92 Cold Sweat - Code Lyoko episode transcript

Code LyokoEpisode 92: “Cold Sweat”Written by Bruno Regeste and Sophie DecroisetteStoryboard by Paul Beneteau and Alain LeEnglish episode transcription by A_QueenOfFairys for CodeLyoko.frExt. Gates – DayYumi and Hiroki walk to school together.HirokiIf you had the choice, would you rather be a screwdriver or a monkey wrench?Yumi looks off into the distance.HirokiHey. You dreaming, or what?After another pause, Yumi stops walking.YumiWhat was that?HirokiIf you were a tool, which one would you choose?YumiCan’t you think of anything less dumb to ask?HirokiSure. Are you still in love with Ulrich, or aren’t ya?Yumi scoffs and enters the school grounds.Yumi (annoyed)I’ll never be a tool, but you’ll always be a fool. Hiroki giggles.Ext. Quad – DayA number of students are standing around the quad, chatting. Among them are Milly and Tamiya. Tamiya is holding a stack of newspapers and holding one up to try and get people’s attention.Milly (loud)Get your Kadic News hot off the presses! Rosa and the tuna salad caper! Jim Morales, the former professional athlete, tells how to throw a shotput without breaking your toe! Ms. Hertz reveals how to make a volt meter out of your MP3 with just a few simple operations!Yumi walks past.Milly (loud)Plus, an exclusive picture about the secret past of Yumi Ishiyama!Yumi stops and turns around.YumiHuh?Yumi grabs the newspaper Tamiya is waving around and opens it up. She holds the newspaper up for Milly and Tamiya to see, and a foldout page opens up.YumiBut…where did you get that picture?MillySorry, but we never reveal our sources! It’s an absolutely fundamental rule of journalism.TamiyaAll we can tell you is that it’s one of your very best friends, and that at this very minute, he’s in the rec’ room.Milly raises an eyebrow. Yumi growls and marches off, seething.Yumi (seething)Wait ‘til I get my hands on him…!MillyHow could you do something so lame?TamiyaWhat’s wrong? I didn’t say his name.Int. Recreation Room – DayOdd and Ulrich are playing table soccer. Odd is currently holding the ball.Odd (commentator voice)It’s the Champion’s Cup final! The favourites, Brazilian Coffee Beans, lead six to five against the German Liverwursts! The tension is high! You can hardly hear a pin drop as Walter Bram-Odd’s phone rings.UlrichAnother one of your girlfriends, I’ll bet.Odd answers.OddHello? …Oh, hi, Milly. Yeah. What’s happening?Ulrich watches curiously.Odd (shocked)What?! But why’d she have to do that?! That’s the last time I’ll ever give you a scoop!Odd hangs up.Ulrich (slightly impatient)Can we play now?Odd (distracted)Yeah, sure. Right away.Odd goes to place the ball on the table, but he stops.OddUh, Ulrich? I’ve got a little problem with Yumi. You really have to bail me out this time.Ulrich (suspicious)What did you do now, Odd?OddA little practical joke. Nothing at all. But you gotta say it was you!Odd winks and points the ball at Ulrich. Ulrich raises an eyebrow.OddI mean…please?UlrichI asked you what you did, Odd!OddPlease. In the name of our friendship.UlrichI’m gonna regret this, I know it…OddYou’ll do it? (winks) Lyoko Warrior’s honour?Ulrich (giving in)Yeah, ok…OddGreat!Odd goes to put the ball on the table, but Yumi enters the room and walks up to him. She holds the newspaper right up to his face.Yumi (angry)Odd!Odd flinches. One of the pages features a photo of Yumi in her house, wearing a pink fairy gown with blue wings, a long, blonde, wavy wig, a tiara and a wand. Her black shoes don’t match the rest of the outfit. In the photo Yumi is blushing and frowning, clearly uncomfortable to be wearing the costume.Yumi (angry)Are you the one who gave this picture to Tamiya and Milly?OddWhy are you angry? You look adorable!Sissi (condescending)For once, Odd the dope is right! It’s true, pink does wonders for you, Yumi.Ulrich and Odd look up to see that Sissi, Nicolas and Herb have entered the room. Sissi is looking at a copy of the Kadic News. Yumi keeps her head turned towards Odd, away from Sissi. While Sissi is talking, Nicolas takes Herb’s glasses and puts them on. Herb frowns at him.SissiWhen I think of all the times you made fun of my look, you must feel like an idiot!Sissi and the two boys laugh.Yumi (furious)Black, is my colour. Black, like your eye’ll be if you don’t back off.Nicolas returns Herb’s glasses. Sissi huffs and starts walking towards the table tennis table.SissiCome on, boys. Let me beat you at ping pong again.Nicolas is holding two paddles. He puts an arm around Herb as they walk over to the table. Yumi sighs in exasperation and then turns back to Odd.Yumi (angry)This time, Odd, you’re gonna be sorry, ‘cause I’m gonna give Delmas a list of all the pranks you’ve pulled over the past two years. I’m sure he’ll be happy to have it!UlrichYou’re wrong, Yumi. I gave the picture to Milly and Tamiya.Yumi’s eyes widen and she gasps in surprise.Yumi (stunned)It was you? Well why’d you do it?UlrichI um…haven’t the slightest idea.Yumi (hurt)Dumb dork!Yumi starts walking to the door.Yumi (hurt, upset)Don’t ever speak to me again!Yumi leaves, closing the door behind her. Ulrich flinches at the sound.Odd (thankful)You really are a good buddy! Thanks!UlrichDon’t bet on that.Odd looks away.Ext. Arches – DayYumi’s cheeks blush bright red as she walks under the arches. Anais and Priscilla laugh at the Kadic News as she walks past.AnaisYumi! Lend me your pink princess costume for Halloween?PriscillaCan I use your wig?Yumi (angry)Why don’t you shut up!Jeremie and Aelita walk up to Yumi. Aelita is holding a copy of the newspaper behind her back.JeremieAre you ok, Yumi?AelitaYou look upset! Is anything wrong?YumiI really don’t want to talk about it. What’s happening?AelitaWe just located a new Replika in the network!JeremieWe’re gonna destroy it tonight! See you at the factory later!The bell rings.YumiI’ll be there. I’ve got history now. See ya!Yumi walks away. Aelita takes the newspaper out from behind her back and she and Jeremie both look at it.JeremieLet’s face it: she does look awful in pink. Although the colour really looks great on you, Aelita!Jeremie and Aelita blush.Int. Lab – Night [Alternating with Ice Replika]Jeremie is looking at a map of a Replika. The Skid has just moored to a tower.AelitaIt’s ok, Jeremie. The Skid is docked.JeremieThat’s great! I’ll activate the tower.The tower’s halo turns green.JeremieWell, who’s gonna get Teleported tonight?AelitaI vote for Yumi and Ulrich. They’re good together on a mission.Yumi (annoyed)No way! I’d rather go on my own than go with him.Ulrich (muttering)I don’t believe it…JeremieWhoa, chill out, Yumi! Why don’t you and Odd go this time?Yumi…Yeah, sure.UlrichAnd why not with me?YumiHe wasn’t dumb enough to make me look bad in front of the whole school!UlrichOdd, we gotta talk. I just changed my mind!OddUh, too busy for that. Sorry! Teleportation time, Jeremie! Come on, will you? Wake up!JeremiePatience, ok, Odd? (types) Why is everyone so wound up tonight? …Energise, Odd.Odd disappears from his Navskid.JeremieEnergise, Yumi!Yumi disappears.Ext. Siberia – Day [Alternating with Lab]Odd and Yumi are Teleported to a snowy, rocky landscape in the middle of a blizzard.JeremieWhere are you?Yumi shields her eyes and squints through the falling snow to see a research base in front of them.YumiUh…in the middle of a snowstorm!JeremieThat’s like any one of a thousand areas!YumiI think I can see some kind of a base. We’ll go check it out.JeremieGotcha, ok.Yumi points to the base.YumiCome on, let’s go!Yumi and Odd run towards the base.JeremieBe careful, guys…Ice Replika [Alternating with Lab]AelitaTell me, Ulrich: what did you do to Yumi to make her so angry with you?Ulrich rubs the back of his head.UlrichIt seems I gave that picture of her to the Kadic News.JeremieThat sounds more like the kind of idiotic stunt that Odd would pull!UlrichFunny you should say that.AelitaYumi must really hate you. Got any ideas how to get back on her good side?Ulrich…The only way is to tell her the truth!Ext. Siberian Base – Day [Alternating with Lab]While Yumi walks up to the door, Odd keeps an eye out around them with one arm aimed and ready. There’s a sign on the wall that reads, “UNION BASE.”YumiJeremie, I think I found a clue! It says, “UNION BASE.” Position: sixty-three degrees, sixteen minutes north; one-forty-three degrees, fifteen minutes east.Jeremie types in the co-ordinates, bringing up a world map that zooms in on a location in the northeast part of Russia.JeremieYou’re in Siberia! At a scientific base that XANA’s taken control of! (types) I’ll see if I can download a floor plan. Go on inside, in the meantime.Int. Entryway, Siberian Base – DayOdd slides the door open, letting the wind blow the snow inside. Odd quickly gets into the hallway and aims his arm in one direction and then the other. Yumi follows him inside, closes the door, leans against it and sighs. Seeing no threat, Odd rubs the back of his head. Yumi folds her arms.Yumi (hurt)How could Ulrich have ever done such a thing? I’ve never been this mad at anybody in my life!OddEven the day when I threw your maths homework in the incinerator?Yumi sighs and looks up at the ceiling. Odd laughs.OddIt was a great gag, though!Yumi (cold)Are you trying to get on my hit list, or what?OddOh, come on. Relax, Yumi.Yumi steps away from the door. Odd gives her a playful shove.OddAfter all, you’ve gotta admit the photo thing was funny, wasn’t it?Yumi laughs forcefully.Yumi (cold)No!OddOh yeah, sure it was! …You don’t think so?Yumi (cold)It was mean and nasty!Odd’s smile disappears as his jaw drops.Yumi (hurt)I don’t even know if I can call Ulrich a friend after what he did. What do you think?Odd puts his hands behind his back.OddUh, nothing! W-why don’t we just concentrate on the mission. Hey Jeremie, how’s the floor plan coming?JeremieIt’s coming!Int. Lab – NightJeremie loads a map of the base.JeremieOk! Now I’ve got you. Head for the staircase at the end of the corridor. It’ll take you right down to the basement.OddWe’re on our way, Einstein.Int. Entryway, Siberian Base – DayOdd and Yumi run down the staircase.Int. Lab – NightThe Superscan detects an activated tower.JeremieRats… An activated tower. Yumi! XANA’s counter-attacking.Int. Cavernous Room, Siberian Base – DayYumi (off)Roger.Yumi and Odd open a door. They stand ready to fight, Yumi in a martial arts pose and Odd with his wrist aimed. They enter the room: a huge, underground space with rock walls. There are various staircases on one wall and another door opposite Odd and Yumi.OddWhat kind of attack?JeremieSearch me! Surprise!A green bolt of lightning strikes the middle of the room. As the door closes behind Odd and Yumi they’re hit by a gust of wind, and then temporarily blinded by a bright flash. A smoky black ball crackling with green electricity has appeared where the lightning struck, and it disappears to reveal XANA-William in his Lyoko attire, with his back to Odd and Yumi. He turns around, scraping the tip of his sword loudly along the floor and tracing a black-green semicircle.YumiWilliam!The eye of XANA has appeared beneath XANA-William’s feet, a smoking black burn on the floor.YumiDid you get that, Jeremie? XANA’s managed to Teleport William!Int. Lab – NightJeremieThat, is a pretty awful surprise.OddSure is! This might be a good time to deactivate the tower!JeremieI’m on it. You two head for the door on the other side of the room. Aelita, activated tower, east of your position.Ice ReplikaAelitaWe’re on our way. Disembarking.Aelita types on the keypad and then disappears. Ulrich disappears soon after. The two of them appear on the ground beneath the Skid. Aelita inspects her hands.JeremieHere come your vehicles!AelitaThanks, Jeremie.The Overbike and Overwing appear next to their riders. They get on and drive along a path.Int. Cavernous Room, Siberian Base – DayYumi throws her fans at XANA-William. He deflects them with a simple circular swing of his sword.OddLaser arrow!Odd fires a round of arrows. XANA-William blocks them, looking bored, until one finally hits him in the arm. He drops his sword. Odd kisses his hands before raising them again to aim. Yumi runs down the stairs.YumiCome on, Odd!Yumi and Odd run across the room – Odd on all fours – while XANA-William recovers from his injury.YumiHurry up!OddI’m coming!The door in front of them closes. The eye of XANA flickers in XANA-William’s eyes and he growls. The door locks: the light on the panel turns red. Yumi and Odd turn back to look at him as his sword flies off the ground and lands in his hands.YumiJeremie, William has blocked the door!Int. Lab – NightJeremie hovers his hand above the keyboard and traces a circle with his fingers.JeremieDon’t panic! I’ll take care of it in no time.He uses the map to cycle through each door until he’s found the one that’s locked.JeremieOk, I just have to crack the code for the electromagnetic lock. Can you hold on that long?Int. Cavernous Room, Siberian Base – DayYumiWe’ll try!Odd cocks his arm as XANA-William starts making his way up the stairs.OddLaser arrow!Odd fires three arrows and XANA-William blocks them with his sword. XANA-William then takes a swing at Odd. Odd jumps out of the way, letting the sword hit the wall instead, and flips down the staircase. XANA-William removes his sword from the wall and goes for Yumi instead. She blocks it with her closed fan. She gets pushed down towards the ground under the weight of the sword.OddLaser arrow!Odd shoots XANA-William in the back, causing his whole body to flicker. Yumi pushes his sword away and it clatters down the stairs. XANA-William falls to the side and Odd walks up the stairs, both arms pointed forwards and a smile on his face.Int. Lab – NightJeremieThere you go! Open sesame, guys.Int. Hallway, Siberian Base – DayThe light on the door panel turns green and the door slides open. Odd and Yumi back through the door, keeping an eye on XANA-William. Odd makes a thumbs-up while Yumi has her fists raised.OddNice going, Einstein!Once they’re a few paces away from the door, Odd aims at the panel.OddLaser arrow!Odd shoots the door panel. Inside the large room, XANA-William is lying on the staircase with his eyes closed. The door closes and the panel is left smoking.YumiJeremie, which way do we go?Int. Lab – NightJeremieTake the second hallway on your left.YumiOk, we’re off!Jeremie continues typing.JeremieUlrich! Aelita! How’s it going?Ice ReplikaAelita squints.AelitaWe can see the activated tower.JeremieGood! From this end, everything’s cool for the moment. Go for it.Ulrich and Aelita near the end of the path, where there’s a main platform and several raised platforms. The tower is on one of these raised platforms. A Megatank rolls out and charges its laser. Spotting it, Aelita manoeuvres the Overwing off the path. Ulrich crouches on the Overbike and then jumps up into the air. The Overbike is destroyed by the Megatank’s laser. Aelita throws an energy field and destroys the Megatank. Ulrich lands on the Overwing.UlrichThat’s what I call co-ordination.Aelita continues driving forwards.JeremieYou’re gonna need it! Two Tarantulas at eleven o’clock!There are two Tarantulas in front of the tower. They open fire as Aelita tries to fly close.AelitaStrategic retreat!Aelita does a U-turn and flies back along a path joining the tower platform to another platform. As they fly over the second platform, the Overwing is hit and destroyed, sending its two riders falling to the ground, screaming. They land on their feet and look back over at the monsters: after moving slightly closer, the Tarantulas open fire again. Ulrich and Aelita take cover behind a curved ice rock, one of many surrounding them. Lasers fly past them and batter the rock.Int. Hallway, Siberian Base – DayXANA-William pounds the door from the other side, denting it badly until he’s able to pull it open. Teeth bared, his XANA eyes scan the hallway. He runs down the corridor.Int. Lab – NightJeremieOdd! Yumi! William is on your tail. Hide somewhere until Aelita has deactivated the tower.On Jeremie’s map, a red icon chases after two green icons.OddOk! We’ll hide in the room just in front of us.Int. Hallway, Siberian Base – DayOdd and Yumi open a door and go inside.Int. Organ Room, Siberian Base – DayThe door closes and Odd and Yumi look at the room they’ve just entered. There are a number of computer terminals in a ring shape in the middle of the room, as well as several large tubes full of strange, green liquid. Yumi walks across the room.OddWow! This looks like Doctor Schrank’s laboratory!Yumi approaches a set of tubes.YumiWhat’s this stuff, I wonder?Odd joins her.OddBeats me! …I’d say some kind of soup!They look closer at the contents of the tubes. Inside each one, suspended in the liquid, is a brain connected to several wires.Odd (disgusted)And it’s beginning to look like brain soup!Odd rubs his throat and makes a loud noise of disgust. Yumi frowns.Int. Lab – NightJeremieListen, Ulrich. Odd and Yumi have William to deal with. I hope Aelita’s already in the tower.Ice ReplikaThe Tarantulas have ceased fire, waiting for Ulrich and Aelita to reappear.UlrichNearly there. We’ll have to force our way through.AelitaHave you got a better idea?UlrichNo.AelitaDo you think it might work?Ulrich shakes his head.UlrichNo. Supersprint!Ulrich Supersprints out from behind the rock and runs towards the Tarantulas, avoiding their lasers. When he gets close, he jumps up and throws his sabre into the eye of a Tarantula, destroying it. Ulrich lands right next to the second Tarantula and it aims at him.Aelita (in the background)Energy field!An energy field hits and destroys the Tarantula. Ulrich shields his face from the explosion and then looks over at Aelita, standing at the other end of the path. She runs to join him.UlrichWell done, Princess!Aelita runs inside the tower.UlrichI’ll wait here for you.Tower, Ice ReplikaAelita runs inside and begins her ascent.Int. Organ Room, Siberian Base – DayOdd and Yumi turn around in surprise when the door opens. XANA-William is there, holding his sword up to obscure his face.YumiHe never gives up!The door closes and the light turns red at the same moment when XANA-William turns his sword around.YumiJeremie! William is here!Int. Lab – NightA window on Jeremie’s screen shows Aelita ascending to the top platform of the activated tower.Jeremie (casual)Don’t sweat it! Aelita’s already in the tower.Tower, Ice Replika [Alternating with Lab]Aelita reaches the top platform. The interface opens and she goes to place her hand on it, but she hesitates.AelitaUh… Jeremie?JeremieA problem?AelitaThis tower commands William’s Teleportation, so the interface must contain the protocols and programs that XANA uses to control him.JeremieYeah, so?AelitaSo if we hack into the data, maybe we can find a way to free William!A broad smile appears on Jeremie’s face.Jeremie (excited)That’s right! Aelita, you’re a genius!AelitaI’ll send you the programs.Instead of placing her hand on the screen, Aelita taps it with her finger, switching to a different view that lets her open windows on the interface.Int. Organ Room, Siberian Base – DayXANA-William spins around, swinging his sword in a circle around him. Odd and Yumi jump away from him.OddYoo-hoo! William!Odd cocks his arm. XANA-William turns around and throws his sword. Odd jumps up to avoid it and the sword sticks into the wall behind him. Yumi’s fan flies out and slices XANA-William’s leg before returning to her hand. She closes the fan and smiles. Odd crouches and aims at XANA-William while his leg is still flickering.OddLaser arrow!Odd’s glove clicks. Odd laughs nervously before his smile fades.Odd (upset)I’m out of ammunition!XANA-William’s leg returns to normal and he uses it to kick Odd into the wall.YumiJeremie! It’s no picnic around here. Is Aelita gonna deactivate the tower or not?!XANA-William has retrieved his sword. He holds it up high.JeremieY-yeah! Right, yeah. H-hang on a minute.Tower, Ice ReplikaAelita works at the interface.Int. Lab – NightJeremieOk, Aelita. I’ve got what I need. You can enter the code “Lyoko.”Int. Organ Room, Siberian Base – DayYumi flies into the wall. XANA-William walks up to her, sword raised above his head. Yumi holds her arms up to shield her face.YumiNooo!Tower, Ice ReplikaAelita places her hand on the interface and enters the code.Int. Organ Room, Siberian Base – DayXANA-William swings his sword down at Yumi, but freezes just before he touches her. XANA eyes wide, he flickers and disappears. Yumi relaxes into the wall, relieved. Odd is lying on a bit of floor just above her.YumiPhew!Odd rolls onto his back.OddNap time!Tower, Ice ReplikaAelitaTower, deactivated.Ice ReplikaUlrich smiles up at the tower as its halo changes from red to white.Int. Lab – NightJeremie breathes a sigh of relief.JeremieOdd and Yumi. Go back into the hallway. The supercomputer is not too far away.Int. Organ Room, Siberian Base – DayJeremieNap time is over!Odd rolls onto his side again.Ice ReplikaAelita exits the tower and smiles at Ulrich.AelitaThat takes care of that.UlrichNow we can go home and get some sleep.Int. Lab – NightA map opens, showing a red icon moving towards the Skid.JeremieNot yet.UlrichWhat do you mean, “not yet?”JeremieWilliam is back, and he’s heading straight for the Skid.Ice ReplikaXANA-William runs along the path towards the Skid.JeremieHe can still wreck our mission if he enters the code “XANA” in the tower!XANA-William reaches the end of the path and smiles at the sight of the Skid. He chuckles evilly.Ice ReplikaUlrichYou can always count on William to mess everything up!AelitaAny vehicles left for us in your garage?Int. Lab – NightJeremie types, shaking his head.JeremieOdd hates lending out his equipment, but anyway, here’s the Overboard!He programs the Overboard.Ice ReplikaUlrich puts his hands over his heart.UlrichI’ll take care of it, I promise.The Overboard materialises and Ulrich and Aelita run towards it.UlrichNow that I know how to use it!They jump on and ride off.UlrichYAHAAA!Int. Hallway, Siberian Base – DayYumi and Odd run through a corridor, Odd on all fours. They reach a corner.JeremieSTOP!Odd and Yumi skid to a halt, sliding into the wall.JeremieIt’s to the right!They run over to a door with a short staircase leading up to it. The light on the door is red.OddIt’s locked, Jeremie!Odd sits down on the stairs.JeremieOk. I’ll hack the lock. Er, just give me a couple of seconds.Yumi (slightly confused, hurt)Odd, you know Ulrich pretty well. Why’d he do it?OddOh, are you still hung up on that dumb photograph?YumiI wanna know why, that’s all!Odd sighs. Yumi raises an eyebrow.OddI don’t know why! Maybe he… Uh…! Maybe it’s because he wanted you to notice him!YumiWeird way to do it.OddWell, he’s not always that bright. And besides, they say that love can make you a little crazy!Odd giggles. Yumi just looks at him.YumiHm?Odd winks.YumiWhat did you just say?OddThat Ulrich isn’t always that bright?YumiUh-uh, after that.The door light turns green and the door opens.JeremieIt’s open! Get going.OddSorry! No time to chat, Yumi. Let’s go!Odd runs up the stairs and into the room.YumiYeah…Yumi follows him.Ice ReplikaXANA-William runs up to the foot of the tower, stops and clenches his fist.UlrichHey, William!XANA-William turns around and sees Ulrich and Aelita approaching on the Overboard. Aelita jumps off and activates her wings to fly, and Ulrich jumps off closer to the ground. XANA-William dodges the Overboard and it explodes when it hits the tower.Ulrich (sarcastic)Oh, no. Odd’s precious Overboard. Huh!XANA-William summons his sword and runs towards Ulrich. They trade a few swings, neither of them landing a hit, and then XANA-William plants his sword in the ground in an attempt to hit Ulrich. It becomes stuck in the ice and he struggles to try and pull it free. Aelita hits him with an energy field and he falls to his knees. Aelita flies closer and creates another energy field.Int. Lab – NightOddJeremie! What do we do with the supercomputer?Int. Supercomputer Room, Siberian Base – DayOdd and Yumi are inside the supercomputer room, weapons ready. Odd cocks his arm and Yumi opens her fans.OddShould we bust everything or should we finesse it?JeremieI think finessing it would be a safer bet. Describe the thing to me.The supercomputer is shaped like a dome, with glass or plastic around the outside giving a view of the circuitry within. There are many wires connected from the dome to the ceiling. There’s also a small terminal next to the dome. Odd and Yumi lower their weapons.YumiWell, uh there are a lot of wires and a ton of electric thingamajigs?Jeremie (sarcastic)Thanks! That’s a big help. You’re gonna have to be a little more specific.Ice ReplikaAelita creates an energy field in each hand and Ulrich tosses a sabre up into the air and catches it again. XANA-William blocks one energy field and is hit by the other. He devirtualises.AelitaAll clear, Jeremie! We took care of William!Int. Lab – NightJeremiePerfect! It’s smooth sailing from now on!Jeremie types.JeremieYumi, Odd!Int. Supercomputer Room, Siberian Base – DayJeremieI think the supercomputer is based on a Russian M13 machine!Int. Lab – NightOddDa! If you say so, comrade.JeremieGive me a couple of minutes and I’ll tell you how to destroy it.A Replika scan window opens up, interrupting Jeremie’s typing. It discovers multiple Replikas, one after the other.JeremieWhat do you know…Ice ReplikaUlrich sheathes his sabres.AelitaJeremie! What’s going on?JeremieXANA’s consolidating the energy from all of the Replikas!AelitaHuh?Ulrich and Aelita look at each other in surprise.Int. Lab – NightThe Replika count continues to climb to ten and counting.JeremieA-and I’m not talking about just two or three!AelitaBut why is he doing it?JeremieI wish I knew!Ice ReplikaThe ground suddenly shakes with incredible force, almost causing Aelita and Ulrich to lose their balance. After a pause, there’s another quake.UlrichWhat was that?AelitaI have no idea!The ground shakes again.The foot of an enormous volcanic monster lifts off the ground and takes another step, shaking the ground.Aelita and Ulrich look around and at each other.AelitaWhat’s that noise?Another quake.UlrichIt’s coming from…behind us!Aelita and Ulrich turn around and gape at the sight, stunned. From the monster’s point of view, the monster walks towards the tower to which the Skid is moored. With each step, the ground shakes.Ulrich (stunned, awed)That’s incredible…The monster slowly gets closer to the Skid. Aelita and Ulrich back away.UlrichOh, wow. Jeremie?!Int. Lab – NightThe map is reflected in Jeremie’s glasses. The monster’s red icon is huge compared to Ulrich and Aelita’s green and yellow icons.Jeremie (stunned)Ulrich! I-I’m getting something on my screen! What is it?No response.Jeremie (worried)Ulrich?! Aelita?!Ice ReplikaAelita and Ulrich continue backing away as the monster approaches. We now get a proper view of the Kolossus: it’s incredibly tall, much taller than the tower, and seemingly made out of something like rock with veins of lava peeking out between the gaps in its “skin.” Its head is white with a large eye of XANA and two floppy bits dangle from its “mouth.” There are six antler-like things on its head. Its left arm is a massive sword with another large eye of XANA on it, plus several smaller ones. Steam emanates from its body and with every heavy step, bits of lava are sprayed into the air.UlrichWe’ve got a new monster to deal with, Jeremie, and he’s gigantic! Any idea how to get rid of it?Jeremie (cowed)Sorry, guys, but I don’t! Not for now…! (scared) There’s only one solution! RUN!Ulrich and Aelita run. Ulrich throws one of his sabres and Aelita throws an energy field, but they hit the rock surface and do no damage. Ulrich’s sabre bounces right off. After taking a couple more steps, the Kolossus swings its sword arm and drags it along the ground, towards Ulrich and Aelita. Many shards of ice are torn up from the platform and thrown into the air. Ulrich and Aelita turn and run, but they’re devirtualised. Their blue pixels rain from the Kolossus’s sword arm as it brings it back up away from the ground.Int. Lab – NightJeremie watches Ulrich and Aelita devirtualise.Int. Scanner Room – NightUlrich and Aelita appear in the scanners, leaning on the walls.Aelita (worried)Jeremie, XANA’s created a new kind of monster! And he’s gigantic!Int. Lab – NightAelita (worried)He could destroy the Skid in a fraction of a second!Ice ReplikaWith slow, heavy steps, the Kolossus makes its way back towards the Skid.Int. Lab – NightJeremie tilts his head a few times, thinking. Finally, he opens communications with Odd and Yumi.Int. Supercomputer Room, Siberian Base – DayOdd and Yumi are leaning against the supercomputer, looking bored.JeremieYumi, Odd!OddSo you got any info? Not that we’re bored or anything, but uh…JeremieI’m gonna bring you in.YumiHuh? But we’re so close now!JeremieWe have no choice.Int. Lab – NightJeremie types.JeremieIf not, you could stay virtualised forever! So let’s not waste any time. …Energise, Odd… Energise, Yumi.Ice ReplikaOdd appears in the cockpit of the Skid, shakes his head and looks around. When he spots the Kolossus, he jumps back in his seat, shocked.OddHuh?!The Kolossus is very close to the Skid.Odd (slightly scared)Whoa! What’s this chunky hunk doing here? …He’s probably as mean as he is ugly!Yumi appears in her Navskid and her eyes immediately widen in fear.YumiJeremie, major trouble! Get us out of here, now!Int. Lab – NightJeremieYou got it! Docking release!Ice ReplikaThe Skid disconnects from the tower just before the Kolossus grabs hold of the structure, turning its halo red. It raises its sword arm to swing at the Skid, but Odd pilots it out of reach just in time. The tower moves around under the Kolossus’s weight, ending up standing at an angle. As the Skid flies away, the monster lets go of the tower and its halo turns white.OddClose one! Good work, Einstein.Int. Lab – NightJeremie removes the earpiece. Aelita and Ulrich have joined him.AelitaHe’s a mountain, not a monster!UlrichI can’t wait to see what Odd’s gonna call him!Int. Lab – NightEveryone is back in the lab. Odd looks thoughtful.OddHm… The Kolossus, with a “K” like in KO!UlrichI dunno who’s gonna get KO’d…but the name sure suits him.YumiWe’ll never make it now. As soon as we try to set foot on a Replika, he’ll be there to devirtualise us before we can say “Lyoko!”JeremieOne thing is sure: we gotta change our strategy. Because right now, XANA controls hundreds of supercomputers all over the world. (shakes head) We’ll never be able to destroy all of them!AelitaGot anything in mind?JeremieNo, nothing yet.Aelita looks concerned. Jeremie winks and makes a gesture with his hands.JeremieBut I’m working on it!Odd yawns.OddStick with it. But I’m ready to stick to my pillow right now. If not, I’ll sleep through my maths test tomorrow.Ext. Bridge – NightJeremie and Aelita lead the way across the bridge. Odd and Ulrich walk together. Yumi brings up the rear.UlrichI’m warning you, Odd. If you don’t tell Yumi the truth about that picture, then I will, you understand?OddI want to, but I can’t! I’m too chicken...Ulrich grabs Odd by his hood and pulls him towards him. Odd reacts with a startled whimper.Ulrich (quiet, threatening)Do it, if you don’t wanna get plucked!Yumi walks closer to them.OddOk, ok, but let me think it over a little.Ulrich (quiet)Yeah? How long?Odd (quiet)A hundred years?Ulrich growls and shoves Odd, still holding his hood.YumiCan I talk to you, Ulrich?Ulrich releases Odd.OddWell, I’m off to bed!Odd starts backing away.OddSee ya, guys. Uh…see ya!Odd disappears down the manhole. Jeremie and Aelita are already gone.YumiI had a talk with Odd about the photo.Ulrich grunts, urging her to continue.YumiAnd I think I understand why you did it.UlrichBut there’s something you ought to know. I-Yumi shakes her head.YumiNo, no. Let me talk, ok? You wanted to get my attention, didn’t you? I guess you thought if we had a fight that I would start thinking about you all the time…UlrichHuh?Yumi takes a breath and places a hand on Ulrich’s shoulder.YumiYou don’t need that to get my attention.She kisses Ulrich’s forehead and walks away.YumiNext time, try talking to me instead of doing something so dumb. Goodnight!Ulrich blushes and waves at her.UlrichUh…good…good…night!Ext. Ishiyama House – NightYumi walks up to her front gate. Her phone rings and she answers.YumiHey, Odd! What’s the matter?Ext. Park NightOdd is standing next to the manhole.OddWell, you see… I can’t go on being such a coward. I wanna tell you the truth. The photo prank was me…Odd holds his phone away from his ear, anticipating Yumi’s loud response.YumiWHAT?!He puts his phone back to his ear.Ext. Ishiyama House – NightOdd (guilty)U-Ulrich took the blame to cover for me, but he’s innocent! You’re not still mad, are you? Let’s forget about it and start from square one tomorrow, ok?Yumi hangs up and punches her gate open.Yumi (angry)What a pair of dorks!Ext. Park – NightUlrich climbs out of the manhole.OddY-Yumi? You still there? Y-Yumi?!UlrichOdd! Something wrong?Odd hangs up. Ulrich replaces the manhole cover.OddNo. And You?UlrichNo.They start walking.UlrichI’m cool.Ext. Quad – DayThe next day, students are out in the quad, chatting. Tamiya waves an issue of the Kadic News in the air, this one featuring photos of Odd and Ulrich on the cover.Tamiya (loud)Get your Kadic News here! Extra! (…)Milly and Tamiya walk across the quad. All around them, students are reading copies of the newspaper.Milly (loud)The Kadic News: how to be first in line for your medical check-up! Another easy, quick recipe: liverwurst pancakes. And an exclusive picture of Odd and Ulrich that you’re definitely not gonna wanna miss!Jeremie and Aelita are sitting on a bench looking at the newspaper, with Yumi looking over their shoulders behind them.JeremieWhat did you, Photoshop this thing?YumiNo way! I took it when they were coming out of the shower!Yumi whistles and taps her fingers on the bench. Jeremie and Aelita lean in to look closer at the photo, which we can’t see. Suddenly, Odd runs past looking very afraid, being chased by Ulrich. Odd weaves around the quad, but Ulrich is never far behind.Odd (loud, fearful)You told me to tell her, didn’t you?!UlrichI’M GONNA KILL YOOU!Odd screams. ................

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