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Teaching Vocabulary by Verbal Definition

Teaching Shop by Verbal Definition

New word…. [Point]

What’s our new word? [point]


What word?...


Shop (subject) is a (genus: larger category that shop is in) place where you go to purchase items such as clothes, food and supplies. Example: Harris Teeter is place you go to buy groceries.

Say that definition…


This is… Harris Teeter—a place you go to purchase groceries.

This is NOT Harris Teeter. It is NOT a place you go to purchase groceries.


Is this…?

IS this…?


Is this…?


Vocabulary by Verbal Definition

Boys and girls! Eyes on me!

New word, [point] Oyster.

What’s our new word? [point] Oyster.

Spell oyster. O-y-s-t-e-r.

What word? Oyster.


An oyster (subject) is type of shellfish (genus) occurring on the bottom of the sea floor, adhering to rocks or other objects in shallow water, and is edible (difference).

Say that definition. An oyster is type of edible shellfish occurring on the bottom of the sea floor, adhering to rocks or other objects in shallow water.

This is an oyster. [show picture of an oyster on the sea floor]

This is not an oyster. [show a picture of a shrimp]

This is an oyster. [show a picture of an oyster on a rock]

This is not an oyster. [show a picture of a crab]


Is this an oyster? [show picture of an oyster on the sea floor]

Is this an oyster? [show picture of an oyster on a rock]

Is this an oyster? [show picture of a shrimp]

Generalization Test

Is this an oyster? [show a picture of an oyster on someone’s dinner plate]

Is this an oyster? [show a picture of a lobster]

Is this an oyster? [show a picture of an oyster in a store]


Sample format for teaching vocabulary by verbal definition

New word sound… [point]

What’s our new word? [point]

Spell sound….

What word?...


Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. Example: The thunder made a loud sound heard for miles and miles.

Say that definition…

Examples and NonExamples

The birds chirping is a sound.

The dog barking is a sound.

The child reading is NOT a sound.

Acquisition Test. Examples and nonexamples from acquisition set

Does a car crash make a sound?

Does a car horn make a sound?

Does a water fountain make a sound?

Does a box make a sound?

Does a picture make a sound?

Does a light make a sound?


Generalization Test.

Is thunder a sound?

Is paper a sound?



Sample format for teaching vocabulary by verbal definition

New word… [point]

What’s our new word? [point]


What word?...


House: 1. a building in which people live; residence for human beings.

Say that definition...

What is the word?

Say the definition...


This is a house: a building in which people live; residence for human beings.


This is NOT a house. It is NOT a building in which people live, residence of human beings. It is a building in which people WORK.


This is NOT a house.. this is a swing set with a pretend HOUSE. You would not live in that house.


This is a house..


Acquisition Test.

Give students examples and not examples for the definition of (house).

Is this...?

Is this…?

Is this…?


Generalization Test.

Is this…?



Gate: Provide definition. A GATE is an opening in a wall or fence that allows you to go in and out.

1.) Gain attention, “Boys and girls today we are going to learn an awesome new word!!!”

2.) Here is the new word......GATE! Say it along with them and point.

3.) “What word?” ......”GATE!”

4.) “How do you spell GATE?” Ggggg Aaaaa Ttttt Eeeee.....”GATE”

5.) Give definition. A GATE is an opening in a wall or fence that allows you to go in and out.

6.) “What is a GATE?” “An opening in a wall or fence that allows you to go in and out.”


Teaching Vocabulary by Verbal Definition

New word….[point] Rhyme.

What’s our new word? [point] Rhyme.


What word? Rhyme.


A Rhyme is a correspondence of terminal sounds of words or of lines of verse. Example: Cat and Rat is an example of two words that rhyme.

Say that definition…..

Bar and Jar are examples.

Tear and Fear are examples.

Free and Tree and examples.

Fly and Cry are examples.

Gift and Trick are not examples.

Just and Fun are not examples.

Fun and Run are examples.

Acquisition Test.

Is Year and Cheer examples of a Rhyme?

Is Water and Dog examples of a Rhyme?

Is Top and Stop examples of a Rhyme?


Sample format for teaching vocabulary by verbal definition

Here is a new word [point] moon.

What’s our new word?

Spell moon.

What word?


Moon is shaped like an orb or crescent that is a satellite for earth or the other planets.

Say that definition.

This is a moon shaped like an orb or crescent that is a satellite for earth or other planets. This is earth’s moon.

This is a moon shaped like an orb or crescent that is a satellite for earth or other planets. This is Saturn’s moons.

This is a moon shaped like an orb or crescent that is a satellite for earth or other planets. This is Jupiter’s moon.

This is not a moon. It is not an orb or crescent shape that is a satellite for earth or other planets. This is stars.

Acquisition Test.

Is this a moon?

Is this a moon?

Is this a moon?

Generalization Test.

Is this a moon?

Is this a moon?


Teaching Vocabulary by Verbal Definition

Here’s a new word [point] pet.

What’s our new word? [Point]

Spell pet.

What word?...


Pet (subject) is an animal (genus) that has been trained and tamed to be kept in the care of humans. Example: A dog is a pet.

Say that definition.

Examples and Nonexamples

This is…a dog---an animal that has been trained and tamed to be kept in the care of humans.

This is…a cat---an animal that has been trained and tamed to be kept in the care of humans.

This is…a rabbit---an animal that has been trained and tamed to be kept in the care of humans.

This is a fox. This is NOT a pet. It is NOT an animal that has been trained and tamed to be kept in the care of humans.

This is a bear. This is NOT a pet. It is NOT an animal that has been trained and tamed to be kept in the care of humans.

Acquisition Test. Examples and nonexamples from the acquisition set

Is this dog a pet?

Is this cat a pet?

Is this rabbit a pet?



Is a giraffe a pet?



Sample format for teaching vocabulary by verbal definition

New word… mountain[point]

What’s our new word? Mountain [point]


What word?...


Mountain (subject) is a (genus: Mountain (subject) is a genus: a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet (610 meters)

Say that definition…

Examples and nonexamples. Examples must be quite different but clearly reveal the few defining features. Nonexamples must be just like examples but without the defining features (for clear contrast)

This is…. A mountain--- Mountain (subject) is a genus: a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet (610 meters)

Rocky Mountains.


This is…

This is NOT a constellation. It is NOT a natural elevation of the earth's surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 feet (610 meters).

This is NOT…


This is a hill…

Acquisition Test. Examples and nonexamples from acquisition set (etc. etc.)

Generalization Test.


Sample format for teaching vocabulary by verbal definition

New word…eagle.

What’s our new word?

Spell eagle.

What word?


An eagle is a large bird of prey (genus) with a (difference) massive hooked bill and long broad wings with very good sight and powerful soaring flight.

Say that definition.

Examples and nonexamples. Examples must be quite different but clearly reveal the few defining features. Nonexamples must be just like examples but without the defining features (for clear contrast).

This is an eagle( a large bird of prey with a massive hooked bill and long broad wings with very good sight and powerful soaring flight.


This is an eagle( [pic]

This is an eagle( [pic]

This is NOT an eagle. It is not a large bird of prey with a massive hooked bill and long broad wings with very good sight and powerful soaring flight( [pic]

This is NOT an eagle([pic]

Acquisition Text. Examples and nonexamples from acquisition set.

Is this an eagle? ([pic]

Is this an eagle? ([pic]

Is this an eagle? ([pic]

Generalization Test.

Is this an eagle? ([pic]

Is this an eagle? ([pic]


Sample format for teaching vocabulary by FORMAL DEFINTION

New word. (point) Tar.

What’s our new word? Tar.

Spell tar. T-A-R.

What word? Tar.


Tar is a type of thick dark liquid (genus) that is made of wood and coal (difference) and is used to make roads.

Say the definition.

Examples: A thick dark liquid made of wood and coal; photos of tar, roads, highways


Nonexamples: Syrup, Concrete, Molasses

Acquisition test. Examples and nonexamples from acquisition set.

Is this tar? (roads)

Is this tar? (molasses)

Is this tar? (picture of tar)

Generalization test.

Is this tar? (a sidewalk made of concrete)


Lesson 52 Story

New Words being taught: Fog, log, goat. All three methods: synonyms, verbal definitions, examples.


“Boys and girls, we’re going to learn some new words!

“Our first new word is log. What word?”


“Great! Log is spelled l-o-g. How do you spell it?”


“That’s right. A log is a big piece of dead wood. Now boys and girls, if I take a walk in the woods and trip over a big piece of dead wood, what did I trip over?”

A log.

“That’s great, boys and girls. Now let’s see our next word. Our next new word is fog. What word?”


“Fog is spelled f-o-g. How do you spell fog?”


“Perfect. Now you all know what a cloud is, right?”


“Well fog is when a cloud hangs very close to the ground. So if a cloud is in the sky, what is it?”

A cloud.

“And if it’s on the ground, what is it?”


“You guys are so smart. Okay, last word! This word is goat. What word?”


“Right. Goat is spelled g-o-a-t. How do you spell goat?”


This is a goat.

This is a goat.

This is a goat.

This is a goat.

This is not a goat.

This is not a goat.

Is this a goat?


Are these goats?


“Great job boys and girls! Now let’s see if you were paying attention! Timmy, can you tell me what a log is?”

A log is a big dead piece of wood.

“Great job Timmy! Now…Susie, can you tell me what fog is?”

Fog is a cloud very close to the ground.

“Excellent, Susie! Now Franklin, which of these is a goat?”

The middle one is a goat.

“Very good, Franklin!”

“Now everyone let’s read the story!”

(During lesson, if any child makes a mistake, correct it by getting another student to answer the question correctly and then ask the first student again to verify that the child knows the information.)














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