News Telling - Term 1 Year 2 - Mrs Currie's Page

[Pages:3]Dear Parents,

Listed below are the News Telling topics for Term 1. Please discuss each weekly topic with your child well in advance so that they will be prepared to speak on their allocated news telling day. A `News Telling Framework Planning Sheet' has been provided in this document. Please encourage your child to (1) plan and (2) practise their news telling topic each night, rather than the night before. The students speaking and listening skills will be assessed several times during the term. Some of the items on this planner may not be applicable to some of the news topics because of the nature of the topic. Also as part of this document is the Speaking and Listening assessment criteria that will be used.

Thank you for taking an interest in your child's education.

Mrs. Katya Currie & Mrs Rachel Paplinski

WEEK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


FREE CHOICE!! You choose what you would like to share with the class. Talk about a pet you have or would like to have. Talk about a favourite book you have read lately. Share a music CD or information about a band that you like. Share information about an Australian animal that you like. Choose a family member and discuss why you love about them. Share an art or craft item that you have made recently. Share your favourite family holiday with the class Talk about your favourite DVD.

Created by Katya Currie and Rachel Paplinski 2013






Feelings because.......

Created by Katya Currie and Rachel Paplinski 2013

When you speak you:

? Look at your audience ? Stand still on your spot ? Speak clearly ? Speak loudly ? Sequence your ideas well

When you listen you:

? Look at the speaker ? Sit still on your bottom ? Keep your hands in your lap ? Think of questions to ask



Needs Improving

Created by Katya Currie and Rachel Paplinski 2013


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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