University of North Carolina Wilmington

Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms for Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms

Teaching Shop by Synonyms

Here’s a new word [point] Shop

What’s our new word?

Spell shop.

What word?


Shop means to buy something.

What does shop mean?...

My mom goes to Harris Teeter to shop for groceries. She shops for groceries.

She shops for clothes at Target. She shops for clothes.


She buys office supplies. She shopping or not shopping?

She does not buy school supplies. She shopping or not shopping?


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

She buys clothes.

She shops for clothes.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

Hey buys groceries.

Say that with our new word?

He shops for groceries.


Vocabulary by Synonyms

Boys and girls! Eyes on me!

Here’s our new word (point to word on board) shore!

What’s our new word? Shore

Spell shore. S-h-o-r-e

What word? Shore


A shore is the place where water meets land.

What does shore mean? A shore is the place where water meets land.

They had their vacation at the place where the ocean water meets the land. They had their vacation at the shore.

He had a party where the lake water meets the land. He had a party at the shore.


She likes to lay on the place where water meets the land. Tell me, is she laying on the shore or not? shore

He plays baseball in a place where no water meets land. Tell me, is he playing on the shore or not? Not shore


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say the sentence with our new word.

She flies her kite on the place where the water meets the land.

I’ll say that with our new word. She flies her kite on the SHORE.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU”LL say that sound with our new word.

They were walking on the place where the ocean water meets the shore.

Say that with our new word?

They walk on the shore.

Use more examples.


Sample format for teaching vocabulary by synonyms

Here’s a new word [point] outside

What’s our new word?

Spell outside.

What word?


Outside means not inside something.

What does outside mean?...

She is standing in the hallway of the school. She is outside her classroom.

He is standing in the backyard of his house. He is outside the house.


The dog plays Frisbee in the backyard of Jon’s house. Tell me….is the dog inside or outside the house.

The girl is in her bedroom. Tell me…is the girl inside or outside of her bedroom.


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

Billie wears his shoes when he is not inside his house.

I’ll say that with our new word. Billie wears his shoes when he is outside his house.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

The boy is standing in the rain under no shelter.

Say that with our new word?

The boy is standing outside in the rain.



Teaching synonyms

Here’s a new word [point]

What’s our new word?

Spell talking.

What word?

Good job boys and girls!

Talking is when you make noise with your mouth and form words.

What does talking mean?...

When you ask me if you can go to the bathroom you are talking.


When you open your mouth and say something you are TALKING.

The girl has been saying things to her teacher for 10 minutes...Tell me... The girl is talking to her teacher

The girl does NOT say a word to anyone all day....Tell me.. The girl is NOT talking.


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

She is saying all these words to her sister on the phone.

I’ll say that with our new word. She is TALKING to her sister one the phone.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

He has said so many words to the girl beside him in class.

Say that with our new word?

He has been TALKING to the girl beside him in class for a really long time.


Run: The physical body movement. (genus) Faster paced; form of exercise. (Difference) opposite of walking.

1.) Gain attention, “Boys and girls” today we are going to get physical!

2.) Here is the new word......RUN! Say it along with them and point.

3.) “What word?”......... “RUN!”

4.) “How do we spell RUN?” Rrrrr Uuuu Nnnn.....”RUN”

5.) State what running is... “a faster movement form of walking.” RUN is a form of exercise. “Walking is the opposite of running.”

6.) “Is walking a form of running?”...”NO”. Walking is NOT a form of running.


Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms

Here’s a new word [point] Run.

What’s our new word?

Spell Run.


Run means to move or go quickly.

What does run mean?

He moves quickly towards the soccer ball. He runs towards the soccer ball.

She moves quickly to catch the bus. She runs to catch the bus.


She moves quickly to make the movies on time. Tell me…..she runs or not runs?

They do NOT move quickly to get the newspapers. Tell me… they run or not run?


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

He is moving quickly in order to get out of the rain.

I’ll say that with our new word. He runs in order to get out of the rain.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

He moves quickly in order to catch the butterfly.

Say that with our new word.

He runs in order to catch the butterfly.


Sample format for teaching vocabulary by synonyms

Here’s a new word [point] fast.

What’s our new word?

Spell fast.

What word?


Fast means to do something quickly.

What does fast mean?

He runs quickly. He runs fast.

He talks quickly. He talks fast.


He runs a race quickly and comes in first place. Tell me… He runs fast or not fast?

He runs a race slowly and comes in last place. Tell me… He runs fast or not fast?


I’ll say a sentence with olds words and then I’ll say a sentence with our new word.

He runs quickly and wins the race.

I’ll say that with our new word. He runs FAST and wins the race.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

He rides his bike quickly.

Say that with our new word?

He rides his bike fast.


Vocabulary by Synonyms

Here’s a new word [point] shop.

What’s our new word?

Spell shop.

What word?


Shop means to buy something.

What does shop mean?...

Mom goes to the grocery store to buy food. Mom shops for food.

Sally goes to the mall to buy clothes. Sally shops for clothes.


She goes to Target to buy something. Tell me…she shops or she does not shop?

She does not go to the store to buy something. Tell me…she shops or she does not shop?


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say a sentence with our new word.

She is going to Wal-Mart to buy something.

I’ll say that with our new word. She is going to Wal-Mart to shop.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

She is going to the grocery store to buy something.

Say that with our new word?

She is going to the grocery store to shop.



Sample format for teaching vocabulary by synonyms

Here’s a new word [point] pretty.

What’s our new word?

Spell pretty.

What word?


Pretty is a word that describes something that is attractive, beautiful, etc.

What does pretty mean?...

The sunset over the beaches of Hawaii was very pretty.

The model had a pretty face that was used in a photo shoot.


The day was cloudy and rainy. Tell me….was it a pretty day?...

There was nice art work with colors hanging on the wall. Tell me…was the art work pretty?...


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

The churches had nice statutes and architecture.

I’ll say that with our new word. The churches had pretty statutes and architecture.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

The starts lit up the night sky.

Say that with our new word?

The pretty starts lit up the night sky.



Sample format for teaching vocabulary by synonyms

Here’s a new word…little.

What’s our new word?

Spell little.

What word?


Little means small.

What does little mean?

The kitten is small when it is born. The kitten is little.

The pebble is small than the rock. The pebble is little.


The baby is very small when it is born. Tell me…is the baby little or not little?...

The giant is the tallest in the land. Tell me…is the giant little or not little?...


I’ll say a sentence with words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

The tadpole is smaller than it’s mom the frog.

I’ll say it with our new word. The tadpole is little.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

The sunflower seed is the smallest seed in the garden.

Say that with our new word?

The sunflower seed is little.



Sample format for teaching vocabulary by SYNONYMS

Here’s a new word. (point) Log.

What’s our new word? Log.

Spell log. L-O-G.


Log is a large section of a tree trunk.

What does log mean?

A large section of a tree trunk. A log is a large section of a tree trunk.


A large chunk of wood is lying in the road after a storm. Is this a log or not a log?

It is a log.

Yes, that’s correct. It is a log.

A small, thin, piece of wood is lying in the grass. Is this a log or not a log?

It is not a log.

Yes, that’s correct. It is not a log.


I’ll say a sentence with old words then I’ll say a sentence with our new word.

A large piece of wood can be a bridge across a small river.

I’ll say that with our new word. A LOG can be a bridge across a small river.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

Sometimes, frogs like to sit on large pieces of wood.

Say that with our new word.

Sometimes, frogs like to sit on logs.

Script for teaching vocabulary by synonym CONTEND

Boys and Girls, eyes on me! I like how I have ALL eyes on me so fast!

Today we are going to learn a new word. When we are done, I’ll show you examples of how to use our new word, and you will tell how to use the new word.

Here’s a new word, (point) contend.

What’s our new word? (point) contend

Yes. Our new word is contend.

Spell contend. c-o-n-t-e-n-d

Yes. Contend is spelled c-o-n-t-e-n-d

What word? contend


Contend means to struggle with difficulties.

What does contend mean? Contend means to struggle with difficulties.

Yes. Contend means to struggle with difficulties.

The pirate ship had to struggle with high winds and waves during the storm.

The pirate ship had to contend with high winds and waves during the storm.

My mom must struggle with morning traffic to make sure I am not late for school.

My mom must contend with morning traffic to make sure I am not later for school.


He had to struggle with loud music when he tried to finish his homework.

Tell me, does he have to contend with loud music?

Yes. He had to contend with loud music when he tried to finish his homework.

She will have to struggle with keeping her cast dry if she goes to the pool.

Tell me, will she have to contend with keeping her cast dry?

Yes. She will have to contend with keeping her cast dry.

He read the book without asking for help with any of the words. He thought the book was easy to read. Tell me, did he have anything to contend with when he read the book?

Yes you are right! He had nothing to contend with when he read the book.


I’ll say a sentence with old word and then I’ll say the sentence with our new word.

My dad struggles with old age every time he tries to play baseball with me.

I’ll say that with our new word.

My dad contends with old age every time he tries to play baseball with me.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with the old word and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

Our brother must struggle with nerves when he sits next to a girl on the bus.

Say that with our new word?

Our brother must contend with nerves when he sits next to a girl on the bus.

Yes. Our brother must contend with nerves when he sits next to that girl.

I don’t think you have much to contend with when learning this new word! Let’s try another since you are doing so well.

You may have to struggle with puddles in the bike path.

Say that with our new word?

You may have to contend with puddles on the bike path.

Yes. On the bike path, there are puddles to contend with. You learned the new word contend! Nice work. You are all so smart and you now know the word contend!


Vocab by Synonyms: BALL

Show me ready!

I love the way you’re showing me ready!

Today we are going to learn a new word.

Our new word is ball.

What’s our new word? Ball

Yes, ball.

Spell ball. B-A-L-L

What word? Ball

Yes, ball.

A ball is a solid or hollow sphere that can be kicked, thrown, or hit in a game.

What is a ball? a sphere that can be played with.

Yes, correct.

They kick the thing back and forth at soccer. They kick the ball.

They throw the thing at the basket to score points. They throw the ball.

They pass the sphere outside. Are they playing with a ball? Yes

Yes, they are.

They try and pass a cube but it doesn’t work. Are they playing with a ball? No

Yes, they are not.

I’ll say a sentence with our old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

The quarterback threw the thing to another player for a touchdown.

The quarterback threw the ball to another player for a touchdown.

Your turn!

I’ll say a sentence with our old words and then you’ll say that sentence with our new word.

Tiger woods hit the white thing off the tee.

Say it with our new word. Tiger woods hit the ball of the tee.

Yes, correct.


Script for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms DOZEN

Boys and Girls show me ready! …. Great job getting ready!

Boys and girls, we are going to learn a new word, (point to word) dozen.

What is the new word? (point to word) dozen

Spell dozen. d-o-z-e-n

Yes, d-o-z-e-n

What is the word? dozen

Yes, dozen

Dozen means there are 12 of something.

Dozen means there are how many of something? 12

Yes, dozen means 12 of something


Twelve students and one teacher went on a field trip to the zoo. A dozen students and one teacher went on a field trip to the zoo.

We picked twelve apples off the tree. We picked a dozen apples off the tree.

There are twelve hotdog buns in the package. There are a dozen hotdog buns in the package.


I will say a sentence with the old word and then I will say the sentence with the new word.

There are twelve eggs in the egg carton. There are a dozen eggs in the egg carton.

Your turn

There are twelve eggs in the egg carton. There are a dozen eggs in the egg carton.

I will say a sentence with the old word and you will say the sentence with the new word.

My mother bought twelve chocolate donuts at the bakery.

Say the sentence with the new word.

My mother bought a dozen chocolate donuts at the bakery.

Let’s try it again. I will say a sentence with the old word and you will say the sentence with the new word.

My brother and I ate twelve sugar cookies for dessert.

Say the sentence with the new word.

My brother and I ate a dozen sugar cookies for dessert.


The farmer sold twelve pumpkins on Monday and ten on Tuesday. On which day did the farmer sell a dozen pumpkins? On Monday

Yes, on Monday

The large pizza had twelve slices and the medium pizza had 8 slices. Which pizza had a dozen slices? The large pizza

Yes, the large pizza

I have fourteen dimes, twelve nickels, and eleven quarters. Do I have a dozen dimes? No

What do I have a dozen of? you have a dozen nickels

Yes, I have a dozen nickels.

Good job class, now we know what a dozen means!


Sample Format for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms

Boys and Girls Show Me READY!

Ohh I love how you get ready so fast!

Here’s a new word *point* procrastinate

What’s our new word?

Spell procrastinate

What word?


Procrastinate means to put off doing something, especially out of habit, carelessness or laziness

What does procrastinate mean? (students repeat back definition*

He doesn’t do his paper until the day it is due. He procrastinates.

She was very sick and waited ten days to go to the doctor. She procrastinates.


He waited to send his electric bill in the day it was due. Tell me…does he procrastinate?

She finished her homework a week before it was due. Tell me…does she procrastinate?


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

She always waits until the last minute to do her presentations for work.

She always procrastinates on her presentations for work.

Your turn

I’ll say a sentence with old words and they YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

He always waits until the last minute to send in his homework.

Say that with our new word?

He always procrastinates on his homework.



Script for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms


Let me see everyone show me ready!

Awesome job getting ready!

Today we are going to learn a NEW vocabulary word. (Point to word) Rough.

What is our new word?


Yes, rough.


Rough means something is hard and bumpy.

Let’s say the definition of rough together.


What does rough mean?

Yes! Rough is when something is hard and bumpy.

This is a hard and bumpy road. = This is a ROUGH road.

That paper is hard and bumpy. = That paper is ROUGH.


Boys and girls!

I sat on the ground. The ground was hard and bumpy. Was the ground rough?


That is right, the ground was hard and bumpy which means the ground was rough.

The bottom Anne’s shoes are hard and bumpy. Are the bottom of Anne’s shoes rough or not rough?


Yes, the bottom of Anne’s shoes were rough.


Boys and girls! I will say a sentence with old words and I’ll say the sentence with our new word.

I fell and hurt my knee because the ground was hard and bumpy.

I’ll say that with my new word. I fell and hurt my knee because the ground was rough.

Your turn:

I’ll say a sentence with old words, than YOU’LL say the sentence with our new word.



Driving was hard because the jungle was hard and bumpy.

Now, say that with our new word.

Driving was hard because the jungle was rough.

Yes! Driving was hard because the jungle was rough.



Sample Format for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms

Hey boys and girls today we’re going to learn a new word.

Our new word is Dance.

What’s our new word?

Spell Dance.

What word?


Dance means to move your body with the sound of the music.

What does dance mean?

He moves his arms around and bounces on his feet when he hears music. He is dancing.

She wiggles her body to Party in the USA. She is dancing to Party in the USA.


She hops and twirls and moves her body when she hears her favorite song. Tell me boys and girls, is she dancing or not dancing?

He is doing jump and jacks but he is not moving to the sound of music. Is he dancing or not dancing?


I’ll say a sentence with old words and I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

She twirls and spins to her favorite song.

She dances to her favorite song.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and you say that sentence with our new word.

He bounces and jumps to the beat of the music.

Your turn to say it with our new word.

He dances to the beat of the music.

Very good boys and girls!


Script for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms



“Boys and girls! Eyes on me!” (Students look at teacher)

“Here is our new word, LION” (Teacher points to the word on the board)

“What’s our new word?”

(Students say “LION!”)

“Spell Lion.

(Students spell “L-I-O-N”)

“What word?”

(Students say “LION!”)


“A lion is a large, yellow cat that lives in Africa and South Asia.”

“What is a lion?”

(Students give the definition)

“The students saw a large, yellow cat at the zoo. The students saw a lion at the zoo.”

“The travelers saw a large, yellow cat on their African safari. The travelers saw a lion on their African safari.”


“Boys and Girls, at circus I saw a large, yellow, African cat. Tell me, did I see a lion at the circus or not?” (Students reply “Lion!”)

“Yes! It was a lion! How did you know?” (Students reply “because it was a large yellow cat!”)

“The girl saw a small grey cat outside of the school. Tell me, did the girl see a lion or not?”

(Students reply “No!”)

“Boys and girls, how did you know it was NOT a lion?” (Students say “it was small and grey”)


“I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say the same sentence with our new word!”

“There was a large, yellow cat hunting in the African savanna.”

“Now I’ll say that sentence with our new word: There was a lion hunting in the African savanna.”

“Your turn!”

“I’ll say a sentence with old words, and then YOU’LL say THAT sentence with our new word.”

“There is a large, yellow cat at the zoo.”

“Say that sentence with our new word.”

(Students say “There is a lion at the zoo.”)

“Boys and girls you are sooo smart!”

Vocab by Synonyms ISLAND

Boys and girls, eyes on me!

Here’s our new word, (point to new word) island!

What’s our new word? (Island) Yes, island!

Let’s spell island. I-S-L-A-N-D.

That’s right! You spelled our new word island!


An island is a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides.

What’s an island? (A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides.)

Yes! You know what an island is!

The plane crashed on some land that was surrounded by water on all sides. The plane crashed on an island.

They went on vacation where the land was completely surrounded by water. They went on vacation on an island.


The boat landed at a place that had water surrounding all sides.

Where did the boat land? (On an island!) Very good! The boat landed on an island!

I live in a place where there are lots of trees but there is no water on any side of the land. Do I live on an island? (No.) Why don’t I live on an island? (Because there’s no water on all sides of the land.) Yes, that’s right because islands have water on all sides of the land and where I live it does not.


Okay, let’s play a game called Switch. First, I’ll say the sentence with the olds words, then I’ll say the sentence and switch the old words for our new word. Get ready!

They built a hotel on a piece of land that was surrounded by water on all sides.

Switch! Now I’ll say the sentence with our new word! They built a hotel on an island.

Boys and girls, now it’s your turn to play Switch! I’ll say a sentence with the old words, then you’ll say the sentence and switch the old words for our new word. Get ready!

They found coconuts on the land that was surrounded by water on all sides.

Switch! Your turn to say the sentence with our new word! (They found coconuts on the island.) Very good! You played Switch with our new word, island!


Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms

Boys and girls! Eyes on me!

Here’s a new word [point] study.

What’s our new word? Study

Spell study. S-t-u-d-y

What word? Study


Study means to spend time and attention to learn new things.

What does study mean? Study means to spend time and attention to learn new things.

She studies for her Spanish test to get a good grade. She studies Spanish.

He studies a book about plants to learn more about them. He studies plants.


She watches a show about animals to learn more about them. Tell me…is she studying or not studying? Studying

They do not read their history textbooks to learn about history. Tell me… are they studying or not studying? Not studying


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

They are answering questions about the desert to learn more information about it.

I’ll say that with our new word. They are STUDYING the desert.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

He is reading an article about airplanes to learn more about them.

Say that with our new word.

He is studying airplanes.


Script for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms PROBLEM

Boys and girls show me ready! I love the way you guys get ready so fast!

Here’s our new word for today! (point to the word) problem

What’s our new word? Problem

Spell problem. P-R-O-B-L-E-M

What’s our word? Problem


A problem is a bad situation or a difficult situation.

What does problem mean? A problem is a bad situation or a difficult situation.

The little boy was in a difficult situation. The little boy had a problem.

She was in a bad situation, she couldn’t find her mom. She had a probem.

The little boy was in a difficult situation , he didn’t know what toy to play with. He had a problem

The kids were at the beach playing, they were not in a bad situation. They had no problem.


The little boy had a bad situation and couldn’t remember how to tie his shoes. Tell me, does he have a problem? YES!

She won the lottery which was not a bad situation. Tell me, does she have a problem? NO!


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say the sentence with our new word.

She has a bad situation, she can’t find her keys.

I’ll say that with our new word. She has a problem, she can’t find her keys.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU’LL say that sentence with our new word.

He had a bad situation, he was lost.

Say that with our new word.

He had a problem, he was lost.


Script for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms CRATE

Boys and girls! Eyes on me!

Here’s a new word (point to the word on the board) Crate!

What’s our new word? Crate

Spell Crate. C-r-a-t-e

What word? Crate


A crate is a box or container used for holding, storing and moving items.

What does crate mean? A crate is a large box used for holding, storing and moving items.

The family put all their personal items into several boxes when they moved to a new house. The family used crates when they were moving into their new house.

The little boy used wooden boxes to keep his toys in. The little boy kept all his toys in wooden crates.


She likes to keep her shoes in a plastic container. Tell me, is she using a crate to keep her shoes in?

He likes to keep all of his action figures on a shelf above his bed. Tell me, does he keep his action figures in a crate?


I’ll say a sentence with old words then I’ll say the sentence with our new word.

He picked up trash on the side of the road an threw it into a cardboard box. He picked up trash on the side of the road and threw it into a cardboard crate.

You turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then you’ll say the sentence with our new word.

They were using plastic containers to keep their stuff in when they moved.

Say that with our new word.

They were using crates to keep their stuff in when they moved.


Script For Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms


Hi, boys and girls. Are you ready to learn a new word?


Alright, everybody look up here at the board.

Here’s our new word (point to CHAIR written on board)

Do you want to know what this word says?


This new word is CHAIR (while pointing still)

What is our new word?


Good, say it with me again, CHAIR


You say it by yourself again.


Good job everybody, the new word is CHAIR!

Lets learn how to spell CHAIR!

Listen to me as I spell CHAIR (while pointing) C-H-A-I-R

Can you spell CHAIR?


Great job class, C-H-A-I-R


Do you want to know what our new word means?


Alright, a CHAIR is what we sit in. We sit in a CHAIR when we do our work. We sit in a CHAIR when we eat.

What is a CHAIR?

-It is what we sit in!

Good job!

When we sit at our desk, we are sitting in a CHAIR.

See, everybody in here knows what a CHAIR is.


I am going say a couple sentences and then ask you a question about that sentence. Are you ready?? Show me ready!

Little Ella is laying down on the couch.

Is Ella sitting in a CHAIR?


What is Ella doing?

-Laying on a couch.

Good, Ella is not sitting in a CHAIR.

Little Bobby is in class and is at his desk

What do you think Bobby is sitting in?


Good, why would Bobby most likely be sitting in a CHAIR?

-Because he is at his desk.

Great job class, Booby is sitting in his chair at his desk!


Ready for some more learning with CHAIR?


I will say a sentence with old words and then I will say that sentence with our new word.

Little Karen is sitting in her seat.

I will say that sentence with our new word this time.

Little Karen is sitting in her CHAIR.

Your turn, what is Karen doing?

-Karen is sitting in her CHAIR.

I will say what Karen is doing using our old words. Then you can say what Karen is doing with our new word.

Ready? (make sure you have attention of class)

Karen is sitting in her seat.

Your turn, don’t forget to use the new word.

-Karen is sitting in her CHAIR.

Great job everybody; you said a sentence using the word CHAIR.


Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms ENORMOUS

Boys and Girls show me ready…. I love the way you showed me ready so fast.

Today we are going to learn a new word. When we are done, I’ll show you examples of our new word, and you will tell what you see.

Here’s our new word [point] enormous.

What’s our new word?

Yes, enormous.

Spell enormous.

Yes, E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S spells enormous.

What word?


Enormous means big.

What does enormous mean?

Yes, enormous means big.

That dog is big. That dog is enormous.

That house is big. That house is enormous.


That bed is big. Tell me….. Is the bed enormous or small?

That car is small. Tell me…. Is the car enormous?


I’ll say a sentence with old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

That television is big.

I’ll say that with our new word. That television is ENORMOUS.

Yes, that television is enormous is right.

Your turn.

I’ll say a sentence with old words and then YOU”LL say that sentence with our new word.

That tree is big.

Say that with our new word.

That tree is enormous.

Yes, that tree is enormous is right.


Script for Teaching Vocabulary by Synonyms

Boys and girls show me ready!

Here is our new word (point to new word) Frog!

What is our new word? Frog!

Spell Flag. F-r-o-g

What word? Frog!


A frog is an amphibian that has webbed feet.

What does frog mean? A frog is an amphibian that has webbed feet.

Kelly saw an amphibian that has webbed feet. Kelly saw a frog.

An amphibian that has webbed feet hopped really high into the water. A frog hopped really high into the water.


A boy picked up an amphibian that has webbed feet. Tell me, did the boy pick up a frog or not? Frog

An amphibian that does not have webbed feet is really big. Tell me, is the amphibian a frog?

Not Frog


I will say a sentence with old words and then I will say the sentence with our new word.

There was an amphibian that has webbed feet on the Lily pad.

Now, I will say that with our new word. There was a FROG on the Lily pad.

Your turn.

I will say a sentence with old words and then YOU will say the sentence with our new word.

An amphibian that has webbed feet swam under the water.

Say that with our new word?

A frog swam under the water.

Sample format for teaching vocabulary by synonyms

This is our new word (point) patience.

What’s our new word?

Spell patience.

Patience means to wait calmly for something that you may really want.

What does patience mean?

Sally waits calmly for her mom to finish making dinner. Sally is waiting patiently.

He waits to get his toy back from his friend calmly. He is being patient.


Bobby asks his mom for his car toy one time, and waits calmly until she gets it for him. Is Bobby waiting patiently or not patiently?

Sue asks Joe for a piece of candy over and over again until he finally gives her one. Is Sue waiting patiently for her piece of candy?


I’ll say a sentience using out old words and then I’ll say a sentence with our new word. Ready?

She is waiting silently and calmly for the teacher to hand back the test. She is waiting PATIENTLY.

Your turn. I will say a sentence with old words and you’ll say that sentence with our new word. Ready?

She waits calmly for her mother to let her go downstairs on Christmas morning. Say that with our new word.

She waits patiently for her mother to let her go downstairs on Christmas morning.


Script for Teaching Vocabulary with Synonyms PEAK

Boys and Girls. Show me ready.

Here is a new word. (Point) Peak

What is our new word? Peak

Spell peak. P-E-A-K

Right, Peak is spelled P-E-A-K.

What is our new word? Peak

Very good boys and girls. .


A peak is the pointed top of a mountain.

What does peak mean? A peak is the pointed top of a mountain.

Yes, a peak is the pointed top of a mountain.

Now let’s look at some examples of sentences with our new words. The first sentence is going to have the old words, and then the second sentence will have our new word.

There was snow on the pointed top of the mountain. There was snow on the peak of the mountain.

Her house is on the pointed top of the mountain. Her house is on the peak.

A river runs from the pointed top of the mountain to the bottom. A river runs from the peak to the bottom of the mountain.


He skied from the pointed top of the mountain. Tell me, did he ski from the peak or not? Peak

Yes, he skied from the peak.

They took pictures at the bottom of the mountain. Tell me, did they take pictures on the peak or not

the peak? Not the peak

Great job boys and girls.


First I’ll say a sentence with the old words and then I’ll say that sentence with our new word.

There is a pond at the pointed top of the mountain.

I’ll say that with our new word. There is a pond at the PEAK.

Now it’s your turn.

I will say a sentence with the old words. Then, YOU will say that sentence with the new word.

They hiked to the pointed top of the mountain.

Say that with our new word.

They hiked to the peak.

Let’s do another.

I will say a sentence with the old words. Then YOU will say that sentence with the new word.

The road to the pointed top of the mountain is curvy.

Say that with our new word.

The road to the peak is curvy.

Great job boys and girls.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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