Astronomy Project - Ms. Ackerman's Science Webpage

Astronomy Project


Astronomy is the study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, nebulae, star clusters and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of the Earth.

During our Astronomy Unit students will complete an independent project at home reinforcing the Ohio Space Science Standards.

|Ohio Science Standards |ESA1 Describe how objects in the solar |ESA2 Explain that gravitational force is| ESA4 Describe the effect that asteroids|

| |system are in regular and predictable |the dominant force determining motions |or meteoroids have when moving through |

| |motions that explain such phenomena as |in the solar system and in particular |space and sometimes entering planetary |

| |days, years, seasons, eclipses, tides |keeps the planets in orbit around the |atmospheres (e.g., meteor-“shooting |

| |and moon cycles. |sun. |star” and meteorite). |

|ESB7 Examine the life cycle of a star |ESA3 Compare the orbits and composition |ESB8 Name and describe tools used to |ESB6 Explain interstellar distances are |

|and predict the next likely stage of a |of comets and asteroids with that of |study the universe (e.g., telescopes, |measured in light years (e.g., the |

|star. |Earth. |probes, satellites and spacecraft). |nearest star beyond the sun is 4.3 light|

| | | |years away). |

Students must choose from the following topics: Topics not listed MUST BE APPROVED BY TEACHER

• Seasons

• Eclipses

• The Sun

• The Moon

• Constellations

• Tides

• Inner Planets

• Outer Planets

• Space Technology in our everyday lives

• Life Cycle of Stars

• Types of Stars

• Black Holes

• Science of Rockets

• History of Space Exploration

• Kuiper Belt

• Comets

• Asteroids

• Galaxies

Once topics are chosen details of what should be researched will be provided to each student.

Project Choices: All project choices must include required written research information.

• Poster (tri-fold or flat)

• Model

• Children’s Informational Book

• Power point

• Mobile

Astronomy Project

___________________________________ (student name) has decided that

________________________________ is their first choice of topic for their Astronomy Project

________________________________ is their second choice of topic for their Astronomy Project

________________________________ is their third choice of topic for their Astronomy Project

Topics will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. All topic choices must be turned in by November 7, 2011.

Project Timeframe:

November 7……………….. Topics Due

November 23……………….Topic Research Due

December 5………………….Project Due

My child and I have read the project description and requirements. We understand that this is an independent project to be completed at home. We have marked the timeframe on our calendar and in the student’s agenda.

__________________________________________parent signature ____________date

__________________________________________student signature____________date

Resources to support the research for this project:

• Student’s Interactive Science Astronomy and Space Science Textbook

• on-line textbook user name: id # password: success

• ackscience. 8th grade Science Unit, Astronomy

• Clermont County Public Library

• Glen Este Middle School Library

• World Wide Web

****If at any time during this project a student needs to access a computer or other resources, I am available before school 6:30-7:00 or after school until 3:00.


What causes the seasons?

Diagram or Model the cause for the seasons.

How are seasons different for different parts of the world? Do a comparison.

Identify and correct any misconceptions of what causes the seasons.

Be sure to describe how the shape of the Earth’s orbit and its tilt affects the seasons.


What causes a lunar eclipse? What causes a solar eclipse?

Diagram or Model the cause of eclipses.

Describe the effects of a lunar and solar eclipse.

Who can see a solar and lunar eclipse?

What is the difference between the umbra and the penumbra?

Describe the orbits of the moon and Earth during an eclipse.

The Sun

What is the structure of the sun?

Describe features that form on or above the sun’s surface.

What is nuclear fusion and how does it power the sun?

Describe sunspots, solar flares, Prominences, solar wind. How do each form?

Diagram or Model the parts of the sun and the features of the sun.

Describe the sun as a star.

Describe the interaction between the sun and the Earth to create auroras and magnetic storms.

The History of Space Exploration

What was the Space Race?

How are Space Shuttles and Space Stations used?

How are space probes used?

Describe the history of human spaceflight.

Describe modern and future plans for crewed space exploration.

Summarize past space exploration.

Include pictures and a timeline.

Space Technology in our everyday lives

Identify the benefits that space technology has provided for modern society.

See pages 64-65 for products that we use that we developed to be used in spacecrafts. Choose a few to research. Share how they were used in space and how we use them everyday.


What causes tides?

What are tides?

How does the moon affect tides?

Diagram or Model Tides.

What is the sun’s role in tides?

What 2 factors determine how strong the force of gravity is between two objects?

Explain what gravity has to do with tides.

What is high tide, what is low tide?

How does the size of the high and low tides in a spring tide compare with the size of high and low tides in a neap tide?

Science of Rockets

Explain how rockets were developed.

Demonstrate how a rocket works.

Describe the 3 types of fuel used to power rockets.

Describe the developments of rocket propulsion.

Include pictures of different types of rockets and a timeline of development.

The Moon

Explain what causes the moon phases.

Diagram or Model the moon phases.

Why can’t you see the far side of the moon?

During which phase are the moon, Earth and sun aligned?

Describe other characteristics of the Moon.


Identify constellations visible without a telescope in the night sky.

Describe the apparent motions of stars throughout the year.

Discuss how different cultures have identified different constellations.

Diagram or Model or Map or Photograph common constellations in the night sky.

Life Cycle of Stars

Summarize the life cycle of stars.

Describe what happens to a star when it runs out of fuel.

What is a nebula? Compare it to a star.

Describe the process of star formation.

Discuss white dwarfs, supernovas, neutron stars, pulsars

Types of Stars

Explain how stars are classified.

Explain the H-R diagram and how astronomers use it.

What does a star’s color represent?

What are 2 ways to describe a star’s brightness?

What is a spectrograph and how is it used?

What are main sequence stars?

Black Holes

What causes a black hole?

How do black holes form?

Relate gravity to a black hole.

How are scientists learning more about black holes and what do they already know?

Kuiper Belt

What is the Kuiper Belt?

Where is it located?

What are some of the objects in the Kuiper Belt?

What is a dwarf planet? Why is Pluto now considered a dwarf planet?


Diagram or Model the types of galaxies.

What type of galaxy is Earth apart?

What is our galaxy? Describe our galaxy.

What holds galaxies together?

Describe each type of galaxy.


What is a comet made of?

What are the main parts of a comet?

Model or Diagram a comet and its orbit.

Describe a few famous comets.

Why does it take years for us to see a comet?


Where are most asteroids found in space?

What are asteroids made of?

Why are they shaped the way they are?

Why aren’t asteroids classified as dwarf planets?


What are meteors and meteorites?

What do you see when a meteor burns up?

What causes the streak of light of a meteor?

Model or Diagram or find pictures of craters that formed due to meteorites.

Describe a meteor shower. Where and when do they form?

Inner Planets

Describe the characteristics that the inner planets have in common.

Identify the main characteristics that distinguish each of the inner planets.

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Model or Diagram the inner planets.

Outer Planets

Describe the characteristics that the outer planets have in common.

Identify the main characteristics that distinguish each of the outer planets.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Model or Diagram the outer planets.

Project-based Learning Rubric

|Score |Content |Conventions |Organization |Presentation |

|Levels | | | | |

|3 |Is well thought out and supports |Few (1 to 3) spelling, |Information supports the |Multimedia is used to |

| |the solution |grammatical, or punctuation |solution to the challenge or |illustrate the main points. |

| |Has application of critical |errors |question. |Format is appropriate for the |

| |thinking that is apparent |Good use of vocabulary and word| |content. |

| |Has clear goal that is related to|choice | |Presentation captures audience |

| |the topic |Sites Resources Used | |attention. |

| |Is pulled from several sources | | |Presentation is well organized.|

| |Is accurate | | | |

|2 |Supports the solution |Minimal (3 to 5) spelling, |Project has a focus but might |Multimedia loosely illustrates |

| |Has application of critical |grammatical, or punctuation |stray from it at times. |the main points. |

| |thinking that is apparent |errors |Information appears to have a |Format does not suit the |

| |Has no clear goal |Low-level use of vocabulary and|pattern, but the pattern is not|content. |

| |Is pulled from a limited number |word choice |consistently carried out in the|Presentation does not capture |

| |of sources |Sites Most Resources Used |project. |audience attention. |

| |Has some factual errors or | |Information loosely supports |Presentation is loosely |

| |inconsistencies | |the solution. |organized. |

|1 |Provides inconsistent information|More than 5 spelling, |Content is unfocused and |Presentation appears sloppy |

| |for solution |grammatical, or punctuation |haphazard. |and/or unfinished. |

| |Has no apparent application of |errors |Information does not support |Multimedia is overused or |

| |critical thinking |Poor use of vocabulary and word|the solution to the challenge |underused. |

| |Has no clear goal |choice |or question. |Format does not enhance |

| |I pulled from few sources |Does not site resources used. |Information has no apparent |content. |

| |Has significant factual errors, | |pattern. |Presentation has no clear |

| |misconceptions, or | | |organization. |

| |misinterpretations | | | |




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