Salem Science




Biology I Ms. Salem 12.8.09

|Due Date |Activity |

|Thursday, January 3rd |Phase 1: Superhero Parents’ Traits List Complete |

|Thursday, January 3rd (at the end of class) |Phase 2: Genotypes of Parents |

|Monday, January 7th |Phase 3: Master List of Superchild’s Inheritable Traits |

|Monday, January 7th (at the end of class) |Phase 4: Genotypes and Phenotypes of Superchild |

|Monday, January 14th |Phase 5: Image and Report |

|Friday, January 18th (not graded) |Phase 6: Superhero Release Party |

Total Point Breakdown (100 pts- Quiz Category):

Image (28), Article (50), Data Tables (14), Rough Draft (8)

*** Don’t lose this packet—it will be part of your final grade!!!!

Phase 1: Due __________

Research 15 (FIFTEEN) possible Superhero traits that you are interested in (, etc.) Then, read through the different superhero profiles in these websites and select two superheroes you would like to cross. (Due to the fact that this experiment will be completed in a Superlab, the gender of the Superhero parents does not matter.)

Once you have made your choices, make a list of all of the inheritable (not red tights etc.) traits of that super hero. Use the attached Superhero Parents Traits List. Do not fill in the genotype column. (See example on next page.)

Go through each trait and decide if each Superhero is dominant or recessive for the trait. All “super” traits are dominant. If a character does not display that trait then they are homozygous recessive for the trait. Realize that the parents will be dominant for some traits and recessive for other traits.

Super Trait: D Doesn’t have super trait: r

Superhero Parent Traits List

|Parent #1 |Dominant/Recessive |Genotype |Parent #2 |Dominant/Recessive |Genotype |

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|Ex. Fly |D | |Can’t fly |r | |

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Phase 2: Due Thursday, January 10th by the end of class

Now you need to determine the genotype of the parents for each trait (phenotype). If the parent is recessive for a trait, then you immediately know what their genotype is. For dominant phenotypes you will flip two coins to determine genotype. Heads will represent a dominant allele and Tails will represent a recessive allele. Record all genotypes on the Parent Traits List.

** Note: you will need to create your own letter symbols for the alleles-

i.e. Fly, F, can’t fly, f

H + H or T + T = Dominant!

H + T = Hybrid

Phase 3: Due Monday, January 7th

Create a master list of all inheritable traits that your superhero offspring could show using your parent lists of available traits. (Ex. Eye color, x-ray vision, tentacles, ability to make a spider web). The chart is on the next page…

**Note: you are basically listing all of your fifteen traits- ex on next page…

Superchild trait list

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|Trait |Genotype |Phenotype (Physical Appearance) |

|EX. Fly | | |

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Phase 4: Due Monday, January 7th (at the end of class)

In class we will use two coins to determine the genotype of your Superchild for each trait. Once you have done this, you should fill in the phenotype column in your Superchild graphic organizer.

H + H = Homozygous Dominant

H + T = Heterozygous Dominant

T + T = Homozygous Recessive

**Please see me if your Superchild has 8 or more recessive traits!

Phase 5: January 9th

Part 1: The IMAGE

You need to create the final picture of your Superhero “all grown up!” The drawing should be in color, accurate in its depiction of expressed traits and should reflect your best effort. The final drawing must be done on white or light paper (8 ½ x 11) so that it is easy to view. You are more than welcome to create a background for your Superhero or show them in action, however, they MUST be the largest and also the main focus of the picture. No other Superhero can be present. Images can be self-created by hand or by using computer programs. Photocopies or cutouts of images will NOT be accepted. The work must be your own.

Part 2: The PRESS

Every Superhero gets the attention of the press. Your job, as a potential new writer for the “Daily Planet” is to write an article on your new Superhero. The article must include relevant genetic information about your Superhero. Be sure to give your Superhero a name. This is your opportunity to get creative with your character, but the story behind the character should make sense, given his or her special powers. It is optional to involve your Superhero in an interview. The final press release will be no longer than 3 paragraphs in length and it needs to be typed. (Daily Planet Editor, Ms. Mercury doesn’t like it when their writers turn in their articles on lined paper!) Also, you are more likely to get a permanent job (ahem, a good grade) if edit your work VERY carefully!

Superhero Press Release Rough Draft


Superhero rubric

|Poster Rubric |

|4--Exceptional |

|3--Good |

|2--Acceptable |

|1--Unacceptable |

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|Element |Score |

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|Focus | 4 - 3 – 2 - 1 |

|The intent/topic of the poster is very clear when you first look at it. | |

|Purpose |  4 - 3 - 2 - 1  |

|The purpose of the poster is clearly accomplished. | |

| |   4 - 3 - 2 - 1 |

|Drawings and Illustrations | |

|All illustrations, photographs, and drawings add to the purpose and interest of the poster. | |

| |   4 - 3 - 2 - 1 |

|Mechanics (C-U-P-S) | |

|There are no errors in capitalization, usage, punctuation, or spelling. | |

| |   4 - 3 - 2 - 1 |

|Layout and Design | |

|The overall organization, design, use of color, and use of space help to make the poster interesting and to | |

|communicate the message. | |

| |   4 - 3 - 2 - 1 |

|Creativity | |

|The poster is highly original and creative.  | |

| |   4 - 3 - 2 - 1 |

|Neat and Presentable | |

|The poster is very neat and presentable. The proper paper was used. | |

| |Total:   _______ |

| |28 |

Superhero rubric


Picture _________ Article __________ Data Tables _______ RD _________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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