Revelation study 1

Revelation study 1. Read Revelation chapter one.

1. What can we learn about the book of Revelation from its opening three verses (1:1 – 3)?

2. It is common for the writers of New Testament letters to introduce their main themes at the beginning of their letters. Based on Revelation 1:4 – 8, what might be some of the important themes of this letter, addressed to the seven churches in Asia?

3. In 1:9 John describes himself as, “Your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus.” What does he mean by this?

4. Based on 1:10 – 11, how did John receive this revelation?

5. Compare John’s vision of Jesus found in 1:12 - 16 to the two visions given to Daniel centuries earlier in the Old Testament (Daniel 7:9 – 10 and 7:13 - 14). What do you think John’s vision is meant to tell us about the nature of Jesus?

6. Read 1:17 – 18. In Revelation, Jesus is often referred to as, ‘The First and the Last’, ‘The Beginning and the End’ or ‘The Alpha and the Omega’ (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet). Why do you think these titles are so important in the book of Revelation?

7. According to 1:20, what do the seven stars represent in John’s vision? Why is it significant the Christ holds these seven stars in his right hand?

8. In 1:20 we are told that the seven lamp stands represent seven churches. Why do you think that God chose the symbol of the lamp stand to represent his churches? What is the significance of Jesus walking among the lamp stands?


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