption about God’s sovereignty can cause further unbelief or despair among seekers they may influence. The word sovereign did not originate with the biblical languages. “Sovereign” doesn’t appear in the KJV translation, and the NIV version doesn’t define but often just replaces God with Sovereign and translates Lord God as Sovereign Lord. Since sovereignty is not a biblical word, we can only surmise how God would define His sovereignty. Most believe that God has unlimited authority, power, or control over His creation; people simply have different ideas how the Bible portrays God using such power.

Many believe that the will of the Omnipotent can never be opposed or defeated. Thus, God must predestinate some to eternity without God since many obviously to not end up believing in God. Has Hell been created so God can supposedly win? The popular concept of hell, where God is involved in the endless torture of people, is not found in the Scriptures. Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Certain beliefs or interpretations are necessary to defend one’s assumption about God’s sovereignty.

The Bible implies God, unlike humans, doesn’t have to control to be in control. God, unlike other gods, does not approve the killing of infidels. The biblical accounts seem to confirm that God’s will is opposed and yet God remains sovereign. God declares He is the King of kings and Lord of lords (I Tim 6:15), but God clearly created freedom thus His will can be opposed. People are not free unless able to oppose God. Some solve evil and God’s goodness by suggesting God has limits, but I cannot imagine the Creator of the universe not being all powerful. The truth is God is not One who merely loves to rule but rules in love.

Traditional theists tend to define God’s sovereignty in terms of God’s invulnerability. Some suggest God’s predestined plan included good and evil to protect the idea that nothing can happen outside God’s will. If God created evil in the beginning, we are suggesting God is declaring evil good: “God saw all he had made, and it was very good” (Gen 1:31). But, God says He hates evil (Prov. 6:16-19). Who says something is good that they hate? When God says He is Love, is He really saying He is Hate? Genesis suggests evil originates with the thoughts of the human heart and this grieved God (Gen 6:5-6). Evil is not some grand scheme by God! To suggest God foreordained evil ahead of time to accomplish His good purposes and declare His glory is intellectually and morally indefensible.

Few if any traditional theists, who argue God’s will is always done, believe God eventually saves all. Thus, traditionalists must accept that God can’t win over a person’s heart eventually or that God originally never desired to spend eternity with all His children. The latter is not a plausible view of a loving God. Suffering in the world is often defended by arguing that God’s standard is perfection and we all fall short as sinners, so we are all unworthy. Any good is grace! Such rationalizations are totally unsatisfactory in understanding or explaining a loving God to others.

The Bible’s emphasis is much more on God’s vulnerability than deciding history and everyone’s actions in advance. God choose to respect individual freedom, thus there must be the opportunity to love as well as to hate. Besides, a genuine relationship is only possible if one is free to choose to return one’s love in return. The only way God could have stopped evil was to not have risked creating. Perhaps the biblical writers didn’t attempt to explain evil because they understood we live in a free, self-centered world. We may not know all the reasons for why God allows evil to continue or be so random, but we know one reason is not because God doesn’t love us as evidenced by sending Jesus. God forbid our disputable interpretations or understandings of God drive people to unbelief or despair.

Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?

Assuming God is the cause of everything that happens in our life can turn some away from God. Do we want to give the impression that God causes evil that leads to so much suffering? People say in good or bad times “everything happens for a reason,” referring to a Creator behind-the-scenes. All the suffering in the world is not God’s will. God getting you that job suggests others didn’t get the same job because of God. I am not condemning those who have made this comment. Our words though can unintentionally confuse some as to what God is really like.

The comment “everything happens for a reason” can imply God willed such an event to bring something good from it. God doesn’t plan tragedy. God doesn’t cause a person to get drunk and then drive and kill your children. God doesn’t put the thoughts of rape into the heart of the rapist. God much prefers people live selflessly and not make decisions that harm themselves or others. Can we respect God if this isn’t true? I understand it brings comfort for many to believe God is in control, but the baggage is too much for many. God doesn’t have to control to be in control.

In the beginning God allowed humans control and the freedom to choose. If God had not given freedom we would charge God with a different set of accusations by not creating the “best” world. Authenticity, the highest good in relationships, is impossible without freedom. Not even God can force true love. God interference may prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. It is still true though that God will walk hand-in-hand and empower us to respond to suffering to bring good from what was intended otherwise.

Suffering is inevitable in a world where freedom is part of the creation. God did not even spare His Son of such potential consequences, though Jesus’ suffering was undeserved. The truth is I have become a better person, more aware of my character flaws, during suffering than prosperity. Suffering enables me to be more sensitive and serve others in similar situations. Miracles turned heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. Those who have suffered undeservingly can help others better who have suffered similarly.

One may argue this is just semantics but let’s not imply God secretly orchestrates evil so good can be accomplished. God much prefer His children choose good from the beginning. We might be more sensitive to others by saying “I was grateful to have God by my side in this tragedy. I was fortunate to recover but I knew I would be made whole someday regardless.” This implies God never wished suffering or death in the first place. Athletes might convey they are appreciative of the opportunity to compete win or lose. God accepted the consequences of freedom and chose to lead as many as possible of their own volition to a paradise intended from the beginning. The only way we may be able to defeat evil in our world, other than destruction, is for individuals to persevere and overcome evil.

Isn’t Inherited Sin And Calvinism Utter Depravity?

Certain theologies or beliefs have consequences. To believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives opens the door to more abuse than already may arise. The belief in inherited depravity suggests God views people as guilty before they have committed any crimes. Aren’t babies baptized because they are considered guilty in God’s eyes because of Adam’s sin and need to be washed of their sins? Certain beliefs about God can drive a wedge in one’s relationship with their Creator and lead to strange characterizations about God.

God does not hold people responsible for others’ sin? The Old Testament clearly explains that a parent is not guilty of their child’s sin and a child is not guilty of their parent’s sin (Ex 18:5-20).  Secondly, Jesus obviously didn’t believe in inherited depravity. In Mt. 18:3 Jesus said: “…unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Finally, belief in inherited depravity can lead to thinking only followers of God can be of any good to others. We all are made in God’s image and whether you trust God or not, you are still capable of doing much good in the world.

A belief in individual depravity can lead to other unbelievable theology. Since humans are not capable of choosing God, God must choose them. This leads to implausible interpretations such as in Eph. 1:4: “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world…” It has been suggested God chooses some for salvation while forsaking others. Clearly, this cannot be the case for a God of love. God choose Christ to save any who believed (v. 13). Interpretations are fallible. It is not sin to use human reasoning in determining plausible beliefs of who God really is.

Calvinistic beliefs in inherited depravity can lead to a belief that God’s grace is not universal. Who wants to follow a God who is so utterly arbitrary?  People are capable of making decisions themselves whether Jesus is who He claims to be and He didn’t save Himself so we might be saved. God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34, Rm. 2:11). Do we really think God tells us to not show favoritism (James 2:1) but that He is above that? God is not a hypocrite.

The truth is that God’s love is not conditional. The truth is that there is not a quota on God’s grace. Who would want to worship such a God otherwise?  Don’t get me wrong. I believe in depravity. We all are batting a thousand. We all have chosen to sin at one time or another. I only know of one person who has lived a completely selfish life. God does not arbitrarily choose some to love and not others. God’s love is unconditional and universal. God is no different than any other loving parent. God hopes we will turn to Him for wisdom and guidance because He has our best interest in mind.

Is There A Quota On God’s Grace Where God Elects Only Certain Ones For Salvation?

Some theologians have suggested the Bible teaches God elects certain individuals for eternal life, thus logically sending those not elected to eternal damnation. Some argue God is not unjust because all are depraved and none would choose God without His help. This viewpoint is indefensible exegetically and morally. God does not predestine some for heaven and others to hell without any choice in the matter. We would accuse earthly parents of immorality if they showed similar favoritism toward their children. Can we blame one for rejecting a God that claims to be a God of love and freedom but arbitrarily chooses who to save? Bigotry may be defended because “God is not always fair.”

The most known verse in the Bible is only one of hundreds that speak of all people’s freedom to choose or reject a relationship with our Creator. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Only a few select passages seemingly contract this, but a careful study will reveal God elected Christ to save the world and not that God elected only certain individuals. The Bible is abundantly clear that God’s grace is universal. Salvation is a gift from God available to all through faith. Our God extends His grace to us all.

Jesus knew nothing about a quota on God’s grace. In John’s gospel see what Christ said to the Samaritan woman (4:13-14], to Jews persecuting him (5:24), to disbelieving Jews (8:24, 51), to Martha (11:25-26), to Philip and Andrew (12:25-26), and to the crowd. (12:36, 46) Jesus spoke as if salvation was available to all who desire it. Context may restrict words such as “whoever, anyone, everyone,” but no contextual indicators in the passages above defend God limiting His grace. John 3:16 is one of hundreds of verses that speak of everybody’s freedom to choose or reject a relationship with the Creator. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

A few select passages might seem to contradict God’s universal grace, but a careful study reveals God elected Christ to save the world and not that God elected only certain individuals.  Ephesians 1: 4-5 says: "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—” God’s predestination act is that of choosing Christ. God predestinates those who choose to believe in Christ. God has a plan if we chose to rebel against Him. I Peter 1:18-21 confirms Christ was chosen beforehand to save all those who believe.

God does not play favorites. The viewpoint that God chooses only certain individuals for salvation and others have no choice is indefensible exegetically and morally. Christians would admonish one another in Christ, on the grounds of scriptural teaching, if mercy was exercised in such an arbitrary fashion. Some call it sovereign grace but it is clearly arbitrary and contradicts hundreds of passages that declare God "wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth." (I Tim 2:4) God's grace is not limited to a select few - the elect - at the exclusion of others. God will never force any one to love Him, but God extends His grace to us all.

God, Church, Denominations and Other Christianity Problems

Are We Better Off With Or Without Churches?

What is Church in The Bible And Why I Stopped Going?

Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Influence?

Isn’t Christianity Better Off Without Denominations?

What Christian Beliefs May Be Our Worst Enemy?

Are We Better Off With Or Without Churches?

People often form their views of God by observing those who claim to represent God. It is assumed or understood churchgoers are God’s representatives. No one went “to church” in biblical times as “the church” (followers of Jesus) were simply to encourage one another anywhere anytime. So, is going “to church” the best way for followers to love others as radically as Jesus did which could be world- changing?

I don’t wish to be totally hypocritical. I will conclude by suggesting going to church is for some and not others. I worked for a company for twenty years and I didn’t agree with everything they taught. Sometimes I spoke up; sometimes I didn’t feel it was worth it as nothing would change. My disagreements were not moral as they aren’t with churches most of the time, but honestly I didn’t leave the company many times because of the paycheck. I am not sure churches are going away for the same reason, but personally I believe spiritual health is paramount.

The world seems better off with churches, than without churches, because a lot of morality is taught in such places. Most places of worship whether Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish teach Jesus’ main message of treating others like you want to be treated. Some people admit church has made them a more moral person which makes for a better world. Gatherings that teach the golden rule is a good thing but such structures can water down Jesus’ hope for the world.

The church can be a great place for people to organize as a group to serve others in need. Individuals might not reach out otherwise without group encouragement. Some will admit though often the church gathers only to be with one another, thus isolating themselves from others in a world in need. Layers of structure can take money away from those who need it most. Groups outside the church act similar to serve others, but they aren’t claiming to represent God and adhere to a set of beliefs other than the moral laws that must be adhered to by all.

It is assumed church teachings or creeds represent God’s beliefs. For example many churches teach husbands are to lead their wives, albeit as Jesus lead others. Many intuitively sense any emphasis on male leadership can be twisted to justify subtle or blatant mistreatment of women. Men in leadership of or authority over women can be an environment conducive for domestic abuse and the other atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history. Organized groups by nature develop structured beliefs but biblical interpretations are fallible. Individual beliefs typically only happen when “the church” meets wherever without an official structure.

The Bible was not meant to be a book to worship, but Church creeds don’t encourage sharing and considering one another’s opinions gracefully as God helps individuals work out their own convictions with as much consistency as possible. Imagine if our discussions about God were civil and lead to agreeing to disagree. Maybe then Christianity would have more of an impact in our culture. People have enough conflict in their own relationships. Organizing as Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, etc., only muddles God’s message of peace.

Jesus was a calm person in interactions with others but the religious, who claimed to represent God, got his dander up the most. Jesus is more of a spiritual than religious person. Religions tend to emphasize rules and obedience rather than a relationship and God’s unconditional love. It is a friendship with God, without fear, that best transforms followers to being the kind of unselfish person they deep down desire to be. Obedience is not taught but caught when you get to know who God really is. God's love and His mercy, not gloomy uncertainty of God’s favor, is our necessary nourishment for lasting changes. It is very challenging for a church with an organized structure to encourage a relationship versus adherence which is simply another form of legalism.

Each person in their relationship with their Creator decides which environments give the most encouragement. I am convinced because of the challenges involved that the world is better off without organized religion. Jesus and twelve followers changed the world for the good, but it doesn’t seem followers have come close to duplicating that despite millions of believers since then. The institution of church worked for me for years and continues to work for many, but people need to feel free than obligated to pursue God on their own terms. Obligatory relationships are seldom life transforming. Some may want to continue receiving teaching about their faith and attend traditional church for those and other reasons. No one though needs a mediator between God and them such as a pastor or priest. You may feel at some time like I do that I have graduated from “church.”

What is Church in The Bible And Why I Stopped Going?

Many think of the Bible when defining what “church” is, so I am going to explore what the Bible says church is. I will cite more bible passages than usual which may make for more difficult reading. I also will conclude with a brief discussion of my journey with attending church in case others have similar feelings. I was going to church often out of guilt which does not lead to true intimacy in spiritual or human relationships.

Jesus used the word church twice in the Gospels. It turns out Jesus and Paul when referring to the church had in mind believers or followers of Jesus as opposed to a physical building. No one said I am going to church in biblical times. Matthew 16:18 says “… and on this rock I will build my church…” Jesus wasn’t going to cram all followers over the last two thousand years in a building on a rock. Jesus’ other reference to the church was when advising how to reconcile with fellow believers engaged in harmful behaviors (Mt. 18:17). Jesus never denied the reality of lovingly confronting others. If one refuses to listen in a 1:1 situation, Jesus says: “tell it to the church.” Jesus was not suggesting we speak to buildings but to fellow believers wherever they may meet.

When the early “church” was forming after Christ left this earth, the Bible is not referring to buildings but actual followers of Jesus. “But Saul (Paul) began to destroy the church (singular). Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in prison” (Acts 8:3). Paul was not destroying buildings or houses where followers assembled; Paul was imprisoning people (the church) who believed Jesus was the Messiah and rose from the grave. In Acts 11:22 news reached the “ears of the church.” Church buildings can’t hear. Romans 16:5 is similar to Paul’s other letters: “Greet also the church that meets at their house.” Paul was not saying to greet a building that is somehow contained within someone’s home.

Clearly, “church” was referring to people who believed and assembled together at that time in homes. During times of persecution followers were encouraged to not give up gathering (singular) so they could encourage one another (Heb. 10:25). This passage isn’t encouraging weekly meetings at some building but to meet whenever to encourage one another. Today that could be at a building on Sunday morning, a homeless shelter, or on the tennis courts. Times together may include music and preaching or not at all. “The church” doesn’t go to church.

Christianity is better off without denominations. In New Testament times one did not refer to themselves as a Baptist, Methodist, etc. In fact, Jesus the Christ never referred to His followers as Christians. Paul warned against the harm of divisions among followers: “I follow Paul; another, I follow Apollos; another, I follow Cephas; still another I follow Christ” (I Cor. 1:12). Denominations often refer to their Creed than the Bible for guidance which is divisive. If we got rid of Denominations people might seek more Who we follow than what we believe in. The presence of Denominations suggests followers do not believe the same thing or even get alone. Why would those possibly interested in hearing what we believe want to join us?

Why I Stop Going To Church

In the Bible often the church (followers/believers) met at one another’s homes. I was expected to go a building, often with a steeple, on Sundays when growing up. Some years my parents took me to a meeting both Sunday morning and night and Wednesday evening. I went to a Sunday meeting on my own in college. I never developed deep relationships with those at these meetings. We took our children to a meeting on Sundays when they were young. We encouraged them to attend smaller meetings within the building with people their own age, but they mostly chose to continue to go to the room where adult sang and listen to preaching. We let our children when older decide whether to go to the meetings on Sunday. At the time I felt going to a meeting on Sundays helped us grow in our relationship with God.

I ended up going to Seminary out of college for one year so of course I continue going to meetings on Sundays. As I got older I begin to question some things I was taught at these meetings about what the Bible said. For instance, I was always taught a husband was to be a loving leader rather than a loving servant toward his wife. I came to realize best friends don’t need a leader whether married or not. I had seen that “give us men an inch and we will take a mile.” There were other views over the years suggesting what God was really like, such as God being a hellish torturer, which I begin to believe differently than what I was taught.

I begin to experience in meetings, when sharing what I believed, being more divisive than encouraging to fellow followers. I didn’t feel a freedom or openness to believe as God lead but to believe what those in authority taught. I wasn’t forced to believe but why attend if not being encouraged to develop your own beliefs. I was better off if I didn’t do “church” and try something different in my relationship with God. I am not sure if I went to church out of guilt all those years, but not going to church didn’t feel like a choice. The institution of church worked for me for years and continues to work for many, but people need to feel free than obligated to pursue God on their own terms. Obligatory relationships are seldom life transforming.

I gained a sense of freedom from obligation when I realized “church” in the Bible was not a building but referred to all individual believers. The Bible suggested followers meet to encourage one another. This can be done anywhere anytime. When followers meet together they may sing, teach one another, eat, play tennis or whatever is going on in being with one another. Some may want to continue receiving teaching about their faith and attend traditional church for those and other reasons. No one though needs a mediator between God and them such as a pastor or priest.

Church never was a place that I built genuine relationships. I could sit for an hour and not say one word to anyone other than my family. I certainly didn’t share my burdens openly in that meeting. Even attending smaller groups during the week, organized by church leaders for the purpose of building relationships, felt forced. I am not putting down such meetings. I just feel free and wish for other to know they can build a closer relationship with their Creator in ways best for them. Dream! I may again someday attend a building on a certain day of the week with like-minded followers. But, I do not feel obligated or believe God thinks any less of me for not doing so. I am better off seeking encouraging, genuine relationships, so I look for such relationships everywhere. They don’t have to be organized and there doesn’t have to be structured leadership. You may feel like I do that I have graduated from “church.”

Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Influence?

Christianity may be its own worst enemy in having more of an impact in society. It certainly cannot be the fault of the messenger or the message. Jesus is the only religious leader who proclaimed He would rise from the grave. Historical evidence for an empty tomb and Jesus being seen are far more credible than conspiracy theories such as the body was stolen. Jesus main message was simply to love others as you wished to be loved. God the Creator, unlike other gods, did not demand power for the mere sake of being in power. God believed in choice and even identified with our suffering as a result of freedom by allowing His Son to suffer a horrible crucifixion.

Christianity’s lack of influence is partly because of a spiritually apathetic society. People are less receptive when you initiate spiritual discussions than when asking about other aspects of their life. Christians still though could have more of a positive influence if we loved others as radically as Jesus advised and lived out. Jesus encouraged all to simply love God and love others as we wished to be loved. God was not an egomaniac. Parents advise their children to honor them because they have their best interest in mind. By loving God I am certain I treat others better than I would without God’s help. But, I fail to show consistent love almost on a daily basis. I love my wife dearly, but my love toward her is hardly radical more often than I care to admit. We mustn’t give up because we fail but our influence is only as great as our love is toward others.

A second main reason Christians might have less influence is because of certain misbeliefs. Alan Wolfe in his book The Transformation of American Religion suggests that Christians have impacted their culture so little by not sharing their faith for fear of being unfriendly or not liked. Christians though may not share their faith because they struggle to explain certain irrational beliefs about God. One may share their faith more if they felt free to not sell fire insurance. What if followers discovered that Hell is a human invention and God is not a sadistic torturer, trying to scare people into submission and obedience? Our beliefs sometimes suggest God is a sadistic torturer, gender biased, and more of an angry, egomaniac than unconditional Lover. Biblical interpretations must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. We know intuitively how God loves others because we are made in His image. God doesn’t ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against His nature.

A third reason, besides of lack of radical love and misbeliefs, that followers of Jesus may have less of an influence is because of the presence of Denominations. The creation of Denominations may be one of the greatest enemies of Christian influence. Denominations did not exist in Jesus’ time. The New Testament speaks often of the harm of divisions. If two pastors in the same church contradicted one another, we would run. Well, outsiders see Christians all as one group, whether Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics, etc., etc., etc. Outsiders see the tremendous strife and disagreement and turn away. They have enough conflict in their own relationships.

We would be better off saying “we believe what the Bible teaches” than referring to some Denomination Creed, while recognizing our interpretations are fallible. The Bible is not a single text with a single author. The Bible was written in foreign languages thousands of years ago. Since Denominations are probably not going anywhere, those who call themselves Christians must learn to share and consider one another’s opinion gracefully. We must encourage others to work out their own convictions with as much consistency as possible, unless you don’t believe God can guide people. Imagine if our discussions about God were civil and lead to agreeing to disagree. Maybe then Christianity would have more of an impact in our culture.

Fourthly, Christians may be impacting their culture less because we have developed our own brand of telling others about God. We are reluctant to share because certain misbeliefs may cause hesitancy in sharing, and words out of the mouths of Christians often offend rather than attract others. Jesus’ approach to others was less religious and more practical. Jesus harshest warning was for the religious, such as the Pharisees, who distorted His message. They should have known better. The OT has it greatest warnings for those that were just plain evil such as sacrificing children to gods.

But, there are a lot of people in between the evildoers and the religious distorters. Jesus came alongside and simply loved and served. Followers may hesitate to share with others when they don’t feel they can do so naturally. Jesus did not demand praying some Christian prayer as if that determined one’s final destination after death. Jesus didn’t condemn the woman involved in adultery but encouraged change for her own good (John 8). Jesus simply encouraged others to follow Him. Jesus loved people unconditionally in hopes to attract them to His ways which brings true joy in the long run.

How can Christians have more of an influence? Most importantly, we can seek to love others as radically as Jesus did. Then, we can begin slaying the greatest enemies of true religion which is religion itself. Followers must let go of certain beliefs about God that aren’t plausible based on what a loving God should be like. Denominations are not going away unfortunately. At least let’s stop declaring our interpretations are infallible by the way we handle discussions. Finally, we need to get rid of evangelistic ways where the focus is on praying a prayer to avoid Hell. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor conquered your battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in your life? Simply love and serve others as Jesus did and when receptive invite others to understand how much God loves them. God simply desires a friendship for such intimacy leads to life transformations.

Isn’t Christianity Better Off Without Denominations?

Followers of Jesus may have less of an influence in culture because of the creation and presence of Denominations. In New Testament times one of course did not refer to themselves as a Baptist, Methodist, etc. But, Paul warned against the harm of divisions among followers: “I follow Paul; another, I follow Apollos; another, I follow Cephas; still another I follow Christ” (I Cor. 1:12). We already have enough disharmony in relationships, which Jesus came to change. The focus comes off the One who rose from the dead. If two pastors in the same church contradicted one another, we would run. Well, unbelievers see Christians as one group whether Presbyterians, Catholics, etc. The strife and disagreements are off-putting.

Jesus harshest message was for organized religious groups. Jesus hated how the Pharisees distorted His message (Luke 5:29-31). The Pharisees, who were in love with their power, made religion self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. We may hold on to certain beliefs, not because they are in the best interest of all, but because they keep us employed. Also, the Pharisees had a misguided emphasis on rules and obedience rather than God’s unconditional love. Attending church or being associated with a group or Denomination has nothing to do with spirituality. The Pharisees attended synagogue but they did not follow Jesus. Jesus followers trust in who Jesus claimed to be, which leads to living out Jesus’ teachings such as loving others as ourselves.

When associated with a Denomination we began referring to some Creed than the Bible for guidance. A singular focus though must lead to civil discussions about God and agreeing to disagree. We must recognize our biblical interpretations are fallible. The Bible is not a single text with a single author. The Bible was written in foreign languages thousands of years ago. Those who call themselves Christians must learn to share and consider one another’s opinion gracefully. We must encourage others to work out their own convictions with as much consistency as possible, unless you don’t believe God can guide people. Maybe then Christianity would have more of an impact in our culture.

It is best we not refer to ourselves as Baptists for example or even Christians. The term Christian has so many meanings to different people. The term Christian initially had a negative connotation as it was used by unbelievers as a reference to Jesus’ disciples (Acts 11:26). Jesus the Christ never referred to His followers as Christians. The apostles never called each other Christians. Jesus typically when encountering others simply encouraged them to follow Him. Those who were open to believing Jesus was who He claimed to be were simply followers. When we ask one if they are a Christian, they think we are asking if they are a Baptist, Presbyterian, etc. Like in the Apostle Paul’s era, Christians are associated with something rather than Someone.

What if we got rid of Denominations? People might seek more Who we follow than what we believe in. People would associate spirituality with a Person than a group. The mere presence of Denominations suggests we do not believe the same thing or even get alone. People already know how to not get alone. Followers have nothing to offer others if they are not clearly united by one common belief. Followers desperately want to give others desiring more in their life a reason to consider their beliefs. The presence of Denominations takes the focus off Jesus and the Bible as His words to us for guidance.

What Christian Beliefs May Be Our Worst Enemy?

Belief matters. Our understanding of what God is really like can either alienate us or draws us closer to God. Our theology, which is basically our characterization of God, can make it difficult for others to turn to God. Would it matter if you discovered the traditional understanding of Hell is not biblical and God is not a sadistic torturer? What different beliefs would make a difference in your relationship with God and in your conversations with others if you discovered there was a biblical alternative?

What if you discovered that the Bible doesn’t teach husbands have any authority over their wives? Is there really a difference between strains of other religions that proscribe gender roles and if Christianity does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?

What if you discovered God doesn’t prefer men over women as leaders, thus eliminating the possibility of half the human race not being able to exercise their God given gifts?

What if you discovered Hell is a human invention and God is not a sadistic torturer, trying to scare people into submission and obedience? Would you feel more inclined to share your faith if you felt free to not sell fire insurance?

What if you discovered The Bible doesn’t suggest the Cross was to satisfy some need in God at the expense of His Son but to satisfy a need in us at His expense. Do we really think God needed to be appeased by human sacrifice like the other OT gods?

What if you discovered there isn’t a quota on God’s grace where God elects some to Heaven and others to Hell? What if you discovered that Heaven was more populated than many people imagined, as there may be second changes after death as there are here on earth?

What if you discovered the World is not coming to an end, thus causing passivity while we just wait on God to “fix” things by coming again? What if you learned that Jesus’ coming is not a physical rapture and that Jesus has already come as predicted and is with us now?

What if you discovered God isn’t a mystery and there is a reasonable explanation for how God’s goodness and evil coexist? What if you discovered rational reasons why God allows undeserved suffering and is not constantly interfering miraculously?

What if you discovered God’s love is truly unconditional and that God is not keeping score? Does fear or God’s unconditional love truly transform lives?

What if you discovered that prayer is more about communicating for support than manipulating for gain, thus allowing God to run a very complicated world where freedom is allowed?

[See further elaborations on the above beliefs at my blog under Beliefs Reformation]

What God Is Like As A Parent - God’s Unimaginable Love

Why Is It Important To Know God Is An Unconditional Lover?

If God Truly Exist Why Does God Seem So Hidden?

Does God Think We Are All Wretched?

Should We Be In Awe Of God?

Is God Really Any Different Than Other gods With Child Sacrifice And Infidel Killings?

Don’t We Know What God Is Like Because Made In God’s Image?

Why Is Grace So Much Better Than The Law?

Does God Loves Us Unconditionally Or To The Degree We Obey?

Why Is It Critical To Know A Relationship with God Is About Trust Than Obedience?

God And His Unconditional Love – Do We Have To Earn God’s Love?

What Is A Relationship With God Really Like?

Must We Obey To Be Loved By God?

What Kind of Parent Is God Really?

Why Is It Important To Know God Is An Unconditional Lover?

Jesus became the most upset with the religious elite of His time because they got the main thing wrong. Christians may be doing the same thing today. Rules are emphasized more than having a relationship with God. God is portrayed more as a God of wrath than love. It is assumed God is more offended by what sin does to Him than what it does to us. God desperately want us to know He loves us unconditionally, as do all loving parents, because that is who God is.

The fear of God was on display in the Bible when nations participated in such things as child sacrifice to please their supposed gods. Jesus got His dander up the most when the religious acted as if true religion was self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. God’s wrath or tough love was only to deter people from self-destruction. Fear-based theology has been a misguided attempt to control our behaviors to produce unselfishness. Fear doesn’t lead to life-changing transformations. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor conquered your battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins? Having an intimate friendship with God is what really transforms us into the kind of person we want to be.

Humans do not understand relationships better than our Creator. Parents know the fear of punishment is only meant to encourage their child to run from evil and is not what the relationship is based on. The main thing is a friendship gained over time that will help children to know us and act on our guidance which is always in their best interests. Our obedience has absolutely nothing to do with God’s love for us. It only effects how we feel about our relationship with God. God certainly grieves selfish choices because of the pain it will cause His children, but God doesn’t stop loving us any more than our human parents stop loving us.

Understanding God’s unconditional love is the only way to conquer the ultimate problem in our life – selfishness. We want the fear of God in killers to stop evil, but this doesn’t lead to changed hearts. God thankfully does not give up hoping or forgiving, or we may never make important life changes. Sometimes we cannot stop hating ourselves for committing the same sins over and over. God doesn’t give up after the 10th relapse. God doesn’t heap guilt on us; selfishness already does that for non-evil folks. We can start off each day knowing God is in our corner.

God was not concerned about giving us a license to keep sinning. We sin without applying for a license. Sin has its own consequences. You can’t yell at your partner and expect to have any kind of relationship. God’s anger doesn’t bring about desired reconciliation. We are inspired to serve well a boss who truly values us and we deeply respect. When we understand what God is really like and how much He loves us, we will be more empowered to act in the best interests of others and our own. The only law God is concerned about is the law of love.

There are so many reasons we must understand God’s unconditional love for us:

• God's unconditional love provides comfort to those whose failures afflict their consciences. We know we cannot meet God's standards much less our own, no matter how hard we try. We do not have to give up though.  

• God's unconditional love allows us to continually seek forgiveness and acknowledge our wrongs before God without worrying that we destroying God's love for us. Sin has its own consequences. Our failures do not change our statue with God. We can remain empowered than discouraged. God is keeping record – every act of kindness no matter how small.  

• God's unconditional love gives us hope that it is never too late to start. God's accounting system is different than ours (Matthew20). Do we really want an exact accounting?

• God's unconditional love enables us to overcome temptations, which only seem at the time more pleasurable than intimacy with God. Temptation can be overcome because we have a loving God we can always go back to, not some tyrant who delights in punishing us.  

When we understand God loves us unconditionally, we can avoid taking too much pride in ourselves. Pride only leads to comparing ourselves to others causing individual and relational discord. When we start to focus on our goodness, we may lose focus on all our shortcomings. God encourages perfection, not just reaching certain "good” standards. It isn't that our good works are filthy, but God desires we be the very best we can and not just being better than others.  It is only when we understand our shortcomings that we reach out to God for help, which leads to true happiness and being the kind of people we want to be.

We may want to give up but we can know each day God starts off anew. God’s love and grace provides comfort to those whose failures afflict their consciences. God does not heap on more hate for constantly falling short. God gives us confidence to continue to pursue selflessness despite our regrets. A priority on God’s unconditional love does not do away with holiness but makes it possible. True intimacy with God inspires us toward life transformations.

If God Truly Exist Why Does God Seem So Hidden?

Why doesn’t God make his presence more evident to those who are open to knowing if God exists? Divine hiddenness has been a reason many have questioned if there is a God or if God truly is loving. Parents don’t hide from a child who is seeking their love and comfort. Before we consider reasonable reasons why God may seemingly stay more hidden, we need to counter some common assumptions among those who already believe in God.

It is argued the Bible says those who don’t believe there is a God are simply being rebellious to what they know to be true. The first chapter of Romans is used to suggest that all people that don’t believe in God are simply suppressing what God has clearly revealed to them. This passage is referring to those ignoring God so they could continue in their wicked ways. Many people live moral lives but for their own rational reasons cannot believe in an invisible God. There are many explanations for unbelief than accusing people of lying and not knowing their feelings.

A traumatic experience such as being raped by one’s father can keep one from wanting to have anything to do with God their Father. One may have been taught growing up God is a sadistic torturer who burns people in Hell forever if they don’t believe in Him. Many understand such an explanation of God is a direct contradiction of a loving God. People are not immoral because they doubt or don’t accept certain teachings without reflection. Jesus was toughest on the Pharisees for misrepresenting God that they claimed to know. Skeptics or those who may question God are not claiming or acting like religious elitists that got Jesus’ dander up the most.

There are individual, loving reasons God may not reveal Himself totally to those not ready to believe in God. God may know a person may reject Him currently as opposed to a time in the future under different circumstances. People may also come to believe in God for the wrong reasons if God shows Himself at the wrong time. God revealing himself to me in in what I perceive to be very real ways isn’t always comforting. Afterwards, I swear to God that I will change and don’t. Such experiences lead to guilt and discouragement. God may hide himself not out of cruelness but because He loves us and timing can be important in relationships.

There may also be societal benefits for God not revealing Himself always. The truth is those who claim to know and love God sometimes have less of a positive impact on others than those who don’t play the God-card. If we assume most people don’t have a close relationship with God, they may be more positively impacted by those who don’t wear God on their sleeve. The Bible suggests a genuine relationship with God isn’t based on certain beliefs or what one says but how one lives their life. Some are turned off by those who claim by the grace of God they were cured. I guess God didn’t give a crap about a loved one who died of the same kind of cancer.

God showed Himself when history began in very tangible ways. There may always be a need for the first time, but is God not loving by not continuing to reveal Himself in similar ways in each future generation? God’s chosen people had manna dropped from the sky to survive in the wilderness, but they turned on God when Moses went up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. God even came in person but Jesus’ presence and miracles did not obtain the results some may suggest if God would stop hiding. A parent, who has a child taken from them at birth, stills loves that child though that child may not know them or that they even exist. We cannot assume that not seeing God’s presence means there is no relationship.

Does God Think We Are All Wretched?

It may be difficult for some to understand or get close to a God who is portrayed as thinking we are totally worthless. Christians often say things like: we are totally wicked in God’s eyes; God only loves me because of the blood of Jesus. Old timers may bellow “how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!” Such words don’t necessarily convey God’s heart and thoughts. Thinking we are despicable may lead to giving up. God desires perfection for our own sake but surely celebrates our victories along the way. Human love isn’t better than Godly love.

I understand why some feel wretched if they murdered someone. But, the Apostle Paul murdered but eventually became a hero in God’s eyes. Many on some days manage to love others like they want to be loved. Does God hate us because we aren’t perfect? I am good if you believe God detest every aspect of your lying soul and that draws you close to God. Others may have a hard time understanding why human love seems better than Godly love. I have always loved my children to the core despite their faults. I simply hope they change harmful ways for their sake.

God isn’t always thinking ill of us any more than our human parents because we fail to obey for our best interests. God simply grieves selfish choices because of the pain it will cause His children. Sin only effects how we feel about our relationship with God. God simply desires a friendship so to help us to be the kind of person we deep down desire to be, but God never forces Himself on others for obligatory love is neither authentic or desirable. The truth is God is the perfection of the human parents we have always desired.

God could have overpowered others to change the world; instead, God loved others culminating at the Cross in hopes to influence. Jesus identified with us by walking in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to better understand how difficult it is to live selflessly in a world where one is free to love or hate others for their own gains. Gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor does not conquer battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in our lives. God loves you wholeheartedly and longs to help you discover true happiness.

It is suggested that babies are sinners before they are even born because of Adam’s sin. Is this really God’s view? God does not hold us responsible for another’s person sin. A fair reading of Romans 5:12-21 implies Adam's sin was not transferred but certainly influential, as parents have the power to influence their children positively or negatively. Sin came in the world through Adam but Adam's sin didn't come into us. We are born in sin but not with sin. Babies are not guilty of sin before the age of accountability. But, the truth is that the influence of sin is so powerful that only one person has ever managed to live a totally unselfish life.

God doesn’t just love Christians and is waiting for non-Christians to believe. God loves all and hopes to persuade all that His love is in their best interest as any parent would. You weren’t created to worship God so shut up and give God the glory. God didn’t create you for a one-sided relationship. Most parents have children to share life with. God loves you and doesn’t just see you as evil without putting His Jesus glasses on. God would love to earn your respect and help you become the person you want to come. God only desires for you to be able to look back on your life without regrets.

Should We Be In Awe Of God?

We may hear a healthy relationship with our Creator begins with a sense of awe. A human analogy suggested is feeling awestruck when meeting initially someone who we have respected all our life. But, we aren’t necessarily thinking our hero desires a relationship as our Creator does. When I know someone loves me, I am more inclined to run into their arms. There is no need for fear when each loves one another. Does God expect us to be in awe now or when meeting? Do such thoughts help build a relationship with our God that S/he so desires?

I think of God as my Heavenly as opposed to earthly Parent. I have always desired to have a close relationship with my parents as I aged. I may deeply respect my parents for their character but this should not cause hesitancy in the relationship. I may be ashamed of all the times I have hurt them and others, but overwhelmness is not conducive for a relationship. Besides, an unconditional lover such as God is dying to forgive those who seek it. My concern is telling others they must be in awe of God may not be at all what God feels is best for a relationship that S/he desires with all.

Many may look at what the Bible says when trying to discern what God expects. We don’t have to look at the Bible to know what our Creator thinks about murder but this topic may be one of those times. In the beginning in the Garden it seems God enjoyed regular visits with Eve and Adam. If these visits were not physical appearances I am not sure what they were hiding from (Gen. 3:8). God didn’t refuse to talk after being rejected. God didn’t begin to desire a standoffish reputation because Abraham, the initial father of God’s people, was referred to as God’s friend.

One might suggest though by the time of Moses and the Ten Commandments, God was beginning to build an aura around Himself by refusing to show Himself (See Exodus 19 and 20). Rebellious times may call for different actions. Evil people, who need to be told to stop killing, lying, and cheating on one another, should have a healthy fear of God and the unknown. In less rebellious times all the leaders of Israel were allowed to see God (Ex. 24:9-11). God did not shy away from calling us friends such as with Moses (Ex. 33:11). God, like human parents, desire to have a close, influential relationship with their children because they have their best interest in mind.

I am often asked to pray before groups of friends though I am not a minister. I hope people sense I have a friendship with God. My prayers don’t begin: “Dear God, the Holy One, the Feared Creator of the Universe…” Such talk doesn’t invite other to get to know their Creator. My prayers are as if I am talking to a close Friend. One might need to be in awe of God if plotting evil, but what Parent who wants a relationship desires you to fear them or hesitant to come in their presence. Now, when you get to know God as I do you may begin to have feelings of awe after appreciating just how amazing God is.


I use human parent analogies when discussing God as our Parent, as we are made in God’s likeness. Obviously, humans aren’t perfect as I believe our Creator is. Analogies break down because I can always find something wrong with humans, even my heroes. I believe God is deserving of awe but that is because of my relationship with God. Others may only be getting to know God or be open to the possibility of a Creator. Awe may not be natural because of certain beliefs about God suggested by others. My prayers may begin with awe. But, we should not expect others to be in awe of God if they are not yet convinced or deeply in love with God. The Psalms suggested we can keep it real with God.

Is God Really Any Different Than Other gods With Child Sacrifice And Infidel Killings?

Nations in the Old Testament were involved in sexual practices such as bestiality, incest, and child sacrifice to their gods (Leviticus 18:21). The cultures in OT times worship idols and developed sacrificial ways to worship their different gods, such as the Canaanites whose sacrificed their children to please their false gods (Ps. 106:38; see also Ezek. 23:37-39). Is God really any different by requiring His own Son be sacrificed to appease His anger?

A legalistic view of the Cross suggests God was more concerned with restoring His honor and appeasing His anger than persuading us of His love. God did not have to be appeased by human sacrifice as the other OT gods before loving us or forgiving our sins. God loved people before the Cross. Jesus forgave sins before His death on the Cross. God’s attitude unlike humans does not change yesterday, today, or in the future. If someone wronged me and the only way I could satisfy my anger and forgive was to kill my child, what does that say about me as a parent!

The Cross was not to change God’s attitude toward us but to change our attitude about God. God stubbornly pursued a relationship. Jesus wanted to do whatever it took to influence us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. Jesus sought to identify with us and walk in our shoes to better understand how difficult it is to live selflessly in a world where one is free to love or hate others for their own gains. Jesus faced undeserved suffering, so He could know what that felt like. Some may die for a good person. Jesus died for all regardless if evil or good (Romans 5:6-8). Jesus took no shortcuts to convince us of His unconditional love.

Secondly, some suggest their god teaches to behead or kill infidels. Is God really the same by being a sadistic torturer after unbelievers die on this earth? HELL, NO! The popular concept of hell, where God is involved in the endless torture of people, is nowhere in the Scriptures. Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell was an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience.

The Hebrew word Sheol in the OT often translated as “Hell” was simply a region or place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Job desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (Job 10:21-22). The Greek word Gehenna in the New Testament translated as “Hell” was the name of a real, literal, valley nearby Jerusalem that had a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago. Scriptures only says after death that believers and unbelieves are judged by our merciful God who simply ask we “…love our neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:25-27).

Finally, we have every right to question the God in the OT who ordered the killing of women and children during wartimes (I Sam. 15:1-3). Evil had become so rampant that God practically destroyed the entire human race during Noah’s time and started over. Evil may have progressed to the level of the Canaanites as mentioned above. The Ark took many years to build, and Noah was said to be a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5). It is not like God of the OT to reject anybody from entering the Ark if they wanted to trust Noah’s God. God often allowed the expulsion or relocation of the people from the land before annihilation due to evil (Deut. 7:1-5).

Corruption can infiltrate a society so much that a fresh start may be the most merciful thing to do. We may underestimate the influence of evil on future generations. God chose Israel to influence all nations for good, but God understood the power of influence: “…they mingled with the nations and adopted their customs…they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, who they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan” (Ps. 106:35-38). We have seen women not oppose their evil husbands and children follow in their parents’ footsteps. Death may be the only hope for future generations. A better place after death may be more merciful than abandonment, starvation, disease, or being torn apart by wild animals (Ex 23:28-29). The biblical record will bare our God was full of mercy and grace in hopes evil nations would repent. Walter Kaiser suggest: “Just as a surgeon does not hesitate to amputate a gangrenous limb, even if he cannot help cutting off some healthy flesh, so God must do the same. This is not doing evil that good may come; it is removing the cancer that could infect all of society and eventually destroy the remaining good” (Hard Sayings of the Old Testament, 108).

One may ask how so much evil and suffering can exist if God is good. God can surely STOP IT! The truth is the only way for God to stop suffering which frequently results from the evil choices of others for personal gain is to annihilate freedom. Then, God would face a different set of accusations. God didn’t avoid undeserved suffering as a result of freedom through His Son. Some religions today suggest their god has no place for infidels. One either believes their way or suffers immediate extinction. God didn’t. The ancient gods demanded sacrifice to satisfy the god’s thirst. God didn’t. The OT writers sought to convey differences than commonalities with the other gods. God desires our love to help us conquer self-centeredness. God sent His Son to persuade and influence us to depend on Him and follow Him.

Don’t We Know What God Is Like Because Made In God’s Image?

The Bible declares: “God created human beings in his own image” (Gen. 1:26). These exact words are used in Gen 5:3 when stated Adam “had a son in his own likeness, in his own image.” We are suggesting commonality when we say “that is human nature.” We know what God is like because we are made in God’s image. We can know God even if we don’t have a Bible, but the Bible can aid in informing what God is truly like. God surely is like the perfect human being. When our interpretations suggest otherwise, we must carefully examine our views.

Our biblical interpretations must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. Deep down we all know what a truly loving God is as a spiritual Parent as we know what a truly loving earthly parent is like. God would not reveal anything about Himself in the Bible that is unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against God’s nature. When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, we must err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind since interpretations are fallible.

God is just like the perfect human lover. We all know what perfect love is; we just have a hard time living up to our expectations. Similarly, there is a consensus among rational people about right from wrong. We all have an internal moral compass that allows most to agree on matters of morality. God is like the perfect moral human being. God surely is not a reflection of our parents but the perfection of parents we always desired or wanted to be.

We must not undermine the importance of human reasoning. God created such reasoning. Questions about God are solved on biblical and rational grounds as interpretations are imperfect. The Bible can be a doubled-edge sword. The Bible is no longer a book of wisdom if we can’t share and consider one another’s opinion gracefully, so to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. For theologians such as St. Augustine and Calvin to suggest that God’s grace has a quota is not a plausible view of a loving God. Our views must portray God as an unconditional lover. We all know what that is.

The following beliefs must be incorrect or at least scream for further contemplation since we are made in God’s image:

• God isn’t a sadistic torturer. Hell surely has been an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Such sadistic punishment serves no purpose and humans don’t even keep their enemies alive so we can keep torturing them

• God doesn’t hate the divorcee but what divorce does to people. If the divorce is our fault, let him or her who has not sinned throw the first stone

• God doesn’t favor men over woman as leaders and pastors. God would not put males in charge when they are prone to abuse of authority as warned by God (Gen. 3:16). God desires we come directly to Him. Priests aren’t intermediaries. Women don’t need a go-between.

• God isn’t a God of wrath but love. Who thinks of a parent any other way? When parents stand up to their child’s mistreatment of others, most understand this is simply an aspect of their unconditional love for their child

We may need to reconsider the things we believe or have heard about God. Those beliefs may keep us from knowing who God truly is, thus enjoying God and life to the fullest. Think of what you desire for your children if you are a parent or what you desired from your parents. This is God. We are made in God’s image!

Why Is Grace So Much Better Than The Law?

God promised to make Abraham into a great nation. God decided because of the continuous evil in the world that Jesus would be sent to earth to demonstrate God loved us more than we could ever imagine. God choosing Israel wasn’t favoritism as only one nation could be chosen by God for the Messiah to be born into. God intended through Abraham to bless all nations (Gen 12:3). It isn’t favoritism when all win.

God proclaimed an unconditional, love relationship with Israel before the Laws were given to Moses. Abraham had a faith relationship with God before the Mosaic Covenant times. God has never demanded obedience to any laws first before establishing a relationship. The Laws were given by God to simply guide Israel morally for their own good. Imagine living in a nation that abided by the Ten Commandments. Parents understand that a relationship based on unconditional love with rules in the best interest of the child is the pathway to intimacy and transformed lives.

Jesus detested the religious of His day who suggested that a relationship with God was based on adherence to a set of rules, thus confusing people about God’s unconditional love for them. The Jews perhaps preferred a supposed position of favoritism because they were first given the Laws. Some Jews maybe wanted to think of themselves as better than the Gentiles rather than believing a special relationship with God was open to all. We all know bigotry. The Pharisees certainly liked being the chosen because it kept them in a job and in power. We today may hold on to certain beliefs, not because they are in the best interest of all, but because they keep us employed.

The Law only condemns, pointing out our shortcomings, for none can keep the Law perfectly

God’s grace can encourage, giving us peace that God love us despite our imperfections

The Law cannot forgive, only deter us in the short-run because of the fear of punishment

God’s grace forgives us, knowing there is life after failures

The Law encourages only obligatory obedience and doing the bare minimum

God encourages matters of the heart that can lead to lifelong transformation

The Law can lead us to false pride because of other’s failures or lesser works

God invites us to accept the shortcoming of others and strive to be our best

God’s love and grace provides comfort to those whose failures afflict their consciences. God does not heap on more hate for constantly falling short. God gives up confidence to continue to pursue holiness despite our regrets. We can be comforted that every act of kindness no matter how small matters to God. God give us hope that it is never too late to start, as God’s accounting system is different thankfully (Mt 20). A priority on God’s unconditional love and grace does not do away with holiness but makes it possible. True intimacy with God inspires us toward life transformations.

Has the fear of God or gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor conquered battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins for you? Serving a parent or boss out of respect than obligation empowers us to be our best. Fear-based relationships lead to temporary changes or trying to not get caught. Intimacy inspires. God is no different than human parents. Parents ultimately want their children to understand their unconditional love for them so they might follow their wisdom for their own good. Good deeds are appreciated by God, but our efforts will never be enough in our own mind. Discussing obedience before God’s unconditional love for us is a hopeless journey in achieving a relationship with God and being the kind of people we desire to be. Do we desire to trust God over ourselves? Obedience for our own good will naturally follow, though the journey is different for all.

Does God Loves Us Unconditionally Or To The Degree We Obey?

Do earthly parents don’t stop loving their children because they are disobedient? Do they love their children to the degree their children obey them? Is God a worse lover? God is not a conditional lover – loving us only if we obey. Our obedience has absolutely nothing to do with God’s love for us. It only effects how we feel about our relationship with God. We feel distant when we know we are not upholding our end of the relationship. We do not have to worry how much to obey God for Him to love us or not throw us out of Heaven. God certainly grieves selfish choices because of the pain it will bring to His children, but He doesn’t stop loving us.

Understanding God’s unconditional love can change your life forever. A must read is Wayne Jacobsen’s book He Loves Me! and Bryan Chapell’s Holiness by Grace whom I am indebted to for some of what follows. Our efforts vary but God’s unconditional love doesn’t. We must focus on God's provisions rather than our attempts to gain acceptance because of the necessity of the former and the futility of the later. We must discuss God's affection for us than our obedience to Him. God’s love and our obedience do not below in the same discussion. A performance-based mentality produces religiosity; a trust-based mentality produces true spirituality. Understanding God's unconditional love for us regardless of past, present, or future failures can empower us to love others in unimaginable ways.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is really the Story of the Incredible Parent. God loves us unconditionally but respects our freedom. In the Parable God didn’t rush to his son when he was starving; when his son returned God didn’t rush to call him a fool. God all along waited and hoped. His love is unlike any human’s love we may experience. Understanding and trusting that God loves us unconditionally and that we do not have to earn His love will free us to be transformed into the kind of person we truly desire to be. No gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor can conquer our battle against self-centeredness. God doesn’t offer a formula, only a friendship. Talking of a friendship with God does not demean who He is or bring Him down to our level. It simply explains what the Bible has indicated all along was God’s desire (John 15:15) Falling in love with God is what leads to true happiness.

Scriptures is about God pursing us but we can only come to Him through trust rather than fear or obligation. It isn’t that God doesn’t appreciate our efforts to please Him. God simply wants us to know that His love is unconditional and that His gift doesn’t have to be earned. God's unconditional love provides comfort to those whose failures afflict their consciences. We know we cannot meet God's standards much less our own, no matter how hard we try. We do not have to continually despair over past or present failures. We already hate ourselves for not being holier; we do not need to heap God's hate on ourselves as well. We try to earn points with God but He is not keeping score. Until we stop worrying about pleasing God, we may never be free to love others as God intended. True love results from intimacy and unconditional love than from fear and obligatory love.

Working for a boss who can never be pleased works initially as we fear failure, but such a relationship will not last for the sake of good works. Service out of a relationship of gratitude, than obligatory obedience, is what is fulfilling and lasting. Once we understand who God truly is, such gratitude is what truly empowers us to be the men and woman we desire to be. We don't discover the joy that is our strength for Christian service - loving others as we wish to be loved - until we have claimed God's mercy and unconditional love that frees us from our guilt. It isn't that God doesn't love our works, but He does not see works as a way to justify His love for us. We can start each day feeling accepted rather than rejected. God knew we would always be frustrated thinking our efforts will never be enough.  Staying frustrated in our failures does not inspire us to continue to strive. God desires to encourage us in spite of our shortcomings.

The Pharisees pursed works, which obviously didn't produce genuine love toward others. Works just seemed to puff them up and lead to false pride. When we focus on our works, we are tempted to minimize the importance of others' works because perhaps they have more of a checkered past or their works are not as great or numerous as ours. God wishes to encourage perfection, not just reaching certain "good" standards. Do we truly love our partner if we are successful 85% of the time? When we focus on our goodness we stop running the race of changing those things deep down that keep us from being more like Jesus.

From the Garden until the Cross God tried to convince us to trust Him. God knew fear could not lead to lifelong transformation but to only a momentary reformation of behavior. A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil.  To not fear God was to not fear evil. God’s wrath is against godlessness and wickedness in hopes to restore, not against those who don't pursue evil. God hates the sin, not the sinner, because sin leads to destruction in the end.  God’s wrath is not an inherent part of His nature but a reaction because of His love when confronted with sin. God’s wrath is meant to heal us not hurt us. Fear was for evil folks in the Bible, not those seeking selfless lives.  Do we use the fear and judgment of God to attempt to keep others on the straight and narrow? Do we not believe God’s love is enough to transform people into the kind of person they desire to be? It is not necessary God hate on us for change. God’ unconditional love is what empowers us to love others as God does.

The Cross is the undeniable proof that God loves us more than we can ever imagine, and He will go to great lengths to convince us to trust Him. Was God focused on our sins or the power of sin over us? Punishment doesn’t break the power of sin. Punishment doesn’t prevent us from finding a better way to hid sin next time. Jesus did not have to die to pacify God so He could then start loving us. God in Abraham and Isaac’s life showed that He didn’t need a sacrifice like the other gods. Sacrifice was a way to reveal the destruction of sin and drastic steps must be taken. The Cross is not a get-out-of-Hell free pass. The Cross shows us how to prevail over sin’s power. We can never conquer sin until we trust God as Jesus did. Jesus at any time could have called angels down to rescue Him. The Cross reveals what Adam and Eve didn’t do – trust. The Cross can give us victory over sin when we begin to understand the deep love God has for us and how He can empower us to not sin but trust Him.

God is not worried that we will use His grace as a license to sin. Accepting than attempting to earn a relationship with God doesn’t lead to more freedom to sin but more freedom not to sin. We hate ourselves for not being holier; we don’t need to heap God’s hate on ourselves as well. When we understand what God has done for us and how much He loves us, we will be inspired. Obedience, though never perfect in our human bodies, is a natural response of gratitude to God's mercy and love. It is gratitude toward God that will empower us, not the worries of being good enough. God loves our good works, but He does not see works as a way to justify His love for us. Works are not so that God can love us but for our own good as they have intrinsic blessings. A person who tells the truth does not fear being caught and leaves a legacy for others to follow. The wicked must live in fear and die in vain.

God loves us unconditionally! God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. God will continually prove to be trustworthy. It does not matter our sins in the past, present, or the future. God even loves us when we are not remorseful. He just keeps hoping and waiting if we wish to fall more in love with Him. We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us; we are taught to fear Him and be scared of eternal damnation. Preaching a “get out of hell card” as a means to enter a relationship with God does not convey the relationship God desires. The emphasis on God’s judgment than love may be the reason for lack of transformation of many who call themselves Christians? A true friendship cannot develop under such a grave threat. What kind of God would be willing to trade His life on the Cross for ours so they we would not miss out on a relationship with Him and all the grandness that includes? God is always waiting with open, loving arms for those who desire to be loved and encouraged to love others as they wishes to be loved.

Why It Is Critical To Know A Relationship With God Is About Trust Than Obedience

Understanding God’s true nature can change your life forever. A must read is Wayne Jacobsen’s book He Loves Me! and Bryan Chapell’s Holiness by Grace whom I am indebted to for some of what follows. If confused about what happened in the Garden and at the Cross, you may be tempted to blame God for evil and suffering which can cloud your relationship with your Creator. Reading the bible stories written for future generations reveal God’s true character. Our efforts vary but God’s unconditional love doesn’t. We must focus on God's provisions rather than our attempts to gain acceptance because of the necessity of the former and the futility of the later. We must discuss God's affection for us than our obedience to Him. A performance-based mentality produces religiosity; a trust-based mentality produces true spirituality. Understanding God's unconditional love for us regardless of past, present, or future failures can empower us to love others in unimaginable ways.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is really the Story of the Incredible Parent. God loves us unconditionally but respects our freedom. In the Parable God didn’t rush to his son when he was starving; when his son returned God didn’t rush to call him a fool. God all along waited and hoped. His love is unlike any human’s love we may experience. God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. Intimacy, resulting from understanding and trusting that God loves us unconditionally and we do not have to earn His love, will free us to be transformed into the kind of person we truly desire to be. No gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor can conquer our batter against self-centeredness. God doesn’t offer a formula, only a friendship. Talking of a friendship with God does not demean who He is or bring Him down to our level. It simply explains what the Bible has indicated all along was God’s desire (John 15:15) Falling in love with God is what leads to true happiness.

Scriptures is about God pursing us but we can only come to Him through trust rather than fear or obligation. It isn’t that God doesn’t appreciate our efforts to please Him. God simply wants us to know that His love is unconditional and that His gift doesn’t have to be earned. God's unconditional love provides comfort to those whose failures afflict their consciences. We know we cannot meet God's standards much less our own, no matter how hard we try. We do not have to continually despair over past or present failures. We already hate ourselves for not being holier; we do not need to heap God's hate on ourselves as well. We try to earn points with God but He is not keeping score. Until we stop worrying about pleasing God, we may never be free to love others as God intended. True love results from intimacy and unconditional love than from fear and obligatory love. Will we use grace to sin? Accepting than attempting to earn a relationship with God doesn’t lead to the freedom to sin but the freedom not to sin.

Working for a boss who can never be pleased works initially as we fear failure, but such a relationship will not last for the sake of good works. Service out of a relationship of gratitude, than obligatory obedience, is what is fulfilling and lasting. Once we understand who God truly is, such gratitude is what truly empowers us to be the men and woman we desire to be. We don't discover the joy that is our strength for Christian service - loving others as we wish to be loved - until we have claimed God's mercy and unconditional love that frees us   from our guilt. It isn't that God doesn't love our works, but He does not see works as a way to justify His love for us. We can start each day feeling accepted rather than rejected. God knew we would always be frustrated thinking our efforts will never be enough.  Staying frustrated in our failures does not inspire us to continue to strive. God desires to encourage us in spite of our shortcomings.

The Pharisees pursed works, which obviously didn't produce genuine love toward others. Works just seemed to puff them up and lead to false pride. When we focus on our works, we are tempted to minimize the importance of others' works because perhaps they have more of a checkered past or their works are not as great or numerous as ours. God wishes to encourage perfection, not just reaching certain "good" standards. Do we truly love our partner if we are successful 85% of the time? When we focus on our goodness we stop running the race of changing those things deep down that keep us from being more like Jesus.

From the very beginning in the Garden, God desired to enjoy a relationship together. This comes by trusting God, who has proven to be trustworthy. God knew real trust could only emerge when one is free to reject it, thus God didn’t interfere with the serpent’s deception. God knew genuine love allowed the freedom to choose. God’s warning about the Tree was really an act of love. What parent doesn’t warn their loved one of dangers ahead? God knew that Adam and Eve and their offspring knew nothing about good versus evil. Humans can’t be God. They just can’t. They simply needed to trust that God understood, He wanted what was best for them, and He would guide them. God didn’t create sin. Sin is simply not trusting God knows good from evil.

From the Garden until the Cross God tried to convince us to trust Him. God knew fear could not lead to lifelong transformation but to only a momentary reformation of behavior. Why was God always warning us, thus trying to shape our behavior? God’s wrath is always about the sin and not the sinner. God’s wrath is meant to heal us not hurt us. God doesn’t seek to destroy people but the sins that destroy people. God’s wrath is His inability to look away from sin and watch it destroy us. Do we use the fear and judgment of God to attempt to keep others on the straight and narrow? Do we not believe God’s love is enough to transform people into the kind of person they desire to be? Sin is its own punishment. It is not necessary God hate on us too. Repentance is for our own benefit. It frees us to feel the love of God to be empowered.

The Cross is the undeniable proof that God loves us more than we can ever imagine, and He will go to great lengths to convince us to trust Him. The Cross is not just about appeasement and punishing sin but a rescue from the stronghold of sin. Was God focused on our sins or the power of sin over us? Punishment doesn’t break the power of sin. Punishment doesn’t prevent us from finding a better way to hid sin next time. Jesus did not have to die to pacify God so He could then start loving us. God in Abraham and Isaac’s life showed that He didn’t need a sacrifice like the other gods. Sacrifice has always been for us, not God. Sin has it’s own punishment. God doesn’t have to punish us further. The Cross is not a get-out-of-Hell free pass; the Cross is an invitation to a relationship than can enable us to not be victims of sinful ways. The Cross shows us how to prevail over sin’s power. We can never conquer sin until we trust God as Jesus did. Jesus at any time could have called angels down to rescue Him. The Cross reveals what Adam and Eve didn’t do – trust. The Cross can give us victory over sin when we begin to understand the deep love God has for us and how He can empower us to not sin but trust Him.

God doesn’t worry that we will use His grace as a license to sin. We only hurt ourselves. We rob ourselves of God's assurance and love for us because of our own guilt. We are inspired to serve well a boss who truly values us. When we understand what God has done for us and how much He loves us, we will be inspired. Christ did not die to appease God's wrath; Christ died so we may be influenced just how much our Creator loves us. Obedience is a natural response of gratitude to God's mercy and love, once we know who God truly is. It is gratitude toward God that will empower us, not the worries of being good enough. How does an emphasis on God's grace not give us the license to sin? I believe when you know who God truly is, you will be overwhelmed with love and thus empowered to carry out the law of love that so many of us desire to do.

We must know God loves us unconditionally. God has and will continually prove Himself to be trustworthy. It does not matter our sins in the past, present, or the future. God even loves us when we are not remorseful. He just keeps hoping and waiting with open arms if we wish to fall in love with Him. We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us; we are taught to fear Him and be scared of eternal damnation. Preaching a “get out of hell card” as a means to enter a relationship with God does not convey the relationship God desires. Could the emphasis on God’s judgment than love be the reason for lack of transformation of many who call themselves Christians? Can a true friendship develop under such a grave threat? True human or spiritual relationships do not develop under such conditions. Ask yourself – what kind of God would be willing to trade His life on the Cross for ours so they we would not miss out on a relationship with Him and all the grandness that includes?

God's Unconditional Love - Do We Have To Earn His Love?

Bryan Chapell in Holiness by Grace encourages us to refine our understanding of how God sees us. Our efforts vary but God's unconditional love doesn't. We must focus on God's provisions rather than our attempts to gain acceptance because of the necessity of the former and the futility of the later. We must discuss God's affection for us than our obedience to Him. It seems we produce either Pharisaical hypocrisy or relationships with God that produce little fruit or resemblance of the example set by Jesus, when we put the emphasis on obedience rather than the relationship. A performance-based mentality seems to produce religiosity. God from the beginning has been after earning our trust in Him, which can produce spirituality. We and those we come in contact with stand to gain from such an intimate relationship.


The Bible teaches Christians can be assured of God's unconditional love. We do not have to earn God's approval. We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us; we are taught to fear Him and be scared of eternal damnation if we don't obey Him. Can a true friendship develop under such a grave threat? Ask yourself - what kind of God would be willing to create knowing it may lead to sacrificing His Son's life on the Cross? Please don't assume the Cross was for legal than relational reasons. The Cross is a revelation of God's compassion, not His revenge. Jesus died to change our attitude toward God, not God's attitude toward us. God was more concerned with the restoration of the relationship, not with the guilt of our sins. God does not need to be reconciled to us; we need to be reconciled to God! 


Reading the bible stories written for future generations reveal God’s true character. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is really the Story of the Incredible Parent. God loves us unconditionally but respects our freedom. In the parable the Father didn't rush to his son when he was starving; when his son returned the Father didn't rush to call him a fool. God as a Parent all along waited and hoped. The Parable of the Landlord in Matthew 20 teaches us that God's accounting system is different from ours thankfully. Jesus in the parable gives us hope that no matter our past or present, it is never too late to be loved by God. His mercy and forgiveness is immeasurable. God's unconditional love enables us to not be overwhelmed or defeated.


No gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor can conquer our battle against self-centeredness. Only the certainty of love, forgiving love, can do this. God's love and His mercy is our necessary nourishment. When we feel defeated, God encourages us that He loves us regardless. Sin itself is punishment enough. God doesn't hate us but what sin does to us.  The Apostle Paul understood the importance of God's unconditional love and mercy. Because of his murderous past, he could only remain encouraged by knowing of God's continual love and forgiveness for him. Just as parents or coaches do not walk out on their children or players for mistakes or sins, God too will never leave or forsake us. God will always be there for us. Chapell says: "There is power in love that guilt cannot imitate. There is capability in mercy that intimidation cannot begin to tap." God's unconditional support and love unleashes human power. God cheers for us; God died for us.


Working for a boss who can never be pleased works initially as we fear failure, but such a relationship will not last for the sake of good works. Service out of a relationship of gratitude, than obligatory obedience, is what is fulfilling and lasting. This is why Paul says to serve "in a view of God's mercy." [Rm 12:1-2] Once we understand who God truly is, such gratitude is what truly empowers us to be the men and woman we desire to be. We don't discover the joy that is our strength for Christian service - loving others as we wish to be loved - until we have claimed God's mercy and unconditional love that frees us   from our guilt. It isn't that God doesn't love our works, but He does not see works as a way to justify His love for us. We can start each day feeling accepted rather than rejected. God knew we would always be frustrated thinking our efforts will never be enough.  Staying frustrated in our failures does not inspire us to continue to strive. God desires to encourage us in spite of our shortcomings.

The Pharisees pursed works, which obviously didn't produce genuine love toward others. Works just seemed to puff them up and lead to false pride. When we focus on our works, we are tempted to minimize the importance of others' works because perhaps they have more of a checkered past or their works are not as great or numerous as ours. God wishes to encourage perfection, not just reaching certain "good" standards. Do we truly love our partner if we are successful 85% of the time? When we focus on our goodness we stop running the race of changing those things deep down that keep us from being more like Jesus.


God does not seem to worry that we will use His grace as a license to sin. We only hurt ourselves. We rob ourselves of God's assurance and love for us because of our own guilt. We are inspired to serve well a boss who truly values us. When we understand what God has done for us and how much He loves us, we will be inspired. Christ did not die to appease God's wrath; Christ died so we may be influenced just how much our Creator loves us. Obedience is a natural response of gratitude to God's mercy and love, once we know who God truly is. It is gratitude toward God that will empower us, not the worries of being good enough. How does an emphasis on God's grace not give us the license to sin? I believe when you know who God truly is, you will be overwhelmed with love and thus empowered to carry out the law of love that so many of us desire to do.


Our restored intimacy with God can break the power of evil over us.  A friendship with God empowers us to say no to sin. Fear leads to temporary change, not lifelong transformation. Falling in love with God can empower us to be the kind of person we truly desire to be. We will never conquer sin until we trust God as Jesus did on the Cross. At the Cross God's main focus was not on our sins but the power of sin over us. Punishment doesn’t break the power of sin or prevent us from finding a better way to hide it next time. Jesus in human form faced all the temptations we do. He showed depending on God exclusively can break the power of sin. The Cross demonstrates the length to which God will go to love us and encourage change. Jesus' death was for us, not God. The Cross was meant to guide and lead people to an understanding and knowledge of a better way than the current path we are on. Falling in love in God leads and motivates us to love others as we wish to be loved.



Affirmations About God - Unconditional Love Versus Works To Earn God's Love


1. God's unconditional love provides comfort to those whose failures afflict their consciences. We know we cannot meet God's standards much less our own, no matter how hard we try. We do not have to continually despair over past or present failures. We already hate ourselves for not being holier; we do not need to heap God's hate on ourselves as well 

2. God unconditional love is forgiving. He is keeping record but not the records we think. He values each and every act of kindness no matter how small. There can never be enough acts of kindness. God is just so pleased whatever we do. All is new to Him.

3. God's unconditional love allows us to continually acknowledge our wrongs before God without worrying that we destroying God's love for us. God hates our sins not us. Our sins have their own consequences, but our failures do not change our statue with God.  Consequences are an expression of care not lack of love.

4. God's unconditional love gives us confidence that our status with God does not change and empowers us to resist sin. When we continually struggle but doubt God's acceptance, we remain discouraged rather than empowered

5. God's unconditional love gives us confidence to pursue holiness. We look at our lives present and past with so much regret - "if only I had..." God is the eternal optimist - where can we end up?

6. God's unconditional love gives us hope that it is never too late to start. God's accounting system is different than ours. [Matthew20] Do we really want an exact accounting?

7. God' s unconditional love enable us to focus on knowing more than worrying about doing more. Constant consideration of God's love and mercy through Christ is our most powerful spiritual weapon. [Ephesians 6] 

8. God's unconditional love enables us to focus on God's provision than our attempts to gain acceptance as the Jews did [Rom 10:1-3], due to the necessity of the former and the futility of the latter.

9. God's unconditional love and grace does not do away with holiness but makes it possible. Obedience is not optional once people truly understand the God behind grace

10. God's unconditional love enables us to overcome temptations, which only seem at the time more pleasurable than intimacy with God. Temptation can be overcome because we have a loving God we can always go back to, not some tyrant who delights in punishing us.    

11. Works are not so that God can love us but for our own good as they have intrinsic blessings. A person who tells the truth does not fear being caught. A righteous person is remembered forever. The wicked will die with nothing.

12. Works can lead to pride rather than greater works. Works lead to comparing ourselves to others -either we are worse than they are or we are better than they are - which leads to individual and relational discord

13. Works lead to focusing on our goodness, thus we may lose focus on all our shortcomings. We sometimes tend to have candy-coated views of our lives. God wishes to encourage perfection, not just reaching certain "good' standards. It isn't that our good works are filthy, but God desires we be the very best we can and not just better than others. God purpose is to make us more like Jesus. It is only when we understand our shortcomings that we reach out to God for help, which leads to true righteous.   

14. Works lead to attempts to impress one, which doesn't lead to intimacy. Giving flowers to our wives in hopes to impress or for favors in return doesn't lead to true intimacy  

15. Works lead to praying more so God will love us more; prayer is for Christians to get to know better who God is

16. Works and the evil of our self-righteousness are blinding. We must understand our idea of goodness is so short of God's goodness. An unrepentive person does not face their sin, either blaming, minimizing, or denying its presence. Repentance is not doing but depending. Repentance is much more for us than God, as we don't have to do certain steps to earn His love or kindness

17. Works are in response to God's unconditional love. God rejects the law of merit but not the law of love. We are no more free from the law of love than we are the law of gravity. It is just the way we are made. God would be cruel if He felt we could please me but said I am not going to tell you how.

18. Works and good deeds are appreciated by God, but Jesus had to convey to us somehow that it is God’s love than deeds that will make us the kind of people we want to be. Because of our sinfulness, our efforts will never be enough in our own mind. Works than God’s grace is a hopeless journey in achieving a relationship with God.

What Is A Relationship With God Really Like?


Understanding God’s true nature is life changing. A must read is Wayne Jacobsen’s book He Loves Me!  Don’t be confused about what happened in the Garden and at the Cross. Misunderstanding God’s role in evil and suffering can lead to despair during personal tragedy. I have defended biblically elsewhere who I here claim God to be. Even those who have attended church may not recognize the God I speak of. Once we understand God's unconditional love for us regardless of past, present, or future failures, we can be empowered to love others in unimaginable ways.


The Parable of the Prodigal Son is really the Story of the Incredible Father. God loves us unconditionally but respects our freedom. God waits and hopes. His love is unlike any human’s love we may experience. God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. God doesn’t offer a formula; God desires a friendship. (John 15:15) Intimacy, resulting from understanding and trusting God, will free us to be transformed into who we truly desire to be.


It isn’t that God doesn’t appreciate our efforts to please Him. God simply wants us to know that His love is unconditional and that His gift doesn’t have to be earned. We try to earn points with God but He is not keeping score. Real intimacy doesn’t result from fear and obligatory love. God is doing all He can so we might trust Him. Accepting than attempting to earn a relationship with God doesn’t lead to the freedom to sin but the freedom not to sin.


From the very beginning in the Garden, God desired to enjoy a relationship together. God knew real trust could only emerge when one is free to reject it. God’s warning about the Tree was really an act of love. What parent doesn’t warn their loved one of dangers ahead? The curse of death in not trusting God knew best about good and evil was a blessing. Living in a corrupt world forever would be horrific.


The Cross is the undeniable proof that God loves us more than we can ever imagine, and He will go to great lengths to convince us to trust Him. The Cross is not just about appeasement and punishing sin but a rescue from the stronghold of sin. Sin has its own punishment. Punishment doesn’t break the power of sin. Was God focused on our sins or the power of sin over us? Jesus did not have to die to pacify God so He could then start loving us. The Cross is not a get-out-of-Hell free pass; the Cross is an invitation to a relationship than can enable us to not be victims of sinful ways. We can never conquer sin until we trust God as Jesus did. Jesus could have called angels down to rescue Him. The Cross reveals what Adam and Eve didn’t do – trust. The Cross can give us victory over sin when we begin to understand the deep love God has for us and how He can empower us to not sin but trust Him.


God loves us unconditionally. It does not matter our sins in the past, present, or the future. God even loves us when we are not remorseful. He just keeps hoping and waiting with open arms if we wish to fall in love with Him. We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us; we are taught to fear Him and be scared of eternal damnation. Can a true friendship develop under such a grave threat? Could the emphasis on God’s judgment than love be the reason for lack of transformation of many who call themselves Christians? Ask yourself – what kind of God would be willing to trade His life on the Cross for ours so they we would not miss out on a relationship with Him and all the grandness that includes?

Must We Obey To Be Love By God?

Our obedience has absolutely nothing to do with God’s love for us. Not even earthly parents stop loving their children just because they are disobedient. God is not a conditional lover – loving us only if we obey. We do not have to worry to obey God a certain amount to have or maintain our salvation. We are saved when we decide to continually believe and trust in God to the best of our ability. Pagans are the ones who should worry about obedience for their own good, but they want nothing to do with their Creator. God certainly grieves selfish choices because of the pain it will bring to His children, but He doesn’t stop loving us.

It is imperative to understand God’s unconditional love. Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees for their misguided emphasis on rules and obedience rather than a relationship and God’s unconditional love. Perhaps Jesus understood the Pharisees were only serving themselves for status reasons in society. God's love and His mercy is our necessary nourishment. No gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor can conquer our battle against self-centeredness. We can start each day feeling accepted rather than rejected. God knew we would always be frustrated thinking our efforts will never be enough. We aren’t capable of meeting even our own standards. When we understand how much God loves and values us, we will be more empowered to live selflessly.

Fear is for babies and evil folks. Hell was not used to scare into Heaven those seeking God. Jesus warned the consequence for those hell-bent on evil is destruction in the end. Fear often leads to temporary change to not get caught, not lifelong transformation. Fear doesn’t lead to reflections how to better ourselves. Fear and obligatory love never lead to an intimate relationship in human or spiritual relationships, which truly empower us to be the kind of person we desire to be. God's unconditional love provides comfort to those whose failures afflict their consciences. We do not have to continually despair over past or present failures. We hate ourselves for not being holier; we do not need to heap God's hate on ourselves as well 

God does not seem concerned that we will use His grace as a license to sin, as the consequence of sin is punishment enough. Our own guilt robs us of God's assurance and love for us. Understanding God’s grace causes one to sin less not more. God’s grace continually inspires one to not want to disappoint, just as we do not wish to let down a partner, parent, or boss we respect deeply. God loves our good works, but He does not see works as a way to justify His love for us. Works are not so that God can love us but for our own good as they have intrinsic blessings. A person who tells the truth does not fear being caught and leaves a legacy for others to follow. The wicked must live in fear and die in vain.

A Christian’s desire and the desire of our Creator is holiness. We want so much to love God as He loves us and to love others as we wish to be loved. What leads to such obedience? Fear of rejection doesn’t lead to obedience. Understanding God’s unconditional love for us inspires to love Him back. You don’t have to obey to be loved, but knowing how much God loves us can motivate to love Him back. To love God is to love ourselves and others. God is always waiting with open, loving arms for those who desire to be loved and encouraged.

What Kind of Parent Is God Really?

God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. Our hearts tell us what kind of parent God is as we are made in His image. Many God lovers have good intentions when they emphasize God’s glory and our obligation to worship Him. This stresses God’s divine side at the expense of His relational side. The Bible might not say much about parenting because we only need to follow in God’s footsteps as a Parent.

God has many human emotions including love, jealousy, and anger. God is angry or jealous as human parents when in the best interests of their children. God is not indifferent to ways that lead to our destruction. Parents should get angry when certain behaviors can lead to long term consequences. Parents should get jealous when distractions/idols keep our children from achieving what is best for them. God hates the sin not the sinner because of its destructiveness.

God created humans for mutual intimacy. If God wanted more worshippers to bow down to Him, He could have created more angels. The Bible’s request for God’s glory is not self-infatuation. Loving God is loving others and yourself to the fullest. Imagine a world that glorified God in all they did? No wonder God ask for our love.

God desires our friendship. God certainly doesn’t need us to be whole any more than men and women need one another to be human, but a relationship is desirable both by God and humans. Ephesians 4:24 says humans were: “created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Though humans are certainly not God, God and His Son did not shy away from calling humans friends. Abraham and Moses are called God's friend, and Jesus called the disciples His friends.

What kind of Parent is God in difficult times? I don’t want my kids to experience any pain, especially if not brought on by their own selfish or immoral behaviors. Much of suffering though is not self-induced such as going through difficult adjustments whether it is a new school or job. I enjoy what I do for a living. I can also remember wanting to quit the first three months as I was overwhelmed with what I had to learn and the challenges at hand. Any person starting a new job or college knows what I am talking about. Who doesn’t want to just skip adjustments? Who doesn’t want God to just wave a wand and makes things all better?

Instant fixes don’t prepare us for the next adjustment in a free world. If we only experience miracles, why not for everyone else. That only makes a mockery out of freedom. How can we really help others when they see miracle after miracle in our life and not handling suffering as they are? Those who suffer, and have a peace beyond understanding, are the people who have something to teach me. What is amazing is that God can make pain go ahead and doesn’t. As a Parent He is willing to go through the agony much more than we as parents. Suffering became part of God’s story, after evil was chosen, to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is really the Story of the Incredible Father. God loves us unconditionally but respects our freedom. God waits and hopes. His love is unlike any human’s love we may experience. It isn’t that God doesn’t appreciate our efforts to please Him. God simply wants us to know that His love is unconditional and that His gift doesn’t have to be earned. We try to earn points with God but He is not keeping score. Real intimacy doesn’t result from fear and obligatory love. Accepting than attempting to earn a relationship with God leads to the freedom to not sin.

The Cross is the undeniable proof that God loves us more than we can ever imagine, and He will go to great lengths to convince us to trust Him. The Cross is not about appeasement and punishing sin but a rescue from the stronghold of sin. Punishment doesn’t break the power of sin. Jesus did not have to die to pacify God so He could then start loving us. The Cross is not a get-out-of-Hell free pass; the Cross is an invitation to a relationship than can enable us to not be victims of sinful ways. Jesus could have called angels down to rescue Him. The Cross reveals what Adam and Eve didn’t do – trust.


God loves us unconditionally. It does not matter our sins in the past, present, or the future. God even loves us when we are not remorseful. He just keeps hoping and waiting with open arms if we wish to fall in love with Him. We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us; we are taught to fear Him and be scared of eternal damnation. Can a true friendship develop under such a grave threat? Could the emphasis on God’s judgment than love be the reason for lack of transformation of many who call themselves Christians? Ask yourself – what kind of God would be willing to die on a Cross to convince us of a relationship with Him and all the grandness that includes?


God’s Fear And Angry

Does God’s Love Or Anger Really Change The World?

Does God Want Us To Love Or Fear God?

Relationships – Fear Or Love Based?

Fearing God Is For Babies And Evil Folks!

Does God Really Want Us to Fear Him?

Why Is God So Angry At Times In Scriptures?

Does God’s Love Or Anger Really Change The World?

How did Mother Teresa have the capacity to love others as she did? We all wish for such a legacy. Mother Teresa claimed that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others. Leaders and employers inspire through respect and admiration. Parents ultimately want their children to understand their unconditional love for them so they might follow in their parents’ footsteps for their own good and make this world a better place. Do human parents know better than God how to change the world?

Bargaining with God is a form of conditional love. “God, if you will do this for me, I promise I will stop this bad habit that is hurting others.” Has such bargaining helped you conquer battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins? God never used fear to build a relationship but to deter people from evil for their own good. A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil. Jesus didn’t threatened people with Hell to gain intimacy. Hell was a human invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. The Greek word Gehenna in the NT translated as Hell is a proper noun and was the name of a real, literal, valley nearby Jerusalem that represented and warned of death. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

Even human parents don’t threaten their children with punishment for the purpose of gaining a friendship. We warn them of evil for their own good in hopes to steer them from destruction. God’s love, not His wrath, was center stage in Scriptures (I John 4:8). God’s wrath is simply another side of God’s love to guide one for their and society’s own good. God doesn’t hate the evildoer but what evil does to us. The fear of punishment is meant to deter but doesn’t lead to life transformations or prevent one from finding ways to hide their actions. Obligatory obedience doesn’t lead to reflections how to better ourselves but only to reach certain “good” standards, as if loving our partner 85% of the time is true love.

A legalistic view of the Cross undermines the beauty of God’s unconditional love. God was not more concerned with our guilt and restoring His honor than desiring a personal relationship. God did not need to be appeased by human sacrifice as the other Old Testament gods. The Cross was not necessary as if God couldn’t love us until death accounted for our sins. Even human parents don’t stop loving their children because they sin. The Cross was meant to change our view of God, not God’s view of us. The Cross proves that God loves us more than we can ever imagine. God was willing to do anything to persuade us to trust in Him than our own wisdom.

God’s understood unconditional love was really the only way to change the world in the long-run. Intimacy inspires one to follow in the path of wisdom for one’s one good. Discussing obedience before God’s unconditional love for us is a hopeless journey in achieving a relationship with God and being the kind of people we desire to be. Working for a boss who can never be pleased works initially as we fear failure, but such a relationship will not last for the sake of good works. Service out of a relationship of gratitude, than obligatory obedience, is what is fulfilling and lasting. Our efforts vary but God’s unconditional love doesn’t. We can start off each day feeling accepted rather than rejected.

Unconditional love is not too good to be true; it is the only truth that will change the world. Imagine a world that was inspired by God’s unconditional love for us! There would be no physical or sexual abuse in the world. There would be no murder. There would be no violence in our schools. There would be no parents living out their dreams through their children. There would be no bigotry based on the color of your skin or the gender you were born.  There would be no domestic violence. There would be no adultery. There would be no road rage. There would be no parking in handicap parking by those not truly handicapped. There would be no gossiping behind one’s back. There would be no envy. There would be no fear of letting children walk to the store, no locking of cars and houses for safety and theft reasons. There would be no selfishness but pursuit of a higher priority, which is loving others as we wish to be loved.

Does God Want Us To Love Or Fear God?

A theology based on the fear of God can be an obstacle to moral progress and other unwanted consequences. We discuss and defend God’s justice more than His love. Really though justice is simply an aspect of God’s love. God’s love was center stage in Scriptures (I John 4:8). A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil. Those who deny their horrible evil acts should be warned. The Bible never says “believe or go to Hell” as if that would lead one to a relationship with God anyway.

It turns out Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell was an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. The Hebrew word Sheol in the OT is often translated as “Hell.” Sheol was simply a region or place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Job desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (10:21 -22). The Greek word Gehenna in the NT is wrongly translated as Hell. Gehenna is a proper noun and was the name of a real, literal, valley nearby Jerusalem that had a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

The Bible never speaks of eternal punishment or torment to deter or punish behaviors. Laws were given to warn and punish wrongdoing. What gives us the right to heap on more from God? Are we concerned that intimacy with our Creator is not attractive enough? Jesus detested the religious of His day who suggested a relationship with God was adherence to a bunch of rules. Telling children and adults that they are going to burn forever if they don’t stop sinning can riddle them with fear. Such talk doesn’t lead to intimacy with one’s Creator and creates a false image of God. Jesus never threatened Hell to lead one to a relationship with God.

Fear in relationships may deter in the short-run but doesn’t lead to lifelong transformations. The fear of punishment doesn’t prevent one from finding ways to hide their actions. Obligatory obedience doesn’t lead to reflections how to better ourselves, only to reach certain “good” standards. Do we truly love our partner if we are successful 85% of the time? Focusing on our goodness doesn’t produce genuine love toward others and can lead to a false pride. We may be tempted to puff ourselves up over others and minimize others' works because they have a checkered past or their works are not as great or numerous as ours. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor conquered battles against self-centeredness or long standing habitual sins for you?

We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us so a true friendship can develop. God's love, not His fear, is what can transform us into the kind of person we truly want to be. time. Understanding God’s unconditional love can inspire as does such parental love. God is the eternal optimist. It is never too late to start in God’s eyes. God's accounting system is different than ours (Mt 20). God is always waiting with open, loving arms for those who desire to be loved and encouraged. God's love and His mercy is our necessary nourishment. We can start each day feeling accepted rather than rejected. The beauty of the relationship is loving God is loving yourself and others to the fullest.

Relationships – Fear Or Love Based?

In human relationships we understand it is far better to be motivated by love than fear. Serving a boss out of respect than obligation empowers us to be the most productive. It always feels better to follow because we want to than have to. Young children are taught to fear consequences but punishment doesn’t prevent finding a better way to hide it next time. As children mature parents desire obedience out of respect and understanding, so wise decisions are made when parents are not around. Relationships based on fear can lead to temporary changes and trying to not get caught, not lifelong transformations. True intimacy is never obtained.

We still though emphasize God’s wrath over His unconditional love. God’s love was center stage in Scriptures. God is Love not Wrath (I John 4:8). Fear was for evil folks in the Bible, not those seeking selfless lives.  A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil.  To not fear God was to not fear evil. God’s wrath is against godlessness and wickedness in hopes to restore, not against those who don’t pursue evil. God hates the sin, not the sinner, because sin leads to destruction in the end.  

Besides, obligatory obedience doesn’t lead to reflections how to better ourselves, only to reach certain “good” standards. Do we truly love our partner if we are successful 85% of the time? It is far better we seek changes deep down that keep us from being who we want to be. Focusing on our goodness can lead to false pride and doesn’t produce genuine love toward others. We may be tempted to puff ourselves up over others and minimize others' works because they have a checkered past or their works are not as great or numerous as ours. When we understand our shortcomings we then may reach out to God for help, which leads to true righteous.  

We are taught to fear God and be scared of eternal damnation. Fear doesn’t inspire. No gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor can conquer our battle against self-centeredness. Jesus died not to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Understanding God’s unconditional love inspires us to love Him back, which is to better love others and ourselves. God is the eternal optimist - where can we end up? It is never too late to start. God's accounting system is different than ours. [Mt 20] Do we really want an exact accounting? God is always waiting with open, loving arms for those who desire to be loved and encouraged. God's love and His mercy is our necessary nourishment. We can start each day feeling accepted rather than rejected.

Fearing God Is For Babies And Evil Folks!


We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us; we are taught to fear Him and be scared of eternal damnation. Can a true friendship develop under such a grave threat? Real intimacy and love does not result from fear and obligatory love. Love without true freedom is neither authentic nor desired. God's love, not His fear, is what can transform us into the kind of person we truly want to be. Fear of the right things can keep you out of trouble, but fear of punishment doesn't prevent us from finding a better way to hide it next time. 


We need to put fear in its proper place. Fearing God is not necessary in a perfect world. A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil.  To not fear God was to not fear evil. God’s wrath is against godlessness and wickedness in hopes to restore, not against those who don't pursue evil. God hates the sin, not the sinner.  God’s wrath is not an inherent part of His nature but a reaction because of His love when confronted with sin. God exposes us in order to defeat evil in us.


God’s love must be center stage, not his wrath. If God is angry, it is because He cares and is not indifferent to ways that will lead to our destruction. God judges our sin but wants to have mercy (Rm. 11:3). God does not want us to fear Him to keep his distance from us. The Bible also says do not fear God. Genesis 15:1 tells Abraham to not fear God (i.e. Judges 6:23; Isaiah 44:2).   I John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears in not made perfect in love.”   God’s wrath and punishment is a part of God’s love in hopes to save us from ourselves. God is not obsessed with the guilt of our sins but restoration of the relationship. God is Love not Wrath (I John 4:8). Jesus died not to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. God does not need to be reconciled to us; we need to be reconciled to God.

Does God Really Want Us to Fear Him?

In human relationships we understand it is far better to be motivated by love than fear. Serving a boss out of respect than obligation empowers us to be the most productive. It always feels better to follow because we want to than have to. Fear is for babies! Young children are taught to fear consequences but punishment doesn’t prevent finding a better way to hide it next time. As children mature parents desire obedience out of respect and understanding, so wise decisions are made when parents are not around. Relationships based on fear can lead to temporary changes and trying to not get caught, not lifelong transformations.

We often are not invited to know God and understand how much He loves us; we are taught to fear Him and be scared of eternal damnation. Can a true friendship develop under such a grave threat? Real intimacy and love does not result from fear and obligatory love. Love without true freedom is neither authentic nor desired. God's love, not His fear, is what can transform us into the kind of person we truly want to be.

Obligatory obedience doesn’t lead to reflections how to better ourselves, only to reach certain “good” standards. Do we truly love our partner if we are successful 85% of the time? It is far better we seek changes deep down that keep us from being who we want to be. Focusing on our goodness can lead to false pride and doesn’t produce genuine love toward others. We may be tempted to puff ourselves up over others and minimize others' works because they have a checkered past or their works are not as great or numerous as ours. When we understand our shortcomings we then may reach out to God for help, which leads to true righteous.  

We need to put fear in its proper place. Fearing God is not necessary in a perfect world. A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil.  To not fear God was to not fear evil. God’s wrath is against godlessness and wickedness in hopes to restore, not against those who don't pursue evil. God hates the sin, not the sinner, because sin leads to destruction in the end.  God’s wrath is not an inherent part of His nature but a reaction because of His love when confronted with sin. God exposes us in order to defeat evil in us. Fear was for evil folks in the Bible, not those seeking selfless lives.  

We are taught to fear God and be scared of eternal damnation. No gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor can conquer our battle against self-centeredness. Jesus died not to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Understanding God’s unconditional love inspires us to love Him back, which is to better love others and ourselves. God is the eternal optimist - where can we end up? It is never too late to start. God's accounting system is different than ours. [Mt 20] Do we really want an exact accounting? God is always waiting with open, loving arms for those who desire to be loved and encouraged. God's love and His mercy is our necessary nourishment. We can start each day feeling accepted rather than rejected.

The fear of God was not for the purpose of the Creator rubbing His supremacy in the faces of His created; otherwise, why would humans be made in His image. Healthy fear became a part of the relationship, as it does with parents and children, when rebellion enters the picture. Fearing God is only necessary when sin is on the loose. The wrath of God sometimes may be the only deterrent for evildoers. The wrath of God is an act of love and hope for victims. Justice delayed does not mean justice is not served. The fear of God acts as a restraint even for those not hell-bent on committing evil. Fear is our friend not our foe. A healthy fear of God alerts us to danger. We must not emphasize God’s wrath over His unconditional love. God is Love not Wrath (I Jn. 4:8).

Why Is God So Angry At Times In Scriptures?

In the Old Testament we read of God’s anger against the Israelites because of their rebellious ways. Hosea is one of many prophets that records Israelites’ ways and God anger toward them. “For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a great lion to Judah. I will tear them to pieces and go away; I will carry them off, with no one to rescue them.” (5:14) “Like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will attack them and rip them open, like a lion I will devour them - a wild animal will tear them apart.” (13:8) Now, the Israelites behaviors were atrocious. They worshipped idols, offered human sacrifices like the other pagan nations to their supposed gods (13:2); they provoked their daughters unto prostitution with their harlot ways. (4:14) Hosea language is metaphoric, as God does not rip open humans when angry, but don’t underestimate God’s displeasure.

God’s wrath can be misunderstood. The purpose of God’s wrath is to provoke change. God’s wrath is not an inherent part of His nature but a reaction because of His love when confronted with sin. God exposes us in order to defeat evil in us. It is said God must be appeased, that His Honor must be restored through the Cross before He can love us? God doesn’t have to show His wrath when people acknowledge their wrongdoings. God isn’t always so mad because this is just His nature or demanded so He can stay perfect. Too, God’s intensity may help others to best see the gravity of the situation. The intensity of God’s anger illustrates the consequences of disobedience that God is trying to spare us from.

We must not allow God’s intensity to overshadow His amazing grace and mercy. I am slow to judge the Israelites and their love for false idols because I am just as guilty, only my idols are not always graven images. God did amazing things for the Israelites and showed Himself in powerful ways. How could the Israelites doubt He was the only true God and any other gods were a figment of their imagination? God’s anger was justified and meant to bring people to their senses. Loving human parents may sometimes react the same way with their children when their children don’t take advantage of their love and blessings possible by obeying the wisdom of their parents. Tough love sometimes is the most loving. But, unlike human ways, God’s way always fit the crime perfectly to persuade others back to the right path.

Thank God He cares enough to show emotions when we stray from ways that will lead to our ultimate happiness. Thank God He doesn’t give humans what they deserve and simply cast them aside. But it is God’s love that is center stage and not His wrath. If God is angry, it is because He cares and is not indifferent. God judges our sin but wants to have mercy (Rm. 11:3). God accuses us and exposes us but only in order to defeat evil in us. God certainly does judge nations and individuals, but His judging has the character of mercy. God is like an OT judge or a just and caring, loving parent assigning consequences to actions. God protects, defends, frees, intervenes, fights for, sends into exile, and brings back from exile but all the while keeps on loving us. God’s judging has the character of mercy.

Jesus didn’t have to persuade God from stop being angry and start forgiving. Jesus died not to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. God doesn’t delight in sacrifice but a broken and contrite heart. (Ps. 51:16-17) The purpose of judgment is to provoke repentance, not to pay some penalty. There is not one Bible verse that says God’s wrath sent people to hell. God’s wrath and punishment is a part of God’s love in hopes to bring us to glory. God seeks a restored relationship not a legal settlement. God is not obsessed with the guilt of our sins but restoration of the relationship. God is Love not Wrath (I John 4:8). God did not have to have judgment before loving us; He loved us when we were yet sinners. God’s love is a caring love. God does not need to be reconciled to us; we need to be reconciled to God.

We understand in human relationships it is far better to be motivated by love than fear. Serving a boss out of respect than obligation empowers to be our best. It always inspires to follow because we want to than have to. Relationships based on fear can lead to temporary changes but not lifelong transformations. Intimacy which can inspire is never obtained. Parents ultimately want their children to understand their unconditional love for them so they might follow their wisdom for their own good. God is no different as a Parent.

God And Self-Glory

Is God Infatuated with Self-Glory?

Is God Demand For Glory Self-Centered?

Is God Infatuated With Self-Glory?

We sometimes speak or think of God’s demand for glory as if God created us to remind Him and others how great God is or we can go to Hell. Thomas Talbott says it best in The Inescapable Love of God:

Religious people sometimes speak of God as if he were just another human magistrate who seeks his own glory and requires obedience for its own sake…God wills for us the very thing we really want for ourselves, whether we know it or not… (185).

Do we have children only for our own pleasure or to bring them joy as well? They aren’t really separable. Selfless parents actually prefer their children get all the glory while they stay in the background, unless proclamation may help others as well. God’s love is the same as supreme parents - other-directed not self-consumed.

One writer said: “God did not need to create you, but he chose to create you for his own enjoyment. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose, and his delight.” God’s glorification cannot be separated from human benefit, glory, purpose, and mutual delight. Worship, if not mindless slavery, only happens in the context of a relationship. God is not possessive of His glory, as Jesus was very willing to share His glory with others: “He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:14).

God's glory is not self-infatuation. To glorify God is to love oneself and others. In such a world there would be no bigotry based on the color of your skin or the gender you were born. There would be no parents living out their dreams through their children. There would be no selfishness if we honored and glorified God in all we do. God always has our best interest in mind. No wonder God ask for our love. God will not force His love on others, but He wants as many as possible to experience His love in such a chaotic world.

Is God Demand For Glory Self-Centered?

God is love but we portray God’s actions as being self-centered. Did God really put us here to remind Him and others how great He is or we can go to Hell? God desired a mutually edifying relationship with those created in His image. Do we have children only for our own pleasure or to bring them joy as well? Are we really less selfish than our Creator? Do we parents insist we get credit first before our children do? Are they really separable? God’s love really is other-directed not self-consumed.

One writer said: “God did not need to create you, but he chose to create you for his own enjoyment. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose, and his delight.” Can you imagine respecting a human parent with the same attitude? God’s glorification must be understood in a relational context and not be separated from human benefit, glory, purpose, and delight. Our Creator surely understood as we do that worship, if not mindless slavery, only happens in the context of a relationship.

I Corinthians 10:31 says: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” God desires we glorify Him so that all can share in the many blessings resulting from such actions. Such love is unselfish not selfish. To love God is to love others to the fullest. Parents, who are unselfish, advise their children to honor them because they have their best interest in mind.

God’s request for glory is not self-infatuation. Imagine a world that glorified God in all they did! There would be no evil or suffering caused by others in the world. There would be no physical or sexual abuse in the world. There would be no parents living out their dreams through their children. There would be no bigotry based on the color of your skin or the gender you were born. There would be no fear of letting children walk to the store, no locking of cars and houses for safety and theft reasons. There would be no selfishness but pursuit of a higher priority, which is honoring or glorifying God in all we do.

God is the only Being in the universe that the pursuit of His own glory, is the ultimate loving act. God is concerned with our loving Him so others might be loved. To glorify God is to love oneself and others. To glorify God is to glorify what is right and good according to God’s perfect standards, and not man’s every changing, frequently, selfish standards. Though human parents are not perfect as their heavenly parent, right-minded earthly parents are wise to request respect and obedience as our heavenly Parent does.

God is not a glory hog or obsessed with His own glory. God wanted to share His wonderful creation with others. God will not force His love on others, but He wants as many as possible to experience His love in such a chaotic world. God is not possessive of His glory. “He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Tim. 2:14) What Parent wants to be along in the glory? God is not self-centered, self-infatuated, or obsessed with Himself. God is selfless!

God Is Not A Mystery

What Are Unhelpful Excuses We Make For God?

Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?

Does It Matter If We Declare God a Mystery?

Does Job Teach God Is Incomprehensible?

Does The Bible Say God Is A Mystery?

Is God Understandable Or A Mystery?

Is God’s Will For Our Lives A Mystery?

Does Job Say God And Suffering Is Unexplainable?

Is God Rational Humanly Speaking?

What Are Unhelpful Excuses We Make For God?

Some may wish to talk about spiritual matters, but explanations we give about how God’s goodness and evil can co-exist for example stifle such discussions. Certain answers about God’s role in suffering can alienate or draw us close to our Creator. “Why, me!” can sometimes turn into "why God do you not love me.” Lack of answers can make tragic times worse. It is often proclaimed in trying to understand and know God better that God is a mystery; we aren’t capable of understanding God; or God’s morality isn’t our own.

Some suggest we can’t understand God because the Bible teaches that God is a mystery. God may be said to be incomprehensible because one’s characterization of God isn’t plausible based on what a loving God should be like. Claiming God is a total mystery doesn’t invite investigation by those who may be seeking God. Why did God even bother to communicate to us through the Bible if we can’t possible understand Him? Isaiah 55:8-9 is used frequently to defend that God’s character or ways are a mystery and incomprehensible to the human mind. The context though only declares our ways aren’t always as great or moral as God’s ways: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord…. so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Some suggest we can’t understand God because the Bible teaches that God says that we have the brain of a clam. God, like human parents, doesn’t say this if desiring a relationship with their child. God didn’t tell Job to shut up and sit down because he can’t possible understand the Creator. Job was questioning God’s justness and why He did not intervene sooner in in his undeserved suffering: “Why must those who know him look in vain for such days” (24:1)? God wasn’t declaring He cannot be understood by mere mortals. God said to Job: “Would you discredit my justice. Would you condemn me to justify yourself (40:8)? God defends He isn’t unjust because the righteous suffer and the wicked may prosper for a time here on earth. Job eventually acknowledged: “I know you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (42:2). Job acknowledged He was incapable of overseeing a universe where freedom is allowed.

Some suggest we can’t understand God because the Bible teaches God’s morality is not the same as humans. God doesn’t have to play by our rules. For example it is said the Bible teaches selective election where God elects certain individuals for eternal life, thus foreordaining millions of humans to eternal damnation without any choice. Earthly parents would be accused of immorality if they showed similar favoritism toward their children. There is not a quota on God’s love. God does not ask His children to be impartial (James 2:1) and yet God shows such favoritism. A parent who tells a child “do as I say not as I do” is not going to have much of a relationship with that child or inspire them to follow their guidance for their own good.

God doesn’t think we are all “wretches to save.” How can we get close to a God who is portrayed as thinking we are totally worthless? The Bible doesn’t say that since God is perfect and we aren’t to simply count your blessing and shut up. God desires a relationship and like human parents – for our own good. Humans have a concept of perfect love because we are made in our Creator’s image. God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God’s desire for us and what we desire deep down for ourselves are inseparable. Let’s have discussions that don’t deter but enable considering if one’s beliefs about God hinder from feeling closer or more intimate with their Creator.

Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?

Declaring God a mystery can create relational distance between us and our Creator. God desires a close, understanding, friendship with each of us. When a friend declares “don’t even try to understand me” this creates instant barriers and implies you are stupid. To claim God is a mystery does not invite investigation by those who may be seeking God for the first time. We aren’t really doing God a favor by declaring God a mystery because we can’t explain our theology.

Our characterizations of God must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. God can’t be love yet torture forever those who don’t trust Him. Even humans may not torture their enemies to that extent. As it turns out Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell was an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. The Greek word Gehenna, translated as Hell, was a proper noun and the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

Why did God even bother to communicate to us through the Bible if we can’t possibly understand Him? The Bible doesn’t claim that God’s character or ways are a mystery and incomprehensible to the human mind. The Old Testament only declares our ways aren’t always as moral as God’s ways: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord…. so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Jesus didn’t speak in parables because God’s ways were mysterious. God’s direct message is only perplexing sometimes to one’s heart but not the mind.  Sometimes, parents can speak the truth to their children until blue in the face and be looked upon as creatures from outer space. There may be a better way to speak the truth than in a straightforward manner.

Some assume God’s will for our life is hidden since believing God is mysterious. God doesn’t predetermine our future actions. A loving parent doesn’t only approve of their child if they purse a certain type of career. God only directs us morally because God’s ways are always in our best interest. Otherwise, we are free to dream and pursue the desires of our heart. We can choose the wisest path at the time based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations. God’s will is accomplished by doing all the good we can, in all the places we can, to all the people we can, as long as we can. When we stumble morally, God lifts us up.

The ultimate mystery for many is how evil or suffering and God’s goodness can co-exist. The biblical writers’ silence on this matter may suggest such coexistence was self-explanatory.  Much of suffering - wars, crimes, and injustices – results from evil choices. Suffering is actualized when we abuse freedom to the detriment of ourselves and others. Authenticity, the highest good in relationships, is impossible without freedom. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. God interference may prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. God apparently values forgiveness over instant justice, hoping many will change of their own free will.


God surely came in the flesh so that we might better understand Him. Questions dismissed as unanswerable may be answerable. Some may argue it is defiant to think we have a right to question the Creator of the Universe, and we must simply trust God. I suspect God does not mind being questioned. It is reasonable to expect God’s ways to feel rational to the human emotions and make logical sense to the human mind, since we are made in His image. God’s ways surely are more comprehensible than incomprehensible. This viewpoint enables us to relate to our Creator more personally and to explain our God to others.

Does It Matter If We Declare God a Mystery?

Many accept the explanation that God’s ways are mysterious when certain biblical teachings are incompatible with peoples’ idea of a loving God. I am obsessed with the idea that some people may be more open or intimate with God if they could better understand certain aspects of God that cause confusion. Some turn away from God for selfish or apathetic reasons and not because of some confusion or disenchantment with God’s character, but heaven forbid certain disputable images of God drive one person to unbelief or despair. Bad theology or lack of answers can make tragic times worse.

Some of God ways in Scriptures are clear but we find them disturbing. Why did God sometimes order the killing of innocent woman and children in the OT when reacting to national evil? Why were innocent children destroyed in the Flood or during the Passover? Not all feel a need to understand completely, which does not impact their relationship with their Creator. If one wants to understand certain actions by God, I encourage them to pursue if there may be reasonable explanations to some of the moral dilemmas in Scriptures. Such discussions can be enlightening.

Theologians suggest certain teachings are an antinomy, which is a contradiction between two conclusions that are in themselves reasonable. They understand their teachings about God are incompatible with most people’s idea of a loving God. Are God’s ways really a paradox or mystery? For example it is taught that God is love but Hell is real and God tortures those who don’t trust him forever. Humans wouldn’t even torturer their enemies to that extent. There is a defendable, biblical alternative. Hell as traditionally understood simply doesn’t exist according to Scriptures. The Bible doesn’t teach God is a sadistic torturer. Many teach God saves some to go to heaven but does not allow others the same opportunity to believe in God. This view of God’s grace is indefensible exegetically or morally. There is not a quota on God’s grace.

The Bible as a whole does not declare God and His ways are a mystery beyond human comprehension. God did not reprimand Job for trying to understand Him or claim that mere mortals are unable to understand how evil and God’s goodness can coexist. Let’s don’t be quick to suggest God’s ways are irrationally or illogical. Let’s keep digging until we get answers. If we suggest God is unintelligible or some kind of unexplainable mystery, this suggests the words God uses to communicate to us about His ways lack any correspond to reality or meaning.

When there are two debatable interpretations that can stand up to scrutiny, I suggest we err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind. For example, Hell as endless torture, if there is a defensible exegetical alternative, should be rejected. Debatable opinions of Scripture must not be a stumbling block for others to understand and know God. God surely came in the flesh so we might better understand Him. Some may argue it is defiant to think we have a right to question the Creator of the Universe, and we must simply trust God. I suspect God does not mind being questioned and thinks like a loving parent “please just don’t ignore me for your own good.” It is reasonable to expect God’s ways to feel rational to the human emotions and make logical sense to the human mind, since we are made in His image. God’s ways surely are more comprehensible than incomprehensible. This viewpoint makes God more assessable and challenges us to be able to explain our God to others.

Does Job Teach God Is Incomprehensible?

Many have faith in God in difficult times despite their lack of understanding. Some may stop seeking God if He is unintelligible. Does the Book of Job teach we cannot possibly understand how God and suffering can co-exist because His ways are beyond human comprehension? Didn’t God inspire writers to record His thoughts in the Bible for future generations to understand Him? Questions dismissed as unanswerable may be answerable. I believe God’s response to Job and his so-called friends was to correct faulty assumptions about suffering and God’s role.

Job 2:10 says: “shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Passages such as this don’t declare God the cause of evil and sufferings that result. Readers are privy that Satan initiated the tragedies that came upon Job. God allowed Satan to test Job severely, but this does not make Him responsible for Satan’s actions that lead to Job’s suffering. God did not run from Satan’s challenge. God knew that Job was “a man who fears God and shuns evil.” (1:8) Job was very wealthy but such blessings are not guaranteed in a free world. Suffering though is inevitable in a fallen world but can lead to a greater dependence on God which is true prosperity.

God rejected Job’s friends’ assumption that if the righteous suffer, this is evidence of sin and God’s displeasure. God defended Job’s righteousness. Do babies die in war because of their sin? Are children abused because of some sin? Is cancer because of sin in one’s life? Please! Jesus debunked the nonsense that physical or natural tragedies are God punishing sin. (John 9:3, Luke 13:1-5) Always blaming suffering on individual sin is misguided. Let’s not be too harsh with Job’s friends. How many times have we misspoken with a friend in pain? We best keep our mouths shut if we don’t know what the hell we are talking about. (2:13)

God rejected Job’s assumption as well that if the righteous suffer, this is evidence of God’s injustice and lack of sovereignty. God rather us be angry with Him than ignore him, but Job’s complaining and wanting to be left for dead may suggest God only cares if He doesn’t allow suffering in your life. We may suffer consequences because of our own actions, but lack of physical or material blessings does not suggest God doesn’t love us. What do we assume about God when our problems are not wiped away? Did Job wonder “why doesn’t God see my ways and bless me?” Jesus’ sufferings were obviously undeserved, but God had not abandoned Him.

Did Job assume God’s justice means the righteous never suffer or at least for not very long? God said to Job “would you discredit my justice.” (40:8) It is true no evil has free rein unless allowed by God, but do we know better how to run a free world that has chosen to rebel again their Creator? Freedom is surely necessary for genuine relationships and intimacy to exist. In a free world people choose to inflict harm on others. God mercifully does not annihilate people at the first sign of opposition. The truth is Job’s suffering than his prosperity would have a greater impact on Job and those around him. Jesus’ miracles did not change the world like His sufferings. Some will die for a good man. Jesus died for evil people.

Did Job assume if the righteous suffer, God had lost control? God said “who is that that obscures my plans with words without knowledge?”(38:2) Job acknowledged “I know you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” (42:2) God doesn’t reprimand Job for trying to understand Him but for misunderstanding Him. Job was grateful he now had a fuller understanding (42:5). God expressed more displeasure with Job’s friends (42:7). God is not a mystery unable to be understood by mere mortals. We know our faith is real when we follow God not in prosperous but difficult times. Suffering, as a result of freedom, became part of God’s story to lead as many as possible of their own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings. Job can help us to better understand that suffering and the goodness of God can co-exist.

Does The Bible Say God Is A Mystery?

Many accept the explanation that God’s ways are mysterious when teachings are incompatible with peoples’ idea of a loving God. Others may desire answers to understand God better. I am positively obsessed with the idea that some people may be more open or intimate with God if they could better understand certain aspects of God that initially cause confusion. The Bible at least doesn’t seem to claim that God’s character or His ways are a mystery and incomprehensible to the human mind.

The Old Testament doesn’t make specific mention of “mysterious” as it relates to God. Deuteronomy 29:29 says: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us…” The secrets things were unrevealed things, not mysteries. How was God going to bless all nations through Israel despite their rebelliousness? We now know that God raised a Savior from Israel to bless all. Isaiah 55:8-9 says about God: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways…” God isn’t suggesting we cannot understand Him. God exhorts us to forsake our wicked ways and thoughts and turn to God’s higher, righteous ways and thoughts so God can have mercy on us and forgive us (v.7).

The word mystery or mysteries is referenced about 27 times in the New Testament. There are two themes involved. Jesus’ teachings were not purposely hidden but rejected and not pursued. Jesus did not prefer to speak in parables, but sometimes it is better to not speak the truth in a straightforward manner. When King David didn’t listen to God, God sent Nathan to confront in a form of a parable. Mark 4: 11-12 doesn’t suggest Jesus keep secrets: “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be every seeing but never perceiving…” Jesus isn’t playing favorites who can hear or not hear: “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear” (verse 9). God’s direct message is only perplexing often to one’s heart not the mind. Truths of the faith are obtainable (I Tim 3:9).

The mystery of Christ is a second theme in the NT. God’s plan to bless all through Israel by way of Christ wasn’t fully revealed until NT times. Paul says: “My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2: 3-4). The mystery isn’t how God elects only some individuals before Creation to believe in Him and exclude others. Ephesians 1:4 says God “chose us in Him before the creation of the world to holy and blameless in His sight.” God’s predestination act is choosing Christ as the Savior for all who desire God’s gift (v.5). Ephesians 1:11 repeats again we are chosen through Christ. How is one chosen through Christ?  “When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit” (v. 13). God’s promise to Israel and all is now fully revealed.

The ultimate mystery for some is how God and suffering can co-exist. Much of suffering is either self-inflicted or inflicted by others such as wars, crimes, and injustices resulting from evil choices make by cruel and lawless people. Job doesn’t teach God is a mystery and cannot be understood by mere mortals. Did Job begin to assume God didn’t care by allowing his suffering? God didn’t answer Jesus’ request either to intervene with His undeserved suffering. God will go to great lengths to win others over while preserving freedom. God desires to turn as many people from evil as possible. Jesus’ suffering and our suffering may be the only way to lead us and others to our Creator’s unconditional and unbelievable love. It is not necessarily true that if God instantly stopped all suffering, whether from personal or natural evil, I or the world would be better off in the long-run. (For further elaboration see article at my blog under Tab – Is God A Mystery?)

Is God Understandable Or A Mystery?

Is God really incomprehensible or unintelligible? Can we understand how God’s goodness and evil co-exist? Since we are made in God’s image, if God’s ways seem unfair when reading the Scriptures should we keep searching or declare humans incapable of understanding God’s ways? God inspired writers to records His thoughts in the Bible for future generations to understand Him. Questions dismissed as unanswerable may be answerable. This viewpoint, rather than declaring God a mystery, may encourage others to know God better.

Deuteronomy 29:29 says: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us, and to our children forever…” God is not a mystery! The writer is contrasting the known from the unknown. How to obey God’s laws for your own good is clearly known. The secrets things can be future details of how God was going to keep His promise to Israel. Moses had just reminded his readers of God’s promise to Abraham that the Israelites are His people. (Deut 29:13) Yet, future generations will see the calamities that have fallen on the Israelites land (29:22-24) because of God’s judgments against rebellion. (29:25-28) Only God knows how He will see Israel through to enter the Promised Land, despite disobediences, and fulfill an oath to their ancestors for Israel to be a blessing to all peoples on earth. (Gen 12:3) We readers know God raised a Savior from Israel to bless all nations.

Did God rebuke Job in chapter 38 for trying to understand God? Actually, God’s response to Job seemed more open for in the end God’s angry was with Job’s friends, not Job. God rebuked Job’s friends for assuming Job needed to repent of some sin, assuming one always reaps what they sow immediately. The book of Job clearly teaches always blaming suffering on individual sin is heartless. The reality in this free world is that evildoers sometimes seemingly prosper and the righteous suffer.

Job is not rebuked for speaking up and trying to understand God, but his line of questioning may suggest God only cares if He doesn’t respond immediately to suffering in your life. Job pursued and needed more understanding of God’s ways, but we readers have the advantage of knowing Satan’s involvement and God’s careful oversight. We have the opportunity to learn from Job. Do we assume God doesn’t love us when our problems are not wiped away? Jesus’ sufferings were obviously undeserved, but God had not abandoned Him. God is not unjust nor does He loss control because evil has its day in a free world.

God is not unjust when the righteous such as Job suffer. God said to Job “would you discredit my justice.” (40:8) It is true no evil has free rein unless allowed by God, but do we know better how to run a free world that has chosen to rebel again their Creator? Genuine relationships and intimacy cannot exist without freedom. God mercifully does not annihilate people at the first sign of opposition. The truth is Job’s suffering than his prosperity had a greater impact on Job and those around him. Jesus’ miracles did not change the world as much as His sufferings. Our faith grows more during adversity than prosperity.

God does not lost control when the righteous such as Job suffer. God said “who is that that obscures my plans with words with knowledge?” (38:2) Job finally acknowledged: “I know you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” (42:2) Job needed to hear from God and be reminded humans can’t always imagine what it is like to be God. Can we better run a free universe and bring good from bad? God’s timetable is not always our timetable. If God was some mystery, why did Job come away satisfied? God was not saying He was not understandable; just don’t question God’s justice or lack of oversight when the righteous suffer or the evil prosper. Suffering, as a result of freedom, became part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings. Job and the Bible teach there is an answer to how suffering and the goodness of God can co-exist.

Is God’s Will For Our Lives A Mystery?

A misconception Christians have is that God has a specific will for each individual. Since God does not speak audible to most of us, this assumption can lead to confusion or anger with God because of lack of clear direction. Is God’s will for our life though a mystery? We can always know that we are in God’s will. The Bible never speaks of following an individual will. We are free to use our gifts and pursue desires of our heart, where we think we can make the greatest contribution in our current circumstances.

The Bible does speak of following God's moral will for God desires we avoid heartbreaks and hardships due to immoral choices. Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Following God’s moral will put you on the right path. The Bible suggests a believer not marry an unbeliever; otherwise, which God will the children follow? (2 Cor 6:14-16) The Bible doesn’t say there is only one man a woman must discover to marry to be in God’s will. Paul teaches making wise decisions based on circumstances at that time. Paul does not condemn whether one marries or not (I Cor 7).

God communicated to Moses through a burning bush. Paul knew whose voice he heard on the road to Damascus. You don’t have to guess if God is speaking to you. Those who say God speaks to them don’t claim God speaks to them in every situation. There are countless instances in the Bible of decisions made without being directly advised by God. In the Bible God never held one accountable for not doing His will when not spoken to.

One belief that may lead one to think that God has a specific will for their life is that God's foreknowledge includes knowing the future, thus making the future predetermined.  Genuine human freedom suggests the future isn’t predetermined. Does God predict the future or bring about what He says will happen? One who believes the future is predetermined might assume there is only one choice or path to take in order to do God’s will. If one thinks that God simply knows what choice we will make, they may still worry that God must advise exactly what to do or they may not be in His will.

The Bible suggests God interacts with a world where there is genuine freedom. People are free to love or not love and make choices in their future. God can be all-knowing and not know the future, if the future is not knowable. God knows all the possibilities of decisions that can be made by others and what He will do. God is everywhere in the universe at the same time, so His knowledge is unimaginably extensive. With God’s complete knowledge and His unlimited power, God does not loss control though the future is open. An open view of the future suggests many godly paths can be chosen while still remaining entirely within God's will.

We do not have to be looking for some bulls-eye. We know God’s moral will. Regarding amoral decisions God accomplishes His will in whatever we do. Does a parent only approve or love their child if they pursue a certain type of career? We are free to dream and pursue the desires of our heart. What is the wisest path to choose at this time in life based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations? Consult with others. Attempt great things for God and leave the outcome in His hands. God’s will is accomplished by doing all the good we can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the people we can, as long as we can. You just can’t go wrong with a desire to love God. When you stumble morally, God will lift you up.

Does Job Say God And Suffering Is Unexplainable?

Some may misunderstand or stop seeking God if He is declared to be unintelligible. Job 2:10 hints of things to come in the story: “shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Not even God can create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for genuine relationships and intimacy to exist. God surely can’t be blamed for suffering when Satan or humans inflict harm on others, but who doesn’t wish God would wave a magic wand over all this mess. What could possibly be God’s reason for not doing so?

Freedom causes a complicated world for us and God. God never questioned Job’s righteousness. God rejected Job’s friends’ assumption that suffering is evidence of sin and God’s displeasure. Is cancer because of sin in one’s life? Please! God also rejected Job’s assumption that the wicked are judged or the righteous rewarded immediately: “…Why should I not be impatient…Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know him look in vain for such days” (21:4, 24:1)? Job was distraught with so much suffering and perhaps had begun to lose patience and wonder if God cared by allowing so much undeserved suffering. But, Job heard God voice and was satisfied he wasn’t forgotten (42:1-6).

God defended Himself to Job: “Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself” (40:8)? God’s justice doesn’t means the righteous never suffer here on earth, though one day the righteous will be rewarded and the unjust will be judged. God doesn’t loss control by not being a Controller. God may know a thing or two about how to run a free world that has chosen to rebel again their Creator. God’s firmness with Job is not for trying to understand Him but misunderstanding Him. Suffering in the world doesn’t make God unjust or uncaring.

Avoid following in Job’s friends footsteps by telling someone since they aren’t perfect in God’s eyes, they deserve to suffer. Where is that in the Bible? Don’t say: “God has hand-picked you to give Him glory.” God is not the originator of our suffering and responsible for the evil choices of others. Much of suffering, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by others, comes through personal evil choices. Evil originates out of the hearts of men and women. God also doesn’t cause natural disasters, diseases, or accidents that lead to so much suffering. But, how satisfied are we if God intervenes with one natural disaster than all disasters? It is a complicated world.

Can God be just and caring despite allowing suffering? God obviously doesn’t react to suffering, inevitable in a free world, in the same way that we humans would. I try to spare my children of suffering no matter what. One alternative to God never allowing any suffering is for God to annihilate people at the first sign of evil. Don’t we give our wayward children chances to change no matter the harmed caused to themselves or others? God also does not simply impose His will on us. Demanding respect from our partner doesn’t bring about desired reconciliation. God obviously is merciful and patient in trying to change lives, even at His expense. Miracles turn heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers.

What possible good can come from our undeserved suffering? God hurts as much as human parents when their children suffer. A parent isn’t sadistic just because they don’t squash freedom to avoid suffering. Suffering can enable us to not fall in love with temporal existence and love what the world offers. Also, suffering enables us to reach others in ways our prosperous times don’t. It is best God not answer most of my prayers. If God stopped all suffering, whether from personal or natural evil, the world wouldn’t necessarily be better off. God will work to bring good from what was intended for evil. It is true the wicked or the righteous will not always get what they deserve in this life, but suffering was only avoidable if God had not created. Our demands for an all-powerful, invulnerable God comes at the expense of trusting God know best how to run the universe and change as many lives as possible through their own volition.

Is God Rational Humanly Speaking?

Personal beliefs about what God is really like can either alienate us or draw us closer to God. Certain beliefs make tragic times worse. “Why, me!” can turn into "why God do you not love me.” God is surely open to questioning. Contrary to belief God explained to Job why God was not unjust despite Job’s undeserved suffering. Why follow or seek wisdom from any parent or God whose love is not morally or rationally understandable from our perspective?

God cannot ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against His nature. The reason we have internal moral absolutes, which most beings can agree on at a fundamental level, is because we all are made in God’s image. God and human morality are one in the same. Also, humans only have a concept of perfect love because we are made in our Creator’s image. God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God’s desire for us and what we desire deep down for ourselves are inseparable.

We know Hell, as a place where God tortures people forever for not believing, is irrational morally. God or human parents would not use punishment for such sadistic purposes with no restoration possibilities. Gehenna, which is translated as Hell in the New Testament, is a proper noun that requires no translation. Gehenna was a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history that served as a burning, worm-infested dump for dead carcasses. Gehenna served as a warning to Jerusalem during Jesus’ lifetime of the upcoming Roman siege and Nero’s destruction.

We know Selective Election where God elects certain individuals for eternal life, thus foreordaining many millions of humans to eternal damnation without any choice, is irrational. God’s love cannot be different than what we demand of ourselves and contrary to human understandings of rational love. Earthly parents would be accused of immorality if they showed similar favoritism toward their children. There is no quota on God’s grace. Selective election by God is indefensible exegetically and morally. God cannot ask us to be impartial (James 2:1) and yet God show favoritism. God is the perfection of the human parents we have always desired.

God is declared a mystery to explain certain interpretations contrary to ideas of a loving God. God’s ways aren’t mysterious but understandable, or why would God bother to communicate with words written down by chosen authors? Biblical passages used to imply God is a mystery only suggests God’s ways are “higher” or certain details of future prophetic events will not be revealed until the events happen. Jesus only used parables, with those who chose to not see, to speak the truth in another way for one’s one good. Nathan did the same with King David and his behavior with Bathsheba. Parents know directness doesn’t always work with children.

When humans seek to justify their behaviors because they are irrational or immoral, we don’t call them a mystery. When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, we must err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind. Most accept God as a God of love. God’s wrath is simply tough love for one’s good. Since interpretations are fallible, we must “err” on the side of grace, mercy, and love to avoid misleading anyone. Our biblical interpretations must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like.

We can question if God allowing suffering is rational as we attempt to understand God. God values freedom; God values forgiveness rather than instant justice; God values long term happiness more than short-term happiness. God allowing suffering can serve as a megaphone to distract us from selfishness. We look more to God, who is the epitome of unselfishness, during adversity than prosperity. My prayers are best not answered often. God allowing suffering can also serve as a megaphone as we serve others. We most likely influence others not through miracles in our life but how we handle difficult times with God’s help. Jesus did!

One writer said: “God did not need to create you, but he chose to create you for his own enjoyment. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose, and his delight.” God’s glorification cannot be separated from human benefit, glory, purpose, and mutual delight. Worship, if not mindless slavery, only happens in the context of a relationship. God is not like certain dictators who seek their own glory and gratification and require obedience for its own sake. Different beliefs about God may make a difference in your relationship and in your conversations with others about God if you discovered there was a biblical alternative that was rational humanly speaking.

God, War, Innocent Killings, and Other Moral Dilemmas

Did God Approve Of Genocide In The Old Testament?

Is God Immoral For Condoning Slavery In The Bible?

Does God Condone Horrible Actions Toward Our Enemies According To The Psalms?

Does God Believe In Freedom Of Belief Or Ethnic Cleansing?

Is God Immoral When Hardening Hearts?

Did God Approve of Child Sacrifice Like The Other gods With Abraham?

Is God Immoral Or Hypocritical In The Old Testament?

Why Were There Such Elaborate Sacrificial Rituals In The OT?

Is All Humankind Really Guilty For Adam’s Sin?

Does God Condone Or Love War?

Was God Immoral To Destroy Entire Cities Including Innocent Women And Children?

Why Did God Condone War and Killings of Women/Children in the Old Testament?

Did God Really Approve of Jephthah’s Sacrifice of His Daughter in Judges 11?

Does God Really Hate Esau But Love Jacob?

Did God Approve Of Genocide In The Old Testament?

Certain questions about Old Testament morality must be answered for some to respect the God of the Bible. As an adult I am not going to follow my parent’s guidance blindly if I don’t respect them. Did God approve of land grab without any provocation? Did God command genocide by insisting on the killing of women and children during war times: “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them: put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys” (I Sam. 15:3)? 

Keep in mind a writer doesn’t always record all the particulars of their story because those who live closer to the times knew such details. God ordered Noah to build an Ark before setting out to destroy the entire earth and all that lived on it. Genesis says nothing about God allowing anyone to enter the Ark with Noah’s family, but Noah was a preacher of righteousness (2 Pe. 2:5). God would have welcomed anyone in the Ark if they had chosen to heed Noah’s warnings. The Bible says God always judges with a heavy heart (Gen. 6:6). When is it merciful for God to take extreme measures to break the cycle of evil for the sake of future generations?

God did not arbitrarily order Israel to attack the land of Canaan that was possessed by seven people groups. God had given the land to Abraham and his heirs to possess in the beginning (Gen. 13:14-17). The Israelites did not immediately possess the land because God was to judge them morally for their actions by allowing Egypt to enslave them for 400 years (Gen. 15:13-16). So, the Canaanites lived on a land that Israel had lived on to which God had given so that Israel could be used as a means to bless all nations. This was a unique time in history. A nation was needed to be God’s voice for true morality. It isn’t favoritism when all benefit. God, to fulfill His divine purpose to bless all nations, needed one nation to be born into to walk the talk and exemplify true love. Jesus did that! 

The people of Canaan knew the land had been given to the Israelites from the beginning (Josh. 2: 9-11). Canaanites were well aware of the uniqueness of this God from other gods by the miracles that followed Israel such as the parting of the Red Sea. God never prefers violence if there are peaceful alternatives, but the Israelites were outnumber and fully capable of being persuaded by the evil practices of the Canaanites that included burning their children as sacrifices to their gods (Deut. 12: 31; Lev. 18:21). Israel had to be separated to be protected morally for the purposes God had in mind. Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities in Canaan, were full of gangs that attacked for fun. The Canaanites could have avoided moral judgment for their evil ways, though not always explicitly mentioned in every narrative, just as those in Noah’s time or later the Ninevites during Jonah’s life.

Before discussing genocide it seems clear God at least did not approve of ethnic cleansing, as not all the Canaanites were annihilated as we see below. The narrative does not suggest either that God approves of arbitrary expulsion of members from their land. It is true that many innocent lives cannot be spared when war is necessary to protect the lives of inhabitants or those from surrounding nations from evil. Women and children will die when forced to flee. Wars sometimes are going to lead to innocent people dying if God is going to allow freedom. Does it matter that at least this God can make good on His promise to provide a better place after death for non-survivors than continuing to be subjected to the practices of adult evildoers? Expulsion is not always merciless. Gradually driving the Canaanites out of their land and into neighboring nations where they would be the minority could force them to change their evil practices that was leading to death for their citizens.

Paul Copan and Mathew Flannagan in Did God Really Command Genocide? defend how the OT does not suggest such moral atrocities from God. You may not agree with all their conclusions but this book is a must read if you struggle with whether God is a moral monster. Much of what I say below is from reading their book. It is common to use rhetoric to make a point (i.e. evil must be dealt with come hell or high water), or to embolden the victor or inspire fear in the enemy. It is plausible that the OT passages that seem to suggest God commanding genocide can be understood as the writers making deliberate use of exaggeration (hyperbole) for effect:

• Moses and Joshua were the main leaders used by God to repossess the Promised Land. God advised Moses about taking back the Promised Land (Ex. 23:20-33), stating God’s intentions to drive out the nations in Canaan little by little (v. 30-31). Joshua though speaks of destroying all by the sword (Josh. 10:39). The writers or editors were surely aware of what God had communicated to both Moses and Joshua but they did not attempt to rewrite the supposed contradiction – the driving out commands versus the annihilation commands. God surely did not intend for the Israelites to hunt down those fleeing and kill them. But, God had made it clear why the Israelites could not live with the Canaanites as a nation. Besides, would terrorists today be willing to live together in peace if we were invading the land they occupied?

• Many scholars accept that Deuteronomy through 2 Kings is a literary unit. The last chapter in Deuteronomy discusses the end of Moses’ life and passing on his leadership of Israel to Joshua. The first chapter of Joshua begins with the mention of Moses’ death and God telling Joshua how he is going to take back the land of Canaan. Deuteronomy clearly talks often of the Canaanites being driven out and not exterminated (Deut. 9:3, 11:23, 18:12, 19:1). As mentioned Joshua uses extermination language. It seems reasonable to understand extermination passages within the context of initially trying to drive out the enemy. Deuteronomy 7:2 uses language of total destruction of the nations in the land of Canaan. But, in the same context God speaks of driving out the nations (7:1) and advising against treaties or intermarriage with the enemies (7:2-3). How do you make treaties or intermarry with dead people?  The people of Canaan were surely allowed to flee but some stayed to the end. Some women and children likely did not have choices to flee, but the alternative is to insist that God magically pluck the adult evildoers out of the land and zap them.

• Survivors clearly existed in spite of these supposed genocide commands. Inhabitants were driven out as opposed to exterminated. Joshua 10-11 is the best example, since in the same narrative, of where annihilation or utter destruction should be understood within the context of driving out the enemies. Israel attacked Debir and the text states everyone was put to the sword leaving no survivors (10:39). But, Joshua 11:21 reports more Anakites in Debir were destroyed and Caleb marched against the people living in Debir (15:15). Were the Israelites destroying and marching against dead bodies already put to the sword, or did the writer mean in Joshua 10 that the victory was decisive as not everyone person was killed. It simply was not mentioned those that fled or even surrounded.

• The story speaks of certain innocent people not being killed as Rahab was spared because of her willingness to not participate in the evil practices God was seeking to destroy (Josh. 6:25). Joshua 8:35 reports many survivors, including women and children, were allowed to live with the Israelites in the land promised to them by God to bless all nations. Deuteronomy 12:10 says: “But you will cross the Jordan and settle in the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and He will give you rest from all your enemies around you so that you live in safety.” God is always willing to live in peace with those of different beliefs if they are willing to stop their evil ways.

• Were the writers of the Bible mindless enough to contradict themselves almost in the same breath, when obviously seeking to protect God’s integrity against the other supposed gods? Clearly, some sayings were not to be taken literally but were warfare rhetoric such as speaking in exaggerated terms to induce fear and inspire victory. Other ancient conquest accounts were similar. Exaggeration even of numbers was common. It is believed it was impossible for the Israelites to actually have an army size of 200,000 soldiers (I Sam. 15:4) at this time in history. It is an acceptable literary device to accentuate the victory. It is no different than saying the United States took tens of millions of soldiers to utterly destroy ISIS. Strong language was necessary as Israel was outnumbered and the possibility of the Israelites being assimilated into the evil practices of the Canaanites was a reality. No one took Mike Tyson serious in his rhetoric when preparing to battle Lennox Lewis: “I want your heart, I want to eat your children.”

God has been a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the very beginning. In today’s world the differences are obvious between the Israelites’ God and the extreme Islamists’ god. The same could be said for the Canaanites’ gods. God for one is not involved in torture and rape. Recently, extreme Islamists executed children for not fasting. Warriors are promised a lustful afterlife at the expense of women. Blasphemers are put to death. The truth is Yahweh, the God of the Israelites, does not force belief here or after death. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. You can even blaspheme God but you can’t treat others immorally without consequences. Despite the loss of innocent lives, future generations may look back on the 21st century and accept nations invading lands inhabited by evildoers who seek power only to eventually destroy their own and people of other countries.

Is God Immoral For Condoning Slavery In The Bible?

One may read Old Testament passages on the topic of slavery and question the morality of God or if there is any value in reading the OT. Some suggest that difficult topics in the OT are simply recordings of how the Israelites perceived God’s guidance rather than what God actually guided. There are other possible explanations that don’t seemingly undermine the Bible being inspired by God. I get it if some decide they just can’t read the OT because no interpretation seems possible based on what a loving God should be like. We are made in God’s likeness so we are not totally clueless of God’s character. We must not lose sight of that we worship a God and not a book. But, can slavery in the OT be explained that doesn’t make God a moral monster?

The truth is that Old Testament servanthood did not compare to slavery in the South that many of us are most familiar with. Paul Copan in Is God A Moral Monster explains: “By contrast, Hebrew (debt) servanthood could be compared to similar conditions in colonial America. Paying fares for passage to America was too costly for many individuals to afford. So they’d contract themselves out, working in the households…until they paid back their debts” (p.125). Israelites often could not pay off debt and only could offer their labor. Servants were always freed from their labor and debt at the end of six years, thus avoiding lifetime servanthood.

The protection of servants and fair treatment is clear in the OT. In other ancient near Eastern laws, owners had no such accountability. Israel owners who injured a servant must let the slave go free (Ex. 21:26-27). Why didn’t God outlaw masters touching their servants? The Israelites perhaps were as close-minded to not disciplining servants physically that some are to not spanking their children. Simply stating that a parent must never touch their child accomplishes nothing if they are going to do it anyway. Laws help to protect children. The discipline of servants was tolerated and regulated for simply disallowing does nothing.

Why didn’t God simply abolish servanthood? God didn’t desire poverty and approve of behaviors that often lead to such conditions. To completely abolish servanthood during these times would leave many without care and food. God did command the golden rule (Lev. 19:18), but laws were set up when people treated servants as objects. God like we do made laws to protect victims. God allowing freedom means He must tolerate certain behaviors. God know people simply hide, not change their actions, if not done on their own accord.

The apostle Paul in the NT is often indicted for not just abolishing slavery. Paul, much like God with the Israelites, sought to change society within rather than demand immediately what he thought was right. If Paul had focused on abolishing slavery, Christianity would have been viewed as threat to the Roman empire and put people in more danger. Paul Copan says it best: “Paul (and Peter) didn’t call for an uprising to overthrow slavery in Rome. They didn’t want the Christian faith to be perceived as opposed to social order and harmony” (152). Paul was clear what he thought of slavery: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).

God hates divorce as much as we do for the sake of children. God not outlawing divorce or polygamy didn’t mean He approved of such behaviors. Simply outlawing divorce doesn’t protect the victims who are often women and children. God knows power corrupts, but, God allowed Israel to choose Kings. Sometimes, we only accept the truth after suffering consequences of our choices. God did not create a patriarchal relationship between Adam and Eve. Is God supposed to continually wipe out cultures that fall into less than ideal relationships? God doesn’t overthrow societies but works within societies to hopefully make lasting change in the hearts of their citizens. Freedom is necessary for authentic, lasting change. God’s interference or dictatorship may actually prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures.

There certainly are passages that can make it challenging to defend God’s character. Most accept the first five books of the OT as a literary unit. One can point to passages that seem to protect servants and passages that enable their continued victimization. The editors were surely aware of and did not attempt to rewrite the supposed contradictions. There may be plausible explanations than assuming the bible editors were mindless enough to contradict themselves. A master could lose their live if they killed a slave. Servants could be freed if harmed. Servants were considered equal and not to be denied justice when they had a grievance (Job 31:13-15). Mistreated servants were not to be return to their abusive masters (Deut. 23: 15-16).

But, one may question the following passage that discusses how masters are to treat servants. I would make a law for a master to not lay a hand on their servants, but we discussed God didn’t always insist on His ways for those that would not hear it. The Bible recognizes that servanthood is a reality in a world of poverty and gave regulations for treatment by masters. Exodus 21:20-27 states if a master harms a servant that they die, it was understood the death penalty could be used. If they survived, why is there no punishment? Likely, it was assumed the loss of money via the servant’s labor was some punishment. The passage does go on to say that if a master knocks out a tooth of his male or female slave, he shall let him go free on account of his tooth.

I am suggesting there are plausible explanations for God allowing servanthood type relationships in the OT. I obviously did not tackle all the difficult passages one might question when reading about the laws for such relationships. I encourage one read Paul Copan’s book that I have cited. We have to consider the issue of poverty at the time and the amount of wars which left foreigners without a means to survive. I have suggested that God works with the moral circumstances He is handed and attempts to lead in change that last. Perhaps within this backdrop the reader may understand why God guided the way He did and that the OT does not suggest God is schizophrenic – claiming to be moral but acting immoral.

Does God Condone Horrible Actions Toward Our Enemies According To The Psalms?

Reading the Psalms can be very confusing and disheartening if one is expecting God to be as moral as our conscience guides. Some of the Psalms talk about breaking the arms of evildoers, smashing in their teeth, or for their eyes to be darkened and their backs bent forward. Many of the Psalms seem to condone praying for horrible judgments on others which seem to contradict God’s very character or Jesus advising us to love our enemies. There may be some reasonable explanations for the writers’ words and feelings though they claim to represent God.

The psalmists’ words may not be as harsh if we readers were living in their shoes or people today that are at the mercy of terrorists and dictators who cut off heads or rape women and children. We too may pour out our heart in the same way toward our enemies. The Psalms don’t talk about slow torture or abuse of women and children. Psalm 10:15 talks about breaking arms of evildoers, but why not so they can’t continue to murder the innocent (v.8). Psalm 53:5 speaks of the desire to scatter their bones, but why not when “they devour people as though eating bread” (v. 4). Why not pray for their eyes to be darkened and backs bent forward (69:23) so they can no longer “wound and talk about the pain of those they hurt” (69:26). Who doesn’t pray for the justice, death, or disarmament of those who kill them.

Paul Copan’s in Chapter 11 of When God Goes To Starbucks provides many additional insights. God is never going to deny one the right to express their feelings. Who is to say God doesn’t allow initial feelings but in time helps one to have less violent feelings. Besides, emotions and actions are two different things. God never condoned the torture of humans and God has always been willing to withhold judgment if people confess their evil ways and change. It seems to me the Psalmists are simply emoting about their tremendous anguish.

I don’t always entertain the possibility of my enemies confessing their wrongdoings when emoting. David expressed strong emotions but it is also thought King David wrote Psalm 103 where he speaks of a God who forgives all sins, is slow to anger, and abounding in love. David in Psalm 51 begs for forgiveness after committing adultery with Bathsheba and planning her husband’s murder. David even says: “Then I will teach transgressors your ways; and sinners will turn about to you” (v. 13). Not even David is foolish enough to think God is of the character to forgive his sins, but David doesn’t have to forgive his enemies if they repent.

Relationships often don’t reach any depth because they either don’t admit or they ignore feelings for fear of the consequences. Relationships remain stagnant and don’t reach the depth of intimacy possible if unwilling to take risks. Working though hate in a real way can lead to taking more positive actions. When we refuse to admit hurt or confront someone, there is often no hope for healing. Jonah preferred the Ninevites not repent so God could not show mercy, but Jonah eventually came to God’s ways. The writers of the Psalms either as writing or over time may have come to accept the possibility of forgiveness and judgment withheld if change took place. 

The writers could have also been protecting God’s reputation. God’s enemies did vile things despite being created in God’s image. If you speak horrible things about the mother of my children, I may express wanting to cut your balls off too. That is how I would feel. I would not necessarily take such actions even if you did not admit lies about my wife. Emoting and acting are two different things. We can always pour our hearts out to God as He guides us what actions to take toward others who continue to harm us and others in their way.

Does God Believe In Freedom Of Belief Or Ethnic Cleansing?

How can we suggest others consider a relationship with a Creator that possibly advocates ethnic cleansing in the Old Testament? Some justify their actions because they think the Bible supports certain beliefs. Others suggest God can do whatever the heck He wants since the Creator of the Universe. I disagree. We are made in God’s image and actions wrong for human beings are wrong for God. Contrary to belief God never forces one to worship Him, unlike other gods, much less advocate ethnic cleansing because of differing beliefs.

See here where I have written previously how God did not advocate genocide in the OT. Ethnic cleansing typically means the killing of people, including women and children, because of their nationality or religious beliefs. Hitler sought to destroy every Jewish man, woman, and child. God is accused of ordering the Israelites to do the same of those in the land of Canaan. I consider such behaviors different than when God or leaders of a nation must engage in war to either protect themselves from an attacker or possible to even prevent attackers from eventually invading their land. Such wars cannot always prevent innocent people from dying.

God always desires peaceful alternatives. God ordered attacking a nation because of their wicked actions inspired by their gods and not their religious beliefs. Nations in the OT were involved in practices such as bestiality, incest, and child sacrifice to their gods (Lev. 18:21). God desired the Israelites be able to live in safety around their enemies. Evil though seldom chooses to live together without imposing their beliefs. Unfortunately, innocent lives cannot be spared to protect one from surrounding nations. Does it matter that at least Israel’s God can make good on His promise to provide a better place after death for non-survivors than continuing to be subjected to the practices of adult evildoers? Driving the Canaanites out of their land and into neighboring nations where they would be the minority could also force them to change their evil practices.

It is often assumed that God is opposed to freedom of religion. Is God really any different than those who suggest infidels must be killed because of their religion? Does God do the same either in this life or in the life to come? God’s anger or judgments are not because of a refusal to worship Him but because people are involved in despicable immoral acts. God is no different than most who believe in freedom of choice except when choices violate the innate rights of others. God does not demand you worship or believe in Him.

God allows choices in this life and you will not burn in Hell after death for such a choice. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Sheol and Gehenna, words translated into the word Hell in the Bible, are not a place of sadistic torturing after death for those who do not choose to worship God during their life on earth. The Bible doesn’t say exactly what happens to those who don’t follow God during their time on earth. The God I know though will invite all after death to join Him. I doubt any reading this or their loved ones will not accept such an invitation.

Differences between the Israelites’ God and the Canaanites’ and extremist Islamists’ God is obvious. God has been a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the beginning. God knows freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. Not even God can force genuine love. I am convinced that God only wants who we desire to be deep down but unable to achieve on our own. God never advocates torture or murder of infidels. Recently, extreme Islamists executed children for not fasting. Blasphemers are put to death. Warriors are promised a lustful afterlife at the expense of women. You can blaspheme or not believe in God but how you treat others has consequences.

Is God Immoral When Hardening Hearts?

One may read Bible passages that speak of God hardening one’s heart and be perplexed. It surely isn’t plausible that a moral God causes people to sin. The Bible says God hates evil but then to suggest God secretly causes people to commit evil acts seems ludicrous. Exodus 7:3 says: “But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart…” But, numerous times in the context of this story Pharaoh is said to harden his own heart: “But this time also Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go” (Ex 8:32). There must be a plausible explanation for only a mindless writer or editor would seemingly contradict themselves in practically the same breath.

One possible interpretative solution is to suggest the objectionable phrase is simply God withdrawing His influence because of choices made. There is a self-hardening in evil. Why isn’t it acceptable to interpret the more objectionable phrase by the explanatory phase occurring in the same context, which harmonizes with the rest of Scriptures’ portrayal of God’s character? Also, the idiom of the Hebrew language may explain such speak. William Green points out in Turkey due to the idiom of the language one might say: “I made my steamer run away” rather than “I missed my steamer” (Classical Evangelical Essays, Walter Kaiser, Editor, p. 211).

God could also have been active in hardening Pharaoh’s heart. Thomas Talbott in The Inescapable Love of God suggests the Hebrew word used for hardening literally means “to strengthen.” God could have given Pharaoh the courage to carry out the true desires of his heart (74-75). God’s hardening is not arbitrary. It is not as if God hardens one’s heart despite their wish to be moral. God doesn’t require evil to accomplish good. God would have gladly accepted Pharaoh’s change in heart at any time. God though giving Pharaoh the courage to fulfill his immoral desires could accomplish good in the long-run that may not happen otherwise.

God may further harden someone, that has chosen to rebel, for their own benefit. A loving God only asks us to do what is in our best interest. God’s wrath is simply the more severe form of God’s love. Parents often must show tough love by creating consequences that hopefully may change a child’s mind for their well-being. God strengthening Pharaoh’s heart allows Pharaoh to see the destruction of his sin. God sometimes may go to great measures so we might consider the welfare of all we impact. It isn’t necessarily immoral “For God to bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all” (Rom. 11:32).

There is no evidence that God violated Pharaoh’s freedom. Scriptures as a whole suggest that God allows the freedom to continue to act on one’s evil choices. Sometimes, we may not interfere in a child’s life, allowing further destruction, knowing that may be the only way for them to eventually change for their own good. God not destroying evil allows mercy in the long-run as people in time recognize the devastation of their behaviors and seek forgiveness which prevents further acts of destruction. This story surely conveys that God used Pharaoh for His purposes to accomplish His will, which is always centered on His love for all people including Pharaoh.

Did God Approve of Child Sacrifice Like The Other gods With Abraham?

One may read Genesis 22, where God seemingly orders Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, and question whether to respect God or any of the Old Testament guidance. There may be plausible interpretations for this passage to suggest God is not encouraging child sacrifice as the others supposed gods did during these times.

• Scholars consider the first five books of the OT as a literary unit. The writers surely knew it had been recorded that God condemned child sacrifice (Lev. 18:21, Lev. 20:2-5, Deut. 12:31, 18:10) but still included this story. They may have understood the purpose and moral of the story was not that God approved of this kind of sacrifice

• The story begins that God was testing Abraham (22:1). The rest of the story suggests Abraham either expected that they would not have to carry out this act or that God would bring Isaac back from the dead (i.e. Heb. 11:17-19). The other supposed gods could not promise this. Abraham told the servants both he and Isaac would be coming back (5). Abraham fully expected God to provide a lamb instead for the altar and did so (8, 13). Finally, the angel stopped Abraham before he could harm Isaac (11-12).

• Why would God test Abraham with such a revolting temptation? It should be noted that the sacrifice never happened, unlike the other gods who fully expected execution to quench their thirst for power. God may have used this extreme example to differentiate Himself from the other gods, proving God did not approve of child sacrificing. These were unique historical times. God was using Israel as a means to usher in the Messiah as a blessing to all nations. This event took place on Mount Moriah where the temple was to be built (2 Chron. 3:1). Jesus through his sacrifice and resurrection replaced the temple as a guide toward God for a better life.

• Isaac was not a child and most likely was an adult. The term boy or lad used for Isaac could refer to one of military age (I Chron. 12: 28). Kaiser suggests the term could mean that Isaac was easily in his twenties and possibly thirties (Hard Sayings Of The OT, p. 123). Isaac had a choice in this matter unlike the babies sacrificed by other cultures to their supposed gods

• No one reading this passage can justify their behavior that God is commanding them to kill their child. God clearly spoke to Abraham as was God’s practice in the beginning of history with the Israelites. Abraham had experience in recognizing God’s voice. This was not a hunch. Besides, whoever uses this passage to claim God commands them to harm their child can expect God to provide a way out at the last minute. If God doesn’t they are delusional and not truly hearing God’s voice.

Is it at least fair to say that this event between Abraham and God did not mirror other ancient sacrifices to gods as they would not have stopped the sacrifice for their own pleasures? Since Abraham knew his older son would either not die or come back from the dead right away, does this make God’s request not the wrong we may have felt initially? This passage isn’t necessarily the editors letting their own story-telling devices creep into the story since God was clearly opposed to child sacrifice. There are reasonable explanations that God was not approving of child sacrifice in this extreme test for Abraham and Isaac.

Is God Immoral Or Hypocritical In The Old Testament?

God in the Old Testament ordered the killing of women and children during wartimes. One may question if God holds himself accountable to the same moral laws as He does humans. Some out of reverence do not feel a right to question God, believing that God created life and God has a right to take away life as He sees fit. I personally believe God doesn’t mind the scrutiny, because God desires authentic relationships. God surely doesn’t ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, moral belief as it would go against His nature.

The Bible relates that evil had become so rampant that God practically destroyed the entire human race during Noah’s time and started over. Evil may have progressed to the level of the Canaanites as we see below. The Ark took many years to build, and Noah was said to be a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5). It is not like God of the OT to reject anybody from entering the Ark if they had begun to accept Noah’s God. One may ask about innocent women and children. Corruption can infiltrate a society so much that a fresh start may be the most merciful thing to do. Not even God spared Himself of the suffering that results from evil in a free world, as His son died a brutal death on the Cross though totally innocent of accusations.

One rightly can question why God commended the slaughtering of the Canaanites, including innocent women and children (Deut. 20-16-17, i.e. I Sam. 15:1-3; Josh. 6:21). God often allowed the expulsion or relocation of the people from the land before annihilation due to evil (Deut. 7:1-5). Canaanite practices included child sacrifice to please their false gods (Ps. 106:38; i.e. Ezek. 23:37-39). Nations often became involved in perverse sexual practice such as bestiality and incest (Leviticus 18:6, 23). Today, dictators gas their own people to remain in power or turn a blind eye as women are raped and mutilated.

We may underestimate the influence of evil on future generations. God chose Israel to influence all nations for good, but God understood the power of influence: “…they mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. They worshipped their idols…they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, who they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan” (Ps. 106:35-38). Women and children often have little say so but haven’t we seen women not oppose the oppression of their evil husbands and children follow in their parents’ footsteps. Death may be the only hope for future generations. A better place after death may be more merciful than abandonment, starvation, disease, or being torn apart by wild animals (Ex 23:28-29).

Some argue war is never necessary but barbaric dictators exist and innocent lives will be lost as a result of such conflict. If a child next door is being sexual abuse would you not do everything in your power to stop this evil? Evil is real. Often innocent lives are sacrificed for the greater good. This is not doing evil that good may come; it is ridding of the cancer that can eventually destroy any good. God is not a warmonger where He takes out His frustration and uses His power arbitrarily. God is full of mercy and grace in hopes evil nations repent. God only request the same morality that earthly parent expect of their own children.

Would the "innocent" of evil nations in the OT, if spared by God, stop child-killing to their gods after the soldiers were killed? A consequence of freedom is that the sins of the parents continue for generations. Damn if God does, damn if God doesn’t! If God doesn’t intervene we blame Him for allowing evil to be rampant. If God intervenes and innocent people get killed because God works within the limits of freedom, we say God is not just. Total destruction in the OT may have sometimes been necessary to destroy the influences of present generations on future generations. God does not hypocritically live outside moral boundaries that He guides us in.

Why Were There Such Elaborate Sacrificial Rituals In The OT?

Why did God require such an elaborate sacrificial system in the Old Testament when sins were committed? After all, Psalms 51 says no sacrifice is needed but only a contrite heart. The cultures in OT times were likely a significant consideration. The Canaanite religion sacrificial system was quite complicated and elaborate. The cultures in Old Testament times worship idols and develop their own sacrificial ways to worship or please their different gods. The God of the Jewish nation showed a better sacrificial system. Among other things God never sacrificed children as did other pagan cultures. Could it be that God used the sacrificial system to show the differences between "God and gods?"  Also, Old Testament sacrifices pointed toward the ultimate Sacrifice. One purpose of the sacrificial system was so that people could anticipate and understand the Messiah was coming. 


We may not demand “rituals for righteousness” or amends because we are so unholy ourselves in comparison to God. I am less lightly to condemn or require amends to avoid being hypocritical because of my own sins. Sacrifices in the OT demonstrated the seriousness of sin. Sacrifice is important in the healing process, both for the guilty and innocent parties. For instance when one steals, amends are necessary to pay back the victims of the sinful party. Verbal forgiveness only doesn’t right wrongs. Please do not conclude one can necessarily always payback what they have taken from someone (i.e. childhood with appropriate parental love, sexual purity). But, self-centeredness may only change when elements of sacrifice are present - repentance, verbal confession, and amends.


Why didn’t God just say “I forgive you” rather than require the death of His Son on the Cross? God doesn’t delight in sacrifice but a broken and contrite heart. (Ps. 51:16-17) The sacrificial system of the Old Testament was meant to lead us to repent, to follow love. Sinners must recognize how their selfishness is ruining their lives and the lives of others. The Cross was not a necessary sacrifice so God could feel justified in saving us; the real challenge was how to save us from ourselves.  Jesus died not to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. We must view sin as God does. The Cross is a revelation of God’s compassion, not an instrument of God’s revenge. The purpose of judgment is to provoke repentance, not to pay some penalty.

Do we really think the Bible portrays God as an angry, wrathful God who must be appeased, that His Honor must be restored through the Cross before He can love us?  God determined the Cross was the best way to persuade us to stop sinning.  Jesus coming as a Ruling King than Suffering Servant would have left us demanding more from God and not ourselves. God is not obsessed with the guilt of our sins but restoration of the relationship. God does not need to be reconciled to us; we need to be reconciled to God.


Is All Humankind Really Guilty For Adam’s Sin?

The doctrine of original sin suggest we are condemned to hell after death, unless justified by Jesus the Christ, because of Adam’s original sin in the garden. This may be hard for many to understand why God would hold a person responsible for another’s person sin. This seems totally unjust according to human logic. God forbid certain disputable images of God drive people to unbelief and despair. The Old Testament Laws did not suggest we worship a God who holds us responsible for another’s person sin.

Exodus 20:5 says: “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” The context concerns covenantal relationships. Children are not guilty before they sin and held responsible for their parents’ sins. But, when parents disobey the Law, the impact can be felt for generations. Children can suffer consequences caused by their parents. With freedom given by God came the possibility and responsibility of influence. Parents have the power to provoke positive or negative behaviors from their children. The Exodus passage does say “those who hate me.” Children who break the law, as their parents do, deserve punishment. Biblical texts in a legal context concur. “Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each of you will die for your own sin.” (Deut. 24:16; i.e. Ex 18:20)

The doctrine of original sin suggests we are condemned before we are born because of Adam’s sin. The Bible doesn’t say sin is inherited (Ezek 18:20). “The wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.” A fair reading of Romans 5:12-21, which is the main passage referred to about original sin, implies Adam’s sin was not transferred but certainly influential. Sin came in the world through Adam but Adam’s sin didn’t come into us. We are born in sin but not with sin. Babies are not guilty of sin and doomed to eternity without God before the age of accountability. But, the truth is that the influence of sin is so powerful that only one person ever born has ever managed to live a totally unselfish life.

Romans 5:12-21 says sin entered the world through Adam, as did God’s grace through Jesus’ birth. Adam’s sin brought alienation from His Creator; Jesus’ life brought reconciliation. Adam hid when God visited the garden after he sin. Guilt will do that to those with a conscious. First and foremost Adam’s sin brought him spiritual death or alienation from God. (Gen 2:17, see Col 2:13) In the same way, spiritual death is inevitable if others follow in Adam’s footsteps. We don’t inherit Adam’s guilt. Condemnation is conditional. Could anyone after Adam not have sinned and led a totally selfless life? The Bible doesn’t say that is impossible, though clearly all have sinned. Is it sacrilegious to think Jesus could have sinned? We have no reason to think otherwise, thus making his life of obedience even more astounding.

Romans 5: 16 says: “Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man's sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.” Robert Brow points out that it is assumed that condemnation is eternal hell as opposed to “spiritual death.” Brow [] distinguishes between the traditional model of God’s love versus a more relational model. The two models will use different meanings of the words translated "condemnation" and "justification." The Greek word alone does not tell us how to interpret those words. Original Sin theology not only assumes sin is inherited but translates condemnation as meaning one destined to everlasting hell. This is assumed, not stated, when reading about Adam in Genesis. Adam’s guilt caused him to run and hide from His Creator. Condemnation has a sense of shame, not God’s wrath damning one to Hell. The Bible doesn’t say Adam was condemned to Hell after sinning. The Bible does not say Adam’s offspring were condemned to Hell because of his sin. Our Creator loved us enough to give the freedom to rebel and the choice whether to send ourselves to an existence without God or not.

Does God Condone Or Love War?

In the Old Testament God ordered his people to war on several occasions. In fact, God’s instructions often included destroying men, woman, and children. ( Ex 23: 32-33; 34:11-16; Deut 7: 1-5; 20:16-18). Is the God of the Old Testament a lover of war and destruction? Is God a warmonger where He takes out His frustration and uses His power arbitrarily? The biblical record will bare our God was full of mercy and grace in hopes evil nations would repent. God doesn’t request any behaviors from His children that an earthly parent wouldn’t ask of their own children. Walter Kaiser is surely right about God: “Just as a surgeon does not hesitate to amputate a gangrenous limb, even if he cannot help cutting off some healthy flesh, so God must do the same. This is not doing evil that good may come; it is removing the cancer that could infect all of society and eventually destroy the remaining good.” (Hard Sayings of the Old Testament, 108)

God received no pleasure from having to use war, and even ordering the destructive of life in certain circumstances. One cannot help but read the Bible and realize how forgiving God is and how He gives us chance after chance to repent before ordering destruction. I have no doubt God did this when He caused the Flood to destroy the world and everyone on it except Noah and his family. The ark took may years to build. Are you telling me people begin to accept Noah’s God and they were rejected from entering the ark! Sometimes corruption infiltrates people so much that a fresh start is needed. God did not spare Himself of the suffering that results from evil, as His son died a brutal death on the Cross though totally innocent of accusations.

One may think the Old Testament is outdated and replaced with the New Testament. Actually, both Testaments are God’s words to us for guidance and do not contradict one another. Sometimes war is necessary because of human nature. It is true Jesus told us to resist evildoers but this must be read in context. There is a difference in commandments to individuals and to the state that protects society as a whole. Jesus did not condemn the Roman solider who asked Jesus to heal a dying servant. He praised him for his faith. Jesus in the temple sometimes had to resort to violence. In Luke Jesus tells his disciples to sell their cloaks, if necessary, to buy swords. In Romans we are told to obey the government whose role is to overthrow evildoers. The Bible recognized that not every situation could warrant turning the other cheek. There are just wars, when it avenges wrongs and rights injustice.

We must protect ourselves against religious fanatics that believe those who are not of their persuasion are infidels that must be killed. Family members are free to protect themselves from being killed simply because of the religion they choose. A wife must protect herself when being abused by her husband. Do we suggest someone does nothing while a father continually sexually abuses his daughter, or must we take it upon ourselves to get involved and interfere in another person’s private domain for the sake of defenseless victims? One reason individuals or nations may not interfere is because we are cowards and unwilling to get involved for various reasons. Soldiers who free a country of a barbaric dictator are the most courageous of all. Those who die do so that millions of others can live in freedom without fear. Individuals and nations must consider the rights of victims carefully and wisely; to do nothing is gutless and morally indefensible.

Unfortunately, because of human nature, sometimes war is necessary. Not all peoples are willing to respect and abide by certain inalienable rights of human beings. When nation leaders commit genocide, should we do nothing? Few or any are pacifists if they personally or a family member were the ones killed simply because of the family they were born in. God and nations must respond to the evil behaviors of their own people and sometimes the leaders of other nations. Passivity only leads to more torture and killing of innocent people. Evil dictators must be confronted if the destruction of innocent lives is to be stopped.

Was God Immoral To Destroy Entire Cities Including Innocent Women And Children?

I give God the benefit of the doubt, because of our relationship, when I don’t have all the details to make a judgment. I don’t expect skeptics to do the same, and God can handle scrutiny. How can a moral God approve of annihilating nations which included killing innocent woman and children (I Sam 15:1-3; Josh 6:21)? Some argue war is never necessary, but barbaric dictators exist and innocent lives will be lost naturally as a result of such conflict.

God did not randomly pick on innocent nations. God responded to those who detested His moral ways and engaged in horrendous behaviors such as child sacrifice and turning women into temple prostitutes. Canaanite practices included child sacrifice to please their false gods (Ps. 106:38; see also Ezek. 23:37-39). Nations were involved in child sacrifice as well as perverse sexual practices as bestiality and incest (Leviticus 18:6, 23). Current dictators gas their own people to remain in power. Leaders order or turn a blind eye as women are raped and mutilated.

God overall surely is a merciful and forgiving God, as I have benefitted from God’s accounting system. God often would allow the expulsion or relocation of the people from the land before annihilation due to evil in the land (Numbers 21:31-35). God always spares those who are willing to repent. Nineveh averted annihilation in Jonah. God gave all a change to enter the Ark. But, children obviously did not have much say so or women under the threat of men to not oppose them. When evil is so rampant and must be destroyed for the sake of future generations, death may be more merciful for all with a chance of a better place after death. Death may be better than abandonment, starvation, disease, or being torn apart by wild animals (Ex 23:28-29).

Jesus rightly accused the Pharisees as guilty as their ancestors for accepting and not condemning the practices of their ancestors (Luke 11:47-51). One can understand why but family members of terrorists often don’t condemn the barbaric behaviors of their husbands and fathers. Family members may justify their loved ones behavior, including genocide and cannibalism, by offering some excuse in hopes of avoiding severe punishment for their loves one. Parents frequently try to spare their teenagers of legal consequences for illegal behaviors, even when the young person doesn’t regret such behavior. The Holocaust was despicable, but this didn’t happen just because of the actions of one man. Others participated directly or indirectly but not standing up.

Dam if God does, damn if God doesn’t! If God doesn’t intervene we blame Him for allowing evil to be rampant. If God intervenes and innocent people get killed, we say God is not just. Total destruction may be necessary to destroy the influences of present generations on future generations. Walter Kaiser is surely right about God: “Just as a surgeon does not hesitate to amputate a gangrenous limb, even if he cannot help cutting off some healthy flesh, so God must do the same. This is not doing evil that good may come; it is removing the cancer that could infect all of society and eventually destroy the remaining good” (Hard Sayings of the Old Testament, 108).

In the Bible we may not be aware of migration options when God's judgment becomes necessary due to evil. We don't know what God knew about the possible spreading of evil on future generations, but God must have had good reason when He ordered the destructive of human lives. Because of freedom given humans from the beginning of Creation, we can begin to understand that God must sometimes condone or even order war and killings because of evil. No nation today though can claim direct communication from God, which was present in OT times, so innocent lives should be spared when possible.

Why Did God Condone War and the Killings of Women/Children in the Old Testament?

Is the God of the Old Testament a lover of war and destruction? Is God a warmonger who takes out His frustration arbitrarily? Reading certain passages in the Old Testament, one may come away with a wrong impression about the true nature of God. The solution is not to ignore the Old Testament for it is an essential part of God's revelation to mankind; it foretold of Jesus birth, suffering, death, and resurrection, and Jesus referred to the Old Testament often as the authoritative word of God. God can handle the scrutiny. He would rather we ask our difficult questions in order to get to know the God who lies behinds Old Testament destruction.

If one were to read the Old Testament in its entirety, one understands God is extremely patient, merciful, and forgiving. But God also advised the annihilation of the Amalekites, including woman and children: “I am the one the LORD sent to anoint you king over his people Israel; so listen now to the message from the LORD . This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (I Sam. 15:1-3) Neither did God disapprove of Joshua's actions when overtaking Jericho: "They devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it-men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys." (Josh. 6:21) Why must children and women be killed?

Sometimes human behaviors were so barbaric that annihilation was necessary as with the Flood. Do not underestimate the barbaric behavior of some of the nations in Old Testament times including sacrificing their own children as a way to please their false gods; we know Canaanite practices included child sacrifice. (Ps. 106:38; see also Ezek. 23:37-39) Nations were involved in child sacrifice as well as perverse sexual practices as bestiality and incest as if an acceptable practice. (Leviticus 18:6,21,23) God did not simply randomly “pick on” innocent nations. God did not destroy those who disagreed with Him; God responded to those who detested Him, those who engaged in horrendous behaviors such as child sacrifice and turning women into temple prostitutes. Throughout the Bible God has proven to be a merciful and fair judge, giving forgiveness to those who seek Him.

There are times when God would allow expulsion or relocation of the people from the land before annihilation due to evil in the land. It cannot be known if migration was always an option given by God before such destruction. God often would advise the Israelites to drive the enemy out of the land and then kill those who refused to leave. The Amorites in Numbers 21:31-35 were such a group. It seems to be a biblical pattern that even when the destruction of a nation’s people becomes necessary, the righteous are spared and allowed to live if they repent. The Ninevites in Jonah averted annihilation

One can surmise that such violent judgments may be necessary to protect future generations. Sometimes, killing may be justified to prevent even greater loss of lives. The Amalekites were so immoral that sometimes the destruction of nations was necessary to avoid the influence of barbaric practices on other nations. In Psalms 106:34-38 the Israelite fell into practices of child killing, etc. God knew both the Israelites and the Amalekites intimately. God understood the Israelites could be swayed to adopt barbaric practices if given such opportunity. They did not destroy the peoples as God had commanded them, but they mingled with the nations and adopted their customs. They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan. (see Ezek. 23:36-39)

What would keep the "innocent" of evil nations, if spared from God's justice, from continuing to practice child-killing to their gods after all the soldiers were killed? A consequence of freedom is that the sins of the parents continue for generations. We mustn't underestimate the influence of evil on future generations. Evil is like a cancer that spreads to all its members. What other options did the innocent have, rather than possible initial migration, when God's judgment becomes necessary due to evil? Being killed instantly may be better than slavery, starvation, disease, or being torn apart by wild animals. (see Ex. 23:28-29) If not killed, they might have been left to die slowly in the desert. Recently in the Atlanta paper it was reported two men in their early twenties now fended off starvation and wild animals during a decade of wandering homeless through East Africa and dodged death and disease in filthy refugee camps. If this was the case in the last decade one can only imagine how primitive conditions may have been thousands of years ago. Integrating into the Israelite nation just wasn't possible for numerous reasons. There were no social programs or orphanages available. God couldn't guarantee that the Israelites wouldn't take advantage of the Amalekites' innocence and submit them to revenge and abuse, as the Amalekites surely did to their people when plundering the Israelites (I Sam. 30:1).

In the Flood, not one person other than Noah's immediate family, fled to the protection of the Ark. Will innocent men, women, and children always migrate if given a chance to do so before the command to annihilate the land and its entire people? How many are willing to dissociate themselves, if allowed, from their husbands and nation and step out in faith? Initial migration, though not always clearly allowed in the Old Testament, was an option given by God. Do we know what our response would have been as a woman or child during these times? Today, family members justify their loved ones behavior, including genocide and cannibalism, by offering some excuse or explanation in hopes of avoiding severe punishment for their loves one. Parents frequently try to spare their teenagers of legal consequences for drug use and other behaviors, even when the young person does not regret such behavior. We don't know what God knew about the possible spreading of evil on future generations, but God must have had good reason when He ordered the destructive of human lives. Because of freedom given humans from the beginning of Creation, we can begin to understand that God must sometimes condone or even order war and killings because of evil.

No people or nation can take upon himself or herself to be aggressive toward others as the Israelites were toward the Canaanites and Amalekites. Israel was in a unique situation and annihilation was clearly commanded by God. No nation or person can claim that God is telling him or her they should wipe out a nation. Innocent lives should be spared as much as possible. No nation today can claim the status of Israel in Old Testament history, and the role they played in introducing the Messiah as a Savior to all nations. That mission has been fulfilled; God kept His promise. God apparently decided the Amalekites were such an evil nation, that they must be annihilated. Jeremiah 18:7-10 is one of many passages that state God will not carry out His plan for disaster if only the people will reject their evil ways. God punishes with a heavy heart and not without giving time to change from evil ways. We do not know whether the Amalekites were allowed initially to relocate before annihilation of the land and those destroyed were those who chose to stay. Evil may have infiltrated the whole population beyond no return. God knew all the information possible for one to know to make necessary decisions. God is an equal opportunist when it comes to sin. The Israelites were held accountable for their actions as well; there is no double standard. (Jer.7: 5-7) After a complete reading of the revelation of God's nature through reading the Old Testament, it just isn't possible to accuse God of acting hastily, impulsively, or revengefully. God is always hoping people will turn from evil so He doesn't have to respond. God would never order the destruction of human life unless absolutely necessary.

Did God Really Approve of Jephthah’s Sacrifice of His Daughter in Judges 11?

For most people to believe God put His stamp of approval on human sacrifice is unimaginable. Leviticus 20:1-5 clearly states that child or human sacrifice was an abomination to God. It was clearly against the laws of God established with His people. (Lev 18:21; Deut 12:31) Human sacrifice was what pagans did for their false, imaginary gods throughout Old Testament history. God frequently encouraged the Israelites to keep separate from other nations, so that they would not be influenced by these evil practices. The idea of human sacrifice is not something that would ever enter God’s mind. (Jeremiah 7:31; 19:5) The writer of Judges would be familiar with the Mosaic laws. Surely, he would have given some type of explanation in the text, if he were suggesting that God approved of Jephthah’s human sacrifice of his daughter.

It has been suggested this passage can be explained in such a way that human sacrifice was not involved. Many believe there is enough ambiguity to give God the benefit of the doubt. Judges 11:31 says: “I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.” Does this allow if “it” was an animal to offer a burnt offering and if “it” was a person to offer them to be consecrated to God for service? Walter Kaiser argues though the gender pronoun used in the Hebrew suggests the vow Jephthah had in mind was human sacrifice. (Hard Sayings of The Old Testament, 103) Also, it seems a bit odd to attach “And she was a virgin” to human sacrifice. (v 39) Is it possible this was not human sacrifice but fulfillment of some vow such as dedication to the services of God? For Jephthat to make this sacrifice meant he would continue to be apart from his daughter, and since the text emphasizes this was his only child, this would prevent Jephthat from continuing his family in Israel. His daughter would weep (v 37) because she would never be able to fulfill her dream of marrying and having children. But, the inclusion of the daughter virginity and not marrying could also emphasize even more the tragedy of this young lady’s death.

It does seem the more clear sense is that a human sacrifice did take place. But, then how can we explain this contradiction with all of the teaching of Scriptures and with our intuitive senses of what a Holy God is all about? God did not ask or require a vow from Jephthat in order to ensure victory. God had already chosen to deliver Israel from Ammon before Jephthah made his foolish vow. God’s protection and survival of Israel was a promise of God from the very beginning so He could use Israel as a vessel to bless all nations. Ultimately, this accumulated in the coming of the Messiah. (Gen 12:3) Vows are not necessary to earn the favor of God. God’s grace is freely given to those who wish to be in a relationship with Him. We do not have to bargain with God to earn His love. Jephthat had been living among pagans. He may have actually thought God was like the pagans gods, who were suggested to think child sacrifice was necessary as well as desirable.

Judges 11 appears to be a narrative passage in which the writer describes what took place and not necessarily what God approved. Nothing said God approved this sacrifice. Nothing says Jephthah could not have come to his senses to reconsider his foolish vows. God hated human sacrifice. Perhaps Jephthat was only concerned with saving face and not confessing his foolish vow before God. The Bible is full of narrative passages that describe the actions of God’s people but this doesn’t mean God endorses such behaviors. King David was described as a man of God but his polygamist actions, as well as other men of God in the Old Testament, clearly violated God command to be only of “one flesh.” (Gen 2:24) The theme of the book of Judges is that “everyone did as they saw fit.” (21:25) Jephthat should not have followed through his vow and God would have approved.

Did God Really Hate Esau But Love Jacob?

One reads Romans 9:13 about God “…Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated” and may think God is a bigot. Our interpretations of the author’s meaning and message are fallible. Let’s not be dogmatic but engaging in our conversations about God. Also, we best “err” on the side of grace, mercy, and love as it concerns God to avoid misleading anyone. Most can agree on moral absolutes and behaviors associated with perfect love because we all share being made in our Creator’s image. God’s love and perfect human love are one and the same.

We need to understand the Apostle Paul’s audience. They stumbled over the idea that a relationship with God was simply by faith in God’s unconditional love than through obeying certain laws which we all fail at anyway. Rules are necessary in relationships but they don’t produce intimacy. The Jews struggled with the idea that God only chose them as an inclusive plan to bless all nations, even the Gentiles (Gen 12:3). Keep this in mind in understanding what Paul seeks to convince his readers of and why certain questions are raised in this passage.

When we read God hated Esau, we must err on the plausible side. God cannot ask us to be impartial (James 2:1) and yet God show favoritism. That is irrational. God no more than human parents can justify hating a child simply because of their birth order. God’s wrath and hate are not the same. God’s wrath is no different than a loving parent showing tough love. God only gets angry or punishes in hopes of positive change and restoration.

Paul didn’t mean what we normally think of in terms of the emotion of hate. God loves not hates. Context reveals what I mean by “I love steak, I hate hamburgers.” I don’t really hate hamburgers. Luke did not mean that one must hate their family and life to love God (14:26). We must sometimes choose God over family, which may appear as if we hate our family. Paul was using a figure of speech. God doesn’t actually hate Esau. God choose Jacob’s lineage, through no merit of his own, for the Messiah to be born into to bring grace to all including Esau. Both can’t receive the birthright. The one not chosen for the birthright makes it seems as if hated.

If God really hated Esau, I would think in verse 15 Paul might say “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have contempt compassion on whom I have contempt compassion.” Besides, if God hated Esau as we normally think of it, God has a strange way of showing it as Paul conveyed moments later God is doing all of this to have mercy on them all (11:32). When we hate we aren’t scheming how to show mercy. Do we really think God hated Esau after Esau broke down in tears and reconciled with Jacob (Gen 33:4)?

Romans is not about God loving some and hating others though they desire a relationship with God. It would be strange that Paul would accuse God of what he reprimands the Jews for. Some Jews acted as if God loved them but hated and excluded the Gentiles. People at that time felt the first born was entitled to the birthright. God chose Jacob to convey that God’s grace and unconditional love is not something inherited according to law but freely given to all.

God And His Will/Guidance In Our Lives

Can We Know God’s Absolute Will or Plan For Our Life?

Does God Speak or Whisper to Us?

Can We Know God’s Will?

Can We Know God’s Absolute Will or Plan For Our Life?

This question may not bother as many as it did those in my generation when younger, but we can always know without any doubts that we are in God’s will. A misconception Christians have is that God has a specific will for each individual. Since God does not speak audible to most of us, this assumption can lead to confusion or anger with God because of lack of clear direction. The Bible never speaks of following an individual will. We are free to use our gifts and pursue desires of our heart, where we think we can make the greatest contribution in our current circumstances.

The Bible does speak of following God's moral will for God desires we avoid heartbreaks and hardships due to immoral choices. Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Following God’s moral directions will put you on the right path. The Bible suggests a believer not marry an unbeliever; otherwise, which God will the children follow? (2 Cor 6:14-16) The Bible never advises there is only one man a woman must discover to marry to be in God’s will. In fact, Paul teaches individuals to make a wise decision whether to marry based on their circumstances at that time. Paul does not condemn whichever choice is made. (I Cor 7)

God communicated to Moses through a burning bush. Paul knew whose voice he heard on the road to Damascus. You won’t be guessing if God is speaking to you. Those who suggest God speaks to them today do not claim God always speaks to them in every situation. There are countless instances in the Bible of decisions being made without being directly advised by God. In the Bible God never held one accountable for not doing His will when not spoken to.

One assumption suggesting God has a specific will for one’s life is that God’s foreknowledge includes knowing the future. God though can be all-knowing and not know the future, if the future is not knowable. God is everywhere in the universe at the same time, so His knowledge is unimaginably extensive. God with unlimited power does not loss control though the future is open. The Bible implies God interacts with a world where there is genuine freedom. People are free to love or not love. An open future gives more integrity to the concept of freedom.  An open view of the future suggests many godly paths can be chosen while still remaining entirely within God’s will.

It may be asking too much for the reader to accept that an all-powerful God does not know the future before it happens. If it is suggested God knows what is going to happen in the future ahead of time, this doesn’t mean God has predetermined our future choices or there is a specific script for individuals. God can simply know what decisions we are going to make and there does not have to be one predetermined direction we must take. There can be many avenues we can travel to accomplish God’s will in our lives. God is far more creative and able than we give Him credit for.

We do not have to be looking for some bulls-eye. We know God’s moral will. Regarding amoral decisions God accomplishes His will in whatever we do. Does a parent only approve or love their child if they pursue a certain type of career? We are free to dream and pursue the desires of our heart. What is the wisest path to choose at this time in life based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations? Consult with others. Attempt great things for God and leave the outcome in His hands. God’s will is accomplished by doing all the good we can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the people we can, as long as we can. Many “Godly” paths can be chosen while still remaining entirely within God’s will. You just can’t go wrong with a desire to love God. When you stumble morally, God will lift you up.

Does God Speak or Whisper to Us?

When Bill Hybels writes you better listen. The man has a passive to serve God and has accomplished much for the kingdom of God. He wrote a book The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God. Having The Guts To Respond. He waited until after decades of ministry to write his thoughts on God’s directions for us. Bill is convinced God does sometimes speak to us, not necessarily audibly, and those can surely be the sweetest times in our relationship with our Creator. Who doesn’t long for such communication and direction from their Best Friend?

God’s people don’t need to feel stuck or anxious whether God today does or doesn’t speak to us. My heart goes out to those who long for such guidance and feel that they never get it, or they are confused if they are hearing God’s voice. When others say God’s speak to them, one might feel less spiritual because they don’t hear God in the same way. Most would admit they have never heard the voice of God or experienced his physical presence in anyway. This is certainly my experience. This experience no more indicates our lack of faith than lack of health or richness suggests unfaithfulness.

Many don’t claim God speaks to them audible but nevertheless God does speak to them, perhaps giving them impressions in the mind that we all have from time to time. I was on a bike ride and I saw a young lady whose car had broken down. Plenty of cars were around. Surely someone would help. Who doesn’t have a cell phone? I am no mechanic for sure. I was looking forward to a long bike ride and stopping causes my legs to tighten up. Blah, blah, blah! Was God whispering for me to stop and check on her? Next time, I decided I would stop. How do we know though when the voice is from God?

I believe God doesn’t need to whisper to us; He has already shouted! The Bible is chocked full of wisdom and guidance, if only I would listen and take action. It can be overwhelming and guilt producing, but we must remind ourselves God loves and see every act of kindness, not just the times of omission. The Bible speaks of making wise decisions based on circumstances, gifts, and passions. We can seek out the wisdom of others for future decisions. But, we don’t have to wonder if God is speaking to us. The Bible is explicit about God’s moral will but does not imply there is a specific individual will in the day-to-day lives of believers

God will speak audibly if needed; otherwise, assume you have God’s blessings if it isn’t immoral. Don’t worry whether God is whispering to you if that is troubling you. God has never spoken to me audibly and I am unable to discern if my impressions are His, but I don’t lack guidance from God. God has given us total freedom to pursue the desires of our heart. God does not somehow lose control because our lives do not follow a specific script. In I Corinthians 7 about the decision to marry or not, Paul’s counsel depended on personal and worldly circumstances at the time. Paul did not condemn whichever choice is made. We do not serve a God who hides or leaves us wondering about His desires. God doesn’t demand His children pursue a certain career like some earthly parents. Many “Godly” paths can be chosen while still remaining entirely within God’s will. You just can’t go wrong!

Can We Know God’s Will For Our Life?

I have beaten this issue to death. I have written an entire chapter on this subject and many posts. It may not even concern this generation as it did my generation or at least me when younger. I wanted so badly to know God’s specific will for my life – what school to intend, what career to pursue, who to marry. The truth is I could never know for sure God’s guidance as He doesn’t speak audible to me. If the following is not satisfactory, please read my others writings. Your Creator’s desire for you is no mystery. He isn’t like that!

The Bible never states that God’s will is something we must discover because it is unknown. God’s moral will is clear to us. God’s sovereign will is not something we have to worry about. Whatever is going to happen happens and the Bible doesn’t encourage an expedition to know our role. The Bible isn’t full of prayers to discover God’s specific will regarding what job to take, etc.

The Bible simply encourages making wise decisions. How? God gave us the Bible. Understand its guidelines. God gives us gifts. Use them. We develop desires as we grow closer to God. Follow them. God gives us friends. Seek their counsel. God gives us brains. Use your judgment. God gives us circumstances. Take advantage of them. The question isn’t what is God’s will for me? The question to ask is what is currently the best choice I can make using my gifts and passions to love others as God loves me, based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future possibilities.

We may assume that there is only one path to take to fulfill God’s will which is ultimately to love others as God does in whatever we do. There are many godly paths we can take to make this world a better place for others. Paul for example says we are free to marry or remain single based on our circumstances. ( I Cor 7) God’s will is accomplished whatever decision you make. You can be a business person or athlete. Consider your gifts, passions, experiences, and circumstances and go for it. God loves you. He is not hiding anything from you. God’s will is accomplished in whatever path we might choose as long as it isn’t immoral. God has given us such freedom.

Some prefer to think history is predetermined rather than unfolding. But, when you believe the future is known, you might assume “well, I better ask God for such knowledge to do the right thing.” In the Bible God seemed to have contingencies depending on the choices people made such as with Jonah and if the Ninevites repented. History may be much more open than we may think. If you think God knows the future, can you at least accept that God knows what decisions you will make based on your gifts and passions. Don’t worry about missing God’s will. When you fail morally, you have missed opportunities but not God’s will for you in the future.

In the NT there are no examples of seeking special revelation for guidance. In the OT seeking signs was hardly considered the norm. It is rare if ever but when God needs to guide you specifically, He will show up. You don’t have to ask. Ask Moses about the burning bush. Ask Paul about the blinding light. God shows up miraculous when people weren’t asking. Oddly, the Bible left out millions of people stories about praying to God for His will in their daily lives. God doesn’t intend we seek a sign but rely on judgment, counsel, gifts, desires, etc. Don’t worry about making a wrong decision. Make the best decision you can is God’s desire for you. In I Cor 16:5-9 Paul made a decision based on circumstances. We don’t need to worry about what God’s doing to know what we must do.

God does not hide His will from us as if it is some mystery. People seem to always be looking for some “hidden knowledge” through the stars, etc. Why would God follow such common pagan practices? The truth is if we insist on a specific, individual will from God regarding amoral decisions, God hides things from us because we can never be sure the decision we make is God’s. God doesn’t demand a specific will for your life. He knows decisions depend on lots of factors allowed by freedom. God is not a Controller. Only ridiculous parents, unlike God, demand or attempt to control their child’s daily decisions or future by telling them who they must marry or what career they must pursue. God does specifically guide us morally for our own good.

God And Females

Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?

Are Husbands Called To Be Leaders Or Servants?

Does The Bible Really Teach Women Cannot Teach or Lead Over Men in Church?

Is God Really More Male Than Female?

Why Are Gender-Accurate Bible Translations Important?

Did God Esteem Boys Over Girls In The Old Testament?

Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?

Beliefs have consequences. To believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives creates an environment most conducive for domestic abuse and the other atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history. Since interpretations are fallible, we must error on the side less prone to abuse. Mutual submission is impossible for men to twist to justify their subtle or blatant mistreatment of women.

I will never tire trying to convince others that the Bible doesn’t teach men have any type of authority over women. One person wrote to the editor of a newspaper “…it’s been bothering me since 9/11. What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?” It just doesn't make logical sense why God would put a man in charge based on history, common sense, and human nature. Lack of mutual accountability is disastrous. The truth is to not teach complete equality is confusing to those seeking to know our God better. 

• Genesis, the first book in the Bible, is often used to suggest God ordained separate gender roles and as you might suspect the men aren’t women’s helpers. The English implication of the word “helper” translated from the Hebrew word ezer is nowhere to be found in the Bible (2:18). Ezer is used of God and implies or often is translated as “strength” (Deut. 33:29). R. David Freedom has argued convincingly that the best translation of Genesis 2:18 is “I will make [the women] a power [or a strength] corresponding to the man” (Walter Kaiser Jr., Tough Questions About God And His Actions In the Old Testament, p. 140). Genesis 3:16 describes what happens when sins enters relationship. Men will rule over women. God got that one right! God is describing problems not prescribing roles. If the context is suggesting God’s will, then farmers sin by trying to combat weeds (3:17-18).

• The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament is accused of being a woman hater or seriously misinformed of God’s view of women especially in his first letter to the Corinthians. Is Paul really duplicating synagogue ways and telling women in church to just shut up and sit there and be thankful you are even allowed to come to church? (14:34) Paul’s response suggests otherwise: “Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached” (14:36). Besides, Paul wouldn’t waste his time controlling a practice in the previous verses of how men and women should speak in an orderly fashion if it was forbidden to begin with (14:26-33)

Paul’s goal was to restrict unauthorized women who were deceived but not authorized to teach such as Priscilla (2 Tim 4:19). This surely is Paul’s meaning as the rest of his letter speaks of the equality of the sexes: husbands and wives share equal authority over their body (7:4); women are not condemned for prophesying which clearly involved speaking (11:5); again, women and men possess the same authority and in fact are interdependent (11:10-11). Yea, Adam was created first but then no more men were created without women. The bottom line is all human beings are better off being dependent on God using whatever spiritual gifts they may have. If Paul supposedly told women to hush, why didn’t he explain which spiritual gifts are gender specific (12:1-31)? It is way too risky to not give Paul the benefit of the doubt and not empower half the church in their giftedness.

• Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is often used to suggest wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives (5:22). The truth is that mutual submission is a way of life for all followers to imitate Jesus: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph. 5:21). In verse 22 in the original manuscripts, Paul literally says: “wives to your husbands as to the Lord.” The verb missing is supplied from verse 21 so the TNIV translates verse 22 “wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” If we defend wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands, then we must also say church members are in subordination or under the leadership of one another (v. 21).

Mutual submission in marriage is critical. Many men assume an impasse in a marriage cannot be solved through normal conflict resolutions means, especially when they think they are to provide leadership through decision-making just because they are male. One may argue that relationships must have a final decision maker. A President of a country has to govern through laws and make decisions such as whether to go to war against other countries.  There are more checks and balances when under authority of one’s government or church leadership. There are many creative alternatives in marriage such as the partner who has the most expertise with the matter at hand making the final decision. Personally, in thirty-three years of marriage all decisions have been solvable without insisting one be the final decision-maker. Women do not need male leadership in marriage; women need unselfish men who have the heart of a servant (5:28-29).

• Many women are denied the privilege to exercise their spiritual gifts in the church because of one main biblical passage (I Tim. 2:11-15), which is highly debated among scholars. Those who suggest this passage teaches women can’t teach men allow women to teach women and children as if they are less important than men! Women were never referred to as pastors in the Bible but then neither were men. There were plenty of men and women ministers/co-workers. 

A primary problem in Ephesus was false teaching in which untaught women may have been the target (I Tim. 1:3-20; 4:1-7; 6: 6-10, 20-21; 2 Tim 2:16-26; 3:5-13; 4:3-4). Philip Payne argues that “to teach or have authority” in verse 12 likely conveys a single idea such as “assuming authority to teach” and not two different actions (Man and Woman, One in Christ, p. 443). Paul had already prohibited men from teaching false doctrine (1:13, 20). Then, Paul teaches that a woman must not teach or have authentein over a man but Paul had in mind what the first woman did to the first man - prevailed upon Adam to go along with the false view of God’s word that she heard from the serpent. It is the repetition of the error of Eve that Paul disallowed, not a woman’s faithful exercise of her teaching and leadership gifts in the church body. While we are reminded that Eve was deceived, it was Mary that heard and brought the Christ into the world (2:15).

The gods of the nations in biblical times were described as either male or female. By contrast, the Jews did not speculate about the “masculinity” of God. There are language limitations when referring to God by gender. It can be difficult to refer to God without using either he or she, but God is never referred to as a “male” or “female” in the Bible. Personally, I prefer to think of my God as either my Creator or my loving, perfect, Heavenly Parent. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal, but God does not simply annihilate people because His desires are not followed. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that. We must not become corrupt and have physical or mental images of God “…whether formed like a man or a woman (Deut. 4:15-16). We cannot be sure what form God will be until we see Him in Heaven. I simply know that God, my Creator, they love me in unimaginable ways no one else can.

Are Husbands Called To Be Leaders Or Servants?


Does the Bible teach men are to exercise loving leadership over their wives in marriage as opposed to self-giving love within a relationship of mutual submission? Women over the centuries have been subject to abuse at the hands of men. Advising men the Bible suggest their wives are to be submissive to them in a way men are not to be submissive to their wives can be abuse-provoking. The last thing men need over women is any type of authority. Which intuitively sounds safer and more biblical, that men should lead or serve more their wives?

It would be odd if any biblical passage suggests that husbands act as a type of mediator between their wives and God. “There is one God, and one mediator between God and human beings, Christ Jesus himself human, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.” (I Tim 2:5-6a) Jesus made all believers priests. (Rev 1:6) With Jesus’ death the Jewish system of human mediation died. (Lk 23:45-46) Jesus provided direct access to God for all. Why would the Bible encourage men to have any type of intercessory role between God and women? Jesus’ emphasis in His earthly ministry was much more about service than who is in charge. (Mt 20:26-27)

Why would marriage/gender roles be different than Jesus’ emphasis in His earthly ministry to crowds, which was much more about service than who is in charge? Greatness was achieved through serving. (Mt 20:26-27) Jesus came to serve not lead. I have seen a great deal of pain coming from the notion that the husband is the spiritual leader of the woman in marriage. Many people are not interested in a faith or God who teaches husbands have more authority than their wives when it comes to decision making in the relationship because of a presupposed hierarchy. It is nonsensical. Frequently, the woman is far more competent in certain areas of the relationship.


Many do not abuse a “loving leadership” model as opposed to a “servanthood” model of love. This is not the case though for many husbands who believe they have any kind of authority over their wives in marriage. Abuse is more likely because of human nature when there is a supposed hierarchy. Furthermore, many women become confused, frustrated, and alienated from God when expected to be submissive to their husband in a way their husband is not submissive to them. The argument that you are equal but have less authority probably didn’t do much for slaves as well. There are more checks and balances when under authority of one’s government or church leadership. Even church leadership doesn’t have authority over one’s personal relationship with Christ and their individual decisions. Christians are under the authority of Jesus the Christ. 


Genesis 3:16 describes what happens when sins enter relationships. Men will attempt to rule over women. God is describing problems not prescribing roles. Curses are warnings, not counsel for God’s plan. History confirms God’s prediction that men will tend to dominate or rule over women. Why would God ordain husbands to have authority over their wives when He predicted as a result of sin that men are susceptible to ruling over women? To appoint man as authority over woman can encourage dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part.  Submission is a way of life for all Christians. A system of mutual accountability is always a healthier pattern for marriages. We know why some men take to leadership like glue. Who doesn’t want to head up an organization of two when difficult decisions have to be made?

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is often used to suggest wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives (5:22). The truth is that mutual submission is a way of life for all followers to imitate Jesus: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph. 5:21). In verse 22 in the original manuscripts, Paul literally says: “wives to your husbands as to the Lord.” The verb missing is supplied from verse 21 so the TNIV translates verse 22 “wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” If we defend wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands, then we must also say church members are in subordination or under the leadership of one another (v. 21).

Mutual submission in marriage is critical. Many men assume an impasse in a marriage cannot be solved through normal conflict resolutions means, especially when they think they are to provide leadership through decision-making just because they are male. One may argue that relationships must have a final decision maker. A President of a country has to govern through laws and make decisions such as whether to go to war against other countries.  There are more checks and balances when under authority of one’s government or church leadership. There are many creative alternatives in marriage such as the partner who has the most expertise with the matter at hand making the final decision. Personally, in thirty-three years of marriage all decisions have been solvable without insisting one be the final decision-maker. Women do not need male leadership in marriage; women need unselfish men who have the heart of a servant (5:28-29).

The fact that God is referred to as Father predominately in Scripture does not suggest males have any special authoritative or leadership roles. Do we really think God have more male than female anatomy? The gods of the nations in biblical times were described as either male or female. By contrast, the Jews did not speculate about the “masculinity” of God. The biblical authors used whatever term appropriate for the audience they were writing to. Likely, part of the reason for more male references is the mainly patriarchal cultures the writers lived in. I simply know that God, my Creator, they love me in unimaginable ways no one else can.

Does The Bible Really Teach Women Cannot Teach or Lead Over Men in Church?

It would be odd if any biblical passage suggests that women couldn’t serve in leadership or authority roles in the church. In the Old Testament, true prophetesses included Miriam (Ex 15:20), Deborah leading a nation (Judges 4:4 – such an authoritative role by a woman was extremely rare but the text offers no condemnation), Huldad (2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chron 34:22), and apparently Isaiah’s wife (Isa 8:3). In the New Testament women prophetess included Anna (Luke 2:36) and Philip’s four virgin daughters (Acts 21:9). Paul affirms women both praying and prophesying publicly. (I Cor 11:4-5) When God pours out his Spirit once the Messiah has come, women as well as men will prophecy. (Acts 2:17-18) Euodia’s and Syntyche’s role with the Apostle Paul in Phil.4:2-3 implies their involvement in ministry.

Paul conveys personal greetings to more women than men in Romans 16. Paul speaks of Andronicus and Junia as apostles. Because of the way Latin names are transcribed into Greek, Junia grammatically must be a woman’s name. Some argue “outstanding among the apostles” means simply that the apostles thought well of them. The most natural and common sense of “among” a group means that both are members of the apostles. (i.e. Rom 1:13; 8:29) The simplest reading of Rom 16:7 is a hard case for those who oppose women ministries, as the opposing side must admit the simplest reading of I Tim 2:11-12 is a challenge for their case. Spiritual gifts were given by the Holy Spirit (Rom 12:4-8, I Cor 12:7-12) without any mention of women being excluded from ministry. All may prophesy. (I Cor 14:31) Both women and men can lead in worship through prayer and the spoken word (I Cor 11:4-5) such as the four women who prophesied in the church of Caesarea. (Acts 21:9)

I Timothy 2:11-15 is the only passage that may suggest women cannot teach or be in leadership roles over men, but it would be odd if this passage contradicts the rest of Scriptures. The one passage in the Bible that specifically prohibits women from teaching is addressed to a church where we know that false teachers were effectively targeting women. A primary problem in Ephesus was false teaching. (I Tim. 1:3-20; 4:1-7; 6: 6-10, 20-21; 2 Tim 2:16-26; 3:5-13; 4:3-4) The primary false teachers appeared to be men (I Tim 1:20, II Tim 2:17), and they were exploiting the women in order to spread their false teaching.

"If I Tim 2:11-15 can legitimately be understood as a prohibition relevant only for women in a historically specific circumstance (which it can), and if there is no other biblical test that explicitly forbids women to teach or have authority over men (which there is not), and if there are texts that assert the fundamental spiritual equality of women with men (which there are), then women who are not in the circumstance for which the I Tim. 2:12 prohibition was intended may safely follow whatever call they may have to ministry. In other words, it ought to at least be acknowledged that the traditionalist interpretation is debatable on biblical grounds. This being the case, we should give the benefit of the doubt to any woman who is called to and qualified for pastoral leadership." (Rebecca Merrill Groothuis, Good News For Women, 211) 


If one argues this passage is universal and applies to all situations, to be consistent woman must not be permitted to ever wear gold or pearls or expensive clothing in church. (v 9) Men who may aspire to positions of church leadership, which include the ministries of teaching and managing the affairs of the church, cannot be single, childless, or married but with only one child. Also excluded are men married but who have children to young to profess faith, men married but who have one unbelieving child, men married whose children are believers but not respectful. (I Tim 3:2, Titus 1:6) Singleness sometimes was the preferred status to do ministry. (Matt 19:11-12, I Cor 7:25-32) There is an explanation. Restrictions given by Timothy in this epistle were established as a remedial measure for churches that had fallen into a state of terminal crisis. It is relevant today for churches that have fallen into the same state. Otherwise, both men and women may participate fully in any of the ministries of the local church.

Paul’s goal appears to be similar as in his letter to the Corinthians. The church should conduct themselves in a peaceful and orderly fashion so as to not be a stumbling block to those who yet did not believe in the message and resurrection of Christ. Paul had addressed men deceivers and turned his attention to women deceivers. Paul was seeing a replaying of the very thing that happened in the Garden. Eve submitted to satanic instruction concerning God’s word and then prevailed upon Adam to go along with the false view of God’s word that she heard from the serpent. Paul did not want the women to follow the fatal error of Eve. She must submit to instruction in true doctrine. Paul in verses 8-10 speaks of the behavior of men and women. Then in verse 11 he began speaking in the singular of a woman and a man. This continues until verse 15. Paul is thinking in terms of the story of the first woman and man, which he proceeded to recount in verses 13-14. This is the behavior Paul would “not permit.” Verse 15 reminds us that Eve was deceived but Mary heard and brought the Christ into the world.

We should not assume verses 11-12 are some prohibition against women participating in church roles. After all, Paul’s limit is about teaching, not an office such as an overseer. Philip Payne argues that “to teach and have authority” in verse 12 likely conveys a single idea such as “assuming authority to teach” and not two different actions. “To assume authority” is the only confirmed meaning of authentein in Paul’s day…” (Man and Woman, One In Christ, p 443) Paul restricts unauthorized women who were deceived but not authorized women such as Priscilla. (2 Tim 4:19) Paul had already prohibited men from teaching false doctrine. (1:13, 20) Thus, Paul does not bar women from ministries that involve teaching and having authority over men. Rather, when Paul said that a woman must neither teach or authentein over a man, he had in mind what the first woman did to the first man - prevailed upon Adam to go along with the false view of God’s word that she heard from the serpent. It is the repetition of the error of Eve that Paul disallowed, not a woman’s faithful exercise of her teaching and leadership gifts in the church.

Is God Really More Male Than Female!

We know from Genesis that humans are made in the image of God. We have the ability to reason, make moral judgments, to love, to even create. William Spencer in Priscilla Papers Winter 2005 observes though: “A reflection, of course, is not a copy. God is spirit, devising, gracing, transcending and then transforming matter in the creation and the incarnation. We are spirit too but totally committed to the material.” In Deuteronomy 4:15-16 God says: “you saw no form of any kind the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire, therefore watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman.” We cannot be sure what form God will be until we see Him in Heaven.

The gods of the nations in biblical times were described as either male or female. By contrast, the Jews did not speculate about the “masculinity” of God, and God is never ever referred to as male. We must be careful to not make God too human, to assume God is more male simply because our English translations use male pronouns when referring to God. There are language limitations when referring to God by gender. Most languages do not have gender neutral pronouns. God cannot be referred to without using either he or she, but God is never referred to as a “male” or “female” in the Bible. It would be distracting if when using a pronoun to refer to God, we used the word “He/She.” Also, it would be too impersonal to refer to God as “it.”

Surely, we do not think God has more of the male than female anatomy. Both male and female best describe God’s image (Genesis 1:26). This is why God can be described both like a woman in childbirth (Isaiah 42:14), a mother who does not forget the child she nurses (Isaiah 49:14-15), and as father in Luke 15:11 who cares deeply about his prodigal children. Descriptions of God in gender terms are clearly metaphorical, depending on what is most appropriate when the author is attempting to describe God. Ezekiel 17:3 describes God as “A great eagle with powerful wings, long feathers and full plumage of varied colors.” Clearly, God is neither male, female, nor an eagle in terms of gender or form.

It is not significant that God is referred more often in male terminology than female. The biblical authors used whatever term appropriate for the audience they were writing to. Likely, part of the reason for more male references is the mainly patriarchal cultures the writers lived in. Similarly, Jesus had to be either male or female, as opposed to both, or He could not have been said to come in human form. But, we should not make too much of Jesus’ maleness or that He was a Jew rather than Gentile male. Jesus’ gender and nationality depended on how God could best fulfill his Promises. God elected the Jewish nation through Jesus to be a blessing to all Nations. Personally, I best capture God’s essence when I think of our Creator or our Perfect Heavenly Parent.


Reference: R.K. McGregor Wright, Discovering Biblical Equality, 287-300

Why Are Gender-Accurate Bible Translations Important?

It is important we translate the original manuscripts of God’s inspired words, given to the biblical authors, as accurately as possible. As a father of daughters, I can understand how females could feel excluded when they read the word “man” or “men” in a text rather than “person” or “people.” If the biblical author meant male and female children, the translation should read children not sons. Granted, it can be understood when a writer refers to sons, they are referring to sons and daughters, but the translation should accurately indicate the author’s intentions. The reader should not have to translate the translation.

It is most often very clear when an author is being gender-specific and when they are being gender-inclusive. I Timothy 2 is a good example of this.

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time. 7And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles. 8I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. 9I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. 11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. (NIV)

Clearly verses 4-6 are gender-inclusive. God of course wants all men and women (people) to be saved and Jesus was a ransom for all men and women (people). Clearly, the rest of the chapter is gender-specific regarding men and women. Notice the different in a gender accurate translation when reading verses 1-6:

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all people men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and human beings men, Christ Jesus, himself human, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all people men. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. (TNIV)

How words are used is important. Unfortunately, the English language does not have an inclusive pronoun that means ‘he or she.” The constant use of “he or she” is awkward. Thus, I believe it is best that biblical translations replace terms with gender-accurate words such as child instead of son, person instead of man, parent instead of father, and brothers and sisters instead of brothers, when the author clearly intended this.

Reference: John R. Kohlenberger III, Mutuality, Summer 2005

Did God Esteem Boys Over Girls In The Old Testament?

I don’t understand all the reasons for the ceremonial rituals advised by God to the Israelites, but I have known God a long time and give Him the benefit of the doubt. I do that with certain people in my life as well that have earned it. The Bible, like any literature written long ago, can be difficult to discern the exact meaning the writer intended with their words. When you read the Bible and stumble across something that makes you shake your head or wonder if you can worship a God thus as this, maybe after further study God may not be the God who you think. Reading the Old Testament can be confusing at times. Is God really a lover of war? Did God give His stamp of approval on a patriarchal society that was prevalent in Old Testament cultures?

Why does the Old Testament require a longer purification after childbirth for girls than boys? Is this God’s stamp of approval on the order of things that men naturally have more rights than women? Leviticus can be an overlooked or confusing book until realizing many of the ceremonial laws given by God to Moses in behalf of the Israelites were for beneficial reasons and were not just a bunch of rituals to appease God’s ego. In Leviticus 12 the mother is advised to wait twice as long for purification if she has a girl as opposed to when having a boy. Harris in the Expositor’s Bible Commentary provides some understanding as to why this difference.

Isolation assisted in bringing the mom back to health. Being declared unclean allowed the mother to not cook or keep the house, which could prevent the spread of childbed fever and help her to regain her strength. Isolation prevented traveling to the temple for sacrifice, thus being a physical blessing. Why is the uncleanness and seclusion doubled for a female child (12:5)? Is this just more of God’s supposed plan to suggest men have more of a favored position than women in God’s scheme of things?

I think Harris has a better suggestion. Since girls are usually smaller at birth and tended to have a higher mortality rate, the longer time allowed a baby girl to grow and get more established. Maybe fathers, as they do sometimes now, favored more having a son than daughter. A longer time at home may have encouraged more care from the husbands. Whatever the case is, there was no difference in the temple ritual between the birth of a boy or girl. (v.6) Through what lens do you understand God when you read something that is confusing or suggest favoritism? 

The Book of Genesis is often used to suggest the Bible designates men as leaders of the family. The context is God warning of the aftermath of sin when Adam and Eve rebelled against God’s guidance. God warned because of sin, men would tend to rule and women to look to man than God (Genesis 3:16). Who can argue God’s warning has come true in all cultures. This passage is a description for how marriages can go bad, not a prescription for good marriages. The best model for success is serving one another with mutual love and respect. Some of the laws surely were to protect women against an already dominating patriarchal society – just as God predicted.

Many may read the Old Testament and come away thinking God shows favoritism of men over women for no apparent logical reasons? Some have suggested from the very beginning God approved men as leaders and women as followers. This has never made sense to me based on reality. People are leaders depending on their gifts, not their gender. Having both a son and a daughter, nothing about their gender qualifies one over the other in leading a company, group, or family. And in my family my leading in the area such as finances is a joke if you knew our situation. Should I pretend to be the leader or the overseer in name, and not give my wife credit where credit is due? Besides, do marriages really need a designated leader or is a model of mutual submission best? Roles should be determined by gender than individual gifts and skills that one may possess.

God And Prayer

Can We Understand Prayer And Avoid Disappointments?

How Does Praying Or Talking To God Works For Mike?

What Are Reasons for Prayer Frustration?

How Can Praying Really Work?

Why Should I Even Bother To Pray?

Will Our Prayers Get Answered If We Badger God Enough?

Does God Promise Whatsoever We Ask?

Does God Promise He Won't Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Does God Promise Health Or Richness?

How Does God Really Bless Us?

Can We Understand Prayer And Avoid Disappointments?

I was amazed how similar Darin Hufford prayer journey was to my own and his version is more interesting to read: I hope the following updated thoughts on prayer may help you in your own journey:

• What should we assume about God and prayer - Timothy Keller in his book Prayer says it best: “God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knew” (p. 228). God surely knows best how to oversee a free world and a loving God always act in the best interests of all.

• What is prayer – We might replace the word “praying” in the Bible with “talking.” We can talk to God for many reasons including pursuing a closer relationship with our Creator, for self-examination, and sharing our concerns. The way to improve a relationship with a partner is to simply spend time spending time with them in ways you enjoy. I respect a God who doesn’t control everything as opposed to a God who accepts no resistance, thus I accept praying as communicating for support whatever may happen than manipulating for gain.

• What is the most important reason to talk to God - We tell our children to associate with the right people so to make wiser choices. Talking and getting to know God can help us see God’s perspective. We may begin to want money to not starve as opposed to wanting to be rich or have things. Prayer often is a laundry list of requests for ourselves or others, but God may lead us to be more reflective thus getting more involved with others.

• What may be the most important request from God – Ask God for wisdom whether to take a specific action that is stirring in your heart. Few people claim God speaks to them directly. God does not control our lives or happenings in the world. Simply hang with God to have the right desires and then risk action for a better world. God will be with you each step of the way. Demanding or expecting a certain outcome is not the world God created.

• How do we pray during suffering - You can pray for health but God already knows. Praying doesn’t make God more observant, though God waits for permission in act in certain arenas of our life. We can pray for others but God is already doing all they can. Are we? Jesus’ prayer to avoid the Cross may be the best model in times of suffering. Jesus asked God to intervene but God if there is a better reason to not intervene please stay close to me. I never pray for suffering but I can be grateful for what suffering may teach me. I am a better person sometimes because my prayers are not answered. A close relationship with my Creator can empower me to handle any challenges I must face in this world.

• What does the Bible say though – There is not a book that systemically answers when, where, how, about prayer. Verses are lifted out of context to support the false prosperity gospel. Jesus’ disciples who were martyred understood just believe and you shall receive was false. Paul said for followers to expect persecution for their beliefs (2 Tim. 3:12), thus many prayers today would go unanswered. Jesus’ model for prayer is asking God for our basis needs and strength against evil (Mt. 6:9-13). The simply gospel is to love others as God loves us. God’s love is the same as perfect, human, parenting love. Close relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down desire to be.

• Where do I begin when lost and disappointed - I often read what God has already spoken about in the Bible. I try to understand what it meant to the original reader, and then I reflect and ask questions what are applications for my life today. It is okay to read spiritual books, take walks, etc. that help you talk with God. Scheduled times for talking to God may help get rid of distractions for some; informal prayers allow many conversations with God through the day. If we only pray with obligation we may never develop intimacy. If we don’t begin somehow we may never achieve. It is normal to feel distant from God during difficult times. Just don’t allow misunderstandings of God to lead to frustrations and withdrawal from God.

How Does Praying Or Talking To God Works For Mike?

There are many different ways to pray or talk to God. We may talk to God brief times during the day to feel more connected; some may reserve more formal times in the morning and evening. Formal prayers may help get rid of distractions for some; informal prayers allow many conversations with God through the day. One may read books on praying for insights or just develop an initial plan and continually revise. Alcoholics are advised to fake it till you make it. You will be glad you did. Just know though that if we only pray with obligation we may never develop intimacy. If we don’t begin with discipline we may never achieve.

Praying, if a relationship, also must involve listening. The best way to listen to God is to read what He has already spoken to others. Praying is greatly enhanced by bible reading and studying if you are fortunate to have a Bible. But, can we really have any kind of relationship if we just sit down and read one’s letters? We can study a passage to see what God said to someone else, and then we might reflect on what God is saying to us – what to be thankful for, what to confess, what actions to take.

Please don’t beat yourself up with this next statement. To discover the real you where do your thoughts go to when nothing is forcing you to think about anything else in particular. Do you think about God in good and bad times? If you don’t think about God a lot you may want to find ways to hang with God more. We can feel more intimate with our partner only when we find a way to spend more time spending time with them. Regular bible study and reflection can help you be more the kind of person you badly desire to be. You might study and then reflect on the Lord’s prayer on a regular basis. You might develop a plan to study and reflect though the Psalms which are often prayers.

• I prefer to follow a God who doesn’t control everything as opposed to a God who accepts no resistance, thus I trust God will give me what I would ask if I knew everything God knows.

• I talk to God more for support whatever may happen than manipulating for gain. We can become discouraged with prayer when our desires become needs. I trust God with the final say so. God always desires what is best for us but we must invite God’s influence.

• I remember it is normal to feel distance during difficult times when I don’t feel close to God.

• God already knows what we think or need. I don’t have to know the words to say. Talking simply connects us to our Creator so we may become more the people we desire to be.

• Prayer for me is any time or place thinking about or talking to God. I enjoy reading spiritual books, as I find myself contemplating to myself as if having a conversation with God. Writing about God, which I am doing here, is my favorite way to be with and talk to God.

• Since talking must be a two-way street, I read what God has already spoken. I first attempt to understand a passage in the Bible as to what it means to the original reader. Then, I reflect and ask questions and listen to God as to what are applications for me in my life today.

• I talk to God in the mornings before my day begins by reading and writing. My others times during the day are very informal. I seldom close my eyes when praying, even when in a group setting. It just seems more natural.

• I never pray for suffering but I can be grateful for what suffering may teach me. Jesus’ prayer to avoid the Cross may help: God if there is a better reason to not intervene please stay close to me. I become a better person sometimes because my prayers are not answered. Intellectually, I am convinced that true peace and happiness can only be found in God than things. To have nothing but have God is everything. Having a close relationship with my Creator can get me through any disappointment in this world.

What Are Reasons for Prayer Frustration?

Many become discouraged or turn away from God because of their frustrations with praying to God. Let’s be honest. The majority of our prayers are not answered as miracles were not the norm in Jesus’ time and certainly seem rare now. We will look at how the Bible is often misinterpreted which leads to disappointments in our prayer life, but often we stop bothering to pray because we overlook the most important reason for talking to God.

Momma always said to hang out with the right people so to make wiser choices. The main reason for talking to God is for relational purposes - personal growth and character development. Spending time with God makes us a better person as we begin to understand things from God’s perspective. I am definitely a better husband, father, and friend because of God’s influence in my life. If our entire prayer life was only asking God to help us love others as we want to be loved, that would be enough reason to pray.

The truth is not even an all-powerful God can create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for authentic relationships. A wife prays for her alcoholic husband to stop drinking but God is going to respect ones choice. Abstaining for someone else seldom lasts anyway. Two people often pray for the same job. One may pray for rain while another for the rain to stop. We pray for miracles but our sufferings may help others more. It did in Jesus’ life. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. I truly believe once we get to know who God really is we will trust God to give us what we would have asked if we knew everything God knew.

Certain interpretations of the Bible often get in the way of rational thinking. One may quote that I wrote: “I hate hamburgers.” What I said is: “I hate hamburgers compared to steak.” The Bible records letters written, not a bunch of separate sentences to quote out of context. When the Bible says to turn the other cheek, it is not encouraging women to accept physical abuse from their spouses. Many passages are quoted out of context to confuse people about prayer:

• James 1:6 is quoted: “But when you ask, you must believe…” The sentence before in verse 5 is not included which says: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault…” We mustn’t doubt God’s desire to always give good gifts despite our failings. This passage is not promising that God will remove all suffering from our lives by simply asking. The writer in the same breathe says to count it joy when facing trails and to persevere (v.2). Perseverance is unnecessary if God simply grants miracles. Biblical writers don’t always say every time what is implied throughout Scriptures – God will always give us what we would have asked for if we knew all that God knew.

• James 4:2 is quoted partly: “You do not have because you do not ask God…” But, the next sentence/verse says you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives to satisfy selfish desires. The context is how God always answer prayers if one seeks to make peace with oneself and others despite human, internal struggles with selfish desires. There is always an implied qualification to the promise of answered prayer - there must be a desire to do God’s moral will which is always in the best interest of all.\

• Mt 7:7 says: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” The passage says if we parents give good gifts despite our imperfections, will not God as our perfect Parent always give good gifts when asked. First-century readers would not assume this was a blank check for any request. Verse 12 in this context encourages to do unto others as you would have them do to you. Ask God for the desire and heart to fulfill this good gift toward others. God will help us to be the kind of person we desire to be. I know I am a better man the closer I keep getting to God.

• I John 5: 15 says: “And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.” Verse 14 adds some context – “that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us.”  God isn’t trying to hedge His bet. The world is a pretty big place to manage. God is a reliable, loving Creator.  In this context because God is who He says He is, we can rely on the promise of external life given in verses 13, 16-18. God desperately desires to give the hope of eternal life to those that wish to be with God forever.

The most important reason for praying or talking to God is to ask for His influence in becoming the kind of person we deep down wish to become. Prayer is also sharing with God our heart’s desires, but the biblical writers didn’t always add: “but God you know best!” Do we trust God to give us what we would have asked if we know everything God knew? Finally, let’s read the entire bible passage to see what God said to someone else, and then reflect on what God may be saying to us – what to be thankful for, what to confess, what actions to take.

How Can Praying Really Work?

I am convinced God wants us to relax about praying and not feel guilt ridden all the time. Praying doesn’t earn me more of God’s affection; He already loves me unconditionally. Praying can draw me closer to God which is empowering. Praying builds a relationship with God that doesn't rid us of all sin but changes our attitude toward it. Hanging with God gives us more of a fighting chance in shaping and changing our desires and priorities for the good. Praying is more about communicating for support than manipulating for gain.

We really don’t have to tell God how to run the world and our lives. We can pray to God for healing and God may intervene, but if we are truthful God doesn’t intervene miraculously most of the time. Jesus ceased with miracles all together because they did not accomplish nearly what His suffering did. If you are praying for God to help you accept His decisions how to best run the world and when to miraculously interfere with suffering, if you are praying for God to be with you in the storms of life, if you are praying to God for wisdom in being with others that want His help, well then you might find praying more meaningful.

When Paul said to pray unceasingly, he surely meant to talk to God every opportunity you have. You can’t pray while sleeping or talking to others. You can’t always get on your knees or have to. You can talk to God while driving, running, whenever. God won’t quit doing His job if you are busy and don’t talk to Him for a while. You will though benefit talking with God as often as you can.

Praying is having a conversation with God anytime anywhere. God won’t forget your list of people if you don’t recite them all the time. Keeping a list of those who have asked me to pray for them is more for me than God. God probably wishes sometimes I would quit praying and go be the answer to my prayers. God knows my individual needs. I don’t even have to say them out loud to him. God has my back! Sometimes though, it is comforting to share with God my struggles over and over and over.

Praying is not manipulating but giving God permission in our lives to accomplish His will for us. God doesn’t force Himself on us. Who doesn’t enjoy having a friend around all the time that loves us unconditional, that will listen and be available whenever I want to talk, that will enlighten me with wisdom that no one else really has based on their lack of experience in creating the world and humans. You cannot have a more dependable Friend.

Thank God He does not answer all my prayers. I pray to avoid pain and problems. When I have no problems, I sometimes don’t even think about God much less depend on Him. I am not the kind of parent God is. I will go to great lengths for my kids to avoid problems or experience pain. That is not always acting in their best interest. You don’t have to enjoy suffering, but sometimes suffering is the only way to influence others. Jesus prayed to avoid the suffering of the Cross, but He also knew God had His and the world’s best interest in mind. God did not answer Jesus’ prayer.

I learned recently the parable of the persistent widow isn’t about nagging God to death, so He will finally answer our prayers. [Luke 18:1-8] If an unjust judge will finally hear and answer your request after constant badgering, won’t our righteous Creator hear our request the first time? The answer may not be always what we want to hear but God always listens, cares, and always has our best interest in the long run. God does not have to be worn down by persistent begging.

Praying doesn’t work if you are always trying to avoid problems and suffering. Praying doesn’t work if you think you know how to better run the world than God. When prayers aren’t answered, do you really think God isn’t listening or doesn’t care? I don’t suggest praying to God what He needs to do. Pray “God, you know my desires but not my will but Your will; I know You have my and the world’s best interest at heart.”

Why Should I Even Bother To Pray?


Let's be honest. Many, many prayers are not answered. Many people become disappointed with God because of genuine misunderstandings regarding God and their prayers.  The problem with prayer in our lives may be how we approach God. Unfortunately, prayers often turn into a form of manipulation to get from God what we want, as if we know best how to run the universe. If God answered all my prayers, the world would not be better off! Prayer is our lifeline to God as regular communication is with our spouse if we desire true intimacy. A relationship with God is vital in becoming more like Jesus to change the world for the better of one’s own volition.

God placed a higher priority on freedom than having control. Genuine relationships cannot be coerced. Freedom means God does not always intervene the way we wish. We will suffer at the hands of others, directly or indirectly. God does not override the freedom of others because we simply ask Him to do so. A spouse is allowed to destroy their family because of their choice to abuse alcohol. We can pray for one’s openness to influence, but these prayers may be as much for us in sharing our burdens with our Creator. God does not depend on the prayers of others to exert all the influence He can without violating freedoms. It is difficult to imagine God refraining from intervening in one’s life such as a child of an alcoholic father because someone did not pray a certain prayer. God is already doing all He can. Are we doing all we can to be used by God?

If we want something from God we should communicate to Him about this. But, just as in marriage, if desires become expectations we will be solely disappointed. Job seemed to get a tongue lashing from God, because maybe Job suggested God doesn’t care if He doesn’t answers our prayers the way we think they should be. Did Job assume God didn’t care because suffering knocked on his door? It was almost if God said to Job “you want to try running a world where freedom has been given.” One person’s prayer for rain may be disastrous for another person. Instant healings can lead to one’s continued independence from God after brief euphoria. The truth is people may become less self-centered through adversity than prosperity.

It might revolutionize our prayer life to see prayer as communication to God about what is on our heart. “God, if my desire is not what is best all things considered (the big picture) I know you can sustain me, I know I can count on you to get me thru anything. Please, please help me to lean and rely on you every step of the way.” God promises to always answer the prayer of those that pray “God, you know my desires but God no matter what happens, I am going to need you to never leave me every step of the way.” We must decide whether to pray in hopes to manipulate God or to cooperate and ultimately trust God in running the universe where freedom is a priority. 

God doesn’t promise our physical needs will always be met. Jesus wasn’t spared on the Cross after asking to have “this cup removed from Him?” The apostles after Jesus’ resurrection were persecuted and killed. God cannot guarantee daily physical needs without overriding the world of all evildoers instantly. Jesus advises us to pray for our daily bread. (Mt 6:11) This passage doesn’t promise we might never starve to death. Jesus previously said we do not live on bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Mt 4:4) In John 6:35 Jesus says “I am the bread of life, He who come to me will never go hungry.” God promises us eternal life, not temporary, physical life here on earth. God will always sustain us emotionally during these times, if we are in a relationship with Him. God does promise the hope of a life without suffering after death.

The prosperity gospel message is miserably unbiblical. A person who believes that all their troubles will be swept away through a relationship with God is left with the logical explanation that God has failed them. Many are fooled by the false gospel that implies enough faith rids one of suffering in their life. Why don’t these false teachers take their message to those in extreme poverty or go to hospitals and heal the sick? These false teachers simply ignore at the expense of others the stories about the lives of the Old Testament prophets, Jesus, Paul, and the apostles. The Bible is abundantly clear that lack of faith is not the reason for physical ailments or economic hardships. God doesn’t promise us an instant escape from our problems. Someone once said: “God does not promise us a panacea, but He does promise us peace in the midst of life’s storms. With God’s peace, we can stand firm in distress, disease, destruction, and even death.” Because of freedom God’s hope is not a life without problems but His presence in this life and the hope of life one day where sin and evilness don’t prevail. True friends do not assume if you just have enough faith, you will be healed of all physical or emotional ailments. This false theology implies when one is not healed, it is because they lack enough faith. Job’s so-called friends offered such erroneous advice, which can be emotionally devastating

God started over after the Flood, but the world just returned to the way it was. Though suffering was not God original design, the argument can be made it is necessary to change a person’s heart after sin entered the world. Jesus came to this earth as a suffering servant than ruling king. God, rather than mowing down Jerusalem, Rome, and every other worldly power, chose the slow, necessary way of the Incarnation as a way to change the world. This was the only way to change the world while preserving freedom. Suffering, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by others may be the only megaphone that can reach people about what really matters in life. Miracles only turned heads but not hearts. Often, our suffering in a way that surpasses all human understanding is the only way we can get others to see what an awesome God we have.  It may take a funeral and observing the loved ones of the deceased, for others to see the hope that is within Christians.

Prayer can be an excuse for inactivity. God cannot save the world from terrorism while His people do nothing. Leaders must show strong leadership, men and women in the armed forces unbelievable courage and sacrifice. Terrorism is fed by irrational religious beliefs, which must be counter with absolute truth and love. God prevents evil when people change, when people rise up. We need to wear out our feet and our knees. God is waiting on us to be an answer to prayer. When all people in a nation act in unison to combat evil in their own lives and the lives of others, mighty works can be done. God yearns so badly to act through people. This accomplishes so much more than if God just interferes because He is powerful enough to do so.  

Much of prayer in Scripture is asking for godly character in difficult circumstances. We need God in dealing with temptation, not taking revenge against our enemies, loving others as we wished to be loved, and dealing with suffering no fault of our own. These prayers are always answered. God waits to have influence in one’s life until they request such help from God. We can always pray for miracles in personal and national crisis situations, but we must have faith in God’s decisions by accepting His answer. We must not judge one’s faithfulness by how God answers prayers, as Job accusers did. We must not make Job’s mistake in thinking we can run a free universe better than our Creator, by always intervening with the evil intentions of others or never allowing suffering. Submit your request to God as frequently as needed and accept His answer. When we don’t know what we should pray for, Paul writes we can simply ask the Holy Spirit to pray in our behalf “because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.”(Rm 8:26-27)

Prayer’s relational aspect may be the most important reason for prayer. As mentioned, prayer is our lifeline to God as regular communication is with our spouse if we desire true intimacy. A relationship with God is vital in our becoming more like Jesus to change the world. God can provide wisdom in decisions. God awaits our invitations on a daily basis. The biblical model is always to pray to God for anything on our heart but to leave the answer and the running of the universe up to Him. We have no idea how our prayers impact others, whether answered or not. Besides, for God to always answer our prayers is not always in our best interests. Instant healing can lead to less dependence on God, which is never a good thing. Answers to prayers are not always in the best interests of those we have influence on. Many are more influenced by how one handles in grace pain than health, poverty than richness. God has made it His mission to win back the hearts of His people through this own volition rather than just destroy and start over.

Will Our Prayers Get Answered If We Badger God Enough?

I use to think the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18 encouraged us to pray long and hard so God might more likely answer our prayers. I don’t approach my children’s request that way, so why would God? The human judge in the story is unjust unlike our God. If an unjust judge will finally hear and answer your request after constant badgering, do we not think our righteous Creator will hear our request the first time? The answer may not be always what we want to hear but God always listens, care, and always has our best interest in the long run. God does not have to be worn down by persistent begging. Matthew 6 says volume of words do not persuade God.

Any loving parent would say to their child at one time or another “Anything you need, I mean anything, please just ask.” Certain conditions are understood without discussion, but we still love our children unconditionally. Sometimes, we might think God loves/God loves me not depending on if our prayers are answered our way. I am not trying to excuse God from the life-changing business; I just wish to make God less discouraging or confusing when our prayers aren’t answered according to our will. Scripture assumes our requests are always answered because we desire God’s will. What loving parent would not do what is always best for their children and the world? How much more our heavenly Parent!

We must keep in mind God placed a higher priority on freedom than control. Genuine relationships cannot be coerced. God does not always intervene the way we wish. God does not guarantee we will never suffer from the hands of others, directly or indirectly. God will not override the freedom of others because we simply ask Him to do so. God has made it His mission to win back the hearts of people by choice rather than just destroy and start over. Do we pray in hopes to manipulate God or to cooperate and ultimately trust God to run the universe how He knows best? 

One of the most prevalent aspects of petition prayer in Scripture involves individual, character change. In the “whatever you ask in His name you shall receive” passages in James, the context often is wisdom and endurance in trails. (James 1:6-8; 4:1-3; 5:13-18; I John 3:19-22; 5:14-15) We can ask for other things, but we are praying to the Creator of the Universe who always has the big picture and the best interests of all n mind. I wish I could say the same about myself. Self-centered prayer is rather presumptuous. Jesus recognized God always had His and others best interests in mind – “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Does God Promise Whatsoever We Ask?


Does God promise to find us jobs, money, food, or health? I understand this discussion will disturb some. If God doesn't promise to meet our basic physical needs, then can we really depend on Him? If we don’t deal with reality and Scriptures and truly understand what God does promise, our relationship with God will be severely impacted. If we are single and want to be married, will God find us a partner? When we are unemployed, does God guarantee He will find us a job? If we don't have food on the table, will He find a miraculous way to provide our daily bread? Does God promise us we will not contact some deadly cancer?


Most of us know the answers to these questions, as we all have loved ones who have died. We realize innocent children die of starvation daily around the world. Innocent people were gassed during the Holocaust. Would they have been spared if only they prayed? What exactly does God promise us? We can certainly pray to God for any of our needs - jobs, food, or relationships. But, we must not jump to any conclusions that if our prayers are not answered in the way we wish, that God does not care or answer prayers. Just as in marriage, if desires become expectations we will be solely disappointed.

Understanding God’s respect for freedom and to change others of their own volition helps to understand certain biblical passages that seem to be a blank check to get whatever we want. Matthew 21:21-22 says “…you can say to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer.” Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” prayer was not answered, but Jesus had a point. It will be as if we can move mountains when having faith in Jesus rather than denying that Jesus was the Messiah. Matthew 7:7 says “Ask and it will be given to you…” The context advised it is possible to do to others what you want done to you if only you ask God. (v12)

I John 3:21-22 says: “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him.” This passage does not mean that God answers prayer according to the measure of our obedience but rather God delights and is able to answer the prayers of those who are truly His children. What loving parent would not do what is best for their child if asked? God is no different. Prayer is not an attempt to manipulate God to fulfill our own desires. The Bible makes the assumption our requests are always answered because we are always asking God’s will, not our way. Reread the “whatever you ask in His name you shall receive” passages in James. The context often is wisdom and endurance in trails. (James 1:6-8; 4:1-3; 5:13-18; I John 3:19-22; 5:14-15) God has not written us a blank check as if we know best how to respond to prayers in a free world.

One would be hard press to find any Scripture that promises our physical needs will always be met. If so God miserably failed Jesus on the Cross after being asked to have "this cup removed from Him?" God sure didn’t protect the apostles after Jesus’ resurrection as they were beaten, persecuted and died as martyrs. In this world God cannot guarantee daily physical needs without totally ridding the world of all evildoers who often are behind much of suffering in this world. When your needs or desires are not answered in the way you think they ought to be, do you think God doesn't care or do you stop blaming God and throw yourself in the hands of the One who loves you dearly and promises you what is really important here on earth and the hope of a better life after death.


Does God Promise He Won't Give Us More Than We Can Handle? 



If we believe God has promised to not give us more than we can handle, and we feel overwhelmed, one may wonder if God cares or is actively involved in our lives. Let’s be honest. We can point to times in our life or the lives of others and seriously question if they have more than can be humanly handled. Is a child being abused daily supposed to believe somehow God is controlling their situation and letting them be abused, only to the degree they can handle it? Sometimes, people in an effort to comfort during tragedy say may say "God does not give us more than we can handle."  This isn’t always helpful. When people are in a crisis we can’t go wrong listening, being slow to give advice or clichés, and lending a hand as needed.


God does not promise us we will not face extreme adversity, perhaps more than we think humanly possible at times. God has not promised we will not at times feel overwhelmed. It is critical we understand when God gave the world freedom, this meant sometimes people would be treated inhumanely. In many countries women and children are raped or have limbs cut off. God has given freedom in this world but vengeance is His in the long run. Justice delayed does not mean justice will not be served. Christians in the New Testament were promised to expect extreme hardships for their beliefs. 


What has God promised us? God has promised through our relationship with Him to empower us to handle any hardship that we may encounter. Paul writes "...we were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead (2 Cor 1: 8-9)." This last sentence does not mean God is yanking chains, circumventing freedom, and controlling everything that happens in this world. Paul is in essence saying sufferings can be valuable in that they cause us to be dependent on God and remain us what He has promised. God has conquered death. Eternal life is His promise.   God will never desert or forsake us in our present circumstances. (Heb 13:5) God has given us fellow believers (the church) and His Spirit to always be with us in difficult times. The more we understand God the more likely we are able to draw comfort and strength from Him in tragic times.


Sometimes, people assume I Cor. 10:13 promises He will control things, even circumvent freedom if necessary, so we do not get overwhelmed or frustrated beyond what we are able. But, I Cor 10:13 is speaking about temptation and says God "...will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." God will not abandon us and we can draw strength from Him to encounter any temptation, which might come our way. No temptation or sin is stronger than God. God will always provide a way out if we rely on Him.


No circumstance is stronger than God. God will always provide a way for us to handle any situation if we rely on Him. The grave never has to be the end. If we have an intimate, understandable relationship with God, we somehow will be able to handle any sickness or persecution that may come our way. During crises times if we can learn how to not blame God, we will be able to draw great strength from Him. God promises to be there for us always. God completely understands.  God chose to suffer as we do by sacrificing His Son. He is a Creator who did not abandon us when the world chose evil over good. Know and understand God completely, so to draw comfort from Him in the most difficult of times beyond human comprehension and ability to handle.

Does God Promise Health Or Richness?

God as a respecter of freedom can not promise we will never experience any problems. A person who believes that all their troubles will be swept away through a relationship with God is left with the logical explanation that God has failed them. One doesn’t read a lot of prayers in the Bible that read “God, take this problem from me,” but rather “God, help me preserve.” The Scriptures speak not of God as a genie in a bottle but as a Presence in the midst of tribulations. God’s hope is not a life without problems but His presence in this life and the hope of life one day where sin and evil are not present. Problems happen in a free world, but God has responded loud and clear, for those willing to listen, through the miraculous birth, suffering, death, and resurrection of His Son.

Many are fooled by the false gospel that implies enough faith rids one of suffering in their life. I am not sure what Bible these false teachers are smoking! These false teachers simply ignore at the expense of others the stories about the lives of the Old Testament prophets, Jesus, Paul, and the apostles. The Bible is abundantly clear that lack of faith is not the reason for physical ailments or economic hardships. God doesn’t promise us an instant escape from our problems. Someone once said: “God does not promise us a panacea, but He does promise us peace in the midst of life’s storms. With God’s peace, we can stand firm in distress, disease, destruction, and even death.” Because of freedom God’s hope is not a life without problems but His presence in this life and the hope of life one day where sin and evil don’t prevail.

You will not be healed of all physical or emotional ailments if you just have enough faith. Such erroneous advice can be emotionally devastating. Many refer to Matthew 18:19-20: "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” This passage is advising believers how to handle another believer sinning against them. If necessary we must take our brother sinning against us to friends and even the church in hopes of reconciliation, thus two or more are gathered in agreement. This passage is not about praying for healing any infirmity we have. Teachings that suggest God will always heal if just petitioned cannot be defended biblically. The story of Job in the Old Testament and Paul’s thorn in the flesh in the New Testament (I Cor. 12:7-10) are examples that teach lack of God’s healing is not a sign of unfaithfulness. Were Job and Paul not healed, was Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane not answered, because they simply failed to pray with another believer or lacked enough faith?

Much of prayer in Scripture is asking for godly character in difficult circumstances. Miracles happen when we respond to situations as God would as opposed to our first inclination. We must constantly ask God for His help in dealing with temptation, not taking revenge against our enemies, loving others as we wished to be loved, dealing with physical pain no fault of our own. These prayers are always answered. Jesus knew well the shallow effect of miracles in Moses’ day, and in Elijah’s. Miracles attracted crowds but rarely encouraged long-term faithfulness. Humans have short attention spans. Faith, the forgiveness of sins, the power of the Evil one seemed to be Jesus’ biggest concerns. The crowd sought instant solutions to their problems in the physical world – poverty, illness, and political, oppression. Jesus did not live up to their expectations (Yancey, Disappointment with God, 111). Constant miracles do not lead to changed lives. Some things must be believed to be seen.

If God answered all or more of our prayers would we be more the people we desire to be? Many confess tremendous advantages were to their detriment in the long run. Please don’t tell God, but I am better off when He doesn’t answer my prayers all the time. The truth is the more I suffer the more Christ-like I become. The more Christ-like I become, the better the person I am. I don’t pray for suffering but I have benefited from it. We human parents always shelter our children from pain, but that isn’t always in their best interests. God surely knows what is best for us. Sometimes, we just need to trust God rather than demand God think and do as we humans.

Though suffering was not God original design, the argument can be made it is necessary for God to not interfere to change a person’s heart after sin entered the world. Jesus knew this, thus He came to this earth as a suffering servant than ruling king. People wanted the Messiah to blow everyone away and take away their problems. Would this have changed man’s heart to God original intent where we would treat one another the wish we wished to be treated? What real changes take please when we get what we want instantly? In biblical times when God spoke to people directly and there were more visible miracles, people didn’t live according to the standards their own conscious dictated. Besides, God constantly interfering with freedom goes against His original design that people have the freedom to choose or reject Him.

Miracles such as physical healings can and do happen, but based on the number of lives and times covered in the Bible, one doesn’t read a lot of biblical prayers seeking constant physical healing or for God to stop our emotional pain caused by others or circumstances. God doesn’t promise prayers answered according to our wishes to avoid any kind of pain, nor does this indicate God is not present or caring. I can claim no miracles in my life unless you wish to include human lives being changed, which may be the greatest miracles of all. Left to my own devices without God’s influence, I hate to think the kind of person I might be. Don’t underestimate the enormous world changes that would take place if lack of self-centeredness were a universal habit. I believe we can follow the example of Paul or Jesus and pray for a miracle or healing, but we must also accept God’s answer and move on. We must interpret God not answering our prayer our way as the best way to run the universe with the desires He has to change the world.

I John 3:21-22 says: “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him.” This passage does not mean that God answers prayer according to the measure of our obedience but rather God delights and is able to answer the prayers of those who are truly His children. With obedience to God’s ways we can have assurance in our prayers. What loving parent would not do what is best for their child if asked? God is no different. God-honoring prayer will express a desire to know and do the will of God; prayer is not an attempt to manipulate God to fulfill our own ambitions and desires. God will always give us what we need if we desire His ways. The Bible makes the assumption our requests are always answered because we are always asking God’s will, not our way. When we learn to want what God wants, we have the joy of receiving His answer to our petitions. Success may have eliminated any crises of disappointment with God, but it did not lead Solomon to righteous living. God’s directness and mighty displays of power do not always lead to righteous living or foster love.

How does God bless us? We tend to think of blessings in terms of material prosperity or personal comfort. The Bible never promises such things or a life without problems. The disciples’ devotion did not prevent a martyr’s death for believing Jesus was who He claimed to be. Family devotions do not do away with rebellion. A devotion to studies does not guarantee a good career. There are no guarantees of material blessings in a free world, only God’s guarantee of His love, acceptance, and future eternity with Him. Believing otherwise can cause a strain in our relationship with God when material or physical blessings don’t come our way.

Good works are not so that God can love us more or bless us materially. Walking in God’s ways is a blessing in of itself. A person who tells the truth does not fear being caught. One who speaks honestly leads to genuine respect from others. A righteous person can be remembered for generations and for eternity because of their positive influence. The wicked will die with nothing. God sees every single act of kindness. We may be forgotten after retirement in our company but God never forgets. The parable of the workers in the vineyard in Matthew 20 gives hopes to those that start late.  Thank God there is not an exact accounting. Prayer is to know better who God is so we may become more like Him, not so that God will love and bless us more. God’s lack of material blessings doesn’t mean He doesn’t care or love us. God already loves us unconditionally

How Does God Really Bless Us?

We typically pray for blessings in terms of material prosperity or personal comfort. The Bible never promises such things or a life without problems. The disciples’ devotion did not prevent a martyr’s death for believing Jesus was who He claimed to be. Christians are persecuted all over the world. In fact that was a promise God did make to those devoted to Him. (2 Tim 3:12) God also promises His presence and comfort during suffering and that one day there will be no more suffering. Death can take our bodies but not our souls.

The truth is supernatural blessings in the way we mostly think about them don’t last. Enjoy your toys while on earth because you aren’t taking them with you. Natural blessings last. When you treat others with kindness, you have friends for life. We can even take them with us after death. Those who don’t gossip are trusted by others. We know they always have our back instead of always talking behind our back. Speaking honestly leads to genuine respect from others. A person who tells the truth does not fear being caught. A righteous person can be remembered for generations and for eternity because of their positive influence. The wicked will die with nothing. You reap what you sow!

Blessings flow naturally when we follow Jesus’ teachings in our relationships with others. God’s ways lead to blessings you don’t have to pray for. God promises us real joy if we seek His wisdom. Be slow to anger. Imagine all the regrets we save in life because of how we treat others if consistently slow to anger. Be self- controlled. Imagine all the pain we spare spouses and children due to sexual purity if we control where our eyes wander.

God desires we become more like Christ for our own good. If we spend time with God, He will rub off on us. When we come to understand how much God loves us, we naturally want to return that love in return. It is just how relationships work. Older kids often rebel less or at least not as long based on the depth of their relationship with their parents. It is not really a matter of trying harder to please God. It is just hanging out with God and the transformations flow. I am such a different man with God than without. God is not a selfish lover. He always encourages us to follow Him for that will lead to our happiness and the happiness of others we come in contact with.

It is okay to pray for supernatural blessings, but accept God’s answer. It is not easy overseeing a free world! God cannot always interfere in our suffering or that just would make a mockery out of freedom. Why should God interfere with your undeserved suffering and not everyone’s suffering? Fewer miracles may be necessary to change more of the world by its own volition. Suffering can serve as a megaphone to distract us from our own selfishness. Also, witnessing miracles in the lives of others only turns heads not hearts. Did Martin Luther King have to suffer to move the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry? Personal tragedies can make us more sensitive to others. Suffering can serve as a megaphone to enable us to better serve others

What really will make this world a better place? Seek God’s wisdom and help in all you do. “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like…But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” [Gal 5:19-23]

God And Forgiveness

Does God And Must We Always Forgive and Forget?

Is God Forgiveness Unconditional?

Does The Bible Really Command To Forgive Those Who Don’t Confess Their Sin?

Is There A Time To Not Forgive?

Does God And Must We Always Forgive and Forget?

Growing up I often heard how God forgets all when we confess our sins. How does an all powerful God not remember the past? God forgetting is simply a way to express that God does not hold our past again us. God doesn’t begrudge us. God can experience joy with us in the present without always bringing up our past. Does the Bible though say God forgives those who deny wrongdoing or don’t seek forgiveness? Does God command we forgive those who deny any wrong doing, who physically or sexually abuse us, yet show no remorse or even deny their actions when confronted?

The Bible never says explicitly we must forgive those who don’t seek forgiveness. In fact, Scriptures often say God does not forgive the unrepentant (i.e. Hosea 1:6-7) Does God perform a ritual after death where He first forgives those who have no desire to be with Him for eternity? God’s forgiveness was conditional upon repentance. Are we all that different than God since we are made in His image? Must we humans forgive the unrepentant but God doesn’t have to? Where in Matthew 18 does it say when you go to a brother who has sin against you and they refuse to listen, you should forgive them?

We must not withhold grace from others as God has shown us such tremendous grace. But, Scriptures doesn’t talk often about forgiveness if one isn’t confessing their sins or and admitting they have done wrong. We often tell people they must always forgive whether the person is confessing wrongdoing or not. With forgiveness doesn’t it take two to tango? Mustn’t the innocent party be willing to forgive and the guilty party must recognize and confess their sin? Doesn’t easy forgiveness just encourage and enable the guilty to continue in their sinful ways to the harm of others? Don’t we ignore the importance of justice to victims or encourage the victim to continue to be victimized when amends are not required?

In situations where the guilty are not remorseful, isn’t the challenge instead to not take revenge? Isn’t God better able to handle revenge without being vindictive? Isn’t the challenge to not allow bitterness to rule or interfere with life on a daily basis? What purpose does it serve to allow another person’s sins to continue to hold you hostage? Can the guilty really recognize their unselfishness and change without recognizing there is always a price that must be paid? Doesn’t the Cross and Jesus’ violent death teaches us there is always a price that must be paid when one sins? Or why then didn’t God just verbal forgive those who sought His forgiveness?

It is a personal choice if a person feels compelled to forgive those who have sinned against them but show no remorse. Christians must allow each other to make their own choices though they may not be your own convictions. One must do whatever they must to no longer be a victim. One must decide personally how they can protect themselves from being consumed by bitterness or thoughts of revenge. For some, it makes matters worse to forgive their abuser when their abuser flat out lies and denies their physical or sexual abuse or whatever the sin may be. Personally, it takes two to tango and if they aren’t dancing I move on. I concern myself with not being their victim and growing bitter. I prepare my heart to forgive should they seek grace.

The Bible urges us to show grace to those that seek it. If one truly seeks forgiveness, people often only experience what God is like when they are forgiven though not deserving. Isn’t it true one can never really earn forgiveness? Can anyone really payback what they have taken from someone (i.e. childhood with appropriate parental love, sexual purity)? Whether reconciliation is possible is between God and each individual as they seek the wisdom and guidance of others. The process of forgiving and reconciliation are different. Christians do not forgive because others deserve it but because God forgave us, but confession is an integral aspect of how we receive God’s grace.


Is God Forgiveness Unconditional?

God love is unconditional but does the Bible teach God's forgiveness is unconditional? I write with some trepidation of being misunderstood. God's grace and forgiveness is at the very core of His character. It seems current advice or sermons on forgiveness are directed toward victims and the guilty are neither admitting nor confessing their sins. Doesn't it take two to tango for there to be genuine forgiveness? 


God always forgives those who seek His forgiveness. But, passages such as Joshua 24:19-20 say God sometimes is not forgiving: “...He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins.” The good news is the Israelites did repent of ways harmful to themselves and others and God forgave them. [vs.23-24] Matthew 6:14 says God's forgiveness is conditioned upon giving forgiveness: “For if you forgive others when they sin against you, your Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”  Luke 17:3-4 states forgiveness is for those that admit wrongdoing and seek forgiveness. “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them, and if they repent, forgive them. If they sin against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,’ you must forgive them.” 


One is hard press to find any biblical passage which indicates God forgives those who don’t repent, or that God commands His followers to forgive those who don’t seek forgiveness.   It is almost nonsensical to consider forgiveness if it is not being sought. Easy forgiveness may not encourage necessary change by the sinner, who continues to prey on other victims. Matthew 18 advices when a brother sins against us: “Go and show him his fault. If he does not listen, take another brother with you. If they refuse to listen, treat them as if an unbeliever.” One might ask: Why would God ask us to do something He doesn’t Himself – forgive the unrepentant? 


What about Jesus' and Stephens' forgiveness of their persecutors? Acts 7: 59 says: “While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he fell on his knees and cried out, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.’ When he had said this, he fell asleep.”  Jesus said in Luke 23:34:  “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing....” These were extraordinary circumstances as both were preparing to enter God's presence.  They were forgiving spiritual blindness, which their persecutors neither confessed nor recognized. Some behaviors seem less willful and more due to spiritual ignorance at times. This is not the case of parents who abuse their children and deny any wrongdoing. 


Starting a confession with “I acted this way because…” is not a confession.   The Christian victim may be haunted with thoughts whether they must forgive their violator, sometimes at the urging of others, even though the violator doesn’t seek forgiveness. The challenge for victims, when forgiveness is not sought, may not be to focus on forgiveness. The Bible doesn’t say God forgives always or advises Christians must forgive after no longer fellowshipping with their sibling in Christ. (i.e. Mt. 18:15-20) The challenge is to not take revenge. God is better able to handle revenge without being vindictive.  Don’t allow bitterness to rule or interfere with life on a daily basis. It serves no purpose to allow another person’s sins to continue to hold us hostage.  


If one feels convicted they must forgive another whether they confess wrongdoing or not, it may be helpful to see forgiveness and reconciliation as two different processes. Reconciliation is not possible until the guilty party seeks forgiveness by repenting. Christians are encouraged to forgive those who genuinely regret their actions. Who of us has not sinned? It is the very heart of the gospel and essence of God. People often only experience what God is like when they are forgiven though undeserving. One cannot payback what they have taken from someone (i.e. childhood with appropriate parental love, sexual oneness in marriage). Forgiveness may not be instant. Genuineness is proven by actions as well as words. Christians don’t forgive because others deserve it; Christians forgive because God forgives us. We certainly did nothing to earn or deserve His grace, but confession is an integral aspect of how we receive God’s grace.  

Does The Bible Really Command To Forgive Those Who Don’t Confess Their Sin?

Does God demand Christians forgive Hitler, Saddam Hussein, or our parents who physically or sexually abuse us yet deny their actions when confronted? Most agree the Bible teaches God forgives those who desire His forgiveness, no matter the offense. What does the Bible says though if the guilty party does not seek forgiveness? Does God perform some type of forgiveness ritual before condemning others to eternity with Him because of their freedom to choose?

The Bible clearly indicates God always forgives those who seek His forgiveness (i.e. Leviticus 5: 5-6; II Chronicles 7:14). The New Testament is a continuation of the Old Testament message to forgive those who seek forgiveness, just as God has forgiven us. Luke 17:1-4 says: “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,’ forgive him.”

One would be hard press to find any biblical passage that indicates God forgives those who don’t repent, or that God commands His followers to forgive those who don’t repent. In fact the Bible advises God didn’t always forgive. Joshua 24:19-20 says: Joshua said to the people, "You are not able to serve the LORD. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins. If you forsake the LORD and serve foreign gods, he will turn and bring disaster on you and make an end of you, after he has been good to you.” (See also Hosea 1:6-7)

Forgiveness is a gift from God, but clearly we must seek God’s forgiveness with a desire to change. God does not overlook rebellion. What good would that do the guilty? Victims will continue to be victimized if the guilty are not challenged to confront their self-centeredness. God very much desires a relationship with us, but God will not force Himself on anyone. The majority of Bible stories suggests with forgiveness it takes two to tango! The end of the story in Joshua 24 reports God’s receptiveness of His people, the Israelites, if they “throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.” (v.23)

The Bible also discusses forgiveness from God conditioned upon one’s willingness to forgive. Matthew 6:14 says: “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (see Mark 11:25; Matthew 18:21-35 in the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant which illustrates the importance of forgiving to be forgiven). Easy forgiveness may not encourage necessary change by the sinner, which impacts those they come in contact later. Matthew 18 says when a brother sins against us: “Go and show him his fault. If he does not listen, take another brother with you. If they refuse to listen, treat them as if an unbeliever.”

The challenge for victims, when forgiveness is not sought, is not always to focus on forgiveness. Don’t take revenge as God is better able to handle revenge without being vindictive. We must not allow bitterness to rule or interfere with life on a daily basis. It serves no purpose to allow another person’s sins to continue to hold us hostage. It can be a personal choice whether one chooses to forgive an unrepentant person or not. It can be understood reconciliation is not possible until the guilty party seeks forgiveness by repenting. I simply believe easy forgiveness may not encourage necessary change by the sinner, which impacts those they come in contact later.

Forgiving those who genuinely regret their actions is the central message of Christianity. It is the very heart of the gospel, the very character of God. People often only experience what God is like when they are forgiven though not deserving. Please do not conclude from what I have written that one can earn forgiveness. Please do not conclude one can necessarily payback what they have taken from someone. Forgiveness is not always instant as genuineness is proven through actions than just words. Christians don’t forgive because others deserve it; Christians forgive because God forgave us. We certainly did nothing to earn or deserve His grace. Asking for forgiveness doesn’t make salvation earned by works, but confession is an integral aspect of how we receive God’s grace.

Is There A Time To Not Forgive?

I always fear being misunderstood when writing on this topic. God’s grace and forgiveness is central to His character and message. I would never advise one they must not forgive those who do not regret their actions. For others it is nonsensical to consider forgiving when there is denial or no remorsefulness for wrongdoing. When forgiveness is discussed among Christians, those seeking forgiveness and those not seeking forgiveness are often not differentiated.

Does the Bible really teach always forgiving those who don’t admit any wrongdoing? The Bible is abundantly clear we must forgive those who seek forgiveness, for this is exactly what our God does for us. Can you imagine a world where there is no forgiveness? Must we though pretend that repenting doesn’t matter? Can forgiving those who don’t seek forgiveness cause even more psychological trauma for victims? We don’t want to be held hostage to our bitterness against those who have sin against us, but insisting to forgive those who deny any wrongdoing isn’t always the biblical mandate.

The Old Testament says on several occasions that God is not willing to forgive the rebellious who have no desire to change. [i.e. Joshua 24:19-20; 2 Kings 24:1-4] Did God perform some type of forgiveness ritual before punishing evil behaviors? In dealing with sin in the church, it doesn’t say forgive the unrepentant on the way out the door. [Matt 18] In the same chapter the servant in debt drops to his knees and begs for mercy. The Master forgives his debt. Then, when the servant doesn’t forgive his fellow servant the Master, who is described being like God, takes back his forgiveness and shows some tough love. People may only truly change for their own good and those around them when their sins are not ignored.

The parable of the prodigal son is surely a story of easy forgiveness. Wait! The father didn’t forgive the son on the way out the door with his inheritance. The son was not expressing any regrets. He was trying to avoid stepping on his old man throat on the way out. But, the son returns and admits his sin and confesses he is no longer worthy of being called his son. Bingo! Dad instantly forgives and the other brother gets mad. In Luke 19 people were upset because Jesus was forgiving Zacchaeus, the tax collector. What is Jesus supposed to do? Zacchaeus told Jesus he planned to give right now half of his possession to the poor, and those I cheated I will repay fourfold. The Bible just doesn’t talk much about forgiveness when folks are not repentant.

There are even times where Jesus talked about not forgiving. In Mt 6:15 Jesus made a point of the importance of forgiving others if you wish to be forgiven your sins by God. God’s grace is easy but not foolish. Certain blasphemy will not be forgiven if one is not repentant. [Mt 12:31:32] Our eternal destination is our choice. God is not going to force anyone to be with Him in heaven against their will. Does God perform some type of forgiveness ritual before condemning the unrepentant to eternity without Him? Most passages only discuss forgiveness when repentance or confession is present. Luke 17:3 says: “If a brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them.” I John 1:9 says: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins.”

It is true Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies. [Mt 5:38-48] Jesus’ love is radical, but He was not saying soldiers on the battlefield could not defend themselves against their enemies. Jesus was not saying repentance isn’t important. He was saying pray for your enemies. Forgive your enemies if they confess their sins, though we may not feel they deserve it. Don’t seek instance justice. Anyone can hate their enemies back and demand an “eye for an eye.” Many of us would not be the people we are today if not for God’s radical love. In Acts 7 Stephen forgave his stoners as he was dying, but this isn’t necessarily applicable in every situation according to biblical teachings.

The biblical emphasis suggests with forgiveness it takes two to tango. If one confesses their wrongdoing, God is always willing to forgive. I would never discourage one if they forgave their transgressor despite their lack of regret, if this rest best with their soul. I can think of no biblical example where humans are advised to not forgive. Stressing forgiveness in these situations for some though can cause more psychological stress for the victim. The guilty may need to face the harm they have done others to stop the cycle of victimization. Sinners must recognize how their selfishness is ruining their lives and the lives of others they impact. Some people are only brought to their knees for their own good when dealt with realistically and honestly.

Not forgiving the unrepentant is not the same thing as being bitter. All agree no purpose is served by allowing another person’s sins to continue to hold one hostage. Look to God and those who have successful dealt with bitterness to move on. Prepare your heart if the unrepentant seek forgiveness. If they don’t confess, you don’t have to pretend it doesn’t hurt. God made us for relationships. Don’t seek revenge. God is able to handle revenge without being vindictive. Please do not conclude from what I have written that one can earn forgiveness by paying back what they have taken from someone (i.e. childhood with appropriate parental love, sexual purity). Christians don’t forgive because others deserve it; Christians forgive because God forgave us, but confession is an integral aspect of how we receive God’s grace.

God’s Openness Versus Closeness - Open Versus Traditional Theology

Does The Bible Insist God Knows The Future?

Does It Really Matter If God Knows The Future?

Does Open Theology Belittle God And His Greatness?

Do Open Theists Fear Offending Others?

Do Prophecies About Pharaoh, Peter, and Judas Prove A Fixed Future?

Does The Bible Insist God Knows The Future?

Open theists suggest the Bible does not teach God knows the future, because the future has not happened yet. Humans have free will because the future is open. We do not have to argue God knows the unknowable to somehow protect His character. God can still be omniscient (all knowing) and not know the future, if the future is not predetermined. God does know what is knowable. He is superior to humans in knowing all the possibilities of decisions that can be made by others and what He will do. God is everywhere in the universe at the same time, so His knowledge is hard to imagine. With God’s omniscience (complete knowledge) and His omnipotence (unlimited power, authority, influence), one can imagine how God does not loss control though the future is open. This is what makes Him God. This view of divine foreknowledge gives more integrity to the Bible when it speaks of God grieving or relenting.

The traditional view of foreknowledge suggests since the future is already known in all events, God already knows what is going to happen or what He is going to do. Genesis 6: 5-6 says: “The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.” If God knew about the fall of man before it actually happened, why would God grieve something He knew? Traditionalists might say God grieves a knowable future because humans either sin or obey and this impacts God at the moment. Certainly, those who claim God preordained all events have to try to explain how God can grieve about what He supposedly preordained. It would seem understanding the future is open gives more integrity to the biblical passages that speak of God grieving and responding to events of our lives as they happen.

Exodus 32 shares a story between God and Moses in which God ultimately relented or changed His mind. Moses had left his people to go up on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from God. While he was gone, the Israelites begin worshipping false idols. God become very anger and intended to punish His people.

“I have seen these people," the LORD said to Moses, "and they are a stiff-necked people. Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation." But Moses sought the favor of the LORD his God. "O LORD," he said, "why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians say, 'It was with evil intent that he brought them out, to kill them in the mountains and to wipe them off the face of the earth'? Turn from your fierce anger; relent and do not bring disaster on your people. Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel, to whom you swore by your own self: 'I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all this land I promised them, and it will be their inheritance forever.’”

But Moses pleaded to God for mercy and God answered his prayer: “Then the LORD relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.” (v.14). If we argue that Scriptures teach God knows or has determined the future, can our prayers such as Moses’ really persuade God This is only one of numerous passages where Scriptures states God intended to take certain actions but did not after prayer or repentance (i.e. I Sam 15: 11, 35; Jer 18:7-10, Jonah 3:9-10). Many passages quote God saying “perhaps,” implying the future is open (Is 47:12; Jer 26:2-3; 36:3-7; 51:8; Ezek 12:1-3). These passages strongly suggest the future is open and is dependent on our prayers as well as the choice people make. Neither God’s actions nor the future is predetermined. Many passages suggest God doesn’t change, but the context will indicate it is God’s character that is unchangeable. This doesn’t mean God cannot change His mind to not discipline if His people repent.

Certainly, some passages are challenging to the idea that God does not all of the future because it has not happened, but the entire context must be considered as well as taking in account so many other passages that imply the future is open. For instance, even if God calls or predicts a specific role for someone, they are still free to thwart His will. Ezekiel was called by God (Ezek. 2:3-5), but God warned Ezekiel of the dire consequences of neglecting his responsibilities as a prophet, which indicates that he could have done so. (Ezek. 3:16-21) God says about Jeremiah: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew (chose) you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."(1:5) Jeremiah still resisted and ultimately could have not followed God’s will for His life. (v.6) God could not be accused of being a liar if Ezekiel or Jeremiah thwarted God’s will for their life. Many of God’s prophecies can be understood to be conditional upon whether humans obey or not, though not always stated explicitly in the text.

The future is not totally unpredictable for us humans much less God. For example, a skilled physician can predict the death of a seemingly healthy individual because he perceives symptoms that escape the untrained eye. Likewise, God may describe apparently unlikely events in the relatively remote future because He knows and understands the present exhaustively. Based on people actions earlier in their life even humans can predict with some degree of accuracy how others will conduct themselves in the future. Our heavenly Father’s knowledge is unlimited. Remember, God is present everywhere, thus his knowledge is unimaginably extensive. God knew before anyone about September 11th. He knew when the events were being thought of in the evil minds of those who carried out these tragic acts of evil. Too, He has miraculous powers and can make certain things happen without necessarily denying human freedom. Certain events such as Jesus’ birth or resurrection God acts intentionally

A known or predetermined future is not required from a biblical perspective. We do not have to defend a fixed future’s logical conclusion that God imposes His will on others. People will always complain why God doesn’t take pain away in their life. But, we do not have to suggest God knows or foreordains evil but then holds humans responsible. We must not suggest an explanation to the tension between divine sovereignty and human responsible that implies God foreordains events such as the Holocaust, domestic violence, or the sexual abuse of children. Evil is present because of the choices we make. God sending His Son was His solution. Jesus is an example of how God will always work to bring about good from the evil choices of others. God will eventually win over evil, often in this world but certainly in the world to come.

Does It Really Matter If God Knows The Future?

It may be too much to ask others to believe God does not know the future because of preconceived notions or teachings one has been taught about God. One can argue it doesn’t have to be true that just because God knows the future, one is still not free to make such decisions. God could know all the possibilities of decisions that can be made and know which choices you will make and what His plan is in response to what choice you make. Many though feel a known future and genuine freedom are contradictory. It can be defended biblically that God does not know the future because the future cannot be known. We do not have to insist God knows the unknowable future to protect His character or sovereignty.

Open theists suggest the Bible’s emphasis is much more on God’s openness then knowing history and actions in advance. Many open theists suggest an open future than known future best preserves the integrity of human freedom and responsibility. Traditional theists argue to suggest God doesn’t know the future is to limit God and is not the best biblical account. I believe the open view is superior from a relational point of view with our Creator. Our understanding of God can affect the way we pray and think about God’s role in evil and suffering.  Is it easier for the majority to worship a God who accepts no resistance or a God who gives freedom?

Even God cannot create life in its very essence, impossible to exist without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be genuine free will. Not even God can force genuine love. God can still be omniscient (all knowing) and not know the future, if the future is not knowable. God is everywhere in the universe at the same time, so His knowledge is unimaginably extensive. With God’s omniscience (complete knowledge) and His omnipotence (unlimited power, authority, influence), one can imagine how God does not loss control though the future is open. This is what makes Him God. Future prophecies in the Bible could be conditional based on human responses to God's mandates. Prophecies such as the virgin birth or resurrection were brought about by God’s miraculous powers and did not violate anyone’s freedom. Are we really doing God a favor by holding on to this sacred cow? What is so powerful about God prophesying about a future He already knows?

God not having foreknowledge of an unknown future gives more integrity to passages that speak of God grieving, relenting, giving another chance, etc. If God already knows what someone is going to do, one can legitimately ask if there is genuine freedom. Are they truly free to do anything different? If the future can be known, we can say God grieves because man either sins or obeys and this still can impact God at the moment. We could say God knows what is going to happen but still engages with us; it simply is harder to relate to. Freedom was one of God initial creative acts. Freedom resulted in sin, but God overcame sin through the Incarnation. God can’t promise evil will not impact us. He does promise to walk alongside us to give peace, in the midst of evil, that passes all human understanding. God does promise to use us to change others for the better if we will accept His plan in response to sin resulting from freedom.

It can matter what we think about God and His knowledge of the future matter. We do not have to defend a fixed future’s logical conclusion that God imposes His will on others. Evil is present because of the choices we make. Jesus is an example of how God will always work to bring about good from the evil choices of others. God will eventually win over evil, often in this world but certainly in the world to come. We can have confidence God appreciates and responds to the events of our lives as they happen. One can argue if the future is known there is not genuine freedom. If God already knows what someone is going to do, are they truly free to do anything different? God throughout the Bible is a God of freedom. God does not force anyone to love Him; He desires a mutual, intimate, relationship. I suppose we could say God knows what is going to happen but still engages with us; it simply is harder to relate to.

Does Open Theology Belittle God And His Greatness?

Traditional theists suggest God knows all of the future before it happens. Traditionalists suggest this does not undermine human freedom but that divine sovereignty and human freedom work together in a way human can’t comprehend. Traditionalists are careful to not suggest God doesn’t know the future for this would suggest God is not all-powerful. Open theists suggest the Bible’s emphasis is much more on God’s openness than deciding history and actions in advance. Open theists suggest that if God knows all of the future then there really cannot be genuine human freedom. Open theists suggest God does not know the future because it has not happened, so God is still all-powerful. It is absolutely critical how the Christian Church communicates what their view of God is to unbelievers and believers.

God must be extremely relational and open to not force Himself on us while tolerating evil and suffering in the world that He could stop but doesn’t. Parents understand the potential joy that comes from having a mutual, satisfying, intimate relationship. We risk hardships by having children who are free to not reciprocate our love. What human parent prefers a forced relationship with their child? God doesn’t appear desirous of forced relationships either. God, too, took relationship risks for desired intimacy. If God didn’t allow freedom, we would just accuse Him of creating robots. Whether our theology likes it or not, things happen not according to God’s will because of freedom. It isn’t heresy to assume that not even God can create life in its very essence, impossible to exist without death, violence, suffering and struggle and yet there be genuine free will. God can’t force genuine love.

The Bible’s emphasis seems much more on God’s openness than deciding history and everyone’s actions in advance. God grants significant freedom and enters into a give and take relationship with us. We can oppose God but He does not abandon us. We can oppose His will and His will not be done, but God is endlessly resourceful and competent in working toward His ultimate goals. This provides many with a “bigger” view of God. Did God hedge His bet and choose Job to be tested because He already knew what would happen? Is it sacrilegious to think Jesus could have sinned? This makes His life of obedience even more astounding. In the traditional view, often an “antinomy” is declared to defend how there can be freedom but God’s has determined choices in advance. There is a more logical explanation and can be defended biblically. An open view of God best explains evil and suffering in the world while defending the character of God.

God gives freedom though He didn’t have to. He does not control though He could. Evil and rebellion is not the outworking of some preordained plan by God. God did not preordained rebellion as some grand scheme, so He could ride in on a white horse and save us. Rebellion against God means things happen against God’s will. For God though, this doesn’t mean things spin out of control like they might for humans. For instance, God didn’t preordain Adam and Eve’s choice but He had a Plan and the power to implement the Plan (Jesus) if sin entered the world. God, from the beginning, chose to not force Himself on others. God knew meaningful love required the freedom to love on both parties’ part.

One less controlling, who has the power to be more controlling, is more influential. What is more compelling - controlling a situation we can or not controlling a situation we can but not losing control? I have chosen the view of God’s sovereignty that makes more sense to me in a world of evil, suffering, and freedom. I am convinced it is a more biblical view of God and better defends His character to the skeptic. It conveys much more the relational aspect of God. God forbid disputable images of God confuse or discourage others from getting to know our Creator. To my way of thinking, what an amazing God to allow freedom when He didn’t have to and how unbelievable is the grace and mercy He shows. God could end this mess but He doesn’t. God is patient, providing a way out, in hopes that we will change and experience true happiness.

Do Open Theists Fear Offending Others?

Most theists, who believe the Bible is God’s inspired words, only attempt to explain what their view of God is according to their interpretations of the biblical writings. Christian theists, regardless of their viewpoint about the nature and character of God, must be able to agree to disagree in love or our Christian faith is worthless in the eyes of others. One might think I have gone soft on God after reading what I believe to be the true nature of God, but this just isn’t true.

Open theists such as me are not afraid to advise others about the anger of God and only want to tell others about the love of God, since that is an easier sell job. Open Theists are not scared to portray God in ways that may offend the skeptic. Open theists are not afraid to advise others of a Hell where God’s punishment by fire does not have an ending but is ongoing, just because it is difficult to defend morally. We just happen to believe the Bible doesn’t teach such a view of Hell. Open theists do not deny the obvious presence of suffering and evil. We just want to make it clear God does not have any part in the beginning of evil or the continuance of evil.

Some traditional theists suggest God preordained evil, but many traditional and open theists simply suggest God ultimately permits evil and suffering because He is capable and powerfully enough to stop things. But, God didn’t desire the Holocaust or the 9/11 plane crashes. God doesn’t plan or desire evil so He can ride in on a great white horse and save the world. Evil is not some grand scheme by God! He certainly was aware of the evil scheming going on by the terrorists. God is never caught off guard or by surprise. God wasn’t necessarily picking who to spare from death and who not. Freedom and the terrorists are the main culprits of what happened. This act of evil served no good purpose from God’s viewpoint, but He has worked much good out of what was intending only to bring evil, something terrorists despise and have no control over.

Open Theists don’t hold their views just so they can tickle the ears of others. We don’t always try to tell people what they want to hear for various motives. We do not suggest God guarantees richness or health if you just have enough faith, which may initially attract more to the Gospel because it is what people what to hear. We believe a world of freedom cannot make such a ridiculous promise. Theists, including open theists, believe becoming a Christian actually may invite even more suffering. Because Open theists believe freedom was and is a huge priority of God when He created, God doesn’t always guarantee you will not suffer greatly at the hands of evil people. He doesn’t always promise physical protection, only eternal life. Open theists simply don’t believe we have to somehow explain evil or suffering is caused by God, to supposedly protect God’s sovereignty, but then that doesn’t make Him evil.

Open theists hold the views they do because they believe it is the most biblical view of God according to the inspired writers of Scriptures. I pray civil theological discussions can continue for what we all personally believe is the most accurate view of God. It is suggested Open theists do not have a big enough view of God. Actually, Open theists suggest the Bible’s emphasis is much more on God’s openness than deciding history and actions in advance. God grants significant freedom and enters into a give and take relationship with humans. We can oppose God but He does not abandon us. We can oppose His will and His will not be done, but God is endlessly resourceful and competent in working toward His ultimate goals. This provides us with a “bigger” view of God. Traditionalist theists seem to insist on defining God’s sovereignty in such a way to defend nothing happens outside the will of God. We Open theists just think it is important to convey that God to be extremely relational and does not force Himself on us. God tolerates evil and suffering in this world that He could stop, but He doesn’t, in hopes we all will come back to Him by choice. Let the discussions continue.

Do Prophecies About Pharaoh, Peter, and Judas Prove A Fixed Future?

It can be argued if God knows the future ahead of time, then decisions cannot be genuinely free. If decisions are not free and humans could not decide to the contrary, how can there be legitimate human responsibility? Many biblical prophecies involved future, individual choices being made. Do the predictions regarding the behaviors of Pharaoh, Peter, and Judas prove the future is fixed, thus admitting there are unsolvable mysteries in explaining how divine sovereignty and human responsibility are always compatible? I believe there is a better biblical explanation that preserves the integrity of human freedom and responsibility and God’s openness to change

Pharaoh, Peter, and Judas are biblical examples of individual lives where it is argued that God preordains certain behaviors before they happen or at the very least proves God knows the future. These examples are not easily explainable, but they do not necessarily contradict numerous other passages that imply all future events aren’t preordained acts of God in which individuals had no choice. Traditional theists suggest God’s foreordains human choice yet somehow humans are held responsible for such actions. Traditionalists might say such contradictory events are unexplainable to the finite human mind. But, there are reasonable interpretations faithful to the text to suggest the writer was not thinking choices were predetermined.

The story of Pharaoh suggests humans on their own accord initiate evil and God reserves the prerogative to then intervene to further accomplish His Plan, which was to deliver the Messiah through the Israelite nation as a blessing to all nations. Exodus 4:21 says: “The LORD said to Moses, When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.” But, Exodus 8:32 says: “But this time also Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go.” In this story are numerous examples of God doing the hardening and Pharaoh hardening his own heart. Obviously, the writer included these acts of self-will because he understood Pharaoh had a choice in the matter. As it is always God’s nature to allow one to not rebel, Moses communicated God’s plan to Pharaoh so he might have a choice to cooperate (6:28). Regardless though, God was going to accomplish His plan to free the Egyptians.

Traditional theists may point out that even before Moses meets with Pharaoh, God says He will harden Pharaoh’s heart. (7:3-5) But, God didn’t have to peer into the future to be faithful to His word. Many of God’s prophecies are understood to be conditional upon whether humans obey or not, though not always stated explicitly in the text. For example, Jonah advised Ninevah they would be destroyed in 40 days, but then God relented because the Ninevites turn from their evil ways. With Pharaoh, there is no story to report that Pharaoh repented. Freedom to obey or rebel against God is on practically every page of Scriptures. God would not have been a liar if Pharaoh cooperated from the beginning and it became unnecessary for God to harden Pharaoh’s heart.

In the New Testament, it is predicted Peter would deny Christ not once but three times before it actually happened. Was Jesus simply peering into the future and advising what would happen? Is it even possible Peter could have resisted? Jesus’ prediction could have been conditional, though not explicitly stated, serving as a warning to Peter to prepare for upcoming faith challenges. If Jesus were guaranteeing a future event and Peter was destined to fail, why would Jesus pray Peter’s faith would not fail? (Luke 22:32) A teacher can often predict which students will fail. A teacher may even tell a student they will fail their class to challenge them. How though can Jesus say Peter would deny Him exactly three times right before the rooster crowed? It is possible God planted a thought in the mind of the people at His timing to challenge Peter. This did not impose upon others’ freedoms; it only proved that Jesus was who He said He was and unlike other gods can always keep His promises. It is also possible that the gospel writers only shared this story because Peter indeed failed. The readers stood to benefit from hearing about Peter’s failure, as they too would face similar times in the end times predicted by Jesus. (Lk 21) It might not have been significant to share Peter’s story if he had heeded Jesus’ warnings to prepare for challenges to his allegiance. The gospels are not an account of every single word spoken by Jesus in His life.

Judas’ prediction is more difficult to explain because Jesus’ betrayal by a close friend is thought to be predicted even in the Old Testament. “Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.” (Psalms 41:9) In John 6 Jesus predicts Judas’ betrayal earlier on. Like Peter, Jesus’ warning could have been conditional. Early on perhaps Judas became predictable. Who has any doubt had they not be stopped, Hitler or Saddam Hussein would continue to kill if given the opportunity to do so. In order to be faithful to the text, we are not required to believe God forced Judas to do evil. This would contradict what else has been written about God in Scriptures. Richard Rice in God’s Foreknowledge And Man’s Free Will argues: “Judas’ behavior indeed fulfilled the prophecy in question, but it may not have been the only possible way of fulfilling it. For example, Psalm 41:9 seems to apply to Peter’s denial just as effectively as Judas’ betrayal…we can affirm both the validity of prophetic predictions and the integrity of human freedom.” (97) Judas was not predestined before he was born to betray Jesus.

Jesus And The End Times

Have The End-Times Already Happened According To The Bible?

Is Jesus Really Coming Again In The Rapture To Destroy The Earth?

Have The End-Times Already Happened According To The Bible?

I care about this issue, though all the different beliefs are understandable, because all this talk about Jesus coming and predictions failing makes God-folks seem slightly looney. Too, certain end-time views can lead to passive living and not taking care of the world for the next generation. God surely prefers focusing on making a difference than escaping. I believe Jesus has already come according to the Bible, thus the world is not ending, as evidenced by:

• The biblical writers and readers expected the “end times” spoken of to happen within their generation. There is no reason to believe otherwise except because of our own assumptions. Peter writes to his readers in the first century that “the end of all things is at hand” (1 Pe. 4:7). Jesus says: “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass way until all these things have happened” (Mt. 24:34). Jesus in the same context recommends readers flee because predictions made are to take place in their generation (v. 16). When asked about the sign of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus said to His readers: “watch out that no one deceives you….you will hear of wars and rumors of war (Mt. 24:4-6).

• Jesus’ and Paul’s generation did not assume Jesus’ coming again was visible. Comings in the clouds, a common metaphor in the Bible, were not always physical. The Old Testament often refers to God coming in the clouds to serve justice. This is obviously metaphorical as God never made a physical appearance. Paul assured his audience they have not missed the “day of the Lord” (2 Thess. 2:1-12). Why was Paul’s audience fearful they could miss the coming of Jesus if such a coming is supposedly a rapture-removing, visible, world-ending coming? Only a non-visible, spiritual coming of Jesus could possibly be missed. The disciples did not think of Jesus’ coming as being visible as they ask: “what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age” (Mt. 24:3).

• Heaven is referred to over 80 times in Matthew in references to the “kingdom of heaven.” Jesus says the Kingdom of God is coming in His readers’ lifetime (Mt. 16: 28). Thus, we are presently living in the kingdom of heaven and this major event or any other major event is not something in our future. Besides, many speak of Jesus being with them now but how so if Jesus hasn’t come yet.

• History suggests Jesus’ prediction of coming in the “last days” has taken place. In the first century the great tribulation was fulfilled. The temple and Jerusalem was destroyed and millions of lives were lost. Biblical Judaism ceased to exist. This was the end of the age that Jesus spoke of. The destructive of Jerusalem was the end of the crucial redemptive-historical epoch. God no longer dwells in temples but people’s hearts. Sacrifice simply conveyed the destructiveness of selfishness, thus forgiveness is never without a cost. Jesus, as the ultimate and final sacrifice, was God’s desire to show His love and to persuade us to run from evil and love others as we wish to be loved.

Is Jesus Really Coming Again In The Rapture To Destroy The Earth?

John Noe in Beyond The End Times: The Rest Of The Great Story Ever Told argues there is biblical evidence that the end times spoken in the Scriptures have been fulfilled. We may be looking forward to Jesus’ second coming (the words “second coming” never appear together in the Bible), when there is evidence that Jesus has already come again and fulfilled the prophecy regarding the “end times” in Scripture. Is God coming again (i.e. rapture/tribulation/Armageddon) to destroy this world as we know it and set up His reign? This viewpoint, if incorrect, can cause passivity, while we just wait on God to “fix” things by coming again. We must do all we can for the next generation. Suffering does end eventually for those who chose life with God after death.

History suggests Jesus’ predictions of coming in the “last days” have taken place. In the first century the great tribulation was fulfilled. The temple was destroyed and biblical Judaism ceased to exist. By AD 70 the city and the Temple were burned and destroyed. The covenant nation of Israel and biblical Judaism were forever destroyed. The destructive of Jerusalem was the end of the crucial redemptive-historical epoch. Early church historians affirm Jesus came in the fall of Jerusalem fulfilling Zechariah’s end-time prophecy. [Noe, 214] A literal day in August/September AD 70 was the third most important date in human history along with Christmas and Easter. The new heaven and earth were fulfilled in AD 70 when Jesus came.

The first biblical evidence that Jesus has already come is because the biblical writers and readers expected the “end times” spoken of to happen within their generation. Peter writes to his readers in the first century that “the end of all things is at hand.” (1 Pe 4:7) Matthew records Jesus saying “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass way until all these things have happened.” (Mt 24:34) It has been suggested a generation could mean a thousand years, but the word in the Greek was never used in this way. We should take the word to mean what it typically means unless contextual evidence suggests otherwise. Jesus in Matthew 24 was advising the end times were soon. Jesus recommends his readers flee because predictions made are to take place in their generation. (v 16) When asked about the sign of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus said: “watch out that no one deceives you….you will hear of wars and rumors of war. (Mt 24:4-6)

Many other passages suggest the readers knew Jesus’ words would be fulfilled in their lifetime. I Corinthians 7 advises how to conduct relationships in times of danger as the “time is short.” (v 29) All references in the New Testament of the “last days” refer to the times of the writer, which was in the first century. (i.e. Heb 1:1-2; Acts 2:15-17; I Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3:1; James 5:3; 2 Peter 3:3; I Peter 1:5,20; Jude 17-19; I Jn 2:18-20) The last days are referred to in the present tense. New Testament writer confirmed the coming of the Lord is at hand. (James 5:8; I Cor 7:29-31; I Peter 4:7, 17; I John 2:18) Finally, Hebrews 10:25, 36 says: “…and all the more as you see the Day approaching…For, in just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.”

Secondly, several biblical passages suggest the earth is not going to ever pass away or be destroyed like the flood. (Gen 8:21-22 9:11) Scriptures imply the earth and the world were established to endure forever. (Ps 78:69; see also Ps. 93:1; 96:10; 119:90) Ephesians 3:9 says: the world is “without end.” Not one passage says clearly the world is passing away. In fact, the Bible states our citizenship is in heaven, not a new heaven and earth. (Philip 3:20) We must be careful how we interpret language in the Bible. If everything were taken literally in the Bible, the Earth would have been destroyed many times over. Often, annihilation language is used to advise of upcoming judgments. Nahum 1:5 says: “the hills melt away.” The context is God’s judgment with Nineveh (1:1). Joel 2:30-31 says: “I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.” The fulfillment of this prophecy in Peter’s day (Acts 2:16-21). Numerous passages are not predicting the ending of the world or some mass destruction but rather either God’s judgment or some major event in history by God.

Jesus said to his audience in their time that the “heaven and earth will pass way.” (Mt 24:34-35) Obviously, the earth did not pass away physically as it still exists 2000 years later. Jesus was referring to a spiritual and not physical reality. Paul says: “this world in its present form is passing away” (I Cor 7:31) and that its “time is short.” (7:29) Paul was not referring to the end of the physical world. Paul was referring to the Old Testament Law system that was to be replaced in a new order and reality in Christ before their very eyes. Revelation 21:1 says: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” Daniel when prophesying was told to close up and seal his words as the fulfillment was in the future. (Daniel 12:4, 9) John in Revelation was told to leave his book unsealed (Rev. 22:10), because his words were to be fulfilled soon. (Rev. 1:1, 3, 22:6-10) If John words were to be fulfilled centuries later as were Daniel’s, wouldn’t have John been told to “seal” his words? The new heaven and new earth that John spoke of was not physical but a spiritual reality. This spiritual reality happened when Jesus came again through the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and thus the law went with it. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. Isaiah’s new heaven and earth (65:17-18; 66:22) are Messianic and totally covenantal. The “new heaven and earth” spoken of speaks of a present reality in the time of the writer of Revelation 21: 3-7. Jesus was coming again in their time.

But, don’t the Scriptures assume the coming of Jesus described during Jesus’ generation and during Paul’s audience time is visible? In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Paul assured his audience they have not missed the “day of the Lord.” Why was Paul’s audience fearful they could miss the coming of Jesus if such a coming is supposedly a rapture-removing, visible, world-ending coming? The audience obviously thought Jesus’ coming was to be in their lifetime. Only a non-visible, spiritual coming of Jesus could possibly be missed. Clearly, the disciples did not thing of Jesus’ coming being visible as they ask “what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age.” (Mt 24:3) What about Acts 1:9-11? One might insist since Jesus left the earth physically, that He must “come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” (v.11) An equal argument can be made though about Jesus’ coming being invisible. “He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.” (v.9)

Christ’s “coming on the clouds” is a common metaphor borrowed from Old Testament portrayals of God descending from heaven and coming in power and glory to execute judgment on a people or nation. In all the historic comings of God in judgment, He acted through human armies, or through nature, to bring destruction. “See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt…” (Isa 19:1) For the earthly fulfillment, see Isaiah 20:1-6. Also, “Look! He advances like the clouds, his chariots come like a whirlwind.” (Jer 4:13) “Sing to God, sing praise to his name, extol him who rides on the clouds…” (Ps 68:4) Because of this background, Jesus’ disciples would have understood what He was talking about in his Olivet Discourse about coming back on the “clouds of heaven.” (Mt. 24:30) In all these real biblical comings of God in the Old Testament, God was never physically visible; He was unseen by human eyes! Cloud-coming is the language of divine imagery. Jesus employed the same figure of speech for his end-time prophecies. For Jesus and a 1st century Jew, coming “on the clouds” was not a claim to come visible to the human eye. Jesus did not come in body, yet He was present in judgment in the events of the Roman-Jewish War and the final destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (Noe, 183-185) Before Jesus’ messianic work no one had ever gone into heaven except Jesus. Upon Jesus’ completed work the resurrection of the saints took place and some actually visited Jerusalem in bodily form. (Mt 27:51-53)

Doesn’t Scriptures say the gospel has to be preached to all nations before Jesus comes again? In the Olivet Discourse it says “and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Mt 24:14) It is likely the writer meant the civilized world at that time which was the Roman world. It seems if the writer meant the entire global world and every individual they would have used the Greek word “kosmos” as used in Mathew 24:21. In Acts 2:5 Paul at Pentecost says: “now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.” Surely, Paul was making a global statement and not intending to mean every individual in ever nation. Paul states in his time that the gospel has been proclaimed “to every creature under heaven.” (Col 1:23) The gospel has already been preached to all nations and was not something in the distance future that has to be done before Christ can come again.

Jesus has come! When Christians die, they go to heaven and are not in limbo. We often say “Jesus is with us.” But, how can we say this if He hasn’t returned? Hebrews 9:28 says Jesus will appear a second time not to bear our sin but to bring salvation. Our salvation is not still in limbo. Isn’t our salvation complete as predicted in I Peter 1:5 when Jesus came with the destruction of the temple in A.D. 70? “Who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.” The new earth and heavens have arrived. In A.D. 70 all the old things were fulfilled and transformed anew in Christ. God no longer dwells in temples made with hands. His people are its temples. This heavenly city is the glorious dwelling place of those believers who overcome and keep God’s commandments on His earth. The Holy city’s symbolic description in Revelation 21 and 22 is given to encourage all saints of every generation. We can win this inheritance and enter and live daily in this joy of this community with God. Who wants to miss what we have now in favor of futuristic postponement theologies? Who would want a revival of the old Judaic system, when they have the hope and promise of something better that has replaced it? Our inheritance is more glorious, more powerful, and far more joyful. It’s an incomparable inheritance, and it is here on earth and available in Christ. It’s the ultimate reality, the ultimate community, and the ultimate joy for God’s people here on earth. Read about it anew in Revelation 21 and 22. Are you inside or outside the city? The new Jerusalem awaits! (Noe, 264-265).

• Noe suggests a visible coming of Jesus in not mentioned in any historical Christian doctrines until 1560 AD (First Scottish Confessions of Faith). Malachi 4:5-6 says the prophet Elijah will be sent, but clearly this fulfillment was not visible but through the ministry of John the Baptist. (Mt 11:14)

• The Book of Revelation written prior to AD 70 is backed by biblical scholarship and the fact that no mention is made by the author of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem around AD 70. This is an argument from silence but nevertheless significant. It appears prophecies in Revelation describe events leading to the destruction of the Temple and the Day of the Lord in Jerusalem in AD 70.

Defending The Bible And Human Reasoning

Is The Bible A Blessing Or Curse?

Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?

When Are The Bible And Theology Dangerous?

Is The Bible As Credible As Other Literature Written Many Years Ago?

Why Is Context Important To Understand A Biblical Writer’s Meaning?

Is The Bible A Blessing Or Curse?

Many may turn away from God because of what they understand or have heard the Bible teaches about their Creator. One has to wonder if we might be better off without the Bible after seeing all the troubles the Book has caused. I have studied the Bible for years so obviously I am going to defend we are better off with than without the Bible. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t think there are many rational arguments to suggest that we may be better off without this Book.

Some argue that having a Bible informs what God is truly like, thus inspiring higher moral standards. Many people have lived and died without knowing the Bible existed. They are not necessarily less moral than those who have a Bible and look to it for guidance. Many people who have no interest or relationship with God put to shame morally those claiming to be godly. Interpretations of the Bible are fallible. We are not totally clueless of what God is really like if we are made in God’s image. Most can agree on good from evil. We can have a relationship with our Creator and avoid problems of misrepresentations of God if we did not have the Bible.

It seems the Bible has led to more divisiveness than unity. We tend to worship a Book than who the Book is about. How else do you explain the thousands of denominations and the differences among those who claim to worship the same God? They establish their own Creeds to follow which just leads to divisiveness. The Apostle Paul warned against such divisions among followers: “I follow Paul; another, I follow Apollos; another, I follow Cephas; still another I follow Christ” (I Cor. 1:12). God folks refer to themselves as Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, etc. Their differences often center on understandings of the Bible for guidance. If we got rid of the Bible people might seek more Who we follow that what we believe.

A Book to focus on has led to more personal conflict than harmony. The Bible is often not discussed so we can consider one another’s opinion gracefully to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. We behave as if God is not capable of leading individuals. Interpretations are fallible but we claim our opinions are the truth. It is convicting to learn that theologians such as St. Augustine and Calvin didn’t oppose the execution of those who did not agree with their theology. The truth is in any discussion you could be right, I may be right, or we may both be wrong. Once a discussion turns into a debate or argument we have both lost. Knowing human nature we may be better off without a Book.

We all know what a loving God should be like. When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, shouldn’t we err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind? Because of a Book we end up with some interpretations that do more harm than good it seems. No one in their right might would think a loving God would condone sadistic torturing. Yet, it is suggested the Bible teaches when people die they either go to Heaven or a place where God purposely keeps people alive to continue to torture them for their rebellion. Most humans wouldn’t even do that with their worst enemies. One wonders if we are better off without the Bible to avoid interpretations that surely don’t reveal God’s true character.

I have discussed reasons having the Bible may be a curse, but I cannot imagine my life without a Bible to read and attempt to understand. I have suggested we know intuitively what a loving Creator would be like, but the Bible advises much that is not necessarily common sense. The Bible says we are made in the image of our Creator. I am not sure I would naturally think that, but such an understanding reveals how I think I should treat my child is how God thinks toward me. The Bible suggests it is better to forgive than always pursue exact justice. That is not something I would always think of naturally, even on a good day.

Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?

It is important to read our Bibles if we are fortunate to have a copy. The Apostle Paul says that Scriptures are the inspired words of God (2 Tim 3:16-17). Some of Scriptures are God’s actual words (i.e. Ten Commandments). The challenge though is that interpretations are fallible. The Bible is not a single text with a single author. The Bible was written in foreign languages thousands of years ago. We must listen to our hearts as well to understand God, as we are made in God’s image. Even human parents understand they cannot ask children in their image to believe in anything that violates their own sense of justice

Human reasoning is critical in understanding God. The first chapter of Romans says we all sense that a Being greater than ourselves exist, and we have an internal moral compass that allows most to agree on right from wrong. We must consider if a biblical teaching seems plausible based on what a loving God would be like. For example we must reject traditional explanations of Hell if there is a defensible exegetical alternative. Such sadistic punishment serves no purpose and humans don’t even keep their enemies alive so we can keep torturing them. We must listen to our hearts!

God cannot ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against His nature. God and human morality are one in the same. Humans have a concept of perfect love because we are made in our Creator’s image. God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God’s desire for us and what we desire deep down for ourselves are inseparable. We can already know the truth about the Heart of God before reading Scriptures. God surely is not a reflection of our parents but the perfection of parents we always desired or wanted to be.

Selective Election where God elected certain individuals for eternal life, thus foreordaining millions of humans to eternal damnation without any choice, can’t be biblical. God’s love cannot be contrary to human understandings of rational love. Earthly parents would be accused of immorality if they showed similar favoritism toward their children. There is not a quota on God’s grace. Selective election by God is indefensible exegetically and according to human reasoning. God cannot ask His children to be impartial (James 2:1) and yet God show favoritism.

Human reasoning is not the enemy! God created such reasoning. Questions about God are solved on biblical and rational grounds as interpretations are imperfect. When our interpretations give reasons for pause, we must reconsider. Bad theology has consequences. St. Augustine and Calvin with their beliefs about Election implied God’s grace has a quota and His love is conditional. Our theology must not make it difficult for people to turn to God by misrepresenting God’s character. Let each person come to their understanding of God if they are seeking. What good is Christian love if we can’t consider one another’s opinion gracefully, so to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. Imagine if our discussions about God were civil and lead to agreeing to disagree. Trust God to work in the heart of His individual children.

When Are The Bible And Theology Dangerous?

Interpretations are fallible. When you think you know your interpretation is correct, you don’t. The Bible is written in foreign languages thousands of years ago. The Bible is not a single text with a single author. The Bible rarely addresses theological issues in a systematic way. We must show humility. What good is Christian love if we can’t share and consider one another’s opinion gracefully, so to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible.

When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, we best err on the side of grace and mercy to avoid misleading anyone in what God is truly like. God is love. God’s wrath is simply another aspect of God’s love for one’s good. Biblical interpretations must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. To portray God as a Hellish, sadistic torturer, since there is a defensible exegetical alternative, is questionable. Humans don’t even keep their enemies alive on purpose so we can keep burning them.

Human reasoning is not the enemy. The reason we have internal moral absolutes, which most beings can agree on at a fundamental level, is because we all are made in God’s image. We share God’s nature, so God cannot ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against His nature. God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God is the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. We best err on the side of interpretation that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind.

We may think interpretations must strike the “fear of God” in others to control behaviors in an attempt to produce godliness. A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil. Those who deny their horrible evil acts should be warned. You are likely not a candidate for a “fear of God” warning if you are reading this. We often are not invited to understand how much God loves us so a true friendship can develop. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor conquered battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in your life? Fear does not lead to intimacy in relationships which can transform us more into the kind of person we truly want to be.

Have Christians made a mess of the Christian religion by some of their views or lack of open-mindedness? Beliefs have consequences. Believing one human race is inferior to another human race leads to racism. We all are one human race if you believe the Bible, since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. Bad theology has consequences. Our theology must not make it difficult for people to turn to God by misrepresenting God’s character. Let each person come to their understanding of God if they are seeking. Understand our dogmatic theology can make it difficult for others to turn to God. Trust God to work in the heart of His individual children.

Is The Bible As Credible As Other Literature Written Many Years Ago?

If you believe Julius Caesar really existed and we have accurate documents about his exploits, then you must believe Jesus actually existed and the biblical documents are reliable. Everything we know about Julius Caesar’s exploits in the Gallic Wars is derived from ten manuscript copies, the earliest of which date to within 1000 years of the time the Gallic Wars was written. The most reliable secular text is Homer’s Iliad, which is supported by 643 manuscript copies in existence today with a 400-year time gap between the date of composition and the earliest copies we have available for examination today.

The New Testament has no equal. Nearly 25,000 manuscripts of the New Testament exist in libraries and universities today. The earliest of these is a fragment of John’s Gospel, which has been dated to within 50 years of the date when the apostle John penned the original. Within 100 years we have books, within 150 years most of the New Testament, within 225 years the complete New Testament. Finally, in all of history, the Bible is by far the most widely referenced and quoted book. The New Testament alone is so extensively quoted in the ancient manuscripts of non-biblical authors that all 27 books from Matthew through Revelation could be reconstructed virtually word or word from these sources. As well, the reliability of the text is consistently supported by archaeology.

Proof for the Old Testament is no less impressive. Before 1947, the oldest complete Hebrew manuscript dated to AD 900. But with the discovery of 223 manuscripts in caves on the west side of the Dead Sea, we now have Old Testament manuscripts that are dated around 125 BC. These Dead Sea scrolls are a thousand years older than any previously know manuscripts. They have proved to be identical, word for word, in more than 95% of the text. The 5% consist mainly of spelling variations. These minor variations do not alter the clear meaning of the text or bring the manuscript’s fundamental integrity into question.

We don’t have the original manuscripts written by the authors themselves. But, for over 99 percent of the words of the Bible, we know what the original manuscripts said through textual criticism. We know what the variants are (different words in different ancient copies of the same verse) but none change any doctrines on the Scriptures. We are not left with confusion but come closer to what the original transcripts said. Thus, our present manuscripts are practically the same as the original manuscripts, thus over 99 percent of the words in present manuscripts are also inerrant.

A fair assessment of the evidence clearly indicates the biblical texts are reliable. To call them into question is to call into question all ancient historical documents, which no one is willing to do. You cannot pick and choose from the Bible what you wish to believe is reliable. Choosing what is right and what is wrong would be purely arbitrary. We cannot pick and chose what to believe that may be convenient and deny that which may require unselfishness on our part. All of the Bible is reliable and requires those who read it to either believe in God and follow His way or continue to go their own ways.

Why Is Context Important To Understand A Biblical Writer’s Meaning?

Most Christians believe the Bible is God’s communication and supernatural guidance to His people, so it is so important to not quote Scriptures out of context. I am hesitant, when I write on certain subjects in a brief manner, to sprinkle bible versus throughout to make my point. Bible verses are within the context of a paragraph; paragraphs are written within the context of a book. It is important to understand what a writer means before we can understand how to interpret or apply their teachings in our lives. We are misrepresenting an author’s viewpoint if we use something they say to imply something they had not intended. It is better we not quote the writer.

We want to be careful, when we reference Scriptures, to not cite a verse or two to imply a meaning contra to the context. Verses can lose their meaning if lifting out of that context. Numerical verses were not part of the original manuscripts. Verses were numbered in the Middle Ages to facilitate reference, which may have been both a blessing and a curse. The curse is that we can fall into the trap of quoting a verse to prove a point not intended by the original author. The New Testament writers and Jesus referenced the Old Testament frequently. They obviously understood the author’s intended meaning and quoted Old Testament passages within context. They did not have verses to wrestle a few words out of context to imply a meaning not intended by the original author.

Some examples may help to make my point. Some suggest the passage that Jesus says to “turn the other check” implies Jesus was a pacifist or that this course of action is recommended in all Christian endeavors. (Mt 5:39) But, Jesus’ teachings must be interpreted in light of other passages such as when Jesus threw the moneychangers out of the temple. (Jn 2:15) Jesus didn’t turn His check in this instance. Sometimes, sermons on forgiveness are preached without qualifications. Does the Bible teach one must forgive another person even if they don’t repent or recognize their wrongdoing? One would be hard press to find any biblical passage, which indicates God forgives those who don’t repent, or that God commands explicitly His followers to forgive those who don’t repent. Too, the Bible says forgiveness from God is conditioned upon one’s willingness to forgive. (Matthew 6:14)

Someone may read and quote a book that says: “don’t drink.” But it is important to realize this book was written to the alcoholic and not assume the writer would advise all not to drink alcohol. One might read in I Timothy 2:12 that says “women should not teach” and assume women are not to put themselves in a teaching position of Scriptures. But it is important to understand the context from which the writer was writing out of. The Bible does not appear to teach one is gifted according to gender or color. It is important to realize the writer was speaking out of a setting where there had been problems with women teaching due to their lack of opportunities to learn. Jesus taught us to pray “give us today our daily bread” but He was not just taking about our physical needs. Jesus said “People do not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matt 4:4).” “Give us our daily bread” in Matthew 6:11 must be understood in a larger sense when Jesus “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.” (John 6:35)

Chuck Colson said in his book “Since the universe came about for unknown reasons and life evolved by chance, humanity must invent its own reasons for being and the ethics by which we will govern ourselves.” (The Faith, 174) It is important one realize Chuck Colson doesn’t believe this point of view. He was making a point if you did believe the universe came about for unknown reasons. He argues instead that we all came into existence by a Creator of the Universe. Another author said: “If there were a postmortem encounter, it would render the decisions of this life of little or no effect.” (Pinnock, A Wideness in God’s Mercy, 170) But if you read the entire paragraph the author was only stating this is one opinion and not necessary his own and he then further elaborates. It is so very important we be careful when we reference bible verses that we are careful to understand and imply the meaning intended by the writer.

Defending Belief In God And Jesus

What Is The Big Deal About Easter?

Why Did Jesus Really Come In The Flesh?

Was Jesus For Real Or A Liar?

Did Jesus Really Resurrect From The Dead?

What Is The Big Deal About Easter?

One has to wonder if something really happened 2000 years ago as to why we continue to celebrate Easter. It is often the one day of the year people who don’t normally go to church attend. I am not advocating people start going to church. I am just wondering if it may make a difference in your life if you become convinced Jesus really did come back from the dead. Wouldn’t that validate Jesus’ claim to be God and His message that God is dying to have a relationship with you.

If someone today proclaimed they would resurrect from the dead after three days and fulfilled their promise, we might listen than declare them a lunatic. It takes just as much faith to believe the Romans, who were aware of Jesus’ claims (in fact Herod was so concerned about a predicted Messiah that he had firstborns killed), would leave the tomb unguarded so Jesus’ followers could then take His body away and claim Jesus had risen from the dead. The tomb was guarded because of Jesus’ prediction (Mt 27:62-66). Secondly, the Bible recorded Jesus was seen after His death by over 500 witnesses, most of who were living (I Cor. 15:3-8). What writer who claims to represent God records the resurrection as a fact with people alive who can dispute.

Finally, the most compelling historical evidence is that over the next fifty years after Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus’ disciples were willing to be beaten, persecuted, and suffer a martyr’s death without renouncing their conviction that they has seen Jesus’ bodily resurrection. C’mon! Some people will give their life for what they believe may be true, but no one gives their life for what they know is a lie. Christianity relies on an event that has already happened, while many faiths rely on a promise for the future that may or may not be true.

God wanted to come in the flesh through Jesus, but the Creator was not like other OT gods who demanded the sacrifice of children for their own ego. Jesus didn’t die to appease God’s anger and honor so God could then love us and forgive us. Jesus forgave people before His death. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to gain credibility and influence. God went to great means to convince us of His unimaginable love. Jesus’ by example sought to influence us to avoid paths of destruction that lead to regrets. Few may die for a good person. Jesus died to convince all of God’s unconditional love for them. What kind of Creator does this!

Maybe Jesus really was God if He resurrected from the dead. Forgive pushy followers who don’t wait for an invitation to share their excitement of a relationship with their Creator. You may wonder why we followers act so badly sometimes if we believe the way we do. Imagine what we would be like if we didn’t know God. Saving one’s life for Jesus was not giving a get-out-of-hell free card. Jesus simply wished to convince us that selfishness leads to regrets and destruction. Jesus by example attempted to encourage us to love others as we wish to be loved as this leads to true freedom. The Gospel simply is that God loves you unconditionally and seeks to help you listen to your heart for a better life and world. A close relationship with my Creator has helped me be a better man, husband, father, and friend.

Why Did God Really Come In The Flesh?

God came in the flesh in the person of Jesus but not for reasons you may think. Jesus' death was a depiction of how far God will go to have a relationship with us, not how far God will go to make sure sins get paid for. God did not intend from the beginning for Adam and Eve to be in awe and scared to be in His presence. When God visited in the garden to converse with Adam and Eve, they hid among the trees. [Gen 3:8] Did their sin made them feel unworthy to be in God’s presence? Did they underestimate God’s grace and willingness to forgive?

Our relationship with God did not get better with time. The Israelites continue to keep their distance and live in fear of God. Fearing God in the Bible is only necessary when evil is on the loose to hopefully deter evildoers. God desperately wanted an open relationship as He started too with Adam and Eve but sin does strange things to us humans. God knew He would need to come in the flesh and not necessarily in a spectacular fashion or relational barriers would remain.

Jesus eased into the lives of His disciples beginning as a baby rather than as a powerful man such as Moses; otherwise, Jesus would have been greeted with just more awe and standoffishness. No one initially suspected a baby was God incarnate. The disciples may not have eventually accepted Jesus as a friend had they fully understood He was God from the beginning. God has always desired a friendship. Jesus didn’t want us to coward from Him. Jesus wanted to show God could be the most faithful friend a disciple and others could imagine. [Jn 15]

We may assume Jesus became a man to save us from our sins for legalistic rather than relational reasons. The actions on the Cross have been interpreted to imply Jesus died to appease God’s sense of justice rather than to convince us of His love for us. If Jesus’ death was absolutely necessary so God could forgive us our sins, how come Jesus was able to forgive sins before His death? Do we really think God was so mad at sinners that He had to kill someone? God did not need to be appeased by human sacrifice like the other OT gods. The Cross was not to satisfy some need of God’s but to satisfy some need in us.

God wants us to feel comfortable in His presence despite our sins. Isn’t this the desire of any parent? The Cross enables us to know God sees us as Christ as our sins are nailed to the Cross. The Cross allows us to have a free conscience so we can have a relationship with our Creator. The Cross empowers us to be comfortable with God despite our guilty feelings. God knew we would have a hard time accepting His incredible offer of friendship, so He went to great lengths via the Cross to prove His love and Himself. Jesus’ death was God’s attempt to win our hearts over to follow in Jesus’ footsteps than in the footsteps of sin that can destroy.

We can understand God’s reasons for certain actions of love because we are created in His image. God’s ways are relational and rational and will draw us closer to Him as do the ways of loving parents. Biblical references to the blood of Jesus do not confirm legalistic interpretations. Hebrews 10:4 says: “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.” This passage and others do not explain for what purpose Jesus’ blood served. The truth is there is no price for sin where the sin doesn’t matter or have consequences. God wrath was not toward the sinner but the sin. Sin offerings in the OT were not for God but to illustrate sin’s devastation as a price is always paid when forgiveness becomes necessary in relationships.

I Tim 2:6 says: “Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all people.” This passage doesn’t say the ransom was to appease God. John 3:17 says: “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” If someone wronged me and the only way I could satisfy my anger and forgive was to kill my child, what does that say about me as a parent? Jesus didn’t have to die so God could be appeased. Jesus’ death was to persuade us to turn from sin and toward God. How better to possible persuade one than to be willing to die for uncommitted sins. God desires sin does not lead to our own demise. God wants to empower us to overcome the power of sin in our lives.

Was Jesus For Real Or A Liar?

I don’t need persuading that God exists. I don’t believe that the world evolved by chance rather than came about by an Intelligent Designer. Both views are theories in the sense we were not there in the beginning to observe what really happened. I just don’t have enough faith to believe in chance, based on the complexity of our world and witnessing the birth of my three children. Similarly, I don't really need convincing that Jesus was really who He claimed to be; He was the Son of God sent down to earth on a mission. Because of my relationship with Him for over 30 years, I have emotionally felt His influence in my life, and I am a much better person for the relationship. Such evidence is subjective but real to millions who have a relationship with Christ.

Many want more than circumstantial evidence. No one argues against the historical evidence that Jesus lived; the debate is whether Jesus was who He said He was. We know Jesus lived because there are historical accounts recorded about his life some 20 to 40 years after his death. We have original documents written within a hundred years when Jesus lived. There are no other comparisons when it comes to historical figures. Few doubt Julius Caesar existed, though the earliest copy of his work is dated 1000 years after the original.

Christianity hangs on whether Jesus actually came back from the grave three days after being hung on a Cross. It is hard for me to believe if this actually didn't happen, that the Christian faith would have been as influential and still alive today. When the disciples spoke of Jesus’ resurrection and people responded with faith, all the authorities had to do was produce the dead body. Other faiths rely on a promise for the future. Christianity relies on an event that has already happened.

If someone declared that they were going to rise from the dead after the third day of their burial, we might pay some attention. We might initially write them off as being a lunatic, but if indeed this person did come back from the dead, surely we would take notice and listen to what they had to say. We may even take more notice if years before it had been predicted that this person would be born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14/Mt. 1:21-22), be born in the city of Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2/Lk. 2:4), and sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zec. 11:12-13/Mt. 26:14-15). Jesus claimed to be the fulfillment of these prophecies in the Old Testament and performed many miracles to confirm He was the chosen Messiah sent from God. Jesus stated in John 5:36 the power to perform miracles were given to Him by God to prove God had sent Him (see also Jn. 2:23; 10:25,38; 14:11; 15:24).

Jesus either was the Son of God or a liar. His death was not sought because He claimed to be a good man or great teacher; Jesus was crucified because He claimed to be the Son of God. Jesus’ bodily resurrection from the dead proves His claim to be God. His tomb was empty. Some may argue that His body was stolen. Do you really think the Romans who were aware of Jesus’ claims (in fact Herod was so concern about a predicted Messiah that he had firstborns killed) that they would leave the tomb unguarded so His followers could then take His body away and claim Jesus had risen from the dead. That takes some faith! The tomb was guarded because of Jesus’ prediction. (Mt 27:62-66) Jesus Himself on several occasions spanning many months, predicted with uncanny accuracy both his death and resurrection. Matthew 16:21 says:

From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” (See also Mt. 17:9,22-23; 20:18-19)

Did Jesus Really Resurrect From The Dead?

Followers recorded Jesus was seen after His death by over 500 witnesses, most of who were living. (I Cor. 15:3-8) Surely, the greatest evidence for Jesus’ claims to be who He said He was is that eyewitnesses were available to see Him back from the dead. Jesus actually did resurrect from the dead. No one else who has ever lived can make such a claim. I Corinthians 15:3-8 says:

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.

Over 500 eyewitnesses saw the resurrected Jesus. When Paul writes these words, he says those who saw Jesus are still living. Obviously, the truth of Jesus being alive could be verified. Still skeptical! Some claim Jesus’ body was stolen and his followers created this elaborate lie He was risen, then 500 eyewitnesses were recruited to perpetuate this lie. To believe this:

You would have to be ready to believe that over the next fifty years the apostles were willing to be ostracized, beaten, persecuted, and (all but one of them) suffer a martyr’s death without even renouncing their conviction that they had seen Jesus’ bodily resurrection…the fact is that people will give their lives for what they believe is true, but they will never give their lives for what they know is a lie. ( Chuck Colson, Answers To Your Kids’ Questions, 75-76)

If Jesus’ followers were to perpetuate a lie at least they could have done a better job recording those who saw his first appearances. In the Gospel of Mark it records Jesus arose from the dead and appeared first to Mary Magdalene. Women had very little credibility during this time. If you are going to make up a story you don’t begin by reporting a woman being the first eyewitness. Maybe Mary was recorded as the first eyewitness because they were simply recording the events as they truly happen.

Jesus is unique. Jesus claimed to be God and sinless, not a messenger or some great prophet. No other leader of Religions even makes such claims. Gandhi admits to having evil desires in his autobiography. Jesus claimed to be the way to God. Jesus must be whom He claims. Prophecies of the Old Testament came true by his birth, life, death, and resurrection. Jesus’ tomb was empty. No body was provided, no evidence to the contrary. Eyewitnesses saw Jesus alive after He was put to death. There is sufficient, historical evidence that Jesus’ resurrected. Christianity is alive today because apparently the tomb was empty and the only reasonable explanation for this was because Jesus did what He said He would by coming back from the dead.

I imagine even people who lived during Jesus’ lifetime didn’t check out the facts. They had heard of a man name Jesus and the claims He made, but they may have apathetically thought “just another lunatic claiming to be the Son of God.” Nothing has changed today. Christianity is the only religion that claims that its’ prophet was the Son of God and that He would come back from the death. No religion is going to make such claims unless able to back up or somehow conceal from others the Lie. Why does it take us Christians challenging others to consider the claims of Christ rather than others examining this amazing historical event and claim without prompting? Many will not bother to examine the facts. It is just the human condition. People often don’t believe because of some misgiving about God’s character, but many time people don’t believe because they are simply spiritually lazy or apathetic. It often takes a crisis in one’s life to get their attention they need divine help.

God And Evangelism – Telling Others About God

Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends?

How Do We Discuss God With Others According To Jesus?

Did Jesus And Should We Have An Agenda With People?

Should We Tell Other About God The Way Jesus Did?

What Really Is The Simple But Elegant Gospel?

How Do We Discuss God With Others?

Why Is Sharing God With Other So Hard?

Is A Relationship With God Really By Saying A Magic One-Time Prayer?

Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends?

Spiritual folks often do more harm than good when telling others about God. Randal Rauser points out in his blog that according to one study, when people were the object of Christian witnessing 59% developed a more negative perception of Jesus and/or Christianity while only 19% developed a more positive perception. In other words witnessing is three times as likely to produce negative results (, Nov 2, 2015). Years ago I was the best at making friendships awkward. Unfortunately, I was misinformed.

Misinformation about Hell in the Bible is one of the main reasons for unnatural relationships or interactions. Some may mess up a friendship because they feel pressure to talk to people about God or they are going straight to Hell. Others may not talk to friends about God even if it comes up naturally because Hell as a place of eternal, sadistic torture is something not even a human would think up much less a loving God. It is said after death God tortures people forever for sins committed in a few short years here on earth. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Most Christians don’t really believe in Hell or shame on them for not offending everyone possible because they could die in a blink of an eye and burn to a crisp.

The traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, which you will burn in Hell after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Sheol, wrongly translated as Hell in the OT, was a place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Even Job, a righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape tremendous suffering. Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell in the NT, was a real valley in Jerusalem. Jesus used Gehenna to symbolize the horrors of adversaries of God who disposed of their enemies into the burning, worm-infested valley. Simply avoid a valley near Jerusalem close to death if concerned about going to Hell. The God I know though will invite all after death to join Him. I doubt any reading this or their loved ones will reject such an invitation.

Believe it or not Jesus whole reason for coming was to simply encourage and inspire all to treat others like you want to be treated. Jesus came to let us know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down. Jesus said this was the most important commandment or the main thing (Mt. 24:37-38). When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. Jesus did not focus on Heaven, perfection, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus taught life forever can begin here on earth. Jesus came to earth to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good.

Who doesn’t know the story of how Jesus responded to the religious elite who had caught a woman in adultery (Jn. 7:53-8:11). When Jesus rightly shamed the crowd by getting them to look in the mirror, they dropped their stones and left Jesus and the woman alone. Jesus didn’t lecture, pray with the woman, or tell her to go to church. Jesus simply said “Go now and leave your life of sin.” C’mon! Didn’t Jesus have a better evangelical spiel? It didn’t matter that Jesus may never see this woman again. Jesus had said all He needed to – God loves you and encourages you to do what you know is right in your heart for your own good and others. It is a slap in God’s “unconditional love” face to suggest Jesus’ agenda with people was anything other than loving people as they deep down desire to be loved. Jesus didn’t use Hell to threaten others into heaven because no such place existed. The thief on the cross just asked to be remembered. Jesus said “you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23).

What is our purpose in our relationships with others? It may be obvious for those not weighed down by misbeliefs about God. Who thinks when getting with friends they that should have hidden motives? Spiritual readers can relax because no one has to say the sinner’s prayer to get a free pass out of Hell. Love doesn’t have a hidden agenda. We get together with friends to enjoy one another’s company and love them how we wished to be loved. I love talking to others about my relationship with God as must as I do a good book, but only if natural and mutually desired. Jesus wanted all to know how much they are loved by their Creator. Mother Teresa said that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others.

Jesus did not come as a theologian but lover. If our beliefs are truly life changing than people will simply know by the way we love others. But, since I suck at loving others I often find it easier to write about beliefs that may hinder ones relationship with their Creator. God was always willing to live in peace, despite one’s beliefs, as long as they didn’t engage in such evils as child sacrificing, raping, killing, etc. Jesus did not attack people’s sexual preferences. Jesus attacked the real hypocrites – the religious. If you claim to be spiritual ask a friend where they see hypocrisy in your life. Years ago no one was asking me to pray in non-religious group settings. Now, people look to me as if I am expected to pray. Maybe they sense God and I hang together. Maybe they know I went to seminary a year and mistakenly think that qualifies me. But, my prayers are fun and open because God in my life is fun and open. I love having my conversations with God out loud. It is like asking me to play tennis. Anytime, anywhere! Knowing God can be life transforming and help to face challenges in a not so friendly world.

How Do We Discuss God With Others According To Jesus?

If you grew up going to church you may have experienced pressure to share your views of God with others despite their possible disinterest. Some of this pressure may come from the belief that Hell is real, but the traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Jesus did not force God on others but discussed spirituality in a natural, relational way. Jesus brought up spiritual matters when it seemed appropriate and was accepted. Jesus’ agenda was to simply love people in the moment, not to manipulate them.

We may be surprised what Jesus said when asked directly how to have eternal life by a religion expert (Lk.10:25-37). Jesus did not warn one to run like/from Hell. Jesus simply advised to love God and your neighbor. A love relationship with God empowers us to love others like we wish to be loved. Jesus didn’t counsel to repent or get on your knees and say a certain prayer. Jesus implied immortality begins in this world by living according to the golden rule. One saves their life by running from selfishness. Jesus simply asked others to follow Him if seeking a better life.

Many misinterpret the passage: For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it (Matt. 7:13-14). Jesus wasn’t being exclusive. Saving one’s life for Jesus was not giving an out a get-out-of-hell-free card. Jesus was only warning that selfishness leads to regret and destruction. The narrower path – loving others as we wish to be loved – leads to true freedom. The truth is that God’s ways are always in our best interest in the long-run.

Who doesn’t know the story of how Jesus responded to the religious elite who had caught a woman in adultery (Jn. 7:53-8:11). When Jesus rightly shamed the crowd, they dropped their stones and left Jesus and the woman alone. Jesus didn’t lecture, pray with the woman, or tell her to go to church. Jesus simply said “Go now and leave your life of sin.” It didn’t matter that Jesus may never see this woman again. Jesus had said all He needed to – God loves you and encourages you to do what you know is right in your heart.

Jesus saved tough conversations for religious pretenders who claimed to represent God. The Pharisees were in love with their power, thus making religion self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees for their misguided emphasis on rules and obedience rather than a relationship and God’s unconditional love. God's love and mercy is our necessary nourishment. No gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor can conquer our battle against self-centeredness. Also, the Bible is not afraid to call out what every rational being knows to be immoral – abuse, murder, etc. God approved of war in the OT against nations who sacrificed their children to their supposed gods. If a child next door is being sexual abused would you do nothing to stop this evil? Tough love is sometimes necessary in hopes to change hearts.

People feel manipulated rather than loved when spiritual folks have an agenda. Jesus’ only agenda was to love others as they wanted to be love. Jesus had a sense when people needed to be encouraged, when they needed to be told to leave their life of sin, when they wanted to discuss a relationship with their Creator. Pray for the same wisdom. Engage in relationships only with the desire to love others as they wished to be loved. The Gospel is simply that God loves you unconditionally and the Creator desires a relationship to influence you for the world and your own good. Jesus only wanted to help others listen to their heart. I am convinced a close relationship with my Creator helps me to be a better man, husband, father, and friend.

Did Jesus And Should We Have An Agenda With People?

More people may not talk about their relationship with their Creator because they feel pressured to impose their beliefs onto the listener even if not interested. People may be less inclined to open up about spiritual matters because certain spiritual folks seem to have an agenda. They feel manipulated rather than loved. Parents are notorious for ulterior motives and kids are keen in recognizing. Some parents are going to help in their own way whether wanted or not.

Now, Jesus certainly had an agenda with religious pretenders and evil folks. The OT has it greatest warnings for those that were just plain evil such as those who sacrificed children to gods. But, let’s be honest. God tolerates a lot of our actions not up to His standards, or I would be dead. And Jesus didn’t have much tolerance for religious pretenders, as the Pharisees raised Jesus’ dander the most. It was the Pharisees who orchestrated Jesus’ death, not the atheists. The Pharisees distorted and made religion self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. The Pharisees were in love with their power. We today may hold on to certain beliefs, not because they are in the best interest of all, but because they keep us employed. Jesus’ religion was to love your neighbor as yourself.

It is suggested Jesus’ agenda was to keep folks out of Hell. HELL NO! The popular concept of Hell, where God is involved in the endless torture of people, is not found in the Scriptures. God is not a sadistic torturer. Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell was an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. The Greek word Gehenna in the NT wrongly translated as Hell was a proper noun and the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

Reading through any gospel, such as Luke, will reveal Jesus’ agenda was to simply love people in the moment. Jesus encouraged the poor and persecuted and gave them hope for their future. Jesus healed but never seemed to close the deal with a hell and heaven speech (Luke 5). Jesus said to the sinful woman: “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace” (7:50). When one asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life” (10:25), Jesus didn’t admonish one to get on their knees and pray for forgiveness. Jesus said “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself” (10:25-27). Jesus knew that God can empower us to be the person we deep down desire to be. One saves their life by beginning to lose their life of unselfishness (9:23-26).

After Zacchaeus declared he wanted to do right by those he wronged, Jesus said: “Today salvation has come to this house….the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” (Lk. 19). Jesus didn’t tell Zacchaeus he must confess or be baptized. Jesus simply praised Zacchaeus for seeing his need to begin a journey that Jesus wanted for everyone. Salvation is healing, deliverance, or rescue on earth from a life of self-centeredness. How do we tell others about God if interested? God desires a relationship with us so we might become the person we deep down desire to be. We can simply encourage others to get to know and follow Jesus.

Followers’ agenda shouldn’t be any different than Jesus’. Look for those who seek a helping hand. Jesus had a sense when people needed to simply be encouraged, when they needed to be told to leave their life of sin, when they wanted to discuss specifics about a relationship with their Creator. Pray for the same wisdom. The truth is that we all have a relationship with our Creator. God loves everyone but nothing brings God more joy then when it is a two-way street, both for His pleasure and our joy as we live less selfishly. Engage in relationships only with the desire to love others as they wished to be loved.

Should We Tell Other About God The Way Jesus Did?

How we tell others about God turns some toward or away from God. Jesus’ style of evangelism, when one reads through the Gospels, appears to be very different from current styles. Preachers often suggest a prayer for salvation: “Dear God, I am a sinner that deserves death. I now believe Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins and I accept Jesus into my heart.” It is implied this prayer keeps one from going to Hell. It turns out we don’t have to threaten people but invite others to consider that their Creator desires a relationship with them when ready.

Jesus was less threatening and more natural or practical when one sits down to read any of the Gospels such as Luke. When gathering His disciples Jesus simply invited them to follow Him. Jesus told Simon: “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So, Simon, James, and John began following Jesus (5:10-11). He told Levi (Matthew) “follow me” (5:27). The disciples wavered in their faith but followed Jesus as best they could. This suggests our relationship with our Creator ebbs and flows. Most of the disciples eventually died a martyr’s death for becoming convinced Jesus was who He claimed.

Jesus basic message could be summarize as: “But to you who are listening I say: ….Do to others as you would have them do to you” (6:27-31). When one asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life” (10:25), Jesus didn’t admonish one to get on their knees and pray for forgiveness. Jesus said “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself” (10:25-27). We recognize this as the golden rule. Jesus encouraged others to love God because Our Creator will empower us to be the person we deep down desire to be. When one seeks a better life in this world, Jesus simply said love God or follow Me.

Faith doesn’t always begin with some prayer but simply steps toward God. Jesus gave his blessings to the Centurion because he wanted help. (7:1-10). Jesus didn’t offer elaborate instructions to the Centurion on what one must do to be saved. Jesus said to the sinful woman: “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace” (7:50). Jesus didn’t tell the woman about Hell, Heaven, to never go back in her faith, blah, blah, blah. Jesus healed the man with leprosy, but He did not close the deal so to speak (5:11-14). Jesus never insisted those healed to confess and repent of their sins or state an allegiance to God from that day going forward. Jesus simply encouraged them in what faith they showed. This is how we can begin a relationship with God. One saves their life by beginning to lose their life of unselfishness (9:23-26).

Jesus’ first mention of Heaven in Luke (6:23) is not to avoid Hell but give hope to those whose life here on earth was hell – the poor, hunger, sad, excluded, and insulted (6:20-23). Jesus mentions Hell (actually the word Gehenna) only once in Luke (i.e. 12:5). Hell is only mentioned eleven times in the Gospels but really less as the Gospels record the same events. The Apostle Paul never even mentioned Hell. The parallel passage in Matthew (10:28) helps to understand in Luke 12:5 that Jesus warns losing your soul, with life full of regrets, is worse than the killing of your body. Worse than death is being thrown into “Gehenna” (translated as Hell), which is symbolic of denying Jesus and the signs in the OT of who Jesus was (Luke 12:56). Gehenna was the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

Jesus harshest message wasn’t for those who didn’t claim religion but those who pretended to be religious. Jesus hated how the Pharisees distorted His message (5:29-31). The Pharisees, who were in love with their power, made religion self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. We may hold on to certain beliefs, not because they are in the best interest of all, but because they keep us employed. The Pharisees’ emphasis on rules and obedience rather than God’s unconditional love was misguided. Discussing obedience before God’s unconditional love for us is a hopeless journey in achieving a relationship with God and being the kind of people we desire to be. The Pharisees attended synagogue, but they did not call themselves Christians. Attending Church doesn’t make one a follower. Followers simply trust in who Jesus claimed to be, which empowers one to live out Jesus’ teachings such as loving others as ourselves.

As a way of summary how Jesus encouraged others in their spiritual journey, we can look at Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus before preparing to enter Jerusalem and face death (19:1-10). Zacchaeus was clearly a listener as he gladly accepted Jesus’ request to come to his house. Maybe we worry too much about those who aren’t in need currently. Zacchaeus was a tax collector and had cheated many people out of their money simply because they feared consequences from the Roman government. Zacchaues had clearly reflected on his actions and told Jesus he intended to give half his possessions to the poor and payback four time the amount he had stolen from others. The amount is not the point of the story as Jesus suggested the rich young ruler sell everything (18:22).

Jesus responded to Zacchaeus: “Today salvation has come to this house….the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” There was no formal confession. Jesus didn’t tell Zacchaeus he must be baptized. Jesus simply praised Zacchaeus for seeing his need to begin a journey that Jesus wanted for everyone. Salvation is not being saved from Hell or only about entering heaven sometime in the future after death. Salvation is healing, deliverance, or rescue on earth from a life of self-centeredness. How do we tell others about God? To those who express a need, we can share our own journey in getting to know Jesus and what He has done for us. We can share that God desires to begin a relationship with us so that we might become the person we deep down desire to be. We can simply encourage others to get to know Jesus and follow Jesus.

What Really Is The Simple But Elegant Gospel?

Some imply the gospel is more about God’s wrath than love as if God has to get over His anger before He can love us. Preachers suggest a relationship with God begins by praying: “Dear God, I am a sinner that deserves death. I now believe Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins and I accept Jesus into my heart.” It is implied this prayer keeps one from going to Hell. A closer reading of any of the Gospels in one sitting reveals this was not Jesus’ style of evangelism.

Even human parents don’t threaten their children with punishment in hopes of gaining a friendship. We warn them of evil for their own good in hopes to steer them from destruction. God’s love, not His wrath, was center stage in Scriptures (I John 4:8). God’s wrath is simply another side of God’s love to guide one for their and society’s own good. God doesn’t hate the evildoer but what evil does to us. The fear of punishment is meant to deter but doesn’t lead to life transformations or prevent one from finding ways to hide their actions. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor conquered battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in your life?

God isn’t concerned about His ego! A legalistic view of the Cross undermines the beauty of God’s unconditional love. God was not more concerned with our guilt and restoring His honor than desiring a personal relationship. God did not need to be appeased by human sacrifice as the other Old Testament gods. The Cross was not necessary as if God couldn’t love us until death accounted for our sins. Even human parents don’t stop loving their children because they sin. The Cross was meant to change our view of God, not God’s view of us. God was willing to do anything to persuade us to trust in His love for us than our own wisdom.

What if I told you the Gospel is: “God loves you unconditionally and the Creator wants to have a relationship with you so to influence you for the worlds and your own good. Isn’t that every parent’s desire for their child. Are we better lovers than God? Parents ultimately want their children to understand their unconditional love for them so they might follow in their parents’ footsteps for their own good and make this world a better place. Human parents don’t know better than God how to change the world. When one seeks a better life in this world and the world to come, Jesus simply said love God or follow Me.

It is true spiritual apathy is rampant. It is discouraging that more are not interested in spiritual matters. I have this great relationship with my Creator that helps me to understand the world, cope better with stress, and to look forward to eternal life with fewer regrets, but many are not interested in hearing my story. The resurrection of Jesus can be defended based on reliable historical evidence, but amazingly not everyone cares to investigate further the implications of this miraculous event. But, this may be more reason to make sure we speak about the simplicity and elegance of the gospel when we have opportunities.

We don’t have to threaten people but invite others to consider that their Creator desires a relationship with them when ready. Allow God to be the persuader once people are open to taking steps in such a relationship. Salvation is not being saved from Hell or only about entering heaven sometime in the future after death. Salvation is healing, deliverance, or rescue on earth from a life of self-centeredness. To those who express a need, let’s share our own journey in getting to know Jesus and what He has done for us. God desires to begin a relationship with us so that we can begin the journey of becoming the person we deep down desire to be. We can simply encourage others to get to know and follow Jesus.

How Do We Discuss God With Others?

I grew up feeling guilty because I wasn’t discussing God with more people. It didn’t matter that people didn’t really want to talk about God. It was my job to make them want to talk! That attitude was relationally irrational if I wanted others to consider whether living with God is better than living without God. I don’t have enough faith to believe I evolved by change. Now, I don’t make judgments about why people don’t want to talk about spiritual issues. I am free to simple love people as I wish to be loved without a hidden agenda. We will know when one wishes or needs to discuss God, just as we know when they wish to discuss other subjects.

The idea that we must get people to talk about something they don’t wish suggests true love is controlling. If God was controlling He wouldn’t respect freedom. We know what it feels like for friends to push their agenda and passions on us, supposedly for our own good, when we didn’t invite such discussions. Spirituality can be a touchy subject for many. God can work in one’s life without our pushiness. Do we really think God is not going to welcome those eventually who had never heard of God or had experiences that have driven them away from God?

“Mike, if you don’t talk to someone now they may go to Hell!” It is important to know such a place does not exist, so you don’t approach relationships as if you need to sell fire insurance. It turns out Hell is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell was an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. When Jesus supposedly spoke on Hell, He used the Greek word Gehenna. Gehenna is a proper noun and was the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem that had a history Jesus’ audience understood. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago. The Bible never speaks of God being a hellish, sadistic torturer. Are we concerned that intimacy with our Creator is not attractive enough and people must be scared into a relationship?

Jesus didn’t use Hell to threaten others into heaven because no such place existed. Jesus never had people bow their head and pray a certain prayer to get in heaven. The thief on the cross just asked to be remembered. Jesus said “you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23). When the Pharisees wanted to stone a woman for adultery, Jesus got the crowd to look in the mirror and told the woman “go now, and leave your life of sin” (John 8). C’mon! Didn’t Jesus have a better evangelical spiel in case He never saw the woman again? Jesus wasn’t saying if you sin again, “you are out.” Jesus seemed to think Heaven begin now if you want to have a relationship with God and follow His wisdom. It is a slap in God’s “unconditional love” face to suggest Jesus’ agenda with people was anything other than loving people as they deep down desire to be loved.

How do we tell others about God if we are full of passion to do so? It is obvious when people want to talk about God. Live a life where they understand you are capable of such discussions. Love others because it is the right thing to do and how Jesus did things. Of course Jesus wanted others to consider how life can go so much better with God. Most people know this intuitively, but they still have a right to be open when they are ready. Jesus wasn’t pushy. Jesus only got pissed at those who acted religious and weren’t. We have a right to act judgmental when peoples’ immorality is hurting others.

I don’t carry around a weight of guilt. I love to talk to others about and admit that I try to interject God into conversations subtle. Honestly, few take my bait but God doesn’t force Himself on others so why should I. I suspect people kind of know I am a Jesus freak. It isn’t because I am such a great lover of people always. I know how to sin with the best of them, but I think I know how to repent well thanks to God’s unconditionally love. I think people know I try harder than most to speak the truth in love and try to not talk behind their back.

Years ago no one was asking me to say prayers in non-religious group settings. Now, people look to me as if I am expected to pray. Maybe they sense God and I hang together. Maybe they know I went to seminary a year and mistakenly think that qualifies me. But, my prayers are fun and open because God in my life is fun and open. I am not praying with an agenda: you better believe or else. I just love talking about God anyway I can because He is worth consideration. It is like asking me to play tennis. Anytime, anywhere! I don’t have to get them to believe.

The good news is that we do not have to try to force God on others. We can stop feeling guilty. The truth is God is patient and waits for an invitation. Jesus at the well didn’t give the woman a canned evangelistic speech and berate her about her sin. He simply said “Then, neither do I condemn you….Go now and leave your life of sin” (Jn 8:11). God only pulled out the whooping stick with religious people pushing their brand of God on others. God is ready to talk when we are ready. Sometimes, I will interject God’s name briefly in a conversation because I think about God all the time, but I don’t go any further than one wants. The only pressure I feel is to love people as I wish to be loved. If they leads to conversations about God, so be it.

Why Is Sharing God With Others So Hard?

We God lovers know it is easier to tell a friend about a great movie rather than discuss God. You can hear crickets when inviting someone to a church you love to attend. I know some don’t want to talk about spiritual issues any more than they want to talk about relationship issues. Such conversations may require making necessary changes. But, our theology too may make it harder to talk about God with others. We may find certain things about God embarrassing? What we think God is really like can matter.

The good news is that we do not have to try to force God on others. We can stop feeling guilty. The truth is God is patient and waits for an invitation. Jesus at the well didn’t give the woman a canned evangelistic speech and berate her about her sin. He simply said “Then, neither do I condemn you….Go now and leave your life of sin” (Jn 8:11). God only pulled out the whooping stick with evil people that were causing devastation in others’ lives. Jesus was toughest on the religious folks of His day – those who were pushing their brand of God on others. God is ready to talk when we are ready. Sometimes, I will interject God’s name briefly in a conversation because I think about God 24/7, but I don’t go any further than one wants. I feel no pressure to save people, only to love people. Many respond to that. Even better news is that we aren’t in the business of selling fire insurance. God is not a hellish, sadistic torturer.

No one wants to share about a God who purposely keeps people alive to burn forever. I have discovered the Bible or Jesus never talks about a place to punish people in a place of eternal consciousness for sins committed in a few short years. Hell appears to be an invention over the centuries to force people into submission. God is not a sadistic torturer. We humans wouldn’t even treat our enemies that way. Christians do not have to fear they must defend this view about God when talking to others. The Bible doesn’t say for sure what happens after people die. I know, I know, you don’t believe me. Consider my Post January 13, 2013 - Hell? No!

No one wants to share about a God who plays favorites. God doesn’t think women should be submissive to men in a way men should not reciprocate. Women over the centuries have been subject to abuse at the hands of men who think they are the “head” of women. The last thing men need over women is any type of authority. I don’t have to tell my daughters they can’t be leaders or preachers in the world or church. Gifts are according to one’s personality not their gender. It is too risky to not empower half the church in their giftedness, if we can’t be absolutely positive the Bible teaches it. One person wrote to the editor of a newspaper “…it’s been bothering me since 9/11. What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?”

No one wants to share a God who seems to do nothing about all the suffering in the world. How can we explain both the presence of evil and the goodness of God in this world? God must allow suffering as a result of evil in the world because God created freedom. Even human parents know that forced love is not genuine love. If God constantly interfered with evil and the suffering that results, this would make a mockery out of freedom. Besides, we would accuse God of not interfering all the time. Maybe God is patient with evil at the expense of God’s pain and our pain. God wants people to change of their own volition. Jesus’ suffering and our suffering can inspire personal change and inspire others to change. Miracles never seem to last. God does not cause our suffering; God grieves when we suffer; God did not avoid suffering through His Son; God will walk hand-in-hand with us through any tragedy; and God promises an end to suffering. God has conquered death.

God didn’t kill His Son for revenge or wrath reasons. God is not an angry, warmonger. God doesn’t put a quota on those that can get into Heaven, depending on if they say a certain magic prayer. We may be surprised how many people end up in Heaven. Besides, Jesus’ focus wasn’t on the afterlife but what God can do for us here on earth. We aren’t selling fire insurance but a better life on this earth. We don’t have to force God on others, but sometimes I am dying to tell others about God’s amazing unconditional love. I try to find ways to mention God in creative ways. You can tell when people want to go further. Then, I try to do a lot of listening. We have nothing to be embarrassed about. Talking about God may be difficult because of what you think God is really like or because you may think you need to force God on others.

Is A Relationship With God Really By Saying A Magic One-Time Prayer?

Being saved or getting into heaven isn’t about saying a magic, one-time prayer. It isn’t about words you say or the knowledge you have. Many have died who have never heard of Jesus or been alienated from God because of distorted earthly guidance. The Bible doesn’t even speak of a personal relationship with God. The Bible encourages one to begin trusting God if they want.

Jesus never had people get on their knees and pray a certain prayer to get in heaven. The thief on the cross just asked to be remembered. Jesus said “you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23) When the Pharisees wanted to stone a woman for adultery, Jesus got the crowd to look in the mirror and told the woman “go now, and leave your life of sin.” (John 8) C’mon! Didn’t Jesus have a better evangelical spiel? What if He never saw the woman again? Jesus didn’t speak about heaven as a ticket out of hell. Jesus simply talked about entering life. Heaven begins now. Since God always has our best interest in mind, He would love us to start living now!

Salvation in Scriptures is not a single decision to repent, believe, trust, or love God. Trusting God is ongoing. Some days are better than others. We come to Jesus over and over and over. We can stay away over and over and over. It is a slap in God’s “unconditional love” face to accuse Him of demanding perfection. Why would God be less loving than human parents? Jesus does not use Hell to threaten others into heaven, as if that leads to trust in a relationship. Jesus used hell as a warning to the religious of His times to not portray God as a conditional lover. Fear is only good for evil folks and babies.

I grew up in a home and church where the emphasis was on faith being a once-and-for-all decision. In college I guess I couldn’t remember the exact moment or I questioned how real the decision was at such a young age. Doubts would creep into my head. This led me to constantly remaking my decision to trust in God over and over to make sure I was going to heaven. I guess I thought God would punish my sin by taking my heavenly citizenship away. Now, I understand God’s love is unconditional though I may struggle in doing right.

If you have not been raised to think faith is a once-and-for-all decision, perhaps you will not have my same struggle. Faith can have a beginning. In the Bible for many this started with baptism. Faith is a direction and a journey. When younger I chose a relationship with God as opposed to totally rebelling against Him. I continue to head in that direction and the relationship has grown stronger. The promise of heaven is wonderful, but don’t underestimate the wonderful blessings here on earth when trusting God. God always has our back! God’s voice of guidance is always in our best interest. God simply wants us to avoid consequences related to bad decision, but He awaits with open arms if we want to run back into His arms. What a God!

Relationships - Marriage, Family, Sex, and Encouragement

Is God A Killjoy Being So Uptight About Sex Unless Married?

Isn’t Parenting Pursuing Intimacy By Not Pissing Children Off?

What Does The Bible Say Encouragement Is?

Isn’t Encouragement Critical In Relationships?

Whose Convictions Do We Live By When Disagreeing?

Is God A Killjoy Being So Uptight About Sex Unless Married?

What is so wrong about premarital sex if two people really love one another? Most if honest would admit that their gut tells them there is something just not right with sexual relationships outside the context of marriage. Jesus’ incredible standards surely suggest this. “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28) I cannot think of one reason, other than for selfish reasons, for having sexual relationships before marriage.

It is not true partners need to determine if they are sexual compatible before getting married. Partners can discuss expectations ahead of time, but married couples will tell you expectations and “ways” change as they age. This is why a lifetime commitment is important. There are many wise reasons to wait to have sexual relationships until after marriage and a lifetime commitment is made. There is no greater security for a child than to be born into a family where at least parents begin the relationship “until death do us part” and signify that commitment by a ceremony in front of others. Remember, God’s standards are high for a reason. He created us and knows what is best for our emotional stability.

Where in the Bible does it say that premarital sex is wrong? Sometimes the questions we asked are not always answered specifically in the Bible because the biblical writer’s audience wasn’t asking that particular question. The culture we live in often determines the questions we might have about life in terms of God’s guidance. For instance, dating issues would not be answered in the Bible because the cultures at that time often had parent-appointed marriages. In biblical times people probably married much younger. This may explain why the Bible mentions adultery more than fornication (sex between unmarried people). In our culture we might not ask questions about sex with animals or child sacrificing but those kinds of questions can be answered specifically from the biblical literature because such evils were prevalent in Old and New Testament times.

What does the Bible teach regarding sexual relationships that may provide insight on God’s wisdom about premarital sex? Genesis 2:24 speaks of the specialness and oneness of marriage. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” The union probably refers to both the emotional and physical realm. One can see how sexual intercourse pictorially illustrates how two become one. Paul to the Corinthians speaks out against prostitution which illustrates the effect engaging in sex has on you. “Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, ‘The two will become one flesh.’”(1:16) Paul then draws the following conclusion: “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”(1:18)

We can conclude from this that God intended sex within marriage and for many good reasons. Children are better off being born into a relationship where a lifetime commitment has been made. Sex too early in a relationship brings artificial strong bonding, due to the emotionality involved with sexual relations that may not last once a couple gets to really know one another in courting. Break-ups can be even more devastating for one feels they have given a part of themselves to another that cannot be returned.

Isn’t Parenting Pursuing Intimacy By Not Pissing Children Off?

God-seekers and followers may look to the Bible for parenting advice. The Apostle Paul didn’t have to write a Letter to Parents because Scriptures is all about the Perfect Parent. Parenting help is in every story written about God and His children. Advice from earthly parents can be valuable, but worldly wisdom doesn’t hold the same weight as heavenly wisdom. How do we best imitate God by translating heavenly parenting characteristics into earthly parenting applications? Our Creator seemed to have one main agenda from the very beginning.

God pursued intimacy by loving us unconditionally in hopes that obedience will follow. God allowed freedom, despite the risks, because God understood genuine intimacy could not be forced. Bible story after story reads of God’s active pursuit of our friendship despite our failures. Parents certainly can exist without any help from their children, but children can make life deeper and grander. Good luck to parents that think the kind of relationship they have with their child isn’t important in the parenting process.

How do parents pursue intimacy in hopes of having an influential relationship? Parents know children without guidance become more self-centered than selfless, but God wasn’t about power or control. God doesn’t force obedience. God attempts to inspire and influence us through who He is in hopes we follow in His footsteps. About all you will find explicitly about parenting is in Ephesians 6:4 and Colossians 3:21: “Parents, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.” A modern translation is: “Parents, quit pissing your children off!” Parents understand how they provoke, incite, aggravate, hassle, needle, goad, irritate, inflame, rouse, and whip up young people.

Everything that your parents did that made you mad because it was not a moral issue, stop!  Imagine a world where parents did not anger their children unnecessarily. Imagine if every parent realized control freaks are never in control. Imagine if every parent never tried to live their dreams out in children. Imagine if every parent loved unconditionally daily, hating the sin but loving the sinner. Imagine if every parent never took advantage of his or her position of authority, always staying calm and never excusing verbal or physical abuse.


The relational consequences of embittering or provoking your children to wrath are greatest when children enter their teenage years. Parent must transition from caretaker to authority figure to mentor as a child matures. The mentor on occasion has to yield corrective authority, but a mentor is always looking to guide others toward learning lessons on his or her own. To mentor successfully, a parent must have a clear sense of what is right and wrong, making sure rules aren’t arbitrary or personal. Children aren’t to be possessed but raised to be independent. Parents owe children; children don’t owe parents. We chose to bring them in the world; they didn’t choose to be born. Don’t worry though. When you don’t try to possess or over control children, they often want to give back the love in return.

Morality is not in the way one dresses or the length of one’s hair, though I know kids can take it to the extreme. Be flexible. It does no good to win the battle but lose the relational war. The emphasis of rules should be on character issues such as treating other kids how they want to be treated or not breaking the law for civility reasons. Parents can play an important factor in their teenagers’ behaviors. All adults were once teenagers. They will testify there are certain behaviors their parents did that made matters worse. Wise parents are always looking for options to give so a child doesn’t feel provoked to rebel, always evaluating when to back off and allow the child to make their own decisions and experience failures when needed. I stink at allowing failure, unlike God, but I thought I would say it anyway.

Where does a parent start when realizing they need a stronger bond with their children? Decide on one specific positive action at a time in hopes of building positive momentum. Persist until the action you are attempting doesn’t work, then try something different. Do it because it is the right thing to do, regardless of whether your child praises your name for such actions. Seek out advice from those whose relationship with their child you respect. There are no magic answers in parents. But those who don’t have a relationship with their children are swimming upstream without a paddle due to the many negative influences in our cultures. Parents must spend time building a strong relationship with their children, so they might earn influence.

There are no guarantees in parenting. Parental success is not determined by whether children obey their parents. Many a parent has advised against drugs or other destructive behaviors, and through their relationship with their child gave them ever reason to obey. Children make unwise choices just like adults. Even God’s perfection did not guarantee success. My opinion of God as a Parent is that He doesn’t do things to piss us off. Parents, don’t give children excuses to not heed your advice. Parents, let’s quit pissing off our children by:

• Abiding by the golden rule – Parents, live up to the standard internally you demanded of your parents when young by treating your children like you wanted to be treated. Don’t excuse your own yelling or hitting because you don’t have creative, calm consequences for certain behaviors. Loving confront your partner as well for such behaviors

• Spending time spending time with children – Parents, spend quantity time with your children in order to have quality time. Spending time with God our Parent transforms

• Encouraging children to live out their own dreams, not the parent’s – Parents, participate with your children in what they show curiosity in, helping them to believe they can succeed

• Disciplining well – Parents, instruct and guide by being fair and forgiving. Parents admit their own wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness

• Walking the talk – Parents, know young people don’t do what we parents say, they do what we parents do

What Does The Bible Say Encouragement Is?

Being a Christian is simply choosing to be a follower of Christ. If we choose to be followers, we must be imitators. Jesus obviously treated others not as they deserved and not how they treated Him. Jesus obviously lived by the golden rule - treat one another as you wish they would treat you. Jesus forgave others not because they deserved it but because they requested it. Jesus accepted those that were determined outcasts by others. Jesus attracted crowds often because of His miracles, but those who continued to follow Him did so because of who He was. Jesus surely was an amazing person to be around. People were drawn to Him by the way He treated them. Jesus was no different behind closed doors than when He was in the spotlight. Jesus knew another person’s fault better than anyone, but He seemed to always have an uplifting word when one needed it. He seemed to give others plenty of space to work on their faults in time. Christians are meant to be encouragers to the discouraged.

After Jesus left this earth, another prevalent form of encouragement in the New Testament seems to be the encouragement of one another to do good deeds. The majority of biblical passages on encouragement suggest we must constantly urge one another to do the right thing. It is understood living out Christian teachings is difficult. Many passages are written in the context of persecution. Christians were constantly encouraged to spur one another on. Many times Christians were falling into ungodliness, but the writers insisted their readers keep on keeping on.

Encouraging one another may not mean what you always think. When it comes to encouragement we tend to have the life rule, “mind your own business,” even among our brothers and sisters who have chosen to be followers of Christ. We live out the motto that other people’s actions are none of my business. When friends are making a bad decision we tend to talk about them to others, not to them. We think praying for them rather than speaking directly to them is the right thing to do. We are to encourage one another by getting involved in one another’s lives. You have the potential to save someone from making decisions they will regret the rest of their lives. If someone you respected had done the same for you, you would appreciate not resent them. Still, we must encourage in this way because it is God’s way; we don’t encourage because the outcome may be the way we wish.

Hebrews 3:12-15 was written to Jewish Christians. The writer was encouraging them to not abandon their faith. God sees Christians as a body accountable to one another. God has called us to mind one another’s business, not ignore. There tends to be a sequence of events when we drift from God. We quit behaving before we quit believing. We don’t wake up one morning and say, “I am not going to believe any more.” Behaviors impact belief systems. For example, drifting away from God begins by holding on to a certain relationship we know is not wise. We think our situation is unique. Our situations are not unique. Do things your way and not God’s way and this is what begins to impact what we believe. It is called the deceitfulness of sin (verse 13). Sin leads you to believe you can isolate one’s actions and not have it impact your beliefs. Sin starts a pattern. Sin begins the process of hardening your heart, which leads to actions you wouldn’t normally do. Pretty soon you don’t believe what you use to believe without question. We all start misbehaving before we starting misbelieving.

Encouraging one another is inspiring one another when down. Believing in the best in people tends to bring out the best in them. Encouraging one another is also begging, urging (don’t go), exhorting (go back – you are messing up). It is not about praying but saying. It is not about talking about but talking to. If concerned enough to pray you got to talk to them. We don’t talk to them because we say to ourselves it is not our business. Christians are a body connecting to one another. We may not interfere because we think we would be hypocritical because we have our own troubles. No one is perfect. No one on his or her own merit has a “right.” God thus has taught Christians must help one another, not because they are worthy but because they are a body.

Isn’t Encouragement Critical In Relationships?

One writer commented it was the great Apostle Paul’s habit to issue generous encouragement whenever possible to those in the different churches, even when the overall picture was not always bright. Anyone reading Paul’s letter to the Corinthians or the other churches understands the picture was not always optimistic. Individual and church behaviors were often an affront to God and all He stood for, but somehow Paul found a way to be an encourager. While Paul certainly confronted sin and spoke out against it, he also seemed to have words of encouragement when he at least felt people were engaged in the battle for righteous or unselfish living. Paul understood God’s guidance was always in the best interest of individuals and those they impacted, thus he was not ashamed to confront ungodly behavior and encourage godly pursuits. Can you imagine a society who actually lived out the Ten “Do” Commandments?

Paul circumstances can be compared to our own family and work relationships. Children are always “becoming.” Young people always fall short of parental expectations. But, they only have to look to their role models to realize they are in good company. Sometimes, imperfect parents expect children to be perfect. We all fault short of own moral standards. Parents only provoke children to same-behaviors when they constantly harp on their children’s shortcomings. Constantly challenging and confronting often just leads to more of the same bad behavior. If we never encourage our children and point out what they are doing right, they may never do anything right. Both positive self-prophecy and negative self-prophecy are powerful forces in relationships. As parents, we like Paul must find ways to encourage and speak of the positive while delicately challenging our children to be all they should. We parents love to give “constructive criticism.” Parents must also be aware that unexpressed gratitude is the same as ingratitude.

Those who lead others at their jobs will have the same experience as parents. Those on a team don’t always strive or meet expectations. Positive-talk will accomplish much more than being a leader who is always harping or constructively pointing one’s shortcomings. Leaders only need to look to their own relationships with their authority to realize this is not always helpful. Leaders must lead by the golden rule by treating others like they want to be treated. Leaders must look for the positive, while finding a way to encourage the changes that need to take place for the betterment of the team and company. The golden rule is especially applicable in work relationships because unlike parents, work is about adults leading adults. We all fall short of personal and work expectations at times. There is a time and place for constructive feedback. But, we all need to be encouraged while hearing gratitude for our accomplishments.

Mother was right. If you don’t have something positive to say, you might best keep your mouth shut. There is a time and place for everything. You attract right behaving with honey not venom. Being a Christian is simply choosing to be a follower of Christ. If we choose to be followers, we must be imitators. Can you imagine if God really treated us the way we deserved, if He constantly pointed out and punished our sins? Jesus obviously treated others not as they deserved and not how they treated Him. Jesus attracted crowds often because of His miracles, but those who continued to follow Him did so because of who He was. Jesus surely was an amazing person to be around. People were drawn to Him by the way He treated them. Jesus was no different behind closed doors than when He was in the spotlight. Jesus knew another person’s fault better than anyone, but He seemed to always have an uplifting word when one needed it. He seemed to give others plenty of space to work on their faults in time. Surely, Christians are meant to be encouragers. Encouraging one another is inspiring one another when down. Just as important is believing in the best in people tends to bring out the best in them.

Whose Convictions Do We Live By When Disagreeing?

A misunderstanding of Romans 14 has provoked anxiety for Christians in how they should treat their fellow Christians when having different convictions about amoral activities. God wants us to feel free in Christ, rather than in bondage, so Paul advises one best live according to their own convictions. Some Christians feel you shouldn’t drink alcohol and other Christians feel the freedom to drink as long as avoiding drunkenness. Some Christians have certain convictions how Sundays should be observed both now and in Paul’s times.

In this passage the weak are the Jewish Christians who felt personally obligated to still live under certain Jewish dietary laws they had grown up with. Paul doesn’t condemn their belief but simply advises how Gentile and Jewish Christians can live in peace with one another. It seems the main points of Paul’s message are: accept one another whether your convictions allow certain freedoms or require certain restrictions (1-4); live according to your own convictions with God to be truly content (5-9); stop judging one another’s personal convictions with God (10-12).

Christian can’t always avoid offending others. Jesus didn’t go out of His way to offend, but Jesus confronted at times and did not live under the slavery of the opinion of others. Jesus frequently reprimanded the Pharisees for their misguided emphasis on rules and obedience rather than a relationship and God’s unconditional love. The Pharisees were only serving themselves for status reasons in society. The Pharisees’ self-righteousness obscured their need for God’s grace. By the way grace doesn’t lead to more sin but less sin when understanding God’s amazing love for us.

The weaker, who did not eat certain foods and the stronger, must not judge one another. (vs3-4) Christians are ultimately accountable to God and not each another. No Christian, regardless of their convictions, should condemn one another. Christians must allow each other to make their own choices. Both the weaker and the stronger should not badger one another to become like them. This is creating a stumbling block for one another in their relationship with God.

I feel freedom in my relationship with God, so I wish Paul had badgered the weak to get over their stupid rules and live under God’s grace than law. I am not encouraging orgies and drunken feasts but can’t others stop making up human rules that are not explicit in Scriptures? But, the rest of the chapter seems to encourage those who feel free to act in peace with the weaker brother. (vs13-23) It doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong. Love one another as best you can. This may mean when eating with others you abide by certain rules. You certainly don’t constantly harass your brother or sister to accept your convictions against this own. It isn’t always easy. It seems the weaker are always trying to impose upon others, which Paul disagreed with as well.

Paul’s main message is obviously peace concerning differences over amoral matters. Is food more important than spiritual matters? Christians must allow one another to follow their own personal convictions. Christians certainly should not badger non-Christians to abide by their personal convictions. People of all faiths or no faith can surely agree on moral law. It is not true that you should never do something to offend someone. Jesus healed on the Sabbath. It may be wise to give up freedom sometimes to promote unity but never give into legalists who insist on rules for people to obey rather than a relationship with the Creator. In Gal 2: 11-21 Paul reprimanded Cephas for worrying about what people thought and trying to appease Jewish Christians.

Miscellaneous Theological And Personal Topics

Can God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit Be Different Persons And Deity?

Are All Vocations Important?

Why Must We Persevere in Our Faith?

Can God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit Be Different Persons And Deity?

The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Bible teach God exists as three different persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The word Trinity, though not a biblical term, is an acceptable term in an attempt to explain “three-in-oneness.” Each person is fully God and recognized as Deity, but the Bible also teaches there is only one God. How do we explain what seems to be a contradiction? Explaining the Trinity in human language has been attempted for centuries. Unfortunately, no Bible verse explains how there can be only one God but then God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are separate Deities. It was if the biblical authors and audience did not have a problem with three-in-oneness. Total understanding may not always be possible, God surely is delighted with our attempts to understand Him more fully.

The Bible says God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have existed from the very beginning of time. “Let us make human beings in our image…”(Genesis 1:26) God and the Spirit are mentioned in Genesis 1:2 and Jesus said He was with God before the world began (John 17:5,24). All three of the Trinity had differently roles. God the Father initiated and sent the Son into the world (John 3:16), the Son obeyed the Father (John 17:4), and the Holy Spirit guided in truth after Jesus left the earth (John 16:13). Jesus and God were definitely different entities or Jesus praying to God the Father was a farce. The Holy Spirit is not just God’s presence. The Spirit is someone not something, as the Spirit is referred to as “him” in his role of Counselor and teacher (John 14:15-26). God is mentioned as spirit form in the Bible but also described in physical terms when Moses was afraid to look at God. (Ex. 3:6) Jesus’ personhood is understood because He came in the form of a human, wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. The Holy Spirit may be somewhat more mysterious. The Holy Spirit is invisible. Jesus and God follow the family imagery – Father and Son, but the Holy Spirit appears to only have the title Spirit.

The Bible also says all three of the Trinity are Deity. God is clearly God for in the beginning He created the heavens and the earth. Jesus was crucified because He claimed to be Deity and is even referred to as the Creator in Heb 1:10. The Holy Spirit is described as having the same attributes as God such as omniscience. (I Cor 2:10-11) So, it is biblical to refer to all three of the Trinity as God. All three were in the beginning and all are without sin.

Though God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not described as one Being, the Bible teaches there is One God. Deut 6:4 says: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a perfect analogy to explain the Trinity (i.e. THERE IS ONLY ONE X BUT THEN __, __, AND __ARE X. The tree analogy doesn’t quite do justice. A tree has three parts - the roots, truck, branches - which all constitute one tree, but none of the parts can be said to be the whole tree. The Bible says all three of the Trinity are God. One person can be a mother, businesswoman, and community leader, but there is only one person doing three activities at different times. The biblical authors never give an illustration to explain the Trinity. They simply refer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit often in the same breath: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matt 28:19)

God existed from the beginning in three different beings – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They have three separate roles toward the same common goal. The Bible never encourages us to worship the three God’s separately as They are united. When praying we might in the same breathe thank God for His written word, Jesus for demonstrating our need for Him, and the Holy Spirit for continuing to inspire us toward His will and not our own sinful will. We could say God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are a reflection of who and what Deity is like. It would seem we could expect to meet all three in Heaven. We might avoid constructing in our mind physically images of the Trinity. “You saw no form of any kind the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman.”(Deut 4:15-16)

Are All Vocations Important?

John Piper in his book Don’t Waste Your Life provides some incredible insights in his chapter on Christians and work. The reality is most spend half of their day making a living. Christians don’t want to waste this part of their life for the cause of Christ. The truth is we don’t take our jobs with us after death. But, what is lasting is the relationships and the influence we have on people that can have an impact for generations. This is why it is an awesome privilege to a parent. Parents seek to influence their child for good, so they will be productive citizens when they become adults and make the world a better please to live in for future generations.

There is absolutely no difference between secular and church/mission/spiritual vocations for a Christian. The later is simply tied structurally to the church. God does not esteem one over the other. If on a deserted island there were no priest or preacher to baptize or preach, then eventually one would be appointed. We are all priests, just in different arenas. One’s vocation depends on opportunities, needs at the time, and individual gifts. What is important is determining where one can have the most impact at that time? A Christian doesn’t live to work. They work to live so they can carry out God’s originally intentions for his creations. God desires all to be happy and full of joy, which comes through harmony with Him and one another.

The Bible recognizing that the vast majority of believers must live and work in the world in secular vocations. A Christian is in the world but not of the world. The Bible clearly insists must work and not be lazy or idle (I Thes 4:11-12; 2 Thes 3:7-11; Eph 4:28). I Cor 7:17-24 points out that when one becomes a Christian they should not necessarily leave their vocation. Thus, the burning questions for Christians is how to make life count for God in their vocation. When Paul in I Timothy 5:18 says: “you shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain” (pay the preacher), Paul assumed others were earning the grain to feed the ox. In Titus 3:13 Zenas and Apollos are to be sent out as missionaries, wanting for nothing. The assumption was that others were employed to support them in their vocation to spread the gospel. Both spiritual and secular vocations are important. A Christian’s identify is who they are, not what they do for a living.

A Christian’s motives for working and their actions distinguish them from those who aren’t followers of God and don’t put their trust in God. Work in the beginning was a blessing, but by not relying on God we have brought into it the anxiety of providing food and clothing. A Christian’s motive for working is to earn money so not to have to depend on others and that they might support others in need. Sometimes there are those who work but their circumstances do not provide enough money for themselves. Christians don’t work simply for personal financial rewards. You can work to have or you can work to have to give to others. Also, Christians work to shine the light on God. We don’t work for profit but for how helpful our product can become to others.

A Christian’s actions either point others to God or away from God. Being in the image of God means we should image forth God by how we work. Our work will either increase or decrease the attractiveness of the Gospel and the joy of a relationship with Jesus. Our work will not save anyone but if we work well, obstacles will be removed so others do not have excuses to deny the Gospel. But, no one will know what we are advertising if we don’t tell others we are Christians and why we do the things we do. Each must decide how to carry this out in their particular vocation. Christians sometimes can talk too much about their faith. On the other hand if we don’t find creative ways to tell others about God how will they know? We are called to be salt and light. If we work like the world we will waste our lives, no matter how rich we get. “But if your work creates a web of relationships and becomes an adornment for the Gospel of the glory of Christ, your satisfaction will last forever and God will be exalted in your joy.” (154)

Why Must We Persevere in Our Faith?

Calvinistic theology suggests God elects some individuals to heaven while damming others to hell, without any ability to respond to the call of God. This is exegetically and morally indefensible. God’s grace is not limited to a select few. There is not a quota on God’s grace. The Bible is abundantly clear that God’s grace is universal. God’s grace and mercy is available to all. Faith in Scripture is never described as a work, but rather a gift all can choose to accept from God. Faith is a desire to enter a relationship with God or not. Obedience, though imperfect at time, follows from a heart-felt relationship with God.

Since following God is a choice, we can surmise one is at liberty to turn away or reject such a calling at sometime in their future. Those who believe God only elect certain people for eternal life seemingly do not take at face value passages that encourage Christians to continue to persevere in their faith and be careful to avoid steps to abandoning their faith. If one believes God elect only certain individuals, it makes no sense that God then “unelects” them. But, Scriptures teach God will never fail us, but we can harden ourselves toward Him if we do not persevere in our faith. God promises protection, but we must want His ongoing protection. God’s help is always available yet we must endure. One’s faith is described in Scriptures as continually and actively following in Jesus’ footstep as best we can and seeking God when failing.

Many biblical passages suggest some did turn from their faith after initially choosing to follow Christ. In the parable of the Sower, it appears some believed for a short time but in a crisis turned their back on God. (Luke 8:13-14) There is no reason to believe their initial faith was not real, unless one has a perceive notion that you turn your back on God because God chooses you ahead of time. Colossians 1:23 is only one of many passages that encourages believers to “continue in the faith,” to constantly seek God’s help so you are not tempted to abandon Him. Nothing would bring Satan more pleasure.

If we accept the doctrine of perseverance, there is no reason to interpret I Tim 1:19-20 in any other way then its plain meaning. Hymenaeus and Alexander are said to have shipwreck or abandoned their faith. There is no reason to believe these men did not have faith as the shipwreck analogy suggests a very real rejection of faith. Christians should be careful in judging who true believers are as only God is capable of judging a person’s heart. Mark 3:35 does say though those who do God’s will are the true believers. Matthew 7:21-23 says those who claim to be Christians are not necessarily. God judges the heart not one’s words.

This doctrine is not intended to cause Christians great emotionally distress but to both warn and empower. Those who have doubts about their salvation are not the people that need to worry. These individuals are concerned to follow God. They have regrets when disobedient. It is those who claim to be Christians but their actions say otherwise that should be concerned. Those who do not regret their sinful actions is a strong warning sign. This doctrine isn’t about those who struggle with the same sin over and over. God forgiveness is always available if sought.

God’s protection is real. He is not waiting to snatch away eternal life when one disobeys. If God were such a harsh judge and not full of mercy, would He have really put up with humankind this long? Scriptures encourages us to continually seek God’s help in standing firm till the end. (Mt 10:22) We must be careful to persevere. We all are capable of leaving the faith and turning our backs on God during tough times. God’s love is never conditional or dependent on obedience but we must continually persevere in our allegiance to God. Faith and allegiance to God is an ongoing relationship meant for our benefit. Sin is addictive. There is a self-hardening in evil, when you begin to justify what you use to condemn. If you do not continually hate sin and instead engage constantly in its pleasures, you may be tempted to abandon your once strong faith. Continually seek God’s protection and help so to not fall in love with sin.

Jesus’ Sayings And Teachings

What Did Jesus Really Come To Tell Us?

Did Jesus Really Threaten Others With Hell?

Did Jesus Teach Self-Abuse By Turning Other Check Or Loving Your Enemies?

Did Jesus Oppose Divorce?

What Did Jesus Really Come To Tell Us?

The Jesus you may know or think is taught in the Bible may not be who the real Jesus is. If you are seeking a relationship with your Creator for the first time or more of an intimate relationship, it matters who you think Jesus really is. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. A deep bond with our parents can motivate us to follow their guidance which often is in our best interest. God’s love is the same as perfect, human, parenting love. God’s encouragement and mercy is our necessary nourishment which can lead to life transformations and help facing the challenges of a not so friendly world.

Some may believe Jesus is more worried about you obeying or else. Now, I get that Jesus didn’t come threatening Hell, etc. Like God is going to torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time! God’s angry in the Bible is simply another aspect of His love – tough love – in hopes to deter people from evil that leads to personal and worldly destruction. Believe it or not Jesus summarized His whole reason for coming was to encourage all to treat others like you want to be treated. Jesus came to let us know we are loved by our Creator and inspire us to be the kind of person we all want to be deep down.

But what about dropping to your knees and saying the sinner’s pray or you are going straight to Hell. The traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Jesus was asked directly how one obtains eternal life. Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. Jesus did not focus on Heaven, perfection, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus taught life forever can begin here on earth. Jesus came to earth to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good.

God wasn’t being egotistically when suggesting life in a nutshell is loving God and loving others. We may think of God’s demand for glory as if God created us to remind others how great God is or we can go to Hell. God only ask for respect because loving God is loving ourselves and others like we want to be loved. I asked for the same respect with my kids and I am not even perfect like God. God seeks respect because if all lived by the Ten Commandments and treated everyone like they want to be treated, the world would be so much better off. You weren’t created to worship God so shut up and give God the glory. God wanted to share His glory with others. Most parents have children to share life with.

Can we admit the human condition is we all are to some degree bent toward self-centeredness. Parents know a child must be steered toward the narrow gate of unselfishness and away from the wide gate of destruction for true freedom. Jesus sought to empower us by ensuring we don’t have to remain stuck in our guilt or hopelessness. God forgives, loves, and desires to encourage us in the daily challenge of being the kind of person we deep down desire to be. The world started on a path of perfection and has become what it has. This is why Jesus came to encourage radical things like love your enemies. Anyone can love those who love them. But, the world is only going to change for the better when we respond differently in hopes of influencing others. Jesus didn’t come to save us from Hell or even to preach about Heaven as a total focus on the future leads to unproductive, passive living on earth. Jesus came to change hearts.

Did Jesus Really Threaten Others With Hell?

Some may not even bother to know God if imagining the Creator is a sadistic torturer. What God-person wants to tell others or defend such a God? Such a God is no different than the god of religious extremists. The traditional meaning of Hell must be dispelled as a biblical myth for God’s character is at stake. It is often not known that Jesus and the Bible say absolutely nothing about Hell. Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a word substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time!

Jesus used the word Gehenna, translated as “hell,” eleven times but only in about four conversations. The Gospel of John never uses the word. Mark and Luke record Jesus using the word once in an exchange but both appear to be the same conversations recorded by Matthew. Matthew’s Jewish audience was the most familiar with the history behind Gehenna:

• Mt. 5:22, 29, 30 warns that the Pharisees’ brand of religion, which only thinks about the letter of the law rather than the heart of the matter, is a path to Gehenna (i.e. death)

• Mt. 10:28 (i.e. Luke 12:5) warns to be less afraid of death of the body which is only physical death (Gehenna) and more afraid of death of the soul which is spiritual death

• Mt. 18:9 (i.e. Mk 9:43, 45, 47) warns spiritual death is even worse than physical death (Gehenna)

• Mt. 23: 15, 33 warns religious teachers again their message only leads people and themselves to death (Gehenna) and not a life worth living

The Greek word Gehenna in the New Testament was a proper noun and the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. It was the local city garbage dump where fires were kept burning and symbolized a place of slaughter and judgment. Gehenna was the place of burned Israeli children sacrificed to false gods (Jer. 7:30-31; 19:2-5). Josephus said this same valley was heaped with dead bodies of the Jews following the Roman siege of Jerusalem around 70 AD. Gehenna was used by Jesus to symbolize where a life of self-centeredness can lead as opposed to what Jesus taught. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

Paul wrote fourteen epistles and never mentions Hell. Scriptures only say after death that all are judged by our merciful God. The Hebrew word Sheol in the Old Testament is wrongly translated as Hell. Sheol was simply a region or place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Job, an extremely righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (10:21-22). Recent translations simply translate Sheol as “Sheol.”

Jesus never taught people can be scared into true righteousness and an intimate relationship with their Creator. God's love and mercy is our necessary nourishment just as in human, parental love. Parents warn their children of evil for their own good. Jesus simply wanted us to know our Creator loves us and desires to empower us to be the unselfish people we deep down desire to be.

Treating others as we want to be treated helps avoid leading to a life full of regrets. Jesus faced undeserved suffering to identify with us and hopefully influence to not be seduced by what the world tempts. Following in Jesus’ footsteps leads to life transformations best for us and the world.

Did Jesus Teach Self-Abuse By Turning Other Check Or Loving Your Enemies?

Jesus did not encourage domestic violence or other abuses when advising us to love our enemies or turn the other cheek. God doesn’t desire those who seek to follow Him to live in guilt because of any confusion regarding His ways. The Bible surely is not advocating a spouse continue to allow their partner to beat them or that soldiers cannot protect themselves in times of war. War with your enemies may be necessary to either protect yourself or others abused by evil dictators. But, there may be times when evil can be overcome with good than guns.

What did Jesus mean when He said: If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek; if someone takes your coat, don’t withhold your shirt (Mt. 5:38-48, Luke 6:27-36). Jesus was not advocating nudity but perhaps illustrating the ridiculousness or cruelty of people’s ways. An “eye for eye” actually protected the weaker from further revenge being justified. But, the law can only protect but not change hearts. The law can condemn adultery but lust is a form of betrayal as well. The law cannot speak to forgiveness or showing mercy.

Jesus defended Himself rather than turned the other cheek when slapped by an official (Jn. 18:23). Would Jesus say Paul was wrong to escape from harm to protect himself (Acts 9:29-30)? Paul advised if possible live at peace with others, suggesting we can’t always leave in peace. (Rm. 12:18). Jesus was not suggesting passivity but actually provoking possible ways to avoid continued violence. Restraining can sometimes lead to less violence as violence breeds more violence. An attitude of going the extra mile is responding in less human ways. Actions often speak louder than words in responding to a wrong.

It is natural and appropriate to seek vindication from enemies (i.e. Rev 6:10-11). It is supernatural to show grace and forgiveness to those who seek it. Compensation is often impossible. Reputations that have been stolen for a time cannot be returned or childhood memories erased. We can pray for our enemies by hoping they seek forgiveness rather than continue to harm others. Jesus simply was saying there are times to show mercy than seek justice. There are times to not demand being treated as we want to be treated.

The Bible is not contradictory when it says to love your enemies but have nothing to do with divisive people (Titus 3:10). Uh, our enemies may have a touch of divisiveness in them from time to time. Jesus obviously had certain circumstances in mind when He encouraged loving your enemies. The Bible often warns followers to confront one another morally and withdraw fellowship if necessary in hopes this leads to change. But, our enemies may not have tasted or understand Jesus’ life changing message. We may only convince others of our Creator’s love by demonstrating God’s unimaginable love toward us.

We must use our brains and not feel guilty when we must protect ourselves physically or emotionally. Jesus expected us to use common sense in difficult relationship situations. I may give a brief talk to parents about the radical idea that they must love their teenagers the way they wished their parents had loved them at that age despite all their crazy behaviors. We must choose our battles. I may not have addressed that parents must show tough love sometimes for the sake of change if drug use or bullying is involved. Allow God to tug at your heart. Seek the wisdom of others. Make the best current decision and have no regrets. God doesn’t want us always wondering if we did the right thing. Seek God’s help in showing radical, unimaginable love in hopes to impact the world for good as Jesus did.

Did Jesus Oppose Divorce?

It is important what is conveyed about a supposed loving God’s thoughts on divorce and remarriage since so many are impacted. If God conceived of marriage, it is naturally to look to the Creator for guidance on such relationships. The Bible is not a book of rules, and if you mess up God is pissed. It is true there are consequences for our actions in marriage, but that is true for all relationships. What is also true is that God is by our side always wanting to help not live in the past but create a new future. Seek God’s help whether making amends or getting more involved in your kid’s lives.

Jesus didn’t sugarcoat the truth but Jesus never said God is only interested in a relationship if we live up to certain standards. Jesus said what we tell our children about divorce. Marriage for a lifetime is ideal for individuals and families (Mt. 19:6, Mk. 10:9). Who doesn’t know love isn’t kicking partners to the curb to enjoy your current fantasy whether in marriage, business, or friendship. But, Jesus is not in the condemnation business. Jesus simply encouraged the adulterous woman to leave a life of self-destruction for her own good (Jn. 8:11). Jesus didn’t blast the woman at the well for being married five times but offered a better way (Jn. 4:17-26).

Many are familiar with biblical texts on the subject, so for more of a detailed treatment of certain passages please see here. The Gospels accounts speak of the importance of marriage being for a lifetime. Matthew includes the sexual sin exception because his Jewish audience was familiar what the Old Testament said for this situation (Mt. 5:32, 19:9). Does the supposed Messiah not agree with laws given to Moses by God! Jesus agreed with Moses that sexual sins can lead to divorce, but Jesus’ would also say true regrets and forgiveness are always possibilities.

Jesus is often accused of saying any divorce, except for certain sexual betrayals, is a sin and to remarry is committing adultery. Moses’ circumstances lead him to address the issue of sexual sins driving a wedge through marriage, but any harmful action that a partner is unwilling to take responsibility for and change endangers a marriage. Make no mistake God hates divorce as often betrayal and injustice is involved (Mal 2: 16), but God doesn’t heap on the innocent and want the guilty to think new beginnings are not possible. Couples who care what God thinks have enough guilt. It is appropriate at times to emphasize the importance of the marriage commitment, but we shouldn’t go further than Jesus in advising what God may think in someone’s situation.

Paul’s teachings and applications appear to be the same as Jesus’. God isn’t preachy but desirous of behaviors always in our best interests. Jesus would never tell one to never divorce or remarry regardless of their circumstances. A spouse may need to divorce for their safety and for the safety of the children. Remarriage is best determined according to one’s circumstances. Jesus might suggest to young couples to not enter marriage with only one foot in the door. It is always better to be proactive in the beginning than reactive during challenges when making such a lifelong commitment. But, divorce is inevitable in a world where we have the freedom to be selfish rather than selfless. Spouses are not responsible for each other’s actions. Divorcing a spouse is not always selfish and divorce and remarriage can be God’s desire as well.

Posts Found By Search Or Under Archives at website:

• Posts Prior 11/9/15 - Listed below by title. Contents on website and in above sections

• Posts After 11/9/15 - Listed below by title. Contents on website and below starting on page 274

11-01-15   Does God Believe In Freedom Of Belief Or Ethnic Cleansing?

10-27-15   Does God Condone Horrible Actions Toward Our Enemies According To The Psalms?

10-24-15   Does It Matter Christians Are Hypocrites?

10-18-15   How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

10-07-15   Is God Immoral When Hardening Hearts?

10-06-15   Is The Bible A Blessing Or Curse?

10-04-15   Is God Immoral For Condoning Slavery In The Bible?

10-02-15   Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?

09-20-15   How Does God Seek To Change The World?

09-06-15   What Are Unhelpful Excuses We Make For God?

08-30-15   Did God Approve of Child Sacrifice Like The Other gods With Abraham?

08-23-15   Does God Control When We Die And Does It Matter?

08-12-15   If God Truly Exist Why Does God Seem So Hidden?

08-09-15   Why Didn’t God Create Heaven On Earth In The Beginning?

08-01-15   Did God Really Create Evil? - A Book Review

07-04-15   Did God Approve Of Genocide In The Old Testament?

05-24-15   Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?

05-07-15 Does God Think We Are All Wretched?

04-25-15 What Did Jesus Mean “Love Our Enemies?”

04-11-15 Did God Approve Of Land Grab And Genocide In The OT?

04-04-15 What Is The Big Deal About Easter?

03-31-15 How Do We Discuss God With Others According To Jesus?

03-28-15 Hell Is A Myth!

03-15-15 Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?

02-28-15 What Are Reasons for Prayer Frustration?

02-25-15 Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?

02-21-15 How Can We Have A Better Prayer Life?

01-25-15 Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?

01-09-15 Why Is It Important To Know God Is An Unconditional Lover?

01-03-15 Have The End-Times Already Happened According To The Bible?

12-27-14 Can We Make Any Sense Out Of Suffering?

12-14-14 Are Only Christians Loved By God And Go To Heaven?

12-07-14 Should We Be In Awe Of God?

11-28-14 Can The Bible Be Divinely Inspired If Teaches…?

11-21-14 Is The Bible We Have Possibly Inspired By God?

11-15-14 Did Jesus And Should We Have An Agenda With People?

10-15-14 What Is The Most Important Thing?

10-15-14 What Does The Bible Really Say About Heaven And Life After Death?

10-10-14 How Do We Get To Heaven Or Receive Eternal Life?

09-24-14 Is God Really Any Different Than Other gods With Child Sacrifice And Infidel Killings?

08-28-14 Is The Bible Really Needed If God Is In Our Hearts?

08-10-14  What Really Is The Simple But Elegant Gospel?

07-20-14  Should We Tell Others About God The Way Jesus Did?

06-29-14  Doesn’t The Bible Answer The Problem Of Evil?

06-14-14  Isn’t Christianity Better Off Without Denominations?

05-25-14 Aren’t We Like God If Made In God’s Image?

05-03-14 Does God’s Unconditional Love Or Anger Really Change The World?

04-26-14 Is God Immoral Or Hypocritical In The Old Testament?

03-02-14 Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Of An Influence?

02-01-14 Doesn’t Shit Just Happen In A Free World?

01-18-14 Isn’t Parenting Pursuing Intimacy By Not Pissing Children Off?

01-05-14 Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Of An Impact?

12-21-13 A Brief Explanation To God, Evil, and Suffering – Does God Really Care?

12-10-13 Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?

11-30-13 Is God Unjust For Allowing Suffering?

11-24-13 What Isn’t Christianity Having More Of An Impact?

11-02-13 Why Is Grace Better Than The Law?

10-29-13 Didn’t Job Get His Answer to Suffering?

10-20-13 Why Does God Allow Us To Experience Pain?

10-06-13 Why Would God Harden One’s Heart?

10-02-13  When Are The Bible And Theology Dangerous?

09-22-13 Was God Immoral To Destroy Entire Cities Including Innocent Women And Children?

09-14-13 Do Beliefs Or Our Theology Matter? (Decided to Not Post This One but Is Below)

09-14-13 Does A Legalistic View Of The Cross Undermine God’s Unconditional Love?

09-10-13 How Do We Discuss God With Others?

09-04-13 Does God Want Us To Love Or Fear God?

08-24-13 Does God Really Hate Esau But Love Jacob?

08-11-13 Is God Rational Humanly Speaking?

07-30-13 Is God Infatuated With Self-Glory?

07-04-13 How Much Does God Really Love Us?

06-09-13 Are Christian Beliefs Our Worst Enemy?

05-17-13 Does God Really Care?

05-04-13 Why Did Jesus Die On The Cross?

05-04-13 Is The Cross About God’s Anger Or Love?

04-27-13 Does Job Say Suffering Is Unexplainable?

04-07-13 Is God A Mystery According To The Bible?

03-18-13 Is God A Universalist?

02-09-13 Why Is Sharing God With Others So Hard?

01-26-13 HELL? NO!

12-16-12 Do Our Beliefs About God Matter?

11-04-12 Can We Know God’s Will For Our Life?

10-05-12 Is God’s Goodness And Evil Understandable?

09-25-12 How Can Praying Really Work?

09-24-12 Is It Coincidental or God?

07-14-12 Does God Control The Day We Die?

07-14-12 How Do We Love Our Enemies?

07-02-12 How Does God Interfere With Suffering?

05-28-12 Is Our Answer To Suffering Helping?

04-29-12 If There A Time To Not Forgive?

03-03-12 How Does God Really Bless Us?

02-12-12 Is God Controlling Or In Control

01-21-12 Why Did God Really Come In The Flesh?

12-26-11 Who’s Convictions Live By If Disagree?

11-29-11 What Did God Create And Allow Freedom?

11-20-11 Is God Obsessed With Himself?

11-06-11 How Can One Live More Purposely?

10-14-11   Is God More Human Than You Think?

10-14-11   What Is Being In The Image Of God?

10-02-11 Does God Have A Perfect Will For Our Life?

09-10-11 Can Any Good Come From A Catastrophe?

09-04-11 What Kind Of Parent Is God In Hard Times?

08-10-11 Is There A Quota On God’s Grace?

08-04-11 Relationships – Fear Or Loved Based?

07-22-11 What Is An Answer To God, Evil, And Suffering?

07-16-11 Must We Obey To Be Loved By God?

07-02-11 Must We Believe In Absolutes?

06-02-11 Can We Ask God For Anything And Get It?

05-23-11 How Does God Bless Us?

04-01-11 Does God Whisper To Us?

03-15-11   Gender Roles – Mutual Submission Or Subordination?

02-14-11   Happy Valentine's Day!

12-28-10   Why Does God Allow Personal Tragedies?

11-21-10   Is Forgiveness Unconditional?

10-24-10   Why Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?

10-21-10   God, Why So Much Suffering?

10-16-10   God -  Explainable or Incomprehensible?

08-29-10   Biking With God?

06-13-10   Fearing God Is For Babies!

03-16-10   What Is A Relationship With God Like?

02-13-10   Why Doesn't God Stop Natural Disasters?

01-31-10   Why Doesn't God Stop Evils Such As The Holocaust?

01-16-10   Why Such Sacrificial Rituals In The OT?

12-25-09   Letter From Jesus About Christmas

12-12-09   Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

11-13-09   Husband – Leader Or Servant?

10-07-09   Does God Promise Us Our Every Need?

09-12-09   What Is God Really Like?

08-29-09   Does God Promise Health Or Richness?

07-18-09   Must We Always Forgive?

06-21-09   Being A Dad

06-20-09   If God Knew About Evil, Why Create?

06-02-09   Did God Know Adam And Eve Were Going To Sin?

04-19-09   Is God Secretive About His Will For Us?

04-04-09   Why Isn’t God More Audible Or Visible?

03-05-09   What If There Isn’t A God and The Bible Is Fiction?

02-14-09   Marriage Isn’t Complicated, Just Hard To Do

01-17-09   Through What Lens Do You View God?

12-28-08  HELL!

12-24-08   Prayer – Why Bother?

12-13-08   Why If There Is A God Is There Evil?

11-24-08   Our New President and Politics

11-23-08   The Meaning of Life – Who Cares

Posts Below Found By Search/Under Archives at website:

• Posts After 11/9/15 - Listed below by title. Contents are both below and on website

Date Title Page

05-16-18 How Can We Read The Bible If Not Infallible? 603

05-14-18 What Are Dangers In Assuming The Bible Infallible? 602

05-10-18 Is Uncertainty Worse Than Certainty Since The Bible Isn’t Infallible? 601

05-07-18 Why Doesn’t God Communicate Clearer If The Bible Isn’t Infallible? 600

05-04-18 How Can We Know God If The Bible Isn’t Infallible? 599

05-02-18 How Would God Provide An Infallible Book Anyway? 598

04-29-18 Questions If The Bible Isn’t Infallible Or Every Word Isn’t Inspired By God? 596

04-25-18 Why Can’t What Works For Marriage Work For A Nation? 595

04-22-18 Questions If Bible Not Fallible 591

04-05-18 How Must We Handle Our Political And Relational Differences? 590

04-01-18 Is God A Blood-Thirsty Child Killer? 589

03-28-18 If God Didn’t Inspire The Bible, What Was God’s Role? 588

03-25-18 Open Letter - Parents Who Worry Their Child Isn’t Going To Heaven Because Of Beliefs 586

03-20-18 How Can Good People Avoid Misrepresenting God? 585

03-17-18 We Can’t Know What God Is Like For Certain – Is That So Bad? 584

03-14-18 Open Letter To God-Followers Who Believe Gays Are Immoral? 583

03-12-18 God And A Woman’s Role – God Is Not A Sexist! 579

03-02-18 Does Jesus Speak To Christians? 578

02-16-18 What Is God’s Greatest Desire For You? 577

02-14-18 Being Your Valentine’s Valentine! 576

02-10-18 Is Church Always The Best Place To Grow Spiritually? 575

02-07-18 Why Wouldn’t God Give Second Chances After Death? 574

02-04-18 Can There Be Justice If God Gives Second Chances After Death? 573

02-02-18 Does God Demand Admiration And Obedience Or We Can Go To Hell? 572

01-28-18 What Does The Bible Really Say About Hell And Heaven? 571

01-25-18 Hell Can’t Exist If God Is Moral 570

01-22-18 Will We Be A Bystander Or Hero? 569

01-17-18   Do Thoughts On Justice Hint Of A Need For God? 568

01-12-18   Q & A – What If Bible Not Infallible Or Misrepresents God At Times? 566

01-08-18   Does Some Violence In The OT Make Sense In Light of Terrorism? 565

01-02-18 How To Decide Which Issues To Die On A Hill For? 564

12-28-17 Is God’s Lack Of Directness And Invisibility Out Of Compassion? 563

12-23-17 Why Might Be The Greatest Mistake Good People Make? 562

12-19-17 What Is Meant That God Inspired The Bible? 561

12-15-17 Why Does It Matter If God Is Morally Perfect Humanly-Speaking? 559

12-11-17 How Can We Know Our Thoughts Or Feelings Are From God? 558

12-07-17 What Is At Least One Action By Bible-Believers To Deter Terrorism? 557

12-02-17 Why Might People Not Have A Relationship With God Though Wanna? 555

11-28-17 What Is God’s Main Way Of Communicating To Us? 554

11-22-17 What To Do When Our Morality Clashes With Others? 553

11-19-17 Were All Old Testament Laws, Including The Crazy Ones, God’s Idea? 552

11-14-17 Did God Really Desire Animal Sacrifices? 551

11-09-17 Are There Plausible Caring Reasons Why God Doesn’t Communicate More Directly? 550

11-02-17 What If Biblical Writers Didn’t Always Have Perfect Impressions Of God? 548

10-28-17 What Are Dangers In Misunderstanding Violence Contributed To God In The Bible? 547

10-23-17 Would It Matter If You Knew God Was Morally Perfect? 546

10-16-17 We Can’t Use The Bible To Suggest A Caring God Condemns Homosexuality! 544

10-13-17 How To Understand Evil Portrayals Of God In The Bible Rather Than Rationalizing? 542

10-08-17 Can We Make Sense Of The Bible If Not Infallible Or Has False Portrayals Of God? 541

10-06-17 Reasons You Don’t Feel Close To God Though Wanting To? 539

10-01-17 Steps Toward Undividing Our Nation 538

09-26-17 How Can A Divided Nation Unite More? 537

09-24-17 The Danger In Not Reinterpreting Violence In The Bible And How To View? 536

09-20-17 It Can Be Freeing To Know How God Communicate To Us! 535

09-15-17 How We Know There Is No Hell And Hope Of Heaven For Loved Ones! 534

09-08-17 How We Know A Good God Is Not A Bigot Toward Females! 533

09-04-17 How We Know A Good God Is Not A Bigot Toward Gays! 531

08-31-17 What Is God Really Like? 529

08-27-17 How Can We Know What God Is Really Like? 528

08-24-17 Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like? 527

08-19-17 Can We Make Sense Of Violence And Genocide In The OT Supposedly Approved By God? 526

08-10-17 Rethinking God And Punishment! 525

08-03-17 How Do We Make Sense of Crazy OT Laws In The Bible And God’s Supposed Approval? 524

07-29-17 God, Must We Must Forgive Those Who Admit No Wrongdoing? 523

07-20-17 How Can We Understand The Bible When God Is Portrayed As Immoral? 522

07-13-17 If Jesus Didn’t Die To Save Us From A Non-Existent Hell, What Did Jesus Save Us From? 520

07-08-17 How Do We Handle Opposing Views of God With Others? 519

07-03-17 What Hinders You From Being More Spiritually Focused? 518

06-29-17 Why Is Discussion About God And Spirituality So Important? 517

06-25-17 Rethinking If God Is Evil By Being Uncontrolling! 516

06-22-17 Rethinking If God Is A Doomsayer Out To Destroy The World! 515

06-16-17 Rethinking If God Is A Genie When We Pray! 514

06-06-17 Rethinking If God Is A Church-Going, Traditionalist! 513

05-28-17 Rethinking If God Is A Blood-Thirsty Child Killer Via The Cross! 512

05-21-17 Rethinking If God Is A Bible Worshipper! 511

05-15-17 Rethinking If God Demands We Convert Others! 510

05-11-17 Rethinking If God Is A Religious Extremist! 509

05-07-17 Rethinking If God Is Hidden Or Knowable! 508

05-02-17 Rethinking If God Opens Heaven To All! 507

04-28-17 Rethinking If God Is A Hellish, Sadistic Torturer! 506

04-24-17 Rethinking If God Is A Homophobe! 505

04-20-17 Rethinking If God Is A Sexist! 504

04-17-17 Rethinking If God Is Mysteriously Immoral Or Morally Perfect! 503

04-13-17 Rethinking If God Is An Angry, Egomaniac! 502

04-09-17 Rethinking If God Is Dogmatic About Beliefs! 501

04-05-17 Rethinking If God Is Dogmatic About Spirituality! 500

04-03-17 Time To Rethink God – God May Not Be Your Problem In Pursuing Spirituality More!498

03-29-17 How Can One Not Gay View Gay Love? 497

03-27-17 What If God Was Inspiring Not Compulsory? 496

03-23-17 What If Our World Looked For Truth In All Faiths? 495

03-19-17 What If Our World Disagreed Respectfully? 494

03-16-17 My Journey – Is The Bible Infallible Or Human? 492

03-11-17 Benefits Of Being A God-Follower Emotionally? 491

03-05-17 Please Don’t Reject A Gay Child In God’s Name! 490

03-03-17 It’s Ok If The Bible Isn’t Infallible! 489

02-26-17 What Is The Ideal Parent? Is God? 488

02-21-17 What Is A Relationship With God On A Feeling Level? 487

02-17-17 The Biggest Angsts Being A God-Follower – No More! 486

02-15-17 How Can We Know What Is “Truth”? 485

02-10-17 How Can A Good God Command The Flood And Other Atrocities? 484

02-07-17 Is God A Pacifist? 483

02-05-17 What If God In The Bible Condones Immorality? 481

02-01-17 Does The Bible Say God Causes Us To Do Evil By Hardening Our Hearts 480

01-30-17 What Can God Do For Me? 479

01-27-17 How The Heck Does Prayer Work? 477

01-24-17 Why Wouldn’t God Give Second Chances After Death? 476

01-20-17 Maybe God Does Communicate Clearly! 475

01-16-17 What’s Required To Believe In God Or Have A Relationship? 474

01-12-17 What Is The #1 Myth About God? 473

01-09-17 Can We Know What God Is Really Like? 471

01-06-17 The Bible May Defend What You Believe Must Be True About God? 470

01-04-17 Trust Your Gut Or Others About God? 469

01-02-17 God-Followers Don’t Have To Be Awkward Or Defensive Talking About God! 468

12-29-16 Do You Believe God Is Really Relevant? 467

12-26-16 Jesus - Real Or Myth? 466

12-23-16 What If God Doesn’t Know The Future? 464

12-19-16 The Crucifixion Isn’t Just About Blood And Anger! 463

12-16-16 Trust Our Heart Or Others When Reading The Bible? 462

12-13-16 Is There Really Any Excuse For Not Being Spiritual? 461

12-10-16 Why Would God Bring About The Bible Due to Misuse? 460

12-06-16 Was Jesus Real Or A Legend? 459

12-03-16 What Is God Saving Us From If Not Hell? 458

11-30-16 Does God Accept Us Despite Our Doubts? 457

11-28-16 Does The Natural World Condemn Unbelief In God? 456

11-23-16 God Doesn’t Judge Only On Beliefs! 455

11-17-16 The God Of The Bible Doesn’t Condemn Homosexual Love! 454

11-15-16 How Do You Describe A Relationship With An Invisible God? 453

11-11-16 What Does God Really Say About Getting Eternal Life? 452

11-07-16 God, Some Evils Serves Absolutely No Good Purpose But Does More Harm? 451

11-06-16 Does God Control Everything? Is There Really A Reason For Everything? 450

11-03-16 Can We Stop Using The Word “Sinner”! 449

11-01-16 What Is The #1 Advantage Of Being A Spiritual Person? 448

10-30-16 Certain Explanations Of Jesus’ Death Don’t Impact Our Relationship With God! 447

10-27-16 What Is The Bible Referring To With The Word Hell? 445

10-24-16 How Does God Guide Us In Decisions? 444

10-21-16 Which Flawed Candidate - Trump Or Clinton? 443

10-19-16 What Is The #1 Reason People Avoid Spiritual Discussions? 442

10-17-16 Getting To Heaven Doesn’t Depend On What Others Say You Must Believe! 441

10-15-16 God, Why Not Communicate Clearly To Unite More In Understanding You? 440

10-13-16 Does God Really Suggest Letting Enemies Or Betrayers Continue to Abuse Us? 439

10-10-16 Being A God-Follower Doesn’t Have To Be Awkward For You Or Others! 438

10-07-16 What Is The Greatest Benefit In Being A Spiritual Person? 437

10-04-16 Why It Matters That God Doesn’t Know The Future? 436

09-30-16 Isn’t True Religion Being Non-Religious? 435

09-28-16 How Can I “Easily” Become More The Person I Want To Be? 434

09-26-16 Black And Police Lives Matter! 433

09-23-16 What Harm Is There In Demanding Certainty? 432

09-19-16 Does God Communicate Clearly Enough? 430

09-15-16 Is Every Word Of The Bible Inspired By God? 429

09-11-16 Do I Really Have To Thank God For The Bad Shit? 428

09-08-16 How Can The Religious Hurt True Religion? 427

09-05-16 What Might Be Grave Consequences Of A Tyrant View Of God? 426

09-02-16 September 2016 – Reflections On August Posts 425

08-31-16 Why Getting Into Heaven Doesn't Depend on Certain Beliefs? 423

08-27-16 What Can Beginnings In Genesis Teach Us Whether Literal Or Not? 422

08-25-16 Is The Bible Useless If Has Errors? 421

08-22-16 What Beliefs Killing God’s Reputation Might Change Your View Of God? 420

08-19-16 What Is God Like And How Can We Know? 419

08-15-16 What Might God’s Justice Look Like After Death? 418

08-12-16 Is Your View Of God Working For You? 417

08-07-16 There Is Hope For God’s Grace After Death For Our Loved Ones! 416

08-02-16 Why Is There Hope For God’s Grace Beyond The Grave? 414

07-29-16 What One Belief Hinders Spirituality The Most? 413

07-27-16 Is Your Understanding Of God Determining Your Attitude Toward God? What If… 412

07-24-16 Really Good News About God And Repentance When We Keep Failing! 411

07-22-16 Can We Know What God Is Really Like As Understandings Form Attitudes? 410

07-20-16 Should I Read The Bible? – Depends! 409

07-18-16 Are Certain Supposed “Truths” More Important Than Love? 408

07-13-16 Why Don’t I Insist On Certain Beliefs To Pursue God Or Spirituality? 406

07-10-16 What Do We Tell Others God Believes - Gender Roles For Example? 405

07-07-16 What Is All God Really Cares About? 404

07-04-16 What Is The Main Reason We Know God Isn’t A Religious Extremist Or Terrorist? 403

06-29-16 Can We Stop Saying “Love The Sinner; Hate The Sin” To Gay People! 402

06-26-16 Should We Really Pray For Miracles? 401

06-19-16 How An Undetermined Future In God’s Mind Can Be Freeing? 400

06-15-16 Why Bother Since Prayer Doesn’t Really Work? 300

06-13-16 Why Is Human Reasoning (Brain) Important To Understand God And The Bible? 398

06-09-16 How Does An Invisible God Talk To Humans? 396

06-06-16 What If God Is A Lie Or Delusion? 395

06-03-16 What Is The Only Thing God Is Dogmatic About? 394

05-31-16 Does God Accept Those Who Doubt The Resurrection Or Even God’s Existence? 393

05-28-16 Does God “Love And Cherish” More For Richer Or Poorer? 392

05-26-16 Can We Only Think Of Spirituality in God-Terms And Why It Matters? 390

05-24-16 Why Isn’t God More Obvious And Less Invisible? 389

05-21-16 Why Aren’t People More Spiritually Focused? 388

05-19-16 What Is Being Spiritual And Are You? 387

05-17-16 Did God Command Genocide In The Old Testament? 385

05-13-16 Do Some Old Testament Laws Prove God Is Inhumane? 383

05-10-16 Are The Ten Commandments Written In Stone Such As Honoring Parents? 382

05-07-16 So What If The Bible Has Errors! 381

05-05-16 What Kind Of God Kills Firstborns (Passover) And Then Celebrates The Occasion? 379

05-01-16 Is The Cross About God’s Or Our Conscience? 378

04-28-16 Is God A Homophobe? 376

04-27-16 Is God A Child Killer In The Story Of Abraham And Isaac? 375

04-25-16 Can Words Such As “By The Grace Of God” Be Offensive? 374

04-21-16 Why Might It Be A Good Idea To Conceal Our Good Deeds? 373

04-19-16 What Does The Most Popular Verse In Bible Really Mean? 372

04-15-16 What Are Some Ways To Combat Terrorism And Extremism? 370

04-14-16 How Can One Read The Bible Without Being Totally Frustrated? 369

04-12-16 What Is The Greatest Sin Of All In God’s Eyes? 368

04-09-16 Why Does God Oppose One Christian Nation? 367

04-07-16 What Can A Friendship With An Invisible God Be Like? 366

04-05-16 Did Jesus Want To Mystify Others By Talking in Parables? 365

04-02-16 Why The Heck Did God Initiate A Relationship With A Bunch Of Laws? 364

03-30-16 Are We Better Off Without The Bible? 363

03-27-16 Why Wasn’t Jesus Simply Ignored? 362

03-26-16 “WHY GOD” Can’t You Control All This Madness? 361

03-23-16 What Is The Main Difference Between Holy Wars Today And Old Testament Wars? 360

03-21-16 Is There Any Justification For God’s Warrior Behavior? 359

03-18-16 What If God Isn’t A Misogynistic, Blood Thirsty, Homophobic Kind Of God? 357

03-16-16 Do We Always Forgive The Guilty Though They Deny Wrongdoing? 356

03-14-16 What’s One Assumption Hurting God’s Reputation The Most? 355

03-12-16 What’s The Problem With Claiming Spiritual Certainty? 354

03-11-16 Who Is Spiritual And How Can We Encourage More Spirituality? 352

03-10-16 Are God’s Morals Ours Or Can God Do Whatever The Hell God Wants? 351

03-09-16 Why Religions Such As Christianity Need To Get Out Of The Conversion Business? 349

03-08-16 Can One Be Spiritual But Not Religious? 348

03-07-16 Why Do Non-Religious Spiritual People Avoid Spiritual Discussions 347

03-04-16 Why Must We Have A Spiritual Focus? 346

03-02-16 Why Would A Loving God Approve Of Animal Sacrifice? 344

02-28-16 Did Jesus Die For His Beliefs Or Because of God’s Wrath? 343

02-26-16 Reading The Bible For Today - Turning The Other Cheek 342

02-22-16 What May Be The Main Reason Religion Is Not Having A Greater Impact? 341

02-19-16 What Do Sinners Have To Offer Others About God? 340

02-15-16 Does God Have Any Sacred Beliefs Other Than…? 339

02-11-16 Should We Be Wary Of Forcing Certain Traditions Or Customs? 338

02-09-16 Can Reading The Bible Be Simple And Worthwhile? 336

02-05-16 Can We Make Any Sense Of The “Law” In The Bible? 335

02-04-16 Did Jesus Oppose Divorce? 334

02-02-16 Does God Get Pissed When We Mess Up? 333

02-01-16 Does God Really Care About Their Ego? 332

01-28-16 Does A Focus On God’s Love Than Anger Cause More Wrongdoing? 331

01-27-16 Did Jesus Lay Down His Life To Appease God Or Convince Us? 330

01-24-16 How Can Heaven Be A Happy Place With Regrets? 329

01-22-16 What Did Jesus Really Come To Save Us From? 327

01-20-16 What Does God Really Hope For From Us? 326

01-17-16 What Did Jesus Really Say About Heaven And Eternal Life? 324

01-15-16 What Are Nonsensical Explanations When Defending God’s Actions? 323

01-13-16 Did Jesus Say Love Or Hate Your Family? 322

01-12-16 Did Jesus Teach Self-Abuse By Turning Your Check Or Loving Enemies? 321

01-11-16 Did Jesus Really Threaten Others With Hell? 320

01-09-16 Are We Better Off If The Bible Was Less Confusing? 319

01-08-16 Are Their Plausible Reasons Why God Seems So Hidden or Distant? 317

01-05-16 Why Is Freedom Of Beliefs So Important In Religion? 315

01-03-16 Why Do Some Pursue God And Others Don’t While On Earth? 314

01-02-16 How Should God-Folks Share Their Beliefs? 313

01-01-16 How Can We Know God’s Voice If Not Audible? 312

12-28-15 Are We Better Off With Or Without Churches? 310

12-26-15 Questions One Might Ask About Heaven, Hell, And The Afterlife 308

12-26-15 Does It Matter If There Is Heavenly Freedom? 307

12-24-15 Are There Consequences If We Don’t Speculate About Heaven? 306

12-21-15 Why Atheists And Unspiritual Folks May Be In Heaven? 305

12-21-15 What Might A Christian Extremist Believe? 303

12-20-15 What May Happen After We Die? 301

12-19-15 Can We Understand Prayer And Avoid Disappointments? 300

12-17-15 Why Didn’t God Make The Bible Less Confusing? 299

12-15-15 Does God Really Allow Freedom Of Beliefs Unlike Extremists? 298

12-14-15 What Do I Wish Others Might Consider True About God 297

12-13-15 Why Does God Hide From Us Physically Or Not Be More Obvious? 296

12-09-15 Are Their Rational Answers To Why God Allows So Much Suffering? 293

12-07-15 Does God Desire Friendship Or Demand Obedience Like Terrorists? 291

12-05-15 Why Did God Create Freedom Since Leads To So Much Suffering? 290

11-29-15 Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends? 288

11-26-16 Is There Life After Death For All? 286

11-22-15 What Did Jesus Really Come To Say And Do? 284

11-18-15 Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists? 282

11-15-15   Are God’s Actions In The Bible Like Jihadists Or Extreme Islamists? 281

11-14-15   What is Awkward Spiritual Language? 280

11-09-15 Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like? 279

Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like?

Many sense there is a Being greater than them and is surely the best explanation of how the world came to be. It just takes too much faith for some to believe how children come into the world somehow evolved rather than was initiated into the grand event that it is. If we believe God is the reason for our existence we may be inclined to seek our Creator’s wisdom in how we should live life. If God can create surely God may have answers to why there is so much evil in the world and how I can best cope. Not all people when under duress call out to a supposed Higher Power but if you do, it may matter what you think God is really like.

I wonder sometimes if we would be better off without the Bible. Many may want to believe in a Creator but what others tell them the Bible says about our Creator is just too much to stomach. We all have a sense of what perfect parental love is, even if we did not always experience it. Similarly, our biblical interpretations and characterizations of God must be relational and rational to the human mind as we know what a loving God should be like.

It is said after death God tortures people forever for sins committed in a few short years here on earth. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. The Greek word Gehenna in the Bible is wrongly translated into the English word Hell. The traditional meaning and understanding of Hell doesn’t exist in the Bible. God is not a sexist. God never said women should submit to men in a way men shouldn’t submit to women. God understood the dangers of such a belief by warning that men would try to “rule over women” (Gen: 3:16). God is portrayed as an egomaniac that created us to remind all how great He is or we can go to Hell. God like human parents simply encourages respect because parents desire the very thing deep down we want for ourselves. God may be who you really think He is despite what you have heard the Bible supposedly says.

Some may feel almost wired to believe in a loving Creator greater than them. They see how messed up the world is but this doesn’t necessarily lead them to reject God. But certain explanations or lack of answers may prevent the relationship from being as intimate thus helpful as it could be. “Why is this happening to me or my loved one” can sometimes turn into “why God do you not love me.” How we understand God’s role in suffering can determine how we handle suffering and benefit from a relationship with God in our greatest time of need.

Some may know God is their heavenly Parent as much as they know who their earthly parents are. If certain ways about my earthy parents are counterintuitive, I am less inclined to want to get closer or follow their lead. Even if my parents were perfect it is still not always easy to follow their wisdom, but at least the relational barrier is removed. Certain beliefs about God may hinder us from feeling more intimate with our Creator. When we feel deeply connected to our heavenly or earthly parents, we are more empowered and inspired to please them because we know they always have our best interest in mind.

The advantage of having a Bible is that certain truths are not always intuitive. The Bible tells us that we are made in God’s image. Such an understanding reveals that how I know I should treat my child is how God thinks toward me. God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. What beliefs do you have of your Creator that may hinder you from feeling more deeply connected? It may help to explore whether such understandings are true. God may be the kind of Parent you had always dreamed of or knew in your heart was true despite all the chaos in the world.

What Is Awkward Spiritual Language?

It is important how we represent God to others. I don’t enjoy insulting my Christian readers. Their heart is in the right place. They have a special relationship with God and they want to share that excitement with others. How is that any different than sharing with others your excitement about a new dating relationship or expecting a child born into the family? I also don’t wish to offend those who currently aren’t into God. I don’t want you to think that my agenda is to get your butt saved from Hell. My only agenda is to love others the way I wish to be loved, and I admit I suck at my life goal often.

I recently read some Bible study notes that are used to teach thousands over the world about God. It said without any explanation that “the Bible’s strong answer is nothing happens outside God’s will to accomplish His grand purpose.” Oh, really! You mean God intended all the evil in the world. I don’t think so. Evil serves no good purpose but God will help us overcome evil eventually. Freedom as opposed to control is necessary for genuine relationships. It is true God allowed for the possibility of evil by creating freedom, and God does not destroy instantly whoever acts evil. God does work though to change the hearts of the evildoer through others. And God says one day after death in this evil word we can live with Him forever. Who doesn’t want to live with God in charge than any President, Leader, or Dictator that has ever lived?

I read also in the Bible study notes that “God’s main purpose is to glorify Himself in His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Oh really! So God created Adam and Eve, knowing they would have offspring, for the purpose of bowing down to their Creator or they can go to Hell. I don’t think so. God is not an egomaniac. Yea, God ask for respect because His ways are in our best interest. I did the same with my kids and I am not even perfect like God. God only seeks respect because if all lived by the Ten Commandments or treated everyone like they want to be treated, the world would be so much better off. You weren’t created to worship God so shut up and give God the glory. God wanted to share His glory with others. Most parents have children to share life with.

Jesus doesn’t think you are a wretch that needs to be snatched from the pits of Hell. Maybe you are wicked but the Apostle Paul eventually became a hero in God’s eyes though a murderer. God isn’t always thinking ill of us any more than our human parents because we fail to obey for our best interests. God simply grieves selfish choices because of the pain it will cause His children. God loves all and simply is hoping to persuade all that His love is in their best interest as any parent would. God loves you and doesn’t see you as evil unless putting His Jesus glasses on. God would love to earn your respect and help you become the person deep down you wish to become. God is not a hellish, sadistic, slave-approving sexist in case you think the Bible teaches that!

We don’t need to quote a lot of bible verses to tell others about God if they wish to discuss your relationship with the Creator. Many quote the Bible out of context anyway. How would you like it if someone took one of your letters, pulled a sentence out of a paragraph, and used it according to their own understanding? Husbands do that all the time so they can rule, I mean lead, over their wives. We don’t need to tell people to repent. Let’s encourage folks to consider the possibility that there is a Creator behind the world we live in. God doesn’t have to be called He as if he has a penis and not a vagina. God is the Creator. God is a Parent. We don’t need to stop sinning. We need to stop acting unjustly toward others or taking actions that are not in our own best interest in the long run. Language matters.

Are God’s Actions In The Bible Like Jihadists Or Extreme Islamists?

It is understandable when reading the Bible, especially the Old Testament, that one may assume God advocates genocide or slavery or other horrible practices. God surely is not such a moral monster so some suggest the biblical writers recorded their own beliefs about God rather than God revealing to them what He was really like. Some believe this makes for less angst as we don’t have to defend God’s actions. But, I have written elsewhere that certain passages may be misunderstood and have plausible explanations proving God is not a moral monster.

God clearly is not like the god of the Jihadists. The God of the Bible turns out to not have anything in common with religious extremists concerning freedom of beliefs, women’s rights, or the killing of women and children. God was a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the very beginning. Otherwise, why would a God who is powerful enough to create not annihilate immediately those who choose evil and oppose God? God’s judgments and declarations of war against other nations were not because of a refusal to worship Him, but because people were involved in despicable immoral acts such as child sacrifice. If such nations existed today where child sacrifices were a ritual, war may be the most humane action.

God allows freedom of belief in this life and it is a fabrication that you will burn in Hell after death for such a choice. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Sheol and Gehenna, words translated into the word Hell in the Bible, are not a place of sadistic torturing after death for those who do not choose to worship God during their life on earth. The Bible doesn’t say exactly what happens to those who don’t follow God during their time on earth. The God I know though will invite all after death to join Him. I doubt any reading this or their loved ones will not accept such an invitation.

Women are not to be under the authority of men in the eyes of the God of the Bible. This only encourages dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal, but God does not simply annihilate people because His desires are not followed. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that.

I wrote here that God did not advocate genocide thought certain biblical passages at first reading seem to suggest this. God has always preferred to live in peace. But, corruption had thoroughly infiltrated the Canaan nation that a fresh start may have been more merciful. Was that true also in Noah’s times? ISIS has not existed long enough for an entire culture to buy into their despicable evil actions. God never approved war because a nation believed in other gods as opposed to their Creator. But, Israel like nations today must sometimes take the fight to extremists rather than wait for them to come to our land and blow up innocent people. ISIS doesn’t wage war against our armies who can defend themselves. In such a world thousands of years ago or today, innocent lives cannot always be spared. Israel’s God though can make good on His promise to provide a better place after death for the innocent than subjection to adult evildoers.

Differences between the Israelites’ God and the extremist Islamists’ God is obvious. God has been a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the beginning. God knows freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. God only desires to encourage people to listen to their heart. What is not debatable in the Bible is that God never advocates the torture or beheading of infidels. God never advocates that blasphemers be put to death. God never promises a lustful afterlife at the expense of women. You can blaspheme or not believe in God but how you treat others has consequences.

Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?

Beliefs have consequences. To believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives creates an environment most conducive for domestic abuse and the other atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history. Since interpretations are fallible, we must error on the side less prone to abuse. Mutual submission is impossible for men to twist to justify their subtle or blatant mistreatment of women.

I will never tire trying to convince others that the Bible doesn’t teach men have any type of authority over women. One person wrote to the editor of a newspaper “…it’s been bothering me since 9/11. What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?” It just doesn't make logical sense why God would put a man in charge based on history, common sense, and human nature. Lack of mutual accountability is disastrous. The truth is to not teach complete equality is confusing to those seeking to know our God better. 

• Genesis, the first book in the Bible, is often used to suggest God ordained separate gender roles and as you might suspect the men aren’t women’s helpers. The English implication of the word “helper” translated from the Hebrew word ezer is nowhere to be found in the Bible (2:18). Ezer is used of God and implies or often is translated as “strength” (Deut. 33:29). R. David Freedom has argued convincingly that the best translation of Genesis 2:18 is “I will make [the women] a power [or a strength] corresponding to the man” (Walter Kaiser Jr., Tough Questions About God And His Actions In the Old Testament, p. 140). Genesis 3:16 describes what happens when sins enters relationship. Men will rule over women. God got that one right! God is describing problems not prescribing roles. If the context is suggesting God’s will, then farmers sin by trying to combat weeds (3:17-18).

• The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament is accused of being a woman hater or seriously misinformed of God’s view of women especially in his first letter to the Corinthians. Is Paul really duplicating synagogue ways and telling women in church to just shut up and sit there and be thankful you are even allowed to come to church? (14:34) Paul’s response suggests otherwise: “Did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached” (14:36). Besides, Paul wouldn’t waste his time controlling a practice in the previous verses of how men and women should speak in an orderly fashion if it was forbidden to begin with (14:26-33)

Paul’s goal was to restrict unauthorized women who were deceived but not authorized to teach such as Priscilla (2 Tim 4:19). This surely is Paul’s meaning as the rest of his letter speaks of the equality of the sexes: husbands and wives share equal authority over their body (7:4); women are not condemned for prophesying which clearly involved speaking (11:5); again, women and men possess the same authority and in fact are interdependent (11:10-11). Yea, Adam was created first but then no more men were created without women. The bottom line is all human beings are better off being dependent on God using whatever spiritual gifts they may have. If Paul supposedly told women to hush, why didn’t he explain which spiritual gifts are gender specific (12:1-31)? It is way too risky to not give Paul the benefit of the doubt and not empower half the church in their giftedness.

• Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is often used to suggest wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives (5:22). The truth is that mutual submission is a way of life for all followers to imitate Jesus: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph. 5:21). In verse 22 in the original manuscripts, Paul literally says: “wives to your husbands as to the Lord.” The verb missing is supplied from verse 21 so the TNIV translates verse 22 “wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” If we defend wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands, then we must also say church members are in subordination or under the leadership of one another (v. 21).

Mutual submission in marriage is critical. Many men assume an impasse in a marriage cannot be solved through normal conflict resolutions means, especially when they think they are to provide leadership through decision-making just because they are male. One may argue that relationships must have a final decision maker. A President of a country has to govern through laws and make decisions such as whether to go to war against other countries.  There are more checks and balances when under authority of one’s government or church leadership. There are many creative alternatives in marriage such as the partner who has the most expertise with the matter at hand making the final decision. Personally, in thirty-three years of marriage all decisions have been solvable without insisting one be the final decision-maker. Women do not need male leadership in marriage; women need unselfish men who have the heart of a servant (5:28-29).

• Many women are denied the privilege to exercise their spiritual gifts in the church because of one main biblical passage (I Tim. 2:11-15), which is highly debated among scholars. Those who suggest this passage teaches women can’t teach men allow women to teach women and children as if they are less important than men! Women were never referred to as pastors in the Bible but then neither were men. There were plenty of men and women ministers/co-workers. 

A primary problem in Ephesus was false teaching in which untaught women may have been the target (I Tim. 1:3-20; 4:1-7; 6: 6-10, 20-21; 2 Tim 2:16-26; 3:5-13; 4:3-4). Philip Payne argues that “to teach or have authority” in verse 12 likely conveys a single idea such as “assuming authority to teach” and not two different actions (Man and Woman, One in Christ, p. 443). Paul had already prohibited men from teaching false doctrine (1:13, 20). Then, Paul teaches that a woman must not teach or have authentein over a man but Paul had in mind what the first woman did to the first man - prevailed upon Adam to go along with the false view of God’s word that she heard from the serpent. It is the repetition of the error of Eve that Paul disallowed, not a woman’s faithful exercise of her teaching and leadership gifts in the church body. While we are reminded that Eve was deceived, it was Mary that heard and brought the Christ into the world (2:15).

The gods of the nations in biblical times were described as either male or female. By contrast, the Jews did not speculate about the “masculinity” of God. There are language limitations when referring to God by gender. It can be difficult to refer to God without using either he or she, but God is never referred to as a “male” or “female” in the Bible. Personally, I prefer to think of my God as either my Creator or my loving, perfect, Heavenly Parent. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal, but God does not simply annihilate people because His desires are not followed. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that. We must not become corrupt and have physical or mental images of God “…whether formed like a man or a woman (Deut. 4:15-16). We cannot be sure what form God will be until we see Him in Heaven. I simply know that God, my Creator, they love me in unimaginable ways no one else can.

What Did Jesus Really Come To Say And Do?

If you are seeking a relationship with your Creator for the first time or more of an intimate relationship, it may matter what you believe Jesus’ real motive was for coming to earth to live and die? When we feel a meaningful bond with our parents, fully understanding the depth of their love, we are more motivated to follow their guidance which often is in our best interest. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. God’s love is the same as perfect, human love. Knowing who God really is can be our necessary nourishment which can lead to life transformations and help facing the challenges of a not so friendly world.

Some may believe Jesus came to tell you to drop to your knees and say the sinner’s prayer or you can go straight to Hell. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time! Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. The traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Hell, a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. God’s love is center stage in the Bible. God’s angry in the Bible is simply another aspect of His love – tough love – in hopes to deter people from evil that leads to personal and worldly destruction.

Some may think Jesus died because God had to be appeased and His honor restored. Traditional, legal views of the Cross suggest God was more concerned with our guilt and His reputation than seeking credibility and influence for our own good. The Cross was not necessary as if God couldn’t love us until someone’s death accounted for our sins. God was not like other gods who demanded human sacrifice for their own pleasure or because they were mad at sins. God simply desires a contrite heart for only then is healing possible in relationships. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to convince us of God’s unimaginable love and ways which are truly what we desire deep down in our hearts. For those whose failures afflict their consciences, Jesus wants us to know we are forgiven and we can start each day anew with God

Believe it or not Jesus whole reason for coming was to simply encourage and inspire all to treat others like you want to be treated. Jesus came to let us know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down. Jesus said this was the most important commandment or the main thing (Mt. 24:37-38). When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. Jesus did not focus on Heaven, perfection, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus taught life forever can begin here on earth. Jesus came to earth to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good.

God wasn’t being egotistically when suggesting life in a nutshell is loving God and loving others. We may think of God’s demand for glory as if God created us to remind others how great God is or we can go to Hell. God only ask for respect because loving God is loving ourselves and others like we want to be loved. I asked for the same respect with my kids and I am not even perfect like God. God seeks respect because if all lived by the Ten Commandments and treated everyone like they want to be treated, the world would be so much better off. You weren’t created to worship God so shut up and give God the glory. God wanted to share His glory with others. Most parents have children to share life with.

Jesus confirmed with His words and actions what we know in our hearts. When we hurt someone confess our wrongdoing to them and make amends. Jesus also came to encourage radical things like love your enemies. Anyone can love those who love them. But, the world is only going to change for the better when we also love our enemies in hopes of turning them toward our empowering God. Jesus had to throw a few tables to convey to the religious hypocrites that true religion is self-sacrifice not self-service. The Pharisees and religious-types after them are more in love with their power than truly loving others. Jesus taught that being last is really being first. The Law can only condemn and reveal shortcoming; Jesus wants us to know matters of the heart – that adultery and lust are wrong – but that there is life after failures as God loves us despite our imperfections. Jesus came to change hearts.

Can we admit the human condition is we all are to some degree bent toward self-centeredness? Parents know a child must be steered toward the narrow gate of unselfishness and away from the wide gate of destruction for true freedom. Jesus sought to empower us by ensuring we don’t have to remain stuck in our guilt or hopelessness. God forgives, loves, and desires to encourage us in the daily challenge of being the kind of person we deep down desire to be. Jesus didn’t come to save us from Hell or even to preach about Heaven as a total focus on the future leads to unproductive, passive living on earth. Jesus came as a lover not a theologian. A relationship with God, rather than an emphasis on rules and obedience, is our necessary nourishment to conquer our battle against self-centeredness.

Is There Life After Death For All?

How you feel God treats all people after death depending on decisions made while on earth can impact your relationship with God as well as those you speak to about the Creator. The Bible is not a systematic theological textbook, thus there is not a book on Heaven. There are enough biblical comments, without taking out of context, to suggest all will face God one day for an accounting of their deeds – good and bad (Mt: 12:36, Rom. 14:10, 2 Cor. 5:10, Heb.9:27). Those who choose faith in God on earth are promised after death they will be in heaven where God will transform our bodies (Philip. 3:20). Jesus promised the thief on the Cross he would enter paradise. Scriptures do not give us the details of what will take place this final judgment day to those who do not or are unable to choose faith in God while living on earth.

Why wouldn’t one want to believe God is a Universalist where all are saved from themselves, if freedom and justice can be defended in such a scenario? Several passages can be plausibly interpreted to suggest all enter heaven one day: “For as in Adam all died, so in Christ all will be made alive” (I Cor. 15:22, i.e. Rom. 5:18-19, Philip: 2:10-11). It would not be unlike God to show mercy and give all a second chance when meeting their Creator. The case and hope for Universalism biblically may be greater than supposed by evangelical believers. Heaven may be more populated than many people imagined.

Some may argue that the possibility of eternal decisions after death creates less urgency to change here on earth. We may want to tell an addict after the 100th relapse there is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. There are some that wish to scare people into obedience with the fear of God, but God has always emphasized a relationship over rules and obedience. Remember the Pharisees! Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others.

We know for sure God is not going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time! Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. The traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Hell, a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Scriptures suggest Jesus once before visited the dead during Noah’s time in hopes they would change their mind (I Peter 3:18-20; 4:6). Why can’t we assume Jesus would again visit the dead in hopes they would accept His invitation to live with Him in Heaven rather than possibly faced a second death?

God punishment has always been in hopes of redeeming the guilty. God’s justice in the afterlife may have an educative component and cleansing effect after our life here on earth. Victims will be vindicated as the guilty will face their sins. One’s childhood robbed because of sexual abuse can never be returned, but confession can lead to ultimate healing. We like God may forgive our tormenters if they truly sought forgiveness and desired to make amends. Believers and unbelievers may go through the same process of justice, some having more regrets than others. Some wanted nothing to do with a Heavenly Parent because of their earthly parents. Do you really think Jesus is going to invite a thief who warranted death on a cross to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus right before their last breathe? I doubt any reading this or their loved ones would deny such an invitation by God.

There is no more merciful, understanding, loving Judge than our Creator. God’s judgment is never clouded because of their own sins or biases. God is a God of a million chances, though they encourage to run from evil NOW to have fewer regrets. Jesus encouraged the pursuit of good deeds by loving others like you want to be loved as deep down that is the life we all desire for ourselves. God was anxious for us to avoid the painful lookback of regrets, but it is never too late to choose to spend time with God for eternity even after death. It will be possible to be happy in heaven despite regrets for even saints such as Mother Teresa will have some regrets.

When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. Jesus did not focus on Heaven, perfection, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus taught life forever can begin here on earth. Jesus came to earth to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good. Jesus focused on the benefits of a current relationship to handle earthly struggles than what happens to unbelievers after death.

What do we lose choosing hope than despair! Freedom was necessary for authenticity, the highest good in relationships. Without freedom, thus the possibility of suffering, we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. Can God eventually transform all unrepentant sinners without violating one’s freedom? Is it possible purgatory exists until God’s cleansing has it full impact, as one could suggest there can be no joy in heaven if just one person perishes? No suffering here on earth is in vain as eventually there will be reconciliation. I am a hopeful Universalist, but God wants us to know that Heaven can start now despite the world we live in. A relationship with God, once we get to know Him, can be our necessary nourishment in our battle against self-centeredness and the challenges of a not so friendly world.

Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends?

Spiritual folks often do more harm than good when telling others about God. Randal Rauser points out in his blog that according to one study, when people were the object of Christian witnessing 59% developed a more negative perception of Jesus and/or Christianity while only 19% developed a more positive perception. In other words witnessing is three times as likely to produce negative results (, Nov 2, 2015). Years ago I was the best at making friendships awkward. Unfortunately, I was misinformed.

Misinformation about Hell in the Bible is one of the main reasons for unnatural relationships or interactions. Some may mess up a friendship because they feel pressure to talk to people about God or they are going straight to Hell. Others may not talk to friends about God even if it comes up naturally because Hell as a place of eternal, sadistic torture is something not even a human would think up much less a loving God. It is said after death God tortures people forever for sins committed in a few short years here on earth. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Most Christians don’t really believe in Hell or shame on them for not offending everyone possible because they could die in a blink of an eye and burn to a crisp.

The traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, which you will burn in Hell after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Sheol, wrongly translated as Hell in the OT, was a place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Even Job, a righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape tremendous suffering. Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell in the NT, was a real valley in Jerusalem. Jesus used Gehenna to symbolize the horrors of adversaries of God who disposed of their enemies into the burning, worm-infested valley. Simply avoid a valley near Jerusalem close to death if concerned about going to Hell. The God I know though will invite all after death to join Him. I doubt any reading this or their loved ones will reject such an invitation.

Believe it or not Jesus whole reason for coming was to simply encourage and inspire all to treat others like you want to be treated. Jesus came to let us know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down. Jesus said this was the most important commandment or the main thing (Mt. 24:37-38). When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality than future destiny. Jesus did not focus on Heaven, perfection, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus taught life forever can begin here on earth. Jesus came to earth to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good.

Who doesn’t know the story of how Jesus responded to the religious elite who had caught a woman in adultery (Jn. 7:53-8:11). When Jesus rightly shamed the crowd by getting them to look in the mirror, they dropped their stones and left Jesus and the woman alone. Jesus didn’t lecture, pray with the woman, or tell her to go to church. Jesus simply said “Go now and leave your life of sin.” C’mon! Didn’t Jesus have a better evangelical spiel? It didn’t matter that Jesus may never see this woman again. Jesus had said all He needed to – God loves you and encourages you to do what you know is right in your heart for your own good and others. It is a slap in God’s “unconditional love” face to suggest Jesus’ agenda with people was anything other than loving people as they deep down desire to be loved. Jesus didn’t use Hell to threaten others into heaven because no such place existed. The thief on the cross just asked to be remembered. Jesus said “you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23).

What is our purpose in our relationships with others? It may be obvious for those not weighed down by misbeliefs about God. Who thinks when getting with friends they that should have hidden motives? Spiritual readers can relax because no one has to say the sinner’s prayer to get a free pass out of Hell. Love doesn’t have a hidden agenda. We get together with friends to enjoy one another’s company and love them how we wished to be loved. I love talking to others about my relationship with God as must as I do a good book, but only if natural and mutually desired. Jesus wanted all to know how much they are loved by their Creator. Mother Teresa said that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others.

Jesus did not come as a theologian but lover. If our beliefs are truly life changing than people will simply know by the way we love others. But, since I suck at loving others I often find it easier to write about beliefs that may hinder ones relationship with their Creator. God was always willing to live in peace, despite one’s beliefs, as long as they didn’t engage in such evils as child sacrificing, raping, killing, etc. Jesus did not attack people’s sexual preferences. Jesus attacked the real hypocrites – the religious. If you claim to be spiritual ask a friend where they see hypocrisy in your life. Years ago no one was asking me to pray in non-religious group settings. Now, people look to me as if I am expected to pray. Maybe they sense God and I hang together. Maybe they know I went to seminary a year and mistakenly think that qualifies me. But, my prayers are fun and open because God in my life is fun and open. I love having my conversations with God out loud. It is like asking me to play tennis. Anytime, anywhere! Knowing God can be life transforming and help to face challenges in a not so friendly world.

Why Did God Create Freedom Since Leads To So Much Suffering?

Some may find it difficult to have a meaningful relationship with God when they think about all the suffering God allows here on earth. Why doesn’t God at least interfere more in their suffering or the suffering of others? How we define God’s role in suffering can determine whether we experience God’s support or abandonment in tragic times. Sometimes, the emotional pain can be as challenging as the physical pain.

It is not logically possible for God to create freedom without the possibility of moral evil. God creating a perfect universe in the beginning cannot guarantee a perfect world will develop. God clearly values ongoing freedom because of all the suffering allowed in the world. Free will is surely understandable as terrorists only think controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love. Are there plausible explanations as to why a loving God allows freedom?

Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the very best world where only true, authentic relationships can develop. God’s interference may prevent a superior world from emerging as a result of the moral development and improvement of free creatures. Freedom allows human to develop qualities of moral character that cannot be created initially. Dependence on miracles or instant fixes doesn’t lead to moral progress. The guarantee of a pain free universe cannot involve freedom. I don’t know of any human parent who brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced.

If freedom and determinism are compatible, then a loving God could have created a world in which all persons freely did only good at all times. I would suggest not even God could have created a perfect being in the first place to not sin if allowed freedom, even though Adam and Eve were not impacted by previous sinful choices or negative influences. God respecting freedom requires certain actions by God. One option we have is to trust that the current world we live in with the presence of freedom is the very best world that can be created under the circumstances. God does not prevent, overwhelm, or destroy freedom.

God choosing to not interfere in suffering on earth may be the most compassionate. If I force my rebellious son somehow to do right presently, he may further rebel or stay away forever. If I am patience and allow time for possible moral development (time on earth), then he may freely choose to live with me forever in heaven. God didn’t create suffering so we have to build a healthy dependence on Him; God created freedom in the beginning because they love us.

Suffering is horrible and is often nonsensical. Why doesn’t God at least interfere in horrific atrocities such as the Holocaust? Job asked God why the righteous suffer so long and the wicked are allowed to prosper. Job finally admitted to God he wasn’t capable of overseeing a free world. Besides, where does God draw the line? One child sexually abused is horrific. Underserved suffering enables me to better help others heal from such injustices. Challenging and seeking to understand God may lead to trusting God can see the bigger picture.

There would be more evil if God didn’t remain in our lives to influence us. God can bring good from what was intended for bad if we will accept guidance. God risked creating, but we parents do the same knowing our children will experience suffering, because of the possibilities of joys that come from relationships. God didn’t abandon us. God came in person and faced undeserved suffering in hopes to influence all of what leads to a better world. God has stayed with us and can at least control the ending of our story. God can handle our questions as we consider assuming and trusting God created the very best world which of course included freedom.

*I am indebted to Kevin Timpe, Free Will in Philosophical Theology, for many thoughts above

Does God Desire Friendship Or Demand Obedience Like Terrorists?

The God of the Bible surely is not like the God of terrorists who supposedly thinks that controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love. God pursued a friendship than demanding obedience in hopes of changing the world for good. The God of the Old Testament and God in the flesh in the New Testament encouraged loving others like you want to be loved. Jesus got His dander up the most with the religious elite, the Pharisees, because they portrayed God as demanding obedience rather than desiring a relationship. Jesus knew true religion is self-sacrificing rather than self-serving. No human or spiritual parent brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced.

The God of the Bible is clearly not like the god of the Jihadists or extreme Islamist believers. It turns out God does not have anything in common with religious extremists concerning freedom of beliefs, women’s rights, or the killing of women and children. God was a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the very beginning; otherwise, God who is powerful enough to create would annihilate immediately those who oppose God by choosing evil. God’s judgments and declarations of war against other nations were not because of a refusal to worship God, but because people were involved in despicable immoral acts such as child sacrifice. If such nations existed today where child sacrifices were a ritual, war may be the most humane action.

God doesn’t require obedience or God would not allow so much evil in the world. Unfortunately, God is portrayed more as a God of wrath than love in the Bible. God’s wrath or tough love was only to deter people from self-destruction. Fear-based theology is a misguided attempt to control our behaviors. God never thought fear led to life-changing transformations. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor conquered your battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins? Having an intimate friendship with God is what really transforms us into the kind of person we want to be.

A relationship with God, rather than an emphasis on rules and obedience, is our necessary nourishment to conquer our battle against self-centeredness. The fear of God doesn’t lead to changed hearts. When we feel a meaningful bond with our parents, we are more motivated to follow their guidance which often is in our best interest. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. God’s love is the same as perfect, human love. Jesus laid His life down so we might understand how much we are loved by our Creator. Understanding who God really is which leads to true intimacy, inspires us toward life transformations and helps face the challenges of an unfriendly world.

Human parents surely do not understand relationships better than our Creator. Parents know the fear of punishment is only meant to encourage their child to run from evil and is not what the relationship is based on. Parents understand a friendship gained over time will help children to know us and act on our guidance which should always be in their best interests. Our obedience has absolutely nothing to do with God’s love for us. It only effects how we feel about our relationship with God. God grieves selfish choices because of the pain it will cause His children.

It is important to understand the reason for the Cross. The gods of the Old Testament would sometimes demand the sacrifice of children to be appeased. Jesus did not die to appease God’s anger and honor so they could love us. God is not more offended by what sin does to God than what sin does to us. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to gain credibility and influence. God is not blood-thirsty Creator. God much preferred a “broken and contrite heart” (Ps. 51: 16-17). God went to great means to convince us of their unimaginable love and that their ways were truly in our best interests if we only listened to our hearts.

It is important to understand the traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, where you will burn forever after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Misinformed interpretations of the Bible are one of the main reasons for unhealthy interactions for some who believe in the God of the Bible. Obviously, killing innocent people is not the same as a fire and brimstone speech. As it turns out God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life after death.

God doesn’t worry about giving us a license to keep sinning. Sin has its own consequences. You can’t yell at your partner and expect to have any kind of relationship. God’s anger doesn’t bring about desired reconciliation. A priority on God’s unconditional love does not do away with holiness but makes it possible. There is no fear in the presence of true love. God did not create laws to build a relationship. The law simply helps protect the innocent, where there is lawlessness, and hopefully points us toward our need for a relationship with our Creator. The law can’t speak about matters of the heart and actions that lead to regrets eventually.

How do we combat terrorism and misguided ideology? Men who videotape beheadings are simply evil and sometimes the only way to combat such evil is to destroy it. We must confront and inform the law, even on our own family members, when we notice beliefs that can lead to blowing up innocent people. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus didn’t come to conquer the evil Roman Empire; Jesus sacrificed His own life to influence others.

But, what about women who leave their infants with family members and go out and kill innocent people? This may be an evil that we can fight against with more than just guns in the beginning. In the beginning during the radicalization process we can try to convince others of their irrational beliefs. Some may be open to discussions of our and their beliefs. Those who believe in the Creator of the universe must be able to defend how their God believes in the freedom of beliefs. Fear-based ideology that attempts to control our behaviors is wrong. Any religion that is based on control than service is not truly religious.

Are Their Rational Answers To Why God Allows So Much Suffering?

If in the midst of suffering it may best to get through it than try to understand it. It can be helpful though to think ahead how we envision coping with suffering. Many seek to reconcile a belief in God with the harsh realities of sufferings in life. Lack of answers can make tragic times worse. Asking the question “Why is this happening to me or my loved one” can sometimes turn into “why God do you not love me.” How we define God’s role in suffering can determine whether our Creator is a friend or enemy during troubles times. I am writing about this subject in this format, hoping to inspire you to read a more detailed explanation in my book here.

For the purpose of discussion I view suffering as either deserved or undeserved resulting from personal or physical evil. Certain answers or rationalizations in answering the biggest philosophical challenge for the Christian faith - how evil and God’s goodness can co-exist - are totally unsatisfactory in explaining how God really cares since there is so much suffering in the world. Rational and relational coherence is important when it relates to God’s character. God doesn’t say “I am God, you aren’t, so shut up!” God wants us to know them. Close relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we desire to be.

God is not a mystery - Why would God bother to communicate with words though the Bible if we can’t understand God? The story of Job doesn’t declare God a mystery. God simply rejected Job’s assumption that the wicked are judged or the righteous rewarded immediately. Job finally realized despite his suffering God still was just and had not abandoned him. Job accepted God knew best how to run a free universe. The OT does not suggest God’s ways are unexplainable or incomprehensible to the human mind. God’s ways are not always fully understood until the time of the event such as Jesus’ death and resurrection. Isaiah 55:9 does not say God’s ways are mysterious: “…so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” The context exhorts readers to forsake their wicked ways and thoughts and turn to God’s more moral ways and thoughts. For a biblical defense that God is not a mystery, please see here.

God is not the originator of evil - The presence of evil in our world is obvious, but evil is not something created. Evil originates in the hearts of human beings. Evil is a corruption of a good thing – human life created by God. God knew the first step toward them may be a step away in disobedience, but God desired people who could freely relate to God in love than out of fear. Evil could have only been avoided if God had not created humans or freedom. The view that God causes evil or suffering, rather than God uses evil or suffering to bring good, is morally and emotionally indefensible. God did not secretly will a rebellion against them so God could ride in on a white horse and save the world.

Freedom is important - Freedom, rather than control, is necessary for genuine relationships. Not even God can force true love. Authenticity, the highest good in relationships, is impossible without freedom. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. God’s interference may actually prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. No amount of good resulting from evil justifies the evil actions of others, but God will walk hand-in hand with us through any tragedy to bring good from it. If one assumes we will one day in heaven be unable to sin, why didn’t God simply create us as unable to sin from the beginning? It is plausible that having such choices is a necessary journey so that one day in heaven we are able to choose to not sin. Our moral progress here on earth may make self-centeredness impossible or at least highly unlikely in heaven.

God’s risk was worth it - Only preconceived notions of the meaning of the non-biblical word sovereignty insist God’s knows the future rather than the future is open. God knows what they are going to do but not the choices we will freely make. God not having such foreknowledge gives more integrity to passages that speak of God grieving or giving another chance. God knew the risks of freedom for the possibility of intimacy as do human parents. Are we wrong to bring children into a world hoping they will want to reciprocate our love but knowing our children could cause suffering or suffer at the hands of others? God doesn’t let a few rotten apples spoil the relationships they have with billions of people. Suffering is avoidable only if God had not created or allowed freedom. Few argue that no freedom is better than freedom. Only terrorists think destroying free, moral decisions results in true love.

Drawing the line at degrees of evil is easier said than done – C.S. Lewis suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices - evils that come through bad choices make by cruel and lawless people - account for at least 80% of humankind suffering. If God stops the murdering of millions by an evil dictator, why doesn’t God prevent every murderer, every sexual abuser, and all natural disasters not some? God should kill adulterers in their tracks because adultery destroys lives. Where does God draw the line to not make a mockery of freedom? God preventing freedom may be contrary to their nature. Maybe the destruction of one rebellious child in God’s eyes is one too many. Human parents nor God are necessarily sadistic just because they don’t squash freedom to avoid suffering. I, unlike God, often try to spare my children of any suffering though their pain may evolve into help for them and others. God really can’t win. God caused the flood but evil just grew back. God authorized wars in the OT to combat evil but is called a moral monster. Until we make the assumption that God prevents as much evil as possible without violating freedom and greater good, we may never be satisfied with God.

Preventing suffering requires instant justice and causes more evil – I don’t mean to be flippant by suggesting evil is good because of the end results. God doesn’t cause evil to accomplish good; God is determined to bring good from the evil choices of others. Allowing suffering may be the only way to redeem the world, when sin entered the world, while preserving freedom. We cannot prove there are no good moral reasons for allowing freedom resulting in so much evil. If God stops the bullet, the murderer may never change from killing even more people. A child can never reconcile with their father if God stops the beatings. Only a father can restore the love all children desire from their parents. Paul perhaps saw suffering as joyous because in God’s eternal world no sufferings are in vain. Instant justice doesn’t allow God to save as many children as possible by changing of their own free will. God clearly values mercy and forgiveness over instant justice. God is only guilty of not destroying evildoers instantly before decisions are made. God tolerates evil that God could stop in hopes many will come back to God before self-destructing.

God does intervene - God is tireless in working through individual lives to change the world. Could Hitler have been stopped if a few good people had gotten involved in his life as a child or when plotting his evils early on? Perhaps the only way to defeat evil in us, other than destroying at the first hint, is for us to persevere and overcome evil. God doesn’t derive pleasure by seeing us in pain but I experience greater moral growth during suffering than prosperity. It is best most of my prayers not be answered. Being rich often only leads to wanting to be richer at the expense of others. Jesus’ miracles turn heads but Jesus’ suffering changed the hearts of billions of followers. Lavishing gifts on our children doesn’t necessarily convey how much we love them or that we have an authentic relationship. The truth is sufferings enable us to better help and influence others in a free world that our prosperous times don’t. Personal tragedies or undeserved insults can empower us to be more sensitive to others in similar situations. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. Suffering enables us to be of use to others in a world where suffering is inevitable.

Natural disasters are not easy to explain - Physical evils such as disasters of nature, diseases, or accidents cannot always be traced directly to a human’s freedom to inflict pain upon themselves or others. I lack scientific understandings to explain the cause of many natural tragedies. It does seem human accumulated mismanagement of the earth over thousands of years has brought destruction such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and earthquakes. Many diseases can be explained as not present in the beginning but have been brought on by human rebellion against God’s original design. Our freedom to oppose God led to all sorts of calamity including physical death, relationship problems, and environmental evils. I read that the earth is constructed of tectonic plates and when they collide, what is atop them can be destroyed.  The shifting of these plates underground is not related to the changing mood of God.  When tectonic plates under the earth collide, atop them may be a particularly densely populated, poorly constructed city in a country which has been poorly governed for centuries. Who made money out of greed in the construction of the city in the manner that it was, and why wasn’t a better warning system in place? It would seem rebellion against God set in motions the deterioration of physical nature as it did human nature.

God does have a solution – God has at least provided a hopeful ending to the mess we have created. God’s ultimate response to suffering caused by evil is the slow, necessary way of the Incarnation. The Bible as a whole suggests the Cross was not to satisfy some need in God at the expense of their Son but to satisfy a need in us at God’s expense. The Cross was to change our attitude about God, not God’s attitude toward us. When evil was chosen, suffering deserved or undeserved became part of God’s story to lead us of our own volition to a paradise appropriate for free beings. The Cross declares God’s unimaginable love and desire to influence us for our own good. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. Our demands for an all-powerful, invulnerable God comes at the expense of trusting God know best how to run the universe and change as many lives as possible through their own volition.

Why Does God Hide From Us Physically Or Not Be More Obvious?

Why doesn’t God just talk to us in person or least make themselves or their guidance more evident? As the story goes God did that in the beginning. When Adam and Eve went against God’s advice it was humans that ran and hid not God. God sought the first couple out to have a conversation after not following God’s lead. Thereafter, God apparently decided it was in our best interest if God not continue to overwhelm us in person. There may be loving reasons that God does not reveal themselves until the best time.

God’s ways are really only guidance in becoming the kind of person deep down we desire to be. Our instinct seems to be to run and hide from God when we fail to act in our best interests. Being in the presence of others we offend isn’t always initially conducive for lasting change. God may have felt at least not being in God’s physical presence would be easier for us come to God on our own terms rather than out of feelings of obligation or overwhelmness. People may come to believe in God for the wrong reasons. God wanted it to be all about us and not God.

God respect for our human freedom translates into certain actions on God’s part. Jesus didn’t attempt to overwhelm as well. Miracles were not the norm perhaps for good reason. Besides, miracles did not necessarily convince others Jesus was God. Jesus wanted a lasting friendship and not just an initial “shock and awe” relationship. I don’t know of any human parent who brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to feeling manipulated. Jesus didn’t demand obedience for we must move at our own progress.

God can’t force true love; love must be freely chosen. Parents can tell us until blue in the face what is best for us, but we only have a chance of heart when acting on our own accord. Fear of punishment doesn't prevent us from finding a better way to hide it next time. God’s presence can lead to more fear and awe than love and respect. As children mature parents desire obedience out of respect and understanding, so wise decisions are made when parents are not around. Relationships based on fear can lead to temporary changes, not lifelong transformations. God doesn’t manipulate us to do anything we truly don’t desire for our own good.

God didn’t cause evil that lead to so much suffering in the world, but when we rebelled God responded different to suffering than us parents. God disagreed with Job that God should immediately reward good and punished evil in a rebellious world. Besides, God didn’t want us to act simply to avoid pain for instant gratification. If we shower our kids with gifts why do they really choose a relationship with loving parents? It is harder to not interfere than to spare my children of any pain, but interfering keeps them from feeling good by making their own choices.

Free will is surely understandable as only terrorists think controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the very best world where only true, authentic relationships can develop. God’s interference may prevent a superior world from emerging as a result of the moral development and improvement of free creatures that cannot be created initially. If freedom and determinism are compatible, then a loving God could have created a world in which all persons freely did only good at all times. Our character developed here on earth may empower us to see no good reason to do wrong here and in heaven. A loving God reveals themselves at the right time.

What I Wish Others Might Consider Are True About God?

Belief matters as they can lead to bigotries against one’s color or sex. Beliefs about God can hinder pursing a relationship with our Creator. I hope you may ponder what I think God is really like in case you have heard otherwise, so you might consider how a friendship with God can be beneficial in a challenging world.

God is not an angry egomaniac but a lover who wants what we deep down want for ourselves

God allows freedom of beliefs unlike religious extremists

God is not a sadistic torturer, as Hell is a myth, but welcomes all to Heaven after life on earth

God is not a sexist but suggests roles in home and society depend on gifts than gender

God did not create evil and suffering but understands authentic love necessitates freedom

God did not allow Jesus to be killed to be appeased but to convey God’s unimaginable love

God suggests prayer for support than manipulating for gain as God knows how to run a free world

God is not mysterious but comprehensible since we are made in our Creator’s image

God didn’t give the Bible to worship but tell a story; interpretations must be true of a loving God

God didn’t say go to church but be the church by encouraging others in a challenging world

Might you consider reading further what I have written if any of the above beliefs about God are true and would impact your relationship with God? What beliefs about God are you aware of that keep you from wanting to know God at all or on a more intimate level? Are they true?

Does God Really Allow Freedom Of Beliefs Unlike Extremists?

It is important to know what God is truly like if seeking to emulate. If we are made in God’s image, as the Bible advises, this strongly suggests that we can understand and have many of God’s characteristics. Like parent like child! Knowing what a loving earthly parent should be like reveals what a loving heavenly parent is like. Most deep down sense the importance of freedom of beliefs, and it turns out God has the same respect for freedom.

First, we must defend why God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life to come. Only in a free world can authentic relationships develop. True love cannot be forced. No human or spiritual parent brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced. The God of the Bible surely is not like the God of terrorists who supposedly thinks that controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love. God clearly doesn’t require obedience or God would not allow so much evil in the world.

One may suggest that God respects freedom here on earth, but eventually after death you will die for beliefs you had here on earth. It is important to understand the traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, where you will burn forever after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. As it turns out God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life after death.

Unfortunately, followers of God may not fully understand what God’s true character is regarding freedom. Charles Halton points out that Galileo was threatened with torture and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life because of his views how to interpret Scripture. Only hundreds of years later did the Catholic Church admit Galileo’s conviction was wrong (Genesis: History, Fiction, Or Neither? p.14). It is convicting to learn that theologians such as St. Augustine and Calvin didn’t oppose the execution of those who disagreed with their theology.

But all people regardless of religion should sense in their heart the importance of freedom of beliefs. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus didn’t come to destroy the evil Roman Empire; Jesus sacrificed His own life to influence others. All should understand that fear-based ideology is wrong. Any religion that is based on control than service is not truly religious. Parents know deep down it is wrong to show conditional love based on a child’s decision if not harming others. What partner shouldn’t know the stance “my way or the highway” is self-centered?

God pursued a friendship rather than demanding obedience in hopes of changing the world for good. Jesus didn’t come to overpower others though He could have. God is wrongly portrayed more as a God of wrath than love in the Bible. God’s wrath or tough love, like human parent love, is only to deter people involved in extreme immoral actions. Some evil can be fought against than with just guns. In the beginning during the radicalization process we can attempt discussions of beliefs. Those who believe in the Creator of the universe must be able to defend how their God believes in the freedom of beliefs and seek to emulate God’s ways for a better world.

Why Didn’t God Make The Bible Less Confusing?

One may easily get annoyed with God for not making the Bible easier to read. But, why would the Bible be different than other literatures that are subject to different interpretations. It just is not possible that God prevent anything written in the past not be subject to different interpretations in the future. Does the fact that I can be misread mean that I should never write? Besides, the Bible was written thousands of years ago by many different authors in different languages and cultures. Some believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands which opens the door to more abuse than already may arise. There are actions to take to prevent the Bible from being abused.

We only need to consider one another’s opinion gracefully, as long as they don’t violate the freedom of others, to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. God gave us the gift of language. That doesn’t mean God controls our abuses of that gift. Should God have not created sex due to our abuses? Differences in interpretations about God’s guidance can be easily handled when people don’t violate God’s obvious law of freedom. Interpretations are fallible so let’s not claim our opinions are the truth. In any discussion you could be right, I may be right, or we may both be wrong. The truth is people are going to use the Bible to support their sick views. At least having a Bible despite its problems helps those who are open-minded.

We mustn’t try to make the Bible a bunch of rules that only divide people. Jesus let the Pharisees know how He felt about man-made rules that mislead others about what God is really like. The Bible is more a historical recording about our beginnings and God’s desire to have a relationship with us. God dictated the Ten Commandments but they were not an end-all. We must still wrestle with what honoring our parents means when they are involved in questionable behaviors. The Bible was not written as a rulebook for life situations which are often complex and require wisdom and judgment.

There is so much of the Bible that is clear that we can agree to disagree on the more difficult passages and focus on the main thing. When we pushed God away in the beginning – we still do - God choose a nation for Jesus to be born into to prove God loves us more than we can ever imagine. God wanted us to know to what lengths they would go to have a relationship with us to avoid paths of personal destruction. God is unmistakable about the main thing - treating others like you want to be treated and when failing, admitting and taking responsibility. End of story.

Human reasoning is not the enemy. We must consider if a biblical teaching seems plausible based on what a loving God would be like. We must reject traditional explanations of Hell if there is a defensible exegetical alternative. Such sadistic punishment serves no purpose and humans don’t even keep their enemies alive so we can keep torturing them. We humans are created in God’s image. God cannot ask us to believe in anything unworthy of human, rational belief as it would go against God’s nature. God and human morality are one in the same. We can already know the truth about the heart of God before reading Scriptures.

The Bible wasn’t purposely made complicated, but there are good reasons why it may not be good for the Bible to always be crystal clear. I believe the Bible teaches roles for in the home, society, and church are determined according to one’s gifts and not their gender. I can choose to shove the truth down people’s throat in the almighty name of Mike, or I can accept the unlikely that I am wrong ( God is not purposely mysterious, but I can enjoy the journey of depending on God and ultimately giving him the benefit of the doubt. I lack humility and surety is not always a healthy think in my life. Human nature is what it is and the Bible, despite all its challenges, may have been to best way for God to communicate their love for us.

Can We Understand Prayer And Avoid Disappointments?

I was amazed how similar Darin Hufford prayer journey was to my own and his version is more interesting to read: I hope the following updated thoughts on prayer may help you in your own journey:

• What should we assume about God and prayer - Timothy Keller in his book Prayer says it best: “God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knew” (p. 228). God surely knows best how to oversee a free world and a loving God always act in the best interests of all.

• What is prayer – We might replace the word “praying” in the Bible with “talking.” We can talk to God for many reasons including pursuing a closer relationship with our Creator, for self-examination, and sharing our concerns. The way to improve a relationship with a partner is to simply spend time spending time with them in ways you enjoy. I respect a God who doesn’t control everything as opposed to a God who accepts no resistance, thus I accept praying as communicating for support whatever may happen than manipulating for gain.

• What is the most important reason to talk to God - We tell our children to associate with the right people so to make wiser choices. Talking and getting to know God can help us see God’s perspective. We may begin to want money to not starve as opposed to wanting to be rich or have things. Prayer often is a laundry list of requests for ourselves or others, but God may lead us to be more reflective thus getting more involved with others.

• What may be the most important request from God – Ask God for wisdom whether to take a specific action that is stirring in your heart. Few people claim God speaks to them directly. God does not control our lives or happenings in the world. Simply hang with God to have the right desires and then risk action for a better world. God will be with you each step of the way. Demanding or expecting a certain outcome is not the world God created.

• How do we pray during suffering - You can pray for health but God already knows. Praying doesn’t make God more observant, though God waits for permission in act in certain arenas of our life. We can pray for others but God is already doing all they can. Are we? Jesus’ prayer to avoid the Cross may be the best model in times of suffering. Jesus asked God to intervene but God if there is a better reason to not intervene please stay close to me. I never pray for suffering but I can be grateful for what suffering may teach me. I am a better person sometimes because my prayers are not answered. A close relationship with my Creator can empower me to handle any challenges I must face in this world.

• What does the Bible say though – There is not a book that systemically answers when, where, how, about prayer. Verses are lifted out of context to support the false prosperity gospel. Jesus’ disciples who were martyred understood just believe and you shall receive was false. Paul said for followers to expect persecution for their beliefs (2 Tim. 3:12), thus many prayers today would go unanswered. Jesus’ model for prayer is asking God for our basis needs and strength against evil (Mt. 6:9-13). The simply gospel is to love others as God loves us. God’s love is the same as perfect, human, parenting love. Close relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down desire to be.

• Where do I begin when lost and disappointed - I often read what God has already spoken about in the Bible. I try to understand what it meant to the original reader, and then I reflect and ask questions what are applications for my life today. It is okay to read spiritual books, take walks, etc. that help you talk with God. Scheduled times for talking to God may help get rid of distractions for some; informal prayers allow many conversations with God through the day. If we only pray with obligation we may never develop intimacy. If we don’t begin somehow we may never achieve. It is normal to feel distant from God during difficult times. Just don’t allow misunderstandings of God to lead to frustrations and withdrawal from God.

Why May Happen After We Die?

The Bible may not be as clear as some think about heaven and what happens after we die. The word “heaven” appears the most in the gospel of Matthew. Jesus says the Kingdom of God/Heaven is coming in His audience’s lifetime (Mt. 16: 28). Thus, we today are living in the kingdom of heaven. The book of Revelation speaks of events in the writer’s lifetime (Rev 1:1; 22:6). The new heaven and earth spoken of in Revelation (21:1-2) is not speaking about a time in the future when God will destroy the earth and come down to reign. Revelation 21:4 that speaks of no more tears, death, crying, or pain is suggesting that the grave will no longer be our destination but instead we enter God’s presence immediately after death just like Jesus.

Paul does give hope to those who choose faith in God on earth as they are promised they will enter heaven after death (Philip. 3:20). For those who don’t choose faith in God for whatever reason while on earth, certain passages taken at face value suggest possibly all will enter Heaven with God after a judgment/purification time. We know hell as a place of eternal, sadistic torture does not exist in the Bible. No human much less a loving God would think this up. Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. See Here.

The Bible may not focus a great deal on the afterlife as such a focus may make us of little earthly good. Besides, how could God possible explain it until there? The Bible does seem to suggest all will face God one day for an accounting of their deeds – good and bad (Mt: 12:36, Rom. 14:10, 2 Cor. 5:10, Heb.9:27). When Jesus was asked about eternal life, Jesus encouraged beginning to live presently by loving God and loving others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus did not focus on Heaven, being perfect, or the destiny of those who reject the pursuit of an unselfish life. Jesus came to convey knowing who God really is empowers one to shun evil and do good NOW!

What is the harm of hoping than despairing over life after death? We have lost nothing in this life by following the golden rule and living less self-centered lives. We are free to imagine a story:

Moral development and true love only develop with choices made. Not even God can create authentic love. Human parent who brings children into the world desire their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced. Our character developed on earth limits our ability to sin on earth and in heaven. Eventually, you won’t see any good reason for not doing good. Some may not choose a relationship with their Creator on earth for whatever reason – rebellion, poor role models, or their confused understanding of God. Some want nothing to do with a Heavenly Parent because of their earthly parents. After death God will continue to extend love and their desire to spend eternity with their children. Convincing may take longer for some than others to freely choose to enter heaven with God. God will be as patient as necessary. Can one really rationally reject God once all barriers are removed? God’s justice in the afterlife may have an educative component and cleansing effect. Victims will be vindicated as the guilty will face their sins. We like God may forgive our tormenters if they truly sought forgiveness and desired to make amends. Believers and unbelievers here on earth may go through the same process of justice, some having more regrets than others. Do you really think Jesus is going to invite a thief who warranted death on a cross to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus right before their last breathe? I doubt any reading this or their loved ones would deny such an invitation by God. Is it possible this cleansing process will take longer for so to have its full impact, because one could suggest there can be no joy in heaven if just one person perishes. Such time may allow those who died prematurely here on earth to grow. One may remain in a state of separation from God until they are freely able to make moral choices for their good. But, a relationship with God here on earth can be our necessary nourishment in our battle against self-centeredness. Our Creator wants our meeting to not be full of regrets and as joyful as possible. Our suffering will not be in vain as this worldly journey can perfect our freedom to not choose evil in heaven.


1. Can you fake God out and not truly be sorry? God is capable of seeing one’s thoughts. God can read what is truly on one’s heart. God surely will know when one is truly regretful and ready to live in Heaven where there will be no sin.

2. Is there less urgency to change here on earth if there are second chances after death? We may want to tell an addict after the 100th relapse there is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. God desires a relationship here on earth so we can be the kind of person deep down we want to be while on earth. God desires the cleansing process after death be as less painful as possible.

3. Will there be freedom and sin in heaven? I suggest we are free to be optimistic about there not being sin in heaven despite having freedom. One would assume freedom will be present in heaven because of the value God placed on freedom here on earth. If there is no freedom in heaven, why didn’t God create heaven on earth to avoid all the suffering we went through to supposedly perfect our freedom of choices. If one wishes to entertain the possibility of sin in heaven because of the presence of freedom, we can at least hope God’s presence will have a greater impact than earthly, human authority to dissuade selfishness. We thrive more under certain types of parental love and leadership because of their qualities such as integrity and understanding. Heaven will not have certain temptations such as poverty or negative peer influences as God can nip in the bud.

What Might A Christian Extremist Believe?

Freedom of beliefs is essential for people and countries to live in peace with one another. Christians and Islamists must consider one another’s opinion gracefully, as long as they don’t violate the freedom of others, so all can work out their own convictions. Different interpretations about God can be easily handled when people don’t violate God’s gift of freedom. We must consider if a teaching seems plausible based on what a loving God would be like. Human reasoning is not the enemy. Biblical interpretations are fallible so our opinions aren’t “the” truth. In any discussion you could be right, I may be right, or we may both be wrong.

Christians must recognize God has been a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the beginning. Otherwise, why would a God who is powerful enough to create not annihilate immediately those who choose evil and oppose God? God never thought fear led to life-changing transformations. Human or spiritual parent brings children into the world hoping their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced. The God of the Bible surely is not like the supposed God of terrorists who thinks that controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love.

It is suggested God is more of a God of wrath than love in the Bible. God’s tough love was only to deter people from self-destruction. God’s judgments and declarations of war against other nations in the Old Testament were not because of a refusal to worship God, but because people were involved in despicable immoral acts such as child sacrifice. War may be the most humane action with nations today if child sacrifice is a ritual. Jesus got His dander up the most with the religious elite, the Pharisees, because they portrayed God as demanding obedience rather than desiring a relationship which led to religion being self-serving rather than self-sacrificing.

I am not suggesting Christians who preach “believe or go to hell” are the same as religious extremists who behead infidels. But, it is important to understand the traditional meaning and understanding of Hell, where you will burn forever after death for not believing in God while on earth, doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. As it turns out God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life after death.

I am not suggesting some Christians are saying Paradise is a lustful adventure for men at the expense of women, but it is important to not be dogmatic that the Bible teaches women are under the authority of men in the God of the Bible eyes. This can encourage dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal, but God does not simply annihilate people who oppose God’s will. Jesus encouraged equality and mutual respect between the sexes against culture norms. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that.

I am not suggesting Christians who believe in a legal understanding of the Cross are child-sacrificers, but it is important to not be dogmatic. The gods of the Old Testament would sometimes demand the sacrifice of children to be appeased. Jesus did not die to appease God’s anger and honor so God could love us. God is more offended by what sin does to us than God. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Jesus walked in our shoes, even facing undeserved suffering, to gain credibility and influence. God is not a blood-thirsty Creator. God went to great means to convince us of their unimaginable love and that their ways were truly in our best interests if we only listened to our hearts. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus didn’t come to conquer the evil Roman Empire; Jesus sacrificed His own life to influence others.

God has been a respecter of freedom of beliefs from the beginning. God knows freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. God only encourages people to listen to their heart. Fear-based theology is a misguided attempt to control our behaviors. God for sure never advocates the torture or beheading of infidels. God never demands that blasphemers be put to death. The traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. You can choose to not believe in God but who doesn’t know how you treat others has consequences. God does not have anything in common with any religious extremists concerning freedom of beliefs, women’s rights, or the killing of women and children.

Why Atheists And Unspiritual Folks May Be In Heaven?

One can understand people getting the wrong impression about their Creator if God punishes people forever for sin committed over a few short years here on earth. Do you really think Jesus is going to invite a thief who apparently warranted death on a cross to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus right before their last breathe? Is one really out of luck if not hanging on a cross some two thousand years ago?

The first chapter of Romans is used to suggest that all people that don’t believe in God are simply suppressing what God has clearly revealed to them. This passage is referring to those who ignore God so they could continue in their wicked ways. Many who aren’t spiritual minded live a life closer to Jesus’ teaching than I could ever hope to. Many people for their own rational reasons cannot believe in an invisible God. Let’s not accuse those who believe as needing a crutch and those that don’t believe of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times.

A better explanation as to what many believe is not because they are more moral or wiser but because of circumstances in their life. Many believe because of what their parents taught them. Children aren’t bound to hell because of what their parents failed to teach. A traumatic experience such as being raped by one’s father can keep one from wanting to have anything to do with God their Father. It may be too much for some to stomach a God who supposedly burns people forever if they don’t believe in God. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. God is not going to decide one future destiny because of certain choices one did or didn’t have while living here on earth.

Why wouldn’t one want to believe God is a Universalist where all are allowed to have eternal life if freedom and justice can be defended in such a scenario? Several biblical passages can be plausibly interpreted to suggest all enter heaven one day: “For as in Adam all died, so in Christ all will be made alive” (I Cor. 15:22, i.e. Rom. 5:18-19, Philip: 2:10-11). God is obviously full of second changes. Heaven may be more populated than many people imagined. I doubt any reading this or their loved ones would deny such an invitation by God.

The possibility of eternal decisions after death doesn’t create less urgency to change for one’s best interest here on earth. We may want to tell an addict after the 100th relapse there is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. God has always emphasized a relationship over scaring people in obedience. Closer relationships, either personal or spiritual, are what inspire us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. Parents know a positive relationship is the most genuine way to suggest what may be in a child’s best interest should they every wish for counsel.

Jesus didn’t come to give people a free pass out of Hell. If so, why didn’t Jesus close the deal with the woman at the well caught in adultery (Jn. 7:53-8:11)? Jesus only encouraged the woman to go and sin no more though He might never see her again! There are countless interactions where Jesus’ mission was simply to encourage others to treat others like you want to be treated. When Jesus was asked directly how one obtains eternal life, Jesus only said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus knew loving God empowers one to love others to the fullest.

Do we really think God is going to base one’s destiny on saying the sinner’s prayer or even what they believe when situations vary? Friendships and love don’t have a hidden agenda. I love talking to others about my relationship with God as must as I do a good book, but only if natural and mutually desired. It is like asking me to play tennis. Anytime, anywhere! I am convinced knowing God can be life transforming and help to face challenges in a not so friendly world.

Are There Consequences If We Don’t Speculate About Heaven?

It is presumptuous to think I know what happens after death, but speculations matter. Many get their perspective about God by hearing or wondering what their Creator does with their children after life here on earth. Similarly, many form opinions about God by asking why a loving God allows so much suffering here on earth. Why doesn’t a loving Creator as least interfere more during horrific evils? Wrong impressions can lead to wrong assumptions about God. We can speculate because the Bible doesn’t say a great deal about heaven.

The Bible suggests all face God one day for an accounting of their deeds – good and bad (Mt: 12:36, Rom. 14:10, 2 Cor. 5:10, Heb.9:27). We don’t know what will take place during meeting with our Creator. We do know no one will be banished to a place of eternal torturing as Hell is a myth and simply doesn’t exist in the Bible. Most humans much less a loving God wouldn’t think that up. Paul does give hope to those on earth who many need it in times of persecution that heaven awaits (Philip. 3:20). The Bible may not discuss a great deal about the afterlife as such a focus can lead to more of a passive than active approach while living on earth. Some things left up to our imaginations may be more satisfying.

What one believes about life after death can influence their relationship with God while on earth. One traditional Christian understanding is that Jesus came to earth for the purpose of saving us from Hell. But, Hell is a not a translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words but a made up word and thus its meaning. It is taught Jesus came to die on a Cross to appease God’s sense of justice rather than to convey God’s desire to influence us for our own good. A legal versus a relationship understanding of the Cross are very different and give different impressions about God’s purposes and wishes.

I have suggested other possible views of God and Jesus’ purposes in coming to earth. The Bible gives us no reason to think God will not show mercy and give all a second chance when meeting their Creator. We will witness who God really is and false human interpretations will be revealed. The Bible gives us reason to think that the Cross was less about God’s concern with guilt and restoring honor and more about desiring a personal relationship. Jesus longed for us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. Jesus walked in our shoes so we could know He understands what we are facing in a free world. That is crazy love!

God has always respected freedom of beliefs here on earth and the life to come, unlike religious extremists. God has always known controlling or destroying free, moral decisions cannot result in true love. True love can never be forced. Jesus didn’t come to overpower others though He could have. Fear-based theology is a misguided attempt to control our behaviors to produce unselfishness. God know wants every parent desires and that is for their children to freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced.

Certain traditional understandings of God and what I am suggesting are obviously different and may determine the depth of our relationship with God or if we even desire such a relationship. God pursued a friendship rather than demanding obedience, as closer relationships are what inspire and empower us to be the kind of persons we deep down truly want to be. God’s encouragement and mercy is our necessary nourishment which can lead to life transformations and help facing the challenges of a unfriendly world. It matters if God is portrayed as seeking a friendship or only reverence and worship. Many earthly parents don’t demand respect, though deserved, because they understand what is most loving.

Does It Matter If There Is Heavenly Freedom?

Answers to hypothetical questions may lead one to take a step toward or away from God. Writing about philosophical issues can matter when there is relational relevancy. If there is no freedom in heaven, why didn’t God create heaven on earth in the first place since freedom has caused so much suffering? If there is freedom in heaven how can there be no sin? The biblical story suggests God created heaven on earth in the beginning, but we then created Hell.

The Bible doesn’t go into detail what heaven will be like. The most hopeful assumption is that there is no sin rather than sin in heaven despite the presence of freedom. But, how is it possible that there is no sin in heaven if there is freedom. The presence of freedom was a part of God’s creation from the beginning. Freedom was necessary for authentic relationships, to obtain the highest good in relationships. Without freedom God could be accuse of not creating the “best” world. We cannot prove there are no good moral reasons for allowing freedom resulting in so much evil. There may be some plausible explanations as to why there will not be sin in heaven.

Moral development and true love can only develop with choices made. Not even God can force true love. Our character developed here on earth limits our ability to sin here and in heaven. Eventually, you may not see any good reason for not doing good. Obviously, some develop morally more than others on earth. God’s justice in the afterlife may have an educative component and cleansing effect. Victims will be vindicated as the guilty will face their sins.

Some want nothing to do with a Heavenly Parent because of their earthly parents. Who God really is like will finally be obvious in Heaven. Many form opinions about God based on false interpretations. It may be too much for some to stomach a God who supposedly burns people forever if they don’t believe in God. Hell is a myth! God is not going to decide one’s future destiny because of certain choices one didn’t have while living here on earth.

One could suggest there cannot be complete joy in heaven if just one love one doesn’t end up in heaven. A cleansing process may take longer for some to have its full impact. Time may allow those who died prematurely here on earth to grow. One may remain in a state of separation from God in heaven until they are freely able to make moral choices for their good. Learning to not make bad choices is a process as I grow, in my successes and failures, which I would not have otherwise without the freedom to make unselfish choices. One may not continue to make irrational choices to remain separate from a loving God once false impressions are removed?

I am a hopeful Universalist and that eventually there will be reconciliation. No suffering here on earth is in vain. But, God wants us to know that Heaven can start now despite the world we live in. A relationship with God can be our necessary nourishment in our battle against self-centeredness and the challenges of a not so friendly world. Our Creator wants our meeting to be the least painful and regretful possible. This worldly journey can perfect our freedom to not choose evil in heaven.

P.S. Honestly, it is hard for me to imagine there isn’t the possibility of sin in heaven because of my understanding and value I place on freedom. God’s presence surely will have a greater impact than earthly, human authority to dissuade selfishness. We thrive more under parental love and leadership that is full of integrity and understanding. In Heaven God can nip in the bud certain temptations such as poverty or negative peer influences. If we believe it is more logical to think of sin being possible in heaven, the challenges are: heaven does not seem to be a place of ultimate happiness; if people are evicted from heaven for a time there appears to be a higher redemption obtained than initially when entering heaven after death on earth.

Questions One Might Ask About Heaven, Hell, And The Afterlife

It is presumptuous to think I know what happens after death, but certain traditional understandings of God and what I suggest may determine the depth of our relationship with God or if we even desire such a relationship. My answers are purposefully brief as I hope if interested you will search for a Post title below using the search feature at my website:

What May Happen After We Die?

Why Atheists And Unspiritual Folks May Be In Heaven?

Is There Life After Death For All?

How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?

Hell? NO!

When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Changing directions, not perfection, was the message or heaven will be empty. Jesus didn’t talk so much about life after death; Jesus talked about how true living begins here on earth by understanding how much your Creator loves you. Such knowledge empowers one to shun evil and be the unselfish person we all desire to be deep down.

1. What does the Bible say about heaven? Enough biblical passages suggest all will face God one day for an accounting of their deeds – good and bad (Mt: 12:36, Rom. 14:10, 2 Cor. 5:10, Heb.9:27). We can look forward to our eventual citizenship in heaven (Philip. 3:20). The new heaven and earth spoken of in Revelation (21:1-4) is not speaking about a time in the future on earth but that the grave is no longer our destination just like Jesus.

2. Why doesn’t the Bible say more about heaven? A solely heavenly focus can lead to passive earthly living, similar to focusing on Jesus’ coming rather than making a difference in the world we live in currently. Jesus talked about how we now can be the person we desire to be.

3. Does anyone really go to Hell? The word Hell in the Bible is a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time!

4. Does the possibility of eternal decisions after death lead to less urgency to change on earth? We may want to tell an addict after the 10th relapse there is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. God’s continual encouragement and mercy, not fear, is our necessary nourishment for true changes of the heart. God wants peace for us to begin here on earth.

5. Do we get into heaven based on decisions and beliefs here on earth? Is a thief going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breathe? Some opinions about God are based on false representations here on earth. Some despise their Heavenly Parent because of their earthly parents. Some can’t stomach a God who supposedly burns people forever because of unbelief. God doesn’t determine one’s future destiny on choices they didn’t have on earth.

6. Why do beliefs on earth matter if they don’t determine our eventually destiny? Do you really think it doesn’t matter how you treat others here on earth if there isn’t a law against your actions? Jesus conveyed God’s unimaginable love to inspire us being even a better partner, parent, and friend. Some will admit faith in God turned them away from being totally evil.

7. Aren’t atheists and unspiritual folks just rebellious? Romans 1 doesn’t suggest all who don’t believe in God are suppressing what they know to be true; instead, some ignore God to justify wicked ways. Let’s not accuse those who believe as needing a crutch and those that don’t believe of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times.

8. Can atheists or unspiritual folks here on earth go to heaven? Why wouldn’t a God who gives millions of chances here on earth give one a second change when meeting their Creator after death if justice can be defended in such a scenario? Some biblical passages can be interpreted to suggest all enter heaven one day while some passages can be interpreted to the contrary.

9. Why do some pursue God on earth and some don’t? Do we really think we believe in God because we are more enlightened or moral? We are surely influenced by choices we have on earth. God created a free world for a reason, but all will eventually have a chance to know what God is really like to make decisions based on the truth.

10. What about different religions? A Muslim or Christian may or may not worship the same God but strive to love others how they wish to be loved. That is what Jesus said was the main thing (Mt. 24:37-38). Jesus wanted all to listen to their heart about what is right and wrong. Some Muslims believe in the virgin birth and some Christians don’t. Some Buddhists have more the heart of Jesus than those who call themselves Christians. The Israelites got it wrong thinking they were the only nation or religion under God. All religions have some truth and contradictions must be weighed.

11. What about those who have never heard of Jesus? Some believe Jesus came to tell you to drop to your knees and come to Jesus or you can go straight to Hell. More people than not born into the world have never heard the name of Jesus. Entrance into Heaven doesn’t depend on a decision one didn’t have an opportunity to make. Specific knowledge of Christ or saying the right words is suspect as being necessary. The same John that penned John 3:16 possibly wrote “whoever loves has been born of God and knows God” (I John 4:7).

12. How can there be justice for victims if all go to heaven? We may seek revenge or an eye or an eye, but a parent can’t return a childhood lost due to abusive behavior. God’s justice in the afterlife may have an educative component and cleansing. Confession is what leads to healing. Victims will be vindicated when the guilty face their sins. We like God may forgive our tormenters if they truly seek forgiveness and desire to make amends.

13. Can our suffering on earth ever be justified? Evil chosen leads to so much suffering, but there may be compassionate reasons why God doesn’t interfere. Forcing my rebellious son to do right presently may lead to further rebellion or staying away forever. Patience may allow time for moral development on earth, so he may freely choose to live with me forever in heaven. Loving parents allow freedom for the possibility of authentic relationships.

14. Will we have freedom in heaven and does it matter? God values freedom because freedom is necessary for authenticity, the highest good in relationships. Without freedom, thus the possibility of suffering, we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. Human or spiritual parent brings children into the world hoping their children freely reciprocate their love because controlling or destroying free, moral decisions doesn’t result in true love.

15. If there is freedom in heaven, is it plausible that there is no sin in heaven? God clearly values freedom here on earth so why wouldn’t God value freedom in the life to come. If freedom and determinism are compatible, a loving God would create a world in which all persons freely did good at all times. Our character developed here on earth limits our ability to sin here and in heaven. Eventually, you may not see any good reason for not doing good.

16. If there is freedom in heaven, what if there is sin in heaven? One may logically entertain the possibility of sin in heaven because of the presence of freedom. God’s presence surely will have a greater impact than earthly, human authority to dissuade selfishness. Certain qualities of parental love such as integrity and understanding bring out the best in us. Heaven will not have temptations such as poverty or negative peer influences because of God’s presence.

17. Can one choose to eventually not enter heaven since we have freedom? I am a hopeful Universalist. It seems no one in their right mind would deny living in heaven with a loving God. God will remove all components that led to irrational thinking. But, God clearly values freedom of choice. There may not be a time limit for one coming to their senses. We may be able to be happy not living with a loved one if we know that is truly what they wanted.

Are We Better Off With Or Without Churches?

People often form their views of God by observing those who claim to represent God. It is assumed or understood churchgoers are God’s representatives. No one went “to church” in biblical times as “the church” (followers of Jesus) were simply to encourage one another anywhere anytime. So, is going “to church” the best way for followers to love others as radically as Jesus did which could be world- changing?

I don’t wish to be totally hypocritical. I will conclude by suggesting going to church is for some and not others. I worked for a company for twenty years and I didn’t agree with everything they taught. Sometimes I spoke up; sometimes I didn’t feel it was worth it as nothing would change. My disagreements were not moral as they aren’t with churches most of the time, but honestly I didn’t leave the company many times because of the paycheck. I am not sure churches are going away for the same reason, but personally I believe spiritual health is paramount.

The world seems better off with churches, than without churches, because a lot of morality is taught in such places. Most places of worship whether Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish teach Jesus’ main message of treating others like you want to be treated. Some people admit church has made them a more moral person which makes for a better world. Gatherings that teach the golden rule is a good thing but such structures can water down Jesus’ hope for the world.

The church can be a great place for people to organize as a group to serve others in need. Individuals might not reach out otherwise without group encouragement. Some will admit though often the church gathers only to be with one another, thus isolating themselves from others in a world in need. Layers of structure can take money away from those who need it most. Groups outside the church act similar to serve others, but they aren’t claiming to represent God and adhere to a set of beliefs other than the moral laws that must be adhered to by all.

It is assumed church teachings or creeds represent God’s beliefs. For example many churches teach husbands are to lead their wives, albeit as Jesus lead others. Many intuitively sense any emphasis on male leadership can be twisted to justify subtle or blatant mistreatment of women. Men in leadership of or authority over women can be an environment conducive for domestic abuse and the other atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history. Organized groups by nature develop structured beliefs but biblical interpretations are fallible. Individual beliefs typically only happen when “the church” meets wherever without an official structure.

The Bible was not meant to be a book to worship, but Church creeds don’t encourage sharing and considering one another’s opinions gracefully as God helps individuals work out their own convictions with as much consistency as possible. Imagine if our discussions about God were civil and lead to agreeing to disagree. Maybe then Christianity would have more of an impact in our culture. People have enough conflict in their own relationships. Organizing as Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, etc., only muddles God’s message of peace.

Jesus was a calm person in interactions with others but the religious, who claimed to represent God, got his dander up the most. Jesus is more of a spiritual than religious person. Religions tend to emphasize rules and obedience rather than a relationship and God’s unconditional love. It is a friendship with God, without fear, that best transforms followers to being the kind of unselfish person they deep down desire to be. Obedience is not taught but caught when you get to know who God really is. God's love and His mercy, not gloomy uncertainty of God’s favor, is our necessary nourishment for lasting changes. It is very challenging for a church with an organized structure to encourage a relationship versus adherence which is simply another form of legalism.

Each person in their relationship with their Creator decides which environments give the most encouragement. I am convinced because of the challenges involved that the world is better off without organized religion. Jesus and twelve followers changed the world for the good, but it doesn’t seem followers have come close to duplicating that despite millions of believers since then. The institution of church worked for me for years and continues to work for many, but people need to feel free than obligated to pursue God on their own terms. Obligatory relationships are seldom life transforming. Some may want to continue receiving teaching about their faith and attend traditional church for those and other reasons. No one though needs a mediator between God and them such as a pastor or priest. You may feel at some time like I do that I have graduated from “church.”

How Can We Know God’s Voice If Not Audible?

God speaking to us audible could leave us compelled to obey rather than free to love a God in our own time and on our own terms. People may come to believe in God for the wrong reasons when awestruck. If God doesn’t speak to us, how do we know when our thoughts are God’s? God clearly doesn’t speak audibly to most people, no matter how spiritual they may be. We don’t have to wonder whether to kill, gossip, etc. Jesus’ main message to love others like you want to be loved is intuitive. Lack of certainty in non-moral decisions though may not be bad news when understanding freedom.

It is important to understand why God created and continues to value freedom when making a multiple of decisions on a daily basis. Only terrorists think controlling or destroying free decisions results in true love. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the very best world where only true, authentic relationships can develop. If freedom and determinism were compatible, then a loving God would have created a world in which all persons freely did only good at all times. Even human parents bring children into the world desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced.

It may matter what one thinks about God and the future. It is not heresy to ask if God knows the future if the future is open and unknowable. God certainly knows what they are going to do in the future. Many prefer to believe God knows the future for feelings of security that God already knows what is going to happen and how they will respond. Some prefer to believe God doesn’t know the future because it empowers them to relate to a God that doesn’t have to control to be in control. Many feel if God already knows what someone is going to do, we are not truly free to do anything different. Even a loving God cannot create life, impossible to exist without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be genuine free will.

Why does it matter if God knows my future when it comes to recognizing God’s voice? If God knows the future, one may logically think God has a specific will or path for their lives. We may fear we will end up with God’s second best. Since God does not speak audible to most of us and one can never know for sure if an impression is from God, this can lead to confusion or anger with God. Authors speak about God guiding us through whispers and signs but this leads to more guess work and discouragement. If the future is open, we do not have to search for God’s Holy Grail in what decisions to make. We are truly free to dream and pursue our aspirations to make for a better world which is both God’s and our desire deep down.

God’s will is accomplished by doing all the good we can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the people we can, as long as we can. Many paths can be chosen if the future is open. We just can’t go wrong with a desire to love God who always has our best interest in mind. Are you wondering whether to take certain relationship risks or take a different path than you are traveling? Take risks and attempt great things for God and know God will be with you regardless of the outcome. Don’t live in fear or demand certainty which God cannot guarantee in a free world. Feel empowered to make the wisest decision based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations. That is freeing!

*If too hard to believe God doesn’t know the future, it can be suggested God knows what is going to happen in the future ahead of time. There doesn’t have to be a specific script for individuals or God hasn’t predetermined our future choices. God can simply know what decisions we are going to make. We still don’t have to angst over God’s supposed specific plan since there are many paths to accomplish God’s will. For example loving parents want their children to make for a better world whatever profession they choose.

How Should God-Folks Share Their Beliefs?

The truth is spiritual-minded folks can do more harm than good when telling others about God. In our world today it is important to distinguish the god of religious extremists from the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible surely is not like the God of terrorists who supposedly thinks that imposing upon or destroying freedom of beliefs results in true love. God invites one into a relationship rather than demanding obedience in hopes of changing the world for good.

Jesus in His interactions did not insist in belief or else. When the religious wanted to stone a woman for adultery, Jesus got the crowd to look in the mirror and told the woman “go now, and leave your life of sin” (John 8). C’mon! Didn’t Jesus have a better evangelical spiel in case He never saw the woman again? Jesus interacted with other naturally in a loving way. Of course Jesus knew His ways bring true joy in the long run. Jesus didn’t demand saying some prayer as if one’s final destination depended on it. If friends are engaging in immoral actions, we too might suggest they stop because they are only hurting themselves and those they love.

If people do want to talk about God and what Jesus believed, Jesus summed up all He stood for by advising to treat others like you want to be treated (Mt. 7:12). Mark records Jesus’ main message is simply to love God and love others as yourself (12:28-34). Least you think God is egotistical, loving God is loving ourselves and others like we want to be loved. Jesus interacted with others as if obedience is caught not taught. Once you come to know who God truly is, such a friendship can empower one to shun evil and do good.

It may be obvious for those not weighed down by misbeliefs about God that loving others and hopefully receiving love back is the purpose of relationships. Who thinks when getting with friends one should have a hidden agenda! I love taking about God with others. It is like asking me to play tennis. Anytime, anywhere! I believe knowing who God truly is can be life transforming and helpful in a chaotic world. Such discussions should never be forced. And don’t be so self-righteous. Many of us god-folks are put to shame by those less spiritual-minded when it comes to how we treat others. God simply wishes to be a part of one’s life if they desire or need to feel more connected with their Creator.

It's nice to be able to be with friends without feeling there has to be a hidden agenda to save their soul. Years ago I tried to give one friend a church bulletin to attend church. They had never expressed such a need. The relationship was never the same. I recently was talking to a friend about God as it came up naturally. When I was much younger I felt compelled to talk about God regardless if there was an invitation. Friendships are damaged unless the agenda is to be a loving friend. If people wanted nothing to do with God, a friend respects that.

Jesus confronted the religious for their hypocrisy because they were claiming to know what God was like. Otherwise, Jesus simply loved others as they wanted to be loved. That is what friends do. The only reason I want to discuss God with others when they want is because I treasure my relationship with God. When you read a good book or see a good movie, you want to share that with others. When others are searching spiritual matters or looking for more of a relationship with their Creator, any time any place. I love doing that!

Why Do Some Pursue God And Others Don’t While On Earth?

Do we really think that one believes in God because they are more enlightened or moral? I cannot explain why I personally think about God as often as I do, but I can tell you that I am not more spiritual than many non-God folks. If I thought I treated my wife a lot more like Jesus would than I do, I may advise otherwise. I can say I am a better man, husband, father, and friend because of my conversations with God. Some admit they were hell-bent in pursing evil until they meet God. Let’s not accuse those who believe as needing a crutch and those that don’t believe of being in denial and suppressing the truth.

The value God and parents place on freedom may help to justify the dissimilarity of our circumstances and how we are influenced. Freedom is necessary for authenticity, the highest good in relationships, or we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. Human or spiritual parent brings children into the world hoping their children freely reciprocate their love because controlling or destroying free, moral decisions doesn’t result in true love.

It matters the environment you grew up in as to whether you may believe in God. Some despise their Heavenly Parent because of their earthly parents. If there is a Creator, we may only realize when meeting that God is not a representation but perfection of our earthly parent we always desired. We don’t only get into heaven based on decisions and beliefs in the short time here on earth. Do we really think a thief is going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breathe?

Hell in the Bible is a substitution not a correct translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell is an invention over the centuries to scare people into obedience. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time! If it turns out there is a God, we can be hopeful Universalists. God will remove all components that led to any unfounded thinking. Would anyone in their right mind not choose living in heaven with a loving God? God who gives millions of chances here on earth will give one a second change when meeting their Creator after death if justice can be defended in such a scenario.

The possibility of eternal decisions after death doesn’t lead to less urgency to change on earth. Do you really think it doesn’t matter how you treat others here on earth if there isn’t a law against your actions? It is not God’s nature to give up on an addict after their 10th relapse. It is God’s love, not fear, that can lead to being the unselfish people we deep down desire to be. Victims will be vindicated when the guilty face their sins before their Creator.

A Muslim or Christian may or may not worship the same God but strive to love others how they wish to be loved. Some Buddhists have more the heart of Jesus than those who call themselves Christians. More people than not born into the world have never heard the name of Jesus. Entrance into Heaven doesn’t depend on a decision one didn’t have an opportunity to make. Specific knowledge of Christ or saying the right words is suspect as being necessary. Those who don’t believe are not wicked people in denial. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times.

Some may ask why Jesus even came if beliefs don’t matter. We all have internal moral compasses. Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life. Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Changing directions, not perfection, was Jesus’ message or heaven will be empty. Jesus talked about how true living begins here on earth by understanding how much your Creator loves you. Such knowledge empowers one to shun evil and be the unselfish person we all desire to be deep down. If you wish you had more of a connection with your Creator, reconsider any beliefs about God that keep you from pursuing a close friendship.

Why Is Freedom Of Beliefs So Important In Religion?

It is hard to imagine anyone would believe that a loving God condones blowing up innocent people. It is hard to believe anyone would think that a loving God would condone beheadings and videotaping such despicable actions in the name of their God. Victims are not even asked their beliefs, because terrorists clearly kill for their own selfish reasons. But, we may be able to prevent the radicalization of some if we can convince a loving God would never deny one the freedom to choose their beliefs, even if they are opposed to their God’s.

Those who believe in the God of the Bible must be able to defend why their God respects the freedom of beliefs. God has respected freedom of beliefs from the very beginning; otherwise, God who is powerful enough to create would annihilate immediately those who oppose God by choosing evil. Spiritual or human parents brings children into the world hoping their children freely reciprocate their love, because they understand controlling decisions doesn’t result in true love. Freedom is necessary for authenticity, the highest good in relationships, or we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. Only the God of terrorists supposedly thinks that controlling or destroying freedom of decisions leads to the highest good for the world.

The God of the Bible does not control decisions in this lifetime or the life to come. The traditional understanding of Hell, where you will burn forever after death for not believing in God while on earth, is a fabrication that doesn’t exist in the Bible. Hell, not a translation but a substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words, is an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Jesus did not threaten a non-existing Hell in His interactions. As it turns out God is a respecter of freedom in this life and life after death.

The God of the Bible respects the freedom of beliefs while on earth as evident by Jesus’ life. Jesus interacted in a non-threatening matter except with religious hypocrites who taught religion is self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. Jesus didn’t die to appease God’s anger and honor so God could love us. God is not a blood-thirsty Creator. Jesus faced undeserved suffering to gain credibility and influence. Jesus’ main message was treating others like you want to be treated (Mt. 7:12). Jesus only tried to convince us to be the unselfish people we deep down desire to be. Religions emphasize rules and obedience; Jesus talked about a relationship and God’s unimaginable love. A friendship with God can empower one to shun evil and do good. Jesus understood selflessness is chosen not forced.

The God of the Bible did not choose war to impose Israelite beliefs on other nations. There are some challenging passages in the Old Testament, but God didn’t prefer violence over peaceful alternatives. See here for further discussion. God never condoned torture or rape when war was necessary. God never insisted any nation believe in God or else. The Canaanites were involved in evil practices including burning their children as sacrifices to their gods (Deut. 12: 31; Lev. 18:21). Driving the Canaanites out of their land and into neighboring nations where they would be the minority could force them to change their evil practices. Despite the loss of innocent lives, future generations may look back on the 21st century and agree with nations invading lands inhabited by evildoers who seek power only to destroy freedom other than their own.

The God of the Bible never thought fear lead to any kind of desired relationship. A survey of the times “fear of God” is used in the Bible suggests fearing God was synonymous with fearing evil. Fear was for evil folks in the Bible, not those did not impose their ways on others. God’s judgments during lawlessness were to protect the innocent and hopefully redeem the guilty, but punishment can only deter but not change one’s heart. Fearing God is only necessary in an immoral world. “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (I Jn. 4:18).

The God of the Bible does not suggest women are to be under the authority of men as if half the world needs a mediator between them and God. This only encourages dominance on the man’s part. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal. Jesus clearly encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. The Apostle Paul advised husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that. The gods of the nations in biblical times were described as either male or female. By contrast, the Jews did not speculate about the gender of God. In the Old Testament the word for God’s spirit is feminine. The Greek noun for the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is gender-neutral.

I understand appealing to the Bible may not be always the best thing. One has to wonder if we might be better off without the Bible as often interpretations are not acknowledged as possibly being fallible. The truth is you might be right, I might be right, or we may both be wrong. All humans have an internal moral compass and most can agree on good from evil. We must consider if a biblical teaching seems plausible based on what a loving God or parent would be like. Questions about God must be solved on biblical and relational grounds since interpretations are imperfect. Bad theology has consequences. We often don’t trust our own God to guide individuals. We, as God does, must allow each the freedom to come to their understanding of God if they are not violating the rights of others.

Men who videotape beheadings are simply evil and sometimes the only way to combat such evil is to destroy it. But, early in the radicalization process some may be open to reasoning. But, we must inform the law, even on our own family members, when we notice beliefs that can lead to blowing up innocent people. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus didn’t come to conquer the evil Roman Empire; Jesus sacrificed His own life to influence others. Any religion that is based on control than service is not truly religious. You are free to even blaspheme God but you can’t treat others immorally without consequences. God pursued a friendship rather than overpowering or demanding obedience in hopes of changing the world for good.

Are Their Plausible Reasons Why God Seems So Hidden or Distant?

One may rightly question why a loving God seems to keep their distance. Are there plausible reasons why God is physically invisible and cognitively or emotionally hidden to many? The Bible doesn’t teach that all who don’t believe there is a Creator are simply suppressing what they know to be true deep down. Paul instead said “many knew God…they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God” (Rm. 1:21, 29). They believed God existed but sought to justify their wicked ways. Many don’t believe in a God or lack a passion for God, but this is not always for immoral reasons. I am confident all God-folks have such friends.

I am mainly writing to suggest if there is God, there might be plausible reasons or justification for God not revealing themselves more openly. Let’s suggest for the sake of argument there are those who are convinced there is a God and those who are convinced there isn’t a God. If you believe in a God, why do you not trust God to reveal themselves to others when deemed the best time to do so? Jesus didn’t require people kneel and express belief in God. Jesus respected everyone’s journey. Jesus only had an axe to grind with the religious of the day who implied for their own benefit that obedience is taught not caught. Jesus simply wanted us to know our Creator loves us and desires to empower us to be the unselfish people we deep down desire to be.

The nature of one’s relationship with their Creator, or lack of, may be impacted by understanding if there are rational reasons why God is so hidden. Loving parents makes themselves obvious to their children. As the story goes God was visible in the beginning with Adam and Eve. When the first couple went against God’s advice, it was humans that ran and hid from God. As rebellion continued (at least it does for me), God apparently decided it was in our best interest if God not continue to overwhelm us in person. Being in the presence of others we offend isn’t always initially conducive for lasting change. God wanted us to come to them on our own terms rather than out of feelings of obligation or awe. God wanted it to be all about us and not God. Loving parents desire their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to feeling manipulated.

Miracles make God more obvious but don’t always lead to belief. God dropped manna from the sky to survive in the wilderness, but the Israelites turned on God when Moses went up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. Miracles often lead to seeking only physical cures and not spiritual cures. A healed soul is far better than just a healed body. We parents tend to shower our children with gifts to avoid the painful realities of a free world, but interference can prevent growth and self-satisfaction resulting from making wise, independent choices.

Freedom is absolutely necessary for authentic relationships. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the very best world. When evil was chosen in the beginning and continues today, God’s constant interference and presence may prevent a superior world from emerging as a result of the moral development and improvement of free creatures. Also, God may know a person may reject them now as opposed to a time in the future - even after death - so one can best choose their destiny. God revealing himself after swearing to change can lead to more guilt. God may hide himself not out of cruelness but love as timing can be important in relationships.

Let’s not accuse those who believe as needing a crutch and those that don’t believe of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times. A traumatic experience such as being raped by one’s father can keep one from wanting to have anything to do with God their Father. Some are taught growing up God is a sadistic torturer who burns people in Hell forever if they don’t believe in God, which is a direct contradiction of a loving God. People are not immoral because they doubt or don’t accept certain teachings without reflection. Readers know their own reasons for not believing and they are valid as reasons for believing.

Honestly, I can think of many reasons that we are better off with moral people that are less religious than others. I can understand why some may think the Bible teaches hierarchical relationship between the genders, though I would argue such a stance is a haven for abuse by men. But, most Churches don’t state interpretations are fallible and encourage sharing and considering one another’s opinions gracefully as God helps individuals work out their own convictions with as much consistency as possible. Churches encourage good morals but sometimes the message they give about God may not reveal what God is truly like. I wonder if we are better off sometimes with no message about God than the wrong message about God.

A parent, who has a child taken from them at birth, stills loves that child though that child may not know them or believe they even exist. We cannot assume that not feeling God’s presence means there is no relationship from God’s perspective. Nonresistant nonbelief is obviously plausible and reasonable if such a belief is not used to justify selfish behaviors. Spiritual discussions should only take place if both parties wish to discuss such matters for their own benefit. It seems to me as a God-person, to not have an open-mind what others are saying about themselves lacks faith in God revealing themselves to others if they trust exist. It seems to me there are rational reasons why God may not make their presence always so obvious.

Are We Better Off If The Bible Was Less Confusing?

One might rightly challenge why a loving God would not make the Bible clearer. Misinterpretations of the Bible have led to defending racism, inequality of the sexes, or that God favors certain nations over other nations. God didn’t purposely make the Bible unclear, but can a God who values freedom make a writer’s words not subject to confusion. How can the Bible be different than other literatures, especially written over a thousand years ago by different authors in different languages, and not be subject to different interpretations by future generations? What I am writing today is subject to misunderstandings so therefore should I never write?

Let’s say it was possible to write without words being subject to confusion by the reader. If the Bible were plain in meaning would there be less selfishness in the world, which was Jesus’ main message? Nathan convicted King David of his adulterous and murderous actions though the use of an allegory. David was less likely to regret his actions with plainspoken talk. Jesus didn’t purposely use parables to confuse his audience. Parables though enable one to continue to think on a subject to eventually accept the lesson intended. Straight talk often falls on deaf ears both with children and adults. Clear meaning doesn’t always produce positive results.

There can be some benefits to lack of clarity if necessary. I often wish I knew exactly what gifts my wife wanted. I angst over what gift my wife may wish for on her birthday or special holiday. If I knew exactly what she wanted, I miss out on the greater joy of giving her the perfect gift that I discovered on my own. I would feel a void in my life if deprived of the inspiration that results from intellectual curiosity and exploration of the meaning of a biblical test. If I fully understood God and didn’t have to discover that over time, I may think less often about God rather than spend time getting to know God. Getting to know God over time allows me make changes in my life later that I may not when initially reading God’s guidance.

The problem may not be that the Bible is confusing; the bigger challenge is what we do with lack of clarity. Confusion allows me to develop in the area of charity if I should choose. Certainty has led me to push “supposed” truth onto others. The Bible isn’t always crystal clear yet we are offended when people do not accept what we think the Bible means. Clearness doesn’t always produce graciousness toward others. There is reasonable debate whether Genesis 1-11 reveals historical facts or whether writers used other literary genres to convey theological truths about God’s relationship with humans. Does clearness matter more than how we handle confusion?

Confusion would be less problematic if we all considered one another’s opinion gracefully, as long as they don’t violate the freedom of others, so to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. The truth is I might be wrong, you might be wrong, or we both might be wrong. Even if God could control us both being wrong, there is so much of the Bible that is clear that we can agree on and live by. We often try to make the Bible a bunch of rules that only divide people. Lack of clarity can lead to developing charity in our life and allow us to be more engaged and dependent on God that we would otherwise. I am convinced understanding meaning over time may lead to more meaningful changes in my life when looking back.

Did Jesus Really Threaten Others With Hell?

Some may not even bother to know God if imagining the Creator is a sadistic torturer. What God-person wants to tell others or defend such a God? Such a God is no different than the god of religious extremists. The traditional meaning of Hell must be dispelled as a biblical myth for God’s character is at stake. It is often not known that Jesus and the Bible say absolutely nothing about Hell. Hell, an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience, is not a translation but a word substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time!

Jesus used the word Gehenna, translated as “hell,” eleven times but only in about four conversations. The Gospel of John never uses the word. Mark and Luke record Jesus using the word once in an exchange but both appear to be the same conversations recorded by Matthew. Matthew’s Jewish audience was the most familiar with the history behind Gehenna:

• Mt. 5:22, 29, 30 warns that the Pharisees’ brand of religion, which only thinks about the letter of the law rather than the heart of the matter, is a path to Gehenna (i.e. death)

• Mt. 10:28 (i.e. Luke 12:5) warns to be less afraid of death of the body which is only physical death (Gehenna) and more afraid of death of the soul which is spiritual death

• Mt. 18:9 (i.e. Mk 9:43, 45, 47) warns spiritual death is even worse than physical death (Gehenna)

• Mt. 23: 15, 33 warns religious teachers again their message only leads people and themselves to death (Gehenna) and not a life worth living

The Greek word Gehenna in the New Testament was a proper noun and the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history. It was the local city garbage dump where fires were kept burning and symbolized a place of slaughter and judgment. Gehenna was the place of burned Israeli children sacrificed to false gods (Jer. 7:30-31; 19:2-5). Josephus said this same valley was heaped with dead bodies of the Jews following the Roman siege of Jerusalem around 70 AD. Gehenna was used by Jesus to symbolize where a life of self-centeredness can lead as opposed to what Jesus taught. Hell is no more a translation of Gehenna than Atlanta is for Chicago.

Paul wrote fourteen epistles and never mentions Hell. Scriptures only say after death that all are judged by our merciful God. The Hebrew word Sheol in the Old Testament is wrongly translated as Hell. Sheol was simply a region or place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Job, an extremely righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (10:21-22). Recent translations simply translate Sheol as “Sheol.”

Jesus never taught people can be scared into true righteousness and an intimate relationship with their Creator. God's love and mercy is our necessary nourishment just as in human, parental love. Parents warn their children of evil for their own good. Jesus simply wanted us to know our Creator loves us and desires to empower us to be the unselfish people we deep down desire to be.

Treating others as we want to be treated helps avoid leading to a life full of regrets. Jesus faced undeserved suffering to identify with us and hopefully influence to not be seduced by what the world tempts. Following in Jesus’ footsteps leads to life transformations best for us and the world.

Did Jesus Teach Self-Abuse By Turning Other Check Or Loving Your Enemies?

Jesus did not encourage domestic violence or other abuses when advising us to love our enemies or turn the other cheek. God doesn’t desire those who seek to follow Him to live in guilt because of any confusion regarding His ways. The Bible surely is not advocating a spouse continue to allow their partner to beat them or that soldiers cannot protect themselves in times of war. War with your enemies may be necessary to either protect yourself or others abused by evil dictators. But, there may be times when evil can be overcome with good than guns.

What did Jesus mean when He said: If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek; if someone takes your coat, don’t withhold your shirt (Mt. 5:38-48, Luke 6:27-36). Jesus was not advocating nudity but perhaps illustrating the ridiculousness or cruelty of people’s ways. An “eye for eye” helped protect the weaker from further revenge being justified. But, the law can only protect but not change hearts. The law can condemn adultery but lust is a form of betrayal as well. The law cannot speak to forgiveness or showing mercy.

Jesus defended Himself rather than turned the other cheek when slapped by an official (Jn. 18:23). Would Jesus say Paul was wrong to escape from harm to protect himself (Acts 9:29-30)? Paul advised if possible live at peace with others, suggesting we can’t always leave in peace. (Rm. 12:18). Jesus was not suggesting passivity but actually provoking possible ways to avoid continued violence. Restraining can sometimes lead to less violence as violence breeds more violence. An attitude of going the extra mile is responding in less human ways. Actions often speak louder than words in responding to a wrong.

It is natural and appropriate to seek vindication from enemies (i.e. Rev 6:10-11). It is supernatural to show grace and forgiveness to those who seek it. Compensation is often impossible. Reputations that have been stolen for a time cannot be returned or childhood memories erased. We can pray for our enemies by hoping they seek forgiveness rather than continue to harm others. Jesus simply was saying there are times to show mercy than seek justice. There are times to not demand being treated as we want to be treated.

The Bible is not contradictory when it says to love your enemies but have nothing to do with divisive people (Titus 3:10). Uh, our enemies may have a touch of divisiveness in them from time to time. Jesus obviously had certain circumstances in mind when He encouraged loving your enemies. The Bible often warns followers to confront one another morally and withdraw fellowship if necessary in hopes this leads to change. But, our enemies may not have tasted or understand Jesus’ life changing message. We may only convince others of our Creator’s love by demonstrating God’s unimaginable love toward us.

We must use our brains and not feel guilty when we must protect ourselves physically or emotionally. Jesus expected us to use common sense in difficult relationship situations. I may give a brief talk to parents about the radical idea that they must love their teenagers the way they wished their parents had loved them at that age despite all their crazy behaviors. We must choose our battles. I may not have addressed that parents must show tough love sometimes for the sake of change if drug use or bullying is involved. Allow God to tug at your heart. Seek the wisdom of others. Make the best current decision and have no regrets. God doesn’t want us always wondering if we did the right thing. Seek God’s help in showing radical, unimaginable love in hopes to impact the world for good as Jesus did.

Did Jesus Say Love Or Hate Your Family?

One would think when Jesus proclaimed loving one another as the end all that this includes family members. Jesus said accepting Him is the same as accepting children who are often the most innocent and vulnerable in our society. Jesus encouraged marriage for a lifetime for a reason (Mk. 10:9). Who doesn’t know love isn’t kicking partners to the curb to enjoy your current fantasy whether in marriage, business, or friendship. There are innocent parties and the guilty with regrets. Jesus tells it straight but is not in the condemnation business. Jesus only encouraged the adulterous woman to leave a life of self-destruction for her own good (Jn. 8:11).

Jesus though seemed to imply other times that family is not important, that one cannot choose both family and God. See passages referenced here. Jesus says: “…..I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a main against his father, a daughter against her mother… (Mt. 10: 34-35). Did Jesus deny those who wanted to follow Him the right to bury their own family members (Mt. 8:21-22, Lk. 9:59-60)? Jesus even suggested that we can’t love Him unless we hate our own family (Lk. 14:25-26). Did God create family in the beginning and then demand we choose God over loved ones?

These were extraordinary times. The Messiah predicted for over a thousand years was here. God had come in person to lay down his life to influence the world for its own good. The context advises of dangerous times ahead for those who follow Jesus as His death was imminent: “as the time approached for Jesus to be taken up to heaven” (Lk. 9:51). Jesus wasn’t encouraging to purposely hate your family, but family members can turn on each other. Jesus desired peace as He rebuked the disciples for requesting Jesus use special powers to destroy the enemy (Lk. 9:55). It is others sometimes who don’t desire peace. Why not just let the lunatic’s message peter out. Who was harmed? But, the religious turned on their own and insisted Jesus be killed for claiming to be the Messiah. Some today turn to new spiritual beliefs, while advocating the freedom of beliefs of others, but family members treat them as outcasts or even seek their death.

Jesus surely wasn’t insisting one not bury their family member. The man asking Jesus about following Him was outside and not in mourning (Lk.9:57). His dad was likely healthy but waiting around for family to die in years ahead can interfere with one’s spiritual calling. Jesus possibly had in mind a secondary burial. In biblical times the bones were reburied in a box in a slot in the tomb’s wall a year after the initial burial (The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, Craig S. Keener, p.68). It isn’t always dishonoring to leave parents to make the world a better place as Jesus and His disciples did. Today, parents for selfish reasons may not encourage children to follow worthwhile passions. Jesus clearly supported the commandment to honor your father and mother (Lk. 18:20). Jesus didn’t contradict future disciples such as Timothy who advised not providing for your own family opposes God’s desires (I Tim 5:8). Balance and judgment is required if one’s spiritual calling interferes with their family calling.

Jesus was pro-family as loving your neighbor surely meant loving your family members. But, some families put their members in a position that they will have to choose God or them. Jesus had to leave His family without their full support. Many may courageously leave family to protect freedoms for their family and others. Jesus’ hard sayings were not meant to take literal always. You can bury your family but family can be our idol and stand in the way of a higher calling. Sometimes, living out Jesus’ message to love your neighbor has extreme costs. Now, husbands often take a wife kicking and screaming because of their supposed calling. God surely makes any calling obvious to both partners. The applications for Jesus’ teachings today are personal and for each to decide. Seek the wisdom of those you trust.

What Are Nonsensical Explanations When Defending God’s Actions?

If God desires a loving friendship with all, God surely understands authentic relationships are gained through mutual respect. I have pursed a lifelong friendship with my children from the day they were born. God knows far better than I that such a relationship is not obtained out of fear but a child understanding how much I love them. God doesn’t use superiority to not defend any actions that confuse us. God doesn’t seek justifications that are not understandable to the human heart or logical to the human mind. God and parents desire to walk the talk in relationships.

It may be argued we have no right to question God’s morality when biblical interpretations seemingly suggest God’s standards are not the same as humans. Some theologians suggest the Bible teaches God elects only certain individuals for eternal life, thus logically sending the unelected to eternal damnation. It is said that God is not unjust because all are depraved and none would choose God without God’s help. We would accuse earthly parents of immorality if they showed similar favoritism toward their children. A loving God wouldn’t arbitrarily choose who to love and that our choices don’t truly matter. We have every right to question such theology.

It may be argued that we have no right to question God’s purposes when trying to understand how God’s goodness and evil can co-exist. One could ask why God even bothered to communicate through the Bible if God’s ways are so mysterious. It is difficult to fully explain why God doesn’t interfere more with natural evil not directly caused by human freedom, but this doesn’t mean there aren’t intelligent explanations as to why a loving God allows such freedom. If God did not create and allow freedom, God could be accused of not creating the very best world where only authentic relationships can develop. The Book of Job does not actually advise to shut our pie hole because we can’t possibly comprehend God. God simply rejected Job’s assumption that justice is only present if the wicked are judged or the righteous rewarded immediately.

It may be argued that we have no right to question God’s rationality from a human perspective. Some attempt to explain God’s favor with Israel over other nations in illogical ways. God tell us favoritism is a sin (James 2:1), but it is suggested God cannot be held to the same ethic. Can you imagine a parent having any influence by saying “do as I say, not as I do.” Parents can choose a child over another child for a certain role if only one can be chosen. It is not favoritism if both win as Israel was chosen as a vessel to bless all nations with God’s message. Humans have a concept of perfect love because we are made in our Creator’s image. God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God’s ways must be worthy of human, rational belief.

Some attempt to explain God in nonsensical ways when explaining a certain aspect of God. Since interpretations of Scriptures are fallible, I believe the most likely characterization portrays God in relational ways according to the human spirit. We can expect understandings of God to be plausible based on what a loving God should be like, or we might continue to question God. For example we have every right to reject traditional explanations of Hell, if there is a defensible alternative, as even humans know sadistic punishment serves absolutely no purpose. My children and friends have every right to challenge when my thoughts or ways appear immoral or irrational. God desire such questions for only then can a relationship begin or have any depth.

What Did Jesus Really Say About Heaven And Eternal Life?

It is natural to assume Jesus knows about Heaven. The Bible suggests Jesus can down to earth from heaven in human form to convey His love. We know Hell as an alternative to living in Heaven after death is a biblical myth. See here. It can be troublesome to defend a loving God who would punish people forever for sins committed in a few short years on earth. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. As it turns out the Bible also says very little about what heaven will be like.

Enough biblical passages suggest all will meet God one day for an accounting of their deeds – good and bad. Paul speaks of our eventual citizenship not being back on earth but forever in heaven (Philip. 3:20). The word heaven appears the most in Matthew in references to the “kingdom of heaven” which was coming in Jesus’ readers’ lifetime (Mt. 3:2; 16:28). Thus, we are presently living in the kingdom of heaven (i.e. age). The second most frequent time the word heaven appears in the NT is in the book of Revelation. Revelation speaks of upcoming events in the writer’s lifetime (Rev 1:1; 22:6), thus the new heaven and earth is referring to an age than a physical location in the future when God will destroy the earth and come down to reign.

Jesus possibly thought speaking more about life after living on earth a short time lead to passive earthly living, similar to focusing on Jesus’ coming again rather than making a difference in the world we live in currently. The Bible seems to speak mostly of a life where one is either spiritually dead or eternally alive. Jesus when asked about eternal life referred to a quality of life than destination. One is living or dying. John 3:36 is like many Johannine passages that advises readers that eternal living is something that begins immediately on earth.

One may be surprised what Jesus said when asked by a religious expert how to have eternal life (Lk.10:25-37). Jesus simply said to love God and your neighbor. Loving God is to love ourselves and others like we want to be loved. Jesus implied immortality begins in this world by running from selfishness. Obviously, changing directions not perfection was Jesus’ message or heaven will have no citizens. Jesus didn’t talk so much about life after death; Jesus talked about how true living begins here on earth by knowing how much your Creator loves you. Such knowledge empowers one to shun evil and be the unselfish person we all desire to be deep down.

Jesus wasn’t being exclusive and passing out get-out-of-hell-free cards when quoted: For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it (Matt. 7:13-14). Jesus was only warning that selfishness leads to regret and destruction. The narrower path – loving others as we wish to be loved – leads to true freedom.

Who doesn’t know the story of how Jesus responded to the religious elite who had caught a woman in adultery (Jn. 7:53-8:11). When Jesus rightly shamed the crowd by forcing them to look in the mirror, they dropped their stones and left Jesus and the woman alone. Jesus didn’t lecture, pray with the woman, or tell her to go to church. Jesus simply said “Go now and leave your life of sin.” It didn’t matter that Jesus may never see this woman again. Jesus had said all He needed to – God loves you and encourages you to do what you know is right in your heart.

Jesus when preparing to enter Jerusalem and face death (Mt. 19:1-10) told Zacchaeus how one can be saved. Zacchaeus was a tax collector and had cheated many people out of their money. Zacchaeus reflected on his actions and told Jesus he intended to payback four times stolen money. Jesus responded: “Today salvation has come to this house.” There was no formal confession or baptism though believers were being baptized. Jesus simply praised Zacchaeus for recognizing a journey necessary to avoid personal destruction. Salvation is not a future destination but a currently reality.

Was the thief simply lucky being at the right place at the right time? Will the thief, only sorry when hanging on a Cross with Jesus, go to paradise and others who lived conscientiously be out of luck? If you don’t care how the hell you treat others, you might worry! We often reject God because of poor role models or bad information about God. Those who believe in God on earth are not simply more enlightened or moral. God never thought fear lead to authentic relationships. God knew true love could not be forced or manipulated. God’s continual encouragement and mercy is our necessary nourishment for life transformations. Obedience to God, which is always in our best interest, is caught not taught when we understand God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired.

What Does God Really Hope For From Us?

Religion leaders today emphasize, as they did during Jesus’ time, God’s demand for certain beliefs or obedience rather than God’s desire for a relationship. Human or a spiritual parent brings children into the world hoping they choose to freely reciprocate their love. Only religious extremists believe controlling decisions results in true love. A desire for a close relationship is not manipulative when a parent’s motive is to encourage guidance always in a child’s best interests. God warns actions that lead to destruction as any loving parent does, but Jesus understood obedience is caught not taught. Whether God is worth following can be decided once you get to know who God really is.

Jesus’ conversations weren’t about certain beliefs or actions determining one’s eternal destiny. Jesus’ message was simply God’s desire to walk hand in hand with us in loving others like we want to be loved. Deep down we all know that is a life truly worth living. When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Mark writes Jesus said this was the “main thing” in life (12:28-34). Loving God is to love ourselves and others like we want to be loved. God like earthly parents pursue a relationship with their children in hopes to inspire striving to make for a better world.

James, the brother of Jesus, and disciples after Jesus spoke about the importance of loving others. “What good is it…..if people claim to have faith but have no deeds? Can such faith save them” (2:14)? Certain beliefs don’t necessarily lead to a life worth living. Jesus simply reminded us what we know in our heart to be true about a fulfilling life, but Jesus wanted us to know of our Creator’s love and forgiveness to empower us in shunning evil and doing good. God doesn’t hold one’s past or present against them. God like any parent hopes a child will freely respond to their love to make for a better world.

Jesus never said God is only interested in a relationship if we have certain beliefs or live up to certain standards. God simply like any loving parent wants you to know of a life that doesn’t lead to full of regrets on earth and the life to come. Jesus obviously sought to inspire change not perfection or life is depressing. Jesus wanted to give the hopeless hope and the hopeful an even more fulfilling life. Life transformations don’t happen when obeying out of fear or compulsion but when understanding how much God cares about you no matter your history. God’s continual encouragement and mercy is our necessary nourishment for true changes of the heart.

If you could give a damn how you treat others, the law was created for you. If any part of you is unhappy in such a pursuit your Creator is listening. You may be a moral person who doesn’t feel a need for God. I believe God is open any time in the future should one desire a relationship in striving to be even more the persnshipre should you ton you desire to be. God-folks might consider getting to know God even more intimately for encouragement. I only need to look how sometimes I fail to treat my wife like I want to be treated to realize I need God’s constant support. Jesus came to do what the law can’t. The law doesn’t require we go the extra mile in relationships but that is sometimes the only way for relationships to heal and continue. Jesus came to encourage a close relationship with God to empower such actions for personal and worldly gain.

What Did Jesus Really Come To Save Us From?

It is taught that Jesus came to save us from the wrath of God. Does God really want to be portrayed as more concerned with their reputation and honor than love for their children? I may be worried about my reputation as a parent but not solely for my benefit. When the word save(d) or salvation is used in the gospels as it relates to Jesus, there is no evidence that Jesus is concerned with atoning for our guilt for God’s sake rather than aspiring and encouraging us to be less selfish. It is best to read each Gospel as a whole to discern what we need to be saved from. For a quick view of all the times save(d) or salvation is used in the Gospels see here.

Many grow up in the church being told Jesus’ conversations were about if you are in or out of heaven or a supposed fiery pit. Do life transformations really happen when focused on saving our hide? Chapters and verses were numbered later, so the gospel writers surely intending their writings to be read as a whole. It is important to remember that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were writing to an audience who lived in different times and cultures than readers today. Specifically, Jesus came to advise Israel He is the prophesized Messiah and certain warnings relate to times in Jesus’ generation. Readers today must discern appropriate applications. We may not worship carved idols but idolizations today may be misguided and harmful.

The first three gospels end with Jesus being mocked on the Cross to save Himself since coming to save others (Mt. 27:42). What do the Gospels suggest Jesus came to save us from? Matthew begins: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Mt. 1:21). Jesus seems to suggest what those sins are during His first crowd appearance in Matthew. Jesus says Laws are good but what about ungovernable matters such as murderous thoughts, lust, and going the extra mile when others don't respond in love (Chapter 5). Jesus said don’t worry only about the death of your body but the death of your soul (10:28). Jesus didn’t come to save God’s reputation but to save us from ourselves!

We finally get to in Matthew what most think the gospels are all about – a rich young man asked how to have eternal life (19:16). Jesus’ response isn’t what religious leaders often proclaim about salvation. The man obeyed the law, but Jesus focused on the heart of the matter which is what kind of person you are that no one can see. God desires to help us become the person we all deep down desire to be. Luke records when Jesus was asked directly how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). This was exactly what Mark writes Jesus said was the most important in life (12:28-34). God isn’t being egotistical. Loving God is to love ourselves and others like we want to be loved. Jesus came to earth to convey God seeks to empower us, through mercy and forgiveness, to shun evil and do good.

After the conversation with the man about eternal life, Mark as Matthew records the disciples’ reaction: “…Who then can be saved?” (Mk. 10:26). Jesus, after giving the disciples another moral lesson about true greatness, says: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (10:45). The disciples’ response doesn’t suggest they were thinking God needed to be served as much as they needed help. The young man was worrying about just obeying the law, but it is “legal self-centeredness” that leads to personal and relational destruction. Jesus came to save us from the sin of destroying ourselves and one another. Jesus knew God’s love is the same as perfect, human, love. It is God's love and mercy, not gloomy uncertainty of God’s favor, which is our necessary nourishment for lasting changes.

John’s Gospel records different sayings of Jesus as it is thought Mark’s writing were used as a source by Matthew and Luke. All are familiar when Jesus says whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (Jn. 3:16). But, we often don’t notice that Jesus says right after this: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (3:17). Jesus’ mission was not condemnation for God’s sake; Jesus came to shed light on self-condemning dark deeds (3:18-19). Eternal life in this context is not some future destination. Jesus says His readers who believe in His message can have life worth living forever immediately (3:36). Jesus focused more on the present than future. Further evidence that Jesus’ didn’t come with a vendetta from God is what Jesus ultimately desires: “...I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world” (12:47).

I often learn the most when reading the Bible by looking at Jesus’ personal interactions with others. Jesus said to the woman at the well: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace” (Lk. 7:50). This woman was not in denial that she had lived a sinful life. She understood not being as bad as some people didn’t sooth her soul. She needed to know she could be forgiven by her Creator and Jesus came to give her that hope. Jesus when preparing to enter Jerusalem and face death (Mt. 19:1-10) told Zacchaeus a tax collector how one can be saved. Zacchaeus had cheated many people out of their money and had decided to payback four times the money he had stolen. Jesus responded: “Today salvation has come to this house.” There was no formal confession or water baptism. Jesus simply commended Zacchaeus for recognizing a journey necessary to avoid personal destruction. Salvation is not a future destination but a currently reality.

Some worry to claim Jesus came to change our hearts is just another form of Pharisaical legalism – we have to perform our way to being love by God. But, God’s love like a parent’s love should always be assumed to be unconditional. We know if a parent’s love is based upon actions they will be sorely disappointed and unable to love their child to the fullest. When we stress God’s reputation than desire for an influential relationship, the focus is on obedience and often just doing what is required by law. Jesus wanted us to know we have forgiveness and God desires to come along our side in striving to be unselfish which can be challenging in the world we live in.

Jesus came for those desperately seeking forgiveness from their Creator. Some may not feel as immoral. Jesus simply desires to encourage all to pursue striving to treat others like we want to be treated. Most of us would admit we fail to live up to even our own standards. Jesus came to tell us that we can pursue godliness despite our imperfections and constant failures. Jesus didn’t come to rub our failures in our face but to encourage us to never give up. God would love an ongoing relationship to empower one for personal and worldly good.

How Can Heaven Be A Happy Place With Regrets?

One may wonder how there can be complete happiness in heaven if full of people with regrets. We know heaven is going to be full of regretters as only one person has walked on this earth and lived a life without regrets. If you believe the story of the thief on the Cross next to Jesus, Jesus told the thief he would be in paradise soon with Jesus. One assumes the thief was on the cross for some not so good reasons. Even if you have lived most of your life with a belief and relationship with God as I have, you still are going to have many regrets.

Many believers begin to question whether a fellow believer who falls into sin will still go to heaven. Believers rely on forgiveness, so the implication is if one isn’t “confessed up” right at the moment of death you are out of luck. One’s destiny determined by a loving God is not going to depend on if some die immediately in an accident without warning to supposedly get right with God. Besides, is a thief going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breathe? Some opinions about God are based on false portrayals here on earth. All will eventually have a chance to know what God is really like to make decisions based on the truth.

So clearly, heaven is going to have a lot of regrets flying around. When one seems misguided in this world, it isn’t likely God is busying denying one’s citizenship in heaven. How can a godly mother favor one child over the other children and write them out of her life though they have done nothing wrong morally. Maybe the favored child is right and the other children are wrong, and the mom is just showing tough love which God had to do at times. Sometimes, two siblings are wrong and the favored sibling is right. It is less likely three siblings are wrong and one sibling is right. What are the chances of four siblings being wrong and the favored sibling being right? God has spoken against favoritism from the beginning, so one will assume such parents will be full of regrets when meeting their Creator along with the rest of us sinners.

One can be hopeful when we see that our Creator’s point of view about our circumstances is not God’s, they will melt into their Creator’s arms and be full of anguish. How can that lead to happiness. I believe God’s presence and justice in the afterlife may have an educative component and cleansing effect. Victims will be vindicated as the guilty will face their sins. A cleansing process may take longer for some to have its full impact. No suffering here on earth will be in vain. Confession, not revenge, is really only what will lead to healing. We all will have a chance to do so with God in person, but Jesus came so we could avoid being full of regrets.

Heaven can start now despite the world we live in. The Cross was less about God’s concern with guilt and restoring honor and more about God desiring a personal relationship. Jesus longed for us to avoid destructive paths leading to regrets. Jesus came to earth to simply encourage and inspire all to treat others like you want to be treated. This summarized what Jesus was all about (Mt. 7:12). Jesus wanted us to know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down. When Jesus was asked how one obtains eternal life, Jesus said simply to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Loving God is loving others to the fullest. Knowing who God really is, like loving parents, can empower one to shun evil and do good as Jesus taught.

Did Jesus Lay Down His Life To Appease God Or Convince Us?

Many might not pursue a connection with God because of explanations as to why Jesus died on the Cross. Many who have grown up in a traditional church have sung songs referring to “washed in the blood of Jesus or saved through the blood of Jesus.” It has led to confusing legal rather than natural relational interpretations of the purpose of Jesus death. Mark doesn’t say the purpose of the ransom: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (10:45). Was Jesus really more concerned with God’s reputation and justice being served rather than seeking credibility and influence to serve us?

The best analogy I have read about why Jesus died on the Cross is a soldier often will lay down their life for the benefit of their fellow soldiers. Soldiers often show tremendous courage by putting themselves in harm’s way to protect those they care deeply about. Jesus accepted suffering and eventual death to inspire and influence us how self-centeredness destroys lives and the world we live in. Jesus’ simple message was to love God and love others as yourself (Mk. 12:28-34). God isn’t egotistical as loving God is to love ourselves and others like we want to be loved. Once we know who God truly is, such a friendship can empower one to shun evil and do good.

No single biblical passage requires that we interpret the Cross in standoffish legalistic terms as if God needed to be appeased or satisfied before fully loving us. Does God really care more about their ego than desire to encourage us? God was not so angry at sinners that God had to kill Jesus. God didn’t need to be appeased by human sacrifice like the other gods during those times. God only hoped for confession for accepting wrongdoings is the first step in healing all relationships. How can we truly appreciate God if we think of the Cross in terms of what Jesus did for God as opposed to what Jesus did for us? Jesus’ death being for God undermines Jesus’ pain and struggle for us.

Jesus was more concerned with the restoration of our relationship with God than the guilt of our sins. God didn’t have to have their honor restored before they could love us. God sought to prove to us their unimaginable love. God went to great means to gain moral authority and credibility to convince us God’s ways are truly in our best interests. Jesus wanted us to avoid paths of destructions that lead to regrets. Jesus faced undeserved suffering so to walk in our shoes to better understand how difficult it is to live selflessly in a world where one is free to love or hate others for their own gains. We can be forgiven and start each day anew with God. It is never too late with God to turn your life around as we see in the parable of the vineyard workers (Mt. 20).

Jesus didn’t come to save us from Hell after death. The Greek word Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell, referred to a valley near Jerusalem. If seeking to avoid God’s supposed torture chamber, don’t go near that valley! Blood analogies don’t truly convey what God sought to do for us through Jesus. Jesus sought to convince us God would go to any means to convince us of the deception of selfishness. Jesus sought to empower us to be comfortable with God despite our guilty feelings. Selfishness is always destructive and creates the need for forgiveness in relationships, but Jesus wanted us to know we are loved by our Creator and desires to help us be the kind of persons we all want to be deep down.

Does A Focus On God’s Love Than Anger Cause More Wrongdoing?

We may misrepresent God by worrying that emphasizing God’s love gives people the license to sin more. A relationship with God, like a loving parent, is a good thing if you believe they have your best interest in mind but does stressing God’s wrath more than God’s love inspire meaningful relationships? Fear of consequences is for the purpose of deterring evil, and is not meant to be the path of a relationship. Religious leaders may have good intentions when they focus on rules and obedience, but encouraging others to get to know God for the possibility of a relationship is what truly leads to life transformations.

A parent’s unconditional love doesn’t inspire a child to misbehave even more. God like parents can’t help loving a child no matter what. A parent warns or gets upset with a child’s actions not in their best interest or the welfare of others, but that doesn’t change their feelings for their child. A parent may even turn their child into the police for drug use or terrorist beliefs. Love doesn’t mean we don’t think consequences are necessary in hope of deterring further self-destruction or evil actions. But punishment is only meant to deter in hopes one day a child may be open to a more meaningful relationship.

God doesn’t worry that their unimaginable love gives us further license to keep sinning. Acting unselfish comes fast and natural and isn’t waiting for permission. The fear of God was never meant to inspire being the kind of person we desire to be. Fear only leads to trying to not get caught or doing enough to soothe others’ feelings. The law is not meant for inspiration but to protect the innocent. God knew sin has its own consequences; God doesn’t seek to pile on more guilt and hate. Our own guilt does enough damage. God seeks to continually assure us of their love so we don’t every give up no matter how demoralized we may feel.

God’s amazing love can lead to one sinning less not more. Accepting than attempting to earn a relationship with God doesn’t lead to more freedom to sin but more freedom not to sin. When we understand what God has done for us and how much God’s loves us, we will be more inspired. Obedience is caught not taught. Obedience, though never perfect, is a natural response of gratitude to God's mercy and love. It is gratitude toward God that will empower us, not the worries of whether God will be angry with us. God is simply seeking to help us benefit from living unselfish lives. One who treat others like they want to be treated lives a life not full of regrets, sets an example for others to follow, and makes for a better world.

Does God Really Care About Their Ego?

It matters how we communicate about God when others are considering a relationship with their Creator. God often is said to be more concerned about their own honor and reputation than mainly concerned about others. God’s love surely is the same as supreme parents - other-directed not self-consumed. God's desire for glory is not for reasons as other gods are portrayed. To glorify God is to love oneself and others to the fullest. Parents may advise their children to honor them because abiding by a parent’s wish should be in the best interest of the child. God is not self-infatuated. God could care less about their ego.

Are human parents better lovers than God? Human parents don’t start loving their children after their sins are accounted for. Jesus didn’t die just so a holy God could finally forgive our sins. God forgave before Jesus was born. Jesus forgave sins during His life, not after His death. Jesus’ death was God’s walking in our shoes to convince us of a desire to have a relationship. The Cross was not to change God’s attitude toward us but to change our attitude about God. Parents must strive for a relationship so their children might consider their guidance. Jesus laid down His life in hopes to convince us God wanted a relationship for our benefit.

If God was so worried about their ego, God certainly would not have given us freedom. God staked their reputation in individuals and the nation of Israel in the beginning. God created us in their image so we might represent God to others. Many religions today suggest their god has no place for freedom. One either believes their way or suffers immediate extinction. The ancient gods demanded sacrifice to satisfy the god’s thirst. Are we going to suggest the God of Creation is the same as the other gods? The Old Testament writers sought to convey differences than commonalities with the other gods.

God doesn’t care about their ego! God desperately desires more to convey God’s love for us. A legalistic view of the Cross is ruining God’s reputation. God was not more concerned with restoring their honor than expressing a desire for a relationship. God did not have to be appeased by human sacrifice as the other Old Testament gods. A legalistic view implies God couldn’t love us until someone’s death accounted for our sins. If someone wronged me and the only way I could satisfy my anger and forgive was to kill my child, what does that say about me as a parent! God stubbornly continues to pursue us to enjoy a relationship together.

Does God Get Pissed When We Mess Up?

Why would anyone want to get to know a God who gets angry every time we do something wrong. That is a lot of anger because I don’t even live up to my own standards on a daily basis. I think of a relationship with God as similar to a relationship between a parent and their older child. A relationship with a younger child is different because they may not fully understand hitting or yelling at another child makes relationships impossible. As we mature most when inflicting verbal or physical harm on others understand the damage done.

It can be human nature for a parent to lash out in anger when an older child does something that is not in the best interest for themselves or others. Many parents though begin to realize such reactions don’t serve any helpful purpose. When a parent has established a relationship with their child, the child already feels they have disappointed others. This is similar for those who have decided a relationship with God is a worthwhile endeavor. We already have enough guilt. God doesn’t wish to pile on. We need to know God still cares about us and has not given up on us.

Does God not understand this relational insight and become angry every time we make a misstep? God is no different than parents who begin to realize they don’t have to heap on additional consequences. When ticketed for driving too fast we already have to pay a fine. When we treat others wrongly, we won’t have many friends. Parents with teenagers are often not able to have an influential relationship because they don’t allow a child to be self-guided while coming alongside to support. God too wants us to freely choose God’s ways if we come to understand they have our best interest in mind as does a loving parent.

A spouse has every right to feel anger and expect legal intervention when a partner strikes them and feels no remorse. But most reading this have a conscious. God wants us to know they hurt when we hurt. God doesn’t want us to feel distant because of how we think God feels. God wants us to know they desire to be an encourager in a time of need. God wants us to know they will never give up on us despite our failures. When we suggest God is angry all the time, we portray God as less of a lover than a human parent.

Did Jesus Oppose Divorce?

It is important what is conveyed about a supposed loving God’s thoughts on divorce and remarriage since so many are impacted. If God conceived of marriage, it is naturally to look to the Creator for guidance on such relationships. The Bible is not a book of rules, and if you mess up God is pissed. It is true there are consequences for our actions in marriage, but that is true for all relationships. What is also true is that God is by our side always wanting to help not live in the past but create a new future. Seek God’s help whether making amends or getting more involved in your kid’s lives.

Jesus didn’t sugarcoat the truth but Jesus never said God is only interested in a relationship if we live up to certain standards. Jesus said what we tell our children about divorce. Marriage for a lifetime is ideal for individuals and families (Mt. 19:6, Mk. 10:9). Who doesn’t know love isn’t kicking partners to the curb to enjoy your current fantasy whether in marriage, business, or friendship. But, Jesus is not in the condemnation business. Jesus simply encouraged the adulterous woman to leave a life of self-destruction for her own good (Jn. 8:11). Jesus didn’t blast the woman at the well for being married five times but offered a better way (Jn. 4:17-26).

Many are familiar with biblical texts on the subject, so for more of a detailed treatment of certain passages please see here. The Gospels accounts speak of the importance of marriage being for a lifetime. Matthew includes the sexual sin exception because his Jewish audience was familiar what the Old Testament said for this situation (Mt. 5:32, 19:9). Does the supposed Messiah not agree with laws given to Moses by God! Jesus agreed with Moses that sexual sins can lead to divorce, but Jesus’ would also say true regrets and forgiveness are always possibilities.

Jesus is often accused of saying any divorce, except for certain sexual betrayals, is a sin and to remarry is committing adultery. Moses’ circumstances lead him to address the issue of sexual sins driving a wedge through marriage, but any harmful action that a partner is unwilling to take responsibility for and change endangers a marriage. Make no mistake God hates divorce as often betrayal and injustice is involved (Mal 2: 16), but God doesn’t heap on the innocent and want the guilty to think new beginnings are not possible. Couples who care what God thinks have enough guilt. It is appropriate at times to emphasize the importance of the marriage commitment, but we shouldn’t go further than Jesus in advising what God may think in someone’s situation.

Paul’s teachings and applications appear to be the same as Jesus’. God isn’t preachy but desirous of behaviors always in our best interests. Jesus would never tell one to never divorce or remarry regardless of their circumstances. A spouse may need to divorce for their safety and for the safety of the children. Remarriage is best determined according to one’s circumstances. Jesus might suggest to young couples to not enter marriage with only one foot in the door. It is always better to be proactive in the beginning than reactive during challenges when making such a lifelong commitment. But, divorce is inevitable in a world where we have the freedom to be selfish rather than selfless. Spouses are not responsible for each other’s actions. Divorcing a spouse is not always selfish and divorce and remarriage can be God’s desire as well.

Can We Make Any Sense Of The “Law” In The Bible?

The Law is discussed practically everywhere you read in the Bible. The Law was a focal point for the Jewish people in the OT, and Jesus spoke of coming to fulfill the Law in the NT. All this Law talk can be confusing to readers of the Bible who don’t think of the Law as having anything to do with spirituality. It may help to understand how people in biblical times viewed the Law. They for whatever reason wanted their eulogy to read “they were a law abiding citizen.”

People during biblical times begin to focus on obeying the Law and offering sacrifices when messing up as the main way to please God. This never was God’s purpose for the Law. The Psalm speaks of God’s preference not for sacrifices or burnt offerings but a broken and contrite heart (51:16-17). Laws aren’t necessary in a perfect world. Who doesn’t know stealing is wrong. Laws simply are meant to protect against lawbreakers and rebels (I Tim. 1:9).

People in the Bible begin to look to the Law as ultimately judging their relationship with God. If I can just obey the Law I will be good enough in God’s eyes. But, the Law can’t legislate matters of the heart. The Law can tell us to not speed excessively by a car, but the law can’t tell us what to do when one is stranded in their car. The Law can tell us amends are necessary when wronged, but the Law can’t tell you to forgive that which can never be returned such as one’s reputation. The Law tells us what not to do, but am I a good lover if I just don’t beat my wife? The Law isn’t written to encourage to love your partner unselfishly at all times.

Should our goal in life be simply to not mistreat people? That should be a given. A higher goal is to go the extra mile in relationships and not just do enough. People hurt and often need to be shown mercy. Treating others like you want to be treated means when you are suffering, you want your friends to not always respond alike. Jesus came to tell us that striving to be good just isn’t enough in a broken world.

Jesus came to assure us that God is no different than earthly loving parents who will always love their children even when they fail. Though failures bring on consequences, parents never want always love o our wife e good enough in s the most important thing. ices were necessary, why people focused on the law their children to think it is too late to change no matter how many relapses. Jesus understood the Law has a purpose in a troubled world, but Jesus wanted us to know God loves us despite our failures, God forgives you, God desires to empower you to be the kind of person you deep down want to be, God seeks to influence you in going the extra mile by loving others like you want to be loved if in their circumstances.

Can Reading The Bible Be Simple And Worthwhile?

I use to think reading the Bible needed to be more of an academic task. It doesn’t have to be though. I will admit the Bible is hard to read. After all it was written to an audience other than you that lived thousands of years ago in a different land and culture. Too, the Apostle Paul was writing to people who lived during Jesus’ lifetime and knew Paul who knew the brother of Jesus and other eyewitnesses (Gal. 2:9). That is a different perspective than us readers who are looking backwards and wondering if a man named Jesus was who He claimed to be and if it matters.

We can read the Bible without getting all technical. Some enjoy reading the Bible with commentaries and other help sources at their disposal, though keep in mind interpretations are fallible. One way to avoid misrepresenting a writer’s intended meaning is by reading a letter in the New Testament as a whole. Verses in the Bible were only added after the 14th century, which can lead to taking sentences here and there to make a point not intended. We would hate if someone did that with our words in communicating what we said.

I read Paul’s letter to the Galatians in its entirety several times to see if there were any lessons for me. Paul claims Jesus, who was brought back alive after being dead, to be his authority (1:1). Jesus is the only religious leader to proclaim He would come back from the dead, but Paul’s readers living in the 1st century could more easily confirm such a claim. If one doesn’t believe the resurrection is a provable historical reality beyond reasonable doubt, one might also consider if Jesus’ message rings true. Jesus certainly was one who led by example and sacrifice. It is also significant that Paul and other followers risked their lives not for a future promise but a past event they could verify. Paul says Jesus “gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age… (1:4). What sins exactly did Jesus seek to impress upon us that need rescuing?

The Galatians were deserting from the message of Jesus that Paul had taught them (1:6). Paul then seeks to prove his calling by God so they might reconsider (1:10-2:10). A major theme throughout the letter is the Jews acting as if God favored them, and the Gospel was to force others to follow Jewish customs because God chose them over others (2:14). It is not favoritism when God chooses one nation to bless all nations (3:8). God doesn’t play favorites! Were the Jews tempted to emphasize the Law given to them by God because of a sense of entitlement that comes from such a privilege? Jewish religious leaders like the Pharisees seemed more concerned about their power because of the Law than if lives were changed.

By giving the Law undue importance, the Galatians were distorting the true Gospel. Besides, if the Law is the main thing there was no reason for Jesus to come down to earth. The problem is the Law can only condemn as we all are lawbreakers at one time or another (2:16). A focus only on the Law leads to us being only concerned with being legal and less concerned about being self-centered. Does the Law then not matter and we are free to do whatever the hell we want (2:17). Those who think like that don’t understand laws are to guide and protect from lawbreakers; laws are not made to change hearts.

Paul tries to convince his readers of the freedom we have in Christ (2:4). God doesn’t see us as Jews or Gentiles, or males or females or slaves or owners which was a good thing during Paul’s life (3:28). Paul keeps questioning the Jews about their main focus on laws (4:10). Customs and traditions don’t really lead to life transformations (5:1). God never intended others be required to abide by certain rules not in violation of the rights of others. Instead, with Jesus’ spirit we can focus on avoiding indulging in harmful ways that seem so natural (5:13). Jesus came to encourage us what the law can’t legislate – love your neighbor as yourself (5:14). Jesus desired to inspire us toward “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (5:23-24).

Paul clearly implies what Jesus came to rescue us from (1:4). Of course Jesus would encourage us to obey the law but there is more to life than being a law-abiding citizen. Jesus didn’t ask followers to sacrifice but then live in richness and not make the ultimate sacrifice Himself. Jesus didn’t force His beliefs on others, or be killed, as if true love can be forced. Be wary of those who suggest they are favored by God and insist on adhering to certain traditions. Jesus taught God doesn’t give up on us. Let’s don’t give up on others. God forgives us for our failures. Let’s forgive other when they fail. God never loses hope for us. Let’s not lose hope in others. Don’t you want to love others always as you want to be loved? Jesus came so you know God desires a relationship so you can feel loved, forgiven, encouraged, and empowered.

Should We Be Wary Of Forcing Certain Traditions Or Customs?

I read Galatians as a whole, since the author wrote it as a letter to be read, to see what might be its main warning. See here. Paul expressed concern to the Galatians that they were distorting the gospel that Jesus taught (1:6). They begin to insist all peoples follow their customs (2:17) and stressed special occasions as most important (4:10). The Jews in Galatia perhaps were tempted by a sense of entitlement that comes from receiving the Law from the Creator. The importance of the Law kept religious leaders such as the Pharisees in control.

Parents and religious leaders might be wary of traditions pushed on others. Parents may insist on certain careers, schools, or other decisions for their older children because it mostly comforts the parent. Such actions drown out more important things – a parent’s love and encouragement to be a loving person. We might push our understanding of true spirituality as a way to build up our own standing with God. Traditions push or highly encouraged by religious leaders give a church an identity for others to join, which is needed to fund salaries and keep the doors open.

Religions may try to control where and how people pray during the day. We may insinuate that people must attend a church if they are truly spiritual. The Bible never speaks of going to a church building but being “the” church to encourage others. To insist being baptized a certain ways implies there is only one way to be identified as a follower of Jesus. We emphasize the important of certain holidays which can lead to the lack of importance of every day. We insist on our interpretations of the Bible though most understand interpretations are possibly fallible.

Do traditions obscure what is more important? We can be seduced into thinking that attending church is all that matters and not how I treat others the rest of the days and hours not spent in church. Traditions forced can lead to thinking that God only loves me if I honor certain customs. God like any loving parent doesn’t love their children because of certain behaviors chosen. Parents even love their children when they act immoral though consequences are inevitable. Loving parents simply encourage children to discover how to make for a better world.

All traditions certainly aren’t the same. Any religion that is based on control than service toward others is not truly religious. God never insisted on belief or be destroyed; otherwise, why doesn’t a God powerful enough to create destroy immediately those who oppose by choosing evil. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus didn’t come to conquer but sacrificed His own life to influence others. Human or spiritual parents hope their children freely reciprocate their love. The God of the Bible surely is not like the supposed God of terrorists who thinks that controlling or destroying decisions results in true love. True life transformations are freely chosen.

Galatians warns of focusing on traditions instead of the true gospel of God. Jesus came to encourage us what the Law or traditions can’t encourage – loving your neighbor as yourself (5:14). God loves, forgives, never loses hope in us so that we might act the same toward others. Be wary of those who suggest they are favored by God and insist on adhering to certain traditions. The Jewish focus on the Law led to be being concerned with being legal and less concerned about being self-centered. All can speak to actions that violate the right of others; otherwise, God can personally guide individuals how to have a better life and benefit others.

Does God Have Any Sacred Beliefs Other Than…?

Does God demand we believe in Jesus and any asserted claim about Jesus according to the Bible to be loved and accepted? I don’t wish to undermine one’s cherished beliefs of the Christian faith, but we mustn’t impose any beliefs on others without considering how God would respond to doubts. I am not convinced a loving God lets any sacred belief interfere with the possibility of a relationship other than immoral beliefs that lead to the violation of others’ rights.

Churches and religions fuss over sacraments such as baptism or marriage, thus losing site of the main goal, but what about beliefs as to whether Jesus was both man and God or any other belief. Does God have non-negotiable beliefs? Focuses on such beliefs drown out the message Jesus came to proclaim. One can understand the intellectual complexities in insisting Jesus was both fully deity and fully human. Can one logically be both deity and not deity any more than being both married and a bachelor? Those of us who didn’t witness Jesus’ life on earth or speak to eyewitnesses may need to consider separately claims about Jesus and the message of Jesus.

Suggesting a loving God insists one can only come to God through Jesus is to ignore the realities of our world. John Hick in Who Or What is God rightly acknowledges: “…in the vast majority of cases, probably 98 or 99 per cent, the religion to which anyone adheres (or against which they rebel) depends upon where they are born. When someone is born into a Christian family they are very likely to become a Christian, whether practicing or nominal; when into a Muslim family, very likely to become a Muslim; if into a Buddhist family, to become a Buddhist – and so on round the world” (p. 73). Would a loving God judge people who have never heard about God of the Bible or who have a distorted view of God causing misbelief?

Jesus’ interactions with people did not suggest God has a litmus test regarding certain beliefs. Jesus didn’t insist the woman caught in adultery believe He was God but simply to go and leave your life of sin (Jn. 8:1-11). Jesus only felt the need to inspire the woman to consider doing what she knew was right in her heart. Zacchaeus, a tax collector, cheated people out of their money but decided to payback four times what he stole. Jesus responded: “Today salvation has come to this house” (Lk. 19:9). There was no formal confession. Jesus simply commended Zacchaeus for recognizing a life which avoids personal destruction and makes for a better world.

The only beliefs the Bible speaks out against are immoral beliefs which lead to the violation of the rights of others. Jesus didn’t speak out on divorce to condemn all but to defend one should enter marriage as if for a lifetime and kicking partners to the curb to enjoy your current desires is simply wrong. Who doesn’t tell their children the same? God authorized wars in Old Testament times when nations refused to live with others in peace and were involved in despicable practices such as child sacrifice. The only sacred belief Jesus spoke of was going the extra mile in loving others as you want to be loved, for such behaviors may be the only way to deter others from destruction. Seek revenge and destroy yourself and others from every changing their ways.

Religion leaders in biblical time and now, who focus on certain sacred beliefs, lead people from focusing on why Jesus came. Jesus’ only sacred belief was that our Creator loves and forgives us in hopes we may be the same toward others. Jesus taught God seeks to empower us toward a life of doing good and shunning evil in a troubled world. What does your heart say about Jesus’ message to love others as you wish to be loved? Jesus came to dispel any preconceived notions about God other than God desires a relationship so to help you be the person you deep down want to be. Many struggle with certain beliefs but are not ready to throw out Jesus’ message. Who is God and what is God’s message to you? Any other beliefs are between you and God.

Tag: is jesus the only way, was jesus god

What Do Sinners Have To Offer Others About God?

I am going to tell you something that is obvious to most already. Some people in the world don’t have much to do with God. They don’t spend a lot of time thinking about God. Well, I do and they still treat others better than me. Lots of non-God folks don’t have as many anxieties or bad habits as church-goers. What the Hell do God-folks have to offer them?

Unfortunately, many of us are taught we have an obligation to push God on others or they are doomed. The traditional understanding of Hell as a fiery pit awaiting non-God folks simply isn’t biblical. See here. Such an understanding can be very freeing to people who feel there is no way to rationalize a loving God who tortures people forever for beliefs formed over a few short years here on earth. Jesus while on earth didn’t force Himself on others though He believed in the message He shared and was willing to die by not denying such beliefs.

I don’t think Jesus was being dismissive when he said He came for those who wanted help (Mk. 2:17). The parable of the wandering sheep doesn’t suggest Jesus cares only about one who needs His help and not the other ninety-nine (Mt. 18:10-14). Jesus was never recorded as saying He came to condemn all regardless of their beliefs. He condemned the Pharisees for misrepresenting God’s message; otherwise Jesus simply wanted to help those who wanted help. Jesus desired to forgive those who sought it, to encourage those who felt hopeless, to empower those who looked to be a better person than they were.

Most of us don’t justify breaking laws, and we don’t rationalize taking advantage of others. I am though a better husband, father, friend, and person because of God’s influence. I want to always act in ways that encourage change not discourage regardless of the circumstances. Just as a parent’s love can inspire being true to your values despite how other treat you, God can empower us to go the extra mile when needed. It is not always natural to forgive despite one’s confessing their wrongdoing, but changes in the world often only happen when we are willing to forgive. A relationship with God, like many great friendships, can motivate, inspire, and encourage us to never give up trying to make a difference in the world.

So you don’t need help being more the kind of person you deep down desire to be. Great! You can hang around my children. Seriously though, if you want help with current regrets or having less regrets later in life, you seek hope of life after death, you need help with dealing with a challenging world, you want to not grow wary of not responding always alike how people treat you, then I invite you to get to know my God. God doesn’t force or ask people to force God on others. If you feel a nudge from God, seek out others who seem to have a healthy relationship with God. Hopefully, you won’t feel judged and are invited to have an open conversation to discuss any spiritual matters you wish.

What May Be The Main Reason Religion Is Not Having A Greater Impact?

Jesus obviously had very strong beliefs for He was willing to die than deny accusations. Jesus could have avoided His crucifixion by the authorities if He had only denied being the so-called Messiah. But, one would be hard pressed to determine any consistency in Jesus’ interactions with others that insisted on any litmus test of beliefs. Even Jesus twelve disciples, who were His most loyal followers, were not rejected for teetering back and forth in their beliefs about Jesus.

Jesus had every right to be upset with lots of folks. He performed miracles and people still didn’t believe. Under dire circumstances Jesus showed tremendous patience except for religious leaders who claimed to represent God. Their emphasis on adherence to certain beliefs to gain God’s approval was making religion self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees for demanding God required certain beliefs to be in good standing. A focus on beliefs than actions is misleading us what changes God desires the most for a better world.

One might speculate that one reason the Pharisees stressed the importance of certain beliefs was to keep them overseers and in power. I do not know the motives of all religious leaders today, but establishing certain beliefs gives churches an identity that pays the bills. Part of the challenge is that people demand leaders establish certain traditions or customs for their own comfort levels. People often vote for certain presidential candidates because a candidate implies there are easy beliefs to complicated world problems. We often get what we deserve.

One would be hard pressed to see one single belief that Jesus insisted upon that religions focus on today. Jesus didn’t push baptism with all those He interacted with. Jesus didn’t insist people call him God or believe He was son of God, though He never denied being the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. Jesus didn’t say all divorces are wrong or take a stance on same sex marriages. Jesus focused on changing the world by loving a neighbor like you want to be loved. This often requires going the extra mile since we and those we interact with don’t always act lovable. Anyone can love the lovable.

Jesus’ main concern was behaviors that hurt us individually or violate the rights of others. Religious leaders in biblical times and now, who focus on certain sacred beliefs, distract people from focusing on why Jesus came. Jesus’ only sacred belief was that our Creator loves and forgives us in hopes to inspire us to act the same toward others. Jesus taught God seeks to empower us toward a life of doing good and shunning evil. Jesus came to dispel any preconceived notions about God other than God desires a relationship so no matter our situation we don’t lose hope in being the kind of people we ought. Any other beliefs are between God and those who value God’s message.

Reading The Bible For Today - Turning The Other Cheek

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

I wrote previously about the above passage in Matthew 5. See here. It was only centuries later that the biblical authors’ writings were assign verses and chapters. This can lead to suggesting a meaning to a writer’s words that was not intended. It is best to read a book and letters in the Bible as a whole. Keep in mind the circumstances of the audience a writer is addressing. Applications for readers living centuries later may be different.

It is a good practice to first attempt to understand a writer’s meaning to the audience they are addressing. When discerning what Jesus’ meant by His words, it is helpful to keep in mind Jesus’ main message. I believe it is fair to suggest Jesus came to convey God’s love for each of us despite our failures, and God’s desire to encourage and support us in living out what we all secretly desire as a legacy – loving others like we want to be loved.

When reading Jesus’ words we might ask why Jesus offered such advice to support His mission. We can begin to think how we might apply Jesus’ words in our own life. Of course you have to decide if the message Jesus came to convey is worth believing and following. Jesus’ words seem always in our best interest if we desire to look back on our life with the fewest regrets.

• Jesus wasn’t necessarily condemning “eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” He was simply referring to the Law. Eye for eye can be a good thing. It protected the weak from the powerful who were seeking more than justice (i.e. revenge).

• Was Jesus saying we should always allow an evil person to continue to abuse us by turning the other cheek? That doesn’t seem likely. If Jesus’ words were intended to be applicable to every situation then why did Jesus attempt to defend Himself rather than simply turned the other cheek when slapped by an official (Jn. 18:23)?

• Was Jesus advocating we should always be willing to give all the clothes off our back? It seem more likely Jesus was not suggesting passivity but actually provoking possible ways to avoid continued violence. Restraint can sometimes lead to less violence as responding violently breeds more violence. It is possible Jesus was actually empowering the weak at that time who felt powerless against the unrestrained strong. The response suggested by Jesus can embolden to prove someone’s ridiculous cruelty.

• Did Jesus advise that we should always loan money to anyone who seeks to borrow from you? Doesn’t this contradict other advice in the Bible that says: “Warn divisive people once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them” (Titus 3:10).

Applications are different depending upon one’s circumstances. Wasn’t Jesus simply asking us to consider not always responding in natural ways? There are times that supernatural responses are the best way to change the world for the better. At other times we may seek justice to protect future victims. Don’t live in fear if you are pleasing your Creator. Read the Bible for possible ways to make a difference in this world as Jesus’ life did. Jesus wanted us to know that our Creator loves us and seeks to encourage us in making for a better world.

Did Jesus Die For His Beliefs Or Because of God’s Wrath?

I have written on this subject matter ad nauseam, but Jesus’ death is one of the most talked about events in history though it happened two thousand years ago. It is so important how we talk about why Jesus chose to die on the Cross for relevancy and influential reasons. The traditional atonement theory that suggests Jesus died to appease God’s sense of justice just doesn’t make moral or relational sense for many. Legal atonement explanations cause eyes to glaze over and not allow people to make a personal connection. Suggesting Jesus died for God than for us undermines Jesus’ unimaginable love as evidenced by His tremendous sacrifice.

Theologian John Calvin articulates for many a legal interpretation of Jesus’ death: “as Scripture teaches, that he was estranged from God by sin, an heir of wrath, exposed to the curse of eternal death, excluded from all hope of salvation, a complete alien from the blessing of God… then Christ interposed, took the punishment upon himself and bore what by the just judgment of God was impending over sinners; with his own blood expiated the sins which rendered them hateful to God, by this expiation satisfied and duly propitiated God the Father, by this intercession appeased his anger, on this basis founded peace between God and men, and by this tie secured the Divine benevolence toward them (Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book II, Chapter 16, para.2). Did Jesus die mainly to serve God?

Soldiers die for one another because they believe that the fight for freedom is worth it. Jesus, the miracle worker, could have somehow avoided His crucifixion. Jesus could have simply denied being the Messiah to save His skin. God could have overrun the Roman kingdom with God’s kingdom, but God knows authentic relationships only happen if chosen freely. Jesus was willing to die for a message He felt lead to true freedom. Jesus hoped others would follow in His footsteps in relationships to avoid self-destruction and destruction of others. Parents who believe their guidance is vital “walk the talk” to best influence their children in the long-run. Jesus was willing to die for a cause to gain moral authority to influence lasting world change.

The traditional theory of Jesus’ death doesn’t make moral sense. It was the gods in past history who demanded some type of sacrifice to appease their own desires for power and control. God distanced themselves from the other gods. What does it say about God who requires the blood of the innocent! A loving God only requires confessions of wrongdoings for this is truly what leads to less destruction and healing in relationships.

The traditional theory of Jesus’ death doesn’t make legal sense. Death can never make matters totally right. Death doesn’t resurrect the murdered. Death doesn’t wipe out childhood memories caused by a parent’s abuse. My going to jail for a friend’s wrongdoing doesn’t somehow exonerate my friend. Guilt is not somehow removed by someone else’s confession of a sin they didn’t commit. Why would Jesus say: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” if God thought sacrifice than confession lead to healing? (Mt. 9:13)

The Creator referred to a relationship with those created as a parent with their children. A parent’s greatest desire is simply a change in heart when children disobey. God’s holiness doesn’t require more than what a godly parent would. What is holier than divine forgiveness when one is remorseful? If God cannot forgive except by requiring the blood of an innocent man, why could Jesus forgive sins before He died on the Cross? Why did Jesus say God’s forgives sin when we forgive others (Mt. 6:14)? Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son illustrates a loving father forgives when a child recognizes their wrongdoing (Lk. 15). Jesus died in hopes we would embrace His message to avoid self-destruction and destruction of others in the world we live in.

Why Would A Loving God Approve Of Animal Sacrifice?

One can rightly question why a loving God would have anything to do with animal sacrifice. Some speculation is required for the Bible doesn’t directly answer all the questions one may ask. My suggestions will certainly not be satisfying to all. My goal in thinking and writing about this subject was to get a better understanding from possibly God’s perspective, though I admit it is easier to defend a God who rejects animal killings.

Cultures in Old Testament times were a significant consideration. Near eastern cultures such as the Canaanite religion had a very complicated sacrificial system. Israel surely borrowed and was influence by other religions. People worshipped human-made idols, thus the reason for the first two Commandments, and developed sacrificial ways to please their gods. The God of the Bible doesn’t always force the ideal on others. God knew the Israelites would continue to participate in sacrifices, so God set out to show a better sacrificial system from the other gods. God simply desires a contrite heart and amends when appropriate for the best interests of all.

It is not always wrong to participate in less than ideal situations when unable to convince others of our ideals. Most are not as offended as I am of the excepted practice of coaches yelling at their players, whether children or adults, for motivational reasons. I believe love and calmness rather than fear and loudness is the ideal way to inspire others. Players will excel and act in the interest of the team when convinced to do so is in their best interest. Anger is short-lived and relationally destructive. If I had the power to do so, I wouldn’t necessarily ban sports or coaches who yell. One reason that I coached young people was in hopes to demonstrate a better way.

I am convinced there were difference between God and the other gods who required sacrifice for their own gratification. God did not ask for sacrifice to get on God’s good side but to reveal the deadliness of wrongdoing relationally. God ask for worship not for self-gratification but loving God is loving others to the fullest. A parent should ask for respect if they truly have a child’s best interest in mind. In other religions sacrifices were often thought to feed the gods somehow through the aroma of the smoke. This maybe is why the Psalmist wrote that God doesn’t have to be fed (50:9-12). God never required child sacrifice like the Canaanite religions that sacrificed their children to appease their gods.

I would be remiss to not mention that Jesus was portrayed as the ultimate sacrifice, but did God require human sacrifice in the lives of Jesus and Isaac? Jesus’ death was not necessary to appease God and earn God’s forgiveness. But, Jesus was willing to die for His beliefs in hopes to convince others of His message. See here. Jesus came to clearly reveal what God was really like. Many translators advise “Now, take your son” (Gen. 22:2) in the Hebrew language suggests God is making more of a plea than demand of Abraham. Other gods commanded obedience. Abraham may not have known this was a test but the writers of Genesis, who oversaw the writing of the first five books of the OT, knew God condemned child sacrifice (Lev. 20:2). In the story Isaac, who was possible in his twenties, was not killed. It is plausible to think God had no intentions of letting Abraham kill Isaac, for it was the other gods who demanded child sacrifices.

Most offerings after an animal is sacrificed and cooked on the altar was eaten as a shared meal or offered to the priests. This may not have always been the case with burnt offerings but often animals were eaten (Deut:12:7). Animals were never tortured but carefully prepared for sacrifice. One could argue that that slaughtering livestock for sacrificial purposes is similar to slaughtering animals for food today. No doubt there were many crazy laws surrounding sacrifices. God was only using sacrifice and extreme animal cleanliness to point toward the important of heart cleanliness. Confession, contriteness, and amends are what lead to healing in relationships.

God did not require sacrifice from the beginning but accepted the hand dealt to point toward the importance of unselfish living. Sacrifice was a means to an end as David wrote that God delights more in a broken and contrite heart and not sacrifices (Ps. 51:16-17). Hosea states that God desires mercy not sacrifice as the Israelites perhaps begin to pervert the purposes for sacrifices (Hosea 6:7). Laws and rituals are not the end all but means to reveal the condition of one’s heart. God only desires to destroy self-centeredness which ruins lives and the world we live in. The sacrificial system of the OT was meant to lead us toward the path of true love.

Why Must We Have A Spiritual Focus?

Many people believe the way they do about religion because of where they were born or the family they were born into. Many either follow or rebel against the religion we are surrounded by. If born in a Muslim family we are most likely to become a Muslim; if born in a Christian family we are more likely to become a Christian. I am not convinced any religion has a responsibility to convert others to their beliefs rather than encourage actions for a better world.

I am convinced all people need some kind of spiritual focus to guide them in their relationships. Jesus and most of the great religious leaders all had the same message which focused on treating others like you want to be treated. One can raise a family or a nation on such a foundation. Reality also insists we must consider when we or others don’t act lovable. If we don’t put ourselves in another person’s circumstances and act accordingly, the world will never make much progress. Relationships will thrive the most when having a spiritual plan as to how we will love others like we want to be loved.

If you can’t buy into the whole Jesus and Bible thing, don’t throw Jesus’ message out as well. At least have some type of spiritual guide in all you do. One would be hard pressed to argue that Jesus insisted upon any belief other than loving your neighbor as you want to be loved. Jesus encouraged resisting behaviors that lead to personal or relationship destruction. Christian leaders who insist on certain sacred beliefs distract people from focusing on why Jesus came. Jesus’ only sacred belief was that our Creator loves and forgives us and desires to inspire us to act the same toward others. Jesus taught God seeks to empower us to do good and shun evil.

I believe because of the family I grew up in that Jesus was the person predicted in the Old Testament coming to correct distorted beliefs about our Creator. I am convinced God’s message to us is recorded in the pages of Scriptures. My beliefs, often considered Christian, bring me comfort but they may not others. Most important is the message of treating others like you want to be treated, not if you claim adherence to a certain religion or follow certain rituals. If you are able to believe in a Creator, simple determine how a loving God would guide in relationships. Find ways to discuss your spiritual health like you would your physical or emotional health.

A powerful component of Christianity is that Jesus spoke of God as our spiritual Parent who can empower us to make for a better world, just as a parent’s love can inspire us to be the person we desire to be deep down. God’s example of forgiveness toward me empowers me to be open to forgiving others. Parents always stand by a child’s side no matter the past in hopes their child will change for their good beginning today. God doesn’t want us to lose hope no matter our failures. We may not always understand why God doesn’t protect us from underserved suffering, but God is no stranger to such suffering.

Many people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about God. Well, I do and they still treat others better than me. Lots of non-God folks don’t have as many anxieties or bad habits as church-goers. I am though a better husband, father, friend, and person because of God’s influence. I am convinced all are better off with a spiritual influence. Some success I had as a parent was because I sought to emulate God in relationships who doesn’t control for the sake of authentic relationships. I have messed up in my marriage, but I was always influenced to confess wrongdoings and make amends as best I could. I am motived to encourage not discourage others.

Why Do Non-Religious Spiritual People Avoid Spiritual Discussions?

Many people are spiritual-minded but avoid spirituality discussions for good reasons. It may surprise many of the Christian faith that when Jesus was asked how to have eternal life, He simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). This is not exactly a typical evangelistic spiel. God is not egotistical but Jesus understood loving God is being empowered to love others to the fullest. Few object to the notion of treating others like you want to be treated, so we must have discussions without all the trappings of supposed sacred beliefs.

Followers of Christianity may deter people from spiritual discussions because of the goal to convert others to their religion and beliefs. People often reject dogmatic beliefs rather than the message of loving your neighbor as yourself with the help of God. Jesus’ interactions with others didn’t suggest that God had a litmus test of beliefs. Jesus’ only sacred belief was that our Creator loves and forgives us in hopes to inspire us to act the same toward others. Jesus taught God seeks to empower us toward a life of doing good and shunning evil. People don’t need to be converted; people need to be encouraged to have conversations how to love in their relationships.

Followers of Christianity also deter people by how they conduct business. The Bible does not encourage divisions among followers - Baptists, Methodists, Protestants, Catholics, etc. Religious people fight over their different doctrines, yet all supposedly believe in the same message of loving your neighbor as yourself. Why would anyone seeking spiritual guidance seek help from people that can’t get alone? We have enough conflict in our families, friendships, and places of work. Christianity or any religion is better off without buildings with names on them. We simply need people meeting with one another to encourage each in their spiritual walk.

Some many reject God because portrayals don’t make moral or relational sense. Some insist God is a sadistic torturer by insisting Hell is real in the Bible. Some religious suggested God is gender bias by insisting men have authority over women. Biblical interpretations that don’t convey what a loving God should be like are suspect. All are capable of knowing what a loving God is like similar to knowing right from wrong. God is not some immoral, irrational Being. Views of God must be discussed gracefully so each may work out their own convictions. Interpretations are fallible so we mustn’t declare our opinions are the truth. We should focus on the message of how we can we love others in a troubled world with the help of one another and God.

Those who don’t pursue God are often accused of being internally rebellious. I suggest the main reasons may be because of the way spirituality is presented and lived out. Spiritual conversations are as important as physical or emotional health conversations, but one’s goal to convert or push certain beliefs deters such exchanges. It is also important that spiritual minded people who wish to encourage others confess wrongdoing, seek forgiveness, and make necessary amends in relationships. We need to stop judging others, if they aren’t violating the rights of others, and focus on living up to our own standards. If one is looking for an excuse to not be more spiritual-minded, hang for me a day for I never live out my values completely. But, we aren’t going to believe in any cause if we are waiting for others to fail.

I doubt anyone who has read this lacks character. I just am convinced having a spiritual compass is essential in our relationships and making for a better world. I am not normally a bad guy but I am a better person because of having a spiritual focus. I believe I had more success as a parent because I sought to emulate God who doesn’t control for the sake of authentic relationships. I have messed up in my marriage, but God has taught me the importance of confessing, taking responsibility and making amends as best I could. I am not quite sure how to explain but a relationship with God, who loves and forgives us, can inspire us to act the same toward others, to not give up being an encourager than discourager, to not give up doing good and shunning evil.

Can One Be Spiritual But Not Religious?

Religions by seeking converts are conveying one must be religious in order to be spiritual. Jesus was more concerned with the religious not being spiritual. Jesus’ biggest grip was with religious leaders who distorted who God is by insisting on certain beliefs. Jesus’ only sacred belief was that our Creator loves and forgives us and desires to inspire us to act the same toward others. A life of self-centeredness is personally and relationally destructive and not going to make for a better world. Spirituality is simply striving to love others like we want to be loved.

Jesus was never a part of any religion. Jesus never referred to followers as Christians. Jesus never ever suggested we go to “a” church. Unfortunately, people who supposedly believe in the same message of loving your neighbor as yourself divide into their separate buildings (i.e. Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Methodists, etc.). They establish certain rules or customs you must follow to join which drowns out the message. Jesus simply taught God seeks to empower us toward a life of doing good and shunning evil.

One is not spiritual because they go to church or because they have certain beliefs about God. The religious tend to communicate their beliefs as truth, but views of God are fallible so each individual must work out their beliefs about God with God. We must though be able to talk about our spiritual health as much as our physical or emotional health. People don’t need to be converted or attend a church; we need relationships where we can discuss becoming the type of person we deep desire want to be.

Many may struggle for rational reasons to believe there is a Creator. For those who believe there is a Creator, I am convinced God desires to support us in our pursuit of loving others like we want to be loved. In a troubled world being law-abiding citizens is great but not enough. God never loses hope in us despite our failures and hopes we will do the same for others. God always loves and forgives us despite our imperfections in hopes we will treat others the same. God seeks to empowers us to be encourages than discourages for change.

Why Do Religions Such As Christianity Need To Get Out Of The Conversion Business?

Religions that don’t advocate the violation of the rights of others may have good motives when attempting to persuade others of their beliefs. I will discuss Christianity since I am most familiar with those beliefs. Having the goal of conversion often leads to people getting hung up on accepting certain beliefs which hinders important spiritual discussions. Spiritual discussions become taboo unlike physical or emotional health discussions. Few object to the importance of treating others like you want to be treated, so we must find ways to have such discussions in more natural ways. There is no more important discussion than how we can be more loving.

The majority of people born have lived and died without any knowledge of the Bible or who Jesus was. It is suspect that a loving God insists all believe in the Christian God they have never heard about. Neither must we convert to Christianity those who possess a Bible. John Hick offers a relational view of a loving God in a pluralistic world where people have never heard of Jesus or have a distorted view of God: “Consider the belief that there is an ultimate transcendent Reality which is the source and ground of everything; that this Reality is benign in relation to human life; that the universal presence of this Reality is humanly reflected ('incarnated') in the lives of the world's great spiritual leaders; and that among these we have found Jesus to be our principal revelation of the Real and our principal guide for living (The Metaphor of God incarnate, 187).

Religion conversations do not have to proceed: “Do you believe in God? Do you believe Jesus was the Son of God and died to save you from your sins? Do you believe that the Bible is God’s inspired communication to us? Will you confess your sins, believe, and begin to go to church?” I would suggest very few react positively or are persuaded with such an approach unless they are choosing to attend an evangelistic meeting in the first place. If one was less worried about converting others to their beliefs the conversation may be totally differently.

We often need to have discussions such as: “How are you doing spiritually or in relationships?” Do you agree the pursuit of loving others like you want to be loved is important? How do you think one can best stay on course in such a challenging world?” I am not suggesting such conversations be forced or that conversations have any hidden agenda other than encouraging one another to be less self-centered. All leaders of the main religions best have one main message – loving your neighbor as yourself – so relationships can better heal and thrive.

The world can be a much better place when more people are actively pursuing less selfish lives. Attempting to convert people to a set of beliefs is drowning out the message. I get why certain Christian beliefs are difficult to accept for many. Christianity often insists Jesus was God in person but logically how can one be deity and not deity? Does it really matter one’s beliefs on such matter rather than the message of how to make the world a better place to live in. Let’s discuss Jesus’ wisdom on such matters or any other credible person who may represent Truth. The question is did Jesus or anyone speak truthfully of what a loving God desires for us.

Jesus seemed to care less about certain beliefs and more about the importance of loving your neighbor as yourself. Jesus conveyed that God desires to help us in this endeavor. What would Jesus do if someone said I don’t believe you are the one prophesized, or I don’t believe you are going to resurrect in three days physically? Even Jesus’ disciples did not have to pass a litmus test of sacred beliefs. I get why people 2000 years later don't necessarily think that Jesus resurrected. But, we still must discuss how to have better relationships in a troubled world. Jesus encouraged resisting behaviors that lead to personal or relationship destruction. Jesus’ only sacred belief was that our Creator loves and forgives us and desires to inspire us to act the same toward others. Jesus taught God seeks to empower us to do good and shun evil.

No loving God imposes their views on others if the rights of others are not being violated. If you currently can’t believe in a God or Creator, they how do you think we can best love one another? It seems to me there is a lot of spiritual passivity in this world. Let’s remove reasons for such behaviors because we are arguing over beliefs rather than how we can have more loving relationships. It is difficult to argue that the motivation to love your neighbor is wrong-minded. I do not wish to undermine those who believe in a Creator. Loving parents, as God, can be an inspiration to their children in being the person they desire to be deep down. God’s love and forgiveness can be our necessary nourishment that leads to life transformations. But, we must have spiritual conversations if the world is going to have more positive changes.

Are God’s Morals Ours Or Can God Do Whatever The Hell God Wants?

Many cannot respect or desire a relationship with a Creator that plays by different moral rules than advised to those created. Many argue out of respect that God can do what they want because they are God. Many who believe the Bible is God’s inspired words written down may suggest God lives by a different standard because of their interpretations of Scriptures. I believe many interpretations are misguided; therefore, we can assume God’s morals are the same as perfect human morals. Most understand loving parents, include God, don’t say do as I say not as I do.

It is hard to believe a loving God would actual tortures people forever for beliefs they had while a short time on earth. God doesn’t! No such place as Hell exists according to the Bible. Jesus used the Greek word Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell, to warn against self-centeredness. Parents warn children similarly of paths of destruction. Gehenna, a real valley never Jerusalem, had a history of slaughtered bodies. Jesus taught spiritual death is even worse than physical death (Gehenna). See here. Jesus never taught people can be scared into true righteousness. Love and mercy from our Creator is necessary to do good and shun evil.

It is unthinkable for many to think God believes half the world (women) are to be under the authority of men in home or religious settings. Jesus never said any human needs a mediator between them and God. Men are already prone to dominate and need no such encouragement. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal. Jesus encouraged equality between the sexes and mutual respect against culture norms. The Apostle Paul advised husbands to love their wives as their own bodies. Some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that.

God is accused of being a lover of war. There are some difficult passages, but do we really think God desired war over peaceful alternatives. God is charged with approving ethnic cleansing but no enemy of Israel was every totally annihilated. God has respected freedom of beliefs from the very beginning; otherwise, God who is powerful enough to create would annihilate immediately those who oppose God by choosing evil. Wars often are unavoidable when other nations have no desire to live in peace but to impose their beliefs. Wars often lead to innocent people dying but do nations simply stand by while others prepare to attack or torture their own people.

God does not claim the right to play favorites but not humans. Israel was not favored over other nations like a parent may favor one child at the expense of other siblings. It isn’t favoritism when all benefit. God chose one nation to bless all nations through the life of Jesus. Some may be familiar with the suggestion that God foreordains or elects ahead of time those who will be allowed into heaven after death. It is immoral to most to suggest God chooses some over others regardless of their beliefs. God s grace does not have a quota!

The Creator referred to a relationship with those created as a Parent with their children. Communication simply breaks down when a parent doesn’t live by moral standards they encourage for others. How can we discern to follow God’s example unless God clarifies each action if appropriate for humans or not? It doesn’t make rational or relationship sense why God would not demand of themselves what actions they demand of us. God intended their words and their actions to convey how to live a life worth living.

Who Is Spiritual And How Can We Encourage More Spirituality?

We need as many people as possible to be spiritual-minded for a better world. The conversation of spirituality should not be any more taboo than pursuing physical or mental health. One does not have to be religious in order to be spiritual. Jesus, whose message started the Christian movement, was more concerned with the religious not being spiritual. Jesus never referred to followers as Christians or insisted on certain beliefs. Jesus simply spoke about the importance of spirituality by striving to love others like we want to be loved. Are you spiritual?

The truth is most religions have one message - loving your neighbor as yourself – so relationships can better heal and thrive. Some may join a certain religion to be encouraged in such a pursuit. People don’t need to be converted or attend a church if that is not their preference. Few reject the importance of loving others like you want to be loved. I am not suggesting such conversations be forced or friends have any hidden agenda. We need relationships though where we can discuss becoming the type of person we deep desire want to be.

It is suspect that a loving God insists all believe in the Christian God when the majority of people born have lived and died without any knowledge of the Bible or who Jesus was. A loving God is neither going to judge people who have a distorted belief of God which may lead to misbelief. We may only have important spiritual conversations when accepting more of a relational view of a loving God in a pluralistic world: “Consider the belief that there is an ultimate transcendent Reality which is the source and ground of everything; that this Reality is benign in relation to human life; that the universal presence of this Reality is humanly reflected ('incarnated') in the lives of the world's great spiritual leaders; and that among these we have found Jesus to be our principal revelation of the Real and our principal guide for living (John Hick, The Metaphor of God incarnate, 187).

Some may not pursue spirituality because it is insisted one must believe in God to be spiritual. The first chapter of Romans in the Bible is used to suggest that all people that don’t believe in God are simply suppressing what God has clearly revealed to them. The passage is referring to those who believed in a God but ignored, so they could continue in their wicked ways. There are many rational reasons why one may find it hard to believe in an invisible God. Let’s not accuse those who believe as needing a crutch and those that don’t believe of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times. Not believing in God doesn’t have to be a reason for not pursuing spirituality.

Many believe the way they do because of the family they were born into. If born in a Muslim family we are most likely to become a Muslim; if born in a Christian family we are more likely to become a Christian. Some have had poor role models and is understandable they want nothing to do with a God who is portrayed as a parent. Being religious is not the same as being spiritual. One may join any religious group or non-religious group. All that matters is that we find relationships to be encourages to pursuit loving others like we want to be loved.

Some may equate spirituality with believing in certain portrayals of God that don’t make moral or relational sense of a loving God. It can be too much for some to stomach a God who supposedly burns people forever if they don’t believe in God. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Some religious suggested God is gender bias by insisting men have authority over women. Individual interpretations of the God of the Bible are not infallible. We can though know what a loving God is like similar to knowing right from wrong. Views of God must be discussed gracefully so each may work out their own convictions. We best focus on the message of how we can we love others in a troubled world with the help of one another and God if we believe in a God.

I am not suggesting being spiritual and being a law-abiding citizen are the same. Laws protect the innocent and it is reasonable to expect we all obey such laws. But, the Law can’t legislate matters of the heart to address the realities of our world. The Law can tell us amends are necessary when wronged, but the Law can’t tell you to forgive that which can never be returned such as one’s reputation. The Law can require we not speed excessively by a car, but the law can’t tell us what to do when one is stranded in their car. People hurt and often need to be shown mercy. Treating others like you want to be treated means when you are suffering, you want your friends to not always respond alike. Striving to be good just isn’t enough in a broken world.

I am discouraged but what seems to be a lot of spiritual passivity in this world. Let’s remove reasons for such behaviors because we are arguing over certain beliefs. It is difficult to argue that the motivation to love your neighbor is wrong-minded. We must all be in pursuit of being the person deep down we desire to be. I do not wish to undermine those who believe in a Creator. I am bias in what a relationship with God can do. Loving parents, as God, can be an inspiration to their children in being the person they desire to be deep down. God’s love and forgiveness can be our necessary nourishment that leads to life transformations. God’s support can help us not grow weary of doing going and shunning evil.

What’s The Problem With Claiming Spiritual Certainty?

I still hold to many traditional Christian beliefs, but I am not convinced trying to convert others to such beliefs is impacting the world in the way God hopes. Our agenda in converting others to our beliefs is not getting others to talk about how we can better love our neighbors. I do not apologize for suggesting we need more spiritually minded people. Anyone can love the lovable. In a troubled world there is also a need for mercy and forgiveness so healing can take place.

Some are certain there is a God but others may find it hard to believe in an invisible God. This doesn’t mean people are suppressing what God has clearly revealed to them. There are many rational reasons why one may find it hard to believe in an invisible God. Let’s not accuse those who believe as needing a crutch and those that don’t believe of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times. Not being certain about God doesn’t have to be a reason for not pursuing spirituality.

Many are certain the Bible is God’s infallible words to us through selected writers. Many non-rebellious, spiritual scholars do not believe the gospels always record Jesus exact words but writers may have put words in Jesus’ mouth to express their interpretation of who Jesus is. Most can agree what a loving God is like similar to agreeing on what is moral or immoral behavior. We don’t have to convince others of what we may believe. What we need is to have graceful conversations so to work out our own convictions. We do know any view that leads to the violation of the rights of others is wrong.

Attempts to convert others to certain beliefs are not working. Church folks often do more harm than good when evangelizing others. People leave with even more of a negative perception of God. When people have hidden agendas and conversations are forced on others, we ruin chances of encouraging others to consider the importance of spirituality. Asking one if they believe Jesus died for their sins is a much different conversation than mutually discussing our desires to love others like we want to be loved.

People are leaving churches for a reason. Church attendance isn’t rising. People are just changing churches when a new show is in town. Jesus was absolutely convinced God’s ways lead to changes in relationship and in the world. Divorce often is necessary to protect the innocent party from the guilty. Jesus though did confront the mentality that it is ok to kick your partner to the curb to enjoy your current fantasy. This is wrong in marriage, business, or friendship. Such behaviors seem as prevalent among church-goers as those that don’t go to church. People don’t need to be converted or attend a church. People need to find relationships where they can be discuss becoming the type of person we need to become and often desire to be.

What I am certain about is we must pursue being more spiritual. Such conversations must not be forced on others, but I am convinced such discussions happen more if one less worried about converting others to their beliefs. Few object to the importance of treating others like you want to be treated. I am bias in what a relationship with God can do. Loving parents, just as God, can be an inspiration and support in a challenging world. God’s love and forgiveness can be our necessary nourishment that leads to life transformations. But, all leaders of the main religions have one main message – loving your neighbor as yourself – so relationships can heal and thrive.

What’s One Assumption Hurting God’s Reputation The Most?

God could have a greater impact in the lives of others if we avoided one main assumption about God’s agenda. Most know Jesus main message was to love your neighbor as yourself, but people typically enter conversations about God with the mentality “first things first.” Christianity over the centuries has taught that Jesus came to save us from God’s wrath. God is portrayed as being more concerned with their reputation and honor than love and well-being of their children.

When people talk about God initially, they may suggest one must first believe in God and be saved from God’s justice; otherwise, one risks going to Hell than Heaven. We must confess our sins and accept Jesus’ death as our necessary punishment in God’s eyes. Jesus did not have a list of beliefs required of His disciples before encouraging them to follow Him. Jesus’ interactions with others didn’t suggest certain steps one must take before taking to heart His message. Jesus simply encouraged all to never grow wary of doing good and shunning evil to avoid destruction.

Do we really think Jesus rejected those who expressed doubt if He was the one prophesized or even if there was a God? Jesus certainly defended Himself to those who believed in some kind of God. There are many rational reasons why one may struggle with believing in an invisible God, but whether one believes in a God or not doesn’t prove God exists or not. Jesus clearly was sensitive to others by allowing the freedom to believe or not believe on one’s own timetable.

What Jesus didn’t tolerate and spoke out against was destructive behaviors. What parent doesn’t warn their children of behaviors that are self-destructive? I am open-minded but any beliefs that violate the rights of others are immoral. Any belief that says it doesn’t matter how I treat others as long as I am happy is disastrous. One has a right to believe that, but I wouldn’t be wrong warning you won’t have many friends and your children won’t visit when you are older. The only reasons you might have friends or children visit is because they are financially dependent on you. You will never experience the deepest joy in relationships because how you treat others.

Conversations should never be forced but there should be no hidden agendas when encouraging one another to be more the people we deep down desire to be. How can our relationships better heal and thrive? In a troubled world being law-abiding citizens is great but not enough. We must be encouraging and forgiving people. Jesus’ sought to convey that our Creator loves and forgives us despite our failures in hopes we will treat others the same. It matters to some how their Creator’s feels about them. Jesus didn’t come to save God’s reputation but to save us from ourselves!

Do We Always Forgive The Guilty Though They Deny Wrongdoing?

We may do more harm than good when insisting others forgive no matter the circumstances because God said so! Victims can feel more victimized, and feel God must not understand their pain, when told to forgive despite their abuser denying any wrongdoing. The guilty don’t need our actions to minimize the pain they have caused. I will survey a few situations mentioned in the Bible and attempt to draw some conclusions.

Jesus wasn’t suggesting passivity in every situation when He said to turn the other cheek (Mt. 5:39). Jesus defended Himself rather than simply turned the other cheek when slapped by an official (Jn. 18:23). There are times when supernatural responses are the best way to change the world for the better. Restraint can sometimes lead to less violence as violence breeds more violence. At other times we may seek justice to protect future victims. The Bible doesn’t suggest a spouse continue to allow their partner to beat them or that soldiers can’t protect themselves.

Suggesting we must forgive no matter the circumstances or the heart of the guilty can lead to more pain for the innocent who God desires to defend. Sometimes, the Bible suggests forgiveness is conditional on have a repentant heart: “If a brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them” (Lk. 17:3). God is said to forgive us if we forgive others (Mt. 6:14). This surely illustrate that the sincerity of the guilty is in doubt when they are unwilling to forgive others. They clearly don’t recognize the pain they have caused others or they would forgive others to relieve them of such horrific pain.

Read Jesus’ words in Matthew 11 to those who were denying the obvious – Jesus’ miracles. Jesus didn’t think this audience needed to hear about God’s forgiveness. They had no regrets. Warnings often keep one from heading down a path of destruction. When Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees for distorting who God really was, He didn’t speak of forgiveness though surely if any of the religious leaders wanted to change their tune Jesus would have accepted with open arms.

One may refer to what Jesus said on the Cross: "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” (Lk. 23:34). Jesus’ words are not found in earlier manuscripts but it would not be surprising at all if He said these words on the Cross. These were extraordinary circumstances. Jesus knew He was fixing to enter the presence of God. Jesus appears to be forgiving spiritual blindness. Some behaviors are less willful and more due to spiritual ignorance. Jesus wasn’t always quick to forgive willful, rebellious behavior. Each circumstance can be unique.

Many may be familiar with the unforgivable or unpardonable sin (Mt. 12: 31-32). Most scholars agree those who committed the unpardonable sin at the time of the above writing were those who refused to accept the witness of the Holy Spirit to who Jesus was, even accusing Him of being demon possessed. They weren’t seeking Jesus’ forgiveness. The Bible also is clear that those who deny and accuse Jesus but then seek forgiveness, Jesus welcomes them with open arms.

We must use our brain and heart when it comes to forgiveness. Our head may tell us to seek revenge which can thwart possibilities of the guilty truly regretting their behaviors thus leading to more victims. Our head may tell us to never forgive regardless leading to bitterness destroying us. Each person is capable of seeking God and making their own choices. Some may forgive though the guilty deny any wrongdoing. We can’t always know if the guilty truly regret their actions. We may forgive but avoid certain relationships for emotional protection. God wants us to use common sense in difficult relationship situations. There are times to overcome evil with good or there may never be change. There are times that love means seeking justice for victims.

What If God Isn’t A Misogynistic, Blood Thirsty, Homophobic Kind Of God?

I always hope that if one’s views of God changes, they may be more open to God or at least spiritual matters. Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion says: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” I get why some may accuse God of some of these behaviors after reading the Bible. I think God is “God-enough” to handle the criticism.

Is God an unforgiving control-freak? There is no evidence in the Bible that God sends people to Hell eventually if they don’t believe in God. God has respected freedom of beliefs from the very beginning; otherwise, God who is powerful enough to create would annihilate immediately those who oppose God by choosing evil. God forgives those who forgive others (Mt. 6:14). Those who seek forgiveness but are unwilling to forgive others clearly don’t recognize the pain they have caused others, or they would quickly forgive others to relieve them of such horrific pain.

Is God really a misogynist who hates or doesn’t trust women? I doubt God would suggest women be under the authority of men rather than mutually submissive, especially when men are prone to dominate women anyway. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning. Nations thereafter chose to be patriarchal. God simply doesn’t impose their will on others. Jesus was a male, but if people already didn’t listen to Jesus do you think they would listen to a female Jesus? Jesus encouraged equality between the sexes against culture norms. Religious extremists would read be dead than advise husbands to love their wives as their own bodies as the Apostle Paul did.

Is God really a bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser? No one nation or religion was ever wiped out in the Bible. God was always willing to live in peace, but war is unavoidable when others impose their beliefs by violating the rights of others. Do nations simply stand by while others prepare to attack or torture their own people? But, the Bible quotes God saying: “Now go, attack the Amalekites…put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys” (I Sam. 15:3). Rhetoric is often used (i.e. evil must be dealt with come hell or high water) to embolden the victor or inspire fear in the enemy. It is plausible the OT writers used hyperbole language for effect. The Israelites didn’t hunt down those fleeing, but families may stand by their man despite immorality. It is not always possible to avoid destruction of life.

Is God really homophobic? Biblical passages against homosexuality were in the context of infidelity or violence such as rape. Who doesn’t know that any sexual behaviors that are mindless, selfish, uncommitted engagements, as opposed to consensual monogamous relationships, are wrong? I personally don’t believe the Bible address monogamous homosexual relationships. Each can seek God’s voice in their personal, sex life. Church folks condemn gay relationships but they get divorced half the time. One best examine their own life before condemning gay couples who are committed.

Is God really a filicide who approved killing their child? Jesus’ death was not necessary to appease God; Jesus was willing to die for His beliefs in hopes to convince others of His message. Soldiers die for one another because they believe that the fight for freedom is worth it. Jesus could have simply denied being the Messiah to save His skin. God could have overrun the Roman kingdom with God’s kingdom, but God knows authentic relationships only happen if chosen freely. Jesus was willing to die for a message He felt lead to true freedom rather than personal and worldly destruction. What does it say about God if requiring the blood of the innocent! A loving God only requires confessions of wrongdoings for this leads to healing.

Is God really a sadomasochist by enjoying inflicting physical and mental suffering on people? It is hard to believe a loving God would actual tortures people forever for beliefs they had while a short time on earth. God doesn’t! No such place as Hell exists according to the Bible. Jesus used the Greek word Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell, to warn against self-centeredness. Parents warn children similarly of paths of destruction. Gehenna, a real valley never Jerusalem with a history, was used by Jesus to illustrate spiritual death is as bad as physical death (Gehenna).

Do you have any beliefs about God that keep you from wanting a relationship with God? There may be plausible, biblical, interpretations that don’t suggest God is an unforgiving control-freak; a misogynist; a bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a homophobic; or a filicidal, sadomasochistic kind of God. I just don’t think it is possible that a loving God would be guilty of any of these behaviors. If we are created in God’s image, we would not understand such behaviors are immoral in our own relationships. If you are aware of any beliefs that prevent you from being more open-minded about God in your life, I encourage you to identify them and seek to find answers. God may not be your problem.

Is There Any Justification For God’s Warrior Behavior?

I will admit I frequently try to protect God’s reputation without throwing out the Bible. The Bible seems full of wisdom, but one can understand why some may not want to have a relationship with God according to some of God’s actions in Old Testament times. I think terrorist activities today give us some perspective. Maybe nations that surrounded Israel had a lot in common with terrorists today.

God is often accused of genocidal behaviors in the Old Testament. Terrorists today do not conceal their desire or intention to make extinct any people that do not change their beliefs. There is biblical evidence that God was an advocate of freedom and never commanded the nation of Israel to destroy others for not converting to belief in and practices of their God. Many biblical texts suggest God was very willing to live in peace with surrounding nations if only they were willing. When war was necessary there is no evidence God approve of beheadings or burning people after captured.

The Bible is clear God didn’t choose Israel to oppose other nations. God choose Israel and sought to preserve them as a nation so to bless all nations. God desired Israel to be an example for other nations how to best survive and thrive. Can you imagine nations who actually lived by the Ten Commandments! God can only preserve Israel without harm to others if others are willing to live in peace rather than always planning to attack.

What was the big deal about God and idols? God often insisted the Israelites remain separate from others nations that worshipped human-made idols. Other nations developed sacrificial ways to please their gods that often included killing their own sons and daughters. We get mad if God doesn’t interfere with our suffering but don’t respect a God who interferes with our freedom. God knew Israel would be influenced by evil practices and the only way to protect Israel from themselves at times was to insist on not mixing with other nations. Maybe there must always be a first time for God to intervene in this way to set the example for future nations.

There are plausible explanations without throwing the Bible under the bus about certain actions of God. War may sometimes be necessary for self-protection. Terrorists threaten their own with beheadings, rape, and other atrocities. Is it always wrong for a nation to wage war against evil leadership of other nations for the sake of those under the dictatorship? We have seen the dangers of radicalization of those vulnerable in our own lands. There may be wisdom in being separate from those who believe their religion has the right to violate the rights of others based on personal beliefs.

What Is The Main Difference Between Holy Wars Today And Old Testament Wars?

In light of recent terrorists’ attacks in Brussels and Paris in the name of God, we must determine if there is a difference between the God of the Bible and the God of the terrorists. We all know in our heart that killing others simply because of their personal, religious beliefs is immoral. If there was no Bible or Koran, the radicals would have no supposed justification for their evil behavior. Since interpretations of past writings are always possibly fallible, human reasoning is important in determining Truth. Can one though claim God is loving when reading about God’s warrior mentality during OT times? Are holy wars today the same as wars God was involved in?

Religious wars today are initiated for the sole purpose to convert others to their beliefs and traditions to prove allegiance to their God. The God of the Israelites never approved of wars with the intent to make everyone believe in Yahweh, the God of the Jewish nation. It is difficult to prove God requires belief in God against one’s will. Freedom of choice has been part of God’s DNA from the beginning of creation. If God possesses the power the OT writers claims, war wasn’t necessary to require conversion as God could simply destroy individuals who refused to believe. History during these times strongly suggests that nations did not have a treaty mentality. The God of the Bible desired to live in peace with neighbors.

Several passages use language of total destruction of the nations in the land of Canaan: “and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally” (Deut. 7:2). But, in the same breathe God speaks of driving out the nations (7:1) and advising against intermarriage with the enemies (7:3). Why advise against intermarriage with dead people? Other passages specify the destruction of men, woman and children, but then survivors of these lands are mentioned later. It seems reasonable to understand extermination passages within the context of initially trying to drive out the enemy. It is common in warfare rhetoric to speak in global terms – we must utterly and completely destroy the enemy. It isn’t always possible in war but sometimes women and children are able to survive.

God didn’t suddenly become the aggressor. God promised to allow Abraham to return to a land previously occupied (Gen. 13:14-15), after the Israelites were judged morally the hands of the Egyptians (Gen. 15:13-16). Holy warriors today don’t seek justice for themselves or their conquests. The only morality involved in holy wars today is imposing one’s personal beliefs on others. God often kept the Jews separate for moral protection, as the Canaanites evil practices included burning their children as sacrifices to their gods. Many people today are vulnerable to be radicalized if allowed among people who believe in forced conversion in the name of God.

God never violates the rights of others when it comes to personal beliefs. God’s anger wasn’t about not believing in God but participating in evil practices at the expenses of others. Good people don’t always stand by when the rights of others are being violated. There is no such thing as a Christian nation as God doesn’t demand others believe or trust in God. Jesus didn’t kill or blow others up to spread the gospel. Jesus sacrificed His own life in hopes one may choose to trust in a God who always has individual and national best interests in mind.

“WHY GOD” Can’t You Control All This Madness?

We all ask “why” questions – Why did they act that way toward me? Some may question why so much evil exist if God truly loves. The problem of evil is one main reason people indicate why they don’t believe in God. There may not be a satisfactory answer for many, but how we answer this question for ourselves can determine whether we believe in God or in the midst of suffering wonder if God truly exist. It doesn’t matter if you accept my explanation but rather any explanation that allows understanding in difficult times.

Thomas Oord in his book The Uncontrolling Love of God offers the best explanation for me at this time to this age old question. Freedom is the only path to authentic relationships which brings the most joy in relationships. There is no greater feeling than knowing your partner, child, or friend love you because they want to and not because they have to. The Creator is certainly powerful beyond imagination but not even an almighty God can force true love. God like parents had a choice – to not create or create knowing loved ones may experience suffering or true intimacy. Even humans know “controlling love” is an oxymoron and not love at all.

Humans, unlike God, are tempted to control to avoid pain for themselves or others. It is impossible for God to create without freedom or to create and control. God’s nature instead is love which never controls. Since God’s love is uncontrolling, God can’t stop evil resulting in so much suffering. What God’s love can do is prevent evil through the free decisions of other to change or intervene in the lives of others. God can influence in all the appropriate ways, but divine love limits divine power. It is impossible for God to create without the possibility of suffering.

This explanation for many may make God seem less powerful. Another perspective is that a parent’s love may actually be greater when they don’t control their child. God’s love is greater than the greatest imaginable. If I don’t stop my children from hurting themselves or others, it may be the only hope they have to eventually freely choose good and experience the joy that comes from that. I hesitate to compare because God, unlike humans, is incapable of controlling. God can no more control thus prevent suffering than God cannot love.

The uncontrolling love of God is a better explanation than God “allows.” When we say God allows, the impression is that God stands by when God could stop evil. Who admires people who stand by in the name of freedom while people’s rights are being violated? How can we justify God doing nothing if God could control evil in the first place? God cannot stop evil, thus act controlling, except by intervening in the lives of others without violating their freedom. God can no more control others than God can choose to not love others perfectly.

Why Wasn’t Jesus Simply Ignored?

Most people accept according to recorded history that a man named Jesus lived some two thousand years ago. Our calendar strongly suggests such a man lived - B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (after death). Jesus’ impact seems undeniable. Jesus was only in the spotlight for about three years of His life but has over a billion followers. What is disputed was if Jesus was who He claimed to be – the one prophesized in the Old Testament to come to represent God.

People claim all the time to be someone they aren’t. It is difficult to capture all the culture factors some two thousand years ago, but today if someone claims to be sent by God we simply assume they have some mental disorder. We certainly don’t beat and mock them and hang them on a Cross. Why was Jesus treated differently? Why did folks get their panties in a wad simply because Jesus claimed to represent God?

I don’t know for sure the answer to that question but I have some hunches. Jesus pissed off mainly the religious people. Jesus wasn’t killed by atheists or those who didn’t go to church. Religious leaders who prayed daily and went to church a lot begged Roman authorities to put this man in his place – the grave. One Roman leader was ready to simply ignore Jesus and label Him a lunatic. That is want we would do today but not the religious folks back then!

The religious leaders of that day had certain rituals and Jesus seem to tell others one doesn’t have to go through hoops to have a relationship with God. Of course the Pharisees supervised those hoops so their control over others was being challenged. I got a hunch that was part of their huffiness. What the Pharisees did ignore though was Jesus’ message and view of God. Take some time this Easter to reflect what was so special about this man named Jesus.

Jesus only told people to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. What parent doesn’t tell their kids to love, respect, or trust them if they have their best interest in mind. If I dared asked that from my children, and I am far from perfect, why can’t a perfect God ask for such love without being egotistical. Jesus’ view of God was obviously not like those in His day. Jesus said God was willing to forgive the worse of sinners. Jesus said it is never too late. That matters to some who think they have done too much for God to really love them. Jesus said you can go directly to God and don’t need others to supervise/mediate/be a go-between in the relationship.

Suppose Jesus was right about God? What do you need to hear from your Creator? Jesus probably said at one time or another God could deliver. Jesus knew God was like a perfect parent – always hoping, praying, willing to be by your side to help you be the kind of person you desire to be deep down. I bet you want to better love your neighbor as yourself, or you wouldn’t have read this far. We need help loving the unlovable because we act that way sometimes too. Some need to know God loves them no matter their past, current, and future failures. Some need to feel closer to God in times of suffering to somehow get through such times.

What do you want or need from God? Talk to God, ask others who seem to know God. If God is real, God won’t ignore you!

Are We Better Off Without The Bible?

The Bible can be used to unite and encourage and at other times to divide and discourage. Keep in mind that billions of people have lived and died without any knowledge of the Bible or who Jesus was. The Bible isn’t necessary in life but can be profitable. If an interpretation of the Bible makes no rational or relational sense what a loving God would truly be like, it is probably wrong. Any religion that acquires rather than gives power is false. What about those who blow others up in the name of God? The majority knows in their heart a loving God respects the freedom for one to choose their own beliefs if not violating the rights of others.

We are better off without the Bible if its readers don’t recognize that interpretations are fallible. No one can claim they know for sure the author’s intended meaning. We cannot be sure that the writers recorded inspired thoughts from God as opposed to their own perceptions of God. We cannot know for sure that Genesis 1-11 is historical facts or stories intended by the writers to convey theological truths. Lack of surety is a price to be paid, but the truth is that human reasoning is necessary in the interpretation process. Dogmatism only divides not unites.

We may be better off without the Bible if its readers treat the Book as an idol to worship. When the Bible becomes the focal point we end up idolizing interpretations which may be wrong characterizations of God. We establish our own Creeds to follow as if they are God’s word. This only leads to divisiveness. The Apostle Paul warned against such divisions among followers: “I follow Paul (Baptists); another, I follow Apollos (Methodists); another, I follow Cephas (Catholics); still another I follow Christ” (I Cor. 1:12). Differences about the Bible lead away from how we can love our neighbor like we want to be loved.

We may be better off without the Bible if its readers don’t guard how they discuss the Book. So many denominations and factions among those who worship the same God are evidence that the Bible is dividing than uniting. We must consider one another’s opinion gracefully, as long as they don’t violate the freedom of others, to work out our own convictions with as much consistency as possible. The Bible was not meant to be a book of rules to divide people. Much of the Bible is clear that we can agree to disagree on the more difficult passages.

We may be better off without the Bible if the readers consider any belief sacred other than Jesus’ message. The beliefs the Bible speaks out against are immoral beliefs which lead to self-destruction or destruction of others. Jesus’ only sacred belief, other than obvious immorality, was that our Creator loves and forgives us in hopes we may be the same toward others. Jesus taught God seeks to empower us toward a life of doing good and shunning evil in a troubled world. Jesus came to dispel any preconceived notions about God other than God desires a relationship so to help you be the person you deep down want to be. Beliefs, which do not violate the rights of others, are between God and an individual.

It can be helpful for individual religions to have a representative book so that the different worldviews can be discussed in a respectful manner. All religions have some truth, but written records allow contradictions to be weighed to determine what is the more likely truth about a loving God. But, we are better off without the Bible when one does not consider their interpretations possible fallible. We are better off without the Bible when it becomes a rules book and an idol rather than a consideration for wisdom. We are better off without the Bible when our discussions lead to abusive behaviors toward one another as opposed to opportunities for reflection. We are better off without the Bible when any belief is considered sacred other than self-discovery about God to become a better person so to make a difference in the world.

Why The Heck Did God Initiate A Relationship With A Bunch Of Laws?

Reading the Bible, especially the Old Testament, can be confusing. Sometimes, we forget the Bible is a story with a beginning and a hopeful ending. The Bible is worth reading because it is God’s words to us about what God is really like. I know my wife without her letters explaining herself, but her words can give me deeper insights. Keep in mind though Jesus when leaving this earth didn’t promise to leave us the Bible but His spirit to remember Him (Jn. 14:26). God’s spirit within each individual is more valuable than others’ biblical interpretations.

If one dares to read the OT, it is easy to be totally confused about the “law” stuff. If I want to have a relationship with someone, which God did with us, I am not sure I would introduce myself through laws. Yet, I did the same thing as a parent. In the beginning of the relationship my children weren’t ready to necessarily talk about my eventual dreams – being friends. Can you see their eyes rolling! God didn’t load down Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel, with a bunch of laws but it was necessary in the beginning with a nation full of individuals.

A parent knows fully well a list of does and don’t is not the pathway to a friendship. Parents understand stressing the importance of obedience is necessary for a child’s own good, but these conversations are meant to lead to something greater. A parent doesn’t in the beginning require obedience before they will love their child. God has never demanded adherence to any laws before establishing a relationship. God just loves us like parents love their children at birth.

We can forget that the Bible is not just a bunch of chapters and verses but a story about God and relationships with those God created. Many passages hint as to why God begin the relationship with laws. Laws help to make us conscious of our sins (Rm. 3:20). Really, the Law is only necessary for lawbreakers and not for those who treat others like they want to be treated (I Tim. 1:9). God perhaps made so much of the laws in the OT as it was the best place to start in a relationship to lead to the eventual knowledge God wanted us to know. I can’t obey even the laws clearly in my best interest. Such failures reveal my need for God’s help and guidance.

God or any parent in the beginning of a relationship somehow seeks to reveal a desire for a friendship and why such a relationship can be in their best interest in the long-run. Such knowledge and understanding often can only come from experiences. Rules in the beginning of a relationship can help lead to the intimacy so badly desired. God felt laws could best lead to the eventual goal. The next time you read the OT and are in the midst of a bunch of confusing laws, don’t think of God as overbearing and complicated but think of God as a parent giving a child what they need to hopefully lead to a shared, joyful relationship.

Did Jesus Want To Mystify Others By Talking in Parables?

One may get the wrong impression about God if thinking Jesus desired to be purposely mysterious at times in interacting with others. Does God think we aren’t capable of knowing God fully? Oh how I wish I had the abilities of Nathan to reach those who initially reject the straightforward truth about their actions. King David was knee deep in cover-up mood (2 Sam. 11). David saw Bathsheba, wanted Bathsheba, had Bathsheba, found out Bathsheba was pregnant, brought her husband Uriah back from war to lay with his wife but he wouldn’t, so then David sought to have Uriah killed at war without knowing he was set up by King David.

Nathan would not have gotten anywhere with David telling him directly he had sinned with Bathsheba and he needed to repent. David was not about to admit he had done anything wrong. In his mind this was one big secret that David hoped to take to his grave. So, Nathan told David a story of two people, one with power over the other and how the powerful took advantage of the less power for his own gain. David then pronounced his indignation and judgment on the evil done by the powerful. “Then Nathan said to David. “You are the man!”… (2 Sam 12: 7). Whoops! Many times we will deny our immoral behavior. We will condemn others for their actions before realizing that our own actions are just as despicable.

Now, we may better understand why Jesus spoke in parables. Jesus’ teachings were not intentionally mysterious as if His ways are not understandable. Jesus would have preferred to not talk in parables but in straightforward ways, but human nature sometimes requires different ways to convince people for their own good. Like with children sometimes, straight talk falls on deaf ears. Parables are a different approach to get to the heart of a matter. Mark 4: 11-12 doesn’t suggest Jesus keeps secrets: “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be every seeing but never perceiving…” Jesus had just said: “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear” (verse 9). God’s direct message often is only perplexing to one’s heart not the mind.

Jesus used parables to not reveal Himself as the Messiah directly as He didn’t want to limit His ministry before having to accept His fate. Parables also served other purposes with Jesus’ audience. Directness is over-done sometimes. Directness often goes in one ear and out the other. Parables cause us to continually think of a subject to try to understand and eventually accept the application in one’s life. Parables, rather than directness, can stir those that may be interested and simply drive the uninterested away. Sometimes, we cannot understand Jesus’ parables at one point in our life but when open-minded to spiritual matters, we may more readily accept Jesus’ claims to always have our best interest in mind.

What Can A Friendship With An Invisible God Be Like?

It may sound crazy to some but having a friendship with an invisible Creator may offer more than what earthly friends can provide. No one though wants a friendship with a Creator you do not respect or have concerns. Identify any concerning character issues about God that may prevent even the desire to pursue a relationship. God doesn’t mind the hard questions in discerning what God is really like contrary to what we have been taught or think.

God is always available in times of hopelessness. God always seeks to lend a hand when struggling with how we treat others or with habits that we just can’t seem to change. God doesn’t have a limit on how many relapses will be tolerated. God isn’t going to pile more guilt on us. God already know we heap enough guilt on ourselves. We already suffer consequences for our actions. God doesn’t have to create more damage. God seeks to continually assure us of God’s mercy, forgiveness, and love so we don’t every give up no matter how demoralized we may feel. God will never give up on us or lose hope.

God is always available in times of suffering. One though during such times may wonder why a loving God doesn’t alleviate their suffering. Everyone understands deserved suffering. Treat the children like crap and they may not visit when older. What about undeserved suffering? God if all powerful surely could intervene more often with evils whether just to one person or millions. A plausible explanation could be that when God created freedom God’s essence required their love never be controlling. God cannot prevent evil if there is to be true freedom any more than a parent can prevent a child from hating them. God did join us in undeserved suffering through Jesus to give hope that some good can come out of our suffering as it did Jesus’.

God is always available in times of loneliness. We should reach out to friends during such times but they can’t always be available when we are experiencing such feelings. Friends can’t always be available in the middle of the night. We may feel sometimes that we are overburdening our friends by constantly going to them with our concerns. God’s shoulders surely are much bigger. God isn’t burdened by their own problems that they have created. We can’t always be available to our friends when we are struggling ourselves.

God is always available in times of indecisiveness. We are confronted with decisions on a regular basis. No matter how much a parent may love their child they may be bias. A parent may point their child in a certain direction for a career because of how a child’s choices reflect back on them. God only has moral biases for the good of all. God is the supreme listener. God speaks to us mostly through self-reflection. Since God’s love is not controlling, God only wants us to feel free to make decisions based on our gifts and aspirations.

God may not be visibly present but God unlike many friends has the time, strength, and patience to just be together. I know how friends can be sometimes because I am a friend. We can get frustrated rather than show patience, we can give advice rather than listen, we can be overbearing rather than understanding change must always come from within. God is open to formal or informal times in talking anytime anywhere. Just speak or think your mind when not preoccupied with tasks. God just wants to come alongside and help you to cope and make decisions in your best interest.

Why Does God Oppose One Christian Nation?

God doesn’t advocate for one nation under God because this would require God’s love to be controlling. God has always desired freedom of beliefs for the possibility of authentic relationships. Parents guide and sometimes must impose their beliefs on their children in the beginning, but eventually a parent hopes their children will make similar choices on their own because of self-interest and the interests of others. God wouldn’t be a good terrorist or religious extremist since God is opposed to forcing personal beliefs on others.

But, isn’t God in the business of choosing one nation under God such as with Israel in the Old Testament? God choose Israel as a mouthpiece to introduce God in the beginning, for God desired to have a relationship with all nations. God intended through Abraham to bless all nations (Gen 12:3). Other nations could look to Israel to see what God was really like to compare God against their gods. God choosing Israel wasn’t favoritism as only one nation could be chosen by God for the Messiah to be born into to represent God. It isn’t favoritism when all win. Unfortunately, Israel twisted God’s choice as if they were privileged over others.

Believing God desires one nation leads to individuals not respecting the rights of others to freely make their own choices. There is chaos when nations don’t require certain moral actions for the protection of others. One is not free to steal from a neighbor without consequences. But, whether people desire to believe in a God or not and what behaviors that inspires, if not violating the rights of others, is one’s own business. Some believe God and the Bible are opposed to same sex relationships between two consenting adults, so they seek to impose their beliefs on others. Such personal decisions are between one and their Creator.

I believe the Bible only speaks to same sex relationships in the context of infidelity or violence such as rape. Who doesn’t know that any sexual behaviors that are mindless, selfish, uncommitted engagements, as opposed to consensual monogamous relationships, are wrong? Church folks condemn gay relationships but they get divorced half the time. One best examine their own life before condemning gay couples who are committed. Should a baker who personally believes homosexual marriages are wrong be forced to sell wedding cakes to gay couples? Honestly, I am not sure why a gay couple would want to patronize such a business, but forcing choices on the baker or a gay couple seems to me similar behaviors.

God may hope for all nations and people under God because God has our best interest in mind. God is not a representation of our earthly parents but the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. A nation abiding by the Ten Commandments is not a bad thing since God always has the interests of others in mind. But, choices and relationships must not be forced. This is a violation of God’s very nature. Pushing beliefs on others doesn’t lead to the highest good in relationships. God followers who believe their relationship with God can benefit others can live in a way that others may want to consider their God.

What Is The Greatest Sin Of All In God’s Eyes?

God has the reputation of having a short fuse, but I don’t buy it. Based on my past actions I have just been given too much slack. Deserved suffering isn’t hard to explain and I get less than I deserve. Be self-centered if you prefer to be lonely. Be a controlling parent if you want the kids to only visit if you got money they want. God must be a forgiving God because I am pretty sure I am out of free passes and still breathing and writing. But, there is one sin God can’t forgive!

No, uncommitted sex isn’t the worst sin in God’s eyes. One may think perhaps murder is the greatest sin. After all no matter if you admit and take responsibility for your actions, you can’t resurrect one’s family member or friend. You will never be able to give back cherished future memories you have robbed one from being with their loved one. Apparently though, God didn’t get the memo. God’s hall of fame includes Moses, King David, and Paul. God choose these men to represent God to millions of others. These three men had at least one thing in common – they killed another person out of angry, lust, or for power.

No, committing the same sin over and over and over and over and over isn’t the greatest sin. If repentance means changing the first time we screw up, then none of us can claim to be totally forgiven by God. Repentance means you accept what everyone knows – you are a screw up. Repentance simply means you know you need to repent. That is it!! There are consequences in human relationships for not changing the first time, but God doesn’t say I forgive if you never do it again. All we have to do is stop pretending and recognizing we are self-centered. Go easy on the judgment of others. It could have been us.

No, committing the unpardonable sin mentioned in the Bible isn’t the worst sin. Many may be familiar with the unforgivable or unpardonable sin (Mt. 12:31-32). Most scholars agree those who committed the unpardonable sin at the time of the above writing were those who refused to accept the witness of the Holy Spirit to who Jesus was, even accusing Him of being demon possessed. They weren’t seeking Jesus’ forgiveness at the time. But, the Bible is clear that those who deny and accuse Jesus but then seek forgiveness, Jesus welcomes them with open arms.

There may be a reason that not forgiving others of their sin is a pretty big deal in the Bible. God is said to forgive us if we forgive others (Mt. 6:14). If the guilty are sincere and truly understand the pain they have caused others, they would forgive others instantly to stop their pain. The Bible implies giving forgiveness depends on confession: “If a brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them” (Lk. 17:3). It takes two to tango so forgiveness can lead to total healing. Jesus didn’t pray to forgive before whooping up on the religious in the temple for misrepresenting God. They weren’t sorry! Apparently, forgiveness is conditional.

The greatest sin of all is unconfessed sin and not seeking genuine forgiveness. Not even God can forgive unforgiveness! Let’s stop heaping guilt on others because they don’t forgive others who deny any wrongdoing. Neither should we waste our time with revenge or sulking in bitterness. The greatest sin when confronted is refusing to admit, take responsibility, and make amends after failing to treat others like you want to be treated. If you think you are right while two or more of your friends or family confront you of wrongdoing, think again! Okay, one person could be wrong, maybe even two family members. But if most of your family or friends agree against you, stop committing the greatest sin of all that prevents healing in relationships.

How Can One Read The Bible Without Being Totally Frustrated?

It is understandable why many avoid reading the Bible. It isn’t easy to relate to cultures thousands of years ago vastly different than ours. Some passages seem to suggest God commanded the killing of women and children in times of war even if preventable. Many scholars, who are not chauvinists, interpret certain passages to teach men are the leaders of women. God help women! God may respect the right to choose your own personal beliefs in this life, but does God really after death torture people for such decisions?

Many agree that the Bible is chocked full of wisdom. It is not natural to forgive others of certain sins but many partners are glad they had another voice speaking to them. Who thinks to talk in parables to go through the backdoor of a resistant soul? Parables enable us to continually think on a subject to try to understand and eventually accept positive applications in one’s life. The Bible is not a book you read once. You can read the Bible over and over and come away with fresh insights that help in relationships.

We may forget that the New Testament had not been written during Jesus’ lifetime. Today, most only read the New Testament because the older testament is so confusing. Yet, without the newer testament shortly after Jesus’ death, Jesus’ message exploded and led to billions of followers. The Bible can be a two-edge sword and often the pointed end is use to discourage and divide. My point is Jesus when leaving this earth didn’t promise to leave us with a Bible. He instead left us with His Spirit so we might be able to discern evil from good (Jn. 14:16).

The Bible was never meant to be used as a rule book. We all chuckle at the story when someone was looking for guidance, they opened the Bible and happened upon the verse “then he went and hung himself.” The Bible is not a book to definitively tell others what to do in their circumstances. When Jesus said turn the other cheek, He wouldn’t advise a woman to allow an abusive husband to continue to beat her. Develop a relationship with God, consult people you respect, and God will guide you in making a wise decision in your situation.

Interpretations aren’t infallible as most know. Don’t argue over interpretations. Consider one another’s opinion gracefully, if they don’t violate the freedom of others, to work out your own convictions with as much consistency as possible. The Bible was not written to be divisive to those willing to read it. Much of the Bible is clear that we can agree to disagree on the more difficult passages.

Read the Bible as a story so God can relate to you. The Bible wasn’t initially written as a bunch of chapters and verses but a story about God’s desire for a relationship with those God created. You may be one that likes to read the Bible with a commentary at hand. Just understand interpretations are fallible unless talking about murder. I have some good news. God gave us brains. Enjoy the Bible as a story about your Creator. As you get to know God, God will join and guide you in your journey of life.

What Are Some Ways To Combat Terrorism And Extremism?

I wanted to title this how to combat religious extremism. But, those who hold to extreme views of God according to their interpretation of the Bible are not typically beheading people. True spiritual leaders don’t advocate blowing up others but sacrifice their own life to influence others. We all want to do our part in making this a better world. God bless the men and women who take the fight to ISIS. Certain evils just require guns than words. I doubt there are any pacifists when their child is being attacked. Terrorists don’t believe in isolationism but seek to kill those in other lands who don’t hold to their same personal beliefs.

We desperately need our brave soldiers to combat their warriors. We can do our best to prevent others from becoming warriors. We must combat radicalization. First, we must inform authorities even on our own family members when we notice beliefs that can lead to killing innocent people. Also, we must examine our own personal beliefs of a loving God to discern if they can negatively influence or be construed as extreme. We must err on the side of debatable interpretations that are less likely to violate the rights of others. A loving God surely respects the freedom of beliefs in this life and after death, encourages men and women to be equally vulnerable to one another, seeks only to convert others from evil actions, and guides through a relationship and not a book written thousands of years ago.

The Law must insist on certain beliefs to avoid the violation of rights of others. We can’t yell fire in a movie theatre if there is no fire because lives can be endangered trying to escape. We can’t murder or steal. But, we have a right to form our own personal beliefs as long as they don’t violate the rights of others. It is so critical to understand the God of the Bible has determined love is the freedom to believe in God or not. God understands controlling decisions doesn’t results in true love. Freedom is necessary for authenticity, the highest good in relationships. Any religion that is based on control than service is not truly religious.

It is important to defend not only does God respect the right to choose your own personal beliefs in this life, but God does not torture people after death for such decisions. God doesn’t control decisions in this lifetime or the life to come. The traditional understanding of Hell, where you will burn forever after death for not believing in God while on earth, is highly debatable and morally indefensible. Jesus used the word Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell in the New Testament, to illustrate how spiritual death is as horrible as physical death. Gehenna was a real valley near Jerusalem that was used as a dump where fires were kept burning that enemies disposed of those slaughtered. God is a respecter of freedom in this life and the life to come.

Terrorists and other religious extremists always have views that proscribe gender roles more oppressive for women than men. Women do not need male leadership; women need unselfish men who have the heart of a servant. Even loving leadership invites men in impasses to solve conflicts differently than through normal conflict resolution means between two friends. God did not create a male-controlled relationship in the beginning. The God of the Bible does not suggest women are under the authority of men as if half the world needs a mediator with God. This encourages dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. Couples are free to agree on their own roles in marriage, but we must not insist the Bible teaches women are to be submissive to men in a way men are not similarly submissive to women.

The primary goal of terrorists and religious extremists is conversion. I believe Christianity or any religion must differentiate enough by avoiding conversion as its main thrust. It is unavoidable to attempt to convince others of moral beliefs that encourage treating others like you want to be treated, but we must avoid attempts to convert other to a set of beliefs associated with our religion. Jesus had no evangelical spiel and other sought to encourage people to shun evil and do good. Jesus encouraged spirituality for self-interest and the interests of others. Jesus did want us to know God was the kind of Creator or Parent who desired a friendship to encourage such a journey. The desire to convert suggests a hidden or not so hidden agenda that isn’t friendly. We simply must love others as they want to be loved and can share in natural ways we are convinced our Creator has our back. Since Hell doesn’t exist and billions have lived who have never heard of Jesus or the Bible, a loving God would not require certain beliefs for a relationship.

Lastly, we must not insist a Book is more important than one’s personal relationship with God. Interpretations of writings written thousands of years ago are fallible. Discuss opinions gracefully as you embark upon a journey with your God. Jesus when leaving this earth didn’t promise to leave us with a Bible but His Spirit so we might be able to discern evil from good (Jn. 14:16). The Bible was never meant to be used as a rule book. Jesus would advise a woman to turn the other cheek for an abusive husband. Read the Bible as a story about God. Develop a relationship with God and others. As you get to know God, God will guide you on your journey.

What Does The Most Popular Verse In Bible Really Mean?

A relationship with God is negatively impacted by certain beliefs about God assumed to be true. The Bible is a story to learn about God. Writers never intend a reader to parse a sentence without being mindful of the context and whole story. Chapters and verses were not a part of the biblical writings until after the 12th century. We are better off not reading the Bible if we assume interpretations are infallible and we can be positive of the writer’s thoughts 2000 years later. If an interpretation doesn’t make sense of a loving God, it is probably wrong.

John 3:16 says: “For God so love the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This verse has been used to defend that the reason for the Cross was to satisfy the wrath of God. One could also argue that the reason for the Cross was to convey God’s love and desire to win us over because in the same breathe the writer says: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (Jn. 3:17). God‘s love is surely motivated to serve not be served.

John couldn’t mean by perish burning in a lake of fire. Jesus didn’t come to save us from burning forever after death for not believing in God. The traditional understanding of the word Hell is a myth. Jesus simply said life can lead down a path of destruction without God’s guidance. A loving God wouldn’t torture people forever for sins while on earth a few short years. The Greek translation of the word perish is “lost.” Jesus warned ignoring His message lead to a soul gone astray. Don’t love your neighbor like you want to be loved, don’t forgive you partner, seek to rule than serve, and in old age as you reflect back on your legacy expect overwhelming regrets.

John’s readers did not think of eternal life as we do today in terms of living in Heaven and avoiding Hell. John used life and eternal life interchangeably (i.e. 5:39 with 5:40, 6:53 with 6:54). John believed that eternal life began not in the future but here on earth when seeking good and shunning evil (Jn. 3:20). John 3:15 refers to eternal life as being in Christ, thus referring to a quality of live than future destiny. When Jesus was asked directly how to have eternal life He simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). A self-centered life leads to a death without hope, whereas following God leads to a fulfilling life.

Taking a verse of the Bible and running with it can lead to false characterizations of God. Keep in mind John’s readers didn’t have the New Testament writings that we have today. People who lived during Jesus’ life had Jesus. Jesus when He left this world didn’t promise to leave an eventual Bible but His spirit (Jn. 14:17). Don’t go to the Bible looking for a set of rules to live by. Each situation is different. God desires a personal relationship with each and every one and will guide and inspire. A loving God can’t possibly encourage one to blow up people for simply having different personal beliefs. God allowed His Son to be crucified though innocent of charges to convince us of God’s unimaginable love and inspire to live a life worth living.

Why Might It Be A Good Idea To Conceal Our Good Deeds?

I was moving a suitcase out of the house and a neighbor asked me if I was going on a trip. Because I have been hanging with Jesus for a while and had a few things rub off on me, I knew not to say that actually it was stuff I had been keeping for a homeless person until they found a place to stay. If you will indulge me, I had to tell you that so I could write this to make a point – God has our backs. It is often best that we conceal our good deeds (Mt. 6:1-4).

I wasn’t tempted to tell my neighbor whose stuff I was keeping other than a friend. God advises “lay low” for our good. I was helping a homeless person but how hard has it been to store stuff in my heated house while they live under a bridge. Sometimes, it is wise to provide shelter because it empowers and sometimes it isn’t because it enables. It is complicated. It is really embarrassing to be honest with how few I have helped with all I have been blessed with. God is just trying to spare me of puffing myself up more than I really am to avoid embarrassment.

Pride for whatever reason can lead to some pretty crazy behaviors. Pharisees loved to brag about what great God-worshippers they were. They loved to brag how spiritual they were but they were the ones that killed Jesus. Whoops! What in God’s name did Jesus do all that wrong to be killed. People today claim to be someone they aren’t and we don’t crucify them. People who brag about rather than be discovered for helping others are the only one who can’t see how sickening it is.

I don’t think we have to go totally underground with our good deeds. It feels good and inspires others to action when one acknowledges us or even mentions our generosity in front of others. But, it is just different coming from others. I think that is why God wants us to know how much God loves us. Sometimes, others will not acknowledge us but it’s going to be alright when we feel a high-five from the Creator of the Universe.

Jesus always advised us with our best interest in mind. When our motives for good deeds are to be known it just gets all screwed up. We start being more concerned how we look and end up helping others less. It is great we help people but isn’t it usually the case we can do so much more unless you are Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa never bragged for some reason. God understands human nature and advises us to inspire to do good deeds without the acknowledgment of others.

Can Words Such As “By The Grace Of God” Be Offensive?

Current dangers in the world suggest we are in desperate need of more spirituality. I define spirituality as loving your neighbor as you wished to be love. My definition may offend many followers of Jesus who think of spirituality in terms of what and if we believe in God. But, would Jesus defend one who believed in Him but misrepresented His teachings or someone who didn’t believe in God but lived out more His message.

Many people may turn away from God or discussions about spirituality because of how God is characterized by our actions and words. Let’s don’t provoke others into un-spirituality by our words which may suggest to them God plays favorites or is thoughtless. I don’t wish to offend those who have said things that may misrepresent God because I have said them. I just am hoping to un-offend those open to spirituality. It isn’t enough to be spiritual yourself. We must inspire other appropriately. God followers must be able to defend if their God is worth following.

When we say “by the grace of God” when spared from a terrorist attack killing many, we are implying God didn’t give a dam about others. Was God good to you because you are a better person! If God interfered you going to work that morning on 911, than God failed to intervene with others who died. If by the “grace of God” God allowed you or a family member to miraculously recover, God failed to save others from illness. Did God really give us the parking space when others needed the space more? Did God give us the job when others praying for the same job were more financially desperate? Did God really give victory in the game while intended others to lose?

Why kind of God is God? The truth is many prayers are not answered for safety or cures. God isn’t as arbitrary as our words suggest; God doesn’t love those spared more than those not spared. Those who claim divine intervention are not wishing to offend others but it can. God followers - are you as close to God if not cured or are your prayers more about manipulation for gain than requests for support whatever happens? God doesn’t cause terrorist attacks or car accidents. Terrorists and drunk drivers end life and not God. Our words must convey this truth.

Many are simply seeking to honor God when spared, but our words impact others. The truth is God placed a higher priority on freedom than control. A loving God, unlike humans, will not allow their love to be controlling. Even humans know “controlling love” is an oxymoron and not love at all. What can we say to be less offensive? We might say in times of appreciation to God: “I am grateful God was by my side in this tragedy that God did not desire. I was fortunate to recover but I knew I would be made whole someday regardless.” This may more accurately describe who God really is - God never wished suffering or death in the first place on anyone.

Is God A Child Killer In The Story Of Abraham And Isaac?

One may read Genesis 22, where God orders Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, and question whether to respect God or trust any of the Old Testament guidance. Who doesn’t know in their heart no loving God would order such an act. There may be plausible interpretations of this passage to suggest that the writers accurately recorded God testing Abraham in this manner but in fact would never approved of child sacrifice like the others gods during these times.

• Scholars consider the first five books of the OT as a literary unit. The writers surely knew it had been written that God condemned child sacrifice (Lev. 18:21, Lev. 20:2-5, Deut. 12:31, 18:10). If the story were true the temptation would have been to not include this version of the story to protect God’s reputation. The writers weren’t mindless but may have understood the purpose and moral of the story was that God did not approve of this kind of sacrifice.

• The story begins that God was testing Abraham (22:1). The rest of the story suggests Abraham either expected that they would not have to carry out this act at the last minute or that Abraham had faith that God could bring Isaac back from the dead (i.e. Heb. 11:17-19), unlike the other gods who required child sacrifice. Abraham told the servants he and Isaac would be back (5). Abraham fully expected God to provide a lamb instead for the altar and did so (8, 13). The story ended by the angel stopping Abraham before harming Isaac (11-12).

• Why did God test Abraham with such a revolting temptation? Other gods demanded child sacrifices to quench their thirst for power. God may have used this extreme example to differentiate Himself. These were unique historical times. God was using Israel as a means to usher in the Messiah as a blessing to all nations. This event took place on Mount Moriah where the temple was to be built (2 Chron. 3:1), culminating in the arrival of the Messiah.

• Abraham’s extraordinary faith in God was critical. This is the only time in history God would use a man and a nation to influence all nations of the world. A one-time test may be appropriate in such circumstances. Isaac’s sacrifice being carried out wasn’t mandatory as Abraham’s lack of obedience would have been a valuable lesson. Maybe Abraham wished to prove his God didn’t demand infant sacrifices and certainly not for self-gratification. Many translators advise “Now, take your son” (Gen. 22:2) in the Hebrew language suggests God is making more of a plea than demand. Freedom is at the very core of God’s character.

• Isaac was not a child and most likely was an adult. The term boy or lad used for Isaac could refer to one of military age (I Chron. 12: 28). Kaiser suggests the term could mean that Isaac was easily in his twenties and possibly thirties (Hard Sayings Of The OT, p. 123). Isaac had a choice in this matter unlike the babies sacrificed by other cultures to their supposed gods

• No one can justify that God is commanding them to kill their child. God clearly spoke to Abraham as was God’s practice in the beginning of history with the Israelites. Abraham had experience in recognizing God’s voice. This wasn’t a hunch. Besides, it cannot be proven beyond a shadow of doubt that God indeed would have required the sacrifice.

Is it fair to say that this event between Abraham and God did not mirror other ancient sacrifices to gods as they would not have stopped the sacrifice for their own pleasures? Since Abraham knew his older son would either not die or come back from the dead right away, does this make God’s request not the wrong we may have felt initially? The editors weren’t necessarily letting their story-telling devices creep into the story. There are reasonable explanations that God was not approving of child sacrifice in this extreme test for Abraham and Isaac.

Is God A Homophobe?

I haven’t written on this topic because I believe one’s sexual orientation is personal and their own business. But, I feel compelled to address this subject because many parents and friends feel obligated to not accept their loved ones for concerns of being disloyal to God. The Bible is a complex book. It was not meant to be a book to turn to a chapter and verse, which were only added centuries later, but a story about God and determining what God is like. Even if a writer was inspired by God, interpretations and applications can be fallible centuries later.

Jesus when leaving this earth advised He was leaving His Spirit with us to guide us in our walk with God (Jn.14:16). Do we have enough faith in God to allow a homosexual who wishes to know what God thinks about their relationship to begin a relationship and God will guide. The following is how I have determined God speaks to me. We need to stop telling people what God thinks about them and let God speak to them. If God doesn’t give others the answer you want, are you going to accept them? Before discussing what the Bible may say on homosexuality, I want to mention issues that I will not be addressing.

I am not capable of discussing if one’s sexual orientation is chosen, born into, or something that develops. The matter is so complex that I think that is for each individual to discern. One theory does not fit all individual situations. One may argue it doesn’t seem natural because the world could not have populated in the beginning. We are no longer in that situation and the world will continue to populate because not all couples are gay. We have unwanted children who need loving couples. Is adoption by a same sex or different sex couple not a better situation that groups homes or orphanages? Loving couples are committed to not making a child gay or straight. Lastly, some homosexuals deny it is impossible to change to being straight. If an individual has such desires, we must respect one’s freedom in such endeavors.

Though the Bible is not a book we can simply turn to for answers in our individual situation, the Bible is still very important to many. It claims to be inspired by God. Some of the biblical passages that speak against homosexuality are in the context of gang rape (Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 19; Judges 19:22). Who doesn’t condemn that! Other passages are not as specific as to the type of sexual activities involved (Rom 1:26-32, I Cor. 6:9, I Tim. 1:10). There certainly wasn’t a lot of fidelity going on (i.e. Rom 1:27, 31), and who doesn’t know about the Corinthians’ standards in the ancient world. They even approved of sex with one’s mother or step-mother (I Cor. 5). Can you say addiction city! Do we really want to compare consensual, monogamous sex to killing of parents, murder, and slave trading (I Tim. 1:10).

Two verses in the Bible are not as clear about the type of sexual relationships involved when involving the same sex: “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them are done what is detestable…”(Lev. 20:13; i.e. Lev. 18:22). Having sex with a woman during her period is also condemned in the same breathe (Lev. 20:18). Whoops! The Bible does seem to suggest that committed, life-long, mutual-consenting, monogamous sexual relationships are always in our best interest. It can wreak havoc on one’s soul when sexual activity has been involved and the relationship doesn’t last. If your hearts tells you your loved one isn’t condemned by God, you can follow your heart and not deny God of the Bible.

We must stop comparing committed, monogamous homosexual relationships to anything else. It doesn’t compare to premarital sex or pedophilia or bestiality as it has been compared to. Those obviously aren’t mutual, consensual, committed relationships. If you insist the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality, then do you accept it condemns polygamy? It seems God did not think polygamy was ideal or part of God’s original creation, but clearly God seemed to accept such relationships calling King David a man after His own heart. Most can agree stealing, being greedy, slandering, gossiping, lying, or murder is wrong. If Corinthians condemns monogamous homosexual relationships it condemns all the above sins to the same degree. Many in the church condemn gay relationships but get divorced over half the time. Commitment is a problem in the church. How can we even begin to suggest to gay couples who are committed that they are sinners.

The Bible doesn’t seem to speak specifically about monogamous, long-term gay relationships. If one wishes to know personally what God thinks about their personal situation, it seems the first step is to get to know God and seek God’s discernment on such issues. Some pastors avoid the subject not because they are cowards but because they want people to experience God’s love and not condemnation as they seek God’s wisdom on a personal level. I understand serious Bible students can come to two different conclusions. If the matter is debatable at all in our mind, I would suggest taking the less judgmental stance in relationships. Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and said when gone He would leave His Spirit to guide our hearts.

Is The Cross About God’s Or Our Conscience?

The Cross is the central focus of what the Bible wants us to know about who God really is. The legal as opposed to the relational explanation of the Cross can leave people confused and hardly wanting to know or draw closer to their Creator. The traditional legal theory suggests Jesus’ blood appeased God’s sense of justice and protected God’s holiness. Jesus was estranged from God by sin. God required sacrifice or punishment to remain sinless and to outwardly display anger and disgust with sin. Do you hear crickets? Did Jesus really die mainly to serve God?

The relational explanation of the Cross suggests Jesus died in hopes we would accept God’s love for us. The best analogy I have heard is when soldiers die for one another because they believe that the cause for freedom is worth it. Jesus, the miracle worker, could have avoided His crucifixion. Jesus could have simply denied being the Messiah to save His skin. Jesus could have simply wiped out the naysayers. Jesus was willing to die for a message He felt lead to true freedom – following God’s than the world’s guidance. Overrunning choices doesn’t lead to genuine relationships rather than when one is willing to die in hopes to persuade others.

By now those who believe the Bible defends the legal explanation are asking for chapter and verse. The Bible was not meant to be a book where you pull sentences out of a story written about God to prove your point. Women, don’t turn your cheek when being abuse by a man! But, indulge me. Mark 10:45 is frequently quoted to defend the legal explanation: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” But, the passage doesn’t explicitly say the ransom was for God’s appeasement (i.e. I Tim. 2:6). The ransom can easily be understood for our encouragement to avoid personal and relational destructive paths. The passage doesn’t say Jesus came to serve God but to serve us in hopes we might choose forgiveness, going the extra mile, etc. to best lead to healings in relationships.

Let’s suppose Mark teaches Jesus died mainly for legal reasons in behalf of God, though it’s hard to believe God couldn’t love us before Jesus was killed. Hebrews 9:14 says: “…Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our conscience from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God.” Which is it? Was Jesus’ death for the purpose of serving our guilty conscience or God’s? Which explanation is more relatable?

I don’t always feel like God hates my guts though others may think I should feel that way. I haven’t at least killed anyone. Well, some may be convinced God could never love them based on what they have done. But, I can relate to often failing at loving my wife the way I wished to be loved. I don’t beat her but I rather not count the time I have failed her. Do you every think God needs a break from you at least for a day or do you think God can’t possibly forgive you for the 10th or 100th time? Guess again! God's love and mercy, not gloomy uncertainty of God’s favor, is our necessary nourishment for breaking free from habitual habits or bad behaviors.

Jesus died so we are can feel loved by God no matter what! Actions have consequences but God doesn’t pour on the hate. Have I convinced you that explanations of the Cross are debatable? Choose the interpretation or explanation that makes God the most relatable for you. Let others decide rather than suggesting if they don’t believe the legal interpretation, they are disrespecting the holiness of God because God can’t stand the sight of us without killing His Son. Jesus died for our conscience not God’s. Hebrews goes on to say Jesus death’s has done away with sin (9:26-27). We can feel fully loved by God so sin can never overpower us. Jesus died to convince us what God is really like, not what we may think God is like.

What Kind Of God Kills Firstborns (Passover) And Then Celebrates The Occasion?

I am never satisfied when I cannot explain any of God’s actions in human, moral terms. It is totally unsatisfactory to suggest that God can do whatever the hell God wants but then tell us similar actions are immoral. Some may be right when they suggest the biblical writers didn’t always write inspired. Did writers sometimes put words in God’s mouth such as ordering the killing of women and children in war because that is what they wanted to do to their enemy? But, the Passover story is not only putting words in God’s mouth but saying God took certain actions.

Firstborn children or adults were slaughtered according to the story. I hate that we can’t know which OT stories are inspired or not. I love the early stories of how God hated parental favoritism. I can relate to that story and resisted any acts of favoritism in raising my children. They still visit. We know in our heart favoritism is wrong, but it is reassuring to know God hates it too. Most are familiar with the Passover story in Exodus 12. God intended to kill firstborns of any household that didn’t have the lamb’s blood atop their doorframes. (Let’s assume the destroyer (12:23) is a representative for God and this isn’t a story about God actually stopping a killer allowed freedom). Are there plausible explanations for God making such a threat?

God had taken similar drastic actions one time before. Did God really need to kill all but eight in the Flood? Some have experienced evil where those in power satisfy their own sick pleasures by raping, torturing, beheading, or enslaving for sex. Apparently, in the beginning of history “…every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time” (Gen. 6:5). Evil may have progressed to the level of sacrificing children to supposed gods as we learn later in OT history with the Canaanites. God at least has a reputation for showing mercy. God would have surely allowed anyone to enter the Ark if desiring God’s help. God didn’t empower Noah to preach in hopes no one would respond (I Peter 3:18-20).

Evil as a result of freedom isn’t fair. Who doesn’t understand why family members for their own protection may not condemn the barbaric behaviors of their husbands and fathers. Corruption can infiltrate a society so much that a fresh start may be the most merciful thing to do. There may be a better place after death more merciful than abandonment or starvation when the adult evildoers are annihilated. The Flood was not doing evil that good may come; it is ridding of the cancer that can eventually destroy any good for future generations.

The Passover has some similar parallels to the story of the Flood. God is always slow to take drastic actions against evil. The Egyptians’ enslavement behaviors were becoming even more oppressive and because the Israelites had become so numerous, Pharaoh ordered the killing of Hebrew boys born for population control (Ex. 1:22). But first, God went the miracle route. Turning the Nile into blood would get my attention that your God is more real than my god. Miracles are simply another form of preaching but apparently God was “preaching to the choir.”

It can seem God is doing tit for tat with Pharaoh by threatening to murder firstborns, but was such a threat the only way that would get evil’s attention? And God always gives an out. Death would Passover any house that had blood on the doorframe (Ex. 12:22-23). Both the stories of the Flood and the Passover don’t explicitly say so, but I have no doubt God’s mercy was available to all households including the Egyptians. It is true it would have been hard for families to turn against families but when evil is rampant such courage is necessary.

Evil can get so bad that sometimes drastic actions are necessary for the hope of future generations. How could God possible get their attention? God didn’t do these things for self-gratification. God rather not follow through with threats that are always conditional if people will only change from their evil ways. God may only take drastic actions when necessary for the sake of those living and their future children. The Egyptians had a god for everything including plants, animals, and land. Animals were the living images of a supposed god or goddess. This may be why God used plagues in which he controlled frogs, gnats, flies, locusts. God was showing that that their gods weren’t in control and not real, but no one was listening.

I wish the Passover story wasn’t in the Bible where firstborns were killed to avoid confusion about God but it is. Is it reasonable to say that sometimes extreme situations require extreme actions? This was the only time in history that God needed to use a nation in the beginning to reveal to all present and future nations what God is really like. Sometimes, a show of force is necessary. Today, innocent lives have to be sacrificed when extremists are planning to come to your country and kill because you don’t worship their God. God has always been willing to live in peace as long as the rights of others are not violated. Does it matter than when God did take extreme action God provides a better place that isn’t a lustful paradise at the expense of women?

So What If The Bible Has Errors!

Many are familiar with the arguments that suggest not only did God inspire the writers of the Bible but that God oversaw that the original written words were without error. Textual criticism tells us what over 99 percent of the original words of the Bible were, but differences don’t change any doctrines. But, God’s respect for freedom could allow a writer’s misinformed scientific or moral view to creep into the Bible. Is it worth the damage done to insist the Bible doesn’t have errors, when Jesus ultimately aspired to unite rather than divide people?

Jesus cared more what changes loving your neighbor lead to than religious folks adhering to certain beliefs to honor God. Eat meat or don’t eat meat to visibly dissociate from false gods or idols (I Cor. 8). Individuals and congregations draw lines in the sand when it comes to how we view the Bible. Such divisiveness isn’t exactly inspirational to others. Giving the Bible almost supernatural qualities can lead to worshipping a Book and not who the Book is about. The Bible was never to replace one’s relationship with God for comfort and guidance. Turning the other cheek isn’t always appropriate. Jesus when leaving this earth didn’t promise to leave us with a Bible but His Spirit so we might be able to discern evil from good (Jn. 14:16).

One must admit to assume the Bible is without error requires some faith anyway since not provable. One must believe that God inspired certain authors to write without any possibilities of hearing God incorrectly, and then God inspired others to know over time which Books should only be recognized as Scriptures. One doesn’t need to be a liberal to believe biblical writers might have misunderstood God’s desires and misidentified God’s actions. God obviously is a respecter of freedom or heroes of the Bible wouldn’t be allowed to murder, commit adultery, etc.

On the other hand we don’t question the reliability of Julius Caesar’s exploits in the Gallic Wars though the manuscript reliability of all ancient literature is far less than the New Testament. Admittedly, we don’t look to all writings for spiritual inspiration. “Thus says the Lord” was used thousands of time by the prophets in the OT. This was similar to writing “Thus says King…” which was expected to be obeyed and not questioned. Death was a consequence for falsely claiming to speak for God (Deut. 18:20-22). And the Bible gains credibility by throwing its own under the bus when appropriate or not rewriting facts to make a story more believable. Women had very little credibility during this time, so if you are going to make up a resurrection story you don’t report a woman being the first eyewitness unless Mary was.

Devoted archeologists don’t purposely misrepresent their findings when suggesting archaeology proves the accuracy of the Bible or to the contrary. It is true if we say the Bible has errors, we are left to discern which writings are inspired by God. But, we have to use judgment regardless since interpretations are fallible. We can’t be positive the Apostle Paul taught that marriage relationships were to be egalitarian or hierarchical in nature. God never intended a Book to replace our relationship with God. We have an internal moral compass to discern good from evil.

I must admit that the Bible at first reading may seem to justify genocide, misogyny, slavery, or other atrocities. There are plausible interpretations often which don’t portray God in such a negative light. But, problems with the Bible could be mostly solve if we would only consider one another’s opinion gracefully, so to work out our own convictions. If the Bible does have errors, this doesn’t lead to all views of God being equal or valid. Our hearts tells us a loving God would never advocate the violation of the rights of others. I believe we are better off with the Bible, but we don’t have to insist the Bible is without errors. The main message is crystal clear. Read the Bible with an open mind and enjoy having a relationship with your Creator.

Are The Ten Commandments Written In Stone Such As Honoring Parents?

The Bible is a story about God. It is not a rule book to quote a chapter and verse. Besides, writings thousands of years ago in different cultures than ours are subject to different interpretations. Jesus would never advise a woman to turn the other cheek for an abusive husband. Develop a relationship with God and God will guide in your circumstances. Jesus didn’t promise to leave us with a Bible but His Spirit so we might be able to discern evil from good (Jn. 14:16).

The Ten Commandments were initiated as a guide for the nation of Israel. Moses received the Commandments from God in stone ( written by the finger of God (Ex. 31:18). Let’s just say the guidance probably describes the heart of God well in terms of how God would advise a nation to live peacefully together. Can you imagine a family or nations using the Commandments as a guide in their relationships? I could handle being in those relationships.

God didn’t write the Ten Commandments so you can know when God loves you or not. A parent doesn’t require obedience before they love their child. God and parents love their child at birth. A parent knows fully well a list of do’s and don’ts is not the pathway to a friendship. Laws are really only necessary for lawbreakers who aren’t treating others like they want to be treated. Rules are a foundation to hopefully lead to the intimacy so badly desired.

The Ten Commandments were never meant to be all encompassing. If you want to have a great marriage where your partner always feels fully confident in your love for them, don’t commit adultery which is the seventh commandment. But, that is only the beginning of a great partnership. Lusting isn’t as horrible of a betrayal as adultery but it doesn’t honor your partner or others. The Ten Commandments are a starting point on a journey with God in how to love your wife like you want to be loved. We all fail. We simply keep our eyes on God to hopefully obtain a type of intimacy hard to put in words.

I wrote this Post mainly for parents and young adults. Some parents love to remind their child of the fifth commandment. Some parents pull out their Bible when their child isn’t doing what they are asking their child to do. You aren’t honoring me! It is a good idea for rebellious, law breaking teenagers to listen to a parent’s words. It can lead to a life of less regrets. But, I have a hunch God wasn’t talking about differences among parents and children when it comes to career decisions or who to marry. God wouldn’t expect children to obey parents who encourage immorality. Some things should be understood without saying them.

When I was growing up in the church, I often heard honoring meant doing what your parents wanted in terms of what school you might attend, what career path you might choose, who you should date or marry, etc. Some parents love to suggest any decisions that are contrary to their wisdom are immoral. A young person shouldn’t always listen to their parents. A parent might insist on a certain career path that makes a parent look good but is a poor use of the talents of a person. If a child’s heart is not into the path they choose, they may never fulfilled their God-given talents to best help make this a world a better place to live in.

Many parents who throw the Book at their child desire their child be spiritually-minded. But parents, if you believe in a Creator of the universe who guides shouldn’t you put your trust in God to direct young adults? Stop making your kids feel guilty by suggesting they are not honoring God. That is no way to have a lasting relationship. We can encourage our children to consider a relationship with God by the example we set. Read the Bible not as a rule book but as a story about what God is really like and ask God for wisdom in your circumstances.

Do Some Old Testament Laws Prove God Is Inhumane?

It is fair to say that many of the Old Testament laws are simply not relevant to readers removed thousands of years from such cultures. Also, this was a unique time in history when God worked with one nation to reveal God to surrounding nations then and nations today through reading Scriptures. But, it may not be fair to accuse God of immoralities because of many of the laws recorded in the Bible. I understand not getting bogged down in reading such laws but there may be plausible explanations for certain laws that at first reading seem inhumane or immoral.

God doesn’t overthrow but works within societies to hopefully make lasting change in the hearts of their citizens. Loving control is an oxymoron. Is God supposed to abandon or continually wipe out cultures that fall into less than ideal relationships? God’s interference or dictatorship can prevent a superior world from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. Freedom is necessary for authentic, lasting change. Many scholars agree that the Mosaic laws were at least an upgrade from the laws of surrounding cultures and religions.

The Israelites had to actually be told to not sacrifice babies and don’t have sex with animals (Lev. 18: 21, 23). These were times when gods were made out of metal (Lev. 19:4) and children sacrificed to supposed gods. God advised the only Law really needed by loving others as we want to be loved (Lev. 19:18), but parameters are always necessary in an imperfect world. It is more complicated working with a nation than a parent working with a child or two. God always hopes for change within so laws aren’t even necessary.

There was more protection of slaves in the OT compared to other near Eastern laws. Exodus 21:20-27 states the death penalty if a master harms a servant that they die. But, if they recover in a day or two, why is there no punishment (v.21)? It is possible the injury was not severe and may assume the loss of money via the servant’s labor was some punishment. The passage goes on to say but if a master knocks out a tooth, the slave is allowed to go free (v.27). Why didn’t God simply outlaw masters touching their servants? The Israelites perhaps were as close-minded to not disciplining servants physically as some are to not spanking children. A law stating a parent must never touch their child may accomplish nothing to protect children. The discipline of servants was tolerated but regulated for disallowing does nothing.

Why didn’t God simply abolish servanthood? The Bible accepts that servanthood is a reality in a world of poverty and gave regulations for treatment by masters. To completely abolish servanthood during these times would leave many without care and food. Laws were set up when people treated servants as objects. God must tolerate certain behaviors if freedom is allowed. God knows people hide, not change their actions, without a change of heart. Servants were considered equal and not to be denied justice when they had a grievance (Job 31:13-15).

God hates divorce as much as we do for the sake of children, but God instructions for divorce is an example of God entering a world of freedom and seeking to protect victims. God not outlawing divorce didn’t mean God approved of all divorces (Deut. 24:1-4), but simply outlawing divorce and not addressing the reality of divorce doesn’t protect victims. God knows power corrupts but God allowed Israel to choose Kings. We only accept the truth sometimes after suffering consequences of our choices.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 lists stoning for rebellious teenagers. But, it seems there was always a substitution that could be offered for any crime except murder (Num. 35:31). The intent may have been to stress the importance of family and obedience in a world described above. Elisha cursed young people calling him bald by causing mauling by bears (2 Kgs. 2:23-24). Was there more to the story know but not recorded for future readers? Was this a gang of rebellious youth intending to do more harm and rebelling against any morality associated with Elisha’s God?

It can be bizarre to us when we read in the OT about all the strict laws related to the tabernacle and priestly duties. These were unique times. God sought to differentiate Israel’s God from other nations’ gods, even to the point of exaggeration. People were never told they couldn’t leave to join another nation and the ways of their gods. God must be distinguished in the beginning for the rest of history. God was dealing with people influenced by others whose gods of creation were represented by metal images or animals. God was revealed and by NT times, people understood how the God of Israel was different from all other nations and gods.

I had always wondered why the uncleanness and seclusion doubled for a female child (Lev. 12:5). Is this just more of God’s supposed plan to suggest men have more of a favored position than women in God’s mind? A plausible explanation is that maybe girls were typically smaller at birth with a higher mortality rate and the extended period allowed a baby girl to become more stable. Maybe fathers favored sons over daughters and a longer time at home encouraged more attention from the husbands. But, there was no difference in the temple ritual between the birth of a boy or girl (v.6).

It is difficult to relate to many of the OT laws. I don’t wish to suggest that none of the laws are mystifying as to why God participated in the making of such laws. Not all OT laws are easily explainable. Perhaps if we could get in the skins of those who lived back then it would be more understandable. But, maybe God is not as inhumane or immoral as God is often made out to be when some of the laws are quoted in isolation. We don’t have to ignore the OT or assume writers were lying when acknowledging God’s participation, but we might read the OT with a better understanding that God works with people rather than abandoning or that God doesn’t simply overrule people because of God’s uncontrolling love.

Did God Command Genocide In The Old Testament?

Deuteronomy 7:1-4 (NIV)

1 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. 3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons.

Deuteronomy 20:16-17 (NIV)

16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.

Joshua 10:39 (NIV)

39 They took the city, its king and its villages, and put them to the sword. Everyone in it they totally destroyed. They left no survivors. They did to Debir and its king as they had done to Libnah and its king and to Hebron.

Some biblical passages either state that God commanded the destroying of women and children or imply God’s approval of such actions by the Israelites at war with other nations. See a list of OT passages here. Are there plausible explanations for how a good God could make such statements without claiming that God doesn’t have to live by the same morals as human beings? Who doesn’t know intentionally killing children even in times of war is immoral, though war is often “kill or be killed” and innocent lives cannot always be spared.

Also, we don’t have to necessarily suggest that imperfect biblical writers put words in God’s mouth at times. God’s love has never been controlling to disallow such views to creep in Scriptures, but Jesus when leaving this earth didn’t promise to leave a Bible but His spirit to discern what God is really like (Jn. 14:16). Only terrorists rationalize that a loving God actually commands killing others for personal beliefs held.

• Deuteronomy 7:1 speaks of driving out the enemy if war is necessary, but verse two speaks of destroying the enemy totally. If total destruction is the only option, you don’t write about driving out the enemy or advising not to make treaties or intermarry with a dead enemy (v.3). Deuteronomy 7:1-3 illustrates how extermination passages (i.e. Deut. 20:16-17) are to be understood within the context of initially driving out the enemy.

• Joshua speaks of utter destruction in Debir and returning to camp (10:39-43), yet the writer practically in the same breathe speaks of survivors from Debir being destroyed (11: 21). The writers weren’t mindless enough to contradict themselves as they sought to protect God’s integrity. The writers didn’t intend certain passages to be taken literally or unconditionally.

• It was common in non-biblical literatures in OT times to use warfare rhetoric. Exaggerated language is often used to induce fear and inspire victory. A US leader may say they will utterly destroy ISIS and anything having to do with ISIS. This doesn’t mean women and children will not be spared when possible. Exaggerated language is even used for God. God is said to have completely destroyed Judah at the hands of the Babylonians, yet this didn’t happen (Jer. 25:9).

• Moses ordered the Canaanites to be annihilated (Deut. 13:14-15), yet Joshua reports of many survivors. Deuteronomy and Joshua are clearly a literary unit as the last and first chapters speak of the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua. Joshua is said to have obeyed Moses’ commands (11:15), but many survivors were left. Moses didn’t mean literally to destroy all living beings if certain conditions existed.

• Many statements in literature are meant to be elliptical in nature. We write and speak all the time about certain subjects without also stating exceptions. God told Jonah to tell the Ninevites they will be overthrown in 40 days. Does Jonah not really speak for God or is God a liar because in fact Nineveh was spared? It is not stated but assumed if Nineveh changes from their evil ways God will forgive them. I may write to parents about the importance of always disciplining without mentioning in the same paragraph that sometimes discipline isn’t necessary when a child expresses extreme remorse.

It is reasonable to assume the Bible doesn’t suggest God approved of genocide or other moral atrocities. God always prefers peaceful alternatives than violence. God never intended for women and children fleeing to be hunted down and killed. There are times when certain nations cannot live together in peace. Many terrorists and those they have radicalized are not willing to live together with differences. Despite the loss of innocent lives, future generations may look back on the 21st century and accept nations invading lands inhabited by evildoers who seek power only to eventually destroy their own and people of other countries. God never condoned torture, rape, and beheading of the enemy. God never initiated war simply because other nations held different beliefs or refused to believe in the God of Israel. God will never promise a lustful afterlife at the expense of women.


Paul Copan and Mathew Flannagan in Did God Really Command Genocide?

Heath A Thomas, Jeremy Evans, Paul Copan in Holy War In The Bible

What Is Being Spiritual And Are You?

My refusal to define spirituality in “God” terms will upset some. I don’t know why it is easier for me to believe in an invisible God than others. I know it isn’t because of moral superiority because others who don’t spend as much time thinking about God treat others a hell of a lot better than I do at times. Maybe you believe in God but have heard God is gender bias or homophobic and use this as an excuse to not be as introspective about your spiritual life as much as your physical or emotional health. Keep in mind though views of God of the Bible are subject to interpretation and the writer is not available for further clarification.

Jesus and most of the great religious leaders define spirituality as treating others like you want to be treated, which the world is in desperate need of. Reality also insists we must consider when we or others don’t act lovable. Change only happens sometimes when we take the first step or go the extra mile. Relationships thrive more when we have a focus to love others like we want to be loved and a plan for how we will handle disappointments.

It may surprise many of the Christian faith that when Jesus was asked how to obtain eternal life, He simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus didn’t attach any other necessary requirements, and Jesus didn’t have in mind perfection or God is going to be mighty lonely. Jesus said love God because loving God is being empowered to love others to the fullest. Few object to the notion of treating others like you want to be treated, so we must have discussions without all the trappings of supposed sacred beliefs. It is suspect that a loving God insists all believe in the Christian God when the majority of people born have lived and died without any knowledge of the Bible or who Jesus was.

Being spiritual and being a law-abiding citizen aren’t the same. Laws can’t legislate matters of the heart to address the realities of our world. The Law can tell us amends are necessary when wronged, but the Law can’t tell you to forgive that which can never be returned such as one’s reputation. The Law can require we not speed excessively by a car, but the law can’t tell us what to do when one is stranded in their car. We need friends to sometimes not respond in like-manner because we are reacting to the pain we are in. Striving to be just good enough isn’t enough in a broken world.

I will put in a plug for God if you think it is possible God was here in the beginning and created. I have messed up in my relationships, but God has influenced me on the importance of confessing, taking responsibility and making amends as best I could. I am not quite sure how to explain but a relationship with God, who loves and forgives us, can inspire us to act the same toward others, to not give up being an encourager than discourager, to not give up doing good and shunning evil. Some may feel there is no way a God could love and forgive what you have done in your past. I believe God never gives up on people.

You don’t think you are spiritual? Why the heck are you reading this! Develop your focus on striving to be more spiritual. Define it, strive for it, and know how to get back on track when discouraged. My view of God’s love for me does this for me. You may need to remove the problems that keep you from making spirituality more of a focus in your life. Spirituality is not whether you go to church or not, whether you believe what other people believe about God, it is loving others. Honestly, I don’t think there are any legitimate excuses for being self-centered. I am convinced becoming more spiritually focused is essential for a better world.

Why Aren’t People More Spiritually Focused?

I don’t think there is a definitive answer to the question posed but I can suggest some possible reasons why people are less inclined to discuss their spirituality as they might their physical health. Most religious leaders define spirituality as loving others like you want to be loved. Jesus, who sparked Christianity, made this His central message. The majority of people believe in a God and the value of loving their neighbor like they want to be loved. Few friends, whether they believe in a Creator or not, defend self-centered living that violates the rights of others.

The first challenge in getting more to think about and discuss their spirituality is not insisting on defining spirituality based on certain beliefs about God or a God. Often, we never get to “so how should we live” because of debates about beliefs. It is true actions flow from beliefs but beliefs should not excuse lack of spirituality or selfishness. If there is a Creator, such a Creator is capable of making themselves known to individuals. It is easier for some to believe in an invisible God than others. It is suspect that the Christian God insists on belief of the God of the Bible when the majority of people born had no written knowledge of such a God.

Spiritual minded people must avoid hidden agendas such as converting others to their religion or beliefs. People don’t need to be converted; people need to be encouraged to have conversations how to love in their relationships. Again, God if they exist can draw anyone to themselves if so desired. People will let you know if they are interested in what inspires you. Jesus’ only agenda was to convince people to listen to their heart. God-folks especially must be open to considering other opinions gracefully, so one can work out their own convictions. People feel manipulated rather than loved when spiritual folks engage other than for friendship or desires to help one how they wished to be helped.

People may be less spiritually inclined because they have heard the God of the Bible is gender bias or homophobic. God never approved of patriarchalism. God never approved of women being dependent on men in a way men shouldn’t be dependent on women. The Bible doesn’t speak about same sex relationships that are exclusively committed to loving one another. The Bible does speak to different sex couples who take the marriage commitment lightly and think partners can be traded in for supposed better versions. Please don’t use others’ view of God as an excuse to not determine who you think God really is. Views of God of the Bible are subject to interpretation and the writers aren’t available for further clarification.

Do not confuse being spiritual as being the same as religious. Religion has been high jacked and has become more about being served than serving. Do not associate spirituality with certain debatable view of God and certainly not with going to religious services. Being spiritual isn’t being Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, etc. Find people who encourage one another in striving continually to love others as well as going the extra mile in relationships. Change only happens sometimes when spiritual minded folks take the first step. Look for people who can help in handling personal disappointments along your journey.

Do you agree that the world needs a lot more people who discuss and become more spiritual by loving others as they want to be loved? Make being spiritual a constant endeavor and know how to get back on track when discouraged. My view of God’s love for me does this for me. Identify any problems, such as certain views of God that may be erroneous, in making spirituality more of a focus in your life. Honestly, I don’t think there are any legitimate excuses for being self-centered. I am convinced becoming more spiritual bring peace of mind and is essential for a better world.

Why Isn’t God More Obvious And Less Invisible?

If God believes trusting in God is in our best interest, why doesn’t God sign each sunset in the bottom right corner? It seems God could be a lot more obvious by intervening more than God seems to. I will never been satisfied with explanations that suggest God is to dignified to have to show or explain themselves. I would die to be asked by my children to make my beliefs clearer. How much more a perfect, loving God! I have a hard time believing a loving God cares more about their reputation than helping us to rely on our Creator.

It is more difficult for God than one may think. Damn if God does; damn if God doesn’t. One could view God signing each sunset as being egotistical. Since this is not a loving behavior, one could suggest God really doesn’t exist. But, I don’t believe all are being rebellious who hesitate to believe in a God or can’t wrap their head around having a relationship with an invisible God. Spiritual rebellion is denying the possibility of a God so to justify living a self-centered life.

Keep in mind God did show up in history in very tangible ways. God dropped manna from the sky to help a nation survive in the wilderness and separated the Red Sea to escape one’s enemy, but people still did not believe or at least put their total trust in God. God even came in person but Jesus’ miracles did not obtain the results some may suggest if God would stop hiding.

God wanted us to come to them on our own terms rather than out of feelings of obligation or awe. God wanted it to be all about us and not God. Loving parents desire their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to feeling manipulated. Do the below seem reasonable as to why a loving God may be less obvious?

• God may not be able to intervene in evil and suffering because true love must never be dictatorial. We ask why God didn’t take Hitler out of this world, but Hitler was enabled and chosen by many who could have stopped him. God’s constant interference and presence may prevent a superior world from emerging as a result of the moral development and improvement of free creatures. Interference can prevent growth and self-satisfaction resulting from making wise, independent choices. God instead can at least provide a life after death with God for those who desire it.

• God may know that a majority of people will reject God now if more “in your face” as opposed to a time in the future under different circumstances. Timing in relationships is crucial. People may also come to believe in God for the wrong reasons in “shock and awe” times which are not conducive for a long-lasting relationship. Also, God revealing themselves in perceived very real ways isn’t always comforting. Many are vulnerable to extreme guilt and discouragement when seemingly having fewer excuses for failing. God always watches out for the most vulnerable, so those of us who can readily except forgiveness might show more compassion.

Faith may be unavoidable in trusting God knows the right balance. Being in the presence of others we offend isn’t always initially conducive for lasting change. God wanted us to come to God on our own terms rather than out of feelings of obligation or awe. God wanted it to be all about us and not God. Uncontrolling, loving parents always desire their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to feeling manipulated, even if it can be proven a mutual relationship is in their best interest.

Can We Only Think Of Spirituality in God-Terms And Why It Matters?

We have a problem. Many would agree spirituality is important as defined below, but such conversations are rare or taboo. One reason I think people are less inclined to discuss spiritual issues openly is because God-folks don’t have conversations without agendas and their view of the God of the Bible is standoffish and may not be what God is really like. I am convinced becoming more spiritual brings peace of mind and is essential for a better world.

Most religious leaders define spirituality as loving others like you want to be loved. Christians may be even surprised this was Jesus’ message along with how God could help us in such a journey. Also, in a broken world we must consider how to love others who have hurt us. Relationships may never heal if we never go the extra mile. Such a definition can allow people to encourage one another in this endeavor. Some seek to justify their self-centeredness or immorality, but most friends would agree with the importance of living a more selfless life.

Many who have grown up in the church will not agree with my definition of spirituality, but I have grown weary of barriers that prevent such discussions. I don’t wish to discourage anyone in their beliefs about God, but more may be open to living a more focused, spiritual life without all the baggage added. Places of worship that aren’t extreme in their beliefs tend to have a positive influence on those who attend, but one doesn’t always notice great differences in relationships such as marriage of those who do and don’t attend a formal setting for worship.

I am convinced the following are important changes we must make in our thinking if we are to encourage others to become more spiritual. The main challenge is to not necessarily define spirituality in “God” terms and certainly not in “God of the Bible” terms. Often, we never get to “so how should we live” because of debates about such beliefs. It is true actions can flow from beliefs but I don’t believe there are any excuses for lack of spirituality or selfishness. If there is a Creator, such a Creator is capable of making themselves known to individuals. If you can’t buy into the whole Jesus and Bible thing, don’t throw Jesus’ message out as well.

• It is suspect that the Christian God insists on belief of the God of the Bible when the majority of people who have been born and died on this earth had no written knowledge of such a God. Suggesting a loving God insists one can only come to God through Jesus is to ignore the realities of our world. The truth is one’s religion, or rebellion against a certain religion, is based on the family born into whether be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.

• It is suspect that a loving God judges people based on decisions and beliefs in the short time here on earth. Do we really think a thief is going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breathe? If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times. One may be able to believe either in a God, a wiser Reality greater than them, or that living less self-centered lives than more self-centered lives is the higher priority.

• Spiritual minded people who wish to encourage others in their spirituality must get out of the conversion business. People don’t need to be converted to a certain religion or set of beliefs; people need to be encouraged to have conversations how to love in their relationships. If God truly exist God can draw anyone to themselves if so desired. Jesus’ only agenda was to convince people to listen to their heart. God-folks especially must be open to considering other opinions gracefully, so one can work out their own convictions. It is manipulative when spiritual folks engage in relationships other than for friendship or desires to help one how they wished to be helped.

• It may surprise many of the Christian faith that when Jesus was asked how to obtain eternal life, He simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). Jesus didn’t attach certain sacred beliefs as clear in His interactions with individuals, and Jesus didn’t have in mind perfection or God is going to be mighty lonely. Jesus didn’t insist the woman caught in adultery believe He was God but simply to do what she knew was right in her heart and leave her life of sin (Jn. 8:1-11). Jesus wasn’t passing out get-out-of-hell-free cards when quoted: “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matt. 7:13-14). Jesus was only warning that selfishness leads to regret and destruction. The narrower path – loving others as we wish to be loved – leads to true freedom.

• Jesus main message was to encourage unselfishness for our own best interest, but Jesus too wanted us to know about God. Jesus including loving God when asked about eternal life because Jesus believed that loving God is being empowered to love others to the fullest. Jesus wanted others to know their Creator will never give up loving us and forgiving us in doing good and shunning evil. Jesus believed there was nothing in one’s past that God could not love and forgive us. Jesus believed a relationship with God helped one to love others while also making amends with others when needed.

• The manuscript reliability of all ancient literature is far less than the Old and New Testament, but we don’t question Julius Caesar’s recorded exploits in the Gallic Wars. The Bible though was never meant to be a Book of rules but stories about God to reflect on what God is really like. Jesus when leaving this earth didn’t promise to leave us with a Bible but His Spirit so we might be able to discern evil from good (Jn. 14:16). God never intended a Book to replace our relationship with God. The Bible’s main message is crystal clear, but interpretations of writings thousands of years ago are fallible and we can’t ask the writer for clarification.

• Spirituality should not be confused with debatable views of God or being religious and attending religious services. Being spiritual isn’t being Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, etc. Find people who encourage one another in striving continually to love others as well as going the extra mile in relationships. Change only happens sometimes when spiritual minded folks take the first step. Look for people who can help in handling personal disappointments along your journey.

Do you agree that the world needs a lot more people who discuss and become more spiritual by loving others as they want to be loved? Make being spiritual a constant endeavor and know how to get back on track when discouraged. My view of God’s love for me does this for me. Identify any problems, such as certain views of God that may be erroneous, in making spirituality more of a focus in your life. Honestly, I don’t think there are any legitimate excuses for being self-centered. I am convinced becoming more spiritual bring peace of mind and is essential for a better world.

Does God “Love And Cherish” More For Richer Or Poorer?

One’s view of God can be impacted by what they have heard God thinks about money. I can quote a lot of bible verses to discuss what God thinks about money, whether God wishes all to be rich or have just enough, but honestly the Bible can be used to prove about anything. The Bible was never meant to be a Book of rules for our personal circumstances but stories about God to reflect on positive changes in our life. What do you think a loving God thinks about money?

Let’s dispel the myth that God wants you rich and if you aren’t, than you don’t have enough faith in God. A person who believes that all their troubles will be swept away through a relationship with God is left with the logical explanation that God has failed them. The Scriptures speak not of God as a genie in a bottle who controls the world but as a Presence in our lives whatever our circumstances. I am not sure what Bible false teachers are smoking who imply lack of faith is the reason for economic hardships.

Let’s dispel the myth that money is the root of all evil. The Bible actually says “for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (I Tim. 6:10). The context suggests contentment whatever one’s situation is true freedom. If money truly led to happiness all the rich people we know and read about would be the happiest people alive. How is it evil when one who has a lot of money leads to giving money to those less fortunate in hopes that one day they don’t have to worry about having food on the table or clothes on their back?

I am not convinced God hates or loves money. Lack of money can rob one of their dignity and having too much money can turn a amiable person into an unpleasant individual by thinking of themselves more highly than they should. It is what you do with money that God cares the most about. Maybe God wishes richer those who can handle prosperity to help others and thinks poorer is best for those when money results in problems because of attitudes of never having enough.

I don’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill but Jesus once said to pray to God: “Give us today our daily bread” (Mt. 6:11). Jesus didn’t say God thinks it is wrong for one to have more than they really need for daily sustenance. But, Jesus surely understood not having enough to survive is unbearable. I have no doubt God has a special place in their heart for the poor. It isn’t favoritism when you want all to not have the worries of survival.

For those who are fortunate enough to have more than they need, God does seem to encourage a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). Our motive for giving matters. Giving can puff us up and make us despicable people. So, for some just keep your money! Even poor people don’t want your money if strings are attached for selfish reasons not in the interest of those you are helping. God will guide you as to whether to give nothing, 10%, 50% or whatever of your abundance.

It isn’t what you have; it is what you do with what you have. There are advantageous to having just enough money. Believe it or not there are burdens when you have a lot of money. Those who live day to day can often have a greater impact in helping others because they walk in that person’s shoes. Those who suffer often get the most help from others who have suffered their same situation. Those who have lots of money can seek to make changes where people don’t have to spend their time worrying about how to keep food on the table or clothes on their back.

Does God Accept Those Who Doubt The Resurrection Or Even God’s Existence?

Religious folks communicate to others certain beliefs necessary to be accepted by God or have a relationship with God. We know it doesn’t matter whether you are baptized much less how you are baptized. A loving God wouldn’t love people based on if they have been dunked or sprinkled? Such beliefs may make sense to church folks but others rightly have a difficult time believing such a thing of a loving God. Whether you think God has a litmus test for acceptance impacts discussing God with others.

Does one have to believe in God to be accepted by God? The first chapter of Romans in the Bible has been used to suggest all who don’t believe in God are suppressing what they know to be true. Actually, the writer refers to those who don’t doubt but ignore God and morality to justify their wicked ways. Let’s not accuse those who believe in a God as needing a crutch and those who question the reality of an invisible God of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times.

Jesus spoke out more against the religious than the non-religious. Religious leaders during biblical times distorted and make religion self-serving rather than self-sacrificing. The Pharisees insisted on certain sacred beliefs which Jesus wanted no part of. I suppose the Pharisees besides liking to be in control assumed God had certain requirements before God would accept you. Jesus wasn’t killed by atheists or those who didn’t go to church. Religious leaders who prayed daily and went to church a lot begged Roman authorities to put Jesus in the grave.

One doesn’t even have to believe in the resurrection to be accepted or have a relationship with God if so desired. Jesus chose twelve men to be His closest friends for support. They saw Jesus perform miracles included raising people from the dead. Jesus even told them He would come back from the grave on the third day after crucifixion. His disciples still weren’t convinced even after seeing Jesus (Mt. 28:17). If Jesus’ disciples, who made personal sacrifices to follow Jesus around, saw Jesus and doubted then people 2000 years later can question whether the resurrection actually took place. I believe the historical evidence is very credible but we each have our own reasons whether to believe in such an event or not.

Some can’t logically wrap their heads around Jesus being both man and God. Exactly how does one do that chromosomally? Isn’t it logically impossible to be God and not God? Some may simply believe Jesus was an extraordinary man who represented God well. I am not convinced there are any sacred beliefs that God demands. God’s only plea is what most of us want for ourselves and loved one – to love others as we want to be love, to go the extra mile in relationships for the possibility of healing.

I am convinced there is Creator of the Universe; others may not be convinced. If such a Power exists, they don’t need my help convincing others there is such a God. We don’t have to convert others to Christianity or to believe everything in the Bible. John Hick suggest in a pluralistic world we might: “Consider the belief that there is an ultimate transcendent Reality which is the source and ground of everything…that the universal presence of this Reality is humanly reflected ('incarnated') in the lives of the world's great spiritual leaders; and that among these we have found Jesus to be our principal revelation of the Real and our principal guide for living (The Metaphor of God incarnate, 187).

What Is The Only Thing God Is Dogmatic About?

One might think a Creator would at least insist that the created believe in who they were created by. After all, the Creator didn’t see anyone else around in the beginning. A Creator who has in mind the best interest of the created surely insists on some kind of allegiance. But, is God less loving than a parent who understands forcing or insisting their children accept them never leads to true intimacy and happiness. God has always believed in the freedom to choose. A loving God, unlike religious extremists, isn’t capable of insisting on acceptance or be killed.

God in person was the same way. Jesus when encountering people never insisted that others believe He was the Messiah. He had reasons to not reveal His identify at times for His own protection, but one doesn’t get the impression Jesus thought “accept me or be damned.” Jesus even accepted the misbelief of His closest friends – His disciples. Jesus warned people of their selfish behavior but Jesus didn’t heal people if only they promised continued belief or change.

Jesus certainly wasn’t dogmatic about certain beliefs claimed to be biblical. God never inspired anyone to write that women shouldn’t have the same freedoms as men. Women didn’t have the same privileges of learning in the synagogue as the men, but that wasn’t God’s doing. God didn’t create a patriarchal relationship with the first couple. That is on man in the generations to come. The Apostle Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, actually taught mutual dependence and that women shouldn’t demand to teach men in gatherings if men’s egos couldn’t handle it. Peace sometimes is more important than agendas.

God wasn’t dogmatic about going to church. The religious in biblical times were told in no uncertain terms that their ideas when gathering to supposedly worship the Creator were all screwed up. They acted as if religion was more about being served than serving. The religion leaders assumed laws were to restrict than free. They acted as if God thought on one day of the week one shouldn’t lift a finger to help others in the name of rest. God doesn’t have a litmus test of sacred beliefs that religious types are always claiming.

God was dogmatic about one thing only and we are the same when it comes to relationships. God only insisted on loving others as yourself which is in the interest of all. Forgiving those who regret their behavior is a path to healing. A self-centered life not only hurts those you love but yourself as well. Entering marriage without a life time commitment isn’t fair to children. But even then Jesus came to assure that our Creator loves and continually forgives so we might not give up doing good and shunning evil.

What If God Is A Lie Or Delusion?

Many find it reasonable to believe there is a God, a Creator, or a Supreme Being greater than them. The advantage of a belief in an invisible God is to believe there is a definitive source for wisdom in how one ought to live this life. Most who believe in a God believe in God’s inherent goodness. Many though aren’t sure that God exists but they don’t believe in doing whatever the hell they want. Most rational beings believe there are moral and immoral decisions.

There are some advantages in believing in a Creator or taking a leap of faith if on the fence. It is typically believed a creator or designer should know what is best for what they have created or designed. A designer of a car can provide the best instructions of what is best for the car to enable it to run smoothly. A Creator of human beings can be a source of wisdom in advising what decisions are in one’s best interests and those they interact with.

Some sense that there is a God but have a hard time believing in a God of others’ understandings. Why would a loving God send people for unbelief to a place where kept alive forever to burn and suffer for their decisions on earth. Not even imperfect moral beings would torture their enemies forever. Views of God suggested according to the Bible are subject to interpretation, and we can’t ask the writer for clarification of their meaning. Human reasoning is always a part of the understanding process. Many agree what a caring a rational and loving God would be like except for religious extremists. Don’t let others’ views of God keep you from wanting to get closer to God. Think for yourself.

A belief in God can lead to comfort in suffering. Many are able to accept that freedom accounts for the majority of evil and that a controlling, loving parent is an oxymoron. Some in suffering are comforted in the belief that there will be no suffering in life after death and they will be reunited with loved ones. Even if someone didn’t believe in God on earth or couldn’t wrap their heads around a relationship with such a Being, I suspect a loving God gives all a second change after death. Wouldn’t you as a parent?

But, what if there is no God, no afterlife, that it is all a lie? Do you think self-centeredness is justifiable and leads to true happiness and freedom on this earth? God simply encourages and seeks to support leading an unselfish life. What have you lost going the extra mile in relationships by forgiving those who regret their actions except healing. What have you lost leaning on a perfect God’s love except support and comfort. What have you lost by treating others like you want to be treated except regrets. I can’t prove to you that God is real though I am convinced God will reveal themselves to you if you desire such a relationship.

How Does An Invisible God Talk To Humans?

It can be very confusing how one is supposed to relate to an invisible God. Frustrations can lead to simply giving up having a meaningful relationship with one’s Creator. I understand some claim God has spoken to them directly but this is not the experience of the majority of those who are seeking a relationship with their Creator. Many may prefer that God would speak more directly but this doesn’t always leads to the results we may think.

The Bible suggests that God with the first couple spoke more directly in the garden than as history progressed. Moses described receiving the Commandments on stone inscribed by the finger of God (Ex. 31:18). We don’t know exactly what types of communication these were but most would agree that God is no longer communicating in the same way. Least you think direct ways by God led to inspired living, you may want to reread the Old Testament. Besides, God wants us to come to God on our own terms and not because of feeling overwhelmed or obligated.

Since God doesn’t speak audibly or write in the sand, how can we know that we hear the voice of God? Many of us talk out loud to God or silently and then thoughts come to mind. Are such thoughts from the mind of God? I got some good news and bad news. We can’t know if certain thoughts are inspired by God, but the good news is God’s love is supportive not controlling. God gives us freedom to make decisions in an open future. Any number of decisions can be made in our situation as a predetermined future suggests one is not truly free to do anything different.

God mainly listens which is what most of us want in a relationship. Very few of us want to be told what to do, or we would always take the advice of others rather than frequently having a comeback as to why one’s suggestion won’t work. Opinions are not always helpful or welcomed. Besides, one’s interference can prevent growth and self-satisfaction resulting from making independent choices. We want to be heard by another soul to talk out situations and share burdens that are heavy to carry alone.

If can be comforting to know God is always available to listen. We may be embarrassed to share our latest relapse with a friend. God doesn’t heap more guilt on us. God has endless mercy and forgiveness so we don’t give up no matter how demoralized we may feel. God is always available in times of loneliness. Friends can’t always be available in the middle of the night. We may feel that we are overburdening our friends by constantly going to them. God’s shoulders surely are much bigger.

But, I want to hear what God thinks! We know mostly what God thinks thus talking with God is mostly for emotional support. Most agree on moral versus immoral actions. Many decisions aren’t moral - what job to take, whether to move to a different city, etc. God doesn’t predetermine our future so we have to wonder the “right” decision. God doesn’t know if your partner is suddenly not going to honor their commitment when challenges arise. Wise or best decisions are simply taking into account past experiences, current circumstances, future aspirations, and going for it. God’s love is both freeing and uncontrolling.

Some relational decisions seem to have a touch of morality that we aren’t sure what God would do. God’s love is still freeing. Should we forgive a mom and sibling for participating in favoritism? Neither admits to any favoritism but such actions are clear to most outsiders. The Bible can be used to suggest always forgive or forgiveness if only possible when one acknowledges wrongdoing. Jesus once said to rebuke others but if they repent forgive them (Lk. 17:4). God isn’t hiding. One may forgive to best deal with personal bitterness. Others may not forgive to avoid further bitterness since the guilty denies wrongdoing.

In relationships there isn’t always a “right” thing to do. It is more complicated for leaders of nations for they are making decisions for millions, thus governments best have checks and balances. Still, a relationship with God isn’t about being told what to do. It is considering how a loving God may think on a matter and feeling free to make a decision based on your present circumstances. If you are insisting God make sure whatever decision make guarantee outcome, then you asking God to be a controller. A loving God would speak audibly if necessary; otherwise, assume you have God’s blessings if it isn’t immoral or violating the rights of others. Don’t live in fear or demand certainty which God cannot guarantee in a free world.

Why Is Human Reasoning (Brain) Important To Understand God And The Bible?

Some may assume about God what others have communicated based on their understanding of the Bible. Unfortunately, the Bible has been used to justify racism, gender inequality, or to suggest God wants to establish a Christian nation. God has always respected the freedom of personal beliefs, that don’t violate the rights of others, as the only path to genuine relationships. The Koran is used to justify forcing personal beliefs on others in the name of God. We must always use our brains and hearts when it comes to understanding God.

Many feel strongly that the Bible is God’s infallible inspiration. Textual criticism suggests we know over 95 percent of the words of the original manuscripts. But, it isn’t provable that God interfered with the freedom of a writer to not misrepresent God’s view on a matter, and we would have to prove God inspired others to select over time which Books should be recognized as infallible. Even if you believe the Bible is infallible, interpretations of a writer’s meaning are fallible and the writer isn’t available for clarification. Human reasoning is always necessary in getting to know God. God didn’t intend a Book to replace our relationship with God.

Since human reasoning must be used in deciding on interpretations of Scripture, we need some type of model to decide which interpretation is most likely of a loving God. When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, shouldn’t we err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind? Said another way God’s morals are surely the same as the highest human morals. God surely wouldn’t demand certain morals from us that God doesn’t live by.

For example some argue that the Bible teaches that God chose before creation who would or wouldn’t have eternal life. Since this doesn’t seem rational to the human mind, it is suggested God’s ways are sometimes mysterious and incomprehensible to the human mind. Earthly parents would be accused of favoritism if acting the same toward their children. Such behavior is morally indefensible and certainly not relational to the human mind concerning a loving God. Similarly, the traditional interpretation of hell is unlikely as not even humans would torture their enemies unending, knowing such suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good.

This doesn’t lead to interpreting the Bible however you want. We all can agree murder, lying, or adultery is immoral. Much of the Bible is clear and we can agree to disagree on the more difficult passages. We can consider one another’s opinion gracefully if they don’t violate the freedom of others. Do we even need the Bible since it leads to so much abuse? The Bible helps to confirm certain characteristics of a Creator that might not always be intuitive. Religious leaders of Jesus’ day taught you needed to obey certain laws to gain acceptance by God. Jesus protested any teaching that suggested God’s acceptance isn’t a given as any loving parent.

If there are certain characteristics of God claimed by others that you just don’t buy, reject it! Don’t allow others’ understanding to keep you from exploring your own views. God always has our best interests in mind but doesn’t stop loving us any more than human parents stop loving us because we fail to obey. Sin effects how we feel about God, not how God feels about us. Humans may have limits as to how many times to forgive. God doesn’t and it is never too late to begin a relationship with God. I view God’s love the same as perfect, human, parenting love that we have always desired.

Why Bother Since Prayer Doesn’t Really Work?

One’s relationship with God can greatly be affected because of lack of answered prayers. Many, many prayers are not answered. But, the Bible says “ask and you shall receive.” Prayer has to be more complicated than simply asking God to make something happen. God can’t just disrespect freedom but controlling the world as God wants. God can’t make one be a better parent if they have no desire to change. God can’t answer the prayer for both people asking for the same job. We may have to trust a loving God answers how we would if we knew everything God knows.

A loving God surely isn’t controlling, so the Bible may not actually reveal that we simply need to pray to get what we want. But, Mt 7:7 says: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” The passage says if we parents give good gifts despite our imperfections, will not God as our perfect Parent always give good gifts when asked. First-century readers didn’t assume this was a blank check for any request. Others passages when read in context reveal God seeks to empower but not control or overpower others against their will. Paul expects followers would face persecution for their beliefs (2 Tim. 3:12), thus many prayers today would go unanswered.

We often overlook the most important reason for praying which is relational. God already knows what we think or need. Talking simply connects us to our Creator so we may become more the people we desire to be. We tell our children to associate with the right people so to make wiser choices. If our entire prayer life was only asking God to help us love others as we want to be loved, that would be enough reason to pray. Prayer is more talking to gain support than manipulating for gain. God is always available to talk about anything on our heart but we might best leave the running of the universe up to a loving God who has the interest of all in mind.

I may communicate with my wife or friends about a decision I am making. I am not asking them to make the decision for me but it helps to talk it out loud and get their perspective. We can get God’s perspective often by listening to ourselves and others or reading the Bible. God wants us to feel free to make amoral decisions based on current desires and future aspirations. We often share with friends our circumstances as a way to lighten our burdens. Friends or God can’t magically make things better but it is better to go through things with someone than be all alone.

Prayer can be an excuse to not take actions which is the most common way that God answers prayers to not violate the freedom of others. Rather than praying your friend’s spouse stop drinking which is harming his family, you might say something to them. When you know two friends are in conflict, you might best speak to one wrongly denying any wrongdoing. Rather than praying to God to help the less fortunate, we can do something. We can pray for others but I am convinced God is already doing all they can. Are we?

Don’t allow misunderstandings of God to lead to frustrations and withdrawal from God. I view praying as simply talking to God which can be informal if you prefer. I talk to God brief times during the day when I am not preoccupied with a task at hand. I let my thoughts drift toward conversing with God as often as possible. Just like in human relationships, we can only feel more intimate with our partner when we find a way to spend more time spending time with them. When suffering I ask for relief but I ask God to stay close to me if intervening is not possible all things considered. I never pray for suffering but I ask how suffering can teach me to more be the person deep down I desire to be.

How An Undetermined Future In God’s Mind Can Be Freeing?

God can’t force true love but that doesn’t make God less powerful. If the future is open or undetermined, an all-powerful God can’t know the unknowable. But, doesn’t the Bible predict the future? God didn’t violate anyone’s freedom by stating God was coming into the world in the person of Jesus to reveal what God is really like. Prophecies aren’t peering into the future but can serve as warnings. Jesus predicted Peter would deny Him three times but Jesus also prayed Peter’s faith would not fail (Lk. 22: 32-34). Predictions by God can be conditional.

The greatest freedom in knowing God doesn’t know the unknowable future is realizing that God’s guidance is not some mystery. A known future leads to wanting God to advise what decisions to make for best outcomes. Insisting God guarantees outcomes is asking God to be a controller. God doesn’t lead through signs or whispers which lead to guess work and discouragement since we can’t be sure if our thoughts are really God’s. We already know the mind of God when it comes to moral decisions; otherwise, God seeks to support us in being free to make decisions in an open future. If the future is open, there isn’t one correct decision to make. Joy and good can be achieved by taking any number of paths and avoiding immoral paths.


We don’t have to live in fear of making “right” decisions. We are free to make decisions based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations. God isn’t hiding or leaving you wondering; God is supporting you. We dislike being told what to do or we would readily take advice and not always counter why suggestions can’t work. God wants us to have the self-satisfaction that results from making our own decisions. God supports us in making best decisions at that time. We can be confident in any choice we make if decisions aren’t immoral or violate the rights of others. God can’t guarantee certainty without making a mockery of freedom.

God doesn’t loss control by not controlling. God is everywhere in the universe at the same time so His knowledge is hard to imagine, but God doesn’t use such knowledge to control others’ decisions. Parents know the freedom to choose is what leads to growth and genuine relationships. God’s uncontrolling nature doesn’t mean God isn’t active in making for a better world. God is constantly seeking to inspire people to shun evil and do good. God seeks to encourage us to forgive, go the extra mile, to leave the world a better place than when we came.

I for one can’t wrap my head around the idea that a known future and genuine freedom are logically compatible. We could say God knows what is going to happen but still engages with us; it simply is harder to relate to. If God already knows what is going to happen one has to wonder why we even bother to pray. Saying God is allowing us to participate in an already determined plan doesn’t communicate active involvement. If God already knows what someone is going to do, are we truly free to do anything different? An open future best preserves the integrity of human freedom and responsibility.

If God supposedly knows the future one may question why God doesn’t do more to stop so much evil in the world. An open future clarifies that responsibility lies with the one making current decisions to perpetuate evil. A controlling God leads to asking “why or what is God punishing me for” or “God, do you really love me?” An uncontrolling God makes more rational and relational sense in a free world. God’s love isn’t controlling but supportive. Our suffering, which is inevitable in a free world, can help others handle similar challenges. God invites our participation for a better world.

Should We Really Pray For Miracles?

Praying for miracles isn’t wrong but it isn’t always helpful. When people ask God for a miracle and no miracle happens, they often question if there something wrong with them or God. Praying only for miracles often leads to expectations that such requests should be answered because one has pure motives. One may begin to question if God really cares or even loves them. Let’s be honest. Prayers for miracles are mostly unanswered so is it worth even bothering.

I wish miracles weren’t possible sometimes. I have seen many come away confused and disheartened about their relationship with their Creator since miracles are rare. Besides, God can’t answer the prayers of two people asking for the same job. God heals one from suffering but their positive influence is lost in helping others suffering similarly that are not healed. Much of suffering is people freely choosing to inflict harm on others, so God would need to snuff a lot of people out of this world without allowing time for their hearts to change. Most parents refuse to give up on any child no matter how rebellious.

It is very hard to explain miracles in the context of God loving all equally. Why does God do miracles for some but not all? Because there seem to be miracles one might question whether God is really doing all God can to make life better for every human being living in a troubled world. Is God sometimes not a giver of good gifts? If God can intervene once, why doesn’t God intervene a lot more? Loving parents are always doing all in their power to make for a better world for their child. Honestly, sometimes I often wonder if we would be better off without miracles of healing and there were only miracles such as birth or transformed lives.

I am not trying to get God off the hook but one must admit miracles aren’t as great as they always seem. You may want to reread the Old Testament if you think amazing miracles lead to inspired living. Jesus’ miracles turned heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. People seem impacted more by how we handle suffering in our lives than miracles. Parents struggle not to interfere but deep down realize instant fixes doesn’t always lead to individual and moral growth. Miracles often lead to seeking only physical cures and not spiritual cures. A healed soul is far better than just a healed body.

I have done a lot of complaining. It helps to understand God constant interference makes a mockery of freedom or makes God seem arbitrary. When suffering I ask for relief but I ask God to stay close to me if a miracle is not possible or best all things considered. I ask how suffering can teach me to be more the person deep down I desire to be. We can pray for others but God is already doing all they can. Are we? Jesus’ prayed to avoid the Cross but Jesus also prayed for God to stay close to Him if a miracle was not possible. I am a better person in the long-run sometimes because my prayers are not answered.

Can We Stop Saying “Love The Sinner; Hate The Sin” To Gay People!

Only a gay person understands how incredibly hard it is sometimes to share with certain people that they are gay. Many, because of their understanding of the Bible, will respond with some version of “I love you; I hate your sin.” But, one is hard pressed to find anywhere in the Bible where this is a recommended strategy in relationships regardless if the Bible clearly condemns a behavior or not. You cannot value someone and condemn them at the same time. What is heard is I don’t love you. It is impossible to not feel personally attacked when such words are uttered.

For whatever reason we treat gay people differently than other issues that one may be personally convicted is wrong. Many refer to Paul’s list of sins to call out homosexuality but they fail to call out the greedy and slanderers (I Cor. 6: 9-10). Unless you are homeless chances are you have been greedy more than once this week. How is it not greedy to keep more than you need and make sure those struck by natural disasters or other tragedies have the rest? We seldom take risks to express our concerns to an individual; instead, we talk to someone else behind their back. So when I see you, remind me to say “I love you, but I hate your behaviors.”

I am convinced the Bible is silent on monogamous same sex relationships. When homosexuality is discussed in the Bible, it was not consensual and it was not monogamous. Such relationships were purely for self-gratification reasons. Keep in mind not everyone who shares something about themselves personally is asking what you think the Bible says. So, keep those thoughts to yourself. If one wants to know what God feels about their relationship, they can engage with God personally. We clearly don’t agree on what the Bible says about many issues in life, or there would not be so many denominations with so many differing creeds

Please don’t insult others by comparing homosexuality to anything else such as pedophilia or bestiality. Friends are coming to us about themselves or their children and they are speaking about consensual, adult relationships. Do I think it is okay if three women marry four men? I will get back to you when I am really confronted with that. Typically, we are talking to individual human beings that are sharing something deeply personally.

Do we tell a drug abuser that we love them but hate their behaviors? First of all, you don’t tell anyone coming for help with their addiction that you love them but hate their behavior. You simply say I love you and let’s do this together. When someone is overweight, which is a lot of us, do we say I love you but I hate your behaviors. Most of us overweight will admit we make some choices in being overweight. Most gay people will tell you this is not a choice they have. This is who they are.

So, what do we stand for if we just love people? When people are involved in uncommitted sexual relationships and I am asked, I don’t say I love you but hate your behaviors. If they want I have a conversation about whether their actions will end up hurting them or others in the future. I do believe in the importance of committed, monogamous relationships. That is why adultery is wrong. That is why it is selfish to be involved in more than one sexual relationship especially if the other persons are unaware. I have no problem taking a stand against behaviors that are harming others and are basically selfish. I do though try to remember I am involved in such behaviors daily. So, if one shares and is seeking your support, just say you love them.

What Is The Main Reason We Know God Isn’t A Religious Extremist Or Terrorist?

Those who believe in the God of the Bible must explain how their God is any different than a God who supposedly demands certain beliefs or allegiance or be rejected or killed. The Bible is full of God’s anger and wars. God chose one nation to represent them so is God’s desire to unite all into one nation with one belief? One main difference seems to stand out from the extremists’ God when reflecting on stories of God’s actions in the Bible in a past culture.

Only religious extremists, regardless of religion, don’t seem to understand what the God of the Bible understood. True love cannot be forced, not even by an all-powered God. Only in a free world can authentic relationships develop. No human or spiritual parent brings children into the world desiring their children not freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced. The God of the Bible doesn’t act as if controlling or destroying free, moral decisions results in true love.

One may assume that God’s anger and declaration of wars were against those who worshipped their own gods and not the God of Israel. Why then would a God opposed to evil, who is powerful enough to create, allow so much evil in the world? The God of any extremist is neither patience or tolerant of rebellion. God’s declarations of war against other nations were not because of a refusal to worship God, but because people were involved in despicable immoral acts such as child sacrifice. If you lived next to an armed community where hundreds of children were being used as sex objects, would you advocate for aggressive interventions which may lead to loss of innocent lives but save the lives of current and future generations?

A loving God would never deny one the freedom to choose their beliefs. We must intervene with family or whoever when we notice one’s beliefs leading to forcing their religious practices on others or blowing up innocent people. One hint terrorists are misguided is they don't just blow themselves up to spread their gospel. Jesus felt His own suffering for something He believed is what changed lives for the better. Any religion based on control than service is not truly religious. Rational people sense it is wrong to murder or steal. Don’t you sense in your heart a loving God respects the freedom of beliefs if not violating the rights of others?

What Is All God Really Cares About?

We can make God or pursing spirituality in our life so confusing. We put up all these obstacles or claim certain beliefs are necessary before we can follow or even be accepted by God. What parent insists a child jump through certain hoops when interest is express in having a relationship? Jesus didn’t talk to people they way we sometimes talk to others about God. Jesus simply encouraged people to follow their heart.

You don’t have to sing about how great God is and what a wretched soul you are. Most of know we aren’t the person we hope to be. We all wish we were more patience at times; we all wish we could take back certain actions in our life that hurt others and ourselves. You don’t have to go to religious meetings to sing God’s praises. Simply seek out others anywhere anytime that encourage being the kind of person deep down you want to be. God isn’t interested in one-way worship but a friendship and relationship to share life together.

You don’t have to worship the Bible as if it were some idol. God doesn’t insist on knowing certain information in the Bible when the majority of people who have been born never had such written knowledge. The writers may have only written down God’s inspirational thoughts, or God’s respect for freedom may have allowed a writer’s personal moral view to creep into the Bible. A rational explanation may exist why a loving God encouraged certain behaviors in the Bible but that is not the point. God never intended one to read anything without their heart and their brain.

You don’t have to believe Jesus resurrected if the historical evidence is not convincing to you. You don’t have to say some ritual prayer about your beliefs or sins before considering God; you don’t, you don’t, you don’t. Jesus didn’t have a litmus test before simply encouraging others to considering lifestyle changes that are in their interests and others they have a relationship with. We don’t have to argue about certain beliefs as long as not violating the rights of others.

You don’t even have to believe in God. If may be hard to wrap your head around an invisible God. People may want to debate if humans have any purpose by design if there is not a Creator. One may say without a standard other than ours, good or evil is in the eyes of individual humans. Most of us know and can agree on good from bad. Most of us can agree about behaviors that are self-destructive or destructive toward others. Life can have a purpose without a Creator. For me, because it is easy to believe in a Creator, such a belief is icing on the cake for me and gives me hope after death.

God only cares about us considering loving others like we want to be loved. We all will be selfish at least one more time but we can strive. Also, in a broken world we have to consider matters such as justice and forgiveness, because one day we may be on that side of the fence. Love doesn’t mean we can’t protect ourselves from those pursing self-gratification. We don’t have to necessarily forgive those who have no regrets and continue to hurt us, but we must find a way to not continue to be victims by harboring bitterness or seeking revenge. I think loving others like we want to be loved deep down is really all God cares about. I am convinced God simply seeks to encourage and support us in such a journey.

What Do We Tell Others God Believes - Gender Roles For Example?

Many understand the Bible to be written by authors inspired by God to record accurately what God is like and believes. But, the Bible was written over a thousand years ago in languages other than the interpreter so interpretations aren’t infallible and the writer is not available for further clarification. Unfortunately, opinions are not shared openly and gracefully so each can work out their own beliefs and relationship with their Creator. Supposed “truths” become more important than the main encouragement of the Bible that true freedom is loving others as yourself.

I am convinced the Bible reveals that roles in life are determined according to one’s gifts and not their gender. I have become rather dogmatic about such views but know I must meet the challenge that I give to others. What we believe are truths contained in the Bible are not more important than the love of our Creator and how we are encouraged to follow in God’s footsteps in our own relationships. Let me share my interpretative views and end by suggesting a model for how we can handle our personal views as to what we think God is like according to the Bible.

• Genesis, the first book in the Bible, is used to suggest God ordained separate gender roles and as you might suspect the men aren’t women’s helpers. The English implication of the word “helper” translated from the Hebrew word ezer is nowhere to be found in the Bible (2:18). Ezer is used of God and implies or often is translated as “strength” (Deut. 33:29).

• The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament is said to suggest that wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives (Eph. 5:22). But, mutual submission is a way of life for all followers to imitate Jesus: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Eph. 5:21). In verse 22 in the original manuscripts, Paul literally says: “wives to your husbands as to the Lord.” The verb missing is supplied from verse 21 so verse 22 is often translated “wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” If wives are under the leadership of their husbands, then we must also say church members are in subordination or under the leadership of one another (v. 21).

• I am convinced to believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives creates an environment most conducive for domestic abuse and the other atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history.

Since interpretations are fallible, it is best to error on the side less prone to abuse. Equality is the least unclear to most. Mutual submission is impossible for men to twist to justify their subtle or blatant mistreatment of women. Lack of mutual accountability can be disastrous. Men often interpret leadership as making final decisions when there is a stalemate. Jesus suggested we lead by serving, so perhaps the man should always submit to the woman’s final decision. Truly, in any dyad relationship, there are many creative ways to resolve impasses. Couples can agree with the decision of the one with the most expertise in the area of conflict.

We all need a model for behaviors or priorities when it comes to interpretation. First, I would suggest when two debatable interpretations in Scripture exist, err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind. Those who believe there is a God believe in the goodness of that God. Secondly, supposed truths are not more important than God’s hope for the world to love others as yourself. God only seeks to inspire and encourage us in such a journey. Many feel the Bible condemns homosexuality; I believe the Bible is silent about monogamous same gender relationships, so same or opposite sex committed relationships are between God and individuals. Regardless though what you believe, we should not declare any belief stands between God and one pursing God.

Why Don’t I Insist On Certain Beliefs To Pursue God Or Spirituality?

I was influenced by teachings of conservative churches I attended growing up. Some of my views changed over the years when I sensed certain teachings did not portray what I think God is really like. I don’t doubt I would have gone on the same journey if I had attended so-called liberal churches. Religions are hell-bent in telling people certain “truths” must be believed to have a relationship with God. I stopped going to church when I couldn’t fit it, but that isn’t the path for all. Each must find their own environments that encourage the pursuit of spirituality.

I can accept one who denies spirituality is important if not an excuse to lead a self-centered life at the expense of others. But, I am convinced relationships are more likely to thrive when one seeks to loves others as they want to be loved. There will be times when we act unlovable and hopefully others will go the extra mile with us without necessarily excusing our behavior. We then must do the same for others. The truth is that relationships are hard work and when one seeks only to be served, it is difficult to have hope for such a relationship.

For years my blogs assumed people might not follow God because how others portrayed God according to the Bible. It is difficult to follow a God one can’t respect. We don’t have to believe everything we hear! I now think a lot more about those who didn’t grow up in the church or the Bible is not really a part of their consideration. We mustn’t assume that one can’t be spiritual if they don’t believe in God, read the Bible, or don’t attend a church, synagogue, or mass.

Many parents believed in God and so that is why we children believe in God. Family hypocrisy can also explain one rebelling against God. Some may simply not believe in God because it just hasn’t been a part of the environments they have grown up in. Many may not believe in God because it is difficult getting their head around the idea of having a relationship with an invisible Being. Regardless if you believe in a God or not, I don’t think we can deny the importance of living a life loving others like we want to be loved to change the world for the better.

Many who may believe in a God hear views of God that deter them from pursing a deeper relationship with God. Think for yourself! Views of God according the Bible are subject to interpretation. Some believe the Bible teaches hierarchical relationship in marriage while others believe the Bible teaches egalitarianism. Some believe the Bible teaches Hell is a real place where people go after death if not believing in God. Others believe the Bible doesn’t teach such a place exists. You are free to reject any characteristics of God claimed by others and explore your own views. Consider that God’s love may compare to perfect, human, parenting love that we desire.

I am not willing to “die on a hill” and I am not convinced Jesus was either to assume certain truths must be accepted before pursing spirituality. Jesus’ closest friends didn’t believe in His resurrection, so some 2000 years later one may question such a historical event. I am unwilling to insist God inspired the entire Bible because it can’t be proved. The writers may have penned their own views of God. God respects such freedom but this doesn’t make the entire Bible corrupt. God never intended a Book to replace a relationship with our Creator. There are no sacred beliefs one must accept if interfering with the desire to love your neighbors as yourself.

Bible believers can’t help but notice what God and Jesus confronted the most. God in the Old Testament didn’t declare war on those who simply refused to believe in the Jewish God. God has always respected one’s freedom of beliefs if not violating the rights of others. No parent believes forcing their child to love them leads to acceptance and intimacy. The Israelites engaged in war with God’s approval against nations that were simply evil. You can believe in any God you want but if that God insist you sacrifice children to appease them, as OT gods did, God can’t just stand by. If your next door neighbor is sexually abusing their child, are you going to stand against evil?

I am not sure if there were many non-religious folks in biblical times but Jesus certainly didn’t seek them out. Jesus’ biggest confrontations were with those who believed in God, who attended religious meetings, and probably prayed often. Religious leaders had views of God that were not Jesus’ views. Religious leaders insisted that God had certain beliefs you must believe in to be accepted by God. Nope! Jesus did speak out against many immoralities because He sought to protect those less fortunate such as the poor. Selfishness impacts the one being selfish and those they interact with.

I don’t think it is worth dying on a hill for any belief or supposed truth except for loving others as you want to be loved. I believe that is what Jesus died for – to inspire all to be the kind of person we deep down desire to be. Jesus came to convey God only desires to encourage and support us acting in ways for our best interest in the long-run. You don’t believe in God. Okay! If I believe there is a God I should have enough confidence God can convince those who want to know. You don’t believe all the things the Bible says about God. You may be right! You don’t believe you have to be religious to be spiritual. Amen! Simply consider how to live for the sake of those you love and for a better world.

Are Certain Supposed “Truths” More Important Than Love?

Many may not have the same spiritual beliefs as you do. I grew up going to church and the supposed “truth” was emphasized – Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus resurrected from the dead, the Bible is God’s inspired word, etc. I still believe many of the things I was taught but the only ones that have those same beliefs attend similar churches who teach similar beliefs. If you insist on certain religious beliefs being “the truth” then you can’t really have conversations without an agenda to convert others to the supposed truth.

It is suspect that a loving God insist on certain truths to have a relationship. What kind of God insists on certain information only found in the Bible when the majority of people who have been born never had written knowledge of such a God? One may ask though why God even bothered to send Jesus or support a book such as the Bible. God has always worked through human means available rather than overwhelm with power. How is it wrong for God to want to communicate to as many people as possible what God is really like through Jesus that can be freeing to those who read it but not condemning of those who don’t read it?

Jesus certainly didn’t act as if truth was more important than love. Jesus closest friends doubted Jesus’ resurrection and many things He claimed to be true. Jesus didn’t cast them off. How much easier is it to doubt events that happened 2000 years ago for which we have to trust history since we weren’t eye witnesses. Jesus had more issues with the religious of His day who insisted on certain truths to be accepted by God. Jesus confronted the most those whose actions were unloving to others and not those that were denying certain truths.

Most accept the historical records that speak of a man Jesus who was born some 2000 years ago. How do we imagine Jesus would respond to one today that questions much of typical biblical teaching but not necessarily the message of Jesus? Jesus focused on ways truly not in our best interests. The world often suggests importance is determined by one’s position. Jesus said the best leaders don’t think of themselves as more important. The world may say an eye for eye but lost childhood memories can’t be recovered. Jesus said forgive those who regret. Would Jesus really tell someone who aspired to love others that certain truths are more important? Jesus surely just wants us to see how loving others as ourselves is what leads to true freedom.

Jesus didn’t choose His disciples based on if they held to certain truths. Jesus just asked them to follow Him and see for themselves. You may not be convinced there is a God. You certainly may not believe what the writers claims about Jesus. But, are you convinced Jesus’ message of love is in your best interest which really is the same message as most of the great religious leaders of the past? If not, what do you believe is important to change the world and live a life with fewer regrets?

I am not saying truth is always in the eye of the beholder. You don’t think murder is wrong. Get a clue. You don’t think lying, stealing, or coveting is wrong. Good luck in relationships. I am saying certain truths are not more important than how we treat others. I am not denying that I believe God in the person of Jesus wanted us to know God desires a relationship with all to encourage and empower them to love. I also believe such a belief is personal and if a powerful God truly exists, they can handle their own relationships.

Should I Read The Bible? – Depends!

Spiritual-minded folks often suggest one might read the Bible to know God better. Now, I am not so sure that is the best guidance for everyone. Without some explanations how to read the Bible, some may come away confused or discouraged. The Bible at times has become an idol that we tend to worship rather than a Book that is read with discernment. The Bible is often looked at as a book of rules, but Jesus wasn’t recommending domestic violence when saying to turn the other cheek. Unfortunately, the Bible has been used to justify racism or gender inequality.

Wisdom can be gain from reading the Bible with a few guidelines in mind, but one’s spiritual growth is not necessarily dependent on if one reads the Bible. Keep in mind a loving God wouldn’t insist on information in the Bible when the majority of people who have been born never had such written knowledge. God has always worked through human means available. The Bible was God’s attempt to communicate to as many people as possibly what God is really like while not condemning those who misunderstand it or never had a chance to read it.

One can’t assume telling one to just read their Bible to get to know God better isn’t without some challenges. One story seemingly has God encouraging Abraham to sacrifice his son on an altar. Is the story about the Cross really about a blood thirsty God who can only love and accept us by killing their child? Regardless of Pharaoh’s actions, how do you explain that God killed the first born of Egyptian families to make a point? To say the least reading the Old Testament can be confusing and leave one questioning if God is really loving after all.

There may be some plausible explanations for the above stories that don’t make God totally immoral. Maybe the story of Jesus’ death is not about a God who requires murder for their sake but about a man who is convinced his message is worth dying for in hopes to persuade others to consider what God is really like according to Jesus. Soldiers die for one another so future generations might enjoy freedom. It is only terrorists who blow others up to deny one the right to form their own personal beliefs.

The Bible was never meant to be some idol to worship. Insisting the Bible is without errors can lead to worshipping a Book and not who the Book is about. One must admit it is entirely possible that God did not interfere with the freedom of a writer to not misrepresent God’s views or actions in some of the stories. Too, our interpretations of a writer’s meaning are fallible, and the writer is not available to inquire of their intended meaning. Human reasoning was always meant to be a part of getting to know God. No Book can replace our relationship with God.

If there are certain characteristics of God claimed by others according to the Bible that you don’t buy, reject it! If reading the Bible is just too confusing or discouraging, you don’t have to keep reading it. But, just because we are confused or question a writer’s motive in some of the stories written, we don’t have to never read the Bible again. Much of the Bible is clear and can be considered in one’s relationship with their God as to how they might be more the person they deep down want to be. Read the Bible with an open and discerning mind while asking God to guide you in making this world a better place to live in.

Can We Know What God Is Really Like As Understandings Form Attitudes?

Our attitudes about someone are often based on our understandings of that person. Bosses often have to make tough decisions to remain profitable or keep the doors open. When we doubt the character of our Boss, we may think they are cutting positions so they can have more money in their pocket as opposed to having the best interest of the company and its people in mind. But, if a Boss has earned our respect we may more readily accept their decisions are really best for the Company in the long-run. We form our opinions of others by if “they walk the talk.” Does the Boss treat their employees like they expect them to treat the customer, etc.?

How though do we form out opinions and attitudes about God that is invisible? Many opinions about God are based on what others say God is like or what one thinks the Bible teaches about God’s character. The challenge with that is that the Bible was written thousands of years ago so our opinions are our own interpretations of what we think the writer meant. We have different opinions about the same biblical passages because our understandings are not infallible. We don’t have to throw away our Bibles but we must be gracious and open-minded about our understandings of the Bible. I could be right, you may be right, or we both may be wrong.

If there is a God who truly created man and woman, God must have had a reason to create as opposed to not create. If such a God exist most would argue for a loving as opposed to a hateful God. It seems pretty clear God respects freedom because so much evil exists in the world that a loving God surely doesn’t approve of. One may surmise then that an uncontrolling God created us to have a relationship. We are often referred to as God’s children. If the Bible can’t be definitive, which is the case for anything written in the past and the writer is not available for clarification, how can we know what God’s love looks like?

A loving God would not reveal themselves only in a Book that the majority of people who have been born and died never had access to. I would suggest we all can have an innate sense of what a loving God is really like. The large majority of people can agree what are selfish acts. Most agree actions such as murder and stealing are immoral. Unfortunately, terrorists prove consensus is never unanimous, but would all terrorists kill their own son if they didn’t accept certain religious beliefs? I would suggest some would hesitate suggesting a flaw in their morals.

Most readers could come pretty close to agreeing on the Ten Commandments of parental love. Most if not all readers would agree that children must be taught to treat others like they want to be treated. Parents would agree it is wrong to favor one child over another because of certain physical characteristics. But, love isn’t without complications. Some parents may guide their grown child away from a career because of financial stability concerns, despite a child’s passions, but many may steer children toward a career they personally would be more proud of. Doesn’t something inside us tells us to give a grown child emotional support in whatever career they choose? Parents who disagree – just treat your child like you would have wanted to be treated at the same age. I have a hunch we could come to an agreement of what true love is.

What is God really like? Our striving to love others perfectly suggests such love exists. We don’t always know exactly what those actions are but we can know a lot. God’s love and perfect human love are surely one in the same or how else could God convey to us what God is like. If you question what others say about God, I challenge you to question others and God until you get a satisfactory answer. Let’s be gracious in our opinions about God. No one has a right to tell others what to believe about God. The only unreasonable beliefs are beliefs that violate the rights of others. Don’t let anyone’s understanding of God keep you from determining your own attitudes about God.

Really Good News About God And Repentance When We Keep Failing!

God is often portrayed as standing on a podium and yelling down at us to beg for forgiveness or burn in Hell. I got some really freeing news! Repentance in the New Testament means “changing your mind.” Repentance can’t mean changing your behaviors by never committing the same sin again, or few if any of us have every truly repented. When you feel remorseful you are repenting. Repentance is being convinced that God’s ways than our own ways are in our best interests and the interest of others.

Most repeat some sins or wrongs, raising internal doubts about our relationship and sincerity with God. If we sin again, were we not truly repenting or remorseful? Repentance is an ongoing action, happening multiply times over and over if necessary. Just because we commit the same habitual sin over and over doesn't mean we weren't really regretful in the moment. God doesn’t say I forgive you if you never do it again.

Understanding God’s unimaginable love is the only way to conquer the ultimate problem in our life – selfishness. God thankfully does not give up hoping or forgiving, or we may never make important life changes. Sometimes we cannot stop hating ourselves for committing the same wrongs over and over. God doesn’t give up after the 10th relapse. God doesn’t heap guilt on us; our selfish actions already do that for non-evil folks. We can start off each day knowing God is in our corner.

God doesn’t worry about giving us a license to keep sinning. Who wants to keep acting in ways that further alienate our family and friends? God doesn’t keep heaping guilt on us. Repeated failures have their own consequences. Threatening others with God’s anger may discourage evil but doesn’t inspire reconciliatory actions. When we understand what God is really like and how much God loves us, we can be empowered to continually act in the best interests of others and ourselves. This is how true parental love and guidance works.

God as a Parent loves we keep regretting actions that are selfish. We often have to focus on God’s continual forgiveness to not give up. Doubting God’s favor doesn’t lead to change. Repentance is beginning to think differently, taking steps toward trusting God’s ways more than our own. Repentance isn’t guaranteeing a new lifestyle or you don’t really love God or want to change. Knowing God loves and forgives us repeatedly best leads to life transformations. God’s love is really that simply and what will lead to our being more the person we deep down desire to be.

Is Your Understanding Of God Determining Your Attitude Toward God? What If….

Our attitudes about God are based on what we understand about God. My parents can tell me all they want that they love me and want the very best for me, but mutual respect is what leads to a meaningful relationship and following their guidance. Do their actions match their words? What we think God is really like can determines whether we want to have a relationship with our Creator much less enjoy a meaningful relationship. If you hear characteristics about God that you don’t buy, reject it!

Others’ views of God according to the Bible are not infallible. That is why there are so many different interpretations about what the Bible teaches. It is people’s interpretations that can influence our attitude about God. Rational people don’t question if God advocates murder based on whether one believes in their version of God or not. But, some beliefs are claimed to be immoral according to God, which can impact whether we respect God enough to want to pursue a deeper relationship. Would it make a difference if you discovered God’s love is the love you always imagined would be true of a loving God? We can’t always believe everything we hear!

• I don’t always know what God would do when justice must be served, but I am convinced God doesn’t torture people forever after death for certain beliefs they have while living on this earth. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. The traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible. God will know best how to love us or our loved ones even if they had no interest in God while on earth.

• Good people suggest the Bible teaches wives are submissive to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t submissive to their wives. If such a model works for both partners in a marriage, that is great. If such a view of roles has you questioning God, you are in good company. Many biblical scholars aren’t convinced the Bible advocates a hierarchical as opposed to equalitarian relationship between the sexes. I believe decisions are best made according to one’s gifts not gender. No one needs a man or priest as a go between with God.

• I am convinced God doesn’t condemn same sex relationships that are monogamous. The Bible doesn’t say anything about such relationships. I am biased toward monogamy because I think souls get hurt otherwise. Each person can seek God’s guidance in their relationships.

• I am not convinced God has a litmus test of beliefs for acceptance from God unless you believe self-centeredness is a virtue. God is a God of freedom of beliefs, even about God. Loving parents know they can’t demand their child love them if they expect to have a meaningful relationship. The only hidden agenda a loving parent or God has is to earn their child’s belief that they truly have their best interests in mind.

• Sometimes a parent doesn’t interfere in their child’s suffering because freedom of choices can only lead to true change. A lot of suffering is not because of one’s own moral actions. Is it wrong not to stop my child’s suffering if I knew their suffering, inevitable in a free world, would enable them to help others in similar circumstances? There may be plausible reasons a loving God doesn’t intervene in underserved suffering since God oversees a world given freedom.

What understandings about God give you a bad taste in your mouth? God’s actions and morals are the same as the highest of human morals. God’s love and perfect human love are surely one in the same. If one suggests a certain characteristic about God that I don’t believe lines up with that, I am going to question it and challenge my God until I believe I have a satisfying answer. We can expect understandings of God to be plausible based on what a loving God should be like. How else can I respect God or have a meaningful relationship?

What One Belief Hinders Spirituality The Most?

I am convinced we all need to be more spiritual minded if we are going to leave this world a better place than when we came with fewer regrets. Most think it is important to be more physically healthy. I can’t claim more successes than failures eating healthy, but such a focus keeps me striving for my goals. Physical health is an open conversation, but for some reason discussing our spiritual health is taboo. Why is it so difficult to discuss and encourage one another about our spirituality which is simply striving to be more the person we desire to be deep down?

Who doesn’t wish to treat their partner, friends, and co-workers better than we do sometimes or at least treat them more like we want to be treated. Avoid unnecessary guilt trips. Some people are just plain difficult people. We don’t always need to accept or look the other way from their misbehaviors. If you treat other people like dirt and I have any kind of relationship with you, I am going to tell you the truth. It is risky sometimes but “no risk, no gain.” I hope if you see that I have a blind eye toward mistreating others that you will let me know in a way you would want someone to tell you the same thing.

One of the hardest relationships to be the kind of person you want to be is in marriage which has some unique challenges. We interact more behind closed doors where others can’t see our behaviors than in most other relationships. Our partner often is more dependent on us such as rearing children that makes just walking away difficult. But, most of us didn’t marry the devil and we need to figure out how to treat our partners like we do our best friends. The one main belief that kills marriages is the same belief that kills pursuit of spirituality.

Before I challenge you to change such a belief, let me mention certain things we discuss instead of our spiritual health. I am more familiar with the religion of Christianity and how such folks make conversations and encouragements about spirituality more difficult. We talk about religious stuff. We talk about the need to go to church. We talk about that you need to believe what the Bible says or you can’t really be a spiritual person. If you have read the Bible lately, it does have say some pretty weird stuff that is hard to reconcile with a loving God. God, like any loving parent, doesn’t require any traditions, rituals, or beliefs to have a relationship.

The one main belief that kills discussions about spirituality, for which I was and sometimes still am guilty of, is “I am right and you are wrong.” Guess what! I may be right, you may be right, we may both be wrong. Now, if you think it is right to behead and kill people because they don’t share your personal beliefs about God, you are wrong! Many good, spiritual minded people assume they need to convert their friends to their beliefs in order to be accepted by God. Stop! I do think people best become more focused on their spiritual health if they desire to be more the person they want to be. I do think there are certain views of God that can be empowering in such a journey, but there are no sacred beliefs you must sign up for to begin the journey of being more the person you want to be.

Why Is There Hope For God’s Grace Beyond The Grave?

What do you say to love ones whose family or friends didn’t believe in or acknowledge God in any way while here on earth? Do you really think God is going to judge all based only on their beliefs during a short time here on earth influenced by so many random factors? Do you really think a loving God is going to determine one’s destination on supposed, necessary beliefs according to the Bible when the majority of people born never had a copy of the Bible? Do you really think God is going to judge one when they didn’t truly understand God or God was misrepresented by others? Why wouldn’t a merciful, forgiving God be a God of second changes?

If there is a God and there is the possibility of life after the grave, there are many reasons to trust our gut that God is a God of second changes. Many assume the Bible teaches that God bases our future destiny on if we trust God while here on earth. Some biblical passages suggest the possibility of decisions after death when meeting one’s Creator but they are hardly definitive. (One will want to read Grace Beyond The Grave by Stephen Jonathan for an excellent discussion). But, no biblical passage confirms without question that decisions aren’t made after death. Biblical scholars who believe in the trustworthiness of Scriptures suggest both interpretations. Thus, the Bible cannot be used to definitively answer whether God’s grace ends after death or after meeting one’s Creator.

The Bible says nothing about one’s destiny beyond the grave that doesn’t believe here on earth. Even if the Bible defended the traditional understanding of Hell, nothing in the Bible totally rules out grace after death before the possibility of Hell. But, the word Hell is a substitution not translation. The Greek word Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell in the New Testament, was a real valley near Jerusalem historically known as a site for horrific physical deaths. Hell is not a translation of Gehenna any more than Atlanta is for Chicago. Jesus used Gehenna to warn that spiritual deaths (a life of self-centeredness) can be just as disturbing as physical deaths.

Grace beyond the grace is more likely because it fits God’s loving attributes as described in the Bible and understood in our souls. Many have never had a Bible or read the Bible but would share beliefs about a loving God’s actions after death. The Bible clearly teaches forgiveness is unlimited (i.e. Mt. 18:21-22) In fact forgiveness is so important to God that we should question if we can be forgiven by God if we do not forgive others (Mt. 6:15). This attribute of God strongly suggests God would forgive one more time after death if one truly trusted in God after meeting. God can “not” forgive any more than a parent can deny their child forgiveness no matter the degree of their transgressions or when they seek forgiveness. Also, God’s essence is mercy. God can’t stop being merciful after death. Parables discuss God celebrating regardless of when one finds God. Better late than never! Parables are meant to teach a moral point. God always loves celebrating one’s repentance even if after death.

Grace beyond the grave is more likely because a loving God is not going to leave one’s final destiny to chance. Many people believe the way they do because of the family they grow up in or where they were born. One’s beliefs about God here on earth may be based on false representations by others. Some despise their Heavenly Parent because of their earthly parents. Meeting God will clear up any confusion. Do we really think a thief is going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins simply because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breathe? God created freedom for the possibility of authentic relationships, but God is not going to let one’s final destination be controlled by others.

There may be one main reason why people do not believe in grace beyond the grave. We assume God’s purpose for justice is to pay a price rather than in hopes to restore. Unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. Fearing God in the Bible is synonymous with fearing the consequences of immorality. The threat of punishment is only for the purpose to deter. The threat of Hell or prison doesn’t lead to relationships desired by God or parents. God doesn’t have to heap on more punishment than the consequences of destroyed lives and relationships. We may want to tell an addict after the 10th relapse there is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. God’s continual encouragement and mercy, not fear, is our necessary nourishment for true changes of the heart.

The truth is no punishment can return one’s robbed memories because of sexual abuse or murder of a loved one. Justice only for the purpose of payback is misleading for that which has been taken can never be returned. Victims often don’t just want their oppressors to suffer. True justice is being forced to understand your victim’s pain and accepting the harmfulness of your actions. After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. Will some still refuse to admit and truly regret? The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. I trust God can determine pretenders. We like God may forgive our tormenters if they truly regret their actions and seek forgiveness. Believers and unbelievers may go through the same process of justice, some having more regrets than others.

What about our loved ones after death who didn’t acknowledge God much less have an obvious trusting relationship with their Creator? It seems no one in their right mind would reject living in heaven after meeting their loving Creator. God will remove all causes that led to irrational thinking. But, God clearly values freedom of choice. There may or may not be a time limit for one coming to their rational senses. Some will say why even bother then in this life to act godly much less trust in God. I am speechless if you believe a life of not loving others like you want to be loved is worth living. I am convinced when we know God the way Jesus knew God, we will sense God’s love and support in good and troubled times and pursue a life that doesn’t lead to regrets while here on earth.

There Is Hope For God’s Grace After Death For Our Loved Ones!

What happens to our loved ones beyond the grave if God was not a part of their life, but they didn’t live like the devil and lived a more moral life than many who claimed to trust God? I wrote on this recently but due to the importance of this subject, I have summarized reasons why we can hope and give others hope in difficult times that God is a God of many chances:

• It cannot be claimed that posthumous salvation is unquestionably taught in the Bible; it cannot be claimed that posthumous salvation is unquestionably rejected in the Bible. The Bible cannot be used to decide whether God’s grace ends after death regarding one’s destiny, so we must decide this matter based on what the Bible says in general about God’s character and how we sense a loving God would respond to all after death. This doesn’t suggest all claims are true. Beheading one for their personal beliefs is evil. But, the Bible encourages us to be perfect like God so we must have an awareness of what perfect love is (Mt. 5:48).

• It is likely God shows grace and mercy beyond the grave or then humans would be better lovers than God. It doesn’t matter what horrible deeds your child has done or if they seek forgiveness at the last minute. You are going to celebrate and forgive your child. Do we really think God is going to stop showing grace at the moment of one’s last breathe?

• There is surely no time limit on God’s forgiveness. The Bible clearly teaches forgiveness is unlimited (i.e. Mt. 18:21-22). This attribute of God strongly suggests God would forgive one more time when meeting God if truly trusting in God and regretting one’s actions. God’s core is mercy. God’s can’t stop being merciful after death!

• Our beliefs are often determined by where we were born or the family we were born into. Our destiny cannot be based on certain beliefs found only in the Bible when the majority of people born into this world had no access to such information. Those with a Bible may have misunderstood God either because of poor role-models or what others taught about God. Freedom was necessary in this world for the possibility of authentic relationships, but God is not going to let one final destiny be controlled by others. Meeting God will clear up any confusion and remove any causes that led to erroneous thinking.

• God’s purpose for justice isn’t to pay a price but restoration. What does it say about a God that requires suffering that has no possibility for good. No punishment can return one’s robbed memories because of sexual abuse or murder of a loved one. Victims have the hope of true justice which is the guilty being forced to understand their victim’s pain and accept the harmfulness of their actions. After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. We like God may forgive our tormenters if they truly regret their actions and seek forgiveness. Believers and unbelievers of God here on earth may go through the same process of justice, some having more regrets than others.

• When we cannot claim certainty, we can do more harm by telling others God is not a God of second changes than the possibility that God’s grace does not stop at the moment of death. If two debatable opinions exist, we must err on the side that portrays God as the most relational and rational to the human mind. Our biblical interpretations must be plausible based on what a loving God should be like since this is the very essence of God (I Jn. 4:16).

There are advantages to trusting God while here on earth. Jesus didn’t come to save us from consequences only after death. God wanted us to experience true living here on earth. Jesus’ message of love is what leads to true freedom and peace of mind here on earth. Who thinks their toys are more important than their relationships on their deathbed? What regrets are there living out the message by Jesus who represented God here on earth? Heaven is a time for celebrating one’s life and refuge for those who have suffered greatly. There is no greater authority to be under than a graceful, just, forgiving, loving God.

Is Your View Of God Working For You?

The problem of evil is a main reason people don’t believe in God. How we answer how suffering and God co-exist can determine if we believe in the midst of suffering that God truly exists. God obviously seldom controls evil which brings so much suffering, but we know freedom is necessary for authentic relationships. True love must be chosen not forced. One consideration may be that God’s love, like a parent’s, may actually be greater when uncontrolling. It may be the best hope for as many children as possible to eventually freely choose good that last.

Other reasons God may not pursue a relationship with God isn’t because of apathy but because of misunderstandings of what God is really like. God of course is opposed to lying or stealing, but this isn’t why many are uninspired to pursue spirituality in their life. God suggested two laws would make all other laws unnecessary. Love God which is reasonable if loving God is loving others, and love others like you want to be loved. Few argue the second law wouldn’t lead to better relationships in the world. You may even have to forgive one who truly regrets their behavior unless when guilty, you wouldn’t hope for the same.

But, God is said to oppose certain things that discourage some from pursuing a relationship with their Creator. God never said not being a churchgoer is the same thing as being a devil worshipper. Just seek environments that encourage and challenge you to pursue being the person you deep down desire to be. There are no traditions you must follow to be accepted by God. God doesn’t reject us because of our friends, who we marry, or what career we pursue. God cares how you treat others because that is what you will care about on your deathbed.

God not only respects the right to choose your own personal beliefs in this life, but God does not torture people after death for such decisions. God never said believe or burn in Hell. Who thinks God doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good. No such place as Hell exists according to the Bible. Hell was invented over the centuries to scare people into obedience. Religious extremists and terrorists are enemies of God. True love, where authentic relationships can develop, cannot be forced. The God of the Bible doesn’t control or destroy free decisions as if that resulted in true love.

God and the Bible don’t condemn same sex monogamous relationships. I am biased toward monogamy because I think souls get hurt otherwise. Jesus, who represented God on earth, never spoke about homosexuality and said when gone He would leave His Spirit to guide individual hearts. God and the Bible don’t undisputable advocate hierarchical as opposed to equalitarian relationship between the sexes, or biblical scholars who respect the Bible as God’s guidance would all agree. No one needs a man or priest as a go between with God.

God doesn’t demand you forgive those who betray you when they accuse you of lying about their actions. We can stop being victims by not letting bitterness control our lives, but for many it is nonsensical to forgive one for actions that they deny happened. Is God really angry all the time or is God’s anger another side of God’s true personality – love. God’s personality is no different than when a loving parent shows tough love in hopes that their child will choose to stop acting in harmful ways toward others and themselves.

What beliefs about God is keeping you from pursuing God or spirituality more purposefully in your life? Consider making spiritual-mindedness, which is loving others as you want to be loved, a constant endeavor and know how to get back on track when discouraged. My view of God’s love for me does this for me. Identify any problems, such as certain views of God that may be erroneous, in making spirituality more of a focus in your life. You may discover that God’s love is the love you always imagined and hoped would be true of a loving God.

What Might God’s Justice Look Like After Death?

The supposed reason for Jesus’ death has shaped our view of God’s justice. It is assumed God’s purpose for justice is to pay a price rather than in hopes to restore. Jesus didn’t die to placate a blood-thirsty God who needed their child murdered to save face or have their honor restored. Soldiers die for one another for causes they believe deeply in. Jesus died to convince us of God’s incredible love in hopes we would let God empower us to reflect such love for us back to others. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God.

The traditional understanding of Hell may shape one’s view of God’s justice. Unending suffering doesn’t produce any good. It turns out no such place as Hell exists according to the Bible. Hell was invented over the centuries to scare people into obedience. The threat of Hell or prison doesn’t lead to relationships desired by God or parents. The threat of punishment is only initially to deter and steer one from destruction. God in the afterlife doesn’t have to heap on more punishment than the consequences of destroyed lives and relationships. God’s continual encouragement and mercy, not fear, is our necessary nourishment for true changes of the heart.

But, the Old Testament laws talk about an “eye for an eye” for justice. Obviously, the law was not saying to gouge out one another’s eyes. The law was meant to keep the privileged from taking advantage of the weaker by seeking unfair compensation. Jesus did not contradict this law but encouraged going the extra mile (Mt. 5:38-42). In NT times often clothing was allowed to serve as collateral – give them your shirt and coat as well. Justice seeks more than just righting wrong by seeking or giving payment. It seeks the possibility of restoring relationships.

How justice takes place in the afterlife may provide insights in what we can strive for in this life. Obviously, standing up to enemies before a perfect Judge is very different than standing before human judges. Deep down all I want from others that have hurt to me is to experience true regrets, to admit their wrongs, and to make amends when possible. I can’t speak for those who have experience tremendous suffering from others such as sexual abuse, rape, or torture. Does unending punishment or torture truly satisfy?

No punishment can return one’s robbed memories because of sexual abuse or murder of a loved one. Justice only for the purpose of payback is misleading for that which has been taken can never be returned. True justice is being forced to understand your victim’s pain and accepting the harmfulness of your actions. After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. Will some still refuse to admit and truly regret? The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. Believers and unbelievers may go through the same process of justice, some having more regrets than others.

Punishment can never make things totally right for a victim. Is the only justice for a child beater is to be beaten? A child beater may actually have to experience emotionally the terror they gave others, to bring them to their knees. Victims will have their revenge one day. God’s punishment has always been in hopes of redeeming the guilty. We like God may forgive our tormenters if our enemies truly regret their actions and seek forgiveness. True confession from the guilty and forgiveness from the victim is the greatest hope for restoration. Justice from a fair, merciful God is entirely possible despite people being given a second chance after death.

What Is God Like And How Can We Know?

God’s reputation matters. If we don’t understand or respect God or anyone for that matter, we are not going to pay much attention to much less want a relationship with God or that person. People aren’t always just being apathetic toward God; instead, the God represented by others doesn’t always inspire wanting to get to know God. An employer can encourage all they want the sacrifices necessary for the survival of the business, but employees are not going to follow unless the boss makes sacrifices? We follow those who we have genuine respect for.

Theologians often will play the mystery card when their biblical interpretations suggest God’s morals are not the same as perfect, human morals. They understand some explanation is required when their views of God are incompatible with most people’s idea of a loving God. John Calvin taught that God elects some for eternal life after death while excluded others. Any parent who showed such arbitrary love toward their children would be declared immoral. God cannot claim to be moral if God doesn’t obey actions God claims are moral.

We know what God is like because God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God is just like us on our perfect days. How can we know though to forgive others who truly regret their actions, since forgiveness is not as obvious a moral as murdering, stealing, or lying? It is as if our Creator has impressed upon our souls that the right thing is to always treat others like we would want to be treated by them if we were in their circumstances. One day you may be in need of forgiveness. But, how can we know God lives by perfect human morals?

Jesus, who represented God here on earth, made statements like: “Be perfect, therefore as your heavenly Parent is perfect” (Mt. 5:48). We are encouraged to “Be holy because I (God) am holy” (I Pet. 1:16). God clearly think we know what perfection or holiness is or these statements are meaningless. Our striving to love others perfectly suggests such love exists. God is saying watch me and you will know how to act perfect or holy. God’s ways are always moral humanly speaking. God can’t act partial but declare favoritism wrong (Jam. 2:1). God isn’t a hypocrite who tells us to act morally but then acts immorally. We know what God is like because God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same.

Acting morally is usually clear but for example acting justly isn’t always exact. Should we sentence a person to two or four year for their crime? We know God’s sense of justice always has in mind the hopes of restoration. At least if we try to be like and demonstrate God’s attitudes in all decisions the world surely will be better off. Many decisions are not moral such as which career or job to pursue. We are free to make our own decisions. The beauty of a relationship with God is that with God alongside we can make wiser decisions based on what a loving God would desire for a better world.

God is the ideal lover and desires to inspire and empower us to be the same kind of lover in our relationships. God’s ways are not mysterious according to the Bible; God’s ways are higher (more moral) than our ways (Is. 55:8). God isn’t a hypocrite who tells us to act morally but then acts immorally. Biblical interpretations that imply God’s ways are less moral than our ways are unconceivable. God’s love is the love you always imagine would be true of a loving God. God is the perfection of the human parents we have always desired.

God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently. That is what God is really like!

What Beliefs Killing God’s Reputation Might Change Your View Of God?

I confess that I write about the same convictions about God over and over in different ways so other might discover misbeliefs that hinder being more spiritual-minded and pursuing a relationship with God. Our understandings of God determine our attitudes about God. I believe God’s character must convey true love for meaningful relationships. Use the search box on my website for further elaboration of the below views of God:

• God isn’t an angry, egomaniac. God is a lover who stands against immorality harmful to oneself and those around them

• God isn’t a sexist. God created equal relationships and doesn’t appoints go-betweens between God and us such as husbands for wives or priests or pastors for parishioners

• God isn’t a sadistic torturer. Who doesn’t know unending suffering serves no good! The traditional meaning of Hell is nowhere to be found in Bible

• God isn’t a homophobe. The Bible speaks out against non-monogamous relationships which lead to lovers getting hurt

• God isn’t a doomsayer. God is not coming down to destroy the world someday. The world will go on forever and all will die someday with the hope of Heaven

• God isn’t a rejecter because you don’t accept others’ understandings of the Bible. God’s only sacred belief is the Law of Love

• God isn’t a moral hypocrite. God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same. God’s ways are always moral humanly speaking. God’s love is the love we strive to show others

• God isn’t a blood-thirsty child killer. Jesus didn’t die for God’s sake but to convince us of God’s incredible love in hopes we would let God empower us to reflect such love back to others. The Cross was not meant to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God

• God isn’t a religious extremist or terrorist. God doesn’t demand certain personal beliefs or be ostracized or beheaded. Religion is wrong if demanding to be served than serve

• God isn’t a Controller but a Creator of freedom which accounts for so much evil and suffering in the world.

What other views of God may keep you from becoming more spiritually focused in your daily living. They may not be true!

Is The Bible Useless If Has Errors?

One must believe, to say the Bible is without error, that God inspired certain authors to write without any possibilities of misunderstanding God for their own reasons and then God inspired others to know over time which Books should only be recognized as Scriptures. One doesn’t need to be a skeptic to accept that God’s uncontrolling love certainly can allow a writer’s misinformed scientific or moral view to creep into the Bible. Is it worth the damage to insist the Bible doesn’t have errors, when God surely aspires to unite not divide people?

But, if the Bible has errors does that mean we are unable to discern truth from fiction in the Bible? The reality is much of the Bible is subject to interpretations which obviously are not infallible. Jesus wasn’t recommending domestic violence when saying to turn the other cheek. Scholars who believe in the trustworthiness of the Bible differ if the Bible teaches equalitarian or hierarchical relationships in marriage. Scholars disagree if Genesis was a literal historical account or allegory to convey important spiritual truths. The reality is much of reading the Bible is discerning spiritual truths applicable to our circumstances. Claiming the Bible is inerrant doesn’t do away with that process.

Dogmatism only divides when differences exist in interpretations with others. Many problems with the Bible could be solved if we would only consider one another’s opinion gracefully, so to work out our own convictions. I am convinced we should err on the side of the interpretation that seems plausible based on what a loving God would be like humanly speaking. Human reasoning is not the enemy. We cannot prove God exists scientifically or otherwise. But there is something very real in the hearts of millions who have a hope deep down inside them that suggest the possibility of a loving God. The hope for a tyrannical God is non-existent. God said be perfect like me (Mt. 5:48). This statement is meaningless unless God’s love is the same as perfect human love.

But, the main message of the Bible is crystal clear. Love others like you want to be loved for a better world. We could focus on commonalities and not differences. Just because we say the Bible may have errors and must be read with discernment doesn’t lead to all views of God being equal or valid. Our hearts tell us a loving God would never advocate the violation of the rights of others. We all have an internal moral compass to discern good from evil. We know religious extremists and terrorists are wrong because a loving God would not demand certain personal beliefs or be ostracized or beheaded. God created freedom because true love cannot be forced.

One must admit to assume the Bible is without error requires some faith since not provable. But, in the Bible’s defense we don’t question the reliability of Julius Caesar’s exploits in the Gallic Wars though the manuscript reliability of all ancient literature is far less than the New Testament. “Thus says the Lord” was used thousands of time by the prophets in the OT, which was similar to writing “Thus says King…” Such edicts were expected to be obeyed and not questioned. Death was a consequence for falsely claiming to speak for God (Deut. 18:20-22).

The Bible at first reading may seem to justify genocide, misogyny, slavery, or other atrocities. There are plausible interpretations often which don’t portray God in such a negative light. But, we don’t have to insist the writers of the Bible didn’t at times misunderstand or misrepresent God at time for selfish reasons. The writers could have been working out their relationship with God as we are. Read the Bible with an open mind. Giving the Bible almost supernatural qualities can lead to worshipping a Book and not who the Book is about. The Bible was never to replace one’s relationship with God for comfort and guidance.

What Can Beginnings In Genesis Teach Us Whether Literal Or Not?

There is much debate about whether Genesis was meant to be taken literally in terms of a historical account by the writers. A belief in evolution suggests Genesis is not a literal account. Others point to grammatical indicators to suggest Genesis was intended to be a historical account of the beginning of the world. Since neither view can be proven over two thousand years after the fact when written, it is unwise to insist on either belief. Many who disagree if literal or not would say though that Genesis was written to at least convey spiritual food for thought.

What spiritual truths might God wish to convey through the writings of the first few chapters in Genesis?

• The writers of Genesis believe in there being a Creator in the beginning. God didn’t have to create, but apparently God desired relationships with humans. There are some advantages in believing in a Creator or taking a leap of faith if on the fence. A creator knows what is best for their creation or design. A car designer can advise what is best for the car to run smoothly. A Creator of human beings can be a source of wisdom in advising what decisions are in one’s best interests and those they interact with.

• It is written we were created in God’s image (1:27), which suggests we are God’s representatives here on earth. The majority of people born on this earth never had a copy of the Bible. We might assume God has given us intuitively a sense of how to represent or act like God toward others. God’s love is surely the same as perfect human love which we all strive more. God’s morals are the same as the highest of human morals.

• God felt Adam needed a companion to not be alone (2:18). Some translations said “a helper suitable for him.” This is an example of where it is critical to not insist on one’s interpretation as the truth. The English implication of the word “helper” translated from the Hebrew word ezer is nowhere to be found in the Bible (2:18). Ezer is used of God and implies or often is translated as “strength” (Deut. 33:29). Since interpretations are fallible, it is best to error on the side less prone to abuse. Men often interpret Genesis to suggest leadership is making final decisions when there is a stalemate. Jesus suggested we lead by serving, so perhaps the man should always submit to the woman’s final decision. Truly, in any dyad relationship, there are many creative ways to resolve impasses. Each couple must decide in their relationships how decisions are best made.

• Things obviously went wrong in the garden when the first couple didn’t take God’s advice to trust God’s guidance. I know one could see this as a deliberate attempt on God’s part to tempt humans (3:5). I am convinced God only wanted to warn Adam and Eve that decisions exist that may be harmful in a free world. Freedom was clearly important to God. God obviously knew what human parents know. Love can’t be forced. Freedom is the only path to authentic relationships. There is no greater feeling than your partner, child, or friend loving you because of choice than obligation. “Controlling love” is a contradiction in terms.

I know many may suggest it is inappropriate to not consider the Genesis story as an historical account. Maybe the writer intended it to be or not. But, at least one purpose for recording this story was to teach certain truths about God. Don’t read the Bible as a book of rules or act dogmatic toward others in what you believe the Bible is teaching. Allow each if they are convinced there is a Creator to discern for themselves what might be valuable lessons and applications in their own lives as a result of the stories about our beginnings with a Creator.

Why Getting Into Heaven Doesn't Depend on Certain Beliefs?

God’s reputation is on the line when we say what a loving God requires to be accepted into heaven after death. Just ask those who have loved ones that may have been less of a sinner against God than those who said the sinner’s prayer before dying. It is often said that one must pray the sinner’s pray in order to get into heaven. The sinner’s prayer goes something like: “God, I confess my sins, I ask for your forgiveness, I believe Jesus died for my sins, and I put my trust in you.”

There are many, many reasons why a loving God doesn’t determine one’s eternal destination based on a set of beliefs supposedly found in a Book (Bible). The majority of people born into this world never had a Bible? But, how is it wrong for God to communicate though human means available to as many people as possible what God is really like through Jesus, which can be freeing to those who read it but uncondemning of those who can’t read it? The truth is the majority of people accept or rebel against a certain religion based on the family born into whether it be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. Suggesting a loving God insists one can only come to God through Jesus is to ignore the realities of our world.

A loving God would never base one’s destiny on accepting certain beliefs a short time while on earth even if everyone had a Bible. Those trained in the original languages that the Bible was written in teach different interpretations of the same words and sentences. The Bible was never meant to replace one’s personal relationship with God. We are not dependent on one’s interpretation or even if a biblical writer misrepresented God when writing. You decide if God would crush the spirits of gay people because they can’t stop being who they are. You decide if God would crush the dreams of millions of girls by denying them the privilege of exercising their spiritual gifts because the Bible supposedly teaches women can’t teach men but only women and children as if they are less important than men! God may be what you imagined a loving God would be like.

Jesus, who represented God here on earth, didn’t act as if certain truths were more important than love. Jesus didn’t pray the sinner’s prayer with those He encounter though surely aware they were last chance encounters because of His future destination on the Cross. Jesus’ closest friends doubted His resurrection, despite all the miracles He performed. How much easier is it to doubt events that happened 2000 years ago for which we have to trust history since we weren’t eye witnesses. Besides, when Jesus was asked how to obtain eternal life, His words sounded nothing like the sinner’s prayer (Lk. 10:25-28).

A loving God would never determine one’s destiny on chance encounters. Do we really think salvation depends on a prayer prayed? Did the thief on the cross get lucky while others he knew were out of luck because they didn’t sin enough to get a Cross next to Jesus. If so, you may want to plan on not dying before being able to have one last thought. Jesus never spoke of salvation as finding a “get out of hell” free pass. Jesus spoke of eternal life as a quality of life beginning on earth that leads to fewer regrets now and forever. Believing our destiny depends on a set of beliefs leads or totally on our circumstances has led to some wacky baptizing practices or hoping your skeptical child hasn’t reached that age of accountability before being thrown into Hell.

There are so many rational reasons why one may or may not believe or put their total trust in a Reality greater than themselves, must less call that Reality God. A loving parent much less a loving God doesn’t stop desiring a relationship because one doesn’t accept them. Now, if one thinks they can treat everyone in their life like Hell, but expect to be treated by others how they want to be treated, good Lord! Salvation, heaven, life after death isn’t dependent on a set of beliefs but on a loving God that we can hope exist.

Do you really think God is going to judge all based on their beliefs during a short time here on earth influenced by so many random factors? A loving God isn’t going to judge one when they didn’t truly understand God or God was misrepresented by others. A loving God can’t all of a sudden stop being forgiving at the moment of one’s last breath. Do you really think a God of a thousand chances here on earth isn’t a God of second changes after death? God surely seeks our love because loving God can empower us to love others to the fullest, unless you want your legacy to be about toys accumulated. When meeting our Creator all causes that led to erroneous thinking will be removed, but Jesus wanted Heaven to begin here on earth through loving relationships.

September 2016 – Reflections On August Posts

One striving to be more spiritual-minded might reflect from time to time how to be more the person they desire to be deep down. One way for me to reflect on what God may really be like, which can inspire, is reviewing Posts/Reflections I have written in the last month:

• If you grew up going to church you may have heard about a set of beliefs necessary for God to accept one into Heaven. No such beliefs exist. We don’t have to worry about finding the right church. Jesus didn’t talk about some prayer to get a “free pass” out of Hell; Jesus talked about how we can experience true freedom on earth by loving others like we would want to be loved if in their shoes. Jesus wanted us to know how much God loves and forgives us in hopes that may inspire and encourage reflecting such love back onto others.

• What do we possible say to others who are worried that they might not be reunited with their loved one? Can we give hope for those who possibly didn’t talk much about God in this life or say a magical prayer to be accepted by God, but didn’t live like the Devil? Jesus encouraged living life lovingly to make meeting God in the future a more joyful occasion. God doesn’t stop forgiving or giving second changes after one’s last breath. God will melt away any untrue thinking about God so we can decide if we wish to spend eternity with God. I think most will accept the invitation except the Devil.

• I am always writing about views of God and if such views inspire or not hanging out more with God as we strive to be a more spiritual person. I defend God in hopes it may challenges any views of God that hinder seeking comfort and support from our Creator. God’s love and perfect, human love are one in the same. I am more motivated to follow those who “walk the talk.” God is not an angry, egomaniacal, sexist, torturing, homophobic, hypocritical God.

• God seeks justice not to pay a price but in hopes to restore. Jesus didn’t die to placate a blood-thirsty God who murdered their child to have their honor restored. Soldiers die for one another for causes they believe deeply in. Jesus died to convince us of God’s incredible love so we might let God empower us to reflect such love onto others. No punishment returns robbed memories because of sexual abuse or murder. True justice is being forced to understand your victim’s pain and accept the harmfulness of your actions. After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. Justice can’t always be on earth what it will like in heaven but we can strive to restore than just punish.

• Finally, I still believe the Bible is inspirational and reveals a lot about God, but it cannot be proved that a biblical writer didn’t at times record their own views of God rather than what God wanted. God’s uncontrolling love certainly can allow this to happen. Giving the Bible almost supernatural qualities can lead to worshipping a Book and not who the Book is about. Genesis may be a literal historical account or allegory to convey important spiritual truths. Reading the Bible is discerning spiritual truths applicable to our circumstances. The Bible was never to replace one’s relationship with God for comfort and guidance.

08-31-16 Why Getting Into Heaven Doesn't Depend on Certain Beliefs?

08-27-16 What Can Beginnings In Genesis Teach Us Whether Literal Or Not?

08-25-16 Is The Bible Useless If Has Errors?

08-22-16 What Beliefs Killing God’s Reputation Might Change Your View Of God?

08-19-16 What Is God Like And How Can We Know?

08-15-16 What Might God’s Justice Look Like After Death?

08-12-16 Is Your View Of God Working For You?

08-07-16 There Is Hope For God’s Grace After Death For Our Loved Ones!

08-02-16 Why Is There Hope For God’s Grace Beyond The Grave?

What Might Be Grave Consequences Of A Tyrant View Of God?

Many have a view of God that seems more tyrannical than loving. This impacts one’s motivation to seek guidance and support from their Creator. It is often implied that God demands obedience to a set of beliefs or else. This is how a tyrant acts. Tyrants have no interest in a relationship. They demand allegiance because of their thirst for power and control. As a child matures loving parents don’t demand obedience but seek a relationship to enjoy and hopefully convince their love is always in their best interest.

God doesn’t demand obedience but seeks a relationship in hopes to inspire our loving others like God loves us. This is what truly leads to the best of worlds. God, like any loving parent, is opposed to immoral behaviors that violate the rights of others but knows threats of punishment only deter destruction and not inspire true change. A tyrant could care less about your rights and your freedom. They could care less that you will be more of an authentic person when you make choices not out of fear of consequences but because the voice behind such guidance is love.

A tyrant view of God to any degree prevents genuine relationships with one’s Creator which can lead to changes of the heart that last. Compliance out of fear at first may lead to peace but fear of getting caught can ebb and flow. How does one continue to persevere and remain encouraged to do the right thing when circumstances are difficult? If scaring the hell out of people was so effective, wouldn’t there be a lot less evil in the world, and wouldn’t church people look a lot more moral than they do currently compared to non-churchgoers?

A false view of God can have greater consequences for those prone to greater degrees of evil. This is a bit controversial so I only throw it out as food for thought. Some portray certain views of God because they believe it inspires good behavior. Is it more important to fear God than understands God’s love? Perfect love has no fear as fear isn’t relational but only meant to warn. Even those who are more inclined to horrific acts of evil may have a sense of what a truly loving God should be like. It is they who most need hope that God is a Lover and not a Tyrant. A Tyrant God may lead some away from evil, but one more inclined to horrific acts of evil are desperately in need of a God of hope. A tyrant God who gets their way by force only inspires humans who seek to get their way by control or force. Some must know there is a God who is what even they imagine would be true of a loving God

I am not excusing one for making evil choices. I know there are degrees of evil. There are verbal outbursts of anger and then there are physical outbursts of anger. I understand people are responsible for their actions whatever the severity of their evil actions. But, one who displays greater acts of evil may feel the most hopeless and be in need of the most inspiration. It is these individuals that can only possibly be inspired by a loving God than a tyrant God. Evil people know a tyrant God is hopeless. They really have nothing to live for.

The view of God that we tell others about is critical for all, but possibly even more critical for those more prone to greater acts of evil. Our interpretations of God according to the Bible are so important. Some understand certain biblical views are not of a loving God so they play the mystery card to explain God’s behavior. They suggest we can’t understand why God acts hypocritical but isn’t a hypocrite, since they defend God not abiding by perfect human morals. But, the Bible or any Book was never meant to replace one listening to God through a relationship. We all long for a loving God and know in our hearts such a God is not a Tyrant!

How Can The Religious Hurt True Religion?

Religious people don’t always intentionally give religion a bad name but we do. The word religion doesn’t always ring a positive note in the minds of those who hear the word. If I replace the word religion with spirituality, negative connotations don’t often come to mind. True religion should inspire positive thoughts similar to true spirituality. I define true religion as loving others like you want to be love in good and bad times. For this discussion my definition will include a belief in a Reality beyond us that seeks to inspire such love.

The religious can give religion a bad name by insisting on certain beliefs necessary to be truly spiritual or even accepted by God. Such beliefs have a way of communicating that God doesn’t accept them unless they come to share your personal beliefs. Unfortunately, the Bible has become a Book we tend to revere more than the God that the Book is about. The Bible was never meant to replace one’s relationship with God for comfort and guidance. Biblical scholars who respect the Bible don’t agree, but the religious insist on certain views rather than respecting one’s right to determine their own convictions in their relationship with God.

The religious sometimes insist the Bible defines roles between the sexes according to gender than individual gifts. I can assure you this means men are always in leadership or authoritative positions over women. The religious insist that the Genesis story must be read as literally or metaphorically. Both sides are guilty of close-mindedness despite PHDs on either side. Regardless of genre spiritual truths can be discerned but the religious insist on their views rather than discussing spiritual food for thought.

Catholics often insist their leaders can’t be married. Where does the Bible insist on this? Baptists insist on not drinking alcohol or participating in certain amoral activities. Where does the Bible insist on that? Religious folks separate into separate sects or Denominations led by certain doctrines that others are expected to believe in eventually. Sometimes the heresy word is thrown out. Religion ceases to be true religion when non-moral differences divide. Religious people share an understanding of a deeper Reality than themselves but divide into their different groups.

True religion doesn’t insist on any beliefs other than the Law of Love which entitles all to form their own personal beliefs as long as they don’t violate the rights of others. True religion seeks to serve and not to be served. True, religious people don’t seek to convert others but to encourage one another as they strive to love others as themselves. True religion seeks to inspire others that unselfish love leads to personal freedom. For those who believe there is a God, we only want others to know God loves us in hopes we will feel empower to reflect such love back to others.

Do I Really Have To Thank God For The Bad Shit?

Okay, I admit I used salty language to see if you might more likely read this. Admit it! You were more inclined to open this Post because of it ( God can get a bad rap sometimes because of what we say God requires of us. Now, if you are in the habit of thanking God for the horrible stuff in your life and it helps, by all means don’t change. But, you may be like me. The more God makes sense to me the better the relationship. Do we really have to thank God for all our suffering and the tragedies that seem to happen on a daily basis in our world?

We often quote the Bible as if written one sentence at a time. Imagine if someone pulled a sentence out of a letter you wrote and made a mountain out of a molehill. Writers always assume readers will use discernment for their own individual circumstances. Jesus said turn the other cheek but He didn’t expect women to continue to suffer abuse at the hands of a man. I have written that partners should treat one another like best friends. But, if your partner continually betrays you, you may need to stop viewing them as a friend to protect yourself. You aren’t necessarily doing them a favor by enabling this behavior to continue.

The Apostle Paul wrote: “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (I Thess. 5:18). Paul goes on to say to reject whatever is harmful (v. 22). Should I stop and express gratitude for extreme temptations before I run like Hell? Paul says in the same context to warn those who are idle and disruptive. Do I have to thank God for their behavior before lovely confronting them? Must those abused thank God for their abuse when the guilty continue to lie and claim that they are innocent of such horrible behaviors?

Some when told they must thank God for suffering in their life may assume their suffering is some divine plan. This is no biblical evidence that God is the cause of all good and bad things in our life. There may be some benefits from time to time thanking God for certain difficult circumstances. Sometimes I am better equipped to help one in their suffering because I have walked in their shoes. Failing at reaching my goals can lead to a deeper appreciation once I experience success. I may be thankful God is by my side in difficult times, but I don’t necessarily have to think God plans or desires such times.

Do I have to thank God for all bad things to be truly godly? Each must decide what works for them to remain encouraged and steadfast. Some feel more supported by their Creator when having the following conversation with God: “God, I know you didn’t cause or want me to experience this tragedy in my life. I know shit happens in a free world. Thank you for helping me to somehow turn a negative into a positive by persevering. Help me to control those things that I can control. Please stay with me always and give me wisdom how to handle each step of this journey.

Is Every Word Of The Bible Inspired By God?

Good news for those with short attentions spans, as this may be my shortest Post ever. I have written how the Bible isn’t totally useless because a reader has to discern if a writer was letting their own views crept into a text when representing God. See here . It requires some faith that the Bible word for word and sentence for sentence is inspired by God since such a doctrine cannot be proven. We also cannot prove that God inspired others to know over time which Books only should be recognized as Scriptures. It is circular reasoning to use the Bible to prove itself. Besides, II Tim. 3:16 and similar passages are subject to various interpretations as to what Paul was implying when commenting all Scripture is God’s breathed.

Many teachings of the Bible are subject to interpretation, so discernment is necessary since interpretations aren’t infallible. Problems with the Bible could be remedied if we would consider one another’s opinion gracefully, so to work out our own convictions. I believe we can say the most likely interpretation is that which conveys God’s ways or morals as the same as perfect human morals. The Bible says be perfect like God (Mt. 5:48), but such statements are meaningless unless we can know what perfection is. God cannot be perfect if hypocritical by saying “do as I say, not what I do.” God is morally perfect humanly speaking. I am convinced God’s hand is involved in the Bible because so many have been positively inspired. Read with discernment as to what passages may be more the writer recording how they understand God at that moment. Jesus promised to leave us God’s spirit, not the Bible, to guide us (Jn. 14:16).

Does God Communicate Clearly Enough?

Why doesn’t a supposed loving God make it obvious what beliefs are right or wrong? People who love God aren’t sure what beliefs about God are correct or there wouldn’t be thousands and thousands of different religions or denominations with different doctrines as to what is important to believe. I won’t pretend I can answer for all who feel that if one is sincere in their beliefs about God but wrong, isn’t that on God? I only desire to offer plausible explanations for consideration as to why God doesn’t write in the sky for our morning devotions.

The Bible suggests in the beginning that God communicated much more directly to avoid getting the message wrong.

I am convinced God decision to advise Adam to not partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was an act of love (Gen. 2:17). The tree may have only been used to illustrate the importance of listening to God’s voice then our own. God was suggesting their voice, rather than our voice sometimes, in a world of choices always has our best interest in mind. The first couple hid after failing and God approached them (Gen. 3:8). God may have come to comfort than shame them. We don’t always assume the best when we have failed others.

It is plausible God had to pull back from how God communicated in the beginning, when freedom went awry, for our best interest.

Freedom was necessary so authentic relationships could develop. It isn’t true love if forced. God may have surmised that their continued presence in our lives could create an overwhelming sense of guilt or obligation to obey. Getting in the face of disobedient older children isn’t always the best approach. Obligatory choices don’t always lead to lasting change. In an imperfect world being totally unselfish beings may only be possible when God interferes less and allows greater degrees of independence.

God is accused of approving slavery among the Israelites by allowing laws around the practice of slavery. Why didn’t God simply demand slavery be abolished? God surely wished people during OT times make laws to eliminate slavery. But, long lasting change isn’t always best accomplished by controlling love. The Apostle Paul in the New Testament, much like God with the Israelites, perhaps understood to change society within requires independence. There may be steps necessary to accept God’s perspective - “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).

Most people can agree on right from wrong, such as lying, stealing, or murder, which suggests God is more of a communicator than believed. Many disagree what beliefs are necessary for life after death, but that wasn’t Jesus’ fault.

When asked directly about how to have eternal life, Jesus only said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). How simple is this! Jesus didn’t advise a set of beliefs necessary to be accepted by God. Jesus simply said what we know in our heart is true – striving to live life lovingly - leads to a life worth living forever.

But, so many good people not understand God in the same way!

Some good folks declare you must be baptized to go to heaven. Some say we will burn in Hell and others deny that Hell is real. All such beliefs have one thing in common. They are interpretations of what they think the Bible teaches. Interpretations are fallible yet we claim we are right and you are wrong. I have done it and will probably do it again. What if God had wrote in the sand “Mike, don’t act like this.” I believe my journey, though not always pleasant, was the best path for not reverting back to old ways. Others tell us things that really are in our best interests, but sometimes we must learn on our own. Some of us take longer than others.

I wonder how much this matter of God’s communication would be cleared up if we slayed the idol of certainty.

We can’t know what the right interpretation is. Some could argue we would be better off without the Bible, but God is not responsible for how we handle such stories in our relationships. Those without a Bible may argue they would have been better off with a Bible to confirm feelings having about a Reality greater than themselves. God decision to communicate to as many as possible through human means may have been best for us in the long run in an imperfect world. We can know in our heart Jesus’ main message – love others like we want to be loved. For anything else that doesn’t violate the right of others thus immoral, what if all had the attitude you may be right, I may be right, we may be wrong.

If only we lived by the Law of Love which somehow most know to be central for a better world!

What Harm Is There In Demanding Certainty?

Are we really doing God a service by insisting that an invisible God is real? I don’t think we should be too hard on ourselves for good intentions in our past, but it is never to late to consider how we interact with others going forward. I use to be so sure that every word of the Bible was inspired by God. I was sure that the Genesis account was literal as opposed to maybe being a different literary genre intended by the writer. I was sure God is provable which leads to thinking if you don’t believe there is a God, you are being rebellious and denying the obvious.

I still believe that God is real but the truth is that no one can prove an invisible Being is real. On the same hand atheists that are hostile to God-believers because God can’t be proven scientifically are just as guilty in demanding certainty. Science is only meant to prove beyond question those things which are observable. Many beliefs in life require faith. It is reasonable and plausible that millions have hope that a loving God truly exists.

Why does all this matter – that we not insist on the unprovable? People who believe in God often have loving motives when they discuss God in their relationships with others. But, to insist others accept our personal beliefs about God is not always the godliest action. Freedom has been God’s mantra from the very beginning. God has chosen to not insist on their ways or surely there would be no evil in the world. Insisting others believe as we do or else is denying others the freedom to form their own personal beliefs. This is not the example God sets for our relationships in loving others.

Some may argue that this leads down a slippery slope to believing whatever the hell we want. How can we say that murder is wrong? Immoral acts seem to me to be provable that they are harmful. If you lie, cheat, steal, murder, etc., you are clearly violating the rights of others. No one’s rights are violated by forming your own personal spiritual beliefs. The fear of God in the Bible was God’s opposition to immorality because of the harm to others; God’s fear was not related to believing in God or supposed truths from the Bible some insist to gain God’s acceptance. I want my kids to fear me as well if thinking of murdering or bullying others. But, fear isn’t my intended avenue for a relationship. Fear is to avoid personal destruction and the destruction of others, but it is my love that I seek to demonstrate for personal and worldly gain.

We must not impose God or any others supposed truths that we are convinced are necessary to be accepted by God. Such beliefs can be offensive to God. It is suggested one gets into heaven based on a certain set of beliefs found in a Book (Bible). Such beliefs are dependent on interpretations which are fallible. Besides, the majority of people born into this world never had a Bible so to insist God determine one’s destiny on beliefs they could have had is offensive. A loving God isn’t going to judge one when they didn’t truly understand God or God was misrepresented by others. No Book or person was ever meant to replace one listening to God through a relationship.

Your beliefs may not work for others at this point in their life. If your beliefs are working for you great! If God is real, God surely can prove themselves to others at the appropriate time best for them. I don’t mind encouraging others about the hope of a loving God that I have when they have interest. I can honestly not think of a greater delusion to have. God exists or God doesn’t. God created or God didn’t. God can provide life after death to be reunited with our loved ones or God can’t. No one hopes for a tyrant God. The God I know encourages me to be perfect like God which is beneficial in my relationships. But, that is for each to decide.

Black And Police Lives Matter!

I don’t know the perfect slogan. What I do know is that lives matter – black, police, all lives. Failing to voice that all lives matter, regardless of what side you represent, makes one guilty of what they accuse others of - disregarding life. I am not sure that police can police one another when problems arise. Whistleblowers are not popular in any occupation because jobs can be impacted. External investigations are more likely to build trust.

What frustrates me the most is that each side doesn’t always speak openly of the people they are trying to protect. When a black citizen is breaking the law, they need to be called out. When a policeperson targets someone because of the color of their skin, they need to be called out. Black or white people sometimes are where they aren’t supposed to be. All lives must be held accountable for their actions regardless of any injustice.

Those in the black lives moment must acknowledge when a black person is committing a crime. Admit that the citizen was breaking the law in the first place. Then, if excessive force was use have that conversation as well. Admitting wrongdoing doesn’t mean you can’t discuss if the police handled a situation wrongly.

Those among the police must call out their own who are exhibiting racist behaviors. We must be proactive than reactive. When you witness excessive force – if you think the matter should have been handled different – there must be a forum to discuss this. We have to hold each other accountable. Any tough job is typically a choice and doesn’t excuse wrong behavior or lapses of judgment.

When police tell you to not get out of the car or put your hands up, don’t reach for anything, sit down, whatever – regardless if being targeted unfairly, obey! If you are unfairly targeted that can be discussed later with appropriate authorities and not with the ones who are unfairly targeting you in the first place. We can’t break the law to enforce the law. Looting or rioting must be called out. When police are killed or treating unjustly, the police can’t start burning down neighborhoods, etc.

The police have an incredibly difficult occupation. Try doing a job where you have to worry about when leaving in the morning whether you will return to your family that night or not. Police need to sometimes be put on administrative leave with pay. If they are found innocent they should of course be able to keep that pay. If they are found guilty they should be held accountable to return their pay and charged with any criminal behaviors.

Black lives matter and police lives matter. You can't solve the problem without calling out the side you represent when in the wrong. The other side must be held accountable for their wrongdoing. But, call out your own side as well while still seeking justice. Problems are less likely to be solved if bad behaviors are rationalized because of the way blacks or police have been treated in the recent or far past.

How Can I “Easily” Become More The Person I Want To Be?

If you are like me, you want to know the quick and easy version how to become a better person. I want to lose weight but I need to know how to do it quickly while not changing my eating habits. Those who have a regular exercise routine and keep their binges under control would tell you it is simple, just do it! I admit I am bias toward how easy it is to become a more spiritual person, which by that I mean being more the person you deep down desire to be toward others. Most want for their legacy to be “they lived life lovingly.”

The good news is that accomplishing spiritual goals may be easier than physical goals.

We all want to be more of a positive influence on our children, friends, and co-workers. We better accomplish that when we have sources of inspiration. Mother Theresa once said that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity. When one feels extraordinarily loved they want to reflect that love onto others. We need all the human and divine inspiration we can get, but our beliefs about God and others matters if we are going to be moved.

God can only inspire if inspirational.

If your view of your Creator is one who demands than seeks to earn respect, if you view God as more angry than loving, if you view God as a sexist or homophobe – which you know isn’t loving – one is hardly motivated to reflect that kind of love onto others. You are going to have to do some thinking about your views of God, which is a lot easier than pushing back from wings, fries, and beer. I naturally love to read theology and then write about it.

Parents and employers can inspire. Divine inspiration can come depending on what you think God is really like. Because of how I think God feels toward me, I like being over-sensitive whether my words encourage or discourage others. I like when I have mistreated others that I have more of a desire to take responsibility for and confess wrongdoings then blame others for my actions. I like that I am more open to forgiveness than revenge when one confesses wrongdoing. I am not the person I wish I was, but you should see me without God.

Are your views of God inspiring or uninspiring in being more the person you desire to be?

Consider whether if reading, talking to others, or simply reflecting on God by reading spiritual blog like this one can help ( What if you discovered that God’s love is the love you always imagine would be true of a loving God, that God’s love is the love you deep down desire to show others consistently. You don’t have to overdo it, just start somewhere. No, it doesn’t have to be in church. Be purposeful in finding those who like to encourage and be encouraged to strive to be more the person you desire to be.

Isn’t True Religion Being Non-Religious?

The word religion doesn’t always produce positive thoughts in the minds of those who hear the word. If I replace the word religion with spirituality, negative connotations often don’t come to mind. True religion should inspire positive thoughts similar to true spirituality. I define true religion as loving others like you want to be love in good and difficult times. For this discussion my definition will include a belief in a Reality beyond us that seeks to inspire such love.

True religion doesn’t insist on any beliefs other than the Law of Love - love others like you want to be loved for a better world. In a trouble world this means long lasting change can only be achieved when religion seeks to serve and not be served. Most seem to have the same internal compass that helps to discern love from hate. We know religious extremists and terrorists are wrong because a loving God would not demand certain personal beliefs or be ostracized or beheaded. Those not in search for power and control know that true love cannot be forced.

True religion doesn’t claim to be the only religion or path to God. The majority of people born into this world never have heard of the God written about in the Bible. The truth is that the majority of people accept or rebel against a certain religion based on the family born into whether it be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. Suggesting a loving God insists one can only come to God through Jesus is to ignore the realities of our world.

True religion doesn’t insist on a set of beliefs found only in a Book not available to the majority of those born into this world. Besides, much of the Bible is subject to interpretations which obviously are not infallible. Scholars who believe in the trustworthiness of the Bible differ in their interpretations on matters concerning their faith. The reality is much of reading the Bible is discerning spiritual truths applicable to our circumstances. Claiming the Bible is inerrant doesn’t do away with that process.

True religion isn’t dogmatic if the rights of others aren’t being violated. True religion focuses on commonalities, not differences. Discussions to prove than share one’s viewpoint is anti-religion. I may be right, you may be right, we may both be wrong! Many spiritual minded people assume they need to convert their friends to their beliefs in order to be accepted by God. Such beliefs communicate that God doesn’t accept them unless they come to share your personal beliefs. True, religious people don’t seek to convert but to encourage one another as they strive to love others as themselves.

True religion doesn’t have to call itself a name which simply distinguishes outsiders from insiders. Groups with doctrines or creeds suggest one must accept their beliefs eventually to be accepted. It shouldn’t have to be stated but true religion’s only identification are those who strive to encourage one another in loving and caring for others which can be messy and complicated.

True religion seeks to inspire others that unselfish love leads to personal freedom. For those who believe there is a God, we only want others to know God loves and hopes to empower us to reflect such love back to others. I am convinced when we know God the way Jesus knew God, we will sense God’s love and support in good and troubled times and pursue a life that doesn’t lead to regrets while here on earth. God’s love is the love you always imagine would be true of a loving God. God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently.

Why It Matters That God Doesn’t Know The Future?

If one believes God knows the future, one may assume the future is determined. This can lead to frustration and passivity and makes God less relatable. A determined future contradicts that God created us with the freedom to make our own choices. God not being able to do the impossible, such as changing the past, forcing true love, or not knowing an underdetermined future doesn’t make God less powerful. God, unlike humans, doesn’t necessarily have to control to be in control.

The greatest freedom perhaps in believing God doesn’t know the future is realizing God isn’t failing to communicate. God supports us in being free to make decisions in an open future. Joy and good can be achieved by making decisions based on gifts, aspirations, and avoiding immoral paths. God isn’t withholding information for important decisions. God’s voice is always loud and clear - I love you; I forgive you; let’s see what happens; I want what you want deep down. We are free without strings attached that we often feel from parents who claim support in whatever we decide. God truly is open-minded and invites our participation to make for a better world.

A known future can lead to wondering if God is orchestrating all this evil and suffering as some grand scheme. Neither Jesus nor the biblical writers claimed evil which leads to so much suffering was God’s desire or part of some divine plan. Evil is the result of current and future human free decisions. Not even an all-powerful God can create and guarantee life without death, violence, suffering, and struggle and yet there be free will necessary for genuine relationships. No human parent brings children into the world not desiring their children freely reciprocate their love as opposed to being forced. God and parents risk creating which can lead to great joy or great pain. One is not possible without the other. An open future clarifies that evil lies with the one making current decisions to perpetuate evil. Suffering in a free world is not caused by God.

A God who doesn’t knows the future is more relatable. A known or set future doesn’t suggest one is truly free to choose otherwise. The Bible speaks often as if God doesn’t know the future. God hopes Israel would accept God’s guidance, but Israel often turned against God (i.e. Jer. 3:19-20). We don’t have to play mental gymnastics by assuming God is only pretending to not know future decisions When the Bible says God grieves with us in our suffering, we can know God agonizes with us each step of the way and deters any suffering possible without violating freedoms. God is not aloof as if simply gazing into situations God already was aware of.

Jesus predicted Peter would deny Christ not once but three times before it actually happened. Was Jesus simply peering into the future? Could Peter really resist? Why would Jesus pray Peter’s faith would succeed if failure inevitable (Luke 22:32)? Jesus’ prediction could have been a warning to Peter to prepare for upcoming faith challenges. A professor may observe a student and warn they will fail their class but hoping the student avoids such failure. Keep in mind the future is not totally unpredictable for humans much less God. A skilled physician can predict the death of a seemingly healthy individual because of symptoms that escaped the untrained eye. Remember, God is present everywhere, thus God’s knowledge is unimaginably extensive.

It speaks more to God’s character when they could control a situation but don’t out of uncontrolling love and freedom. God can’t make someone truly love others and not harm others, but God can fulfill their promise of justice for victims after death. If God can create, God can fulfill a promise to provide eternal life for those who desire to be with their Creator. In the meantime God seeks to partner with us to make for a better world.

What Is The Greatest Benefit In Being A Spiritual Person?

I am going to get personal. Many think the biggest reason to be a God-follower is to avoid going to hell. Nope! A loving God would never think that a genuine relationship is found through fear. I fail often but I am a better husband, father, and friend as being a God-follower continually inspires me to be the kind of person I deep down desire to be toward others. We all long for parents or a boss that on an emotional level we are absolutely convinced have our best interest in mind. The God I know has my attention!

My wife and I have been married a long time despite my failures. I often act like a best friend should, but I fail to speak my wife’s love language to many times to remember. I have raised my voice in anger from time to time, I have broken things in the past when angry, I have defended myself rather than listen. But, I have a desire to take responsibility for and confess wrongdoings than blame others for my actions. I am not convinced that I would engage in such unnatural behaviors as often if not inspired by my relationship with a loving God who accepts my flaws.

The greatest advantage of being a God-follower is knowing good enough isn’t enough. Many in marriage can claim perhaps a 90% success rate. I am convinced many marriages don’t make it because one partner accepts only being good enough or not as bad as other partners they know. But, the goal of marriage or any relationship should be aiming for perfection. My God allows me to pursue perfection while not being paralyzed by guilt when failing. I have the “want to” to be perfect. That is on God!

My Mom favors one child over all five of her children. The favored child of course doesn’t man up to stop such behaviors. One child against another may be wrong. But, four children wrong raised by the same Mom as opposed to the favored child! Mom denies being untruthful but expects a normal relationship as if nothing has happened. My relational God provides insight that it is okay to keep your distance to protect your emotions, but revenge or bitterness only continues the victimization. I am open to forgiveness than resentment when wrongdoing is confessed because God has forgiven me countless times. That is on God!

I have hurt others in relationships, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. But, for some crazy reason I don’t struggle much to confess my wrongdoings and take the first step in hopes of healing. Readers know this is not always natural. I can only imagine that the reason I can suck up my pride at times is because of the relationship I have with my Creator who inspires thinking that being right isn’t always the most important factor in friendships.

I actually thought as a parent it was my job not to demand but earn respect. I can only assume I got that from a Creator Parent who gives me the freedom to be who I am with the gifts I have, who loves me with no strings attached, and who though perfect seeks to win me over. Parents often struggle with their teenagers because they are continue to control when more appropriate to begin letting go for a child’s own good. I am the first to take action if my child hurts others. But, their pursuit of their interests may not be what I had in mind but I am on board.

I am simply saying that knowing how my Creator loves me, I am more inspired to reflect such love onto others. I may fail but I am going to die trying. That is on God! My attitudes don’t always translate into actions but I cannot imagine the man I would be without God. I did not share the above to tell you what a good person I am or that I am a better person than others. The love I feel from my God is the love I had always desired from my parents. My views of God have turned out to be the views I imagine would always be true of a loving God. Do yours? The biggest reason for being a God-follower is the continual inspiration and encouragement received in striving to be the kind of person who deep down desire to be.

Being A God-Follower Doesn’t Have To Be Awkward For You Or Others!

I have stopped referring to myself as a Christian because the term is often associated with beliefs doubtful of a loving God. When an occasion calls for a prayer and no ministers are around, people look to me. This hasn’t always been the case because of past beliefs others knew I had about God. Might any of the following beliefs allow you and others to be more comfortable despite your faith? The church is not the only place to discuss being spiritual-minded or living life lovingly.

God-followers or Bible-believers think they need to use that abominable saying with gay people “I love you but hate your sin” because the Bible supposedly condemns such love. How is committed love ever wrong in God’s eyes? Many aren’t as open with their spirituality because of certain views of God believed to be necessary despite what their hearts tell them. Biblical scholars, who believe in the trustworthiness of the Bible, don’t agree on interpretations of writings penned thousands of years ago. It is more important to not discourage others from living life more lovingly than supposing what God feels about someone.

God-followers don’t have to defend that Hell is a reality. We don’t know for sure what happens when meeting our Creator. The word Hell is a substitution for the Hebrew and Greek words Sheol and Gehenna. It is highly unlikely writers using such words had in mind a burning inferno where God torture people endlessly after death. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good! The traditional understanding of Hell is morally indefensible. Biblical interpretation must be plausible based on what a loving God would be like humanly speaking. You are free to never think or discuss Hell as part of your beliefs.

God-followers don’t have to have a hidden agenda to convert others to accept your personal beliefs. Who doesn’t know it is wrong to have hidden agendas in relationships, and no one starts a relationship advising one they must accept certain beliefs to be accepted by God. We live in times where terrorists suppose a loving God insists in believing in their version or God or die. We don’t want our beliefs to look like such extremists. You do not have to worry about converting others but only to live life lovingly and inspire others to do likewise if interested.

God-followers don’t have to insist others must believe in God to be spiritual. The existence of God cannot be proven. This is an individual journey for all and between them and God if they truly exist. There are many rational reasons why one may find it hard to believe in an invisible God. Let’s not accuse those who believe in God as being irrational and those that don’t believe of being irrational. If it is a sin to doubt God exists, then Christians sin if they doubt God in troubled times. God never insisted in the Bible to believe in God or be doomed. The God of the Bible only opposed those who participated in horrific immoralities that endangered the lives of others.

Many avoid conversations with God-followers. Many people of faith struggle to find comfortable expressions of their faith because of supposed beliefs necessary in their faith. I am convinced one will be freer when they don’t feel compelled to convert others, when they don’t feel compelled to be associated with any beliefs they don’t believe are possible of a loving God. Simply live life lovingly if so inspired by the love you feel from your Creator. Encourage others in such a pursuit when such discussions are desired. It doesn’t have to be awkward or uncomfortable discussing with others how to treat one another like we want to be treated and how we can continually be inspired to live such a life.

Does God Really Suggest Letting Enemies Or Betrayers Continue to Abuse Us?

Some are rightly confused about a relationship with God when the Bible is used to suggest actions that make no rational sense. Was Jesus, who represented God on earth, suggesting a woman should allow a man to continue to abuse here when advising: If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek... (Mt. 5:39). Was Jesus suggesting soldiers should never defend themselves when war is necessary to protect yourself? Jesus’ audiences perhaps only had hate in their heart and were unwilling to forgive no matter the circumstances.

Jesus didn’t turn the other cheek but often spoke out against others’ harmful actions. Jesus had plenty of enemies among the religious because they misrepresented who God really was. Jesus threw a few tables around in the temple when necessary. His words clearly were confrontational when they continue to lie that Gods’ love was no different than human love with conditions necessary to be accepted. Jesus was though willing to seek peace and forgive when appropriate, even under very difficult circumstances.

Evil sometimes can be overcome with good. It is human nature to demand an eye for an eye, but reputations that have been stolen for a time cannot be returned or childhood memories erased. Revenge may be the first thought that comes to mind but what if our betrayers show true remorse for their actions. There are times when it is appropriate to go the extra mile. Such actions can often lead one to reflect upon and change their harmful ways toward others. There may be times to not demand being treated as we want to be treated. Every circumstance can be different.

We must use our brains when it is important to protect ourselves physically or emotionally. The Bible is not a rules book but for reflection in deciding how a loving God might guide us in our personal situations. God would never ask one to not use common sense in difficult relationship situations. Seek the wisdom of others. Make the best current decision and have no regrets. God doesn’t want us always wondering if we did the right thing. God though would encourage us to allow our hearts to not always be consumed with revenge and hatred. Being a world changer is sometimes seeking God’s help in responding in supernatural ways when circumstances allow.

God, Why Not Communicate Clearly To Unite More In Understanding You?

If God communicated more clearly what God’s views were on matters that divide people, it seems there would be less suffering in the world because of differences. Sincere, loving, spiritual people can believe so differently what God is really like. Division only leads to a waste in emotional and physical resources. Those who agree with what many churches are doing for the less fortunate may turn away because of certain understandings of God. Churches don’t unite to serve more effectively. What doesn’t God do a better job of communicating for a better world?

God’s overwhelming presence and direct communication in the Old Testament didn’t lead to the Israelites always acting on advice that turn out to be in their best interests. God may have surmised that God’s continued overpowering presence in our lives could cause consuming guilt or obligation to obey. Obligatory choices don’t always lead to lasting change. Getting in the face of disobedient older children or showering them with gifts isn’t always best. Becoming more the lasting person we want to be may only happen when God interferes less and allows greater independence. God’s invisibility may be out of love than cruelness.

God penning the Bible to make matters clearer, rather than working through humans, may not lead to the results we think. Besides, people would disagree what God meant! Some believe the Bible teaches hierarchical relationship in marriage, though in their defense they argue for servant-like leadership, while others believe the Bible teaches egalitarianism which seemingly leads to less possible abuse by men. Unnecessary leadership, even if loving, invites men in impasses to solve conflicts differently than through normal conflict resolution means between two friends. The Apostle Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, is accused of not being more emphatic that women are equal to men in God’s eyes. I don’t think Paul was purposefully vague, but Paul was looking to ignite change not a revolt. Do others make genuine changes by demanding rather than respecting certain freedoms?

Clarity doesn’t always lead to more loving actions. This Post is much different than what I had written. I am convinced this topic is so important for many turn away from God because of misunderstandings. Why doesn’t God give me or others more clarity on this matter? God isn’t intentionally vague but ongoing conversations due to lack of clarity can create a healthy dependence on God. If I knew definitively why God doesn’t communicate more clearly, I am not sure I would be as gracious in my writings by encouraging others to come to their own convictions in the time right for them, as opposed to forcing my views on others.

God may be more of a communicator than believed though. Most agree right from wrong such as lying, stealing, or murder. Most sense what true love is in relationships. Few disagree we shouldn’t treat others like we want to be treated. Because of this universal belief, one wonders if we were created for such a purpose. We many not always know what is best in relationship challenges, but more is clear than not. Hasn’t God communicated in our souls loving others is simply loving others in the same ways we deep down desire to be loved by others?

Let’s be honest! God writing on the clouds each morning may not lead to following advice clearly in our best interest. God communicating the way God does now, where certainty cannot be claimed, may better allow choices in our own time for genuine lasting changes. Many, many of the differences that divide because God doesn’t drop “words from heaven” are easily resolved if we respect the freedom of others as God does. When the rights of others are not being violated, attitudes that allow people to change freely for the better is “I may be right, I am be wrong, let’s do this journey together.” God isn’t hiding or why do so many know the difference from love and hate and good from evil. God has communicated enough and supposed certainty doesn’t always unite.

Getting To Heaven Doesn’t Depend On What Others Say You Must Believe!

There are reasons to think our future destination isn’t dependent on certain beliefs while a short time on earth. Don’t reject the pursuit of spirituality because of beliefs claimed supposedly necessary for God to accept us now or after we leave this earth. Whether one chooses to live in Heaven after death will depend on the conversation one has with their Creator at that time. I can’t prove that God or Heaven exist but it also takes faith to believe that “we live and we die.” I am convinced my belief in the possibility of a loving God isn’t wasting my time on earth.

Millions who sense there is an ultimate, superior Reality beyond themselves can agree what that loving God would be like. A tyrant God isn’t worth living for. Just ask those under the rule of an evil dictator here on earth. We all have a sense of what true love is in our relationships. My hunch is you believe we should treat others like we want to be treated. Because of this universal belief, one wonders if One created us for such a purpose. Might you be empowered if your Creator’s love is the same love we deep down desire to receive and show others consistently?

Heaven can’t depend on beliefs here on earth because we aren’t more perfect lovers than God. A loving parent’s love is never selfish and always guides for the best interest of their child. Even if your child rebels or rejects you, you never lose hope that your child will want a relationship someday. Do you really think you are a better lover than God? A loving God can’t all of a sudden stop being merciful and forgiving at the moment of one’s last breath here on earth. A God of a thousand chances here on earth is surely a God of second changes after death.

If Heaven depends on certain beliefs, Jesus would have responded differently when asked how to have eternal life. Jesus only encouraged loving God and your neighbor (Lk.10:25-28). No one is going to Heaven if such actions are required according to God’s standards. Good works can’t be criteria for getting into Heaven or Jesus set us up to always worry if good enough and lied to the thief on the Cross. Jesus’ answer didn’t focus on the future but how to live life here on earth to avoid regrets. Jesus died convincing people life is too short to not focus on living a loving life. Such strivings in life despite failures stir hope for a future with God.

Why did Jesus encourage loving God? Jesus knew God is no different than a selfless, uncontrolling parent who we come to trust always has our best interest in mind. Such love provides comfort and security and inspires and empowers us to want to reflect such love onto others. Jesus knew loving God lead to loving others to the fullest. We mustn’t cherry pick verses such as Romans 6:23: “the wages of sin is death...” The Apostle Paul like Jesus was only warning unspiritual living leads to a wasted life here on earth.

One may argue if certain beliefs aren’t required for Heaven, people will do whatever the hell they want on earth. We sometimes want to tell people what they better believe to scare the Hell out of them. God didn’t use fear in this way as if that inspires life worth living. Fear is only meant to deter from evil to avoid personal destruction and the destruction of others. But, changes of the heart come from knowing you are deeply loved by a parent or God empowering you to reflect such love back to others.

Yes, there is hope that you will be reunited with your loved ones despite their disinterest or rebellious against God. What if their rebellion is due to erroneous views of who God is? Yes, if you live life that leads to regrets you will have regrets when meeting your Creator. Jesus would encourage His views of God can only empower to be the person we deep down desire to be. We will fail but God will continually encourage in being the kind of person we deep down desire to be. Such a life can provide eternal hope.

What Is The #1 Reason People Avoid Spiritual Discussions?

We are desperate for a world where people strive to be more spiritual-minded or loving. Most religious leaders define spirituality as loving others like you want to be loved. Christians may be surprised this was Jesus’ message as well along with how God could help us in such a journey, as opposed to believing certain supposed truths. Also, in a broken world we must consider how to love others who act unlovable or relationships may never heal. Unfortunately, such conversations never happen if we act like Jesus-freaks.

Okay! Some avoid spiritual discussions because they are only interested in pursuing a self-centered life. I doubt this is many of your friends. The Bible is used to suggest all people who don’t believe in God are simply suppressing what they know to be true (Rm. 1:18-32). Actually, this passage refers to those who didn’t deny Israel’s God existed but turned to other gods to justify self-centered harmful behaviors. We must stop assuming those who question the reality of an invisible God are wicked and don’t know their feelings. Just call behaviors that violate the rights of others for what they are – immoral and destructive.

The main reason people avoid spiritual discussions is because they can smell a hidden agenda a mile away. It simply is wrong to engage in friendships with others for the purpose of converting them to believe as you do without advising them upfront this is your agenda. Christians often believe others must have certain beliefs to be accepted by God. Jesus focused more on what God could do for us, not what we must do to be loved by God or else. Jesus spoke of the importance of true love or how else can the world change. Certain parents or bosses inspire because of who they are. God can be just as inspirational depending on what you believe about God. Just discuss how we can be more spiritual-minded when appropriate.

People avoid those who like to discuss spiritual matters not only because their intentions are to convert them but because many of their beliefs about God are unloving. Spiritual people often suggest the Bible condemns homosexual love. Does a loving God really condemn committed love? Some suggest the Bible teaches if you don’t believe in God in this life you will burn in Hell forever. Is a loving God really a sadistic torturer? It is no wonder people don’t engage in spiritual discussions with those who have such beliefs about a supposedly loving God.

We have portrayed God as a Parent who has certain conditions to be loved and accepted. We are reaping what we have sowed. We portray God as wanting to save people from hell rather than being a God who respects one’s freedom to consider how they might make for a better world. God knows what human parents know. Love is necessary but can’t be forced. Freedom is the only path to authentic relationships. “Controlling love” is a contradiction in terms. Who can blame others for avoiding  a God who thinks a relationship comes out of fear than inspiration.


How can we inspire others to pursue spiritual healthiness as much they might their physical or emotional health? It should be obvious that we need to start acting like true friends act toward one another. We engage in relationships because we are interested in having friendships with others, both to love and be loved. I can no more ignore that I am a lover of God because of who I think God is any more than others can deny their passions. I enjoy discussing what a loving God may truly be like as much as one may want to discuss a great book they read. Spirituality or God may or may not come up naturally in conversations. When it does I am convinced such discussions can lead to a better world by how we treat others.

Which Flawed Candidate - Trump Or Clinton?

Maybe all presidential candidates in the past have been flawed, but they really seemed flawed this election. Many of us may prefer a different candidate, who defends issues important to them, without all the scandals involved. At least both candidates admit mistakes were made. Trump said he wishes he hadn’t said what he did about women in a conversation in 2005; Clinton says she wishes she hadn’t used a private server for government communications.

Trump claims what he got caught saying on tape was locker room talk. He admitted such talk was wrong but then he takes away from the sincerity of such an apology by referring to women’s looks, etc. It makes you wonder if he still engages in such talk about women though married. I can vote for a flawed candidate but I can’t vote for a candidate who still engages in such talk. The words Clinton often uses to apologize don’t work in my relationships.

I get why both don’t always come out and admit their every wrongdoing. Can you image if everything you have said and written was made public! If Trump admits he touched a woman against their will, he would either have to pay a lot of money or be criminally charged. If Clinton admits she took risks with government secrets, she could be criminally charged. If only each candidate could be totally open about their wrongdoings and regrets. At least then we could ask about future actions and if willing to be held accountable to new standards.

One may argue if you believe both candidates are flawed, protest by not voting at all. That is an individual decision. Some may vote for a flawed candidate because they believe a candidate’s polices are better for society as a whole against the other candidate. In this case not voting can be seen as a vote for the least desirable candidate.

I am not an expert on which policies are beneficial to our society as a whole. I would suggest two issues that may matter for our future. Do you believe certain national leaders are evil-bent? Are there certain leaders who would advocate violence toward others who don’t share their personal beliefs to stay in power? If you believe people are capable of such beliefs against basic human rights, it informs how you negotiate with those who possess nuclear weapons, etc.

Secondly, we must admit that some are better able to support their family because of advantages they had growing up that others didn’t no fault of their own. In an ideal world the fortunate would use their favorable circumstances to help those who have had less favorable circumstances. Is money better in the hands of government though taxes to help the less fortunate or in the hands of those more fortunate who may be willing to take risk creating jobs, etc.? The human element can’t be avoided. How does each candidate propose handling the deficit to not kick our debt to the curb at the detriment of future generations?

What I do know is the success of our nation never depends upon one individual. Thankfully, we have checks and balances in government where one individual is not in total control. What can change the world is not the President but hundreds of millions collectively caring for the less fortunate. We have millions of people with good hearts, but we need millions more who strive to constantly go the extra mile with others in a broken world. Individuals must find someone or Someone who serves as a constant example and encouragement to love and respect others like we would want to be loved and respected if in their circumstances.

How Does God Guide Us In Decisions?

This is a question that can confuse and frustrate both God-followers and those open to more of a relationship with God. It is often assumed an all-powerful God can know the future. If God knows the future a loving God would surely guide us to avoid decisions that can lead to heartaches. The future is not some divine plan where God is controlling all the suffering in the world. God created us with freedom where we are truly free to make different decisions. God can’t know an open, unknowable future.

The fact that even an all-powerful God can’t know an undetermined future can actually be reassuring. Those who believe God has a specific, future plan for their lives naturally ask God whether to marry a certain person or take a particular job. If our marriage ends up in divorce or our job is phased out, we may feel betrayed by God. Or, since God didn’t direct us otherwise we go searching for the lesson that God is supposedly trying to teach us. But, since God doesn’t communicate directly we are clueless what the lesson is. Does that sound like a loving God?

How does God guide us since the future is open and we are free to make our own decisions? God gives us all a sense of what is moral or immoral, wise or unwise in our decisions. If we marry someone who is a poor communicator, we should not be surprised if that pattern continues in marriage. Regardless, God cannot guarantee outcomes such as a happy marriage. If God could guarantee outcomes there would be no freedom to choose otherwise.

God wants us to feel free to follow our heart and desires. Some parents, unlike God, selfishly push their children toward partners and jobs that “they” want for their child. There is no need to ask God what decision to make as if there is only one right decision and God can guarantee outcomes. Confidence and a sense of security flows from close human or divine relationships. God gives us a sense about moral issues involved but then loves and supports our decisions that we think are wisest.

God’s plan is not a detailed blueprint but a general one to set us free to love. I don’t love my children less because I don’t have specific decisions in mind for them. It is actually more loving to be less controlling. What is the wisest path to choose at this time in life based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations? Let’s do all the good we can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the people we can, as long as we can. Such a plan leads to true happiness in the long-run for a better world.

What Is The Bible Referring To With The Word Hell?

It is important that we defend God’s reputation when it comes to the issue of Hell. If Hell according to the Bible is an unending, suffering place where people go after death for their personal beliefs, then God is no different than the god of terrorists who are sadistic torturers. A loving God would not force anyone to live with them after the grave, but a loving God who created freedom yet tortures you for your beliefs is a contradiction.

The OT says nothing about where people go after the grave. The word Hell is an English translation for the Hebrew and Greek words Sheol and Gehenna. We know what the Bible says about Hell when determining what these two words refer to in the Bible. The Hebrew word Sheol is seldom translated any more with the English word Hell. Sheol is referred to as a place of darkness – the grave - where all go regardless of beliefs. Job, called a very righteous man in God’s eyes, expressed a desire to go to Sheol to escape tremendous suffering (Job 10:21-22).

Gehenna is the Greek word translated as Hell in the NT. It is used by Jesus eleven times in four conversations (Mt. 5:22, 29, 30; Mt. 10:28 (i.e. Luke 12:5); Mt. 18:9 (i.e. Mk 9:43, 45, 47); Mt. 23: 15, 33). Matthew’s Jewish audience was most familiar with the history behind Gehenna. Gehenna was the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history of terrible slaughter where Israeli children were burned as sacrifices to false gods (Jer. 7:30-31; 19:2-5). Gehenna clearly illustrated the horries of physical death.

Jesus used Gehenna to explain spiritual death is just as tragic. Matthew 5:29 best illustrates this: “If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown in Hell (Gehenna).” Jesus warns that lust can lead toward the tragedy of adultery - betrayal of one’s partner and children causing the breakup of the family. Jesus wasn’t suggesting lust or adultery dooms one never to enter Heaven after death. Spiritual death – living a self-centered life – is no less tragic than physical death.

Jesus didn’t think scaring the Hell out of people lead to authentic living. Jesus simply encouraged avoiding a life full of regrets by living an unselfish life. Jesus focused more on what leads to true happiness on earth than our destination after the grave. Jesus when asked about eternal life focused on the present - love God and your neighbor (Lk.10:25-28). No one is going to Heaven if such actions are required according to God’s standards. Jesus desperately tried to convince people life is too short to not focus on living a loving life.

The Bible does assures us that a faith in God will lead to Heaven where our bodies are transformed (Philip. 3:20). Jesus did promise the thief on the Cross he would enter paradise so there is hope even if full of regrets. But, the Bible focuses more on our lives here on earth that can lead to a life not full of regrets when looking back. After we die the Bible speaks of trusting God for justice for victims as well as believing in a merciful God full of a thousand chances.

The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament never refers to Hell. Noah, or any prophet in the OT, never warned of Hell as a consequence for behaviors here on earth. Then, only the book of Revelation can be used to suggest Hell is real. The writer is speaking of events in their lifetime (Rev 1:1; 22:6), not some future Armageddon. References to the lake of fire are surely symbolical to warn against evil behaviors. God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29). There is no hope for those who perpetuate evil caring only about themselves. A book clearly full of symbolic language, most understandable and applicable to the author’s immediate audience, mustn’t be used to contradict the rest of the Bible. The Bible does not say those on the wrong side of certain beliefs on earth are destined to burn forever in a place called Hell.

Hell seems to be an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. Does God not know what we know? Fear only leads to concealing or doing what should be expected. Encouragement from God, parents, and friends is what leads to life transformation to obtain higher than just non-bad standards. The word Hell in the Bible is clearly a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Scriptures only say after death that all are judged by our merciful God. No such place as Hell exists according to the Bible. God not only respects the right to choose your own personal beliefs in this life, but God does not torture people after death for such decisions. God only seeks a relationship to inspire you to be the kind of person you deep down desire to be.

Certain Explanations Of Jesus’ Death Don’t Impact Our Relationship With God!

You may not even know who the heck Jesus is or even care. Please don’t use that as an excuse to not be more spiritual minded in striving to become more the person you desire to be. I don’t know many people who don’t wish that were kinder and more encouraging, that they didn’t always respond to their partner negatively just because the partner did. We all though may need a source for encouragement so such behaviors to become more action than talk.

Jesus is often mentioned for motivation but not always in helpful terms. We often say Jesus died for our sins on the Cross but draw blank or irrelevant looks. Jesus never said this was His purpose for living or dying. We are told we must accept Jesus’ resurrection, but we have to rely on 2000 year old historical evidence because we weren’t there to possibly witness a man coming back from the dead. Heck, Jesus was performing amazing miracles and claiming to come down from Heaven but even His family and closest friends had doubts. They weren’t especially moved by Jesus and they walked with Him daily.

In the disciples defense they changed over time. My point is to not defend if Jesus truly came back from the dead, but something happened. Keep in mind no other religious leader has dared claim to come back from the dead. Suddenly, Jesus’ disciples were willing to be beaten, persecuted, and suffer a martyr’s death without renouncing their conviction that they had seen Jesus’ bodily resurrection. Some people will give their life for what they believe may be true in the future, but who gives their life for what they know is a lie?

It is understandable that it is difficult to relate to a God who according to tradition is portrayed as a blood-thirsty God who needed their child murdered to save face or have their honor restored. If you think Jesus may have been representing God, I would encourage considering another viewpoint about the Cross. One may rightly wonder if God thought Jesus’ message was so important, why not simply seek confession which is the first step toward changing and becoming more the person Jesus spoke of.

The real story may be Jesus died not to change God’s attitude but our attitude toward God. Soldiers die for one another for causes they believe deeply in. Jesus died to convince us of God’s incredible love in hopes we would let God empower us to strive more to be the people our world is in desperate need of. Jesus prayed God’s will be done on earth as in heaven (Mt. 6:10). Jesus wanted to convince us that God’s ways can lead to a world worth living in. Jesus said so many things we know true. Jesus encouraged us to go the extra mile in our relationships or healing can never take place. We must care for others like we would want if in that person’s shoes.

Do you want to show others the love you so badly wished they would show to you consistently, though not always deserving? God's love and mercy, not gloomy uncertainty of God’s favor, can be our necessary nourishment in being the kind of person we desire to be. Jesus’ simply message was God would love to help and encourage us in such a journey. Do you every think God needs a break from you at least for a day or God can’t possibly forgive you for the 10th or 100th time? Guess again! Actions have consequences but God doesn’t pour on the hate. Jesus died to convince us what God is really like, not what we may think God is like. If there is a God surely they can give inspire us to be more the person we desire to be and that our lives matters here on earth.

What Is The #1 Advantage Of Being A Spiritual Person?

I wrote on this topic recently but I want to emphasize what may be the greatest advantage of being a God-follower. My hunch is that readers are good people. You don’t beat your wife, children, or dog. You may be more unselfish than selfish. You may even be more of moral person than me though I think about spiritual stuff all the time. But, abiding by the Law is expected. If you are on the fence being a God-follower, or seeking to be more spiritual though unclear about this God thing, let me suggest one extreme advantage of being such a person.

The greatest advantage of being a spiritual/God-follower is knowing and being secure with that good enough isn’t good enough. Kids don’t always respond to our love. If only they know what kind of parents you had. Every wonder why your partner doesn’t seem to let stuff slide off their back, that is inevitable in a 24/7 relationship, like you do? Why aren’t your friends as interested in your life by asking the questions you ask them? Every wonder why your co-workers or boss don’t show you the same respect you try to show to them?

My wife is the kind of friend I want to be toward my friends. More than half of the time our problems are on me, but she isn’t perfect you know! I am not motivated to be as good as some other husbands; I want to be the husband I have always wanted to be despite the circumstances. I may call her out on behaviors that hurt, but I never forget how often I have failed her. God-followers are so influenced by their Creator’s perfect love for them that they are focused on showing the same boundless love toward others.

Spiritual people don’t have to just stuff their feelings away and pretend their kids, partner, friends, or co-workers actions don’t hurt them. At the appropriate time take risks to share what you want in a relationship before having to walk away. It isn’t always wise to put ourselves in harm’s way by the way certain people act. If we are honest though, in many relationships we too don’t always act as loving as we think we should. People need patience or second changes or many relationships will never last.

How does one continually pursue this almost supernatural striving to be perfect rather than just being good enough? Good parenting doesn’t always produce good citizens, but loving parents can increase the odds. Parents never forget what they wish their parents had done differently; they know they don’t get to live their lives through their children. They already had a chance to grow up. Some kids seek to please their parents for healthy reasons. They have a good amount of respect for their parents and trust they always have their best interest in mind. Because of such a relationship they don’t want to disappoint. Loving relationships inspire loving people.

God seeks to be the same kind of inspiring Parent. God doesn’t seek adoration for ego reasons. God seeks our love and respect to provide comfort and security and empowerment to love others to the fullest despite the circumstances. God is no different than a selfless, uncontrolling parent who we come to trust always has our best interest in mind. God’s love is the perfect parental love we have always desired. God doesn’t have a controlling bone in their body.

God-followers seek to be world changers by striving to be the most loving person we can be. We don’t always assume excusing others’ behaviors is the most loving behavior. But, we can save many relationships because we aren’t focused on being as good as the other person or demanding others treat us perfectly or else! Personal failures don’t stop us, because our relationship with God entails mercy and patience. Spiritual people realize sometimes they may act like those they accuse. Oh sure, we are good 85% of the time but is that who you want to be?

Can We Stop Using The Word “Sinner” For All!

When we talk about God and the Bible some words more commonly used two thousand years ago just don’t translate. Our relationship with our Creator is often described as sinner and the Almighty. You don’t expect to have a relationship with anyone when using such non-personal terms to describe the friendship. Does God really only care about protecting their own character for egotistical reasons when finding our behaviors offensive?

Referring to all people as sinners suggests God is only worried about their own reputation. Is this really the kind of Parent God is? Loving parents, when a child does something wrong, don’t care only how they are hurt. Sin is sin because it hurts the sinner and those they are in relationships with. That is why it hurts God. God wants nothing more than a relationship so we might consider how we are hurting ourselves and others. Loving parents care less about how their child’s actions make them look as much as the pain for the child resulting from not following their guidance.

We know who the real sinners are. God’s anger isn’t against those who understand self-centeredness is wrong. Some people in the Bible sacrificed their children to appease their supposed gods. Some people in the Bible didn’t care who they hurt in their lust for power or pleasure. Such people are evildoers or sinners if you prefer. Such people need to fear the wrath of all until accepting that the world doesn’t revolve around them.

I don’t want to replace sinners with mistakers. We sometimes don’t intentionally mean for our words to hurt others. I may write something that deeply offends someone. I wouldn’t necessarily go out of my way to offend them individually in person. I struggle to say I am sorry when my words unintentionally hurt others but maybe I need to get over it. Then, some know what they are doing is hurting others. Such actions aren’t mistakes. Those are willful. We refuse help to avoid change. God never gives up on us but those aren’t mistakes.

So, what do we call sinners who aren’t evil but are hurting themselves and others they have relationships with? I am not sure but let’s save the label sinners for evildoers. Does God really refer to us as sinners under their breathe when we regret our actions, when we struggle to change habitual patterns that are not in our best interest? God isn’t interested in condemning you. God simply wants to come along aside and support and encourage you to consider if God’s guidance is in your best interests.

Does God Control Everything? Is There Really A Reason For Everything?

When one says “there is a reason for everything,” we can create a lot of anger and confusion toward God. God isn’t the reason for everything that happens. The majority of suffering results from the freedom to be kind or cruel and lawless toward others. To suggest God controls everything suggests God is responsible for all of suffering in the world. God did not create or desire suffering for some supposed “greater purpose.”

Evil is located in the free will of creatures and not in the mysterious purposes of God. God’s love cannot always control because of freedom, thus God cannot guarantee we will never experience suffering at the hands of others. We often assume God has a reason for everything, but there are no good reasons for evil. There is no elaborate plan for evil by God others than having created freedom with the constraints that puts on God. If God could have created freedom without allowing the possibility of evil, God would have exercised such control. Freedom, not suffering, was only necessary in God’s eyes.

If we believe God controls everything, we end up blaming ourselves or God. We assume if only we had enough faith or lived a better life, we wouldn’t be in this predicament because God surely doesn’t want us to suffer. We may accept that God created freedom for the hope of authentic relationships, but we then assume God isn’t intervening for some reason. Thinking God is behind all suffering, we may wonder if God is punishing us for having done something wrong in our life. Or, we go searching for the lesson that God is supposedly trying to teach us, but God leaves us clueless what the lesson is. Does that sound like a loving God?

Two men living together leave drunk from a bar and drive home separately. They both blow the same BAC. One man kills a family in an automobile accident and the other man makes it home without causing an accident. Both men are guilty for endangering the lives of others, but why were some killed and not others? We can’t know all the factors involved such as why different routes were taken by each man and why others left their house when they did putting them at the wrong place at the exact time of the accident. Is this really something God wanted or planned or is this something that happened as a result of freedom?

Insisting God is in control is neither logical if freedom truly exists nor our experience. If God controlled everything there would be no need to protect ourselves or there is nothing we really can do to change our circumstances. I am convinced it is best to not assume God’s causes or has any good reason for many sufferings in our life, but that God will support us in such times and work to bring good from tragedy if we have such desires. Do you want to think God caused your sickness for a reason or that God doesn’t want you sick? Don’t blame God or yourself,

Divine love limits divine power. God can’t force true love in relationships; true love can’t always be controlling. God surely prevents all the evil possible without compromising one’s freedom. We cannot know the balance necessary by God for every human being to not make their gift of freedom a farce. We do know that God never wants us to suffer undeservingly and God always wants to answer prayer, but God has constraints because of freedom. God will always work to bring good from our suffering if we seek God’s support and comfort. God can’t always intervene but God can fulfill a promise of providing life after death where suffering will be defeated.

God, Some Evils Serve Absolutely No Good Purpose But Do More Harm?

The problem of evil is a main reason some don’t believe in or have a connection with God. If a God is powerful enough to create, surely God could stop at least some evils that obviously serve no good purpose. Some sufferings lead to good. A surgeon may have to break open your chest to save your life. But, what purposes are served when a child is rape or when a dictator tortures and kills millions? Why doesn’t God like any good parent prevent such evils if they can?

Some appeal to mystery when trying to explain why God’s ways are not always moral in our eyes. By declaring God ways are not our ways, how can we have a relationship with a God we can’t understand with the brain they gave us? If God calls favoritism evil but plays favorites, this plain and simple makes a supposedly loving God evil.

It is suggested God has a reason for everything to protect certain views of God’s power, but there are no good reasons for many evils. The majority of evil results from the freedom to be kind or cruel toward others and not in the mysterious purposes of God. It may be that God creating freedom necessitated one being able to do as much harm as they could do good. There is not some divine or “greater purpose” in the suffering of innocent people. Freedom, not suffering, was only necessary in God’s eyes.

One byproduct of freedom is that evil can be pointless. Not all evil makes the world a better place for some. Thinking God is behind every evil, we go searching for the lesson that God is supposedly trying to teach us, but God leaves us clueless what the lesson is. Does that sound like a loving God? God’s love cannot always be controlling because of freedom. If God could have created freedom and always gotten their way, surely God would have exercised such control.

It is true that some personal tragedies lead to helping others who have the same experience in an imperfect world, but many abuses for example only become generational. God’s ways aren’t mysterious but we may not fully understand all the factors involved that God can see and know. It is believed the flap of a butterfly wing in one part of the world can influence weather in another part of the world at some time in the future. God may be able to perform miracles and answer prayers sometimes without compromising all the factors involved in the gift of freedom, which is necessary for authentic relationships.

We often put our trust in some things we don’t fully understand. I only fly because I have enough trust in the collective intelligence of those who believe in planes. Is it possible that there are rational, moral explanations for how a good and perfect God cannot intervene in so much evil in the world? Do you have enough trust to think God may prevent all the evil possible when not compromising freedom? Are there explanations as to why God’s love often must be influential but not coercive to remain moral? You don’t have to be free of doubts and questions but are you convinced enough to trust God can explain one day to your satisfaction?

What Does God Really Say About Getting Eternal Life?

Is God’s message really no different than religious extremists who make promises for the future with deadly consequences if you don’t buy in?

The Greek words “aionios zoen” when translated as “eternal life” doesn’t always best convey what God wants us to know about life. We commonly think that the Bible speaks of "aionios" life in future rather than present terms and unfortunately often in threatening terms. "Aionios" translated as eternal may convey something very different than intended by the writer.

When the Bible talks about "aionios" life in the New Testament, the focus isn’t on some destination in the future but life in the present.

The Greek word "aionios" is used in the present tense (Jn. 3:36, 5:24, 6:47). In other words Scriptures speaks of having life. How can one have something now while living, if such life was meant to convey what we can have in the future after death? The Apostle Paul compares death with words translated as eternal life: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal/aionios life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rm. 6:23). Paul though speaks of still living though put to death by sin (Rm. 7:11). The life being referred to is about currently being dead or alive spiritually.

The Bible speaks more how to pursue a quality not quantity of life.

A possible literal translation of the word eternal from the Greek is age-enduring, so how does one have an age-enduring life worth living? What kind of life will we look back and be glad we strived for such a life? When Jesus was asked directly about having age-enduring life, Jesus simply encouraged loving God and your neighbor in the present (Lk.10:25-28). I can assure you Jesus wasn’t advising criteria to get into Heaven for then Heaven is going to be vacant.

I am convinced God wants to encourage pursuing a life worth living now as opposed to the future and threatening consequences if you don’t believe what you are supposed to.

We know not loving your neighbor as you want to be loved has its own consequences – a legacy of regrets. Jesus also suggested loving God because certain relationships help one to feel secure and inspired. God gives refuge and hope to those who feel hopeless that their life can be of any value due to all the pain they have inflicted on others. Others may not be able to forgive you but your Creator can and will. Some may feel too insignificant to make a difference. God sees the world one individual at a time and believes you have something to offer. God looks out for those most in need.

You may not feel as hopeless.

Maybe no one will read this Post, but I live life only to influence who I can. Even if not overwhelmed with guilt, from time to time we need to know God isn’t always judging but in our corner. We need to be encouraged from time to time when others don’t meet our expectations. Our role-models don’t always live out or give the best advice how to be a better parent, partner, or friend. I need a God who guidance isn’t tainted by their selfishness. It can be comforting to know that when you die there is a better place or that you can be reunited with your loved ones, but God wanted us to know: “….I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest” (Jn. 10.10).

How Do You Describe A Relationship With An Invisible God?

I often write about a relationship with God but it is not easy to describe a relationship with an invisible Deity as one might explain the value of a relationship with a friend. The only terms we have to describe a relationship with God is those we are familiar with such as a friend or marriage partner as Jesus in the Bible is described. God isn’t human of course but we may get close to describing such a relationship when we think of what a relationship with a perfect friend is like. The Bible doesn’t hesitate to describe God as a friend (Jn. 15:15, Jam. 2:23).

A relationship with God is often described as what God will do for us in the future. If we say the right words or confess our sins then God will save us from Hell in the future. Actually, the Bible doesn’t speak of a relationship with God in these terms. Jesus, who represented God on earth, didn’t focus on future advantages but current advantages of a relationship with God in a troubled world. God simply wishes to help us cope and freely become the person we desire.

God surely epitomizes what a perfect friend would be like. How would you describe such a friend or marriage partner? In my mind the perfect friend listens without any hidden agenda to control your decisions, as controlling love isn’t genuine. You don’t have to sugarcoat your feelings with a great friend, so you can openly work toward changes most likely to last. Great friends aren’t afraid to take risks and communicate when the friendship feels one-sided. This is the kind of friendship our Creator desires to have with us.

A relationship with God has many influential advantages. I didn’t always have the greatest example of marriage and parenting growing up. God’s uncontrolling love toward me has influenced me to resist controlling my partner or older children, regardless whether I think I know what is best. This has led to relationships worth having. God doesn’t even control moral decisions that are so against God’s nature. Freely chosen than forced decisions allow lasting relationships worth having.

The best kinds of relationships, spiritual or human, seek to love and trust one another. Partners who attempt to out-serve the other have good marriages. This is only possible when both are committed to treating one another as best friends should. I must admit though a relationship with God isn’t exactly the same as human relationships. Betrayal might cost one a human relationship; whereas, I am convinced God isn’t going to give up on us. You can’t have a real relationship until you decide to enter a trusting relationship, but God is unimaginable patient and forgiving as are loving parents who will wait forever.

It is easier for some than others to have a relationship with an invisible Deity. I was told God was real growing up and for whatever reason I never rejected that. I can assure you it has nothing to moral superiority. For others God is not afraid to fight to prove themselves. You don’t see how a loving God can condemn marriage between two committed people regardless of their gender. God doesn’t. God isn’t angry all the time. In the Bible God’s anger is the same as your anger against evildoers who deny others the freedom of personal beliefs.

Personally, I don’t feel judged by God if I fail, I am constantly challenged, motivated, encouraged to be more the person I desire to be. If you have an inkling that there may be a God who desires a friendship, considering taking a leap of trust. If you are unconvinced there is such a Being as a loving, perfect God who desires to be the perfect friend, debate with a supposed God all you want. If God exist surely God can prove if they are the kind of friend you imagine would be true of a loving God.

The God Of The Bible Doesn’t Condemn Homosexual Love!

The Bible is frequently used to condemn homosexual love (i.e. Rom. 1:26-32, I Cor. 6:9-11). The Apostle Paul, who wrote a great deal of the New Testament, possibly authored these two books. These passages couldn’t possibly be talking about committed love between two people regardless of their gender. Paul accuses readers of having no fidelity, no love (Rom. 1: 31). The homosexual actions condemned are compared to adulterous or prostituting behaviors (I Cor. 6:9).

God and the Bible don’t condemn committed love and concern for others.

Paul was referring to sexually behaviors which were only for the purpose of satisfying one’s own pleasures at the expense of others. It is likely Paul was referring to sexual practices that were common in his day. Masters often were involved in sexual acts with their slaves; men were having sex with younger boys. Paul was condemning abusive, unequal, controlling sexual behaviors which are immoral to most rational human beings.

I do think a loving God would advise against uncommitted love which can lead to people getting hurt. Who doesn’t know adultery is wrong. But, I do not make it my practice to seek out those who engage in casual sex between consensual adults. Some women give sex for pay to feed their children. I imagine if they felt they had other options they wouldn’t make such choices. I may do the same if in their shoes. I am convinced the kind of love we were created for is where each partner is equally committed to one another for the long haul, both in good and bad times. Few get married not hoping the marriage lasts for a lifetime.

But, for the sake of argument let’s say one believes that the Bible condemns faithful homosexual love. How should a Bible believer still act?

If one reads the passages I have cited, they will notice that whatever sexual immoral acts are condemned are compared with greed. In other words the writer equally condemns sexual immoral people and greedy people. You hear a lot more sermons and condemnation on homosexuality than you will ever hear on greed.

If one uses the Bible to condemn all homosexual behaviors, they must use the same Bible to condemn greedy behaviors. I dare to say there is no one, who has enough money to feed their family and buys one extra item for pleasure, that isn’t greedy. This would include having a TV, buying desert, or anything that doesn’t go toward what is necessary to feed one’s family. The same Bible commends those who have extra and don’t share with those in need (Acts 4:32-25). Few if any of us practice such behaviors in our own land must less with those in other lands. It seems to me before one can condemn homosexuality they must first stop all acts of greed.

Church folks condemn gay relationships but they get divorced half the time. One best examine their own life before condemning gay couples who are committed.

Who doesn’t know that any sexual behaviors that are mindless, selfish, uncommitted engagements, as opposed to consensual monogamous relationships, are wrong! We should take a stand against behaviors that are harming others. I am convinced the Bible would suggest taking the less judgmental stance in relationships between consenting adults. Let God guide people in their personal sexual choices. I have a hunch polygamy in the OT wasn’t the Creator’s idea, but God understands personal decision are best freely chosen with guidance from one’s Creator if so desired.

God Doesn’t Judge Only On Beliefs!

It is suggested a supposed loving God judges one currently or in the future on whether they believe in God or not, whether they accept things about God they don’t understand or consider irrational. Does God really not understand or have compassion on people’s circumstances which make believing in God more difficult for some than others.

A child who was sexually abuse by their father may struggle to accept a God who is most often betrayed as our Father in Heaven. Does God really judge them?

Some are open or desperately want to believe in God but can’t get their head around why a loving God doesn’t intervene more in so much evil in the world. Does God really judge them?

Many cannot remember a day they didn’t want to be in a committed relationship with one of the same gender, yet they are condemned by religions folks, in the name of God, who don’t keep their own partnership vows. One reason some loving parents condemn their homosexual child’s love is because they believe they must honor God in this way. Yet, in their heart they know the loving thing is to accept their child and let their grown child make such personal decisions on their own. Is God any different?

How can you expect one to have anything to do with a God when God-followers in authority act as if one is inferior to others based on their gender or color of their skins? One person wrote: “…it’s been bothering me since 9/11. What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?” Does God really judge those who have faced bigotry in the name of God or felt that God stood by and did nothing for them?

There are plenty of good reasons why one may not buy into being a believer in God much less desire to have a relationship. This doesn’t make them unacceptable by God or in danger of future consequences after death. Now, if you use all the problems you have had as an excuse to harm others in the same way you have been harmed, isn’t that hypocritical? We all must be held accountable for our actions toward others, regardless of how we have been treated, or the world would be even more chaotic.

I am convinced there is a God who desperately wants to help, not judge, those who have faced unfair consequences of a free world. Billions are convinced that believing in a loving God is not irrational or delusional. If you have thought such a God exist, but have struggled to have any kind of relationship because of what has happened to you or what has been claimed to be true about God, maybe everything you hear isn’t true. I believe God promises to stand by each person’s side and reveal to them personally what God is really like. God may be the God you imagine would be true of a loving God. God seeks to help you overcome undeserved tragedies to make a difference and be the kind of person you desire to be.

Does The Natural World Condemn Unbelief In God?

It seems clear to some when they watch their child born or observe creation and all its majesty that there is a Being behind all this grandness. But, there can be as many reasons as there are individuals as to why some aren’t so sure there is a Creator. As well, philosophical arguments may be convincing to some but not all. Each person has to decide for themselves as to what they believe about origins and why.

I cannot think of any human or relational reason for condemning one’s thoughts in spiritual matters by acting as if we can discern the feelings of others. Let’s not pretend as if a Supreme loving being can be proven. Who benefits in attempting to force belief? The supposed God you believe in doesn’t even do that, having creating freedom which can only lead to genuine relationships. You can try to convince your child of your love until you are blue in the face, but a more humane strategy is to walk the talk and let your actions speak for themselves.

For those who do not believe there is a loving God, I would encourage you to make sure that your unbelief isn’t about what others claim about God rather than what may be true. Many reject religion because of false beliefs insisted on. True religion surely doesn’t insist on any beliefs other than the Law of Love which entitles all to form their own personal beliefs as long as they don’t violate the rights of others. True religion seeks to serve and not to be served. True religion seeks to inspire others that unselfish love leads to personal freedom.

But, doesn’t the Bible condemn those who deny God because of nature’s evidence? The Bible doesn’t suggest all who don’t believe in God are suppressing what they know to be true. Audiences in the Bible weren’t rejecting belief in God or gods but rejecting God’s ways to justify selfish actions. Just call behaviors that violate the rights of others for what they are – immoral and destructive.

Let’s not accuse those who believe in a God as needing a crutch and those who question the reality of an invisible God of being wicked and not knowing their feelings. For those who believe there is a God, we only want others to know God loves in hopes to empower reflecting such love back to others. If God exist surely God can prove to individuals if they are real and if their love is what you imagine would be true of a loving God. I am convinced God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently for a better world.

Does God Accept Us Despite Our Doubts?

Would a loving God really judge doubts? God-followers often insist on certainty. Then, when challenged that the story in Genesis may not be historical genre, they loss hope since they have been taught certain things must be believed or else. God-followers who demand certainty often prove to be unable to talk to others who have questions or doubts. How can we encourage others if not open-minded and willing to grow in understanding?

Must Jesus’ physical resurrection be believed to be accepted by God? Scholars who aren’t evil suggest the gospels were written much latter and that a physical resurrection was crafted into the story. We can’t really prove the physical resurrection is fact though many can rightly argue the historical evidence fits criteria for beyond reasonable doubt. The historical evidence is indisputable to me that Jesus came back from the dead but I can’t prove it. Jesus’ closest friends doubted His resurrection, despite all the miracles He performed. It is okay to question events that happened 2000 years ago for which we have to trust history since we weren’t eye witnesses.

Many insist that Jesus was both God and man. Some can’t logically wrap their heads around Jesus being both man and God. Exactly how does one do that chromosomally? Isn’t it logically impossible to be God and not God? Some may be willing to accept that Jesus was an extraordinary man who epitomized who God was. Why can’t we begin there as a discussion as to what teachings and actions of Jesus seem to representative of what a loving God is like.

Many insist that every word and sentence in the Bible is inspired by God. Why is it not possible to think that the writers may have only written down God’s inspirational thoughts, or God’s respect for freedom may have allowed a writer’s personal views to creep into the Bible? God has always worked through human means available rather than overwhelm with power. Jesus said He was leaving His spirit not the Bible to guide (Jn. 14:16). This doesn’t make whatever one thinks true. If you think it is right to behead and kill people because they don’t share your personal beliefs about God, you are wrong!

There may be many other beliefs that you question or doubt when it comes to a loving God. You don’t have to believe God condemns homosexual love. You don’t have to believe and sing what a wretched soul God thinks you are just because God is so great. You don’t have to believe that God thinks women should be submissive to men in a way men shouldn’t be submissive to women. You don’t have to believe in many things others claims to be true according to the Bible. Why would a loving God insist on accepting certain information supposedly only in the Bible when the majority of people who have been born never had such written knowledge?

We can have doubts that there is a God. We can have a feeling or hope that a loving God exists. Millions if not billions have and it cannot be proven they are irrational or delusional. The truth is God either exists or doesn’t exist. God created or God didn’t. God can provide life after death to be reunited with our loved ones or God can’t. If you are on the fence consider what a loving God would be like. Would they encourage you to believe or not that self-centeredness leads to true happiness here on earth? What have you lost going the extra mile in relationships by forgiving those who regret their actions? I can’t prove that God is real, but I am convinced God will reveal themselves to you if you desire such a relationship to help be the kind of person you desire to be.

What Is God Saving Us From If Not Hell?

Many of us have been taught growing up in the church that Jesus came to save us from Hell. I have written a great deal about the myth of Hell. Like a loving God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time! Salvation in the Bible is not about dropping to your knees and saying a one-time prayer to avoid the wrath of God.

God is often portrayed as caring only about their reputation. Jesus didn’t come to save us from God’s wrath. Did God really need Jesus to die in our place so God could love us and save face? This view suggests God loves themselves more than God’s loves their children. Earthly parents aren’t more loving than God. When our children disobey our guidance we aren’t most concern how their actions make us look but that our child is heading down a path of destruction.

The fact that the Bible talks about being saved (Rm. 8:24), we’re being saved (I Cor. 1:18), and we shall be saved (Rom. 5:10) suggests salvation is not a dropping to your knees, bowing your head, one-time experience. I am focusing on what God is presenting saving us from, but I will suggest saving in the past in the Bible relates to what God intended to do if we used our freedom to hate rather than love ourselves and others. God can’t control our decisions but God is always prepared with a loving response.

God only cares about saving us from ourselves. God continually seeks to encourage taking actions that lead to true joy in a free but imperfect world. When we don’t act in our best interest, of course we hurt God. But, God isn’t offended because we simply disobey. God hurts because we are hurting ourselves and those around us. All God’s actions are about trying to convince us that God’s unselfish ways are in our best interest in the long-run.

God doesn’t encourage us to fear God as if they will keep all on the straight and narrow. God like any parent knows that fear of possible consequences isn’t what changes hearts. Loving parents only try to put the fear of God in their children to deter them from going down the wrong path. Fear doesn’t inspire love and respect so one will want to follow one’s guidance. Fear and threats of punishment can only deter one from evil choices. Love is what inspires one to make real changes. God’s continual love, encouragement, and mercy - not fear - is our necessary nourishment for true changes of the heart. There is no fear in perfect love (I Jn. 4:18).

Jesus came to inspire following in His footsteps through expressions of radical love. Punishment doesn’t restore that which has been taken away. Jesus encouraged mercy, forgiveness, and going the extra mile in relationships when possible. We can hope our betrayers seek to understand our pain, accept the harmfulness of their actions, seek forgiveness, and make amends when possible. Jesus sought changes of the heart for the good of the world. If you don’t forgive there may be no possibility of healing in certain relationships.

I don’t know what to say to those who believe a life of not loving others like you want to be loved isn’t worth living. I am convinced when we know God the way Jesus knew God, we will sense God’s love and support and pursue God’s desires for us that lead to less regrets while here on earth. Striving to love family and friends in such a way can inspire them to live lives worth living. God seeks only to earn your love for a perfect God knows loving God is loving others to the fullest.

Was Jesus Real Or A Legend?

Many God-followers may think that I have abandoned my faith by discussing if Jesus is a created legend in the minds of the writers. I really don’t mind offending those who already believe in God. I prefer to have an open conversation with those who have heard things about God or Jesus that are hardly inspirational and give reason to not pursue spirituality.

Many are convinced the historical Jesus is real and the claims Jesus made are not lies. I can assure you reasons for acceptance are not because of moral superiority. Many morally outshine those of us focused on being more spiritual. It is challenging though to accept Jesus was just a great moral teacher if claims about Himself are lies, but I will discuss teachings espoused by Jesus regardless of one’s beliefs. I am convinced such teachings are important for a better world.

I must admit I am convinced the information we have about Jesus in the Gospels are historical than fictional. Many defend the Gospels were written within 20-40 years of Jesus’ life. Most biblical scholars accept the Gospels were written within at least 40-60 years when Jesus lived. Legends do not develop within such a short time, as eyewitnesses can dispute claims made. Historical research can only suggest probabilities not certainties, but the Bible’s historical reliability far surpasses any other ancient literatures. See Gregory Boyd & Paul Eddy, Lord Or Legend, for further discussion.

But, many are not convinced or interested in historical reliability discussions. Besides, faith based on past information must always involve inclinations of the heart. One may have an inkling that a loving Supreme Being exists but struggle with what some claim to be true of such a God. Some interpret the Bible as portraying God as being angry, egotistical, and demanding obedience or else. I am convinced the Bible teaches that God only hates behaviors that harm us and others, God cares a lot more about our happiness than their ego, and that God gave freedom because they are well aware that demanding obedience doesn’t lead to real relationships or changes.

Don’t use possible wrong interpretations as an excuse to not pursue a relationship with God. We may not believe all the things suggested about Jesus according to some’s interpretations of the Bible. Ask God to help you understand what God is truly like and how you can have a relationship. Any loving parent would salivate if a grown child made such a request. Why wouldn’t God? Consider what aspects about God you believe are true according to your understanding of what Jesus proclaims, that might inspire you in your desires to live a more loving life toward others. I can think of no greater legacy.

Why Would God Bring About The Bible Due to Misuse?

There surely has been a great deal of good from many reading a Bible. “Parents, don’t provoke your children” (Eph. 6:4) aka “Mike, don’t piss your children off unnecessarily” has spared me many conflicts with my kids. They actually visit now that grown. But, there is no denying that misinterpretations have done a lot of damage. For example, many men have interpreted some verses to justify claiming authority over their wives in decision-making.

Why would a loving God possibly bring about the Bible, which reportedly conveys God’s thoughts, knowing literature read by future generations is subject to abuse? The reality is all writings are subject to misinterpretation by future readers. Not even God can control that. Am I wrong to ever write about what I think God is like? The problem isn’t God or the writer but those who claim their interpretations are right. If we would only consider one another’s opinion gracefully, as long as they don’t violate the freedom of others, so all can freely work out their own convictions with God.

If the Bible is so important, why didn’t God see that everyone had a copy? The reality is that the majority of those who have been born into this world have never had a copy of the Bible to read. A loving God would never insist on information about God, undiscerning except through the written word, since all don’t have access to a Bible. God has always worked in cooperation with humans than imposing their will. The Bible was God’s attempt to communicate to as many people as possibly what God is really like while not condemning those who misunderstand it or never had a chance to read it.

Actually, the fact that the stories in the Bible have only been told once may reveal there is only one story to tell. Why didn’t God at least have Jesus or God in flesh come in as many cultures as possible as many times as possible to get out the message? Maybe the fact God came in the flesh one time in history suggest Jesus was who He claimed to be. Real people can only die and come back from the grave once. Maybe there is only one story because there is only one Jesus.

It may be argued that if only God would write guidance in the sky each morning this would remove any confusion. How did that type of communication work for the Israelites in the OT? Besides, such communications are still subject to misinterpretation. God may have surmised that God’s overpowering presence in our lives could cause consuming guilt or obligation to obey. Obligatory choices don’t always lead to lasting change. God’s lack of interference and visibility may allow the independence need to become more the lasting person we want to be.

The Bible was never meant to be the only means to God but one way to communicate what God is really like. I suppose we are better off without the Bible when one does not consider their interpretations possibly fallible. We are better off without the Bible when it becomes a rules book and an idol rather than a consideration for wisdom and reflection depending on one’s individual situation. We are better off without the Bible when any belief is considered sacred other than self-discovery about God to become a better person so to make a difference in the world. The Bible can be used to communicate to as many people as possible what God may really be like through Jesus.

Is There Really Any Excuse For Not Being Spiritual?

I understand why people are turned off about God or religion. You may have friends that mean well but seem to have a hidden agenda to convince you of their beliefs or else. You may think of God based on what others claim to be true of God. Does God really condemn committed, homosexual love? I still believe there are many good reasons why others are turned off by religion. But, honestly there is really no good reason to not pursue spirituality.

Being spiritual isn’t necessarily being religious. Almost all religions, except extremists who don’t believe in freedom of personal beliefs, agree on what spirituality is. All the great religious leaders would surely agree the main message is to love others like you want to be loved. Just sometimes the message gets muted because of all the other expectations. Christians may be surprised that this was Jesus’ main message when interacting with individuals. Jesus’ concern wasn’t about avoiding future consequences after death. Jesus’ interactions reveal encouragements and help to act in one’s own interest and the interests of others.

I don’t know anyone that excuses deep down that they shouldn’t treat others like they themselves want to be treated. Even in difficult times, I just want others to try to understand, accept, and wait and be open for me to advise how I need help. This is the one expectation that isn’t met with defensiveness. Watch a child lack for words when told they must treat others like they expect to be treated.

It isn’t easy to act spiritual toward one another on a daily basis. I am convinced this is one main reason God came in person through Jesus to reveal how God seeks to help. When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others. Businesses transform when the Boss is a true sense of inspiration because of how they treat their employees. Imagine God’s love being the perfect parental love we have always desired from our parents. Some need forgiveness to begin anew. Some need hope that they are important enough to make a difference. What is the most important need you have in your life that God may only be able to fulfill?

The world is only going to change when we strive not to be good enough but to meet our own expectations toward others. That is all God wants. Consider what a loving God can do for you. What kind of God sees how the world has turned out and doesn’t just say the Hell with it, but instead enters such a world to experience underserved suffering via the Cross to inspire and relate. God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently. Honestly, we have no right to expect such love from others unless we demonstrate such love toward others.

Trust Our Heart Or Others When Reading The Bible?

The Bible can be used to defend almost any point of view. When we are attempting to discern a writer’s meaning or guidance when written long ago, we have to take into account context and often what a writer doesn’t say. One may say to their audience “don’t judge others.” The reader later must understand what the audience knew – what was not spoken. All know legal authorities must make judgments of right and wrong and individuals in relationships when in harm’s way.

Some stories hardly inspire due to violent actions credited to God. It is possible that God did not interfere with the freedom of a writer to misrepresent God’s views in some of the stories. It is also possible that the Israelites understood God’s unspoken word was to spare lives if possible when war was necessary to protect oneself against attack. God always preferred the Israelites live in peace with other nations. Also, many OT nations sacrificed their children to appease their gods. If our next door neighbor believes in child sacrifice, should we do nothing? Should nations always stand by when tyrants and terrorists commit horrible monstrosities against their citizens?

The Bible was never meant to be an idol for worship. Besides, there are no certainties in interpretations. Some suggest women are always to be silent in the church (I Cor. 14:34). Many rightly interpret in my opinion that the writer suggests silence sometimes is necessary to maintain peace. Peace is sometimes more important than defending one’s rights in certain situations. This doesn’t mean we can’t strive for eventual equality in appropriate ways.

Trusting our hearts doesn’t mean everyone’s opinion is correct. We know certain interpretations are wrong when opinions violate the rights of others to believe as they choose. The main message of the Bible is clear. Consider one another’s opinion gracefully if they don’t violate the freedom of others. The Bible can confirm characteristics of a Creator that might not always be intuitive. Religious leaders of Jesus’ day taught obeying certain rules were necessary to be accepted by God. Jesus protested by teaching God’s love is a given just as any loving parent. The Bible was God’s attempt to communicate to as many people as possibly what God is really like while not condemning those who misunderstand it or never had a chance to read it.

If we choose to believe that there is a God, God will guide you in your journey in discovering who God is. The Bible was intended as a story, not a rules book, expressing God’s desire for a relationship with those God created. We mustn’t pick and choose certain sentences out of context to prove a point. If there are certain characteristics of God claimed by others that you just don’t buy, reject it! Don’t allow others’ understanding to keep you from exploring your own views. Faith in something that cannot be seen always involves intuitions of the heart.

The Crucifixion Isn’t Just About Blood And Anger!

Jesus’ death on the Cross is one of the most talked about events in history though happening two thousand years ago. It doesn’t make sense morally or relationally when suggesting the Cross was to appease God’s sense of justice or protect God’s reputation. In crude terms did Jesus really die to placate a blood-thirsty God who needed their child murdered to have their honor restored?

• Is God no different than the other gods in past history who demanded human sacrifice to appease their own desires for power and control? God is not like terrorists or religious extremists. Terrorists blow others up because of their personal beliefs about God. God doesn’t threaten us with death or Hell because of our beliefs. God only seeks to warn us of paths that lead to personal and relational destruction.

• Is God really that repulsed by sinners? Can God not love or look at sinners except through the lens of Jesus? Jesus, who claimed to be God in the flesh, loved hanging around the supposed dregs of society, and I am sure in those gatherings not all regretted their behaviors.

• Did Jesus die for God or us? Many discuss the Bible teaching Jesus died to save us, but their legal explanation implies Jesus died to save God from us. God doesn’t have to be appeased and their honor restored through Jesus’ death before God can love us.

• Does God believe violence or revenge – killing someone – really solve problems? Death may protect the innocent from further harm, but death does nothing for the guilty. Death doesn’t either resurrect the murdered or erase childhood memories of the innocent. True confession from the guilty and forgiveness by the victim is what truly heals and restores.

• Does God seek to forgive or payback? Suggesting one must die in our place for our sins sounds like revenge. God doesn’t delight the most in sacrifice or burnt offerings but a broken and contrite heart (Ps. 51:16-17). Jesus didn’t have to die before God would forgive us.

• Is God more of a rageaholic than loving Parent? God is not like some parents who go off on fits of anger before they will even look at their child without disgust. Besides, such vents don’t really pave the path for forgiveness.

• Is guilt really transferable? Demanding the blood of an innocent party doesn’t legally resolve another’s person guilt. My going to jail for a friend’s wrongdoing doesn’t somehow clear my friend of their crime. Guilt is not somehow magically removed by someone else’s confession of a sin they didn’t commit.

• Is God’s purpose for justice to pay a price or lead to a change in heart? God’s anger in the Bible isn’t to change hearts but to hopefully deter others from evil that destroys lives.

• Does a legal view truly inspire what God intended? Jesus dying for our sins claims to do something externally – spare us from God’s wrath. Such a view does nothing though to inspire us internally in how we treat others. God created freedom for true love must be chosen not forced. Jesus wished to influence us to freely consider ways in our best interests.

I am convinced Jesus’ death was meant to be influential in changing our attitude about God, not changing God’s attitude toward us. God sought to prove that our Creator loves us more then we can ever imagine and desperately seeks a relationship with us for our own good. God sees us as Christ as our sins nailed to the Cross, so we can be empowered to be comfortable with God despite our guilty feelings.

Soldiers die for one another because they believe deeply in the cause and importance of freedom. Jesus thought His message was worth dying for. Jesus wanted to convince us of what He knew about God rather than what others said about God. Jesus believed in God incredible love for us, and that God desires to empower us to reflect such love back to others. I love my children the way I do because I just do, and I hope they will make for a better world. What kind of God sees how the world has turned out and doesn’t just say the Hell with it, but instead enters such a world to experience underserved suffering via the Cross to inspire and relate?

Please see Gregory Boyd’s website and article for further insights:

What If God Doesn’t Know The Future?

I understand many may not think about or find all that relevant whether God knows the future or not. Assuming God knows the future though can lead to questions for example as to why God didn’t warn us about a partner who turned out to be abusive. What we believe about God and the future can make God seem less relatable or more distance during difficult times.

Thousands of biblical passages could be cited to defend either God does or doesn’t know the future. Some may be inclined to believe an all-powerful Supreme Being must know the future. I am convinced God doesn’t know the future, which helps with certain problems encountered below. Most agree true love must be freely chosen, or we are simply robots than humans. God not being able to do the impossible such as changing the past, forcing true love, or not knowing the future until it happens doesn’t make God less powerful.

The Bible speaks about God sometimes regretting certain decisions (i.e. Gen. 6:6). If God knew the outcome of certain decisions by knowing the future, why would God make such regrettable decisions? If one does a google search they will see many biblical passages that refer to God changing their mind depending on what choices humans freely make. God doesn’t know what decisions are made ahead of time but pretending otherwise. Writers of the Bible often write as if God thought the future was open, thus undetermined and unknown.

One major problem when believing God knows the future arises during times of suffering. A young woman may ask God for wisdom in marrying their partner. All think it is a match made in heaven, but the husband becomes abusive and the children suffer. What kind of God doesn’t warn if God knew this was going to happen? Or, since God didn’t direct us otherwise we go searching for the lesson that God is supposedly trying to teach us. But, since God doesn’t communicate directly we are clueless what the lesson is. That is not how a loving God acts.

A second problem with thinking God knows the future is understanding how I am truly free to make decisions other than what is already supposed to happen. A known or set future suggests one is not truly free to choose otherwise. A determined future contradicts that God created us with the freedom to make our own choices. We don’t have to play mental gymnastics with God by assuming we have freedom but future decisions are predetermined. God is not aloof as if simply gazing into situations God already was aware of. God grieves with us in our suffering. A God who doesn’t know the future can be more relatable.

But, doesn’t prophecy confirm God knows the future ahead of time? The most talked about prophecy in the Old Testament is the forthcoming of the Messiah and their subsequent death. Jesus prayed to God that if possible He be spared of dying on the Cross (Mt. 26:39). Such a prayer seems meaningless unless Jesus’ life could have been spared. It is likely many prophesies in the OT are conditional. God changes their mind if people change. God also realized it was highly unlikely religious people would accept Jesus confronting their erroneous, sacred beliefs about God. Jesus died for His message to influence people of God’s radical love for them.

But, if God can’t know or control the future can God make any guarantees of the future? God didn’t necessarily promise to come back and destroy the world and make it anew. I am convinced God came in the flesh through Jesus to change the world. If all took Jesus’ message to heart, the world would surely be a lot better off and many wouldn’t be hoping God bring to an end all this madness. A God though who can create can surely guarantee the ending after death. God after death hopes all choose to be with God forever reunited with their loved ones. The journey of freedom here on earth may have been necessary to make such a decision.

God may not know the future. God can certainly predict what God intends to achieve if circumstances remain the same. Many prophecies are simply declarations of what God will do, such as coming in the flesh through Jesus, and that doesn’t impact anyone’s freedom. But, if you have issues with believing God can foreknow the future but then doubt freedom, you are in good company. Maybe God didn’t warn you of something because it wasn’t known or predetermined. Maybe God isn’t trying to teach you some unknown lesson because of suffering. God simply wants to stand by your side in making a difference in a troubled world.

Jesus - Real Or Myth?

Faith or science cannot prove things which are not observable such as God’s existence or evolution. Millions are not crazy to trust inclinations of the heart that a loving Supreme Being exists. Neither should we judge millions of others who aren’t sure such a God exists. The Bible reports of a man Jesus who claimed to speak for God, backing it up with miracles and rising from the dead. If Jesus was a real historical person and the Bible reports accurately what He said and did, we can know more what God is like. Please see Gregory Boyd & Paul Eddy, Lord Or Legend, for further discussion.

• How reliable is our Bible according to what the writers originally penned, who lived during Jesus' day and wrote down what He said? Nearly 25,000 manuscripts of the New Testament exist today, the earliest dating back to within 50 years when penned. The most reliable secular text, Homer’s Iliad, has 643 manuscript copies in existence today with a 400-year time gap between time penned and copies available. If claimed the NT isn’t historically reliable, all ancient literature must be questioned.

• If Jesus was more myth than reality, why was Jesus written to be the leader He was? The Jews were hoping for and expecting a leader to crush there oppressors, yet Jesus died at the hands of the Romans. Fictional, character descriptions usually exceed your expectations.

• If you are going to make up a movement, why are the leaders described in such flawed terms? One of the twelve disciples betrayed Jesus for a few bucks. Other disciples constantly doubted Jesus while Peter (aka “Upon This Rock…) denied knowing Jesus during tough times. Legends, rather than historical characters, aren’t weak but strong, invincible, heroes.

• Why was Jesus based on actual current history events as contrived legends are based on events once upon a time, long ago to avoid verification? It was written Jesus was born when Augustus was emperor and crucified when Pilate was governor. Jesus was referred to as James’ brother which could be confirmed at the time of writing (Gal. 1:19). Good Lord, if you are going to claim Jesus came back from the dead you don’t write being seen by 500 witnesses (I Cor. 15:6). Maybe Jesus did resurrect as confirmable by living, talking eyewitnesses.

• If Jesus didn’t actually live in the first century as a human being, why did the writer record that his readers were being persecuted from the same people that crucified Jesus (I Thess. 2:13-15)? Maybe Jesus lived during the same first century as the readers.

• Aren’t legends created to reinforce current beliefs? The Jews were very much a one-god people since Old Testaments days, unlike surrounding cultures who worshiped many gods. You don’t make up a person claiming to be God since they don’t reinforce current beliefs. Maybe Jesus was real and the writers wished to pen accurately Jesus’ words.

• Why would writers talked about Jesus’ disdain for rituals, unless Jesus truly spoke how certain practices made a mockery of the message of love? The Jews had many sacred traditions revered for centuries, claiming such rituals were necessary to be accepted by God.

• When making up stuff you don’t report your leader was crucified, that your hero was rejected by their family, and followers doubted Jesus’ claims including being God in flesh, unless you are reporting the facts. Jesus simply was not the stuff legends were made up.

The Bible is subject to interpretation, but much of Jesus’ message is agreed upon. Jesus encouraged forgiveness of others because our Creator forgives us. Jesus encouraged us to go extra miles in relationships because God would never think of loving us any differently. If you base many of your beliefs about God by what Jesus claimed about God, you can be reasonable confident you got the real story.

Do You Believe God Is Really Relevant?

I typically write to defend God’s reputation. God may be different than portrayed in religious circles. Don’t allow others’ views of God be the reason to not pursue more of a relationship with God. By defending God all I am saying is that God may be more relevant in your life than you think. God became more relevant when God became more the loving God I imagined.

Talking about Jesus’ crucifixion in terms of appeasing a blood, thirsty God doesn’t make sense morally or relationally. What Jesus did was obviously a tremendous sacrifice, but Jesus was nailed to the Cross because He believed His message was worth dying more. Jesus sought moral credibility for His claims about God as opposed to the views of the religites.

God doesn’t reject people because of their sexual orientation. You simply cannot tell others you love them but not who they are. That is only rejection! Many cannot remember a day they didn’t want to be in a committed relationship with one of the same gender, yet they are condemned by religions folks in the name of God who don’t keep their own partnership vows. Would gay people really choose a lifestyle of scorn if they could choose otherwise?

God doesn’t reject people because they aren’t a Christian. The truth is one is likely to be Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or Jewish because of where or the family they are born into. God came in the flesh one time in history to convey God’s love for all people. It is the message of who God is and what God’s guidance for relationships that is important. We don’t have to convert others to our religion but discuss God’s relevancy in our lives.

God believes all people are equal. I don’t wish for my daughters to think God wants them under the authority of any man. This encourages dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. I do think putting ourselves under the authority of our Creator is worth considering. If a woman has a desire to represent God through the priesthood or pastorate, God is honored. How can we expect God to be relevant if proscribed gender roles smack of inequality?

God doesn’t reject others because of beliefs due to circumstances. God doesn’t judge those who have been abuse by their father and struggle to accept a God betrayed as our Father in Heaven. God doesn’t judge those who can’t get their head around why a loving God doesn’t intervene more with so much evil in the world. Our loved ones often didn’t have a relationship with God because of erroneous views of who God is, not because they reject God’s ways. A loving God can’t all of a sudden stop loving one at the moment of one’s last breath. God provides second changes after death for those who meet and see what their Creator is really like.

Do you have any beliefs about God that make God less relevant or appealing to have a relationship with? Have you ever hesitated to discuss spirituality with others when appropriate because of who you think God must be portrayed as? We don’t have to necessarily accept what others proclaim about God. Consider possible erroneous views of God that hinder such a pursuing a deeper connection with your Creator.

God-Followers Don’t Have To Be Awkward Or Defensive Talking About God!

I write for those that may want to pursue more of a relationship with God but have been turned off by disputable teachings about who God is. I also write to those who already have a relationship with God but don’t feel as connected wondering if certain teachings about God are true. It also can be uncomfortable discussing God with others when appropriate if we think we have to defend certain aspects about God.

I am not saying new understandings about God will open the floodgates for others to want to talk about God, which stinks because we can talk about other things we are interested in, but at least you can feel freer to talk about God. You don’t have to secretly feel defensive about God. I use to think twice sometimes talking about God, but new understandings about God make such discussions natural. I have defended the below views about God elsewhere so I won’t do here.

What beliefs about God make discussions uneasy or just not natural?

God doesn’t torture people after death for beliefs while living on earth for a brief time. You don’t have to believe in or defend such a God. Our word Hell is not a translation but substitution for certain Hebrew and Greek words. Hell, as a torture chamber, has turned out to be an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience.

God doesn’t reject people from Heaven after death because of certain beliefs here on earth. God offers life after the grave to all. All have their reasons for rejecting God here on earth, especially because of certain understandings about God. God will clear up any misconceptions. God didn’t create to judge but to empower all to love one another in this world. I can only imagine those who don’t want to be with God forever are those who still think only they matter.

God doesn’t advocate saying to gay people: I love you but hate your actions. Gay people rightly challenge others to think why they would choose a lifestyle rejected by so many unless they can’t help feeling who we are. If people have questions about their personal lifestyles and God, God can handle such conversations with that person. God simply encourages monogamous relationships for the sake of lovers

God doesn’t encourage engaging in relationships with hidden agendas to convert them to our beliefs. We have relationships with others like normal people to share life together. Open-ended discussions about God can be had when others want. God only came to convert people from relational thinking that is harmful. If your friends treat others like dirt, love them enough to tell them so. God can change hearts.

God isn’t some crazy talking, doomsayer that is going to come down and destroy the world. Take care of the world for the next generation. God tried to create heaven on earth but freedom was necessary; God has given us the hope of life forever with God in Heaven after death. Freedom on earth may be necessary for authentic love and moral growth, so that Heaven can be a place without evil.

God isn’t gender bias or a sexist that declares roles based on gender than gifts.

Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

If God __________ it would be easier talking about God when appropriate? We can listen to others’ thoughts about God and not be defensive about our views about God. We may discover God is no different than what we imagine a perfect God would be like.

Trust Your Gut Or Others About God?

The truth is we can’t avoid trusting our gut about God. Many discuss views about God according to their interpretations of Bible passages. It is seldom mentioned in conversations that one’s interpretation of God could be wrong. No one can claim they know for sure the author’s intended meaning. The fact that many sincere people have different views of the same biblical passage or topic clearly suggests that discernment and a flexible attitude is always necessary.

How then can we know what God is truly like? Human reasoning is always necessary in getting to know God due to lack of certainty in interpretations. A loving God couldn’t possibly demand certain morals from us that God doesn’t live by. Why would God create all to innately believe in the importance of “walking the talk” if God doesn’t? God’s ways are perfect humanly speaking. Does your gut tell you than when two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, err on the side that portrays God as the most moral to the human mind?

How can we know what God truly wants? An all-powerful, creative God surely doesn’t need more people to bow down to them. Humans who have it all simply long for meaningful relationships. Why would God create us without giving us an innate sense of what God wants? God surely only desires what we all seem to innately desire from one another – a genuine friendship. Please tell me gently what you are thinking about me so you don’t end up talking behind my back. God simply wants us to love others like God loves us.

But, aren’t some views wrong? Most know in their gut which views are erroneous. Isn’t the only time I need to do more than politely disagree is when one’s views impose upon another’s freedom. We know when parents or government exercise their authority wrongly. We know terrorists are evil because they oppose personal freedom and seek power to be served, not to serve others. A loving God knows that demanding beliefs, rather than one freely choosing, don’t lead to true personal, transformations or authentic relationships.

Did Jesus’ ways seem to suggest trust our gut than certain beliefs? Jesus’ interactions with others rarely demanded certain external beliefs. Jesus led others to consider their heart – treating others with the same love they desired - while implying God’s friendship could empower us. Jesus did oppose the religious of the day who insisted in certain rituals to be really accepted by God. Jesus constantly fought with the religious elite putting obstacles in the way of following one’s heart.

If you are inclined to believe there is a God, I am convinced God will guide you in your personal beliefs about a relationship with your Creator. When you hear views from others that opposed your gut feelings, don’t be convinced. Don’t shy away from conversations as you work out such beliefs and what implications they have in your life. Do shy away from people who don’t listen carefully and respond respectful. What beliefs about God do you question that may keep you from leaning toward as opposed to away from God?

The Bible May Defend What You Believe Must Be True About God?

I don’t quote a lot of bible verses because the Bible can be used to defend almost any point of view. Sentences are taken out of context to prove one’s point of view. I may speak about couples forgiving, but the audience knew I had in mind couples concerned for each other’s well-being. Forgiving can cause more bitterness when wrongdoing denied; for others forgiveness controls bitterness. The point is to avoid bitterness to stop further victimization. Seek God’s guidance.

Does the Bible really declare some are in danger of going to a fiery pit such as Hell after death? If such a place exists why didn’t Paul who wrote the majority of the New Testament never once warn this dire fate? Why didn’t Noah who had to warn of tragic consequences for evil not warn people at least once of the danger of Hell? It turns out there is no Hebrew or Greek word that pictures what our word Hell suggests.

If God and the Bible teach that God proclaims women’s roles are based on gender than gifts, why did the Apostle Paul assume that women could prophesy just like men during worship (I Cor. 11:5). When the Bible says: “Women should remain silent in the churches” (I Cor. 14:34), maybe the writer would encourage men to be silent in certain situations for the sake of peace.

If the Bible teaches God is coming again to destroy the word in the future as some doomsayers suggest, why did Jesus tell his audience that supposed predictions about the world ending would happen in their lifetime: “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass way until all these things have happened” (Mt. 24:34)?” If Jesus is coming again down from the sky why did the disciples ask Jesus: “what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age” (Mt. 24:3)? Only non-visible, spiritual comings are missed.

If Jesus’ death was to appease God’s sense of justice rather than influence all about God’s desire to relate and influence, why did the Apostle John say: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him (3:17). Why does the Bible say: “God doesn’t delight the most in sacrifice or burnt offerings but a broken and contrite heart” (Ps. 51:16-17)?

If God only lets certain people get into Heaven, why does the Bible say: “For as in Adam all died, so in Christ all will be made alive” (I Cor. 15:22). That would only exclude those who have never died, but last chance I checked all have or will die. The Bible clearly teaches forgiveness is unlimited (i.e. Mt. 18:21-22), but is that not true of God?

So, how can we know what God is like? The Bible can’t be God’s only form of communication because the majority born into this world didn’t have a Bible. Besides, there are no certainties in interpretations. Those who disagree what God is like would agree that God is perfect. If I have an innate sense of what a perfect lover, parent, or friend is like, why wouldn’t I have a sense of what a perfect God is like? A perfect God would only suggest we love how God loves us. Imitation is flattery. Our interpretations and views of God best then err on the side that portrays God as more relational and moral to the human mind. God may be like you thought all along.

Can We Know What God Is Really Like?

Many believe the Bible is our main source for knowing what God is like. The challenge is many sincere people, including biblical scholars, have different views of the same biblical passage or topic. This clearly suggests that discernment and a flexible attitude is essential. Lack of certainty with interpretations suggests the Bible can only be one source for knowing what God is like.

We obviously can’t know what God is like because of direct communication by God. Besides, God could write instructions in the sky and the bigger challenge may be what we do with such communication in our lives and telling others what to do. Religions typically don’t seek commonalities but divide over differences. God’s invisibility may be out of compassion than cruelness. God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or brief obligations to obey. God’s lack of interference may allow heart-felt, lasting choices.

We can’t really totally rely on religious experts as to what God is like. Religious experts were the people Jesus had the most confrontations with. Religious leaders Jesus encountered seemed more in love with their rituals to stay in power than concerned for others. Jesus saved tough conversations for religious pretenders who claimed to represent God. Jesus seemed to hang out more with those not caught up in religion than those who prayed and went to church all the time.

Most sense if God exist, God is perfect. Doesn’t what I had hoped from my parents and the kind of parent I wished to be give clues as to what perfection is? A perfect parent and a perfect God are surely the same unless God doesn’t desire to be a role-model. Based on my experience it seems the following much be true of a perfect God or parent.

A perfect God or parent is uncontrolling though it could be argued they possess the inherent authority to control. It doesn’t matter if parents truly know what for best for their child. Addicts understand what we all must know - choices must be our own if we are to begin making lasting choices for our best interests. God knows moral than immoral choices are always in our best interest, but God still doesn’t stop us or there would be no evil. God’s created freedom in the beginning for such decisions best lead to genuine transformations and relationships.

A perfect God or parent is quick to forgive, despite their initial warnings, when a child accepts and admits their wrongdoing. A perfect God is certainly entitled to judge me to the fullest, but few dispute that God in the Bible is always forgiving. Parents’ constant disfavor despite our mistakes robs us of the encouragement we need. Why then would gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor help us to conquer battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in our life? A perfect God is willing to start over no matter how many times it takes.

A perfect God or parent is obviously morally perfect. It is never acceptable to say: “do as I say, not as I do.” Who doesn’t know advice is cheap unless you follow your own words. A perfect God cannot declare partiality to be a sin but show favoritism toward others. The most likely interpretation of Scriptures is that which portrays God as the most moral to the human mind. God cannot participant in any behaviors that are declared evil for humans. God is morally perfect humanly speaking.

A perfect God or parent never advises for self-interests reasons as opposed to what is in the best interest of their child. God warns actions have their own consequences, but God knows even moral decisions must be personal to be lasting. Parents must be careful that advice never be because of how it makes them look. Parents must listen respectfully and respond carefully. God’s advice is always for our interest and the interests of others.

Many would like to be more in tune with their Creator. Your beliefs of a perfect parent may bring you closer to understanding what is a perfect God is like. God is often portrayed in ways that seem less than perfect from our perspectives. Such a God is less inviting for a relationship. Would you have more of a relationship if God turned out to what you know deep down a loving, perfect God is like? I would argue such a perfect God is worth following and is the only kind of parent, heavenly or earthy, that I want a close, non-obligatory relationship with.

What Is The #1 Myth About God?

When I coached my children’s sports team I imagine my enthusiasm was misunderstood. Appearances may have seemed as if I didn’t care the most children having fun and feeling good about themselves. I definitely could have done some things different, but appearances aren’t what they always seem. God may appear at first glance to always be angry or quick to take offense and the assumption may be that God is responding only because of being disrespected.

Skepticism about God is understandable. God’s response to evil was severe at times – destroying humankind by flood, advising the Israel army to destroy all including women and children during times of war. Terrorists can shine a different light on evil and how taking innocent lives is not always avoidable. Terrorists use women and children for shields. God didn’t revel in having to take strong actions during certain times in history, but evil is complicated and certain actions are often necessary to save future generations.

God’s angry wasn’t simply because God was offended or only cared about their reputation. Obedience sometimes has to be the focus for the safety of others. Without laws there is chaos. Tough love is often just another side of one’s true nature which is love. God and parents much prefer the focus be on enjoying relationships and supporting and encouraging the pursuit of one’s dreams. God desperately sought to forgive and give people changes when seeking help.

The main myth about God reinforced by religion is that God cares more about obedience than a relationship. We all are familiar with parents who seem more concerned with being in control and how they appear to others. A meaningful bond with our parents, not fear, is what leads to lasting changes of the heart. A fear-based and punitive God has been a misguided attempt to control behaviors and produce unselfishness.

God desires a relationship based on mutual respect than a demanding presence. Obedience, which can be in one’s best interest, is not taught but caught when you get to know who God really is. We often don’t recognize about God that a full understanding of the depth of God’s love for us is what leads to life transformations. Has gloomy uncertainty as to God’s favor conquered your battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins? God’s or parents’ continual encouragement and mercy are what lead to eventual changes. A deeper bond with our Creator is what really transforms us into the kind of person we want to be.

What’s Required To Believe In God Or Have A Relationship?

I was reading that the majority of people may actually believe in a God or Supreme Being as opposed to not believe in such a Deity. I have thought for years my purpose for writing wasn’t to convince people there is a God but to convince them that God may not be as represented by others. We may be rejecting God for the wrong reasons. If God desires a relationship with each person, individuals with God can best decide what God is like.

Believing in God doesn’t mean you have to accept the Bible hook line and sinker. Some Old Testament passages may suggest to you that God advocated genocide. I believe there are possible alternative interpretations, but we have every right to believe God’s views were either misunderstood or misrepresented by the writers. You may feel the OT is just too complicated or not all that relevant. Such views of the Bible don’t mean you don’t believe in God.

Believing in God doesn’t mean you don’t have doubts at times whether God really exist. We can’t really prove anything that is invisible or not observable. Faith isn’t avoidable in life. We can’t really prove God exists or doesn’t exist. Faith is required for either belief. Having doubts about what you believe about God doesn’t mean you don’t believe in God.

Believing in God doesn’t mean you aren’t so sure whether there is life after death. You hope Heaven is real and allows an opportunity to be reunited with loved ones. Why can’t we hope for second chance encounters to be reunited with our loved ones, who couldn’t accept all this God-stuff on earth though they lived out the message of God as much as anyone? Having doubts about anything doesn’t mean you don’t or can’t believe in a God.

Believing in God doesn’t mean you don’t question how good God really is because of all the evil in the world. The problem of evil is a main reason some don’t believe or accept God. If God is powerful enough to create, surely God could stop at least some evils that obviously serve no good purpose. Any good parent prevents such evils if they can. There may be explanations as to why God’s love must be influential but not coercive to remain moral and honor freedom. You can still believe in God while hoping one day God can explain your challenges to your satisfaction.

You may have heard the devil believes in God but that isn’t good enough for God. The Devil in the Bible didn’t doubt that God existed. The Devil thought they knew more than God about good and evil. Guess what! The Creator may know more than we do about true freedom. Freedom must have limits if you aren’t the only person living in this world.

God doesn’t have a litmus test of beliefs to be accepted. Now, your parents may still love you but any kind of relationship isn’t possible if you think your freedom entitles you to treat others like dirt all the time, but I doubt you would be reading this. It may be worthwhile not listening to how others describe God. If convinced there is a Supreme Being, a Creator, figure out God on your own with God. I doubt you will regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator any more than regretting having more of a connection with your partner, children, or friends.

Maybe God Does Communicate Clearly!

Divine hiddenness or lack of clear or direct communication on God’s part has been a reason many question if there is a God or if God truly loves. Parents don’t hide from a child who is seeking their love and comfort. I have written a great deal on this topic so I am hoping to summarize the main reasons God may communicate the way God does.

God may communicate more clearly than we realize. We only need to look inwardly as to how to be in family, work, or other relationships. We often don’t take risks telling our friends that something bothers us about them but gossip to others. How do you wish your friends would treat you if something was bothering them about you? We hate when our partner turns their desires into expectations, but then we act the same to our partners. God is considered a sexual killjoy but come to find out God only advises what we sense about commitment, lust, adultery, etc.

God often doesn’t need to communicate. God gives us a sense of morality for our own good, but then sets us free to follow our desires. The future isn’t already determined, making freedom an illusion. God’s plan is not a detailed blueprint but a general one to set us free to love. Controlling love is an oxymoron. Just ask older children! We are free to choose paths at this time in life based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations. There are many ways to do all the good we can, to all the people we can, as long as we can.

God’s direct communication doesn’t always produce the results we may think. God dropped manna from the sky to help a nation survive in the wilderness and separated the Red Sea to escape one’s enemy, but the Israelites still did not believe or at least put their total trust in God. God even came in person but Jesus’ miracles did not obtain the results some may suggest if God would stop hiding.

God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or brief obligations to obey. God’s lack of interference may allow us to make heart-felt, lasting choices. God’s invisibility may be out of uncontrolling love than cruelness. God’s interference and presence might prevent a superior world from emerging as a result of limiting the moral development and improvement of free creatures to make independent choices.

What we do with the communication we have than lack of communication may be the main problem. God supposedly communicated through the Bible but that has led to divisiveness through tens of thousands of denominations. Imagine if religions discovered what they shared in common and allowed differences to be between that person and God. Certainty rather than accepting of differences only leads to pushing “supposed truths” onto others. What if churches combined their resources thus wasting less physical and emotional resources?

Communication can be excessive. Constant communications can become confrontational. Convictions aren’t taught but caught. Convictions develop over time in one’s own time. I could have been told in the beginning that marriage isn’t about being right but flexible, but I would have still had problems. Relationships can’t be declared, they must evolve. The journey of learning, reflecting, and accepting convictions that last over time is unavoidable.

God’s invisibility and current communicative ways may be out of uncontrolling love than hiddenness. God didn’t predetermine the future so God could dictate to us our choices. Don’t we know enough from God in terms of our relationships and what is better for the world? Perhaps we need less communication and more dependence on God for help in carrying out our convictions.

Why Wouldn’t God Give Second Chances After Death?

I care about God and the afterlife because certain views on this subject impact one’s view of God. If God really tortures people forever for choices made here on earth, one can understand why some may not be interested in such a God much less be able to explain such a God to others. Why would we risk turning people away from God unnecessarily because of unproven views?

Is a perfect, loving God really that much different than a perfect, loving parent? The truth is we cannot know for sure what happens after death when we meet our Creator in person. Bible scholars have used certain verses to lean on either side of the fence about whether God gives second chances or not. I suggest therefore we take a stance based on an understanding of a loving God. All have some inclination what a good God would do when it comes to second chances after death just as we done how a loving parent should respond to a child in such circumstances.

Why would God have a complete character lobotomy after we take our last breathe here on earth? Most believe God’s forgiveness here on earth is unconditional when accepting our wrongdoing. There are consequences due to actions but most agree nothing we do here in this life would deprive us of God’s mercy. God can’t stop being God somehow after our last breathe by refusing to forgive any offense. I cannot imagine even imperfect human parents ever cutting off a child when finally accepting responsibilities for their actions.

Why would God pretend that every reason for a person refusing God in this life is equal? Does God really forgive a serial killer who may have warning of their last breathe but not others, who commit far less heinous actions in this life, but were killed suddenly in a car accident? Is a thief going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breathe? Some rightly despise their Heavenly Parent because of the abuse suffered by their earthly parent. Some have numerous opportunities to respond to God while others have very few times. Is God’s grace dependent on circumstances or God?

One may argue why then even bother living a good life here on earth since all is eventually forgiven. This supposes God’s advice is for selfish reasons. Parents don’t deny their children of freedom for ego reasons. Sacrifices in relationship lead to true fulfillment in the long-run. I can die with my toys or in the care of others. But, for the love of justice! No punishment wipes away memories of abuses by parents or friends. True justice is understanding your victim’s pain and accepting the harmfulness of your actions. After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others.

There is hope for our loved ones who had their reasons for not accepting God in this life, or we question if they did accept God. If they denied God to justify a self-centered life, they missed out on this earth and will experience regrets in the life to come. We shouldn’t assume people will magically change character after death. Some constantly justify harmful actions toward others despite the consequences and advice of others. The more we justify actions in this life, what keeps us from becoming set in such ways after our last breathe. Be careful for what you wish for! For the rest, God and not circumstances or chances determine our final destination.

How The Heck Does Prayer Work?

The Bible doesn’t answer all our specific questions, but understandings about prayer can evolve as does our relationship with God. We can rule out unanswered prayers as God’s fault as if God created suffering or our fault due to lack of faith. The biblical writers thought prayer was important, but the Bible is clear that we will not be healed of all physical or emotional ailments by just having enough faith. Such erroneous advice can be emotionally devastating.

Genuine freedom must involve the right to do as much harm in proportion to how much good one can do

Prayer isn’t as complicated if we accept the challenges of running a free universe. God may not intervene hoping one eventually freely chooses to love. Who thinks forced than chosen love changes the world unless just out to control? God can’t make one to want to be a better parent. God can’t control evil here on earth if God creates freedom.

We can pray without knowing what difference it may make due to all the factors involved

We act morally though not knowing the impact on relationships if any. We can pray for safety but one is free to drive drunk. God’s accepts certain restraints because of the gift of freedom, though God is surely doing all they can to influence for good.

Suffering isn’t God’s design but God can influence others for good

Suffering sometimes can accomplish more so God may not answer (i.e. Jesus’ death). But, we can’t always know this because of so many factors. Jesus’ prayer to avoid the Cross may be the best model in times of suffering: God if there is a better reason to not intervene please stay close to me. God doesn’t cause or want us to suffer. Pray for healings but will we trust that God knows best how to oversee a free world, and a loving God always act in the best interests of all.

If you seek forgiveness but don’t forgive yourself, think again!

God can’t always forgive if one doesn’t forgive others. That would make God an enabler and afraid to challenge you to change. If you regret how your actions harm others, know though God is a God of a thousand chances and keep seeking help from others.

Talking and getting to know God can lead to the encouragement we desperately need

Don’t underestimate the power of support. Prayer isn’t just asking God to grant wishes like a genie in a bottle. We tell our children associating with the right people leads to making wiser choices. I talk with my wife, knowing she can’t solve the problem, but I feel less burdened and supported.

We can be confident of many prayers that are always answered

God has endless mercy and forgiveness so we don’t give up no matter how demoralized we may feel. We know God is speaking when we hear: I love you, I forgive you; I won’t abandon you; I want what you want deep down.

God created freedom and not a world where future decisions are already determined

We don’t need God to speak to us specifically about many decisions in life. God supports our freedom to make future decisions based on our gifts and aspirations. We are free without strings attached as God invites our participation to make for a better world.

Prayer is not a substitute for action

It is easier sometimes to pray for someone than take supportive actions which is the most common way that God answers prayers. Rather than praying your friend’s spouse stop drinking which is harming their family, see if your friend would rather you say something to their spouse. When you know two friends are in conflict, speak to the one wrongly denying any wrongdoing. God seeks permission to use our lives to help others.

What Can God Do For Me?

People may think I don’t show enough reverence toward God by talking more about what God can do for us and not what we owe God. It is because of the kind of Creator I believe we have. When children are grown, we may think it should become what the children do for their parents. But, it is the parents who brought children into the world. Children may one day return their parent’s love but hopefully not out of a sense of obligation. God isn’t always getting their panties in a wad, and God as a Parent seeks a mutually satisfying relationship.

God often does the most for those who are desperate. When life is trouble-free, we don’t always look for help from others. But, we may have committed such horrible acts that we can’t forgive ourselves much less expect others to forgive. God never gives up on us. Sometimes, parents or partners betray us. God never betrays us. A relationship with God always entails mercy and acceptance. Jesus’ death on the Cross enables us to know God sees us as Christ as our sins are nailed to the Cross. Jesus sought to help us be comfortable with God despite our guilty feelings.

But, we don’t have to be desperate to benefit from a relationship with our Creator. My wife and I have been married long enough for me to have desires to be a great husband toward her. I fall short frequently, but I remain desirous to take responsibility for and confess wrongdoings than blame others. That is on God who allows me to continually pursue perfection while not being paralyzed by guilt when failing. God helps me avoid stupid thinking that marriage is only about being good 85% of the time or not as bad as other partners.

Life isn’t fair thankfully. We don’t always get what we deserve. Most sense a need to treat others like we want to be treated. But, what do we do when children, parents, partners, friends don’t act that way to us? God encourages us to go the extra mile in relationships for the possibility of reconciliation if people come to their moral senses. Many relationships can be saved when we aren’t focused on being as good as the other person or demanding others treat us perfectly or else! We may need the same treatment one day. God can be our sounding and leaning board as we seek wisdom and patience in relationships that may lead to healing.

What can God do for you?

• God gives the motivation and encouragement to continually strive to be the person we desire

• God helps to not fear death and look forward to be reunited with our loved ones

• God provides insights into what true freedom is. If freedom is doing what we want when you want, we may never make sacrifices in relationships to benefit in the long-run

• God enables suffering, that is inevitable in a troubled world, to not be meaningless by empowering us to help others facing similar undeserved sufferings

The biggest reason for being a God-follower is the continual inspiration received in striving to be the kind of person we deep down desire to be. My attitudes don’t always translate into actions but I cannot imagine the man I would be without God. The encouragement I feel from my God is the encouragement I have always desired from my parents. God doesn’t seek adoration for ego reasons. God seeks our love and respect to provide comfort and security and empowerment. God is no different than a selfless, uncontrolling parent who we come to trust always has our best interest in mind.

Does The Bible Say God Causes Us To Do Evil By Hardening Our Hearts?

Not all biblical passages have a simply solution, but sometimes there are reasonable explanations when passages seem to suggest God forces us to commit evil against our will. The Bible says God hardens human hearts leading to immoral acts (Jos. 11:20; Ex. 7:3; 10:1; Rom. 9:18). Yet, other passages claim God doesn’t tempt or have anything to do with evil (Jm. 1:13; I Jn. 1:5). Which is it? Does evil flow from God or our own hearts (Mt. 15:19, Gen. 6:5)?

Exodus 7:3 says: “But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart…” Pharaoh is also said to harden his own heart: “But this time also Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go” (Ex 8:32). Numerous times the writer says in the same context that God hardens and other times Pharaoh hardens his own heart. There must be a plausible explanation for only a mindless writer or editor would seemingly contradict themselves in practically the same breath. Writers are often disillusioned but they seldom make it so obvious on paper with pen.

When we say “the Devil made them do it,” we aren’t saying that one didn’t have the freedom to make their own decisions. It is hard to believe the writer is suggesting God made Pharaoh commit evil. The writer is implying God is simply withdrawing their influence because of resistance. Paul says in using the example of Pharaoh: “For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all” (Rm. 11:32). The freedom to carry out evil desires may lead Pharaoh and others influenced to hit rock bottom and accept God’s forgiveness.

Idioms in other languages are difficult to recognize much less understand. It is claimed about Babylon: “…there is none besides me (Is. 47:8). The writer is not claiming Babylon is the only city in the world. This is a way the Hebrew language is used to claim superiority over others. God hardening is not forcing one against their will but a way of expressing God excepting one’s resolve to do evil. The story reveals that once Pharaoh chose evil, God fought to bring some good from such evil intentions.

It is not rationally possible a good God encourages or causes us to be immoral. God surely would have gladly accepted Pharaoh’s change in heart at any time. Ultimately, it is best we depend on God guiding us than relying on our different interpretations. Scripture as a whole doesn’t suggest God violates one freedom by influencing or forcing them to make evil choices. God’s desire from the beginning is always that we act for the good of our and others’ interests.

What If God In The Bible Condones Immorality?

The Bible may seem at times to suggest God justifies genocide, slavery, or other atrocities. Sometimes, interpretative solutions that don’t portray God in such a negative light are plausible while others times may not be as convincing. I will mention some biblical examples and then suggest a solution when interpretative explanations aren’t convincing. We don’t have to throw the Bible out simply because it is possible the writers represented their own opinions as God’s.

Some theologians interpret certain biblical passages to suggest God elects certain people for heaven while others have no choice in their destination. When an interpretation suggests a teaching contrary to moral logic, it is suggested God’s ways are not always comprehensible to the human mind. Our interpretations are not infallible, regardless of what we believe about the Bible. When two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist according to moral logic, it seems best to err on the side that portrays God as the most rational to the human mind.

The Bible may seem to attribute certain immoral actions to God. We know prejudice is wrong, yet the Bible says about God: “Jacob I love but Esau I hated (Rm. 9:13).” The context though suggests love and hate are being contrasted in choosing one over another for a task. When Jesus said we must hate our family to follow Him (Lk. 14:26), Jesus was only illustrating families may put their members in a position that they will have to choose God or them. Jesus had to leave His family without their full support. God doesn’t literally hate or encourage hatred.

God’s participation in some of the OT laws suggests God is inhumane. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 lists stoning for rebellious teenagers. But, it seems there was always a substitution that could be offered for any crime except murder (Num. 35:31). The intent may have been to stress the criticalness of family and obedience during those times. But, explanations for some of the laws may not suffice. Some laws may not have originated from God. But, God works with people rather than abandoning or simply overriding their freedom to determine their own laws.

Then, there are violent passages in the Bible that are much harder to explain. Did God command genocide: “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them: put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys” (I Sam. 15:3)? A U.S. leader may say “ISIS and all associated will be destroyed.” Women and children will still be spared when possible. Many statements in literature don’t always mention exceptions. Jesus said turn the other cheek, but Jesus didn’t always follow those words with religious leaders. Jesus wasn’t suggesting women accept abuse from their husbands.

God always prefers peaceful alternatives than violence though not always mentioned in passages involving war. God didn’t intend for women and children fleeing to be hunted down and killed. We also know women often stand by their man despite their evil actions while endangering their children. Despite the loss of innocent lives, future generations may look back on the 21st century and accept nations invading lands inhabited by evildoers who seek power only to destroy their own and people of other countries. God never initiated war simply because other nations refused to believe in God. War isn’t always avoidable and innocent lives cannot always be spared.

How do we proceed though when convinced biblical writers contribute immoral actions to God? Certain explanations about genocide or other difficult passages may not be acceptable. A moral God cannot declare evil is wrong but act evil themselves. This plain and simple makes a supposedly loving God evil. What do we do with passages that seem to declare God participating in genocide? It is possible human authors of the Bible, because God doesn’t override freedom, misunderstood God at times and wrote more their perspective on God. God didn’t promise us an inspired Book but God’s spirit to guide and discern what God is really like (Jn. 14:16).

The reality is some of the Bible is subject to interpretations which obviously are not infallible. Jesus wasn’t recommending domestic violence when saying to turn the other cheek. But, we don’t have to insist the writers of the Bible at times didn’t misunderstand or misrepresent God at time for their own reasons. Giving the Bible almost supernatural qualities can lead to worshipping a Book and not who the Book is about. Much of the Bible is clear and can be considered in one’s relationship with their God as to how they might be more the person they deep down want to be. Read the Bible with an open and discerning mind.

One may argue everyone’s interpretation is right since we can’t discern right from wrong in the Bible. Trusting our hearts doesn’t mean everyone’s opinion is correct. We know certain interpretations are wrong, such as a terrorist’s, when opinions violate the rights of others to believe as they choose. Many suggest we can know God best through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus and His sayings are not as complicated to interpret as some OT readings. If any OT teachings seem to contradict Jesus’ teachings, Jesus’ guidance would aid in discerning what God is like.

I know suggesting the Bible has errors can be disconcerting to many. At least we must recognize that often it is our interpretations that we are proclaiming are not in error. On the other hand I hope the above suggestions about how we view the Bible is freeing to many. There may be plausible interpretations, even on the genocide passages, that don’t declare God is immoral. Others may not be convinced. We don’t have to get bogged down in rationalizations about God because the Bible supposedly says so. All are free to understand God on their own, without assuming the Bible is without error or without truth about God.

Is God A Pacifist?

It is not always easy to relate to or defend God in the Old Testament who constantly seems to sanction wars and encourage warlike behaviors. On the other hand those who hear it said that God in the New Testament is more of a pacifist, as supposedly evidenced by the life of Jesus, question how a God can ask one to not protect their family or their country. I don’t understand how anyone can be a true pacifist when their children are being attacked. We will look at a few biblical passages since the Bible is often used in answering this question.

Israel, chosen to reveal God to other nations, participated in numerous wars which involved hundreds of thousands of deaths including innocent women and children. I don’t think the Bible suggests God approved of wars simply because other nations refused to believe in the God of Israel. Many biblical texts suggest God wished for Israel to live in peace with surrounding nations, but not all nations are willing to respect and abide by certain inalienable rights of their own people much less the people of other nations.

Terrorist activities today may give us some perspective on OT times. War may sometimes be necessary. Terrorists threaten even their own with beheadings, rape, and other atrocities. Is it always wrong for a nation to wage war against evil leadership of other nations for the sake of those under the dictatorship? Despite the loss of innocent lives, future generations may look back on the 21st century and accept nations invading lands inhabited by evildoers who seek power only to destroy their own and people of other countries. War isn’t always avoidable and innocent lives cannot always be spared.

Jesus did not teach or live out pacifism always. Jesus wasn’t implying that we should never respond to physical violence toward us when he said “turn the other cheek” (Mt 5:39). Jesus was illustrating how we might respond to insult. Jesus’ didn’t turn the other check when throwing the moneychangers out of the temple (Jn. 2:15). Jesus questioned an official’s right to slap Him rather than turning the other cheek (Jn. 18:22-23). A wife shouldn’t keep turning the other check if being abused. We mustn’t turn the other way when a father is sexually abusing his daughter.

The New Testament doesn’t encourage violence but sometimes self or government protection is necessary. The disciples were told to buy a sword than cloak for protection (Lk. 22:36). God-followers are encouraged to submit to government’s authority to either protect or bring justice to the wrongdoer (Rm. 13:1-5). Jesus didn’t condemn a Roman solider for serving his nation but praised him for this faith (Lk.7:1-9). The Apostle Paul who wrote much of the NT, when in danger of being killed, appropriately appealed for government protection (Acts 23).

The OT is no different than the NT in encouraging us to love our enemies (Prov. 25:21-22). One can still love their enemies while also loving the innocent by protecting them from harm. Non-violence is sometimes the best way to respond to violence in hopes of deterring further violence. Sometimes, individuals must protect themselves or their families. Governments must often act to protect and bring justice for victims.

How Can A Good God Command The Flood And Other Atrocities?

One surely can understand why some question how God can claim to be good when practically killing all of humankind in a Flood. How can a good God possible ask Abraham to sacrifice his own son on an altar (Gen. 22) or kill the firstborns of the Egyptians (Ex. 12)? It can be challenging to have a close connection with one’s Creator when they question the morality of their God or struggle to possibly explain their God to others.

I won’t take the easy way out by only suggesting that the Flood is not a literal story. It is possible that the Flood did not literally happen. Scholars who believe in the trustworthiness of the Bible disagree whether this Genesis story was meant to be taken literally or figuratively. Common ground is best sought since proof of one’s view cannot be proven if depending upon historical writings thousands of years ago without eye witnesses. Most can agree at least that OT stories were written for spiritual food for thought.

The story of the Flood, similar to Jonah and the whale if not literal, can lead to spiritual discussions. Does God oppose evil so forcefully at times for our own good as opposed to selfish or power reasons? Can evil be so progressive that the horrendous impact on future generations is inevitable unless drastic measures are taken? Evil in the beginning of history may have progressed to the level of sacrificing children to gods as it was with the Canaanites. Evil today has progressed where those in power satisfy sick pleasures by raping, torturing, or enslaving.

But, if the Flood is literal does this make God immoral? My answers may not satisfy but are certain explanations plausible where God latter may be able to answer all our concerns? Story writers don’t include all the details for they assume their readers know what they know. If a Flood was necessary to begin anew for future generations, the writers assumed God always changes their mind if people change. God’s desire to always show mercy is splattered all over the OT. God didn’t empower Noah to preach in hopes no one would respond (I Peter 3:18-20). Did God perform miracles during Noah’s day, which are not included in the story, similar to when God turned the Nile into blood with the Egyptians? Sometimes, we are just “preaching to the choir.”

Terrorists in the 21th Century may give us a glimmer of what evil out of control can look like. Extremists are planning to come to your country and kill because you don’t worship their God. These same extremists threaten their own with atrocities such as beheadings and sex slavery. They teach their men that God promises after death a lustful paradise at the expense of women. Is it always wrong for a nation to wage war against evil leadership of other nations for the protection of human lives, despite the loss of innocent lives?

The rest of the story may include that there is a better place after death more merciful than abandonment or starvation when adult evildoers are annihilated. Death today is not always a horrible consequence of life here on earth as it allows being reunited with our loved ones. Is it possible there are explanations for OT stories, even if taken literally, which allows understanding and explanations of a good God? I am convinced if a good God exists, such a God would love your challenges if seeking a relationship with God to help be more the person you desire to be.

How Can We Know What Is “Truth”?

Definitive truth is important as it guides us how to act and treat one another. We may not think much about what is truth, but how we act toward others suggest we all are guided internally by certain absolutes or morals. Whether we believe in a God or not, we all impose upon others by simply being in relationships. It is important to discern how we determine truth in our lives because it impacts how we treat one another.

Truth can’t always be according to one’s heart. People disagree and since we don’t live alone, we must come to decisions how to live in peace with one another. We have to agree on certain lawful absolutes to avoid chaos. Only extremists refuse to agree that we all have certain rights. You don’t have to be a saint to know that murder and stealing are wrong. The majority may even agree on heart matters such as coveting or lust as the mistreatment of others.

Truth can’t always be according to the Bible. Even if we believe the Bible is the Creator’s inspired thoughts to the writers, we still must discern what the writer meant. “That shalt not murder” is not subject to interpretation. But, some who believe in the trustworthiness of the Bible advocate for just wars while others defend non-violence. We often fail to acknowledge the truth we stand for is really our interpretation which may not be inspired. Also, what a biblical writer advises their audience in certain situations may not apply to our particular circumstances. Turning the other cheek doesn’t translate into women tolerating physical abuse by men.

We can begin in discerning truth by starting with what seems to be our inalienable right. Only evildoers oppose freedom of personal beliefs and actions if not violating the rights of others. If a Creator with creative intentions is how this world came about, they must value such rights for clearly their wishes are frequently opposed. Genuine relationships are obviously impossible without freedom. Without freedom even God could be accused of not creating the “best” world.

We cannot always know what truth all should be held accountable for, but there are freedom-honoring ways to seek truth. We first must admit uncertainty and have an attitude of openness when it comes to what is right for all. Abortion is not a matter that we can claim absolute certainty. It is complicated when rights conflict - the rights of a woman versus the rights of an unborn child who obviously cannot speak for themselves. A starting place may be determining when an unborn child feels pain. Ultimately, nations must agree with laws voted by the majority.

Certain truths are obvious to the human heart and the stability of a society; otherwise, we must consider one’s freedom to determine personal beliefs that are not harmful to others. Of course, our beliefs regularly impact others so opinions must be considered gracefully. Some are not convinced a loving God would only oppose non-monogamous relationships for the sake of all lovers. I am not sure why a gay couple would want to do business with those who oppose their lifestyle, but as with abortion rights we must abide by the majority determination peacefully.

The Biggest Angsts Being A God-Follower – No More!

I get those who may doubt there is a God. I also know many sense there is a God or Creator of the universe. Yet, such people may hesitate to pursue spiritual health with God’s help in ways they may pursue physical or emotional health. Keep in mind I don’t associate God with religion or at least bad religion. I am in good company with Jesus. A God-follower simply cares about being more the person they deep down desire to be deep down. It turns out certain practices associated with being a God-follower, which feel unloving, are not necessary.

God-followers can say Hell No! Jesus didn’t come to save you from going to Hell! God only wants to save you from discouragements when failing to live up to even your own standards. I have defended that the traditional understanding of Hell, as a torture chamber, can’t possibly be true of a loving God. The God of the Bible never gives up hope, even after death. God-followers can assure others they can be reunited with their deceased loved one after death, even if they weren’t God-followers in their life on earth. All is absolutely hopeful with God.

God-followers don’t try to manipulate their friends into conversations so they can convert them to their beliefs or save them from Hell. God-followers engage in friendships and conversations for love and to give love. God-followers seek to help the less fortunate because one day they may be in that person’s shoes. God may come up in our conversations but not in manipulative ways but as how friends naturally share their passions in life with one another.

God-followers don’t have to worry about joining some church if not meeting their needs. Now, church can be great for meeting God-followers to encourage one another and help others as a community. Some who grew up in church may find other ways to be encouraged and give back to others. Those who never grew up in church may join or may find friendships in different places than on Sunday mornings in a building with formalized music and teaching.

God-followers don’t have to proclaim being the only religion or path to God. The truth is that the majority of people accept or rebel against a certain religion based on the family born into whether it be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. Suggesting a loving God insists one can only come to God through Jesus is to ignore the realities of our world. God-followers look to share commonalities and discuss differences openly so each can decide their own convictions in pursuing spirituality.

There is so much more positive than negative about being a God-follower. We love our families though there may be pains at times standing by your family. Being a God-follower sometimes may mean we stand up when family, friends, or others treat act immorally toward others. But, being a God-follower mainly seeks to be motivated and encouraged to achieve the standards they have for themselves internally in relationships. I am convinced God seeks to be an encourager and friend in such a pursuit.

What Is A Relationship With God On A Feeling Level?

It is not always easy to explain what a relationship is like with an invisible God. We often debate what God is like but that is more on an intellectual level. Does God allow chances to live forever in heaven even after death, or would a good, perfect God require a place like Hell for choices made here on earth? But, these discussions don’t always speak to us on a relationship level. A recent experience with a friend helped me appreciate even more the relationship I have with God.

I have a friend that I so badly wanted to help. They weren’t necessarily asking for my help, because we don’t always ask for favors to not impose. I had some ideas how I might help just in case they wanted such help. I love the profession my friend is in. We all have to make money to eat, but even better when you have a job that fits with the gifts you have. Whether the job is completely enjoyable depends on factors such as the relationship with boss, whether the environment is adaptable to change in ways you think best for the customer, etc.

My friend was born to be in the occupation they are in. They get great feedback not only from me but from those who manage them, so this isn’t just a friend telling them only want they want to hear. They need to prepare for some exams to be more competent in their role. I was pumped not only because I wanted to make them happy but because they were in an occupation I knew something about. I guess what is different is that God is competent in all jobs. My son had to take the CPA exams and even if I wanted to help him prepare to do well, his eyes would rightly roll because I can be pretty clueless about business and accounting.

My friend hadn’t asked for this help. What if what I had gathered to prepare wasn’t what they wanted. If I asked them ahead of time, they might have declined out of not wanting to put me out. What if I am more exciting about what I have prepared than they are? What if they don’t want the help right now? Sometimes I only want help when I am ready to receive the help. One knows that feeling if you have ever dated or been married.

I love this friend so much that it doesn’t matter how they respond. I wish I could say that was true in all my relationships. I truly felt that my gift had no strings attached, which is what I accuse others of sometimes. If I showed this friend what I had prepared and their response was “no thanks,” I would not have sulked. My joy was in trying and didn’t depend on if they liked the gift or not. It was all about them!

I am convinced that is how God loves us. Now, God doesn’t have intellectual or aptitude challenges like I do in accounting or whatever. God spends their day dreaming and hoping the gifts they have for us will help and be received. But, God experiences plenty of rejection. That can’t be easy for God as many of God’s gifts most would agree that is best for that person. God doesn’t get their panties in a wad if our response isn’t what they hoped, God doesn’t say but this is going to help you idiot, God is only seeking to connect in ways that are mutually meaningful. God must love taking risks to see if they can bring a smile to one’s face.

Do you wish you had more of a relationship with God? We don’t have to change all our bad habits to be accepted by God. God will take us as we are. We may have the right attitudes about some of our actions but struggle to make lasting changes. That is good enough for God. God can simply give us gifts that humans can’t at times, whether it might be encouragement or acceptance. God’s love for you is perfect. God’s love is the love you wish you could always show consistently to others.

My friend was very appreciative. Even better!

What Is The Ideal Parent? Is God?

Most who believe in a God desire to feel connected to their Creator. Jesus made statements like: “Be perfect, therefore as your heavenly Parent is perfect” (Mt. 5:48). Such statements are meaningless unless we can know what perfection is. Our desire to be loved and striving to love others suggests we know what perfect love is. God’s love as a Parent is the love we deep down desire to show our children or experience from our parents. Do you agree that the following ways characterize perfect, desired love from a parent and a God?

The one word I think of when describing what I desperately desired the most from my parents was for their love to be uncontrolling. “Controlling love” is a contradiction in terms. Real love is not taking advantage of any authority or power one may possess. It doesn’t matter if parents think they know what is best for their child. Self-determining, rather than forced, decisions lead to the highest good in relationships. Evidence that God’s love is uncontrolling is how chaotic our world is because of decisions we make contrary to God’s wishes.

A perfect God or parent never gives gifts with hidden agendas to control our decisions. God may warn for our good that immoral actions have consequences, but God supports us in being free to make decisions. Parents must listen carefully and be careful that advice is never about how it makes them look or because of their own personal desires. God doesn’t determine our future. We are free to pursue our passions and aspirations, without strings attached that we often feel from parents who claim support in whatever we decide. My child’s pursuit of their interests may not be what I had in mind but I am all in.

A perfect God or parent is quick to forgive despite their initial warnings. Parents’ constant or subtle disfavor because of mistakes robs us of the encouragement we need. Why then would gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor help us to conquer battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in our life? Parents who truly forgive avoid the temptation to remind their children of their failures, as if they need reminding. All parents know what “piling on” means. Actions have consequences but a perfect God is always willing to begin anew.

A perfect God or parent is obviously morally perfect, never hiding behind “do as I say, not as I do.” Who doesn’t know advice is cheap unless you follow your own words. A perfect God cannot declare partiality to be a sin but show favoritism toward others. The most likely interpretation of Scriptures, when disputable, is that which portrays God as the most perfect to the human mind. God cannot participant in any behaviors that are declared evil for humans.

A perfect God or parent establishes rules not to glorify their authority but because such rules are always in our best interest. A perfect parent doesn’t utter the words “because I said so” as they can’t explain the rationale for certain actions. God is fully aware a list of does and don’t is for order and not the pathway to friendships. Many of the OT laws are confusing. Some of the laws may have been because God doesn’t interfere in our freedom to determine our own laws. God may one day be able to explain the appropriateness of certain laws because of the circumstances.

You don’t have to check your feelings or brain at the door when with God. God is the same as parents or friends where there is total openness and complete support. Are your views of God working for you? What views of God claimed by others are keeping you from desiring more of a connection with your Creator? The God I know always has my best interests in mind but accepts my failures so I don’t give up. Some are fortunate to have such parents or even Bosses that inspire, despite it being a job, because you know they got your back.

It’s Ok If The Bible Isn’t Infallible!

The Bible is still useful for spiritual reflection, even if God didn’t somehow magically control what human authors wrote. Few believe God verbally dictated Scriptures. OT laws seem to condone inhumane actions in God’s name, which may only illustrate God allows freedom to determine one’s own laws. The Bible writers suggest the sun rotates around the earth. The Bible was not meant to be a book of science written by scientists.

When we insist the Bible is infallible, we often don’t recognize that it is our interpretations that we are proclaiming are infallible. We become dogmatic in our views without accepting the possibility of being wrong in our attempts to defend a Book. This sows discord and debates over God because the Bible supposedly says so. Many sincere people have different views of the same biblical passage or topic. Reading the Bible as always required discernment and a flexible attitude. The main message is clear as we seek God’s help in being more the person desired.

Some interpret the Bible as God condemning homosexuality. This may lead some to oppose homosexuality in God’s name, though their heart tells them such views are judgmental and uncompassionate. This can lead one to not wanting anything to do with the Bible or God for it contradicts their views of what a loving God would be like. Oh, so all sex goes! Most don’t accept sexual behaviors that are mindless, selfish, uncommitted engagements, as opposed to consensual monogamous relationships.

When we insist the Bible is infallible, the Bible can become somewhat of an idol. The Bible becomes an object of worship rather than our Creator. Insisting the Bible is without errors can lead to worshipping a Book and not who the Book is about. We focus on defending the Bible than having a relationship with God. God didn’t promise an infallible Book but God’s spirit to discern what God is really like (Jn. 14:16).

When we insist the Bible is infallible, one may wonder why a loving God didn’t put this magical book in the hands of all. A loving God would never insist that information about God is only discernable by the written word, since the majority of the world never had access to a Bible. God has always accepting the constraints working through human means. The Bible was God using human means available to communicate to as many people as possibly what God is really like, while not condemning those who misunderstand it or never had a chance to read it.

When we insist the Bible is infallible, the temptation is to make the Bible a magical book of rules rather than consideration for wisdom and reflection on one’s individual situation. When Jesus said turn the other cheek, He wouldn’t advise a woman to allow an abusive husband to continue to beat her. The Bible didn’t have assigned chapters and verses until centuries after written. Read the Bible as stories about God’s relationships with others as you discern your own relationship with the Creator.

We do not have to assume the Bible is infallible; we do not have to assume the Bible is without truth about God. The Bible can still be inspired by God without assuming God is all-controlling. God never intended human-reasoning to not be necessary in our journey with God. We can rely on our personal relationship with God to discern what God is like and if worthy of following.

Please Don’t Reject A Gay Child In God’s Name!

I was listening to a television show “The Voice” and my heart broke. This beautiful young lady shared that she hadn’t seen her parents in about ten years because they had rejected her sexuality. I am slow to be judgmental because many, many years ago I thought I needed to condemn homosexuality as a God-follower because the Bible did. I don’t have in mind bigots who judge people simply because they are of a different nationality, race, or sexuality. I am writing to sincere, good people who take a stance against homosexuality because of their devotion to God.

I believe the Bible never warns against consensual monogamous relationships but against relationships devoid of love and fidelity. Jesus, who represented God on earth, never condemned homosexuality. Paul, who wrote a great deal of the New Testament, warns against any relationships purely for self-gratification. Paul when referring to homosexuality likely had in mind masters involved in sexual acts with their slaves or men having sex with younger boys. Who doesn’t know abusive, controlling, unequal, relationships are immoral!

The Old Testament speaks against homosexual acts involving violence such as rape (Sodom and Gomorrah). Two passages in Leviticus aren’t as clear that violence is involved but homosexual acts are mentioned in the same breathe as having sex with animals. Adult, consensual relationships are obviously not comparable to bestiality or pedophilia. It is questionable if monogamous relationships are in mind (Lev. 20:13; 18:22). We must use our hearts when not knowing the background. Women were not allowed to be Leviticus priests perhaps because OT laws were made to differentiate from neighboring nations where sexual rituals centered around religious duties.

We can’t be sure always what is not being said when interpreting ancient literature. An obvious example is when the Bible says turn the other cheek, it is not advocating women accept abuse from men. Biblical scholars trained in the original language simply don’t agree that monogamous homosexual relationships are condemned. I am not suggesting we should go on crusades against non-monogamous sex. There are loving ways to advise how sexual relationships without long-term commitments can rip your heart out.

When there are any doubts what the Bible might be advising, God-followers must take the most compassionate, less judgmental stance toward others. Many parents know in their hearts to not judge their child but they are torn when hearing others say the Bible condemns homosexuality. Please don’t tell someone “I love you but I hate your sin.” It is impossible to not feel unloved and rejected when such words are uttered. Gay people will tell you they have no choice. This is who they are!

A parent does not need to reject a gay child according to the Bible. The Bible is silent on monogamous same sex relationships, while supporting relationships that show love and concern for one another. One’s sexual orientation is personal and is between them and God if they seek such a voice. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t feel natural to you. You aren’t them! Some pastors avoid the subject not because they are cowards but because they want people to experience God’s love and not condemnation as they seek God’s wisdom on a personal level.

Benefits Of Being A God-Follower Emotionally?

It is normal to think of disadvantages of being a God-follower. In some countries people are put to death for their belief in God. But, there can be emotional benefits in pursuing a connection with our Creator if any inclination to do so. I can’t prove God exists though how can nothing produce something. Millions if not billions are not insane for knowing or at least hoping there is a God who can provide worth, perspective, meaning, and hope of life after death.

God’s approval of our worth can be a breath of fresh air to those who may need it the most. Some parents beat down their children all their life, reminding them constantly how worthless they are. You aren’t thin enough. You aren’t pretty enough. You aren’t smart enough. You aren’t successful enough. You are worthless! God looks at the heart of a person not circumstances we can’t control. God can never betray us like parents or partners can. A relationship with God always entails mercy and acceptance.

God’s perspective on freedom can liberate. The world loves to tell us we can and should be able to do whatever we want. Where does being free to drink as much as you want or have sex with whomever you want get you? I didn’t always want to be uncontrolling of my children. I don’t always want to be patience with my partner’s flaws. I don’t act that way – on my good days! True freedom is sacrificial. Certain viewpoints lead to more loving, long-lasting relationships.

God’s help in suffering, which is inevitable in a free world, can make life less meaningless. God seeks to help us help others facing similar undeserved sufferings. I understand it is easy to blame God when not intervening with suffering that seems totally senseless. But, where does God draw the line to not make a mockery of freedom? If God stops the murdering of millions by an evil dictator, why doesn’t God prevent every murderer, every sexual abuser, and every adulterer before they destroy lives? God may be able to explain some day how God’s love must be influential but not coercive to remain moral.

God can give hope beyond suffering and death. It is human nature to hope there is something beyond this life. Suffering doesn’t have to be an end all for those who have suffered terribly in this life. A Creator can give hope to victims that one day their perpetrators will be forced to face justice by understanding their victim’s pain and accepting the harmfulness of their actions. God after death may bring to memory every action of betrayal felt by victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some.

There are other considerations for being a God-follower besides worth, perspective, meaning, and hope. God can inspire to treat others better than they always treat us, or there may never be reconciliation in relationships or help for people in difficult circumstances to turn a moral corner in their lives. We may have committed such horrible acts that we can’t forgive ourselves much less expect others to forgive. God never gives up on us. A moral, insightful and forgiving God empowers me to continually pursue perfection while not being paralyzed by guilt when failing. God is a constant encourager to be more the person we desire.

Believing in God doesn’t mean you don’t have doubts at times whether God really exist. Believing in God doesn’t mean you aren’t so sure whether there is life after death. Believing in God doesn’t mean you don’t question how good God really is because of all the evil in the world. What if a relationship with God is the same relationship we have always desired with our parents, partner, or friends? What if God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently? I doubt you will regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator any more than regretting having more of a connection with your partner, children, or friends.

My Journey – Is The Bible Infallible Or Human?

This subject may not be relevant or familiar to those not taught it is essential to believe that the Bible is infallible. The Bible has been interpreted to imply God controlled what human beings wrote down: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteous” (II Tim. 3:16). This doesn’t fit with my view of God’s uncontrolling love evidenced by God’s lack of interference in the world in decisions made contrary to God’s wishes. This matter is important because interpretations may suggest God authorized, because God breathed it, genocide, slavery, or other atrocities. God’s reputation is at stake!

I began to realize insisting the Bible is infallible entails a major assumption. It seems to me that to insist the Bible is infallible implies God somehow verbally dictated the words to the writers, rather than gave the writers the freedom to use their minds in writing. God always gives writers the freedom to misunderstand and grow in their understandings of God. We also cannot prove that God somehow magically controlled over time which Books only should be recognized as Scriptures without error. God-breathed, which could only mean the Old Testament since the NT had not been formed when Timothy written, can mean God used Bible writings to reflect upon what God is really like with the help of the Spirit (Jn. 14:16).

The Bible can still be inspired by God while accepting God is not controlling, allowing an author the freedom to write the words they did. Many problems with the Bible can be resolved when considering the challenges in interpreting writings. Genesis is often thought to contradict science. The writers may have not intended “in the beginning” to be a strict, literal account. The writers may not have intended parts of Genesis to be an exact literal report as opposed to a rendering to explain essential spiritual truths. Adam and Eve may have been a representation of humankind but consequences for sin are real.

Claiming the Bible isn’t infallible doesn’t declare the entire Bible fallible or everyone’s opinion is right. Some interpretations are clearly wrong. God, unlike terrorists, would never violate one’s freedom to believe in God or not. It is always necessary in literature to discern a writer’s intended meaning. The OT speaks of God’s involvement in wars, but the NT says to turn the other cheek to our enemies. The main message of the Bible is clear. Essential truths about God are obvious. Maps that aren’t perfect still get us to our destination.

Many problems occur when the focus is on a Book than a personal relationship with God:

• When we insist the Bible is infallible, we often end up defending our interpretations as infallible. We become dogmatic in our views, failing to acknowledge that an author’s meaning in ancient literature is always subject to interpretation. Sincere people have different opinions of the same biblical passage or topic suggesting that discernment and a flexible attitude have always been necessary as we rely on God’s help in our relationships.

• When we insist the Bible is infallible, we often feel compelled to play mental gymnastics in defending certain actions contributed to God in the Bible. We fail to recognize our interpretations are disputable, thus sowing discord over God because the Bible supposedly says so. Thousands and thousands of different denominations, formed due to their understanding of Scriptures, attests to this. The Bible was meant for reflection than arguing over one’s view. God didn’t promise an inerrant Book but God’s spirit in guiding us.

• When we insist the Bible is infallible, the Bible is thought to be a magical book of rules rather than a book for reflections in one’s individual situation. When Jesus said turn the other cheek, He wouldn’t advise a woman to allow an abusive husband to continue to hit her. Read the Bible as stories about God’s desire for a relationship as you reflect upon your own personal circumstances.

• When we insist the Bible is infallible, we worship the Bible as an idol as opposed to who the Book is about. Our interpretations become the authoritative voice rather than God’s personal voice to each of us. The Bible can’t be God’s only form of communication because the majority born into this world didn’t have a Bible. The Bible was God accepting human means available to communicate to as many people as possibly what God is really like while not condemning those who unselfishly misunderstand it or never had a chance to read it.

I am still convinced there are often plausible interpretations that don’t contradict our intuitive sense of a loving God. If God and the Bible teach that God proclaims authority roles are based on gender than gifts, why did the Apostle Paul assume that women could prophesy just like men during worship (I Cor. 11:5). When the Bible says: “Women should remain silent in the churches” (I Cor. 14:34), maybe the writer would encourage men to be silent in certain situations for the sake of peace. It has been argued that many of the Old Testaments laws attribute inhumane actions to God. The Laws could also illustrate that God doesn’t simply override freedom to determine one’s own laws. But, we don’t have to get bogged down in rationalizations about God because the Bible supposedly says so.

I am concerned about those on the fence about God who may be opposing “supposed views” of God and not who God really is. We do not have to assume the Bible is infallible. Neither do we have to assume the Bible doesn’t have truth about God. Avoid people who don’t listen carefully and respond respectful to your concerns about the Bible. What beliefs about God do you question that may keep you from leaning toward as opposed to away from God? Don’t allow others’ understanding of God keep you from exploring your own views. Faith in a God who cannot be seen always involves intuitions of the heart.

What If Our World Disagreed Respectfully?

What if you could only change one thing about yourself and everyone else in the world? Okay, there is so much that needs to change but we must start somewhere. Yes, the greater change for the world would be terrorists and dictators converting. But, those evil-bent and not believing unselfishness is an important trait aren’t reading this.

Can you imagine a world where everyone who had a different opinion always listened carefully and responded respectfully. Okay, I am talking to the hand. But, I can only change the future not the past. If I continue to think about this, write about it, strive for it then I may actually one day be closer to the kind of person I want to be. We often never get around to attempting solutions because we can never respectfully agree to disagree in hopes we can find common ground.

If only spiritual-minded folks would practice such love like their Leader teaches. If someone doesn’t agree with them, the other person is going to Hell or they can get the hell out of their church. Do you really believe committed, homosexual lovers are the same as adulterers, thieves, or slanderers (I Cor. 5:9-11)? I see no reason why one, despite their beliefs, cannot accept and respect each seeking God’s guidance in their personal sex life. Church folks condemn gay, committed relationships but they get divorced half the time.

If we could respectfully disagree with one another, as long as personal rights are not be violated, we can actually start watching TV talk host shows like CNN, Fox, etc. What has been accomplished by talking over one another or shouting the loudest? Why do commentators not let others finish their thoughts rather than each sharing their viewpoint so to possible find common ground, unless they don’t think we would watch?

If we could respectfully disagree in marriage, not nearly as many families would be torn apart. When young I naively assume once married, love meant the wife and I would begin agreeing on everything. Damn! When one enters a long-term relationship, once a desire becomes an expectation, this translates into demanding behaviors. Differences are normal between any two people, even more so in 24/7 relationships. Great relationships have differences; they just are able to solve them by how they discuss them.

Can you imagine if presidential candidates or political representatives showed respect to one another? If they actually listened to one another and agreed to disagree, the calmness may actually lead to possible common ground they could initiate change. Who can blame them though? Candidates spend so much money to win elections because we the voters aren’t always influenced just by the facts. What can’t candidates state their position, the other candidate counter with their position and let the voters decide? If you think a candidate has a character flaw, what can’t we point that out with reasoned thoughts, let the candidate defend themselves, and let the voters decide. Disrespecting one another is not going to change the world in the end.

Let’s personally begin by dropping the attitude of certainty – I am right and you are wrong. Only then might we discover common grounds to make positive changes or persuade appropriately to lead to change.

What If Our World Looked For Truth In All Faiths?

What if you could only change one thing about yourself and everyone else in the world? Okay, there is so much that needs to change but we must start somewhere. Yes, the greater change for the world would be terrorists and dictators converting. But, those evil-bent and not believing unselfishness is an important trait aren’t reading this.

Imagine a world where all faiths were accepted as possibly possessing truth. Contradictions can be discussed respectfully. Unless your God encourages beheading people, each must be allowed to work out their own personal beliefs. God is surely able to work through individuals to discern essential truth. Many may not pursue being more spiritual minded because the religious argue about individual beliefs rather than focusing on what is the main message of true religion. Imagine what more could be accomplish focusing on commonalities than differences.

True religion is surely agreeing on the importance of loving others like you want to be love in good and difficult times. A good God surely only seeks to inspire such love. True religion must be self-sacrifice not self-service. True religion doesn’t insist on any beliefs other than the Law of Love which entitles all to form their own convictions as long as they don’t violate the rights of others. Obviously, religious extremists don’t represent a loving God.

The majority of people accept or rebel against a certain religion based on the family born into whether it be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. A loving God would not ignore the realities of our world and insist one can only come to God through Jesus or anyone else. A loving God would not suggest truth is only in the Bible since the majority of people born have died without any knowledge of the Bible. Besides, many things about the Bible cannot be agreed on. We don’t have to deny personal convictions but the conversation isn’t about certain beliefs to be accepted by God.

Christianity stymies communication when only seeking to convert others to certain beliefs assumed necessary to be accepted by God and obtain eternal life. Such hope can be important for those who seek a better life than here on earth. But, if Heaven depends on certain beliefs Jesus would have answered the question. Jesus when asked about eternal life answered by encouraging loving God and your neighbor (Lk.10:25-28). No one is going to Heaven if such actions are required according to God’s standards. Good works can’t be the criteria for getting into Heaven or Jesus set us up to always worry if what is good enough. Jesus simply sought to inspire, through a relationship with God, living a loving life for a greater world.

A loving God would only seek to inspire us to live for the world to be a safer, kinder place? Pursuing physical healthiness may only impact our lives but pursing spiritual healthiness can impact the lives of those we have relationships with. A loving God like loving parents surely only seeks to inspire and empower us to lead to a life worth living. Find inspiration from your Creator to go the extra mile in relationships or healing can never take place. Care for others like we would want from others if in that person’s shoes.

What If God Was Inspiring Not Compulsory?

Imagine a world where we felt constantly inspired to pursue being spiritually healthy. Surely, if we became a more spiritual nation the world would be better place to live in. The pursuit of spiritual healthiness is simply caring for others as we wish to be cared for, understanding in a broken world we cannot always expect instant love in return or relationships may never heal.

When one feels extraordinarily loved they simply want to return that love to others. Children, who have positive, encouraging relationships with their parents, seek to not disappoint not out of guilt but because they know their parents want only what is best for them. Businesses transform when the Boss truly inspires because of how they treat their employees. If one views their Creator as loving them perfectly as we deep down desire to love others, such a relationship can inspire. Mother Theresa once said that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and for all of humanity.

God seeks to inspire by being uncontrolling. What kind of all-powerful God allows the freedom to choose one’s own personal beliefs? Humans know forced love doesn’t lead to meaningful, long-term changes, yet we try to control our older children when not following our expectations. What kind of God sees how the world has turned out and doesn’t just say the Hell with it, but enters such a world to experience underserved suffering via the Cross to inspire and relate.

God seeks to inspire through encouragement rather than constant disfavor in our battles against self-centeredness. We constantly fail to live up to even our own standards. A standard of being just good enough or not as bad as others is not going to rock the world. How do you stay inspired to respond in ways that enable the best chance of relationships surviving and thriving? God is always willing to begin anew rather than “pile on” as we sometimes experience from humans.

An inspirational God can give hope to the hopeless in ways humans cannot. Some have engaged in horrible actions and feel hopeless to change. Overwhelming guilt doesn’t lead to change. Hopelessness can breed more bad actions. But, some if feeling forgiven and accepted by a merciful God may confess and make amends. It is never too late to begin anew with God. An inspirational God can encourage those who question their significance or worth.

Consider your views of God that can help to make a difference in a troubled world. Spiritually-minded people must stop harping on supposed beliefs necessary to be accepted by God. The only belief require by God is not violating the rights of others. Imagine God’s love being the perfect parental love we have always desired from our parents. Do you need forgiveness to begin anew? Do you need hope that you are important enough to make a difference? Consider what a loving God can do for you. God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently.

How Can One Not Gay View Gay Love?

Wesley Hill writes: “When I was around thirteen years old, I began to realize that what my male friends were feeling toward girls – a vertiginous delight, an emotional and physical longing, commonly referred to as ‘romantic attraction’ or ‘having a crush’ or, more seriously, ‘falling in love’ – I was feeling toward my male friends, toward men. I found myself noticing them in a way I never had before – noting their newly firming muscles, the hue of their skin, and the depth of their voices. I recall sitting outside one summer on a camping trip, struggling mightily to keep from glancing at one of my best friends whom I was suddenly, and confusingly; finding beautiful. He was wearing shorts, and I realized that I keep surreptitiously looking at his legs the way he would have talked about looking at a girl’s legs, my eyes drawn to their curvature; my heart beating faster with pleasure as a result.” (Two Views On Homosexuality, The Bible, and The Church, p. 124)

How can one read Wesley’s story and judge or not wonder how you would wish to be treated if your story? Wesley’s account is the story of many that have been rejected by God-followers because of their understanding of the Bible. Wesley is a biblical scholar and gay Christ-follower. Wesley chooses to abstain from sexual intimacy in same-sex relationships, but that is a personal decision that each must make with their Creator.

What does the Bible says about homosexuality? Passages mentioning homosexuality condemn abusive, unequal, controlling, loveless sexual behaviors for the purpose of satisfying one’s own pleasures. You don’t have to be a God-follower to believe such relationships are selfish. Many scholars suggest Scriptures do not speak about consensual, loving same-sex relationships. Regardless, when the meaning of an ancient text is debatable God-followers must be non-judgmental and put themselves in another’s skin.

God-followers have always had to use their hearts and minds when loving others. The majority born into this world never had a copy of the Bible. One’s relationship with God has always been the most important guide. For those who do have a copy of the Bible, one must be free to choose their own beliefs as interpretations are fallible. This doesn’t mean anything and everyone is right. Terrorists obviously don’t represent true religion which is never self-serving but for the service of others.

I am not suggesting God-followers impose even their monogamous views of sexual behaviors on others. Many aren’t asking for God’s wisdom in their relationships. If you have a meaningful relationship with your Creator that you hope others might consider for their own gains, Jesus’ example is telling. Jesus accepted people when not violating the rights of others. Jesus lived a loving life in hopes others might come to know their Creator’s amazing love for them. When others seek God’s direction in their personal relationships, an open discussion can be had.

How does God feel about same-sex relationships? I can only answer for myself. We must support and respect the feelings and choices of others. God surely only encourages unselfish, caring, consensual relationships to avoid heart-break. I am convinced this is the way we were created. Judgments are not avoidable for the sake of victims. But, there are no victims in consensual monogamous gay relationships except when rejecting others in the name of God. One’s sexual orientation is personal and between them and God if they seek such a voice. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t feel natural to you. You don’t live in another person’s skin.

Time To Rethink God – God May Not Be Your Problem In Pursuing Spirituality More!

In upcoming Posts I am going to discuss possible discoveries below in more detail.

Understanding much less having a relationship with an invisible Deity can be complicated. Let’s not accuse those who believe in a God as needing a crutch and those who question the reality of an invisible God of being rebellious or not knowing their feelings. People though may be less inclined to pursue a belief in God because our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. What you think or have heard about God may not be true. If you have thought that there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends.

Most religious leaders, including Jesus, would define spirituality as simply striving to love others like we want to be loved. Most of us desire to be that person deep down. Some justify their self-centeredness or immorality, but most agree with the importance of living a more selfless life. Love though isn’t always simply for we have to consider matters such as justice when people hurt us or others. One day we may be on that side of the fence. Relationships may never heal if we never go the extra mile, since we live in an imperfect world.

Spirituality should not be held hostage by debatable views of God. Many who have grown up in the church or with religion will not agree with my definition of spirituality, but I have grown weary of barriers that prevent pursing spirituality when not agreeing with supposed sacred beliefs about God. Don’t throw the message out simply because you can’t buy into what you have heard said about the whole Jesus, Bible, and church thing. I am convinced Jesus wanted us to know nothing can keep our Creator from loving or forgiving us as God seeks to empower all in doing good and shunning evil. Who condemns any parent much less God for such motives!

I am beginning a series of posts to consider reasons some people, who might be inclined to believe in a Creator, struggle to pursue spirituality more purposely because how others have characterized God. The more I understand and respect God the more likely I am going to pursue a relationship with God. In this series of posts I hope possible new understandings about God may spark desires to have more of a spiritual focus in your life in loving others as you wish to be loved deep down to make for a better world.

What if you discovered God’s love is what you imagined would be true of a loving God?

• What if you discovered God doesn’t insist in certain beliefs proclaimed by others necessary to be accepted by God, especially when you think those views are unloving?

• What if you discovered God isn’t homophobic, even according to the Bible, and you don’t have to say stuff like “love you, hate your behavior” as if representing God?

• What if you discovered having a relationship with an invisible God isn’t as complicated as it might seem and there are plausible reasons why God remains unseen at this time?

• What if you discovered God isn’t a religious extremist much less the God of terrorists who demand certain beliefs or allegiance or be rejected or killed. The God of the Bible doesn’t control free decisions as if that resulted in true love. God though surely is opposed to decisions that violate the rights of others but what parent worth their salt isn’t?

• What if you discovered God only wishes to encourage loving others without any hidden agenda to convert them?

• What if you discovered God didn’t create Hell because the Bible says absolutely nothing about the traditional understanding of Hell? Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time!

• What if you discovered that God and the Bible don’t advocate gender bias in male/female roles? Roles and responsibilities are best determined according to one’s gifts not their gender.

• What if you discovered God wants the Bible to be read with discernment and not treated as if an idol to worship or Book of rules to tell you exactly what to do in all circumstances?

• What if you discovered God’s personality is the same as the most loving parent you can imagine? Anger can be another side of love – tough love - when one is acting in harmful ways.

• What if you discovered the Cross is not story about a blood thirsty Deity who must have their honor and reputation restored by killing their child?

• What if you discovered God doesn’t have hoops you have to jump through to have a relationship such as going to church or abiding by certain religious rituals?

• What if you discovered that God’s morals, even in the Bible, are exactly what you would expect from a loving God?

• What if you discovered that prayer doesn’t have to be so confusing or disheartening since most of our prayers are often not answered?

• What if you discovered all this crazy talk about the world ending isn’t in the Bible?

• What if you discovered some plausible explanations as to how a good God and evil and suffering can co-exist?

What belief about God is keeping you from pursuing God or spirituality more purposefully in your life? Do you agree that the world needs more people who discuss and become more spiritual by loving others as they want to be loved? Make being spiritual a constant endeavor and know how to get back on track when discouraged. My view of who God is does this for me. Identify any problems, such as certain views of God that may be erroneous, in making spirituality more of a focus in your life. I am convinced becoming more spiritual brings peace of mind and is essential for a better world.

Rethinking If God Is Dogmatic About Spirituality!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you have a feeling that there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered God doesn’t insist spirituality is defined only by supposed beliefs in the Bible?

• Being spiritual isn’t insisting on belief in the Christian God or the God of the Bible since the majority of people who have been born and died on this earth had no written knowledge of such a God. Suggesting a loving God insists one can only come to God by knowing Jesus ignores the realities of our world. The truth is one’s religion, or rebellion against a certain religion, is based on the family born into whether it be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.

• Being spiritual is simply striving to love others like we want to be loved which is the kind of person most desire to be. Spirituality should not be confused with being religious or being Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, etc. If you can’t buy into the whole Jesus and Bible thing, don’t throw Jesus’ message out as well. Jesus only wanted others to know their Creator never gives up loving and forgiving us in striving to do good and shun evil.

• Being spiritual isn’t converting people to a certain religion or set of beliefs; people need to be encouraged to have conversations how to love in their relationships. Jesus’ only agenda was to convince people to listen to their heart. Jesus simply said love God and love others as yourself when asked how to have everlasting life (Lk.10:25-27). In Jesus’ mind loving God was being empowered to love others to the fullest.

• Being spiritual and being a law-abiding citizen aren’t the same. Laws can’t legislate matters of the heart to address the realities of our world. The Law can require amends for wrongdoing, but the Law can’t tell you to forgive that which can never be returned such as one’s reputation. The Law can require we not speed excessively by a car, but the law can’t tell us to help one stranded. Striving to be just good enough isn’t enough in a broken world.

• Being non-dogmatic about spirituality doesn’t declare truth is always in the eye of the beholder. You don’t think murder is wrong. Get a clue. You don’t think lying, stealing, or coveting is wrong. Good luck in relationships. Some justify their self-centeredness or immorality, but most agree with the importance of living a more loving life.

• Being spiritual understands a loving God surely only cares that we have the freedom to consider their existence and the implications. If such a God exist I have a hunch they can figure how to inspire others to be the person they deep down want to be toward family, friends, and co-workers.

• I will put in a plug for God if you think it is possible God was the Beginner of the beginning. I have messed up in my relationships, but God has influenced me about the importance of confessing, taking responsibility and making amends. I am not quite sure how to explain but a relationship with God, who loves and forgives us, can inspire us to act the same toward others and not give up being an encourager than discourager. Some feel God couldn’t possibly love or forgive after they have done, but I believe God never gives up on us.

Define spirituality for yourself, strive for it, seek others for encouragement, and know how to get back on track when discouraged. My view of God’s love for me does this for me. Identify understandings about God that keep you from becoming more spiritual-minded. Honestly, I don’t think there are any legitimate excuses for being self-centered. Being more spiritual is essential for a better world.

Rethinking If God Is Dogmatic About Beliefs!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. What if you discovered God doesn’t insist on beliefs proclaimed by others necessary to be accepted by God?

• God is dogmatic about one belief only. God simply encourages loving others as yourself which is in the interest of all. Forgiving those who regret their behavior is a path to healing. A self-centered life not only hurts those you love but yourself as well. Entering marriage without a life time commitment isn’t fair to your partner and children. Sometimes, we fail for reasons in our control or out of our control. Jesus came to assure that our Creator loves and continually forgives so we might not give up striving to do good and shun evil.

• Insisting on certain religious beliefs being “the truth” requires conversations with an agenda to convert others to the supposed truth. People don’t need to be converted to a certain religion or set of beliefs. If God truly exist God can draw anyone to themselves if so desired. God surely desires one only act in the best interest of themselves and others. A loving God doesn’t insists on supposed beliefs only found in the Bible when the majority of people born never had such written knowledge while others may have a distorted view of God.

• The one main belief that kills discussions about spirituality is “I am right and you are wrong.” Guess what! I may be right, you may be right, we may both be wrong. Now, if you think it is right to behead and kill people because they don’t share your personal beliefs about God, you are wrong! Many good, spiritual minded people assume they need to convert their friends to their beliefs in order to be accepted by God. Stop! I do think there are certain views of God that can be empowering in such a journey, but there are no sacred beliefs you must sign up for to begin the journey with God of being more the person you want to be.

• We may believe Jesus was more of a representative of God than actually being God, since it is hard to understand how one can be God but not God. Jesus’ disciples wavered if Jesus resurrected. It is understandable why we may waver since we rely on historical as opposed to visible evidence. Each must consider the historical evidence for themselves. Jesus acted as if the only law that really matter was the Law of Love. Jesus had more issues with the religious, than the non-religious, of His day who insisted on certain truths to be accepted by God. Jesus confronted the most those whose actions were unloving to others and not those that were denying certain truths.

• God cares the most about us considering loving others like we want to be loved. We all will be selfish at least one more time but we can strive. Also, in a broken world we have to consider matters such as justice and forgiveness, because one day we may be on that side of the fence. Love doesn’t mean we can’t protect ourselves from those pursing self-gratification. We don’t have to necessarily forgive those who have no regrets and continue to hurt us, but we must find a way to not continue to be victims by harboring bitterness or seeking revenge.

God has no sacred beliefs necessary to stand in your way of pursuing being more spiritual. You don’t have to believe that hell is real or that God judges homosexuals. The Bible is subject to interpretation so beliefs proclaimed to be of God may not be. Identify any beliefs of God proclaimed by others that may be erroneous, thus making pursing spirituality more of a challenge in your life. God only hopes we may come to believe God’s love for us so we might reflect such love back to others.

Rethinking If God Is An Angry, Egomaniac!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. What if you discovered God’s personality is the same as the most loving parent you can imagine?

• A survey of the times “fear of God” is encouraged in the Bible suggests fearing God was intended for those who don’t fear evil. God’s anger was against wickedness. God’s anger is simply a side of God’s love to steer one away from personal and worldly destruction. God hates what evil does to us. Human parents warn their children and show disgust for actions leading to destruction. God’s love, not His wrath, was center stage in Scriptures (I John 4:8).

• God understands what human parents know - the fear of punishment is simply meant to deter one from acting against their best interests. Emphasizing God’s love doesn’t give people the license to sin more; selfishness doesn’t wait for permission. Religious leaders may have good intentions when they focus on rules and obedience, but fear doesn’t inspire being the kind of person we deep down desire to be. Lasting obedience, though never perfect, comes from gratitude to God's mercy and love. It is gratitude toward God that empowers, not the worries of whether God will be angry with us. God simply desires to help us treat others like we want to be treated which leads to a life not full of regrets.

• God often is said to be mostly concerned about their honor and ego. God’s love surely is other-directed not self-consumed. Parents may advise their children to honor them because abiding by a parent’s wish should be in the best interest of the child. God is not self-infatuated. If God was so worried about their ego, God certainly would not have given us freedom to contradict their wishes. God is not more concerned with restoring their honor than expressing a desire for a relationship to encourage and empower us.

• God is no different than parents who realize they don’t have to heap on additional consequences. Sin has its own consequences; God doesn’t seek to pile on. God is only hoping we freely choose God’s ways as we understand God has our best interest in mind. God will never give up such hope.

• It can be difficult to get close to a God who is portrayed as thinking we are totally worthless. Old timers bellow “how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!” Such words don’t convey God’s heart and thoughts. Thinking we are despicable may lead to giving up. God desires perfection for our own sake but surely celebrates our victories along the way. I am good if you believe God detests every aspect of your lying soul and that draws you close to God. Others may have a hard time understanding why human love seems better than Godly love. I have always loved my children to the core despite their faults. I simply hope they change harmful ways for their sake.

The truth is God is the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is really the Story of the Incredible Parent. God loves us unconditionally but respects our freedom. God waits and hopes. God’s love is unlike any human’s love we may experience. God wants us to know that God’s love doesn’t have to be earned. We try to earn points with God but God is not keeping score. Real intimacy doesn’t result from fear and obligatory love. Accepting than attempting to earn a relationship with God leads to the freedom to be the people we desire to be deep down.

Rethinking If God Is Mysteriously Immoral Or Morally Perfect!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered that God’s morals are exactly what you would expect from a loving God?

• Jesus, who represented God here on earth, made statements like: “Be perfect, therefore as your heavenly Parent is perfect” (Mt. 5:48). We are encouraged to “Be holy because I (God) am holy” (I Pet. 1:16). God clearly thinks we know what perfection or holiness is or these statements are meaningless. The fact that we strive to love others perfectly suggests we know what such love is. God’s ways are always moral humanly speaking. God isn’t a hypocrite who is partial but declares favoritism wrong (Jam. 2:1). We know what God is like because God’s love and perfect human love are one in the same.

• Theologians often will play the mystery card when their biblical interpretations suggest God’s morals are not the same as perfect, human morals. They understand some explanation is required when their views of God are incompatible with most people’s idea of a loving God. God cannot claim to be moral if God condemns evil but then commits evil acts. This is nonsense in spiritual or human relationships. If two debatable interpretations in Scriptures exist, we must err on the side that portrays God as the most rational to the human mind.

• Why did God even bother to communicate to us through the Bible if supposedly we can’t understand God? The Bible doesn’t claim that God’s character or ways are a mystery and incomprehensible to the human mind. The most common Old Testament passage used to claim God’s ways can’t be understood only declares our ways aren’t always as moral as God’s ways: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord…. so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).

• The Book of Job doesn’t suggest that we have the brain of a clam when it comes to understanding God. God didn’t tell Job to shut up and sit down because God is incomprehensible. Job was questioning God’s justness and why God did not intervene sooner in in his undeserved suffering: “Why must those who know him look in vain for such days” (24:1)? God defended they aren’t unjust because the righteous suffer and the wicked may prosper for a time here on earth. Job eventually acknowledged he was incapable of overseeing a universe where freedom is allowed, not that we can’t understand God.

• Jesus’ teachings were not intentionally mysterious. Jesus would have preferred to not talk in parables but in straightforward ways, but human nature sometimes requires different ways to convince people for their own good. Parables are a different approach to get to the heart of a matter. God’s direct message often is only perplexing to one’s heart not the mind. Parables cause us to continually think of a subject to try to understand and eventually accept the application in one’s life. Parables, rather than directness, can stir those that may be interested and simply drive the uninterested away. Sometimes, we cannot understand Jesus’ parables at one point in our life but when open-minded to spiritual matters, we may more readily accept Jesus’ claims to always have our best interest in mind.

God is the ideal lover and desires to inspire and empower us to be the same kind of lover in our relationships. God’s ways are not mysterious according to the Bible; God’s morals are perfect humanly speaking. God isn’t a hypocrite who tells us to act morally but then acts immorally. God is the perfection of the human parents we have always desired. God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently. That is what God is really like!

Rethinking If God Is A Sexist!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered God wasn’t gender bias in male/female roles even according to the Bible?

• Genesis doesn’t suggest God ordained separate gender roles and women are the helpers. The English implication of the word “helper” translated from the Hebrew word ezer isn’t in the Bible (Gen: 2:18). Ezer is used for God and implies or often is translated as “strength” (Deut. 33:29). Genesis 3:16 “…and he will rule over you” warns what sin can do in relationships. God is not prescribing but describing roles between the sexes when problems.

• The Bible doesn’t condemn any of these women serving in authority roles. Miriam, a prophetess, served the Israelites along with brothers Moses and Aaron (Ex 15:20, Micah 6:4). Deborah led Israel against the Canaanites (Judges 4-5). Esther protected the Israelites from Haman’s evil intents. Women prophetesses included Anna (Luke 2:36) and Philip’s four daughters (Acts 21:9). Both Priscilla and Aquila taught Apollos (Acts 18:26).

• Paul doesn’t order women to never speak in meetings (I Cor. 14:34). Paul had just affirmed women praying and prophesying (I Cor. 11:4-5). Women with their new found freedom were being instructed about the importance of peaceful ways if people are going to learn. Paul says that a woman must not teach or have authority over a man but Paul had in mind erroneous teachings (I Tim: 2:11-15). Paul uses the first couple as an example of what must be avoided – Eve prevailing upon Adam to go against God’s ways. Paul would not disallow a woman to rightly exercise her teaching and leadership gifts. Paul said roles are according to one’s gifts and doesn’t mention gender (I Cor. 12:4-11).

• Mutual submission is a way of life for all followers to imitate Jesus (Eph. 5:21). Verse 22 in the original manuscripts says: “wives to your husbands as to the Lord.” The verb missing is often added from verse 21: “wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” If wives are in subordination to their husbands, then we must also say church members are in subordination to one another (v. 21). No one needs a mediator between them and God. Men aren’t told to submit to their wives, but women aren’t told to love their husbands in this passage. Women don’t need male leadership in marriage; women need men who have the heart of a servant (5:28-29).

• God’s ideal has always been “no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male nor female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28).

As it turns out, one doesn’t have to give a disclaimer to the Bible that God supposedly suggest roles between the genders that can be interpreted as sexist. Beliefs have consequences. To believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives can create an environment more conducive for the atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history. Mutual submission is impossible for men to twist to justify their subtle or blatant mistreatment of women. Men often interpret leadership as making final decisions when there is a stalemate. Jesus suggested we lead by serving, so perhaps the man should always submit to the woman’s final decision. Truly, in any dyad relationship there are many creative ways to resolve impasses such as going with the decision of the one with the most expertise in the area of conflict.

Rethinking If God Is A Homophobe!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered that God wasn’t homophobic even according to the Bible?

• Who doesn’t condemn homosexual acts mentioned in the Bible involving violent sexual activities against one’s will such as rape (Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 19; Judges 19:22)! Certain homosexual acts are forbidden in OT laws, but loving, monogamous relationships surely aren’t in mind as stated alongside not burning babies on the altar (Lev. 18:20-22).

• Jesus said nothing against homosexuality. Other NT passages condemn homosexual activities compared to adulterous or prostituting behaviors (I Cor. 6:9) or love devoid of fidelity (Rom. 1:31). It seems likely writers have in mind sexual practices common in their day. Masters often were involved in sexual acts with their slaves; men were having sex with younger boys. These passages are not referring to committed love between two people.

• Sexual behaviors that are abusive, unequal, controlling, mindless, selfish engagements, as opposed to consensual monogamous relationships, are immoral to any rational human being. The church acts as if all gay relationships are the same; opposite gender relationships aren’t! The Bible is silent on monogamous same sex relationships, while supporting relationships that show love and concern for one another.

• Everyone who shares something deeply personal isn’t asking what you think the Bible says. If we don’t have positives to share, we need to stop telling people what God thinks about them and let God speak to them. We clearly don’t agree on what the Bible says about many issues in life, or there would not be so many denominations with so many differing creeds.

• Many refer to Paul’s list of sins to call out homosexuality but they fail to call out the greedy and slanderers (I Cor. 6: 9-10). Unless you are homeless chances are you have been greedy more than once this week by keeping more than you need and not giving the rest to those struck by tragedies. So when I see you, remind me to say “I love you, but I hate your behaviors.” Church folks condemn gay relationships but they get divorced half the time. One best examine their own life before condemning gay couples who are committed.

• Please don’t insult others by comparing homosexuality to pedophilia, bestiality, etc. Friends are coming to us about themselves or their children about a very personal matter, and they are speaking about consensual, adult relationships. Do I think it is okay if three women marry four men? I will let you know when really confronted with that.

• One may argue it doesn’t seem natural because the world could not have populated in the beginning. We are no longer in that situation and the world will continue to populate because not all couples are gay. We have unwanted children who need loving couples. Many gay couples are far better parents than many opposite sex parents. Don’t worry! Loving couples don’t try to scare a child straight or gay.

• Each has their own story as to why they are gay. Most gay people will tell you they don’t feel their feelings are a choice. It is who they are. We must not deny anyone’s freedom to being gay or pass judgment on those who wish to try to change to being straight.

I am convinced God thinks, as most of us do, that committed, life-long, mutual-consenting, monogamous sexual relationships are always in our best interest. If your hearts tells you or your loved one isn’t condemned by God, you can follow your heart and God. I understand caring people can come to different conclusions what the Bible teaches. Since the matter is clearly debatable, I would suggest taking the less judgmental stance in relationships. Jesus never spoke about homosexuality and said when gone He would leave His Spirit to guide individual hearts.

Rethinking If God Is A Hellish, Sadistic Torturer!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered that the Bible says absolutely nothing about God being a sadistic torturer because Hell doesn’t exist?

• God not only respects the right to choose your own personal beliefs in this life, but God does not torture people after death for such decisions. The word Hell, a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words, was invented over the centuries to scare people into obedience. No such place as Hell exists according to the Bible. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time!

• Some may not even bother to know God if imagining the Creator is a sadistic torturer. And what God-person wants to tell others or defend such a God? Such a God is no different than the god of religious extremists. The traditional meaning of Hell must be dispelled as a biblical myth for God’s character is at stake. Jesus and the Bible say nothing about Hell.

• Jesus used the Greek word Gehenna, wrongly translated as Hell, to illustrate how spiritual death is just as horrible as physical death. Jesus readers knew Gehenna was a real valley near Jerusalem where Israel children had been sacrificed to false gods (Jer. 7:30-31; 19:2-5). Josephus said this same valley was heaped with dead bodies of the Jews following the Roman siege of Jerusalem around 70 AD. Mt. 18:9 is representative of how Jesus used the word Gehenna in about four conversations: “And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell (Gehenna).” Gehenna was used by Jesus to symbolize spiritual death (a life of self-centeredness) is just as horrible as the physical deaths Gehenna was known for. Hell is not a translation of Gehenna, a valley, any more than the city of Atlanta is a proper translation for Chicago.

• Paul wrote most of the New Testament and never mentions Hell. Scriptures only say after death that all are judged by our merciful God. The Hebrew word Sheol in the Old Testament is wrongly translated as Hell. Sheol was used to describe a place of darkness occupied by the dead regardless of beliefs. Job, an extremely righteous man in God’s eyes, desired to go there to escape his tremendous suffering (10:21-22). God didn’t warn Adam and Eve about Hell as a consequence for rebellion. Noah failed to warn evildoers about Hell before their death by Flood. The popular understanding of Hell is not found in the OT. Recent translations simply translate Sheol as “Sheol.”

• The fear of Hell doesn’t change a person’s heart. We may want to threaten or tell an addict after the 10th relapse there is no hope, but this is not God’s nature. God’s continual encouragement and mercy, not fear or gloomy uncertainty of God’s favor, is our necessary nourishment for lasting changes of the heart. Jesus didn’t come to save us from Hell. Jesus came to earth to convey God seeks to empower us, through mercy and forgiveness, to shun evil and do good. Jesus knew God’s love is the same as perfect, human, love. Jesus came to save us from a life of self-centeredness which only leads to personal, relational, and world destruction.

The Bible doesn’t say as much about the afterlife as one may think. Jesus didn’t think of eternal life as something after death but a quality of life that begins here on earth to avoid future regrets. But, why wouldn’t a loving God seek to save all from a life of regrets, even after death? It would not be unlike God to show mercy and give all a second chance when meeting their Creator. Heaven may be more populated than many people imagine. It is not likely though that God will violate anyone’s freedom in life after death if they don’t want to live with their Creator.

Rethinking If God Opens Heaven To All!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered that God’s grace is unlimited and God is full of second chances?

• God not only respects the right to choose your own personal beliefs in this life, but God does not torture people after death for such decisions. The word Hell, a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words, was invented over the centuries to scare people into obedience. No such place as Hell exists according to the Bible.

• The Bible cannot be used to decide definitively that God’s grace ends after death regarding one’s destiny. We must decide this matter based on God’s character in general. Do we really think God is going to stop showing grace at the moment of one’s last breathe? The Bible teaches forgiveness is unlimited (i.e. Mt. 18:21-22). This attribute of God strongly suggests God would forgive one more time when meeting God if truly trusting in God and regretting one’s actions. God’s can’t just stop being merciful after death.

• Our beliefs are often determined by where we were born or the family we were born into. Our destiny cannot be based on certain beliefs found only in the Bible when the majority of people born into this world had no access to such information. Those with a Bible may have misunderstood God either because of poor role-models or what others taught about God. God is not going to let one final destiny be controlled by others. Meeting God will clear up any confusion and remove any causes that led to erroneous thinking.

• One may be surprised when Jesus was asked by a religious expert how to have eternal life. Jesus simply said to love God and your neighbor (Lk.10:25-37). Loving God is to love ourselves and others like we want to be loved. Obviously, changing directions not perfection was Jesus’ message or heaven will be empty. Jesus didn’t talk so much about life after death; Jesus talked about how true living begins on earth by knowing how much your Creator loves you. Such knowledge can empower one to be the unselfish person we all desire to be deep down. Heaven is a time for celebrating one’s life and refuge for those who have suffered.

• No punishment can return one’s robbed memories because of sexual abuse or murder of a loved one. True justice is being forced to understand your victim’s pain and accepting the harmfulness of your actions. After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. A child beater may experience emotionally the terror they gave others. Victims will have their revenge one day. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. Believers and unbelievers may go through the same process of justice, some having more regrets than others. God’s punishment has always been in hopes of redeeming the guilty. We like God may forgive our tormenters if our enemies truly regret their actions and seek forgiveness.

Justice from a fair, merciful God is entirely possible despite people being given a second chance after death. There is hope for our loved ones who didn’t acknowledge God much less have an obvious trusting relationship with their Creator. It seems no one in their right mind would reject living in heaven after meeting their loving Creator. God will remove all causes that led to erroneous thinking. Why even bother then in this life to act godly much less trust in God? I am speechless if you believe a life of loving others like you want to be loved isn’t worth living. When we know God the way Jesus knew God, we can sense God’s love and support in good and troubled times and pursue a life that doesn’t lead to regrets while here on earth.

Rethinking If God Is Hidden Or Knowable!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered a relationship with an invisible God isn’t as complicated as thought?

• God’s direct communication doesn’t always produce the results we may think. God dropped manna from the sky and separated the Red Sea to escape one’s enemy, but the Israelites still did not believe or at least put their total trust in God. God even came in person but Jesus’ miracles did not obtain the results some may suggest if God would stop hiding.

• God may communicate more clearly than we realize. We only need to look inwardly as to how to be in family, work, or other relationships. How do you wish your friends would treat you? God is considered a sexual killjoy but come to find out God only advises what we sense about commitment, lust, adultery, etc.

• God gives us a sense of morality for our own good, but then sets us free to follow our desires. The future isn’t already determined, making freedom an illusion. God’s plan is not a detailed blueprint but a general one to set us free to love. Controlling love is an oxymoron. We are free to choose paths at this time in life based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations. There are many ways to do all the good we can, to all the people we can.

• God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or brief obligations to obey. God’s lack of interference may allow us to make heart-felt, lasting choices. Convictions aren’t taught but caught over time in one’s own time. God’s interference and presence might prevent a superior world from emerging as a result of limiting the moral development and improvement of free creatures to make independent choices. Relationships can’t be declared, they must evolve. The journey of learning, reflecting, and accepting convictions that last over time can be for our own good.

• What we do with the communication we have than lack of communication is the bigger challenge. God’s communication through the Bible has led to divisiveness through tens of thousands of denominations. Imagine if religions discovered what they shared in common and allowed differences to be between that person and God. Certainty rather than accepting differences only leads to demanding “supposed truths” from others. What if churches combined their resources thus wasting less physical and emotional resources?

• God is always listening. God has endless mercy and forgiveness so we don’t give up no matter how demoralized we may feel. God is always available in times of loneliness. Friends can’t always be available in the middle of the night, or we may feel that we are overburdening our friends by constantly going to them. God speaks to us mostly through self-reflection as God only wants us to feel free to make decisions based on our gifts and aspirations. God only has moral biases – the same ones we have deep down - for our best interests. God is speaking when we hear: I love you; I forgive you; I won’t abandon you; I want what you want deep down; I am not really like who some people say I am.

Divine hiddenness or lack of clear or direct communication on God’s part has been a reason many question if there is a God or if God truly loves. Parents don’t hide from a child who is seeking their love and comfort! God’s invisibility and current communicative ways may be out of uncontrolling love than hiddenness. God didn’t predetermine the future so God could dictate to us our choices. Don’t we know enough from God about our relationships and what is better for the world? We may need less communication and more dependence on God to carry out our convictions.

Rethinking If God Is A Religious Extremist!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered God isn’t a religious extremist much less the God of terrorists who demand certain beliefs or allegiance or be rejected or killed.

• Since the Bible is full of God’s anger and wars, it is supposed that God demands certain beliefs or allegiance or be rejected or killed. Religious extremists, much less terrorists, don’t understand what the God of the Bible understood. True love, where authentic relationships can develop, cannot be forced even by an all-powered God. The God of the Bible doesn’t control or destroy free decisions as if that resulted in true love. Religious fanatics refuse to consider one another’s opinion, so all can work out their own convictions. Unfortunately, theologians such as St. Augustine and Calvin didn’t understand the importance of freedom to God, as they did not oppose the execution of those who disagreed with their theology.

• God’s declarations of war were not against those who simply refused to worship the God of Israel. Why then would a God opposed to evil, who is powerful enough to create, allow so much evil in the world? The God of any extremist is neither patience or tolerant of rebellion. Israel had occupied land in Canaan until taken into slavery by Egypt. It does not appear God or the Israelites simply went to war with only desires to conquer.

• The Israelites demonstrated willingness to live in peace with their neighbors, but Old Testament nations weren’t isolationists but sought to conquer. I doubt there are any pacifists when their child is being attacked. God sought to protect and isolate Israel from other nations involved in horrible immoral acts such as child sacrifice. I imagine most of us, if we lived next to an armed community where hundreds of children were being used as sex objects, would even be the aggressor to save the lives of current and future generations.

• God not only respects the right to choose your own personal beliefs in this life, but God does not torture people after death for such decisions. The word Hell, a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words, was invented over the centuries to scare people into obedience. No such place as Hell exists according to the Bible. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a short time!

• Most Christian extremists don’t say Paradise is a lustful adventure for men at the expense of women, but it is important to not be dogmatic that the Bible teaches women are under the authority of men in God’s eyes. This can encourage dominance on the man’s part and dependence on the woman’s part. God did not create a male-controlled relationship between Adam and Eve in the beginning; nation thereafter chose to be patriarchal. Jesus encouraged equality and mutual respect between the sexes against culture norms, but some religious extremists would rather be dead than advocate for that.

• God in the Bible is said to desire a friendship than demand obedience in hopes to change the world for good. Jesus confronted the most the religious elite because they portrayed God as demanding obedience rather than desiring a relationship. No human or spiritual parent desires their children feel forced as opposed to freely reciprocating their love.

A loving God respects the freedom of beliefs in this life and after death, encourages men and women to be equally vulnerable to one another, and seeks only to convert others from evil actions. Jesus suffered so we might consider His message that our Creator loves us and seeks to empower in doing good and shunning evil. Any religion based on control than service isn’t true religion. A loving God surely respects freedom of beliefs if not violating the rights of others.

Rethinking If God Demands We Convert Others!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered that God only encourages you to love others without any hidden agenda to convert them?

• True friendships don’t have hidden agendas. Having the goal of conversion leads to spiritual discussions becoming taboo as the agenda is obvious to others. We can get together with friends to enjoy one another’s company and love them how we wished to be loved. I love talking to others about my relationship with God as much as I do a good book, but only if natural and mutually desired. Jesus only wanted others to feel loved by their Creator.

• Spiritual conversations do not have to proceed: “Do you believe in God? Do you believe Jesus was the Son of God and died to save you from your sins? Will you confess your sins, believe, and go to church?” Very few react positively or are persuaded with such an approach unless choosing to attend an evangelistic meeting in the first place. Such conversations lead to more of a negative perception of Jesus and/or Christianity. God is not the kind of Parent that insists we jump through hoops when interested in having a relationship. Jesus simply encouraged people to follow deep down what they knew best in their heart.

• Spiritual conversations are often avoided because one believes such conversation must lead people to accepting a free pass out of Hell. The traditional understanding of Hell is nowhere to be found in the Bible, and of course is morally indefensible. Who doesn’t know unending suffering is pointless as it doesn’t produce any good? We do not have to avoid conversations because God is some immoral, irrational Being. God only desires to help others love one another in a troubled world. Friendships are hindered when one feels pressure to talk to people about God or they are going straight to Hell.

• Jesus, when not confronting immorality or self-centeredness, discussed God in natural, unforced ways. Jesus didn’t think of eternal life as something after death but a quality of life that begins here on earth. Jesus when asked how to obtain eternal life, simply said to love God and love others as yourself (Lk.10:25-27). God is not egotistical but Jesus understood loving God is being empowered to love others to the fullest. Jesus cared less about certain beliefs and more about caring for others as we would want to be cared for. Jesus taught knowing how God feels about us can help us on that journey. Mother Teresa said that she was simply responding to God’s boundless love for her and humanity.

• The majority of people born have lived and died without any knowledge of the Bible or who Jesus was. A loving God doesn’t insist all believe in the Christian God they have never heard about or may not truly understand. We can simply encourage other to consider the possibility of a God or Reality that seeks for a better world by loving others like we want to be loved deep down. Jesus and all the great spiritual leaders had this message. Jesus didn’t convey a litmus test of sacred beliefs. Would Jesus be encouraged by one who believed He was God but didn’t take to heart His moral message or one who questioned Jesus’ deity but took to heart the importance of loving others like you want to be loved? Jesus didn’t back down from the belief that a self-centered life is doomed for destruction and is not true freedom.

I am convinced there is a God and, like a loving parent, can be an inspiration in being the person we desire to be deep down. God’s love and forgiveness can be our necessary nourishment that leads to life transformations. Very few disagree that the motivation to love your neighbor is wrong-minded. It isn’t always easy to know when best to forgive or seek justice, but actions that can lead to change from brokenness is so badly needed in an imperfect world.

Rethinking If God Is A Bible Worshipper!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered that God never meant for the Bible to take the place of a personal relationship with our Creator?

• Sincere people have different views of the same biblical passage or topic, so it is important to acknowledge that our interpretations may be wrong. The Bible can be used to justify racism, gender inequality, or controlling personal beliefs. God has always worked through human means available so the Bible was God’s attempt to communicate to as many people about God while not condemning those who misunderstand it or never had a chance to read it.

• Insisting the Bible is without errors can lead to worshipping a Book and not who the Book is about. It is not as if the Bible came together from writer to publication. God can still have a hand in the Bible and God can be revealed to us, though God did not interfere with the freedom of writers to grow in their understandings of God. We also cannot prove God inspired others to select over time which Books should be recognized as supposedly infallible. God didn’t promise an inspired Book but God’s spirit to discern what God is really like (Jn. 14:16).

• Suggesting the Bible has errors can be troubling to many. At least we must recognize that often it is our interpretations that we are proclaiming are not in error. It can be freeing though to not get bogged down in debates over God because the Bible supposedly says so. The main message is clear and all are free to seek God’s help in being more the person they desire.

• On the other hand we don’t question the historical reliability of Julius Caesar’s exploits in the Gallic Wars though the manuscript reliability of all ancient literature is far less than the New Testament. And the Bible gains credibility by not making its own heroes always or rewriting events to make a story more believable. Women had very little credibility during this time, so if you are going to make up a resurrection story you don’t report a woman being the first eyewitness unless Mary was.

• The Bible was never meant to be a Book of rules rather than consideration for wisdom and reflection on one’s individual situation. When Jesus said turn the other cheek, He wouldn’t advise a woman to allow an abusive husband to continue to beat her. The Bible didn’t have assigned chapters and verses until centuries after written. Read the Bible as stories about God’s relationships with others as you discern your own relationship with the Creator.

• Declaring the Bible isn’t infallible doesn’t make everyone’s opinion correct. We all can agree murder, lying, or adultery is immoral. We know terrorist’s views are wrong because they violate the freedom of others to believe as they choose. When Old Testament passages are complicated or seemingly contradict what we think a good God is surely like, we can know God best through the person of Jesus.

God, not a Book, was meant to guide one personally in understanding God. We do not have to assume the Bible is without errors; we do not have to assume the Bible is without truth about God. If there are certain characteristics of God claimed by others according to the Bible that you don’t agree, reject them! Don’t allow others’ understanding to keep you from exploring your own views. Enjoy the Bible as a story about your Creator. As you get to know God, God will guide you in your spiritual journey to be more the person you deep down desire to be.

Rethinking If God Is A Blood-Thirsty Child Killer Via The Cross!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered the Cross wasn’t a story about a blood-thirsty Deity who must child their child to save their reputation?

• Is God really a blood thirsty Deity who must be satisfied and have their honor and reputation restored by killing their child? God loved people before Jesus died, and God would love people even if Jesus hadn’t died. I am convinced Jesus was willing to be murdered not for God’s sake by our sake. Terrorists blow others up for a message they feel strongly about. Jesus only blew himself up for a message He believed very strongly in. Soldiers often die for one another because they are convinced certain freedoms are that important. Jesus died in hopes to persuade us of the freedom that comes from understanding God’s love and mercy. Jesus wanted us to know living a loving life is what leads to true happiness in relationships.

• The legalistic view of Jesus’ death doesn’t make moral or legal sense. What does it say about God who requires the blood of the innocent to be accepting! Besides, death can never make matters totally legally right. Death doesn’t resurrect the murdered. Death doesn’t wipe out childhood memories caused by a parent’s abuse. My going to jail for a friend’s wrongdoing doesn’t somehow exonerate my friend. Guilt is not somehow removed by someone else’s confession of a sin they didn’t commit. Why would Jesus say: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” if God thought sacrifice than confession lead to healing? (Mt. 9:13) A loving God only requires confessions of wrongdoings for this leads to healing.

• Verses are chosen from the Bible to defend a legal than relational view of the Cross. Hebrews 9:14 says: “…Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our conscience from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God.” Which is it? Was Jesus’ death for the purpose of serving our guilty conscience or God’s? Do you every think God needs a break from you at least for a day or do you think God can’t possibly forgive you for the 10th or 100th time? Guess again! Jesus died so we are can feel loved by God no matter what! Actions have consequences but God doesn’t pour on the hate.

• Jesus came to save us from the sin of destroying ourselves and one another. Zacchaeus had cheated many people out of their money and had decided to payback four times the money he had stolen. Jesus responded: “Today salvation has come to this house” (Mt. 19:1-10). Jesus simply commended Zacchaeus for recognizing a journey necessary to avoid personal destruction. Salvation is not saving us from God but from ourselves.

Suggesting Jesus died for God than for us undermines Jesus’ unimaginable love as evidenced by His tremendous sacrifice. Jesus hoped others would follow in His footsteps in relationships to avoid self-destruction and destruction of others. Parents who believe their guidance is vital “walk the talk” to best influence their children in the long-run. Jesus was willing to die for a cause to gain moral authority to influence lasting world change. Do we really think that God was so mad that God had to kill someone, or did God seek to convince and persuade of God’s love for us and God’s ways are in our best interest?

Rethinking If God Is A Church-Going, Traditionalist!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered God didn’t demand certain traditions such as church you must abide by to have a relationship?

• The Apostle Paul expressed concern to the Galatians that they were distorting the gospel that Jesus taught (1:6). They begin to insist all peoples follow their customs (2:17) and stressed special occasions as most important (4:10). Religions may try to control where and how people pray during the day. We may insinuate that people must attend a church if they are truly spiritual. Traditions can obscure what is really important.

• The Bible never speaks of church as a place to attend. Individuals were called the church and encouraged to care for others as themselves. The church doesn’t go to church. We can be seduced into thinking that attending church is all that matters and not how I treat others the rest of the days not spent in church. Traditions forced can lead to thinking that God only loves me if I honor certain customs. God, like any loving parent, love their children even if they act immoral. Loving parents simply encourage children to make for a better world.

• People may form their views of God by observing and assuming churchgoers are God’s representatives. The world often seems better off with churches because whether Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish, places of worship teach Jesus’ main message of treating others like you want to be treated. The church can be a place for people to organize to serve others in need. Some will admit though often the church gathers only to be with one another, thus isolating themselves from others in a world in need. Layers of structure can take money away from those who need it most. Groups outside the church can serve others but they aren’t claiming to represent God and adhere to a set of beliefs other than obvious moral laws

• We must not assume church teachings or creeds necessarily represent God’s beliefs. The mere presence of so many religious and denominations suggest no one has the corner on truth. Such divisiveness can hurt God’s reputation. The presence of Denominations suggests followers do not believe the same thing or even get alone. Why would those possibly interested in hearing what we believe want to join us? Organized groups by nature develop structured beliefs but biblical interpretations are fallible. Individual beliefs typically only happen when “the church” meets wherever without an official structure.

• Jesus was a calm person in interactions with others but the religious, who claimed to represent God, got his dander up the most. Jesus was more of a spiritual than religious person. Religions tend to emphasize rules and obedience rather than a relationship and God’s unconditional love. It is a friendship with God, without fear, that best transforms followers to being the kind of unselfish person they deep down desire to be. It is very challenging for a church with an organized structure to encourage a relationship versus adherence which is simply another form of legalism.

Each person in their relationship with their Creator can decide which environments give the most encouragement. No one though needs a mediator between God and them such as a pastor or priest. The institution of church worked for me for years and continues to work for many, but people need to feel free than obligated to pursue God on their own terms. Obligatory relationships are seldom life transforming. Church is not always a place where genuine relationships are built. I certainly didn’t share my burdens openly in that meeting. Do not feel obligated or believe God thinks any less of you if decide to not attend the traditional church. Seek encouraging relationships anywhere. There doesn’t have to be structured leadership.

Rethinking If God Is A Genie When We Pray!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered that prayer didn’t have to be so confusing or disheartening since a lot of our prayers are not answered?

• Prayer isn’t as complicated when we understand the challenges of running a universe where there is freedom and God has the interest of all in mind. God can’t just disrespect freedom by controlling the world as God wants. God can’t make one be a better parent if they have no desire to change. God can’t answer the prayer for both people asking for the same job. We may have to trust a loving God answers how we would if we knew everything God knows.

• Since God doesn’t speak audibly or write in the sand, how can we know that we hear the voice of God? God’s love is supportive not controlling. If God has determined the future or knows the unknowable future, we are not really free to make any other choice. Asking God for guarantees is asking God to be a controller. God’s interference stops growth and self-satisfaction resulting from making independent choices.

• God is always supporting and listening. God is always available in times of loneliness. Friends can’t always be available in the middle of the night, or we may feel that we are overburdening our friends. God speaks to us mostly through self-reflection as God only wants us to feel free to make decisions based on our gifts and aspirations. Only controlling parents insist on certain dreams. God only has moral biases for our best interests. God is speaking when we hear: I love you; I forgive you; I won’t abandon you; I want what you want deep down; I am not really like what some say.

• I have seen many come away confused and disheartened about their relationship with their Creator since miracles are rare. I am not trying to get God off the hook but one must admit miracles aren’t as great as they always seem. You may want to reread the Old Testament if you think amazing miracles lead to inspired living. Jesus’ miracles turned heads but Jesus’ suffering turned the hearts of billions of followers. Miracles often lead to seeking only physical cures and not spiritual cures. When suffering I ask for relief but I ask God to stay close to me if a miracle is not possible all things considered. I am a better person in the long-run sometimes because my prayers are not answered. We can pray for others but God is already doing all they can. Are we?

• We may overlook the most important reason for praying which is relational. God already knows what we think or need. Praying to God connects us to our Creator so we may become more the people we desire to be. We tell our children to associate with the right people so to make wiser choices. We may begin to want money to not starve as opposed to wanting to be rich or have things. Prayer is more talking to gain support than manipulating for gain. God is always available to talk about anything on our heart but we might best leave the running of the universe up to a loving God who has the interest of all in mind.

One may ask thought what does the Bible say though? Verses are lifted out of context to support the false prosperity gospel. Mt 7:7 is a representative example: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” The context is saying if we parents give good gifts despite our imperfections, will not God as our perfect Parent always give good gifts when asked. First-century readers didn’t assume this was a blank check for any request. God is always listening, supportive, and respecting freedom as God seek to make for a better world by individuals becoming the kinds of people we deep down desire to be.

Rethinking If God Is A Doomsayer Out To Destroy The World!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered all this crazy talk about the world ending isn’t in the Bible?

• I care about this issue, though all the different beliefs are understandable, because all this talk about Jesus coming and predictions failing makes God-folks seem slightly loony. Too, certain end-time views can lead to passive living and not taking care of the world for the next generation. God surely prefers focusing on making a difference than escaping. I say somewhat in jest because I am scared of heights, but I am not all that excited about being lifted up in the sky (i.e. rapture) unless in a plane.

• There is a view of the end-times worth mentioning though since there are so many opinions. I would suggest since we can’t know for sure that we ought to live lives as if it mattered if there is life after death. The biblical writers and readers expected the “end times” spoken of to happen within their generation. Jesus said to his audience when asked about the last days: “watch out that no one deceives you….you will hear of wars and rumors of war (Mt. 24:4-6). Jesus warns such end-times would impact His audience. How is that possible if the world hasn’t ended yet? The disciples did not think of Jesus’ coming as supposedly a rapture-removing, visible, world-ending coming as they asked: “what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age” (Mt. 24:3). Only a non-visible, spiritual coming of Jesus could possibly be missed.

• The end-times were not an earth ending event. As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Mt. 24:3) There was the end of an age in the first century when Jesus lived. History suggests Jesus’ prediction of coming in the “last days” has taken place. In the first century the great tribulation was fulfilled. The temple and Jerusalem was destroyed and millions of lives were lost. Biblical Judaism ceased to exist. This was the end of the age that Jesus spoke of. God no longer dwells in temples but people’s hearts. Jesus, as the ultimate and final sacrifice, was God’s desire to show love and to persuade us to run from evil and love others as we wish to be loved.

• What does the Bible say about life after death? Not as much as you might think. The Bible says nothing about Hell. Gehenna, the Greek word wrongly translated as Hell in the New Testament, was a real valley near Jerusalem. It had an ugly history but was not a place people were kept alive to torture by fire. Hell was invented over the centuries to scare people into obedience

• Jesus didn’t say much about heaven as one may think. When Jesus spoke about eternal life He spoke of it not in terms of something after death but a quality of life that begins here on earth to avoid future regrets. Enough biblical passages suggest all will face God one day for an accounting of their deeds – good and bad. Why doesn’t the Bible say more about heaven? A solely heavenly focus can lead to passive earthly living, similar to focusing on Jesus’ coming rather than making a difference in the world we live in currently.

Do beliefs on earth matter if the Bible isn’t crystal clear about whether they determine our eventual destiny? Do you really think it doesn’t matter how you treat others here on earth if there isn’t a consequence? Jesus conveyed God’s unimaginable love to inspire us being even a better partner, parent, and friend. God will be just to the guilty and victims. I am a hopeful Universalist. It seems no one in their right mind would refuse living in heaven when meeting their loving Creator. But, God clearly values freedom of choice. There is real hope that we will be reunited with our loved ones unless they are evil to the core.

Rethinking If God Is Evil By Being Uncontrolling!

Our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Misbeliefs about God hinder engaging with God to pursue spirituality. If you think there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. In this series of Posts the Bible is referenced because that is from where views of God are often formed. What if you discovered ways to view how God’s goodness and evil and suffering could co-exist rationally?

• Some may question why so much evil exist if God truly cares. The problem of evil is one main reason people indicate why they don’t believe in God. How we answer this question for ourselves can determine whether in the midst of suffering we wonder if God truly exist.

• Freedom is the only path to authentic relationships which brings the most joy in relationships. Not even an almighty God can force true love. There is no greater feeling than your partner, child, or friend loving you because they want to and not because they have to. God’s interference can prevent true love from developing as a result of the moral improvement of free creatures. Even humans know “controlling love” is a contradiction in terms. This may explain why God can’t stop evil that results in so much suffering. What God’s love can do is prevent evil is by appropriately influencing one’s free decisions to change or intervene in the lives of others.

• God knew the risks of freedom as do human parents. Are we wrong to bring children into a world hoping they will want to reciprocate our love but knowing our children could cause suffering or suffer at the hands of others? Suffering is avoidable only if God had not created or allowed freedom. Few argue that no freedom is better than freedom.

• C.S. Lewis suggested that wars, crimes, and injustices - evils that come through bad choices make by cruel and lawless people - account for at least 80% of humankind suffering. If God is truly going to control suffering, God must prevent every murderer, every sexual abuser, all natural disasters, and adulterers since adultery destroys lives? Until we make the assumption that God prevents as much evil as possible without violating the freedom to change, we may never be satisfied with God.

• God is tireless in working through individual lives to change the world. Hitler may have been stopped if others had gotten involved in his life as a child or when plotting his evils early on. Perhaps the only way to defeat evil in us, other than destroying at the first hint, is for us to persevere and overcome evil. Jesus’ miracles turn heads but Jesus’ suffering changed the hearts of billions. Martin Luther King’s suffering moved the scales from the eyes of many how they tolerated bigotry. Suffering enables us to be of use to others in a world where suffering is inevitable if any freedom is present.

• God doesn’t cause evil to accomplish good, but God is determined to bring good from the evil choices of others. We cannot prove there are no good moral reasons for allowing freedom resulting in so much evil. If God stops the bullet, the murderer may never change from killing even more people. Instant justice doesn’t allow God to save as many people as possible by changing of their own free will. God clearly values mercy and forgiveness over instant justice.

Moral evil as a result of freedom gone awry is the most explainable in how a good God could possibly exist in the midst of evil. But, even harder to understand is why God doesn’t intervene more in natural disasters since no human freedom is imposed upon. We know some disasters are made worse by exploiting and destroying nature by pollution of air and water and other acts of destruction. One may surmise that God even built freedom into nature but it is surely harder to comprehend since nature is not a living being. Is freedom and not controlling necessary for any creative act to be loving?

Why Is Discussion About God And Spirituality So Important?

Most people we know want to be a better version of themselves. We all know how we wish we always treated others; we wish others would treat us that way. Many of us will admit they fall short of their ideal self.

Most of us need HELP in striving to be closer to our ideal.

I don’t wish to say God-less people aren’t good people. We know many God-people that could have less to do with God, or least their version of the God they are seeking to please. I suppose one’s goal could be to be “good enough” or “gooder” than others, but surely constantly striving to be better brings the most satisfaction in the long-run.

If one has found their way in relationships in being all they can be without God, all the power to you. I have in mind those who are striving and recognize their need for help. Even though you may be inclined to believe in a good God who desires to help, the challenge may be that your view of God stands in the way.

What you been told about God is hardly inspiring. How can we know what God is like?

The Bible isn’t always the answer. The Bible is subject to interpretation and even those who refer to the Bible as God’s word can’t always agree on the meaning intended by the writer. I would suggest if a good Creator exists, the presence of moral outrage and universal moral intuitions hint of a personal external force behind our common moral intuitions that lead to outrage. How else do we explain guilt? The other explanation is that our sense of obligation results from the random collection of impersonal atoms over time.

We can know what God is like according to our moral intuitions but moral intuitions must be evaluated.

Most rational people can agree on right and wrong in relationships. Extremists justify their views because of interpretations from a Book. I would suggest interpretations of a Book must never violate one’s conscience. We can know many extremists’ views are wrong because they are self-serving and deny freedom of belief. Why would a good Creator create freedom if forced beliefs lead to genuine relationships?

Consider if you want to be more of a spiritual person, which I take to mean becoming more the person inside you want to be toward others in good and difficult times.

Consider if you fall short of your desires. We all benefit from relationships that guide and inspire us such as parents and bosses who are good role models. The advantage of a relationship with a God who is behind morality is that there is a voice outside imperfect beings. We may not always know what that voice is directing, but the journey of pursuing perfection can be more important than certainty which leads to lording over.

What Hinders You From Being More Spiritually Focused?

Who doesn’t desire to be more spiritual by treating others well, being more the person they desire to be deep down! It is if we were born to pursue spiritual health. Don’t be deterred by others’ beliefs about God. God is capable of speaking for themselves to you.


First, what does it means to be spiritual? Christianity’s over 40,000 denominations prove many cannot agree. Religions seek to encourage but end up confusing. True religion or spirituality is simply loving others like you want to be love in good and difficult times, allowing all to form their own personal beliefs that don’t violate the rights of others.

Don’t let supposed required beliefs keep you from being more the person you desire to be deep down. You can but aren’t required to join a church, synagogue, or mosque. Simply find ways to be encouraged in your spiritual quests.

Do continually pursue a loving lifestyle, even making sacrifices, for your own good. A life not full of regrets is worth it. Just ask your conscience. God doesn’t require perfection. Failure is inevitable. God doesn’t ask for your respect because of ego. Loving God to the fullest is loving others to the fullest. The same is true of loving parents.

Do you have to believe in God to be spiritual? There are so many opinions of what God is really like. Don’t accept others’ beliefs about God if they don’t make moral or relational sense. If God exists, surely such a Deity can reveal their true self to you.

You may not believe in God for very personal reasons. Are you telling me a loving God would not accept you because you have experienced life or intellectual challenges that just make belief in God difficult at this time!

I do experience advantages of my belief in a Creator. Striving for perfection is a challenge. I need encouragement. I need relief from guilt to not loss hope. I need a perfect moral voice outside imperfect human beings. A personal journey with God gets me closer who I desire to be deep down.

So, since I don’t have to believe in God or accept any religious teachings, I can do whatever the hell I want? There is wisdom in numbers. We seem to be made for relationships. Extremists often rely on their interpretation of a Book. Any interpretations opposed to universal moral intuitions that clearly violate the Law of Love surely are false.

Do you wish to be a better person? Become more spiritually-focused. Finds relationships that encourage you in your journey. Talk about your desires to others. Such discussions often are taboo if others have a hidden agenda to convert. God surely can speak for themselves.

“So God, I didn’t always know exactly what to believe. I tried to do the best I could. Sometimes, I even doubted you. I did want to make the world a better place by how I treated others. But geez, I failed a lot. And God said – “I love you” or “Get out of sight.”

How Do We Handle Opposing Views of God With Others?

Most friends listen respectfully to one another’s point of view and accept their differences or agree to disagree. At least we know we should act that way. Many who sincerely desire to model God’s goodness often converse as if they know with certainty what God thinks about issues that impact others deeply.

Caring for people is far more important than arguing about God.

We cannot always know for certain what the Bible claims about God. Scholars versed in Hebrew and Greek differ in interpretations of the Bible. Jesus only fought with religious folks who proclaimed to others wrongly what God is like. Jesus was guided by the law of love where when one’s freedom is not being violated, relationships or far more important than certain beliefs.

The law of love guides in deeply personal issues such as homosexuality or women in the pastorate or priesthood. Love is the higher calling than being right or wrong about God. I do not think it is enough to agree to disagree with those personally involved. Love demands we cannot claim to always know God’s views, thus judging or condemning others.

We must not suggest God condemns women for using gifts they feel endowed by their Creator. There are many negative consequences denying women serving in the same roles as men if having the same gifts. Not all who hold this view of women’s roles are controlling, but we must recognize how we handle our personal beliefs damages souls if not living by the spirit of love.

Supposed truth is not more important than love.

Don’t turn people away from God. We must not let our certainty lead to possibly misrepresenting God. Common or loving sense tells us certain actions are immoral such as murder or stealing; otherwise, we must love others if we were in their skins and felt absolutely no control over feelings toward those of the same sex or feeling born to represent God publically.

If Jesus Didn’t Die To Save Us From A Non-Existent Hell, What Did Jesus Save Us From?

The Bible doesn’t really say Jesus came to die for our sins to keep us from going to Hell. The only place one would get such an irrational idea is from a Book. Who cares to get close to, much less try to explain, a God who is a sadistic torturer who has to be appeased by killing their child?

The reason the Bible doesn’t say Jesus saved us from Hell is because the traditional understanding of Hell simply doesn’t exist in the Bible.

Gehenna is the Greek word translated as Hell in the NT. Gehenna was the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history of terrible slaughter. Jesus used Gehenna to illustrate that spiritual death can be as tragic as horrendous physical death. The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament never refers to Hell. Noah, or any prophet in the OT, never warned of Hell as a consequence for behaviors here on earth.

Hell seems an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience. A loving God isn’t going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs influenced by many factors such as poor role models or misinformation while here on earth a short time.

The word “heaven” appears the most in the Gospel of Matthew. The Kingdom of Heaven isn’t talking about going to a place after death. Jesus speaks of bringing heavenly love to earth – “on earth as in heaven.” Jesus said nothing about dropping to your knees and repenting of sins to avoid Hell and go to Heaven after death when asked about having eternal life (Mt. 19; Lk. 10).

But, didn’t Paul who wrote most of the New Testaments letters says “the wages of sin is death (Rm. 6:23)? Paul is speaking of spiritual death for Paul is still alive though sin has put him to death (Rm. 7:11). Romans is Paul’s longest and most theological letter and when Paul mentions Heaven twice, he says nothing about Jesus dying so we can go to Heaven (Rm. 1:18, 10:6).

Doesn’t God know what we know? Fear only leads to concealing or doing what should be expected. Fear may deter evil for our own good, but encouragement from God, parents, and friends is what leads to life transformations. The focus on obedience and not a relationship with God often just leads to doing what is required by law rather than going the extra mile which is so necessary in a world of people who lapse into selfishness from time to time.

So, what was Jesus trying to save us from if not Hell? God only cares about saving us from ourselves.

Jesus didn’t die in our place to appease God’s wrath and help God save face. Is earthly parental love more holy than God’s love? When our children disobey our guidance we aren’t most concern how their actions make us look but that our child is heading down a path of destruction. God isn’t offended because we simply disobey. God hurts because we are hurting ourselves and those around us. All God’s actions are about trying to convince us that God’s unselfish ways are in our best interest in the long-run.

Jesus came to earth to convey God seeks to empower us, by knowing God is merciful and forgiving, so we can be constantly encouraged to shun evil and do good.

It was this message Jesus was willing to die, rather than save Himself, in hopes to inspire following in His footsteps through expressions of radical love. As God loves us, Jesus encouraged mercy, forgiveness, and going the extra mile in our relationships. Jesus sought changes of the heart for the good of the world.

I don’t know what to say to those who believe a life of not loving others like you want to be loved isn’t worth living. I am convinced when we know God the way Jesus knew God, we will sense God’s love and support and pursue God’s desires for us that lead to less regrets while here on earth. Striving to love family and friends in such a way can inspire them to live lives worth living. A perfect God knows loving God is loving others to the fullest.

How Can We Understand The Bible When God Is Portrayed As Immoral?

The truth is we cannot know when a biblical writer is recording their own beliefs about God or somehow God has communicated what exactly to write down from God. How would that work anyway? Did God really direct “Now go, attack the Amalekites…put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle, sheep, camels, and donkeys” (I Sam. 15:3), or was that the writer’s understanding of God at that time?

Sometimes there may be plausible explanations to OT passages that contradict the view of God in the NT, but the solution may not be to always rationalize confusing passages. We know God didn’t verbally dictate the entire Bible. We simply cannot be certain when God did or didn’t allow the writers the freedom to misunderstand and grow in their understandings of God. God has proven to not be controlling by accepting decisions made contrary to God’s wishes.

Insisting the Bible is somehow magically infallible often leads to not acknowledging that an author’s meaning in ancient literature is always subject to interpretation thus error. Clearly, different opinions of the same biblical passage exist. God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16), which could only mean the OT since the NT had not been formed when Timothy was written, can mean God intended the Bible for reflection upon what God is really like with the help of the Spirit (Jn. 14:16).

Oh, so everyone’s opinion is right!

Some interpretations are clearly wrong. God, unlike religious extremists, would never violate one’s freedom to force belief in God. Certainty often leads to dogmatism and unloving behaviors. The presence of universal moral sensitivities, suggesting the existence of a personal Creator, provide enough certainty. We may be better off without the Bible when used as a rules book rather than consideration for wisdom depending on individual circumstances.

How can we interpret difficult OT passages if we don’t think a moral explanation exist?

We can interpret all of Scriptures through the voice of Jesus and the lens of the Cross. Most biblical scholars accept the Gospels were written within at least 40-60 years when Jesus lived, so eyewitnesses could dispute claims made. I would consider Jesus’ view when your understanding of an OT passage contradicts what you believe Jesus taught and lived out. What kind of person who claims to be God sacrifices their life, when they have the power to prevent it, to convince others that God loves and desires to help us be the kind of person we want to be deep down.

God, Must We Must Forgive Those Who Admit No Wrongdoing?

It can be helpful to encourage forgiveness when the guilty confess wrongdoing and desire to make amends when possible. Bitterness and revenge seeking can worsen a victim’s circumstances. How though should we react when the guilty refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing and show no remorse or regrets of their actions?

People can be confused by a God who demands forgiveness according to the Bible no matter what? What is there to forgive if one doesn’t admit wrongdoing? Easy forgiveness can allow a husband’s abusive behavior to continue. When a sexual abuser doesn’t acknowledge their actions, secret behaviors continue. Are we helping one by forgiving when they have no regrets?

To one’s surprise the Bible can be interpreted more often to suggest forgiveness requires regret. God is said to forgive if we forgive others (Mt. 6:14-15). Forgive if they repent (Lk. 17:3). God in the OT is often said to not forgive the rebellious (i.e. Josh. 24:19). Why would God ask us to do something God doesn’t – forgive the unrepentant? Then, there are circumstances when Jesus forgives while on the Cross for “they don’t know what they do” (Lk. 23:34).

My point is not to insist one should or shouldn’t forgive in their circumstances. Besides, ancient literature such as the Bible is always subject to interpretation. Usually, there are different opinions on meaning and application of the same passage. The Bible was never meant to be a rules book; the Bible was meant for reflection in one circumstances. The Bible is valuable because it suggests not always handling our circumstances naturally, humanly-speaking.

Friends can make a victim’s situation worse by pretending the know the mind of God in one’s individual circumstances. God is capable of guiding individuals. For some forgiving can cause feelings of further victimization and bitterness; for others forgiveness can control bitterness and possible acts of revenge. Many may be haunted with thoughts whether they must forgive their violator at the urging of others.

Not forgiving doesn’t mean you are full of bitterness or you wouldn’t forgive if one acknowledges what they have done and seem to truly regret their action. Whether a future relationship is possible depends. Seek the mind of God what actions in relationship difficulties lead to your best interest in the long-run in a world full of disappointments. God may not be as irrational or nonempathetic as thought.

How Do We Make Sense of Crazy OT Laws In The Bible And God’s Supposed Approval?

One could rightly question whether God is rational or worth following if approving of some of the OT laws recorded. Why even consider the Bible as having any wisdom based on some of the OT laws? Who advocates stoning rebellious children (Deut. 21:18-21) or men having sex with men (Lev. 20:13).

Some laws may be God accommodating the hearts of the Israelites. For example, why didn’t God simply outlaw slavery. Perhaps, the Israelites perhaps were close-minded to abolishing slavery. These are people who had to be told to not sacrifice babies and don’t have sex with animals (Lev. 18: 21, 23). Some laws were attempts to at least make improvements.

Many OT Laws were surely not God’s ideal. I doubt polygamy and concubines were God’s idea. But, God doesn’t overthrow but works within societies for freedom is necessary for authentic, lasting change. Loving control is an oxymoron. God’s interference or dictatorship can prevent a superior world from developing because of the moral improvement of free creatures.

Some laws recorded in the Bible could have been from the minds of fallible human beings though claiming to be from God.

God didn’t verbally dictate the entire Bible. We cannot be certain when God did or didn’t allow the writers the freedom to misunderstand and express their understandings of God. God’s uncontrolling love surely can explain some laws claimed to be approved by God. Some of the crazy OT laws obviously didn’t meet with God’s approval.

Does this mean we can never know what God thinks are good versus bad laws?

The Bible was never meant to take one’s mind and heart out of what are loving actions in one’s personal circumstances. And, what better person to look to for wisdom than one who sacrifices their life to convince that God loves and desires to help us be the kind of person we want to be deep down. Consider Jesus’ perspective when OT laws contradict common and loving sense.

Laws are not even necessary in a society when humans always treat others like they want to be treated. Laws are only necessary when love is lacking. Laws were never God’s ideal. All the laws in the world don’t change hearts. Lifelong transformation result from a relationship with one’s Creator. The existence of universal moral intuitions suggest a communicative God exists.

Rethinking God And Punishment!

God can be misunderstood depending on why we think God punishes and how we think God feels about punishment. God surely would not depend only on a Book, the Bible, to convey their nature. Many have never had a Bible and ancient literature is always subject to interpretation thus misunderstanding. We can also know God based on how we think loving, perfect friends or parents should act when wrongdoing has taken place. How does God view punishment?

An angry Deity who delights in punishment comes to mind for some when reading the Bible. But, many passages suggest God threatened punishment only as a last resort. Fear seeks to deter evil but doesn’t lead to life transformations. Changes comes within one’s heart. Parents threaten punishment to steer their children from self-destruction and destruction of others. Tough love is simply another side of genuine love.

God or parents don’t relish or seek to pile on. Wrongdoing has its own punishment due to regrets or loss of relationships.

Repentance isn’t about somehow restoring God’s honor as if God can lose it. Regrets are for our own good, leading to healing and restoration. God hates when punishment is necessary (Jonah 4:2) and does so with a grieving heart (Gen. 6:6). God doesn’t seek fear but wishes to encourage in battles against self-centeredness or habitual sins in our lives.

God’s punishment is described in the Bible as withdrawing their influence in our lives because of resistance.

This best explains passages such as: “But I (God) will harden Pharaoh’s heart…” (Ex. 7:3). It also says: “But this time also Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go” (Ex 8:32). Only a mindless writer would contradict themselves in practically the same breath. Paul says about Pharaoh’s instances: “For God has bound everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all” (Rm. 11:32). God is hoping freedom to carry out evil desires may lead Pharaoh and us to hit bottom and desire change.

God punishment in the Bible is also depicted as delivering us over to our own desires.

How else can we explain passages such as Romans 1:24: “Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts…” The Bible as a whole doesn’t suggest God makes us commit evil. God created freedom so we can make choices leading to real, lasting changes. Controlling love as opposed to uncontrolling love can simply lead to further or deeper rebellion.

God hates withdrawing or delivering us up to evil as any loving parent would. Such love by God or a parent though may benefit us in the long-run. Jesus’ death wasn’t to placate a blood-thirsty God who needed their child murdered to satisfy their need for punishment. God prefers much more a contrite heart then sacrifices (Ps. 51: 16-17). God as any loving parent desires to empower us to reflect such love back to others. A relationship, not fear of punishment, leads to becoming more the person we desire to be.

Can We Make Sense Of Violence And Genocide In The OT Supposedly Approved By God?

The OT may cause more disbelief in God than we care to admit. I have been slow to accept the awfulness of the OT because it has been easy up to this point in my life to simply trust God. But, I believe we have every right to expect a rational, moral explanation of God. Most if not all claim the only God worth believing in is a perfect or good God.

I Sam. 15:3 says: “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them: put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” There are hundreds of OT passages that seem to advocate evil behaviors in the name of God. I have written about OT crazy laws elsewhere. How is one to think of God must less explain God when the Bible portrays God as lacking rational or loving feelings?

There are several possible explanations to passages such as the above:

• Warfare rhetoric was common in ancient literature to induce fear and victory. A US leader may say we will destroy ISIS and anything having to do with ISIS. This doesn’t mean women and children will not be spared when possible. It can also mean innocent lives may not be spared when necessary to destroy evil. Terrorists often used civilians as human shields to carry out their wicked goals.

• Exaggerative language may be going on in several passages. For example, Deut. 7:1 talks of driving out the enemy, 7:2 talks about not making treaties with the enemy, while 7:3 says you must destroy the enemy totally. Why mention not making treaties if the only goal is to annihilate the enemy. Extermination passages maybe are meant to be understood within the context of initially driving out the enemy.

• Some passages are elliptical in nature – speaking on a subject without stating exceptions. Is the Bible advocating domestic violence when says to turn the other cheek? Joshua speaks of utter destruction in Debir and returning to camp (10:39-43), yet the writer in the same breath speaks of survivors from Debir being destroyed (11:21). Writers either mindlessly contradicted themselves, or didn’t always mean to be taken literally or unconditionally.

• God obviously did not verbally dictate the entire Bible. We cannot be certain when God allowed the writers the freedom to misunderstand and express their understandings of God. Some declarations claimed to be the mind of God may be instead the writer’s beliefs of God at the time, explaining many violent passages supposedly in the name of God.

• God’s uncontrolling rather than controlling love may explain many practices in the OT. God may have accepted animal sacrifices to guard against the use of child sacrifices common in OT cultures. Humans are always seeking a scapegoat to lessen their guilt. I doubt polygamy, concubines, or divorce for frivolous reasons were God’s ideal. God doesn’t control but works within societies as freedom is necessary for authentic, lasting change. God’s interference or dictatorship can prevent a superior world because of moral improvement of free creatures.

We don’t have to throw out the Bible but read reflectively, just because a writer may be expressing an erroneous opinion of God at that time in their spiritual journey. God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God and others. God wishes to influence our heart to make choices in the interest of ourselves and others in the long-run. We can always consider Jesus’ perspective when OT passages confuse us of what God thinks.

Universal moral intuitions exist, making some opinions wrong. God prefers peaceful alternatives to violence when possible. God never intended women and children to be hunted down and killed. God doesn’t condone rape and beheading of enemies. God surely never violates one’s freedom to obey God or not, or I would be dead. A God who creates freedom doesn’t control choices when such choices don’t violate the rights of others.

Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like?

Most of us want to be a better version of ourselves. Societies and families are in desperate need of all striving for this end goal. We all know how we wish others treated us; that is how we wish we treated others. Most of us will admit we fall short of our ideal self. I suppose one’s goal could be to be “good enough,” but that isn’t enough in a broken world. Surely constantly striving to be our best brings the least regrets, the greatest satisfaction, and the best of worlds.

Most of us need HELP in striving to be closer to our ideal.

I don’t wish to say God-less people aren’t good people. We know many God-people that we wish had less to do with God, or least their version of the God they are seeking to please. Just think - they may be worse without God’s help! Many may have found their way in relationships in being all they can be without God. I have in mind those who recognize their need for help for more.

People may be less inclined to pursue a belief in God and for help because our mental views of God shape our attitudes toward God. Others may reject God because of poor role-models.

Most people don’t reject God because they reject unselfishness over selfishness. The example you have had or what you have heard about God may not be true. If you have thought that there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends.

Consider if you want to be more of a spiritual person, which I take to mean becoming more the person inside you want to be toward others in good and difficult times.

We all benefit from relationships that guide and inspire us such as parents and bosses who are good role models. It may turn out that God is exactly what you thought a perfect God is like. Being a law-abiding citizen isn’t enough. The law can’t tell you to forgive or help a stranger. Challenge yourself to be the kind of person you wish your parents or children were. You don’t have to attend church, synagogue, or mosque if such relationships don’t encourage you in your journey.

I am not challenging you to be more religious, only more spiritual for a better world.

God can provide insights into what true freedom is. God can help us to not fear death and look forward to being reunited with our loved ones. God can help suffering, that is inevitable in a troubled world, to not be meaningless by empowering us to help others facing similar undeserved sufferings. Personally, I can tell you I am a better husband, father, and friend than I normally would be because of the insights, encouragement, and forgiveness that I receive from my Creator.

Next In This Series:

How Can We Know What God Is Really Like?

What Is God Really Like?

How We Know God Is Not Bias Against Homosexuals!

How We Know God Is Not Bias Against Females!

How We Know There Is No Hell And Hope Of Heaven For Loved Ones!

How Can We Know What God Is Really Like?

God gets a bad rap when claiming we only know what is good according to the Bible. Over half the world born didn’t have access to such a Book, implying they couldn’t know good from evil. Also, claiming God only communicates what is good through a book such as the Bible or Koran has led to justifying immoral actions because of misinterpretations. Literature is interpretation, thus why we have many opinions on the meaning of the same passage.

Evil can result when we claim we can only know good through a book - even if believing such a book is the Word of God - because we justify our personal interpretation of God. Since most believe the Bible is God’s direct communication to us, we may not wish to claim only God knows good. Humans somehow know it is wrong to lie, steal, or not treat others like we want to be treated.

We can know what goodness is or what a good God is like according to our moral intuitions.

You believe morality exist if you believe evil exist. If we say goodness can only come from God or a book and not intuitions, then we can’t really know goodness since God doesn’t speak to us audibly and books are interpretations. It seems to me the presence of moral outrage hints of a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. How else do we explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated?

Obviously, not all have the same moral intuitions.

I suggest there is universal agreement on most moral matters. Nations can establish laws because most agree it is wrong to steal, murder, lie, or commit adultery. We know terrorists are wrong because they do not wish to be treated by our imposing our beliefs on them. Just as we know it is wrong to steal because we do not wish to be stolen from.

A good God couldn’t ask us to believe something contrary to moral intuitions.

Such intuitions can guide when debating interpretations of the Bible. But, the battle is won when we stop imposing our beliefs on others. Only extremists don’t know that disputes about supposed truth are not more important than love when personal beliefs aren’t violating the rights of others. True religion doesn’t seek to be served but serve.

If I was female, non-Caucasian, or gay, I know God is incapable of bigotry or favoritism because a good God can only be morally perfect.

Goodness is not determined according to a Book or even belief in God. But if God exist, I know they don’t favor according to gender, race, or sexual preference because my intuitions tell me so. One reason we may might think otherwise is because we believe a Supreme Being suggests otherwise according to a Book. A good God is only capable of perfect love.

Please see Good God: The Theistic Foundations Of Morality by David Baggett and Jerry L. Walls for insights into how can we determine goodness.

Coming In This Series:

What Is God Really Like?

How We Know God Is Not A Bigot Toward Homosexuals!

How We Know God Is Not A Bigot Toward Females!

How We Know There Is No Hell And Hope Of Heaven For Loved Ones!

What Is God Really Like?


(God is morally perfect humanly-speaking

(Does your view of God lead to making God more or less of your life

I have suggested in this series if there is a Creator, they have communicated clearly through universal moral intuitions. God’s morals must be the same as perfect human morals. God can’t claim to not be evil unless God’s morals are the same as a perfect, loving parent. We may not agree what a perfect parent or God would do in each situation, but we may agree on many attributes.

God and loving parents are uncontrolling.

A God powerful enough to create obviously respects freedom because of not interfering in all the evil that is present in our world. Every instinct in me when raising children wanted to control their decisions when counter to my own. “Don’t you understand I have your best interest in mind!” But, I came to understand choices must come from within to be genuine and last.

God doesn’t control our moral or our amoral decisions. I understood it was my child’s decision who they chose as a partner, what career they wish to pursue, etc. God hasn’t mapped out what decisions you must make in the future. God advises morality through their example, but in amoral decisions God encourages pursuing our dreams with the gifts we have. Parents sometime need to accept God tugging on their heart to quit controlling their children.

A perfect God or parent never advises for self-interests reasons or how it makes them look, as opposed to what is in the best interest of who they love.

A perfect parent doesn’t utter the words “because I said so” because they are more concerned how certain actions will make them look. God only warns against immoral actions because of their consequences, which any loving parent would do. God’s always has our back. God only ask for faithfulness because trusting God is loving others to the fullest.

God can’t encourage us to be like God unless they are morally perfect and give us knowledge how to emulate.

No loving parent lies, steals, or doesn’t always act in the best interests of others. We all have such moral intuitions, seemingly communicated by our Creator. Passages in the OT that suggest God encourages unnecessary violence must be the writer’s understanding of God at that time in their spiritual journey. But, no one is a true passivist as only coward don’t protect their family against those who intend to do harm. God surely seeks peace than war when possible.

A perfect God or parent is quick to forgive and begin anew.

A parent’s constant or subtle disfavor because of mistakes robs us of the encouragement we need. Why then would gloomy uncertainty as to God's favor help us to conquer battles against self-centeredness or long-standing habitual sins in our life? God gladly provides relief from guilt so we don’t loss hope. Parents who truly forgive avoid the temptation to remind their children of their failures, as if they need reminding. All parents know what “piling on” means.

God is likely more the kind of God you imagined would be true of a loving God. Don’t let misunderstandings keep you from pursuing more of a spiritual life with the help and encouragement of your Creator.

• What if God isn’t homophobic, even according to the Bible, who doesn’t say stuff like “love you, hate your behavior?”

• What if God only encourages loving others without any hidden agenda to convert them?

• What if the traditional understanding of Hell doesn’t exist. Like God is going to sadistically torture people forever for their beliefs while here on earth a brief time!

• What if God and the Bible don’t advocate gender bias in male/female roles? Roles and responsibilities are best determined according to one’s gifts not their gender.

• What if God doesn’t have hoops to jump through to have a relationship such as going to church or abiding by certain religious rituals or beliefs?

• What if some plausible explanations exist as to how a good God and evil and suffering can co-exist? Even God can’t necessarily control freedom if they are to create true freedom.

I can only speak from personal experience. I don’t consider myself a bad person but I am absolutely convinced I am less selfish and a better husband, father, and friend because of my relationship with God. I feel God’s constant acceptance and encouragement to be less unselfish, despite my failures.

Coming In This Series:

How We Know God Is Not A Bigot Toward Homosexuals!

How We Know God Is Not A Bigot Toward Females!

How We Know There Is No Hell And Hope Of Heaven For Loved Ones!

How We Know A Good God Is Not A Bigot Toward Gays!


(A good God by nature supports all loving, caring relationships

(Literature is interpretation; don’t assume the Bible condemns gay relationships

I have suggested in this series if there is a Creator, it is very plausible they have communicated clearly through universal moral intuitions. How else do we explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated or our sense of ought or guilt? How do we know it is wrong to steal, murder, lie, or commit adultery? It is suspect a loving God only communicates what is good according to a Book such as the Bible. Literature is always subject to misinterpretation. The Bible in fact says that God didn’t promise to leave a Book but their Spirit to guide us when Jesus’ person left this earth (Jn. 14:16).

Most parents’ hearts break when they think their devotion to God requires them to give their child some version of “love the sinner, hate the sin” speech. Our moral intuitions tell most that God is not bias against females, people of color, or gays.

You don’t have to be gay to understand one can no more control their feelings toward those of the same sex than you can control your feelings toward the opposite sex. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t feel natural to you. You aren’t gay. Biblical scholars disagree on interpretations on this matter in the Bible so we mustn’t claim the Bible condemns gay relationships. If unconvinced God doesn’t condemn gay people, I would encourage you to accept one’s sexual orientation as personal between them and their Creator.

We should look briefly at the main Bible passages used to condemn homosexuality. Seven main biblical passages are used to condemn homosexuals.

Who doesn’t condemn homosexual acts mentioned in the Bible involving violence such as rape (Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 19; Judges 19:22)! We can’t be sure why and what sexual acts are condemned in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, but if these two verses are used to condemn gays then why don’t we apply the laws that advocate the death penalty for cursing parents (20:2), witchcraft (20:27), or sex with an animal (20:15). We must look for clearer passages if we are going to use the Bible to condemn homosexuality.

Romans 1 condemns homosexuality activities, or any sexual activities for that matter, devoid of fidelity or love (v. 31). The writer surely didn’t have in mind consensual, loving, monogamous, gay relationships. When Romans was written it was common for masters to be involved in sexual acts with their slaves or men having sex with younger boys. Who doesn’t condemn abusive, controlling, unequal, relationships!

Finally, there are two obscure Greek words translated as homosexuality in I Corinthians 6:9 and I Timothy 1:10. Scholars debate if homosexual or what type of sexual relationships the writer has in mind (David P. Gushee, Changing Our Mind, Chapter 13). Other sins listed are seldom used to threaten Hell (i.e. adulterers, thieves, drunkards, slanders, or the greedy). These passages should not be used to condemn consensual, loving same-sex relationships.

Even if claimed truth is only determinable according to the Bible, interpretations that condemn homosexuality are highly debatable.

What does your heart tell you to feel and say when asked if you condemn them because of their love for someone of the same sex? Gay people don’t feel they have a choice to love any other way. The church should be slow to condemn faithful relationships when half their relationships divorce.

God doesn’t favor according to gender, race, or sexuality because every moral fiber in my bones tell me so. That is just the way God made us.

The only reason I might think otherwise is because I think a Book from God argues otherwise. A good God is only capable of perfect love. The Bible encourages loving, consensual, caring relationships to avoid heart-break. Any sexual behaviors that are abusive, unequal, controlling, mindless, selfish engagements, as opposed to consensual monogamous relationships, are wrong to any rational human being.

Next In This Series:

How We Know A Good God Is Not A Bigot Toward Females!

How We Know There Is No Hell And Hope Of Heaven For Loved Ones!

How We Know A Good God Is Not A Bigot Toward Females!

(God is incapable of showing bias or favoritism since God is perfect

(Moral intuitions and even the Bible suggest roles are best determined by gifts not gender

I have suggested in this series if a Creator exists, they have communicated clearly through universal moral intuitions. Even if you don’t believe in a Creator, we might be able to agree that we can know what is good according to moral intuitions we share. By claiming to know what is good according to a book such as the Bible or the Koran, it is overlooked that literature is subject to interpretation. We end up claiming our interpretation is the Word of God.

God is not bias against gays, people of color, or women because that is what a perfect God must be like. Those who do or don’t read the Bible would insist a Creator be perfect to call themselves God. Bible readers will point to passages that say God is perfect thus not evil. The Bible’s challenge to be perfect like God is meaningless unless we can sense what perfection is (Mt. 5:48).

Most would agree, unless believing some book advises otherwise, that a good, perfect God is incapable of showing any bias or favoritism toward men over women.

I may be bias because I have two daughters and I am married to a very smart, independent, woman. I am convinced our hearts tell us that roles in personal or business relationships should be determined according to one’s gifts not gender. Who should be the CEO or preach? The most qualified of course. Who should handle the finances in the family? The one most gifted.

If you wish to determine God’s views toward females according to the Bible, since there is much debate by scholars, shouldn’t we choose the interpretation that seems more likely according to our moral intuitions. But, I am convinced the Bible doesn’t show favoritism when it comes to gender. I only mention a few examples though there are many more:

• It seems unlikely God would suggest women be under the authority of men, especially when men are prone to dominate women anyway. The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament supposedly suggested wives are subordinate or under the leadership of their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives (Eph. 5:22). Paul says in verse 22 in the original manuscripts: “wives to your husbands as to the Lord.” Translations often supply the very missing from verse 21: “wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” Paul just said submission is a way of life for all (5:21). If wives are under the leadership of their husbands, then we must also say church members are in subordination or under the leadership of one another (v. 21). Women do not need male leadership in marriage; women need unselfish men who have the heart of a servant (5:28-29).

• When the Bible says: “Women should remain silent in the churches” (I Cor. 14:34), maybe the writer would encourage men to be silent in certain situations for the sake of peace. The same writer had just assumed women, without condemning, could prophesize during worship (I Cor. 14:34), The writer surely had certain circumstances in mind when suggested silence.

• Women are denied the privilege to exercise spiritual gifts in the church because of one main biblical passage (I Tim. 2:11-15), which is highly debated among scholars. Those who suggest this passage teaches women can’t teach men often allow women to teach women and children as if they are less important than men! Paul has in mind false teachings when he says a woman must not teach or have authority over a man. The passage uses the analogy of Adam and Eve.

God is incapable of bigotry or favoritism toward non-Caucasians, gays, or females.

Even if I thought truth was ultimately determined according the Bible, it is more likely the Bible reveals that roles in life are determined according to one’s gifts not gender (I Cor. 12:4-11). A good and perfect God is incapable of showing favoritism. God is the kind of Creator worthy to follow in becoming more the person you desire to be deep down.

How We Know There Is No Hell And Hope Of Heaven For Loved Ones!

(Hell isn’t from the Bible but an invention over centuries to command obedience

(A Creator of Earth can create Heaven where decisions can be made even after death

Okay, I have a confession. I haven’t died yet so I can’t positively tell you what happens after life here on earth. I do believe there was a Creator as opposed to life originating by happenchance. If there is a Creator there is nothing irrational about hundreds of millions believing in an afterlife.

I have suggested in this series if a Creator exists, they have communicated clearly through universal moral intuitions. How else do we explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated or our sense of ought or guilt? How do we know it is wrong to steal, murder, lie, or commit adultery? We can’t always know what is good according to a book such as the Bible or the Koran. Literature is interpretation and we claim our interpretation is the Word of God.

We know intuitively a loving God would not torture people forever for beliefs while living a brief time on earth. Unending suffering is pointless. God is a God of many chances.

God is fully aware beliefs are influenced by opportunities, role models, or misinformation, so it is suspect a loving God determines our destiny based on beliefs on earth. Biblical scholars rightly debate that Scriptures teaches all enter Heaven after meeting their Creator - often referred to as universalism. God can’t stop being forgiving and merciful at the moment of one’s last breathe. I’m not sure anyone would choose non-existence as opposed to life with a loving Creator, unless they have come so harden on earth. God will not coerce anyone against their will on earth or after death.

It turns out the Bible appears to argue what we intuitively believe is most likely about the afterlife if we believe in a good God who is perfect morally.

Hell as we think of it simply doesn’t exist in the Bible. Gehenna is the Greek word translated as Hell in the NT. Gehenna was the name of a real valley nearby Jerusalem with a history of terrible slaughter. Jesus used Gehenna to illustrate that spiritual death can be as tragic as horrendous physical death. The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament never refers to Hell. Noah, or any prophet in the OT, never warned of Hell as a consequence for behaviors here on earth. Hell seems an invention over the centuries to scare people into submission and obedience

Heaven as we think of it isn’t mentioned as much as we might think in the Bible. The word “heaven” appears the most in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew doesn’t refer to the Kingdom of Heaven as a place after death. Jesus speaks of bringing heavenly love to earth – “on earth as in heaven.” The Apostle Paul, who wrote most of the NT, in his longest theological letter only mentioned heaven twice and says nothing about Jesus dying so we can go to Heaven (Rm. 1:18, 10:6). Eternal life in the Bible refers to a quality of life that begins here on earth, not a quantity of life after death. The Bible teaches forgiveness is unlimited (i.e. Mt. 18:21-22).

We know Hell doesn’t exist. The only reason we might believe in such a place created by a loving God would be if we thought such a Book taught such a horrific thing. Also, there is hope for our loved ones who didn’t acknowledge God much less have an obvious trusting relationship with their Creator here on earth. For many God may bring to memory the pain and harmfulness caused for the sake of victims, but a good parent much less a good God is always seeking to restore than pay a price. God will always show grace and mercy whenever one decides to trust in the true God.

It Can Be Freeing To Know How God Communicate To Us!

We want to feel more of a connection with our Creator, but obviously God isn’t visible to communicate as we are used to in other relationships. How can we know that God is truly guiding us if we aren’t sure how they communicate to us?

The Bible records that God spoke audibly sometimes to give instructions or voice approval. God is said to have spoken to Moses where people could hear during the giving of the Ten Commandments (Ex. 19:9), and God’s voiced approval from heaven when Jesus was baptized (Mt. 3:17). Some claim today on rare occasions God has spoken audibly to them, but I am not sure how to prove that unless others are present to confirm it was a physical than psychological experience.

OT prophets write “God said” as if God had spoken to them personally. We do not know exactly how this type of revelation from God differs from simply impressions, thoughts, and feelings one may have as to what they think God has communicated to them. Prophets played a unique role in history in introducing God to the world. I do not believe any today can proclaim themselves to be like OT prophets where God is conveying new information.

Many would suggest God’s primary method of communication today is through the Bible.

The challenge is that literature is interpretation, and misinterpretations are often proclaimed to be the Word of God. It is not uncommon for different meanings to be expressed of the same passage and different applications suggested for our personal circumstances. Books written in the past cannot be definitive ultimately for guidance, as the writer is not available for clarification and explanation.

It is plausible if a God exists, they have communicated clearly to us through our moral intuitions.

It seems to me the presence of moral anger hints of a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. How else do we explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated? There is agreement on most moral matters. Nations can establish laws because there is almost universal agreement on stealing, lying, or murdering. We know God’s moral advice to us because of such intuitions.

God gives us a sense of morality for our own good, but then sets us free to follow our desires. We are asking what God wants us to do; God is asking what we want to do.

God’s plan is not a detailed blueprint but a general one to set us free to love. The future isn’t already determined, making freedom an illusion. Many get frustrated with God because they assume God keeps information hidden from them. God can’t know an unknowable future. Which career or job do we pursue or any decision that is not moral in nature? God is like any good parent when it comes to future, amoral decisions – we are free to make the wisest decision at that time based on our gifts, past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations.

God has communicated – be free!

God has already communicated morally through our intuitions. How do we treat others? How do you wish to be treated! Should you forgive? Do you want to be forgiven! But, certain decisions depend on one’s personal circumstances. One may divorce or remain in a marriage for the sake of the children. God has spoken when we make the wisest decision we know at the time. Seek wisdom from others. There isn’t always one right decision as if the future is predetermined. God simply desires to persuade and empower us to do all the good we can, for the all the people we can.

The Danger In Not Reinterpreting Violence In The Bible And How To View?

The Old Testament causes more unbelief in God than we admit. God often commends killing all the men, women, and children during wartimes. God orders killing all the boys and non-virgin women and seemingly approves of sex slavery: “save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man” (Num. 31:18). OT laws encouraged capital punishment for adulterers and rebellion children. Can you imagine some parents believing God approves of this? I may be dead!

I have rationalized in the past violent passages: “…do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely, destroy them… (Deut. 20:17). I argued God first ordered driving the same nations out of their land (Deut. 7:1), thus destruction was only carried out if the people refused to leave. If one is able and refuses to leave lands inhabited by terrorists coordinating to destroy other nations, it is a moral option for soldiers to destroy whoever before being destroyed. There is a danger in such an interpretation, and passages such as Numbers above are even more difficult to justify.

There is better option to rationalizing God as truly violent according to the Bible.

There are two basis viewpoints about God’s role in Scriptures. God either controlled the writers’ thoughts and writings to perfectly represent God, or God did not control writers reporting their views of God at that time even if false portrayals. The amount of evil in the world, though God opposes, is surely a sign of God’s uncontrolling nature thus supporting God didn’t perform a lobotomy on OT writers.

Misinterpretations of the Bible or Koran has led to justifying immoral actions.

Literature is interpretation, thus no one can claim their view with certainty. The Bible or any book written in the past cannot be definitive ultimately of what is good. If you believe evil exist you believe morality exist. Universal moral intuitions could be the result of a moral Creator communicating to human beings. We determine what God is really like and good from evil from such intuitions, then claiming our interpretation is God’s. Only extremists don’t recognize that true religion doesn’t seek to be served but serve, that genuine beliefs are freely chosen not demanded.

We can interpret confusing OT passages through the views of Jesus.

Those who value the Bible would agree that Jesus’ views of God were perfect. Bible believers do not suggest OT prophet views have the same authority as Jesus’. Whenever we are confused or sense a contradiction between the OT and NT, Jesus’ view can be accepted as the final word. Trusting an interpretation of a Book rather than our moral intuitions or perceived views of Jesus leads to justifying violence in the name of God.

Only extremists don’t sense that God loves peace over war, but few would argue a wife cannot protect herself against a husband’s violence or nations cannot defend themselves against other nations who are a threat to their existence. We must never justify violence according to an interpretation of a Book. It simply is impossible that a good God, who denounces evil, would ever be involved in genocide or women used as sex options for spoils in a war.

The Bible is valuable for reflection and not meant to be a rules’ book to gain God’s favor.

Jesus clearly chose non-violence as a way of life whenever possible. If we every sense the OT justifies God being immoral, we can assume something else is going on. A uncontrolling God can give writers the freedom to misunderstand and grow in their understandings of God, without denying the Bible is useful for teaching through the lens of Jesus. Comparisons encourage seeking what God is really like. Guidance from God that doesn’t lead to loving your neighbor more are likely to be a false representation of a God who claims to be perfectly good.

How Can A Divided Nation Unite More?

A divided nation can’t totally unite when their views strongly differ. We can begin by respecting one another’s right to have opposing views. It is only when we accept one is entitled to a different perceptive that we may listen and change our beliefs if appropriate. The blessing of a democratic society is the freedom to express our personal beliefs and vote when laws are necessary because of personal differences.

Those who make peaceful resolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable (JFK)

Violence is never appropriate unless protecting oneself from danger. We must peaceful protest so we can discuss solutions to our differences. It is horrible when people of different color or gender don’t naturally have the same rights. Such views must not be enabled through silence by those who enjoy their rights protected. Violent protestors who share our views must be called out. Martin Luther King demonstrated change is possible through peaceful means.

Moral laws are the only beliefs rightfully imposed upon others.

Universal immorality, such as murder or dictating religious belief, are intuitive to all except extremists. Universal moral laws necessary for survival can be identified by whether we would accept such actions dictated to other to be imposed on ourselves. Stealing is wrong because we do not wish to be stolen from. Terrorists seek to impose their religious beliefs on others, but they do not accept certain religious beliefs imposed upon them.

Personal beliefs that do not violate the rights of others don’t have to be treated as moral laws.

Gay people obviously believe their sexuality is a moral issue. I don’t disagree. Many God followers oppose homosexuality morally according to the Bible. Though I disagree that God condemns gay relationships, we must find ways to discuss. Personal beliefs can be distinguished from moral beliefs by whether one’s rights are being violated. Rights are not being violated between two consenting adults who can no more love one of the opposite sex than one can love the same sex.

God followers can take an important first step by accepting that any book, such as the Bible, cannot be used definitively to determine moral beliefs. Literature is interpretation, thus we must admit our interpretation may not be God’s view. It is important to recognize that biblical scholars who believe in the value of Scriptures rightly debate if the Bible condemns loving, gay relationships. If sexuality can be discussed in this matter, police actions and other dividing issues can be as well.

Not listening or not being open-minded is not an option. Violence is not an option. Imposing our personal beliefs on others is not an option.

The attitude of “I am right and you are wrong” is destroying possibilities of peace. In marriage couples gradually fall out of love because they forget the only reasonable demands are moral behaviors intuitive to all. All other expectations are negotiable. In a nation of laws personal beliefs can be voted on when necessary. Imagine a world of relationships that did not argue with certainty that their personal beliefs are necessarily moral

Steps Toward Undividing Our Nation

I wrote about this topic recently but I wanted to suggest specific steps individuals and groups can take so differences can be discussed for workable solutions. It seems to me we must agree on necessary actions so change has a chance.

First, violence is never an option unless protecting ourselves from danger.

Protests must be peaceful. Violence must be called out by leadership. Leadership cannot stand silently or speak provocatively implying violence is ever appropriate. Police must be obeyed for consideration of their own safety. Police actions must be reviewed for possible discipline, expulsion, or criminal charges. Police leadership must show how they are not protecting their own in reviews.

Secondly, we must always listen and be open-minded.

Relationships much less nations cannot survive or thrive unless we respective one another rights to have opposing views. It is only when we accept one is entitled to a different perspective that we may listen and change or beliefs as appropriate. The attitude of “I am right and you are wrong” is destroying possibilities of peace and solutions.

Thirdly, most beliefs can be viewed as personal than moral for discussions to happen.

The first two steps could lead to much problem-solving, but a third step is necessary for extremely difficult issues. Moral beliefs, such as murder or stealing, are the only beliefs to impose upon others because they violate the rights of others. It is difficult for me to accept that KKK members have a right to their beliefs so discussions can begin, but their actions must not deny blacks their same freedoms. It is difficult for me to accept that gays may not have certain legal privileges so discussions can begin, but we must allow the majority to be the rule of law. Keep in mind personal consensual relationships of the same or opposite gender do not violate the rights of others.

Also, God followers cannot use the Bible definitively to determine moral laws to impose upon others. Ancient literature is always subject to interpretation, thus why those who revere the Bible disagree. No one can claim their interpretation is the correct view of a Supreme Being.

Not being violent, not listening, not being open-minded, and not imposing our personal beliefs are necessary first steps.

The blessing of a democratic society is the freedom to express our personal beliefs and vote when laws are necessary because of personal differences. Laws voted on must be accepted until voted upon again, while allowing the right to non-violent disagreements for discussion. I hope athletes find another way to protest than during the national anthem to avoid perceptions of ingratitude toward our veterans. I wish President Trump could show empathy rather than speak provocatively. You don’t have to be black to understand that blacks continue to suffer inequalities. We must work toward changes.

Reasons You Don’t Feel Close To God Though Wanting To?

Many who believe in a God may desire more of a connection with their Creator. After all, isn’t spirituality and God about being more the person we deep down desire to be? There may be as many reasons as there are individuals why we don’t pursue more of a connection, but I am not convinced many are actively rebelling against God as claimed.

Rebelling against God is desiring and believing in selfishness over unselfishness in relationships. Is that really you?

We may not seek out God more because of what we assume about God and spirituality according to others.

Becoming more of a spiritual person isn’t accepting a set of beliefs others suggest are important to be accepted by God. Besides, which supposed required beliefs do you accept since there are thousands of different beliefs as to what God wants? It is suspect that a good God leaves to chance what beliefs we are supposed to believe.

Spirituality surely is as simple as considering help from your God, if you are so inclined to believe there is a Creator, in being more the person you deep down desire to be. Can you imagine Jesus freaking out if that was our core belief?

We may not seek God out more not because of lack of belief in God, but because of what we believe about God.

We can only be as close to God as our mental images of God allow. Marriages always do better if one doesn’t think their partner is the devil sometimes but deep down truly cares about them. We may not pursue God more because we assume others’ beliefs about God are true, or God is like the poor role models we have had who claim to represent God. The God often portrayed by others condemns gay people, favors men over women despite the history of men abusing power, and created Hell to throw people in after death if they don’t discover the right beliefs before death.

We may not seek to be more spiritual with God’s help because of supposed expectations or rituals to follow.

God doesn’t demand you seek to convert others to your beliefs. Having more of a connection with God doesn’t mean you have a hidden agenda with others in your interactions. God certainly isn’t in the business of telling people they are going to Hell if they don’t believe certain things. Go to a church, synagogue, or mosque if that is where you are encouraged and able to encourage others in making for a better world.

So, what can we believe about God?

All of us wish for perfect love in relationships, and to give such love back. Most of us are striving to be a better person that we are. Such inclinations could be an invisible Creator’s way of communicating to their creations. God can’t ask us to strive for moral perfection unless perfect themselves. Don’t we deep down somehow know that love is uncontrolling, love is forgiving, love is freedom of beliefs when they don’t violate the rights of others. Imagine a world that showed such respect to all. God is exactly like what we expect and hope from others.

God only desires that we love ourselves and others to the fullest, but God is not going to coerce you into such actions.

God’s expectations aren’t that you must believe certain events in the Bible that you may have difficulty believing. Just seek out relationships that encourage spiritually striving to be a better partner, parent, friend, and neighbor. Trust God for faith and encouragement in loving others to the fullest in becoming more the person you deep down desire to be.

Can We Make Sense Of The Bible If Not Infallible Or Has False Portrayals Of God?


(Only a controlling God would not allow human perceptions recorded in the Bible

(The Bible is for reflection about God rather than a rules book to gain God’s favor

Many believe the Bible is without error regarding science or how God is portrayed when it comes to war or punishment. Keep in mind Genesis may not contradict science. The writers may not have intended parts of Genesis to be an exact literal report as opposed to a rendering to explain spiritual truths. A writer with knowledge of earth science available in their lifetime doesn’t make then a liar or all they have written is untrue. In the Bible’s defense, it is as historically reliable or more so than any ancient literature we take for fact such as Caesar’s Gallic Wars.

But, does the Bible claim infallibility because of one main verse: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16)? The word translated as God-breathed is greatly debated among scholars. This verse may not imply God controlled every word written; this verse can mean God approved of the writings of Israel’s history and Jesus’ life for reflection upon our relationship with our Creator. After Jesus left this earth in person, God’s Spirit than a Book is promised in discerning what God is really like (Jn. 14:16).

How would it work anyway if God controlled what was written?

No one argues that God verbally dictated the Bible. We don’t know exactly how OT authors writing “God said” differs from impressions and feelings one has about God. A uncontrolling God would give writers the freedom to misunderstand and grow in their understandings of God. Many books were written over time by several writers. What is inerrant – when the writer first spoke the words to their audience, when the writer recorded the words, when an editor(s) edited the original words, or finally when such recordings were gathered into a book?

Besides, a writer’s meaning is interpretation which we can’t claim is infallible or inerrant.

Claiming God only communicates what is good and perfect through a book such as the Bible or Koran has led to justifying immoral actions because of misinterpretations. Literature is interpretation and we often end up claiming our interpretation is God’s. The Bible or any book written in the past cannot be definitive ultimately of what is good, because the writer is not available for clarification and explanation.

How then can we determine what is truth if not according to some Book?

If you believe evil exist you believe morality exist. Our sense of obligation could result from the random collection of impersonal atoms over time, but it is also very plausible that such intuitions are the result of a moral Creator communicating to human beings. We know good from evil according to moral intuitions. Such intuitions can guide our reading and interpretation of literature.

Oh, so everyone’s opinion is right!

The text clearly cannot mean anything. Nations can establish laws because it is wrong to steal, murder, lie, or commit adultery because there is universal agreement on most moral matters. Some opinions are clearly wrong. Only extremists think disputes about supposed truth are more important than love. True religion doesn’t seek to be served but serve.

We don’t have to throw out the Bible just because a writer may be expressing an erroneous opinion of God at that time in their spiritual journey. God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God and others but to be read reflectively. God wishes to influence our heart to make choices in the interest of ourselves and others in the long-run. We can always consider Jesus’ perspective when OT passages confuse us of what God is really like. Most agree Jesus is the most exact representation of God. Actions that don’t lead to loving your neighbor more are likely mistaken.

How To Understand Evil Portrayals Of God In The Bible Rather Than Rationalizing?

One doesn’t have to read the Bible a great deal to understand why many stop reading after certain passages. The Old Testament causes more unbelief in God or confusion than we care to admit. One may want to continue learning about God through the Bible but rightly expect rational explanations that don’t depict God’s actions opposing our moral consciences.

Violent images of God in the OT are morally unacceptable humanly-speaking.

Many passages in the OT contradict God’s claim to not be evil. All have a sense of what is immoral. Universal moral intuitions can be how a Creator communicates to us. Why else do we want and strife for perfection in relationships and expect a Creator to be the same? Every moral fiber in our body cries out when reading certain descriptions of God in the OT.

Who crushes their daughter in a winepress because upset (Lam. 1:15)? What kind of God orders killing boys and non-virgin women but sparing virgins (Num. 31:18)? Does God expect young woman to watch their mothers, sisters, and brothers murdered by men who one day may expect marriage or sex? What God orders capital punishment for rebellious children, adulterers, or those involved in witchcraft (Lev. 20)? God says in war to kill all the men, women, children, infants, and animals (I Sam. 15:3). Many more passage depict a God opposed to common moral sense.

Rationalizing the Bible opposes human and God’s expectation.

God sometimes is said to be a mystery beyond human comprehension, because one’s interpretations clashes with even their own moral intuitions. Scriptures claiming God is not evil is nonsensical if evil sometimes is good. We can’t say anything is good because it might be evil sometimes. We are told to not dare question God. How can many have a relationship much less understand a God who rejects questioning them, when God created us to know evil?

There is a rational explanation of immoral portrayals of God.

God obviously did not verbally dictate the entire Bible. We cannot be certain when God allowed the writers the freedom to misunderstand and express their understandings of God, explaining many violent passages supposedly in the name of God. This explains many false portrayals of God. Evil in the world, though God opposes, is surely a sign of God’s uncontrolling nature thus supporting God didn’t perform a lobotomy on OT writers. Writers were surely influenced by surrounding cultures where gods demanded respect by claiming them to be all powerful and controlling. God though always seeks to continually persuade of one’s own accord.

So, how can we understand and accept the Bible?

The Bible was never meant to be a story controlled by God. God got involved with the nation of Israel to begin revealing what a loving God is like compared to other gods. God surely intended us to understand them best through the life and voice of Jesus. God all along attempted to influence and persuade what God is really like, but Jesus was Gods’ ultimate explanation. What kind of person sacrifices their life, when they have the power to prevent it, to convince others that God desires to help us be the kind of person we want to be deep down?

So, how can we understand and know God?

You believe in morality if you believe in evil. It seems to me the presence of moral outrage hints of a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. How else do we explain a universal desire to treat others morally like we want to be treated? Nations can establish laws because most agree it is wrong to steal, murder, lie, or commit adultery. Obviously, nor all have the same moral intuitions. We know terrorists are wrong because they do not wish to be treated by our imposing our beliefs on them. Only extremists believe disputes about interpretations are more important than love when personal beliefs aren’t violating the rights of others. True religion doesn’t seek to be served but serve.

What is possible to believe about a God who claims to not be evil?

It is impossible that a God, who denounces evil, would ever be involved in genocide or women used as sex options for spoils in a war. It is impossible God desires war and violence if nations are willing to live in peace with one another and protect the rights of all. It is impossible that a loving God wants a relationship but refuses any questions to understand them. It is possible that a God who claims to not be evil, who created us to not be evil, who created us to know evil, begin a relationship with a nation that ultimately accumulated in the example of one sent from God.

We Can’t Use The Bible To Suggest A Caring God Condemns Homosexuality!

Many feel every moral fiber in their body can’t condemn gays when they can no more control their feelings toward those of the same sex than heterosexuals can control their feelings toward the opposite sex. Many may judge homosexuality to be wrong because they are convinced they are honoring God according to Scriptures. Some feel homosexuality isn’t natural but they aren’t gay. God-followers should be non-judgmental and treat others like they would want to be treated if gay.

Human moral intuitions guide us what a moral God is like.

A universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated may be how a Creator communicates caring behavior. Nations can establish laws because most agree it is wrong to steal, abuse, or murder. Laws help protect individual rights not being violated. Personal relationship decisions are not violating anyone’s personal rights. I hope more may stop judging others about their personal relationships if convinced God doesn’t condemn them through Scriptures.

Please reconsider interpretations if they don’t lead to loving gay and straight friends more.

Some reject caring, same-sex relationships because of their understandings of Scripture. But, about seven main passages used to condemn homosexuality are highly debatable. Interpretation isn’t exact, especially of a Book written over 2000 years ago edited over centuries by dozens of writers. A must read is David Gushee’s book Changing Our Mind which I reference below.

• The Sodom and Gomorrah story may be the easiest to dispute. Genesis 19 and Judges 19 are stories about men seeking to assault male guests receiving hospitality in a local household (Chapter 11). In both stories women horribly are offered as an alternative for sexual pleasure which should caution us against applications of these stories. Besides, the story is about gang rape and as has nothing to do about loving, consensual, same-sex relationships.

• Lev. 18:22 and 20:13 list same sex activities, though we can’t know the exact nature of such relationships, as an abomination and recommend the death penalty. The OT also lists as abominations lying lips, eating pork or rabbit, arrogance, etc. (Chapter 12). Whoops! Not only can we not know the exact nature of the same sex relationships, to be consistent should we also advocate today the death penalty for those who curse their parents, various sexual acts, or being a sorceress (Lev. 20)? How we apply OT laws to our lives is hardly clear.

• Matthew 19 and Mark 10 are used to suggest Jesus condemned homosexual relationships by using Adam and Eve as the norm in discussing marriage. Jesus spoke out against casual attitudes about marriage and divorce. Isn’t permanence in marriage, if couples continue to act loving to one another, in the best interest of couples and children? We cannot say definitively Jesus is condemning same-sex relationships who don’t have a lackadaisical attitude toward marriage. Jesus’ teachings in this context shouldn’t be used to condemn such relationships.

• Romans 1 condemns same sex relationships, or surely any sexual activities, devoid of fidelity or love (v. 31). The writer may have in mind relationships common during that time including masters involved in sexual acts with their slaves or men having sex with younger boys. Who doesn’t condemn abusive, controlling, unequal, relationships! It is doubtful the writer had in mind, thus condemning, consensual, loving, monogamous, gay relationships.

• I Cor. 6:9 and I Tim 1:10 translates two Greeks words malakoi and arsenoloitai into the English word homosexual. There are tremendous scholar debates about the meaning and correct translations of these words, though not always admitted. Plausible translations for arsenoloitai also are sex traffickers, rapists, sexual predators, etc. (Chapter 13). Besides, for what every reason other sins listed in these passages are seldom used to threaten Hell (i.e. adulterers, thieves, drunkards, slanders, or the greedy). These passages clearly don’t resolve the issue.

Please read David Gushee’s book for further reflection if convinced the Bible can be used to condemn gay relationships.

Even if claimed morality is only determinable according to a book such as the Bible or Koran, as opposed to also common moral sense, interpretations that condemn homosexuality are highly debatable. The Bible encourages loving, consensual, caring relationships to avoid heart-break. Any sexual behaviors that are abusive, unequal, controlling, mindless, selfish engagements, as opposed to consensual monogamous relationships, are wrong to most rational human being. Passages possible mentioning homosexuality condemn abusive, unequal, controlling, loveless sexual behaviors for satisfying one’s own pleasures.

I am not suggesting God-followers impose their monogamous views of sexual behaviors on others. I am convinced God thinks, as most of us do, that committed, life-long, mutual-consenting, monogamous sexual relationships are always in our best interest. A good God surely supports all loving, caring relationships. Most parents don’t wish to condemn their children for relationship choices they feel they can’t control. Are humans better than God as a parent?

We need to consider our attitude about interpretation in general as well as verses used to condemn homosexual relationships.

Gushee points out the Bible was used for centuries by the church to condemn Jewish people in the name of God. Then, miraculously within twenty years of the murderous assault of anti-Semitic violence during World War II, attitudes begin to change where the Bible is seldom used in such a matter (Chapter 20). The Bible hasn’t changed. Family members no longer need to be broken hearted when they think their devotion to God requires them to give their loved one some version of “love the sinner, hate the sin” speech.

Would It Matter If You Knew God Was Morally Perfect?

(A God who is not evil must be morally perfect

(A morally perfect God is worth believing in for help

Most sense and expect a Creator or Supreme Being to be perfect to claim to be God.

Many rightly reject one’s God if their interpretations portray God as not being perfect but sometimes evil according to our moral senses. In fact, some declare their interpretations as a mystery or beyond human comprehension because their views of God clash with their own moral expectations. A God who is evil is not worth believing in. The God of the Bible agrees: “Be perfect, therefore as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt. 5:48).

God must be morally perfect humanly-speaking if perfect.

How can God ask us to be perfect unless we know what perfection is? Don’t we often have expectations of perfection in relationships by feelings we “ought” to have acted differently? Who doesn’t wish they always treated others exactly how they wish to be treated. Why is it we can agree on major characteristics of a morally perfect friend, parent, or God? Such moral intuitions can be how a Creator communicates to us what is good. God and human perfection are one in the same.

It matters that God has communicated morality through intuitions than just a Book.

God’s view of morality can’t be declared solely from a Book such as the Bible or Koran, as literature is always subject to interpretations. Biblical scholars frequently disagree on the meaning of the same passage. If one’s understanding contradicts moral intuitions, something must be up. For example, certain OT laws are intuitively immoral. It is likely God did not impose their will in making of the laws. Some laws may have resulted from cultural influence. God is always seeking to persuade but not control.

Obviously, moral intuitions clash in distinguishing good from evil.

There seems to be universal agreement on most moral matters. Nations can establish laws because most agree it is wrong to steal, murder, lie, or commit adultery. Even terrorists demand such protections for themselves. But, insisting on interpretations of the Bible or Koran opposed to universal moral intuitions leads to justifying immoral actions. Moral intuitions differences can lead to discussions; interpretations lead to control in God’s name. Only extremists, according to interpretations from a Book, assume genuine beliefs aren’t freely chosen. If God was an enforcer of beliefs as terrorists claim, why hasn’t God intervened much more with evil in the world?

So what, that God is morally perfect humanly-speaking!

Every moral fiber in our body thinks a loving God can’t condemn gays when they can no more choose who they love than straights can. Parents and others often only condemn homosexuals against their intuitions because of supposed correct interpretations of a Book. Ever moral fiber in our body tells us traditional understandings of Hell are likely mistranslations of certain Hebrew and Greek words. Reject unloving portrayals of God. God is like the God we all hope for – morally perfect humanly-speaking. God seeks to inspire and motivate us to the same kind of being. That is what earthly, loving parents do, much less a heavenly, loving Parent!

What Are Dangers In Misunderstanding Violence Contributed To God In The Bible?

It is often assumed God magically controlled what was written in the Bible. We know God didn’t verbally dictate all the words written down. We cannot say either that the writers’ impressions of God were always perfect, which can explain many violent actions contributed to a non-evil God. Would God ever really command in war killing boys and non-virgin women but sparing virgins (Num. 31:18)? God began a relationship with a nation not to control but to influence for their best interest. Forced love isn’t genuine or likely to last.

God continually communicates and attempts to persuade us away from evil and toward correct views of God. Writers after the OT laws were recorded wrote that God doesn’t like animal sacrifices but contrite hearts (Ps. 51:16-17). OT writers were surely influenced by surrounding cultures where it was sacrilegious to not speak of God being all-powerful and controlling, thus contributing violent warfare actions to God.

Immoral actions in the name of God are justified when not understanding God’s view of morality can’t solely come from a Book such as the Bible or Koran.

Literature is always subject to human interpretation, thus why biblical scholars frequently disagree on the meaning of the same passage. We can determine what God is really like and good from evil from common universal moral intuitions as well, then claiming our interpretation is God’s. Moral intuitions differences more likely can lead to discussions; interpretation differences frequently lead to control because supposedly such understandings are the voice of God.

Souls and family are destroyed when not understanding interpretations are debatable.

Ever moral fiber in a parent’s body doesn’t wish to condemn their child for feelings they can no more control toward those of the same sex than heterosexuals can control their feelings toward the opposite sex. Biblical passages that condemn homosexuality are highly debatable which should lead us to listen to our moral senses. God surely supports all loving, consensual, caring relationships to avoid heart-break. Family members and friends no longer need to be broken-hearted by thinking their devotion to God requires them to reject their loved ones.

People rightly reject God when assuming violent portrayals of God are true.

Many suggest God’s actions are contrary to morally accepting behaviors. Scriptures claiming God is not evil is nonsensical if evil sometimes is good. How can many have a relationship must less understand a God who created us to know and hate evil, but engages in evil themselves? We must err on the side of God that seems morally correct to most, to not turn people away from God for the wrong reasons.

Reject false portrayals of God.

Writers of the OT grew in their knowledge and understanding of God as we are. It is not God’s nature to perform a lobotomy and control writers’ views of God, even if such views were influenced more by culture than reality. The Bible is still valuable as it lets us know God seeks a relationship with all individuals in all nations that accumulated in the life of Jesus. Would you desire to pursue God and spirituality more if you knew God was the kind of God you imagine according to how they have created you?

What If Biblical Writers Didn’t Always Have Perfect Impressions Of God?

I have been writing about this topic ad nauseum. The Bible may not be a big part of your life. It’s just that misunderstanding the Bible can lead to possibly rejecting God for the wrong reasons. The only way for the writers to record perfect views of God was for God to audibly dictate the Bible or magically control the minds of the writers. How can the Bible be understood?


Jesus mainly communicated how the OT pointed to His arrival (Lk. 24:27, 44) rather than the writers knew God perfectly. The passage most often used to talk about the Bible’s inspiration is subject to wide interpretation – “All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking…in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). It is not God’s nature to “breathe” a lobotomy and control writers’ views of God, even if views were influenced more by culture than reality. God used the nation of Israel, the Bible, and Jesus to enter our world in hopes to influence and persuade all toward a life without regrets, not control or coerce.

How would God guarantee the Bible’s infallibility anyway?

We don’t have to defend or rationalize when God is recorded as being as violent as the others gods in ancient near eastern cultures. God did not dictate words written down; we do not have to assume God somehow unexplainably controlled impressions recorded by the writers. When did God supposedly control - when the writer first spoke or wrote the words, when an editor(s) edited the original words, or finally when such recordings were gathered into a book? If God is so controlling, why doesn’t a God who claims to be not evil and all-powerful intervene more in our world?

What happens when a Book and interpretations become our sole source of morality?

God didn’t necessarily control the minds of the writers. Besides, our interpretations of what the author meant aren’t infallible. Immoral actions in the name of God are often justified despite we cannot be sure what an author meant. Souls and families are destroyed when not understanding interpretations are debatable. Passages used to condemn homosexuality are highly debatable which should lead us to listen to our moral senses.

How can we know what God is really like if the biblical writers didn’t always know?

God didn’t intend the Bible to be the only source of truth about God. Besides, literature is always subject to interpretation thus why those who revere the Bible disagree. We can also determine what God is like and good from evil from common universal moral intuitions. Such intuitions can be how a Creator communicates to us. Who doesn’t know to treat others like we want to be treated. Moral intuition differences more likely lead to discussions; interpretation differences frequently lead to control because supposedly such understandings are the voice of God.

Why doesn’t God communicate more clearly?

God’s invisibility can be out of uncontrolling love than cruelness. God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or brief obligations to obey. God’s lack of interference may allow moral development to make heart-felt, lasting choices. Forced love is an oxymoron. God in person through Jesus’ miracles did not obtain the results suggested if God would stop hiding. God though may communicate more clearly than we realize. We only need to look inwardly as to how to be in family, work, or other relationships.

Are Old Testament authors false prophets for recording false portrayals of God?

A false prophet is different than an imperfect, sincere prophet. False prophets intentionally lie and don’t seek to represent God but their own false views. False prophets rarely act in loving, uncontrolling ways regarding beliefs. A false prophet in the Bible would be one who believed in God, but had no desire to change their evil ways so they deny such a God existed.

What good is the Bible if have to decipher views of God?

The Bible is valuable for reflection and not meant to be a rules’ book to gain God’s favor. An uncontrolling God can give writers the freedom to grow in their understandings of God, without denying the Bible is useful for teaching through the lens of Jesus. Views of God that don’t lead to loving your neighbor more are likely to be false portrayals of a God who claims to be perfectly good. God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God and others. No belief from any book is more sacred than self-discovery about God to become a better person so to make a difference in the world.

Are There Plausible Caring Reasons Why God Doesn’t Communicate More Directly?

A main frustration or accusation against God is that if they truly had one’s best interest in mind, God would be more visible or at least communicate their message more clearly. Direct communication though may not always be the best communication style. When parents encounter constant rolling of the eyes, confrontation or directness can just push your child further away.

It isn’t obvious that direct communication always has desired results.

God dropped manna from the sky to help a nation survive in the wilderness and separated the Red Sea to escape one’s enemy, but the Israelites still did not believe God. God even came in person but Jesus’ miracles did not obtain the results suggested if God would stop hiding. It seems outward displays often only lead to cries for shortcuts that stunt moral growth.

Direct communication still requires interpretation.

Two people hear the same voice and come away with different meanings. Jesus spoke directly yet if was if He was speaking a foreign language to some. God through Jesus used to turn the other cheek as a metaphor to stop the cycle of revenge, but some have interpreted that as women should not protect themselves against violent men.

Direct communication could be perceived as confrontational than loving.

God’s overpowering presence in our lives could lead to consuming guilt or brief obligations to obey rather than heart-felt, lasting choices. God’s interference and presence might prevent a superior world from emerging as a result of limiting the moral development and improvement of free creatures to make independent choices. Convictions aren’t preached but caught. The road traveled of learning, reflecting, and freely choosing convictions over time may be the best journey.

Is it possible God has communicated more than we may think?

How do we best explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated except possible a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions? There is agreement on most moral matters. We know God’s moral advice for our own good because of such intuitions. God, as any loving parent, gives us the freedom to make amoral decisions based on past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations. God isn’t keeping information hidden, as if the future is already determined making freedom an illusion. Even an all-knowing God can’t know an unknowable future. We are asking what God wants us to do; God is asking what we want to do.

God’s invisibility and current communicative ways may be out of uncontrolling love.

If God pushed themselves on us from the beginning we may simply reject and never turn back. God communicated through our moral intuitions can allow the freedom necessary to make genuine, long-lasting decisions for our own good. God may be in the most loving ways constantly persuading and seeking to empower us to do all the good we can, for all the people we can, with the opportunities and gifts we possess.

Did God Really Desire Animal Sacrifices?

For good reason it is harder for many to respect a God who thinks killing animals is a good thing, just so people can feel better about wronging others. Would a loving God actually desire killing of animals in the Old Testament to supposedly atone for sins one has committed?

God must accept less than ideal practices if seeking to persuade than control.

It was not God’s desire for Israel to have Kings as rulers but God accepted their wish. God never considered divorce for frivolous reasons ideal but Moses apparently permitted divorce in God’s name to give vulnerable women protection (Mt. 19, Deut. 24). God didn’t constantly condemn concubines because it may have been a more suitable option for vulnerable women in OT cultures.

God may have accepted animal sacrifices as the lesser of two evils to at least guard against the use of child sacrifices common in OT cultures. God knew the Israelites would continue to participate in sacrifices to please gods, so God set out to eventually influence what is truly important. Animals were never tortured but carefully prepared. Since people were set on animal sacrifice, God may have used extreme animal cleanliness to point toward the importance of heart cleanliness.

Later OT writers begin to recognize animal sacrifice was not God’s idea.

Writers after the OT laws wrote that God doesn’t like animal sacrifices but contrite hearts (Ps. 51:16-17, i.e. Jer. 7:22, Amos 5:21, Micah 6:6). OT writers were surely influenced by surrounding cultures where it was sacrilegious to not think an all-powerful and controlling God needed to be appeased through sacrifices. The writer of Hebrews says God did not desire or was pleased with sacrifice and offerings though offered in accordance with the law (10:8). OT laws often originated from assumptions that God was like all the other gods in OT cultures.

But, wasn’t Jesus’ blood to satisfy God’s need for sacrifice?

Jesus didn’t die to placate a blood-thirsty God who needed their child murdered before forgiving others and have their honor restored. Jesus overpowering His enemies was expected. Miracles grab attention but then things just go back to the way they were. Jesus accepted death rather than deny His message. God sought to influence all to not just respond to evil with evil. God is not an enabler but a motive to simply retaliate than hope to influence for good continues the cycle. The Cross wasn’t meant to change God’s attitude toward us. God sought to influence and empower us to change our unloving attitudes toward others.

It is not always wrong to participate in less than ideal situations when seeking to influence.

Most are not as offended as I am of the excepted practice of coaches yelling at their players, whether children or adults, for motivational reasons. Love and calmness rather than fear and loudness is the ideal way to inspire others. Anger is short-lived and relationally destructive. I wouldn’t necessarily ban sports or coaches who yell if I had the power to do so. One reason that I coached young people was in hopes to demonstrate a better way. Long-lasting changes don’t really happen if forced rather than through health-felt choices.

God surely hated the idea of animal sacrifice rather than one simply taking responsibility for their actions. Confession, contriteness, and amends are what lead to healing in relationships.

Were All Old Testament Laws, Including The Crazy Ones, God’s Idea?

One may assume when reading the OT laws that all the laws had God’s stamp of approval. Ancient near eastern cultures assumed it was sacrilegious to not always appease an all-powerful, all-controlling God, which many of the OT laws seem geared toward. Does God really desire self-glorification for egotistical reasons, or does God seek to influence all for their own good?

How would it work that God controlled all the OT laws established?

All OT laws were not audibly dictated by God but often originated from the minds of Moses and leadership in getting to understand God. It is not God’s nature to somehow magically control writers’ views of God, even if views were influenced more by culture than reality. God doesn’t abandon us when we are wrong but seeks to persuade us over time what a loving God is truly like. God accepts us where we are at while encouraging us closer to the ideal for our own good.

If OT laws were God’s ideal, they would still be applicable today or at least during NT era.

If it was good to execute adulterers or those who cursed their parents back then (Lev. 20:9, 10), why wouldn’t it still be good law? Jesus instead encouraged a woman to change her lifestyle for her own good and any who have done no wrong can throw the first stone (Jn. 8:1-11). OT laws advise to retaliate eye for an eye when wronged (Deut. 19:21), possibly as a way to control the less fortunate being taken advantage of, but Jesus implies not retaliating and forgiving may be possible in certain situations (Mt. 5:38-42).

God’s gradual influence may begin to show in writings such as OT views on animal sacrifice.

Writers after the OT laws wrote that God doesn’t like animal sacrifices but contrite hearts (Ps. 51:16-17, i.e. Jer. 7:22, Amos 5:21, Micah 6:6). These passages seem to directly contradict the need for elaborate animal sacrifices in the OT laws, so God was making headway. God surely hated the idea of animal sacrifice rather than one simply taking responsibility for their actions. Confession, contriteness, and amends are what lead to healing in relationships.

One could speculate the Ten Commandments reveal God more direct involvement, than the others laws, in guiding a nation initially. The Commandments are said to be written by the “finger of God,” but this is likely a figure of speech than a physical act by God (Ex. 31:18). Worship against idols was cultural, but few disagree that idols such as materialism destroy relationships which God considers paramount. No one argues against the wisdom of “you shall no murder, steal, lie about your neighbor.” But, many of the other OT laws weren’t necessarily God’s ideal.

God is a lover of freedom. Not even God can force genuine, heart-felt change.

God used the nation of Israel, the Bible, and Jesus to come into our world in hopes to influence and persuade us, not control or coerce, toward a life without regrets. The OT laws were God beginning a relationship with a nation and bringing them along. Many of the Laws were at least a step up from surrounding cultures. Jesus’ teachings surely are more God’s ideal. The wisdom of Jesus relationally is undeniable, even to those that don’t believe in God.

What To Do When Our Morality Clashes With Others?

I have suggested in previous posts that we cannot know God’s views solely through a Book such as the Bible. Literature is always subject to interpretation, thus why those who revere the Bible disagree on the same passages. No one can claim with certainty their interpretation is God’s. A Creator may also communicate through our moral intuitions which may explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated.

We can avoid moral clashes by not insisting any Book determines morals for all of society.

Extremists typically forms their beliefs according to their interpretations of a Book. They claim their interpretations are God’s but such dogmatism is not justifiable. Terrorists claim a loving God demands belief along with required rituals or be killed. Intuitively, we know admiration is only genuine if freely chosen. Moral intuitions can lead to discussions; interpretations justify control in God’s name.

We must accept that relationships much less nations cannot survive or thrive unless we respective one another rights to have opposing views.

The attitude of “I am right and you are wrong” destroys possibilities of peace and solutions. A democratic society affords us the privilege to vote and accept the majority view. We must protest our view peacefully in hopes of future change. Leadership of opposing views must strongly condemn violence from their followers and encourage lawful means for change.

We can better accept other opinions when distinguishing between personal and moral beliefs.

Nations can establish moral laws because stealing, abusing, or murdering obviously violates one’s personal rights and safety. Beliefs that do not endanger others can be considered personal than moral in nature. Personal relationship decisions do not violate the rights of others. Some condemn gay relationships not because of moral common sense but because they assume a Book condemns such relationships. Passages in the Bible used to condemn homosexuality are highly debatable.

Clashes begin when we insist our beliefs are those supposedly of a Supreme Being. Christians have no business moralizing to others according to their understanding of a Book. This was hardly the example set by Jesus who represented God. Many beliefs declared moral in nature can be viewed and accepted as personal beliefs when one’s right are not endangered.

Imagine a world where we respected one another’s right to disagree concerning personal beliefs without the fear of violence.

Taxes, health care, etc. are matters to be discussed respectfully and voted upon. Convincing one of the merits of your beliefs are not accomplished through name-calling or belittling. Beliefs that are moral in nature, as opposed to personal, should be obvious to most. Immoral actions in the name of God are often justified despite interpretations of a Book are always debatable.

What Is God’s Main Way Of Communicating To Us?

God gets a bad rap for not communicating more or at least directly. I have written about this topic recently but I wanted to ask a different question in addressing this topic. Many hesitate to take a leap of faith because they question why a loving God would be so hidden. Many of faith are frustrated or don’t feel connected to God because of feeling clueless about God’s direction for their life. But, God’s direct communication through miracles in biblical times didn’t obtain the relationship results one would think if only God would stop hiding.

It is doubtful a Book is God’s main communication because the majority of those born into this world never had a copy of the Bible.

Even if one believes the Bible is God’s main communication to us, we can still feel that God fails to communicate directly to us. It is not uncommon for different meanings to be expressed of the same passage and different applications suggested for personal circumstances. Accepting certain abuses from your enemies may lead to changes of hearts. Jesus’ did. Others could rightly determine being passive in certain circumstances enables harmful behavior to create more victims.

God has communicated morally.

The presence of moral anger hints of a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. How else do we explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated? Nations can establish laws because there is almost universal agreement on stealing, lying, or murdering. Extremists claiming to know God’s voice through a Book don’t acknowledge interpretations can be wrong. Interpretations shouldn’t contradict moral intuitions.

God’s uncontrolling but supportive nature guides us in non-moral decisions.

What career, job, or partner to pursue in marriage are not moral in nature. Rights are not being violated so there is not just one moral option. Many assume God’s knows the future, but an already determined future makes freedom an illusion. Secondly, a predetermined future implies there is only one “right” choice to make that God should communicate to us. God is like any good parent when it comes to future, amoral decisions – we are free to make the wisest decision at that time based on our gifts, past experiences, current circumstances, and future aspirations.

But, how can we know if our impressions or thoughts are from God?

God’s impressions aren’t necessarily specific, dictatorial thoughts. In difficult situations such as whether to divorce or not, God isn’t controlling one’s freedom or the future as if predetermined. Not even God can advise future outcomes. A partner may respond with gratitude for a second change or another chance may simply enable bad behaviors to continue. God is supportive of the wisest decisions we know under current circumstances which may include the counsel of others. God like loving parents seeks through positive influence to inspire making a difference with the gifts and passions we possess.

How does God mainly communicate?

God gives us a sense of morality for our own good, but then sets us free to follow our desires. We are asking what God wants us to do; God is asking what we want to do. God’s will for our life is for all to feel God’s empowerment to do all the good we can, for the all the people we can. During challenging times or when failing, God seeks to encourage us to keep on striving.

Why Might People Not Have A Relationship With God Though Wanna?

I recently wrote about this subject but I wanted to expand. I will add to as I become aware of other reasons why we reject God. People often don’t believe in God or don’t want anything to do with God because they can’t make sense of a loving God and the world as it is.

First, let’s debunk the reason assumed why most people reject God. Many argue that the Bible argues that God’s is obvious in creation and to reject such intuitions is rebellion (Romans 1). Actually, biblical writers often wrote about people believing there was a God but refusing God’s moral message. Don’t rule yourself out as spiritual-minded. Rebelling against God is desiring and believing in selfishness over unselfishness in relationships. Is that really you?

We may not seek out God more because of supposed, required beliefs to be spiritual.

Many suggest certain beliefs are necessary to be accepted by God. Which supposed, required beliefs do you accept since there are thousands of different beliefs as to what God wants? Is a loving God really going to leave to chance what beliefs we are supposed to believe? Spirituality surely is as simply as considering help from God in being more the person you deep down desire to be by treating others like you want to be treated. Is a reasonable God going to freak out if that is your core belief?

We may not seek God out more because we believe what others says about God.

We can only be as close to God as our mental images of God allow. We may not pursue God more because we assume others’ beliefs about God are true, or God is like the poor role models we have had who claim to represent God. The God often portrayed by others condemns gay people, favors men over women despite the history of men abusing power, and created Hell to throw people in after death if they don’t discover the right beliefs before death. This can’t possibly be God!

We may not seek God out because of unanswered prayers. Does God really care?

Pray is not easy to understand. God cannot be a lover of freedom and answer all our prayers. We may want our partner to change but that is their choice. I don’t know why so few prayers of healing aren’t answered. Some miracles may happen because of very skilled physicians but that doesn’t mean lack of physical healing is because of the Doctor and certainly not due to lack of faith. I can only speculate that some prayers can possibly be answered because freedom is not thwarted in major ways. I do know our language can be harmful when claiming God’s grace saved a life in an accident. What about other lives? Such language can understandably lead to unbelief.

We may not seek God out because of so much evil in the world.

If God truly existed, they would surely prevent more evil. The majority of evil in the world results from the freedom to make moral choices. A world without reasonable freedom is not a world that can genuinely love. Forced love is an oxymoron. The world would surely look very different if people always treated others like they wanted to be treated, and good people did not turn a blind eye to evil they could intervene. Natural disaster cannot be explained as a result of free moral choices, but a free world does explain a lot of evil and God’s lack of interference.

We may not seek God out more because of the Bible’s rendering of God.

Many don’t read the Bible and who could blame them if they assume the writers always portrayed what God was really like. OT prophets often commanded the killing of women and children in the name of God when war may have been necessary. We do not have to assume God somehow unexplainably controlled impressions recorded by the writers, even if their views of God were more influence by culture than reality. It does seem that as biblical history unfolded God had breakthroughs in persuading writers to a more correct view of God. We can also determine what God is like and good from evil from common universal moral intuitions. Such intuitions can be how a Creator communicates to us. God didn’t intend the Bible to be the only source of truth about God. God inspiring the writing of the Bible can mean God encourage the recording of God’s beginnings with humans so we can get to know God better.

We may not seek God out more because of false expectations of what God requires.

No loving parent tells their child they must act or be certain ways to earn their love. Parents love their children regardless. Perfect parents only advise their children to act in ways in their best interest in the long-run. You don’t have to stop drinking to be loved by God. You don’t have to stop fornicating to be loved by God. Consider what actions are in your best interest and those you have relationships with. That is God’s guidance but not for acceptance.

You may not seek God out because of rituals that supposedly have to be followed.

God doesn’t demand you seek to convert others to your beliefs. Having more of a connection with God doesn’t mean you have a hidden agenda with others in your interactions. God certainly isn’t in the business of telling people they are going to Hell if they don’t believe certain things. God doesn’t command you go to religious meetings regularly or pray a certain way or time. Go to a church, synagogue, or mosque if that is where you are encouraged and able to encourage others in making for a better world or find encouragement in other settings.

God only desires that we love ourselves and others to the fullest, but God is not going to coerce you into such actions.

God’s expectations aren’t that you must believe certain events in the Bible that you may have difficulty believing. Just seek out relationships that encourage spiritually striving to be a better partner, parent, friend, and neighbor. If you are inclined to believe a caring Creator exist, trust God for faith and encouragement in loving others to the fullest in becoming more the person you deep down desire to be.

What Is At Least One Action By Bible-Believers To Deter Terrorism?

Terrorism is a universal plague. We can only hope current attempts to rehabilitate terrorists are successful. We can also support authorities actively combating terrorists. I don’t know anyone committed to passivism when their family is in danger. Domestic violence doesn’t stop by simply turning the other cheek. We cannot ignore but report friends and family to legal authorities whose actions or words suggest involvement in evil.

Terrorists’ only motivation isn’t because they are convinced their views of God are true.

Terrorism is also driven by human nature to be in power and control. Terrorists seldom are Gandhi-type individuals who are guided by the motto to treat all like they want to be treated. True religion doesn’t seek to be served but serve; beliefs are only genuine if freely chosen not demanded.

But, Bible-believing people can at least change the discussion by acknowledging that truth about God isn’t determined solely by a Book.

Some interrupt the Quran to teach that infidels must convert or be killed, while others deny such interpretations. Some have used the Bible to advocate for war, while others advocate for more of a peacemaking God. To claim God only communicates what is good and perfect through a Book has led to justifying immoral actions in the name of God. We often fail to acknowledge that literature is interpretation of the author’s intended meaning. The Bible or any book written in the past cannot be definitive ultimately of what is good.

We can agree God and morality can be determined according to universal moral intuitions.

Belief in evil is universal. We seem to just know if something is moral or immoral. We often feel we “ought” to have acted differently. Why do we desire to be a better friend or partner? Most accept God must be perfect without evil to claim to be God. God cannot ask us to be good unless they have communicated what is good versus evil. The presence of moral outrage hints of a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. How else do we explain a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated?

Moral intuition differences can lead to discussions; interpretation differences frequently lead to control because supposedly such understandings are the voice of God.

We will obviously not all perfectly agree about morality. But, discussions can lead to possible understandings of what God’s will is for our lives, then claiming our interpretations of a Book is God’s. Good from evil actions can be discerned if we accept from others our actions toward them.

How Can We Know Our Thoughts Or Feelings Are From God?

Many wish for God’s guidance but become discouraged when not knowing if their thoughts are random or specifically from God. Most agree God rarely speaks audibly so how can one know when specific thoughts or feelings from God?

God has already communicated about moral decisions.

Who doesn’t know killing, stealing, or abusing is wrong. God guides us morally by moral intuitions rational humans agree on. We know terrorists are wrong because they would not accept us denying their freedom of beliefs. Actions toward others that you would not accept toward yourself are questionable.

Don’t assume God must give specific advice about decisions not moral in nature.

You pray and ask God to guide which job offer to accept. The underlying assumption is that future outcomes are knowable so one job is a better decision than the other job in the long-run. A predetermined future suggests freedom is an illusion. Even an all-powerful God can’t know an unknowable future. Wouldn’t a loving, uncontrolling parent or God in an open future simply advise to access your gifts and passions and make the wisest choice you know at that time.

What about decisions somewhat moral in nature such as whether to divorce your partner?

It is unlikely God guides us exclusively through a Book. The Bible hasn’t been available to the majority of people born into this world, and literature is subject to interpretation thus we cannot be certain of the message or meaning intended by the author. This explains why there are numerous views on divorce according to the Bible. A partner may respond with gratitude for a second change or another chance may simply enable bad behaviors to continue. God is supportive of the wisest decisions we know under current circumstances which may include the counsel of others. God can’t promise you a certain outcome and still be a respecter of freedom.

It seems unlikely a caring God wouldn’t clearly communicate if ever necessary.

Godly and human love may work the same. Human parents as children get older seldom need to be direct but hope to positively influence, not control, over time by the relationship. God guides us morally through intuitions to treat others like we want to be treated. God seeks to support and empower us to take risks in other decisions. If you believe God is nudging you, don’t wait for certainty or feel guilty deciding otherwise. I am convinced God is asking us what we want to do with the gifts and passions we have to make for a better world.

Why Does It Matter If God Is Morally Perfect Humanly-Speaking?

Many reject God because of how God is portrayed by others according to the Bible or because their understanding of God clashes with common moral sense. In fact, some declare their biblical interpretations a mystery or beyond human comprehension because their views of God clash with their own moral expectations. A God who is evil is surely not worth believing in.

God must be perfect thus not evil.

Most parents don’t ask to be worshipped. We sense such a request requires perfect character. Most sense God ask us to live totally unselfishly, but how can God make such a request unless God is perfectly unselfish? Jesus, who represented God here on earth, made statements like: “Be perfect, therefore as your heavenly Parent is perfect” (Mt. 5:48). God claims to be perfect and must think we know what perfection is or such statements are meaningless.

God and human perfection must be one in the same.

It makes sense that a good God would ask us to be perfect like them. What earthly creator – parent - doesn’t wish their child to imitate their moral successes and avoid their moral failures. If God’s perfection is different than human perfection, we can’t know such desires since God doesn’t communicate audibly. The Bible never suggests there are two “perfect” standards. God and human perfection are exactly the same.

How can we know what godly/human moral perfection is unless God communicates?

If you believe evil exist, you believe in morality. Who hasn’t felt moral outrage? Who doesn’t feel from time to time we “ought” to have acted differently? Such moral inclinations can be how a Creator communicates to us what is good. We just seem to know if an action is moral or immoral. This explains a universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated. I am convinced most can agree on major characteristics of a morally perfect friend, parent, or God.

Any book, such as the Bible, cannot be our sole source for God’s view of morality. Literature is subject to interpretation, thus why biblical scholars frequently disagree on the meaning of the same passage. If one’s understanding of the Bible contradicts moral intuitions, something must be up. Evil can result when we claim we can only know good through a book - even if believing such a book is the Word of God - because we often claim our interpretations is the truth about God.

What if moral intuitions clash?

There is universal agreement on most moral matters such as murdering or stealing. A test for morality is whether you wish to be treated in the same way you treat others. Terrorists are wrong because they do not wish for our religious beliefs to be imposed on them. Just as we know it is wrong to steal because we do not wish to be stolen from. Moral intuitions differences can lead to discussions; interpretations seem to lead to control in God’s name. Only terrorists don’t know that true religion doesn’t seek to be served by serve. We may not agree what a perfect parent or God would do in each situation, but we may agree on many attributes.

Why does it matter that God is perfect?

God is likely the kind of God you imagined a good God would be like. A perfect God is quick to forgive and begin anew than be consumed with anger for self-righteous reasons. It is not possible a perfect God is homophobic. Every moral fiber in our body thinks a loving God can’t condemn gays when they can no more choose who they love than straights can. Parents and others often only condemn homosexuals against their intuitions because of supposed correct interpretations of a Book. Reject unloving portrayals of God. God is like the God we all hope for – morally perfect humanly-speaking. Most of us will admit we fall short and need help in striving to be closer to our ideal self. The role-models you have had or what you have heard about God may not be true. If you have thought that there may be a God, I am convinced you will not regret pursuing more of a connection with your Creator than regretting having a closer relationship with your partner, children, or friends. God’s love is the love we deep down desire to show others consistently.

What Is Meant That God Inspired The Bible?

Many assumptions are made when one says that God inspired the Bible. The Bible doesn’t define inspiration precisely, so what we understand about God helps to understand God’s inspirational role. Moses speaking for God ordered during war killing boys and non-virgin women but saving for yourselves virgins (Num. 31:18). Such immorality in the name of God has led others to justifying their actions in God’s name or led to many rejecting such a God.

Let me suggest what God’s inspirational role could mean and then suggest rationales for such an understanding based on how I understand God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17, which is subject to wide interpretation, says: “All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking…in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). God obviously did not audibly dictate all of the Bible. It is also unlikely that God somehow magically controlled the minds of the writers, but instead gave the writers the freedom to use their minds and will in understanding God. Misunderstanding God is part of the learning journey for all. God-breathe can mean God desired a recording of coming alongside Israel climaxing in the life of Jesus in getting to know what God is really like.

God is incapable of being a controlling God.

God’s lack of interference in the world with so many evil decisions made contrary to God’s wishes suggest that God seeks to influence than dictate. God’s nature requires their love to be unselfish and other-empowering, not controlling. God knows what we know. Genuine relationships are only possible if one is truly freedom to choose to not love. Not even God can force true love. If God is all good and all-knowing, there may be plausible moral reasons for God’s role with evil.

God is relational and seeks to be understood.

Why would a Creator even bother to come down to us unless desiring a relationship? The Bible is God’s attempt to be understood. But, God knows genuine relationships don’t involve dictating their beliefs on others. Human parents may know what best for a child, but that doesn’t mean it is best to impose their beliefs. Even God may have accommodated erroneous beliefs such as animal sacrifice in hopes to eventually influence what is truly important about relationships and forgiveness.

God is incapable of showing favoritism.

It is unlikely God intended the Bible to be any more than a book for reflection in getting to know God better. No Book, since subject to interpretation, can be definitive on what God is really like. Besides, the Bible hasn’t been available to the majority of people born into this world thus leaving definitive information only in the hands of a few. Read the Bible as stories about God’s desire to influence you for your own good.

Dogmatism, which destroys relationships, often results when one fails to acknowledge they are offering interpretation.

It is implied one’s interpretation is right thus others are wrong. There are many different opinions about what the Bible says about women’s roles, divorce, etc. Few Bible believers suggest Old Testament writers and prophets had the same authority as Jesus. Consider Jesus’ views in best knowing God, but essential truths about God are obvious. God seeks a non-coercive relationship with all in helping to be the person you deep down desire to be.

Why Might Be The Greatest Mistake Good People Make?

Let me try to answer my own question several different ways. We have to stop demanding our view is right so you and your view are wrong! We have to stop acting that our interpretation of God in the Bible is undebatable. When you stop claiming you know God better than others, you stop trying to control others’ thinking and ways and allowing God to speak to individual hearts.

No, not everything goes. We can still use common moral sense. Who thinks you can murder, steal, or abuse others? Only terrorists believe you can torture, rape, or behead someone because of different religious beliefs. Most political differences, including if you voted for Trump or Clinton, are not violating anyone’s rights. It can be complicated if abortion violates the rights of the unborn child, but we at least must have humane discussions.

Religious folks cannot claim their interpretation of the Bible is God’s.

Literature always requires interpretation. We cannot always know exact meanings of words written thousands of years ago translated into different languages. Biblical scholars frequently disagree on the meaning of the same passage and different applications are suggested for different circumstances. We must not condemn gay relationships, declare women cannot be priests, or that God tortures unbelievers in Hell, according to the Bible. There are opposing interpretations.

How does a nation function in open-minded chaos?

Democratic societies can allow discussions of opposing views. Voting allows for a majority view until future voting. I have more faith in many than a few. There is so much less chaos when one can look forward to non-violent respectful discussions as to the merits of different beliefs.

Claiming you are right only condemns those who disagree with you.

If I could take back one major action in raising my children and loving my wife, it would be that I had been more open-minded. I communicated many of my beliefs about God is if I had a direct line to God. All I did was squash discussions and convey an attitude of I am right and you are wrong. Being passionate about your views is not a good excuse of failing to recognize the rights of others to disagree and possibly be right. Religious people drive others away by being dogmatic about their interpretation of the Bible.

Is God’s Lack Of Directness And Invisibility Out Of Compassion?

God often gets a bad rap because their message or guidance seems so unclear. God though may communicate more than we think and remain invisible for compassionate reasons.

Hasn’t God already communicated morally? We somehow know if an action is moral or immoral, perhaps because of a common Creator. How else do we know it is wrong to murder, steal, lie, commit adultery, or not treat others like we want to be treated? Even terrorists know they don’t want to be beheaded or raped.

God doesn’t have to communicate about non-moral issue anymore than a loving parent must tell their child what career to pursue or what relational decisions are best. God hasn’t predetermined the future so they can magically advise what job or relationship will work out best in the long-run. Know your gifts and pursue your passions.

How is relational physical presence working for you in keeping you on the straight and narrow? Don’t we hide our feelings or actions from human partners or friends when not doing what we are supposed to. God supposedly came visible in the person of Jesus and we have determined thousands of contradictory ways to misunderstand God.

God invisible spirit or lack of physical presence leads to not wasting our time hiding selfish actions. It may not be all bad that God is left more to our imagination. Maybe God is forgiving no matter what we have done. Maybe God is the perfect parent or friend we have desired in others.

God’s overpowering presence in our lives could lead to hiding or brief obligations to obey out of awe or fear. If God visibly pushed their agenda from the beginning rather than allowing us in our own time to come to God with questions, we may simply rebel and never turn back. Our friends may have good advice, but it often works out best when we take it in our own time. The road traveled of learning, reflecting, and freely choosing convictions over time better leads to heart-felt lasting choices.

How To Decide Which Issues To Die On A Hill For?

Differences can become conflicts when we don’t clearly define issues we must take a stand on at any cost because they are immoral. People may fight than rationally discuss issues such as health care or taxes when they have not clearly defined what issues must be considered moral in nature

I am not arguing that anything goes.

All rational human beings oppose certain behaviors because of moral common sense. We know murder or abuse are wrong because they are wrong. Laws are possible and necessary because there are certain behaviors that we just know are immoral.

How can we determine if an issue is moral in nature to argue come hell or high water?

Behaviors toward others that you would not accept toward yourself are likely to be moral in nature. Thievery is wrong because all would object being stolen from. Same for abuse, murder, etc. Extremists impose their religious beliefs on others as if moral in nature, but they would not accept religious beliefs imposed on them. Actions violating one’s physical safety are obviously moral.

Political decisions such as health care or taxes mentioned do not violate one’s physical rights. Two consenting adults choosing to enter a heterosexual or homosexual relationship are not violating anyone’s physical safety. Legal definitions of marriage could be resolved by democratic vote than resorting to violence. Even God who supposedly thought one partner for one partner was ideal did not spend time condemning concubines in OT.

One cannot claim an issue is moral according to some book such as the Bible.

Literature is subject to interpretation thus we cannot claim for certain our view is God’s. Also, we cannot guarantee the writers always had the correct view of God and didn’t misunderstand God as times. Terrorists are misguided by demanding their interpretation of a Book. A God who created freedom couldn’t possibly be a God who seeks to control one’s beliefs or be killed. Soldiers go to war for such basic freedoms. Many only condemn homosexuals because of their supposed correct interpretations of a Book, though scholars have contrary interpretations.

We could say drinking and driving is a moral issue because impaired judgment puts others in danger. Some would argue a woman’s decision to abort is not impacting others’ rights, but some feel the unborn baby has rights to not suffer pain in anyway. At the very least we should not argue on moral grounds because of some understanding of God in a book but on medical grounds.

We must choose carefully what issues we claim are moral in nature.

Are decisions made violating one’s rights to physical safety? The beauty of a democratic society is that such decisions after rational debate can be decided on by the majority vote. Violence or hurtful words prevent such discussions. Do you act toward others how you wish to be treated when disagreeing?

Does Some Violence In The OT Make Sense In Light of Terrorism?

Many may reject the thought of a good God in light of all the violence in the OT. For example, I Sam. 15:3 reports God saying: “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them: put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” Hundreds of OT passages seem to advocate evil behaviors in God’s name.

There are two basis viewpoints about God’s role in Scriptures. God either controlled the writers’ thoughts to perfectly represent God, or God did not control writers misunderstanding God initially and coming to a better understanding over time. OT writers were surely influenced by surrounding cultures where it was sacrilegious to not speak of God being all-powerful and controlling, thus contributing violent warfare actions to God.

I am not rationalizing all OT violence, but there are some possible explanations of many passages that seem to endorse immorality.

Many could rightly argue that the Bible advocates land-grabbing in God’s name. But, Deut. 7:1 talks of driving out the enemy while 7:3 says you must destroy the enemy totally. Extermination passages maybe are meant to be understood within the context of initially driving out the enemy. A writer doesn’t always include exceptions. Jesus wasn’t advocating spouse abuse or nations not defending themselves when saying turn the other cheek.

Joshua speaks of utter destruction in Debir and returning to camp (10:39-43), yet the writer in the same breath spoke of survivors from Debir being destroyed (11:21). Writers either mindlessly contradicted themselves or didn’t always mean to be taken unconditionally. Moses ordered the Canaanites to be destroyed (Deut. 13:14-15) and Joshua is said to have obeyed Moses’ commands (Josh. 11:15), but survivors were left. The Bible may not mean literally to destroy all living beings when possible to avoid.

We could understand some violence in the OT in light of the current terrorism that plagues our world.

If someone attacks my family I have every right to protect them. Terrorists threaten even their own with beheadings, rape, and other atrocities. Is it always wrong for a nation to wage war against evil leadership of other nations for the sake of those under the dictatorship? Despite the loss of innocent lives, future generations may look back on the 21st century and accept nations invading lands inhabited by evildoers who seek power only to destroy their own and people of other countries.

In a recent news article, generals commented they felt empowered to decisively bomb the hell out of ISIS. They were able to hunt down ISIS leadership and destroy them and their control. A US leader may say we will destroy anything to do with ISIS. This doesn’t mean women and children will not be spared if possible. But, innocent lives may not be spared to destroy evil, as terrorists use civilians as human shields to carry out their wicked goals.

War isn’t always avoidable and innocent lives cannot always be spared in a world inhabited by evildoers.

I am not arguing that we must always rationalize violence in the OT. We don’t have to assume OT writers always understood God correctly initially. It just is not God’s nature to coerce but attempt to influence overtime so choices are one’s own. God surely understands the threat of justice doesn’t change hearts but is a last resort to deter evil. But, I am not convinced God or moral humans can be total pacifists in the world we live in.

Q & A – What If Bible Not Infallible Or Misrepresents God At Times?

We do not have evidence that God supernaturally controlled the minds and words recorded by the writers of the Bible. Such a thought is contrary to God’s uncontrolling nature. God gave the writers freedom as God does all people, thus the writers initially could have recorded their misunderstandings what God is really like. Is the Bible useful then?

How would God provide an infallible book anyway?

Let’s suppose that God did perform a lobotomy and control the minds of the writers so they understood God perfectly and not impacted by personal or cultural influences. Any book, whether the Quran or the Bible, is subject to interpretation thus why scholars differ on what the Bible says about divorce, gender roles, homosexuality, hell, end-of-the world views, etc. No one can guarantee their interpretations are infallible. We don’t always know when a passage speaking on a subject doesn’t state exceptions. Jesus isn’t advocating domestic violence when advising to turn the other cheek. Suggesting God only communicates through a Book is unlikely as the Bible hasn’t been available to the majority of people born into this world.

How can we know God if not through an infallible book?

This question may be nonsensical to those who didn’t grow up hearing the Bible was God’s infallible words to humankind. Ancient literature can’t be infallible since subject to interpretation. God though may communicate more clearly than given credit for. Who doesn’t believe in evil? Our moral outrage hints of a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. We intuitively know how to be in family, work, and other relationships. Who doesn’t know we should treat others like we want to be treated. Most believe a Creator or Supreme Being must be perfect to claim to be God. The Bible never suggests two “perfect” standards. God and human perfection are exactly the same, which most intuitively know a lot about.

Why did God bother to encourage the Bible if subject to misrepresentations?

2 Timothy 3:16-17 is the passage most used to defend the Bible’s infallibility: “All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking…in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). God-breathe can mean God desired a recording of coming alongside Israel climaxing in the life of Jesus in getting to know what God is really like. Jesus said the OT pointed to His arrival (Lk. 24:27,44) rather than claiming the OT writers knew God perfectly. God used the nation of Israel, the Bible, and Jesus to enter our world in hopes to influence all toward living a life without regrets.

What are consequences of assuming the Bible is infallible?

People understandably may reject God because many actions contributed to God are contrary to morally accepted behaviors. Moses claims God ordered during war killing boys and non-virgin women but saving for yourselves virgins (Num. 31:18). Such immorality in the name of God has led others to justifying their actions in God’s name or led to many rejecting such a God. The Bible can be used selectively to justify almost any belief. Moral intuition differences can lead to discussions; interpretation differences often lead to control because supposedly such understandings are the voice of God.

How can our interpretation differences be handled?

We can more carefully distinguish between personal and moral matters. We cannot argue on moral grounds debatable understandings of God according to some Book. Thievery or abuse is wrong because all would object being stolen from or abused. Actions violating one’s physical safety are obviously moral. Political decisions such as health care or taxes do not violate one’s physical rights. Two consenting adults choosing to enter a heterosexual or homosexual relationship are not violating anyone’s safety. Legal definitions of marriage could be resolved by democratic vote than resorting to dogmatism in God’s name or violence. Essential truths about a loving and caring God are obvious, but those who value the Bible would surely agree that OT writers did not have the same authority as Jesus. Jesus’ views of God were surely more perfect. Do your interpretations lead more to treating others how you would wish to be treated when disagreeing.

Are Old Testament authors false prophets for recording false portrayals of God?

A false prophet is different than an imperfect, sincere prophet. False prophets intentionally lie and act in unloving, controlling ways regarding beliefs. A false prophet in the Bible would be one who believed in God but denied God to justify their evil, selfish ways. True religion doesn’t seek to be served but to serve.

Why doesn’t God communicate more directly?

God’s invisibility can be out of uncontrolling love than cruelness. God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or brief obligations to obey. God’s lack of interference may allow moral development to make heart-felt, lasting choices. God in person through Jesus’ miracles did not obtain the results suggested if God would stop hiding. God though may communicate more clearly than we realize through common universal moral intuitions we all seem to have. The biblical writers are no different that we are as humans. Beliefs are not life-changing if dictated rather than freely chosen.

How can the Bible be useful then?

It is unlikely God intended the Bible to be any more than a book for reflection in getting to know God better. God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God and others. The Bible was never meant to be a story controlled by God. God got involved with the nation of Israel so they and we, by reading of their journey, begin to discover what God is truly like. The Bible was never mean to be a magical book of rules rather than a book for reflections in one’s individual circumstances. The Bible at least tell us that God wanted to come down to be with us in becoming more the person we deep down desire to be. We can come to a better understanding of God with the Bible than without the Bible, depending on our assumptions about the Book.

Do Thoughts On Justice Hint Of A Need For God?

An angry, egomaniac Deity who loves to punish comes to mind for some when thinking about God and justice. When a child or friend hurts others or themselves, is your first inclination to punish the hell out of them so they will come to their senses? Why would a heavenly Parent seem to have less of a heart than a human parent?

God’s purpose for justice isn’t to protect their ego or get even.

God and humans know even perfect justice falls short of guaranteeing changes of the heart which is the ultimate desire. God surely understands the threat of justice isn’t meant to change hearts but a last resort to deter evil in hopes one becomes convinced unselfishness leads to lack of fulfillment. God isn’t seeking to pile on when we already regret hurting others or ourselves. God thinks of justice in terms of persuading us to accept that certain actions lead to harm.

The failure of justice to change the world calls for hope for Someone greater.

Most would agree morality shouldn’t be determined by a few who are imperfect themselves. Humans fail often to achieve even their own standards in relationships. Our need for a perfect model as an example calls for a perfect God. Some world systems of thought chase perfect justice as if it exists. But, if we take from the rich and give to the poor for equality, this often only leads to those distributing the wealth becoming the rich.

Justice or laws don’t change hearts.

Create 10 commandments and we will break the 11th commandment. Justice is not the ultimate hope because justice cannot restore future memories robbed because of a loved one taken too soon off this earth by another’s murderous actions. An absolute Model can guide us in pursing our deep-down desires to love others as we want to be loved. Jesus was right. The heart not the law is the path to change. We desperately need a God who can help us with changes of the heart and with feelings even perfect justice cannot fulfill as the result of evil actions.

Will We Be A Bystander Or Hero?

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

Martin Luther King

Will we be a passive witness or see evil and make a choice? Evil isn’t a disagreement over taxes, health plans, etc. What will we do when confronted with sexual or physical abuse of children or women, a family member plotting to harm others, etc.?

Hell Can’t Exist If God Is Moral

“Take the idea of eternal hall for instance. Such a notion renders God a monster. Adolf Hitler choose to condemn and torture millions of Jews for a brief time, and the world considered him a war criminal. But many Christians routinely posit a God who will condemn and torture not millions, but billions, and not for a short while but for all eternity. Such a God is, simply put, unethical…Worshiping a violent, unethical God will lead to becoming a violent, unethical people.”

The Afterlife: Considering Heaven And Hell by Jaime Clark-Soles

I have written previously on this Site that Hell is not in the Bible (Search the word Hell). There is no word in Hebrew or Greek for "hell." The word hell, a substitution not translation for certain Hebrew and Greek words, seems to have been invented over the centuries to scare people into obedience.

What Does The Bible Really Say About Hell And Heaven?

“It’s eye opening to realize that in all the evangelistic sermons found in the book of Acts, none of them make an appeal to afterlife issues. Not one. If preaching the gospel is telling people how to avoid an afterlife hell, the apostles in Acts did not preach the gospel! …Jesus’ teaching on hell is basically this: If you refuse to love, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (here on earth) and will end up a lonely tormented soul.”

Brian Zahnd, Chapter 10, Hellrazed edited by Kevin Miller

Jesus didn’t say all non-Christians are wicked and go to hell after death. The traditional understanding of Hell doesn’t exist in the Bible. The wicked are those who inflict evil on others. Is Gandhi really locked in hell forever tormented? When Jesus was asked how to have eternal life, He simply said to love God and your neighbor (Lk.10:25-37). Loving God is to love the poor and suffering like we want to be loved if in their shoes. Eternal life in Jesus’ eyes was a quality of life that begins now. Jesus’ focus wasn’t on quantity of life after death. A life worth living begins here on earth by knowing your Creator loves you and seeks to empower you to shun evil and to good.

Does God Demand Admiration And Obedience Or We Can Go To Hell?

“Religious people sometimes speak of God as if he were just another human magistrate who seeks his own glory and requires obedience for its own sake…God wills for us the very thing we really want for ourselves, whether we know it or not…”

Thomas Talbott, The Inescapable Love Of God, p. 185.

The Bible is often quoted as if God’s desire for devotion is so we can remind God of Their greatness. God’s request for respect (glory) is no different than a loving parent’s desire for respect because their uncontrolling love always have our best interest in mind.

Can There Be Justice If God Gives Second Chances After Death?

“That is to say, why would we imagine that God cannot or does not wish to continue pursuing the one after that individual’s death? ...Most victims of crimes, as it turns out, do not just want to see the perpetrator punished; they want the person to understand the consequences of their actions, to feel remorse, to repent, and make amends of some kind.”

After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. But Jesus’ message wasn’t to say the sinner’s prayer or go to Hell. God wants to inspire and empower us to live a life here on earth that we can look back on life with fewer regrets.

Why Wouldn’t God Give Second Chances After Death?

“Why would God have a complete character lobotomy after we take our last breath here on earth?....God can’t stop being God somehow after our last breathe by refusing to forgive any offense. I cannot imagine even imperfect human parents ever cutting off a child when finally accepting responsibilities for their actions. Why would God pretend that every reason for a person refusing God in this life is equal?”

Why even bother living a good life here on earth since all may be eventually forgiven? God doesn’t advise living unselfishly here on earth to earn a “Get Out Of Hell” free card. I can die with my toys or relationship fulfillment. But, for the love of justice! After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. There is hope for our loved ones who had their reasons for not accepting God in this life!

Is Church Always The Best Place To Grow Spiritually?

“You can scour your Bible from beginning to end, and you will never find anything that remotely resembles our order of worship…They are officiated and directed by a clergyman, they make the sermon central, and the people are passive and not permitted to minister…actually hinders spiritual transformation…it encourages passivity…We grow by functioning, not by passively watching and listening.”

Pagan Christianity?, Frank Viola & George Barna, Chapter 3

I do not wish to discourage church attendance for those it helps grow in their spirituality. I do wish to acknowledge that attending church is a burden and not spiritually transforming for many. Life is too short to not find environments to be encouraged and encourage others in becoming more the person you deep down desire to come. We many not know or have heard that God desires for us the very thing we want for ourselves. Also, another good book on the subject matter is Beyond Sundays by Wayne Jacobsen. See my review below of the Book on Amazon.

Being Your Valentine’s Valentine

The below was sent today to my kids and their partners. I included the wife, but dang now I got to try to walk the talk. I hope blog readers will find some food for thought in their relationships and reach out for help to others if needed.

Kids: I posted this on my blog today, but I said what the heck – send to the six kids you love the most. I get making a difference is more about living it than talking it. I suck at that sometimes but I am going to die trying. I will be brief what is on my heart (Get it. Valentine’s Day!)

I want to share what I have come to understand the main reason couples grow apart. I already sent to you several months ago a longer version of ways to make marriage work.

I am convinced there is one key understanding backed by action that enables a couple to remain good friends. After all, don’t most couples get married because they have grown to be best friends. This understanding has been vital in my relationship with Mom/Janet these past thirty-five years. I saw it essential when I worked with couples in private practice. Couples I know today don’t have the relationship they could because of it.

Differences don’t have to divide! Learn to be “happily incompatible.”

It is not normal for two people that have a 24/7 relationship to not have differences. The reason that you don’t have as intense conflicts with others friends is because you don’t live with them. Share finances, closets, bathrooms, children, etc., and challenges will come to your doorstep.

Don’t make the same mistakes I did with my Valentine in the beginning of our marriage. Thankfully, all six of you seem to have a more mature attitude about relationships than I did when young. I am not sure why but I assumed love meant Janet and I would always agree. Doesn’t work that way if human. And the longer the relationship last, the more differences there will be especially if you live with someone as opinionated as I am.

Accept and even embrace your differences. You may be better off with two brains than one. It is easy to know how to handle differences but hard to do.

When differences arise, communicate to your partner the way you wish to be spoken to. Listen more than you talk, don’t raise your voice, etc. If things get heated agree to try again later. Letting anger fly usually doesn’t work. Be creative in your “differences” solving like you are in your other relationships. Just thank God you don’t have to live with them!

Love you six more than you can imagine!


What Is God’s Greatest Desire For You?

God wants what you want – to become the person you deep down desire to be. You don’t have to read any further. I have told you all you need to know about God. Thomas Talbott says it more elegantly: “God wills for us the very thing we really want for ourselves, whether we know it or not…” The Inescapable Love Of God, p. 185.

But, we get a lot of information about God from the Bible and doesn’t the good Book tell us God want us to be what God wants us to be so shut up and give God the glory! The Bible can be used to defend any belief.

Isaiah 43: 6-7 is quoted to make it seem God’s desire for devotion is to remind us of God’s greatness or we can go to Hell: “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth…whom I created for my glory.” But, 2 Tim. 2: 14 can be quoted to reveal God isn’t an egotistical glory hog: “He called you…that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Which desire to you think best fits a loving, good perfect God?

I know, I know some friends or terrorists deep down desire to control or kill if you don’t accept their beliefs.

I was talking about you who would even read this far. What do you desire to be deep down? I can only speak for myself.

I want to be a better partner. Okay, I want to be a perfect partner. That means treating Janet like a queen. That means speaking her love language. My wife isn’t materialistic but just once she would love I give her the gift of planning a trip together to change the routine. Whoops! Maybe she will read me writing this one day and I will get some credit for at least having the thought. I want to be more loving, patient, etc. Oh wait, that is what God desires for us.

I want to be a better parent. Okay, I want to be a perfect parent. I don’t want to be known as a controller and want for my kids what I want. I just want them to grow up and not be self-centered. I don’t care if their occupation is what I had in mind or what others think is an important job. I want them to follow their gifts and passions. Oh wait, that is God’s desire for us.

I want to be a better friend. Okay, I want to be a perfect friend. Friends say things they regret. I want to be able to let it go if they come to me and express regret. We can restart. Friends sometimes bug us. I want to be honest with them rather than talk behind their back, but say things in a way I would want said to me. Oh wait, that is what God’s desire for us.

God only want what you want and is hoping you will accept Them coming alongside in your journey to be the best you can. What a legacy to have!

Does Jesus Speak To Christians?

It was reported recently that the Vice-President said Jesus spoke to him. I am not sure if they were referring to an audible voice or saying God communicated through impressions or thoughts. Some media suggested one claiming Jesus spoke to them is mentally ill.

Religious delusions are prominent with certain serious mental health diagnosis. But, because many Christians would say that their relationship with God involves conversations (i.e. prayer), let’s not identify all such people with mental illness. If one is going to be diagnosed with a mental illness, there should be accompanying dysfunctional behaviors associated with such a diagnosis. Let’s be sensitive how we communicate about the experiences of others.

While many might suggest Jesus or God spoke to them, the implications of such a statement needs to be considered. One must be sensitive when stating Jesus spoke to them, they aren’t implying therefore I am right and you are wrong. One may have heard Jesus wrong! After all, a person who raises from the dead after three days from being hung on a Cross may be righter.

I can’t prove if Jesus did or didn’t speak to someone. I do know God has never spoken to me audibly. That might be a good thing as God’s overpowering presence may only lead to brief obligations to obey out of fear than making heart-felt, lasting choices. Because I have a relationship with God I do wonder if certain impressions, such as to take a healthy risk in a relationship, is inspired from God or not. I am okay not being certain as I am not talking about life and death decisions. Reconsider if you think God is suggesting doing something immoral.

I just think God-followers might be sensitive in proclaiming Jesus is speaking to them because how it might distance others and suggest we know better than others.

God And A Woman’s Role – God Is Not A Sexist!

• Why Matters What God Thinks A Woman’s Role Is?

• Why Matters What Men Think A Woman’s Role Is?

• What Problems Arise If Roles Based On Gender Than Gifts?

• Can We Know God’s Definitive Views on Women According To The Bible?

• Does The Bible Anyway Definitely Say God Thinks Roles Based On Gender Than Gifts?

• How Can We Know What God Thinks If Not The Bible?

• How Possibly Have So Many Gotten The Bible And God Wrong About A Woman’s Role?

• Concluding Remarks About God And A Woman’s Role

Why Matters What God Thinks A Woman’s Role Is?

Many base their beliefs about God on the Bible and assume the Bible teaches roles are determined according to gender and not gifts. Many are rightly turned off by a God if appears to be a sexist. I am deeply offended when my daughters are denied the same opportunities as men despite being as qualified. Now, not everyone can do every role. I can’t be a musician or even a CEO because I lack musical/business skills or the interest. This matter is so important because women make up half the human population. If roles are determined according to gender, we are denying many women the freedom to follow their passions. It matters what God thinks because most assume One who claims to be God is worthy of imitation.

Why Matters What Men Think A Woman’s Role Is?

“To believe the Bible teaches wives are in subjection to their husbands in a way husbands aren’t to their wives can create an environment more conducive for the atrocities women face at the hands of men throughout history. Mutual submission is nearly impossible for men to twist to justify their subtle or blatant mistreatment of women. Men often interpret leadership as making final decisions when there is a stalemate when there are many creative ways to resolve impasses.”

Mike Edwards, A Book About God, not published

When two debatable interpretations of Scriptures exist on the same issue, it seems more loving to err on the side that leads to less mistreatment of human beings. Mutual submission rather than leadership is much more difficult for men to twist who are prone to violence and taking advantage of their power over women. But, many men are not such pigs and believe in “loving leadership.” The problem is when a leader is designated, creative solutions for differences go out the window. I get that in government or business a CEO may need to be the final decision-maker. But, a dyad isn’t that complicated. I have been married over 35 years and not once was the man as final decision-maker necessary to solve the problem. Besides, give me an inch and I will take a mile!

What Problems Arise If Roles Based On Gender Than Gifts?

“It’s been bothering me since 9/11. What’s the difference between the strain of Islam that proscribes gender roles and its counterpart in Christianity that does the same thing, albeit with a different set of prohibitions?” Unknown person to the editor of a newspaper

I am no authority on other cultures that dictate what women should wear in public. The men making the rules often hide behind “because God said so according to some Holy Book.” Interpretations of any ancient literature are not infallible. There is wide debate what God says about women, dress, and roles in the Bible. How a woman wants to dress surely is a woman’s business. It is a man’s responsibility to not look if they think they may lust. Maybe we need rules for men to avoid certain dress. It is hard for many to accept that the God of Islam and Christianity, if loving, would deny a woman a role in the priesthood or pastorate if gifted to fulfill such a role. It is hard to imagine a loving God would deny anyone to pursue their passions for a better world.

Can We Know God’s Definitive Views On Women According To The Bible?

God either controlled the writers’ thoughts to perfectly represent God, or God did not control writers misunderstanding God at times and coming to a better understanding over time. It is not God’s nature to control and supernaturally prevent personal or cultural influences. Besides, literature always requires interpretation thus why scholars differ on what the Bible says about divorce, hell, homosexuality, gender roles, etc. When we insist the Bible is infallible, we often end up defending our interpretations as infallible. We become dogmatic in our views rather than sharing different opinions with a flexible attitude. Some may not be aware that the Bible can be used to defend that roles are best determined according to gifts than gender but that isn’t the point.

Does The Bible Anyway Definitely Say God Thinks Roles Are Based On Gender Than Gifts?

“There is neither Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male nor female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28).…. Now eagerly desire the greatest gift” (I Cor. 12:31).                  Today’s New International Version

The Bible can be used selectively to justify almost any belief in the name of God, including either that God advocates roles according to gender or I would suggest according to individual gifts. In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians quoted above, Paul speaks of pursuing roles in the church according to giftedness without any mention of excluded women from any roles (I Cor. 12:4-11). Paul does say: “Women should remain silent in the churches (I Cor. 14:34),” but Paul had just affirmed women praying and prophesying (I Cor. 11:4-5). Was Paul being mindless or would Paul also suggest men to be silent in certain situations for the sake of peace?

It is argued women may not fulfill certain roles in the church because of one main biblical passage (I Tim. 2:11-15), but this passage is highly debated among scholars. Did Paul use the analogy of Adam and Eve because he had in mind women not teaching men false teachings about God like the first couple’s situation? The reality is that the Bible can be used to defend roles are determined according to gender or that roles are best determined by one’s gifts and circumstances present as I have done below. 

How Can We Know What God Thinks If Not The Bible?

“The majority of people born have lived and died without any knowledge of the Bible or who Jesus was.” John Hick

A loving God wouldn’t only reveal Themselves through a Book, when the majority of humankind has never had a copy of the Bible. The Bible can’t be the authoritative guide because we don’t agree what it says. Ancient literature is always subject to interpretation. God though may communicate more clearly than given credit for. Who doesn’t believe in evil? Our moral outrage hints of a personal external force communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. We intuitively know how to act in family, work, and other relationships – threat others like we want to be treated. Most believe a Creator or Supreme Being must be perfect to claim to be God. The Bible never suggests two “perfect” standards. God and human perfection are exactly the same, which most intuitively know a lot about.

Which biblical interpretations are best to choose? Choose the one that leads to more love for your neighbor. Men, pretend you are a woman and choose the interpretation that treats women like you would want to be treated regarding roles. If you think roles are best determined according to gender than skills, you don’t know my wife and daughters. I know a lot of women smarter than men and more skilled than men in leadership roles, etc. Now, now, my wife isn’t opposed to male leadership like I am. This just happens to be one time I am smarter than she is.

How Have So Many Possibly Gotten The Bible And God Wrong About Women?

“The whole debate, in my mind, is a matter of hermeneutics. Complementarians are not at all consistent with 1 Tim. 2, ignoring the admonitions to women about hair and jewelry and that women will be saved in child bearing---or they do hermeneutical gymnastics with the phrase. They likewise ignore the long passage in 1 Tim. 5 about rules for widows. So they pick and choose their biblical passages. We all do, and we all must be aware of personal bias when we interpret the Bible. But it is arrogant for them to claim that their gender interpretations are right and their challengers are wrong because it is their side that holds tight to the infallibility of the Bible.”

Ruth Tucker -

Those who suggest I Timothy teaches women can’t teach men often allow women to teach women and boys and girls as if they are less important than men! As Dr. Tucker says - if you say women can’t teach because of this passage then women must not be allowed to wear jewelry. If you claim women can’t have authority or teach because of I Timothy 2, do you faithfully apply the rules in I Timothy 5 about widows because God says so? Maybe many have gotten this issue wrong because of their view of Scriptures. They esteem their interpretations as if infallible, over common moral sense and love, though interpretations and common moral sense come from the same source – the Spirit (John 14:16). Human reasoning to discern truth isn’t godless if we believe all are made in the image of God. Don’t check your moral sense at the door when reading the Bible.

Concluding Remarks About God And A Woman’s Role

It matters what we claim the Bible says about women and roles because many determine their beliefs about God according to the Bible.

I am convinced our moral inclinations tell us that roles in personal, business, or spiritual relationships should be determined according to one’s gifts not gender. Who should be the CEO or Pastor or Priest? The most qualified of course. Who should handle the finances in the family? The most qualified of course.

Since interpretations of literature are not infallible, I typically stand on the side of the interpretation that seems to make the Gospel the best news to those on the edge of accepting or rejecting/ignoring God. I rather not take a chance of others rejecting God for the wrong reasons.

Complementarianism is a theological view held by some in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, that men and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, religious leadership, and elsewhere. I think Egalitarianism or mutual submission is harder for men to twist to justify their subtle or blatant mistreatment of women.

When two debatable interpretations of Scriptures exist on the same issue, it seems more loving to err on the side that leads to less mistreatment of human beings. Choose the interpretation that more likely leads to more love for your neighbor. Men, pretend you are a woman and treat them like you would want to be treated regarding roles.

When we insist the Bible is infallible, we often end up defending our interpretations as infallible. We become dogmatic in our views rather than sharing different opinions with a flexible attitude. The Bible can be used selectively to justify almost any belief in the name of God.

Maybe many have gotten this issue wrong because of their view of Scriptures. They esteem their interpretations over common moral sense, though interpretations and common moral sense come from the same source – the Spirit (John 14:16). Using your moral sense isn’t heresy.

Open Letter To God-Followers Who Believe Gays Are Immoral?

It saddens and embarrasses me to admit that I use to judge gays as being immoral because I believed such a stance was required to be devoted to God. I know that may seem strange to many, but I hope to explain below. I have been a God-follower for a long time and early on I thought the only way to know God was according to what the Bible said.

But, I have always questioned God. I was taught in church wives were to be submissive to their husbands rather than mutually submissive. I felt this created an environment more conducive for the atrocities women face at the hands of men while mutual submission is harder for men to twist to justify their mistreatment of women. I was taught God created Hell, but I couldn’t understand why a loving God would torturer anyone forever since such pain serves no lasting purpose. Humans wouldn’t even create such a place for their worst enemies. It also made no sense to me why God would condemn gays when they can no more choose who they love than straights can.

Eventually, I came to understand that the Bible can’t be viewed as the authoritative guide to what God thinks because we disagree what it says. Literature is always subject to interpretation even if we had the original manuscripts. God also communicates to us through our moral intuitions. Moral outrage hints of a common, human Creator communicating through our moral intuitions that lead to outrage. For example, there is universal belief we ought to treat others like we want to be treated.

As mentioned final decisions what God may think can’t solely be determined by what we think the Bible says. Our interpretations could be wrong, especially of a Book written over 2000 years ago edited over centuries by dozens of writers. But, I know many are convinced the Bible clearly condemns the gay lifestyle. Please reconsider. A must read is David Gushee’s book Changing Our Mind. Please see what I have written below:

So, if the Bible can’t be used to condemn homosexuality how can we know what God thinks? God guides us through our moral intuitions. As stated, it makes no moral sense to me why a loving God would condemn gays when they can no more choose who they love than straights can. But, your heart may tell you otherwise, though thinking you must reject your gay child can change minds. Jesus condemned religious folks of this day for using Scriptures to justify unloving actions toward one’s neighbor. Shouldn’t we err on the side that seems more loving to most? Do we want people to reject God over views about God when we could be wrong?

You may be wondering if I think there are any guidelines when it comes to love. I am convinced the Bible or God doesn’t condemn monogamous love, straight or gay. I am also convinced monogamous relationship, as opposed to mindless, selfish, uncommitted relationships, are in our best interests. It just seems to be the way we are created. I am not suggesting God-followers impose their monogamous views of sexual behaviors on others. I may speak up when one is involved with many sex partners and their partners aren’t aware regardless whether they believe in God or not; otherwise, I am not going to impose my values on others as God doesn’t even do that to me. God is capable of guiding those who seek God’s guidance.

When there are any doubts what the Bible might be advising, God-followers must take the most compassionate, less judgmental stance toward others. Please don’t tell someone “I love you but I hate your sin.” It is impossible to not feel unloved and rejected when such words are uttered. Gay people will tell you they have no choice. This is who they are! It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t feel natural to you. You aren’t gay. Let’s don’t cause others to keep secrets at the expense of their mental health. If you are absolutely convinced God condemns gay people, I would encourage you to accept one’s sexual orientation as personal and between them and their Creator. God-followers must always use their hearts and minds when loving others, being non-judgmental and putting themselves in another’s skin.

We Can’t Know What God Is Like For Certain – Is That So Bad?

God obviously doesn’t communicate verbally what God is exactly like or would do in every situation. And, the Bible can’t be the authoritative or only guide what God is truly like because even scholars disagree what it says. Literature is always subject to interpretation.

Why then doesn’t God show Themselves or at least write in the sky every morning?

Direct communication isn’t always magical. When God spoke to keep the Sabbath as one of the Ten Commandments, some kept the Sabbath by not helping an injured soul and others understood helping wasn’t violating the spirit of the law. Besides, God’s awing presence may lead to fearful obligations to obey. Beliefs are seldom life-changing if out of obligation and not freely chosen.

Certainty cannot always exist in a free world.

We know what God would do because of “in our gut” moral laws such as murder or abuse. But, do we always forgive someone who denies wrongdoing? When a sexual abuser doesn’t acknowledge their actions, secret behaviors might continue. Forgiving can cause feelings of victimization and bitterness; for others forgiving can control bitterness and possible acts of revenge. We can make the wisest choice we know. In a free world we can’t know with certainty what job will work out best, or that the person we marry won’t betray us.

What can we know about God?

Most assume One claiming to be God must be perfect. Most sense godly and human perfection must be the same as opposed to two perfect standards. In fact, those whose biblical interpretations suggest otherwise justify their explanation by arguing God sometimes is a mystery. We know a lot about perfection because we have a sense of how we “ought” to treat our family and friends.

Total certainty doesn’t always work out.

Proclaiming certainty has led to forcing “supposed” truths onto others. Reading the Bible as an infallible, authoritative guide rather than with an open-mind motivated by love has led to justifying slavery or condemning gays in God’s name. Certainty has led to dogmatism in the name of God rather than open-mindedness and a willingness to grow in understanding.

Uncertainty about God doesn’t have to lead to chaos.

Only extremists who seek to control for their own selfish desires believe forced love rather than free love is God’s way. Differences because God doesn’t drop “words from heaven” can be resolved by respecting the freedom of others as God does. The conversation changes completely when humbleness and open-mindedness are part of the tone while treating others how you wish to be treated if in their shoes.

What is a solution to not pretending we know what God is exactly like or would do?

God’s invisibility can lead to moral growth and making heart-felt, lasting decisions. A loving God surely wishes to encourage and empower us to make choices motivated by love. Different opinions, expressed without physical or verbal aggression, can stand side by side as we continually evaluate the most loving approach. How is threatening or forcing certainty working out? Differences can be resolved by respecting the freedom of others as God does, while continuing to grow in understanding.

How Can Good People Avoid Misrepresenting God?

Many have wrong ideas about God because it is self-serving. Their interpretations allow them to do whatever they want whenever they want against whoever they want in the name of God. A good God who obviously doesn’t control evil choices in this world surely doesn’t approve forcing God on others. But, how can good, decent people avoid possibly misrepresenting God to avoid other rejecting God for the wrong reasons?

Many believe that God in the Bible appoints a husband to be the loving leader of his wife, and that a woman cannot serve as a pastor or priest. The Bible can be interpreted to teach an equalitarian view in marriage, which can lead to less abuses, and God’s ideal is that church roles are best determined according to one’s gifts not gender. But, what I think the Bible says isn’t the point of this Post.

How we read the Bible can lead to less misunderstandings about God.

God always allows the freedom to form our own beliefs about God. God didn’t perform a lobotomy on the biblical writers. Jesus didn’t pretend the writers always had perfect views of God. Jesus questioned the OT law “eye for an eye” by suggesting going the extra mile rather than exacting revenge (Mt. 5:38). God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God, who created us with moral consciences to continually discern what a loving God is really like.

Prioritizing love over the right interpretation can lead to greater understandings of God.

Even if God controlled the minds of the writers, literature always requires interpretation and infallible interpretations don’t exist. This is why scholars differ on what the Bible says about divorce, gender roles, homosexuality, hell, etc. What is wrong with different opinions standing side by side as we continually evaluate the most loving approach? Is it better we threaten or force our opinions on others in the name of God when we could be wrong?

Don’t win the argument but consider views that portray God the most relational and moral.

Uncertainty doesn’t have to lead to chaos. Those who argue God advocates beheading infidels are obviously serving their own evil desires to control. Shouldn’t our views lead to more love for our neighbors, treating others like we would want to be treated if in their shoes? I suppose God could speak audibly to avoid misunderstandings, but God’s overpowering presence may only lead to brief obligations to obey out of fear than making heart-felt, lasting choices.

Open Letter - Parents Who Worry Their Child Isn’t Going To Heaven Because Of Beliefs

It is natural for parents who believe in an afterlife to be concerned about their child’s future destiny. It is also quite natural for parents, who believe the Bible teaches there is a Hell and that certain beliefs are necessary to go to Heaven, to be concerned when their child doesn’t proclaim beliefs their parents think necessary. I am convinced such parents need not worry.

A particular view of how one is saved according to the Bible, thus going to Heaven, is frequently taught in Christian churches. It is said to be important one must say some version of the sinner’s prayer to be saved to go to Heaven and avoid Hell: “God, I am a sinner and ask for forgiveness. Jesus, I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. Please come into my heart as I trust you as my Savior.”

Does the Bible teach certain beliefs are necessary to be saved and go to Heaven?

Jeremy Myers at his blog says: “In Scripture, the word “save” (saved, salvation, Savior, etc.) almost never means ‘gain eternal life so you can go to heaven when you die.’ This is what most Christians think the word means, and this is how most Christians use this word, but the Bible does not support such a definition. The word ‘saved’ simply means ‘deliverance’ … You can be delivered from enemies, sickness, drowning, premature death, and a variety of other disasters… look in the context to figure out what kind of deliverance is in view.” The Bible refers to everlasting life as a quality, not quantity, of life to begin living here on earth. When Jesus was asked directly how to obtain eternal life, He said nothing about Heaven (Lk. 10:25-28). Jesus spoke of a life worth living being a loving life empowered by our Creator.

Christian parents worry about their child’s beliefs not only to go to Heaven but avoid Hell.

I am totally convinced the traditional understanding of Hell is not in the Bible. In the New Testament the Greek word Gehenna translated into the word hell was a real valley near Jerusalem known as a site for terrible slaughters. Gehenna, a pronoun needing no translation, symbolized choosing selfishness over love lead to spiritual death. Gehenna (Hell) is not a place created by God where people go after death to be tortured forever for not accepting Jesus.

So, it doesn’t matter what my child believes in God’s eyes?

A loving God, like any loving parent, wants their child to live a life that leads to less regrets in the long-run. No child or parent lives a perfect life, but is your child on the right track or did they not hear a word you said and only give a damn about themselves and not others? If you taught your child to be totally self-centered, you got what you deserve. But, I doubt such parents are reading this. Now, some children despite loving parents have gone completely off the guardrails. It happens because children as they get older have the freedom to make their own choices and temptations seek us out. I hope such parents can at least draw comfort that good parents increase the chances of a child making better choices or returning to their senses at some point in life.

Why would a loving Creator’s love be any different than an imperfect parent’s love?

The Bible is a story about God coming down to join the nation of Israel to reveal his love for all nations. God came in the person of Jesus to reveal God’s desire to empower all to live life to the fullest. I fail often and God picks me right back up and encourages me to not give up the good fight. That is all Christian parents want for their children – to feel loved and empowered to live a life in our best interest. That is what life is about in God’s and a parent’s eyes – not escaping earth to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

I am sure many who are reading this are still skeptically of what I claim the Bible says.

Let’s assume that a set of beliefs is required for eternal life. First, keep in mind the majority of people born into this work didn’t have a Bible thus knowing anything about Jesus. Is a loving God really going to have everlasting life with one’s Creator depend on a Book most never had? Besides, God wouldn’t make a Book an authoritative guide about supposed required beliefs. Literature must be interpreted so definitive conclusions aren’t possible. So, we don’t have to live in fear about “required” beliefs our children must have.

In case you believe certain beliefs are necessary to go to Heaven, one can’t assume God is not a God of second chances after death. God gives us a million chances here on earth, but then the moment we die God’s forgiveness well dries up! Imperfect parents can’t stop being forgiving. Are we more forgiving than our Creator? If you think I might be right about what the Bible says about Hell, then those who claim the Bible teaches there are no second chances could be wrong.

But, my child has no excuses to not be laser-focused spiritually.

Even if you accept that there aren’t certain beliefs one must have here on earth to be accepted by God after death, you may think you child has no excuses because you taught there is a God who wants to have a relationship with each and every one of us. Your child seemingly has no interest. Aren’t they without excuse? I don’t agree. There are as many reasons why they aren’t seemingly spiritual-minded. First, you don’t know they don’t believe in God or have some kind of relationship though they don’t talk about it much. No one knows what goes on in private. I got friends who wear their spirituality on their forehead and they can’t walk in the boots of some friends, who rarely speak of God, who treat others much better like they want to be treated. I could show you in the Bible where beliefs don’t matter - if you aren’t walking the talk, you aren’t walking with the Lord. Our futures surely don’t depend on some kind of beliefs but God’s grace and mercy.

I can’t name all the reasons one isn’t as spiritual-minded as you are. Maybe people in their life claiming to know God, they wanted nothing to do with their God. Maybe they see all the suffering in the world and can’t get their head around how a loving God could truly exist. Would you rather they not care about all the suffering in the world! Some have heard what some Christians claim about creation that don’t fit the scientific facts. Maybe they have called on God in the past and feel nothing happened. Yes, there are good reasons why people are atheists! But, this is more about God than what your child does or doesn’t believe. Does God run out of patience or give up when one doesn’t accept God in the way you do? Your child may not be into God, but do you really think God is not involved with them at the level they can accept?

So, what should my relationship with my child be when they aren’t laser-focused spiritually?

If I have helped you to relax in any way that eternal life isn’t about a set of beliefs, you can go back to having a normal relationship with your child. With friends we have no business pushing our spirituality on others. Just be an open book when others want to talk about God. You don’t need to schedule outings or trips in hopes the God-conversation comes up. Is that really how to be a loving friend or parent – to have a hidden agenda to convert? I get with my children and friends to enjoy one another. When I hurt, hopefully they will be there for me. When they hurt, I want to be there for them. When they want to talk about God, I am there. Personally, I love talking about God as much as others like talking about their favorite hobby. But, don’t push your agenda on others. Enjoy your children. Relax. Encourage them. Give advice when asked. When they are treating others like dirt, show the other side of love – tough love. Let God speak to them when they want to talk.

If God Didn’t Inspire The Bible, What Was God’s Role?

We have to question God’s role with the Bible when reading passages that contribute horrific violence to a supposedly good God. I Samuel 15:3 says God told Israel: “Now go, attack the Amalekites… put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” There are many, many passages like this in the Old Testament.

It is suggested the Bible is God’s infallible or inerrant words to us.

Why would a good God morally think or say the exact words above that command violence? Besides, how would God control the minds and words of the writers so not impacted by cultural influences that suggest it is sacrilegious to not speak of God being all-powerful and controlling? God’s freedom-giving nature doesn’t support God performing a lobotomy on OT writers. Something else must be going on.

It is suggested the Bible is inspired by God, though God didn’t necessarily override less than perfect views such as the earth being flat than round.

God inspiring the Bible implies God approved or motivated immoral views that contributed so much violence in God’s name. It is suggested God accommodated certain views, such as animal sacrifice, to freely bring to a better understanding of God’s desires. But, why would God accommodate rather than disclaim genocidal-like behaviors. Something else must be going on.

It is suggested the Bible is God-breathed to possibly avoid using words like infallible or inspired.

2 Timothy 3:16 is the New Testament passage most frequently referred to suggest the Bible is God-breathed: “All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” The challenge is God-breathe is subject to wide interpretation, thus not clarifying God’s possible role with the Bible.

I suggest the Bible simply represents God’s desire for a recording of coming alongside Israel climaxing in the life of Jesus in getting to know what God is really like.

We can’t prove whether the writers did or didn’t have perfect views of God, but it seems a moot point. The Bible can’t be an authoritative or definitive guide of what God is like exactly because we disagree what it says. Literature is always subject to interpretation, so even if you believe the Bible is God’s infallible words to us, our interpretations can never be infallible. We must approach the Bible with an open-mind and some uncertainty.

So, how can we read the Bible?

God joined us here on earth with the communication means available so we may grow more in understanding what God is like and would do in situations. A Book can’t replace our relationship with God and others. God never intended for us to check our moral conscience at the door in considering what a loving God is truly like. Read the Bible with an open-mind motivated by love. Different opinions can stand side by side as we continually evaluate the most loving approach in circumstances we face. Is it better we threaten or force our supposed inerrant or inspired opinions on others in the name of God?

Is God A Blood-Thirsty Child Killer?

I grew up being taught God was angered by our sins and demanded justice by killing Jesus on the cross. But, God surely didn’t need to be paid off to forgive us. God isn’t like the other pagan gods of the Bible who required a blood sacrifice for forgiveness. Jesus didn’t die for God but for us. The Bible talks about the Cross defeating sin or evil within us. We may still be talking about Jesus because He was willing to die, rather than power over others, for a message He believed in. Jesus sought to inspire us that an unselfish life empowered by our Creator is worth living. Change best happens when looking out for the interests of others than only one’s own interests.

More views of the Cross not being about God’s anger:

How Must We Handle Our Political And Relational Differences?

Our nation is in a world of hurt, but I never meet anyone who wants to live in a dictatorial nation where basis freedoms of choice are denied. We can have laws against murder or abuse to protect basis rights, but imposing compliance on non-moral issues makes freedom a mockery. Democratic nations have no excuse. We live by moral laws most can agree while having the privilege to vote on our differences.

First, we must more carefully distinguish between moral and personal differences.

Nations in essence claim irreconcilability by not distinguishing between moral and personal differences. Behaviors toward others that you would not accept toward yourself are likely moral in nature. Thievery is wrong because all would object being stolen from. Actions violating physical safety are obviously moral. Decisions such as health care, taxes, or consenting adults entering a heterosexual or homosexual relationship are not violating anyone’s physical safety.

Secondly, people of faith must stop claiming certainty in the name of God.

We can’t understand God perfectly according to any Book because literature requires interpretation, even if we believe the Book is infallible. Scholars disagree what the Bible says about divorce, gender roles, homosexuality, hell, etc. No Book can be viewed as the authoritative guide to what God thinks because we disagree what it says. Besides, a God who created freedom never imposes personal beliefs on others as if that really leads to genuine, lasting choices.

Thirdly, all people must commit to non-violence.

Violence is never appropriate unless protecting oneself from danger. We must peacefully protest and violent protestors must be called out by leadership, so we can discuss solutions to our differences. It is horrible when people of different color or gender don’t naturally have the same rights. Such views must not be enabled through silence by those who enjoy their rights protected. Authorities such as police must be obeyed and their actions reviewed by outside parties for possible expulsion or criminal charges. Martin Luther King demonstrated change is possible through peaceful means.

Finally, all opinions must be expressed without verbal aggression so we can stand side by side to continuous evaluate the most loving approach.

How is “we know the truth” working out! TV hosts or guests shouting at one another or not listening by interrupting isn’t productive. Marriages or any relationships simply cannot survive with such actions. President Trump provokes by belittling or name-calling. Differences must be resolved by defending one’s reasoning, respecting the freedom of opinions, and committing to growing in understanding. The conversation changes completely when humbleness and open-mindedness are part of the tone while treating others how you wish to be treated if in their shoes. Differences don’t have to lead to chaos.

Questions If The Bible Not Infallible

Why Assumptions About The Bible’s Infallibility Matter?

Many assume that the biblical writers always understood God perfectly in the beginning rather than possibly growing in their understanding. Regardless, even if assumed the Bible is infallible in characterizing God, we can’t understand God perfectly according to a Book because literature requires interpretations which aren’t infallible. Scholars disagree what the Bible says about divorce, gender roles, homosexuality, hell, etc. Unfortunately, many reject God because of supposed definitive portrayals of God according to the Bible.

There are two basic viewpoints about God’s role in Scriptures.

The Bible records thousands of times “The Lord says…” This isn’t verbal communications but impressions writers had about God. God either controlled the writers’ thoughts to perfectly represent God, or OT writers were influenced by surrounding cultures where it was sacrilegious to not speak of God being all-powerful and controlling. This may explain why violent warfare is contributed to God. An uncontrolling God cannot guarantee a perfect Book, but God can enter our world with the communications means available so we can grow in our understanding what God is really like.

Assumptions determine how we understand when reading God ordered killing boys and non-virgin women but sparing virgins (Num. 31:18).

Did God really expect young woman to watch their mothers, sisters, and brothers murdered by men who one day may expect marriage or sex? Did God really approve of capital punishment for rebellious children, adulterers, or those involved in witchcraft (Lev. 20)? God is said to think in war killing all the men, women, children, infants, and animals is moral (I Sam. 15:3).

If biblical writers and prophets didn’t always understand God perfectly, is there any hope for us?

We have the benefit of reading the experiences of beginnings with God as we read Scriptures. Too, biblical writers over time gain new understandings of God. Later writers after the OT laws recorded God preferred contrite hearts over animal sacrifices (Ps. 51:16-17, i.e. Jer. 7:22, Amos 5:21, Micah 6:6). Important, lasting convictions cannot be coerced but must be freely chosen. Many OT laws and views of God could have originated from assumptions that God was like all the other gods in OT cultures. We will discuss later how certainty about God isn’t the end-all one might think.

How Can We Know God If An Infallible Book About God Doesn’t Exist?

This question may be nonsensical to those who didn’t grow up hearing the Bible claims to be God’s infallible or inerrant words to humankind. We can’t prove a Book is infallible by what a Book says about itself; besides, even if we had the original autographs unavoidable interpretations aren’t infallible. God though may communicate more clearly than given credit for.

We all experience moral outrage which hints of a common, human Creator’s influence through our moral intuitions. We intuitively know somehow to treat family, friends, and others like we want to be treated. Also, how can God expect us to be perfect like Them (Mt. 5:48), to know good from evil, if godly and human perfection aren’t the same? In fact, those whose biblical interpretations suggest otherwise advise their explanation of God is a mystery. Actions or interpretations that don’t lead to loving your neighbor as you wish to be loved may be amiss because they are contrary to our beliefs about perfection.

So, everyone’s opinion is right if we can’t know God only through the Bible?

Moral laws such as stealing, lying, or committing adultery reside in all of us. Only extremists, who seek to control for selfish reasons, claim forced love is true love. The Bible are not legal documents to be memorized but to be interacted with to transform. The Bible was never meant to replace a personal relationship with our Creator.

If The Bible Can Be Misunderstood, What Isn’t God More Direct?

2 Timothy 3:16 is quoted to defend the Bible’s infallibility, though it is often not acknowledged our interpretations can’t be infallible: “All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” But, God-breathe is subject to wide interpretation. God-breathe doesn’t have to mean God controlled biblical writings. God can make useful writings about God coming alongside Israel climaxing in the life of Jesus for discerning what God is really like.

Jesus said the OT pointed to His arrival (Lk. 24:27,44) rather than claiming the OT writers initially knew God perfectly. God used the nation of Israel, the Bible, and Jesus to enter our world in hopes to influence all toward living a life without regrets. The Bible was God accepting human communication means available to begin conversations about God without condemning those who unselfishly misunderstand it or never had a chance to read.

Why doesn’t God communicate more directly if the Bible can’t be infallible?

God’s invisibility can be out of uncontrolling love than cruelness. God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or fearful obligations to obey. Beliefs are seldom life-changing if dictated rather than freely chosen. God in person through Jesus’ miracles did not obtain the results suggested if God would stop hiding. God though may communicate more than given credit for through common universal moral intuitions we all share.

What Are Dangers In Assuming The Bible Is Infallible?

People understandably may reject God because many actions contributed to God in the Bible are contrary to morally accepted behaviors. Moses claims God ordered during war killing boys and non-virgin women but saving for yourselves virgins (Num. 31:18). Every moral fiber in our body rejects a God who condemns gays when they can no more choose who they love than straights can. The Bible though can be defended to not condemn monogamous gay or straight relationships.

Immorality has been justified in God’s name according to a Holy Book. Some have used the Bible to rationalize war as opposed to possible peacemaking efforts. No Book written in the past, since subject to interpretation, can be the definitive guide in decisions. Moral conscience is a part of understanding good from evil. Moral intuition differences can lead to discussions; interpretation differences often lead to control as understandings are proclaimed the voice of God.

When we insist the Bible is infallible, we often feel compelled to play mental gymnastics in defending certain actions contributed to God in the Bible. We fail to recognize our interpretations are disputable, thus sowing discord over God because the Bible supposedly says so. Thousands and thousands of different denominations, formed due to their understanding of Scriptures, suggest the Bible isn’t meant for reflecting about God but arguing over God. God didn’t promise an inerrant Book but God’s spirit in guiding us (John 14:16).

Is Certainty About God All Good And Uncertainty About God All Bad?

God isn’t hiding or why do so many know the difference from love and hate and good from evil. But, total certainty cannot always exist in a free world, whether the job you take will work out or the person you marry will not leave you. God has given us freedom and desires to empower us to make decisions based on current circumstances and future aspirations.

Biblical certainty has led to forcing “supposed” truths onto others. We cannot argue on moral grounds debatable understandings of God according to some Book. Proclaiming the Bible should be read as an authoritative guide rather than with an open-mind motivated by love has led to justifying slavery or condemning gays in God’s name. God-followers in the name of certainty has led to dogmatism rather open-mindedness and a willingness to grow in understanding.

Uncertainty isn’t necessarily chaotic. Actions violating one’s physical safety are obviously immoral. Two consenting adults choosing to enter a heterosexual or homosexual relationship are not violating anyone’s safety. Political decisions such as health care or taxes do not violate one’s physical rights. Differences in a free world can be resolved by democratic vote than resorting to violence or dogmatism in God’s name.

God not writing on the clouds every morning allows choices in our own time for genuine lasting changes. Differences that divide because God doesn’t drop “words from heaven” can be resolved by respecting the freedom of others as God does. “I may be right, I am be wrong, let’s do this journey together” are attitudes that allow people to change freely for the better. Supposed certainty doesn’t always unite. The conversation changes completely when humbleness and open-mindedness are part of the tone while treating others how you wish to be treated if in their shoes.

How Can We Read The Bible If Not Infallible?

God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God and others. The Bible is not a story controlled by God. God got involved with the nation of Israel so they and we can, by reading of their journey, begin to discover what God is truly like. The Bible is not a book to be used as a proof text to defend one’s position. Read the Bible with an open-mind motivated by love. God seeks to encourage and empower us to be more the person we deep down desire to be. Don’t check your moral conscience at the door as you consider what a loving God is truly like.

Derek Flood’s book Disarming Scripture suggests we not approach Scriptures with blind obedience but faithful questioning with the aim to love others like we want to be loved. We do this anyway, even if we claim the Bible is somehow infallible, because ancient literature is subject to interpretation thus why scholars differ on what the Bible says about divorce, gender roles, homosexuality, hell, end-of-the world views, etc. Unquestioning obedience has led to justifying slavery, killing infidels, and other violence in the name of God. Faithful questioning allows us to use our moral intuitions in determining what is the more loving way. “… When this focus on correct interpretation becomes primary, and love takes a backseat, the focus is placed on ‘being right’ and ‘orthodox’ at the expense of love” (p.67).

Reading the Bible through Jesus-shaped lens isn’t always the solution. Jesus often spoke in parables which are subject to numerous understandings. Scripture is written by many authors, sometimes with opposing perspectives, each claiming to speak for God. OT laws mandated animal sacrifices in God’s name, but writers after the OT laws seemingly wrote God prefers contrite hearts over animal sacrifices (Ps. 51:16-17). Jesus questioned the OT “eye for an eye” mentality, which possibly was intended to control retaliation, by suggesting going the extra mile rather than exacting revenge. Jesus implied over time evaluating interpretations and others by the fruit they produce or don’t (Mt. 7:16). Different opinions can stand side by side as we continually discern the most loving approach. Is it better we threaten or force our opinions on others in the name of God? Evil often results when attempting to control in the name God according to an infallible book.

Why Can’t What Works For Marriage Work For A Nation?

Imagine if we could get people to act rational when disagreeing. If it is unreasonable for a dyad to agree on everything, we surely can’t expect citizens to always agree. The rules of relationships aren’t complicated, just hard to do because we humans struggle to be unselfish. That is a plug for a Creator who wishes to empower us to mutually act in the best interest of one another. We often treat our friends by common sense rules, but the gloves come off in married or political life.

We have to accept that disagreeing is normal.

If only someone had told me early in marriage that love didn’t mean your partner would eventually always agree with you. It seems childish now but I just wasn’t prepared for 24/7 living where differences abound. Frustration set in when I realized just how many differences there were. But, now I have a new mind-set and strategy. It was easy to lose sight that I had married Janet for her heart and looks. Just like in politics a difference of opinion isn’t wrong or disrespectful.

We have to learn to respond not react over our differences.

It isn’t always easy to accept that the best friend you married doesn’t agree and even disagrees on your solution to bring peace. The reason that you don’t have such intense conflicts with others friends is because you don’t live with them. Share finances, closets, bathrooms, children, etc., and challenges will come to your doorstep. Our first instinct is to react. But, we respond politely to our friends and it helps when others are around as witnesses. We actually let friends finish their sentences and we might even politely smile to encourage discussion. Just like in politics we owe all people the respect of listening and not overreacting.

We have to have of rules for war – I mean conflict.

Some things are tough to hear. Your partner doesn’t agree your weekend passion is always the best option when kids don’t have a structured environment. What the hell! Your partner doesn’t agree to purchases you believe are wise investments for the future. Your partner doesn’t agree how to respond to the kids and worse reacts like your parents use to. Raising voices, name-calling, etc. doesn’t get you any closer to a solution. I assume readers know physical violence is off the table in any relationship unless protecting yourself from danger. Just like in politics if we can’t be civil we best stop discussions until we get our wits together.

We have to solve our differences creatively.

Solve your differences like you do in your other relationships. Just thank God you don’t have to live with them! See what aspects of each person’s view can be incorporated into a new view on matters. Imagine what advice you would give a friend to solve a similar problem. Experiment with different solutions before deciding. Democratic nations have no excuse as we have the privilege to vote on our differences. Just like in politics compromise sometimes is necessary.

We have to accept and learn to be happily incompatible.

Laws can advise you to not speed but not require helping strangers in need. Unless you married the Devil and not your best friend in the beginning, cut them some slack. You may need some “rope” when you face difficult times. Stop criticizing and look for areas you agree on. Actions speak louder than words – stop asking “why” and ask “what” you can do to gain some positive momentum. Don’t give up easily especially when children are involved. Just like in politics relationships stop working when people don’t accept differences and engage in physical or emotional abuse.

Questions If The Bible Isn’t Infallible Or Every Word Isn’t Inspired By God?

I have posted about the Bible ad nauseam recently. I am always trying to express a viewpoint better. Recently, I did a series of intentional, brief Posts concerning questions surrounding the issue of the Bible’s infallibility. I now intend to answer each question in a slighter longer Post after this introductory Post. The subject is important because many form views of God from the Bible. It matters whether we read the Bible with a questioning and open spirit or with blind obedience.

Since the Bible was not dictated by God, did God somehow control the understandings of the writers recorded? It would be more typical that writers could be influenced by personal and cultural factors, so they might need to grow in their understanding of God. In OT times is was sacrilegious to not speak of God as being all-powerful and controlling even through violence. Regardless, it is often not acknowledged we must read the Bible with an open spirit anyway, because literature requires interpretations which aren’t necessarily infallible.

How could we prove God provided an infallible Bible anyway?

Many who accept the Bible being infallible would not accept the Quran being infallible because it claims to be. It is circular logic to suggest the Bible is infallible because biblical writers claim it is infallible. Even if possible to prove infallibility, God’s freedom-giving nature doesn’t support God performing a lobotomy on OT writers. Besides, the Bible can’t be an authoritative or definitive guide of what God is like because literature requires interpretations which aren’t infallible.

How can we know God if not through an infallible Book?

Moral laws such as stealing, lying, or committing adultery that reside in all of us hint of a common, human Creator’s influence through our moral intuitions. We all have a sense of how we “ought” to treat our family and friends, knowing something is amiss when our actions don’t lead to loving others as we wish to be loved. God never intended we dismiss our moral consciences when reading beginnings with God in discerning what God is like and hopes for us. The Bible wouldn’t be God’s main communication anyway, because the majority born into this world never had a copy.

Why doesn’t God communicate clearly since the Bible can be misunderstood?

The fact that we experience moral outrage and can agree on laws against murder, theft, or abuse suggests a Creator’s influence. God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or fearful obligations to obey. Beliefs are seldom life-changing or lasting if coerced than freely chosen. Besides, supposed certainty rather than open-minded uncertainty often leads to forcing personal convictions on others in God’s name.

What are dangers in assuming a Book such as the Bible is infallible?

The possibility of an infallible Book has led down the slippery slope of supposed infallible interpretations. Possible fallible books can’t hide behind infallible interpretations. Literature always requires interpretation and we could be wrong. Moral laws are obvious. Different opinions can stand side by side as we continually evaluate the most loving approach, rather than forcing our opinions on others in the name of God.

Is uncertainty so bad since we can’t be sure what God is exactly like or would do?

Proclaiming certainty has led to forcing “supposed” truths onto others. Reading the Bible as an infallible, authoritative guide rather than with an open-mind motivated by love has led to justifying slavery or condemning gays in God’s name. Different opinions expressed without physical or verbal aggression can be resolved by respecting the freedom of others as God does while remaining open-minded to new understandings.

So, how can we read the Bible since it can’t be infallible?

Even if the Bible was infallible, literature is subject to interpretation anyway so we are required to read with an open-mind. God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God and others. Read the Bible reflectively than for solutions to specific problems. Circumstances vary. Jesus didn’t always answer directly because the issue is our heart in solving problems. Can you imagine a world where all looked out for the interests of others and not just themselves when facing difficulties? Why even bother to read the Bible if it can be misunderstood. As long as we read the Bible with a questioning spirt rather than blind obedience, it seems the Bible has influenced millions to live a more selfless life. Religion can do harm or much good.

How Would God Provide An Infallible Book Anyway?

The word infallible is confusing or unknown by those who didn’t grow up in the church. Did biblical writers always understand God perfectly from the beginning rather than growing in knowledge? How would God control such writings anyway? Regardless, literature requires interpretations which can be wrong so we must read the Bible with an open-mind. Writers may have felt obligated to speak of an all-powerful God controlling through violence than was reality.

The Bible or any Book can’t be infallible because it is subject to interpretation.

Even if we assume the Bible is infallible in characterizing God, literature still requires interpretation. Scholars disagree what the Bible says about God and divorce, gender roles, homosexuality, hell, end-of-the world views, etc. The Bible can’t be an authoritative or definitive guide of what God is like because interpretations can be wrong. When does a passage not state exceptions or use hyperbole for emphasis? Is Jesus advocating domestic violence when advising to turn the other cheek? It is unlikely God only communicates through a Book because the Bible hasn’t been available to the majority of people born into this world.

We can’t prove any Book is infallible.

Many who accept the Bible being infallible would not accept the Quran being infallible because it claims to be. It is circular logic to suggest the Bible is infallible because biblical writers claim it is infallible. For example, “All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). This passage may imply God makes useful for reflection writings of God coming alongside Israel and climaxing in the life of Jesus, not that God somehow controlled the beliefs and pens of the writers. Besides, when did God supposedly control the process - when the writer first wrote the words, when an editor(s) edited the original words, or finally when such recordings were gathered into a book?

The Bible can’t be proven infallible because the canon’s process is not agreed upon.

The history of the canon’s development is quite complicated. The formation of the Old Testament was a long, slow development over centuries. The Catholic Bible has seven additional books in the Old Testament than the Protestant Bible. We cannot definitely say the books of the Bible we have were the ones God intended to convey truth or there aren’t other books that have been excluded to convey truth about God. The passage above in II Timothy, for which numerous interpretations exist, can only refer to the Old Testament being God-breathed as the NT had not been gathered together when the writer penned those words.

The Bible isn’t likely to be infallible because it is not God’s nature to control.

An uncontrolling God cannot guarantee a perfect Book, but God can enter our world with the communications means available so we can grow in our understanding what God is really like. God’s lack of interference in the world with so much evil prevalent contrary to God’s wishes suggests that God seeks to influence than dictate beliefs. God much less humans know beliefs are only genuine and lost-lasting when freely chosen. God’s freedom-giving nature doesn’t support God performing a lobotomy on OT writers and controlling the canon process.

How Can We Know God If The Bible Isn’t Infallible?

The word infallible is confusing or unknown by those who didn’t grow up in the church. Did the biblical writers always understand God perfectly from the beginning rather than growing in knowledge? How would God control the minds and words of the writers anyway? This may explain violent warfare actions in God’s name as writers thought it was sacrilegious to not speak of God as almighty and controlling. Regardless, literature requires interpretations which can be wrong so we must read the Bible with an open-mind.

We can know God by reflecting on Scriptures.

2 Tim. 3:16 is quoted to defend the Bible’s infallibility: “All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” But, God-breathe is subject to wide interpretation. God-breathe doesn’t necessarily mean God controlled biblical writings; God can make useful writings about God coming alongside Israel climaxing in the life of Jesus for discerning what God is really like. God accepted human communication means available to begin conversations about God. We can benefit from reflecting on the experiences of beginnings with God as we continually discern God’s hopes for us.

We can know God’s views on morality because universal mortal intuitions exist.

We all experience moral outrage which hints of a common, human Creator’s influence through our moral intuitions. A nation can make laws regardless if you believe in God or not because we are all opposed to being murdered, abused, stolen from, etc. Thievery is wrong because all would object being stolen from. Criminal don’t defend their actions; instead, they deny they ever committed such crimes. We just seem to know if something is moral or immoral.

We can know God because of personal expectations.

We all have a sense of how we “ought” to treat our family and friends. We intuitively know something is amiss when our actions don’t lead to loving others as we wish to be loved. Is knowing human expectations the same as understanding God’s expectations? When the Bible challenges us to be perfect like God (Mt. 5:48), the assumption is we know what such perfection is. Godly and human perfection must the same. In fact, those whose biblical interpretations suggest God is immoral humanly-speaking justify their explanations by arguing God sometimes is a mystery.

We can know God from open discussions rather than assuming infallible views exist.

Moral laws such as stealing, lying, or committing adultery reside in all of us. Supposed inerrant beliefs because of an infallible Book has led to threatening or forcing beliefs on others in the name of God. But, required interpretations are not infallible! Different opinions can lead to open discussions and evaluating the most loving approach in circumstances we face. Different opinions can stand side by side when humbleness and open-mindedness are part of the conversation tone. Democratic nations have no excuse. We live by moral laws most can agree while having the privilege to vote on differences that do not violate clear, moral laws.

Why Doesn’t God Communicate Clearer If The Bible Isn’t Infallible?

The word infallible is confusing or unknown by those who didn’t grow up in the church. Did the biblical writers always understand God perfectly from the beginning rather than growing in knowledge? How would God control the minds and words of the writers anyway? This may explain violent warfare actions in God’s name as writers thought it was sacrilegious to not speak of God as almighty and controlling. Regardless, literature requires interpretations meaning we could be wrong - it isn’t always clear the original intent of the author - so we must read the Bible with an open-mind.

God may communicate more than given credit for.

Our moral outrage hints of a human Creator’s influence through our moral intuitions. A nation can make laws because there is universal agreement against murder, theft, physical or sexual abuse, etc. Thievery is wrong because all would object being stolen from. Actions violating personal or family safety are obviously immoral. Criminals often don’t defend their actions; instead, they deny committing such crimes. A universal desire to treat others like we want to be treated hints a Creator communicates to all what is good. Besides a Book wouldn’t be God’s main communication because the majority born into this world never had a copy of the Bible.

God’s invisibility can be out of uncontrolling love than cruelness.

God’s overpowering presence in our lives may only lead to consuming guilt or fearful obligations to obey. Beliefs are seldom life-changing or lasting if not freely chosen. God in person through Jesus’ miracles did not magically solve our problems if only God would stop hiding. How is human physical presence working for you in keeping you on the straight and narrow? Don’t we hide our feelings or actions from human partners or friends when not doing what we are supposed to.

Direct communication doesn’t always lead to moral behavior.

When God supposedly verbally dictated keeping the Sabbath as one of the Ten Commandments, some interpreted that as not helping an injured soul on that day while others understood helping wasn’t violating the spirit of the law. God separated the Red Sea and dropped manna from the sky to help a nation survive in the wilderness, but this didn’t always lead to the Israelites believing in God. Certainty what God wants often leads to forcing personal convictions on others but God believes freedom of beliefs best lead to long-lasting positive choices.

God doesn’t have to communicate as much as one may assume.

God guides us morally through intuitions to treat others like we want to be treated. God hasn’t predetermined the future so God can magically advise what job or relationship will work out best in the long-run. Know your gifts and pursue your passions with God’s support. Godly and human love may work the same. Children as they get older benefit more through a relationship than being told what to do. Is it necessarily bad that God has left more to our imagination? Maybe God really does forgive all things? Maybe God is the perfect parent we always have hoped for.

Is Uncertainty Worse Than Certainty Since The Bible Isn’t Infallible?

The word infallible is confusing or unknown by those who didn’t grow up in the church. Did the biblical writers always understand God perfectly from the beginning rather than growing in knowledge? How would God control the minds and words of the writers anyway? This may explain violent warfare actions in God’s name as writers thought it was sacrilegious to not speak of God as almighty and controlling. Regardless, literature requires interpretations meaning we could be wrong about the original intent of the author, so we must read the Bible with an open-mind.

Uncertainty doesn’t exist as much as one may think.

Whether one believes in a God or not, most expect a Being claiming to be God must be perfect. We know a lot about perfection thus God because we all have an innate knowledge of right and wrong. A nation can make laws because there is universal agreement against murder, theft, physical or sexual abuse, etc. A universal expectation to treat others like we want to be treated hints a Creator communicates to all what is good.

Uncertainty must exist in a free world.

Freedom leads to a great deal of unpredictability. The only way for a God to protect us completely against emotional or physical harm is to create robots. A partner may respond with gratitude for a second change or another chance may simply enable bad behaviors to continue. God is supportive of the wisest decisions we know under current circumstances. God can’t promise you a certain outcome in relationships or jobs and still be a respecter of freedom. God deals as much with uncertainty as we do, as not even an all-powerful God can know a free, undetermined future.

Certainty doesn’t always unite or lead to loving actions.

How is threatening or forcing supposed certainty working out? The idea of an infallible, authoritative Book has led to subjective interpretations being proclaimed as “certainty” in God’s name. Failing to read the Bible with an open-mind motivated by love and putting oneself in another’s shoes has led to justifying slavery, condemning gays, and denying women entrance into the priesthood – all in God’s name. Certainty has led to dogmatism in the name of God rather than open-mindedness and a willingness to grow in understanding.

Uncertainty can force us to accept one another’s differences.

God understands as much as humans that forcing beliefs doesn’t lead to long-lasting changes. A loving God only wishes to encourage and empower us to make choices with the interest of others in mind. Different opinions, expressed without physical or verbal aggression, can stand side by side as we continually evaluate the most loving approach. Differences don’t have to lead to chaos but can be resolved by remaining open-minded to new understandings and creative solutions. The conversation changes completely when humbleness because of uncertainty is part of the tone.

What Are Dangers In Assuming The Bible Infallible?

The word infallible is confusing or unknown by those who didn’t grow up in the church. Did the biblical writers always understand God perfectly from the beginning rather than growing in knowledge? How would God control the minds and words of the writers anyway? This may explain violent warfare actions in God’s name as writers thought it was sacrilegious to not speak of God as almighty and controlling. Regardless, literature requires interpretations meaning we could be wrong about the original intent of the author, so we must read the Bible with an open-mind.

Violence is often justified when assuming the Bible is infallible.

The possibility of an infallible Book has led down the slippery slope of assuming interpretations are infallible. Fallible books can’t hide behind supposed infallible interpretations. Literature always requires interpretation and we could be wrong. Scholars don’t agree what the Bible says about gender roles, homosexuality, etc. Not questioning if writers always understood God perfectly or assuming our interpretations are infallible has led to justifying slavery, killing infidels, and other atrocities. Supposed biblical commands must stand side by side with our moral consciences.

People may reject God for the wrong reasons when assuming the Bible in infallible.

Moses claims God approved during war killing boys and non-virgin women but saving virgins for yourselves (Num. 31:18). The Bible is used to claim God condemns gays when they can no more choose who they love than straights can. Besides, it is often not acknowledged the Bible can be defended to not condemn monogamous gay or straight relationships. When God is portrayed as less than perfectly moral or unloving, understandably this can lead to atheism or rejecting God.

We declare God more mysterious than relational when assuming the Bible is infallible.

God sometimes is said to be a mystery beyond human comprehension because one’s interpretations clashes with even their own moral intuitions. This makes God mysterious, not knowable. Scriptures claiming God is not evil is nonsensical if evil sometimes is good. We can’t claim to know good from evil in God’s eyes if evil is sometimes good. How can we be perfect like God (Mt. 5:48), unless God created us to know good from evil? When we rationalize certain biblical passages, we don’t question and stop learning from God.

We read looking for the right interpretation at the expense of love when assuming the Bible is infallible.

We must prioritize love over the right interpretation because interpretations could be wrong. It isn’t godless to approach Scriptures openly questioning with the aim to love others like we want to be loved. Different opinions can stand side by side as we continually evaluate the most loving approach, rather than forcing our opinions on others in the name of God. Jesus didn’t always answer questions directly because He sought to change hearts which influences solving problems with the interests of others in mind.

How Can We Read The Bible If Not Infallible?

The word infallible is confusing or unknown by those who didn’t grow up in the church. Did the biblical writers always understand God perfectly from the beginning rather than growing in knowledge? How would God control the minds and words of the writers anyway? This may explain violent warfare actions in God’s name as writers thought it was sacrilegious to not speak of God as almighty and controlling. Regardless, literature requires interpretations meaning we could be wrong about the original intent of the author, so we must read the Bible with an open-mind.

Read the Bible with an open-mind motivated by love.

Even if the Bible was infallible, literature is subject to interpretation anyway so we are required to read with an open-mind. Scholars differ on what the Bible says about divorce, gender roles, homosexuality, hell, end-of-the world views, etc. Don’t check your moral conscience at the door as you consider what a loving God is really like. Unquestioning obedience has led to justifying slavery, killing infidels, and other violence in the name of God. God never intended a Book to take the place of a relationship with God and others. The Bible is not a story controlled by God. God got involved with the nation of Israel and by reading of their journey, we can begin to discover what God is truly like. “The problem is when this focus on correct interpretation becomes primary, and love takes a backseat, the focus is placed on ‘being right’ and ‘orthodox’ at the expense of love” (Derek Flood, Disarming Scripture, p.67).

Read the Bible with Jesus in mind but questioning is still required.

Reading the Bible through Jesus-shaped lens isn’t the only answer. Jesus often spoke in parables which are subject to misunderstandings and different applications. Jesus said the OT pointed to His arrival (Lk. 24:27,44) rather than claiming the OT writers always understood God perfectly. For example, Jesus challenged the OT “eye for an eye” mentality by suggesting going the extra mile rather than exacting revenge. Jesus suggested evaluating interpretations and others by the fruit they produce or don’t (Mt. 7:16). The Bible was God accepting human communication means available to begin conversations about God without condemning those who unselfishly misunderstand it or never had a chance to read.

Read the Bible reflectively than for solutions to specific problems.

The Bible wasn’t written to tell us want to do in every situation. Jesus didn’t always answer directly because the issue is our heart in solving problems. Can you imagine a world where all looked out for the interests of others and not just themselves when facing difficulties? When Jesus was asked how to treat our enemies (Mt. 5:38-48), He understood individual circumstances vary. Jesus wasn’t saying parents or soldiers can’t protect their family or themselves: “if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” Jesus often spoke in parables which allows discerning applications in our circumstances. When one is ready to change, parables enable listeners to recall matters intended to change hearts which best leads to a changed world.

Read the Bible humbly and not with an argumentative attitude.

Different opinions can be expressed without physical or verbal aggression as we continually evaluate the most loving approach. How is threatening or forcing certainty working out? Differences can be resolved by respecting the freedom of others as God does, while continuing to grow in understanding. Should we even bother to read the Bible with so much confusion? As long as we read the Bible with a questioning spirt rather than blind obedience, it seems the Bible has influence millions to live a more selfless life. Religion has done harm as well as much good.


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