OASIS Product Life Cycle Support Technical Committee

OASIS Product Life Cycle Support Technical Committee

Meeting 40 – Teleconference - 9 September 2008 - 1600 Stockholm, 1500 UK, 1400 GMT, 1000 US Eastern, and 0700 US Pacific Time - for 90 minutes.

Dial-in numbers & passcodes:

PARTICIPANTS PIN NUMBER:               499596 #


|Country |Number |

|Austria |0800 999 808 |

|Belgium |0800 48736 |

|France |0805 110 496 |

|Germany |0800 101 4935 |

|Ireland |1800 992 217 |

|Italy |800 985 528 |

|Spain |900 998 979 |

|Sweden |0200 895 376 |

|Switzerland |0800 000 385 |

|USA |1866 874 0924 |

|UK Free Call |0800 694 0271 |

|UK Local Call |0845 144 0023 |

|Std Int Dial In |+44 (0) 1452 542 437 |


The principal objectives of this session will be to update the TC members on the result of the ballot comment resolution on our first package of DEXes, and to discuss the resources and recommendations for Phase II. Other agenda items will be covered as time permits.

1. Welcome by Chair

2. Roll call

3. Outstanding tasks from Phase I of DEX Publication Project

• Final report from DNV

4. Report on second phase (Howard Mason)

Action item 38/3: All members review task list and provide support through labor or funding. Focus in the short term on Priority 1 tasks. Resource availability requested by 2008-05-15 (All)

See revised spreadsheet for breakdown of tasks and commitments. (Phase_II_v7.xls) ()

Action item 37/2: Pull together the revised proposal for the implementers forum for discussion for the next telecom. (Howard Mason and Nils Sandsmark)

Action item 37/5: Document DEX development proposals. (All)

5. Ballot comment resolution of first DEX package (Bryant Allen)

• Aviation Maintenance DEX

• Task DEX

For information - from Clause 3.2 of the TC procedures

Before the TC can approve its Committee Draft as a Committee Specification the TC must conduct a public review of the work. The decision by the TC to submit the specification for public review requires a Full Majority Vote, and must be accompanied by a recommendation from the TC of external stakeholders who should be notified of the review. The Committee Draft approved to go to review shall be called a Public Review Draft. The public review must be announced by the TC Administrator to the OASIS Membership list and optionally on other public mail lists; the TC Administrator shall at the same time issue a call for IPR disclosure.

Comments from non-TC Members must be collected via the TC’s archived public comment facility; comments made through any other means shall not be accepted. The TC must acknowledge the receipt of each comment, track the comments received, and publish to its primary e-mail list the disposition of each comment at the end of the review period.

No changes may be made to the Public Review Draft during a review. If changes are required the specification must be withdrawn from review then resubmitted.

The TC may conduct any number of review cycles (i.e. approval to send a Committee Draft to Public Review, collecting comments, making edits to the specification, etc.). The first public review of a specification must take place for a minimum of 60 days, and any subsequent reviews must be held for a minimum of 15 days. Changes made to a specification after a review must be clearly identified in any subsequent review, and the subsequent review shall be limited in scope to changes made in the previous review. Before starting another review cycle the specification must be re-approved as a Committee Draft and then approved to go to public review by the TC.

If Substantive Changes are made to the specification after the public review, whether as a result of public review comments or from TC Member input, then the TC must conduct another review cycle. The specification may not be considered for approval by the TC as a Committee Specification until it has undergone a review cycle during which it has received no comments that result in Substantive Changes to the specification.

Action item 39/1: Combine PLCS DEX Release 1 comments into single document (Secretariat - completed)

Action item 39/2: Formally acknowledge PLCS DEX Release 1 comments received (Secretariat - completed)

6. Reference data (Mats Nilsson)

• Report of activities on PLCS Reference Data

Action item 38/1: The TOG Chair is invited to reform the TOG with an additional focus on harmonization (Tor Arne Irgens)

7. Report of Technical Oversight Group (Tor Arne Irgens)

• Report of activities on PLCS Information Pages

Action item 38/1: The TOG Chair is invited to reform the TOG with an additional focus on harmonization (Tor Arne Irgens)

8. PLCS Web Services Report (Rob Bodington)

Publication of PLCS Web Services as an OASIS standard - review of new draft

Action Item 25/2: Review definition of web services and send comments to Rob Bodington. (All)

Action item 27/4: Establish contact with OASIS Web Services TC and make PLCS Web Services visible within OASIS (Howard Mason, Rob Bodington, and Nigel Shaw)

Action item 27/5: Review and comment on the level of granularity for PLCS Web Services (All)

Action item 27/6: Determine publication method for PLCS Web Services (Chair, Rob Bodington)

9. Feedback from Implementations

Action item 33/2: Members are requested to develop a one-page information sheet on their projects for posting on the OASIS PLCS TC website (All)

Action item 39/3: LOGSA and UK MOD to summarize DEXs under development for posting on OASIS website (LOGSA - complete/UK MOD)

Members are invited to present recent pilot activities.

• Feedback on PLCS success stories.

• Tangible business benefits.

• Issues and requirements

a) Norwegian Deployment

b) Swedish activities


d) AIA Engineering Data Interoperability Project

e) US Army TACOM


g) Others

10. Promotional activities

• Outreach

o Recent events

• 2008-07-09/11 International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Seoul, Korea. PLCS may be represented by Jochen Haenisch

• 2008-08-27 Implementing Practical Steps to Immediately Improve Your IT Logistics Services, Oslo, Norway

o Future events

• 2008-09-18/19 Advancing public-private partnerships for e-business standards, PLCS may be represented by Tor Arne Irgens

• 2008-09-29/30 PDT Europe, Gothenburg, Sweden

• 2008-10-27/28 TC184 Plenary meeting, Busan Korea

• 2008-11-02/07 ISO/TC 184/SC 4 Plenary meeting, Busan Korea

• ASD 4000M Procedure handbook for the capture of Maintenance for Military Aircraft  (Draft for decision by CPSC - intended to be validated on A400M project)

o -

Action 19/8: Nigel Shaw to look into the types of XML schemas being covered by , and provide feedback on whether the OASIS PLCS TC should offer material to . (Nigel Shaw)

Action 22/12: Recheck to see if posting material and a link to the PLCS ePortal would be beneficial. (Nigel Shaw)

o “Presentations and General Information” folder

• Marketing Links

Action 15/20: Chair (Howard Mason) to check with OASIS, James Clark, to see if list of organizations that provide PLCS services can be done

11. Liaisons

• SC4 (Tim King)

Action item 37/7: SC4 experts to monitor impact of cross AP implementation project.

Action item 37/8: SC4 experts to consider adding PLCS reference data to maintenance agency pilot.

• Other OASIS TCs

o Codelist (Nigel Shaw)

Action 26/1: Continue to track activities of OASIS Codelist TC for impact on reference data requirements (Nigel Shaw)

• ASD (Carl Wilen)

• POSC/CAESAR (Nils Sandsmark)

• GEIA (Bryant Allen)

• Life Cycle Information Management AC/327 (Tor Arne Irgens)

• MoU between PLCS, SCORM, and S1000D

Action 24/3: Tor Arne Irgens to identify points of contact for developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PLCS and SCORM, ADL, and S1000D. (Tor Arne Irgens)

• Potential liaison with PROMISE, SMMART, European Union R&D Projects

Action 26/2: Recontact PROMISE project to see if they are still interested in a liaison with the OASIS PLCS TC (Howard Mason)

12. OASIS Administration

• Web site

Members were invited to comment on any issues related to the web site

13. Future meeting schedule, hosts

14. Any Other Business

15. Open Action Items

|Meeting Date and Number |Action Item |Action Item |Responsibility |Closed |

| |# | | | |

|14 Apr 2005 |15 |20 |Chair(Howard Mason) to check with OASIS, James Clark, |Howard Mason |OPEN |

| | | |to see if list of organizations that provide PLCS | | |

| | | |services can be done | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|7 Sep 2006 |26 |2 |Recontact PROMISE project to see if they are still |Howard Mason |OPEN |

| | | |interested in a liaison with the OASIS PLCS TC | | |

| | | | | | |

|31 Oct 2006 |27 |5 |Review and comment on the level of granularity for |All |OPEN |

| | | |PLCS Web Services | | |

|31 Oct 2006 |27 |6 |Determine publication method for PLCS Web Services |Howard Mason |OPEN |

| | | | |Rob Bodington | |

| | | | | | |30 Aug 2007 |33 |2 |Members are requested to develop a one-page information sheet on their projects for posting on the OASIS PLCS TC website |All |OPEN | | | | | | | | |11 Mar 2008 |37 |2 |Pull together the revised proposal for the implementers’ forum for discussion for the next telecom. |Howard Mason Nils Sandsmark |OPEN | |11 Mar 2008 |37 |5 |Document DEX development proposals |All |OPEN | |11 Mar 2008 |37 |7 |SC4 experts to monitor impact of cross AP implementation project. |SC4 Experts |OPEN | |11 Mar 2008 |37 |8 |SC4 experts to consider adding PLCS reference data to maintenance agency pilot |SC4 Experts |OPEN | | | | | | | | |29 Apr 2008 |38 |1 |The TOG Chair is invited to reform the TOG with an additional focus on harmonization |Tor Arne Irgens |OPEN | |29 Apr 2008 |38 |2 |Review Phase II spreadsheet and comment on tasks, both priority and whether we should be doing the task at all |All |No response - closed | |29 Apr 2008 |38 |3 |All members review task list and provide support through labor or funding. Focus in the short term on Priority 1 tasks. Resource availability requested by 2008-05-15 |All |OPEN | | | | | | | | |25 Jun 2008 |39 |1 |Combine PLCS DEX Release 1 comments into single document |Secretariat |Completed 3 July | |25 Jun 2008 |39 |2 |Formally acknowledge PLCS DEX Release 1 comments received |Secretariat |Completed | |25 Jun 2008 |39 |3 |LOGSA and UK MOD to summarize DEXs under development for posting on OASIS website |LOGSA

UK MOD |LOGSA complete

OPEN | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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