

1) Who found the Rosetta stone?

2) When was the Rosetta stone found?

3) What languages were on the Rosetta stone?

4) What were the two types of Egyptian found on the stone?

5) How did the discovery of the interpretation of hieroglyphs come about? Who discovered it?

6) Cush is actually the same as what country?

7) Which Pharaoh lived as a contemporary with Hezekiah around 690 BC? Where in the Bible is he mentioned? In what dynasty did this Pharaoh reign?

8) According to archaeology, what did Esharhaddon do to the Pharaoh in question number 7? Where was it prophesied that this would happen?

9) Which Pharaoh reigned in the 26th dynasty about 588-569 BC?

10) We see that the Pharaoh in question 9 was strangled to death. Where in the Bible was his fate predicted?

11) In what year did the last prince of Egypt reign? Where in the Bible was this predicted?

12) Who came in and conquered Egypt for good? In what year?

13) Who was the last prince of Egypt?

14) What is the average of the suspected date for the beginning of the Pharaohs?

15) If the exodus was in 1445 BC what is the generally accepted dynasty in power? What is the capital of Egypt during this dynasty? Where is this capital city located?

16) What does the Bible suggest was the capital city at the time of the Exodus?

17) What is the problem with the location of the 18th dynasty capital city?

18) Who was the Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty?

19) What is the traditionally accepted date of the 12th dynasty? Which Biblical character would have been alive at that time?

20) How many total Egyptian dynasties were there?

21) Who recorded all the Egyptian dynasties? When did he live?

22) What books do we have from this famous Egyptologist?

23) What is unrealistic about having one pharaoh rule in Egypt at a time? How was this problem solved?

24) What is the TIP?

25) What two solutions shorten the timeframe of the 31 Egyptian dynasties to bring the Exodus only about 200 years into the 12th dynasty?

26) In what dynasty and in what order of that dynasty did Sesostris I rule? What Biblical event probably took place during his reign?

27) During the 12th dynasty we read, “When he also held the office of chief treasurer, as did the powerful vizier Mentuhotep under Sesostris I, the account which he could give of himself. . . Read like the declaration of the king’s power” History of Egypt, Breasted, Page 166. Who might Mentuhotep be?

28) What canal was built in the 12th dynasty?

29) What is significant about the tomb of Ameni? What dynasty was in power when he was alive?

30) Which Pharaoh may have enslaved the Israelites?

31) Which Pharaoh may have been the one who tried to kill Moses? Who was this Pharaoh’s father?

32) What were the pyramids like during the time of Amenemhet 3?

33) What town did Petrie excavate? What did the people of this town do?

34) What was found in the homes of the above city?

35) Who was Amenemhet 3rd’s daughter? What is significant about her?

36) Who is Hapi?

37) Who is Khasekemre Neferhotep I? Of what dynasty did he rule? Of what Biblical importance would he have?

38) What do we find in the Egyptian records of significance during the time of Khasekemre Neferhotep I?

39) Why might the people of Kahun left their tools behind?

40) Why might the Hyksos been able to conquer Egypt without waging a war?



1) Napolean’s men

2) 1799

3) Egyptian and Greek (2 types of Egyptian)

4) Hieroglyphs and Demotic

5) They compared the known Greek language to the hieroglyphs in 1822. Champollion.

6) Ethiopea

7) Tirhakka. 2 Kings 19:8-9. 25th dynasty.

8) Put hooks in his jaw. Ezekiel 29:2-4

9) Hophra

10) Jer 44:30

11) 341 BC Ezek 30:13.

12) Alexander the Great. 332 BC

13) Nactenebo I

14) 3100 BC

15) 18th dynasty. Luxor. 1800 km south of delta.

16) Memphis

17) How can Moses go back and forth 1800 km to talk to Pharaoh.

18) Ramses.

19) 1650 BC. Time of Joseph.

20) 31

21) Manetho 323-245 BC

22) We don’t have any of his actual writings, only those from others who quoted him.

23) Nile was 1000 km long. One king can’t keep track of that much area so many of the recorded pharaohs reigned contemporary.

24) Third Intermediate Period that didn’t really exist.

25) Kings reigning contemporary and ridding the TIP.

26) 2nd king of the 12th dynasty. Joseph became prime minister of Egypt.

27) Joseph.

28) Bar Yusuf or Joseph’s canal.

29) It was written on his tomb that during his time he stored up and provided food to save the country. Sounds like during the time of Joseph. Alive in the 12th dynasty.

30) Sesostris 3

31) Amenemhet 3, son of Sesostris 3.

32) Bricks with straw mixed in.

33) Kahun. Built Pyramids.

34) Boxes with babies in them.

35) Sobekneferu. She had no children of her own and could have been the woman who found Moses among the reeds.

36) Fertility god of the Nile.

37) Pharaoh of the 13th dynasty who refused to let Israel go.

38) Of plagues, rivers turning to blood, crops being destroyed.

39) The left quickly in the Exodus.

40) Egyptian army was in the bottom of the Red Sea.



1) Rom 10:17-18 “Consequently, _________ comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the _________ of ___________. But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did: ‘Their ________ has gone out into all the earth, their __________ to the ends of the world.’”

2) “The ____________ declare the glory of God; the ________ ___________ the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth ___________; night after night they display _______________. There is no speech or language where their voice is not ___________.Their ____________ goes out into all the earth, their _________ to the ends of the world.” Psalm 19:1-4

3) He is the Maker of the _________ and ________, the ____________ and the constellations of the south. Job 9:9

4) Lift your _________ and ________ to the ____________: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and ________ them each by ________. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not ______ of them is _____________. Isaiah 40:26

5) Why did God create the stars?

6) "He did away with the _________ priests appointed. . .to burn incense on the high places. . to the ________________ and to all the ___________ ________.".those who burned incense to Baal, to the _____ and _______ (2 Kings 23:5)

7) "All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your __________ come forward, those stargazers who make ____________ month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you." (Isaiah 47:13).

8) What is the difference between astrology and astronomy?

9) In what verse does Paul quote a poem by Aratus.

10) How did the wisemen know that the star in the sky meant Jesus was born?

11) What is the Zodiac?

12) How can we divide the zodiac into books? Where do we begin and why?

13) Each “book” can be divided. Explain what each means in order. Example: The first constellation in each book identifies the person.

14) What does the name of the brightest star in Virgo mean? Name four Bible verses where the same word is used.

15) What does the 2nd brightest star in Virgo mean?

16) Who does Virgo represent? Who is the Branch?

17) “Lowborn men are but a breath, the highborn are but a lie; if __________ on a ___________, they are nothing; together they are only a breath.” (Psalm 62:9). What does this verse have to do with Libra?

18) What does the name of the Beta star of Libra mean? What does this represent?

19) Who does Scorpio represent?

20) Who stands on top of Scorpio? Who does this represent?

21) What is in the arms of Ophiucus and why?

22) Who is Sagittarius shooting with his bow? What does this represent?

23) “Gird your sword upon your side, O mighty one; clothe yourself with __________ and ____________. In your majesty _______ forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your ________ hand display awesome deeds. Let your sharp _________ pierce the hearts of the king's ___________; let the nations fall beneath your feet.” (Psalm 45:3-5)

24) Fill in a short description of the prophecy of each constellation in the first book. Virgo _______________________________________________________

Libra _______________________________________________________

Scorpio _____________________________________________________

Sagittarius ___________________________________________________

25) Centaurus is effectively doing the same thing as which constellation just seen in the Zodiac?

26) Give the meaning of three star names in the constellation of Centaurus.

27) “He was ____________and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was ___________, and we esteemed him not.” (Isaiah 53:3)

28) "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who ____, and who _______, and who is to _______, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)

29) What event does Bootes represent?

30) “Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, ‘Take your _________ and _________, because the time to reap has come, for the _________ of the earth is ripe.’ So he who was seated on the cloud swung his ___________ over the earth, and the earth was harvested.” (Revelation 14:15)

31) Give the meanings of two star names in Draco.

32) “The great ____________ was __________ down--that ancient __________ called the _________, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the ___________ and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his _________. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been ____________ __________.” (Revelation 12:9-10)

33) Who does Capricorn represent? What is His purpose?

34) What does the waters of Aquarius represent?

35) Who receives the water being poured out by Aquarius? Who do they represent?

36) “And afterward, I will _______ out my ________ on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28)

37) Give the meaning of two names for the constellation of Pisces.

38) Why does Pisces later appear as one fish rather than two?

39) “I am going to take the stick of Joseph--which is in __________ hand--and of the ___________ tribes associated with him, and join it to _________ stick, making them a __________ stick of wood, and they will become one in my hand.. . .I will __________ them from all around and bring them back into their own land. I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be _______ nations or be divided into two kingdoms.’” (Ezekiel 37:19-22)

40) What is Aries doing to the band that binds Pisces? Why?

41) Which constellation is holding the bands that bind the fish? Who does this represent?

42) Which constellation was up when Christ died on the cross?

43) “In a loud voice they sang: ‘Worthy is the _________, who was _______, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and ___________!’” (Revelation 5:12)

44) Fill in a short description of the prophecy of each constellation in the second book. Capricorn______________________________________________________

Aquarius _______________________________________________________

Pisces __________________________________________________________


45) Andromeda is the same as who in the second book?

46) Who is holding the chains that bind Andromeda?

47) Give the meaning of two names of the constellation Andromeda.

48) Cepheus the king represents who?

49) What relation to Cepheus is Cassiopeia? Who does she represent?

50) Perseus is holding a head in his hands. Give the meanings of the names of three stars in this head.

51) What is the action of Taurus the bull represent?

52) Who is represented by Pleiades?

53) Give three meanings of star names in Pleiades.

54) “Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: ‘See, the Lord is ___________ with ____________ upon _______________ of his ________ ones to __________ everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.’” (Jude 1:14-15)

55) What chapter of Revelation would describe the event seen in Gemini? What is this event?

56) Give the meaning of four star names in the star cluster of Cancer.

57) What does Cancer represent?

58) Give three star names that would indicate that Leo the lion is Christ exalted in heaven.

59) “Then one of the elders said to me, ‘Do not weep! See, the ___________ of the tribe of _________, the ___________ of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.’” (Revelation 5:5)

60) Fill in a short description of the prophecy of each constellation in the third book. Taurus _______________________________________________________

Gemini _______________________________________________________

Cancer _________________________________________________________

Leo ___________________________________________________________

61) What do the actions of Crater and Corvus represent?

62) “God remembered _______________ the great and gave her the _______ filled with the _________ of the _________of His wrath.” (Revelation 16:19)

63) “In the hand of the LORD is a cup full of ______________ wine mixed with spices; He __________ it out, and all the wicked of the earth _________ it down to its very dregs.” (Psalm 75:8)

64) “The rest of them were __________ with the sword that came out of the _________ of the ________ on the horse, and all the _______ gorged themselves on their flesh.” (Revelation 19:21)

65) What does Auriga hold in his left hand? In His right hand? Why?

66) Give four star meanings in the Big Dipper showing it to be our heavenly home.

67) What constellation in the third book does the Big Dipper have the same meaning of?

68) What name did the ancients know the Big Dipper as?

69) What does Cygnus represent?

70) Give four name meanings of Canis Major. What do these names suggest the person of Canis Major is?

71) “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, __________ God, Everlasting Father, ____________ of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)

72) “See, I have made him a witness to the peoples, a _________ and commander of the peoples.” (Isaiah 55:4)

73) “Since the ______________ of the world, God’s invisible ______________, His eternal power and Divine nature have been clearly ____________, being understood from that which has been ______________, so that men are without ______________. (Romans 1:18-20).



1) Faith, word, Christ, voice, words.

2) Heavens, skys, proclaim, speech, knowledge, heard, voice, words.

3) Bear, Orion, Pleiades.

4) Eyes, look, heavens, calls, name, one, missing.

5) For signs, times and seasons.

6) Pagan, constellations, starry hosts, sun, moon.

7) Astrologers, predictions.

8) Astrology tells the future and personalities, astronomy is the study of God’s stars or science.

9) Acts 17:28.

10) Daniel was made chief of the Magi and told them.

11) Constellations that take the path across the sky that the sun does. One for each month.

12) Divided into three books of four constellations. Begin with Virgo because the Sphinx always unites Virgo with Leo.

13) 1st identifies the person of the prophecy. 2nd shows work done in grace. 3rd work done in conflict and 4th final fulfillment.

14) Branch. Jer 23:5, Zech 3:8, Zech 6:12, Isa 4:2.

15) Gloriously beautiful

16) Mary, Jesus.

17) Weighed, balance. Libra shows we will be judged for sin.

18) Price which covers. The blood of Jesus, Rev 5:9.

19) Satan

20) Ophiucus, Jesus.

21) Serpens the Serpent. Ophiucus is keeping him from getting a crown of dominion.

22) Scorpio. God’s judgment on satan at the end of time.

23) Splendor, majesty, ride, right, arrows, enemies.

24) Virgo is Mary bringing forth the Messiah. Libra is the Messiah weighing our sins. Scorpio is Christ being bruised on the cross and satan getting his head crushed. Sagittarius is the final destruction of satan.

25) Sagittarius who also shoots evil satan.

26) Pierced, despised, heretofore, heretoafter.

27) Despised, despised.

28) Is, was, come

29) The harvest during end times.

30) Sickle, reap, harvest, sickle.

31) Serpent accursed, trodden on, who is to be destroyed.

32) Dragon, hurled, serpent, devil, salvation, Christ, hurled down.

33) Jesus, to be the sacrifice for sin.

34) The Spirit of God

35) Pisces the fish. God’s people (either Israel and Judah or Jew and Gentile).

36) Pour, Spirit.

37) Fish lengthened out, fishes of Him that comes, fish.

38) God joins Israel and Judah or Jew and Gentile.

39) Ephraim’s, Israelite, Judah’s, single, gather, two.

40) Breaking the bands, freeing the fish. This is what Christ did for us on the cross, freeing us from our bondage to satan.

41) Cetus the sea monster, satan.

42) Aries

43) Lamb, slain, praise.

44) Capricorn is Christ who died but rose from the dead. Aquarius is Christ pouring out His Spirit. Pisces are His people who receive His Spirit and Aires is Christ having freed us from satan.

45) Pisces

46) Cetus or satan

47) Set up as queen, chained, stretched out.

48) Christ

49) Queen, The bride of Christ or the church.

50) Subdued, evil spirit, trodden underfoot, head of adversary.

51) Christ coming to judge the world.

52) God’s saints

53) Belonging to the judge, congregated, congregation of the judge, abundance.

54) Coming, thousands, thousands, holy, judge

55) Revelation 19, Wedding banquet of the Lamb.

56) Multiple offspring, holding, sheltering, hiding place, assembled thousands, kids.

57) Our heavenly home.

58) Judge, exaltation, punishing, coming judge who seizes, enemy put down, to shine forth.

59) Lion, Judah, root.

60) Taurus is Christ coming with His holy ones to judge the world, Gemini is the wedding banquet of the Lamb, Cancer is our heavenly home where we live with the exalted Judge and Redeemer, Leo, or Christ.

61) Crater the cup is pouring out the judgment vials of Revelation upon satan. Corvus the bird is eating upon the flesh of those in satan’s kingdom.

62) Babylon, cup, wine, fury.

63) Foaming, pours, drink

64) Killed, mouth, rider, birds.

65) His sheep, the chains that bound his sheep. Our shepherd has redeemed and saved us.

66) Separate, visited, guarded, flock or purchased, Daughters of the assembly, multitude assembled, appointed sheepfold.

67) Cancer

68) The Bear

69) Praises coming forth to God.

70) Prince, glorious, who shall come, mighty, leader, bright and shining. Jesus.

71) Mighty, Prince

72) Leader

73) Creation, Qualities, seen, made, excuse.


1770 S Overland

Juniata NE 68955

(402) 756-5121


“Since the Creation of the World, God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and Divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from that which has been made so that men are without excuse “ (Romans 1:18-10)

1770 S Overland

Juniata NE 68955

(402) 756-5121


“Since the Creation of the World, God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and Divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from that which has been made so that men are without excuse “ (Romans 1:18-10)


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