小考: 第十二课 Intermediate Chinese 中级中文/施玲玲老师

Listening Comprehension 听力测验 (25%): Listen, then answer the following questions in English. A: For each question in this part, you will hear a short conversation between two speakers.What is the second speaker ordering?Where did Xiao Wang go?What does the waiter want to find out?What is the second speaker probably going to do tonight?What is the second speaker apologizing for?What do you kow about Xiao Gao from the exchange?B: Listen to the following monologue and answer questions 7-10 in EnglishWhere did the speaker have lunch today?What did the speaker order?What did Xiao Li order? Why?What did the speaker order for a drink?Rewrite the following sentence using a positive statement, using “才” in the sentence (3%). (For example, 要是汉字没写好,就不能看电视。? 汉字写好了,才能看电视。) 要是功课沒写好,就不能去朋友家玩儿。Give the appropriate Chinese sentences for the following situations (32%). Write in Chinese characters.1 a. You paid for a meal, the waiter gave you the wrong amount of change. First, tell him, “Waiter, you gave me the wrong change!” b. Explain to him how much or less he has given you. (For instance, “you gave me 10 dollars extra” or “you gave me five dollars less.)2. You are a picky eater. You don’t like any food on the menu. How would you say the following to your friend in Chinese.“I don’t like any dishes here” (use 一…都/也…不…) 3. Everyone has different preference and dietary restrictions when it comes to drink or food.1) Tell the waiter in Chinese what drink you want to order and place the special request , using “多/少 … in your request. (For example: Please bring me a cup of ice tea. Please put more sugar. ) First, tell the waiter what food you want to order and, secondly, place your special request,using “一点儿..+都不” sentence pattern. (For example: please bring me a plate of home-style bean curd. Please don’t put msg at all.) Advertise a dish to your customer, using 1) the Reduplication of adjective ; 2) 。。。极了 in your sentence. (Note: ”Dish” does not include “soup” category or “drink” category.)You are a hostess in a restaurant. When people walk into the restaurant, what will you say to the customer? Write down two phrases/sentences to them.At the end of the meal, ask the waitress/waiter to bring you the bill. Ask the waitress that you and your friend want to have separate checks. IV. Translate the following dialogue into Chinese or English (32%).这碗酸辣汤怎么样?--》英文English.:It is a bit sour and a bit sweet. Very delicious!–》中文Chinese:A: 这是我们的菜单。请问你想点什么?英文 English:B: I would like to order a plate of vegetarian dumplings, one drunken chicken, a bowl of white rice.-->中文Chinese:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: The sweet and sour fish is very tasty here. Have a plate (of sweet and sour fish)! (Use the word“来” in your translation)中文 Chinese:B: 好,可是我不能吃醋,请你别放醋。-->英文 English:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Is the food ready? I am so hungry! --》中文 Chinese:B: 没问题,菜很快就能做好。--》英文 English:V.Reading Comprehension (6%)昨天是张先生的五十岁生日,所以他的朋友请他去了一家中国饭馆吃晚饭。饭馆的人不多,不用等就有位子了。因为张先生喜欢吃甜的食物,所以他们点了一盘糖醋鱼。他的朋友吃素,所以他点了一盘素炒饭和一碗青菜汤。他们两个人还一起点了一盘素饺。他们还点了好喝的珍珠奶茶。他们告诉服务员,一杯,一点糖都不要放,一杯,多放糖。他们俩都觉得这家饭馆的菜虽然有一点儿贵,可是好吃极了。他们都说这个周末想再去吃。1.() 张先生请他的朋友去了一家中国饭馆吃晚饭。2.()他们一去就有位子可以做。3.()因为他们都吃素,所以点了一盘素饺。4.()张先生和他的朋友都喜欢吃很甜的东西。5.() 他们觉得这家饭馆不便宜,可是他们都很喜欢吃这家的菜。6.()他们这个周末还要去这家饭馆吃,因为太好吃了。Translate the following sentences into English (2 points) (From the magazine article)蔬菜是食物之中最健康的。红的像血的药丸Extra Credits: Provide the Chinese characters for the following:Answer these questions in Chinese:中国人平常用什么吃饭?俄罗斯人平常用什么吃饭?你喜欢吃什么味道的菜?Translate the following sentence into Chinese: I don’t like food that is too salty and bitter. --〉Chinese: ................

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