
West Virginia Department of Education

Title I Supplemental Education Services

List of Approved Providers FY 2010-2011

*Indicates online service provider

|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|Achievers Tutoring of West Virginia |Statewide |Achievers Tutoring of West Virginia is an |Tutors will be hired locally and |Research based assessments (i.e., |

|Reading and mathematics, | |in-home one-on-one kindergarten through |will the provider will actively |comprehensive Assessment of Reading |

|Grades K-12 |Special Services: |12th grade tutoring provider specializing |seek to hire individuals within |and Mathematics Strategies) are |

| |Learning Disabled |in reading and mathematics. Once a |the LEA served. Achievers will |utilized. Both assessments were |

|Chris Cummins, President |Physically Disabled |pre-assessment has been completed, a |also hire one administrator from |chosen because of their proved |

|7909 Loura Tech Ct. |LEP (Spanish) |specialized and targeted student individual|each area or school district |research base and their focus on 12 |

|Louisville, KY 40291 | |academic plan is created. Achievers |served to handle local issues. |reading and mathematics strategies |

|Phone 502-742-2259 |Service Location(s): |Tutoring utilizes Triumph Coaching Books as|West Virginia licensed teachers |addressed by WV Content Standards and|

|Fax: 502-742-2259 |In student’s home |their curriculum which is aligned to each |will be given preference for |Objectives. Due to funding |

|tutoringchris@ | |student’s skill gaps, content area, |positions followed by degreed |constraints Achievers Tutoring does |

|website: |Availability of Services: |individual academic plan and the WV Content|persons. The goal of Achievers |not have a large scale research plan |

| |Before school |Standards and Objectives. After all |Tutoring is to have 90% licensed |to demonstrate program effectiveness.|

| |After school |sessions are completed students will |local teachers and 10% degree |However, students participating in |

| |Weekends |complete a post assessment. |holding tutors. |the program have shown at least a |

|Office hours: M-Su 8 am-10 pm |Summer | | |10% gain when comparing student pre |

| | | | |to post testing. |

| | |Minimum # to serve: 0 | | |

| | |Maximum # to serve: unlimited | | |

| | |Cost: $47.00 per hour | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|*Babbage Net School, Inc. |Statewide |The Babbage Net School tutorial program |Our National Tutoring Association |Babbage Net School has been providing|

|Reading and mathematics, | |provides students with the advantages of an|certified tutors oversee the |quality instruction since 1996. The |

|Grades K-12 |Special Services: |individualized, self-paced instructional |instruction, evaluation and |program received an award from the |

| |LEP (Spanish) |program supported by full interaction and |monitoring of student progress. |National School Board Association and|

|Kabir Kassam | |monitoring of a teacher. The self-paced |All our tutors are trained in the |has conducted scientifically-based |

|5940 W Touhy Ave, Suite 200 |Service Locations: |instructional program allows students to |use of our computer-based program |research on the effectiveness of the |

|Niles, IL 60714 |Program is software-based and |progress as fast as their abilities allow |and are supervised by an |program in the areas of language arts|

|Ph: 847-559-7464 |can be accessed anywhere at any |or as slowly as necessary to achieve |experienced regional manager. |and mathematics. Results of the |

|Fax: 866-782-6769 |time. |success. |Teachers are recruited in specific|research indicate positive gains in |

|ses@ | | |states through networking, online |student achievement. |

|website: |Availability of Services: |Minimum # to serve: 1 |applications, and advertisements. | |

| |Before School |Maximum # to serve: 2500 |Employed teachers may be retired | |

| |After School |Cost: $36/hour/student |or actively employed. | |

| |Weekends | | | |

|Must have email addresses for students. |Summer | | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service |Description of Services |Qualifications of |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Area(s) |Cost |Individuals |Record |

|Contact Information | | |Providing Services |of Effectiveness |

|Brilliance Academy of Math and English |Statewide |Brilliance Academy offers students an |Brilliance Academy hires |Data provided from the 2007-2008 |

|Reading and mathematics, | |individualized curriculum designed based on|experienced teachers as tutors who|school year from tutoring conducted |

|Grades K-12 | |academic need. The “Basic Achievement of |are also certified by the National|by Brilliance Academy in the state of|

| |Special Services: |Skills Inventory” developed by Pearson Vue |Tutor Association (NTA). |Illinois |

|Kabir Kassam, President/CEO |LEP (Spanish) |is utilized to pre-test students. The |Brilliance Academy seeks tutors |show an average increase of 20% |

|5940 W Touhy Ave, Suite 200 | |individualized component of the program |with experience and certification |improvement when comparing the |

|Niles, IL 60714 |Service Locations: |focuses on skill building and knowledge |with ESL and special education |results of the pre and post |

|Phone 847-559-7464 |School |acquisition. In addition, students |populations. |assessment BASI tests in both |

|Fax: 866 782-6769 | |participate in projects which contain five | |language arts and mathematics. The |

|kavirk@ |Availability of Services: |to seven sessions of grade level lessons. |Local teachers are sought to fill |results of the cumulative data are |

|website: |After School |Students work in small groups focusing on |tutoring positions through various|based on 85% of Brilliance Academy |

|Office hours: M-F 8 am-5 pm | |differentiation, repetition and varied |means (e.g., newspapers, community|students. |

| | |explanations. Projects include pre and post|activities, and direct visits to | |

| | |assessments. |the schools during SES recruitment| |

| | | |activities). | |

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| | |Minimum # to serve: 20 | | |

| | |Maximum # to serve: 10,000 | | |

| | |Cost: $53.30 per hour | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|*Brainfuse One-to-One Tutoring |Statewide |Brainfuse provides individual attention |All tutors must possess a four |Independent studies indicate that |

|(a division of The Trustforte Corporation) | |from a tutor using a home and/or school |year college degree and |students advance an average of one |

|Reading and mathematics, |Online services available in |computer. Complete freedom is offered when |demonstrate high proficiency in |grade level after 30 Brainfuse |

|Grades 3-12 |locations with Internet |choosing tutoring times. Sessions are |the areas in which they wish to |sessions. During the past six years,|

| |connectivity |typically one hour in length and are |tutor. The company has hired and |tutors have amassed considerable |

|Alex Sztuden, Director | |generally held 2-3 times per week. Each |trained tutors who have experience|experience working with students from|

|271 Madison Avenue | |program begins by meeting the parents and |with Title I students. Before |a wide range of backgrounds, many of |

|New York, NY 10016 | |establishing specific academic objectives |beginning services with students, |whom are Title I students, at-risk |

|Phone 1-866-272-4638 |Special Services: |and a learning plan. Progress reports are |the tutors participate in a four |students, low-income students, |

|Fax: 212-504-8184 |Physically Disabled |provided on an average of every 15 |week training workshop. |students with disabilities, and |

|requests@ |LEP (Spanish, Korean, Russian, |sessions. Brainfuse ensures that students | |students with limited English |

| |Chinese) |receive customized instruction in programs | |proficiency (LEP students). Brainfuse|

|website: | |that are aligned to the WV Content | |has entered into approximately 100 |

|Office hours: 8 am-8 pm |Service Locations: |Standards and Objectives. | |contracts with districts and schools |

| |Online | | |and are serving approximately 15,000 |

| | |Minimum # to serve: 1 | |students nationwide. |

| |Availability of Services: |Maximum # to serve: 5,000 | | |

| |Before School |Cost: $50 per one-to-one tutoring session | | |

| |After School |(each session is one hour) | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|Clay County Schools |Clay County |The Clay County 21st Century Learning |Clay County highly qualified |The county has an individualized |

|21st Century Community Learning Centers | |Centers program currently provides before |teachers (preferably from the |system to track children |

|Reading and mathematics, Grades Prek-12 |Special Services: |or after school tutoring, homework help and|school in which services are |participating in the 21st century |

| |Learning Disabilities |enrichment opportunities to all students, |provided) will be hired to provide|program (SES students will also be |

| |Physically Disabled |but specifically targets at-risk youth. |both reading and mathematics |tracked using this system). Data |

|Cindy Willis, 21st CCLC Director |LEP |Eligible SES students will receive tutoring|instruction. |collected includes attendance, |

|Clay County Schools | |based on determined academic need according| |WESTEST 2 information, grade point |

|PO Box 120 |Service Locations: |to WESTEST assessment. | |average, and Writing Assessment |

|Clay, WV 25043 |Schools in Clay County | | |scores. In the 2009-2010 school year,|

|Ph: 304-587-4266 | |Minimum # served: None | |over 1200 students attended the 21st |

|Fax: 304-587-4181 |Availability of Services: |Maximum # served: None | |century program. |

|cdwillis@access.k12.wv.us |Before School |Cost: $20/hour/student | | |

|website: |After School | | | |

|Office hours: M-F 8 am-4 pm |Summer | | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|Club Z! Tutoring |Statewide |Club Z! Tutoring utilizes WV Content |Club Z! Tutoring recruits highly |According to Club Z! Tutoring |

|Reading and mathematics, | |Standards and each individual student’s |qualified teachers and degreed |statistics compiled in Gadsden County|

|Grades K-12 |Special Services: |local classroom curriculum to develop a |professionals. A wide variety of |School District, Florida, after 13 |

| |Learning Disabilities |customized program. The Group Reading (and |educational professionals are |weeks of tutoring for 3.5 hours per |

| |Physically Disabled |Mathematics) Assessment and Diagnostic |included on the Club Z! staff |week, the average grade equivalency |

| |LEP (Spanish, Creole, German, |Evaluation and Intervention Strategies |(i.e., certified teachers, former |increase, as determined by the |

|Todd Walden, Director of Federal Programs |French, Japanese) |Resource Libraries (GRADE/GMADE) published |principals, guidance counselors, |Kaufman Test of Educational |

|15310 Amberly Drive, Suite 110 | |by American Guidance Service, Inc./Pearson |and special education teachers). |Achievement (KTEA II) , was 3.86 |

|Tampa, FL 33647 |Service Locations: |Education, Inc. are utilized as curriculum |Cumulatively, the staff has over |grade levels in reading and 4.25 |

|Ph: 800-434-2582 |School |content. Parents have the option of the |20 years of experience working |grade levels in mathematics. Club Z! |

|Fax : 813-549-0185 |Place of Religious Worship |consideration of individual or small group |with Title I students. |Tutoring also utilized the services |

|ses@ |Community Center |instruction (2 to 4 students) for their | |of a third party research firm, M & I|

|website: |Home |child and tutoring services may be | |Consulting Network, Inc. to conduct |

| | |delivered at the school, the child’s home, | |an analysis of services. In early |

|Office hours: M-F 9 am-6 pm |Availability of Services: |or an alternative community center. | |2007, M & I reported that a |

| |Before School | | |statistical analysis conducted |

| |After School |Minimum # served: 3 | |through two sample two-tailed tests |

| |Weekends |Maximum # served: 2000 | |provides evidence that the tutoring |

| |Summer |Cost: $60/hour/student | |program contributed to positive |

| | | | |academic growth of participants. |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|Community Reach, Inc. |Statewide |Community Reach, Inc. creates a program for|Instructors are recruited through |Community Reach has been in business |

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12 | |eligible students based on specific skill |local school systems, unemployment|for over 14 years and has been |

| |Special Services: |gaps. Skill gaps are identified utilizing |offices, newspapers, and |providing supplemental educational |

|Geffrey Tate |Learning Disabilities |an assessment process which is discussed |referrals. During the hiring |services for over 7 years. |

|Cooperate Offices |Physically Disabled |with the parent during a follow-up |process the instructor must submit|Ninety-eight percent of students who |

|586 Lassiter Street |LEP (Spanish) |conference. Children may be tutored in the |an application and resume which |complete the tutoring program have |

|Riverdale, GA 30274 | |home, school, recreational facilities, or |includes 4 references, and must |shown positive results in the areas |

|Ph: (Toll free) 1-877-CRI-RECH |Service Locations: |community libraries. After each hour of |participate in 2 interviews. A |of reading and mathematics as |

|or 274-7324 |School |instruction, Community Reach teachers |background check is also |measured by the Iowa Test of Basic |

|Fax: 770-603-9859 |Business |update each child’s lesson plan and |completed. In GA board certified |Skills, Criterion Referenced |

|crireach@ |Place of Religious Worship |reassess student progress. Standardized |teachers are hired with 2 or more |Competency Test, and the Preliminary |

|Office hours: M-F 9 am-9 pm |Community Center |testing is administered at no additional |years of teaching experience. A 2 |Scholastic Aptitude Test. |

|Sat 9 am-9 pm |Home |cost. |week orientation training session | |

| | | |is provided. All instructors are | |

| |Availability of Services: |Minimum # to serve: no minimum |required to complete an 8 week | |

| |Before School |Maximum # to serve: no maximum |workshop comprised of coaching, | |

| |After School |Cost: $48/hour/student at facilities and |creating a learning environment, | |

| |Weekends |schools; and $68/hour/student in home |and fostering responsibility in | |

| |Summer | |students. | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|*Educate Online Learning, LLC |Statewide |Educate Online is America's leading |All Educate Online teachers have |Educate Online has served more than |

|(Formerly Catapult Online) | |provider of live, personalized, at-home |the following qualifications: |56,000 students across America. |

|Reading and mathematics, |Special Services: |tutoring. After-school tutoring programs | |Because of our personalized tutoring,|

|Grades K-12 |Learning Disabilities |take place at each student's home using a |Are based in the United States or |individual attention, and certified |

| |Physical Disabilities |computer and Internet connection that we |US territories; |teachers, Educate Online students |

| |LEP (Spanish) |provide free of charge (one computer per |Have a current teaching |have averaged one grade level of |

|Angela Belt | |household). Programs are taught by |certification in the US; |growth after completing the program. |

|1001 Fleet Street, 8th Floor |Service Locations: |state-certified teachers who log in to our |Have at least 2 years of | |

|Baltimore, MD 21202 |Online |online classroom to teach your child |successful classroom teaching |Educate Online also achieves |

|Ph: 410-843-2672 |Home |specifically needed skills. When your child|experience; |attendance rates well above the |

|Fax: 410-843-6667 | |successfully completes the program, your |Have successfully passed a full |national average in comparison to |

|Parents call: 1-866-98-EDUCATE |Availability of Services: |family earns the right to keep the |background check prior to tutoring|other supplemental services |

|statee@educate- |After School |computer. |students; and |providers. Our average session |

|website: |Weekends | |Have successfully completed a |attendance rate is over 85%. |

|Office hours: M-F 8 am–6 pm |Summer | |two-tier interview process and a | |

| | | |three-part training exam. |Additionally, results of parent and |

| | |Minimum # to serve: 10 per district | |student satisfaction surveys show |

| | |Maximum # to serve: No maximum |In addition, all Educate Online |that 85% of Educate Online’s students|

| | |Cost: Varies – Educate Online’s program fee|teachers are monitored on a |were “very satisfied” or “extremely |

| | |will vary by district to allow for the |regular basis to ensure |satisfied” with their experience in |

| | |maximum number of hours based upon your |proficiency in teaching our |the program. Additionally, 94% of |

| | |school district’s per pupil allocation. |students. |parents surveyed stated that they |

| | | | |would recommend the Educate Online |

| | | | |instructional program to others. |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|* Florida Virtual School |All middle and high schools |Florida Virtual School is an |Experienced teachers are trained to |Florida Virtual School has grown from |

|Reading, writing, and mathematics, Grades 6-12| |Internet-based school which offers |be successful online instructors who |77 enrollments in 1997 to almost |

| |Online services available to any|curriculum and instruction online. It has|meet the No Child Left Behind “fully |220,000 enrollments in the 2009-10 |

| |location with Internet |become a world leader in delivering |qualified” criteria. Teachers have |school year within the state of |

|Elaine McCall, Principal |connectivity |middle/high school curriculum with 21st |regular contact with students to |Florida. FLVS students scored above |

|Florida Virtual Global School | |century tools and is a nationally |establish a personal, one-on-one |the state and national average on |

|2145 Metrocenter Blvd., Suite 200 | |recognized e-Learning model. The |relationship to ensure engagement |Advanced Placement Exams. |

|Orlando, FL 32835 | |provider’s motto “Any time, Any Place, |with the online course. The Global | |

|Ph: 352-870-0573 |Special Services: |Any Path, Any Pace,” is indicative of not|School also communicates with school |Florida Virtual School annually |

|Cell: 352-870-0573 |Learning Disabilities |only flexibility but research-based |counselors or other designated school|undergoes an external satisfaction |

|Fax: 1-888-696-0374 |LEP (Spanish, Chinese) |curriculum with implementation approaches|personnel to share information |evaluation with school districts, |

|emccall@ | |that are data-driven. A partnership with |regarding student status. Monthly |parents, and students. The results of|

|website: |Service Locations: |WV has brought online courses into the |progress reports are e-mailed to the |these surveys are posted on the FLVS |

|accessible via Internet at anytime |School |state. |student, parent/guardian, and |website. |

| |Online | |designated school personnel. | |

| | | |Courses are characterized by a high | |

| |Availability of Services: |Minimum # served: 0 |level of interactivity, using themed | |

| |Before School |Maximum # to serve: unlimited |lessons for student interest. | |

| |After School |Cost: The tuition for a 0.5 credit course| | |

| |Weekends |is $375; $750 for a 1.0 credit course. | | |

| |Summer |Advanced Placement courses $400 for 0.5 | | |

| | |credit and $800 for a 1.0 credit. | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|FreshWise Inc. |Statewide |FreshWise provides individual tutoring in|FreshWise employs highly competent |An educator and consultant who has |

|Reading, Grades PreK-12 Mathematics, Grades | |reading and mathematics for struggling |and qualified staff who must have a |served on the Board of Directors of |

|K-12 |Special Services: |Pre-K- 12 students. Students work either |minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a |the International Reading Association |

| |Learning Disabled |individually or in small groups of up to |field related to their instruction |and the Association of Educational |

|Lloyd Curtis, President & Owner |Physically Disabled |5 students per instructor. Instructors |and no less than three years’ |Publishers produced a 2006 study |

|3945 Solstice Lane |LEP |are highly skilled, motivated, and caring|experience in working with children |confirming the consistent success of |

|Dumfries, VA 22025-1871 | |teachers who are part of the local |in an educational capacity. Local |Continental Press’ Finish Line series |

|Phone 703-987-8330 |Service Location(s): |community. Based on assessment results, |staff is recruited through newspaper |in increasing student achievement. In |

|Fax: 703-986-3579 |School |curriculum is identified and assigned to |ads, job-placement agencies, alumni |the study students showed a |

|Lloyd.Curtis@ or |Place of Religious Worship |each individual student. Once goals are |associations of teaching colleges, |significant increase on the New York |

|Lloyd.Curtis@ |Community Center |set a student learning packet is |career bulletin boards at local |state test using Finish Line reading |

| |Student’s Home |developed which includes several |colleges, online job search websites |and mathematics materials. Reading |

|website: | |workbooks addressing student needs. |and referrals from current staff. |results showed that 48.4% of students |

| |Availability of Services: |Reading materials provided include | |were proficient while mathematic |

| |Before school |Continental Press, Stack-Vaughn and Great| |results showed 42.7% of students were |

|Office hours: M-F: 8:30 am-6 pm |After school |Source. Mathematics materials provided | |proficient. DataNalytic Consulting |

| |Weekends |include Continental Press and Garlic | |conducted a statistical analysis of |

| |Summer |Press. Each student from 1st grade or | |Finish Line’s effectiveness. Of the |

| | |higher who successfully completes the | |278 students analyzed, 208 completed |

| | |tutoring program of 25 hours or more | |the program (received between 28 to 36|

| | |(attends all sessions) will be provided | |hours of instruction) and participated|

| | |with a computer installed with | |in pre and post testing to measure |

| | |educational software in the subject | |educational growth. Of the 208 |

| | |area(s) studied in the FreshWise tutoring| |students tested, 195 students (94%) |

| | |program. | |showed significant growth. Students |

| | | | |with low NCE scores at the start of |

| | | | |the program showed increases |

| | |Minimum # to serve: 5 students per school| |suggesting the Finish Line curriculum |

| | |Maximum # to serve: 2,000 | |is effective with struggling students.|

| | |students per state | | |

| | |Cost: $57.00 per hour for small group in | | |

| | |school or community location/$79.00 per | | |

| | |hour for in-home or one-to-one tutoring | | |

|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|*Laureate Learning Center, Inc. |Statewide |Laureate Learning Center (LLC) offers |In many cases LLC will hire school |For the 2008-2009 school year, LLC |

|Reading and mathematics, | |after school and weekend tutoring |district teachers or retired teachers|served 53 students at Price Middle |

|Grades 3-12 |Special Services: |services through a small group |with a bachelor’s or master’s degree |School in Georgia in reading/language |

| |Limited English Proficient |online/web-based approach. LLC utilizes |as tutors and will provide on-site |arts and mathematics. Of these |

|Dr. Carla Jones, Regional Program Manager | |instructional materials which are |instruction at the student’s home |students, 74% passed the reading |

|209 West Washington Street |Service Location(s): |correlated to WV State assessment |school. This situation promotes a |portion of the Georgia CRCT, 77% |

|Charleston, WV 25302 |Community Center |academic content and student achievement |stronger tie between LLC staff and |passed the language arts portion, and |

|Phone 877-719-5445 |Libraries |standards and supplemental materials to |the school’s staff and enables a more|58% passed the mathematics portion. In|

|Fax: 866-719-3013 |Online/Web-based |reinforce basic mathematics skills where |adequate alignment of tutoring with |addition, small group data was |

|Carla_Jones@ | |needed. The primary curriculum, Triumph |classroom instruction. |collected and analyzed by LLC for |

|website: |Availability of Services: |Coach 3-12 and WESTEST 2 Achievers! | |2008-2009 using the provider developed|

|Office hours: M-F: 8 am-8 pm |After school |Multimedia 3-12 reading/language arts and| |Coach pre and post test results. |

|Sat: 8am-2pm |Weekends |mathematics programs are consistent with | |Students in the LLC program achieved |

| | |and aligned to the WV CSOs. | |average growth rates in reading and |

| | | | |mathematics of over 20% in the |

| | | | |majority of LEAs served and nearly |

| | |Minimum # to serve: 30 | |reached 30% in one LEA. Finally, |

| | |Maximum # to serve: 200 | |during the 2008-2009 school year, 60% |

| | |Cost: $50.00 per hour | |of students fared well on the Georgia |

| | | | |High School Graduation Test while 74% |

| | | | |of LLC students fared well on the |

| | | | |test. |

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|Provider Name |Geographic |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Service Area(s) | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information |/Special Services | | |of Effectiveness |

|*Learn It Systems, LLC |Statewide |Learn It Systems provides reading and |Learn It Systems strives only to hire|Students are evaluated using a |

|Reading and mathematics, | |mathematics instruction to students in |certified West Virginia teachers |propriety assessment that measures |

|Grades K-8 |Special Services: |grades K-8 in small groups using a |preferably with an advanced degree |student knowledge of pre-established |

| |Learning Disabled |curriculum called Learn It Reading and |demonstrating subject matter |state and local curriculum standards. |

|Raquel Whiting, VP of Legal and Government |Physically Disabled |Learn It Math. Instruction is offered |expertise in the subject areas in |These criterion-referenced assessments|

|Affairs |LEP (Spanish) |either in-person in small groups or |which they provide instruction. |adhere to the test validity, |

|2201 Old Court Road | |online. In-person instruction takes place|However, if certified teachers are |reliability, development, and usage |

|Baltimore, MD 21208 |Service Location(s): |at the child’s school (average of 6 |not available, instructors are |standards established in the Standards|

|Phone 410-369-0000, ext. 107 |School |students per group) while with the online|required to have an associate’s |for Educational and Psychological |

|Fax: 410-369-0137 |Online/Web-based |instructional program students work using|degree. Preference is given to |Testing (1999). The assessment series|

|Raquel.Whiting@ | |the Internet with a live teacher in small|instructors with at least 3 years of |was developed by Advanced Assessment |

|website: |Availability of Services: |online groups (up to 5 students). |experience and/or instructors with |Systems, an experienced and qualified |

|Office hours: M-F: 9 am-5 pm |After school |Students work from home using a computer |experience working in Title I |3rd party provider. During the |

| |Weekends |and Internet connection provided by Learn|schools. Only United States based |2007-2008 school year, services were |

| |Summer |It Systems to access an online platform |instructors are hired to provide |provided to 10,653 students in 27 |

| | |which includes live instruction using |online instruction. Typically |districts nationwide. Students |

| | |Voice Over Internet Protocol and an |teaching staff is hired from the |received at least 20 hours of |

| | |interactive white board. Online students |Title I schools in which students |instruction and, on average, students |

| | |may keep the computer provided they |attend the programs. These teachers |demonstrated a 16% gain in reading and|

| | |complete all required sessions and the |are uniquely qualified to work with |15% point gain in mathematics. During |

| | |pre and post assessment. The Learn It & |underachieving and low-income |the 2008-2009 school year services |

| | |Learn It motivational program also |students. Learn It currently employs |were provided to 8,870 students in |

| | |rewards students for attendance, |more than 2,000 instructors |reading and 5,943 students in |

| | |behavior, participation, effort and |nationwide, of which approximately |mathematics. Students demonstrated an |

| | |achievement. “Credits” are redeemable for|90% are currently employed or have |average gain of 15 percentage points |

| | |age appropriate gifts and prizes usually |experience teaching in a Title I |in reading and 18 percentage points in|

| | |valued under $25 total for the program. |school. |mathematics. |

| | | | | |

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| | |Minimum # to serve: 30 | | |

| | |Maximum # to serve: 5,000 | | |

| | |Cost: $65.00 - $80.00 per hour | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 1 |All eligible counties/schools within |The emphasis of the program is on |RESA 1 providers of |RESA 1 provides technical assistance to |

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12|RESA 1: |reading and mathematics. The curriculum|supplemental educational services |low performing schools as part of its |

| | |delivered will be based on individual |will be certified teachers. |duties assigned by the WV Board Of |

|Linda Ballard-Price, Director |McDowell |student needs. Students will be |Minimum requirements for |Education (WVBOE) and WV Legislature. |

|Professional Development |Mercer |instructed either in a one on one |supplemental educational service |The Memorandum of Understanding |

|RESA 1 |Monroe |situation or in small group sessions. |instructors include a bachelor’s |developed between the WVBOE and other |

|400 Neville Street |Raleigh |Instruction in the 5 components of |degree in education and three years|state entities has identified reading, |

|Beckley, WV 25801 |Summers |reading will be the focus of the |teaching experience. Experience in|mathematics and data analysis as the |

|Ph: 304-256-4683, ext. 1103 |Wyoming |reading program. In addressing |teaching reading/language arts and |main areas of concentration for RESAs. |

|Fax: 304-256-4683 | |mathematics, the group will use “best |mathematics is preferred. |Provision of supplemental services |

|lbprice@access.k12.wv.us | |practice” teaching strategies after |Preference will be given to those |correlates to other services provided to|

|M-F: 8:30 am-4 pm | |diagnosing a child’s specific needs. |applicants who have experience in |schools on improvement status. |

| |Special Services: |The goals set for each student will be |working with Title I students as | |

| |Learning Disabilities |determined by assessment data, course |well as experience and training in |Students receiving the RESA 1 SES |

| |LEP (Spanish) |of instruction, and grade level |working with skill deficiencies. |program have demonstrated successful |

| | |specific standards. The program will | |growth in reading and mathematics. |

| |Service Locations: |focus on the “whole child” approach to | |Results of pre and post test scores and |

| |School |improving academic achievement; | |other data indicated improvement. |

| |Online |therefore, any barriers to student | |Parents, administrators, and tutors were|

| | |success will be addressed. | |positive with student success regarding |

| |Availability of Services: | | |the learning process as additional |

| |Before School |Minimum # to serve: 1 | |evidence of effectiveness. |

| |After School |Maximum # to serve: 300 | | |

| |Summer |Cost: $20–25/hour/student | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 2 |All eligible counties/ schools within |RESA 2 supplemental educational |The providers of supplemental |At this time, RESA 2 cannot provide data|

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12|RESA 2: |services will provide individual and |educational services will be |as evidence of effectiveness due to |

| | |small group (maximum 2 students per |certified teachers. Preference |limited delivery of supplemental |

| |Cabell |instructor) instruction in reading and |will be given to certified reading |educational services. The agency |

|Kelly L. Watts, NBCT |Lincoln |mathematics to eligible students in |specialists for reading |provides technical assistance to low |

|Program Development Director |Logan |grades K-12. |instruction. Likewise, certified |performing schools as part of its duties|

|RESA 2 |Mason |Services will be available after |mathematics teachers will be given |assigned by the WV Board of Education |

|2001 McCoy Road |Mingo |school, on Saturday and during the |preference for mathematics |(WVBOE) and WV Legislature. The |

|Huntington, WV 25701 |Wayne |summer. The instructional program will |positions. Providers’ skills will |Memorandum of Understanding developed |

|Ph: 304-529-6205, ext. 24 | |be aligned to WV Content Standards and |be matched to the needs of each |between the WVBOE and other state |

|Fax: 304-529-6209 |Special Services: |Objectives for reading and mathematics |student. |entities has identified reading, |

|kwatts@access.k12.wv.us |LEP |and designed for individual student | |mathematics and data analysis as the |

|M-F: 8 am-5 pm | |needs and in collaboration with the | |main areas of concentration for RESAs. |

| |Service Locations: |classroom teacher. | |Provision of supplemental services |

| |School | | |correlates to other services provided to|

| | |Minimum # to serve: 1 | |schools on improvement status. |

| |Availability of Services: |Maximum # to serve: 200 | | |

| |After School |Cost: $45.00/hour/student | | |

| |Saturday | | | |

| |Summer |Students will need to provide paper, | | |

| | |pencil, and textbooks | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 3 |All eligible counties/schools within RESA|RESA 3’s supplemental educational|RESA 3 providers of |RESA 3 provides technical assistance to|

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12 |3: |services program will provide |supplemental educational services will|low performing schools as part of its |

| | |tutorial services to students. |be certified teachers. Minimum |duties assigned by the WV Board of |

| |Boone |The program is research based and|requirements for supplemental service |Education (WVBOE) and |

|Deborah Brown |Clay |will use highly qualified, |instructors include a bachelor’s |WV Legislature. The Memorandum of |

|RESA 3 |Kanawha |skilled, successful educators who|degree in education and three years |Understanding developed between the |

|501 22nd Street |Putnam |are familiar with WV standards |teaching experience. Consideration |WVBOE and other state entities has |

|Dunbar, WV 25064-1711 | |and local instructional programs.|will be given for special training or |identified reading, mathematics and |

|Ph: 304 766-7655, ext. 132 | |The program’s effectiveness will |staff development activities in the |data analysis as the main areas of |

|Fax: 304-766-7915 |Special Services: |be continually evaluated and |areas of reading/language arts and/or |concentration for RESAs. Provision of |

|dsbrown@access.k12.wv.us |Learning Disabilities |revised based upon the academic |mathematics. |supplemental services correlates to |

|M-F: 8 am-4 pm |Physically Disabled |success of student participants. | |other services provided to schools on |

| |LEP | | |improvement status. |

| | |Minimum # to serve: 1 | | |

| |Service Locations: |Maximum # to serve: no maximum | |All schools and most students receiving|

| |School |Cost: $20-$30 hour/student | |SES from RESA III have experienced an |

| | | | |increase in achievement scores and/or |

| |Availability of Services: | | |have achieved subject area mastery. |

| |Before School | | |RESA III has been an integral part of |

| |After School | | |the overall activities and plan for |

| |Weekends | | |improvement of the schools served. |

| |Summer | | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 4 |All eligible counties/schools within RESA |RESA 4 supplemental educational |Preferred tutors will have, at a |At this time, RESA 4 cannot provide |

|Reading/language Arts and mathematics,|4: |services will provide both |minimum, a bachelor’s degree in |data as evidence of effectiveness due|

|Grades K-12 | |individualized and small group |education with experience teaching |to limited delivery of supplemental |

| |Braxton |instruction to students identified as |reading, language arts or |educational services. The agency |

| |Fayette |needing additional services. Services |mathematics. Experience in working |provides technical assistance to low |

|Marsha Bailes |Greenbrier |will focus on reading, language arts, |with Title I students will be |performing schools as part of its |

|RESA 4 |Nicholas |and mathematics. The student |identified through provider |duties assigned by the WV Board of |

|404 Old Main Drive |Pocahontas |deficiencies will be identified based |applications as well. Classroom |Education (WVBOE) and WV Legislature.|

|Summersville, WV 26651 |Webster |on formal and informal assessments, |teachers, substitute teachers and |The Memorandum of Understanding |

|Ph: 304-872-6440, ext. 15 | |student grades, and teacher |retired educators will all be |developed between the WVBOE and other|

|Fax: 304-872-6442 | |recommendations. |eligible to apply. |state entities has identified |

|mcbailes@access.k12.wv.us | | | |reading, mathematics and data |

|website: |Special Services: |Minimum # served: 1 |In rural areas where there is not an|analysis as the main areas of |

|M-F: 8 am-4 pm |Learning Disabilities |Maximum # to serve: 200 |adequate number of preferred tutor |concentration for RESAs. Provision of|

| | |Cost: $45/hour/student |applicants, tutoring may be provided|supplemental educational services |

| |Service Locations: | |by college students. |correlates to other services provided|

| |School | | |to schools on improvement status. |

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| |Availability of Services: | | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 5 |All eligible counties/schools within |The RESA 5 SESAME Program will provide|RESA 5 providers of supplemental |RESA 5 provides technical assistance |

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12 |RESA 5: |individualized/small supplemental |educational services are certified |to low performing schools as part of |

| | |educational services to students in |teachers. Minimum requirements for |its duties assigned by the WV Board of|

| |Calhoun |reading and mathematics. Highly |supplemental educational service |Education (WVBOE) and WV Legislature. |

|Dave Scragg |Jackson |skilled and qualified educators will |instructors include a bachelor’s |The Memorandum of Understanding |

|RESA 5 |Pleasants |provide instruction based on each |degree in education and 3 years |developed between the WVBOE and other |

|2507 Ninth Avenue |Ritchie |student’s academic needs which are |teaching experience. Consideration |state entities has identified reading,|

|Parkersburg, WV 26101 |Roane |connected to each student’s academic |will be given for special training or|mathematics and data analysis as the |

|Ph: 304-485-6513, ext. 113 |Tyler |program. |staff development activities in the |main areas of concentration for RESAs.|

|Fax: 304-485-6515 |Wirt | |areas of reading/language arts and/or|Provision of supplemental services |

|dscragg@access.k12.wv.us |Wood |Minimum # to serve: 20 |mathematics. |correlates to other services provided |

|M-F: 8 am-4 pm | |Maximum # to serve: 100 | |to schools on improvement status. |

| | |Cost: $50/ hour/student | |During the 2008-09 school year RESA 5 |

| | | | |provided supplemental services to 14 |

| | | | |students in 3 schools in Wood County. |

| |Special Services: | | |The number of students participating |

| |Learning Disabilities | | |in the RESA 5 program represented more|

| | | | |than a 60% decrease over 2007-2008 |

| |Service Locations: | | |enrollment. Pre and post test scores |

| |School | | |and other data indicate that nearly |

| | | | |all students showed improvement. |

| |Availability of Services: | | |Feedback from parents, students, and |

| |Before School | | |tutors regarding the learning |

| |After School | | |opportunities afforded the students |

| |Weekends | | |were mostly positive. |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals Providing|Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 6 |All eligible counties/ schools within|RESA 6’s SES program will provide both |A pool of providers will be recruited |At this time, RESA 6 cannot |

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12 |RESA 6: |individualized and small group |throughout the region. Minimum |provide data as evidence of |

| | |instruction to students identified for |requirements include a bachelor’s |effectiveness due to limited |

| |Brooke |additional services. These services will |degree in education and 3 years |delivery of supplemental |

|Marian Kajfez |Hancock |focus on reading/language arts and |teaching experience. Experience in |educational services. The agency |

|Director of Programs Development and |Marshall |mathematics. Student deficiencies will be|teaching reading/language arts or |provides technical assistance to |

|Support Services |Ohio |identified based on formal and informal |mathematics is preferred. Providers’ |low performing schools as part of |

|RESA 6 |Wetzel |assessments, student grades, student work|skills will be matched to student |its duties assigned by the WV |

|30 GC&P Road | |samples, and teacher(s) recommendations. |needs. Classroom teachers, substitute |Board of Education (WVBOE) and WV |

|Wheeling, WV 26003 | |A conference will be held with the |teachers, and retired educators will be|Legislature. The Memorandum of |

|Ph: 304-231-3806 |Special Services: |parents, classroom teacher(s), tutor and |eligible to apply. Experience in |Understanding developed between |

|mkajfez@access.k12.wv.us |LEP (as needed) |the RESA VI staff contact to determine |working with Title I students will be |the WVBOE and other state entities|

|website: resa6.k12.wv.us |Learning Disabilities |the specific contract components, |identified in provider applications. |has identified reading, |

|M-F: 8 am-4 pm |Physically Disabled |establish a timeline, develop measurable |Preference will be given to those |mathematics and data analysis as |

| | |goals and objectives, schedule for |applicants that have experience and |the main areas of concentration |

| |Service Locations: |services, and delivery method for |training in working with skill |for RESAs. Provision of |

| |School |individual students. Once the |deficiencies. All applicants accepted |supplemental educational services |

| |Online |participants have agreed on an individual|as providers will participate in an |correlates to other services |

| | |instruction program for the student, the |orientation training including policies|provided to schools on improvement|

| |Availability of Services: |provider will be responsible for regular |and procedures for program operation, |status. |

| |Before School |communication with the school and |parent involvement, instructional | |

| |After School |parents. Progress reports will be issued |strategies, evaluation, reporting and | |

| |Weekends |no less than every 6 weeks and parent |communication requirements. | |

| |Summer |conferences will occur at least twice | | |

| | |annually. RESA VI will meet with county | | |

| | |contact persons throughout the year. | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals Providing|Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 7 |All eligible counties/schools within |RESA 7 will assess students utilizing |A pool of providers will be recruited |At this time, RESA 7 cannot |

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12 |RESA 7: |pre-tests and other formalized |throughout the region. It is preferred |provide data as evidence of |

| | |assessments. These results will be |that tutors have a minimum of a |effectiveness due to limited |

| |Barbour |analyzed to determine specific student |bachelor’s degree in education and 3 |delivery of supplemental |

|Jeovanna Lacaria, |Doddridge |deficiencies, areas of weakness and to |years teaching experience. Experience |educational services. The agency |

|Director of Curriculum |Gilmer |focus tutoring sessions. Measureable |in teaching reading/language arts or |provides technical assistance to |

|1201 N 15th St |Harrison |goals and objectives will be created by |mathematics is preferred. Classroom |low performing schools as part of |

|Clarksburg, WV 26301 |Lewis |each instructor and will be revisited |teachers, substitute teachers, and |its duties assigned by the WV |

|Ph: 304-624-6554 x 222 |Marion |throughout the school year to ensure that|retired educators will be eligible to |Board of Education (WVBOE) and WV |

|jlacaria@access.k12.wv.us |Monongalia |each student is receiving the best |apply. Experience in working with Title|Legislature. The Memorandum of |

|website: resa7.k12.wv.us/ |Preston |program possible. Progress reports |I students will be identified in |Understanding developed between |

|M-F: 8 am-4 pm |Randolph |/summaries will be issued on a weekly, |provider applications. Preference will |the WVBOE and other state entities|

| |Taylor |monthly and six week basis. In addition, |be given to those applicants that have |has identified reading, |

| |Tucker |an exit conference will be conducted with|experience and training in working with|mathematics and data analysis as |

| |Upshur |each participant, parent, and instructor |skill deficiencies. When screening |the main areas of concentration |

| | |annually. The RESA 7 SES contact will |potential applicants, every attempt |for RESAs. Provision of |

| | |maintain communication with county |will be made to hire the most qualified|supplemental educational services |

| |Special Services: |contacts as needed throughout the year to|applicant to provide services in our |correlates to other services |

| |Learning Disabilities |ensure compliance. |prospective counties. |provided to schools on improvement|

| |Physically Disabled | | |status. |

| | | | | |

| |Service Locations: |Minimum # to serve: 1 | | |

| |School |Maximum # to serve: 200 | | |

| |Online |Cost: $41.22 per hour negotiated based on| | |

| |Community Center |individual plan of service delivery. | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals Providing|Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|RESA 8 |All eligible counties/schools within |The RESA 8 Supplemental Educational |RESA 8 will recruit highly skilled, |At this time, RESA 8 cannot |

|Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12 |RESA 8: |Services Program will provide external |successful educators within the |provide data as evidence of |

| | |tutorial services to eligible students |education community who are familiar |effectiveness due to limited |

| |Berkeley |within RESA 8. The program utilizes |with WV’s Content Standards and |delivery of supplemental |

|Byron Cooley |Grant |research-based techniques and will use |Objectives and local programs of |educational services. The agency |

|109 South College Street |Hampshire |highly qualified, skilled, successful |instruction. These teachers will |provides technical assistance to |

|Martinsburg, WV 25401 |Hardy |educators that are based in the area and |reinforce the instruction provided to |low performing schools as part of |

|Ph: 304-267-3595 |Jefferson |who are familiar with WV’s content |students in their home school as well |its duties assigned by the WV |

|Fax: 304-267-3599 |Mineral |standards and objectives. Educators will |as address their individual needs. |Board of Education (WVBOE) and WV |

|bcooley@access.k12.wv.us |Morgan |continually assess student achievement, |Minimum requirements will include a |Legislature. The Memorandum of |

|website: |Pendleton |monitor student progress, and adjust |bachelor’s degree in education and 3 |Understanding developed between |

|M-F: 8:00 am-4:00 pm | |tutorial services by utilizing data |years teaching experience. Classroom, |the WVBOE and other state entities|

| | |including, but not limited to, teacher |substitute, and retired teachers will |has identified reading, |

| | |anecdotal records, various computer |be encouraged to apply. Experience |mathematics and data analysis as |

| |Special Services: |assessments, etc. Services will be |working with Title I students will be a|the main areas of concentration |

| |Learning Disabilities |arranged for delivery before school, |priority. All accepted applicants will |for RESAs. Provision of |

| |Physically Disabled |after school, weekends, or summer. |be expected to participate in |supplemental educational services |

| |LEP | |professional development in the areas |correlates to other services |

| | | |of CSOs, individual reading and /or |provided to schools on improvement|

| |Service Locations: |Minimum # to serve: no minimum |mathematics assessment, working with |status. |

| |School |Maximum # to serve: no maximum |Title I students, and other | |

| | |Cost: $30-$50/hour/student |reading/language arts, and mathematics | |

| |Availability of Services: | |training as deemed necessary and | |

| |Service Locations: | |appropriate. | |

| |School | | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|Sylvan Learning Center #4802 – Bridgeport |Statewide |Sylvan Learning Centers offer remediation |All Sylvan instructional staff holds |The average academic growth after |

|Sylvan Learning Center #4805 - Morgantown | |programs in reading and mathematics. An |appropriate academic degrees and |36 Sylvan Learning Center sessions |

|CHARKA Enterprises, Inc. | |individual assessment of each student is |state teaching certification. |as measured by the California |

|Reading and mathematics, |Special Services: |completed using a battery of nationally | |Achievement Test (Form 5 A/B) since|

|Grades K-12 |Learning Disabilities |recognized tests. The student’s strengths | |October 1998 is: |

| |Physically Disabled |and deficiencies are identified. From this | | |

| | |information a customized learning | |Reading voc. 1.55 yrs |

|Charles White, President/Executive Director |Service Locations: |prescription plan is developed in | |Reading comp 1.8 yrs |

|109 Platinum Drive, Suite G |Sylvan Learning Center |consultation with parents. | |Total reading 1.7 yrs |

|Bridgeport, WV 26330 | | | |Math comp 1.85 yrs |

|Ph: 304-842-0234 |Availability of Services: | | |Total math 1.7 yrs |

|Fax : 304-842-0221 |Service Locations: |Minimum # served: 1 | | |

|charles@ |School |Maximum # to serve: 200 | | |

|website: | |Cost: $39/hour/student | | |

|M-Th: 9 am-7 pm |Availability of Services: | | | |

|F: 9 am-2 pm |After School | | | |

| |Weekends | | | |

| |Summer | | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|Sylvan Learning Center |Statewide |With over 1,000 centers worldwide, Sylvan |All Sylvan teachers are required to |Sylvan utilizes incremental |

|#4801 - Charleston, WV | |Learning offers a variety of remedial |hold a bachelor’s degree and a |assessments to formally measure |

|Reading and Mathematics, Grades K-12 | |programs including reading and mathematics.|teaching certificate. Many have a |academic growth and guide further |

| |Special Services: |Sylvan creates a profile of each child’s |master’s degree or further in reading|instruction. The Academic Reading |

|Lisa E. Henthorn, Director/Owner |Learning Disabled |academic strengths and needs based on the |or mathematics. Almost all currently |program uses the vocabulary and |

|1522-A Oakhurst Drive |Physically Disabled |results of the Sylvan Skills Assessment. A |teach in the public school system, |comprehension sections and the Math|

|Charleston, WV 25314 | |personalized program is developed which |either as a classroom, special |Essentials program uses the |

|Phone 304-744-4144 |Service Location(s): |incorporates the needed content needed to |education, or Title I teacher. Sylvan|computation and concepts and |

|Fax: 304-744-4179 |Sylvan Learning Center |strengthen student skills. Children will |Learning is continually seeking |application sections to measure |

|Sylvan4801@ | |receive individual attention in no more |dynamic individuals considered as |student progress. Of 203 students |

|website: |Availability of Services: |than a 3:1 ratio in order to improve |teachers of excellence as well as |assessed on the 72 hour reading |

| |After school |classroom performance. Sylvan’s highly |those demonstrating a positive, |progress tests, 84% were considered|

| |Weekends |skilled and certified teachers create an |praise-oriented personality. In |“successful”. Of 94 students |

|Office hours: M-Th 9 am-8 pm |Summer |environment for learning that helps |addition to being a certified |assessed on the 72 hour mathematics|

|F 9 am-4 pm | |students reach their full potential. |teacher, Sylvan requires each teacher|progress tests, 97% were considered|

|Sa 9 am-2 pm | |Children are rewarded with tokens to |to meet the goals of the Sylvan |“successful”. |

| | |recognize hard work and good effort. |certification which includes | |

| | |Students may redeem tokens at the |completion of training and the | |

| | |motivational Sylvan store. |passing of a rigorous test in each | |

| | | |program prior to teaching students. | |

| | |Minimum # to serve: 1 | | |

| | |Maximum # to serve: 200 | | |

| | |Cost: $42.00 per hour | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) /Special |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |Services | |Providing Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|Sylvan Learning Center #4803 - Huntington |Eligible counties/schools in the |Sylvan Learning Center provides students |All Sylvan instructors are required |The Sylvan Learning Center of |

|Reading and mathematics, |following counties: |with proven individualized programs based |to have a minimum of a bachelor’s |Huntington uses the California |

|Grades K-12 | |upon diagnostic testing. Certified teachers|degree and a state teaching |Achievement Test, a norm |

| |Cabell |teach all instructional sessions. Students |certificate. Preference is given to |referenced test. The average |

| |Kanawha |are exposed to many different learning |teachers who have at least 1-2 years|improvement in reading after 36 |

|Harold S. White, Director/Owner |Lincoln |activities including computers, |of teaching experience. Ongoing |hours of instruction is 1.4 |

|1060 Cedar Crest Drive |Logan |manipulatives, and books while experiencing |professional development is required|grade levels. The average |

|Huntington, WV 25705 |McDowell |a variety of teaching styles. Small group |to improve instruction and implement|improvement in math after 36 |

|Ph: 304-736-6988 |Mason |instruction provides one teacher for every 3|new programs. |hours of instruction is 1.9 |

|Fax: 304-736-6985 |Mingo |students. Meetings are regularly scheduled | |grade levels. |

|csslearning@ |Putnam |with school officials and parents to ensure | | |

|website: |Wayne |that necessary information is received in a | | |

|M-Thur: 10 am-8 pm | |timely manner while ensuring the privacy of | | |

|Sat: 9:00 am-2 pm | |the individuals involved. | | |

|Sat summer hours: 9 am-2 pm | | | | |

| |Special Services: |Minimum # to serve: 1 | | |

| |Learning Disabilities |Maximum # to serve: 200 | | |

| |Physically Disabled |Cost: $45/hour/student | | |

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| |Sylvan Learning Center | | | |

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| |Availability of Services: | | | |

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| |Availability of Services: | | | |

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|Provider Name |Geographic Service Area(s) |Description of Services/ Cost |Qualifications of Individuals Providing |Demonstrated |

|Grade(s) Served |/Special Services | |Services |Record |

|Contact Information | | | |of Effectiveness |

|Sylvan Learning Center |Statewide |Sylvan Learning Center offers |All Sylvan teachers are state certified. |Upon completion of 36 hours of |

|#4800 - Vienna | |remedial programs at the Sylvan |In addition, extensive initial and |Sylvan Learning instruction, |

|Reading and mathematics Prek-12 |Special Services: |Learning Center in reading and |quarterly training in Sylvan programs and|the average assessment growth |

| |Learning Disabilities |mathematics to school age children |procedures is provided. |since January 2003 as measured |

| |Physically Disabled |including children with special needs| |by the California Achievement |

|Sherri Smith, | |and students from a variety of | |Test 5 Form A was: |

|Educational Director |Service Locations: |demographics. Students complete a | |vocabulary 1.4 yrs; |

|1100 9th St, Suite F |Sylvan Learning Center |diagnostic assessment using the | |comprehension 1.4 yrs; |

|Vienna, WV 26105 | |California Achievement Test 5 Form A | |mathematics computation 1.8 |

|Ph: 304-295-5144 |Availability of Services: |in either reading or mathematics. | |yrs; and |

|Fax: 304-295- 5145 |Service Locations: |From this assessment SLC pinpoints | |mathematics concepts and |

|Sylvan@ |School |skill gaps to develop an | |applications 1.9 yrs. |

|M-Th: 4 pm-7 pm | |individualized program for each | | |

|Sat: 9 am-1 pm |Availability of Services: |student. After approximately 36 hours| | |

| |After School |of instruction, students are | | |

| |Weekends |administered a progress assessment | | |

| |Summer |using the same CATS test. | | |

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| | |Minimum # served: 1 | | |

| | |Maximum # served: 200 | | |

| | |Cost: $40/hour/student | | |

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