St Mary the Virgin & All Saints Parish Notices Potters Bar ...


St Mary the Virgin & All Saints, Potters Bar 11th December 2022

The Third Sunday of Advent

A warm welcome to St Mary's especially if this is your first time here. Refreshments are served in the hall after the Parish Eucharist.



Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 35 vv 1-10 The prophet describes the great joy of those who return from exile to their own land ? and this is also a picture of the happiness of those who shall be redeemed by Christ. New Testament Reading: James 5 vv 7-10 We are bidden to be patient and to put our faith in God. Gospel: Matthew 11 vv 2-11 John the Baptist sends disciples to question Jesus.

Hymns: 6, 19, 16, 466

2.00pm Festive Family Concert with the Sonorit? Saxophone Quartet (see next column)

5.00pm EVENSONG Hymns: 15, 499, 253


The Week Ahead

Dame Alice Owen's School rehearsing in church all day for Carol Service at 7.30pm


St Lucy, martyr 9.30am Morning Prayer 12.30pm Organ recital by Peter Yardley-

Jones Tea, coffee & mince pies served from 12 noon

1.30pm Ladbrooke School rehearsal 5.00pm Evening Prayer

Wednesday St John of the Cross, poet & teacher of the faith 9.30am Holy Communion 10.15am Pastoral Care Group meets

10.30am ? 12 noon Church open for private prayer 5.30pm Ladbrooke School Christmas show

Thursday 9.30am 10.15am

10.30am ? 12 noon 5.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) Advent study group meets Church open for private prayer Evening Prayer


9.30am 10.00am


Morning Prayer Church cleaning session ? all help gratefully received Evening Prayer

Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am PARISH EUCHARIST 5.00pm NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS

followed by mulled wine and mince pies

Eucharist readings next Sunday are: Isaiah 7 vv 10-16; Romans 1 vv 1-7 and Matthew 1 vv 18-25.

Fr Stefan Chrysostomou, Vicar Tel: 01707 859028 Email:

Please send any items for this sheet to Richard Osborn Email: rmosborn@

Tel: 07803 756088 / 020 8363 8197

Website: .uk

Parish Notices

Today we are sad to say farewell to Mandy, Mike, Tristan, Rosalie and Ottilie Hedley who are moving to Sheffield. We thank them for their contribution to our life at St Mary's and wish them happiness in their new home.

This afternoon at 2.00pm, there is a Festive Family Concert with the Sonorit? saxophone quartet. Tickets are priced at ?12.50 (18-25 - ?5 ; under 18s free). If you could help serve tea, coffee & biscuits at this concert, please have a word with Dave Miller.

School events At least 2 stewards are needed for each of these events: Dame Alice Owen's tomorrow at 7.30pm; Ladbrooke on Wednesday at 5.30pm; & Chancellor's on Tuesday 20th at 7.00pm. Please sign up on the noticeboard if you can help.

There is a cleaning session this Friday from 10am. Please come along to help, if you are available.

If you could organise or serve refreshments after the Carol Service next Sunday or provide some mince pies, please let Jenny Pearce know. If you are interested in doing a reading at the Carol Service, please let Richard know.

There is now a noticeboard available for you to pin up a Christmas card to all your friends at St Mary's.

Would you like to give St Mary's a Christmas present? There is a list on the noticeboard at the back of church with ideas. All gifts will be gratefully received.

Tickets (?1) are now on sale for our Christmas raffle - to be drawn after the Carol Service next Sunday. Please see Janet Daniels or Christine Fletcher for tickets.

For your prayers

The sick Valerie Meddes, Jackie Plummer, Dave Miller, Doreen Whittle, Jean Cotton, Joan & Ron Golden, Mike Rolfe, The Revd Atalie Gaines, Alex Riley, Thereza Fisher, Alison Stevens, Valerie Taylor, Louise Bracken-Smith, Millie, John O'Brien, Brooke Martin, Heather Whittingham, Ian Lockwood, Patricia Gledhill, Stan Rodgers We also pray for Christopher Schools, Keith Downes, Tess, Jayne Hutton, David Evans, Jason, Nicola Stiff, Desmond Haynes, John, Pauline Colley, John Stanton, Johanna Stanton, Betty Lockton, Marjorie Zerfahs

The recently departed Ingrid Palmer

Those whose anniversary of death falls this week Joan Hamer, Mary Embleton

Our parish We remember those who live in The Close, Coningsby Drive and Coopers Lane

CHRISTMAS AT ST MARY'S Next Sunday at 5.00pm ? Carol Service

followed by mulled wine and mince pies Christmas Eve at 4.00pm ? Christingle & Crib Service Christmas Eve at 11.30pm ? Midnight Mass Christmas Day at 10.00am ? Family Eucharist

followed by festive drinks and mince pies

Our livestreamed services can be viewed at: stmaryspb


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