Maryland Spring Tournament Packet 11.docx

 Maryland Spring Tournament 2012 - Packet 11“Does Anybody Have a Question Set We Can Use?”Tournament Written by Issac Hersh, Jeff Amorous, the Amorous Amoros, Chris Rudes, Nofear Lipsitts, Gray Davis, Andruw Marchsteiner, Brain “Brains” McPoke, Log Onto A Binder, SteveJon Guthram, Pan Duma, CHRIS RAY BARGING INTO YOUR PACKET CREDITS1. This quantity is not well defined for nonlinear elements, though a Gunn diode may be said to have a negative differential form of this. The effective value of this quantity increases when the skin depth is small compared to the diameter of the conductor. This quantity has a complex analogue found by including a reactance term; that analogue can be found by comparing phasors and is called the impedance. Ohm's law describes circuit elements with this property, stating V equals I times this quantity. For 10 points, name this property of a material measured in Ohms that is greatest in insulators.ANSWER: Electrical Resistance [prompt on "R"]2. A black Statue of Liberty sits on the table in this man's work Wall Street Banquet and humans are replaced by vegetables in his version of The Temptations of Saint Antony. Gigantic hands carry stones above scenes of factory workers in one of a series of works painted for the Ford Motor Company known as Detroit Industry. His most famous work featured two diagonal ellipses centering on a man holding a joystick symbolizing man's control over the fate of the universe and was eventually destroyed by Rockefeller due to the presence of Lenin. For 10 points, name this creator of Man at the Crossroads, a Mexican muralist married to the surrealist painter Frida Kahlo.ANSWER: Diego Rivera3. In one scene in this work, the protagonist tears her handkerchief and breaks a vase after her husband leaves to take dinner at the club, and after that husband leaves to attend Janet's wedding she moves into a smaller house. That protagonist later takes up painting to remind herself of her youth and is mentored by a pianist named Reisz. One character consults Doctor Mandelet about changes in his wife's behavior, who pursues an affair with Alcee Arobin until Robert LeBrun returns from Mexico. For 10 points, name this Kate Chopin novel in which Edna Pontellier discovers sexuality and then commits suicide by drowning herself in the ocean.ANSWER: The Awakening4. This man predicted the stagflation of the late 1970s after noting instability in the relationship between inflation and unemployment. That relationship is known as the Phillips curve. Instead, this man argued for the existence of a "natural rate" of unemployment. This economist argued that fluctuations in the economy could be controlled by government intervention in the supply of money. He also served as economic advisor to Ronald Reagan. Winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize in economics and author of the textbook Capitalism and Freedom, for ten points, name this conservative economist who developed the theory of monetarism.ANSWER: Milton Friedman5. This man released Orlando Bosch from police custody in one post and was defeated by Lloyd Bentsen while running for another. In his highest post he ordered Operation Just Cause to re-install Guillermo Endara. This man quoted C.S. Lewis in his “Thousand Points of Light” speech, which he gave at his nominating convention. Lee Atwater ran this man’s campaign for president in which he employed the Willie Horton ad to attack Michael Dukakis. For ten points, name this president who served as the vice president under Ronald Reagan and was succeeded by Bill Clinton.ANSWER: George H.W. Bush (do NOT accept: George W. Bush)6. One current player on this team provoked a 2009 media dispute over whether his tweet “Kant wait” reflected an enthusiasm for metaphysics or support for the Bloods street gang; that player was signed in mid-season after posting 34.4 PPG as the indentured servant of the Zhejiang Golden Bulls. Another player on this team, which includes Steve Novak and aforementioned J.R. Smith, missed a recent playoff game after slicing open his hand punching a fire extinguisher case. Former Mavericks defensive dynamo Tyson Chandler anchors the middle for this team, whose injured list includes rookie Iman Shumpert and a Golden State washout who sank a game-winning three against the Raptors in February. Mike d'Antoni resigned mid-season as coach of, for 10 points, what Eastern Conference team whose roster includes Amar'e Stoudemire, Carmelo Anthony, and Harvard graduate Jeremy Lin?ANSWER: New York Knicks7. In one story by this author, Mrs. Mooney attempts to broker a marriage between her daughter Polly and her tenant Mr. Moran. In another story, Gabriel Conroy learns of his wife Gretta's former lover, Michael Furey. Those stories are "The Boarding House" and "The Dead" and are found in a collection that also includes a story in which Eveline considers escaping her unhappy marriage by travelling to Argentina. In another story, narrator reaches the tile bazaar too late to buy a trinket for Mangan's sister; that story is titled "Araby." This author's most famous novel follows a day in the life of Leopold Bloom. For 10 points, name this Irish author of the collection Dubliners and the novel Ulysses.ANSWER: James Joyce8. Condottieri Giovanni di Medici was nicknamed after this color of band. Stefan Zapolya was a commander in one army named after this color that defeated Rupert von Reichenberg at the Seige of Hainburg and Basarab Tepelus at the Battle of Breadfield. Along with an army led by Matthius Corvinus, one group with this color in its name failed to take Guadalajara while helping out an ally, Francisco Franco, in the Spanish Civil War. That group also may have murdered Giacomo Matteoti, while another group with this color in its name employed Gavrilo Princip to murder Franz Ferdinand. For ten points, name this color, which was used in the title “hand” and title “shirts” that led the march on Rome.ANSWER: Black9. That the rotation curves of these objects does not decay as expected is strong evidence for the existence of dark matter. Lin and Shu hypothesized that certain structures in these objects were density waves. The center of these objects is often a supermassive black hole; if that black hole has an accretion disk these are said to have an active nucleus. These structures can be classified on Hubble's tuning fork as Irregular, Elliptical, or Spiral, while two nearby dwarf examples are called the Magellanic Clouds. For 10 points, name these large structures examples of which include Andromeda and the Milky Way.ANSWER: Galaxies [accept "Spiral galaxies" until "Hubble's tuning fork"]10. In Mormonism, this figure is identical to the prophet Noah. In Judaism, this figure is directly responsible for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and along with Michael this figure visited Abraham after he circumcised himself. In Islam, this figure returns to earth on Laylat al-Qadr, which commemorates Muhammad’s reception of the Koran, is referred to as the Holy Spirit, and himself delivered the Koran to Muhammad. This figure is said to signal the Last Judgement through the blowing of his namesake horn, For 10 points, name this angel who appeared to Mary to proclaim the birth of Jesus in the Annunciation. ANSWER: Gabriel11. The first movement of his incomplete 12th string quartet is called Quartettsatz, and his piano sonatas include ones nicknamed “Relique” and “Gasteiner.” He depicted a guy drowning himself after his love the miller's daughter is seduced by a hunter in green in his song cycle Die sch?ne Müllerin and wrote a collection of short piano pieces titled Six moments musicaux. A rising sextuplet motif represents a leaping fish in his work Trout Quintet and the third movement of his most famous work might have been used for his incidental music to Rosamunde which would explain why it was left as a fragment of a scherzo with the first two movements complete. For 10 points, name this Austrian composer of the Unfinished symphony.ANSWER: Franz Peter Schubert12. This character meets his mentor on his travels, though arguments have been made as to if such an encounter was in fact sympathetic or condemning. That encounter occurs as this man makes his way through a desert and he is not able to stay as long as he would like. Earlier, this man sees groups of people fruitlessly joust against each other while his companion notes, “...all the gold that is beneath the moon/ Or ever was” could not assuage their greed. This man is guided by the author of the Georgics and passes through a gate that reads, “...eternal I endure/ All hope abandon ye who enter here.” For ten points, name this author and main character of a journey through hell, the Inferno.ANSWER: Dante Alighieri13. An observatory designed by both Pierre Janssen and Gustave Eiffel was built on this mountain, although it collapsed in 1906, leaving only its tower. In 2009 olympic gold medalist Karine Ruby was killed while scaling this mountain. A tunnel connecting to Italy is named for this mountain, which was completed in 1965. An ode written about this peak by Percy Shelley was written as he travelled through the Chamonix valley. The massif of this mountain houses the Mer de Glace, or Sea of Ice, the largest glacier in France and is a popular skiing destination. For ten points, name this tallest mountain of the Alps whose name translates to “White Mountain.”ANSWER: Mont Blanc14. One period that predated this polity was known as the Twelve Kingdoms, and the battle that occurred at the rise of this polity saw the defeat of the Soso empire at the Battle of Kirina. This empire’s first ruler may have been accidentally killed by an arrow, or drowned in the Sankarani River, and established his capital and Niani before ultimately being succeeded by a man who devastated the economy of cities along the Hajj by giving away massive amounts of gold. For ten points, name this empire founded by Sundiata Keita and also ruled by Mansa Musa, that also lends its name to a present-day western African nation.ANSWER: Malian Emipre15. The SAC is a checkpoint in this process which prevents activity of APC until correct attachment and tension is detected. Megakaryocytes undergo a variant of this process in which they becomes polyploid. Kinetochores and centrosomes attach to microtubules in this process, lining chromosomes up along an equatorial plate. The end of this process sees the cleavage furrow complete and is called cytokinesis, though more properly the final step of this process is telophase in which two daughter nuclei form around the separated chromosomes. For 10 points, name this process in which a cell divides without changing its number of chromosomes.ANSWER: Mitosis [prompt on "M phase"]16. A museum that houses some of this man’s works was once the Hotel Biron, and also houses works by Manet and Renoir that were part of his private collection. That museum contains a work by this man that depicts a man who eats his children as they all die of starvation. Some works by this man intentionally look unfinished, such as his The Walking Man. Another work by this artist depicts six men debasing themselves to save their city from Edward III of England. That work is The Burghers of Calais which along with his The Gates of Hell make up some of his most famous sculptures. A man with a Paris art museum named after him, for ten points, name this sculptor of The Thinker.ANSWER: Auguste Rodin17. After being cured by Rosa Diamond, one character in this work escapes and discovers his wife Pamela having an affair with Jumpy. That character has his appearance restored at the Hot Wax nightclub. Another character kills Allie and then commits suicide at the end of this novel. One dream sequence in this novel sees Ayesha lead her village to disappear into the sea, while another sees Hind summon a demon to protect the poet Baal from Mahmoud. This story follows two survivors of a plane explosion, the Indian actors Gibreel Fasishta and Saladin Chamcha. For 10 points, name this novel by Salman Rushdie whose publication earned him a fatwa calling for his death.ANSWER: The Satanic Verses18. This man’s campaign combating socialism was called the “carrot and the stick” approach. Along with Nikolay Girs this man signed the Reinsurance Treaty, an alliance with Russia. This man used George V’s money to pay off Ludwig II as part of his Reptile Fund. His education minister Adalbert Falk was put in charge of the May Laws, which regulated Catholic schools as part of his Kulturkampf. He stressed one-ness of all German states in his “Blood and Iron” speech. For ten points, name this Iron Chancellor who helped to oversee German unification and was the first Chancellor of the German RepublicANSWER: Otto Von Bismarck19. One book by this man uses the example of a piece of wax changing after it was melted to show that we cannot understand things by the sense alone. An earlier book implies that he is reluctant to publish any scientific findings due to the trials of Galileo. He is accused of a circular argument that supposedly proves the existence of God by rational proof, but relies on the existence of God to prove rationality. He suggested that the pineal gland was where the mind interacts with his body, facilitating his idea of mind-body dualism. For ten points, name this French philosopher famous for declaring “I think therefore I am” in his Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy. ANSWER: Rene Descartes20. It isn't a photonic crystal, but the opal is a form of this type of system which can self assemble to form photonic crystals. Removal of electrostatic barriers from these systems, such as by adding salts, can lower the zeta potential and cause them to destabilize in a process called flocculation. Examples of these types of systems include sols and gels, and unlike a similar mixture, these will not settle under gravity. Light is scattered by these mixtures in a process similar to Rayleigh scattering called the Tyndall Effect. For 10 points, name this type of dispersion midway between a solution and a suspension.ANSWER: Colloids [prompt on "foam," "emulsion," "sol," or "gel" before mention, prompt on "dispersion" before mention]BONUSES1. Some characters in this play are getting ready to act out a play called The Rules of the Game, but are rudely interrupted. For ten points each:[10] Name this play that sees the title group of characters attempt to convince the Director to tell their story.ANSWER: Six Characters in Search of an Author[10] This Italian playwright penned Enrico IV and Tonight We Improvise in addition to Six Characters in Search of an Author.ANSWER: Luigi Pirandello[10] In this other Pirandello novel, the title character runs away to Monte Carlo and changes his name to Adriano Meis after accidentally being declared dead.ANSWER: The Late Mattia Pascal2. Fire can represent not only destruction but also intelligence and human life in mythology. It is no surprise that figures who give mankind fire a usually seen as heroes. For ten points each:[10]The Greek titan steals fire a gives it to man and is later bound for tricking Zeus into accepting the inedible parts of animals as sacrifice. His liver is eaten by an eagle and regrown each day.ANSWER: Prometheus[10]In Native American myth, this four-legged trickster god steals fire for man. He is often shares many traits with the figure, Raven.ANSWER: Coyote[10] This polynesian demi-god discovers the secrets of fire by finding the goddess Mahuika.ANSWER: Maui3. They are electrically neutral and interact very weakly with other matter, making them very hard to detect. FTPE:[10] Name these particles which a debunked OPERA experiment recently claimed travel faster than the speed of light.ANSWER: Neutrino[10] Neutrinos oscillate between muon, tau, and this flavor, which corresponds to the lightest lepton in the standard model.ANSWER: Electron[10] Unlike those leptons, this type of hadron is composed of a quark anti-quark pair. The pi particle is one of these that mediates the residual strong force holding nuclei together.ANSWER: Meson4. This actor’s tv resume includes an exceptional sketch comedy series created along with close friend Stephen Fry. For 10 points each:[10] Name this British actor who played the father in the Stuart Little movies, best known for portraying the titular doctor in House, M.D. ANSWER: Hugh Laurie[10] Laurie was a member of the Cambridge Footlights, an amateur theatre club that included several members of this famous comedy troupe. They made movies such as The Life of Brian and a reimagining of King Arthur’s quest for the Holy Grail.ANSWER: Monty Python[10] This actress shared her time at the Footlighta with Laurie and later starred in both Harry Potter and Nanny McPhee. She won an Oscar for her adaptation of Sense and SensibilityANSWER: Emma Thompson5. Daniel Ortega is a former member of this party who is now president and this party was dedicated to the overthrow of the Somoza family. For ten points each:[10] Name this party, who fought the Contras in a protracted struggle during the 1980s.ANSWER: Sandinista National Liberation Front (ACCEPT: FSLN)[10] The Sandinistas fought with the Contras in this Central American nation whose capital, Managua, was almost destroyed by a 1972 earthquake.ANSWER: Nicaragua[10] Nicaragua was one of many Central American nations that was exploited by this company. In Guatemala, it lobbied for the overthrow of Jacopo Arbenz and it gained a monopoly on banana trading in some countries.ANSWER: United Fruit Company (ACCEPT: Chiquita Brands International, ACCEPT: United Brands Company, ACCEPT: UFC)6. During his early “dark period” this artist would create a series of portraits with a palette knife that he would dub “une couillarde.” For 10 points:[10] Name this French painter of The Card Players and The Bathers known for his revolutionary still lifes.ANSWER: Paul Cezanne[10] Cezanne is often considered a member of the “Post”-this art movement. This art movement had such members as Berthe Morisot and Camille Pissarro.ANSWER: Impressionism[10] This man founded Impressionism with his work Impression, Sunrise. He was also known for his many paintings of haystacks and water lilies.ANSWER: Claude Monet7. Did you really think you could escape without hearing a question on Jane Austen? Answer some questions about her works, for ten points each:[10] This novel focuses on Elizabeth Bennet and her relationship with Fitzwilliam Darcy.ANSWER: Pride and Prejudice[10] This other novel chronicles Catherine Morland’s visit to Bath and her passionate interest in Henry Tilney.ANSWER: Northanger Abbey [10] In this other Austen novel, Anne Elliot develops an interest in the poor Frederick Wentworth, much to the dismay of her father Sir Walter.ANSWER: Persuasion8. One important executive in this company was Henry Flagler and this company utilized horizontal and vertical integration to make its founder the richest man in the world. For ten points each:[10] Name this company founded by John D. Rockefeller.ANSWER: Standard Oil[10] Standard Oil was broken up by this act passed in 1890. The first of its kind in the U.S., it was named after a senator from Ohio and was modified by the Clayton Act.ANSWER: Sherman Antitrust Act[10] The Clayton Antitrust Act was itself modified by an act named for Cellar and this man. A senator from Tennessee, his namesake committee investigated organized crime in the 1950s and he was one of three southern senators not to sign the Southern Manifesto.ANSWER: Estes Kefauver9. It is first created in the nucleus and then provides the instructions for protein synthesis in the ribosome. For ten points each:[10] Name this nucleic acid created from a DNA template during transcription.ANSWER: mRNA [accept messenger RNA, prompt on partial answer][10] This, along with transcription, is the second half of the central dogma of protein synthesis. During this process, mRNA is used as a template to assemble amino acids in the ribosomes.ANSWER: Translation[10] This post translation step involves attaching a carbohydrate to a hydroxyl group of a protein producing O-linked glycans. Attaching the carbohydrate instead to asparagine or arginine produces N-linked glycans.ANSWER: Glycosylation10. Answer some questions about recent news about websites, for ten points each:[10] This search engine company recently developed a set of glasses that projects virtual information onto the lenses. Hopefully it will turn out better than their aborted attempt at social networking.ANSWER: Google[10] Also in the news is this photo sharing program was purchased by Facebook. It has gained notoriety for letting people add filters to bad pictures and act like they know things about photography.ANSWER: Instagram[10] Social games company Zynga recently acquired this producer of app games such as Draw Something and Balloono.ANSWER: OMGPOP11. One poem in this work is addressed to Mount Soracte. For ten points each:[10] Name this four-book collection of lyric poems that is the source of the term “carpe diem.”ANSWER: Odes[10] The author of the Odes, Horace, was a contemporary of this other Roman poet who wrote the Metamorphoses.ANSWER: Publius Ovidius Naso[10] This later Roman poet wrote the unfinished Achilleid and described a struggle between Eteocles and Polyneices in his allegory of the reign of Domitian entitled the Thebaid.ANSWER: Publius Papinius Statius12. All known liquids do it except for liquid helium. For ten points:[10] Name this phase transition in which a liquid turns into a solid. It happens to water at 0 degrees CelsiusANSWER: Freezing[10] This is the amount of enthalpy one would need to put into one mole of a solid to melt it to a liquid. This energy is needed to overcome intermolecular forces, and so no temperature increase occurs as a solid melts.ANSWER: Heat of Fusion [accept enthalpy of fusion. Prompt on “latent heat”][10] This quantity is equal to the Fermi level at zero temperature. It was introduced by Gibbs to mean the energy required for an instantaneous increase in mass at constant entropy and volume, but now we take it mean the energy required to add on particle to the system.ANSWER: Chemical Potential13. One thinker from this country considered the titular discipline in terms of “emotional infection” in his tract on aesthetics, What is Art?. For 10 points each:[10] Identify this country whose more literary philosophers include Mikhail Bakhtin, and the aforementioned Leo Tolstoy.ANSWER: Russia[10] Tolstoy's theory of history is centrally examined to explain the split between thinkers governed by a single, overarching idea and those who see reality as defined by a multitude of different ideas in this British philosopher's The Hedgehog and the Fox.ANSWER: Isaiah Berlin[10] Berlin's own theories have been extensively discussed by Ronald Dworkin, a leading figure in the philosophy of this field. The modern philosophy of this field is often said to stem from Hugo Grotius's Mare Liberum.ANSWER: Law [accept all reasonable equivalents]14. Answer some questions about the hierarchy of needs, for ten points each:[10] This man crafted the hierarchy of needs while working at Columbia University.ANSWER: Abraham Maslow[10] Maslow also worked with Harry Harlow who performed isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys using these devices. The apparatus was made up of a steel cage and a mirror leaving experimentees “enormously disturbed.”ANSWER: the Pit of Despair[10]Tests using such devices as the Pit of Despair spurned this pseudo-terrorist organization who, in 1984, freed test subjects in a raid on the University of Pennsylvania’s head injury research lab.ANSWER: Animal Liberation Front [or A.L.F.]15. This ruler appointed Jules de Polignac as prime minister shortly before his overthrow in the July Revolution. For ten points each:[10] Name this French King who took the throne after Louis XVIII (18th)’s death.ANSWER: Charles X (prompt on Charles)[10] Charles X was the last ruler of this house that ruled France since the winner of the War of the Three Henrys, Henry IV, was declared king.ANSWER: House of Bourbon[10] This man published an article in the paper Le Nacional that advocated overthrowing Charles X. He would go on to overthrow the Paris Commune and serve as head of state from 1871-1873.ANSWER: Adolphe Thiers16. Answer some questions about methods used in proofs for 10 points each.[10] This technique involves assuming the opposite of your goal state, and then using valid logic to arrive at a namesake proposition that is clearly false. It relies upon negation of the antecedent, or modus tollens.ANSWER: Proof by Contradiction[10] Along with a base case, this proof method assumes that the statement hold for some value of N, and then shows that it also holds for N plus one.ANSWER: Proof by Mathematical Induction[10] Some proofs, so as those involving infinite operations like Tychanoff's Theorem or those involving nonconstructive instances like the Banach Tarski paradox, require this statement which guarantees that an element can be taken from each of an infinite number of sets.ANSWER: Axiom of Choice [prompt on "AC," prompt on "Zorn's Lemma" or "the well ordering principle"]17. In this novel one character is committed to a mental institution after burning a barn and another character gets his leg painfully set with cement. For 10 points:[10] Name this novel featuring the exploits of the family of Addie Bundren as they seek to fulfill her request to be buried in the town of Jefferson.ANSWER: As I Lay Dying[10] As I Lay Dying was written by this man, who also wrote novels like Light in August and Absalom, Absalom!ANSWER: William Faulkner[10] Faulkner also wrote this novel that centers on the Compson family and is partially narrated by the mentally retarded Benjy.ANSWER: The Sound and the Fury18. This man was the leader of the National Front Party and he was succeeded as prime minister by Mohammed Zahedi. For ten points each:[10] Name this man overthrow by the CIA-backed Operation Ajax and lead a country from 1951-1953 whose coup was backed by Reza Pahlavi and his supporters.ANSWER: Mohammad Mosaddegh[10] Mossadegh was the prime minister of this nation, currently lead by crazy person Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A coup here in 1979 overthrew the aforementioned Shah, Rezi Pahlavi.ANSWER: Islamic Republic of Iran[10] Mosaddegh’s main issue was his decision to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company known as this city’s crisis. Near the Iraqi border, it is currently home to the world’s largest oil refinery.ANSWER: Abadan19. NOTE TO MODERATOR: Don't read alternate answer in first part but accept it if given.It was premiered in 1893 at Carnegie Hall and conducted by Anton Seidl. For 10 points:[10] Name this symphony that has a famous “Largo” movement and was inspired by African-American spirituals.ANSWER: "From the New World" Symphony [or Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 in E Minor][10] The New World Symphony was made by this Czech composer, whose works include a Cello Concerto in B minor and the “American” String Quartet.ANSWER: Antonín Leopold Dvorák[10] This set of 16 orchestral pieces by Dvorak were originally written for piano four hands and include sections titled “Furiant” and “Dumka” inspired by Czech folk music.ANSWER: Slavonic Dances20. This book was compiled by Arjan Dev. For 10 points each:[10] Name this religious scripture, which also serves as the final guru of its religion.ANSWER: Adi Granth[10] The Adi Granth is the holy book of this Indian religion, which was founded by Guru Nanak.ANSWER: Sikhism[10] Sikhs are required to wear the so-called Five K’s. One of the Five K’s is this bizarrely shaped dagger, which is supposed to be used in the protection of the innocent and oppressed.ANSWER: Kirpan [prompt on “that dagger thing they have”] RMPFINE ARTSOther ................

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