Scoil Náisiúnta Chaisleáin Uí Liatháin 025-36220e-mail – castlelyons.ias@ / Blog – Issue 08/2017 Nuachtlitir Deireadh Fómhair 2017Nuachtlitir ar an mBlog: Going forward, in keeping with our commitment to a “Green School”, we will no longer issues hard copies of our monthly Nuachtlitir, except for the first and last of the school year. We will notify parents by text that a new issue of a Nuachtlitir has been uploaded to our school blog, which can be accessed at (If you do require a hardcopy, please text requesting same).Comhbhrón: We extend our deepest sympathy to the Daly and Barry families on the recent unexpected death of Mary, RIP. Mary served on Castlelyons NS Parents’ Association back in the 1990s when the school was renovated and gave willing of her time and energy to fundraise for the renovation works. We acknowledge Mary’s contribution to the school during those and subsequent years. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílisCruinnithe Tuismitheoirí / Múinteoirí: Parent/Teacher meetings are scheduled to take place on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15thNovember. More detailed information re. appointment times etc. will issue after the Hallowe’en Break. If you cannot make the meeting at the appointed time / date, please inform the relevant teacher(s) at the earliest opportunity and arrange for an alternative meeting.Pearcáil: We ask that parents do not park in the Bus / Taxi parking zone at the front gate of the school in the morning or evening please. This has the potential to be a serious safety issue so please heed the request. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. School Attendance Strategy: We wish to thank all parents who completed the online Questionnaire on School Attendance recently. Thanks also to Ms O’Connor (Deputy Principal) for setting up / analysing the questionnaires on-line. The results will be posted on our school blog in the near future. The revised policy has now been ratified by the Board of Management and has some new elements for parents to note which are extremely important, including:- Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child is at school on every day that the school is open unless there is a genuine reason for absence, (The Education (Welfare) Act, 2000 – Section 17). Consequently, we strongly disapprove of parents taking children on holidays during term time.- Parents are encouraged to: i) Set high standards for their child in relation to attendance and punctuality; ii) Engage with the school if there is a problem about their child’s attendance and support plans to address the problem; iii) Ensure that their child regularly attends and arrives at school on time; iv) Avoid taking their child out of class unless there is a serious / genuine reason; v) Avoid taking their child on holidays during term time.- In the case of a child being absent from school, parents are required to explain the absence by way of, (i) a phone call or text message for brief absences, giving the reason for absence or (ii) a written note for prolonged absences, again giving the reason for absence. The school may request confirmation in writing of a phone/text message.- If a parent decides to take their child out of school for holidays during term time, a letter must be forwarded to the principal in advance of the absence, stating that the child will be absent and specifying the dates and reason for absence and that the parents are aware of the educational implications for their child. Parents need to be aware of the educational and potential legal impact of removing children from school for regular holiday absences.Non-uniform Day: We will hold a non-uniform day this, Fri.27th Oct. The children can come to school dressed in Hallowe’en costumes (NO “dangerous weapons”, i.e. plastic swords etc. please). We encourage children to wear costumes that they make themselves. A voluntary contribution of €2.00 per child (€5.00 max. per family) will be collected, and donated to “Helping Hands Homeless Action Group, 10 George’s Quay, Cork.Eolas do Thuismitheoirí: There are a number of very good websites containing practical advice for parents on a range of topics, (NCCA-National Council for Curriculum & Assessment) on the Primary Language Curriculum / Helping your child with Maths etc.; (on the topic of internet safety); (Department of Education Homepage, find The National Education Psychological Service – NEPS tab on the topics of (a) Reading and Dyslexia (b) Organisational & Motor Skills etc.Allianz 24 Hour Pupil Accident Cover: We remind parents that, in the event of your child having an accident and has to attend a doctor / hospital, all children have 24 hour accident cover. Please retain any doctor and / or hospital receipts and request a claim form from the school office to reclaim the cost.Sciath ns Scol / Colman’s Blitz: Unfortunately, the boys didn’t have much luck in the Sciath na Scol Football competition this year. We got to the hurling semi-final in the St Colman’s Blitz, only to be beaten (again this year) by Bishop Murphy NS. Míle buíochas to Mr Smith and Mr Forde for their work with the teams and the parents who drove / supported. Thanks also to the Parents’ Association for subsiding the cost of the Sciath na Scol buses to the away matches.Rásanna Tras-tíre: Well done to all the children who participated in the East Cork Cross Country Event held here in Castlelyons last month. Míle buíochas to Ms ? Tuama, Mrs Foley and the parents who assisted on the day. Maith sibh!Shoe Box Appeal: We would urge families to participate in our annual Christmas Shoe Box Appeal in aid of deprived children abroad. Shoe boxes will be accepted up to and including Wednesday 8th November. Please log on to for further information / video clips. Thank you in anticipation of your support.Seirbhís Chearúil – The annual Christmas Carol Service will take place in the church on Thursday 21st December at 7.30 pm.An Cóineartú / An Chéad Chomaoineach: Children in Rang 5/6 will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday 20th March 2018 and children in Rang 2 will receive Communion for the first time on Saturday 19th May 2018. Gach ádh a pháistí agus a mhúinteoirí!Parents’ Association NewsWe are all hopeful that a new Parents’ Association will be formed following tomorrow night’s (Tues. 24th Oct) meeting (24th Oct) at 8.30 pm in the school. We urge all parents to attend please. Ní neart go cur le chéile.I Pads / Buddy Benches – Officers of the PA presented eight I Pads (one per classroom) to the school recently as well as two Buddy Benches for the school yard. (See photo on our Blog). We are extremely grateful to the PA for all the time and effort put into fundraising for the purchase of these items. Go raibh míle maith agaibh.Cóisir Oíche Shamhna: The outgoing Committee has kindly agreed to continue with the annual children’s Hallowe’en Party on Fri. 27th October in Castlelyons Community Centre. Like in recent years, the following format will apply:(i) Jnr / Snr Infants’ party from 6.30 – 7.30 p.m. (lights left on, not too scary / loud!); (ii) Rang 1 – Rang 6 party from 7.30 – 9.00 p.m. However, any parent with both younger and older children can bring all their children from the start at 6.30 p.m. but older children without a younger sibling in Jnr. or Snr. Infants will not be allowed in until 7.30 p.m. It is also important to note that children will not be allowed leave the hall until an adult comes to collect them. Adm. €3.00 per child, (including a party bag)..********************************************************************************Dúnadh Scoile: School closes this Fri. (27th Oct.) for the Hallowe’en break (normal finishing times of 2.00 / 3.00 p.m. apply) and re-opens on Monday 6th Nov._______________________________Nelius de Róiste (Príomhoide) Bainigí sult as briseadh na Samhna! 52673258991600065722595631000 ................

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