BIG CURRICULUM PLAN - Roman Road Primary School

BIG CURRICULUM PLAN Year: 2 Teacher: Mrs Smith Term: Spring Theme: Heroes & Villains

|Area of |Skills |Contexts and Content |Notes |

|Learning | |Curriculum Aims: *Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve. | |

| | |*Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives |British Values (BV) |

| | |* Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society |Rights Respecting |


|ECL |To research… |*Use www/internet, library and books, field study and visitors to research: |BV – Democracy, Rule |

|ICT | |*fictional superheroes portrayed by the media *people who help us in the present who are heroic (fire service, blind people, police, army) |of Law, Trust with |

|S+T | |*People in our own family whose actions are heroic (SMSC link/PSHE: add to a class hero tree. How can we be heroic in the school yard? Link this to designing our own school |regards to Superheroes|

|HGS | |superhero) *people in the past who have demonstrated heroism (e.g. Helen Keller, Mozart, Grace Darling, Florence Nightingale, Queen Victoria/Elizabeth and comparing |and Right from Wrong. |

| | |these two monarchs) *Eco heroes (Michael Recycle) and Eco Villains (Litterbug Doug) and why we should be Eco Heroes *Why it is important to save rainforests and why are |RRSA – |

| | |rainforests ‘heroes’ from a medical point of view *how can we make the new school Eco Friendly? |2,3,4,5,6,8,12,13 |

| | |*where in the world are rainforests? *human and physical aspects of a rainforest *How far can a superhero travel (link to continents and oceans) *Construct basic maps |14,15,17,19,24,27,28,2|

| | |and keys |9 |

| | |*Use key words in MFL | |

|ECL |To talk… |*about real life superheroes from the past and present and how they are ‘real-life’ heroes *about fictional superheroes in preparation for writing | |

|ICT | |*about the qualities of a hero *about how we can all be heroes every day – link to class charter *things that are living, dead and never alive | |

|S+T | |*about how we can make the world a better place by ‘doing our bit’ in our community. *about problems and finding solutions | |

|HGS | |* give directions to people who are blindfolded *about the role of guide dogs *about how to play in superhero role play area | |

| | |*about how people who are blind/deaf/mute cope and what invention we could design to make their life better | |

| | |*Use key words in MFL | |

|ECL |To read and |*secret codes using mediums such as wax and lemon juice *crack codes using spelling strategies | |

|ICT |write… |*list of superhero qualities/what we know about heroes/villains *instructions for a superhero sandwich/fruit smoothie/fruit salad | |

|S+T | |*books about superheroes: Superworm/Charlie’s Superhero Underpants/comics *general story writing (Jack & Beanstalk & other Pie Corbett stories, Skelebones, Charlie’s | |

|HGS | |Superhero underpants, Stone Soup, Rainforest books, Recycling information & Wobbly Tooth from Practise SAT) *timeline of life – human and plant *instructions on how | |

|MFL | |to plant a seed and various experiments *poster to encourage recycling *ICT powerpoint & comic life | |

| | |*about Science experiments related to light & dark/healthy eating/teeth/materials (for supercostume) | |

| | |*How was Lord Shaftesbury a hero to children in Victorian Times *poems – learned by heart with intonation | |

| | |*our own first edition of a comic/story about a Roman Road Superhero *Superhero rules *to begin a reading journal about superhero/fact books | |

| | | | |

| | |*description of our own superhero and villain for ’10 most wanted wall’ *gingerbread man instructions *report – how to be Eco friendly | |

| | |*criminal mastermind factfile (special Powers/Crimes/Weaknesses/Currrent Location/Known Accomplices *How were children heroes in Victorian times? | |

| | |*how to be a superhero Year 3 – to prepare for children moving to Year 3 *Heroes and Villains in the Christian Bible & in history | |

| | |*Use key words in MFL | |

|M |To calculate… |*Superhero data/Smartie Data (graphs to link with number of smarties in pack and challenges about how many smarties you can pick up with straw) | |

|ICT | |*Weight – how much do things weigh in real life/ to a superhero/weight of recycling *Treasure Hunt – co-ordinates (link to Geography) | |

|S+T | |Discrete: Maths Makes Sense, Time, 4 operations, measures, fractions | |

| | |*Use key words in MFL | |

|S+T |To make/ |*our own super robot using boxes based on a want/need of a superhero *Victorian crafts for showcase. *superhero capes and masks | |

|A |produce |*fruit smoothie/fruit salad/super food sandwich *fair tests linked with science topics *split pin robot | |

|ECL | |*Healthy meals on plates using dry food and tissue paper *pop art version of Helen Keller Picture on A3 for Gallery of Heroes | |

|ICT | |*superhero tea party with superfoods *Make a 3D superhero using nets *Make a cape for a superhero using Victorian techniques (link to showcase) | |

| | |*cooking with Nick as part of showcase *paintings in the style of Van Gogh. Cityscapes and landscapes and the difference between them | |

| | |*Sculptures using form and dry – villain faces *symmetrical masks/designs *chalk butterflies (showcase) *child at a desk – family showcase challenge) | |

| | |*biscuits/cakes and design top using superhero symbol *experiments and investigations based around plants/healthy eating/ourselves. | |

| | |*Use key words in MFL | |

|A |To perform… |*alphabet in sign *French colours/numbers/story of Hungry caterpillar (superheroes are able to speak many languages) | |

|PDHW | |*musical compositions linked with 10 CBBC songs *learn ‘Glory and Honour’ in sign language for Easter | |

|S+T | |*Use key words in MFL | |

| |Discrete |PE (link wherever appropriate) Games and Gym/Dance. ‘Wake up, Shake up’ each day. | |

| | |Orienteering & Obstacle Course & Skipping link to Superheroes. Superhero gym? *Experience playing ‘ocarina’ *Performance Poetry – link to Easter/ Book Week | |

| | |*Spelling & Grammar daily – red (key) word and set 2 speed Sounds. Year 2 spelling patterns and words. *Reading Daily – set 2 and 3 speed sounds/ green words/alien words | |

| | |*Letter formation/copying handwriting daily. Speed writing of known letters – appropriate size and comparative shape *visit Kell’s Lane school and link with year 2 class | |

| | |*Build a sentence/ description using 2 part sentences *RE scheme Spring – places of worship. Visit Durham Cathedral. Easter Celebrations | |

| | |*Use key words in MFL | |

*Showcase Challenge: Discover more about the lives of Victorian school children, their lives and their heroes (Lord Shaftesbury).

Visitors: Nick the Chef, Guidedogs for the blind, Pippa Bell (Art Historian), Beamish visitors


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