Name _____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD


Name _____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Vocabulary Lesson 2

Read each sentence. Then use a term in the box to fill in each sentence. Write your answers on the lines. Use each term only once.

| Nicotine Tar Carbon Monoxide |

| |

|Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Snuff Tobacco |

1. _________________________ is a stimulant drug in all tobacco products.

2. A plant with leaves that can be dried and mixed with chemicals to make products such as cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and cigars is also known as ______________________.

3. One of the poisonous gasses found in cigarettes smoke is __________________.

4. ____________________ is a sticky black/brown substance that is cancer causing.

5. A mixture of exhaled smoke and smoke from the ends of a lit cigarette, also known as second hand smoke is called __________________________________.

6. Powdered tobacco that can be sniffed is known as _______________________.

7. Write a short letter to a friend. In your letter, explain to your friend why tobacco use is harmful. Use all your vocabulary terms in your letter.


Name _____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Comprehension Lesson 2

Write the answers in the space provided. Use your notes and books if you need help.

1. What effects does carbon monoxide have on the body?


2. Explain how tar affects the body.


3. List the early effects (short term) of smoking cigarettes.


4. How does smokeless tobacco affect a person’s health (short term and long term)?


5. Describe two tobacco related diseases.


6. What is environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)? Why is it so harmful?


7. What is the most addictive drug in tobacco? What does it do to the body?


Name_____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Vocabulary Lesson 3 Alcohol

In the space provided, write the letter of the term in column 2 that best fits the definition in column 1. Use each term only once.

Column 1 Column 2

_____ 1. a liquid that can affect the way a. intoxicated

people think and act when they b. blood alcohol concentration

drink it and is a depressant c. hangover

d. cirrhosis

_____ 2. painful sores on tissues in the e. malnutrition

digestive system f. ethanol

g. ulcers

_____ 3. the state of being affected by alcohol h. alcohol

i. fetal alcohol syndrome

_____ 4. the percentage of alcohol in a

person’s blood

_____ 5. is a disease that causes the liver to stop

working properly, builds up toxins and

can cause death

_____ 6. the chemical name for alcohol found in

beer, wine, and liquor

_____ 7. is a group of birth defects that can occur

when an unborn baby is exposed to alcohol

_____ 8. a health problem caused by a lack of nutrients

_____ 9. an illness caused by drinking too much alcohol

Name_____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Review Lesson 3 Alcohol

1. What are the immediate effects of alcohol intoxication?


2. What is blood alcohol concentration (BAC)?


3. List and describe two health problems caused by long-term alcohol abuse.


4. Explain how alcohol can impair the ability of a person to drive.


5. What is fetal alcohol syndrome? List at least two characteristics.


6. How is alcohol removed from the blood?


7. What factors determine how alcohol affects a person? List three factors.


8. What are the legal BAC numbers for people over and under 21 years of age?


9. Describe what equals one drink.

______ oz. beer = ______ oz. wine = ______ oz. liquor

10. What category of drugs does alcohol fall under? ________________________

Name_____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Vocabulary Lesson 4 Addiction

| addiction alcoholic alcoholism tolerance |

|alcoholics anonymous (AA) recovery |

Write a story using all the words above. Demonstrate your understanding of each word.


Name_____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Review Lesson 4 Addiction

1. Explain how alcoholism can affect the family of a person who has alcoholism.


2. Name three support programs for people who have alcoholism and for their families.


3. Explain why it is difficult to quit using drugs once a person is addicted.


4. Describe what happens to a person that becomes addicted.


Read the following situation and answer the questions.

Your friend Nora has been drinking a lot of alcohol for the past few months. You used to do things with her on the weekends, but now all she does is go to parties where alcohol is served. You went with her once and felt very uncomfortable because she was intoxicated and acting totally out of control. Nora sneaks some of her parents’ alcohol every day and brings it to school. She goes to her locker several times a day to sneak a drink. You’ve asked Nora why she’s doing this, and she told you it makes her feel good – she even said she drinks by herself when she’s home alone. She can’t even go one day without having a drink now.

1. Does Nora have a problem with alcohol? Explain your answer


2. How could you communicate your concerns to Nora?


3. Where could you suggest Nora go for support and to get help with her problem?


4. If Nora will not get help on her own, to whom will you go with your concerns?


Name_____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Review Lessons 5 and 6

1. – 3. Describe how each group of people can directly/indirectly pressure teens to try tobacco and alcohol:

1. Friends:


2. Family:


3. Role Models:


4. Explain how peer pressure can be positive or negative.


5. How does the media pressure teens to use tobacco and alcohol?


6. Describe two ways you can refuse tobacco or alcohol.


7. List three drug-free ways to be social.


Name_____________________________________ PD ______ EVEN/ODD

Comprehension 5 and 6

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate words from the word bank provided.

|-peer pressure -social and emotional skills -not a good way -family |

|-friend -escape personal problems -outgrow -values and rules |

|-change -advertising -adults -respect -more grown up |

|-knowledge and common sense -liked -accepted -self esteem |

|-doing what everyone else is doing -good for you |

Some things that lead young people to use alcohol and tobacco are _____________________ and __________________________. Sometimes young people begin using these drugs because they see _______________ they admire or _______________ using the alcohol and tobacco. Some young people think that using them will make them seem ________________________.

Peer pressure also affects many of the decisions that young people make. Peer pressure means ____________________________________. All people need to feel _______________ and _______________. Sometimes these needs are so strong that a young person’s _________________________________________ are not enough to keep her or him from doing something harmful.

It may be hard to say no when a _________________ tries to get you to do something you know can harm you. Saying no may be easier if you remember that you need to make choices that are _____________________. If you feel that you are important, or if you have high ____________________, you will find it is easier to say no to things that may harm you. It also helps to remember the ___________________________ of your family. Peer friendships and social groups can ________________. You may soon ________________ your present friends.

Sometimes young people begin using alcohol or tobacco because they see their ______________ using them. Young people sometimes drink to try to _____________________________ such as loneliness or an unhappy family life. But alcohol is ______________________________ to deal with problems. Young people need to learn a variety of _____________________________ to handle the tough situations they may face throughout their life.


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