Lesson plan - Study Island

|Math Lesson: Addition and Subtraction |Grade Level: 6 |

|Lesson Summary: Students will learn how to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. Students will also practice adding and subtracting |

|decimals problems with different place values. Advanced students will practice in pairs with handmade problem cards. Struggling students will practice basic |

|fractions using models. They will also practice decimal problems on grid paper. |

|Lesson Objectives: |

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|The students will know that… |

|fractions and decimals can be added and subtracted. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|add and subtract fractions and decimals. |

|Learning Styles Targeted: |

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|Visual |

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|Auditory |

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|Kinesthetic/Tactile |

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|Pre-Assessment: |

|Use this quick assessment to see if students can write equivalent fractions and change decimals to fractions. |

|Write each of the following pairs of fractions using the least common denominator (LCD). |

|[pic] and [pic] ([pic] and [pic]) b) [pic] and [pic] ([pic] and [pic]) c) [pic] and [pic] ([pic] and [pic]) |

| |

|Write each decimal as a fraction in simplest form. |

|d) 0.25 ([pic]) e). 0.8 ([pic]) f). 0.17 ([pic]) g). 0.09 ([pic]) |

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|Note students who do not get the correct answers. |

|Whole-Class Instruction |

|Materials Needed: 1 copy of the Worksheet* per student, index cards |

|Procedure: |

|Lesson Presentation: |

|Use parts of circles to explain how fractions can be added and subtracted with like denominators and with unlike denominators. |

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|Use money to show how decimals need to be lined up to either add or subtract them from each other. Tiles and grid paper can also be used to represent the fractions|

|and decimals. |

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|Guided Practice: |

|Provide students with addition and subtraction problems using fractions and decimals. Have students add fractions with like and unlike denominators. Decimals |

|problems should use decimals with different place value. |

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|Independent Practice: |

|Have students complete the Worksheet. |

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|Closing Activity: |

|Separate students into pairs and have them set up a concentration type game with index cards that you have created. They take turns selecting a card and finding |

|its match. |

|Advanced Learner |

|Materials Needed: index cards |

|Procedure: |

| |

|Have students find each solution. |

|a. [pic] + [pic] |

|b. [pic]+[pic] |

| |

|c. 0.12 +1.37 |

| |

|d. 5.67 +2.304 |

| |

|e. [pic] +0.4 |

| |

|Have students create cards that have a fraction, decimal, plus sign, or minus sign on it. Make two piles: one with the operation symbols and the other with the |

|fractions and decimals. |

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|Discuss the process of adding and subtracting fractions and decimals to make sure that the students know that the denominators must be the same. |

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|Separate students into pairs and combine their cards. Make sure there are still two piles. Then students will take turns drawing 2 cards from the fraction/decimal |

|pile and one card from the operations pile. Using the three cards they will either add or subtract the numbers. |

|Struggling Learner |

|Materials Needed: tiles, grid paper, colored pencils or crayons |

|Procedure: |

| |

|1) Display a circle that is divided into 8ths. Go through all of the parts of the circle, [pic]. |

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|2) Have students represent basic fractions like halves, fourths, eighths using circles. Have them represent decimals using grid paper. |

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|3) Emphasize the need for using common denominators when adding or subtracting fractions. Also make sure students know to line up the decimals when adding or |

|subtracting decimals. |

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|4) Then have them add and subtract fractions using the manipulatives that they created. |

*see supplemental resources


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