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Lesson Plan***Reminder: All fields must be completed prior to submission.Name:Jordynn BrownGrade: 6th Grade ELA Lesson Title:The Power of Pronouns *2 daysDate: 11/27/14Instructional focus included in this lesson:__X__ Whole Group _____ Small Group _____ One-on-One _____ Students with IEPs/504 _____ ELL Students__individual work___ Other (Please specify )Please specify the number of students:_____13_____ Girls _____7____ Boys ____________Gifted __________IEP/504 _________ELLLesson Modifications: List instructional strategies and planned supports for the whole class, individuals, and groups of young adolescents with specific learning needs.Very little modifications are needed because this is essentially a copying exercise. The students will write down the same thing I do. Central FocusEssential QuestionsOverarching Questions(Analysis/Synthesis/Evaluation)General Overview of Lesson**Common Core Standards**How do pronouns improve sentences?Students will be given a prompt to get their brain juices flowing. I will go over subjective and objective pronouns. Students will complete a listening activity, and then they will be given a worksheet.ELACC6W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.a. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically.b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.c. Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another.d. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to convey experiences and events.e. Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.Central Focus/Lesson ObjectivesObjectives are measurable and aligned with the standard.Students will substitute appropriate possessive?pronouns for nounsStudents will identify and use personal?pronouns Students will recognize subject and object pronounsStudents will be able to recognize pronouns and distinguish them from other parts of speech.Students will be able to use the correct form of pronouns in sentences.Supporting Content Development Through LanguageAcademic Language: supporting content development through languageWhat is the key language demand? What academic language will you teach or develop? What are the key vocabulary words and/or symbolsPronouns – words that take the place of a nounSupporting Content LearningMaterialsWhat resources can be used to engage students?A single white 5 x 7 notecard and a pencil, Subjective/Objective Pronouns worksheetProceduresIntroduction to Lesson/Activating ThinkingWhat is the ‘hook’ for the lesson to tap into prior knowledge and develop students’ interests? This should tie directly into the lesson’s objectives and standards and should promote higher level thinking. How will you introduce the content specific vocabulary words?*Use knowledge of students’ academic, social, and cultural characteristics.I will have the students to think about the definition of a pronoun and what they represent. Then I will challenge them to come up with 5 complex sentences WITHOUT using pronouns. Estimated Time Frame: 15 minutesBody of Lesson/Teaching Strategy #1What will you have the students do after you introduce the lesson to learn the standards and meet the objectives? What questions will you ask to promote higher level thinking? List the procedures and include an appropriate array of activities.(**Include the estimated time frame for each major activity**)The students will take the notecard they were given and make four columns. The first column will be for Subjective Pronouns. The second column will be for Objective Pronouns. The third column is for Possessive Pronouns. The fourth column will be for Reflexive Pronouns.SUBJECTIVEOBJECTIVEPOSSESSIVEREFLEXIVEIMeMy/mineMyselfYouYouYour/ yoursYourselfHeHimHis/hisHimselfSheHerHer/hersHerselfItItIts/itsItselfWeUsOur/oursOurselvesTheyThemTheir/theirsThemselvesAfter we go over the Subjective Pronouns: -I, you, he, she, it, we, and they- I will give them little tips to never confuse the Sub. Pronouns with the Obj. Pronouns by using the “power of love”. I will tell the class to say use this formula to keep the pronouns straight:I love me For Reflexive Pronouns:You love you I love myselfHe loves him You love yourself She loves her He loves himselfIt loves it She loves herself We love us We love ourselvesThey love them They love themselvesSo they will not confuse the Sub and Obj. Pronouns with the Possessive Pronouns, they will say these sentences to themselves:This is ______ iPhone.That iPhone is ______. ***Teacher note***the card above is the completed notecard. In this lesson, the students will only be filling in the Sub., Obj., and Poss., portion of the notecard. Day 1 will be Subjective, Objective, and Possessive Pronouns; Day 2 will be the Reflexive PronounsEstimated Time Frame: 20 minutesBody of Lesson/Teaching Strategy #2What will you have the students do after you introduce the lesson to learn the standards and meet the objectives? What questions will you ask to promote higher level thinking? List the procedures and include an appropriate array of activities.(**Include the estimated time frame for each major activity**)Day 1:Once they have filled in the portions of the notecard for the lesson, they will listen to the song “My Girl”. With the help of their new notecard, the students will count all of the pronouns they hear in the song. After the song is over, I will put the lyrics up on the SMART board and call on students to go up and circle all of the pronouns in each stanza.Day 2: The students will use the same “power of love” technique to distinguish the difference between the Reflexive pronouns and the ones they already learned the day before.The students will be given a worksheet on the different types of pronounsEstimated Time Frame: 15 minutesClosure/Summarizing Strategies:How will the students summarize and/or share what they have learned to show they know and understand the standard(s), objectives, and vocabulary? Students will be given the remainder of class to pack their things and make sure they put the notecard in a secure place so they will not lose it.Estimated Time Frame: 5 minutesMonitoring Student LearningMonitoring Learning: Assessment/Evaluation Every standard listed above must be assessed & included. Questions to consider: How will students exhibit an understanding of the lesson’s objectives?How will you provide feedback? What evidence will you collect to demonstrate students’ understanding/mastery of the lesson’s objective(s) including their usage of vocabulary?Reminder: Assessment plan must align with objective(s)/standard(s)Assessment Plan for IEP Goals and/or 504 Plans (This is a plan and should be written as such; remember to identify both formative and summative assessments throughout the lesson):There is no time stamp for this quiz. The students who need extra time will have it and the students who need extreme quiet will get it because there will be no talking during the quiz.Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives (This is a plan and should be written as such; remember to identify both formative and summative assessments throughout the lesson): Once the students have learned all of the Subjective, Objective, Possessive, and Reflexive Pronouns, they will be given a formative quiz to assess their knowledge of pronouns and the different ways they can be used. The quiz questions will come directly from the USA Test Prep website. Later in the unit, the students will be given a test that will include a section on understanding pronouns and how they are used.Reflection/Analyzing Teaching EffectivenessReflection includes characteristics of the lesson and specific examples on how it can be improved. Improvements are based on the effectiveness supported by evidence on how well the objectives were achieved. Specific examples to improve future lessons are provided.The students liked the “power of love” part of the lesson. They laughed at first and then realized it made sense to say it over and over. The song was a good idea because it changed the usual lecture/worksheet repetition. They sang along and had a good time while learning. They were happy and laughing and smiling. The transitions flowed smoothly and there was minimal chatter which means they were willingly paying attention and cooperating. This lesson was a good one due the fact that it was fun AND academic at the same time.**listening/speaking component****grammar component** ................

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