Mrs. Palermo's 6th Grade Language Arts - Home

STATION #1Personal/Possessive PronounsSTEP 1 of 2:Complete the required HOLT reading.HOLT: p. 31-32 reading. On notebook paper in your binder’s grammar section, copy down the chart on p. 32 Personal Pronouns. Also, write down the possessive pronouns on p. 32. Write down each definition.STEP 2 of 2:Complete the required HOLT grammar practice exercises. Then, check your answers in the answer key folder. Ex. 5 on pg. 33 ALLIf you have three or more incorrect answers, complete the extra practice handouts in the practice handouts folder. Then, check your answers. STATION #2Reflexive/Intensive PronounsSTEP 1 of 2:Complete the required HOLT reading.HOLT: p. 32-33 reading. On notebook paper in your binder’s grammar section, copy down the chart on p. 32 Reflexive/Intensive Pronouns. Write down each definition.STEP 2 of 2:Complete the required HOLT grammar practice exercises. Then, check your answers in the answer key folder. Ex. 6 on pg. 33 ALLIf you have three or more incorrect answers, complete the extra practice handouts in the practice handouts folder. Then, check your answers. STATION #3Demonstrative/Indefinite PronounsSTEP 1 of 2:Complete the required HOLT reading.HOLT: p. 34 reading. On notebook paper in your binder’s grammar section, copy down the TWO charts on p. 34 for Demonstrative and Indefinite Pronouns. Reflexive/Intensive Pronouns. Write down each definition.STEP 2 of 2:Complete the required HOLT reading and grammar practice exercises. Then, check your answers in the answer key folder. Ex. 7 on pg. 35 ALLIf you have three or more incorrect answers, complete the extra practice handouts in the practice handouts folder. Then, check your answers. STATION #4Interrogative/Relative PronounsSTEP 1 of 2:Complete the required HOLT reading.HOLT: p. 36-37 reading. On notebook paper in your binder’s grammar section, copy down the TWO charts on p. 36-37 for Interrogative and Relative Pronouns. Write down each definition.STEP 2 of 2:Complete the required HOLT grammar practice exercises. Then, check your answers in the answer key folder. Ex. 8 on pg. 37 ALLIf you have three or more incorrect answers, complete the extra practice handouts in the practice handouts folder. Then, check your answers. STATION #5Subjective/Objective PronounsSTEP 1 of 2:Complete the required HOLT reading.HOLT: p. 179-180 reading. Subjective PronounsHOLT: p. 183-184 reading. Objective PronounsWith a partner, read aloud the sentences, stressing the italicized pronouns. Oral Practice #1 p. 180 (Pronouns as Subjects)Oral Practice # 3 p. 184 (Pronouns as Direct Objects)Oral Practice #4 p. 185 (Pronouns as Indirect Objects)STEP 2 of 2:Complete the required HOLT grammar practice exercises. Then, check your answers in the answer key folder. Ex. 3 on pg. 180 ALL – Subjective PronounsEx. 6 on pg. 184 ALL – Pronouns as DOsEx. 7 on pg. 186 ALL –Pronouns as IOsIf you have three or more incorrect answers, complete the extra practice handouts in the practice handouts folder. Then, check your answers. STATION #6Pronoun-Antecedent AgreementSTEP 1 of 2:Complete the required HOLT reading.HOLT: p. 137-140On notebook paper in your binder’s grammar section, copy down the chart on pg. 137.Write down the definition of antecedent.Copy down the following points: 6n6o6o #5 STEP 2 of 2:Complete the required HOLT grammar practice exercises. Then, check your answers in the answer key folder. EX. 11 ALL p. 140EX. 12 EVENEX. 13 ODDIf you have three or more incorrect answers, complete the extra practice handouts in the practice handouts folder. Then, check your answers.STATION 1 ANSWER KEY:P. 33 Exercise 5 – Identify all pronouns1. me, my2. his, him, his3. our, they4. she, herself, she, her5. he, them6. you, me7. we, ourselves8. you, us, your, we, it9. he, his, us10. I, it, myselfSTATION 2 : ANSWER KEYp. 33 Ex. 61. himself-intensive2. them- personal3. she – personal4. herself – reflexive5. it – personal 6. you – personal7. themselves- intensive8. they – personal9. herself- reflexive10. itself – reflexiveSTATION 3: ANSWER KEYp. 35 Ex. 7 1. anyone- indefinite2. this – demonstrative 3. something – indefinite4. that – dem.5. this – dem. 6. some – indef.7. those – dem8. these – dem9. several – indef10. nobody – indef. STATION 4: ANSWER KEYp. 37 , EX. 81. that – relative2. what – interrogative3. what – inter4. who – inter. 5. which – relative6. whom – relative7. which – inter.8. whose - inter.9. which – relative10. whom – inter.STATION 5: ANSWER KEYp. 180 Ex. 31. he5. He9. they2. we6. We10. I3. she7. I4. I8. heP. 184 Ex. 61. me6. us2. us; them7. him3. her; me8. us4. him9. Her; me5. us10. ThemP. 186 Ex. 71. them6. her2. him; her7. us3. her; me8. me4. him9. Us; them5. us10. meSTATION 6: ANSWER KEYSp. 140 Ex. 11 ALL1. their - its6. Their his2. it - them7. Their its3. her their8. correct4. their his or her9. Her their5. its their10. Its theirp. 141 Ex. 12 EVEN2. correct4. their his or her6. his or her their8. he theyp. 141 Ex. 13 ODD1. its their3. it them5. their her7. correct9. correct ................

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