1. ablution: n. the act of cleansing; synonym: washing.

2. abscond: to leave hastily, esp. to escape detection; synonym: flee.

3. acuity: ability to perceive or understand, syn: intelligence, I.Q

4. affectation: a false assumption of some particular quality.

5. aggregation: a collection or mixture of anything; syn: mixture.

6. allegory: symbolic representation or expression of human experience; syn: symbolism.

7. anachronism: something or someone chronologically inappropriate; syn: solecism.

8. anthropomorphic: relating to the attribution of human characteristics to non-humans.

9. arable: suitable for cultivation; syn: fertile

10. archaic: antiquated, of an earlier time; syn: old, obsolete, outdate, old-fashioned


1. audacious: extremely bold, daring; syn: bold, shameless, inventive.

2. august: of majestic dignity or grandeur, syn: majestic, dignified, grand

3. axiomatic: pertaining to an axiom, self-evident: syn: aphoristic.

4. behest: n. command; syn: bidding, order, mandate.

5. blandish: v. to cajole, to flatter, syn: wheedle, charm, beguile, coax.

6. blazon: v. to display, to proclaim, n. a coat of arms; syn: v. boast; n. escutcheon, display.

7. bombastic: using high-sounding but meaningless language; syn: grandiloquent, rhetorical.

8. burnish: v. to polish, make smooth or bright; syn: buff, shine.

9. catalepsy: a physical condition characterized by muscular rigidity and suspension of sensation.

10. charlatan: a person pretending to have knowledge or skill which he or she does not really possess.

syn: quack, imposter.


1. chink: n. a crack or fissure; syn: split, hole.

2. coda: n. the final passage of a musical composition.

3. colloquy: n. a dialogue or conversation, a conference;syn: talk, symposium.

4. conducive: adj. tending or leading to, contributing to; syn: instrumental.

5. conjugal: adj. pertaining to marriage; syn: marital, matrimonial, nuptial, connubial.

6. contentious: adj. quarrelsome; syn: belligerent, discordant, contrary, perverse.

7. conundrum: a riddle or puzzle; syn: enigma.

8. covert: adj. hidden, secret; syn: clandestine.

9. cryptic: adj. meant to be mysterious, secret, arcane; syn: puzzling.

10. deferential: adj. deferent, respectful; syn: courteous.


1. demagogue: n. a popular figurehead, a rabble-rouser, esp. one who stirs up the people through

the use of emotional appeals and prejudice, and does so for the purpose of acquiring power.

desiccate: v. to dry completely; syn: dehydrate.

dichotomy: n. a division into two parts; syn: division, contrast.

dilatory: adj. tending to delay or procrastinate, tardy; intended to create delay; syn: late

disinterment: n. the act of exhuming, unearthing, or digging up; syn: exhumation.

disparate: adj. different in kind; unequal; syn: dissimilar, varied, distinct.

disputatious: adj. inclined to dispute, argue, or contend; syn: argumentative, contentious.

dissuade: v. persuade not to do something, deter with advice or persuasion; syn: discourage, divert.

dotard: n. an old person who is senile or feeble minded.

10. ebullient: adj. boiling over, bubbling; syn: enthusiastic, vivacious, exuberant.


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