I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you and ...

We would like to take the opportunity to welcome you and your child to a challenging and exciting school year. We are looking forward, with great pleasure, to working with this year’s class.

It is in your child’s best interest that we work together to aide in his or her education. Therefore, we will be in close contact with you throughout the year regarding your child’s progress in the classroom.


Fifth Grade

Hallie Wallace

Jennifer Fisher

Melissa Wolking

School Wide Behavior Plan

The behavior plan at Oak Chan focuses on acknowledging positive behavior in the classroom, on the playground, or anywhere on campus. This plan includes behaviors such as, being safe, kind, on task, respectful, and responsible. These behaviors have been discussed in the classroom and during a school wide assembly. Every classroom will reinforce these behaviors using a variety of methods, such as, Dragon Dollars, tickets, points, verbal praise, etc.

Scholastic Book Clubs

Throughout the year we will be sending book order forms home. Ordering these books or computer games is an option, not a requirement. If you order from two forms, please send in one check, made payable to the Scholastic Book Club.

Library Books

Our classes each have a scheduled library and computer time once a week. During this time your child may check out up to three library books. These books are your child’s responsibility. They may be taken home or left at school. The books are due back at school the following week for turn-in or renewal, or they will be considered late.


All 4th and 5th grade students participate in the FCUSD music program. Students have a choice of general music, orchestra or band.


The fifth grade classes will participate in physical education one day per week. Along with regular skill building activities, students will also be preparing for the fifth grade physical fitness testing. Please make sure your child wears appropriate clothing and shoes on his/her assigned PE day.

Classroom Texts

All classroom textbooks may be taken home at any time, however, they must be returned the following day for use in the classroom. Lost or damaged books need to be replaced immediately.


The math series we are using specifically targets the California Math Standards. All students will be taught on grade level, however, extension activities will be offered to those who need acceleration.

Along with the math series, students will also take daily timed tests. These tests include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students are allowed to take tests home to practice at any time.

Students also have a weekly math page called Math 4 Today that is done in class. This page serves as a review of math concepts taught in fifth grade. We will go over the problems daily. There will be a weekly quiz over the material given each Friday.

Language Arts

The language arts program in fifth grade is in line with the California State Standards. There are directed lessons in reading, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and writing. In addition to the series literature, students will also be reading a variety of novels throughout the year.

Included in the language arts program is spelling. Each Monday students take a spelling pre-test. If a student misses 0, 1, or 2 on the pre-test, they will move onto the accelerated spelling list. Any more than 2 missed on the pre-test, students will stay on the regular list. Spelling tests are given on Fridays.

Throughout each week, we will be working on specific reading strategies besides comprehension. These strategies include summarizing, author’s purpose, questioning the literature, fact vs. fiction, inference, etc. These strategies will be quizzed weekly along with comprehension. Students are allowed to use their literature book for the quizzes given on Fridays.

Not that we are quiz happy, but students will also be taking weekly vocabulary quizzes. Students will be involved with various vocabulary activities during the week with the quiz by the end of the week.

Students will be participating in various writing activities throughout the year. The three types of writing we will focus on include a personal narrative, story writing and a persuasive letter.

Accelerated Reader and Principal’s Reading Club

The Accelerated Reader Program (AR) allows students to read a book at their reading level and demonstrate their comprehension of the story by taking a test on the computer. These tests can be taken during silent reading at school. They receive a grade for each test taken. Many of the books in the school and classroom library are AR books and are marked so the students can identify those books and the reading level. Students will be required to take 5-6 AR tests each trimester. In the next few weeks, we will send home a letter describing the AR program, your child’s reading level, and due dates.

The Principal’s Reading Club rewards children for reading during the trimester. All they need to do is record the number of minutes on the form, have a parent sign it, and turn it in on the assigned date. PRC forms are entered in the grade book each week as an assignment.

Social Studies

The fifth grade social studies curriculum covers early United States history and the fifty states and their capitals. Your child will be required during the year to memorize all fifty states and capitals. We will be presenting this with fun activities for the kids to do while learning the information.

Expect a few long-term home projects throughout the year. The Big Social Studies project of the year will be the STATE REPORT. More details to follow.


Units of Study:

Physical Science – study of matter

Life Science – study of the human body

Earth Science – study of weather and the solar system

Each lesson begins with an experiment. After the reading of the lesson, we have put together a study-guide for the students to complete. We go over each study-guide together. At the end of each lesson, students will take a quiz.


Homework is important for several reasons. Homework gives the parents a chance to see what their child is currently studying in school. Also, it helps to strengthen and reinforce classroom skills, and it teaches the responsibility of completing and turning in work on time.

Your child will have homework that should take approximately forty-five minutes to an hour to complete. Students are also required to read 30 minutes per night. This is in addition to the assigned homework. Homework is usually assigned Monday through Thursday. Occasionally, students may have a long-term project that requires some weekend work.

The assignments for the day will be listed on the board. Students are expected to copy the assignments into their agenda planners, and bring home all the necessary books and papers needed to complete the assignments. We encourage parents to check the agendas and homework to make sure it is complete. Any textbook may be taken home to finish incomplete work.

Homework is due the following day at 8:25 am. Assignments brought to school for a student after this time will be considered late. Incomplete work will be done during recess time. All late assignments will receive only half credit. Please remember that homework assignments are part of your child’s grade.

Students who are absent have one week after his/her absence to turn in missed work.

Homework will include math, language arts, science, social studies, spelling, vocabulary, and reading assignments. Our reading series stresses reading, reading, and more reading.

Grading will be based on timely completion of assignments, quality of work, and student’s ability to work at his/her ability level. The grade scale is as follows:

A = 100 – 90

B = 80 - 89

C = 70 - 79

D = 60 - 69

F = 0 - 59


Please be looking at Edline on a regular basis to check your child’s progress. At least once a trimester, we will be requiring you to check Edline for a formal progress report.

Oak Chan

Elementary School

5th Grade

Back to School Night

Mrs. Wallace

Mrs. Fisher

Mrs. Wolking


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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