[Pages:2]Childs Garden Summer Program Sheet 2018.qxp_Layout 1 5/30/18 3:00 PM Page 1



Outdoor Adventures Centered around Forest and Farm! Our Camp Theme this Year is to "BEE" Charitable!

Ages 2 - 10 9 am until 2 pm $325 Per Week, Includes Organic Daily Snack

CALL 631.276.5943 TO REGISTER

2018 Weekly SChedule m June 25 - June 28 biodynAMiC gArdening Week with Maureen Radigan Campers will experience

hands on gardening fun, mixing up bio-dynamic preps for the soil, planting and harvesting, making compost, eating from the garden, nature crafts to take home.

m July 2 - July 6 SliMe CAMP And PArAde Week Each day we will create different types of slime and

experiment with many "add ins" including edible slime! Extremely messy and fun! We are open on the 4th of July and will march in the Southold Town Parade as a group. Free Hotdogs, soda, and Popcorn at the end of the parade route!

m July 9 - July 13 hulA hooP CAMP with dance artist Diane Cancellieri .

Make your own hula-hoop to take home on Friday, learn how to hoop dance, play fun hoop games and learn new tricks. Great exercise and healthy habit!

m July 16 - July 20 eAt FroM the rAinboW with Maureen Radigan. Organically grown, locally sourced, cooking

camp features the colors of the rainbow and a different countries recipe each day. Extremely yummy, messy, delicious, international foodie fun on the North Fork.

m July 23 - 27 bee ChAritAble Week with Herbalist Sarah Shepherd. Make and take projects home each day.

Gain a better understanding of honey bees our most charitable neighbor! All crafting materials are from Nature.

m July 30 -AuguSt 3 PAinting Week Using many differents materials to paint with campers will create one of a

kind works of art to take home each day!

m AuguSt 6 - AuguSt 10 CAMPing Week our campsite will be in our back yard and at the farm. We will cook

outdoors, tell stories and do activities in tents and make camp crafts!

m AuguSt 13 - AuguSt 17 eAt FroM the rAinboW Week with Maureen Radigan. Organically grown, locally

sourced, cooking camp featuring a different color of the rainbow each day. We will focus on preserving the harvest with canning, pickling and freezing! Lots of messy, delicious raw food fun!

m AuguSt 20 - AuguSt 24 outdoor yogA Week with Mary Hasel of Grow with Me Yoga. Bend,

stretch, and experience yoga in a playful way. Snacks during yoga week include fruit smoothies and juicing fresh fruits and veggies.

m AuguSt 27 - AuguSt 31 environMentAl SCulPture Week featuring the art of

Andy Goldsworthy. Using materials from nature campers will create works of art to be photographed and made into an art book.

Please check off the week or weeks your child would like to join us and fill out and sign the form on the back. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is due in order to reserve dates. Checks can be made out to The Child's Garden. Payments are due on the Monday of each week. WhAt to bring - Apply any sunscreen or bug spray before camp, wear a bathing suit, full water bottle, complete change of clothes and a towel. Please label your child's belongings.

THE CHILD'S GARDEN ? 44600 COUNTY RD 48, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 631.276.5943 ? WWW.

Childs Garden Summer Program Sheet 2018.qxp_Layout 1 5/30/18 3:00 PM Page 2

2018 SuMMer enrollMent And ConSent ForM

nAMeS oF CAMPerS 1.________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ birth dAteS 1.______________________________ 2. ______________________________ AgeS 1.___________ 2. __________ PArentS nAMeS ____________________________________________________________________________________________ AddreSS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone # _____________________________________ Cell Phone # ________________________________________________ eMAil ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ eMergenCy ContACtS: nAMe #1 ____________________________________________________ Phone # ______________________________________ nAMe #2 ____________________________________________________ Phone# ________________________________________ knoWn AllergieS And/or MediCAtionS: __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PediAtriCiAn nAMe:__________________________________________ Phone #______________________________________

I, _______________________________, as the parent or guardian of the minor child named here in, give permission for _______________________________ to participate in the gardening activities at the Child's Garden Preschool and at the Peconic Land Trust Agricultural Center at Charnews Farm located at 3005 Young's Avenue, Southold, New York.

I understand that participation by the minor child named herein in these daily activities involves physical activity and risks of physical injury, and I have made a voluntary choice for myself and the minor child named herein to accept and assume all risks of injury that might be associated with or result from this activity. I hereby give consent for emergency transportation or treatment on behalf of my child. I further certify that the minor child named herein is in good physical condition and has no medical or physical condition that would restrict his/her participation in this event. He or she is in good health and is up to date with immunizations. My Child hAS been iMMunized For MMr on dAte __________________________________________

In consideration of participation by the minor child named herein in the farm activities, I hereby release, on behalf of myself, the minor child named herein, my estate, my heirs, assigns, and those of the minor child named herein, the Childs Garden Preschool, and Peconic Land Trust, Incorporated, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers from any and all liability, claim, loss, damage, or cost that may arise from or in any way relate to participation by the minor child named herein in this event.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Childs Garden Preschool and Peconic Land Trust, Incorporated from any and all liability on account of physical injury resulting from or in any way connected with this event. I further agree not to make a claim or sue for injuries or damages relating to this activity.

Further, I understand that event photographs and/or recordings in which my child may appear or is heard may be used by Peconic Land Trust, Incorporated for instructional, educational, informational, or promotional purposes, and hereby consent to such use of my child's photograph and/or voice.

PArent'S nAMe ______________________________________________________________________________________________

PArent'S SignAture__________________________________________________________dAte ________________________

the Child'S gArden ? 44600 County rd. 48, Southold, ny 11971 ? 631.276.5943 ? WWW.


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