Survey Monkey Guidelines


Survey Monkey Guidelines

Survey Monkey is a user-friendly online survey collection and analysis tool. It is possible to prepare basic surveys (maximum of 10 questions per survey, with a maximum of 100 respondents) for free in order to gauge the usefulness of this tool.

1. Getting started with Survey Monkey

2. Creating a survey with Survey Monkey

3. Collecting Responses to your survey

4. Closing a survey to respondents

5. Analysing Results to your survey

6. Organise your surveys

Getting started with Survey Monkey

• Log on to .

• If you are a first-time user, click on the “Join Now for Free!” icon on the right-hand side of the screen – it is necessary to create a user profile in order to create free surveys.

o Enter a username, password and email address in order to create your free account.

o Click on the “Create a New Account” icon once you have entered these details.

• If you have previously opened a free account with Survey Monkey simply click on the “Member Login” button on the left-hand side of the screen and enter your username and password, you will then be able to view any surveys you have previously created.

2. Creating a survey with Survey Monkey

• Click on the “Create Survey” tab at the top of the screen.

• You are then asked how you would like to create a new survey – either use an existing survey template or create one from scratch (this is the default option).

• Keep the default option selected (create a survey from scratch) and enter a name for your survey.

• Click the “Create Survey” icon.

• You are now taken to the Design View of the survey – this lets you design the survey to suit your needs.

• You can select to change the colour theme of your survey by selecting various options from the pull-down menu.

• The page defaults to “Page #1” – if you wish to add a page title and a brief description of the page (perhaps in order to explain to respondents what the survey is about and what is required of them) simply click on the “Edit Page“ button and enter the information in the text boxes. Click on the “Save Page” icon to return to the edit survey screen.

• To begin entering your questions click on the “Add Question Here” icon.

• Survey Monkey has 15 types of question for you to choose from, depending on the type of answer you require (eg multiple choice, open-ended “essay” style responses, rating scales etc). For a detailed example of each of these question types click on the help function that appears below the drop-down “Choose Question Type” box – “Need help choosing a type of question? View our question examples.” A dialogue box opens and you can view an example of each of the 16 question types.

• Select the appropriate question type from the drop-down menu.

• Enter your question and answer text as prompted (note you can choose to check your spelling as you go).

• Click on the “Save Changes” icon in order to save your question.

• You are now returned to the edit survey screen and have the option of adding additional questions (to a maximum of 10 for the free survey). Questions can be of any type – each one does not have to be of the same type as the one before.

• Note, it is possible for respondents to skip questions within Survey Monkey - If you wish any questions to be compulsory for respondents to answer ensure that you click the check-box next to the “Require Answer to Question (optional)” option within the question page. A respondent will then not be able to go past this question in the survey without answering it.

• You also have the option of adding additional pages to your survey (by clicking on the “Add Page Here” icon) – for instance if you wanted to break up the type of information/questions you are asking respondents to answer on. Please note that you are still restricted to 10 questions per survey, not per page.

• You can edit your questions at any time during the design process by clicking on the “Edit Question” button at the top of the question you wish to alter.

• Similarly you can also choose to delete a question or move it to a different position within your survey by selecting the “Delete” or “Move” button, as appropriate, at the top of the question you wish to move/delete.

• To copy a question entirely (in order to change the question and answer for instance of a rating scale without having to retype all the rating scales again) simply click on “Copy” and then alter as necessary.

• Survey Monkey only stores IP addresses, if you wish to know the identity of respondents you will need to enter a compulsory question asking respondents to complete their details (eg name, organisation, email address etc). This will also mean that you only have 9 questions left for the remainder of your survey.

• If at any point during the design process you wish to view how your survey will be seen by respondents click on the “Preview Survey” button in the top right-hand side of the edit survey screen.

• You may also print your survey by clicking on the “Print Survey” button on the left-hand menu bar.

3. Collecting Responses to your survey

• Once you have finished designing your survey you will want to send it out to respondents.

• Click on the “Collect Responses” tab in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

• There are 3 different ways in which to collect responses, however the simplest way is to send your own email with a link to your survey. This is the default option (option 1 – Create a link to send in your own email message or to place on a webpage).

• Keep the default option checked and click on the “Next Step >>” button on the top right-hand side of the screen.

• You will then be given a web link for your specific survey, which you can copy and paste into the body of an email for respondents to simply click on and be taken straight to your survey.

• It is recommended that you view the collector’s settings before sending out your link – to do this click on the link next to the exclamation mark at the top of the page.

• Collector’s settings enables you to select whether more than one response can be lodged from a particular computer (Survey Monkey reads IP addresses) – useful for computer labs where a different respondent might use the same pc as someone else who has already completed the survey. You can also opt to decide whether respondents can re-edit their completed survey prior to completing or even after completion.

• Click on the “Save Settings” button if you make any alterations to the Survey Monkey default options for collector’s settings. If you make no changes simply click on the “ ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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