Horizon Badminton

Arcadia Boys Golf

Parent Handbook 2018


Head Coach: Jason Jones



Friday, August 17

4:30 PM / Arizona CC


4:30-4:45 Socialize – Meet the parents, Sign-In

4:45-? Welcome

• Introduction of Coach: Jason Jones

• Purpose of Meeting

o Meet the coach

o Overview of Coaching Philosophy

o Conditioning and Injury/RPR

o Communication/Information

o Coach/Player/Parent Team

• Parent/Student Handbook

o Contract – Review and Highlight

o Team Rules and Policies

o Schedule – Possible changes

o Student-Coach Communication

o Transportation Letter

o Website – Arcadia Golf

o AHS Golf Website

o Tax Credit Information – Participation Fees

• Q & A and Wrap up

Thank you for attending! I’m looking forward to this upcoming season!

Go Titans!


Arcadia Golf Parent Checklists

Things to do:

Pay participation fee and/or tax credit – designate AHS Golf as tax credit recipient (“Arcadia High School”)

Complete and return Golf Program Contract to coach (signed by student-athlete and parent)

Complete and return Student-Coach Communication authorization form to coach (signed by parent)

Check website for information, including updates, practice, and game schedules and locations

Payments to Make

| | | | |

|Item |Amount |Check(s) Payable To |When Due |

| | | |Now-cannot participate in |

|Participation Fee* |$150 |Arcadia High School |competition until paid |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |$400 (married, file jointly) | | |

|Tax Credit* |$200 (married, file separately) |Arcadia High School |By December 31, 2018 |

| |$200 (single/head of household) | | |

* $150 of Tax Credit may be applied to Participation Fee

* All Arcadia High School payments need to be made separately


Player, Parent, and Coach Contract

It is my high priority to communicate clearly and effectively to student-athletes and their parents the purposes, goals, expectations, and philosophies of the Arcadia golf program. I believe this communication and contract will enable and encourage the “student-athlete, parent, coach” team to function in an effective way that will prove successful. It is my hope that these young men will have a positive, successful, and enjoyable experience of this season’s golf team. I’m excited for the season and to work with all of you!


The purpose of the golf program is to provide a student-athlete with both a fun and instructional experience with the standards set by Arcadia High School and the Scottsdale School District. This team exists to add to the educational experience of all athletes and my expectations are high for every individual on the team, as well as for myself as a new coach. I expect cooperation, commitment, a coachable attitude, and discipline from those involved in the program. I try to make practice a safe learning environment which is both challenging and fun for the players; one that conditions, as well as develops good techniques, sound fundamentals, mental toughness, and a united and supportive team spirit. All goals, expectations, and philosophies will be derived from our purpose.


We are a team – first and foremost. We practice together, work out together, play together, and encourage one another. There is to be no “putting down” of your teammates or treating one teammate better than another. We will only be successful when we treat each other with mutual respect and support one another during ALL matches until their conclusion.

At no time is profanity consistent with the Arcadia golf program. If a student-athlete cannot control his tongue – I question his ability to control the rest of his emotions.

During matches, both home and away, I expect sportsmanlike behavior from the team, all supporters, and myself. Consistent with the A.I.A. policy, abusive language toward opponents and/or other coaches (such as “trash talk”) will not be tolerated.

Punctuality to practices and games is an absolute. If a student-athlete is not on time, I believe they are not ready to perform. If there is an appropriate reason (such as an exam, doctor’s visit, etc.) I must be notified prior to any arrangements made.

Student-athletes are expected to dress in a neat, clean, and professional manner at all times when representing the Arcadia golf program. This includes practice attire, game uniform, dressing for away matches, and possibly dressing for school on specific game days.

All players are expected to take care of the golf equipment and golf courses we are privileged to attend. Proper customs and courtesies must be followed at all times (repairing divots, raking traps, not leaving cleat marks, etc.) Additionally, the culture of golf is aristocratic. This is considered a “gentlemen’s sport” and we will demonstrate our high standard of maturity and poise. Athletes are expected to: thank the professional golfer (pro) in the clubhouse upon conclusion of range-time practice. Course practices do not require salutations. Acknowledging the maintenance and service staff of the course is an added touch to showing how appreciative we are to be guests at the course.

I strongly ask parents who attend practice sessions and workouts to be observers and do not offer assistance or critique on the athletes’ game. That said, I truly feel that a parent-coach dynamic is essential to reinforcing the support and mentorship our players need. If you wish to offer assistance to the team, please know I have an open-door policy.

Any parent that chooses to attend a match or tournament to support their child MUST plan to STAY the ENTIRE match/tournament. Parents that leave early due to their child not playing well causes serious self-confidence issues and demonstrates to athletes that is acceptable to give up. This is a non-negotiable policy.

The ranking ladder is a NON-negotiable issue. Regular communication with the players concerning roles and positions on the team will occur. Players will have consistent opportunities to both defend a position and/or challenge a player ranked higher than him. While I do reserve the right to make final judgments about the ladder, the players will be able to regularly challenge their teammates. The ladder will be subject to change throughout the duration of the season, depending upon the results of challenge matches. This gives high-ranked players the challenge of regularly defending their position, as well as provides lower-ranked players with the opportunity to move up after practicing and improving upon their game.

Student-athletes are expected to remain eligible throughout the golf season and the school year. I reserve the right to dismiss or take away practicing and playing time or to discipline any student-athlete who does not take care of business in the classroom.

Consistent with school and district policy, any athlete on suspension for use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs may result in dismissal from the golf team.

A student-athlete will be issued a uniform only after I communicate their role and position on the team. This role may change according to injury, improvement, playing time, or any number of reasons. Thus, having a player move from one level to another may occur during the season.

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING! Student-athletes are expected to maintain and demonstrate a positive, team-oriented, and coachable attitude throughout the golf season. Any behavior less than this may result in discipline, lack of playing time, suspension, or dismissal from the program.

Student-athletes must arrive and return as a team in district transportation when traveling to all matches. For safety purposes, please pick up your son ONLY from the West Lot after matches or practices in a timely fashion. Athletes driving their own vehicles should also park in the Student Parking Lot on match and practice days for their safety.

A physician must clear a student-athlete before returning to workouts after a major injury or after being seen by a doctor or any injury or long illness.

A coach/athlete/parent conference can occur if a situation or circumstance concerning a student-athlete arises. The items in the previous section are not appropriate discussion issues between coaches and parents. The athlete must be in attendance for all meetings and the student/parent must discuss any issues or concerns with me before we involve the athletic director or administration.

Any violation of these purposes, goals, expectations, and philosophies could result in discipline, lack of playing time, suspension and/or dismissal from the program.

Again, the purpose and motive of this contract is to communicate clearly and effectively the purposes, goals, expectations, perspectives, and philosophies of the Arcadia golf program. This is intended to be a positive and to facilitate the dynamics between players, parents, and coaches in an effort to make this year a success for all involved, especially our student-athletes. I am asking each player and parent to join me in making this commitment to pursue excellence and have a successful year. I am asking each player and parent to read and sign below if you are willing to make this commitment with me.

“I have read and understand the player, parent, and coach contract for the 2018 golf season. I agree to commit to its intended purpose and to support, follow, and encourage the goals, expectations, perspectives, and philosophies contained in the contract. I realize my important role on the team and will work diligently to perform it.”

________________________ ____________________________

Student-Athlete Signature Parent Signature Date


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