Louisville Writing Project

2020-2021 ONLINE Invitational Institute


Part 1: IF YOU WISH TO EARN GRADUATE CREDIT FOR THE LWP SUMMER INSTITUTE and if you are not currently attending UofL, complete an application for Graduate School (available at louisville.edu, or go directly to ).

Part 2: Complete LWP application (may be mailed, emailed or scanned/faxed, or completed online at ) to Jean Wolph, CEHD 240E, 1905 S. 1st Street, UofL, Louisville, KY 40292, jean.wolph@louisville.edu; 502-852-4634.

Part 3: Have your principal or supervisor complete the recommendation form and submit separately to Jean Wolph (see above).

After submitting this application, you will receive an emailed acknowledgement. If you do not hear from us, please email linda.mcfadin@louisville.edu. You will also receive an interview appointment, scheduled for mid-to-late March. Please make sure you can commit fully to the LWP Summer Institute experience, which carries 3 credits for the summer and the potential (at your own expense) of 3- to 6-graduate credits during the school year:

• April-May 2020: Virtual interview/conversation (TBA)

• May 2020: Coaching appointments (TBA)

• June 10-24, 2020: Summer Institute, 8 am—3:30 pm daily ONLINE

• 2 LWP Mini-Conferences (September 12, 2020 and March 6, 2021)

• 6 Saturday Sessions during the 2020-21 school year (selected by the group)

• A leadership portfolio, presented April 2021

• Summer 2021 Retreat/Advanced Institute (tba by group)

• Note: Graduate credit recorded by June 2021. (Keep this sheet for your records.)

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Louisville Writing Project


LWP Application, Part 2

Name _________________ __________________ E-Mail ___________________

Do you have a UofL Student ID? y n If yes: _________ _____

Home Address ____ _________________________ Phone ____ ____________


School __________________________ Principal or supervisor ________________________

School Address _ __________________________________ Phone _____________________________

Please check all that are applicable:

( I do not need graduate credit and will participate for professional development credit only. (Note: JCPS allows only 12 hrs.)

← I am a current UofL student.

← I am not currently a student (or I have completed a program and will be starting a new one with the summer institute), but I have completed the application for Graduate School. (Contact Betty Hampton (betty.hampton@louisville.edu), Education Advising Office, for assistance.)

← I will check to see whether my school or district can help support my tuition expenses for the LWP Summer Institute.


Name of Institution (undergraduate & graduate only; use separate sheet, if necessary.) Dates Attended Degree Date Received




(Add lines or continue on separate sheet, if necessary.)

Certification: ________________________________________________________________________

EXPERIENCE Beginning with the current year, list the teaching positions you have held:

Name of School District Grade Levels Subjects Taught




(Add lines or continue on separate sheet, if necessary.)

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Louisville Writing Project

2020-2021 TEACHER APPLICATION, cont.

Total years teaching: How many of these were in P-12 Kentucky public schools, if any:

Anticipated 2020-21 teaching assignment (School/subject or grade): ______________________________

Professional organizations to which you belong: ___________________________________________________

List as references 1-2 experienced colleagues who know you as a teacher. Choose Writing Project teachers if possible. Name School District Phone



Please check any that are applicable:

I have

( applied for the LWP Summer Institute before. ( attended an LWP or KWP (Kentucky Writing Project) conference.

( attended an LWP institute or workshop. ( am interested in additional graduate work through LWP.


Please respond in a paragraph or more to each of the following questions and then attach your typed responses to the application.

1. Describe several ways you use writing in your classroom. What do your students learn through these practices?

2. What kinds of writing do you (not your students) do? How often do you write? Why do you write?

3. Describe a problem you have had when teaching students to write or when asking students to write as a way of learning. How have you attempted to address this problem?

4. What samples of your students’ work would you be able to share with other teachers in the institute? In what ways does this work demonstrate best practices in teaching writing?

5. Name any courses, workshops and/or conferences that have had an impact on your work in the classroom. Describe this impact.

6. Name any professional books, journals, or articles that you have read recently and explain how they have affected your teaching.

7. Describe leadership roles you have held or currently hold in your school, district, and/or professional educational organization. How have these affected your teaching or your role as an educator? Or describe your interest in becoming a leader.

8. If selected, what do you hope to gain from the LWP Summer Institute experience?

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Louisville Writing Project

2020-2021 TEACHER APPLICATION, cont.

LWP Application, Part 3

Please send ASAP—applications are first come, first served.

Please give this application to your principal or supervisor, along with a stamped, envelope addressed to Jean Wolph, CEHD 240E, 1905 S. 1st Street, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 OR arrange to have the recommendation faxed to 502-852-4634.

Principal Recommendation Form

Candidate: _________________________ School: ___________________

1. To what extent can you recommend this applicant as a strong candidate for the Louisville Writing Project Summer Institute, a leadership development experience focused on literacy?

2. To what extent will you commit to providing leadership opportunities during the 2019-20 school year for this educator to share what he/she learns in LWP with your staff?

Principal name: __________________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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