CREC’S AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - Center for Children's Advocacy

Hartford Public Schools

Supplemental Educational Services




The Supplemental Educational Services (SES) program is part of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001. Through the SES program, parents can get free tutoring services for their children. These services provide extra help in academic subjects, such as reading, language arts, and mathematics, to students who may be struggling in school. These services are typically delivered outside the regular school day—before or after school on weekends or during the summer months. This tutoring must be in line with state academic standards and connected to the school district’s instructional program. Eligible families choose an SES provider from a list developed by their state. School districts pay providers directly for services. The SES program encourages states to approve a variety of organizations as SES providers, thus giving students and families the largest possible range of quality options.


The SES program gives families new options for improving their children’s education. Research suggests that quality tutoring, similar to services that might be offered under SES, can benefit at-risk students from low-income families in a number of ways, including:

• Improving student achievement and work habits: By building on learning taking place during the school day, tutoring can help children improve their academic achievement.

• Meeting specific student needs: Some students may not learn well in traditional classrooms. Tutoring can offer students individual attention to help them learn in different and perhaps more effective ways.

• Reducing delinquent or risky behaviors: Generally, tutoring offers students a safe, supportive environment outside of school and can help reduce the chances that a child will engage in risky behaviors involving alcohol, tobacco, drugs and violence.

• Improving social and behavioral skills: Some after-school programs have been shown to help students develop positive social and behavioral adjustments, better relations with peers, and more effective conflict-resolution strategies.

If your child attends one of the schools listed below, they are eligible for free tutoring.

|Barnard Brown |

|Betances |

|Burns |

|Burr |

|Clark |

|Fisher |

|MD Fox |

|Hooker |

|Kinsella |

|ML King |

|McDonough |

|Milner |

|Moylan |

|Naylor |

|Parkville |

|Sanchez |


|Twain |

|West Middle |

|Wish |

|Bellizzi MS |

|Fox MS |

|Quirk MS |

|Bulkeley HS |

|Hartford Public HS |

|Weaver HS |

How to register your child for

FREE tutoring!

Extra help in reading and math is available through a program called Supplemental Educational Services or SES, a part of the No Child Left Behind Act.

To sign up for SES, please follow these three simple steps:

Step 1: Find the right provider for your child.

Read the descriptions of the providers on the following pages. Be sure to check the location days and hours of service. To get more information on the providers, ask the questions on page 4.

Step 2: Pick a first and second choice tutoring provider.

Fill in the SES request form on page 10. Clearly mark which provider you choose as your first and second choice. Turn in the form to your school’s FRA by December 15. When choosing a provider, be sure to choose a location that is convenient for you. The district will not provide transportation.

Step 3: Sign up.

Make sure to sign the request form. Once you have registered, the provider will contact you to make arrangements. The school district will then pay the provider and your child will be able to start the tutoring sessions.

Questions? Concerns?

Call Dina Crowl at 509-3603, or Dorothy Wisniewski at 509-3612 for help.


Choosing an SES Provider

NOTE TO PARENTS: Use this form to help you choose tutoring services for your child. Ask providers these questions and write their answers on this form to help you compare your options. If you would like help choosing a provider, you should contact your child’s school, your school district or CREC.

|Questions to Ask Providers |Provider Name: |Provider Name: |Provider Name: |

| |______________________ |______________________ |______________________ |

|Where and when is tutoring? | | | |

|How many times per week? | | | |

|For how many weeks? | | | |

|Who tutors students? What | | | |

|are their qualifications? | | | |

|What subject areas are covered?| | | |

|How do I know that your | | | |

|services are effective? | | | |

|How would you inform me of my | | | |

|child’s progress? | | | |

Approved Providers

Apados Education In-Home Tutorial Service provides one-on-one tutorial services focused

on improving your child’s Reading and Math scores. Services are available to bilingual, second language and special education students. Apados provides technology/computer-based software in the home and works closely with teachers and parents to ensure that the student’s education plan is successfully implemented. Parents and students can now view students’ progress, assignments and reports on a secure internet website.

|Grade Levels Served |K-12 |

|Subject Areas |Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics (including Calculus, Trigonometry, |

| |Algebra), Study Skills and Test Taking, Special Education |

|Times Services Are Offered |Before and After School, Evenings, Weekends |

|Location of Services |In the Home |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |1:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student |51 |

|For More Information |Regina Coleman, 860-805-4799, |


ACE It! Tutoring/Sylvan Learning provides programs in reading and math. These programs may be customized for delivery to either small or large groups on different grade levels. Alternatively, individual services may be provided at a 3:1 ratio in reading, math, writing, study skills, algebra, geometry and SAT prep through Sylvan Learning.

|Grade Levels Served |K-12 |

|Subject Areas |Reading, Math, Algebra, Geometry, Study Skills, SAT Prep |

|Times Services Are Offered |M-Th. 2:30-8:30, F (2:30-6:30), Sat. (9:00-1:00), Sun. (12:30-4:30) |

|Location of Services |School site or Sylvan Learning Center |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |3:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student | |

|For More Information |Jennifer Butler 1-866-449-4600 or 231-2429 |

Futures is a supplemental education program designed to specifically implement a student’s educational or transitional program. Students of various ages and ranges of ability receive academic instruction in the least restrictive and most inclusive manner possible, as well as vocational evaluation and training, independent living skill training, community participation, and therapeutic mentoring.

Future’s experienced staff includes elementary, secondary, and special education teachers; some who bilingual in Spanish. Transportation to and from the tutoring site is provided.

|Grade Levels Served |K-12 |

|Subject Areas |All Major Subject Areas; Special Education, Studying & Test Taking |

| |Strategies. |

|Times Services Are Offered |Before school, after school and Saturdays 9 am to 4 pm. |

|Location of Services |Futures Hartford Tutoring Center |

| |641 Farmington Avenue or |

| |Student’s Home (Transportation can be provided) |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |1:1 or 2:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student |47 |

|For More Information |Pamela DonAroma or Amy Eaton, 860-347-5099 ext 2-22 AEFutures@, |

| |PDFutures@ |

The Learning Partnership, a division of the Ware Group, Inc., offers small group instruction programs in schools and community locations. This is an urban firm committed to the highest quality community revitalization, beginning with the improvement of human capital. Summer institutes are also offered on college campuses.

|Grade Levels Served |Grades 1-8 |

|Subject Areas |Language Arts and Mathematics |

|Times Services Are Offered |After School, Weekends and School Vacations |

|Location of Services |Liberty Christian Center, 23 Vine St. |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |Individual 1:1, Group Tutoring 3:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student |Between 20 and 30 depending on type of tutoring (group or individual) |

|For More Information |Call: 860-752-9561 |

| |For Spanish Call: 413-747-8888 ext 810 |

| | |

Brainfuse offers tutoring in Math, Reading and Writing for grades 3-12.

|Grade Levels Served |3-12 |

|Subject Areas |Reading, Math, and Writing |

|Times Services Are Offered |Monday-Friday 2:00-7:00 |

|Location of Services |School Site |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |1:1 or 3:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student | |

|For More Information | |

Alternatives Unlimited has been providing educational services to urban school districts for nearly a decade. Three years ago, AU entered the tutoring arena and ever since has been helping students across the country improve standardized test performance, classroom performance, and grade level achievement. Alternatives Unlimited used a combination of CT certified teachers and college graduates to tutor the children and employs bilingual tutors as necessary. AU also utilizes a curriculum that is aligned to CT standards as well as grade level.

|Grade Levels Served |1-12 |

|Subject Areas |Math and Reading |

|Times Services Are Offered |After school |

|Location of Services |School site or local churches |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |5:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student | |

|For More Information |John Sullivan 1-310-474-3635 |

Community Renewal Team (CRT) Early Winners offers intense reading instruction to help students in Kindergarten to grade 3 who are struggling. An expert in early literacy supervises small supportive groups. Each afternoon session includes a snack, projects, and family take home activities.

|Grade Levels Served |K-3 |

|Subject Areas |Reading |

|Times Services Are Offered |After school |

|Location of Services |Burns, Clark, Martin Luther King, Milner |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |2:1, 3:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student | |

|For More Information |Nancy Pappas and Paul Copes pappasn@ or copesp@ |

Learning Power LLC tutors have worked with students (K-12) for over 20 years, in the areas of reading, writing, and math. Trained professional tutors teach basic skills and help students be more confident in their learning?

|Grade Levels Served |K-12 |

|Subject Areas |Reading, Writing, Math |

|Times Services Are Offered |After school |

|Location of Services |Riverdale Farms, Avon, CT or North Main Street, West Hartford |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |1:1-3:1 |

|Estimated Hours per Student | |

|For More Information |Linda Nelson 674-0502 Linda@ |

Club Z provides one-on-one, individual tutoring and some small group tutoring with one to five students.

|Grade Levels Served |K-8 (Clark School Students, Milner, SAND ONLY) |

|Subject Areas |Reading and Mathematics, |

|Times Services Are Offered |After School |

|Location of Services |St. Michael Church, 7 Clark Street |

|Student/Tutor Ratio |3:1/ 4:1/5:1 (Not to Exceed 6:1) |

|Estimated Hours per Student |53 hours |

|For More Information |Ken Filosa, 860-659-9997, kjf@ |


Education Station is the nation’s #1 provider of FREE after-school tutoring programs. Our programs are designed by the leading experts in reading and math instruction. We have been a trusted tutoring partner for school districts for more than 10 years. We CAN help your child’s grades and scores improve. It is our goal to partner with families, schools and community organizations to deliver high quality programs in a convenient time and place for families.


- Small groups, great teachers, and individual learning plans developed to meet your child’s unique needs

- Fun activities that challenge your child to learn, catch up, and get ahead

- Safe and convenient locations, so that you and your child can focus on learning (most of our tutoring programs are held right in your child's school)

- FREE Hooked on Phonics -- Home Connection, an at-home learning kit offered ONLY to Education Station families

|Grade levels served |K-8 |

|Subject Areas |Reading, Math, English Language Learning, Study and Test-Taking |

| |Skill, Writing |

|Times Services are Offered |Before School, After School, Saturday |

|Location of Services |Your Child’s School |

|Student to Teacher Ratio |1:6 |

|Estimated Hours per Student |40 |

|For More Information call: |(203) 937-0166 |

| | |

How to Request

Supplemental Educational Services


By completing the request form you are REQUESTING Supplemental Education Services (SES).

CREC will submit these requests to the SES Providers of your choice.

The providers will contact parents/guardians to arrange for Supplemental Education Services.

1. Review the list of Approved Supplemental Educational Service Providers.

2. Be sure that the providers you are choosing are able to provide tutoring in the grade level your child is in and at a time and location that is convenient to you.

3. Complete the form on page 10. Place a “1” or “2” next to your 1st and 2nd choice for a tutoring provider. DO NOT CHOOSE MORE THAN TWO PROVIDERS.

4. Sign the Transportation Release. This means that you are giving the okay for your child to use the transportation provided by the provider.

5. Sign the Release of Student Academic Records. This means that you are giving the okay for your child’s school to release academic records to the provider you select to service your child. The provider is required to develop an educational plan focusing on your child’s needs in reading and mathematics. The records cannot be used for any other purpose and cannot be shared with anyone else.

Submit this completed form to your child’s Teacher or the Family Resource Aide in your school no later than December 15.

Hartford Public Schools

Supplemental Educational Service

Request Form

STUDENT NAME:______________________________ SCHOOL: ______________________________

GRADE: _________________TEACHER’S NAME:____________________________________________

PARENTS GUARDIAN’S NAME: __________________________________________________________

HOME PHONE: _____________WORK PHONE: _________________ CELL PHONE:_______________

EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: NAME:____________________________________________



|Select 1st and |Provider Name |Grades |Location |Time of Program |

|2nd | |Served | | |

|Choice | | | | |

|  |Apados Education |PreK-12 |In Home |Arranged with parent |

|  | | | | |

| |Alternatives Unlimited |1-12 |School Site |After school |

| |Sylvan |K-12 |On School Site or |Seven Days a Week |

| | | |Sylvan Learning Centers |Arranged with parent |

|  |Club Z |K-8 |St. Michael’s Church |After school |

| |CRT |K-3 |Burns, Clark, King, and Milner |After school |

| |Brainfuse |3-12 |School Site |After school |

| |Education Station |K-8 |School Site |Before School ,After school, Saturday |

| |Learning Power |K-12 |Riverdale Farms Avon, CT |After school |

| | | |North Main St. West Hartford | |

|  |Futures |K-12 |Hartford Tutoring Center |Monday-Friday 3:00-7:00 |

| | | |641 Farmington Ave OR |Saturday 8:00-5:00 |

| | | |Student’s Home | |

|  |The Learning Partnership |1-8 |Liberty Christian Center |After school, Weekends & School |

|  | | |23 Vine St. |Vacations |

Release to attend program and use transportation:

As the parents/guardians of the student named above, I give permission for my child to attend one of the supplemental educational service programs I have selected and to use the transportation made available by the SES provider. If transportation is not provided, I will make transportation arrangements to and from the tutoring location for my child.



Release of student academic records:

As the parent/guardian of the student named above, I give permission to release my child’s academic records to the SES provider (s) that I have checked off above.




STEP 1: Find the right provider for your child.

Read the descriptions of the providers on the following pages. Be sure to check the location days and hours of services. To get more information on the providers, ask the questions on page 4.

STEP 2: Pick a first and second choice tutoring provider.

Fill in the SES request form on page 10. Clearly mark which provider you choose as your first and second choice. Turn in the form to your school’s FRA by December 15. When choosing a provider, be sure to choose a location that is convenient for you. The district will not provide transportation.

STEP 3: Sign up.

Make sure to sign the request form. Once you have registered, the provider will contact you to make arrangements. The school district will then pay the provider and your child will be able to start the tutoring sessions.

Questions? Concerns?

Call Dina Crowl at 509-3603, or Dorothy Wisniewski at 509-3612 for help.

Questions? Concerns?


Dina Crowl at 509-3603, or Dorothy Wisniewski at 509-3612


Supplemental Educational Service Coordinator for Hartford Public Schools

111 Charter Oak Avenue

Hartford, Connecticut 06106

(860) 509-3603 Fax (860) 509-3699

Email: dcrowl@



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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