Rules of the game

11869372745Book OneContents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1.Rules of the game PAGEREF _Toc427476768 \h 31.Rush job PAGEREF _Toc427476769 \h 42.Taunts PAGEREF _Toc427476770 \h 73.SF buddies meet-up PAGEREF _Toc427476771 \h 114.Line-up PAGEREF _Toc427476772 \h 175.The crew PAGEREF _Toc427476773 \h 196.Short-cuts PAGEREF _Toc427476774 \h 232.Soften him up PAGEREF _Toc427476775 \h 277.Gang warfare PAGEREF _Toc427476776 \h 288.Getting through PAGEREF _Toc427476777 \h 379.Broken PAGEREF _Toc427476778 \h 52Featuring Roger Snipes as Kwesi Rules of the gameFeaturing Roger Snipes as KwesiMatty Bladez as SpetznazRush jobinterrogatortits-up tough-ass“Think you’re some tough-ass, do you, motherfucker?”The muscular soldier had clamped a jaw breaking hold on Kwesi' chin. Defiant Kwesi had shaken his head, the hand had slipped off his jaw in the sweat. But the soldier had just snorted. “Get out of your shirt. You know how these things work.”As if the dude hadn’t opened his mouth and given out the order, Kwesi’s hands crossed over in front and grabbed at the bottom. Slowly, taking his time, Kwesi wriggled the damp clinging shirt up his back. Pausing to eye the soldier before his head popped inside. Giving him a look that held no fear, the shirt was coming off because it was hot in there. His body language spelling it out for the dude .. Kwesi was going to stand up to the guy. He could do his worst. It wasn't going to get the sucker far. Kwesi's calmness in his gaze was giving not a trace of nervousness. Their eyes locked before he tucked his head in. He half-expected a smack of retaliation. A knuckled fist into his abs .. for the cheek of playing up. But Kwesi’s abs knew to be ready. And anyway they were built for punishment like that. Satisfied he’d pissed the sucker off enough, sensing he had communicated defiance and got up the dude’s nose, Kwesi pulled the shirt over his head. Doing as he was told .. but doing it on his own terms. His shredded torso signalling a relaxed attitude, the sight of him shirtless gesturing he was trained for anything them might throw at him - Kwesi dropped down his hands to his sides. Unbothered he let the damp shirt slump to the dirt floor by his feet. Ready for what came .. they were wasting their time.When their eyes locked again, the soldier was smirking.“You certainly fancy yourself, asshole. Don’t you?”The smile stayed on the dude’s face as he rocked his head from side-to-side. An expression of cynical mockery .. And one saying he was only too happy to prove Kwesi’s certainty was wrong. That Kwesi was underestimating him.“Reckon yourself as one tough motherfucker. Don’t you?”Unmoved, showing no emotion, Kwesi simply stared him back.“Well, then .. asshole .. let’s see how fucking tough.” Tauntsthe analyst assessedThe four of them in the platoon had split up .. taking a quadrant each. A ramshackle old building .. looking worse-for-wear .. hardly the place you’d expect to find the arrogant fucker who’d been running governments ragged for months. They'd split up .. the better to get a good shot from any angle if that fucker popped his head out.But Kwesi had been ambushed, these buggers had popped out of nowhere for him .. he’d still been finding himself a good observation place. They were no novices either, had to be well-trained for getting the jump on him. And they came in hard. Half a dozen .. guns ready. Kwesi hadn’t even got off a single shot .. nothing to alert the other guys. In no time he was disarmed .. hands zip-tied behind. They were good .. guys didn’t spring an ambush on Kwesi that easy. Specially trained?“So they sent in the best they’ve got, have they?”He snorted at the idea that the man who’d walked into their hands was the best!“Sent in the commandos.”The man’s eyes came to rest on Kwesi's rock-hard upper chest, travelled up the mid-chasm between solid walls of muscle, an eye flicked to a pointed nipple straining on the muscular edge. "Besides .. I'd know ..I’d recognise the type."Frowning at that last comment about “I’d know”, Kwesi had done as told, no point in wasting his strength by getting up their noses yet .. He suspected he'd need every ounce of his strength. He just locked his stare back in the guy’s face. He’d been ordered to put his hands behind his head. Stand feet apart, arms up. In a pose that acknowledged he was the guy’s prisoner. Again Kwesi had given him this prize .. so what? He lost nothing by standing like that. And doing as told he’d probably saved himself a beating if he had refused. It'd be a senseless gesture to get the guy riled. He was going to get beaten up enough as it was, anyway. Save your strength.But he’d made the sucker pay for it a bit. Provocatively slowly he’d raised his arms. First one hand placed casually behind his head. A questioning look at his captor asked, this good enough for you? It wasn’t, he hadn’t expected it. But then with a gesture that suggested he was being gracious in giving the sucker what he wanted, he slowly raised his arm. Pointed it straight up at the ceiling. Then, his eyes goading, painfully slowly, almost languorous .. and certainly looking not one big intimidated .. he bent his elbow and the second hand joined the other behind his head.The guy got the message. He nodded, he’d got the signal loud and clear. Then smirking away at Kwesi, as if finding it hard to believe this jerk could be so dumb, his gaze had taken another tour of the muscled bulk stood in prisoner mode in front of him.“Me too, you see ….?.”The other guy eventually broke his silence after his gaze had taken his time in assessing the might he had there.“EX, in my case. Said my bye-bye to Special Forces couple of years back,"The guy’s English had an accent. But he was fluent nonetheless. "Never looked back."He shrugged, his shoulders jerked in a cynical way.“What is it our governments say? What’s their cover for you sticking your nose in here?”The guy’s evaluating look were again all over Kwesi’s front. Taking in the build. Assessing the power in his raised arms .. the bulge of bone-crunching strength in his biceps .. the surge of rib-breaking force in his chest. Evaluating what it was going to take to wipe the cockiness of this sucker's face .. checking out how much he was going to enjoy doing that.“Advisory capacity.”He snorted.“That’s what they call it, ain’t it? Sending you and your mates out here .. sniper rifles .. sent to take out some key figure.”His hand stroked in the bristles of his stubbly chin.“You. Me. They use us .. same way.”His eyes lit up.“Times were, they called the likes-of-us assassins. Trained-to-kill.”His eyes were strong on Kwesi’s now."That at least was honest. They were sending us to do their dirty work. Could at least call a spade a fucking spade?"Kwesi sensed an anger behind the guy's cynicism. Like he felt he'd been misused one time too many.“Advisory capacity! Fucking joke. Who they think they’re fooling?”Kwesi felt the gaze slip down his front. A “professional” evaluation of the powerful fish this sucker had netted. And what it was going to take to gut the catch.“Fucking insulting .. ain’t it? That phrase?”He smiled. A cold dispassionate smile that got nowhere near his emotions.“Advisors! Fucking joke. Call us what we are.”He laughed. "Murdering motherfuckers." It was a cynical bitter laugh.”You. Me. Boyo. We’re trained killers. And fucking proud of it.” SF buddies meet-upbrothers together“Wanna know a secret?”Spetznaz was tracing a finger down the ridge in Kwesi's abs. Provoking him. “We all are.”His head indicated over at the pair of goons covering the exit from this shed.“Each and every one of us sweating it out in here …”The finger dug into Kwesi’s belly button. Goading a reaction out of him.“All Special Forces .. different kinds …..”He grinned.“You. Me. Them. Brothers together .. see?””The pawing kept on taunting Kwesi to put a foot wrong. To lash out. To punch out.“Know what that means?”He leaned right in to the side of Kwesi’s head.“Trained for this.”The finger was circling in the sweat of Kwesi’s navel. “Getting captured.”He was trying to goad Kwesi into whipping a hand from behind his head and landing a fist on Speztnaz' jaw. “Getting done-over.”But Kwesi didn't give a toss about the hands slicking in his sweat. There'd been women enough who couldn't keep their hands off his mighty rows of muscle. And he wasn't short sighted, he'd seen the looks some guys gave his enviable abs. He could live with a bit of muscle worship .. even from an enemy.“Dealing with an enemy we’ve caught. Been taught to be “effective”.”Cheeks were touching. Stubbly cheeks scratched against each other.“Trained to take it.”The finger dug into the belly button in a set of rock-hard abs.“Trained to dish it out.”Spetznaz almost whispered that threat into Kwesi’s ear“So …. You know the drill."The guy’s head had pulled back. He was looking openly into Kwesi’s face. A look on his face that was almost friendly, buddy-like."We all know the game …."The finger went to the cleft in Kwesi's chest. Traced a slow sweaty path from the top down to Kwesi’s abs. Provoking. Kwesi refused to get riled."I ask a question. You tell me to fuck off. I ask it a different way. You tell me to go get fucked.”He snorted.“Supposed to works like that, ain’t it? Etc, etc, etc." the enemy the gameKnow the risks? Kwesi certainly did. Like-minded SF-bros? Certainly not. None of that bullshit was going to make an ounce of difference. They were still going to beat the shit out of him if it came to that. Still going to torture him senseless if that was what it took.Not the first time he’d been in a life-or-death situation. But he never shrugged it off. Life mattered, he had no plans to throw it away lightly. But experience had taught him a lot. He believed in what he did. And taking down this organisation of killer-thugs, that was worth believing in. He believed he was doing good. So he knew not to belittle the value of his life .. not going to get it cut short. Stop him from doing what had to be done.Spetznaz had given up on the mauling. He got down to the point. “So …. Both SF. We both know the risks. We know the rules.”Strange .. it was like the other thugs were not in the hut. Just the pair of them. Comrades in arms .. like-minded .. did the same job. Understood the rules of the game. Lived by the same codes. But on the other side of the fence. And Kwesi had not sold himself out to a bunch of mindless killers. Kwesi didn’t fool himself .. this sucker was not playing it for camaraderie. He had sold out his soul. The devil demanded his due. Some time soon things would take the inevitable turn for the worse. A twist of the screw on his nuts.“How’s it go? What do they tell us in training? In SERE?”The guy was eventually getting down to the point. Bringing up the techniques both had been trained to use. Getting put through hell .. in case they got captured. Trained to evade questioning. Trained to resist. Learned to survive. Techniques needed in a situation like the one Kwesi was in.“I ask a question. Nicely.”Now that Kwesi sensed they were getting closer to the action, he felt his pulse rate rising. He deliberately made himself take deeper breaths .. unobtrusively.“You answer back. Nicely. You tell me to fuck off.”He grinned. His grin saying, this is how it works, isn't it?“Comes across the same .. in any language.”What was that accent? European certainly. But not British. Certainly not French. Kwesi had done joint training with other elite squads to know. Russian? East European? Was this asshole ex-Spetznaz?“So I warn you. Remind you …. Fuck me around .. I’m gonna get annoyed, I politely remind you. Give me back that kinda answer .. Gonna get yourself hurt.”Kwesi knew this sucker was playing with him. Working up his nerves. But he would have to try harder. Kwesi had here been before .. more than once. Not so easily scared.“Out of kindness .. after all, what do I lose by giving some dickhead like you a second chance?”This Russian-or-whatever shrugged .. easy-going-like.“So nicely I ask again. Nothing probing. Nothing you need to think about. Just a few easy-to-answer questions.”He laid out his hands in front .. palms up. Indicating he wasn’t expecting much.“And what d’you say? How you respond to my pleasantness?”Kwesi had no doubts this prick was fucking him around. This light-heartedness .. this jocularity .. just play-acting. Kwesi was ready for it .. Not long before things would spring into action.Kwesi moved things along for the asshole. He grinned. He gave this jerk the answer he expected.“Go fuck yourself!”Spetznaz smirked. He seemed pleased his prisoner was playing along."Exactly."He was grinning. Almost like thanking Kwesi for joining in the game. He spread his arms out, palms out-stretched.“But I ask you. What kind of answer is that?”The only one this asshole was getting out of him! Kwesi had had enough.“Best you're likely to get,” he snorted his contempt.Kwesi .. stood with his hands behind his head .. stripped to the waist .. stared back. Arrogant. Contempt. A risky game. Nothing got more up a captor’s nose than a prisoner who didn’t act worried. It tended to make him up his game.“And in case you missed it first time .. “ Kwesi grinned back too, sardonically.He knew precisely what he was stepping into. How far up to his neck he was stepping into shit.“GO. FUCK. YOURSELF.” Line-upglare gift-of-the-gabThe asshole grinned back at Kwesi. Like his invitation to go-get-fucked was music to his ears. He couldn’t have been more pleased. Just what he wanted to hear.His hand grabbed at Kwesi’s scalp. The hair was too buzz-cut, he’d never get a grip. But the palm pressed down in the head, the fingers dug in .. like an eagle’s talons .. digging into Kwesi’s head.“Got quite a way with words .. haven’t you?”The sarcasm was underlined by the nails digging harder into Kwesi’s skull.Angered, Kwesi slapped a hand on the Spetznaz’ wrist. No more .. nothing less .. just a tight grip on the arm burying its painful pressure into his skull. Just a warning .. Kwesi was not a man to be fucked-around. A gesture, not more than that. He did not take stuff like this lying down.The pair glared into each other’s eyes. Fierce. Unmoved by the other’s defiance. Eyes burning .. muscled bodies bristling inches from each other .. manly strength of mind in opposition .. bloody-minded determination .. a craving to best the other breaking out of every pore.It came fast. It came in hard. It came lightning-fast. Sledgehammer-hard. Kwesi yelled out. He doubled up. An agonising blow in his balls. An upper-cut out of nowhere. Driven upwards from hard-muscled shoulders .. Spetznaz-trained .. blasting through his nuts .. jamming them up against resistant bone.Kwesi hadn’t expected that. Took him completely off-guard. Broke forward under the shock. A jarring kick broke into his knee .. doubling up with the sharp stabbing pain in his nuts .. combined, the force unbalanced him. Falling.That sharp lip-biting pain in his balls. Aware his legs were giving way .. Kwesi stumbled forward .. trying to regain his stance. Yelling out again .. bawling .. a fresh pain .. an explosion in his head.He was falling forwards into the path of a brain-shaking blow. Spetznaz jabbed his elbow downwards. Kwesi shuddered. The flat of an elbow smack on the top of his head. The force drove him downwards .. helpless .. legs giving way .. falling down on to his side. The sharpness of a shocked cry lit up the shed.His body jerked .. a sharp kick into his back. He shook .. a foot stomped down on his neck .. rolled him onto his front. Kwesi jolted under another blow. The heel of a boot jarred painfully down into his spine. He felt stinging acid rush up from his guts. Yelling in pain .. down in the dirt.Smacked into the dirt .. gasping in dust. Head swimming .. mind reeling .. not knowing what was going on .. not knowing up-from-down. The crewthe gang’s all hereThe sucker acted tough. The prick looked hard. A body like that .. it didn’t come ready-made. This sucker had customised it for the job. Question was, Was it all for show? Fucker built like this .. he was going to take any amount of heavy-duty lugging kit around. Built for power. The stamina to keep slogging through the jungle for days. But muscle didn’t make you hard. Bulging pecs didn’t make you tough. Time to see what this muscle-head was made of.The guys were moving in before the black hit the floor. No sooner had he taken the hard stomp into the back of his neck, each had an arm .. Dragging him half-conscious over the floor, head still reeling. The bar was ready waiting for the sucker. His head swimming, an arm each the pair of the crew was effortlessly zip-tying a wrist to each end of the bar. The sucker was stunned.The pulley chains rattled. The guy's hands were lifting in front of his head, smoothly getting pulled up to the tune of a well-oiled pulley. Back arched sharply, his upper torso being tugged upright, the dude was nearly on his knees, arms stretched above his head before danger signals got through to his brain. unawaresThe guys worked efficient, fast. They had his wrists zip-tied to the bar before he was compos mentis. But still Spetznaz noted he got himself back fast. From looking out of it .. suddenly the adrenalin was pumping like fuel on fire through his muscular body. But Kuznetzov was standing by. He doused the flickers of any trouble. A boot smacked the black in his abs. Looking like carved in ebony. But a hefty kick from a military boot soon emptied his guts of wind. He was already being pulled to his feet before he got his wind back. But still, Spetznaz noted, testosterone had pumped the black sucker back up. All tribute to the sucker. Maybe they HAD got a tough motherfucker on their hands. As hard as he looked.He spotted the black glaring at Kuznetzov .. sore at getting a kicking. A rebellious glare saying he was not going to be put down by getting badly winded. But Lagunov was still working the pulleys .. rattling out their metallic tune .. stretching the black’s arms up above him .. his legs still sagging under him. The dude looked up. Out of curiosity he checked the sound out. Bad mistake. Kuznetzov grabbed the chance. One quick step forward, he jabbed his fist into the black's exposed abs.The black got taken unawares. On two counts. One, taking a surprise hefty punch in the guts .. the bar pulling him up on his wrists already putting a strain on the stretching abs. And two, not seeing that Kuznetzov had deftly slipped on knuckle rings. Caught with his pants down. The black bawled out. Smacked breath-takingly hard in his abs. His legs wobbled under him. But still Lagunov on the pulley relentlessly stretched his outspread arms upwards. Pulling him to his feet.His pants had slipped down .. sliding down off the extended waist. Quickly, before the black sucker got his wind back, Kuznetzov warned him off with another pair of lightning fast-steel-clad fists smacked in under the belt. If the cocky sucker hadn’t wanted to show his pain .. he was given no fucking choice. His cracked cry burst free from his guts with all his wind.Lagunov had secured the pulley, then he moved in, quickly changing jobs. He had grabbed the sucker by one of his feet. Bent the leg up backwards .. going to remove the boot. Impressive, Spetznaz noted, the sucker reacted back, fast. This big muscled black was an animal .. he had the instincts of a trapped beast. One second he was coughing his guts up .. the next he was kicking off the man holding on to his foot.Kuznetzov from the front knuckle-ringed another punch into him, low. Right into the lower abs. The force of the blow sent him reeling backwards. Stood on one leg, the sucker lost his footing.But Lagunov behind had been ready. He had hold of the boot still. Before the sucker stopped coughing up his guts .. before he’d found his footing .. the black’s boot had been removed and thrown in a corner. Taking advantage and to unbalance the sucker further, Lagunov instantly grabbed the other foot too. Before the sucker knew what was going on, again he was floundering .. lost his footing .. hanging off his arms.He’d lost it. Gasping for breath .. smarting off Kuznetzov’s ring-clad fist .. still snorting the pain in his winded guts out of his nose. Both feet held up .. his torso stretched off his overhead arms .. hanging. To finish him off, Kuznetzov jumped in, fast. He strode forward. He hammered a fist into those black ebony-carved abs. An uppercut. Laden with steel-clad knuckles. Into the upper abs. In under the ribcage.The force lifted the dude .. thrown upwards under the power of a punch up into his diaphragm. The sucker bawled. The black threw his head back and yelled. Then with a rattling of chains the massively muscled torso dropped. The fall breaking. The muscles jerking. The muscle-head juddering and writhing off his chains. Short-cutsstrained new rulesThe asshole made some effort to wriggle himself free. But Spetznaz’ grip on the scruff of his neck just tightened, the prick could get no purchase, he had no arms. He was trapped in Spetznaz’ hold.“Know the rules, we do, us commandos.”Spetznaz gave a sudden tug on his neck. Yanking the sucker’s head around to face him. The trapped body next to him gave back an annoyed struggle to break free. But Spetznaz ignored the defiant gestures, just carried on with their little tete-a-tete.“Stage One .. I ask. Stage Two .. you refuse. Stage Three .. I hurt you. Persuade you to think again.”Grunting into the effort, the stubborn black wriggled himself freedom from the grip on his neck. But Spetznaz didn’t give a toss. He let the prick have his little win. “That’s how it works. Rules of the game.”Spetznaz let him wallow in his little victory. But to reassert his dominance over the asshole, Spetznaz threw the black a power pose. Arms up, biceps peaked. Just to let this prick see he was not the only one throwing muscle around. “Wasting my breath ….”He grinned back out of the double-bicep hold.“ … that’s what you’re thinking, bro. Ain’t it?”He smirked .. guessing their kindred spirits had made contact. Feeling similarly that men built like them .. conditioned like them .. they didn’t give in so easily. Both thinking, Ain’t easy fucking with an SF bro. “You thinking I’m wasting my time …?”Willingly Spetznaz let it go .. he nodded in agreement .. tables turned, he’d have been thinking the same. But his fingertips gave a sudden unannounced jab into the ebony abs .. rewarded by a sharp grimace. The earlier beatings had left their mark. This prick WAS hurting.“You ain’t gonna talk. Are you, bro? That’s what you’re telling yourself.”His mouth was right on the sucker’s ear.“Am I right? Or am I right?”Spetznaz sniggered. Reacting in annoyance, the black sucker yanked himself backwards. Putting what little distance he had left to him between the pair of them. Spetznaz didn’t give a fuck. This prick had no choice .. if Spetznaz wanted it, there was no avoiding contact .. whatever the black asshole thought.“Wasting my breath .. aren’t I? Asking you questions ….”He nodded .. grinning.“ … ‘cause guys like us .. we just don’t talk. Do we?”Spetznaz changed tack. He came at his black muscle-head from another direction. A hand spread itself over the prick’s left pec. The thumb stroked at the upper part of the solid muscle. Fingers went massaging into the solid muscle-ridge underneath. He felt the annoyance shiver on the asshole’s skin. Despite his cool, the black was irritated by getting mauled.“Know what? Motherfucker? I agree.”A finger separated. The middle finger running back and forward over the asshole’s nipple. Pawing him. Irritating him Because the sucker knew he could do shit-all about it. Going to have to put up with this. Couldn’t do anything else.Gloating, Spetznaz whispered into the ear by his mouth.“Couldn’t agree with you more.”Angry the black’s torso wriggled himself free of the mauling. Spetznaz finger’s slid off the nipple. But a second later it was back. Anger and emotions were already firming up the nub.“Questioning you? What’s the fucking point?”Spetznaz finger’s reached in under the pec. Gave it an extra-good goading grope.“Why am I bothering asking questions? Not gonna answer me. Are you, dude?”The black eyed him straight. He didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to.“Quite!” Spetznaz agreed. “So we’re not going to waste our fucking time.”Spetznaz saw the black frown. Spetznaz had expected that confusion. His game had planted that reaction. But if the asshole thought that Spetznaz was talking about a quick bullet in the back of his close-cropped head .. the asshole would have to think again.“What’s the point? Me asking the same question over-and-over again. You repeatedly telling me to go fuck myself?”He shrugged.“Where’s that getting us?”Spetznaz was enjoying the look of suspicion on the black’s rugged face. The black feeling confused .. wondering he wasn’t going to get tortured? The black feeling uncertainty. Unsure if he was getting a bullet to his head?“So my idea is …. we short-circuit the gig. Get right down to the fucking point.”Spetznaz laid out his plan.“No Stage One - no questions. Forget Stage Two -- no telling me where to go fuck myself. Straight to Stage Three.”Spetznaz ran his finger over the black’s nipple. It was hard. Solid with nerves. He knew he was getting through.Straight to Stage Three: I hurt you.“No questions. No futile answers. We just beat the fuck out of you. We put the squeeze on you till you can barely breathe.”He was calmly laying out the plan of action.“We squeeze the pips on your black fucking skin till you beg to be topped. Plead for the bullet in the head.”He nodded. Then he reminded Kwesi.“Just Stage Three. Hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Nothing else. Without a break.”He noticed the black asshole was not shaking him off now .. even though he had stroked his nipple-nerves to solid. The sucker was paying attention. He was hearing the threats.“The guys here …”Spetznaz indicated over his shoulder to his pair of goons.“ … they beat the crap out of you. Hurt you, motherfucker .. No questions .. No stupid answers. No wasting my breath. Just hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Hurt.”Spetznaz looked his prisoner straight in the eye. “Straight to the fucking point.”The firmness of Spetznaz’ gaze made it clear .. this was no idle threat. Spetznaz didn’t fuck around with idle threats.“Beat you. Squeeze the fuck out of you. Hurt you .. till keeping quiet isn’t worth it anymore.”Spetznaz squeezed in under the solid pec muscle. His free fingers taunted a final move .. squeezing down on a nerve-erect nipple.“And when you’re ready .. you can give me the word.”A fingernail grated over the aroused nub.“THEN we’ll talk.”Spetznaz glanced over his shoulder.“Over to you, boys. This sucker’s all yours.” Soften him upFeaturing Kyle Clark as Spetznaz Ty Young as LagunovTimucin Guclu as Kuznetzov Gang warfareKuznetzov speed plus powerKuznetzov didn’t need to waste any time on his own recovery. He hadn’t stopped to catch his breath .. didn’t need to. He never seemed to need to. Spetznaz had seen him keep up a punishing regime against a punch-bag in the gym. He’d only paused his punch-out .. for the sake of the black. For the sucker to feel the pain. Kuznetzov called a brief time-out .. so the black sucker could see how much pain he was in. And Kuznetzov was hardly off his starting blocks.Minimally Kuznetzov closed one eye .. taking aim like a sniper .. he adjusted the crosshairs of his punches a little. He swiped his forehead on his bicep. He took a manly whiff at the effort in his armpit. .. all without taking his eye off the gasping prisoner. Then without warning he moved in fast again. Fists flying .. this time pounding away right on the stud’s breast bone. Straight arm punches .. in a blistering attack that brooked no defence. Mind-blowingly rapid .. one forceful strike after another .. no chance for the black to catch his breath. Kuznetzov was built for speed. Lean muscle power backed by incredibly lightning-fast reactions. He’d cage-fought for the regiment before they drummed him out. His quickness was any match for opponents twice his size and weight. And the moment he sensed his opponent was floundering .. any sign of weakness .. that was a red rag to a bull .. his blood got up. In for the kill. Then there was no stopping him.The first fighter he maimed .. the regiment let him off with a severe caution. The second never recovered from brain injuries. Kuznetzov was dismissed, his crime covered up. His officers claimed he was insane. Once the bloodlust had him .. it was like he went mad.Punches had forced the black stud back at the extreme of his restraints .. couldn’t go any further back .. trapped in place by ropes .. blasted by fisted cannon-fire. Arms pulled forward by the overhead bar, torso back as far as it went. And chain-punched .. relentlessly .. breath-takingly fast, a blur .. pitiless. No escape .. a violent rainstorm of breath-taking blows pounding at the black’s sternum. Kuznetzov smacked away at him like at his favourite punch-bag .. his well-rehearsed punishing routine. There was no getting away for the black. And the blows just kept coming. Kuznetzov’s body was in overdrive .. his mind like possessed. A mind-body combination of devastating force. And the blows just kept coming. And the speed just kept up. No let-up. No slacking off. Not a whiff of tiredness. Dozens of crippling punches in .. each devastatingly smacked into the black’s chest. And the blows just kept coming. A never-ending barrage .. like getting hit by a power-hammer, a machine inexorably pounding away at the black chest. Another half-minute of body-devastation .. the black seemed held paralysed by the force hammering at him .. snorts, grunts, broken cries .. any show of pain could not last, each cry cut off at the root .. broken by another crippling blow .. cracked by a merciless stream of chain-punched hits.A half-minute, Kuznetzov let up. Still tense .. body still taut in devastating fighting mode .. ever-ready. But the punching stopped. As if a switch was thrown, the black stud cried out .. in the same instant as that last body-crunching fist. The pain-overload in his black torso broke free. A loud man-in-pain bawl .. pain, anger. But above all, pain. Will-breaking pain.Kuznetzov never missed a chance. He got in a surprise strike. Kuznetzov lifted his sights. He raised his game. An uppercut into the black’s upper abs. In at the straining top muscle row .. punching in under the ribcage .. hard, the sickening sound of a solid thud of fist on strong belly muscle. A force that lifted the black stud in his restraints. Blasting all the wind out of him. Smacking the fight out of him. Shock swiped the legs out from under the sucker. He dropped. He jarred. He hung. He yelled. The black sweated with pain. solid as an ox confessions“Everyone breaks, bro.”At the right moment Spetznaz had ordered Kuznetzov to stand down. The point was to break the black’s resistance .. not break his fucking back. He had intel. The black stud could be useful. And information meant a good bonus. Kuznetzov knew that, of course. He just couldn’t stop himself. Anyone who’d gone up against him swore Kuznetzov could throw a punch. And he made every single one of them count. This black stud couldn’t counter a single blow. Punishing treatment. Had to be stopped. They weren’t out to break his back for fuck’s sake! “Fuck you!”Spetznaz shrugged. He was clearly hurting, this black motherfucker .. but his will wasn’t broken yet, it seemed. Had Spetznaz expected anything else? He’d watched, the stud had absorbed a lot of pain from Kuznetzov. He was hurting. But it was going to take a lot more.“Guys like us .. we know .. there DOES come a point …. It’s a matter of biology, you see?”Words he’d picked up in training .. the pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo had worked on others .. why not on this black stud?“Only so much a body can take.”Spetznaz’ technique was to mix the psychological approach with the body-breaking. “Head cases like us …”Playing the old tune .. the buddies-together two-step, the shared-experience tango They understood .. like no others in the military could .. what this all cost. “Done it all before, haven’t we, bro?”Pretending to use their shared experience as special forces roughnecks to undermine the black’s confidence .. because they knew how each other ticked .. they could hold no surprises for each other. Trained for this kind of occasion, both of them .. they both knew how this worked. And each SF guy knew where his limits were. “Biology, you see …?”Spetznaz’ head was nodding .. feigning applause for what the black had taken. “Tough motherfucker like you ….”Appreciating how studly Kwesi had stood up to punishment that would have crippled most men.“Hard-nosed assholes like me ….”Reinforcing their shared experiences .. that the pair of them knew how this kind of stuff worked out on each of them. And his understanding how much it took to eventually break through. But .. Spetznaz’ crew would break through, wouldn’t they? Biological fact.“Know .. don’t we? There IS a limit.”Spetznaz feigned a look of introspection. As if recalling tough times for him.“Biological fact. There is a limit. Things can only go so far ….. only so much a body can absorb …”He nodded as if recalling his own tough times.“Unfortunately .. even hard-nosed motherfuckers like you. Like me.”His lips pursed. Spetznaz seemingly hesitating before confessing to his own weakness. Being honest .. as only strong like-minded buddies can be with each other.“There comes a point. Might take a bit to get there. But I know ….”He engaged the black with an earnest look. The kind that only buddies understood. “YOU know ….”Motherfuckers who thought alike .. even if they were on opposite sides.Spetznaz kept looking his prisoner in the eye. A kind of brotherly togetherness. Understanding. Appreciation.“We know .. at some point .. even hard-assed assholes like us .. like you …”He shrugged .. reluctant ..“Like me.”A shy smile lit his lips. The kind that only buddies on the same wavelength could understand. “I have ….broken …”Acknowledging that weakness you could only admit to a best mate ...“ … at some point .. we hit the buffers.”Spetznaz was slowly rocking his head from side-to-side. Confessing.“Me? …. I hit it fucking hard.”His shoulder shrugged. He’d admitted it. Under stress he’d broken, he was confessing.Looking Kwesi firm in the eye.“Maybe we don’t like to admit it. But .. when we hit those buffers .. we hit it fucking hard.” harmonising choppedSurprising .. even on black skin, the implant of Lagunov’s hand was clear to see. Burning bright. Stinging. To reinforce his point .. before the black could right himself .. Lagunov’s other arm snapped across his chest .. then in the blink of an eye .. it shot forward .. the arm straightened. A side-edge chop smacked across the black’s upper chest. He flew backwards .. as far as the restraints allowed. Then his legs collapsed. His body fell. Twisting and contorting off the overhead ropes. Head back .. his yell echoing in the shed. The piercing cry of surprise cutting through the thick humidity. A pair of breath-taking body-chops. The black’s eyes ripped open in shock. Mouth torn open with the horror.Lagunov was one to take his time. When he struck, it took your breathe away. But when it suited, Lagunov would give his victims a chance. Patiently he waited. He’d broken the spirit of enough guys in the past .. he had every confidence he did not have to rush. A few more back-breaking surprises like those .. Lagunov would have earned his pay.Kwesi was looking up at the raised hand. Raised up above a colossal bulk of muscle and power. It had taken some coming-back .. getting his head together .. finding the will to haul himself back to his feet and face more of the same. He’d had to grit his teeth .. pulling on that bar above his head .. grunting with the effort of finding enough strength-of-mind to find his feet again.Already his chest had been mercilessly battered .. a human punch-bag for that lean-muscled goon. The smack of water in his face had brought him round .. round to feel every bone in his upper body aching like fury. That goon had been like a machine. The blows had hit with a regularity that was hard to conceive as coming from a human. Consistent, fast, hard.And now this giant of muscle and brawn had thwacked a pair of brain-shattering blows .. again thwacked at his aching chest. It had been hard to catch his breath. And when he had, every gasp had hurt like fuck.WRONG! Kwesi told himself it was a mistake to be looking at that hand. Looking up at the hand raised for another body-crushing blow .. that would be construed as fear. His eyes riveted at that human weapon. Mesmerised. Frozen in terror of the force about to drop down and crush his will.His shifted his focus. Kwesi made his face twist into the eyes of the bull-brute. Eyes slitted in determination, jaw set. Kwesi turned his features into a strong look of defiance. He couldn’t stop the brute. He couldn’t evade that downward trajectory of body-crushing pain. But he could stand up to the fucker. He could look unmoved.But there was no light in that face. It would have helped Kwesi to fight back .. seeing an enemy to hit back at. But there was no hate, no pumping himself up, no fuelling his strength with scorn for the enemy. Emptiness. Kwesi’s gritted look of determination looked into a zombie. It was like this brute did not need anything to work him up. This is what he did .. this was how he earned his bread. All he had to do to hurt-like-fuck .. bring that flat hand crashing down on Kwesi’s chest.From the periphery of his vision Kwesi saw the sheer bulk of power. The full muscled might in that open shoulder .. above the massive bulk in the bicep .. the arm not flexed .. not yet in attack mode. Just raised in warning. A warclub raised above his head. A reminder of the force that had knocked Kwesi off his feet. With just two body-crippling blows. Forewarning him .. the arm raised in premonition .. a promise of things about to come.Spetznaz saw the raised fist clench. Muscles in the thick forearm tensed. Then slowly the hand opened again, the arm muscles released. Enough waiting-time .. Lagunov burst into action. His loud grunt of effort swallowed up the heat for a moment. The speed of the downward blow flashed in a blur. The smack of an open hand on the hard-muscled black chest rang like a clap of thunder. The black shot backwards. The downward force crumpled his chest together. The force of that mighty slap imploded his front. But Lagunov’s other arm was already rear-slicing across his massive torso. It hit the black full across the chest before he could crumple-up. The smack released the shock from the first hit. It lifted him. The force smacked him backwards. Flying, his feet smacked forwards .. up into the air. Torso knocked careening backwards. A loud bawl punctured the thick sweaty air. The ropes stopped the bar. The bar jerked him to a halt. Tugging his upper body forward again. Yanking pain through shoulders. Jarring pain through sinews .. torturing muscle. Serve the black sucker right, Spetznaz thought. Thinking to stand up to a force of brute nature named Lagunov. Getting throughbitch punch-bagAs Spetznaz and the black been talking, Kuznetzov had got Lagunov to haul the sucker up .. jerkily hauling on the rope .. pulling up the bar. Extending his arms .. lifting that sweat-glistening black chest .. stretching the power in those straining black abs. His feet were only a few inches off the ground but enough for his body to start taking the strain. The sucker would have trained for getting taken prisoner. With abs like those he would have had to be spending hours back-hanging doing leg-raises a thousand times. His shoulder joints were going to take the strain. His abs were going to be strong. But Kuznetzov’s systematic hammering away at him .. Lagunov chopping the fight out of his chest .. that all had to be making its mark on his strength. Eating away at his strength of mind.Not that you’d tell from the determined look on the black stud’s face.“And that goes for your mindless goons as well. Go get fucked.”Bravado. They all knew that. This sucker was going to take some working-over, he seemed to relish throwing down the invitation. And Kuznetzov was demonstratively pulling on thin leather gloves to do just that. Planning on some good sweaty workout for himself. And his knuckles might appreciate some protection.Suspecting, the black tensed his abs. Where would some interrogator go for him? Where better to unload a weakening barrage of hits on him? He tightened abs built in hours of killer workouts. Tensing when strung up like this was going to be less effective. But flexing would still provide some protection. And his abs were fucking strong.Tensing abs offered no protection, though. Rock-hard abs could not fend off an attack. Not against an onslaught to his ribs. No fucking protection whatsoever .. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. THWACK.Kuznetzov set up a rhythm. Three sets of three punishing fists into the sucker’s ribs. Then a body-crippling punch that took his breath away. Then the routine repeated itself.One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. THWACK.Spetznaz knew Kuznetzov would keep this up all day .. if he had to .. when he saw he was getting through .. when he heard his victim’s cries. When that got his blood up.One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. THWACK.But Kuznetzov took a breather. Hammered away at the left side .. a dozen times maybe. Then shifting over .. another dozen on the right. The black was jolting, jarring under the force. Pain was hammering through to his brain. Hung, helpless .. frustrated that he couldn’t do anything to help himself. Just One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. THWACK. The frustration building up. The pain building up. Eye-popping pain. Body rocked, swaying. Pain bursting ragged from his throat. Kuznetzov was getting through.A short breather. Kuznetzov took on water. Slugged half a bottle away. His eyes all the time on this stud .. suspended off the ground. Running with sweat .. drenched in pain. Eyes on him .. moving the bottle sideways as he drank .. no wanting to miss the chance. Seeing the pain running off the sucker’s hairline. Knowing exactly what he was going to dish out next.Theatrically he threw the water bottle away .. crashing into the corner. The noise even broke through the black asshole’s self-absorbed pain. Approaching Kuznetzov extended his hand to the dude’s chest. As if he could feel the burning through his gloves. Placing the palm of a hand to the agony burning on the black’s ribs.Kuznetzov paused a moment .. looking up cold and calculating into that black sweating face. He had the stud seated on the carousel. Now the sucker could pay for the ride.Kuznetzov lowered his line-of-sight. Two ribs above that black skin that was taking on a blotchy crimson hue. His world focused down on to a spot above the blotch four finger-knuckles across. He breathed normally .. only sensing the sweat from the black’s open armpit .. feeling nervous tremors shimmering off this glistening skin. He counted down. Five –to-one .. one second each.Then .. no warning .. no tell-tale tightening of muscle .. he struck. The cobra snapped out. Into the rhythm .. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. THWACK. Just inches above the aching ribs.Just One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. One-Two-Three. THWACK. no lying down madnessBy the time he had realised .. by the time the black stud got his head together .. still his feet dangling above the earth .. by the time he realised Kuznetzov was nowhere to be seen .. the cobra struck again. From behind. Kuznetzov spotted the moment .. experience alerted him that the black was sufficiently off-guard. One hand grabbed the black asshole by the scruff of the neck. The other hammered a knuckled fist into his lower back.Surprised out of his wits .. shocked by an onslaught taking him unawares. His chest shot forward .. his torso arched. The stupid fucker had woken up too late. And for Kuznetzov again it was party-time. The black dude had been caught with his pants down .. dozing .. lost focus. Always when Kuznetzov felt he had the upper hand, his pulse raced, his blood got up.Holding the black asshole by the neck .. to keep him steady .. Kuznetzov kept up the rhythm. Like he was linked into a metronome .. one a second, without fail. A hard-knuckled fist smacked into the black’s lower black. It was like Kuznetzov was wired into a clock. Unfailing, every second a forceful fist dug pain out of the black stud’s back. Jolting. Jerking. Pain bursting free from his throat. Holding him steady by the neck .. snapping crippling right hooks into the sweat-drenched back. Tick-tock-tick-tock. Kuznetzov’s upper chest elastically stretching wide .. then snapping back like a rubber band. Smacking on the same spot. Hard-knuckled punches .. landing on the pain-soaked back .. smacking onto the self-same agonised spot. One a second. Tick-tock-tick-tock. Like Kuznetzov was the pendulum of a clock. Scrawling agony onto the black’s face. Running with sweat. Dripping with pain. Tick-tock-tick-tock. Kuznetzov was all muscled power. The power in his lean all-muscled body balled up behind his every fist. And he never seemed to tire. He could knock the stuffing out of a prisoner before he gave any sign of slowing up.His problem, Kuznetzov did not know when to let-up. Smacking his fists into an opponent -- that was when he came alive. The black was having that earlier audacity smacked out of him. His cocky attitude .. thinking he was going to stand up to them .. for that insolence getting taught some respect. That arrogance of his .. that he could take anything coming .. where was that now? Hurting. Hurting like fuck. His body jerking, fucked-up. Shaken by an unstoppable barrage of punishing blows. Cries smacked that muscled stupidity out of him. Dumb fuckhead!“Enough!”Spetznaz knew to control this beast. Given his head, Kuznetzov would beat the life out of him. Waste him .. waste the chance of squeezing him for intel. Seeing the black sucker hung off his arms .. helpless .. vulnerable .. being taken out .. Kuznetzov was in his stride. A pace that would not let up. Kuznetzov would lose himself .. a man possessed. There’d be nothing left of the black fucker .. once Kuznetzov had his blood up.“Enough! That is an order!”Momentum drove another half dozen body-shaking punches into the black’s sweat-drenched ribs. Then Kuznetzov seemed to get a grip, he slowed. Another half-dozen blows smacked resounding off sweat-coated muscle. Kuznetzov was like some supertanker .. it took ages to come to a stop .. his blood up. Kuznetzov turned. Faced Spetznaz. Nodded. Accepting the order.Taking his farewell. Handing the prisoner over. Kuznetzov slowly faced the black, looking him over, his eyes running down the glistening pain-drenched front. The black’s torso was red-blotched-black .. from the barrage of crippling punches. Sweat ran down his front. Glistening in the sunlight filtered from outside.Kuznetzov drove a straight jab .. in below the belt .. well below .. driven into the black’s abs. The force slammed the sucker backwards. Sending him swinging. Pain and momentum doubled the black up, legs jarring up in the air. His agonised cry burst with the wind in his body .. drowning the sweltering air with his shocked pain.Gravity grabbed the black back, his legs dropping down. Kuznetzov got in another punch .. smack on his black navel. Punching any last bit of wind out of him. The bar on his arms jerked and swung as pain jolted through every muscle in his upper body. Kuznetzov turned to face his boss. He shrugged. His eyebrows raised. Looking at Spetznaz. His forehead scowled. His face sullen. Asking, What you hired me for, isn’t it? moderationSpetznaz chose to intervene. Kuznetzov had just kept on hammering away. He had that madness about him .. once his blood was up. The way Kuznetzov was going they’d be dealing with broken bones .. ribs smashed in .. risk of damage to vital organs. But this black stud was an asset. He had intel. They were going to squeeze it out of him. Good intel bought favours .. certainly a good bonus.THAT was what this softening-up was about. Not simply beating the fuck out of him .. turning him into mashed potato. Breaking down his trained resistance .. THAT was called for here. Getting through his thick black skull .. telling the sucker he was going to be suffering out of his head .. before they let up .. as long as they had to .. to get out what he knew. So the black sucker knew .. they could dish it out like this .. they could go on forever .. he’d break some time .. everyone did. THAT was what Spetznaz was out to do. Not standing by as Kuznetzov gave in to his madness and beat the life out of his black ass. Spetznaz had stood Kuznetzov down.Soften the sucker up .. get the intel .. get it straight. Then, Spetznaz had promised .. in order to placate Kuznetzov’s trembling frustration .. THEN Kuznetzov could beat the shit out of the stud. He could test things out, if he wanted .. Spetznaz was OK about letting Kuznetzov see how long the black thought he could keep this up. Keep on at him .. testing Kuznetzov’s stamina against this black’s pig-headedness. Beat the black fucker to death .. if that was what stirred Kuznetzov’s dick. But the intel first. Spetznaz stood Kuznetzov down.The black was panting hard as warily he eyed the takeover. Obviously hurting like fuck. Kuznetzov had got through to him alright .. he always did. It was just that the mad sucker had to be watched! A couple of buckets of water had managed to get his black close-cropped head back. Lowered to the floor .. stood in a puddle of water .. dripping off his chin .. his pants sodden. Probably too far gone to think how much he would have loved to get his tongue onto some of that wasted liquid.Gone .. but not so out of it that he would not now be feeling a queasiness in his guts. Spotting Lagunov, the bare-chested mountainous muscle now stood replacing Kuznetzov, eyeing him over. Time to shake hands with the rhino again. He was sucking air desperately into that straining black chest .. warily eyeing the devastating brawn eyeing him back. Wary at the thought that Lagunov was stood there .. a mass of brawny bulk .. enormously muscled .. thick beefy power. The black’s chest had to be remembering those chops that sent him careening back. That brute force was simply stood with his arms bulked up, crossed casually over his barrelled chest. Patiently letting the black stud get himself together .. letting his black gaze take in the crippling size of the threat waiting for him. And letting his nerves prickle in his black guts.Lagunov was waiting patiently .. letting him get his breath. The black was panting light and fast now .. panting only into his upper chest. Kuznetzov ’s punishing blows had done their damage to his ribcage. Breathing in and out was torture for him now. Unlike Kuznetzov’s, though, Lagunov understood the power of psychological threat. Not one for wildly lashing out and taking a prisoner’s breath away .. Lagunov was content to take it slow. Very slow if need be. He was letting the black see the massive size of this threat. Sending the nerves prickling down his spine. Churning the rumblings deep in his gut. The pulse lifting at the reminder of how much body-crippling power a force like Lagunov had thrown at him. And was stood there calmly just to throw the black another ton of bricks. For big brawny Lagunov psychological play too made its mark in breaking down this tough-nut’s stubborn will. man-hugs back-breaker will-breakerThe crush on his lower back increased. The black moaned out .. in agony. Lagunov leaned forward .. taking the black stud with him .. bending over him .. bending him backwards .. keeping up the killing pressure on his back. The sucker’s noises mutated. From moan to groan. A rasping groan. The pressure was getting through alright.Bending over the stud .. keeping the sucker bent backwards .. Lagunov dug his chin into the fucker’s chest. His chin drove long and steady into the black asshole’s sternum. Forcing him further backwards. Forcing the black’s torso to arch against Nature. Hips met.. Dicks shook hands. The black’s packed abs crushed against a wall of Lagunov’s even more dense muscle.Pressure on his breast bone kept twisting the black further over. Arcing him over backwards. Twisted into an impossible backwards arch.The pain got to the stud. The agonising pressure on his backbone. Vertebrae impossibly crushed together. Nerve endings shrieking. Kept there .. frozen in an arc of agony. The inescapable grind down his back. He cried out. A cry of desperation. A cry recognising there was no escape .. no fleeing from this tortured backwards bend.Eventually Lagunov had let the black go. After he’d hung trapped .. the hurt down his back crushing his will .. caught in excruciating pains .. for only minutes .. for seemingly forever. Generously freeing the stud for the torture arc .. kindly releasing the killer-squeeze on him .. letting the sucker’s body drop. He hung groaning off his wrists .. zip-tied to the iron bar .. legs bent out useless in front .. looking like he was sitting .. with his ass in the air. Released but Lagunov’s agonies was still with the sucker. Groaning in long-pained sounds. No longer the cocky black stud .. the self-confidence was being crushed out of him. The sucker just hung .. sitting .. groaning. His arrogant will was hurt.It took some time for the stud to find the strength of mind to get himself back in control. Lagunov, patient as every, let him take his time. It took some effort for the black asshole to find the strength to pull on the overhead bar and right himself. It took massive will to get his legs to stand firm under him. Spetznaz saw the sucker was calling on all his reserves of strength of will to keep his thighs to hold up his muscular weight. The prick was done-in. For some time he stood .. feet planted loosely under him .. his body swaying in tune to his pain. His muscled weight rolling from side-to-side .. instincts fighting his way back but not finding the road. Struggling to get his breath. Face twisted in grimaces .. of pain .. of effort.Lagunov was in no hurry .. he was letting the asshole get his senses back. Hands trapped above him, tied to the iron bar .. swaying .. moaning .. sweat glistening on his torso .. running off his hair. When the sucker looked like he knew where he was .. when the stud seemed to be finding his feet .. Lagunov moved in. Another round of will-breaking.Unbeknown to the recovering black, Lagunov was standing behind .. only a few paces away. It took a couple of steps to be in position .. close enough to fold his arms around the stud from behind. Hands met .. fists balled together .. clamped into the black stud’s upper chest. Just as the black sucker was waking up .. too late .. eyes shocked open at the move .. Lagunov dug his elbows in. Crushed against the stud’s sides .. pressing against ribs beaten and bashed in Kuznetzov’s last onslaught. Bones pulverised by Lagunov’s merciless bear-hug .. intercostals inflamed and hurting. Lagunov was inviting the sucker into a reverse bearhug .. An offer he could not refuse. Wrapping that muscular upper body in tireless bands of iron .. squeezing more life out of him. Crushing his elbows into his will .. centring on that ribcage .. bones already bruised and tortured. Digging strength-sapping agony into ribs tortured in Kuznetzov’s killer assault. Spetznaz saw the flash of recognition .. the message had got through. But the black sucker had woken up too late. He woke up to accelerate into a body-crushing spiral of agony. Twisting from initial shock rapidly into mind-blowing pain. Upper body crushed by bands of steel. Ribs squeezed in a locked iron vice. SQUEEEEEZED. Head thrown back over Lagunov’s shoulder .. mouth contorted open into a paralysed howl. Ragged shock distorted into a long desperate groan. Groan transmuting into a cry of dismay. Dismay twisting into a sustained bawl of disbelief .. this couldn’t be happening. Was such pain even possible? worse? crushedFive times Lagunov had pumped. Arms mercilessly squeezing around his black chest, then punching the elbows in. Five times jabbed into crushed ribs. Bones battered and beaten. The black sucker was in agony .. pain jarred out of every cell. Eight times. Stabbed in the ribs then the crushing vice kept him paralysed in its grip. Ten times .. jabbed then crushed. Then the squeeze lessened a bit .. letting out an explosion of a broken cry. Yelling out from each agonising jab. Ten times .. Lagunov now lifted the stud off his feet. Dangling him in the air. Twelve times. Jab. Jab. Jab. Holding him up in tortured agony. Legs flailing wildly with each body-clenching jerk into his sides.With each weakening crunch the black yelled out. Pain jerked his lower body. Torment shot through his legs .. thrashing wildly .. pain pumping at every fibre.Effortless .. at fifteen pitiless jabs, effortlessly Lagunov had leaned back. Without any strain he’d lifted the heavy-muscled dude further off the floor. The sucker’s bare black feet had left the earth. Jabbed and stretched. Fluently tortured .. Lagunov not even breaking rhythm .. the jabbing pumping still working on damaged ribs. Up to five jabs the black had managed to hold it in .. just giving out sustained moans. Then it got too much. Each jab punched a cry out of his chest .. each squeeze released in an explosive shout. And it had just got even worse again. Lifted off the ground .. every pained muscle under stretch. The black’s song of pain resounded in high-pitched yells. Spetznaz wondered .. had he just heard a trace of dismay in the tortured sounds breaking from the stud’s throat?Fifteen. Feet off the ground, suspended, stretched, jabbed, crushed. The columns of strength in those rock-solid abs flattened. The fourth row, below the belt, peeking out as the stud’s pants dropped. Red, inflamed . like the rest of his abs. Kuznetzov had not let a single row of this muscled belly hide away from his punishing attack.Twenty. Agony mounting with the rising numbers. Elbows digging in. Suspended in the air. Twenty rib-crushing moves. Twenty brain-crippling squeezes. The stud was out of his head. The asshole was getting it rammed into his thick black head. They were not the kind to fuck around. And this was just a softening-up.Not much fight left in the fucker after Lagunov had put the squeeze on him. He was hung lifeless as Lagunov crushed the life out of him. Earlier the asshole had tried mouthing it off. Telling Spetznaz to go fuck himself. Not much of that attitude left in him now. Lagunov had had him only a few inches off the floor .. his torso crushed to the enormous chest. But when Lagunov let him go, the sucker could have been falling ten feet .. for all the strength of mind he had in his body .. for all the strength those muscled thighs could find. Kutzetzov had deftly unhooked his bar from the pulley ropes. In the same moment Lagunov let him go. Dropping, crying out in confusion, the sucker fell to his knees. It had taken only a slight kick between his shoulder blades to crumple him down to all flours. Groaning. His back convulsing with weakness .. his shoulders rising as he grabbed for air.Lagunov finished him off. A kick into the coccyx. Painful enough at any time. But packed by a metal-tipped military boot. Backed up by the might of Lagunov’s prodigious thigh .. the asshole went sprawling. On his front, his chest slithering over the clay-packed floor. Crying out as the pain of the kick jarred up his backbone and rattled in what he had left of his brain. Broken floored archedSpetznaz felt he’d have to re-assert his authority over this session. He’d stood back .. he’d let the pair of his guys get on with the job .. after all, who was putting the money in their numbered back accounts? But a sucker like Kuznetzov, he could get it into his head that breaking the black’s will was all down to them .. what had the boss-man done? Lagunov wouldn’t be a problem .. they went back a long way. But Kuznetzov had a madness about him. Couldn’t trust the fucker as far as you could spit him.The stud was down on the floor .. groaning after Lagunov had worked him over .. not broken .. but he’d need some time to get his act together. Not planning on letting him off too lightly, Spetznaz dropped on his black backside .. smacking him with another pained cry into the dirt.Spetznaz eased forward .. straddling the black fucker’s ass. He was sure this asshole was half out-of-it, gonna offer little fight-back, But to make sure .. a jab with a clenched fist to the top of his skull. To keep the prick from managing to find himself, Spetznaz jarred his fist into the prone spine .. smacking the asshole in the back of his neck. The body shuddered underneath his knees .. a sharp grunt spluttered into the earth.The guys had done a good job .. breaking the black stud’s spirit .. quick and efficient. This softening-up hadn’t wasted too much time .. less than a half-hour. A groan shivered out of the stunned body. The fucker was conscious .. but he’d had a lot of fight punched out of him. But keeping on at him like this .. might not be the best way. An experienced SF grunt like this .. he had to know .. not coming out of this alive. A bullet in the head was coming his way .. he knew the risks when he signed up.Given a bit of thinking time .. what’s gonna be playing through his mind? He was a dead-man anyway. What choices? Keep getting fucked over. Having the shit beaten out of him. Knowing .. biology dictated he’d break some time. Or ….. get it over with? Could his black pig-headedness allow that? Give the fuckers what they wanted to hear? Would he see the light? See the sense in getting this over with? Short-circuit the suffering? Give up what he knew. Bless himself with that short-cut .. move on to that bullet-in-the-head?Experience told Spetznaz a bit of thinking time did not always go amiss. The black stud need a chance to think things over. See reason. Save himself more suffering. He’d break anyway ….He’d been mouthy before. Not now. Not after Luganov. The asshole had not been in any position to offer up any more mouth when Spetznaz’ own muscled hide had jumped on him .. He was straddling the prick's back, one leg either side. The guys had beaten the crap out of the asshole. Crushing the arrogance out of the prick. Beaten the shit out of his strength of mind. After Lagunov had put the squeeze on him, the fool has barely known what had hit him. Suddenly thrown hard face-down in the dirt, flat-out, his arms still tied to the iron bar. Stuck under him. Trapping his fighting spirit under his own weight. Spetznaz had dropped his weight onto the sucker’s lower back .. the body under him shook but it offered no fight. Just a loud cry .. that wilted away into a prolonged pained groan. Spetznaz was straddling the prick’s torso, sitting on him .. his weight on his ass pinning him down .. a foot either side of his waist .. his backside resting on the asshole’s hips. Beneath him he had an inert broad muscled back glistening with sweat. An acre of strength and daunting muscle power .. now broken by overwhelming might .. laid inert in the dirt.Spetznaz rubbed his own sweaty hands on his pants and leaned forward. He slid one hand around the asshole’s face. His fingers slicking in the viscous sweat on the prick’s cheeks. Sliding his other hand around. Spetznaz joined them together in a steely grip around the asshole’s jaw .. tight clutched together under his chin. Still the asshole offered no fight-back .. too out-of-it to sense the impending threat.Spetznaz felt the heat. Leaning forward over him. Rising hot and suffocating off the sucker’s back .. Spetznaz could feel the sweat building on his own chest .. hovering over the sucker’s back .. like leaning over an over. He felt the heat of the black sucker’s pain pressing up towards him. Spetznaz had decided the time was right .. this sucker needed a break .. to see sense .. to see the light. Persuade himself to cut things short. Feeling the confidence in him rising .. Spetznaz’ hands gripped tight in the sweat coating the sucker’s chin. Effortlessly Spetznaz leaned back. The asshole found his head lifting off the dirt. Both his arms locked under his own body .. no way to help himself. Again Spetznaz leaned further back. With a grunt of effort, he hauled the sucker up. Straddling this asshole's black backside, he shifted backwards. Increasing the pivot .. increasing the lift. The strength in his upper arms peaked, holding the heavy muscled dude up in the air, twisted backwards. With some effort Spetznaz’ biceps took the strain. Dragging the heavy-muscled sucker’s upper body up off the floor. Held up by Spetznaz’ tight grip on his chin. Lower body held down by the weight pinning down his backside. Dragging him up .. till the sucker’s back was twisted up into a painful arc. Beaten-up .. exhausted. Agonisingly arched backwards. Twisted into a merciless back-breaker. To break the back of this fucker’s stubborn will. backwards move how fucking tough?He dropped the black sucker. Let go his chin. Let the asshole slap face-down on the earth floor. A sharp shocked cry broke free. The chiselled back of glistening muscle jolted. Spetznaz didn’t think the asshole had much fight left in him. But just to make sure .. having dismounted off the prick’s ass .. got to his feet .. his boot stomped hard down into the sucker’s back. More sharp grunts .. wilting away to prolonged groans. Spetznaz thudded his heel into the backbone a couple more times. Each time the near-lifeless body was jarred by the force. With each pained cry the packed shoulders jerked around on the dirt floor.Spetznaz knelt by the prisoner’s head. His hand enclosed the scruff of the prick’s neck.“Not so tough now, eh, motherfucker?”His hand squeezed on the asshole’s neck. A moan seeped from his mouth into the dirt. Spetznaz squeezed, lifted the head and slammed his forehead into the dirt.Toughness he knew was not about muscle. It had more to it than a packed chest and etched abs. It was as much about strength of mind. The willingness to keep taking the punishment .. the will to refuse to give in. THAT .. and the stamina. And how quick the body recovered to take the next punishing blows. Well, that was a luxury this asshole would not know. Unless he came to his senses. He’d have his head reeling. He’d have his mind not knowing if he was upright or standing on his head. Keeping up the pressure. Relentless. Not a chance to catch his breath. His mind not knowing if it was coming or going. His strength of will would not come into it, not even get a look-in. Drowning under a morass of confusion and pain. On the other hand .. after this softening-up .. now the sucker was feeling what they had in them.. maybe a bit of reflection time would not go amiss. Give him a brief chance to see reason. See he couldn’t win. He was going to break anyway. Why not give the prick a short breathing space? See that if he gave them what they wanted, he was buying himself that short-cut to the bullet-in the-head? He had the choice. He could end this suffering here.Spetznaz decided to give it a try. A quick break .. keep up the pressure still but give the asshole a chance to see reason. That didn’t work? Well, then the prick could only blame himself.“Get him outta here.”His guys stepped forward, got the sucker by the biceps and lifted him .. moving to drag the prisoner out. He didn’t make any move to resist .. he couldn’t ... dangling down lifeless between them .. hanging off his arms, hands zip-tied to the bar still.“Stick him in the hole.”The guys were already dragging him off, his bare feet dragging in the dirt.“Let him stew.”Stew. Sweat it out a bit. See some reason. It looked like the sucker was unconscious .. but Spetznaz doubted that. It was just he was offering no fight. Gone that smirking arrogance, though. All that muscled defiance he’d thrown back in his face. But Spetznaz fancied he was getting a feel for this sucker. He was a tough-nut to crack. Maybe he’d keep up this fight .. or maybe he’d see reason. See there was a way out of this .. to end his suffering. Just answer a few questions. If that didn’t work .. well …… on with the squeeze …“Then go get the others. See if they’ve got more cooperative ….”Spetznaz was lying. So far the guys hadn’t tracked down any partners. But this sucker was no lone killer .. not the way things worked in SF. But no reason not to let this black sucker think his buddies weren’t getting much of the same. No harm in giving him the wrong idea .. think they had his buddies captured too. Meaning … his situation was hopeless. There’d be no rescue for him.Nothing lost by lying .. what was wrong with planting a little despair in his thick black skull? If this sucker’s head could still take the message in ….A couple of hours in the hole and the prick would be in an even worst state. Maybe then he’d see reason .. he must know wasn’t coming out of this alive. Short-circuit the problem. Why not? See some sense. Slip a few truths out .. what was the harm in that? Betray a few secrets. Earn your bonus points .. a quick bullet to the head. Pain over. Why not? Better than more of this. Wasn’t it?And if not .. if the black sucker could not see sense .. then Spetznaz would really see how tough this prick thought he was.“Get that fucker sorted in the hole,” he shouted as the guys dragged the black stud out of the door.“Then we’ll get to work on the others ……” bakery buddies“Get ya fucking ass down there.”Kuznetzov grabbed Kwesi by the neck. Then with a shove he plummeted a half-stunned prisoner down the steps towards the oven door. He couldn’t help himself, Kwesi tripped and collapsed awkwardly down the steps. Landing in a heap at the entrance to the hole. But help was ever at hand. Kuznetzov re-applied the grip on his neck and dragged him half-up, bent him double, sticking his head towards the hole.“In you get, asshole.”Kwesi was half-bent forward. Kuznetzov’s sharp kick on his backside sent him sprawling forwards. Landing on his front inside. Almost immediately the light went out .. the trapdoor dropped shut behind him. Locking Kwesi inside the hole .. head thumping .. brain reeling .. enclosed in complete blackness.It took only a few moments for his instincts to wake him up. The heat .. intense heat .. in seconds Kwesi felt the sweating. Thrust inside a clay oven .. he could feel the pressure from above .. intense heat off the clay ceiling .. exposed all day to the sun .. searing heat like there was a red-hot metal plate above him. Before he knew it, he was running with sweat .. in a heart-beat his exhaustion was quickly dispelled. Realising like an animal surrounded by snarling predators the danger he was in. Being baked alive.In no time he started ripping off his pants .. sudden movement burst pain all over his torso. He moved more gingerly .. easing himself out of his pants. But he still hurt like fuck. Everywhere. Having to breathe warily in through his mouth .. trying to filter out some of the stinging air he was breathing in .. with some effort and much pained grimacing he got the pants off. Using the already sodden cotton to wipe up the flow of sweat off his face. Then he held the pants before his face .. staunching some of the crippling heat burning as he breathed in.He was being baked .. his strength baked out of him. Trapped inside intense heat .. locked inside a sauna gone berserk .. that could not be turned off. Baked .. in a bread oven .. his strength being baked out of him .. drained from him with the sweat that ran down his flanks. And no liquid to replace the fluids he was losing.Down to just his sweat-soiled shorts, mopping his face on his pants, wiping at the back of his dripping neck, Kwesi rolled himself into a tight fetal ball .. trying to reduce the exposure of his skin to the heat. He forced himself to think .. to plan .. knowing that after short time inside here, his brain would be incapable. He hadn’t got long, weak as he already was from those beatings. Dehydrated massively .. weakened by loss of fluids .. his mind would not know left from right. With nothing left to sweat out, his body temperature would soar. The confusion in his brain would sky-rocket. NOW .. this was the time to plan .. to work out where he stood .. what he meant to do. Think while he still could.Despite his condition, Kwesi had heard those worrying words. Being dragged out of that hut, half-unconscious, .. still his brain had registered Spetznaz’ message.“Then go get the others. See if they’ve got more cooperative ….”So they’d got the others too? The thought could have spiralled him even further down .. thinking what that Spetznaz fucker was doing to his buddies right now. But Kwesi pushed that thought aside. Building on the information he had. It was a golden rule among the guys .. you never left a buddy behind. So there’d be no golden rescue either. No hope that the guys would leap in through the windows .. guns-blazing .. cutting down Spetznaz and his thugs. Come to save him. Kwesi was on his own. All down to him. A pity. But then ….. he’d just have to deal with that. End of Book One ................

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