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Online Business Models Any Newbie Can Succeed In

You don't have to have any experience in order to be successful with an online business. Anyone can succeed - even if you're brand new to working at home because you can learn as you go along. There are many different avenues you can choose to take to get started. Much of your decision will be based on personal preferences, time available to implement it, and tools you need to launch it.


Affiliate Marketing

You might choose to get involved in affiliate marketing. This is a process where you sign up for a link that's connected to your account. Sometimes people call these referral links because you're basically recommending a product.

Whenever someone clicks on the link and then purchases the item, you earn money. With affiliate marketing, you can be an affiliate promoting someone else's digital or tangible products.

Affiliate marketing can be for courses and information you can find on sites like ClickBank, JVZoo or Warrior Plus. But it can also be for items that someone can buy from Amazon, Share-aSale or Commission Junction.

There are dozens of reasons why you might like getting started with affiliate marketing. It's a booming business. There's very little expense involved and sometimes, no expense whatsoever.

It can be a good side hustle that you can build into a nice income-earning business. You don't have to know everything about it to get started. You can learn as you go. There's a lot of freedom with affiliate marketing.

The reason it's so simple and easy is, at its core, this type of marketing is like having a conversation with a friend. If your friend asked where you got a cute pair of shoes, you'd tell her where.

With affiliate marketing, it's like having that conversation online. You would point your friend (and others) to the link where she can purchase the same pair and you would make a commission as a "thank you" from the company.

If you decide you want to sell stuff and use affiliates to help you promote the items, then it works the same way, only in reverse. They would share the link to your products, people would click and buy and you'd pay them a small commission fee.

Almost every niche you can imagine is involved with affiliate marketing and can be used to help sell products. For example, if you're in the keto dieting niche, a tangible that you could promote might be a set of portion control dishes or a body composition scale.

For digital, you could promote keto eating plans where the customer gets a PDF of how keto works, along with all their meals planned out for them. You could even promote something like a monthly program where they get a keto snack box sent to their house.

In this event, affiliates would receive recurring commissions for as long as the customer stayed a subscriber. If you're not sure what you want to promote, start by looking around at popular websites and blogs in the niche you like to see what's already being touted.


This can help you see which products are popular and get an idea for what customers are looking for. When you're choosing a product to promote or thinking of one to create, make sure that what you choose has value to the audience.

Never choose to promote a product based on payout alone. If the product is bad, you can lose your audience's trust. Always put the value of the product first. You should investigate the product yourself if you can.

You might be able to order the product yourself and try it out. You can even do an unboxing video on Facebook Live or YouTube and put the affiliate link in the description.

But wherever you promote something or have others promote your stuff, make sure that you or those helping you disclose the affiliate connection. It's legally required in many areas, but it also builds consumer trust.

When you promote anything, make sure that you highlight both the good and bad about whatever it is you're promoting. Too many newbie affiliates make the mistake of writing glowing review and gloss over anything that might be a problem.

This can also cause audience distrust. So when you write your reviews, make sure you include a genuine opinion of it. If there is something negative, offer a solution or workaround to it.

For example, if you're promoting a blender, you could say that while the blender is fast and makes a great smoothie, it's a small capacity and you wouldn't recommend it if the consumer is looking for a blender for a large family.

To get started with affiliate marketing, pick the niche that you'd like to be in. This might be something like health, relationships, dating, wealth, outdoor survival and more. After you pick the area you want to be in, dig deeper to find a demographic or slant within that niche.

So if you chose health as your niche choice, under the umbrella of health, you could choose a slant like fitness or dieting or certain conditions for a particular demographic like diabetes in seniors or weight loss for women or whatever.

It's always best to choose something that's evergreen like heath or success because there's always an audience for evergreen topics. People who are struggling financially are always going to look for ways to make more money.

Look for common issues that affect people and you'll be able to select a good niche. Once you have all that, search the products or programs that are associated with your topic.


You can look products up on sites like ClickBank or Amazon. Have a place online to promote things, such as a blog, a Facebook group or whatever. Make sure that the content that you put on the page with the product is valuable content.

This will help build your audience. You'll need to market your affiliate promotion. You can do this by creating written tutorials about whatever it is that you're promoting. You can also create YouTube videos about the product or showing you using the product.

You can create ones where you compare products. Create a buzz by talking about the product on your social media. Do these steps for each niche that you choose to promote.

Affiliate marketing success is all about repeating the same cycle over and over again every time you choose a new product. You'll create a review, write or record your thoughts on it, share it online and engage with your audience.

Service Provider

Another online business that you can choose is to become a service provider. A service provider is someone who offers his or her services to those who are seeking help. There are many different types of service providers, and you choose one based on your skills.

You can become a ghostwriter. A ghostwriter is a person who writes for someone else. The type of material that you might write can also vary. Some ghostwriters write blog posts, speeches, press releases or info products.

Some write fiction or non fiction books for others. As a ghostwriter, unless the contract specifically states otherwise, you don't get to claim the words that you write. You're the unseen, unknown writer for someone else unless you have a prior arrangement.

Many celebrities and other public figures hire ghostwriters. You'll need to have the ability to write in the language you were hired, and set a competitive price so people will want to outsource to you.

You might choose to become an affiliate manager. This is a job in which you would oversee the core operations for someone who is selling their own info products. This can be an individual or a business.

The type of tasks that you would do might change day to day. For example, you might be responsible for making sure that the people who wanted to become an affiliate were top quality as well as check out their ability to promote and their promotion site.

This could help prevent the individual or business from being associated with a potential affiliate that was spammy or a scam. As an affiliate manager, you might be tasked with responding to emails and sending out information to potential affiliate recruits.


You might also have to monitor affiliates to make sure that all the promotions are being handled correctly. Sometimes affiliate managers are paid a salary, and sometimes they earn a percentage of the money the launch brings in.

Another area for a service provider is a VA. This is a virtual assistant, which means you basically help individuals or businesses remotely. So you might have a client in California while you live in Wyoming.

The type of work that you do as a VA will be determined by the field that you're in as well as what the client needs. Sometimes it's posting articles on a blog. Other times it's answering emails in a customer service manner.

You could also become a site builder if you want to be a service provider. This is someone who builds an online site for clients. The skills that you would need in order to this include knowledge of web design language, some graphic design skills (but this isn't a requirement because you can outsource this task), and communication skills so that you understand the client's vision.

Becoming an SEO (search engine optimization) expert is a great job for a newbie. You would have to learn how to find the right keywords for the site that you're working on so that it increases traffic for the client.

You would need to stay abreast of changes within various search engines to see what best practices allow site owners to rise to a page 1 listing on their search engine. It's more than just knowing keyword phrases.

You'd need to know both onsite and offsite search engine optimization strategies. Learning SEO isn't difficult. There are courses, both free and paid, video as well as eBooks and other reading material that can teach you.

You might like becoming a service provider because you can choose the type of work that you do and can set your own hours. The amount of income that you can earn is up to you and you can also make money fast as a service provider because the client will often pay upfront or at least half now, half later.

To get started in any service provider area, you would want to make sure that whatever you choose is something that you do enjoy doing. If you don't enjoy it, the work will make you miserable.

You also want to make sure that you either have the skills or can develop the skills that will match the type of work you choose to do. For example, if you're already good with PhotoShop, you might find that doing graphic design type work is a good fit.


You could create banners, eBooks, images for websites, custom designs for clients and more. If you know that you like to write and you have a good grasp on grammar and punctuation, then you would most likely find copywriting or ghostwriting enjoyable.

Once you choose a niche and learn the skills needed, then put together a portfolio. Some newbies say that this part is a catch 22. They need experience to get the jobs, but can't get the jobs without the experience.

What you can do is showcase work that you've done for family, friends or for a charity or cause. For example, if you want to get into providing design services, but you don't have any previous work that you can show potential clients, you can create a flyer for the local animal shelter ? or even make something up just to show samples of your abilities.

You can donate some time and skill to a cause that you believe in and use what you've created or done in your portfolio. It doesn't matter whether the work you're showing was something that you were hired to do or if it was just a freebie because potential clients just want to see how you compare to other providers in terms of quality and value.

You may want to create a website offering your services. This way, potential clients can look you up and have quick access to your online portfolio. You can create a blog using WordPress for around $10 plus hosting.

Don't use a website that makes you use their ads because that looks unprofessional. Make sure you put your site links up on your social media to link back to your website. In your bio, be sure that you mention what you do and that you're available.

For example, "Graphic Designer (or whatever it is that you do) for Hire" because when people are searching for a service provider, they'll use the keywords describing the service they're looking for.

If you want to land clients now, you can start on sites like Upwork and Fiverr, but the pay as a beginner, especially in the beginning, may be pretty low unless you have specialty skills that are highly sought after.

The advantage of using sites like these is that they do have clients already looking for freelancers and you wouldn't have to build a site of your own. Whenever you land a job, always have a contract to protect yourself and the client.

Content Creator

It's easy to be successful in the area of content creation. The way that it works is pretty simple. You create content and other people buy it for their business. It's like being a ghostwriter, without having a client tell you specifically what to work on.


One area of content creation that you can pursue is making PLR (private label rights) material. This is content that you create in various formats including text, video and/or audio, that you can sell to multiple buyers.

You would write someone once and it can sell fifty or more times. So say you create a 20-page report and you list it for $20. If 122 people buy it, you've made $2,440. Doing this type of writing is often less expensive for clients than ghostwriting is.

So you're more likely to build a business quickly with this kind of content. You might like becoming a content creator if you enjoy writing and creating and can do a lot of it fast. With this online business model, you'll have content that can be suitable to several different types of clients.

And because the content isn't custom made for a specific client, you'll be able to cast a wider net and find more interested buyers. There are other reasons why you might enjoy becoming a content creator.

You get to talk about whatever topics that you want to without having to answer to someone else. Of course you want it to be a topic that is in demand. But if you want to write about dieting, you can.

Or if you prefer to write about finances or cute little puppy training, then you're free to do that. You can create content that will appeal to multiple niches, like stress, so there will always be clients in a related niche.

There is a downside to becoming a content creator. You might find that sales can be unpredictable. You might have one month where you sell your creations hand over fist and the demand is high.

You've released a new PLR pack and it takes off. Every time you turn around, you've sold another. But then the following month, you might launch a pack and sales barely trickle in.

This happens and these results are often due to factors that are outside of your control such as the time of year when certain content doesn't sell as well or lower sales based on who's promoting you.

Getting started in this type of business is easy, too, but you will need to know at least some skills up front. You'll need to get a website set up to host your sales pages and you'll need to know how to word it so that it converts into sales of your PLR.

You'll need to know how to use a shopping cart plug-in or have the funds to be able to hire someone to handle it. This is one area where you could use the services of a VA or an assistant.


Don't let lack of experience get in the way of your progress, though. Either quickly research and learn what you need to know or find someone to delegate it to. Don't just give up when you reach a point that's outside of your skillset.

As a content provider, affiliates matter in terms of having a successful launch. Ideally, you want an army of affiliates that are willing to promote whatever it is that you're offering.

You can usually find affiliates in PLR sellers' groups on Facebook who'd like to get on board. In these PLR groups, sellers talk behind the scenes and also mingle with their affiliates.

They let them know about upcoming releases, any special deals might be going on and more. As soon as you get affiliates, a relationship based on trust is building and if you want to hold onto that trust as well as your reputation online, make sure that you pay your affiliates on time.

Because of the importance of affiliate marketing in this type of business, you must always treat affiliates well. Some PLR sellers choose to pay their trusted affiliates instantly while others pay every week or every month.

Regardless of when you pay, be consistent. When you set out to create your PLR, you want to make sure that it has value for your users. Remember that your customers are going to take your content and customize it.

You want to create quality content that "wows" your buyers and makes them eager to snap up your products in the future. To make sure that your PLR business is successful, don't just rely on affiliates.

Affiliates can be an amazing help when it comes to selling your content. But you need to have your own list. To get started you would need to sign up for Aweber, GetResponse or another email service.

The cost for this should be less than $20 a month initially and if you don't have the funds for that, then you can sign up for a free Mailchimp account. You're allowed to use Mailchimp to build a list for free until you reach a certain number of subscribers.

Once you've chosen an email marketing service, create an opt in freebie or lead magnet to lure people into your list. You'll also want to capture their name and email address whenever they check out at your store.

On your PLR store, you would divide what you're offering by the type of content, plus you might want to consider having one area for mixed content. So one click would take buyers to PLR articles or eBooks, while another would take them to video and so on.

You can label your mixed content as bundled content. Once you have your list going, don't just promote your own products. Make sure that you also promote other PLR sellers.



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