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Project Initiation DocumentBenchmarkingStep up Step Down Care V1.1.2Release: Final DraftDate: 08.04.2015Authors: David BalfourReport HistoryDocument LocationThis document is only valid on the day it was printed.The source of the document will be found within the SUSD document library of HSCBN website (operational from 01.04.15)Revision HistoryRevision dateAuthorVersionSummary of ChangesChanges marked09.03.2015D. BalfourV1.011.03.2015D. BalfourV1.1revised first draftno20.03.2015D. BalfourV1.1.1 revisionno01.04.2015D. BalfourV1.1.2revision after comment by GSno22.04.2015A. HendryV1.1.2revision by sponsoryes23.04.2015D. BalfourV1.1.2revision with sponsor comments includedyesApprovalsThis document requires the following approvals: NameTitleDate of IssueVersionStephen KerrProject ExecutiveGordon SmithSCCBN Co-ordinatorMargaret CallanderProject MentorDistributionThis document has additionally been distributed to:NameTitleDate of IssueStatusTable of ContentsPage TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1Report History PAGEREF _Toc414611697 \h 21.1Document Location PAGEREF _Toc414611698 \h 21.2Revision History PAGEREF _Toc414611699 \h 21.3Approvals PAGEREF _Toc414611700 \h 21.4Distribution PAGEREF _Toc414611701 \h 22Project Brief Purpose PAGEREF _Toc414611702 \h 43Background PAGEREF _Toc414611703 \h 44Project Definition PAGEREF _Toc414611704 \h 44.1Objectives PAGEREF _Toc414611705 \h 44.2Scope PAGEREF _Toc414611706 \h 54.3Constraints and Dependencies PAGEREF _Toc414611707 \h 64.4Interfaces PAGEREF _Toc414611708 \h 65Business Case PAGEREF _Toc414611709 \h 75.1Summarised Benefits PAGEREF _Toc414611710 \h 76Project Approach PAGEREF _Toc414611711 \h 76.1Accepted Approach PAGEREF _Toc414611712 \h 77Project Governance PAGEREF _Toc414611713 \h 78Project Organisation PAGEREF _Toc414611714 \h 88.1Project Board PAGEREF _Toc414611715 \h 88.2Project Working Groups PAGEREF _Toc414611716 \h 98.3Core Team Objectives PAGEREF _Toc414611717 \h 108.4Individual Roles and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc414611718 \h 109Outline Project Plan PAGEREF _Toc414611719 \h 119.1Pre initiation August 2014– April 2015 PAGEREF _Toc414611720 \h 119.2Stage 1 Set Up April 2015 – May 2015 PAGEREF _Toc414611721 \h 119.3Stage 2 Requirements June 2015 – August 2015 PAGEREF _Toc414611722 \h 119.4Stage 3 – Development August 2015 PAGEREF _Toc414611723 \h 1110Acceptance and Quality Criteria PAGEREF _Toc414611724 \h 1210.1Customer Quality Expectations PAGEREF _Toc414611725 \h 1210.2Acceptance Criteria PAGEREF _Toc414611726 \h 1211Project Tolerances PAGEREF _Toc414611727 \h 1212Risks PAGEREF _Toc414611728 \h 1213Issues PAGEREF _Toc414611729 \h 12Project Brief Purpose This Project Initiation Document provides a firm foundation for the initiation of the project. It gives the direction and scope of the project and forms the 'contract' between the project team It describes how step up step down (SUSD) services will be explored, described and benchmarked. Any significant change to the material contained in the Project Initiation Document after sign off will require to be referred to programme management, in the first instance through Gordon Smith at SCCBN. The Project is designed on Prince2 principles.BackgroundThis project is one of two projects commissioned by Scottish Government’s Joint Improvement Team (JIT) which are designed to benchmark intermediate care services and describe them in a way that is amenable to the development of a national minimum core data set around the area of interest (SUSD care in this case) The Project Sponsor is the JIT. HSCBN provides the project management service as part of its core services of:Network meetingsKnowledge exchangeBespoke projects and researchProject DefinitionThis project will assist in the identification and adoption of a consistent range of performance indicators to monitor quality improvement across Scotland by understanding, benchmarking and sharing successful outcomes and measures centred on personal outcomes.ObjectivesThe main aims and objectives of the project are to:To highlight variations and trends across Scotland using existing data and information.To identify Partnerships that appear to be working well.To work with the Community of Practice to identify and spread success factors.To share findings with HSCBN members, partner organisations and national agencies.To achieve these objectives, the Project will:Engage with Partnerships providing and/ or commissioning bed based intermediate care.Provide support to Partnerships to use the agreed core data set.Support Partnerships to maximise local data collection using an online tool.Collect data for the analysis of key metrics.Examine the impact of SUSD on organisational and personal outcomes.Identify variance in performance against key indicators.Identify success factors in Partnerships with better than average performance. ScopeIncluded in ScopeEngagement with all Partnerships delivering and/ or commissioning bed based intermediate care.Map SUSD services in Scotland by inputs and activities.Describe the streamlining of data collection to ensure the consistency, accuracy and production of “useful” data. Examine the impact and relevance of other data sources.Identify the impact of SUSD on the scope of services available, service design, outcomes, good practice and finance. PHASE 1 DISCOVERY & MAPPING10 weeks durationThe confirmation of recently mapped step up step down services in Scotland. The JIT paper “developing capacity in step up step down beds” identified 445 beds throughout Scotland in the 2014 survey, and it is proposed that a brief new survey will be conducted by phone and/ or e-mail with the previous respondents. It is hoped that this will indicate expansion, contraction or widening of services and therefore inform areas of interest to investigate further. The identification of positive indicators will inform progress towards identifying the “gold standard” Assisting in promoting the use of the JIT data collection tool for core data in intermediate care.Developing and implementing a dedicated document repository on the HSCBN website at (insert URL when this becomes available) for the step up step down project team. It will include a discussion board, news alerts and a document library for SUSD. This will be linked to the Intermediate Care Community of Practice.Development and design of a workshop for interested HSCBN network members to identify and define the criteria for benchmarking all services.PHASE 2 BENCHMARKING & DATA COLLECTION30 weeks durationHighlight variations and trends in service provision, tracking spread of SUSD care.Development and description of the “what works” model, and how that model is reported against the benchmarking criteria produced and agreed in Stage 1. Regular production of updates to HSCBN, JIT and other interested parties through the community of practice.Formulation and testing of measures to produce a definitive picture of the effectiveness (“what works”) and value of SUSD in Scotland by proposing, testing and rating high quality data. The “what works” model is that used and proposed by What Works Scotland, a project supported by Scottish Government. It uses community planning to describe service provision, promote collaborative learning and build up a body of evidence to support delivery. PHASE 3 REPORTING & DATA PRESENTATION12 weeks durationPhase 3 will compose of the reporting, collation and presentation of the above benchmarked information. The end of this phase will establish how HSCBN/ JIT close the project and sign off. The indicative project timeline is shown below, but a detailed Gantt chart will be produced in phase 1.Project milestones are at 10, 40 and 52 weeks. 10 and 40 will be reported using stage reports. 52 will be reported as a project close report. The project will be reported monthly using highlight reports.Project team meetings will occur at 11, 39 and 50 weeks to sign off reports before presentation and close of the stage.Excluded from ScopeThe project is not mandated to create and disseminate a national minimum core data set to a finished standard.Constraints and DependenciesThere are a number of constraints that will impact the project:The project is dependent upon the project group contracting to and delivering on work packages that will be issued by the Project Manager. These work packages will be negotiated and agreed in advance of issue.The project is constrained by a twelve month timescale.The project is dependent upon the continued support of partner agencies including integrated health & social care partnerships, HSCBN and JIT.InterfacesThere will be interfaces with a number of corporate and local systems and their relevant support / development teams including:System interfacesThe project will refer to all Local Authority and NHS recording systems and map these for compliance and scope with step up step down (e.g. Care First, PRMS and any other bespoke enterprise system for case recording) The project is not mandated to require compliance from these systems, but will rate each integrated care partnership on the breadth and scope of how they record episodes of intermediate care and step up step down care, and how these will inform and support the JIT reporting tool (as a measure of how integrated a service actually is) In doing this, we will gain a measured picture of how easily ( and therefore how likely) adoption of the reporting tool is likely to be. This will reinforce and advocate use of the JIT reporting tool and core data set. Key stakeholdersThe main stakeholder groups are:Scottish Government Joint Improvement Team (JIT)HSCBNHSCDIIP TeamBusiness CaseThe full Business Case for the project is found in “rationale for benchmarking projects” SCCBN 26.01.15, and follows on from the “Reshaping Care for Older People” Project. There are no known budget constraints or capital investments required, other than those detailed in the business case.Summarised BenefitsTangible BenefitsA clear account of what is in place and at what scale, what is working well and what enables a service to work well.An accurate understanding of the contribution made by SUSD to:Reducing hospital admissions and bed daysDelaying admission to long term careCost effectivenessUser satisfactionJob satisfactionProject ApproachDuring the project start up and as part of producing the Business Case a number of options were considered (including consideration of integrated care as single entity) These are fully documented in the Business Case, and in preceding project work.Accepted ApproachThe decision has been taken to progress on separating the step up step down and Reablement work strands. The two should now be seen as discrete projects.The following phased stages are required to achieve the project objectives;Mapping and Describing all services.10 weeksIdentifying and modelling best practice and developing the standard.30 weeksIdentifying, reporting and codifying compliance with the best practice model.12 weeksProject GovernanceThe Project Board will compose of HSCBN members from:The Executive Board of HSCBNIntermediate Care Steering Group, JIT The reference group which will support the work will be formed by the Project Manager. It will comprise of interested HSCBN members who attend a workshop at the end of stage I.The reference group will update as required, and those updates included in highlight reports will be produced monthly by the Project Manager.The Project Manager will produce monthly highlight reports, ideally available via the HSCBN Project website, for the Sponsor, Executive, Board and other interested parties. The reference group will meet at the end of each stage of the project and agree the plan for the next stage (at 10, 41 and 50 weeks)The Project will be managed by exception, and the reference group will meet only at other times where exceptions require it. All progress against milestones will be viewable and transparent at all times.Project OrganisationProject BoardMembershipProject Board RoleName, Job TitleHSCBN executive memberEleanor Cunningham, City of EdinburghMargaret Callander, NHS LothianRebecca Fairnie, MidlothianJohn Skouse, MidlothianMartin Kane, South LanarkshireAnnette Kerr, FalkirkN.B. This membership is provisional and sourced from existing documentation that may be superseded as the project progresses to implementation.Also see Individual Roles and Responsibilities below.Terms of ReferenceThe Project Board (HSCBN executive) will:Identify and approve the scope of the projectInput into and approve the Project Initiation Document (final draft version)Revisit and sign off requirements documentsAdvise on priorities for development both in terms of what functional areas should be addressed and, if resource limitations dictate, on how simple or complex solutions should beAuthorise any major deviations from the agreed project plansSign off the completion of each stage, including the work packages/deliverables, and give approval to start the subsequent stageEnsure that overall project goals are met - e.g. time, budget, business requirementsCommunicate information about the project to the organisation(s) and stakeholder groups as necessaryResolve any conflicts escalated by the project team, user or supplierAgree the project tolerances for time, quality and costReceive Exception Reports and decide on next stepsReceive updates from the Working Group and resolve any escalated issuesApprove the end of project report and the lessons learned report.Project Reference GroupMembership of Step up step down reference groupRoleName, Job TitleMemberFiona Taylor, Service Manager Integration and Development Older Adult Services, North LanarkMemberAmanda Clements, Nurse Coordinator Intermediate Care, Perth & Kinross CHPMemberFiona Stratton, Intermediate Care Service Manager, Edinburgh CHPMemberSally Wilson, Locality Integration Programme Manager, Angus CHPMemberAngie Lloyd Jones, Strategic Lead for OT & Re-ablement, Borders CHPMemberCatherine Stewart, Edinburgh CHPMemberGordon Stevenson, Glasgow City CouncilWorking Group ObjectivesThe Project Working Group should be able to:Provide their expertise in support of project objectivesUnderstand the overall aim of the project and how their expertise contributes to that aimUnderstand and use the project management standards used by the projectWorking Group Terms of ReferenceThe Project Working Group is a group of individuals with appropriate and complementary professional, technical or specialist skills that, under the direction of the project manager, are responsible for carrying out the work detailed in the project plan.?The Project reference Group is collectively responsible for:Assisting the Project Manager to deliver the projects objectives through participation in a workshop to define the benchmarking process.Within their technical expertise carrying out the elements of the project they are requested to participate in.Ensure that overall project goals are municate information about the project to the organisation(s) and stakeholder groups as necessaryInput into and approve the end of project report and the lessons learned report.Core ObjectivesProject Development and DeliveryEnsure deliverables are adequately tested and approved within the project quality plan and in line with user requirements. PM will produce the quality plan in phase 1.Ensure the project delivers agreed developments within the agreed quality criteria, timescales and budget. PM will monitor this.Provision of technical systems descriptions of compliance (for Care First, SSID, PRMS etc.)Processes and RequirementsIdentify and map business processes that underpin SUSD care.Describe processes and procedures that effectively administer and manage identified activities against “what works” criteria.Review external requirements for management information, including mandatory returns (including minimum core data sets) with JIT.Develop functional requirements to support agreed processes in phase munications and TrainingPM will produce the project Communications Plan, for Board approval in phase 1.Provide appropriate information, advice and support to Project reference group at a workshop to define stage II aims and objectives. Conduct a change readiness assessment, at the close of phase 1 and phase 2.Effectively communicate information and changes across HSCBN and its partners. Individual Roles and ResponsibilitiesProject Executive SponsorThe executive Sponsor is Dr. Anne Hendry of Joint Improvement Team. She is the National Clinical Lead for Integrated Care at Scottish Government.Senior UserThe senior user is to be identified from the Project Board.Senior SupplierThe senior supplier (1)is Stephen Kerr, Chairperson HSCBNThe senior supplier (2) is Gordon Smith Co-ordinator HSCBNProject AssuranceProject assurance will be provided by SCCBN Co-ordinator, Gordon Smith and Peter Knight, Lead Information Specialist at JIT. There is an additional mentoring role for Project Management to be carried out by Margaret Callander. Project ManagerThe project manager is David Balfour, seconded to HSCBN.The project manager’s responsibility is to:Ensure that the project produces the agreed deliverable(s) to the required standard of quality and within the specified constraints of time and cost.Ensure that the project is capable of achieving the benefits defined in the business case.Maintain and manage the risks and issues logs.Maintain the communications plan.Other tasks ascribed above.Outline Project PlanHigh level planning assumptions/ambitions are:-Pre initiation August 2014– April 2015Appoint a Project Board and Project Working GroupBoard agree terms of reference and Project Initiation Document (including high level project plan)Milestone: Board sign off Project Initiation Document. Stage 1 Set Up April 2015 – May 2015Teams recruited with agreed terms of reference and work package outlines for workshopReview existing data to support mapping Engage with identified Integrated Care Partnerships who have implemented step up step down care to map and describe themIdentify and evaluate processes for service provisionStart work on Communications Plan.Stage 2 Requirements June 2015 – August 2015Prepare and agree detailed mapping specificationConfirm user requirementsProduce detailed Project Plan of development work for Stage 3 and beyondMilestones: Requirements and Project Plan sign off.Stage 3 – Development August 2015 Confirm RequirementsDevelopment Training A similar approach will be developed for the other Modules. Further details will be drawn up in the detailed project plan to be produced in Stage 2 and signed off by the Project Board. The project is expected to take 1 year to complete. A Gantt chart will be produced to support the project plan.Acceptance and Quality CriteriaCustomer Quality ExpectationsTo be determined during the analysis of requirements which will be gathered, documented, reviewed and confirmed by the key stakeholders.Acceptance CriteriaTo be determined during the analysis of requirements which will be gathered, documented, reviewed in this document and confirmed by the Project executive.Project TolerancesTo be determined during the analysis of requirements which will be gathered, documented, reviewed and confirmed by the Project Board.RisksThe Project Manager will implement and maintain a risk register and report against this to the Project Board. All patient/ Client/ Service User data will be anonymised. In summary the main known risks are:Non delivery of work package contents.Unclear expectations of the deliverables.Structural uncertainties within HSCBN that may impact upon the longevity of secondments of PM’s. IssuesThe Project Manager will implement and maintain an issues log and report against this to the Project Board. In summary the main known issues are:There are no known issues at present, other than the risks mentioned above.David BalfourProject Manager HSCBNMarch 2015Appendix 1 Project Documentation (demonstration screenshots)1. Project Document repository2.Taxonomy3.Project munications Plan5. Risk Register. This also contains a process maturity framework (not illustrated)6. Highlight Report ................

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