

Serving Up Important Events

Mon. 4/29 – Map of Western states goes home to study for quiz Fri.

Math Homework goes home

NWEA Reading Test Today

Tues. 4/30 – Town Library

Wed. 5/1 – 3 times each due

Fri. 5/3 – Reading Log due

- Spelling Test

- Math homework due

- Western state Quiz

April 26, 2013

Mrs. Strawn


The Scoop

Recipe for Learning Fun!

Fun with States and Capitals

Check out this webpage full of games and interesting facts about our states!

Stirring News from the Teacher:

Please make sure you and your child are practicing his/her multiplication facts. These need to be mastered by the end of the year. Starting next week we will be taking our final NWEA tests. Please make sure your child is getting a good night rest and breakfast in the morning.

Rolling Out the Weekly Words

Spelling 3 times each is due Wednesday and the test is on Friday.

Look at our class website under the spelling tab or on the school site if you need a new copy.

|What’s Cooking This Week? |

|Reading: Poetry |

|In Mrs. Carruthers' class we are working on identifying figurative language |

|and writing poems. |

|Science: Simple Machines |

|This week in science in Mrs. Pipkins’ class we worked on simple machines and |

|took our test. |

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|Math: Division Chapter 7 |

|This week we wrapped up our division unit. Next, we will be moving on to time |

|and measurement. Facts 0-12 need to be mastered by the end of the year. Please|

|be practicing. |

|Social Studies: United States |

|This week looked at the states in the southern region of the United States. |

|Next week, we will be looking at the Midwest! We also started researching our |

|state this week! Check out this week’s featured website! |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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