Identifying Meaning From Context - Amazon S3

[Pages:4]Identifying Meaning From Context

Read the following sample of an exercise designed to help students to discern meaning from context. In most cases, these examples use definition, explanation, synonym contextual clues.

1) I took the tome off the shelf and opened it to page 94. Then I began to read. What does tome probably mean?

A) some food B) a bad dream C) a cigarette D) a book

2) Hurricanes and tornadoes are treacherous. Only a very foolish person would go out during that kind of weather. What does treacherous probably mean?

A) exciting B) dangerous C) delirious D) safe

3) Many ships have vanished during hurricanes. No survivors from the lost ships have ever been found. What does vanished probably mean?

A) arrived B) departed C) returned D) disappeared

4) By anticipating the robber's next move, the police were able to arrive at the bank before the next robbery happened. Now the robber is in jail. What does anticipating probably mean?

A) thinking ahead, expecting B) drawing, painting

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C) horrifying, amazing D) strange, unusual

5) I'm really hungry! That apple didn't appease my hunger. I want a sandwich now. What does appease probably mean?

A) frustrate B) increase C) satisfy D) confuse

6) The dispute about marijuana in California will probably never be resolved. What is a dispute?

A) theory, rule B) argument, debate C) agreement D) a type of medicine

7) This virus has really sapped my energy. I get tired just walking across the room. I hope to get better soon because I need to return to work. What does sap probably mean?

A) give, increase B) make slow C) take away, drain D) enhance

8) Some people think that discussing the dangers of cigarette smoking obscures the real issue. They believe the real issue is that smokers are discriminated against. What does obscure probably mean?

A) to shorten B) to challenge C) to make obvious D) to hide, conceal

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9) Students! Students! Please stop chattering and listen to me. Class has begun. What does chattering probably mean?

A) sleeping B) talking C) working D) typing 10) The little girls began to giggle when they saw the boys walk by. When the boys heard the giggling, they pretended not to notice. What does giggle probably mean? A) work B) sleep C) cry D) laugh

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Your task: Compose a similar multiple choice exercise related to a particular subject. Select five or six terms, and for each, compose a sentence where the student has to determine meaning from context. Use a variety of approaches: definition, explanation, synonym, contrast or gist clues. Sample answer: Musical terms

1. The allegro movement usually opens the symphony but it is not in the same league as vivace or presto. Allegro means (a) first, (b) pace, (c) fast, lively and cheerful, (d) slow.

2. When the adagio movement begins, you can look around to see people being lulled to sleep. Adagio means (a) invigorating, (b) restful, (c) third, (d) mournful.

3. Pachelbel's Canon is a popular tune because its melody is repeated and imitated often enough that listeners easily remember it. Canon is a melody that is (a) repeated over and over, (b) played in different keys, (c) reserved for church services, (d) played by individual parts at regular intervals.

4. The violin concerto was the highlight of the concert, especially in the second movement where the musician was the centre of attention. A concerto is (a) a composition written for a solo instrument while the orchestra plays the accompaniment, (b) one part of a longer musical piece, (c) the showstopper at any concert, (d) a light and cheery dance number.

5. When Suri was studying piano, she spent many hours with the etudes. An etude is (a) a travelling music instructor, (b) a musical composition written to improve one's technique, (c) a type of piano, (d) another name for the white keys on a piano.

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