Lindskov’s Locution -

285750Tiger Times00Tiger Times-105409127989005530850-14795500February 29, 2016 A Student Publication for the Dupree School and Community Vol. 2 Issue 25207004723130Great progress has been made on the mural that is in the front of the central office. There has been no estimated completion time, however, they have been working really hard and have been taking giant leaps towards the project. In the finished product, there will be a chalkboard section, where messages or announcements can be written. The High School students are working on it after school. Keep up the good work! You guys are doing a fantastic job!00Great progress has been made on the mural that is in the front of the central office. There has been no estimated completion time, however, they have been working really hard and have been taking giant leaps towards the project. In the finished product, there will be a chalkboard section, where messages or announcements can be written. The High School students are working on it after school. Keep up the good work! You guys are doing a fantastic job!45720001141730002222500114173000-63500114173000893445153670Mural ProgressMural Progress4995545-13904200010160000Lindskov’s LocutionWhere is the time going? It's already late February, we're sliding into March,?and on the downhill slide of the school year with many things happening and things yet to complete. The Elementary School has many things going on this month. The 2nd Grade teachers and students are organizing and hosting a fun Reading Activity the end of the month,?celebrating?Dr. Seuss’s Birthday?in conjunction with?Read Across America Day.?Monday, February 29th, is "Grinchy Green Day’, Tuesday,?March 1st is "Crazy Socks Day’ and Wednesday, March 2nd, is "Buddy Read Day”. If you would like to know more about this and how to get involved, please talk to Mrs. Shannon, Mrs. Schrempp, or Mr. Olsen.?Administration and teachers continue to participate in reading, math and?FOCUS school work groups. Through?a partnership with McREL, this month the administration and teachers are learning about collective efficacy (social cohesion among neighbors combined with their willingness to intervene on behalf of the common good). Research supports three noteworthy findings from research on collective efficacy.?1. There is a positive and significant relationship between collective efficacy and student achievement.2. Collective efficacy is a stronger predictor of student achievement than race or socioeconomic status.3. Collective efficacy is task specific.?On Thursday and Friday of this week, Dupree's?elementary and junior high teachers will be working with McREL's?Terri Bissonette and Kathleen Dempsey. They will be?learning about collective efficacy and?utilizing student math data to assist in efforts with student achievement and mastery. While there is time and work involved, we believe this effort will provide useful information and be beneficial to administrators, teachers and students.?-- Elem. Principal, Cindy LindskovPittman’s Ponderings Dupree School District strives to enable students to become socially responsible citizens who are productive, competent, lifelong learners. South Dakota Technology and Innovation in Education (TIE) received a grant through the Bush Foundation’s “New Major Investments in Education”. ?Dupree Junior High and High School has been selected as one of eight Cycle-One schools to be involved with the grant starting the 2016-2017 school year. ?By providing a customized learning environment, students will engage in innovative learning experiences while enhancing critical and creative thinking skills. ?Dupree students, grades 7-12, will be moving to a proficiency-based system where quality is the constant and time is the variable. ?Students will be involved with a more personalized and relevant journey through the education system with different paths and opportunities for learners based on interest.Dupree Junior High and High School will design and build a learner agency that promotes lifelong independence and self-efficacy. Grades 7-12 will be involved with altering traditional school structures and processes to support a better learning environment for our community. Working with a cohort involving eight South Dakota schools provides the opportunity for collaboration and communication to enhance the education at Dupree. ?A community meeting will be held at a future date on Mass Customized Learning. ?If you have any questions, you can contact me at 365-5140 -- Principal, Pandi PittmanK-6 GradesKindergartenThe Kindergarten class has just finished researching plants. They wrote a book about plants that included flower poems.Valentine’s BoxesThis year’s Valentine Box contest had a fantastic turnout. There were many entries, and it made it very difficult to pick winners. Everyone did a very good job! The winners were: Grayson Martin,?JaeShawnia Iron Hawk, Shaie Veit, Kami McLellan, Tee Birkeland, Leo Bakeberg, Case DePoy, Neidon Little Wounded, Nicholas Woods, Baxter Schrempp, Nevaeh Farlee, Shayna Farlee, Macy Martin, Eathan Martin, Selena Veit, and Zachary Dekle.-114300279400007-12th GradeMusic Contest The Region VI Solo/Small Ensemble was Wednesday, February 10th. Soloists who participated in the contest included Olivia Dosch, Kelci Bends, Shelby Feickert, Keenan McDaniel, JT Hunt, Garrett Fischer, and Jacelyn Harris. There was one duet that competed, which included Keenan McDaniel and Olivia Dosch. The students did very well at the competition. The highest rank you can get is a one which is superior, and the lowest possible score is a five. We ended up receiving four I’s, two II’s, and two III’s. Way to go! Papers of Positivity With the number of young people struggling with depression, suicide, and self-harm, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and Indian Health Service?have applied for and received a number of grants to support many interventions that will be incorporated reservation wide in an attempt to do more to help the youth and adults with their struggles. ?One such program is the “Your Life Matters--We Need You Here!” campaign where school and?community members are encouraged?to write a?positive/supportive message?on?a poster that has?the #weneedyouhere hashtag on it. ?These posters are to let people put it out there?why they would want an individual to stay "here" and to not hurt him or herself.? ?Dupree community members took part in the ‘We Need You Here’ poster campaign during the girls' basketball home game on Thursday, the 18th. ?The CRST Suicide Intervention team set up a booth and had facilitators on hand to assist and explain the process to community members. ?By the end of the evening, there were 64 posters with positive messages of support telling the youth why they are important and why they need to stay here! ?After the evenings campaign, those posters were hung in the lobby area of the Dupree gym where the students daily leave the cafeteria, go to classes, get drinks of water, etc. ?The display area is a prominent location so that the students can see how other people believe in them and want them to succeed, thrive, and live. ?In addition to these posters, small posters with the suicide prevention hotline information has been hanging in the bathrooms at Dupree High School so that students have ready access to the help number on a daily basis.4507865101663500The We Need You Here! campaign is in partnership with the?THRIVE Organization,??and works to drive home the point that "your story has just begun, you are here for a reason." ?It also?suggests following these steps as a few ways to try and protect yourself and family from suicidal tendencies: ?avoid drug/alcohol use, talk to other about your hopes and dreams, maintain good physical and emotional health, and to?work on improving problem solving skills and relationships with family, community, and culture.? In addition to the suicide prevention life line (1-800-273-8255)?and the contact to call CRST Behavioral Health (964-0722)?and the?community poster project, there is also a wonderful resource available that uses many forms of technology to reach youth and?young adults and it is?through We R Native at?? and at? of the resources available through We R Native include an 'Ask Auntie' question and answer service, discussion boards, monthly contests, community service grants of $475, and medically accurate information reviewed by experts in public and mental health (We R Native is run by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and via the media services young people all over the nation. ?The funding for the program was provided by the President's National HIV/AIDS Strategy and the Indian Health Service).-12700010287000 Olivia’s OpinionsThis last week, the senior class was given the opportunity to go to our state capital and attend a legislative session. It turned out to be absolutely fantastic. It was so interesting getting to see firsthand how our legislature works. Before our eyes, we got to see history being made. We got to see bills passed, and we also got to see the discussion and debate of other bills. We got to watch both the House and the Senate in action, although personally I enjoyed watching the House in action more so than I did the Senate. In my opinion, it’s crazy to think that all of these decisions made in just two rooms, can affect our state as a whole so drastically. We put a lot of trust into our legislatures when we vote for them come election time. When we vote for them, we put our faith in their ability to have our best interest in mind, to vote according to our needs, and also to support our well-being through these decisions. I encourage you to think through your voting decision more thoroughly the next time you vote, because these people hold our state’s fate in their hands.Best Regards,Olivia DoschStudent OpinionsStudents at Dupree School were asked what their opinion was on the following question: What is your favorite part of Valentine’s Day?Raden Eagle Chasing, a junior, said “My favorite part about Valentine’s Day is being able to be loved by your family members no matter where or how far away from them you are.”Deanna Padilla, an 8th grader, said “Receiving nothing.”Rayann Martel, a freshman, said “Being single and sleeping.”Colton Reddog, a sophomore, said “Going to bed.” Paria Semon, a 2nd grader, said “I like the candy”Peayton Semon, a 2nd grader, said “When someone gives me candy”Brandon Jewett,a 3rd grader, said “I don’t know… candy.Sierra Eaton, a 5th grader, said “When I get flowers and chocolate.” 165100118872000-15240020320000Featured ClassThis month’s featured class is Mrs. Shannon’s 2nd grade. They are honored to be featured in the school newspaper. ?Our class consists of 14 students with a variety of skills and talents. ?Some of the students participate in wrestling, basketball, drum group, dance, and YMCA outside of school. ?In the classroom, all are working on becoming better readers. ?The way to perfect a skill is to practice, and so we read a LOT! ?Our class has about 1,200 AR points already! ?We will be learning more about recycling, and plan to?recycle?paper this week. ?Our focus in math has been to learn about telling time, counting money, and measuring length. The second-grade students enjoy the online videos that introduce the lessons. We also enjoy which is a website that helps us get our wiggles out! ??-Kim ShannonTech CornerSocial Media SuccessIn high school, many people get to see the success of students in sports or academics. However, there are others throughout our school that are successful in more areas that aren’t as easily recognizable. We have a couple of people in our school that are very popular on social media. This month, we took a look at a couple of those social media successes. We sat down and interviewed both Mr. Laughlin, and Clifton Birkeland to learn more about their accomplishments. 30734012700000Clifton What are you on, and how does it work? How many followers do you have? I’ve stuck with Vine for a little over a year now, and I have 762 followers at the moment. I own a Vine account that started from doing something with my track team last year, and then it turned into a larger account. The site makes virtual edits of things. Why did you start posting on this site?Well most of the vine community is comedy, but there is a big part of vine that makes little, short- trimmed videos. These videos are edited to be something better. All you need is something that really makes you intrigued, and then you must get a valid editing or movie making software. After that, you insert clips and add an audio, some effects, and your watermark. When you post it you must make sure you put it under a hashtag, or else it won’t get viewed. Sometimes you get nice feedback from the community, but other times the comments you receive can be rude or unpleasant. I started posting on this site last summer when I started paying more attention to Vine’s community and discovered that video editing was one of their categories. I thought to myself “That would be fun, and I’ll only try it once and if I like it I will stick with it.” What inspires you to keep making content? The people who have inspired me are everywhere. Some (people) are near, while others are far away. Other people who inspire me include: friends that help me edit, famous people, and the people that I see every day. They inspire me to keep going. 13970129210000Mr. LaughlinWhat is the name of the website or platform that you use, and could you describe what happens on it? The name of the website I use is Twitch. I am a Twitch broadcaster. Twitch is a place where people livestream things they are making or playing. Most streamers stream games, but that has changed in the past few months. People are streaming painting, computer art, piano playing, guitar playing, and glass blowing to name a few. What do you specifically do on this platform?I stream games like Minecraft, driving games such as American Truck Simulator, and sometimes even a flight simulator. What motivates you to keep producing content, and do what you do? I really enjoy talking with people all over the world. It’s pretty cool. Also, I would still be playing these games and Sims even if I didn't stream, so why not stream?-654051016000Tech NewsCurrently, there is a heated battle between the FBI and Apple. It all started when the FBI received a warrant to search the iPhone 5c of the San Bernardino shooter, Syed Rizwan Farook. The FBI believes that the information on his iPhone could give them details about what happened leading up to the shooting. They believe there is a slight possibility it could contain connections or leads to other terrorists. However, the FBI cannot unlock Farook’s iPhone without Apple’s help. Apple denied the FBI the software to unlock the iPhone because they believe that the FBI could use the software as a “master key” to get any information they wanted from any person using Apple products. Soon after, a court order was issued to Apple demanding they provide the FBI with the software. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, sent an open letter to Apple employees hours later stating that they would resist the court order. The issue still has yet to be resolved. ?111125-169545005578475-16954500314325-133350Sports00SportsFebruary 29, 2016 Vol.2 Issue 2DateTimeOpponentLocationScoreW/LJan. 045:00 p.m. MTTiospaye TopaRidgeview62-32WJan. 055:30 p.m. MTFaithDupree23-57LJan. 085:00 p.m. MTMcIntoshMcIntosh38-49LJan. 115:30 p.m. MTKadoka AreaKadoka60-54WJan. 146:00 p.m. CTPotter CountyDupree46-61LJan. 216:00 p.m. MTMcIntoshMcIntosh40-36WJan. 225:00 p.m. MTFaithLemmon35-55LJan. 234:00 p.m. MTLemmonLemmon39-60LJan. 255:00 p.m. MTNewellNewell53-35WJan. 284:00 p.m. MTPhillipPhillip23-39LJan. 305:30 p.m. MTLemmonDupree35-65LFeb. 023:30 p.m. MTTimber LakeTimber Lake19-60LFeb. 085:00 p.m. MTTakiniDupree68-17WFeb. 09TBAHarding CountyDupree61-42WFeb. 125:00 p.m. MTWallWall25-56LFeb. 185:00 p.m. MTRapid City ChristianDupree43-19WFeb. 195:30 p.m. CTWakpalaWakpala68-24WFeb. 22DISTRICTSTiospaye TopaDupree55-38WFeb. 23DISTRICTSLemmonWakpala26-58LLADY TIGERS BASKETBALLTIGERS BASKETBALLDateTimeOpponentLocationScoreW/LJan. 027:00 p.m. MTWallKadoka54-75LJan. 045:30 p.m. MTRapid City ChristianDupree28-77LJan. 075:30 p.m. MTMcIntoshDupree50-44WJan. 095:00 p.m. CTStanley CountyFt. Pierre47-84LJan. 115:30 p.m. MTKadoka AreaKadoka46-55LJan. 125:30 p.m. MTHarding CountyDupree46-89LJan. 155:00 p.m. MTLemmonLemmon40-82LJan. 195:30 p.m. MTTiospaye TopaRidgeview69-58WJan. 255:30 p.m. MTBisonBison54-75LJan. 264:30 p.m. MTFaithFaith58-78LJan. 284:00 p.m. MTPhillipPhillip45-57LFeb. 024:30 p.m. MTTimber LakeTimber Lake56-75LFeb. 046:00 p.m. MTLMCFaith26-58LFeb. 056:00 p.m. MTLMCFaith56-53WFeb. 061:00 p.m. MTLMCFaith62-75LFeb. 116:30 p.m. CTJones CountyMurdo86-56WFeb. 165:00 p.m. MTTakiniDupree91-67WFeb. 185:30 p.m. MTNewellNewell75-60WFeb. 194:00 p.m. MTWakpalaWakpala88-57WFeb. 29DISTRICTSTBADupreeMar. 1DISTRICTSTBAWakpalaMar. 3DISTRICTSTBAWakpalaCheyenne-Eagle Butte/Dupree WrestlingDateTournamentLocationFeb. 20Class A Region 3 RegionalsPierreFeb. 26-27Class A & B State TournamentRapid CityDUPREE PARENT’S NIGHTSBoth the boys’ and girls’ Dupree basketball teams honored parents/supporters. The boys’ parent’s nights was on February 16th. The girls’ parent’s night was held on February 18th. Both parent’s night took place on the last home games for those teams.4432300133350019138901016000-241300251412004432300124460Raden Eagle Chasing honoring his family.00Raden Eagle Chasing honoring his family.2032000124460Camryn and Reese Ganje with their parents.00Camryn and Reese Ganje with their parents.-241300124460Bailee and Clifton Birkeland with their family on parent’s night.00Bailee and Clifton Birkeland with their family on parent’s night.-218526889000041656008890000-152400233680Left: Keenan McDaniel with his mom, dad, and little brother.00Left: Keenan McDaniel with his mom, dad, and little brother.4165600229235Right: Brent Roark and cheerleader, Alyssa Roark, with their mom on parent’s night.00Right: Brent Roark and cheerleader, Alyssa Roark, with their mom on parent’s night.Upcoming Events5th grade – 5th grade will be holding a bake sale on Friday, March 4th and Friday, March 18th to help raise money for the 5th grade field trip to the Black Hills Mining Museum. Since there is admission cost, the money raised from the bake sale will pay for this so we can ensure that all students get to attend.Track – The very first track practice for the season will be held on Thursday, March 3rd, right after school! Make sure to bring warm clothes! You need a physical in order to be in track. The first track meet will be held on March 17th!Read Quest- Read Quest was held on Friday, February 26th, 2016. It was a huge success! 525780099885500Moreau Grand Trip – The Moreau Grand Essays for the trip to Washington, D.C. are due March 16th. The trip to D.C. is June 9th-16th. Applications can be found at Make sure to get those in! I (Olivia Dosch) won the trip last year, and it was a fantastic adventure. It was definitely a “once in a lifetime” opportunity. It is well-worth writing a short essay! Good luck!Prom—Prom signup is due March 15th! Make sure to get signed up! Issue Two Team Lead Editor/Olivia’s opinions: Olivia Dosch Lead Copy Editor: Shelby Feickert 1263655206900 Junior Copy Editor/Tech Corner: Seth Bendigo Admin: Garrett Fischer and Keenan McDaniel K-6: Mary Duchscherer 7-12th: Seth Bendigo and Alyssa Roark Sports: Shelby Feickert and Justin Matonis Features/Specials: Marie Briggs Photo Dept.: Alyssa Roark Funny Page: Keenan McDaniel and Garrett Fischer Student Opinion page: Isabella Olvera School News: Taylor Star Advisor: Mr. Peacock ................

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