Evolution Vocabulary Notetaking Chart - MARRIC

Evolution Vocabulary Name: ___________________ Date: _________ Period: ____

Note-taking Chart

|Term |Synonym/Explanation |Example/Image/Showing Sentence |

|Diversity, n. |A variety. A range of _____________ people or things |The people in the room represented a ____________ of |

|Biodiversity, n |Bio - ___________________ so biodiversity is diversity, or |backgrounds and experiences. |

| |variety, of plants and animals and other living things in a |There is a lot of religious __________ in the United States |

| |particular area or region. |( ) |

|Species, n. |A ___________ of living things that can mate with one another |All _____________ are the same species and all dogs are the |

| |and produce fertile offspring. |same species |

|Evolution, n. |The _____________ by which populations of living things change |_______________ is the theory that can explains how there are|

| |over time. |so many different living things on Earth. |

|Geologic Time, n. |The division of Earth’s history into distinct ___________ of |Humans have only existed for a very _________ time on the |

| |time. |geologic time scale. |

|Era, n. |A period of time in history characterized by the major _______ |Dinosaurs lived during the ________________ Era long ago. |

| |forms at the time. | |

|Theory, n. |An idea or a statement that explains how or why something |In science a theory is __________ an opinion, but instead is |

| |happens. A unifying ________________ for a broad range of |based on multiple lines of __________________. |

| |hypotheses and observations that have been supported by testing| |

| |or observations | |

|Extinct, adj. |Describes a type of living thing which has _____________ out |The dodo bird was a large bird which became extinct in the |

| |completely. |17th century (_______). |

|Endangered, adj. |Something which is ____ danger of disappearing or dying out. |Florida Manatee are endangered ___________. |

Word Form Chart

|Noun |Adjective |Verb |Adverb |

|Diversity | | | |

|Species | | | |

|Speciation | | | |

|Evolution | | | |

|Theory | | | |

|Extinction | | | |



1. The ______________ of birds in the world today that are being reduced by man’s actions.

2. The opposite of an extinction event would be a ____________________ event.

3. Evolution is a _______________ because it explains how life has changed over time and there is a lot of evidence to support it.

4. A long time ago an ocean species _____________ into a land species.

5. Geologic time is divided into ___________ which are characterized by the major life forms of the time.


Write three sentences using one of the following words in each: evolve, species, extinction.

1. _______________________________________________________________






3. _______________________________________________________________




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