Astrologer with Starseekers

SEPTEMBER 2019 STARSEEKERS “PRAISE THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MAKE RELATIONSHIPS PLEASANT”AUGUST 30TH WAS A NEW MOON IN VIRGO 6-7 DEGREES WHICH WOULD COUNT FOR NEW MOON GOING INTO SEPTEMBER IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS 5 DAYS BEFORE OR 5 DAYS AFTER, THEN YOU ARE VERY LUCKY FOR THE YEAR TO HAVE A NEW MOON LAND SO CLOSE TO YOUR BIRTHDAY PLUS WITH SUN IN VIRGO, MERCURY, VENUS AND MARS ALL IN VIRGO!****************************************************************************EVERYONE GETS A GREAT ASPECT OFF THE NEW MOON AUGUST 30 IT WILL BRING IN THE ENERGY FOR 10 DAYS SO GRAB ON TO THIS LUCKY ENERGY EVERYONE AND MOVE WITH THE THE OTHER 4 VIRGO PLANETS WITH THIS NEW MOON.****************************************************************************YOU MAY WANT TO CIRCLE SEPTEMBER 13TH& 14TH ON YOU CALENDAR AS HARVEST FULL MOON IN PISCES 21 degrees 05 ARRIVES PST 9:33 PM & EST 12:33 AM WITH NICE ASPECTS TO SATURN, PLUTO, AND URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE AND THEN CONTINUES IN THAT MODE UNTIL JANUARY 10TH 2020. DURING THIS PERIOD DO NO CUT TIES WITH SUPPORTIVE PEOPLE OR MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY. AVOID HIGH CRIME NEIGHBORHOODS AND PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN ABUSIVE.**************************************************************************** ALSO HEADS UP WHEN SATURN TURNS DIRECT ON THE 18TH, WHICH IS GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE. SATURN WENT RETROGRADE APRIL 29 WITH MERCURY TURING DIRECT AND STARTING A WOBBLE 0 DEGREES LEO WHICH IS A CRITICAL DEGREE JUST LETTING YOU KNOW THE FIRST SEVERAL MONTHS WE HAVE BEEN HIT WITH LESSONS OF ALL KINDS.**************************************************************************** WE NEED TO GET MORE ON OUR SPIRTUAL PATH IN LIFE! BELIEVING IN THE HIGHER POWER AND THE DEVINE UNIVERSE.**************************************************************************** IN ASTROLOGY, THESE STATIONARY PERIODS I JUST DESCRIBED ARE A VERY POTENT TIMING AND ONE THAT WILL PROVIDE A MAJOR CLUE TO WHAT COMES NEXT. USUALLY, THE CLUE WILL BE DELIVERED VERY CLOSE TO THE DAY THE PLANET—IN THIS CASE, SATURN –TURNS DIRECT. SO HEADS UP ON THE 18, THAT IT COULD SHOW UP AS EARLY AS THE 8TH AND AS LATE AS THE 28TH OF SEPTEMBER.*************************************************************************** . KEEP IN MIND MY DEAR STARSEEKERS WE WILL START A WOBBLE ON THE 19TH OF SEPTEMBER IN THE SIGN OF LIBRA 12- 13 DEGREES AT AND WE WILL GO INTO A MERCURY RETROGRADE OCTOBER 31 THROUGH NOVEMBER.*************************************************************************** I HAVE ALSO PURCASED A NEW WEB NAME --- is still working… its just some people were telling me that they couldn’t find me or that the website was too hard to find, so Google wasn’t quite doing the job, so I also have hired a company to put me out there so everyone globally will find me--- lets make it happen! ARIES: What’s Happening for September 2019 - Mar 21 - Apr 19 The New Moon on August 30 at seven degrees Virgo, your solar sixth house of work projects, and this will strongly color the first two weeks of September. You will have the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus in this house –all friendly planets –and that tells me just how much you will like what you will be expected to do. Five out of ten heavenly bodies in one house…the house which centered on various work projects—is half of the solar system, and attest to how detailed you will need to be this month. If you have to write proposals, you will be at the top of your game. Magically, all of those planets will be receiving shimmering, electric beams from Uranus, the planet of surprise, now positioned in your financial house, so the work you do now should have a positive effect on your future salary and fees. How Wonderful! Whether you are self-employed or work for others your income should soon climb to new heights as a result of what you are about to do now. The sixth house is also the house of health and host the best New Moon of all of 2020 to steps to make sure you stay fit, strong, and vibrant. With a New Moon so bright and beautiful you have a fantastic outlook for addressing health matters, so whether you need to have your annual exam ore screenings, have your eyes checked or teeth as well just in case you need to arrange a surgical procedure , make your appointment in the first half of September , the entire month is really great for checking these items out and get them off your list. September is a reality good month for any health check ups or work done. This part of your chart also rules business partnerships and collaborators (lawyer, accountant, agent, publicist, screenplay writing partner, social media manager, advertising agency, and the like), so if this applies to you, you might draw up plans to forge ahead on a new project or sign someone new. This is the New Moon to become serious with anyone you want to align with this year. I like that this New Moon is in Libra, the sign of marriage and partnerships of all kinds.Libra’s ruler is Venus, so I am so happy to see that Venus and Jupiter will be in ideal sync on the New Moon. Amazing! This means the New Moon will have a wonderful effect now and for the coming 12 months on your partnerships of all kinds. The actions you take on and in the ten days after a New Moon will matter a great deal, so if you have a plan to couple up in love or business, this New Moon will be the time to act. Venus rules not only love, but happiness, profit, and prosperity too, so you see how perfectly this time of the year is for you to take action. Power days: 4,9,17,18. Goal for the month: Be good to your body every day. Taurus: What’s Happening for September 2019- Apr 20 - May 20A group of happy little planets has been quietly migrating to your fifth house of truelove, each one arriving to its place, each dressed in its Sunday best in the constellation of Virgo and awaiting the appearance of the magnificent New Moon holding the arm of her partner, the glorious Sun.Without the New Moon, little can happen—all eyes will be on her, for she will set the stage for your month, and specifically, lift the curtain on your love life. Present at this gathering will be gentle Venus, the planet of love and happiness, her lover, action-hero Mars, along with communicative Mercury. Once the New Moon has arrived on August 30 in Virgo at seven degrees, along with the Sun, you will have half of the solar system in your romantic sector. Neptune, the planet of unconditional love, imagination, and creativity in the arts, will be watching this beautiful ceremony from 180 degrees across the sky and will beam its good wishes to the Sun and New Moon. A New Moon has the power, authority, and obligation to package the relevant energy swirling about in the universe at the time she appears, making it accessible to you by opening the portal of energy for you to use at your discretion. Without the New Moon, little can happen but all eyes will be on her, for she will set the stage for your month, and specifically, lift the curtain on your love life. Venus will be present at this gathering, the planet of love and happiness, her lover, action-hero Mars, along with communicative Mercury.On August 30 in Virgo seven degrees, along with the Sun, you had half of the solar system in your romantic sector. Neptune, the planet of unconditional love, imagination, and creativity in the arts, will be watching this beautiful ceremony from 180 degrees across the sky and will beam its good wishes to the Sun and New Moon. A New Moon has the power, authority, and obligation to package the relevant energy swirling about the universe at this time she appeared, making it assessible to you by opening the portal of energy for you to use at your discretion. Uranus, now in assignment in Taurus, is working to redesign your life and make it much more exciting from now. He is sorry he cannot come. He been in Taurus consistently since March 2019 and will remain there until April 2026. Uranus is the planet of surprise and is nestled in your first house of personality, but feels bad that could not attend the celebration going on with the other little planets who have already arrived your fifth house of truelove and happiness. Uranus will add spice and excitement to your love life, but you need stability for the relationship to last. That’s where Saturn comes in, for Saturn will add precisely those qualities. He doesn’t want to be outdone by Uranus, so Saturn, on assignment in your ninth house of the media, academia, long-distance travel, and international relationships, although border line position to help, too. Saturn will swing into action by sending staunchly supportive beams as his gift to the Sun and Moon. Power days: 1,2,22,30,31. Goal for the month: Be sensitive to the needs and feelings of your loved ones and the people around you. Gemini: What’s Happening for September 2019- May 21 - June 20 In this beautiful month, home and family will be in your heart and on your mind. Last month you had some sparkling aspects for travel and perhaps enjoyed a getaway, but this month, at least at the start, even if you do take a little trip, your heart will be on family and your physical residence or other property you might own or rent.Several cute little planets have been quietly gathering in your solar fourth house of home, including Mercury, your ruler, Venus, and Mars. They were all dressed up and in place in Virgo, waiting for the lovely New Moon to arrive with her partner, the Sun. This dazzling power-couple—the New Moon and Sun—arrived just two days before the start of September on August 30 in Virgo at seven degrees. This is surely one of the finest New Moons of the year, encouraging in every way.Uranus wishes he could have been there, but it would have taken him 25 years to reach Virgo, so that won’t happen. He’s working behind the scenes in your twelfth sector of the subconscious to bring you brilliant ideas, stir your creativity, and encourage your intuition. Uranus, now in Taurus, will work toward preparing you for the day he enters Gemini on April 25, 2026, for a seven-year stay. If Uranus does his job right, you will emerge as the authentic independent individual that you are inside and meant to be, unencumbered by society’s pressures or the expectations of your parents, romantic partner, professors, or friends. Finally, by 2026, you will truly be your own person, unique in every way. This will take Uranus time to develop in you, so Uranus has to stay in Taurus for now. Also, the twelfth house is a house of solitude and creativity, so if you are working on writing a book, screenplay, thesis, or theory, you will be positively brilliant.Since Uranus can’t make the party going on in your home sector this month and is feeling left out, Uranus will send a silvery, electric beam from across the skies to all the little planets living it up in Virgo. Uranus is the planet of surprise, so with this sweet involvement, you will likely receive good news and one or more out-of-the-blue surprises from family or concerning your living quarters.Your ruler Mercury is among the little planets that greeted the New Moon and Sun. A ruling planet is meant to take good care of you, and this month, Mercury will be doing an especially fine job. Additionally, Venus’ position suggests you might want to decorate your home with new furniture, paint a room a new, soft color, redo your kitchen or bathroom, or simply buy new linens.Mars’ involvement with this New Moon suggests your home will be noisy, so you could be entertaining friends and family there. You might have something to celebrate—a cousin going off to college, your sister’s new baby, your This exciting Full Moon on September 13 will light your professional house of honors, awards, and achievements, so watch your career move up another impressive notch…. Pluto will be in a perfect position to the Full Moon, so staunch support from powerful people seems assured, and you could receive a large check.Power days: 7, 8, 28, 29.Goal of the month: Be a cautious spender to make your income go further. Don’t buy things that will wear out quickly or in which you my soon lose interest. Cancer: What’s Happening for September 2019- June 21 - July 22You will love September, as it is a peach of a month, lovely in so many ways.As you enter the month, the magnificent New Moon had just appeared at the end of August in Virgo at seven degrees and will strongly influence the first ten days of September. This lovely new moon, entered on the arm of her partner, the dignified Sun, on August 30.The little planets invited to the party—intelligent Mercury, macho Mars, and beautiful Venus—were already in their places, dressed up, and ready to greet the graceful Moon and celebrate the opening of the portal of opportunity that only she can unlock. That’s the New Moon’s job, and she does her work well.That portal will have you concentrating on projects oriented around communication—writing, editing, speaking, teaching, researching, publicity, marketing, or sales.There is a good chance you will take a short trip, and if so, it will be fantastic. It might come as a surprise from a friend, as Uranus will be sending its strongest golden beams from your eleventh house of friendship to your travel sector. This suggests a friend may invite you to come, and you will be so glad to do so. You might go to a densely wooded forest area in the mountains. Virgo is an earth sign, so that suggests you’d like verdant land. Virgo is also an intellectual sign, so you might opt to attend a fascinating conference to add to your knowledge on a particular subject.Your activities in the first half of September will be enjoyable as you have happiness planet Venus and her lover Mars in your third house of communication, travel, and learning. Venus and Mars are the solar system’s lovebirds and rarely together—usually, they have no choice but to gaze across the skies at one another, for they often have very different assignments that keep them apart.Venus and Mars will spread a shower of celebratory confetti over you, as their placement in Virgo blends beautifully with your Cancer Sun. Venus and Mars won’t be paired again for two years, so they are treasuring their time together now, and you will feel the golden glow they are giving off in your own life this month through travel and communication projects (third house).This would be an ideal month to sign the work order for the app you developed or to start work on your book or website. If you want to develop a podcast, you can—start now. If you are a writer or editor, you will need to be especially careful with the projects on your desk now and not let any errors fall through the cracks. You will also need to keep the writer’s voice intact and not inadvertently change the meaning of the words. If you are in sales, you’ll be extremely busy and will need to be sure you don’t lose a phone number or contact name in the rush and tumble of life. Slow down and be deliberate about preserving bits and pieces of information.If your birthday falls on June 28, plus or minus five days, or you have Cancer rising or the natal Moon in Cancer at seven degrees, you will enjoy this New Moon, as well. The same is true if you have a natal planet in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces at seven degrees, plus or minus five degrees.The Full Moon of September 13, in Pisces at 21 degrees, will urge you to pack your suitcase and head to the airport. This time you will go much farther, possibly to a foreign country, and it seems to be a spot near the water. Alternatively, you may be on your college campus, finishing up your paperwork, buying books and new clothes, and becoming excited about all you’ll learn in the coming months.This Full Moon is conjunct Neptune, which will be inspirational for you if you work in a creative field. If you find instead that you have to discuss budgets and the fine details of a financial matter, you might need to ask for a few more days—don’t let anyone pressure you. Neptune can obscure details, so take your time, and have a lawyer look at the document, too. (This would be no time to try to save money by skipping the services of a lawyer.) If you do have to sign papers, do so on September 19 when Mars and Pluto are in sync, or on September 24, when Mercury and Jupiter will be rooting for you all the way.If your birthday falls on July 12, plus or minus five days, you will enjoy the time at and near the Full Moon of September 13 very much. The same is true if you have Cancer rising or the natal moon in Cancer at 21 degrees.Many Cancers have had problems with a relationship with a partner for one reason or another—your partner is suffering from illness or unemployment, or you aren’t happy together and basically incompatible. Saturn, which rules your marriage/commitment/partnership sector, has been retrograde since April 29 and will go direct September 18.You will have more closure on that relationship now. If your spouse or steady sweetheart has been out of work, he or she will likely secure the job, or if this person has been ill, will start to show signs of recovery. If you hoped to marry but the topic seems to have disappeared, it is likely to come up again now for a formal engagement by the December holidays. On the other hand, if you are trying to divorce but the paperwork and negotiations have lagged, Saturn will speed up the process.Power days: 3,4,5,8,18,28.Goal for the month: Don’t waste time, money, energy, or affection on people who don’t respect you. The sooner you learn this lesson, the happier you will be. Leo: What’s Happening for September 2019 - July 23 - Aug 22In this glorious month, you will be focused very much on finances. Your time will be well spent too, for you are about to see your income climb to new heights thanks to all the good work you’ve been doing in the months leading up to this one.You will have five little planets jumping up and down in your second house of earned income, all happy to be together—Mercury, known for his smarts, Venus, known for her beauty, and Mars, known for his energy. All of them were in place to wait for the appearance of the graceful New Moon, mistress of ceremonies, and entering on the arm of her partner, the Sun, and looking his dignified best as Leo’s ruling star. All the little planets had this celebration in the constellation of Virgo at seven degrees, and this occurred two days before the start of September, August 30, but will color your first ten days of the month.When the New Moon arrived right before the onset of September, August 30, surrounded by these many loving planets, she opened the financial portal you needed to see better pay. This is the part of your chart that rules earned income, not money won or given to you, and that’s fine—it feels good to see the reward of more pay. Everything is in place—now you need to speak up for the raise you feel is fair, or if you have been interviewing for a new job or promotion, to ask for the amount that you feel you are due. Be brave—you have half the solar system behind you.This is the very best point in the year to ask for a raise in all of 2019, so by all means, use this New Moon period now or lose its energy. If you are self-employed, you can gently test raising your rates. Business should be surprisingly brisk from now on, especially in the first half of this month. It would be a good idea to advertise, launch a publicity campaign, or promote on social media.Uranus is the planet who wishes most to come to the party happening over in the Virgo constellation, but he can’t attend—it would take 25 years for him to arrive there, so that’s not an option. Almost miraculously, however, Uranus will be in the perfect position—at the highest point in your chart, your prestigious solar tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievements—to send a?golden?beam of surprise directly to this crowd of planets.Your financial dealings and negotiations will be finished by September 13 and the Full Moon in Pisces at 21 degrees. This Full Moon will fall in the house of other people’s money—your bank, credit card company, student loans, taxes, insurance, and also prize winnings, bonuses, and commissions relate to that house. It is the place in the chart that refers to money that comes to you from sources other than from your paycheck. It is money that you are obligated to pay out but also money that possibly comes unexpectedly. In fact, at the September 13 Full Moon, you might win a small prize from a charity raffle or scratch-off lotto ticket. Bet it on the Full Moon—September 13.Lots of reasons to travel will come up for you after the New Moon of September 28, in Libra at five degrees. All the little planets that were partying in Virgo earlier in the month won’t want to leave one another just yet—it’s been too much fun—so they will all simply form a little parade and march right into Libra, your third house of travel and communication. You will have the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, and Venus—and within a few days, on October 3, Mars will be there, too. This will be a great time to take off and drive into the countryside for a romantic trip with your one and only.Power days: 3,4,6,18,19,24,28. Goal for the month: Make your home and personal life reflect your creativity and special interests.Virgo: What’s Happening for September 2019- Aug 23 - Sept 22“HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGO’S” SO LUCKY TO HAVE SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, MARS WITH A NEW MOON IN VIRGO!! It’s birthday time, and you have come into your own, dear Virgo. This month will be so spectacular that even you, a modest soul, may be celebrating all night, every night, when you see your good fortune tumble toward you.I feel what you are about to experience in September comes along once in a lifetime, so I want you to take advantage of every glittering opportunity that September will offer. I will give you lots of detail why I say this.The month begins with sparkling aspects. On September 1, Mercury and Uranus will be cooking up some happy circumstances while you are on a trip, or if you are heading back to the university, on campus. The fact that Mercury is your ruler is important because it means that Mercury, more than any other planet, holds influence in your chart. Sunday, September 1 will form part of Labor Day weekend in the US, a popular holiday to travel for a long weekend, so if you find you will be on the road, the spontaneity of the day may catch you by surprise and leave you as happy as a little puppy in clover.The big headline news is that five little heavenly bodies will be lined up in Virgo from the very minute you enter September, and all are very excited to see you. The magnificent New Moon, along with her loving partner, the Sun, is hosting a party for you, and the guests are quite a celebrity group. They include stunningly beautiful, red-carpet-ready Venus, her lover, macho warrior and energy planet Mars, and your ruling planet, smart, talkative, witty Mercury. In anticipation of the New Moon’s party, they have been practicing singing “Happy Birthday” to you, and they are so enthusiastic, you will laugh when you see the joy and passion these little planets will display for you at the festivities in those first ten days of September. They dearly want to see you happy, and it shows.The New Moon arrived two days before the start of this month on August 30, in Virgo at seven degrees. I am so excited about this particular New Moon because there is an entire crowd of planets—this is called a crown of stars—in Virgo, your first house of personality, that will give you rare control over events. ?What does it mean, you might ask, to have control over events? It means when you present an idea—to your boss, your steady sweetheart or spouse, your sister, your client, or whomever you happen to present your idea—you are likely to hear an affirmative “yes.” You have an enormous edge this month. You usually have to defend your proposals, but now you are being carried along by a wave, bringing you exactly where you want to be. You are in a superb position to attract love too, without doing anything special other than looking your best and having a welcoming smile as you always do.Uranus, the planet of surprise now in Taurus (another earth sign just like yours—that’s significant), will throw a huge, harmonious bolt of shimmering energy to all the little planets lined up in Virgo that will affect you in the first ten days of September. This means Uranus will bring a shot of surprise to various parts of your life, not just one—career, money, social events, romance, even how you view yourself—and you’ll see yourself in a more confident light. (Even if you were confident before, you will feel more so after this month is over.) Do you know how lucky you are?Saturn, watching all this going on from his vantage point in your fifth house of truelove, will want to contribute a birthday gift to you too, as he watches the wild and wonderful birthday party going on in your first house of personality. Saturn is a bit borderline in terms of his position in the sky but close enough to send a comforting, stabilizing beam to the Sun, new moon, Mars, and Venus. After, all, Saturn is not going to let Uranus steal all the thunder—Saturn has mighty fine gifts to send you in early September, too.If your birthday falls on September 13, plus or minus five days, you will feel this Full Moon most personally. The same is true if you have Virgo rising at 21 degrees or your natal moon at that degree, plus or minus five degrees. It might be a very exciting time for you. Also, if you have a natal planet within five degrees of 21 degrees in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you, too, will have something to celebrate.Saturn rules your fifth house of truelove and has been retrograde since April 29, but will go direct on September 18. If you have been hesitant about whether to marry or have a baby (the fifth house covers both), Saturn’s move to direct will take you out of limbo and ready to make a firm decision.Power days: 3, 8, 12, 18, 19, 23, 25. Goal for the month: Stay focused on specific goal. Don’t scatter your energy. Libra: What’s Happening for September 2019- Sept 23 - Oct 22 The most important events that will happen to you this month will be the musings and insights that spring from within you. Let the world drop away a little, and harbor thoughts inside. Ancient astrologers wrote about the need to plan your New birthday year so that it would have a better chance of fulfilling your dreams. Take some of the quiet time you will have this month to plan what you’d like to happen by this time next year. With half the solar system in your twelfth house—your ruler Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Sun, and New Moon of August 30—you will be far more intuitive and instinctual than usual. You are an analytical air sign, so you might tend to overthink things sometimes. By quieting down, you will get in touch with your inner voice. If you do, it will tell you what you need to do.When the twelfth house is so strongly accented, as it is now for you, it is a time of enormous creativity. The remarkable part about this New Moon is that Uranus is perfectly positioned to shower you with several happy surprises. One of them is how prescient you will be—friends will be amazed. You may want to spend the first three weeks of September alone, tinkering with a creative artistic or literary project that requires concentration on your part. You can alternatively work on your thesis or opening or closing remarks for the courtroom, as some examples. Preparation leads to success, and never more than now.If you feel a need to see a professional to talk over a troubling problem, this month would be the perfect time to do it. Start as early in the month as possible to capture the beautiful energy of the twelfth house New Moon that first appeared two days before the start of September on August 30, in Virgo at seven degrees.The twelfth house also rules places of healing and confinement, such as rehab centers, hospitals, physical therapy facilities, post-operative recovery centers, nursing homes, and so forth. You might be mixing with medical personnel this month whether to consult a specialist to help you with your mind, body, or spirit, or to support a close friend or relative who needs some of your good cheer and encouragement while they get well. With the Sun in perfect angle to Saturn on September 6, the outcome of the treatment would be positive and long-lasting.The Full Moon will arrive on September 13, in Pisces at 21 degrees, and will accent your health as well, this time not from your twelfth house of rest and seclusion but from your sixth house of preventative health measures you take. The sixth house also rules your work projects, and a Full Moon brings things to conclusion, so maybe a cold or other illness is finishing up, you will go to get your flu shot, or maybe your tour of physical therapy is over. Pluto will be beautifully oriented toward that Full Moon, September 13 (plus or minus four days), so you’ll be able to access Pluto’s awesome transformative, rejuvenating powers.The Sun and Full Moon will be sweetly positioned to Saturn and Pluto on September 13, so you could find the treatment your doctor gives you likely to be favorable, but be careful anyway with the drugs you take. Also, September 13 is a Friday, so find out if your doctor is covered over the weekend, should have any problems or questions.The most important and exciting part of the month will occur on September 28, the New Moon in Libra. At the start of the month, you had a crown of stars—five in all—in your twelfth house of privacy. They were there to celebrate Virgo’s birthday, and while there, were energizing things for you that you were keeping private—perhaps a confidential project.These little planets have been having fun, and they won’t want to break up and go home when the Sun tells them he’s moving on to Libra. Venus will suggest that everyone follow the Sun and continue the party there, in Libra. With everyone already in their party best and still quite energetic, these little planets will march parade-like straight into your first house to start?your?official party on September 28. Wonderful!By September 28, you’ll have Venus, your ruler, in Libra and Mercury too, along with the Sun and New Moon. Once the majestic New Moon arrives and throws open the heavy wooden doors to a new portal, life will change for you, and the pace will pick up.Power days: 1,3,8.13,18,19,26.Goal for the month: Bring more fun into your life. Scorpio: What’s Happening for September 2019- Oct 23 - Nov 21As you begin September, a little gang of five heavenly bodies had already moved into your eleventh house of friendships, clubs, groups, and social activity. Venus, Mercury, and Mars were all dressed up, waiting for the magnificent New Moon to arrive on the arm of her partner, the dignified Sun. This happened on August 30, with the Moon appearing in Virgo, seven degrees. That New Moon is starting to influence you in the best way, for it will coax you to open up to new people, establish acquaintances, and possibly make a new like-minded friend or two.A New Moon is not active for only a day but rather for two weeks or so and, depending on what you do during that time, has the power to affect your life for a year, longer, or possibly forever. Each month, the graceful New Moon opens a portal of energy that offers you new opportunities that can make life brighter and more interesting.This New Moon lit your eleventh house of friendship and social groups, and that is where all the action will be focused in the first half of September. Your friends and new acquaintances will likely have a strong role to play in your life now, for friends and even casual contacts will offer you benefits you can’t quite imagine at the onset. You may be invited to a cocktail or dinner party, banquet, fundraiser, industry event, or other gathering that you will be excited to attend.Neptune, planet of compassion, will work well with this new moon, so you may become involved with a charity fundraiser that is quite heavenly, beautifully appointed with sumptuous foods, delicious wines, fragrant flowers, and possibly delightful music and populated by interesting, successful types who will inspire you to go after a dream.The Full Moon, September 13, will appear in Pisces, your fifth house of truelove, at 21 degrees. If you are dating seriously, this remarkably tender Full Moon is likely to bring your relationship to an advanced stage and create greater closeness with your partner. If you are not dating, you could meet someone new who will stay in your life a long time. A Full Moon as sparkling as this one is as rare as diamonds.All the little planets who are so excited to coax you out of the house are in Virgo, an earth sign that blends beautifully with your water-sign Scorpio Sun. Uranus was hoping to enjoy the party but ditched that idea when he realized that, due to his slow, natural orbit, it would take him 25 years to travel to the constellation of Virgo from his perch in Taurus. Instead, Uranus decided to shoot one of his beautiful brilliant beams—a bolt of energy so dazzling it looked like a radiant white firecracker streaking across the sky at the speed of light—to reach the little partying planets in Virgo.Uranus specializes in surprises, so with Uranus in sync with those cute Virgo planets, you will likely be showered with several happy surprises, too—Uranus’ gift to you. Remarkably, Uranus is in the perfect position to make this New Moon scintillating, the reason I am so excited for you. Your friends, community, constituency, clubs you belong, or group events you attend—any and all could have a part to play this month in your personal growth and in your discovery of opportunity.The Full Moon, September 13, is about to bring you more romantic happiness. It will appear in Pisces, your fifth house of truelove, at 21 degrees. If you are dating seriously, this remarkably tender Full Moon is likely to bring your relationship to an advanced stage and create greater closeness with your partner. If you are not dating, you could meet someone new who will stay in your life a long time. A Full Moon as sparkling as this one is as rare as diamonds.Neptune, planet of unconditional love, will conjoin that Full Moon, so do your best to keep your feet on the ground. Neptune presents a dream, but in the rush of the moment and flush of love, go slowly so that you can see if the dream is real. I feel we all need that dream of love to be inspired by it. Fortunately, as a Scorpio, you are perceptive and not easily carried away. I want you to enjoy this Full Moon for it’s sure to be wrapped in beauty and tenderness. Just strive to be a bit realistic.Your ruler Pluto will be in an ideal position on September 13 to beam his rays to the Sun, Full Moon, Venus, and Mercury, so you may receive a cornucopia of goodies from Pluto. You may feel transformed by love and also by seeing how dearly your friends care about you and want the best for you. A friend may recommend you for a job or give you some insightful advice. You may see a bonus, generous commission, or other large check, for Mercury rules your financial eighth house, and Pluto, a financial planet in his own right, will work together with Mercury mid-month to see you do well on that score. As you approach the end of September, you will be winding down your whirlwind of social activity and may feel tuckered out. Use this period to rest, as the New Moon of September 28, plus two weeks, will initiate a quiet time for you, time that will allow you to muse about your birthday year to come. What would you like to accomplish by this time next year, dear Scorpio?Power days: 3,8,13,18,25.Goal for the month: Learn a new skill that will be useful in your work business life. A second language or a new computer program may be helpful. Sagittarius: What’s Happening for September 2019- Nov 22 - Dec 21September will be so special for you that it may seem like a dream. Thanks to a confluence of five happy little heavenly bodies that have congregated to the top of your horoscope in your solar tenth house of professional honors, awards, and achievements, you are about to see the lucky career break you’ve long worked toward and prayed to see. All those darling planets—Mercury (communication), Venus (happiness), and Mars (determination) were first to arrive in your career house late last month, awaiting the appearance of the graceful New Moon, who arrived on August 30, just two days prior to the start of September on the arm of her dignified partner, the mighty Sun. The little planets stood up in respect and watched as the New Moon flung open the doors to a new portal that would boost your professional life.This means that as you start September, the stage is set. Moreover, what makes this New Moon?so?exciting is that Uranus, planet of unanticipated events, will send a gorgeous, glittering silver thunderbolt over to these five heavenly bodies gathered in your prestigious career house. Uranus will do this from his perch in your solar sixth house of workaday projects, so the assignments you are currently working on or have finished recently will bring applause and praise and become a big part of why you will rise now in your career. You have proven you can handle more, and this month you will get more.The New Moon of August 30, operative at September’s start, plus ten days, will give you your best shot at a new professional role that you have seen all year—perhaps the best you’ve seen over the past three years. Uranus will be involved, so you won’t see your lucky break coming, but when it does, it will arrive with a brilliant, thunderous bolt, and you’ll be speechless at your good fortune.The New Moon of August 30, operative in September’s start … will give you your best shot at a new professional role that you have seen all year—perhaps the best you’ve seen over the past three years. Uranus will be involved, so you won’t see your lucky break coming, but when it does, it will arrive with a brilliant, thunderous bolt, and you’ll be speechless at your good fortune.Keep in mind that Mercury will retrograde next month on October 31 through November 20. Mars, which is providing such a push to your career now will leave your career sector October 3. You will start to see the slowdown to career matters as early as October 17, so as you see, you won’t have the momentum in your career that you will have in September. This behooves you to launch new products and services now, to hop to get interviews, and to sign contracts in September (especially on September 24 when Jupiter will send benefic beams to Mercury).The five planets in your prestigious tenth house are all lined up very close together in mathematical degree, all in perfect position to receive Uranus’ electric beams. That means like firecrackers in a box, each one will go off and affect a different part of your life. Astrologers call a congregation of aligned planets in close degree a crown of stars, and these “stars” are twinkling brilliantly at the very highest point in your chart. It’s extraordinary that Uranus is in the ideal place to reach all those planets and to help you see thrilling career news.This Full Moon comes arm-in-arm with Neptune, so you might have a problem with water at this time—flooding, a leak, mold, or other difficulty. This might be an ongoing problem—Neptune won’t leave your home sector until April 2026. (It may help to know that after Neptune leaves, you will never have him return to your home sector again—Neptune takes 169 years to revolve around the Sun.)There is a flip side to Neptune in the fourth house of home, for Neptune can be amazingly inspirational, especially when it comes to designing or finding the proper furnishings and décor. Neptune can bring great creative energies to all that it touches as it is the planet of the arts. Use this positive side of Neptune to daydream about improvements you would like to make to your apartment or house, for at the Full Moon you could get closer to your dream results.Pluto will be nicely aligned with this Full Moon too, so if you need money to begin your home-related plan, it will be there for you. Bankers will hold the door open for you now, a good time to apply for a loan, mortgage, or line of credit.Enjoy this month, dear Sagittarius. Rarely will you be able to make progress like you will this month, and by the end feel proud of all you accomplished in all areas of your life.Power days: 3,6,18,19,24,28.Goal for the month: Let your home reflect your impressive personality and special interests!Capricorn: What’s Happening for September 2019- Dec 22 - Jan 19 September will be full of superb opportunities to travel, whether far and wide or comfortingly close. You will see the emphasis on travel throughout the month.You have been under considerable pressure lately because your ruling planet Saturn is in Capricorn. Saturn is known for his tough-love method of tutoring, so none of his tasks are easy. You could use an awe-inspiring trip to take you away from everyday cares and open your mind and heart to new experiences and the beauty of a new culture.You currently have Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Sun, and New Moon in Virgo, all within a few mathematical degrees of each other—this special lineup, known as a crown of stars by astrologers, just happens to be twinkling in your ninth house of long journeys. With more than half of the planets in earth signs like yours—the Sun, New Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto—you have nearly the entire solar system supporting you this month. Neptune is not in an earth sign but is in Pisces, a water sign that is divinely compatible with yours. You are looking at an amazingly happy month, especially during the first three weeks.What makes the lineup of these happy little planets so extraordinary is that Uranus, based in your solar fifth house of truelove, will be delivering his electrifying beams to all the planets in your ninth house. This adds up to a highly romantic New Moon, and depending on what you do in the ten days following the New Moon of August 30, this joyous vibration will be strong enough to follow you all year and keep paying you happy dividends.This means your month will be filled with surprises on so many levels and areas of your life because each of the planets is the landlord of a different house of your chart.You may not know you are about to go on an exciting, romantic trip with your sweetheart or spouse, for example, and suddenly a ticket appears—and off you go. Acting on the spur of the moment would be a very good idea this month, and while you are not known to be a spontaneous soul, you like to thoroughly prepare, you might give this a try in September. This month, travel would bring you memorable, jewel-like experiences that you would love.Saturn will turn direct on September 18, which is good news for everyone, especially you. Saturn is your ruling planet, so when Saturn moves forward after having been retrograde since April 29, your dearest projects will then have the green light to move ahead.Your career will light up again in a big, substantial way later, near the month’s end at the New Moon in Libra at five degrees on September 28. That New Moon will host another party with her entourage of all the little planets that were lighting up your ninth house at the start of the month and arrive with her partner, the Sun, now in your prestigious tenth house of professional advancement. Those little planets are so funny—they have reveled in the mood of being together, and now don’t want to leave and go home. So, the entire group will go over to your solar tenth house of career success. (Mars will straggle a little and arrive late, October 3.)Power days: 1,3,6,8,13,18,19,27.Goal for the month: Your strength, courage, and integrity make you an excellent leader. Consider taking a more active role in your family, community, profession, or social group. Aquarius: What’s Happening for September 2019- Jan 20 - Feb 18Your accountant keeps telling you that early September could be the perfect time to do some savvy year-end tax planning, and being an intellectual air sign, you tend not to care particularly about financial planning as a primary activity, but this month you seem receptive to the idea.In this magical month, the New Moon in Virgo at seven degrees already arrived on August 30 and will color the first ten days of September. With the graceful New Moon came her entourage, including the moon’s partner, the Sun, along with Venus, Mars, and Mercury, all crowded into your eighth house of others people’s money.This house doesn’t cover salary but rather outside money that comes to you, say, through a court settlement, insurance payout, scholarship or financial aid, venture capital, bank loan, mortgage, or credit, as some examples. This will be a sensational time for your finances, so much so you may feel you are living a dream.The eighth house, so lit up for you, also rules commissions, royalties, licensing fees, severance, prize winnings, inheritances, or tax refunds. This house also rules money you are obligated to pay, such as to your credit card company, a club or gym membership, student loan, annual insurance payment, and so forth. It looks like this month the income that arrives will generously outweigh the money you will need to pay out.If you are interviewing for a new job, it looks like you will discuss company benefits, such as a health insurance policy, profit sharing, vacation time, and other perks, like being able to work one day a week from home to cut down on commuting time, among other goodies your new employer may present. Your timing could not be better to discuss these matters, for it appears the offer will be generous.Your ruler Uranus, now in Taurus, will beam his powerful, silvery electric rays to all the five planets in your eighth house, Virgo, so you can expect many happy financial surprises. It is rare to see This is a crown of stars, all grouped within a few degrees of each other, the reason that Uranus can reach all of them at once. The fact that Uranus is your ruler gives this planet extra weight, dimension, and importance. Everyone will enjoy this configuration during late August and early September, but you will enjoy it more than most.Uranus’ current base is your home and family sector, so that is one of the main areas where money news might be luckiest for you. This means if you hope to buy a house, you are likely to be very lucky and may win approval for a very attractive low-interest mortgage. If you are buying property, you are likely to see luck by finding an ideal space at a bargain price—it would be a price that surprises you in the best sense. If you are selling property, you may have several interested buyers, and one could offer more than your asking price. You might be the recipient of a large inheritance that a distant relative left for you in her (or his) will.Not only is Uranus beautifully boosting the strength of the New Moon, but so is Saturn. Saturn is the planet of stability and structure, so you might set up a workable plan to pay off a student loan or even have help from family to pay part of it. (This is an unusual month, so stay with me on this.)Now let’s talk about the Full Moon on September 13 in Pisces at 21 degrees, which will bring financial matters to a conclusion. This Full Moon will be supported in tight degree by the financial planet Pluto, which suggests you might conclude talks or an application that brings you a very large one-time bundle of money, or where you may receive a considerable raise in salary. Pluto is associated with banks, the government, and global, multinational deals, so for example, you may receive an infusion of venture capital at this full moon or benefit from a government program, such as a program for veterans or those who run small businesses and need a loan.Saturn has been in retrograde since April 29 but will go direct on September 18. If you feel certain parts of your life have been in limbo, this is good news, for Saturn will noticeably create momentum after Saturn moves forward. When planets move from retrograde to direct, they all seem to temporarily stop and hang like a lantern in space as they press on their internal engines to go in the opposite direction.In astrology, these stationary periods I just described are a?very?potent time and one that will provide a major clue to what comes next. Usually, the clue will be delivered very close to the day the planet—in this case, Saturn—turns direct. That would be September 18, but it could come as early as September 8 or as late as September 28.Power days: 1,6,8,19,20,25.3, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26.Goal for the month: Create a ritual that can become a tradition in your family, such as using a special cake plate for a person on his birthday. Pisces: What’s Happening for September 2019- - Feb 19 - March 20 There is something completely different about September that won’t be repeated any time soon, so I hope you can take full advantage of all the sweet aspects I see.As the month opens, a group of little planets will have already gathered in your solar seventh house of partnerships. This part of your chart rules marriage and business alliances—any relationship based on a formal contract, and marriage is a big one. In attendance is Mercury, along with the two cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars.Remarkably, Uranus will be in an ideal position to beam his gifts of unexpected happy news to the three little planets—plus the Sun and New Moon—all at once, because those little planets are orbiting close, almost shoulder to shoulder. Once each planet receives Uranus’ beam, which technically happened on August 30 and still is very active, each planet can deliver happy news to you.By Uranus sending a beam to the New Moon, your creativity is now activated. Venus will work to see you receive your chance to be part of an exciting communications-oriented project. Mercury will help you find the right middleman to bring you to the opportunity, or if you have an agent or another intermediary, Mercury will encourage that person to work with a renewed passion for you. Both Venus and Mars are collaborating to see you are also well-paid. You’ll find it’s a very promising month!At the same time, Saturn, watching Uranus working with all the little planets, will want to send you his gifts of stability and security and provide you a way to build a secure structure to protect a current or planned project. Remarkably, Saturn will be in a position to reach the New Moon, Sun, Venus, and Mars. Saturn rules older people, so you may have a mentor or experienced VIP watching over your progress who will step in to help if you should ever need it.Venus and Mars are in your partnership house now, which is a rare event. Venus longs to be with Mars, but they are seldom together because they’re usually in different parts of the sky on various assignments. Last month, on August 24, Venus and Mars at last conjoined in Virgo, and for you, they met in a beautiful part of your chart—your solar seventh house of marriage—in a lovely vibration. That conjunction added a dazzling, sexy spark between you and your current romantic partner. Alternatively, or additionally, Venus and Mars added warmth and smoothness to a business relationship if you have one, suggesting your collaboration will be strong and successful now and into the future.The Full Moon of September 13 will be important to you, for it will fall in Pisces, lighting your first house of personality. It is set to bring an exciting conclusion to something dear to you. Pluto will align beautifully to that Full Moon, so it looks like a powerful, influential friend will have a hand in whatever happy news or event occurs.In terms of love, whether you are married or dating seriously, you will still feel the darling effects of Venus and Mars, for both planets are moving slowly apart yet are still within mathematical tolerance to help. Venus and Mars seem too happy together to want to separate, and they will impart that feeling to you regarding your partner if you have one. Mercury, which rules your partnership house, was also in attendance and was in a position to underscore just how important partnerships are for you this month.These little planets were all in place when the New Moon arrived August 30, on the arm of her partner, the Sun. When the New Moon arrives each month, it marks an important moment, so the little planets crowded around this dignified pair and watched the New Moon as she opened the portal to new opportunities. Those opportunities are always related to the part of the chart where the New Moon appears.This month, the new influence has to do with powerful and completely unexpected benefits from marriage and serious business partnerships and collaborations. Depending on what seeds you put in place this month related to this area of your life, this New Moon has the power to encourage a close, prosperous relationship with your partner throughout the coming year and very possibly beyond.What is so extraordinary about this New Moon is that Uranus, based in compatible Taurus, in your third house of writing, speaking, editing, and other communication arts, will send a powerful, sparkly electric beam to all the little heavenly bodies in your partnership house. Uranus is the planet that delivers surprises, and when in lovely alignment to other planets, will bring several thrilling breakthroughs.To see the full potential of this extraordinary month professionally, you will need a middleman to help you—a headhunter, job broker, agent or manager, publicist, lawyer, or other intermediary partner or representative—for that person will link you to a glowing, lucrative opportunity. He or she will be worth their weight in gold now, for this person believes in you, will work hard for you, and will deliver on promises.You have Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Sun, and New Moon on your side, all in Virgo, so when you are in meetings, the accuracy of details will matter a great deal this month, something to keep in mind when drawing up estimates. Additionally, with eight out of ten planets circulating in the heavens in earth signs, your approach must be realistic and practical if you are to impress a prospective client.Mars in your seventh house suggests that you won’t have total control over events, so you will have to trust your partner, in love or business, for that person seems to know best how to proceed. Don’t try to take over at any point in the process as you move forward, for your chart suggests your partner is trustworthy and that this person will be golden for you. Your champion could be your marriage partner, steady date in love, or your agent who has worked with you for a time, and who understands your needs and is ready to passionately protect them.If your birthday falls on February 26, plus or minus five days, this gorgeous New Moon of August 30, will strongly influence the course of events during the first ten days of September. That person will help you and bring a plethora of surprises. If you have either Pisces rising or the natal moon in Pisces at seven degrees, plus or minus five degrees, you will also benefit in a big way. If you have a natal planet in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at seven degrees, plus or minus five degrees, you will see that planet light up joyfully—take notes.Now let’s turn to other important dates that will happen in September.Saturn has been retrograding in your eleventh house of friendship and groups since April 29 and will turn direct on September 18. If you feel your friends have not been available to you or not supportive enough, you may see a welcome change after Saturn goes direct. If you moved to a new city and you have been consumed with the move and with the adjustment to your new job, you likely have had too little time to socialize or make new friends. That now changes, and life will become better, smoother, and more fun, and if you are open to meeting people, new friends will begin to populate your life.Whenever a big planet like Saturn goes from retrograde to direct, for days the planet seems not to move. That planet is preparing to do its U-turn and move in the opposite, forward direction again. These stationary periods are considered very potent, so watch that stationary period from September 8 to September 28 when that planet will reveal a clue of what is to come next.Power Days: 3,8,13,19,23,28.Goal for the month: Set firm boundaries to prevent people from taking advantage of you. I WILLINGLY RELEASE THE PAST * IT IS SAFE FOR ME TO LET GO * I AM FILLED WITH LOVING KINDNESS*Pray, Love and Many Blessings, Rhonda520.320.7718 OFFICE520.975.5512 CELL/TEXTEmail: starlady77@ --- or--- rhondaharford@ ................

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