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Yr 12 BTEC Induction Task Describe the structure and function of the skeletal systemWorksheet 1.1: List all the major bones in the body. Colour in the axial (red) and appendicular (blue) skeleton on the diagram below. If completing this electronically, change the colour font for each bone depending on whether it is in the axial skeleton (red) or appendicular skeleton (blue).Worksheet 1.2: Roles and functions of the skeleton Complete the boxes below describing the roles and function of the skeleton and also its respective divisions.Describe what the major functions of the skeleton are; 5 points to consider here.Describe what role is performed by the appendicular skeleton Describe what role is performed by the axial skeletonWorksheet 1.3: Different types of boneUsing four different colours, shade in the different types of bone and complete the table by describing the function of each type of bone and giving one example in the body where each type can be found. Bone typeFunctionExample in the bodyLong boneShort boneIrregular boneFlat BoneSesamoidWorksheet1.4: Sections of the spine Label the diagram below by correctly naming each section of the spine and identify how many individual bones are found in each section. Describe the function of the spine.Describe the function of the spineDescribe the different classifications of jointsWorksheet 2.1: Roles and functions of the types of joint Complete the table below by identifying the three types of joint, describing their roles and function and giving an example of eachType of JointDegree of movementStructure / FunctionExampleWorksheet 2.2: Movements at the six synovial joints Complete the table below describing the movements available at the six synovial joints and provide 2 examples of where each joint can be found.Synovial joint imageSynovial joint nameStructure of jointGive 2 examples in the bodyMovementsWorksheet 2.3: Movements at each jointComplete the table below by ticking the movements allowed at each joint.JointFlexionExtensionPlantarflexionDorsiflexionAbductionAdductionCircumductionAnkleKneeShoulderElbowNeckHipWristIdentify the location of the major muscles in the human bodyWorksheet 3.1: Anterior view of muscles Label the diagram with the major muscles of the body (anterior view). Ensure that you list all of the quadriceps muscles where appropriate. Worksheet 3.2: Posterior view of muscles Label the diagram with the major muscles of the body (posterior view). Ensure that you list all of the hamstring muscles where appropriate.Describe the function of the muscular system and the different fibre typesWorksheet 4.1: Types of muscle Complete the table by identifying the three types of muscle, describing the characteristics of each type and giving an example of where it is found in the bodyType of muscleVoluntary or involuntary Where in the body is it found? Main functionWorksheet 4.2: Types of muscular contractionComplete the table below outlining what happens during each type of muscular contraction.Type of muscle contraction What happens to the muscleMovement (Yes / No) Sporting ExampleIsotonic / ConcentricEccentricIsometricWorksheet 4.3: Muscles and movementComplete the table providing a definition of the roles that muscle can perform during a specific movement. Also identify the muscles involved in a bicep curl and what role they play. Role DefinitionMuscle (Bicep Curl)Agonist / Prime MoverAntagonistSynergistFixatorWorksheet 4.4: Muscles and movement (2)Complete the table providing a definition of the roles that muscle can perform during a specific movement. Also identify the muscles involved in a movement of your choice.Role DefinitionMovement 2: ________________Agonist / Prime MoverAntagonistSynergistFixatorWorksheet 4.5: Muscles and movement (3)Complete the table providing a definition of the roles that muscle can perform during a specific movement. Also identify the muscles involved in a 2nd movement of your choice. Role DefinitionMovement 3: ________________Agonist / Prime MoverAntagonistSynergistFixatorWorksheet 4.6: Describing the function of the muscular systemIn the box below, describe the function of the muscular system. Include the following giving specific examples from a range of sporting activities where possible:Function of the major musclesThe different types of muscle and their functionDescribe movementDescribe the different types of contractionContinue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack.Worksheet 4.7: Muscle fibre types Complete the table below by identifying the 3 types of muscle fibre and describe their characteristics.Fast or Slow Twitch?ColourEnergy Pathway (aerobic or anaerobicSpeed of contractionForce ExertedSportFatigue Level Worksheet 4.8: Description of fibre typesDescribe the different muscle fibre types, explaining the characteristics and the types of sports each type is associated with.Continue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack. Explain the function of the muscular system and different fibre typesWorksheet 4.9: Explanation of the muscular system and fibre typesUsing the information from Worksheet 4.6 and 4.8, explain and or analyse the function of the muscular system and the different muscle fibre types. NOTE: This task is achieving both M1 and D1. In order to achieve D1 you will have to analyse in greater detail.Continue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack.D1 Analyse the function of the muscular system and different fibre typesWorksheet 4.9: Using the information from the Analyse the function of muscles, and their different fibre types. Include the followingContinue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack.Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular systemWorksheet 5.1: The structure of the heartThe cardiovascular system includes the heart and the blood vessels. Label the diagram of the heart using the key words and complete the arrows to the diagram (where bold lines are) to show the direction of the flow of blood.Describe the structure and the function of the heart and its use within the bodyKey words: Right atriumLeft atriumRight ventricleLeft ventriclePulmonary arteryPulmonary veinAortaSuperior vena cavaInferior vena cavaPulmonary valveAortic valveTricuspid valveBicuspid valveSeptumWorksheet 5.2: Movement of blood around the bodyLabel and complete the following diagram to show the pathway of the blood. Colour in red the parts of the system where the blood is oxygenated, and colour in blue the parts of the system where the blood is de-oxygenated. If completing this electronically, change the font colour for each label depending on whether it is oxygenated (red) or de-oxygenated (blue).Describe the pathway of blood through the body and its function at the different areas it visits i.e The lungs, the muscles etc. Continue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack.Worksheet 5.3: Structure of the blood vesselsComplete the table below by identifying each of the blood vessels and then explain the structure of each one.CharacteristicsBlood vesselsWallsInternal DiameterValvesPressureBloodBlood Flow Worksheet 5.4: Structure of the blood vesselsDescribe and explain the characteristics and functions of the five different blood vessels. _____________________:_____________________:_____________________:_____________________:_____________________:Explain the function of the cardiovascular systemWorksheet 5.5: Explain the function of the cardiovascular systemUsing the information from Worksheet 5.1 to 5.4, explain the function of the cardiovascular system. Include the following:Function of the heartFunction of the blood vesselsContinue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack.Describe the structure and function of the respiratory systemWorksheet 6.1: Structure of the respiratory systemLabel the diagram below of the pathway of air flow using the key terms. Worksheet 6.2: Structure of the respiratory systemDescribe in the box below the structure and function of the respiratory system and its use within the body. Include the function of each part within the respiratory system.In the table below include a brief description of the smaller components within the lungs. TermDescriptionPleural MembraneThoracic CavityVisceral PleuraPleural fluidLobesWorksheet 6.3: Describe and explain the mechanics of breathing, including which muscles are responsible for each process. Inspiration (breathing in)Expiration (breathing out) Worksheet 6.4: Stages of breathingLabel the two diagrams below and explain what happens to the ribs and diaphragm during each stage of breathing (inspiration and expiration). Worksheet 6.5: The process of gaseous exchangeKey words: HeartBlood LungsAlveoliOxygenDiffusedCarbon dioxideInhaledExhaledDescribe the process of gaseous exchange using the key words below.Worksheet 6.6: Lung volumes and capacityComplete the table below describing what the different respiratory volumes mean.Lung volume / capacityDefinition/DescriptionTidal volume (TV)Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)Residual volume (RV)Vital capacity (VC)Total lung capacityExplain the function of the respiratory systemWorksheet 6.7: Explanation of the function of the respiratory systemUsing the information from worksheets 6.1 through to 6.6, explain the function of the respiratory system. Include the following:Explain gaseous exchangeExplain the mechanics of breathingExplain lung volumesExplain the control of breathingContinue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack.Describe and explain the three different energy systems and their use in sport and exercise activitiesWorksheet 7.1: The three energy systemsAPCPPExplain how the body recreates ATP using the ATP-PC system, using the diagram below as a guide. 1) How is ATP recreated?2) How much ATP is reformed?3) How much recovery time is needed before you can use that system again? 4) What sporting activity would predominately use this energy system? Example 1:Example 2:APPPGlucoseExplain how the body recreates ATP using the Anaerobic Glycolysis system, using the diagram below as a guide. 1) How is ATP recreated?2) How much ATP is reformed?3) How much recovery time is needed before you can use that system again? 4) What sporting activity would predominately use this energy system? Example 1:Example 2:APPPFat CarbbProtExplain how the body recreates ATP using the Aerobic energy system, using the diagram below as a guide. 1) How is ATP recreated?2) How much ATP is reformed?3) How much recovery time is needed before you can use that system again? 4) What sporting activity would predominately use this energy system? Example 1:Example 2:Worksheet 7.2: Energy systems for different sportsFor each sporting example provided below, discuss in detail which energy system is the most dominant.How does the energy system work together to ensure that the athlete can complete to the best of their ability?What happens when an athlete trains that particular energy system?Olympic 200m finalLondon marathonPremiership football matchAnalyse the three different energy systems and their use in sport and exercise activitiesWorksheet 7.3: Analysis of different energy systems for different sportsAnalyse the energy systems used in sport and exercise by identifying each factor involved and how each system is used to meet the demands of different activities.Continue on a separate sheet if required and attach to the end of this activity pack. ................

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