1 JULY 2019 ISSUE 14

INSIDE ___________

? Principal's Ponderings (page 2)

? Terms 2 & 3, 2019 Calendar (page 7)


Primary Industries

This semester, Primary Industries students have been studying animal behaviour, handling and management. Working with our sheep flock, the students are taking their learning to a lower level, whether it be checking pasture composition or faecal egg counts. Actually, they are looking for $2 dollars Keely lost from her pocket.




Wednesday, 3rd July @ 12.15pm

Term 2 finishes on

Friday, 5 July

Students return for

Term 3

Tuesday, 23 July

Balranald Central School, We Street, Balranald NSW 2715 Phone: (03) 5020 2222 Fax: (03) 5020 2269 Email: Website:

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Monday, 1 July 2019


The "BCS push-up house challenge" generated plenty of interest at school and within the community last week. Participants attempted to complete as many push-ups as they could in a row in order to earn points for their house.

The placings in the Primary section were:

Primary Boys Name



Jed Paton



Josh Renfrey 2


Kadison Dalton 5

House Mungo Mungo Mungo

Pushups 70 40 35

Primary Girls 1 2 3



Makenna Hull 2

Sarah Johnstone K

Eva Gaston


House Mungo Yanga Yanga

Pushups 40 33 30

And in Secondary

Secondary Boys Name



Logan Gaston



Matthew McIvor-Kepa 9

Dominic Gervasi


House Yanga Mungo Mungo

Pushups 55 52 42

Secondary Girls Name



Akita Holness-Reyland 10


Nicole Kayne



April Manning


House Yanga Yanga Mungo

Pushups 40 40 30

The parent vs staff challenge was very close with Mr White knocking out 60 pushups for the

Schoolies and Ray "Squid" Brougham from Turps Tender Cut Butchery pushing out 57 big

ones. Honourable mentions to Mrs Wyneta Dalton for completing 45 pushups, Mr Nigel

Dalton for pushing out 36 of the best and to Mr Longford for stunning the crowd with 50

press ups in excellent form. However, it wouldn't be a true sporting challenge without a bit

of controversy. No sooner was Mr White being heralded as the hero of the day with his

efforts but a protest was being lodged by "the

locals" regarding the victory. Mr White was

clutching the "Locals v Schoolies" trophy and was

signing autographs from the throngs of adoring

fans when the phone call came through,

protesting the result. The claim was that if Squid

had performed his pushups with the same

questionable form as Whitey then he could have

reached 100 push-ups easy!

Ray Brougham "Squid"

The locals have demanded a re-match and in the

Nigel Dalton

true spirit of sportsmanship, the schoolies have accepted. The date of the showdown will be Friday 2nd August at

Balranald CS at high noon under the Hangar. As a warm-up to this event, a team has been formed between the

Schoolies and Locals to enter "The Push-Up Challenge" which is a national event supporting Mental Health awareness.

The 2 teams entered are Richard White & Gus Comi vs Jeremy Jolliffe & Ray Brougham. Each team will complete 3128

push-ups in 21 days between July 8th-28th 2019. As you may be aware, 3128 push-ups represents the number of lives

lost in Australia through suicide in 2017. Balranald Central School and the local community want to do their part to

increase awareness and raise funds for suicide prevention by supporting "Headspace" who provide free mental health

services to all young Australians.


Issue 14 ? Term 2 ? Week 10

Monday, 1 July 2019

My saying this week "The best way to earn respect treating others with respect.'' This applies to students, staff and parents and if observed is fundamental to our ongoing success and happiness as a school and community.

My thanks to Mr Prince, Ms Austen, Akita Holness-Reyland, April Manning & Natalya Gebert for their fundraising efforts on Sunday at Bunnings in Swan Hill. The team cooked "banga sangas" all day for shop patrons in order to raise funds for the Stage 5 excursion to Sydney in September. The next day at Bunnings will be the 3rd of August with students and parents encouraged to contact Mr Prince in order to assist.

My thanks to BCS students and staff for their coordination of important upcoming events such as:

Youth Mental Health First Aid Tue 2nd July

Whole School Assembly

Wed 3rd July @ 12:15pm


Fri 5th July

Thanks to everyone for a productive and enjoyable term and.....go the Pies!

Gus Comi

Students of the Week

(Week 9)

Back Row (L to R) Akita Holness-Reyland, Jacalah Hutchins, Jorja Finch, Tyrone Wickey Front Row (L to R) Torah Mannix, Lewis Hussey, Nike Dalton


Issue 14 ? Term 2 ? Week 10

Monday, 1 July 2019

Under 15's AFL at Deniliquin

Tuesday 25th June six boys from Years 7 to 10 travelled to Deniliquin to participate in the Swan Shield AFL competition. The boys were Seth Paton, Mason Anderson, Matthew McIvor-Kepa, Isaac Longford, Blair Manning and Jack Helgeland. We joined forces with Tooleybuc Central and Hay War Memorial High School, wearing the very becoming purple colours of Hay High.

After a slow start, the bus I mean, the boys played three games straight against Deniliquin, Finley and Barham High Schools. Things were a bit rushed with the first game scheduled for five minutes before we arrived. Without knowing each other's names, the game against the Deni Allstars was going to be a bit haphazard. During the second half some consistent footy was played with the loss reduced to a couple of games.

With our late arrival, we were forced to play three games back to back. Finley were licking their lips looking for an easy kill against the Combine team but at half time, they were the ones blinded by the egg on their faces, with the combine team playing some enterprising and sometimes agricultural brand of footy. The Balranald boys were getting stuck in Isaac tackling anything that moved, Blair chasing leather all over the field and young Jack Helgeland roaming across half forward. Mason Anderson was used in a stopping role down back and doing a great job whilst MJ was told to run, run, run and go in hard. Seth Paton came off late in this game with what looked like a serious injury, but a couple of keen observers said it was leather poisoning and to get him back on. Finley got their game together, however, kicking the last 2 goals to sneak over the line.

The last game was against Barham High who were out to show they were a serious contender. The first half was pretty hard fought with Barham holding a slight advantage at the main break. A quick reminder of the team plan and a greater focus on man-on-man defence proved the catalyst in the second half. The Combine team stopped the Barham run and then started to take advantage of a tiring Barham High side. The Combine boys kicked the last 4 goals of the game to run out convincing winners.

A big thankyou to Hay Mick for coaching the boys and to all the boys for their sportsmanship and ability to bond as a team in such a short space of time.


Issue 14 ? Term 2 ? Week 10

Monday, 1 July 2019

Primary students who received Merit Awards at Friday Morning Assembly

Kinder Karlie Camin Chloe Renfrey

Beautiful Manners Outstanding Work

1/2 Makenna Hulla Sienna Comitti

Having a go at everything Beautiful Manners

3/4 Ellie Finch Baylee McCartney

High Standards Excellence in class

5/6 Bob Helgeland Anna Scoleri

Commitment in Maths Outstanding Artwork

We will be doing this every Friday morning.

These are merit awards that we are giving as part of the school based Merit System. They count towards bronze, silver and gold the same as other merits that they can receive at any time. In order to make the merits more visible and provide some positive reinforcement we will give out two per class at our Friday assembly each week to recognise excellent work or behaviour during the week. We are giving them on a Friday as part of the Primary morning assembly and putting them on pretty paper that Primary students find appealing.



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