
: dictionary of several language pairs, including Eng-Sp


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Common Phrases



How are you?

?C車mo est芍s?

Can you help me?

?Me puede ayudar?

?Me ayuda por favor?

Good morning

Buenos d赤as

Good afternoon

Buenas tardes

Good evening

Buenas noches

I am...


Soy #

My name is...

Me llamo...

How much does it


?Cu芍nto es?

How do you say...?

?C車mo se dice...?

I am fine

Estoy bien

I am happy

Estoy alegre

Where are you from?

?De d車nde eres?

Do you speak English?

?Hablas ingles?

Good night

Buenas noches

Do you understand


?Entiende ingl谷s?



Nice to meet you

Encantado de


Mucho gusto

I am from...

Soy de...

I don't speak Spanish

No hablo espa?ol

I don't understand.

No entiendo

No comprendo

Please repeat that

?Podr赤a repetir, por


I am hungry

I am lost

Tengo hambre

I am sick

Estoy enfermo

Estoy perdido

I need a doctor

Necesito un m谷dico

What time is it?

?Que hora es?

I don't know

No lo s谷

I don't like it

No me gusta

I like it

Me gusta


Por favor

You're welcome

De nada

See you later

Hasta luego

I would like...

Me gustar赤a...

Thank you


At the airport 每 En el aeropuerto

Check in 每 Facturaci車n

Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please?

Here you are.

Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

An aisle seat, please.

Do you have any baggage?

Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.

Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.

Thank you.

Buenos d赤as ?Me da su billete, por favor?

Aqu赤 tiene

?Desea un asiento junto a la ventana o en el pasillo?

En el pasillo, por favor

?Tiene equipaje?

Si ,esta maleta y esta bolsa de cabina

Aqu赤 tiene su tarjeta de embarque. Disfrute del vuelo


Passport control 每 Control de pasaportes

Good morning. Can I see your passport?

Here you are.

Thank you very much. Are you travelling as tourist or on


I'm a tourist.

That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.

Thank you

Buenos d赤as. ?Me da su pasaporte?

Aqu赤 tiene.

Gracias. ?Viaja como turista o por negocios?

Soy turista.

Estupendo. Disfrute de su estancia


Asking and Giving Directions 每 Preguntar y dar direcciones

How do I get to ...?

?D車nde est芍...? ?C車mo se llega a...?

What's the best way to ...?

?Cu芍l es el mejor camino para...?

Where is ...?

?D車nde est芍...?

Go straight on (until you come to ...)

Sigue recto (hasta que llegas a...)

Turn back / Go back


Turn left / right

Gira a la izquierda / derecha

Go along

Sigue adelante

Cross .


Take the first/second road on the left/right

Coge la primera / segunda calle a la izquierda / derecha

It's on the left/right

Est芍 a la derecha / izquierda

Straight on

Todo recto


En frente



Next to

Al lado de



At the end (of)

Al final de

On/at the corner

En la esquina



In front of

Delante de

(just) Around the corner

Al doblar la esquina

Traffic lights


Crossroads, junction




At the Hotel 每 En el hotel

Do you have any rooms available (for the 5th June)?

?Quedan habitaciones libres (para el cinco de junio)?

I'd like a double room for three nights

Quiero una habitaci車n doble para tres noches

How much does it cost per day?

?Cu芍l es el precio por d赤a?

How much is full board?

How much is half board?

?Cu芍nto cuesta la pensi車n completa?

?Cu芍nto cuesta la media pensi車n?

I'm sorry I don't understand. Could you speak more

slowly please.

Lo siento, no entiendo. ?Me puede hablar m芍s

despacio por favor?

Can you give me the key to room 206?

?Puede darme la llave de la habitaci車n 206?

I'd like to leave a message for Mr. Smith.

Quiero dejar un recargo para el se?or Smith.

Is there any mail / messages for me?

Hay correo / alg迆n recargo para m赤?

I would like you to pick up a shirt to be washed and


Deseo que recojan una camisa para lavar y planchar.

I have a reservation for tonight

Tengo reservada una habitaci車n para esta noche.

Is breakfast included?

?Est芍 incluido el desayuno?

Could you get my bill ready please?

?Me puede preparar la cuenta por favor?

We'll be leaving tomorrow morning.

I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon / night.

Nos marcharemos ma?ana por la ma?ana.

Me marchar谷 ma?ana por la tarde / noche.

Do you take credit cards?

?Aceptan tarjetas de cr谷dito?

Can you wake me at eight o'clock?

?Me puede despertar a las ocho horas?

Am I speaking to the bar?

?Hablo con el bar?

Out of Order


What time does the restaurant open / close?

?A qu谷 hora abre / cierra el restaurante?

What time do you serve breakfast / lunch / dinner?

?A que hora comienza el servicio de desayunos /

comidas / cenas?

No molestar

Do not disturb

Fire escape

Escalera de incendios

Fire exit

Salida de incendios

At the Restaurant 每 En el Restaurante

I would like to make a reservation for this


Quisiera hacer una reserva para esta noche

I would like a table near the window

Quisiera una mesa cerca de la ventana

Could you call the waiter (waitress) please?

?Podr赤a llamar al camarero (camarera) por favor?

Could you bring me the menu (wine list)


?Podr赤a traerme el men迆 (la lista de vinos) por favor?

Where are the rest rooms?

?Donde est芍n los ba?os?

I would like to order now

Quisiera pedir ahora

What do you recommend?

?Qu谷 me recomienda?

May I have a bottle of wine (beer, soda)?

?Podr赤a traerme una botella de vino (cerveza, gaseosa)?

Excuse me, I have no spoon (knife,fork)

Disculpe. No tengo cuchara (cuchillo, tenedor)

May you bring more rolls (toasts) please?

?Podr赤a traerme m芍s panecillos (tostadas) por favor?

I'll have a steak with French fries

Comer谷 un filete con patatas fritas

Would you like anything to drink?

?Desea Ud. algo para beber?

What kind of desserts do you have?

?Qu谷 clase de postres tienen?

Waiter, the check please

Camarero, la cuenta por favor

Can we pay separately?

?Podemos pagar por separado?

Thank you. Keep the change

Gracias. Qu谷dese el cambio

Some useful terms of ※local color§


Cerveza = beer

Ca?a = half a pint

Clara = half a pint with soda

Ca?a con lim車n = half a pint with lemon

Jarra de cerveza = pint

Vino = wine

-Vino tinto = red wine

-Ribera = red wine from the area of Valladolid and Burgos, bearing Protected Designation of Origin (in Spanish,

※Denominaci車n de origen§, D.O.)

-Vino blanco = white wine. Try verdejo or rueda, they are local whites, very tasty!

-Clarete = young ros谷 (local variety).


Tapas, raciones, pinchos = different types of appetizers that are informally eaten in bars. They vary in size, though

normally tapas and pinchos are small, for one person, while raciones are platters to share.

Lechazo = grilled suckling lamb, it*s one of the specialties of the area.

Jam車n = cured pork ham

Ib谷rico(s) = charcuteries made of a particularly tasty type of pork, called Iberian because these pigs are only found in

Spain. These pigs are normally free range. They are considered the top-range charcuterie in the country 每the

difference is also felt in their price...


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