Student Academic Engagement and the Academic …

[Pages:216]Student Academic Engagement and the Academic Achievement Gap between Black and White Middle School Students: Does Engagement Increase Student Achievement?



? Renee Sbrocco, October 2009

Acknowledgments I would like to thank the numerous people who supported me throughout this crazy process. Without their backing and laughter, I'm not sure if I would have made it. Below are few people who need special recognition. My parents ? "Mom and Tom" have been, as always, the most consistent and loving people in my life. I'm almost positive that if I had let her, my mother would have done ALL my cooking, laundry, and cleaning, in her effort to help me make time to work on my dissertation. Her insatiable appetite to love me is amazing ? without her none of this happens. In addition, Tom's steady ("never too high never too low") attitude kept me grounded and on track to finish with pride and balance. His belief in my abilities and smarts helped propel me to start and finish this process. Thank you both. My husband ? Mikey's optimism and pure confidence in me gave me the assurance that I would finish. I appreciate his real interest in my study ? he loved discussing my findings, my reading, and even the statistics I was using. Only Mike would want to read my stats book upon completion of my dissertation. Mike's analogy "getting a dissertation is like running a marathon" helped me put everything in perspective and know that I had the ability and perseverance to finish this race. Plus, no matter what, he always makes me laugh!


My brothers ? All three of my older brothers (Mark, Greg, and Brian) treated me as an equal. If it was on the ball field, in a board game, or in school ? I had to learn to hold my own. This mindset has given me the confidence to do whatever it is I want. Because of the three of them, I'm never afraid to take on new challenges or hard tasks ? what a gift. Thank you.

My advisor ? Karen taught me how to be an academic in all aspects of the word. I appreciate her complete willingness to help me learn and accomplish the toughest "school" challenge I have ever faced. She has, in some ways, given me the tools to eliminate the feelings of inadequacy I have always felt in school. Without her guidance this dissertation would have never been completed.

My "nerdy" friends who love education ? KC, Kunz, Matthew J, Tim, Amy, Jodi, and Brian. Each of them has contributed to this dissertation process and my philosophy on education. I did my best teaching with KC, and because of that experience I was able to articulate my "instructional" mind into this paper. Plus, KC's edits are really nice. I learned what it means to be a "teacher" because of Kunz. Her influence is all over this research (authentic instruction). The "triumvirate" is how I finished this massive undertaking, all the case studies, PCR laughs, and think tanks really helped make this experience fun. Thank you Matt and Tim ? you both are next. My favorite teacher is Amy. She really gets kids and does a great job engaging them. She was a real motivator in truly understanding the concept of "teacher support" in this paper. Laughing is always important, and because of my friend Jodi, I was never at a loss. I appreciate her ability to


be a teacher dedicated to the students - her ability to connect with kids is phenomenal, it is all about engagement! Finally, without Brian's willingness to "help" me finish this dissertation it would not be done. His unwavering support was not only a help, but also a motivator. Thank you all.


Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to my two grandmothers and great aunt. Each of them, in their own way taught me how to love and work hard. ? Jean (Iafigliola) Grassi ? Mary (Iannicicco) Sbrocco ? Phyllis (Iafigliola) Baum


Abstract Too many students leave American high schools unable to read, write, or even do simple math. This academic failure falls disproportionately on students of color. In addition, student academic disengagement is ubiquitous in American schools. In 2004, The National Research Council and Institute of Medicine found that large numbers of American students are not fully engaged intellectually in the teaching and learning enterprise (Marks, 2000). The effects of student disengagement are most severe among minority students, a group which scores lower in achievement and higher in drop-out rates (Voelkl, 1997). Given the disparity between White and Black students in academic achievement and academic engagement, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between academic engagement and the achievement of eighth grade students in three suburban middle schools. The study utilizes a post-positivism philosophy given the quantitative methods used to analyze perceived levels of academic engagement of eighth-grade students. The engagement data was then analyzed compared to student academic achievement. In conclusion, the study showed that more engaged students demonstrated higher academic achievement. In addition, the effects of engagement have the ability to reduce the effects of race on academic achievement.


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