Collecting words

Collecting words

Roald Dahl kept all sort of notes and lists to help him when he wrote his stories. Words that have the same or very similar meanings are called synonyms.

At the beginning of his career as a writer, Roald Dahl collected lists of words in an old school notebook. ‘When you’re describing something or someone,’ he said, ‘you can’t just choose dull words like beautiful, pretty or nice. You must search for meaty and imaginative words

Here is a list of words Roald Dahl collected under the heading Beautiful

|Agreeable |Beaming |Brilliant |Charming |Comely |Dainty |

|Dazzling |Delicate |Elegant |Engaging |Exquisite |Glorious |

|Glowing |Graceful |Handsome |Intriguing |Lovely |Nice |

|Pretty |Radiant |Shining |Sparkling |Splendid |Superb |

See if you can make your own list up for Angry. Make sure your words are meaty and imaginative.

|inflamed | | | | | |

| | | | |venomous | |

| | |infuriated | | | |

| | | | | |evil |

Now see if you can do the same for said

| | | | |screeched | |

|screamed | | | | | |

| | |whispered | | | |

| | | | | |spoke |

Now make a list of all the words you can think of that mean the same as:

Big, rich and funny.


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